The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 05, 1878, Image 2

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im AarmtRMKB. , rrr-i
The litlrfcrnph line on the Mdlregor
sw4 ha lei completed In llheldon.
Kwitl .Torch wM killed At Creator).
,CT, 4th, while stealing hi way on the ear.
AtCalmnr, Nov. 7th, Wm. Van Hon
err, M year otge,warruahcd to death while
Tt Town Hlate Teachers' Aworlatlfin
Is lo Ir held at Marahslllown In Decetnlr
Ho. K- H, JehiMOtt. wkwreraweatett
aVmtrm counly two Urn In the Legislature,
Tim two 00 of llin Main t'. A. W.
laroaa, rx mayor of Burlington, lom ben
smattaued till lht January term of w.nrt.
A nine jmr old eon o Mr. Koundy,
4 MsrhallWiwn,dled a few days since from
Mm effect of running a rutty null In hU foot.
The city nulborltlra of Don Motor
are eve rhaullng the bond of atloonkcrpera,
that action Iwlng lhi result of a report of
sMsmmttlre of tli city council,
John Notion, a Hwedo, mot with a fa
tal accident on the Mb, lijr falling from a I' 'I
I corn on the feim of Claua Ar, Utlca Kldgc,
Davenport Uiwrmhlp, rVotl county,
Wm, Frnneln, of Aahlny, a leading
merchant, haa failed. Liabilities, in,iO0
asset, 19,000. HU creditors are New York,
Beaton, Chicago Miit Ihibuque mrrchanta.
Itevl Horn, dealer In wet good at
Itmta lanalnar, Allamakee county, has lirrn
arrtwtrd by tha mrlil on tutplclon of being
In ramnrctlnn with a gang of thieve. If
waa bound orrr.
The barn of Mnaara. Itenkln A Cole,
In Lure county, with three horses, Ave nun
4r4 buthalt of wheat, the same of cum, some
My, tc, were entirely consumed by fire on
ewnl,jhtof Nnv.M.
J. McCarty, m fnrmcr of Jaokaon
eawnty, wblla returning bom on horseback,
Jew nlghta ago, waa art upon by soma un
knew a person and o seriously Injured tbal rr
awry la Impossible.
Conrad Knpp, tho man who wa throe
week In Keokuk wlliout rtlng a morsel, la
In danger of killing himself by eating ton
mack, and baa to lie watched closely to pre
vent him from overloading bl stomach.
W.T.Nredford, residing near Charles
Oily, waa attarkad by highwaymen a faw day
BKnnaarlba city, wboabot at ami knocked
kbn down, and took from blin 3.ftfl, a rerol
m and Kwne paprra. Ita waa found uncon
artuaa tn the wooda aftar imllna; anight
The Mllwaukoo railway will noon hs
aoaaplftcil atxiul Nftrcu inllra wral uf Hhaldon,
and will probably m completed to the Mlaaourt
itter nait eummer, and from there will Mrlke
p tka valley of the Niobrara to tha Hlack
RIIU. The diitaara from tUtrldon to the lllaek
Ilia UoterJWO mile.
New grlat'Oilll are going up In Iowa
fcaurtona placeat '(((nlfrry I'frlffrr la bulld
kaff, or ralhrr rabulldlnn, a thrcarmi ilratn
mill at Newlon, Iowa. Mrra. Meek A HriM.,
at rVmeparto, tuwa, are bnlldliiK a alinin
waUrmlllat that place. J. W. Cbatlium'a
aw mill at Hhclby, Iowa, la now almoat com.
Hllloa' pauklng hotian at Hnliuln la a
mammoth cilablMmieat. It will employ thl
winter from IV) toVOil liemlt. Iut teaann Mr.
fHllaa paid out orrr ITHOfOUO, am) Itilt year lit
auptrltlca for packing have Im-cii greatly In.
artaaed. lie ri pacta to payout thU winter
ot Iwa thai, 11,080,0X1.
A row originating in drink oouurrod
at tha Okalooa drpot a faw nlghla ago, lo
Iwatn Bob Unnbrau and Noah Ankrney, both
krldga carprntaraon tha rallrxtaJ, and Ankrn
ey akot Uunlfan with a rarolver, the bullet
nterlaK Die latter'a atoauarh. Ankcney took
fcka rare and went to Marehalltown, where he
waa arrcatcd nait aaoralna; A la thought the
wotiadad man might die.
The private banking kotiae of J. H
Wattlea,at Mlaaourl Valley, failed on the B'.h.
Me Uiurd a circular, atatlng that iUtoalt4wa
would be paid la fall, claiming that'Uie bank
aaaela are enough to cover the HaMlltlca, and
eye tha failure la awa to tka mUmaaatmrnt
f iVUu A Civ, who ra taa hank batnr the
rearnt owner took hold of It. The ajeeutit ot
Mahtlltlaa and aaaeta are not "given,
W. J. Hanoock, of Dttboqtu, Hoper
laUndent ot the American Bapreaa Company,
for tuwa, and Samuel (1, Hcelon, agent of the
avatpany at Chicago, who havn been on trial
at Clinton, charged with compounding a frl
ny In rccorcrlnx about 17,000 atnlrn from the
Iipreaa Company at (Ubula laat February,
have bean acquitted. The Jury brought In a
verdict ot not guilty In a few mluutre after
Waving the room.
