osm J ffll RKDOOUD CHIRP, "" pro cloud, (i NKRKAHKA Uwi Albert Richardson, of Marlon, wti rkr4 j a horse and killed, few day slncp , I Adelbert, King, 10 year of ngn, was SIM, Nnvemt-er lth, bring thmsrn out of a gtwi. Sunday, Not. 10th, the first Method. Church it M tlmvr, IiU county, wa M!r!l. Davenport packer, urn ninklug con U with farmer (or t!Mft to l.Vi lire right forbear. A young lady named Mary Allen, 17 r of g, cnmmlllc lulrldc by tKtrif pot- n, l Mieltiy, Not. toth. I The Ft,! Sad ha tip at, th 1-ul Dodge and Ft. Hldgley rail- pended operation for tlmr kt ", mr iwPlMf-Ki living unwiiniiniiin. . .l ,....,.. ,.i.... ..k....i..ft.i t Victor Wells, ft hrnkctnnu on thn II,, R. A N railroad, killed frw evening nhy falling from thrcar kt Clarkullle, According to tho. nornotho skeleton man over seven feel high u fouf.d by hf mound explorer In the vicinity of Mil- It Ik estimated Hint fully lA.OtiO bar. ) of wfet otkto have lieen eMpt-ed thl UI from Muscatine, rr-Bllntn to the produc es alwut iJft.OOO. Will Mnnsllcld, formerly of Cresco, lowairi county, u trlr.l hy vigilante In the IMek Hill a short time store, mnfcMed lip ra a road agent, and tr triioft up. I Charles llnhpicst hn lieon found utltr of murder In the fit it degree, In the lining of Peter Nelson, In firundy county, and leniences! to iho penitentiary for life. J. Ilortoiii n fnrmcr living In tint Jouthern varl or Wniatbtirjr county, who wa errlhly burned wliltn trying to ate hl rij- rty fnun a prairie fire, len dayakgn, died, Alexander IltmU, k fnnui'r, nnnr tlm .own (if Wmikon, AlUimkro rotintj, w In. itutljr KIIIin) lijr hit tfnm running wjr mt hrtiwlnjt hlin nut of tlm koii, NiiYPmlwr 9lh. Mntt Hnwnll, km nrnUul liy Iho ttiMvlff tt .IttLutn Miiinta ti Out miikatji tlohn Tiimrr, hnrt time ijn. rWwell i iho jrun who knIh hrhlml Tutnrr on Iho M.no .mhw, unit who lit tliy hl hern illKknl by tramp. John I'lirwll, of DunUp, n trnln Iwiy n th Nurthwrttrrn roi1. foil ml tKwkrt hnoh ronlilnlnic f li, lrlon)ti to tlrrmn kfjHilcrartt wonun, untr Mtt whrta the hut brta iltllrir, n rrturnnl It to hrr, rrfiulng 1(0 m rvwsrti. Aftrr n trial liwtlnp nlno tUjii, Chiu. Bolqirl, art-UKit of lb muntor of Trtw Krlum, trt (Iramlr county, rVpirmhrr IMIi, MMufoumt miltly of murtlrr In Iho first tfto the Jury Biln)t the rxmttty t Imuft' MMtt fit- llfo. Mr. 1'. I!(mm), of Altrn'a (Jrorr, 'Vrvlt eonniy, rommlltnt tulrld on the inrn tnX of the 10th fiy vultlnK hrr ttirnkt with jtmlfhrrikiilfn whllrln trmpnntry it of In .Miilly. Him waitnol'l felllcr wulwrll known u orr in rouuiy. Thu l.nnnluu Mirror nixyn k lit tin Iniy lirtl khout two yrarr, urn of TtmtiiM Hurn, of lfkjcllr townnlilp, Allftmkfl county, while pttyliiK kIh)UI k Iovp triiturril mi nrr ttiithUrlnlhhiK rkiiKlitonflrn wllhiui'h fll fffrrt Hiklilrnlh took plurr iicxl ly. Hugo HoiTlmiit'r'k lirowory, In llulTu lo, Htt rounly, flrril Nocmtir lOth, Thn whale rlatilUhiunt In h totnl Ida, with r, nikfhtnrry, ikV, etc. Tlm o foot up ,; InnimiKv tVVt, In the (Irrnuu, of Ruffklo, Ntw York, kint the )Urt WlllUm tmupkiiy. Tho lUvonporl Democrat nin tlmt Ihrrt U no prohklitllty now thai the Clilcupi, ! Clinton A Wtru IUIlwy will lx tmtll to k tonnrf lion with lh DkVrnport A Nnrlliwrl rrn thU fktl, m no movement hki Ivccn mlr, ( ami the time In which the company cn krll tUrlf of thN tkie voted In Clinton kint t'om- niche, nntreirktlnk; ITfMMU, eiplre le M. Tho Journal inyH r letter rt'oulvtnl lit Mom city from OrrRon tftrek Uie nUrtlliK ntwtthktMr. Trice hU wlfo ami three chlU drvn, who inovnt thither from flout City k few year Ko1hkveberumunlrrrittiy liulln. They kit went out Into the wml to pick Imt rlek, IrkVlng tmly tht youtitet chlM kt k nel(?hU)r', kiut thl llltln one l now the toln urvhor of the fkinlly. The tlcml kiul liuitl lktHl Uxtlek of tho five H'ron weru fouml hy rnrmlk. Jiulgn Mltcholl hn Koutoticoil .lolm N. Dklu to the "ittiiltrntUry kt hrl work for the p rtiM of hi nturl life" for the iiiur derof J.W.Hlouphurnr Mumlmlllown. Kmik IUim, who k few 0k) k)pi twmlc k nworn Ule ment thkt lie muntrreit 8louh. Im retic(et thkl coiifetdou, kiut ou the 14tti of Novt'inher mkttc kn ktthttTlt thkt It w k lie, kiut ) he Wk Inituceit to nikkn the cnfior of tho murder or Blouxii In ortler to clrr Dtklu, whom he ilrcUre