1 si HI S9 k i'.i 1 iii!irri:i, A toicr Itu tmr aJM rfrt atta AH lif-il "r mnan ir A lsri rv .4d h toaarhr Sua. UsaC ! i r b ). A I. iil ijr ' 'UiHn toiara. l.itMsl U, Wi y.n cm, A t rj I 'I -t ilkn4 kow. H tit l,a f.T rttlf1t Tin- .t-li,lr re, (tint p-art tta-c IK RrliTtitl 'a.. r.f..Hftf "tnft. A Watts U tt I" rrf ( vaNttfe, t Or rlls Itratto, Em! I , carrlra. 'J, si h 'iilwa Wart, Tbnt r- tint it kffltty IkllrRS. A Mrtl tha' riam iili tUnM Kift, Ob x.irr.1 tal ft-iUt-rUM; ,ri..wf.i t,otr i f r-htlut a4 x IUii .nit imi thf ijufi-t ir, mi tli. t-rrl likr It mtll4 htk , Dtttlw tr li rp4. Mtl ikIKm. Aii.1 still in (I Ikmu(Ii .4 lb M Nwrh Urr MM t rMlntT iv ' I tr, Tlir i1.rt.l fltt hi iltM htty !' . m v mi it t rUii' rrm Put tin I tnl . a It t?tv nnd ftg4M"tr tnj lit I U -i to M Ileal HO rnatr , An I th.-itti'i-Ibat n.ttilil sit na las taiutUs tt 'I 'it'll, III nimurr annus r oVf Atnl tiu,:M run hrlint lhtii Un htf t Whni I .: ft iml Intr hart BH lli.uili tin .! of the tr bl h.-ittf lt) iMl.) (llui ii IP rli f tlir !. tl r . ruin, cutnrv n lun'sr.noi.n. Ileulli ! tin- ( iin-iilio. Wc m inf. .riii. I Lv mif w li.i I (titil II Ulltl II a -lUail ilUuhUlV til ,Ut I slltltlkll 'I III ill i tin i .ii i tin I'ltmi tti lu't n SS tin' fruit i Tculi.., mill (tumii:. it will Kill itu i in pro nit tin 'Utitt lilum Iri.iii Im iiiit uttiiiif nut' iit'lwn av Hint wimhI iishi h ullii iiinliTlli'tttli tlic tiliim tn'r will itUnilrii tin' rurciillii Hw.iy He :t jiliui ImiiIi "f thim' ri'tno- illi's, ntnl tun-it Iris tiii'n. "Iiiim it II iiltiuit. mill tt lion tit i fill I'tiip 1'i-rliiiji iiutli nri' I'llfi'ltiil tlti1 !-lii'- will, nt li':l, iniitiiitc tt tipntiti Kiiiwtli, iiuil Ufii h ill I'.tu ilo im Ii inn. if u-ftl 4p.tr- W lira I Mrutt .tliiilr l'iiml In lint llruifj ten nllotii nf w Ui r t.i t Iiuil Uiir Itt-at. Kcttiiixi' it (nun tin' tin .iml mlil to it nt unci- tliti'i' ;,"il!i ti- nl liu I'l'il tiiiriiniiil l.'i it ri'iii'itti till il grlM 1'nlil, tlii'ti i tiiii Ihf t hull' intn :i ck oontiiiiiiu': fnrit -four i;illiiu of colli wntcr. uii'l li-i it ti'iumn fr f"t!- uilit Itiuir" At tin- I'tnl nf tlt!l 1111111 nt will Im rtiliiiH'il to t Hun ji'll Siiniul otit hnlf a tun of Mrnw mnl sTprinklf it ovi-r r'i;iil!irl with tin whult nf tin- liitllr frillll tin' ril-k Mni'k Will rut It U) lis t'li'iitl mnl kri'Ji tti t:tt mi tt iii'in- lily for iU'ititlt tt. thi' ilo with h:i Itnlt'K lr Hie 'iin il' Mn'fi. I. Ki'i'p (.hi't'p dr) iiniliT fool with olcmi litti'r "I'll I i" iiiiitf iiiii't".iu hflu nniliiii; Ihi-ttt Ni-m-i li-t llu'itt stmiil or In- in tin- mini or ti"w .' Il ;i wi' Ihm'-. hi r 'mull, milk lu-r il 1 1 fur u fi'w il,i. mnl uu ii It I tic iiliiiu with lior Hnlt" Jl Ni-MT ftihti'ii -hi'i'p, if piit-ilili to hmiiiI it. I .Si'pnmti :tll wiitk, hii k m thin -liri'p in tin' full, friiui ihii' tlutt tin -ilr.iii. mnl ;ii' thi'iu f.pi'1'i.tl fiiri- .'i If mij nhi'i'p is hurt, c:ili'h it ut mi mnl wtih (In wound with a hciilin lotinti, If :i li'n i liiokfii, 1'iitnl it wuh iplinti'r- tiylit ly, luoi'itiiii; ti t!n litiih swells d. If ii" uluM'p is lmiii. K'tinliu it foot, Henri out hi'lweeti (he huufs, if uiimhiiiiI, up ply lohiKH'o, with hltiii titiiol Imih-il im a little wilier. 7 Sheer nt once. iin sheep couiiiiL'ni'ine; to Mii'il its wixil.un less the weather is too seete Keep lldllti hut the hest, mill senthiit the lire propel lv Htleiuleil to. Ili-iin mnl IIiii'Km In tin I'rull Ti it l. Yoilll chu-keli.s mill (IlieklillgN will fji'l ti hire put of their livluj; from in seeH. if tlii'v l:ii' lln opportunity It it; iouil plan to ejve up the ftuit iinl, or n pitrl of the orchnnl, to poultry. Chiekeii mnl iliieks want sluule iisvM-li as sunshine, mnl thtive hetlerfoi it ilu rin the tiiuni-r l'owlsare ulwtis on the wtkteh for woriiiH ami nullntsi ami iteiltly ilii nr ever) itiseet that fills from tlie trees Also, thej are fund of fruit, mid euiisuuie the w indf.ill, w hleh liarhor the inscet w hieh are o 'lestriie tie to fruit A hroud of eluekeiis left under jiii apple lien ntllieted with ('.in WkerworniM and eati'rplllars, will rednee the xtook, mid linall cxteriiiiitHte tin in Otnyif the most suVi'essful fruit rnw rHtre tire aeipti inteil with, keeps potil- trj coiirtlnntl uniler hit tteen. All his aptlet hiiiI pearn mo fair, mill he has prtvinj; orojHt ovory your. hitwn