The Jury at Manhalltown, In the Da
kin Btough murder caee, on the evening of the
ftk of November, brought In a verdict of mur
der ta tha fret degiea agalaat Pakln. Ilia
eoaaarl thrn gave notice ot amotion for anew
trial, whereupon tha puWIo waa atartled by a
noafaaalon ot ona Frauk Roaa, an Italian, who
nader oath declared that he had killed John
.Eioagb. Koae and worked for Daklnaeven
yeara. In kU wriltaa eoafeaelon he gave the
meat minute partlculara 0 1 the killing of Stough
en the avcalog of March OT, lbftt. Koaa waa
arreued and Mat to JaU at Nevada.
Gorgw F, Holland, agent of the O.
B. A tj. Railroad for Davenport, dlappard
e the night of November 7th, taking wltk
klm from ISOO to t,5e0 of the Cvmpeny'a
faisaa, bealdea an unknown amount which he
had tmbeaaJcd prevtouely, but had concealed
by falae entrira lu hie aocounta. Uollaad had
been employed by U C. B. A Q. for acvcral
yeara, ar d waa highly eetecmed aa a good bue
laraa man. He haa borne a good rv.uUUon
ta town, twkig an active church number,
and ao far aa known had no bad habit. Ha
lcavre hlawlfe behind him. The Immediate
caste ot bleaVeceadlDg waa the arrival ot au
fnt ot Hie ccBipv t Inspect hla book.
VAvitiKV rAtrrie.
iicvnfluemrnt, careful attct tlon to all
artery work, give tbn opt retiree paltd face,
poor appetite, languid, mlaerablc fc tinge,
-1 i 1 blood, Inactive iter, kldneya and urinary
trouble, and all lie phylctan end uiro'lclnc
ta the world cannot help them unlet they get
ee.1 doora or uae Mop Blttci a, made ot the pur
ee and beat of rtmrdlee, and eepecialty lor
aaeh , having abundance ot health, auu
1 )i and roayclieeka In them. None need
I J. nihey wUl uae tbrm Ireely. They coat
toUe. He another column.
Tmikrra, N, Y , did Nov. Mh.
The moony order orvlr Iho paat
year yleblrd t'i the (lovrrnmrnt a nrt t tlto
aUrtil $).
Iawg, Ixroy A Cnmpnny'a oarrlngn
boj, at Mlddldown, O, turned Novemlr
(Hli l,n.'nO,
Tim Hickory llldgn colliery, near
Sbainokln, I'a., l,urneIN(;V. Mh, throwing
nun and loya out of employment.
Tlio Atlnotln A firrat Wtm Hall
road ha wr- New York tlrkeU m .le at
7, and (lotion llckeUat 113 from Cincinnati.
Th New York J'rotlncn Kichangn
fin Inauraare Cowinaay haa rlocd It d'ora
going mil of bu.loae on atconnt of Ita .litlnk
age. Ilnnry W. I.nrkln.fonnnrlyonfi of Iho
prnprlttora of tha fUeramenlo t'nlon, tiled
In Ran TrancUro, Nnvemtter 10th, aged fifty,
Orb of thr (love rnmftiit atablra at Ft.
Iavenwortb burnrt Nov, M, J t contained
O mule, in of whlih were cmiunied, U,
A iKillnr In thn aaw mill ot Joseph
Cut, at Havannah, Mo, eiphxled, Nor, 8th,
killing J, Hlmona and W. T, Farrow, and In
juring tan other.
The htilldlnga and machinery of the
lloaton llye, Wood and Chemical Company'a
woiha, In Kaet lb ton, Mate., ware burned No
vrmlwr Oth. Um, oO.OOO.
War haa broken out imtwecn thn Aa
Inlbone and the lllarkfeal and fllotn fnillana.
Several nf tbn Alnltxie have lieol klled,
ntil(iu trouble la feared.
Thn creditor of (Unto, Woodman A
Co,, blank tank manufaeturere, New York,
have accepted a rumpromlae) af ilO centa nn the
dollar, ritemllng over two yeara. T7ie llablll
Ilea of thr firm wern 937,000,
The llonrd of Ifonlth of Now Orli.-ana
haa rraolved Ui no longer rontlnn llielf to the
condition of yellow fever, It having cent to
he epidemic. The Hoard ha rvprcMed the
opinion that It la iefe for alxeutcra to return,
Thn grunt thrrn atory atonti bnrn irf
John Taylor, In Dlcklnaon county,,
burnnl Nov, Mh. The Urn, mint with grain,
agricultural implement, lumbnr wagona ami
'X head of fine horaca, were all drMryyrd.
Loaa, I'.n.WO no Iniurancn.
Tho Unllod Oernmn Hank of Until
mora baa attapendrd payment. 1 aii.peu.
rlon came by a run on the bank which f...
lowed the auapenalnn of the Herman Having
Hank at WaahliiKton, The director aay Ihcy
will reaume In two weeka.
Mm. Htowart haa offurud a rownril of
! fur the recovery of the Inaly of her
lata huaband, atoten from the family vault tn
Ml, Mark'a Church graveyard, and the convlr
tlon of Uiethlevea. A proportionate atim will
be paid for the recovery of the lody.