to he titniKcnt of the crime. Connul Knij), who fiwtod for throo week, In Keokuk, illeJ Novvmber t'Jth, hU tomkeh being too wekk to conUln the food kfter he kymtu Iwgm to mU Ktpp, kt the time of kU hekth, wk fifty-two ,vekr, lx month wul twentyftve ly old. He wan hi ol t tier of Keokuk, hkrliiR reMrl there nekily thirty ycknu He u the drt nikii to ntktt k furniture fkctory there, kiul ome of It Uil Ing furniture men Mnreil their kpprrntlrohlp under htm. Tho Snvery Houno In Vv Moini hrw been chvt. The rrkoti of thU U terkue one yekr kgo the title to the property pket by iUcre of foreclosure to the Newkrk 8kT tug lUnk, N. J., which U the prtnent owner. The itockholdere of the Unk are not kt lib erty to uie the money of the Inttltution for purjKHck forelgu totnkln(f. Mr. McCartney, the !, wkk ilcilrout to hkw certain re pair nude, twfore renewing hi Icmc, ud m thl was not done, hi former lcK luting ex plrrd, the Houae wm cloel. WOMKlKtiMILt. Before you begin your heavy (prtng work alter a wtnterot relaxkUou, your yiteiu need cieandng and strengthening to prevent an at tick of Ague, lllllloua or Bprfng Fever, or koae other npilng nirknCM that will untlt jou fpr a seaaoa' wortu You will aavetlme, much !if..?c! ?.Bd "G!1 "! W jou will uh one bottle of Hop Wttcraln your family thl month. Don't watt See other column. LATK NEWi. A flrn In Mllwnukoe, Norrmljcr Hth, ranted a om cf lfl,M). Wllion'a ow mill nl HclillnR, Mich., burntd Nor 12th. I, m.ooo. A flrn In Victoria, Mn., on tho 'Mh of .Votrmher, lftrojnl foprily wntth f.V A fallliiK hulhllni; In I'okln. IIU., N--trmbrr 14th klllrd Ml. Ilurke and two ihtl ilri'n. It. Iloyd A Co,' grnln wnrnliotoo nt Kal Kaglnaw, Mich., iurnl Nov. lath, !, l(l,IUI. Ilinilfonl, I'n., wm rltltoil jy a vnr) deatructlre co(iflffralli on the 14th of No vember. A tiro nttho Virginia jMiriltontUry, nt. tllrlimond, NovrmUr 14th, raiiMI a lot of fift,(iJO, A II ro nt Atlnntlo City, N. J on the .nltfht of Norrmher 14th, caused a hit of 9XUi). Nino pnraona worn lntirn1 hy tho t-x-ploclon of k krrone latnp, In Clnctntiall, Ni Vrmtirr mtli. Thn lllg Hnplila nw nnil lilnnl mill at lllg ItaphU, Mlrhlgan, burnrd Nov. I'.'th. t)M, f ft.mi, A illaonan aoniothln almllnr lo in nil pot hat mule II aparanc In the oulhrrn part of New Mrtlro. Thn Mnnni'rn Hpringa hotol nt Cnn ton, l'a., burned Nov. !Mi. I At; i;s,CiiO liimranre, ,W,(I. All tho I'ortl minora In Urn vlolnlty of .anrtiltle, (lilo, are on a itrlkr, drniaridlngn iiirler cent adraure per lmthl. Tho fiirnlturo nml vwienrlnjj mtnli. lUhinrnlof IIukIi Hlirll X Co,, Cliirlnnatl, waidamagrd hy fire f(),0u, Nov, I'.', Thu flrn nt ilrmlfonl, I'n., which hroko out on theevrnliigof Normhrr Ulli, ditlroy nl prosily valued at 1.V),(), tiiMirame. I.VV"). ,Ioaoph Kilgnr, n Inhornr on u cnnnl. boat, fell Into thecaual, at f.afayrtlr, Ihil,, on Novrmher inih, while lutoxlcattil, and wna drownrd. A lint In (Irrcn liny, Wla., Nnvcnilior I4lli, deMrnyrd a warrhouan rontklnlng 1,(Oi tiarn'U of kinnene oil, and a largo quantity of coal, !,, lUT.OtK). Tho foiiinlo power hwiin wonvora in U carpet mill of the IDth Want, I'hlU.ti-l phta, have (truck on kciounl of notlllcatlon of k reduction of wkgea. A llro nt Fayottis ().,NovmlHir 17lh, rutd by an explotlnn In kdrtigtUirf.de. troyi-tl that and ls olhar lorr. Urn, thir ty thousand 4olra. Tho CvntrAl Havlngn Hunk of Jcrany Ctly Height ha cloaed, owing to a lack of profltatiU hiulneaa. It I dated that It ulill gkllona will tie met tn full, (lov. Frcuioiit, In Ma report ti tho Bentkry of (he Interior, rxpreaae the opin ion that control of Hit Indian hnuld be traaaiarraw in the war department. Ijeonnnl Huatlng! of Dityton, Ohio, Wka atruck hy lightning and knocked from a load nf iUoe4 luto a cellar, hutecapeit 'ur therdkinagnthknalew brulaea and k alight care. Frnnk M. Tnylor, pnylnj; toller of tho New York City Hank, Nov, Kith, Jumped from the arcond tory of a hralth-IIM oMkhlltlimi'iit In HriNiklyn, frrturtn;lilkull and rei'nMtg other Injurlea. At Wlngfloltl, (Imnt county, Win., Nov. t'Jth, three young children of a family iikined Kacchnvle, during their pafent' t nt imrary alucnce, were bullied to death hy the bonne burning down. Hon, John W. Morrltt, formorly (ill tor of Uie HprlngtleM (III.) Ueglater, Halrm Advocate