The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 21, 1878, Image 3

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mkdixj ma: m.b.
lkl ax.if a t "Ml ct mi "eh." k 4.
At V Uxl It) kt r k tn mi Ike rtwy fetX,
Aai fetr jwtini Wfftafy (4 ed er,
riiffd fr the .."" M
'',t fc t tk tljt Bf t-uki are tlwcr,
XVhll , 1 unfreth tj ti-V ttW W.
1 atil htte kt wtrt I4e te-sl e
Vbe pttun U Vmt im Wl -"
J M , H Awe, I W set H It.
And h W Ike t-fV-rt "111 "eh 4K
VM f.lfl ! ttrr W I Mr hij ,
Thtt bir-t H kt ktf I m 4pmI "
Hut IW MtttntHg kH tfd .
Tins (r ens iri Hfc the htetUt at Jxm ,
Aa4 )mR Uwe titd Wt IW kn,
TutgtVd tit tfcr4t ke kWtHttetl ltM
"AM Ufl ntfleh. cd tutV' t-e kt,
" i1AiM( morn l Wtt, though tk tjt r
I'M I "HI Mlf H) krtttltfKt .
I It rtrtltv, one ami tlewtsj '
ltH tke ton tt hUck In the cleudhn At .
Tli Imr leu 1 kt ( the iUj the litre ,
Ami kxtt.rr n.l thllhrf he rnn mk! "etH,
While the ltin ttl tt(ltlt ttt tix
"Ahl II c U too true t ik," he hl,
"Mj ctmut lt till t esebtkte.
TUI the omnii'm tyk d I he ilij l ilmr,
AO'I iht lirart gtw filtH !u tke ifhn
tVi, eti j one Ut hour Md txi
-l-t ttierrrr ,luz uil 1 1 J lwcif jrw" w .
TllfUl tlOUMt MM Itltl kIMl tbf Uxilrt tWft,
Att Lrt tlnlijc MrJt t tlitlt iirtt li4
(In" u.
4 And mi" 1 all! ffm rt.' ih- lit.
A 1ip turtmt to ht lomii rtr Ml ( tun,
Ami lM lift liatid O.I thi- thtnltic tlirrtilt
Tdtrt thrwlii orJrf. nr lijr our
Hut lulu! tlrrU tiv-l li-it mW,
"I km tiol to tt((Mif( it I i," tlxlint lr,
'Ami Uip wtlrrn U Mutml, unit Ibrftilim
Ari twit m IxUtit, w flr low'"
"I mutt wtlt, 1 think. tlllm(inriiMHTi.
I' mint i to my rct "Itli mj -f k utnlmr.
It II Rfowlnir twtiUrk t4 ttr'" tlir rllnl,
At tf r ftii'l kirr miiV thr tun.
Hbe ilMpiJ ,,ir tliutlU ; the Iiwmh !xxl ttlll .
Tt)P cr tlrjl In thrtwIIUIil Kit),
tr hrttt. Will tlir wnr the lN-utltul
In the p.Uru lUlit of iHiUicr !)
Tin: woiti.i or siikmck.
,1rM IIIiiMflf Htitntp.
A now form of rltlc niarVlii tnmp
ha iMnly U'fii imtt'iilt'il by IVnr. of
Drt'ulcn. ThU U h'il tifwin llio t'lii
tlo jiropprtU' )k)cximI liy n tulvtuii'of
piUtlnt- ntul Klycoritii. "wlilch r'lt
jMrfwlly tin nrtloii of tlli ntul pctrolf
tint, (nit l not miiiicioiuiy iHTtiutiii'iit.
To jjlvi It tint ili'dlrt'il (iuiivtillliv, tint
Htntup, a tiMihs U t'lnrpMMl for nlMiut
tlinM- inlmiliM In n niixturv In tlm pro
portion of odd ti.nrt of tnnln to iHti-oii
psrln of nlcoliot, mill tlii-n iiIIomimI to
try with Ihn utamp fUW iitiilcrniiith
Thl U l ln rvpi'iiti'il hourly for tlini
or four hour, nml fortius fnl irylni;
tlu Unnod muftu'tj to bo wnlu'i with
n fponps with lukownrm Milrlt, in or
tier tii rvmovis tin itijtorlltumi t.nnln.
tirisvisnl itjt notion on I lie coloring itir
fiuv. A l'allii;r-!lki Mirfitcu with nu
ltttlo body l thiiM proiliu'iil, which
nnwtr ill It la- purport' of tins onllun
ry rtiblMT utanip nt pr''nl In n !
Kldi being ..liicli nions c:illy pre
'I'lic Natrllllr til' .litr.
Thu nuthorlliiv of this Nntionnl Ob
erv:tory linvu Jiiit piibllilu'd, In n
linndtoiiHs ipuirlo pmuiihli'l of thirty
hIj. pugoH. l'ruf. Anih Hall'. oIhitvh
tioimof thn fili'lllti' of Mart, with the
clriiii'iitvt of tluilr orbit, nml dntn for
c.'iknl.'iting tholr tiotltloni during IHl'J
Mr. 11 nil lia- llnally ndopti-d for tlm two
inoout tlm iiitnuw siiggvutcil by Mr Mn
dan, of Klon, Knglnnit, nnincly, Doliuot
for the outer Mtolllti and IMioIwk for
Ui Inner itllltc. From m uxhnut
Ivo n'VlcV (if tlm varlom nbirvntioii
of thou tuiutitii bodli with tins grcnt
Wrtihington refractor, he alo dcducen
the iilctucuU of thuir orldtn and com
pare them with thoo oht.'iincd by otlt
r ohicrvcr DcInioi rivoliM nromul
Man in 1 yUlt?y mean Hilar dnv, ntul
1'linb.n In ..'UW.MI of n tlnv (loth of
tliim jti'int very ncnrly In tho plmwj of
the equator of Muds. Tins hourly tint
tlon of Phoboi, n wn from the mir
faooW Mara, U t"" 0.UI, ntul on account
of Ui, rapid nngular movement, and Itt
lU'ATnrM tothotitnuct, thUxntidllte will
jirctcnt i ulngufitr nppcurnucc to nny
Inhabitant of Mnm It will rl-c In tlui
went nml oet In the, nnd will meet
Mil pa"H Uto outer iiiiMm, who hourl)
motion I onlv 11 KS'. The ilUtnnrr
of thed ontclliteK frtim the center nre.