The Now Tork police) bolloto thnt
they have a clew to the Htnwart grave doaecra
tor, and have dlarorrrcd that Die tiody wa
laken out of thr. graveyard through thn I alco
nyof an adjolnliig lKiardtiigliuuo, and acro
Uie Cortland lreit ferry to Jeracy City.
Whllo (lovoroor Ilaniplon, of Smith
Carolina, waa hunllng, Nov. 7th, hi mule b
came frlKhlenrd ; the bridle breaking, Iho
(lomuor leaped from thn anddln, HI right
leg waa broken by the fall In two plarea, the
hone protruding, and hla kiiklo badly hurt.
Wellington Tlioma.1, n wonllliy ww
dealer of New Yoik, and an actlro parilaau
of Tammany Hall, hanged tilmtrlf 011 the
night of Nov.Slh, iMNin after a'cvrtalnlug the
fate of I1I1 party. He had been proinlted an
apiMilntnieiit If tha Tammany ticket .hould
be elected.
Thn dead hotly of D. II. Abraham,
proprietor of a livery atabta In Chicago, waa
found on thn night of Nowmlicr 4th In the
middle of the road near the cornrr of Jackeou
and tlreen atreel. From a letter on hla w
aim It la believed to tm a caae of aulcldc al
Uiough poaalMy murder.
On tho afternoon of Novomtwr 9th,
while the vaU were being varnlahcd In a brew
cry, la Philadelphia, a candle fell Into the var
nlah and a fire wa atartcd that In three hour
bamed Uie two principal building and ten
tbouaand barreta of beer. Total loa, f,VX0O0,
Two hundred handa are thrown out of em
ployment. Hon. N. II. Jodd, who hru been for
many yeara prominently IdenllAed with the
pollllca ot llllnola, died at hla home In Chica
go, Novemler tllh. He haa hern chairman of
the Republican Htate Central Committee, Col
lecloi ot the iort of Chicago, member of Con.
gre, and waa appolutcd MlnlMcrto llerllu by
rrc.ldriit Lincoln,
J. H. MuVlokcr.tho veteran manager
ot MeVlcker'a Theater, Chicago, and other
dramatic eiiterprUca throughout the country,
haa received a dUcharg In bankruptcy, Hla
liability on the bond of the defaulting ex city
treaaurer, which waa the principal caute of hi
tnttortune, ta thua by the genenma action of
hla creditor, entirely dUpoaed of,
Major II. W. Uonhan, of tho How.
ard AMoclatliUi, who la now aaalatlng tn mak
ing the report of the work ot the Howardi
during the epidemic ot 1KTS, exprraee the
opinion that there have been during the lt
four month 40,000 raate of yellow fever tn
New Utlean and vicinity. Tha Howard phy
eicien did not report to the Board ot Health.
On the 5th of November, ft fight oc
curred between twenty watte and 60 China
men operallrv In tha woolen mill In Oregon
City, Oregon, The femur were the atfj;i
aor. cVveral were aavcrvly hurt on Uth aide
one Chinaman probably fatally ahot. The
he authoiltlta floallj quelled the dlaturbance
but ftar are entertained of the early renewal
ot hoaUlltlea.
On the 4th ot Novotnber, tn a bale ot
Jute butt, thrown Into the cutter In the ) a per
mtlla ot Wllkluaou l)ro. A Co., In lUttulng.
ham, Conn., wa a pi ce of Irou whlch.ivinlng
In contact with tlm knlvca, Ignltot the Jute.
The Ore aprrad rapidly and In a very hoit
time all tha building were dettroyrd, and al
abouae and part of a aaw mil. IheKna t
about 1300,000 ; lnurnce, lUVOCO, Onehuu
drvtl ptraona are throw u out of employment.
Capo May waa the iceno of a destruct
ive coutagratlou, Nov. Vlh. I he Ocean Home
aiwl nearly all the hotele, with many
olhe building were burned down. The en
tire burned dLOkt rtirer an area of lwt
' tixj arret, and the total lo It not lee than
fUO.U'), which It rrwre than half r-vtrel by
1 litturancr. In IWi U- aame tertloo waa
awrptover by a f.rr crcely le drttrttetlve
Tlie fire I tr-vrl to have ln Inrrndlary In
It origin. '
A llptch from Waahtngtnn of Nor.
ftlh, ) Ki fbivernor Fletcher, of MImou
rl, who It In the rlly, ha trenre,) thtunroo
dltlonal (ardomot Mr HenrleholTrr, IWnard
Kngle, Jailin I- llernerkrr, A M Krrrrtt, iihI
Henry llardaway. Theae Are ptrdont itl.f-r-of
Ihn lattof the men who Mere connected aa
Irtlfl('t.rt In ihn lit. Ixiilt whUky ring
fraude. All tha other mat Irlad fr title of-
I fenee have clUitr been pardoned or tha tertoa
I of lmprtonmenta to which they were n
teliird have rlj(tftl.