and other paper, and cue of the oldcat Joumall.U In th Vet, dlt at Halcm, III., .Nov, intlt, agnlTO. Tho Now Hrunawlok rallwny'n enrn ran off the track nekr Florencevllle, on the nlKlit of November 14th. One car containing twenty p'nge took fire and burned. Hev crl paMcnger were killed. Thomiw Kciuikr, hln wlfo, anil I.lr.xlo Callahan, of rawtutkrt, K. I., were drowned In VYonniH ket, Not ember ISth, the rarrlago they went dilvhiR being plunged Into a ditch forty feet wide and containing nine feet of water. Koorotnry KvnrU lm rocolvul from CoiiimlaalourrHeiierkl MiCormtck, and for warded to LouUlana, a draft for ,J,4.V), the proceed of a concert given at the Vatla K.xv althm, tK-l. 1Mb, In aid of Ihejellow fevorauf frier. Thnjellow fiivorilonth-roll In tlioaonth fiHtta up a total of ift,Wl, acnmtlng to the l.oulvllle CuMrMisiiNrNiif, Tlm ilcalh In the city of McmphU ami lclnlty wcro 4,VXi; In NewOrleanr, :t,urTl In Vlckvburg and vlrlnl ty, I.I1VS. Tho Inillor of a looomollvo uxplodoil at Mahoning Ctly, l'a., Nor. 1(1, killing the en gineer, rrauk Uroclou, conductor, Jcb Trout, and a Uiy iitmed Calvin Lui. Auolti er Uy,t!eorge llieu)mch,MiliM,iucntlydlcd, and elKht or nine other iriw.n Mere badly In Jureil. A tlUpntoh from St. lihnbnrp, Vt., y the tVrtland and Ogilentburg mall train wk thrown ftwu the track near IvU' Cro lug, Noemlr IMh, cauaM by a broken rail, and the paaacnger and exprc car dltchnl, Two peraon were killed and ewal trrioiuh lulurcd. Tho Mormon women In Suit l.uko held a meeting, Nor. Irtlh, and paM rv wlu Horn krowlng their belief In the patriarchal oolcr tvf marriage, revealed to od' people In it aif, a they ay, and which, if lvcl up to, r ohhIucItc to long life, strength and glory. They endorse It a one of the imvt lm porlknl principle of their holy religion. Tho Allentown Iron Cumpany, l'a ha suspended tcmorrlly. The comoany ha four furnace tn fulfhlait, and their stoppage will throw out of employment a large number of hand. One of thu director tate that the total liabilities will not exceed half a million, while the value of the work and town tot tn Allentowu owned by tho company It let down atom 1,000,000. !-. Aiulivw Spam;laln, of New York, fa tally stabbed lVter Urade, Nov. Hth. Tho FVlrvlnw, N, J,, marked hurglara have teo Mntncl lo ten year ImprUm mnU On thn nitornoon of Nor llth, J. 0. (llrtiri and Walupt Atrlro ihol and kllUd rh other at Tbarhpl, Callfornl. Thorn hn be n rcat rxcltomcnt nt Zaneavlllo, It , ov(r 'trent grit tiMrrir at that plare Dr. Ileyl haa Un plarel In lH Thcrohnvo heon j;vnrnl triystcrloii trrral In Nr York, It U Ufr. that thry he ,m roniiftll'ifi either with the Mtntikt tauravtng Hank rtMwry, or the fit-wart ic ftl'gr. Commlaalonnr Itrtttrn hna rccclvol a Mcgraro trnm (1irlrt, WVt Vs., Matin that l" Indictment have lmn fvund agalnat Illicit dUllller. knd other violator of the rev enue taws, Jncoh DoWItt, n promliiont fnrmor and road (Uprrvlior, near Coluriihu, Ohio, w thot and fatally Injured by a urlghNir rmliifsl Idgall, dining a dltpute aUiut the jnifiit of road lai, Nov llth. (Jiiorgo Ilnllor, nUni Dr. Ynrmnn, a taoyeai' convict, from Pay ton, In the pent trnllary at t.'olumhu, Ohio, citnmltird u. tide on tlie night of November Wth, by hang ing -making a roj of hi ihlrt Tho rnnil Jury nt Xwilu, (),. hna In- illclnt II II llaiihtinan, Alfred Tmdrr, Ham tirl riitlerbatigh, John ?lutr ami John I). Al leu, raihler andillrectoraof thr Klrat National lUnk of Xenla, for ernlirullng ami converting lo tlirlr own ut money and lnii to the amount of l'V".,(iO, lylongtiig to the dcKilt (.r, wtihoul the roiiM-nt of the banking com pany or the owner of the property, A rlott'Htk plni'ti In Mt. Htorlim;, Ky,, Nov lih, In which from 'JO to ; thot were firei), and two men luttalitl) killed, anil three wounded, two ilangrroiiily John Thouiiron, a cleik, And dMntrrrlrd pslty, wa aliol and Imtniilly killed by a thot through the window of Ihentor In which h waaemptoyed. Three of the rioter wero nrrcilrd, and the dheillT and miI( ci were on the trail of the ret. It la L'liiillitcntly Imlliivcil Hint thu New York illco have dUpelled the mytrry auriouuillug thu Manhattan Having lUnk ruth In ry. One ol the chief ojieralor la In ciutody, and further arreal will lm mad. A man mIiim