&r AHGKR LUMhKK VAKd HA-Tl.VJS KB RMMiKK I IMHKH A IM- II ASl i.NUS tflUt Thi Rki ) " B T I II HP. H in 4 " iUrrnal i'imliincr i Ihr price oj l.Urrtt," on,l$2 GO ' ' " i A' nir . Ihr Yr.f ".n. ';, KKIK'LOU). WKI5STK1J CO. Si lU.k., llll'liM . V. 0(T. IT. s h M fVOl- vi. NO-IU' "mtimMiirrtCTiiiii'imimiw Cl 0 ) i ri'iu.uitr.Kr.vr.KY Tiiru.sti.iv at 51 T..', V""Sl uoHiN .vsimuxu:u. Keillor anil I'roprlrlura. see IIJ.03 ?r 7Cr, IsTiriatyr b Aira AdvertiniiiK ICatri i AUi i:riniH -- t (i - Liberal, and wilt be made kiiowu on ' niiiiliontinn. Lriiai aaviru'tng at otau.c i. -All transient ad.erliemrun innl be paid for in advance. ..' . i .. - -. ci..... ... taiMMi. lu no eaie ire we rl oii.iui. mi . or opinion! of our cotrrnJenl. V ito cat yubllin anonymou. lailan and .11. . - !. . I ..ft CUlUUlUUlCAX .S ALWAYS tlT rur Dime. l.OC.fi. NOTICES to era Iniottion. u-urtb. handadlu aa rlr aa Wadnaada Sjtiloi. Official Directory. Ml! ARaAKHKK. lo"iior. l.tiicim. ShMuTiMhuifc. , e V-;- J.B Wton,Hnulli, r.........' J.O.Molliia.. .. AtiM-.i.: S'jl. lh,lu:;..u'biucolU.tuv, I'ub .."". ,uV I 1.1... It. I. ik. Uinnlil. Uiiuij.tn.'. ..i t . .. EAwi a ol. I.mclu. t a..h.I Hiai'l Mlrll. rtaUinuutb i t. lu. VilSTKH CUfNT J. A.TullM. Cnuiiiy ' IrrV' 1 ..iwuirr, I'ruli.itf Jti'Uo K. il. .iniita, J. 11. Willcox. J.V. Vont. A. A. Pop. .. . r'.'.'r aoatmi ru t. t'orunrr. Countj- rfuTrjor SK liltirtti.il was Jo not rlr) tutr ) H ptrtlluUrlT. -HI cnl a latar by notify . ,7;&.'uV.'.,.ic-. .urpMt..! ,? Ska Oeauw ana nut., ua iutin ''"' . n& C0N0RC3.VIUS ai.. V4. Haaoek. MaalfUa. " gjUVi": namh t.Uh BvBcUriVi!: lf5ff. K .ThKtU. 31 I. u Ut.. III. W. IUII, I I.. II. Luco. Caunty Couitul.ilontri. J. nvMo.rt. I t'llCBCM lllKKCTeRY. ltr. O 0. Vil "til lrch lb 2nd abbth of ioU muBth murulu anU eTcn it. ii.. T u I'm., tb 4th Kubbath at vA. M.. ana ta.3ri s.bt.lh .rrnin. k. ...it. .. Itllt't School hdU.-r. at 10 1 2 A. W. and at K4 Clna.l at 7 r. M. "fH Hab balb .lluniwcl'aatlO l-J A. M n.l utl'.ii . "a ) a l..l . .dkalh nl II nil Olauil a 11 A. M. nl at CJiatm. i ut .11'. M. aik s.hh.il, at On U Kvok.t 11 A M- ami .1 Ktm L'raak at 3 V. SI. Culoa Traear mcttlurry Tuwiiajr era- , slac. ; .b,'nb.biih B,t.t aVnT SU l """ i Jrl. H. A.Hnwaan, Burl- I .1 . . t -..--.. r a Arrival F. - j fraai Ihr Ha tiotia r . . 9 . . t.... Un.J.. V.ln..JiiTa. an 1 rrliiavaat 7 a. m. Tuer4ai. ThurMajri anJaturaI at 8 a in. Arrive aiarr Uajr at a 36 p. m. HaaTAkD Uaio. MimJart and itiunntaf ai , 7ain.. arrlfra WeilnaJayau4 batu;dji alWu. u. V n. .u ..I ... 1. m. lava ar.it Tllliri. ilayaatj. m. Join wwl lua7i uuJ ridaji Br a 'St&S W4na4aritiil 'riila i at 6 1 m SOCIETIES. ..t1m i ,1.. so.r.i i o o r - mU Titiry Saturday ntant U aI?.rMWa.Lnle Hall. . JMnUricf oU.rWS.UIlj.l?Jr,,M .attaaal I tlTIia. Bc'r A. P. afc A- HI. A 5b miauVrWar-Tanlniionorbe. XX fotrrSfkoo" VliWni, brotberi. in VN JSoVl tVEllM. are cor.! al X iutlted a Attm J. l.U. HAr.u .. J.L.JaH.Ijak See'y, HARNESS SHOP -BY- S 1 BaTJ I i; fc-.miLLER KeM cosantly on hai.d a full lino of UWfteM' Collars, Saddlti. Whip., Jtuaait. Koi.. Ihth xoniM, Wln- everythuiK to bo louod in a nral'Clas .laj. and Kriday. at 7 a. m . arm 1 oc furniturt. lorc lar..lliarJaaniSanirayfattt,p. in. I ',,',,,,,., . ,..,, Otftfo opan from Um. until 1 P-un ?nnin. (JIVK HIM A CALL. All re(Utara taattar tuait u in ' 7 .tip m i.ncjOrlTrbn.loaielo.aaat7 1J I', w. JUD Cl.OUP. - - - .Nk ho otatti liiaai. on riuDifar. . ... J. H. McNitt. I'. M. J Boric . aukete, Comba, Urns lies, Bai-BtM Oil and everything naliy kept in a Grst-cla.v shop. OopoMto thrt i'tiU1 . ik HlghMt Cui fAu Pail f:r Slits tad r.rc .'j-( .s'.w.'.v.s- inure mm. Allornovt atLaw. I. S. v. ill i: mi. . ATTOilNKV NI COIW.-KI. 1.011 Af l.WV f9.. H'i.7 I'nutitr in l! l'it T. .iff. a' (fir . irr utfitt n .Uti'r t tun liif). n um" q CLOUD, - - NEB l.K. Will cox TrMlNiY AP Vnll P i'nnT H'ltitr 'liMtli'ti. tr imrl'l' ttru l to. tHI.ro netliior vat"! II 1 1 n . .. zd' BED CLOUD JAS. LAIRD. ft mm: v am r(M'Nsi:i.on (rl at Itw .Itt'iiata Nrbrnrlti. Will practice in all the I inn "I ine 'ttte i'toinpl nttcnimn civm to all litiiie fiiltu.tod to hn eate. Ollice on the iiant nidu .Itmiala Avenue. July 1 7 n. s. sale, c. vr. ealey. Ail. U..I-M. It. II. Land. N ur I'ubllc ATTOltNKYs' AT LAM. AND SEAL ESTATE AOE.'TS. Will juncture in all tho Court in .1 f 1 .. I L nit- MillO anil .1 "rwirrn rv in'. (.'ullection. promptly attrn.in! to ami ('iirri..i-.iiiliiiii tilidtril. Ii flnu.l. A'tLr,lk,l. ;. . . '. tt. N. IUCIIAUIIMON. J. A. Tt't.l.r.VH Richardson & Tulloys. .EAI- ESTA7S ii COL'CTMO AOEUTS Will iir unit .ell ItmlK.l.t un I'nnmit- I iuy i . It noti-reil'ltnti. tn..- ... tii turoll.ctluiii. Our- .jipiiiu.u t iuii i i J. All Irtlri.oluuulrj-. iu iuuititlr uirJ. A'hDol.uLI.. NKII PHYSICIANS. J. W.TUCIiKYS, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICI An U. H iVitfcion tSurifeon. OrTH'K two door inuth of thu Court Hnui. 2ED CLOUD KEERASZA trt QffSUe,ffli9; rij 'JJ JVnZ) iLU')cj Physician and Surgeon. jr rAHTICUI.AH A rrr..sini uivr.N Ti-i niLf luvit nrrni.i an tii Pv.iiiirt. Office kai'Botllecce fin allot .: of BsdClcuI Hoar ElaCreik Mills. WKHSTKK Co. . . . . MMl ...''- ....... , . 1 RED CLOUD FURNITURE! -STORE,- JAS. rAI.VhKT. Propintor. Deals cxtuiihivttly in all LiruN nt lur J. ruch a, MurcauH, I.e.dMca.N. tablep, Chaire, Mirrors, andintico G. C. MAYNARD A- chicot V B all i cr WctiNfcr Mt. REDCLOITD - -Mil Rufus IVTlksch, 0 Particular attention givon to ahop work, and cotTms made to order. CfSrPaintinc a Specialty" Shop wcit of Hichard.wn' building, SED CLOUD, HZ3. HARNESS SHOP S. V. Iitidoiv Is now proparedtodo allkindiofwor IN THE Harness line. The bait of materials ud, and al vork WARRANTED. REPAIRING Done on short notice and at reasonable Prices. Shop in McNitt'm Store Red Cloud, Ncbr.TuKr. ! ' t ' i si i i;i : !;! or Tin: 2TY lrii.VriIi.l W l.i' i I I ! !.li:, ,1, ' .,1 J. SIIOI'K 1 Jt'iiK'i' in AV:i U'Ih-.s C 'loi'Us.t I ev- C.tv, Sj'.rtr taa S'.lrir - S::nr risui Vut, CpsttfcC'.er. f.:. w iMismt r iti.t'i i...j D. nkii l'i. Mitit ILiivtuI W4ituU,l Hotels. VALLKV HOUSE. Jfi'0triflurm .: r is or i), ay: :isr i ion. w . UCYS:, rre;riet:r. lvated in din punter of tlm oitv. (iiinm. noiipiiti; t thin lioit-n, trill Kciirn the leM of Ni)iiiiiiitilatinnn. HASTINGS NKH. o io; HV.V II l; Ifynitilo, .1. i. 0.t h il. Fi.r.i:rT I.ivr.itv and Ik-hi Vr.r.u STAiu.Kin Hfd Cloud. IvHif RED CLOUD. ' A m A xJ see iti:i,i:nLa-,v valm-.v iikkh f K -IiKfKSII.I.KS- Oko. II. UonriiTs, - Pikm''k. Orleans, Harlan County, AV.. fifty choico pu;s for ale, from Snmbo II, Chumiiy, HimureL, Duku of Ah wood, and D'l.raeli Htraim. Any one you prefer ; no catalogue. Urito for particulam. Satialiiction guaranteed or no pay. .''..' 1 1 y PAINT SII OP J. f. -ici:i ;ri:it, M mWWf TA-r i .Aii..ifj.'mirFM mms J&m&m-imt&lRVTf AW mM. Vl Ja.ala ar ft, , .- rnrrri -. iii .itul j but a dozen linen, so they aro to tin 'mriirni lunar, .ViK fi,t , point, tnd K've a correct fUtcment I afoiiar, V)(i. Waon Jinlei W, II., No daaUnx dina uult ordtt'd. REPUBLICAN VALLEY STAGE LINE. II. C. JONKS PI10PU1KTOK. Stage leaves Ifa'tirips fur lied ian white wheat, and fi acrot of rya, Cloud, Smith Center, Uiirr Oikaudloud it all look 1 C no. Threshing h&a pointi south, on Monday, edneMlsy n0C Jft,;u M fW u this neii:hlK)rliood iuVSi.enafedS'" IS - " from I IK bo..,, canietl at reasonable rites Olhc;. ' to tho acre, rye 10 to I. 0, bailey I. . Sauith' Book Stnrrs, !latinira and ' 0 so, oats IS) to 30. Iihreshedmy Valley Honf Ked Cloud, ft-lft-ly. !,3lV1W0 hclt wMc,, urM i flU 2o . r .. ii Thi trusters rf a Maine vtilazo re- nlved that 'that walls vltliia room bj whitewashed rcsn.' liMnlu C. Kwl, t 'riOltNf'.l AM) OI Am;s,i.oh t i,. i .i'rln" t It l i il'.w I. I It. I tl. . n f . -I ttv as: :lou5 sb wki.i. ijoi.im; wnv vO. B.Hnrvcy it pipktisl t all hmiw I" boh' ilttll 'H Hl Manbk. " IN.W'AI.K- - - NKIlWASKA. z CcstceUcs, hii it Caithm Tteiiir, Cf... S,lll73. (ViiTtiliin etlll i order by .1 '. ttrtte", itirmbri of tho aiMialoml mini llillt.e. (In titfiliort I'ratil ll)lin lnretl letiii-raty errtry, and .1. (' Htaeo tillii ! arjr rliiintlMi. i".rv Van Menl of Adam', Wtl mi il" 1 haver, Crawford of NueVolU, I and C. Ilnrin of Wclwtr, writ) a I oiiiie I otittitntUun on crndrtttiti! j Mrasra I 'on era of Adann. Owen of NnrVollii, Snulo ofThj'r, md I' Jtntin ut Welwtitr, Kfioclni.fii i Mm initt.ie mi piirinaneni ntK'auii tlion. Ilreci. of tttentl uitnte. , On iiiotiun, rporl of I'inimltt'a , an crrtt.inti.ili wtt Herepted and udop ' teil, Coillllllllcn H jMrtwl tLr fiillnv J Die entitled to itatt a ilei;ite. I Hubitnr 0. Horin, Snow, lliley. i I, lioilli, Vnlice. I A.lmi..-Mn.... U'n.lr Kill l'ai.1. Power., llicheion, Van 1'Uot, (luild. Tliajor Hnufl, WtNon, (ialbraith, Soulrt. NueVolN Crawford, Own, Alltin Coiniiiiitee on pr-rmatirtit or"imri , ; tiuit tuportod in lator of .1. C. Hrtie, lii'rinaneiii t'liniriiiaii, r. Iluriii prnii tiont aecratary. Atsxiptrd atiddd.ipt rl. Moled ;wid cmiioil that llio delo rated prtMiit from any county bo im potvrrid to cnit tho riiliro otu of I ho deli C'Uiuii. ('oi)vi'iilioii piocnnded to iiifiiniii li.illot I'ur lonatori Itenult: A I. U'ii'Iiiii l I , . l.-ia WWWWWWWWWW-fT'apaiaraTpia i.nI11 s,.,,,!. lltjl'j p Will li afaaaaa mi.i , Tol.il IV ' On motion Mr. Wilton wa- dculnred thu uinnmioiH rhoicu for senator iota the Jlth M'uaioiial ilittriut. Ir. V.'igton nddron'Oil thu mnven tiou thanVinr; it for Ii'm iii.iiiimtioti. I Mera. C. II. Paul of Advna, W. II. Wiluu of 'Ihaytir, .lai. Crawford of NucLolln, mid C. W. Spriiu;rr of Weltcr, were elected fctulorial wti- Irnl uoiuiiiiltce. L'ouvaiiltor) udjournud n'nir iiV. b'ltANK Itoiii.v. J. C. UiitJci:, r.eo Ch'm. C:S!1!TJS15A7I. Mapi.k (jitovK KtnM, 1 Welmter Co., Neb. Oct. 7 , , Mu Km. Dear Sir' Wliilo looking over tho ClllKT, I notice all of it county have ccail to writo fur tho paper, coukuitiuiitly wo know ljt little of i what ii i;oiiik on ainnnx tho farinttrf of tho county; and thi ii u wroii ' tooto, wo hhould ull writo for ourcrjun !ty paper mid all help support it. It . in'a(j no diGurcrico if wu can't writo on whatever wo uito about; wo should have a corronpondect in every ' neiijKljrhoo, to write up tho farm' it., how tht-y progress snd tvhat the aro doiiij., tis. I am always anxious to know how the fartnern aru rtttim; slonc. 1 Invj fini.hed Threihius and haying I havo i put up -h torn of hoy at.d put out .T) 'acres of fill frain, 'JL acre of Mich- 'buoheli lo tho acre; I have a fino lot . . , ' . .. , f "' bu'hl'1' of aced. My wheat av ra2 I about 'J bush, to tho acre, DON'T BUY I'ntll Vrttl ltf f r w i lhm V h- r." -. . ' W ha .' Ittl) VV i"1-1' W ntuttti J'iM'ltirr ' W kt ah lltllltt'xlit ' ' i , - I m ' i riili ' U f ar II t'f n . t. I ' . j idwfc. 'i. I 'I ''ilmfii V e!l w i n ' liMr)W'n4 I'll ! t olWi. I'iklhrt n-1 ( iim .M if,.. I u V till iraVn it a !, I f imiumII m u tw iliui Pt' uin .ton ii vi:imiiu; iri. iiaiix.- xrui CMtn i a (wt. etoft llit wtMin, ntn rlh nbtttll VI In fAi li.)i.i In I hit aee l'44tK4 .sr rr K l l"H tit ( tn ludlt. tml . li.fVtn. AtHi, ibiHtfli lU stt liiftltwi; pr.'llv Mll "t up, by fiot ttnd dry nther 'Hie riu tetKJ' iiumimh !tpt"kr (. I 'f f I "!! itnp4.rttKM at piewnl i llieillntl lI.Hdl UhltwHWa. ri.a. (rlHfli-. 'd a blrlt '! ftflftlarr't liavn bti'iitlil lu lb df. ..fuel) limn, ve prodtKtHin. a-ty Mianr. I thecaii, Wo ratine too tut-.! t.t , un i.i.t .in. nwH in r.i mt bilt I hay any, In the i I. an . reran t.f iami.M4 in (ha xt rt.t tttoti iiw; but n of dm ei tratd tbeex efi cf inttttidetuim. and in the e.t they neiHl Mm IikhI. Why euiwit tuehiina our inlutu Ut (heir nun iiUetutani f:n,iUtnnl thtii Utrt( Abttu J a imi.liiij.m in tr.de'' Simply beeua j W th aM-ity id a madiuni ..I' n ihliro. Ve but ti!l ihry m lit loll loo why if oti Into arDthiiu: lo y m tsri yet the rah. that a f.tt but bun itiiirh mi a faruxr cat in mh fiif ii Joail of i buah. of nliav.1, ll.H pio duet i.f.. orO ttcrca i( niouodl' No. Ilia n iniamkn. Ot.r pi..,.ie ll'rti orcxee-M of mlitlf,e(irl F,-. . not tho d.incully, but that th.re i ti .1 a xillieiaiK nmomit of uinriny in eiieulatioi. in (he 1'i.K.d Hialt l.i IniiaiPt III litilnMauffliMUili) at P.o.,.t. Tli.ro l only linl oer $11 per. C.tp.(a In Isf.r, (bet. tta. J&-I per ,ap.t.t i. nrculatimi. and ,i ,i . .. Iheu (ho Iiuiim wrril piMHl. ..oeiira ofhanl mi... ttero heard. Kvary peri-.i. could pay l.U deu, burn a koo ilhvin,., anil fe d .t link indap4i.il- enl. Ih.it mvthnl tho KiettuhtcV mt ty w.titt tiotv, tho Kttne nuienit of money '!.',) m lij in rii-uUdnn, I nml tan il "i-'Mhl tlliil.'' ill thiaoouii try nKam. Hut mn lll nal how irni ynti frmriK r.i Ki. Hi-.h an amount