At a aporlnl meeting of tint Union
I'aclfle lUllway Dlriwtora In New York, Nov,
rlth, the Director, It la auted
rlptreard a wllllngneta to tettle the debt dun
Uif government, In full. The plan proposed
la for thn Union I'aelfle to laaue new Ixinda
for (he entire debt and Intereat, the hond to
hear four per cent Interett, with provltloii
for a lriklng fuml, and to ha aecurrd I7 the
editing government mortgage It la ali
Utrd Uiat there are lo be aevrral chaliget In
the Dlreclcrfl and that future ineetlnira of the
Kiertltlvn Committee will be held Hrrtiately
In New York and Hoatoo,
At a rnecnt meeting of tho non-Mormon
women of Halt !,Vn I'lty, Nov. 7th, Ihr
following, aildrrateil to Mr. Itutherford II.
Hayra and the women of the United Htate,
wa adopted, We call upon all Chrtttlan
woearn of the. United HUtra to Join In urging
upon Cotigree to empower It Court to r
real the further pro-rea of tblt evil, and to
delay the alirilttance of Ctah Into HttrlM,t
nntll thla la accompllihed, and wr ak you lo
circulate and puolUh our appeal la onlrr lo
erouee public entlinent, rhleb ahoiild b
againai an aiwmliiatlnii tUat peculiarly op
preaaca and atlgmatlica women. It I our
purpoae to a.k namea to a petition dolgnrd
for Coligreta, irul wn hope alo that every
riilnltter of the gixpel will cmnrneiid II to llir
women of hi uorigrcKatlnn, and that all
rhrlitlau a.ocltlona will do what thry can
tiioliUln algtiaturra, for with the cordial co
operation and concert d artlon of tho rhrUtlan
women of our land mh may confidently hope
that the urett l 11 of polygamy will he alio)
On tho nftornoon of Nov. lltli, .1. ().
(llenn and Walupl Aaterbro ahot and killed
each other at Tehachapt, California.
W. II, Horry waa itrretod In llronk
Ijn, N. Y , Nov. 11th, for a r),0JU burglary
commuted In Chicago two month ago.
Chnrle and Peter Shield, brother,
at Kondout, N. Y quarrrlled, Nov. tlth,
alMiut a yoka of cattle, and the latter killed
the former,
Mr. (1. Henderahott, of Yankton, I).
T., la lu)aterlotlly intatlng. The police failed
to tlnd her, and her hulnd think ahe ha
been inntdcriM.
OII11 Whllo wn nrrt'Nted In lhmton a
few day el nee and taken In charge of an ottl
ccr from Kanaaa City to the latter place, where
he I charged with defrauding partlea out of
Forged rnlroud th-keb fnim lloaton
toHt t.ouU, by Wiiy ef the Krlo and Atlantic
and tlrrat Wcatrrn roadt, htve hot n discovered
lu New York, and It lathought they hatetx-rii
placed ebcwlirrc.
A ipmrrel hetweun two roicdiiboiilf,
orrr the jnieflon of n pair of ahora, reaulted
In the fatal atabblng of one, nainiil .Morgan,
at ll'ckinan, Ky , Novunbrr 7th. The lour
derer, wheae name la Alktnon,made g(K hit
.Ittdgo Meyer, of tho Common Plea
Court, Canton, Ohio, haa acntriicsl Ororgv
FrMler, drfaultliig Treaaurer of Hta k county
Ui I'Jjearnln tho penitentiary at hard labor
and to pay a tine of 100,000 and cota of prose
cution. Judge Woodlntll, at Camden, N. '.,
haa refuted a new trial to lleujamln Hunter,
convicted of the murder of John M. Arm
atrongt thclprlaoner'acounacllook exceptlona,
and Hunter wa reutinctd to I hanged the
10th of January.
On tho night of Nov. 10th. In Sun
Franilaco, Harry, aon of Col. Younger, aged
l. waa ahot by Klbin MotMy, about the fame
age, and dlrd next morning. Trouble aroor
from Younger ordrrlng Moody off hla fathei'a
prcmltea, where Moody wa hunting.
A Cknrleaton, Wvat Virginia, ilia
patch aa) a that the United Htate Court lu ac
tluu there will have one hundred and eight)
one Indictment agalutt the tnoonahlncra be
fore tho cloae of the aeaalon. The Illicit dU-
tllier are aald to be terribly demoralised.
The MorchnntM' Nntlonal Hank of St.
Taul haa brought aull In the Dlatrlct Court
airalnat the Mercantile. Truat Company ot New
York, to recover 111,410 taken from the bank
by txut drafta upon the Truat Company, by
Charle F.thcrldge, Ita late defaulting agent.
On thu 8th of November, tho grand
Jury In the United 8tatre Court, In Chicago,
leturnedverdlctaagalntt John McArtbur, ex
pottmaater; John W. Oregg, Kd. A, Miller,
and William & tloUvn, for cnihcaalament of
govvromrut fund. Henry Orecnbaum, pre!
dent ot thu defunct (le mi an National and Hat
ing banka, waa held In 0.000 tor emtfiilc
inenU A apeoial from Pomblna. Dakota, to
the I'kmitr'lYm tayt: W. II. Anderaon, the
ahcrlff from Dallaa, Tex a, In purtult of Will
lam Collloa, one id the famon band of train
rblen In that region, found the man la I'em
Mu, on the c)eulugof Novrmlwr Sth, and at
tempted to aircat blrr, Collin rctltted and
the tnrii exchanged hot with fatal effrcU
tioth dropptng ''rail tn.lde of two minute.