name appear ou the wllce return a Henry Vi lUml, waa retet and arraigned In the police court, where he waa remanded to ptlMin until furthernvldencn could beobtalned. Ill aoconlaiicu with tho opinion of the Attorney (ieiieral, (lor. Hartranft ha tie cited Ui un a warrant for the execution, ou Uie trUliof l 'comber next, of tho notorious Mollle Magulre, J no, Krlioe, who was convict. ol of the u.Ufiler of V. K. V. I.angdoo, In Hchuylkill ciKinty In 1WU. WarrmU were klso tiaaulfor the i rutlou on Hit am day of Martin Hrigeii, of tfchuylklll county, and Cha. Miarp" and Jauiea O'Donnell, nf Carbon coun ty, and Ale lander Hayrr, of rtitladclphla. Z Chnrlo Younj,' and Archibald Ntoln and aon working a farm on alurra near Lebaii ou, Ohio, had a misunderstanding, a few day ago, during which rtletn and son ctuhtird Young until tin waa luaeuallile. A hired man of Youug'a coming tn the rescue in 1 1 he same fa'c. Mrs, Young and daughter came upon lliesrene ami were both felle.1 to the earlh wfth rltiha. The Mtclns then fled and hive not elti'-e Iwcn heard of. tMiyslelan say that It la unlikely Young orlim hired man will neuter At ' uii'svlllo. Ohio, on tho morning of Nov, I till, a mllci'inaii on a bridge had Mi upli Ion aroureil by iIil mot incut of a par ty In a wagon, and ordered tin m to halt, but thn drltcr whipped the horso Into a gallop and they recaped, With ivii astUtant he fob towed them 14 inlh-a b.foru he was able lo overtake them, Ou attempting lo arret iIipiii the whole parly Jumped from the wagon and craped. The wimjoii was found tocimtalothe bodlca uf four prominent clllien who had Just lceii bulled In Wishllawn ceuiitery, The mi Ilitinan received a pUtol wound during th) chase, A apcolal to tho Mnmphla Avvtat ron-" flrma the reiort of the hangli g of Floyd Hmlth kiut Ida wife Maila (iihirihl), liy an armed mob of thirty or firty person, on November 4th, three mile north of Herutudo, MIm. Kolh had been arrtted and lotged lu Jail (o toer 'Aid, charged with murdering a little white girl six yiaia old, which ha I been left III their cam by It mother. A lt mortem ex amination icvealed the favt that thn child' skull had been crushed. Humor gtres, aa a reason for the minder of the child, that the negroe were luitlgatcd by the mother, who would Inherit a Urge property estktn upon the dtath of her offspring. aVorclajB). THK OltlKNT. S:fvot I'uilui, nftor u loop; iutorvinw nllhthe Hultau, atteudiM a meeting of the Turkltli Mlulslera, November tilth, and urged the necessity of coming to an amicable ar rangement with tlreece before foreign media; atlou. Hie .Macedonian Imurrwtlou l tprvail Ingtowanl Kplru and ,'hcsasly. For many the jolltc.il ts!ne,v ta a new pretext for robliery and plunder. The Forte sent twenty three battailous with Ore batteries, to subdue thclimirrvcttou. (ion. I.onmkltt'H HusHirtn oxpcdltlon, marching from the CapUn Sea In the direc tion of Mrw Luivtton, by constant lighting rescind the Attlck Valley. A HumUh corps of S,IXX) trong also stands ou the road to Il.tlUi and Herat. The Itusalan Ambassador assured the French Mlutiter of Foreign AtT.ilr cf the Cur's willingness to co-operate lu , curing the arMugement of thn Turko (irvive frontier dtttlculty and of his Arm In tention to carry ou: all the stipulations of the Ucrltu treaty emu. Advlcca from Chill atnto that serious Hot, resulting In the killing and wounding of eighty people, occurred In Santiago. Mouutdl police and cavalry were called out and made cvlral charge tefore the mob dispersed. Ttie trouble originated tn an attempt to lay vt oJe.t hands upon the writer of certain arti cle lu relation to the boundary question tn w hlch he took ground favorable to the Argen tine K public. (IKltyANT. KmMrr William In rvplyinj; to an address of the town council of Wiesbaden, said he toped svn to resume governmeuL He trusted i'ermany' action against ertmlna) tecdn;lea would be Imitated by other States. Th yril U comreuc, tod si uught to be tbt defenM. Thn llerlln Tost. In an artlolo rrlalivo to the rlfMlng of tnr I'trl Eiriltlun, says that Germany oberve without anxiety th rrnewrd power of Frame, which would only l dat-geroo If the nation surrendered tta light of Judgment to adveniurout usurpers, TJie present moleratandcofienatJve repub lic offtr a guarantee galnt all exrre In Uie foreign policy. It U Haiti that thn attittnln of tho tiled Herman lllhop, aa indkaUxt by their memorial to the 1'opr expresalng llw wish that an rjuttable arraiigeme nt may lereactie.1 with 'lermany, I regardnt In llerl'n as grati fying as an rarneit of possible reconciliation. The I'ltramuntanr organ, the li'rrtmnU, says It find little In the negtrtlatlont tften the Vatican and flcrmany on which to rest the hope of jeare with the Chutrb. r.im.ixii. An Inrliiuntlnl comtnittou, tirnicr thn chlr.mnthlpof Oml Lawrence, Is now being formed, to obtain-In view of the probability of a war with Afghanistan -an expression of public opinion In favor of the Immediate um moiling of I'arllami nU Thu Ignition Post priMlicta that tho ratlflt atlon of the notthwrateni frontier of India delrel by thNgoteniment will l) found to roiilt In the permanent oicupstlon of (jtlettah and lellalabad with the establish merit of llrltUh retldenta In Cabin, Candahar and Herat. The Indian newpi-riilatcthat all the camels arrlvlngat Quettah are detained to lie uteit In advance If necenaary All of ficer on leave hate ten finally recalled. The Commander In-Chief, who Is at Itawll rimtes, appears to l certain that ItiMlllltle will com meme ou the 'JfHli lost. The Ameer hs withdrawn two regiment from Candaha, and ordered the (liircruor of I'l-liren Valley, near (Jueltah, not torrlst the llrltMt advonre. AfOIIANftrA.H. Thu Afjhnna in Klillmr I'iikh nrti tie ferllng, largely In cormcipuence of sicklies .out hunger, Hoie are entertained that the Ameer will unbuilt Utiruiidlllonallyto the llrlt-l-h. The mortality among thn Afghan al Jelalabad It between thirty ami forty dally. llt'MIA. Tho Ilrltlnh KiinhontCiinilor rocontly went to llourgoa to Investigate an alleged out raite ou thn llrlllili Vice Connul. The HU l'e lrburg (lido hi a strongly worded article ou llili event, which, It ys, "couttltute a clear violation of the neutrality of the HUck Hea. Thn Kngllsh may cut our se commiinl cntlon al any moment. Dim- Knitl.uid with lo intaxire Uiil'. fortiearance f Who I now set king for warl" X dl.patch from Fralli ) that Count rkhouvaloR'a mlMlon makes a change In the jMillcy of Kula, who waa pre vlouly dUpoart) Ui stralu her right under the treaty of llerlln. Thl ah ante la dun cither to lh general alarm of K.urope, or to hint re ceived from llerlln, or dometttc affalra. IIUNOAKT. Premier Tiaia. apeak Injf of tho Diet, declared that the policy of Auatrta ami Hun gary waa to prevent Turkey fnwn becomlaat a prny lo KumI. Hn expressed a firm boi that the llerlln treaty would Ik punctually observed. If, howener, any power should re sbt the execution of th treaty, Auttrta, who had taten able to harmonlM her lntereta with Ihoss of Kurope, would not ctaud alone lu the fight that might cuiie. HPAIN. 'Uio aenteni'u of death wna ennimti nlcutot to-.MoncasI, who attemptril the a.is sliiatUit of the King, lu bl prUm, Nor. I'Jin. Hn showed gre.it coiupostire, abd haa not yet appcali d fnun thu enteiuc. INDIA. A dUpateh to thu linilnn 7Y;ic.i of linll from Kohat, aaya tlie government at Hlllim ha Uaueil a trln;cnt addles lo thn mllltkry commauder Ui supvrvlne all pm, telegram . It la reported that lutclliuncu has been received that a further outbreak by the K lltra la linmlucnt. The ret I tribe am massed In gioat aircngth under Cetanugo, King of Zulu. The llrltlsh forcn on the frontier I In danger of being overwhrlintHl unless ptomptly reinforced. It appear that tho convention with Fwure, whonby Italy agrees to withdraw from foreign soil her fractional silver, really jxHUiKinc to 1KH4 what Italy had undertaken to do lu VTi. The withdrawn currency will be redeemed III llver Ihc-franc. plwes; not lu gold. The Hal If say that the Council of State ha decided that tho See of Naples I lu royal patronage and the Archbishop appointed can not enjoy the temporalities of the See until ho ha obtained Inresture kiidexciitiatur from the Kim;. The Vatican. It Is said, has decided ou a complete separation from the I'ltramon-1 taue party In the Herman Krtchstag, CKNTItAI. AMKKU'A. A evere earthquake was felt In Manleals, Antlqua, Oct l. Twehe houns s destroy ed, tucludlnlg a church, hospital, principal school, tho city buldlng, and many other. The