Farrrvr. Hi IIVtvM Iit) I'lirmiTttV Doiii it pay fartnerM to keep hee.? I nay, of course it dotss. Keeping hei-Mis a pleasant, as well s it proliuilile em ployment. Fnrrnora oultivat the land. ntHn whi'h Kn,w IV" lne l,w,,,!' tloweri white t'loviT. buckwheat, etc. Tltev :il-p Imve. or ought to have a workshop. in whiuh tin or. their helpeiS ciin, in tho winter hi'iUiod vhun then is little to tlo. make the hoxc mid hau them all ready for rw nriuinj: season, nnd when tho hunt lunkinu and swarming sea son roiuei, it will be a prcat pleastir fur rtouic one of tin family to take the Ihh?8 lUiilinrjie nnd look n little alter their innrt'st, tnoniinjr; ami t fiiiuir and in tho main, lose no time nt all, but in th fall reap a bountiful harvest of honey upon which to futt the bal ance of "the ear. Ye-, it pays fanners to kit'p bee, uftr which to enjn tln ?f tvU of their own labor. If fanners Lough'rtiot to ktcp been, who oiiht9 riuTff i&rii'rarretrtfa. What U the beat courte to pttrsiiu with the nttenrrowtli of clover where, a in my cuhl', there U not stitlieient stock to feed it down? If the clowr is allowed to eid aad to Htand through tho wvater, will the erop nct ear hu sfnctorv? When the clovtr eoiui'Min l.x u riant bunchc. erowtlim; out the ld-tot) Htnl other jjrivsses, is it well to pans me scythe over thetur- !'., est- cnonier county, ra. Mowinj nnd feeding lowu uru cimi lar in their tffecL As much of the clo jrer cr conilitu in the rooU, a second 'h)owln' does not exhaust it; ami if it prevent, the ripening of eed it may jiroTU a po-itive advantage by prevent ing the cxhuuntion f uitttu'ring need. U th Inftd it . rvk m tuiuwri t t if w.-nt-l wH rrtil . th lin'J .-i v ,,tii. r i:V nt frr f lli hrr m . Il . n lb' s .i-1 i r.t. Utt il'io it u 142 r'lin gr.4ift4i aluNi, of ! i... it t irrn r-l lofwinf . whrtt ti ! hmh nianuti- u! itcil. h In lh pVUlU4NI 4 Uki nts. il t Wril lo C fit lv "wr ttwrt. trui tht wtt ti . ..I hi i'i jr. nt Kitiiii; i'u au ii.in uk f . i rt I tW' ftn rtoti i l llti.l Until lor IIimi. 1 m Un UiMlr ( th h' ' jf'"! tiut hath t iMMlf it MitflnirWkC vomHwHi dfMn Intn..' V t rwM r ;rtt tiMtm tWtl wtl four lit t Jil lunrf Kill lh. th i ii'rth ffi .m r Milrfrrt-tl c!i if hnun i niiit t.titl. Khd tAb thf bum in l Utnwii.Uttt Mt.'lt.iU '..jh.,ii,.Th Wtwt' w ftiiirttn-Mti im. wok ( cr.h, vMilrr nn.l ..i.hiif I ltfMUf mr 'I m Hi. i.l t iH Mis im hlr1if( liter ih intuchh mi.l ti ' ' ' ' ' ' It fw thf fwl to t.l in it tl -tr jcfJ ( M-uHWiii.wie In ltiirr linn for tlltt tnlfi.T tif th ! tM" l ti'ifl'ti n nif t tij5 ! I tut- fiil kt.o.n. thrti wiur Uk It IH rit trt (xnrliiL 'U tn.tUI.n vr.- tt &w$ pnt. in m?iI -ft flrttwtN a nirn tif etflt tt. to thr ttlnU fur Ihr vr) frt-ttiiitl nwt mil to Just Ikvtr ffnther m tht tin smrth nml l hi rul-in-viure nf utphur mi.l tfiUriH.rr H-ih tlir tfrmel wMI Hid rrt mtrtJltr tun mil trtt'lni; thrir hlit' finii r mm. itifitmsUUc lc it lMt In4fe m ule of tlw 1iisj. Hii vi r tl plttn t.i tltril lip ltjjhth W itit the spittle 1 is.ll- tn r uf Um hen trd or tun. nht ra tk-ii itttt, h Hint it will drt up in mnnt He.tther. Hlirrr tut will lilld the hi fi ml tn-k$ U1 ii i0") Ui"itilvtt lit x dtflly roll. A Miilllt or two of the iMiwder :ilmtr metititfiH,,l mux l e i-!kvti tiitotort and over the tirfaiv nf tht l tn.t.t.l mhiititfoe, but onl in drj wt-allur TM wlnprotp ini ftflitl ti. tilii'i fiittls in a high ilegrte ta ilurin the w arm in anon I'lll'lll lllll'SI'S, There i.- huh h diseuostnn itm.iit(f our farmers aUml w hi. h breed nf htire, ttr wh'lt siet i.iit re miit Altlf for farm hori I am tin lined in hore frm 1 Kito 1 '-'"" pniitid in i(hl. a beiuif tho iH-st se; ami I think that a iiIimhI stallmu Uiiil tn a large tinni intiri'. m1I gieu the uinsi sHtisfm-tt.rx -l.uk Mati incline, to the N'ormah Inn -es. and if Mill want to -i II the ixtltM Mm will titnl them a prulllalile a all, Iml I witiilii prefer hure tilh h 1 heef nil then legs hate si i u tun teams (In spi mjj, I'm Ii having i bei ' hn-e ami a tlim luil.t ulie. and in e-i 'i ease the beef legged Imrte h id I te seriti lies h.ldl. while Ills unite w .is free frnlli the ailment That tin-el I home wll ki ed 111 good order utl lent feed than a high lining, active horse, I am iptite willing to admit, ihut lhe an able In do as tuui'li wi il fed. I dntilit, mnl am ettaiti that, in an euu rgi'ue . uneaetixe hure Is Worth two nf theothel I'lli'M H .tluiust lio limit In what an 'iitixe, unibittoits (eiini can pull (or a-h ml ills taiii'e, and aflijr u rest or "blow" the ran do it Jiraiu and tiiriin. while Mint lug liei'fx iuir-c is ili-cmi iii.'i'd. and has to he urged to make him take the I'll I ir alter a -i'Mii pull Ami, atixwii, w 1 1 tt our farm work, pluck I- mute ti I- eil than weight l hate seen a lug team tiled out. iiluugliin, when a small, ae tive team mnl ilmie iinue work and felt fresh at the end. in ploughing a (allow w'heie the around was soft i'al . 'it-(. in l,nrll .ii;' )ijll lllsiur) tiT the .se iirirc The jelluw'fiitur f aim whicti New llrle'iiis mid other southern cities are sllllerillg so terrihh. genet all is set down as of cotniiatativelN reietitdnle, not haxing been kimun as a distinctive diseaxp until about the ninblle of the seveuleelltll eelitur Il l ordlll ml coiilined within mirrou geogr iplneal limit.", Iioiug emlemic In I'ertam puts of the African oat. In the West Indies ami in the tropii of Ameiua It has pru ailed in Hniilhuru Kumpe. having visited I.i 'horn, llalv, (iil'r.tltar. Mai- nija, mnl uihi r seaports mi the unii of paiu and I'tirttig-il, mnl pciielr i'ed as fir north a I'lilltdelpht t and New York. It is eiuletme in low district mar the c,i, and. though spur idle in other place, under certain I'ondittou, it ha- rarely appeared beyond I, deg north hii, tide, or above an elev-.ttiou of '.'..VX) feet routined almost elltirelv III the past to town on tin sea coast, or on tin Ii inks of nair-ilii' river., it has In en raging for wteKs at (itemida. has rencheir Ciuitou, and is iimnientarilv expected lit .lack son, Miss; having been In ought thither, no doiiht, by put setigets comiiiu north m the imlwa from New Hi leans. Il I so very in teriotis and variable in it movement and symptom a to ibf explanation No one ha et brell able to tell wi it should rnge in Africa and tropical America, and never le "ecu in tin n diau Ocean ami China, why II should be epidemic ill Vera Cm, ami Havana, and be unknown in Calcutta ami Itoui ba Allnough yellow fever wax not rank ed a a distinctive dicaitc, as lion Iteiui .said, until the middle of the seventeenth century, it umtoubteillv existed long before that time under ilitVerent names (iemiralioiis previous to Corteu' inva siou of Mexico, a virulent epidemic (matla7uhiiatl) used to sweep ufT the natives of that countrv Vv thousamls ll wiw particular! svere in l.rl5, I'i7i5, l:itiana um. Albeit, Jluinimlilttiiiiik the elevation of the table-land of Mexi co (7.W0 to 7,8X) above fcca level) -uf-ticicnt to prevent the identification of this dUca.o with yellow fever, tho rim ilarit of the ny mptoms leave little epic tlon thai the two are virtual) one. It hi well uiL'h certain that the plague which so often destroyed the Wigli-li aud Spanish soldiers at the end ol the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth centuries tn Ninth America, win noth ing else than the yellow-fever. A dis order having the character of the fever appeared in 161, anion l' the Indians, in what is now known a Mitstachumtt, and raged destructively for four year; it likewio carried off many of the Kng Hull emigrant to Virginia. When the expedition against litspauiola, under Venablcs, in IfiM, returned to Jamaica, they were attacked by the plaue.whlch reduced the army from 7,W) to les than '-',000 men. Thirtv-live years la ter It was very fatal in llarbadocs, un der the name of tho new distemper. Since tho close of the seventeenth cen tury the fever has ben epidemic in the f. i wm i g ir wm ahm )'t Mk " . UMtl I' i t ! h lH.1 l lh J ! ' . t" 1 V. l - , .f. ti I w i Ii n mifl li .! h i .f iw i mtln n Jit tii' HMItM 41 , ' lltrft. l H i.mi Um ( wm! iDk lM ' ihirtw tl) l"W 4 N4r itfc UHU.W tTt.-.t itduSi htw totting them llK. V . t '. Ilt.. AaUNrtot mI l. Ur k M t It UtaitVr .-wl-tin. tiif1. t ( (trtfi(X IVtT Ulti WMlUflti 4 - rtaH M ItW .'til ill Mm) U , .'t Cni l IUvmh wk' " , ct (fttr nu Kuwi M(. t r ll5Yjtwwt,r H 0,-UH, ' kltf U H"n ji.I ui ii4i'fl vUtnW Wow. thai tttr it vsitwl li.btklW ul New Yi.tk hnviuf Uli bttt:itfttMi lite vv i-t in lot is-aii.li 1 1. it otii'tft va trrvitili.l. a lf iln lt tht arrl n4. (Hi ihr Alncan .!. at a har U.r in M liiaittil 'M;' r,"w,',k,fi)lal.liitIi,. .tratiK.4 apifirli Itulama. fthM tfw l M jpur- , Svwlr.hX tm lirmant. a4 t-tiiiMi iparrnnv ntr luoi.tn. mm, whit hiaif o nulsma ITn wa .tl the lillie eal til tht 1 in (inn Mil proved v I" tUr lli" Ut-I ltllia the hit oii lttiuirrst and ilyla rttt Af fttVrt' hnJ I- iJ Tr .irttimi.e in ihi Amil'e- nn t iii pMt of lato t'ai-ti-.l hl-iu . Mihji mt ili. 1 will i ha lutwn thai a I lei r itltallt llit lin m How fi-trr i lolt ii i Hfitit inline f'ar f,il r i '"'if!. the island nf 1'ernSii'l-t r n the Wtl const n frl a tin I' t rm h lint e ihi-Nine naiut Int it (litre juni'l ,t uUi si'lt t-S). Hie IHUlr Ifiug tit tvitl fnim tin ilifp i r int ut nil.' color wliicli tin aam avium In Ih'a etifa of the dtt(x '1? Span lanMunll Ii the hliirk'veiijK (ttniitiBrH' jyro) fhun ourt rtl tht v rniimn. atu.tt nlwttfnUl nf the tlisteuiiK-r l'lnM elm hat i it en it man title t'ulnii calls tt lie vi How tvpliUH nlld t'upUinl lin'magalhu ih ntHi-noe Iml It hi nl was pt oved o bitlhntitiirgelheitillb ha so often fmind It to he liime tlietil ale pt ulmr. Iicing eolitllit'tl In certain localitiiw mnl tutet tippe ulng in nnv other h it it lsi atpiHieil tn New Yolk. (1;'). Ii was iHntiietnl tn the tlum l.iwel vtitrd of the ell 'I'lnt-e W hn went within the Inlet liil ilisltu I were liable to attack, but Milliter (ruin it un reinov il In a hentthv ipiarier, did tint i niiiiiiunicntt ll In person w in iiHik cate u( them I'ln eltv uuth of the p uk was fi m ed utl, ami ulnm-l etttlie lv dcsi'ili d fainiln s. iiii'ri'liants, pin b ssuli Hull, ImHi.s, even tile imitllei ptl goVfrmiKiUt, remotilig I" lireen It-li. imiv tin Ninth ward 'I he panic was great, and el les than -'"' pei suns died . iw uncertain I the p !! letli't' as to exletil ami Vlluliliei'' 111 171" there wete IiuhI '.filKl ib Mths tllt're from the fever I'lieii tin town Iml ahuui .Vi.ono piumlatiou or I In '.", a ilieailful Mint (all t v In the lliitih West Itiilia sipiadion. i otisiting siiuu'times of ;jii or t -lups, the fever hits upeateillv nllet led but one. twu or three ill Ihctll I lli'sc might suffer exi'esieh, while the nlhut ves. i'l, expostil to the smile LT'ii" al inllu elli'i's, would enlllilv escape .Similar thing have happened mi land In I!!.. t. So cil f level ib' 'Ian d theinet es in the Itiitish barrack at Trinidad I'll libels tlii'ti i lllllpi'l out fur two mulllll. the lull I Ut K me tlltlllie Were Ihotoiighl ileaii'id and whitewashed bll' when the men returned the fevil broke out illicit I'hi' fevir iisiuill Iii gin siuhletil (in (he most patl dining the uiylil 'ir eailv mmnliig). with a m inn' ol ulillli lies fulliiweil by heal, pain in tin' back, head, nlld limbs, the pain heing some times vcrv seven' I in' stnui.n h grow iuitive miiisea is c tilled, and Voiml tng i'oiiu s mi, cither spontaneously or (loin sunn thing that his lineu eaten 'I he skin is di v ami hot llurst Is ecc rive: the eyihalls me painful, uffiisid, and the c'i' have the exptessinn seen in ilrunki iiinjss The tnngue is ennli d. ami it i dge led, the I.u ' hat a pceu liar lliisli about an im h almve and be low the I es The upper part of tle alnlouieti i lender, tin re it liurmni:, with a feeling of weight and oppression in the ml of the stomach. Aututv and rcstlcssui"t are marked Halt of the disease, (error Is uflenetprcs.ed 111 the face of the suljerer, and soiiii'tinies a gloiiny lliH'itti'iiing. the expression be Vug so striking anil peculiar that, once seen, it Isiipl lt he relllellllH'led I'll are the first siiiitotus, which last from I to 70 lioum. the average lnlng .'10 to fortv -eight 'I lie second stage is a diminution of the unfavoraNe sign, the skin grow ing molilcr. the p.titl less, the plllsi calmer, the countenance more natural Hut the yellowness of lli" skin, which Itcgins on the eyelid, extends over the face and dcctcii m hue If, however. It has not appeared Itefore, ll doe nui appear now This stage geaor.ilU con tinues from twelve to elghtien Iiotirs, thotlf'h it nml b prolnngeil to double that lime .Soincliiucs it is no' marked at all, and occasionally it is altogether attseiit. 'I he third tage i eliarnctrlcd by prostration, the pulse i;nm weaker, the skin yelbi'tish: irntalnlity ( tin stomach ami vomiting mcrctM. 'I his i often ince-sHii . at lint, perhaps, n fid ii lens ropy, wid liquor, hut now. when tho fever is malignant, it begins to "how dirk linked, becoming darker and more'oluueroiis, until the iiumd rcsem- blev h or coffee-crouml and wad Thtsi tin Hack vomit, whuh i. In il most every instance the forerunner of death The quantity l frequently very great, anil ejecied with little effort. Sonntliiien diurrhoea now oLCtir. the weakniKS increax', the pulse jreU verv feeble, the breathing labored and irreg- ular; the tongue black and tremulous: Uieskiu ivl'l ami clammy, ami me pa tient, mu'tering in delirium, p'ie awav The IkmIv turns aaflron or or Hiiini color, and often brown, like ma- hogauy or bronie, presenting an un- signlly appearsncf. and needing to le KJieeilllv buried. In mild ca.f. the symptoms are verv different, the heat and thirat Itt'intr in- lling; the vomiting slight, and the pa .I - I in ii f-xJr4ftl t m ) , i k, :-. th vr f . . r. -.1 t t- i, . . t n w, ) ' fjf il . . ' tT ifu tt f . to.l ti n M4 titn Walk Ti f. i i r i v. M m Ml ( U ' 4RitU fiKirtwiilm atttfc ' IMW W Mttt. tttH!tM.Y 'h Mwt ! x.m ilww IM4MMD 4it sutrlk tn t. tlM 4ttl, lli.nM ntr lattwl OU ' MM ft M, 4iRtrt tHhM n. (.' r, ! nuJrt iIiWW MIu tttKMitV torjr tit o' Ur l).ifr wtUtUl4Ut ). iK, rill tt, t. kf4 JMUMM1 Jttt tlMt -t Irm rtiTilT t t lw tK 4t ttmm ti IKir v ! t k.MM mtMmfH in MjrltM na a tlltnn In ni.i, b . tr mrt utti Hrr. Ml fit I it t 4; .t tlin i in itt vHf v Tim i I'l'h il UV.(MitMtS lif I a. t..ttns itMHata im nittitt.ki in m tn. tit.l uo rvtal rftrttt4a aitumg ti baaai m aiUirWVt UMt m ih.t .4 it m; .nt , hut tl I lw k.1114i, IL. ,M1,k, ,,...,.,.,, nittittat It Itaaa instrv t;nni,.iH.nijii m itarat-Ut than thoa u( Mi 4 i,r Igruip of UtUit.l nirf It la M rv tnnin ntp i ny w nwqnr rrnjni iim n tnoslrl U ftt Mw irtitit of u i'' i iilitti Hte and tho tMtinlli ! n no ata f tin ttllfsKV l. Ihr lltlikl ll atll 4 lt Itaahn nm4 Ma tntV In tlot .4 M.oii ll nin- In ll.- .li-io.- 11 Inultn lull Si uii in it iuiiii. .int. in mat tsiili ll sir ft dt 1 i' itsin,' fi.m tin Inni- Ml 1 i.-ii! ii.sj sit ll "t iiiU i the i ( ni.ton'-tiii nl I'ii l.nVnaf I .milnn.'i sixl is (Ojtirilt e. u (r.mi nrarlt 1 ti'i t liil 1 lie I, ki '( I iininiiii i t -im tint fdl ttVl V1MI'' IV f H , ! whii Ii tjjiere hit inset- tsVae lta.ir .u ihm (tin w)l ki'ta ami in .inummi u ditiiiig the . ism tM Un itu nlmli vnMi'tt i tilt lll.Mt pllli il. il ill,; tell di In ate it in I .. .try , nnd hat m n rUt ..t IHt'uliai tolliilaVit It rn iiiei wifn Venraltt llialllti. Mild Vt lira full jflnl 11 is hheul i4glilitii Imdie in l.-ugih It winter in the diplh ( llir Innii, nml iippt art. in tin spring, mnl hn i ngu Int a cnlirtte flttlll IU Wllilei ,ltni4l 14 ilA v'mmei ri-Mtrt, that the liliermi'H know just when and when to expwti it Some tears ll is Vt rv plrntv. that in mic i .isnii, te. 1 1 ,n Hir. no less than fmtv iliniiaaiid wt r takt'ii at a uifle draught Hi the nnl of tin lad tien aic mot sent tn imtiiv pirts of Kuiiih'. nml esim'.illi to l'n. Some n die limit ImIh' nl IliM lake mav I" ctiuiiti'il niii'Hig the glatiU A sin , lis of stuigenli floit miliietiliies tn the length nl It'll lift, HU'I (In V lire n lurge thai ii 111 111 euu ncarrtih 1 inline e them, and will wilhn liumlrt d iminul ami 'iv er Hd ll-licnm 11 mtlntHiii thai HU e the IIIHihIiii li.iliot 'i inilst mi the lake the Hill ire . t pJnnlllol. Iiclng .ililliiVetl mid diss'luvetl l' (he m ll"H ( I he vessels Dlhets tt lib lll-irt' leitauli, maintain tlljll llli'de. lease I i iiei lit leckless llshing and uiisi--onlili. pe iioiU ami the clttt n of sume nl (In tint ii ate now iiiuviiig with L'leit ell-t-lV ill I lit illoil lo secuie li (fill pin '11 lion In (he sh And (In I, indeed the ease w it It till the Sit Is nkc nf hit' tn piitpmiioii as thev arc linoiiniig summer reoit, and the lintels tlmini d the II -Ii fur llnil giiesls While ilttllig III the Inhli ol one of these Inst sum llier, we In aid at (he distant end ol the llthle a si lies of ej ti Illation llul Ii, Hi. nil! 1 In- t.n up! as he pasaeil aliuig the uole with a uiaiilliciiiit It-li bemi libillv dicAsi'd and nil in I mi a laii;e ilvii salvet. pit t imisly to ii-iiihutti II to the expi'i'taut 1 otiipaiiv N-ldufinf lirlDHhirij llnvt Hunt" I'nuhle fur the I'iiIiuc. I. It'll species 1 if il'lllt Ulllst, of course suite fut iti-elf the prulilein. diliiug (he coursi of lit ib'ti I ipiin ill, whethir it I'tlt'tKle w ill he hel i-mpnvei bv hold ing o 11 r 1 ill ill for it (mure lite In liullts iml tubei, or by producing lohlv en do wed si cils tt hieh tt ill (iti'ilsollsptlng 1 heitei 1 ham-n of rooting tin insi'lic cutuforiably . mid surviving in id- v mud the ccasele i-..iiiii-lil"ii of rival ttiin ict I'he variuil cereal, mch a win id batlnv, rvn and oats, lutti fntiml it mini COIIteliletlt to grow afresh with um h si iimn, and to rlipplv tlnir iiii lirvosttiih an nhund ml tute of food for then sUsieiiatu e during the infant (age nf pl.iut-life Their ex implc has been followed by pea and oilier pllUe. bv the wide class of nut, ami hy tin majorili of garden fruit On Hie oili er hatid, tin onion mid the tlger-hlv store nutriment for theinelve In lie iinib'1 ground stum, tuirrounded b a inas of overlapping or rIoel) wound leave, which we call a bulb the Iris aud tin crocu lay bv iheir stock of food ill a vtoodv or llesliy stalk the po tato make a rich deposit of starch ill It Mibterrar.eoti" branches or tulier lne turnip, carrot, radlh and In-ei. ue their root as the storehouse for I heir hoarded food "tuff, while the ondd produce, each year a new- luben ! the rlile of It existing rool. ami till ceniid tubercle becomes in nun Hi parent of the nxt year' iloAcnng sieni I'erhaps, however, tin common colchlciiin or ini'iidow-a'iflrou aflord 1 he most instructive instance of .ill for dunlin lie siiiniiict llimls up green leave alullC, which devote tin T entile lime to the aecumulallori of food iulls in a conn at their side. and. when ilm autumn coiuei round, ih eorm produce- notleive. but a naktd tl iw. r stalk, which puhes it wav through the 111011 e.irih, nnd -tiinds solitary before 1 he Oc tober vtlml. dcncndlliL' whollv noon the stock ol nutriment laid 110 for il in the eorm. I'upultir S'lntrc Month!' I Hoot crop attain their full growlh a ir th light frot come. Oxd tteather ( scvin to allcct them mi thai ineyiiecoim , oiiu ami compaei, anu lorm siiu'ir un jibr it inllueiicea. .Sj do not fear Hu - ' effect of front on the turnip and man. gel, but rather welcome it, and do not 1 harvest until lust before the ground freeea. I'otaloe, however, hould he diiL' as siMiu as the tnis wither, a they gain 1 nothing thereaftiT, and are apt to under the ivtlonof the fall rains af rot - ' er ripening. ! IM M I. KlVirt' I . f Wk 4l.t U. Ml t -.l Mt t 4k !( (fi..MM 4 !, tMf i w"Jpl f flBfci M tkt l to Hf t t -M.J ( Vtt lit M ! '"" ttrtXiHIKM ! xl . mwiti j I W. ft ttr.,1 NAI 4tok t llitl mt Ji nittl f.ri-t r4 f ' MkW in j tpf MM !' WM a HiUlistM .. f F j JuMlH j VigtK-f f -NV p.f vl Ml ittT Astj, - .4 enwl.M ink. !( tt.tsntVa. atlW .t-n tkr aasnti I ! Willi traMr, mnI to lfcW M4 Iwvwlt Wr toti Tt sp4t 4 vnwtff allini it , naswitato 4 Hgt, lhr unw.t i4 'laaatato, into niwt i4 i-thiva Its itnaita 4 MtMsp IVittl V"nH lit HMHt A toM. ll tnsa4 .t tw ih Trwtr mi tv tfa mtntitm, iltf taan imi tint r ill 3T1 tawl ika itMn a4 it s twtttlag a4 fVMsl JMw I'm atwtml .4 taMtmi 0MM ltW mMi t H4I In ltt m4 "t aall iiwnrta t4 tM wtMNnt, wMH nsir ittai ti 4 t4 fmm t iMit), wiif Mm ! i i4i ib nin ttoMR. pt. tawm ihrwwgli a ttr. tat Ihtvm a tlti ,m a di ilua. 4. ilr (arsia 0 1 tltftti nasi Hh-hi la ilw otftt loltrown MitnaiiwHi. nifaaavaat wntrr j nVith wat ratstiN aiVr tViWaf an.l thitXna ll ih iltv nrv wild tmiiaa iwral, m llit ti. mit na tif Jtjwi .ti on W antrfxil fe n. r u 1 11 ititca caHtti tn ni. aad tr hi-a ahl Ikfll (1 it-Mil OWf Muf llul n isstl il MMtM a i tx a tM b hi v hltittli nt-i if tttMa with Inrtlnl t.ttttl.M of l.ltHi.l (tlaxil rli. t-riitn WM.Ik nl olMh lhj ia a jrwM titit ft4 sua th lsli fwvt4irjjtsl hull nis.in iwettlt fttr tt lilt ii".J. tVatnr tMI In tlf a iim 4 rH-H if at, st lw attlia '"-a Uil lh milk l Itlchlt HatuifMl aimiit ihrsi n IttM liniitt 1 not with this K ltte.l ttitlk halt a iiim tw rtisi tuv-tHi sml !.! Bt tvffa Wl4MittXi4l ,tJ 5ftu... lti ihl 1 nilard lll I'M I Itnl 1 unlit Ii mini Im- likr nnv Imlit'tl t ill . u.i 1 1 -tltitw ina llaitt re'' '" " ' Mi.rptti niit Minis ?tl llHf t-t ' -. i j h4 III rtta.f t pSHl tif ivtf in 1 n i, tM. V . lit htii htrili me -It' i ant bird, mix tifttiihtr, .imiI ii ( 1 tt(liiMMifli illgsf tdd the t.M , n I it n la 14 It won add lb' .-t I tli leiiirtn ami mif pint ( rb hi. im I letl hit l.eeli tt lllpH'i In a 'il (r -Hi Then et It mi thelt' etttrT tin lit um nf rttt ut nl illsli Mllh llt ..(). I h cuke, line emnili In put all hi- ,1 I the s. o o tin1 dish put 1 1111 tin tthlttt "' ''KK lluii Ihmil lo mnk. Iln ill nek wiftt'ibcr (111 this lull nt iii 11 laid IIHtttlie. nml put tin ip.'li'i . tk 01 Inp to iwimM it, uilllg i lii'i ft.g to liinkt 11 ftdlii'ie ,M ike an I fni the top ill In llliluso ,Mu. Shewn it t)lth toilllR lull nl t t niir old, Hlld to in isiiiitu mHi ,i (rn ml lii' lunk (he liititt out fot aii air mi; She wh sheiliiit It up nnd dow 11 the walk, uhi'll till nldlsll III nil t t di'dl. ooine nlulig ami Impiiied for n certain poison ui'ioil to lite -ill Hint slieet Shu linall Vi'llml Iml hi ml nil living ( answer him. nml he looked alumni, caught night of the huhv nml said 'Men child, thtl I aiippiMi von ft el piuinl nf hiitir' "ll Isn't mine'' hu idled nt him lloy. .Ill Well, he look put like you ' 'll Isn't mine'" "hu yelled again bill he lioibbsl hit licnl and eoiillnin d 'Twill", eh' Where's thcolhiT olii ' lli'Mpnirlng of tniiklng him under stand by word of itioulli. he Mtintei! In the Imhy, at herself, and then hook her Im id. Yes -lit, I see t'other twin In the boils 'l hell father ! folld of tin III, of cuiire' She liitried Din cab nml hurried the othel wav. hill he folbntetl after, and inked Ilo ihey kick round much al nlghu' I tell you 'taint iiiIim''' he nbnuti'd, liMikiug very red In Ihe fine I t'unk voti'in wrong there,' he an. wcrcil '( hlblren bn ughi up on the hot lie ale tint to pltie ami "lie Sin- startt d on a run for tin gle. but Indole she had opened It he I allle lip, and asked 'Hate lo pank 'em mice hi it while. I SUppoic?' She iiimb about twenty gestures In half a minute, ami In helped the cab through Ihe gate nml ald Our children were all twin, and I'll send my wife down lo give you mmie advice You ice-.' Hut she picked up a llower pot and tiling It at hi 111 He jiimpid Inn It, and Just it he entered ihe house, Im eilbd out- Hope luiaully won't break out on lb twins!' 111 HddliiT Hand. Amid "the pestilence that walkethbv night, and Ihe dent ruction that waatelh ht iirtoudiiv." It 1 gralifviug to dole Ihe many hands stretched forth to help in their non st need the destitute lck of our nllln led cities from every part of this broad land coiiu'm anwer In Ihe shape of aid, until It cems a though Chanty, heref, had le-coiri" the reign ing element In awiety It i not aqticstlou a in how much I in filed 'Tin umtivt It to "in cor with all the means avmlib'e In every com niiiiilty iiuloiirhial b) the atourge and to -uccor ((uicrly withoui waiting lo know the measure ol rciin n-quireu. Tlmru is no doling out of funds, but a geininiiis, nay a lavish outpouring of "iibstaulial aid, with aMiiruuee uf (,".. tlmiaii without limit 'Dial i a beautiful trail of human char.icler which is evoked by a univer sal Inspiration to l iml between life nml dot h among ihe alllieletl poor, and stay their suffering when it may, or lav tle'lli Hi their lail resting-place when life is no longer possible, and aid tic livlru' kindred wlio nioiirn their dead (iml knows we nunot frame tin 1 language to epp lne llianKs wnicn ucli kiiidnes provoke. 11 is mini in drml to mark Um ravages o tins m ! triu:i'.r fever; but what snail be said of the privilege of being rendered able to cope with It, as lo the Kor, with the 4 i!Vt'tii lwit ? M l iir4 it.M fc. it MMM llr rufMWt Wf Ml'ttlf (' v (ft, Mkni MlpftVt t. f ttfvtMt .4 Uf tMM lrM tU ito ( tW .- itk kW t to tttifk . 1m m.ImI ! la MHMt rf ul. w fkxn uit4i OXi It. to w t vrvoNlN or fi; 4 wtllt i -. MitimM .. IIh 4towM f it, n Mm. It..hq vlikHl U 4tfU it htte ItoVftfl AMI - - - b. 1.1 Mtlta ! i 4ft.UM t4 it l)lr AM M tfc Hwwl 44 i (kl, lU ilif.t t4 tfc.i it tftt( tt r4rw M ift t " X ItftHltA AtMMIt4trt, It l " www. iltiitJt ttMr ittn tttf fwrMi r4W4t I aTi r4li atWfiMlit tMf Tiw-I tltWS ftMg mm im ! tfpVVnt tilMW ts4 MUrMlW IM t'fcttJtotVpr ' fttut jti ' - Hi tWa gta4i mil t-n -a. w mm" IMMtM ntl tlu isWtv t rltf 4m la tot. lit tta ll )f Mit4Hk4, 4 - It Jk t(t him (tut aw- to itnalt.ii.ivs4 a Um- mt MiHia li ad t Uatt 4Ml mM tin uuln 4 iltLtair u IMwIltM n lit fa4 Vtw latl " M wily a.44 tn km ft4 " ,;. -, Ottt, tan M.