On tho 8th of November, a woman
rcaldlnc in a lonely part of Sn Frvicls "a
fnuud murtlncd In her houec, and her bead
chopptd to piece with a hatchet. The olJct
wcTtdeutly robbery, though but a few dol
lar were obtalucd. Finttlew were traced
frviu tha houar to a tramp' camplnplacc,
three-quarter of a mile dtataut. One man
wa touid there and locked up for rxamla -tlon.
A turrlbtu trngvtly oeowrrwti In Weal
Chenamto. N. Y.. Huadav noon, Nov. lOUu
I Three brother, J ame, Uavld and John Ta
' b r, live together and own and run a farm
i-Anllj, .Jtmt and lavld have dUagvaad tut
tome time toii the dlrttlon of prcj-erty
Hunday Dartd went to tho brn where Jam
wa htt.klng corn. They quarrelled, and
!tM, aelilng a pto-hf'irk, knotketl Jrnr
dwn and tt ahUnl him In the (IkmV gftrre ere
twenty ttoi't. He llel only a few memnA.
Pavld tkti wmt to the w,vt and blew hi
I rain ml with a thot-trun.
One of the lxltlrat robl!rea on rer
orl wenrred In New York 00 the evening of
Novernbrr 7lh, when Johneon' Jewelry itora
wa rohUd of fS.OTi) worth of watrbea and
clockf, lu the prraenc of a u;e number of
paatera-by Hhortly affr alt o'cl-k lo men
entered the Vitr , one cli"l the d'ir, and the
other, with a revolver, ordereil Mr Johnwm,
the proprietor, hla cb-rk, and a cuttotner to
aUod ta Ulr pUcea. 1 wo olhera then aisab
ei the large pUtei window and parked the
Mock III two hag, after whleh they earaped.
While they were thua occupied, two other,
anrtcd with pUtoU, ordered the pMr by to
mof on. Tlie pt oprrty having itrrn packed,
the thieve, atlllprotrrtrd by their companlona,
moved quickly to a butcher' cart In waiting
at the corner, and drove rapidly awy, The
two who had kept poielon nf thr .owe, re
ceiving a precoi rerted tlgnal, turned on the
throng, and ftrat their pittoJt In the air a
aUrnpnlr of the ople followed, and all the
thirvr made good their eerape.
TIIK (llltr.NT.
A Conatantlnopla diapntoh n) thnt
five tltouMnd ItuMUn troop land at llourgo
weekly. The Ili,lani havn arretted Ave bun
drel llutgarlana who were about to enUtr Mao
nlonla. Tho I'ortti ha addretaed two vry
energetic notea to the KuatUn Amba.eadorat
Conttantluople, one refuting hla denial of the
Hum ii connivance at Uie llulgitrlan Intur
rrctlou, and the other demanding a repatria
tion of the Mohamedin refugeeaand Uieevac
ualliin of the Turklth territory,
Ttin Ithodnpn iotirrectl( n hru Jut
rrcrlvrd a fatal blow by the, .lntlon of
Omer Aga, one of thr Influential leadera, by
Kara Vara l)auf, a former leader, who had
In en dlagrared for plundering. Umrr Aga'
death prixlucrd aurh a dlMirganUatlon that a
majority of their leader dUnrtVod thrlrbandt
to thelr.homea.
In reply to the Inquiry whether Prtnro
I.abanotl wa authorUrd to Inform the I'orte
that thn evacuation of TarkUh territory de
pended tipou the prevlotia ratlflntlon nf the
aupplernriitary tn aty, the KueeUn government
iltinlrl thtl It authorlaed ny threat Involving
thr 'atlflratlon of thr treaty of llerlln,and re
peated the prevlotia auraiir that It propora
to eracuatn the occuplnl territory In accord
ance with the provUlomof that treaty.
Mldhnt Paha ha been appointed
(lovcrnor (leneral of Hyrla. The Forte ha
handed the Kttern Roumellan Cnminlttlon
er a draft of a conttllutlou for Ktatern Kou
meila. It einbracea provltlout for a partly
elm live council, and a general and popular
election for c rtaln local ollW. The council
of mlnlatcra ha again dltcued the (Irrrk
pole atklng for the appointment of delegatea
to nettle the frontier iuettloii.
Kuaatti 1 uatnbllaliing the Kocond llnu
of defenie at Adrlanopte. Heveral prominent
Turk., IM-Ilerlng that the attitude of the Hut
alan In Ibminella will bad to war with Kng
land ami Turkey, are auxloua to convince Mln
later Lnyard that the tic almodu of nghtliig Af
ghatiltUli would Ixi to engage In Kil
rn)o, Tho Hultnn'a Immrdlatn Intrntlout,
however, are parltlc. Hetrral iiilutttera, and
eaprclally the military parly, fat or drniille
crulon of a irtlun of llotnla to Auttrla ) a
to rccurc her neutrality.
The (Serman pnpera nnnotinro tho
foundation of a Free Trade League to combat
the aprend of protection! tendrnrle.
Tho Kmperor Im aent no ndjutnol
from Coblenctnrongratulale l'rlnce llltmarck
on hla daughter'a marriage, andtoprraenthlm
with the grand croa of the onler of the lied
Eat-le, dectiratcil with aceptre and crown, Thla
la the only I'ruwlan dceortlni which l'rlnce
lllamarck had not l-efore received, and which
I Mid to have lieen only once before confer
red, namely, by Frederick William II, on Mln
later Mantcufcl.
The Mnnchrater Ounrdian's Lnudoti
ciirreepondrnt aayai Before the plrnlpotenlla
r Ira left lkrlln, Uird llearonafleld and Cmnt
Andraaay lgnel a treaty prori Ing that If
Kuaala ahould endeavor to remain on Turktah
territory after May, 1879, Fuigland and Aua'rla
will Inalat ouhrrcompletc withdrawal; If Kua
il ahouid urge that Turkey la unable to pro
tect Chrtttlan, owing to the dltturhed atate
Of affair In Itoumella, F.ngland and Auatrla
will furnlah a garrlaou to relieve the Kualan
The punort of thla treaty wa communicated
to Kuaela.
TA Star and lleraUl, of Panama, pub
lUhra a long account of an earthquake In Hal
vador, on the evening of October ftth. In Jue
napa nearly every bouae waa dettroyrd, nd
many famillc were burled In the ruin. At
the latet advice ten bodlei had been recover
ed, and many peraoo were atUi mlaalog. Neu
va, Qandalupe, Hantlagts De Maria and Chine
maca are dettroytd, and the loaaof life U fear
ful In each place. The other towna which auf
fcrtd by the earthquake are Utulaiara, Caaeri
odel and ArenaU An eruption of the volcano
ot Santa Anna I apprehended, and Mriou
coot queue are feared.
It la atatcd that the Inhabitant ot
Kohbtan have rebelled and murdered the gov
ernor. Tbe Ameer haa aent a large force to
reatore order.
A dbpMch from Calcutta points to
the order ut laaued for the formation from
Madraa and Domlwiy of the aruilea ot the new
dlvbMt for the frontier, aa a dear Indication
that the government expecla an unfavorable
reply to It uUlma'um.
Tbc Afghan In Khllwsr Pasa aro do
ecrtlng, largely lo renteo,uenc of lckne
and hunger. Hop are entertained that the
Ameer will aubmtt nooondltloaally to the Brit
Uh. The uaortalliy anawag the Afgbaaa at
JeUUbadlt bttaccn ihltty and avrtj daily.
s UM1A,
' A wlifpatch from St. IVtcraburg aaya:
The OwJeCtwJdr Lord rVacuntlctd'a tpeech
pacbtc, though tt ihowa that tbe bul of hi
pvVkcy U ttlll acmlty to RumI.
KHaeiahai reweatiH confidcntlallr her
prevtou Murtce4 that ahe U fully reolved
to carry out the treaty of IWltn fatthfally
Tbe M, I'etervrearg U declare Wat Weat
ern Kurvf tnuit b g'vrn In underttand that
It It Irapueaiule, lo the preterit tltuatkan tut
Kala U fulllll the treaty of llerHn
A St. PeUrairurg dlapalch of Nnveni
bet Mb, a j. It U 1 (tlclally drnlnl that Haa
tltn otllrlalt are participating In or encourag
ing '.he Bulgarian lnturreetlon Tillet-n ha
Iwueil firth ordertlotbeKuMlanommaiidert
on the Katt Itoumellan frontier to prevent the
formation of (aturgrnt bands, and Ui watth
the movement of the Inaurgenl cummandera.
The health of the Car I boctmilug
mere and mre unttfctry, anl cautlna
much auxlaty. Count tkaouvatoff baa left
lvlda for Imdoo, the ttata of the F.meror'i
health not pernilttlng a drclilon upon the pend
ing political dlfllcutty. A Ib-rltn dltpatrh ya
'Jt,0iW rrcrulU will be raited by Kutala thl
fear Inatead ot the peaee contingent of H",
Tim trial of Monraal, who altotoploit
to aaAlnt the King, la In progre. The
prosecution abowetl from Mnneaal'aown con
frttlon that the crime wa premeditated tlnce
1177. He had then Intended to attempt It
when the King vltllxd Tarragoaa. The de
fendant urged that Moncatl wa Inaane, nr at
lettt only attempted to lutlrt iiollly harm
Hentenee of death will 1m paatcd.
(!un. KcalMilo ha lltnTnled on
parole, on account of hla health. The propo
t It Ion a t-rlriK ailvanced to extend the tenn of
I'realdrnt Dial for two yrara. He having re
futed to terve a aeond term, Henor Ztmacati.
by hi court In thn Unlta-1 RUti a, haa gained
auch popularity that lie. I prominently apoken
for I'reeldentnf Mexlo. Tlilt plainly ahnw
that public opinion favora Intimate and friend
ly relation with the United Htalo.