damage done will exceed I1IW.IXX1. Ad vlcca from Salvador itate that the volcanoe of lislecaml Santa are In In a state of tremend ous activity. On the latter, from four or nve distinct openings, fire, smoke and ashes are pouring forth tn vast volumes. It Is not known that thee are distinct, but they are supposed to be aperture Ih the old crater of the volcano, which have been silent for some year. For mile around the ashes fall and the air Is tilled with smoke, darkening day, and making the scene gloomy and terrifying. The Inhabit aula tn the neighboring towna are ter ribly alarmed, and many hare fled tn place of Mfety The Intelligence of a evere earth quake In the southern portion of the republic Is fully confirmed. The destruction appear to have been complete, and thn loss of life and property very great, ITALIC. Tho following dispatches $haw that the rvgtclde manta haa broken out tn Italy. N xru-i. Nov. 17.- A King Hnmbort was entering Uie city In state to-day, a poorly clad man attempted to atsawlnatc him with a polnard. Signer Catroll, Chb-f of the Mint try, who wa tn the carriage with the King, bid hand oo the man, who wounded him In the thigh. The King drew his twortt and struck the assassin, who waa Immediately se cured. The king recelted a slight scratch. Popular Indguatloo t Intense, and'thedenv ootrtku of toyalty are unbounded The assasalu It twenty-nine year obtind by cu. patlon a ctvk. He y he belongs to no soci ety, but being poof ourthrJ a hatred toward the King Hour., Nov. 11 - Ninety thousand person with flas tnd bnd of mutle assem bled ti th t..r la rUwixr, to-nlgbL, to mt fe it their joy at the epe of the King. An other demonstration ha tx-en mate before the house r,f the Syndic The crowds rveiy where dmtn!e! prwnpt Ju.tbr The AuMrlsn em tay It Illuminated, ami the cnd rheerol the AlolJiabr I'aMaunte was tiearlng a limner amoag the trade atsorfalfuos that aradet to roret the King He hal fattened the dsKgvr lo Ui lit tUff. AMrrtir.ll ATT KM IT. Kmmikm-k, Nov. IN. -During tho pu sageof a pri-ecn In honor of King Hum bert'scHapedown Via Ntibmat, a burnbwat thrown among a corps of veterans and explo ded. Two men were killed and several slight ly wuuudfd, Nai'I.ki, Nov in. It la reported thnt the, Italian Krnbauy In Pari n warneil of Uie probability of a eWlalltt attempt upon the Klng'a life l.'.M)ti.v, Nov. 18.- Popular Indigna tion and eii Itement throughout Italy over the attempt to tsliite, the King Is tery great The mmIii It a membrrof the fnteruatloiul Wi'lety He iteule having any accomplice or Inttlgitort, Hkiiun, Nov, 18. A belief N current here Uiat a plot exist for the anamination of all sovrrrlgn. It la stateil that the I'mimUii Jtldgra, when examining the NohlltiK.' rate, were led to Iwlleve lu the eiltence of a cell trl organltatlon for thl purpose, and Invr. tlgatlon are a till going ou A TOOTIPN TIUVKLS. The Iiitrretlng Molar ur an Indian hnm Custer Killed. A guiitlDinan of thl rltvhiM received front it friend resident nl&tuuilingltock Aueiiey thu tooth of n Slotix Tirnve, which Iiiia coutiectetl with It a story thut will euiito thu licnrt of the relic hunter lo bent high with delight, ami ono that would, projierly turned over with thai freedom of pen ami elaillcily of coiiacleiicu chnraeteriittlc nmoiii; dlme-mivol wrltora, make a atory whinn ovury lino touli) bo followed with dread expectancy--by ovury bootblack In thu land. TI1I1 imrtluul'ir Injii.i, to whom this pitrticiilnr UniiIi oneo belonguil, with a government rlllo in Ida hniid and gov ernment cartridge in bin belt, hi nobh) breast throbbing ngnlnit a medal peaen olluring fnun tho (Jront Father, recklessly threw lilionelt into the battle of the Little Itig Horn. Tho aim which aroMi on tho morning of that day, till ing the wicked earth with a flood of light, found otir hero .caning against n Imi of government hard-tack rending tho latest priuta of thu American Tract Society. Then tho tido nf battle camo and ruthleaaly swept him from hi morning devotion and tho matutinal meal of government grub which hi dove-like aajuaw waa preparing, from hi tender blue-eyed little children, nml from hla doga. Tho "Invader" wero headed by tho "long-haired warrior," and prepa ration wero being madoto"gn Vel;" bill at thl opportune moment a pencu agent arrived with ndilitloual ammu nition, nml a delegation ol' good Qua ker bid them nlntnl. for they wuro thrco to their cnuniy'ri uno. Well, our hero, with hit comrade all original occupant- Muttled to their work. Their rltle wero of tho uuwet pattern anil of longer range llitui thno listed by thn mildlcr. nod llielr danger thereby corrpondiiigly Icsoiietl.tniich to tho delight of tho peace man ami Quaker, 'toward tho ulonn of that eventful day. when the pale-fact1 were few nntl tho Injun more bolt), thu hurt) of thl idorv and tho owner of that tooth of which wo are particularly writing, hutl the great miafnmino to bo hronghl face to face with (jcitcrnl Cus ter, who, with a total diregard for tho feeling of tho Injun' KuMcrn friend, cut hi head atuooth ofT from the ahoul tier by one fatal awccit of Id tuber. Then forty other Injun, with forty government rlllc, drew up nt tho long, haired chief, and tho battle wa ended, because the heurt of tho master wa. Milled forever. Then the Sioux "dtor of mercy" awept over the Held, and with butchur knife mid tomahawk, "admlnUterod" to tint thing palo face. Seized with a eiipei Stilton fear when they camo upon the hu idle- trunk of the noblo red mini tilltiilfd to, they concluded to leavo him tthero ho loll, ' A bail white mnu found the lienil ami caret of thl pioii. Injun, nud with tearful eye heard re lated the Morv of hi death from tho liiof a good Injun who had lost Ids rlllo in the light nml wa now out of grub. A tllo of new recruit, in chargo of a man with a broad-brimmed hat. wa. sent out to bury the hero'. body nml bring hla head to the agency, where it ha. boon put up," lc tho teeth, which are being sent to "friend" throughout the country. In tho hand. of an Kaaturu poetry man one c' theso molars I to po.e a greater charm than tho cabalistic handkerchief de manded of Dcademona by tho dtiky Moor. Tho tooth of which wo have written, extracted from tho head of tho Sioux bravo alluded to, tho Mory a wo have given It being vouched for by tho gen tleman who sent tho tooth to thl city, was yesterday ent by registered pack ago to a relic-gatherer in llosjon, who will doubtless hold it priceless among hi. collection.- Ptmvr Tribunt. Tw ! Club far Womch. There are two clubs in London to which men and women hovo equal right of membership. Tho albermarle, in In Piccadilly, Is governed by a commit tee composed of equal numbers of both sexc., and tho memlwra, rather over 40O,nre maintained carefully in tho samo proportion, lately a ditllctiltv haar en tlie management. No snmking-riH m had be-on allotted to tho Indie, so th t had bet'tt driven to carry their cigar ettes into the gentlemen's room. To this tho p'tttlemcn more than agreed, rather encouraging the invasion, as the rest of the houwj seemed too trito In its dignity. One day Mrs. Grundy came learn of tho pleasant little evening meet ings, and hence, on the walls of the cor ridor appear a Botlcsi Infor ralng fefle that ther are forbidden U erwrn the threshold of the coveted apartment. Tie Hussell Hub la Itegcnt street, i proprietary, tin member having no responsibility beyond their subscrip tions, ladle paying half that of gen tlemen. Tlie apartments on tho ground floor, reading-room, boudoir, drawing room and dining-room are publlu rooms, used by ladle ami gentlemen nlike. Upstnlrs are billiard and smoking rirom, sacretl to thestrultger sex. La tlie here do not smoke at all, as their .jsrtments resemble mote the coffee ntl dijwlng-room of a largo hotel. Ah English Opinion f an Anerlran Joker. What I ealletl American' humor (ami various as are It kind, every ono knows what I meant by the definition) did not take with ti readily, chiefly bo caiisc nothing foreign ever does take readily with uj and secondly, because there wa a great deal of hativn humor In it at that time when the American egau to bo imported. Was, for In stance, Sam Slick ever thoroughly ap preciated In Kiiglaml? We should liko to ace whether a reprint of thu clock maker' (plaint anil shrewd philosophy would Iki ncceplablu to a generation much harder up for a laugh than was that to which Judge Halibut ton dis coursed of soft sawder and human na ture. There is no resemblanco between the I'lockmakur and American humor ist of thu present day. mint