iiilo .Clirra nrei!..t..H.V 1 1,, ,,1 fllftfl Ullll'tl (.! V I'll I t fll.l. IUII..IMI. "" iiraenUwil 1 arty proiKMtM. U (lovernmtint of iho rnitod Hlair- ,t. hmr i.tn n cullieionl atimunt of Uw fu! paper tiioriey, bearin- (he Rotern mini aiamp, .t ti In' lull l7tnl (enlir Kood fur the pjyiitaril of all dubti, - dlwiyaatp.r with cold. baa-l upon I ho propony of (he whole population of tho oountry- oyer M milliout in number -let tho (,'ovrriiinonl will in nil tho United hlittea' bond i, and pay them, lnjth (ho principal in thU Id. gal toodrr (lawful (rreertliaek) riier money, and ki every dollar of u h iiauo of lcj;al l- odur lawful money ho protected by tho p.o veil hum nt as par with all other lawful in rold or ttilvur coin, never lo Ikj converted in dond uf any rato class or kind. This will put a stop lo psyiriK of over one hun dred in'illioin dollars anually in r.'M as intf.rust on tho bond, vthen tin; unutul product is leu than forty mill ions of dollar, of whieh n largo por tion i noccsrily cxportod to foreign countries. And as s'ion as ho bond holders rccrivo this lawful money in exchsngo fur their londs, and tho bonds have shared the pan fato of (ho Kuenback,-tho poopk money, i, ,. aro burnt, they (tho ..unijjiii bond- holders) will So Rlad lo lo.n out thrir , - . ,7 . surplua of I.r-I money at low ,M of.ntereitlo (ho Ijrmers and man,.. racturers of tho oouriry, wh.uh will put the money in general emulation. Jn J-M it wastir eaasur lor tiioto pay $,7.' for a nack of fUur thin It is j O Ml HAW TIlAfl r. liil t.vt.r .....I.. I M .... .." . ..1... .... ..... ...... . . teen hundred million of dolor of pa, per money in cttBulttion in the United Statos. Now wo havo not rcvtn hun dred millions of dollars (in paper motl ey) in circulation in all the states, Tho r.nutcti of the government t u ' lM i' tfett' SI VNH 1 1 1. 1 .4 ciniiilitr I . . ! W Km aproinl i m fHict.: i m'imw Wrtto cilia m rf. I K ar in K i VV K tW l.f.t I i I .-t.t m tli U -t it., ii hii t t "i ii t .. HI ltr .tt.u l.7'itti.'iili Hmmt l.fiwl.. tU. rlbfs. lb flinty, 4M.I Cuti , (il It I Wr ll.rf.fae, r,r rryHr .Mdn luiHiit Vtwir wihIi In Utnl W 'rtPll lrd lliecteftiha.l rU ""'", "' miih..iu. mall )tir .up. ' I" ,''1 '" 'I'll am l a lte lirUl 111 lh llll. and !,) ailitylWUl ' .r U'la MOUtHr A. M lUH), '",l-le IIcmV. Inur ntti.lUln mi Uftaatlut.. Mr Hardy ! tt hM ie 'da.1!! it ibUiMMt) in fet ntie f ,,. ! "IM '! in ii. who lit wi,. i, i - M,. f, m, ,,,. ttr frt ait .Otaltl hipaalty More, ,M' ' 'ftl.tt flt.