A dlapntoh from Vienna aay that U
I rurnornl that Cunt Hehouvaloff, who la go
ing to I'relh, la clargrd with a mlatlon to pro
oe another congre to amplify tho treaty of
Tho anowatonn at Vicuna, on Sun
day, November Od, wm very heavy. AU the
rallaaya and telegraph II ea In that acctlou
were Interrupted. Tliouaanda of telegraph
polea were proatratcd, and the tree In the
parka and city were aeverelv Injured. The
atorm extended throogh Auttria. Telegraph
line for nearly one hundred mllea around Vi
enna orrr dralroyed by Ihs anowatonn,
A Vlimnii eorrexpondnnl of the Mnn
chrater fMiinfiin, ttyt! Hcnil-ofriclal atur
ancea ale In circulation that an Anglo-Aut-
trlan agreement concerning thn treaty
ot Berlin, and that Count Andraeay will con
vey thla aiaurance to thn Department. A
Huaalan Journal, referring to the probability
of aurh an alliance, advecatea the c nccnlra
tlon of a large corp of otMcrvatlon on the
Auatrlan frontier. The Kmperor haa granted
general amneaty In Bo.nla and Herxegovlna.
The Vienna Political Correapondence contra
dicta the report of the Manchester Uuonllun
that the treaty had liecn agrred upon by Aua
trla and l'ngland, compelling the complete
withdrawal of the Huaalan troopa. Fighting
haa been renewed la Tranval; a ilrltlah de
tachment of A00 atroug waa compelled to re
treat, and the Kaftlr than made a night at
tack but were rvpulaed with a heavy In.
Negotiation between tho Vntienn and have been ttitpeiuli d, nt the ettltndeof
Kutal affiird no hope of a aatlafactory re null.
The IVpewlll probably lu hi proteat thott
ly agalu.t tin violence which tho Cethollra of
Poland endure frviu tlm Ituwlan authoiltlea.
Tlie Vatican, apprehending Kuwlan preKiti'
drrancn In the Kajt, la endeavoring to brmir
back the Armenian acuaratlat.
Joh HllllBg'a Lunch.
l.uv Uoiift or them kind ov dtvenze
thut yu k tnt git, nor git rid ov, with
enny certainty, enny more than yti kan
the ruiUHtl..
The aulrido la tho greatest ov kow
ard ho fuar llfo more than ho duz
Ml friend, let u thank (toil for one
thing, it 1 thl: The book are to be
balanced In heaven, not hero.
1 pity tho poor, mtaernbln man who
aea there I no hereafter." I hud
rather bo a mule, paralized In both hind
leg than be htm.
I kno lota ov people who aro tricing
to bull the moral market; they kan
idng the ten commandment thru their
notu and not ml a note; but if they
want to borrow 65 dollar ov mo they
hav got to tlnd an endoraer.
Notoriety in gained by working for
tho npplauto ov the world. Keputa
ahun i gained by working for the ap
plauzo ov ouraclvc.
Tharo 1 plenty ov pooplo whoze vtr
tews are like certain tree; they blos
som regular cnufT, but bear no fruit.
Thl world la ao full ov tin and aln
ncra that we often kutn okrot counter
feit 11m.
The man who has finally succeeded
In cheating himself In all thing is per
haps as happy aa phoola ever git to be
in thla world.
Thar ain't no bitxiness too good to
advertize even If yu hav a Ulble to
sell, yu hav got to Ulk it up.
Tho man who marry a woman, or
tho woman who tuarrja a man, cxpekt
Ing to elevate them to their level, haa
taken a hard Job to lift.
A lady at Blaghaaatoi, while looking
over her huaband'aold clothe recently,
discovered a letter which ahe had given
him to poat elavra yeara ago. The let
ter waa atdreaed to a lady friend, and
lu non-arrival waa iho cause of an en
arrangement between the two famllir
ever alnce. And yet girls continue to
got married.
You neod not be afraid of giving too
much. An old darky aald: "If any ob
you know ob any church what dletl ob
liberality, jea toll rae whar It I, and I
will take a pilgrimage to It, and bv de
light ob de pale moon I will craw lupon
Ita moss-covered root and write upon
de topruostahlngle, 'Messed am de dead
who die In de Lord. "
Some wretch has the audacity bo re
mark that the ladies deck their hat
with flower in memory of the men who
have bctt killed by milliners bills.
ny if 1. t. sTmiff Tmui. !
Hymtrrr le Ihr I'trnei
f liar CrlBM mnwl fllC .Tin
Ureal Exrllcrarwt la .Vw York.
Saw Yoax, Nov 7 Police headquarter
wt Informed today l&at the Uly of A. T
Pleaart w ttilen from the family vault at
BU Mark'a Church early thU morning The
ratk't -eat broken opn early on the morning
of (hU.trt 7th, Jutt one month ago. The aa
altUnt axtin at Ht. Mark' Church discover
ed that Stewart' famllr vault ha l-en Urn
percl with, the atone tlab had been removed
from It (oattlon and tbe earth waa disturbed
for aevtral feet from a tlab not over tbe open
ing, the thtefea didn't get the body The
arxton rrrtrd the matter, toJndft HMow,
who ordered the tlth placed a few feet from
tt true portion In order to deceive any one
attempting to ateal the body, A watch
man waa alto engaged and tie patrolled
thr graveyard every night until very
recently. The dltcovery of the outrage
waa mad at a o'clock thta morning. Tbe rob
lrt removed the atone from tke opening of
the vault, broke o(en three en In which
the boy waa Incloaol, and crriel away the
content, It la tuprd, In a aaek. The rob
bery haa cauted great excitement. Intpector
Dllket, when Informed of the robbery, at once
tent nut the following Kcnrral onlrr to all
precinct I
The remain of A.T.BtewartweretMt night
atnlen from the family vault, tn HL Mark's
Churchyard. Tbe caaket wa found broken
and Uie body removed. .
