r ;' '...-WTtV $V rrr-s? - ri,. -r. i, v,'H"?lV i-! k ' ' . i ll a. r k'r I II IIIWIHWI II ,..,. V . .,.. m.. ..,, . , -. . .,... ..ZL---arrvmn m i n nil st . " "WMHIIUmjH ;r i i j. ' (Ob. JejFd Wittftlilt tiJOhlh lmiiiu the l'l., -0tabrtV Mpil tf csilunj of KilleBore peach orthaid prod in of- Carte MB to liny h Koanl of trade and a oily Ult before low. . ColuMbw 1 nivMlt main in ir tllcial Moao rW bnlMiifg pirMjo. i Tlivnn U a fine opening m I'ork for a staam flooring and tbi it mill. Hie Ml (em f tin! Nebraska City (Mkge op n the '' in staa. It trill aooflUs One totttcndlhc Otee oount? fair September th to lfith. , Ml, Witor, lair. Iat week bought 7000 worth ofcatllo at Jules- burr lVj coutrtjn fujr will bo held on lhcJ7t!i etsl, iHlli of September at rittoa. Ntftrly every town in the atatn it corAriDtftisg fjuiU for tlio yellow fever ufferars. Mcrrill'n creamery rMalilishuirnt at AshlaBd will euon be ready for opcr- tiOBll, , ,, Henry Urothrr bar over l;(HK) spraier.eelvee at their cattle ratchu on tho Loup. I U. II, Hsbcook lias begun the publication of a paper at Alexandria Thayer county. ' Mr. Thomas Burn or Adsais eouiity.wn killed by a runawsjr team fewidays ago, , .John!LMiBis baa been awarded ...yw.,., lMMt,,i,i.w,tit J V T I'&Wfek&'I.riRTIBW A AAliAftAttV 1 ;---," 'i-r- UiLtflLM Ck iaiIIIini. : m- ,iw j - II,1MTIMM1KK. I ' 7" w "" mmmm " 1 - J ri & r ' ! r ujta'r '"UPle NlNtlrlmkrr mniI Wlillr WMtrr wnjrt.4. 3eee1riilrl In llit woril.t Th nnine J.W, I'a rick !lrfkln? I'Iowh, liiion ami KcyMoiic Com I'lant trn. K I ward llurvadcrx wjth Wmm Alto HIT Df TW KADTZT. The World onowiimj .1. .Chk Wi mako n r; rially of ami keep n full lino orropairt nnd you will mivo u IM'al deal of nusoyancu by inlciiii onrly direct from u, cgrsiiEOD&sTONi:. r a UMV GARBER BHaBaaaaaaBaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mo, iv.vroat VUm. ., leav-aw. .. i;i tbdoonlraot for buildiiig five brid :ua A i Vi, .t in Greeley -conoty. 'Ifbpporewere flyinu high aud dry over NuckolU oouuty on Thurtday heading southward. Grand Ieland cxpeeta to have her Imputation increaaed at least,1 b 0K) Uuriag tbo fuir week. . Up to'.tbe 'Ji'iid ol'AuKiiat j'J'J cars f k Du':,.t .iv! ll J1 (nyiJL.luu iminvHUU. i ? V . -tTaOToaBeelforilbane Colleo rail term will open witn old and many tew Mu t e i V " V- I I ' moat of the . r .. 4m . .' ! It f h I S " ! aF1 frt rdeB, 7 JrW . -.Xhi Cray Dranaiie 'Clnb will , ' Rive tbree choice entertain went a at Oond'a Opera House, during 'tho fuir. Dongberty, Kelly & Co.j of Sid ey, shipped over 1 000 000 pound of freight to the Ililfi lanttnonrh. A- Bohemian rettlement hu lately bee HtarUdon Dry crcuk, in thu nouth pu of Sherman, oounly. Mr, Richard Kcntenon,'of ' Lon dps, Ncmoha county, Iiih wild I hi aeaeon 2(K). worth of blackberries. 