-d by r tod rt . penawa in imbllo lmiiir, fur I he . IhIwh Ih OHetui, j A ' '"i "I Pltnl llill, i. '"" ''" ,k,,,, mi.ii for C.iiihi, ' """"r ua a n mi imm ' "' '',H"' 'Hllnra inl ilMl((M j ''"I" teU'-eaof mind mil piihlie.piiii 'n" r ctH. tlioinijtifwiriK !.. , ,,,rV ""," "'l 'l'illflal lor (he m. ,"a'" "" "l," "" l put Aiinai.1 aa rtiiii.. W Miilikl lltPrrforn air In ... I . , -r l ctwrilitoli man m th .w.m.if .,... I ",,""m,'r - r prtepa. . V" ) MMi,,, K'e'iib.rl. 'n.U,, v I '"' ""M'M lo.ir. ..,, i, ,'"""' '' I'll n, Thu 1 1.,,,, f ' '" ,,m"""'1 ""d th lmii,nn '''"" "" )" laaafstJ- airai .(ijc Ua I "'" mt nU of 'n "'" '.. -.1 , '"" WM'J0. ! mnIm ane.lol r ; M" " " to uttar ruin ., ilowUlloii I ., ' "" ' '-'I l.n i(,l,l j!''1. "l ,U'1 ''a on Mondiy, j v " "' ,l ' " ,',",, ' " l M II. CUltUI.NT OPINION. - I Tho lJ,,:Um nuhr,t romp,,-,, ,l0 mill-,ilu if , fwuUx ( . tnmt),,nXm Mji(( ,lleU ,t) (ji- . . a. . a , imm.riica pmi oi i, .,(rt.,i,ft0r ' vrter-it atmil. tin. w... i .i. . , mil mil any morn Ink. Ncbra.li, , Pimm iiiuU a rio,.ioiii,.it,rl,vM j Our PUtlorm -It la atiali thai any laval Mipiibhoaii or houmt mlrocalo of I - - i( Nll'l IJ tho irruoiibauk un Maud upnti it, an.1 tlio Irpnts harlKini iw doubtai (u (bo lindiraliori at (ha polU of dm pilo nplon It ..u foul.. J.i- r.ritmt. Il i sniiiawli.l it iurpnt i, tic IKtopIo of NehraaW llif.t lh iininlr, of ilia lata demfxr,ih.aAio i.irivi.rii.oii J 'fwl to (ale their Todd t'aW CiVy (iiivJnurnn, Tho conleat was olov? nod earriei but perfwt harmony pritv.tile.1 at ih republican stato couvimlion thi. weok and all fact1 onat'ipntM.d ihein.elvna pltaied at tho iiiM,-nilpe,utfnt. Tho Omaha JhrnUI alludus to tU republican stalo (ickrt a thu "leiys ticket," and predict! lis dulsl, all of which isperfo (fully natural, ofiMjurau but it is not a boys' ticket a the llir nil alleges, for it is coihiki!. of men who aro in tho full piirno and vlj;or oflifu, and fully competent to kn'K'k i .(.., ,imno.ii of iI.h I t .ln.,..w.r.i;i. lK.orjback or fusiin ticket tint can U J brooj,l.l out. -wis. i .. , . t . , .. i : ir . Ihi Iip..'eli aiinouii"cd in Kriuw; . ,, ,,,,. w ,. ,,.,.., lh,t Valonllna had 'l-iei, rit,llo3,, CTllfc, a fMru. Mm, M (J umHim ,, K,KH, r,CW4 , I r. i. ...,i (,a V,!,....!,,.. -I.,. ... illlVI.'.", !. ..". . .. ', "M- -. i lo.ent, wis oversrhelmoJ with con Kntulitiofis. Tim J'idtco, or Val aa wo here cill him, has u record on tho bench secriiid to no other d'ullrctju lo in tho stale, and which for cpiity, Justice and Iionol7 is mMih tUjlc ."j I'm U it'il u mIM l.i. i .. "tW iWw.- i