The dec unpoil tlon of the remain t ao of
fenatve that they cinnot he concealed. Thla
It apparent from ttandlng at the opening of
tha vault thla forenoon. Conacqnently It can
mil be taken aen the frrrir without dUcov
cry. Cauae diligent ararchto be made la your
prrrlnctt, aa the remain were evidently stolen
In the hope of reward.
The weight of the body wa not vary great,
but It la ttlll a quratlon ot how It waa paaaed
over the railing of the churchyard. The
work waa performed aomehow, for all the
Katea were locked. The body waa thrn
probably put Into a wacon and driven
away. It la worthy of notice that
no rnotmarka were round In the churchyard,
although he surface waa eoft after a fall of
rain and anow laat evening. It ta therefore
aurmlard that the robber ateppnd from grave
atone to grave atonr, and thua made their exit
on Hliiyvraant alreet or Eleventh atreet. They
wrenched thr plate off the caaket, and carried
It away with them. On the whole, Indication
point tn a remarkably bold execution of a care
fully conceived plan. Ktprclal care tnnalhare
been taken to avoid the police, for the spot Is
vrry ojien and offers no good chance for con
cealment. The brat of two policemen termi
nate cloee to the church yard ratling, and the
two officers ought to meet there constantly
throughout the night. Neither of them saw
anything to excite their antplrlon. Mr, Lib
by, of the firm of A. T. Htewart A Co., said to
day that the estate of A. T. Htewart D not
offer a reward for thr rrcovery of the, body. It
will give 1100,000. if need tie, for the detection
ami punlahment of the outlawa, but not one
cent to them for the return of what they have
taken ; not a cent will lie paid In order to com
promtae thla rae.
Up to midnight, laat night, the police atated
that no arre-t had been mate tn connect Inn
with the desecration of the Stewart vault.
They appear te be utterly befogged aa to who
perpetrated the roMery. The .Vm saya that
among all thn theories relative to thl crime,
none I more curious than that which attrlb
utea It to tho agency of certain disappointed
helra or associated heir of Mr. Stewart; those
who hold to thl theory Lelirve that the body
wa removed In order that a chemical analysis
might be made, In onler to detect tracre ot
The new of the deaicratlon of Mr. Slew-
art's grave waa not conveyed ao Mr. Htewart
until last evening, when Judge Hilton called
and broke the od tiding to her a gently aa
posalble. Hhe waa overwhelmed with grief,
but fully coincided with Judge Hilton In tak
ing a firm stand agalnat any concession or
promise of reward to the robber. Hhe ex
prcsaed unwllllngnea to go to uy expense to
secure the arret at d conviction of the perpe
tora of the outrage.
The Pewta! atrswrt.
Waiwixoto. Novrmber 7. The annual
rrport of (leneral Thonia J. Brady, Second
Anlalant Postmaster (leneral. for the Baca. r
year ending June 80th, 1878, haa been prepar-c
ea ror Uie i'omatcr General, It appear
that the cost In land tranaportatton for the
year waa lft,KM,(ttl. The Increase ta tke .
umber of railroad, atramboat and tUr route
over the prrvloua year waa W3; In sggregaVi
length, U,l4o mllca; and in annual coat, o4eV
Appropriation for the railway mall trans
portation during the year wa 9,2M,000;
the actual coat so far aa adjustment
were completed waa 9,56ft,.1; the
amount appropriated for the current flacal
year Is 9,100,000. It U definitely ascertained
that 1400,000 additional will be required to
cover the coat of the service for I87V. If a
further funda are aupplleJ by Congrma to Uw,
service the above amount must be dtleonlrnu
cd. It It estimated that 1 10,250,000 will be raa
quired for 18S0. The aggregate etlmte for
null tranaporUtton and Itrmatoaidental there
to during the nest fiscal year b 110,790,000.
The total amount appropriated for tha current
year U about 2,OOO,OO0 leas.
Siffcritg js4 gjapatfhj'
Not In the present of the greaw ca-
..,., mu inu pa5l SDOOIU Ot lorgoiien
but tho dead and the living, who stood
by their bedsides and their graves, and
tho glorious charity of the nnafoa, that
vindicates the brotherhood of man as
well as his immortality. He who has
no faith in humanity has cone iatho
nc-1 8Plrit lhe fu,or ot lha Plr" ol
all fleh. Amidst tho waves of the sea,
whose fountains were broken ap by the
plague, everything fwcious earn to
the front andTwras seen In the light of
day. Let us keep this before us to re
mind u that humanity Is full of virtue,
and grows more splendid and im nfor
tal as we corxe nearer to each other tn
the presence of the grave. JrmpArv
(Ttnn.) .Uvlanche. Ql
A Jeweler, being seat to prison, saW
to the turnkey
"If you'll let me OJtt f eii rou?
watch for you to good advantage.' . i
No, no," responded the turnkey, V
'instead of letting you sell my watch,
I'll watch vourceQ