(Jt Ml TW twl 4 lh lid 4am ..f tton tllti .4 Jult !." AfKwi Isum jMi4W of Vm4 tota i.att 'mm tottod t Ula I'fttatKaS MaiWitwit, tKi tnwtttnl la 4ftiwr t t Un fltot an.l urtwiti las tal l d t t .:wlM hi isra mglatw Hu pts.i aad tw Ut sa) ami e.tai4i.w .4 in Iudf "" ftttrtw lit awttiptv a-. - ii nttminiiisit tn rr.ft, if,, pftttnS. 1 44a. 1M1I) tatWint in kin tt laiiml in rifts! htto AiihIiv'i a. i ananlifyC4tirt I tK jitvivtti ittir 4 iKHfa thai Allak IWital'M laai u... hmi Htit tto tlm i Utaiva.l .4 ae nasi t Jail Ilia. an( Ihnt 4 11 wKortll lhttaU Una Itstlb ir itnH to alfiiaV lIM tint! I H trit .1 1. Mlttt ItJtwaiMast. and 4toait Ii.ntn4ttli'l (till .n I hi 1 Lis i,M in n ) '.titttii.it I 1 1 . t 1 1 1 1 . 11 iih lilt' ' . t ll I '1 1 I i Im tt tt . I I I (n tfl I 1 of i1. I lit II 1 ' 1 L 1 1 f t t ' ,' Its Htttt h.-aisMa lta Ht4f ij 1 .4, 9 An J I M MM w m s .v 11 a. I.I...I. 1 . I MslH ', l',.Stil. ..4 I MS. I h !, lt.Ust.la I ,,. afcww 1. iflisi. 1. r lis i Motii,.4 t imi 1 1 11 1 ma r.i i'(fi.nik. r. 1 . ti r . -. .. fiiiNi a 1 uMl it, it, 1 la ft 11 I III Ml III a t la. i llllll. tl. 11.41. 1., r ... a 1 t ... It S IK I )' 1 s4 1 ,- DItt,. Largest Foundry! lit 17l.i Htnto. tRumtSi iHAtinmtnii mun.muwj IfllDQE WORK, lo., ll. Murray IronWork urllntMi lnvi JOUET WIRE FENCE COM PA IT, ' tvs.ii ftuai r i 'ii ni no 1 mja rr..A'i- vt- .- h trr' 1 e -1 ai I. rtl ! t" n .1 tv . (. I,, fs. H' ' llsl O I I. I. t- t" I . " W' ..., s4 '- I-.' t-rt. wfSII.IUI ,r.sl is. ir.o.ii. iaa i .Hli-t ia.1 t ',.s a alisw .--ti s, ' ' '(if u sss r -Sstra 'Si' 1 in it- tfiit i. ro . .i w t-l.is '4t 1 x.. la , 4 .1 ... ' ! f..l"t (-rlir fsM,..ai M its. . i, ..sill .a.l- .i. (el.'il , si . -. T t alii k.l kf i.ii la-t lstliKr ! Ii m HON ..,- tt. , a.t fesfc-.t."' . Is n. H,f 1st UMllW t l'a ! r-'M - rtrfS' t.-l sill. Itttt. lt-otll..Ht slt4 If'.l ' .aMasr. ,.1 it, A4tst 'l rfSsfl risiNr iiinii"ii.t r.t. si j.u.i i. ' lOlJt-f Hllll t ll fdl J.Jt.1. Ill ('(tiisuiiipliiiii and lis Gore sr in. 1 r lilt. altl!alllt 1 ' IMI.. ,UI a I sis ll.m., asi ! .M r' nl ar ( .rf.aaiH' I' ale" si Wit .l, ll . l-.llf .4 ! Il.lh Ac I, Nil ritMll' ' II' ll If 't'l, I'S.s.ais lt,wl)li a4Klrtwts, lime l a,UI.4 4S i.f tirri lltvl Mlsiil'iie M .. i I (- Ik .1 siiHtt liiflr i. r l'if ms -nastris'' l.ttf -..M.rt4 a IsraisIS, 41. .... Isl'lj.at. ! I.r .!! '. scl is'S'nstl'ta. M lii.laa II Hal, l-.'a4 ''. Itll lifiol 4 . ,-.fi.l'i ri. la Slila.lt ust a.. t'l.lF rl4 h4 itsl. ta Ml srrti. lata ..li.4 in !' 1 "li- balii II ill I.4II.I I.i r. a4 evrfi-r I.; 1 ti..' if" if rf.t . i.alsfl l.n-t Hill, Swr I'll. l"t, fSS.lt 44 si-t tM tlftlalr, tJ -.a ... M. J. M.Im, (tt. t'xir ar.tt.l nri .. IB tt.iriri , tjlfi . rsi ta si ,.i ,h, ... ,Kh v i tcr ti , ... ..'I. t" i tcf , A.Mrt., 9fft M MM asM .llifa.ll 11 . f IAISI K-l, k, H--II-IU fix t.f I"', U -.! .If atrls, (. Cm tt.llaii t, MMtit, '! fi lus WHO WANTS MACHINERY' a. list. I it !' mtf U" " sl tivl kam nvllMiil ail"' For Below Tholr Truo Vlu tiA slot ti.. 4htt,t IhuafK1"! So I, ait-ha. tl mill " loll Ml" Sl t I Ut IIH il. H."i'r (so l l ini'hla'. ! I iMf. ad .1 m I Dltll f 'a -li ntl f . !" IW It' l 1, mil"! tvirv'tis. .r ,,f.ll ! v i .,rf '! 1 hvv si.rt nMiliH ratrtlrM(. , a a ui '. Ii Al.rir rrafA"f iss-tnri lf A'llft.., ..if I. si fi,ti,a lohtif n nsa- 8.C. FOflSAITHCtCO.. MacliinlsU and General Macbine Dealen. lnMi-lirslrr.,l. II,. I lust. i .ii.ju, ui,ti'Jo, flWstKa,cJjt uA irtH Mr.ltr, tn xt.U mot La i-tr fiii.i,Mrl, lliuit Hrfl, 10 14 nta 1 Wutitan ll ;if u, lir;IAr, rint tMYufcljr -J I, It r U. f ui 'vJitsy ot sstUta u,r;. Jii Wiimitii.iktirrt-iUiiKlsUat, fll-M I'Mrft ittt,'UiilU4,.M BOOKS FOR THE MILLION1! T)iU4 'vyuM. HfliVft"V4Mln-l. HVP9 Ka nlM s4sl..AU'l. Th ' 'iTirtlM i I -! ( ' fK U-lf ItS-Mf r,a rrrt rii Ar, ..ioalli a a-rirt tiuu nf lm.fi uN -'l wlttii llrt r, .Hi4if riitvi.. r-.i. Mil... ..tKt. 4 IWftoi r 1 ili.tm. i un .'bilatl w,tliti,alH Ir iuikm, , life- A "L'Jlnt,u tsttltt III' A "tllsl"W lutitur "B clillaaa s-l Dili.u 4i,.,it u "n-X .uinHjtlltrt 'f car ltrf Ilr Hnlla 11 Xvnli lti M.. kl lnla. M toal n!I I a l I 'pi 'I 1 1 1 - 6Bn AsjswyfiBi 3? if il . . y ipssKM '-vTV rli Ptl U " .1 1 ".Mf'.iif ,l VIII Hirtrmi wimtiwiju, l, H.Olfllf nf hi fill lifIIIVTfn. 1-iHTthlt tf'1 l7nVll'rlV'.iVvjf' Mill in hi lion s m onr- ni-rn viiftt (iVihf ' iifitr tin 1 mnmit Mi'vsr T'U'litil l.tt'li) I ililrrr kit im as 1 '! , wi'iijt.ir, ft nun ibiu 1 ! 1. i U nfflM,, V ! isiir s .- fit-.t V 1 H Eff!