'Taylor, and Rinjrgotd counties, Iowa, have contributed largtly to the population of Fumaa oounty lately. oevcreinow buildttgi.wero atirtcd in BleomtDgton laxt week, with many a contemplation this fall. ' r I -' it Bitot 'I ,,pocwt"dtraptBa plied thier , , .. FtreoaneweekepastihoValinjont .t' , deJnlMpeldioutonanavcr-t- . ait over1 .$1 ,400 for Kriia daily. ,"' i ' ' ,' -The 4 J'Oader la the name of , - the new papertt EdgtY Clay oounty; publiibed by.H. A. Day and Cha. E. Keith. i "A coupla of young lovers aged respectively 17 Hnd 14 year rcsidenta of Fillmore oounty, elopod'reeeatly and ware aaarricd in Kaciu, v '. Davis C. Bowker, an old and j "" W?U knawi resident of Runeliburg ' '- HallcoBaty.-waadereflolTovora week .'- 1 -.' ' Md "" Bl'loikrd.rrcm since. .'- Mr. Dv jR;'SutWn,rothertoone of the men triurderad on Dismal Unt wring has, returned from hunting tho ;iaBr(Brrs, having beenunsueeessfal. ""' -'" Mr.;. J. 4. Uendry of North , X llttte, wKo be a-bay raacbe sear 'MapiiaraoD, i,i.Tailiug and shipping s 2,8(Kftonsofhay'toiBSWu .', ? -At half gamdpla-yed .Thursday - at Lincoln, betwtcuthe' "Otocs" 'of 8 .'' ?. ebfMkavUity aud the ,'Capitul9,f; o ! Lincoln, tho former came "out victor- , ' Mouh. f ,? j n r , v r path ia Um name of tho Dew city ' "J in Cutcr oounty, eight milea abovo the ' Missouri settlemeit. It starts with .tf e ven families, feed uud saw mill, i., T 'ra "mount of money ia boing subscribed by the citizen of Madison ;. ' to assist in the erection of a large iiionastrcy uncKCatholio church build- log in Outplace . ' -Kaley"Broi.,of Red Cloud, sold f rt , two daya last week twenty-eight ; ' hundred ocrea of Webeter county land to partita iroui New York, Musachu -t eetts and Indiana, who detign uaking 'WtbitircoiMity their fmuro liomo. . DKai.tui in , Dry Good ami AOOTrHniitkl4UI:H IP Hats, Caps A. Itia&u Mn tie Clothinji ! )rVi- have the Largest Sttotln the Valley and will 'r .hoi to'Qnderfold. i aiVKys,ACALV Onu all Sam'IGarber . -H k tt.. J -l -a -mr.a. aaew yaeiiiu xicn , Mlllliitiry'niid DrexN- .M -0-7: Q: 0 Mr.,jM. . UuutleyZ lu now oponed the tiuost Tfock 1 1 Mllliuory ,-ami Wimiy assortment . , 1 1 t i f i 1 HATS, BONNu'l ARID TRIlr1r1IIN, ' , Kqbroiderios, iiacet., HuphrH, Funcy Goods, Drc)Good(.,,I)roHTriB.L ' miDg8.,7o8icry, Nooktica aud , . ' Patterns; till in Latcit Styles nud flt Lowe'st '.i L'ricos. , , v : '1 i t Drem aniiCloak Makint. "Done ToOrdej. ' kfrj.U.B.BttUiy : : BadCisui We are prepared to do cue , torn work. t l-ur. L ieMi And . , quality ot) Jotr. 80i,i. and ci'sto.m " ' iS &?ml?.ir 1 1 1 tt CiSTVM ftPting washing machine. .' W Wj bo particula, T, . . . M. . . . , . . , v wmu mo uasi 01 SCCUWIICat. , iiiiii(ij,iiHui1i De.e.1. ii 'Bt-av- " " renveJCrott fabric, vik, That ' ". ". r.01,!,?' 