for Dlpmoi, 1 ,WK) ml!t, and for Diih
Ik, &.H0O tulle. Thu inner aatollitc I
the brighter of tht two. but more ilifll
cult to ce on nccxitint of it closene
to this plmiet. The ulr.d of the natcl
llt 1 n(t well Xnown, though it I cer
tain they are very small. Prom com
partitive rrf-aturcmcntM of their light
Prof. Pickering, of Htrranl, etimated
IWrani to Im? x mile In diameter, ami
Phoboit lavcn mile. Other oben-er,
however, havn In-cn Iwl to place them
at from' ten to fourteen mile. Tho ntw
of Mar, a determined from thts motion
of theMtelllteiilfithe 1 MJXMnh part of
that of the nun.
riattlMK Ittr iriMt Hy the Mtitro.
Tlie Heir xe 0JriYr, of Ilotton. con
taliu an inlcrentlng paper by 8. C
Chndlur, jr. on n new mHlirnf of find
ing the time without iri.-tnmient. f It
y: 'It two plumb line lj upendod
ut a contidernble Interval, y two or
three feet apart. Id a direction nearly
north and touth, and of uch length
that the eye, placed near tho lower cud
of one of them .and looking toward the
oilier, can ob"Pcrv the trantit of tar
acro the latter up to an altitude of,
ay at leat fifty degree. Let thts point
of MupeRxlon be movable laterally, o
that tho lines can conveniently he
brought into the time plane with the
Volar tar, by so ndjuttinr them that
the j e, placed at a little Fntanoe f rom
one line, It projected agalntt the
other and the polo tar at tlm lime time,
it 1 evident that la thli position, n plane
pawing through thts line will ctrt the
tphere In a vertical circle, the angle Ixs
tween which and the meridian It thn
axlmuth of VoUrit at the time of ob
MTTatlo.i. If, novr, (be tlerrer r
trr lii (tuni l tK ef Wf
4iVif ; frvt.t.if the snrtriwM iitte. f
h Uat. Kti-vmtawartt Uf ntt. it
r prt-rnl m the i-tHer hctv l
Uw Uwe W imttcd Wen a tfcerH f m
ni1 t-r atHa( Wiri4 wt e
r)el h tW ! Ue. ne Watr Um
Mtoaitt Hi arrtaiitiitg lv a lkj;tt -l-rlnU.
tlM f fvir ttf ixtr UNwt
1m IM MttMnwr IK trnH(l il m--1
tar ii Kb thnM in IIm mv of
ftvult lHr . (4)Hlfilt tWtttJC
Mtult n I'alart at Wn alMM,
lfeM gtMM; At MK) l.fltt ftv
.uik t
TW f'trmuU fr ft4ici tk W
rViil!tt Uult Milt a -Iljkt ln-t-wlg
ttf trtcHtaiM47) atl a tf. m
AMtertVttM P.pMMtrU a4 NitttWtl A I
Hiitae, and com Ve grrtUt njMtJ
) tW exW'MtjttKHt Mttie at all of t
ettsMUtittt Mr rttdtor tm laKIn
at tlNt r KiiKi,i (c ItotUi, atttl nt
m wtrk tmt a prtkl tHttrttlt of
lite MtetlK"! In w W the ttwte w a at--r
tttimti ettiectlj In the vHit
llrnl til llie fn.
We cam lMMtlfe Ute iHflHUt of Mmt
that tlte WH ctHttaHtl rtttiU. Ieiue
mm ran itie.uiv the amount trrhel
V itttr enrth. nkirh lMtireil atwwtl
the i.iti.i.,th krt of all the light
and heat eltlitlt-d by the UH We tliilt
UM'! that In evet) eeHHl id lime tWe
in emit a uiHeh l wnttld irtutl
ftiuii the couilHittl.m of U.lV-i.t' tH.
() Ion of etui lupatng. tt inw Im
COM ttihlelll to notice that each ortlMl
of the uu' uife a large at ihu
-atth emit a much heat pernnd a
would riMitlt from the oiiiibu-uon tl
J,(Kt,(i tttl toll of iivt a tlmtde and
eilh reuieiiibered relation
Now, it I CAil Ctdctltatnd (nun thlt
that if the tun' whole ma eniilU.l
of cial, mid could burn right out to the
1-i-t ton, mnliitnlniiig till then the pre
cut rate of eiilun, the uppl wiwld
not Ut more thmi A (' A the
kiiu ha mot tertnlnh Useu emitting
light and heat for a much longer pel i
imT thmi Ihl. the Idea that the wilur Un
it thu malutaltied I. of coiioe, nlto
gether untenable Tnire are, h uteter.