of whom are Inspired by conditions of lifu ami adventure, by t hole social system that did not exist in tho time of tho side splitting 'Hlucnoso,' and thuy have thu great charm for tn. of rootlcneMi, ab solute novelty and perfect audacity. They can't bo conventional been use there's no conventionalism where their joke hall from, and they are a law to themselves concerning theme of jo king, not to mention that thuirfunnicKt effects are often unintentional, and fun ny only to us. Tlm, Artemus Ward, Mark Twain, Mr. Hreto Harto, and more recently Mr. Habertou, havo es tablished themselves with Kngllsh read er a llrmly as Mr. Solhern mid Mr. Tooht havo established themselves with Kngllsh play-goer, as latightur-com-pclllng friends of bored mankind. London &itctator. "Arab Life In the Syrian leewrrta. Thl wa the subject of Dr. Merrill'tf lecture at thnlmell Institute, Botdoii, tho other evening. Tho region is ono of great historical Interest, yet it in -ctiiiioi! now only by the wild lleduuln. Without tho croup of black tent, tho herd of cMinels, and thu vast moving caravan thu picture of thu desert is not complete. Tho war of tho Arab are not hloodv. and their battle resemble those of Homer rather tfcan thoe of Von Moltke or General Grant. They depiso manual labor, ad employ Christian fellnhen or a menial class of Moslem to till thu Moil fnrthoau. Their food I scanty rice, grease, cracked wheat nml sour camel's milk, titc, and their dishes am very uninviting. Arab women whit do the cooking nre Tery Hlthy In their habit. Vet the Aralw make excellent coffee, which la drank wltk their guest as a ceremony. Tin men nlwajs make tho coffeo, which might account for it good quality. In mid about their tents men, women, children and animal have about curm! rights. The tribe with vhichthuvmiuk er had most to do numbered from 4tl to 1,000 and 1,000 tents each. Great tact and prmleiicu nre required to live and travel mining them in safety. Kind ness, lirmiiess, and somu smnUpreeiitn generally open tho way to their conli duueo and favor. Hospitality is but one of their noble traits; vet, on thr other hand, they can steal ami mnrder If their interest demand it. In fnct, they have reduced threat cutting to u tine art. Tho women are regarded an inferior to the men. and are vary Igno rant and dcgi ailed. Thtlr oonilftlen I wretched, yet possibly they could he reached and elevated by tlie efforte) of Self-sacrificing Christian womun, wcro they to go among them and live. Thu women, however, are not kept so se cluded n are tho Moslem women In thn towns. Thu men are. as a rule, very briiHit. and nliu- m .m.j ., joke. They compose song nnd rhyme, which are repeated for thu entertain ment of the cam,, night fter night, Somu llcdnuitt children have ooctsTon nlly found their way into tho schools of Ilethlehetu Jerusalem. Heirut, and Damascus. Lnder favorablu circum stance these triple might txianiblv bo reached by clviliring influences. Tho ecture abounded in amusing and en ertaining Ineidents which camo under the speaker own observation whllo prosecuting hi work in f.hu desert lloston Journal. . 0- W' Kfpl HI Word. ,?('j&Tr?W,r BriW". "I Massachu setuHt f reniembered that for snveral years before his death ho never wore a collar, appearing thus unadorned at his levees and on all public occasion. thh H?nl0W,ht0,VrnnK reason f0; i ii h. ' a ,u,ie.'hlM)r whom ho liked exceedingly, and who wa on the way to become acontlrmetl drunkard. With this man the Governor remonstrate warmly, until at last t10 listener an sweretf "I will never drink ZD you will never again wear a collar " "Agreed." said 'the Kov rnor. Rich kept hi word; the man was saved, and he Governor paid no manner of a ! tentlon to the sometimes sharp crit -hb?raan &Ppartnt cantlrjiineMln should bo taken off aa soon as the leaf -"--- --- .,. iooi Deneaibtho M.U' l,n V,m,J' or lrT pla, with earth ------ ",, 'Miciu, ami ieii mere until early spring, when they can be ta Ken up and set out In nursery rows. 7b male n Qingtr foa. To four piunds of dough add one ponnd of raw -..j,..., .. iuno. oi nutter, one onnce and a half of caraway seeds, one? ounce and a half of pWnd gl nf J lUke In the niua! way. It very much .nibl Scotch htroi bun" It rnnch:4"rTnlc,!Mkei'itherforuja" ( k W y 4 -x