7" f NSDie! oftbrWoreo tWh the fabric; and mZ:( r " - - WWftKo i ujado self operating- . hM; ' wf.in.vourowntottn. by th,q . ,, Outtlt lioo. No risk. Hone ,662? 1crUJPIl,l.t-.,l.r,)u.M,'u!:!. t which pay all tho limojthoy work, write lor rcn iartiitilnr4 tn II. JI a i. vm . n Portland, Maink. r OUB 'CLUB LIST. .Wo will HCRd our paper (prico $2. 0 with either of tho publicatiou named lielow at tho prico annexed. llariar'B MMtaino, ($4.00) ft 9;, wly. " 1 9ft 1 . ter' . " '.'" Lippincott'e Magazino, ' 7;, ApDloton'fl Jonrnal, (.(10) 00 i0.10?0" Magaime.tea.iM)) 3 W Toledo Blado, " 3 05 J-aturdav Eveniog Post, ' - ... 3 00 1'ra.ne U , rmer, 3 05 Western Rural, " ;, 16 Nebraska Farmer, " buuaoRiBE auJ ADVfiitnsi: BRATTLEBORO. VT. ' .. Our ncwOrgan, xprcaly dtalgned for SanaaUr ChnpclH, etc., In proving n Ito Miro to Bend for full lnMiBiin r&.'t . .. ptirchuHlnp; imy other. THE LARGEST WORKS (OF THE KIN0 ON THE GLOBE.. muntrmcd Catologuo seut free. SBBBaBBBBBaBBBaBBBaBBBBaBBBBBaaatBMBBB W. H. PRESCOTT ticiieral Agent For THE GREAT SMITH I'1 AUM KIW TAKK.N OXECJii .' )u (iribictiitn wuh our larjie and oxtenoive Uh ufrrw Jiuplewen . 11 II4.UUK1 Neb., we with to call your attrntiM tootrstoekoCmo. ,irj, BEUCIiOIID. Xebrk. In Inline the WEIU and CIIHHOO eirnn l,'),.Vd . CIUAOO KKKAKEHH, Wr.m HARUOU'.S. Vit CULTIVATORS Km biihom CULTiVArUKS. M HSU CrwiVAWRa, ULJOK, ,. , HAWK Cultivate. QiOKcucr ptoin, ' ' WKIK rt.KY I u.we, llov.i;j. &KKD KILS, I X L Dbiu., M)Nt TOR Conn PLAN TKK8. F.WriRi ' ; "''- Kcapct A Mower. MA1WH A K.VvSTKK avie .X KHNwithMirbiodfru, CAD Mowtiu, klANDOLPI ' Headers Auliman-Taylor 'lliruherJ Minnesaota Chief Tkr.-lier, " Kuntn. WACWMII , Bag ffle, fVINJIIILl4L PaHalVM Com Shollcrs. ami a full line of farm machinery, whlsb wo can folk wairan ' . nn 1 wVioh ii will mII aa ulirap and 00 as go'l Ursua aa oaa Soagkr ia j lltiii'ia or eUewhrre. Give u a call. STABLER & DEISHER:. ? lVhnleBle and Retail Drrrsilu Frmchicrr IIHBfinK4 an,i REDLOVANel . a v 5S U BSC.K 1 i K r Fll Til K ft i RCAN MERICAN -AND- BR A!DBtmY PIANO, t J r The OldratCompan THE BEST ORGAN Nearly 0,000 Orfann iow in Uae, Endorxcdh) ' ' i l Mi.:BKV;wii!llit. Ho muo aud buy u' ' , i SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN if any . HtlltlN ,t 3I'KIX(J1-R. Agcnti for' Welter Co.. Nob. C H I E F . o.- . . 1 ', 11. '... ..?i ..'.,,.' : . . ?ps. I " J " "I -. . ,1 " I ' ' 'I at '.'i;h;r I 1 "1 if. ! HtW fr 'i , . " ....1 . ."! r j l if' : .J e r i . I. 0. I'nitrr lias just received the GneitasiiortuMiiDt,,;,' , ' Bfi?tt fioob i-tfrfrte; iiy a . ...... ' ..1"' a ff7J .i.j-'-i", , ' - Krer broucht to the Valley, tiive hiui' a -ell -and etaBiuie goo4t . . a,'a XV' ... t .' '.. V "., ; fnhi f I JW hti M E ti S AfTENTIO ' O. L. Battles ' I "J SKIMITHK- " IDAIflli ASTOJFRKBTCa HAtt VJEST12R with holf binder, binds with'sinxlo wire. Thcso harvesters wot'ii bold in tbo county tlQ'pa,st year and gavo good sotisikction.c ". " " , j Red.'