many other renoti for tejeclltig the
Idea that the tun I comcd of burn
Ing matter titing the wotd "burning"
In Ita proper ene. nittitdlug to which
a piece of wal In a lire. I burning, w here
n a jib-co of i"ilhot Iron I not burn
lug, though burning hot In like man
tier we find ouritehe comprllml to re
ject the belief that tho uu may be n
ImmIv raled nt ome remote pm-b to nil
iutenoe heat throughout it entire ma,
and gradually cooling Tor we llml
that iu the coure of a few thousand
of er ui'li a ma would hate cool
etl far more than the miii ha eixiled (If
he ha. tMHileil nptiris'lablv at nil) even
within the hUtorlc period, and we hate
evidence that he ha poured hi hent
on the earth during period compared
with which the duration of the hiimnu
race I but a ccoud nmld ecnturle,
while the dotation of hWtorlc nice 1
titteily lot li) compatlMiu,
A queer Utile Statue anil the I'lrtl;
1 genii Puntiected with It
Among the fountain of Hrncl then'
I none, that commnud ueh ntlei:'.lou
of the Mraiigcr a thl diminutive ilg
lire, nnd there l none that I lieid In
eueli reverence by the poplc of llru
el, It t a droll curlodty, while at
this nme time It I a true picture
of Innocence nnd nature. He tnnd on
III pedetnl, howing "by hi cotinteii
nntMiliiit his I oblivion of the fact that
he I Miirounded b pectator, and
thatoomeof them glance at him from
behind their fan. It I this figure of n
hearty and robut little hoy, nlxiut lx
yenra'of ngc, standing on a pedetnl
over n h If-clrcle baln, ami, n he ha
Ixen freipienll t ileu or defaced, an
orunmeutnl Iniu rnlliug lucoet IhiiIi
the balu nnd the xtatue Hut l. Man
neouiu i an hWtorical charaMer, and
he tin tood for 400 )ear In hi pre
cut potltlon The firt tatue wa In
tone. but ifliOyenr ago it wa repl.-icd
by the pre-. cut "hron. tlgure by J)upie
noy. Thvre nre minim legend In con
nection with it, the bet necepted of
which I thnt the uii of a dltlngnlhed
mnu had leu bt for tome time, hav
iug atmyed nva Thl part of llru
e wn then it thicket, nml it uamn
thts pot on which thts foundation wn
tibpieistl erected b hi father that
he wnv found, niter dllligent march,
jutt in the jM'tlllrtii and in the act which
the fountnln w a erected, and ha ttixnl
during nil the Tici-ltude of war nnd
change of government It lit lcn,
from time iiiimemoiial, an obct of
tHtpitlnr aflectlon On grand holldsv
it hnnlav Ihmmi th cuttom of !
Manneipiin to wear a co-lomc, ami an
ofll-cr i ngularh n)ixilnttl nnd tmld
by the city council of Itniel, whom
duty it I to die him on lh occn
lon. and to keen him In repair and
running tirder When lmi XV enji
tured llruelt, hi 1747, he wore a large
whim cK'kade on hit hau hi lh'.) he
w. dreed out In eolm of the lira
bancou revolutlonUu, and the empire
glrlcl him with trie rrincli tn-ilor
under Napoleon The Hutch govern
inent linpocil the orange ctilor ujMin
him. The day of Septcmltr beheld
him drettetl in a btoue, and under the
preterit rolgn. on grand (Kcaion, he
proud I) wear the tun.e of the civic
L'unrd ThU little, inanimate figure ha
been the bjtct of aeveral beiiet,
from whi cli Miino Idea of the teuilment
of the (Mtipln of Itruttel in relation to
him may te judged. The object if
thee bepjcu wa to furnlh a fund,
not only to furoih him with dreM-
for fete, but alto to keep the fountain
in grKel order, and reuair and renew
it when necetar, Tnl I the fund
whit h the city ailmlnUter. and which
pay for hi ehamlwrlain. - Jlrutnl
tIUr to ltultimtrr Auuriran
It' ctiouettc make. a worn in ay.
when at an eiening review her p;tcorn
I cnithed by a voung
deadly pang galfup all
"Oh, there no harm d
lxtliarlo, and
through her.
lone, I Mture
jou I h'iilln't have noticed it but for
3 our apology" Hut franki.e gener
ally gcU the letter of el!fuette when
he reaeheti the nacred ireincU of
home and her buaband J"irgt the atne
U and he exclaim, "Ouch I yen hor
rid brute! you'll bo the death of me yet,
why don't you look whore you're
The doctor' aiemory it apt to fall.
Ue UettrrtKe with rthUh the Kpr It
Ursaldnl la 4U,
lrtn Kt artttrtrd a ii.i, if
tibr tite e4ittitttMt. m nrttv j
)kW. mhI, tt a )te. ttcHntii- ,
mnldtg. ittli' vtJ IW frWttd ( th
e TWsr vtttdir ( hU fhr to
Me a rttttr'wt-tt ef taw A'!'
Mum, 4 jh 4U rtg )te
ean4hjKI-t tW ltat With j
la ftit ttiVt f l'l.if U a -ill ,
Wt tlMr naif AW(rwrvr U ina i
r d.4)tiftK tt tt in an ltt4wtftt I
mmM lor th mitta W (ntltt.
U Wt4d W vtMh nrrtiMtU TW
wtarttt-titi; ittV. tasftMt tW kttKt
latlHa4. 4hI at WSIfAW1 ) the
ttallTtM MMt-(Ml.aMlMiMtlfett
aJtt tHerfrnwe In t HtWter tWt ekiH
U dt TWtr rsAtwrai iyU Wetttft
ka Wttfi Hreevl) to tt 4o it fr4i IW
MMWaUalNt Mi help lhemltot tit (mil
In tW urehardv aastt ttn wtrkM ltt t
Make Vevtt on the HIU U lhy
carry on thrif hnti Imha. pelttg
donH trtm trei tt- wtt!t ttl a
ertin the WltltK id -H Witt, kt Ut
hvt the) lolt Miekhl t ivlt
ir temple, lie nttitt" irtnlv grin
and lMt the rnvtgt-,,! tker vVtltt
'Pbe Ul a(Jlr um, Wvwrv-r, mihp
thing tiiMie tttrttu Aftr a rliw. d
lltwratc etittHHI. the bhvtHt ttreeHll
-H witttx- iiH the MlUgr and with li
Mtore iitmlde thaH nn atint vMlibll
hen. clfwtMtxl out ever) thing ltre
them Hiev cartel on the,ttiek with
lunlkl tmtixc elt.n-t. werweuh
Hlligeliolixh Ulle v WtleHee omI agllltt
the chlldieH and v.hmch t hUI thev
met, teeming tti kn.ivt thtt, while the
men dll not dire to prctut l heir ae
tuui. thev cttuid. In !( lefret lat
them oil if aaulled I'kei h4d ttu
etiou of the tiittii nml exhibit the ill
mt ititiliileutt and ee tu their pl
Thl llieldeut gHt el) far to pluve
the old Idea, that inuuVet wciv ntice
humnH lHligt tit re ml un.tugh mil to
enoe their iovet ol pevh III unler
to evnpe vtorklug, I umni than mete
theorv Iu maiiv citli- of India the men
ke inhabit troognUed tpiartert.. dnd
are nlloited ever) tlioiulllg to tletcelid
Iron) temple-top and trie Into the mar
ket place nlld there to ecit thetr till id
w linleV er Ilia) U eMioi for ale The
owner lt by pretending to giant the
menl without grudging, but when no
one eUe I looking he olteil laket the
oppor'.nnlt) to give the Intruder a hear
tV ctl IT lo eud It Oil to the uel tall fill
(lie let ol It brenklatL
'I hi c ml ncrcl t haracter coiupli
cate the ptohtem iM'fore the magi
trale. for If one tncl coiiitlaln t
him that the tuonkev have mlehtev
oiil) picked half the tllet oil the home,
and beg to hnve them deported, the
next tieet petltln.t that their religion
tiiejudice may not Im outraged by nn
Inlet fereiice with the uluiltint' llhcttv
Stimellme, however, n whol town
ngree the monkev nuince ha
become itittderable, and gtdt or not,
vote for whole lie deportation. Hut
the moiike) me a ivtute a their iielgh
lxir, nnd, though Milnnllllng In be
einxeil aero the liver, or catted ofl to
a neighboring Jungle, utlline both ferry
and high road tralll for a peedy mid
comloltnble return lletweeu llenatttt
and tlainunger a coiitntit tr4iiinstta-i
lionlr own accord n cartiet on; but
tfuc of moiike) we back b) bont of
enlhie n tunny cam lint fvrr) in not
daring to tcfiie their whe the hn'al
olllcliil nbniiilou the eiiletprUe, nlld lo
thu. day the ntiimnl thine (th cits and
police with the huiiiaii Inhabitant.
Ill the hill dlttrlcl tt holts Heidi of
corn are rnvagetl In themoiulug by the
long tailed troop, bill t ) Hmi tltlmm
villager will not do more thu huut nt
them hi iept'Clfu reipiett to go nwnv
To catch them woul! do no good, mid
kill them he dare not, rut he nbAiitlnii
hi gialn cultivation altogether fir t
)enr. nml the mmke) pa on to nn
other vdlngi- In the plain of Indin,
from imiu te'itonuother, iepreentatre
of the fniuilv urn found, nnd command
even where" ii lmllnr rreu 'I heir
iuine. In mud, marble f metal, are
cxjmmmiI for nle In every Idol hop, mid,
though not actually u tirli1il, nre uf
llcietiil) rev'ii'iicel to find n place on
ever) altar nnd iu nlruott ever temple
llntiumau, the king of all the moil
kr), who, in lite grimt etpcdlttou ol
HaiiiH ngalntt ('e)loil, and ted the god
ngmmt li deuioiit, and who, by build
ing a briilge of tt.ine nc rot the Man
ur Strait, and other gnllmit exploit,
enrntst the gratitude of the Hindu Pan
tin-on, Varana, the now-whle aM
ruler of the tribe of thu IKvcn, and
Vtt-ra, Karma, the loug-lalletl wixard,
arc, with many other familiar name,
lo Hindu "ar, held It I Iu grateful
meinor) of tins enlen th'V rendered to
Kama, the lnciruate Viihnu, that to
thl day the Hindu rex ere the rnon
ke which i o'i them nml maltreat their
children Their daring, however, often
cktetult to adult malf, atnl lnlauce
are well aiithenlicaletl of cotnpaiile of
the large n'cie lnfctlh high-riMdt
and letting toll uhu all tratelt-r alike.
The Villager of Augs:rprn hate, therr
fore tuc!umtd lo no depl(uble fH
for the trk of driving three hundreti
aulkv balcxin out of a village without
outraging religion totlmi'iit ( a tk
nailing for conIdcrabln Iwt nnd not a
little ttratcgr
lml. "
Wind are adtcrtiernenU of all lh"y
loucii, however miieii or little wn may
Imj able t rcatl them tellirig thir
wandering even y their euU alone
Mariner dctret the fl'iwer)' ierfurii of
land-wiml far at m, ami eiv-rlridt
oarry the fragrjnee of iIhIms and tangle
far Inland, wiiere it l ipilcklr n-cog-niet,
though mingletl with I ho c-fit
of a thtuaud land ll iwrr. A an 11
luttration of (hit, ( might tell here that
I breathed ea-alr on the Frith of Forth,
in Scotland, while a boy ,thn wu taken
inland to WJtooiuln. where I remairie.1
nineteen vear then, without In all
thl lime having breathed one brealh
of the M, I walked tjub.llv, alone,
from the middle of the fitlippi
Valley Ut the Oulf if Mexico, on a -ttnical
excursion, and while In Florida.
far front the coat!, iny attention t holly
lent on the aplendid trrjdetl vrgetv
tlon. I udIenly reeogniid a -
brrrre, a it earne tilling through the
pa)mtrttt4 and blooming vine tangle,
which at one awakened and net free A
thooand dormant attocixllont, and
.UMtt;i i, li.
Hsiule me Kx m jcH'it4 KU"
if all the invfttrttinjc ttttt te ana
Mntt r-ryW K W WaV. t mwnntxti
fvwft, imWii lets In nt4 . hartfe ,
r4 t..V 4 tW wlnalt tatii tt I
. Wtntif l tl tMina tl (Vtar
thev he rum a ttvt Wii t xittM
t "- tttj war Vmi tW north
wnit in wtmr r Malin npt
tf) ifwt; IW en I m it ih
Aljtt, ln f4 M aliH ttttlit4d
w it A l hwnnoei hW Mlh I
IV 'torthMM l iW wtW iht
hotdWI Mrare W w Intth iUiWs
-n tt tW 4VH itnUin And
w Ww w kwtk artntnd tttvt an jtytlatied
fnrtri, w nat nkinx ttf IW
wind ' ttirt iu hv ft nm iW
treet V,wt4w it )i'tet4 In a tth ttf
Hth like rltt, ad tw ott h
fcttdin irttot frtm Will to Mil Nre
e er tMaeW! tlwn ant hwtt-wk.
Iidtt t4trdtn)f tv on kvd rTt ". hm
HhlrWd In eUo. nt. Mtitn iun
the ol if tW tirt, mnird rtdUi
ttttitl on grtnd nrtllinr vl of
air. tw lMtl tt (tMlik efttl.
tMot4k. dep twrren . rHt. fltt.
ami whltllMC eddloi. ttitjflng arttwittl
exttiv tree antl IWf. and " alt IW
varle) tttfHtjtcitphv of IW ntn 4lt
tetlliig eWngw o) f-wm. like mownVtle
rier e-MiloiHting to tW fltir of
tWir eWawteti J .VHf. tn .I"
tff tmr .Vfothrr
in OiH-ttliie far the lltvil trfrltl,
AutrHt kat rorenll) t(terttl a large
lutusev prtae Ittr the Wtt motor ami
naer and now tiettnxHV t tn4elttng
foitk Itel hand to AHfc't othef itrble
ami rowttit, the tttH-ilptbot btik
A pwMlthing ktoie IM lleriln I toul
to lMe Ih weeklv ttr tHMlhV part, a
fortv-vtlHtue kltktrv ttf the world, and
rnvcr te witttl llt ) a diiet
ipptuvl to one milium ini1eH gradu
ale if the nleilplkHi lnik elod
the lisk cni)tttug lmtititw.1 It a little
dull In the 1'nUed Mat Jut now A
lalge part ol the in pi 11 o( the itnintr)
I lle up In Inflated vtdumwt which caii
not Im brought tltswn ti a peie Uttlt,
out f.trmei iv well tttppilcd with l
f-ottAge llible, while all the lelltalulug
in'inU.n of out HpulaliiH. with elev
en p.xit of l'lt'tni'iie Ainetloft Iu one
linint. mid tlilltisMi patlf ol .Mr l.ilno
ew link In the Other, ale tpt'tullng
their tla) In wondettng If the conclud
ing numiier 'H1 ever te iuriiihetl
The InMik agent h leen In tlnwiplug
plrlt lor Mime lline, but leiiel It now
at hand llemavtiow llml a feu llebt
and an emlurl tg Job In Herman) Hit
attful dotlge will be new n that linen
tlghleiietl Inlid will be lam
inetl Iu id fate )v knot Ing rvalil,
and the worn-out Irl.k of tetollng Iu n
cnnl and pr't'iiilnig to W a gentlemnu
caller, would ibeos the game Into the
'pallor everv time
V hat a chance for the high civ mil
lion of the American cainaei' Tlii'ii.
wonder of wonder, thlt autniuxted
ptMiple ha not vet exulted IWfll thru'
the chmnio ept li! The publiiher nn
nouuce' that n chhimo It to go with the
flrtl nuiiilH'rof their brti xoluiue hi,
lory How et)h the Ameilen iuim
vaer iniuhl outntrlp hi (lermaii itilil
pptl'or by Ihrtinlug In n tlofen extra
chttuuo at hi own eienwl
A Mliirr' ftuprrttllbm,
A H'wifter r talking with an old
mitici n few t'ijj- ngo, who luijdleltly
bellevetl thnt lio death evet beik place
In the mine with ut n warning of onie
"Vou ee, ' he ald, "death neter
come of a Hidden iiihiu the men In the
mine Vou reporter write up acci
dent mid how omethlng gave was or
fell ipitek and killed iHuehod) N'ow,
thi nlu't i There' nlway none
waiiilng When I e mi laulern !
gin to burn low down nnd b'lie, I know
lliit Iht'rc U danger all- el If It I een
on for n fev duv ami tlun egln t'i
waver and dicker, I II watch it elo.e to
ee w here It point Now, -on may tut
me up for a fool, but what I'm tellln'
xou I the gofpel truth Mmri the
llame leant over, nt II wat Mug
worked bv n blowpipe, mid pjlul to a
man, dcnili lit iuirkl him hum1
xenr ngo. when iilil lleudiblt wa
Lllletl In Ihe fv;re, tin tin tow of mv
Itintetu M;)ntiil right to him do osr
mi hour, ami whenlie nnve t ! flame
would turn Jut a if 1111 wa a load
i.n, and the r true wa a mvilii f'
lit tulle I knew he wa 'gone mid told
him lo be Cnit'fol alemt lint bnt Well
he got through all tight, mid got on the
eige A we went nn th camlle kepi
a ting lratige), andnt time the (lime
would itieleh out lug and thin low ard
Ulll At length it give a ixbleii dick
er nd Hill rcelctl to one ide and wa
caught In the timber I heard hi
dreadful cry a he il('npMrcd down
tin! had, ami while he wa louiidng
from lde to ldi,dn-hbigout hi brain
ami teatterlng hi lleh down to the
Ifittom, my light went out I never lit
that lantern again It hang up In my
cabin and nlwa) will, There' more
In n candle fl tine than people think
I'd rathlrT ti a lnekedreolerollitrij
nt me than a candle t1me, a invoher
aornetftne iuiet, but acntlln t1am
ore lo kill when It Mart toward a
man. - Virytni't f'ify I'hrttnirlt
Iiicari4 ,Ve Mku'.
That wa a d. al alTalr that Imp
pinin n-c'iilly A young man, ujm
Irarfilug that a young lady whom he
alorel lut who lvr for him wa
not very warm wa about to all for
r.urope, ngagel paag mi lie mm
ve-l, m that he mlghl baV. In l. r
mile during the voyage. 15 Jt h
.too t bak rnu h lies e-od day out
he wa -led with no lnlrnal commo
tion a wrenching ami wrethe fetd
ing that Ihrejtteti to turn hlni"otl,
and untit he reaehed ldrcrje' he Wa
the mot mierabf man in the ttorld
Ttje oung al) made hef apij.rae
regularly at tneal, with an apatite a
asrage a a Kitting Hull Indian, and
flirted like all creation with a young
Kngiuhinan who wore Mlord wllnr
anT a hvAch tap When tle posing
man learned thi m had a -rioo r;-lapi-f,
and wfthrd hi wn h'Jinc fiVine
old oclentUt sy tlfl cen will t
entirely drle tin n few inlllion year
beocr, and the blighted yo'jfi man ha
concludtd to patlentlv wait until that
jcriod arrive, and ifw-n retriru liot
overland. Svrtittwn IhtnUl.
Ms l'.ittn Vow Mielttw wi
ik ioen I ewe trow frtotwl. i
mn Ike fat(f and I wth to ptt
ef t IW tlhtlwjf ItV IW Kp
tnl tdttte all Kn rwtd IkM ! t
It ha,) tww wilt (twttt o44tfe m .
tf it enn HV nww fiw iWte tre j
rw r-m wt irilwWr fvtwi'
wltkMr l.twdw rfi.iw IW f
rfct. wWo lhl. wklW eMferd in .
Pinltw k (Vlr Mwtlw'i inVtnre, at j
lit vx Mh llott. h wvtt ann
w wtik IW PttMtdont In kt rvw
w Wn W tl "I'Wew I a j hK
W Www a gtwat ftttrtln wllk tat j
xewr. wkie-la wat Www to tawtwWn l
ttnt wit, Ih a (rtetwl, aedtkek I
tftof tif-W -tw aw Ht frwat
i4pi, and kAtwd kt Wtrt I nwwtd.'
W eunltntowl. ftMe a gtwxl ill to
knw wW wrot l. Wwl kxe eever
Ww We to rtatn PW oi wat
wrtUoN k) a Mr Knox. holwtMVt I
1.4X1 fitrpdlon
Mn willing tW Uve, W lUr
tt Itlnl kifwllv fnrwlthe h bifwrwv
tlon tS It wat written It) a hettlek
Hxn. WllHaiti Khx. and 1rt aiHL!tw
In Iwt 'u.itj-( ( Iti-tel." itd4lthel In
ll Tk awtktw iIMh In the tltw(tt
)exr Vefx itMpeeifullv
W J A twr.)
O kt ta.t tk trlt at mXI M lyeitwit
l,l ttrt, e.lhf W. 4 !! At4
A ftttk l W k(litf), lt efllt,
VI tw rtttt fOM kit M Wt lel la IM
Ik let let wt Ik eV. ttnt IW nk. ll
t Maltefvl tOMOhl, tttelk U1i
Vmt thw wtirti ed ltoVt, t Ik W 4
). iimmiMi iMtlmt t. tlk tkH Im.
TVtattal, towttl.! tlrwto tn- kt4,
im.ll.4t, l.4 (ht't (t-itt Vv
I'W ktittlHl, thtl Wt-Mlt tt lfl W
lUeh, IL tie l IKelr .ttH ( irt
lit entll. ew t fix t,t, . !,. t.tti,
aiee tnt n.t 4tir kr llbiwi tie
tv .
tifl the intHj et thne, W Inttd kt e I
Ar. llke, fr.Ma tt. iiilK.ii of Ik llilec
thf htal fifth kn(, lhl Ik Mtm klh
The bf" tit Ik leV, Ihtl Id mill hth
tk ) ot tli t, . lb h'tlt el tk
Ale m. IihI, Inlke .lt(tltv lh(Mt
111 ptn, "! fl( , m . Iu tl
1t,hrdmta, Hh rllml-. lk kt 4il xt
i ! t
TI- bent, "tin ".tff. I etitrli f( ki
lUtt 4i tike Ihrfl.x tht !(.(
The 44UI, Im njt)d th ,ntttn.rfi ef
11 en,
Tk tin itt, eli1e.t In rmtn xmbilitw,
(((IM- lt. l f.Mllllll, III. (Htlll t. t,
tt -illlli Mutfted )(.( t.. In l, ,h,
pa It. mulllluil it', IIV Ike trnm k tl,
"erd, kfi ; (rtU i4krt M(f.l
tvi Ike InhIIIIm I rer, n h m.
1 4 ltt ! Ute kil ht "eftra twti
f", mf o II, iimt IHlf fttbtf I kS l.t
W'r- M ,r ttin tlytilt tfttr ftltrt ki
el ,
H'r tltlok tl ttnte lllf 4111, 4 It. I t" iH
Atl run Ik time far4 teir Itlh.n kite
Ill IktuijtiU r tff thliiVlMir, teit (lktft
etlld iMut,
IVmn l dtb l tfttrttklttr fwttr ftl.t
wtt hi tlirtiik.
T lite ill we re fOili.(t tkt, !, vtmt.)
kt i
IttJl ttnlt fht lit til, like Mill Ml Ikr
IWf Ittte-I, lit Ike tUtf e eftaH unliM .
Thef Mtusnml, bill Ik hWM f ll ltlrt.t I
livr Kitl, tmt i l fiina Ikefi durttUr
M 111 ltl I
Ik I'Ool, but ! Hecie t,C ll.4f ultdotet
tt dlKttt,.
Ttrf- tlbd )! Ii. dt., a1,1 Ikhtrft
r ret",
W'le U h lb Iml tblt IU oref M
tvw mk la tuir l"liffr Mu-UtA
Mrt in thtejc "tl'lt IU; met m l !
ft' ( 4H-I itttAitir, (lettil tA
We rnlari tntjf la Miililne .- f,t
Atnl Ike tied' 'llti,, tn, tli ' tJ It
till Mknt irbiU,r Hit tlt Met rti'jt.
TH IIh lnk of fK, 'tU llrf tbyW cf a
Viutn the biM.aii ot ttltli lo ir i! ul
r'otH tt jtlkUd I'ki pi tk M'l t M
O, mU) ihn$Ul tl tjtll fif UMltl W Jfnell
m4 ''((, -, -Mlt I'ttn
it'Mi:nntif t'Mi:i,
Atnw1 tJtjtUittt, r-tl''J tl'n (iritelVe.kaf
ten kt. 4w it hH lutAi hi n ,,l I 'I'll
wiildW) lM (.rfftifll t.f t lw)ri trrUUt
'rm lr fit tit )? tej tinni mm fur
e .xi(itu. UitMilt, rtltnU, "IHtitt, rA
all lWi.. nui (J rlfrjfi, 4i t'Hlllf
ttotr'l(l iHt lt urnot 4'Mlitf l (l
'.'"V hhvMiiI'- H1 k'flnf lA'l It
Meterfal euilo yrn It tiWutth'l iA
Mut. t. In It kb ) if ut nie it ki rm in
kM nftlt f(ke, Atntl.! hj M Wilt.
l iinlrUtitli"ir )fitHtn nil niut, "ill
er-t. fe lit tWtti, I" (l "k-'l tVl'e U,
ftrfli t" I M nOerth'ttM fe 1 e4ftN( d
Wig i ti'tlt,YfH fc W I'.AlH'h Heal iff
rllM ktrty ibt(i(i entlnyUlt t
j VF W (Shetw M.'llk.UtU
Ut.S r
Tftko It V.nny I
1 l,.HI4i H4H tW
tepTr a ni I in, am
U k t,mil.ilrlil
rt r i ikti nt
tl ,rr Mrte4 efc KK4
e! Wrff (t
,-ttl ").
&&Kvsi(xvnvm? aho
rATKMVO nacoY.
It , Jtmt tMrr l4
It .- ,M . .l r IW.tltfM lWt4i41IOa
V , f, w 4i t.'v . t . . H it ",
n y 1 1 at nwh i- t a a h.s
W i i tit f- .4 Im, It. J
e t4.W .4 .M.. 4W 4wl IvmK lytr)
4 M 4l Mtit4 " VWtl f-1 e4
I w 4 .! .t
tt 444 mfn tM llM"lf 4r4A4t.t4tH.N4ltM4 1t
4 ) On 14m, .im 44m,.
tmr et e 4f4.WW 4f t.ih W
.. tt4r it.jhllltk tt-tM, liW t."l
i ., MM4jt 4.t m 4KI t -tt Hft'tt
I Plfnl t'.W IM W4 It 4ff 44ttT4lM , M4 44M
44 -. m4,i4 fJ -. 44tv.l H4l II '
H ! H-t tl .Wtyw. U tiW
JS 4.y..4.t. e4 t.VvtH.'ylt4.W tS
hMli 4t tt-l-4. , VA . 41 4r t
4a wtk4f ItH ll " 441 ,
MU4V .f V 4..-u4 (-., m 4hm Wf
4 tttWp .4 41 lf tt,
.., tU. i, ..l.i 1 K I ihiii1! x4l.oa.
(I M M,tl IW Wt- . l-t VeM r tk ,.
.,4 mm m . .n rti wmAm 4
tit lta4 I tV tel "J 4 it
-r44l .., 44l 44,1 hMkWt. I
f l I 4'J. H tw4.4 5 tyr-n-
-l ta.1 li4 Mkt4
4ltn ht h 4ft .4 Ml
ITO.W. ,.'..p -.
r. im - ,4
m-t. U -4)4 l4t
It 141 44ut4l VXl tJ4lW4J
W4m4 t- 4IW.I
44TII4M4, M k4 f4(ttt4 M l M-( "f
IWl M X-a 4l IUjftj.444,
It ill J4A H tkii ll t.Wil, lt a
w40 l44 IV. I.04M l !" ttaHHulltt. MV
M4, ttfxf 4i .tl 4444k 4tl..V r 4f
1 ittM r-i.f-41 -
TV, D44i4t-tkM4 H lete re !," mm
W, j-4t. 44.1 Im4 l44 luvlt. h"M
tWB..t-l tt. I 4 jirA 41 44
4 if t"etit. t4l If I.i444. MMNt
1-114, illwu.
utrrttn, r. tr.
v it. 14. i,m , M, rttt,
.4 W-4-4 I ,
'rm m
V A a4yr-Hntai
o'nl fsurvw - m
IjOrins aiil Blake Oriai Co.,
Of Wt'Mtf, M , and ThM.i, O.
fX4ltlkt4.4t X4 kit 4444 tt4 Irtet
, 4. 4l t'-4l4a 4 l .
VmI 44te44i ..44- 4 tM 4444 4a .
'4.1, t- 44414.4 14 44 . 't N M
tl aft4 W4.I4 ttl t4l4 .4.44-1 M !'
t!4t 4 I4i,.4 t4 l 4 h4 t.4 U tt
11 441 Ih. 4 4t
ft. 4- W4.J. 4, - ! V4444 fitltft,
ehk t4f 4i mfml 44t.twi.4t4 "y lf4
ftmi 4t444 4 4t i-f ,
I 4W4,l.liUtl,lithlMM't
(4l 4f144 tt4t.
.if tl llhif. OrjrtM f,1i,4
V'f.,44 t W44 4 t M4 (k
I l I A ys rSi v; aT.
W-H 4. 4.44l4(t4 444 4 I f."lf 44 tff
tf ii4i I tKt im r" H
4VM.4444 lk4 tP4ajl Yfl.44 41.4 44 MtV
44; k; 441 Ilt4yt4 4A-4 I iJ.4lt.,4. 14 Matf W.
I tfd m .ht en M n, f .-44
thi. m'r-ut,, riHXtHtr, , vu
. JJHW rviwmt
w on nit fiii
i 'j i.kat'4, 4MMti
lllf iet W44t 4fcU.
Im,..! 4Mir
KM 444 4444, 44 t4.4S"alllr tMttf
t44 Will, 4t44fl. .f 4."
44. .l. ltlV4.4 4JB4V
tt. - li
Evury Dnjl
I 4m im rieert
w n ;. jt
I..4 .w if .nn.
e r.'4l. 14 4 I A -. K, k l Ill4t
JI.I 441 V4 IWlM I 'I k , flit f4)
4fK'.; 4 li4 I Ir44ilfte4 r,r
.tui-ltea ItMlHIt A tk M pt 4 .
i"t4e tftU"4i
Wttte fst4i"t4n
fit- Aamwan
im, tM re l
4, Tr44t4 4I44 aaMi
i uriiifn i
44 441144
tmjl 1414.14 4I.44lI4 4f4
ttf it 4 H"l4 ri44l
WuHnU I MarrhNw ltaVht, m I
ad aH MtvWir. M atwrtai 4aa U
rverr. M 4. Maakrvel. H r.aU t Wn
Ui4, WtmrnUt n?ttit, I Mt4Mi4jy
MUI, iff atAli. 4vt awn m ii-itfjn
tiAcif-t. ti. se..,.... .,, . -rtflHfc
I7 m, l.iu't-i to. Umi, Ma
Da Um Steal Bcller -i4 m I jrtt
wivtftt le n4 )f4f444 . t4aj 44
V,: , Oft tt 44-t (...Sft 4. a ( "Ma.
Mr44, Ir tft4tvt i l-l't'll t'.tlf
174,4 U 4mtntknU.Wkfff.
Ul r4 I- KMII. t.4 4-4 4 . ..
44 i- 14.4.I.4.W-.4, 4.4. lk.xl.4 la
f 0 4....I 4M4 4 4 ? I'M
, I k , 4 ft f fiftkx ft f l (Vtkty j
' rt v ("h una.
tetj-tr-w w f-t l""f m
Jrf ' 4 - w - tt4, eeVnw.
Haminfnii TIITI.
WlJft t 4.4444, "I, -"-T -
li.NCMNIIA MaaliiM. ltMt444,t4,74T
.UI44 Kt , I l4,V4, l4t Int l4t4M4 t4
MHliy Mfclt 14144 4III4 t'l444. ''j'j'i.
Ill4 1i'(fl4 f rW
4 444 r44rt4. lM4
ut r
r. MAHaM.ietrte
HLUvRa fjt44 i-f . i44it muiai
Tat HUH It, I 4AM-44. Iltalf.t4
t n
It4i ftMJM t4.t. 4-r 44 Mil 4f44t KM
lt.i ,rt I4'44tf44 IrVl 4) IK xlf4 M m
l,HMIM !
tin Mninnnn a
J mm H4f4,.ur i.f4 nr7, R"4t. 4 .nit 414.
44, lt4t Tik, AUtt 4f M.k,lTt44Mf
)M4t-,t4,4.4f4t.A AULA r'Mf
ItltW 444)(4)l Nf4llM4lf tffVw ftll 44" 0t
444 fc 4M14. 44r 44 U4lt rlWltf4M
Mb4lll, OfH '"4'- r . 444.
r tt '" k w ''" "' t"ttf " (e3,f
inki fm iu mam i
TVt "444 li4 4 WI.,-Jt'.k4-t. ) Ml
rttt4U44.aX4.4 tM' A-t4. MnHntl ikn'
444 ! Ut4 - ,4ty. Itll4(4 4Maan
A M44i1 1 4.4 44 U a 4WC A44I.
nmfltr V?lfm ,1 4ii44l 44. 4.1,14
If 4t44V. I"W, 'HI4) ( 444 4Mm
Ifal 1414.14 r.44L 41 414 444 f 4114.44. 44,444 m0 44
t 'Jiifi. IC
iem ii t.-M t 4ta:4 tlUn W fit ff
k' 4 i44i4r
O. f. Ht4i.fl4lt.-4M, lV
1112 AM OTHEI MirOJ."':
1144114 AIV ..W4.U44. ttMto, ZL
vounc mmHkfi'tMSi
a.l, 4-li If ri,H.M,tJtAVritjir
t. HAA kfljeit,-
r 4- 4Anf