.CIeiid, Nebraaka. 'lid'iiF.A BBaBBBBBBBfBaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWMBBBBBBBB1! , i HARDWARE , Ato a full line of agricultural implements kept ooniuntlv on. nanlfnral Red Cloud Mill.!, 1 BA i " ) : ""' - a JtlALKS STANDRD v f n'liv -v " " A ' ' i tbi j lijwi'jlit CoriMenl for :Sale; J lfyvmm. ' utisiotioB guorantpod it A, labor saving, cloth savnV, salf quality' of, floar. 80M). aud pustom Anomiin ..,; .i,:.i. iiirriiB wasiTrr. M It has been totod iu many parts of toe county, tiud given satisraeitou. , I'rico; f.lfiO. For Circnlurs and Testimouiols, np. ply to " i'(V. HlIRTON, na, Neb. Agent for Webster County. -15m3 ' III ll ... . . . . A perfect protection against) 4 FIRE-qi-BUROlUQaS k A ). 1 I ' County, Dsnk, Mercantile, and Oico bates; Also Vault FroDtafrniaK' on short notice, and at bot tom prices. ' Old Stofet Taken on JBx-chftnffe For fall particulars', address. W L. FAIRBRTIIER, ((Onoaal State Airerlt, Dox 50-1, Lincoln, Neb. 45y S10M , . ".. 1 .' i " t?. f H-vf ? .... : 1 -u ,K&tM HlJTCHKCiE. tic inui(H4RTPMM i .-. V o kern nn hanrl Tin nd Hardware. a;, low as any other' firm in tke wast. t "fa Wl, ' ' ' ''.r , ' W at all times a largo rimpleus tiaek of Stitew ' '''' l,-M .'-.! , ' .-. ' ' J.b;U'tll f ,'A if n if nA. u t 1 . , jH nil nuu ",. , , ,is - rtf. . ; ,aVi 'JI C ImttiftmrntwaoV it;,ot,v; ., rlgara V : Keen a Supply of JPairmlMg IrapVuifrK BBBBBBtraiivrt IU ft rtaall m flaa1 siMfea aaaiJ .- . ." V . 't Ba . . --. vv,"" " "" " " wi rws art? rvkl all "1 r ';.!' m . ItomenUr the place. 1 door nirtli nf Ihfe PKwK' oftW . ' " .iif 1 1 it, 3 1 aaa . . . .; ' vu wloua, Mob .,7f . t 1 it ! T' I I J . J.P',r AtJFST 'FOR " (t ( 1 "1? i''0.11 "!! DrnJf of insliuuieiits liaiidleil by U, 11, lhesoott, of Lin-culn. AYCtR. A(CDtawulr4. MutT. llrUlrttflllni.tA t ..... .. l444,7wbaraco,.'s,'u;u.rE: S2600 flUHS5SS;SV"E WUIIPSLaSg? Van Dyke V Smelter Plasterers & Stonemasone. Wo uro prepared to take contract and do all kinikof work in our line at reasonable prices, Satisfaction guar anteed, and all kind ,V i,w.t .n.i grain takon in exchange lor woik. aaaf Cistern work a srecialiy. , ltK(I.IU . . MEBBABU. . 3-iy . !'.. .1 I mm 1 I I w A ' ' tShh ,,, fr,. 1. a . j. . . - 1 as .1 ?ai '- ' .;' 7 JB! ' aUCw :5.r 1 'jm 1 1 i-. a i. 1 a r r nu . a aaaaaaaW-lSul LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaLaBaaaataH S3 U bbbT-Sio! P s iPi s? Bii '!? -i.vl ,lr Tf4 ' V .. i i ; . lmfM i i tr (A 1 ) M 4BBBB Bii fjl 'i ;it f 5 Mfft I V m -5J Ul. i n Ki I i t o Hi J. Mora Bar UM Oppo, nt & ,- I .Vr, ' BH .;:! ..1 l " Av !&?: Vt,irw MbbbV ", i r. vvr K(. . .-ic-i '', ," jt -,A'M -v if 1 . ; BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBiHL.