The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 12, 1878, Image 6

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r.-.r.l. I :.
Ji I.Hrrv Ui.r, !'"' ,,,r,1 -,,,K
All llmMiiili H"- ""tuiiei "" ,
A txrch tri- '!. " ,r ,,,"ir'" """'
l,.bKfbi'"'o',f H"'"
A ncl uttt t.f ! ttit1lnu 1mmici.
Lined "" w,,n N'" " K" '"
A ItltV iWi'HliiC- mikicIUiiiI liitle,
Vt'.ill Ii-nVi'H fur flicllitliiC N'fi n
TJiiveilcllrs-tcitfR". U"it V'l IlkcHe
llitii'iiili !i' linxHtlni: m Itn:-.
A mute Hint nil watchful It,
Or dl l'ilili'. "nil Miik
A i srden li, ulili pHllr In .in.
Tint catts. not fur Invclv IIiIiik
A lilnl llmt tinnsllli HinM Mart.
On Murcil mihI iliillctlii w Itii
A sorrowful nnlr nf plaint .mil '
ltlnn oiil mi tlic tilit nlr,
Anil tin' "'rl Hl' 'HK "' ' nidicil hi low
On tlir In hIi root, uliI iiml Inrr.
Ainl kIIII. I" ll' ln'iiuli" i'f tin' ulil l it'll tri'i',
'.Mlil lti MiMlIng innf iftciii,
Tlir ili-Kitti'il iirM m Mill tun) w
Vei nllt ftntll Itn VI til lilt ( tl I'll
llil tin' Mnl I'll II Kit) Mini ul.tilMitin ''Inn
Helium to III' in Hi no inoti'.
Ami ln' iiiiitn Unit wntilil ll mi tlic tmiKli
mnl liu;,
111 Kllininrr Ming- nfi" o'er.
A tul iiiiilitlit cull litlng from tlir lupiv uit
Wlirli Hull! Iitnl li Imvi' llril
Clllilll;li tin' lilt nf till' lIl'Ht nlil llullii' HUM
Hilt nit innrlr nf tin deml
1 UK WOltl.B OF M'IKM i;.
4rliitllnu 4liiM.
Pi of I'ltlui Johnson, in tin' Journal
tin Franklin hi'itiliiti , describes n
method f giiuAing Ifhiss specula, ivith
lt tlic Use of metal Ihii)-. Il is bused
on the fart that when two li'i'i" nl
glass, or other material, in the (m in nf
I'quul disks are gmund together one
above unnlhct. llii under one always
llt'COIllcS COIIVCX VV'lllIc till' lliHT dill'
becomes concave
It.V lllllllllc.
A cause of tlic dangerous mnl uicg
nl.'ir iirtiiiii nt dynamite, when exposed
Ni the iiilliiDiici' uf I :i i it 1 1 or moisture,
has been disclosed by .Major Ford. )y
ll:llliili' is just pomiis silica saturated
willi nilto-glyceilnc, mnl if it is poured
into vMilrr. 1 1 1 enilhv Miiliit iiih-k tails In
tlir. bottom, Iml tlio nilio-glycciiiie
finals in tin top, mnl tlii'ic explodes
with its iimiiiI iiili'iici'.
I.Mntlnonlly ol' .ti'i'4'iir,.
In n paper mi thi' I ran Ml nl Meicury,
May .'i ii, this year. Mr L. Tmuveloi,
(peaking of the cine; observed ai'iiinil
Inn planet, lines nnt believe tlml t lit'
horizontal refraction undergone li the
rays nf the sun, in passing through tint
ili'llse utllinsphfic which is siippnseil In
envelop the pllillcl. isnf itseit, sillllcicnl
to account for the luminosity. Some
thing else, he suys, is ncccs'sary . lie
submits that the .sun, having a vastly
greater iliiiineter lliaiithat plmiel, inuM
:il nil times lint up more than half of
Mercury, ami that the surplus of illu
niiii'ilimi must lie visible 'luriiii; trans
its as a thin, luminous riu
Coul Coiisiiiiipfliin.
In a pajier read liefore the Sneiut nl
Arl.s, l.onilui),. lames Maclearesliumleil
llitM'nalemisuuiptlun nf the lliitish me
tropolis :U over M,IHM),l)(X) tons a ear
At one pereent this would pve HO.OOO
Uns of sulphur, or L'lA.fHH) tons of oil
of vitriol more that live times the
amouiil iveii otT li all the sulphuric
auhl works in thecnuntrv. The year
ly consumption of coal in threat Britian
and Irelaml is 1 1 1.Of.t.'.UO tons, which
produces 1,1 III, l.l'.i tojis of suliilnir. or
:i'00,0oi) tons of oil of vitriol .Some
idea max thus lie formed of the vast
amount of sulphuric at id iis in the at
mosphere of thickly populated or jare
:ial-consuiiiinj;tlis'tricts(if a country.
NIiiuIiik 'IVIcplume.
Prof. Henry Morton has pulili-hed mi
account of a sininj; telephonic aiTansic
nicnl capahle ol licinust'd fur puriioses
u( illustration in lectures before lare
audiences. The transmitter is a hollow
truncated cone, the smaller eiul)ol w lii'h
i.s covered with a thin dta'tihrain.
Against this illtiihra;ni an adjustable
platiuuui-poiutcil screw prt-sr .mil
forms contact. The centre of theilii
lihra;m is also iiroiilcd with a small
jtlat ilium plate, which may he connected,
if nccessan. with aliiudiiifj post The
receiver consists nf u powerful horse
slioi'inaruet. haini:uii the ends soft
iron caps terminating in poles, on which
are tint spools ui line wire. 1 his inat;
nct is supiiorted lioiioniall on an ad
justable block. A initar with the
Uiii;s renimcd is placed finnh at
right angles to the magnet, and so that
a plate of soft iron at the bridge is op-
posito the poles of the magnet. With
this apparatus any musical sound scut
into thu hollow cone Is reproduced wih
great distinctness ami intensity liv the
Americans think that a love nf ci
once is one, of the leading characteris
tics oi our people, unit attention is di
rected to a largo attendance on lectures
of tins character as a very pointed do
ministration of the fact.
Tho truth is that we uro not scientific
in our instincts in tho best sense. Men
whoso bent is to pursue abstract inou'i-
ries, the .successful result of which is to
ixteiul our knowledge and elevate civ
ilization to u still higher plane, are not
in thu least encouraged, while wealth is
freely expended in endowment.- of a less
iniiiortant kind.
Tho only science that is appreciated
is of tho kind that 'has uiomn in it;'
whoso application directly increases
wealth in commercial channels. This
fact is disgraceful to our culture, and
so patent is it that in Kuropc the deba
sing result has coined a term- Anieri
uanizut ion that litis tho force of a stig
ma among scicntiliu men.
Prof. Tvndtill guvo tho proceeds of his
lectures in this country us an endow
ment for tho encouragement of pure
.science. Tho fund is in itself iusiilll
ciont to accomplish tho purpose, but
not a dollar has been added to it by an
American! Wo huvo numbers of weal
thy farmers, but who among thorn has
shown u willingness to devote his time
and fortune to tho seienoo of agricul
ture as has Mr. J. I). Ltiwus, ot Eng
land, sololy that the science of agricul
ture might bo advanced, and the re
rulls piiblnlu-il fni the ml milage ol M.t
untld9 We lite a llillinli nf innne geltcM.
attd that Is almul the best inif the wul
tllivt can be Mini of Us And a hilltnlri
tiliJ etinfcs'inii il is
liilini' In ( nlnniiln.
.N-ia well-klniwii -piill-liiail. ill a
work' tei-i'litll Isiiii fur Ihe lle o Hie
frali'tnilx. "I'iii.hI liiiiilnig l at iiiesi'iii
eurcel In Ik fminil east nf (he Missouri
ItlUT 'l"t III lllllt stl'-lllll, IllUM'M'l ,
lliele is a Wide extent nf It'll Itnl in
iiimiv purls nf whii-h game nut still be
Inlllnl In i'nsie able liliilllilallii- bv
llio-e wbn me siillit'ieiilh iieipiailili'il
with I Ik- ciiiilitl In klmw vNht'ie In look
fer It As tilings Maud nl pies
eilt Hie rniiutn whele game iiinsl
abounds is that which Is mm ot latch
has In en liifisicil In the IihIiiiiis
The Indians an 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 leal game pie
seivels in the est "
That pin t ion of Hie new stale of ('nl
nniiln 1 i 1 1 LT West of the llialll lllllge add
llolthnf the Sail .lllull tninillg le'i'ill,
Is pel haps tine of Hie er bt'sl uf these
Inealilies' cerlaililx Hie .it'ci'ssilile
utul piaetii able nl a luoilt'iate expeiuli
tuie ol iiioni' ami lime. Itt'ie In four
ilas, b i ml (nun New Vmk f Hy . nne
may mount a well (ruined aiitiual and
liilini;!' at oiii e lnli the piuiH'Mil wilds
licit' ale Hie gale-was nl Hie gleal
pmks, in ami suiiuiiinliiig whleh ale
lliollsaiiiU nf sipuiie miles suited b till
lllle In Hie pill pose uf a sliullholil ll'olll
which the game can newt be wlmlh
ilriu ii. .lust within its fiuther limit is
the I'te rest'i'Mitiiiu, mid its bulk Is al
most debatable ginuiid Hut Indians
hunting hele and ltiiith to yield to Ihe
whiles entile possession of their richest
gtoiimls, ami I liclr gieal medicine u lit
er. I lie Hnt.Spilugs of Middle I'utk
Plirillg the pleselil yeal lii'lltlillg legls
lntioti will pinlnilily limit Hiese frieiiil-
l sa,lges In a unite lelllnte point, ami
tl. en tin-ino-i iiiiild of pilgtims i i ii
level ill Ihe plenty uf n legion wheie I
have seen live thousand elk III View at
niiet' the number estimated b men uf
life long cii'i ii'iicf as henleis ami
when-I liac known nne man to kill
fulls bulls at a single stand. ,Ma a
nieicifiil l'iiiiileiice impel our legisla
tors In I II fill sonic lue.'llisof collllulling
Ihe waste of this wealth! Hut, as I
have s ml, total etciniiniition is impos
sible This is dctuoiisltatcil in the case
of the animal lam about to ilescribe.
which peisisis in using ceu iIhh,. fool
lull legions of llouldei County, wheie
iniiiiiig. milling, grazing and' agiicnl
tllle make (ogetbl I' olio nf Hie thriftiest
localities uf the new west Year after
year be continues to startle the plowman
or the henleis by bis sudden appear
ance, and a I'm lunate istol-sliot sume
lluies s elites- him for the larder; I lit of
hunting, prnpniU, theieis Utile done
now ill Hie legions nf Inegteal telluri
um discnw'i'ifs. Hint have cnuci'tcd ill
Insu arming i-amjis the hills n er w hicli.
during my mmtintc, I ranged with
lUllk (.leen, Hie Tolll lilluls, "Hig'
Osbiune and (Mil l.exi Van Uensselaer.
If any uf the Moulder buys wish to en
joy a good old-fashioned bunt to ilu
they go up to Hie .St V rains, llig
Thompson, or the Cache l.a I'oiulre. or
ner the range into North or Middle
Paik I'roui this region west and smith
is the heart of the hunting; pmticulnrh
in that portion reached by tlio(timuisnii
ami its tiibutmies, Here roam all a
rieties uf game animals known in this
latitude in America, with, I believe, one
exception- the red or Virginia deer has
tieer been found west nf the inline ex
cept as a mongrel. If desirable, the
element of danger may be suuglit in
pursuit nf the range and cinnamon
the first a cousin of tlic true t'ruitliom
hiis, somewhat Miintcd by change uf
habitat, but none the less ugly or the
les, ferocious blown ami black bears,
or Hie puma (of whom beware") or the
other cats mid lynxes, or the sluggish
but courageous wolverine. .VnMit-r
or Nrii i'n r.
Neman's lulli - i Suclul Lire.
Men, as a rule, are eusilv attracted to
a beautiful face, but still ft is an inter
nal beauty ot characlei by which a
woman can exeit the greatest amount
of inlliieiiee. A triie-mlmled man
though at llrst cuaiuoicd bv the glare
of personal beauty, will sunn (,-i the
hollfwiiess uf us 'charms when he dis
cnveis Hie lack ol beaulv ill the mind
Inesliinablv gieat is the inlliieiiee a
sweeiniiiiiled woman ma wield over
those around her It is to her that her
friends would come in seasons of sol
um ami sickness fur help ami support
one smithing touch of her kindlv
hand would work wonders on the fever
ish child, a few words let full from her
lips in the ear of a sorrowing sister
would do much to raise the loud nf
griel which was bowing its victim
down to the dust in anguish. The
husband ionics home, worn out with
the pressure ot business and feeliii" ir
ritable with the world in general "but
when lie enters the cn.v sitting-room
and sees the blue of the bright tire,
his slippers placed by loving hands in
readiness, au,i m,.,ts ,',s wife's smiling
luce, he .succumbs in a moment to the
soothing inlluences which act us the
balm ot (iileutl on his wounded spirits,
that are wearied with combating with
the stern realities uf lit,.. The rough
schoolboy Hies in H ,.,,, (,., (m,
taunts ot his companions to tiud solace
in his mother's smile ; (ho little one.
full of grief with its own large trouble.
Imds a haven of rest on its mother's
breast, and sy one might go on with
instance alter instance of Hie Inlliieiiee
a sweet-mindctl woman has in the so
cial lite with which she is connected.
7. iit.s' MiHJHUtlf.
Joseph Keshover was instantly killed
by IlghlnliiK itt Tltu-WII,', 'a., Auk. 14.
"Zekiel. don't tell anybodv that you
beuudiiie home." "Surv.Mou't .,u
mind: Pm as much ashamed of it as
j on are."
The grain crop in the central ami
eastern portions of Russia has been
very greatly injured by the protracted
Ono of the tirst newspapers publish
ed in this country on the plan of hav
ing an editor distinct from the publish
er and printer, was The Minerva of
Now York, u dally paper which soon
changed iUs name to the Conunerciul
Advertiser. It was edited by Noah
Webster, the famous lexicographer.
I lllltt It ti 111! llt-l tttcMl III llf'llft
IllU llli- Hellenic 'l'l.iie I
l.illltlM'l III Vlllicc.
Ihe limit reel lit iinprnvi'liii III ill the
pi'iilm lion nf 'net l Hie llilrodilt tlnn
il liudetl illlls III the tluwi'i Aid pill
lei lis, iriviltg Hieill Iheiellef uf it pit til re
Tbe elleel l prudllceil bv VhTV illg the
'ipplu It loll uf tin- two stitches U'l'll in
III iklllg the llowet" tilt "Inlle," which
(orlllS Ibei'llMI' tissue, iiml Hie ' grille."
I'lllplovnil III Hie mule open pull of the
p-llletll The s stein Is so sUceefllll
Ipplied In Ihe laces uf Trance that (t
has been adopted with the IT't'lltest suc
cess Tllt'le is a legend teg irdlllg the III-
iiotliictluu uf this inauiifai lure Into
riunilei's. A puveity-stru ken but pious
young girl was living of luvc for a
V'liltig man whnse wealth pieeliuleil all
hopes nf nun ritigc (die night, as she
sat weeping nl her s id fate, a beautiful
huh eiitt'ietl tin- collage, mnl, without
saying a wmd, placed on del knees .i
gt'eell cloth ellsliioll. W ilh Its liobbltls
tilled With Ihe line Hiread which mi
autumn evenings lloat in the air. mid
which nil the people tall ' In
t'li i 'I' " 'lliel.idy. Iboilgli of lolliuti
I n- lic'tiiugwas a praellcal lliauiifiictui'
er. She sat down in sllcmc ami wiih
her' tiiigt'is taught the unhappy
maldi'll bow In make all suits of nut
Icriis and complicated stitches Astliiv
light uppiuucht'il, the l ii ii it li-ii hud learn
ed hei ait ami the iiiystei ions v isitor
The price nf lace soon made the
pom gul i it'll She married the mini
uf hei choice, ami, sin rounded by a
huge faiinlv. lived happv ami rich, for
she h ul kenl the set-let for hel'self I lue
evening, when the little folks were plav
tllg loliud her knees li tin til '-nlf. and
her liiisliuntl s:it fondlv watching the
happv ginup, Ihe huh siiddciilv tiiutlc
hei .ippeurmice mining them. Her hear
ing wus thsluut; she seemed stem ami
sad, and this time addressed her piote
ge in a tlelllbliug voice.
"Here," she said, "yoll t'lloV pence
uiul .inillliluilce, while Wllliollt lire falll
i:ic anil Irouble I helped Volt, Mill
have not helped your neighbors The
angels weep foi you ami (urn uwuy
their faces.'
So the next iluv the wiiimiu lose, and
gning foi lli with her green eushiuH and
lis bobbins iii her bauds, went fioincot
tuge to collage, nilciing to all who
would be taught In instruct them ill the
ml she hud hei'si'll inirai-illou-lv learn
ed Su ihev ulsu became rich, ami Mel
gllllll becuilie fuuiniis for this ui.lUllfuc
llllc ll'ilhiiiDi'i IliiHitui.
lit pin Is or the l.iiuikiln Club.
Al Ihe last meeliug of ihe Limekiln
Club (he janitor repoitetl (hat Ihe club
piopcrly in bis charge had increased
I'ioiiioiic stove, live benches ami a bear
Hup. to thirteen benches, twenty chairs,
it water pail, four pictures, a table, six
lumps, a jug of kerosene, and a box of
mutches. I'he amount taken in ami
paitl nut by him would be found in the
Measurer's repuil. He rectiiuiiiemleil
the purchuseufji snow shovel to operate
by wind power, and also regarded a rat
trap us a liuudv thing to have around
the hall.
'I'he treasurer repnrjeil that he hud re
ceived from all .sources the sum of two
hundred ami eighty -eight dollars and
fifty cents iliiringthe vcur. and had paid
out two hundred ami thirteen dollars
ami twelve cents. The club hail not
lost any thing by failures of Kcsteru
bunkers, ami did not at present hold any
Turkish bonds to worry over.
The Committee on l-'iiiance reported
in favor of hard money ami u tlollor
worth one hundred ecuis, mid the Hon.
Clingstone Johnson, of (iengriu, pre
sented the following resolutions:
"MVi'urm, lar 'pears to be several
sorts o' dollars lloutin' rouu' tie keiilrv :
IIVi'iiMs. If a doli-ir shouldn't be
wovf a lull hun'crd den a p-iitn' of beef
siiouhln't be olier fo'tceu ounces; dare-
.'t "olreil. Hut diselub supports onlv
de lull dollar, de haul dollar, de real
dollar, nu' de dollar tint will buy nine
ty -eght cents' vviiif nf dullish all' get
twin-cuts buck In buy peanuts for "tie
Chill'l'll "
The resolution was carried by a full
and unanimous ote
Alter u song, President (iurduer in
t reduced to tin-club Col. Klustie Shue
bil.v Slagg, of Illinois, who bowed like
a duke, adjusted his coat-tails ami
"(iein'leii. I am p.'oinl of dis insidi
ous occasion, when I look up an' down
dis grand ole hall and observe de beau
ty, eiilchur' and reliiieiueiit herein as
semhled. I feel to exclaim w'ul dat man
Shakspeaie: We he, got de bulge on
de Limekiln hiness!' Whv hev" dcse
gem' len arrove hear from de fai Kast.
de distant South ami de great West?
Am we heuh to win mou y on a sweat
board? Am we heuh to beat de inno
cent stranger by de free-card inontc hi
ness? Not much! We am on de spot
t.i assist in de fust annual 'lection of de
club. We belongs to it, we ant proud
of it, and we expect to help make it tie
lival of de next Congriss. Deconstitu
slum pervide.dat ollieer may be'lected
either by ballot orcxclaniasli'iin. wisli
to say a word only in one case dm of
llrudder Carduer. He mils' Mav whar
he am He am de right man' in de
right place. He. more dun all tie rest,
he, made dis club what it am. Widout
his philosophy, control mid linaiishul
keenness, dis club would be a mustard
plaster wid all de. smart lef out. I dare
fore move dat he be re-elected bv ex
elamiishuu. All you'tis in favor of -"
He was lufrriipted by such a burst
of cheers as made the st'ove-iiipe trem
ble, and none could doubt that the old
philosopher was enshrined in the heart
of each ami every member.
New York was scourged bv the yel
low fever In I7'.'8. I80I. 18IVi', 1S'J'. and
I7-.M. Aiuboy, N. ,I in I8ll; Middle
ton, Ct.. in lSl'.i; Philadelphia, in I7l:l.
lT'.tu, I "US. ISlVi and KS'.'O. A tew eases
appeared in Huston in !8H. Many
thousand persons died in these cities
during the various epidemics of tho fe
ver which prevailed. It i.s now thought
that the quarantine regulations of New
York are so perfect that it will be im
possible for the fever to get into the
nm or piiim i.
Ilnw dicMi Mtileii It inn Miul.tiMwar
ami Stdd as a shite In cw iok.
,S. ir lie i ml ..f IM' it-' . . i ,. v
Vf bil'i d M' r i ? in- ..wti-t .I the
null propt rtv it .Milii..ii. . N J .
i.ought a lave girl in this llv It i
Hie l gt nd ilmiit lu-r ber fenlurt
Hi'it ilitiost i cut ss thie nf
Cnm .tsiin, and her t oliipb vlmi of i
lillit copper hue. She was slender alltl
shapely . mnl lu-r bearing was proud,
:illli". li'itighfv After In- bwmtie
nllit w b tl lecnllelleil to Mr Mercer's
t-IV It e, 'lllil collld speak i'.llglill. Ihe
beautiful young slave told a m story
nf lu-i life Shewas, she sanl. a King's
d'uixlitcr, ami in her native litiul. M id
ugiiscur, sin wore a dres fushiotn-tl if
the pllllll'lge if the bllgbtest hllt'd
birds Her heol drt-s. was 'tlso of
feathers, ami lu-r m-ck. arms and
Ullkb-s Were clli'lt'ch' with bands nf
gold ami strings of nianv colored bead
()i-e tlav she wandered in the ea shore
Id pick Up shells for a necklace She
was ah. tie, and Intent upon In r p isliuic
Suddenly she felt lieisclf grasped from
behind liv rtnlo hands Sin- lud been
c'lplnreil bv Ihe crew of a slave ship
The s,ies tied ,i Ii lllilkt-rclllef over
lu-r mouth ami curried lu-r In their
bouts Thenihev towed swlftlv totlnlr
Hii'iuling hei f, liber's anger, the
Captain ordeied -ail to be made ul
once The captive pilnccss was forced
to evchuilgc lief cttsllv Utllle for II
course cotton gown, mill to held with
the slaves Irolied between decks ,N'o
lU'itlUflcs were put on her, liccallM- she
was passively obedient to every coin
llialld The slave ship etlteletl a pint
ol the I'liitcd stjtes, ami the ghlwu
broilgbl to tins cit v for sale.
Hnbin a few yenis the captive
prilici ss fell in oe wild n fellow -slave,
ol a lighter Inn- than hiscoiui uiles, and
they were iiiiii i led Tin-lit'st chihl wus
born about 177.1 Thev culled her
Itaclii'l AIkiiiI this Hun-, Mr Mercer,
the girl's owner, sold his proin-rtv -iml
iiiovctl in Newark Tln-ie riicoiloic
l-'lellllgllUV sen, one of the founders of
the well known New .Jersey fatuilv, of
whiih Senator I'relinghuvsen is a
mt-iiibei, won the humliii blsiluughtei.
Charlotte Mr. Mercer gave the slave
piiiiccss and her child, Itaclicl, to his
daughter on he wedding d.ty. When
Ituclu-l giew to womanhood, she was
as bcuutitul as her mother hail been
She was uiariieil loSuinuel Williamson,
a slave belonging to Mr. 1'iederick
liclinghuyscii. six ehililieu, two of
whom uie'living, were the fruit of this
KiU-hcl's mother lived until she was
full out' hundred years of age. She
was in her Inter years an object of al
tcctioii.itc solicitude on the purl of tic
Prelinghiivseiis. She was not allowed
to do any work, and at eleven o'clock
evci'v day, a glass of tine old wine was
sent w ilh her master's ami mistress' best
wishes. She wus of Incorruptible hon
esty, and j wels, plate, and money of
very large value were often h-tl under
herehaige by the Krelinghuvseiis.
Haeliel, who has been living lor ma
ny years in the liuiiseholil nf Mr. Ilii
niont I'reliiighuy sen, a luother uf the
Si'iuttur, amfa gentleman nf independ
ent means, in Siuuerville, N. J., fell in
to her dotage about a year ago, when
she attained her HHtli birthday. On
Saturday, the loth of August, Mr. Fre
liughiiy sen determined to send her to
her (laughter's house, on Hut outskirts
ot Siuuerville ICacliel seemed pleased
with thcchniigc. On Sunday her daugh
ter, who is about eighty years of age,
had a gieal mustering of her friends to
show oil' Kiichel, or Mammy," as she
was generally called. On Monday Ka
ehcl was in tine spirits, ami ate hearti
ly. In the evening she was stricken
with purulvsis nf the right side mid
throat She lingered without solid food
until Tuesday, the I'.ith. and then died.
Her body was interred in tin- colored
cemetery near Sonierville, by the side of
a colored woman who died at the age of
K:l. The whole Prclinghuy sen family,
including the Senator, attended the til
ueral in carriages.
Mr. I turnout Kielinghuvscn said ves
tcrd i Hint In-does not doubt that Ita
clicl Willi'inisoii was about 10,'j years nf
age. She otteii spoke ol playing with
the Meicer children, w ho. if they were
living, would be between lo.'l ami 107
year of age. .V )' Sun. .uiit 'JI.
Miuiunicuts in cstiuisstei' Abbey.
In the celebrated monument to Sir.
Praucis Vere. beneath which he seems
to be sleeping, lour kneeling knighls
bear up a slab upon which his armor is
laid, and the lace of one of them is so
life-like, as he looks at you with parted
lips, that Koiibiliae is said to have once
w hispered: "Hush! hush' he w ill speak
presently." Shakespeare leans in Poets'
Corner, "musing of "elouil-clapp'd tow
ers and gorgeous palaces" "the base
Icssfubiic of this vision." Handel is
looking up, with an extpiisitcly-chisel-ed
ear, ill rapt attention to an angel
play ing upon a harp. Addison is in Ids
dressing-gown .stepping from his parlor
.into his garden, (nirriek is throwing
aside a cm tain with a theatrical air. So
everywhere you muv happen to cast
your eves. Lady Walpole. as the figure
of "Modestv," stands in Henry VII. 's
Chapel. Mrs. Slddoiis looks Hie" "Trag
ic Muse;" Kentble is in Hie character
of "Cato," .lames Watt, a gigantic
figure in one of the chapels, is engaged
with a pair of compasses, forming de
signs. Sir Isaac Newton, in the Nave,
is lying with his arm on some heavy
folios, and pointing to a scroll. Karl
Stanhope, on the other side, aNo re
cumbent, is reclining imoit his arm.
Craggs. in one chapel, is leaning on an
urn. The Duchess of Somerset, in an
other, is gazing up at a group of cheru
bim. The Huron of Kiiisale is reposing
under a canopy. So is Sir Cloudcsloy
Shovel. Admiral Ty trell is rising from
thesea. (Jcneral Hargrave is struggling
from the tomb, while Time is engaged
in breaking the darts of death over his
knee. On Sheffield's monument Time
Is bearing away his children. The
Morris family are in attitudes of prayer,
one of them cheerfully upward.
Sir tJ. L. Staunton is expounding the
law to an Hast Indian.
Sir 11. Pecksall and his two daughters
have risen from their couches to fall on
their knees. Lord Hussell is reclining
with his face toward the spectator, but
his daughter is seated erect in a chair,
pointing to a skull nt her feet. Lord
It .r'. gi u i,i I t, i i ! i
kill l' III "H "f St ,' Tl'l) I f J 1
ti it in .plfielil utlir lr s.i .'h
n c iiu.'m tr in iu pi'm lb llus' w -
I p tl .11 bl I. llnl, t Ills to I , i M
' iik.' hi own .its.i -sir ((forge l..ili
titlid' (! I Hi Mie i "-1111111' of ; (. in
gellt'l'll 1 "V l- oil n ltl,tlrts III tin
arms of Lil,. tt. with I', ue rui.rutig
oil lo knee, nrul an eiuaiielpatiirs'iti
clne bv lrfrd Milllstlflil is pit'sidiug
III court. H ilh .Itistice Mild itult. in oil
either limn I ( iniiiiij.' i niakihtf iu. ora
(inn in Hi" Nor.h 1 1 m.i tit ITie Kirl
if ( hrttltiin is gislb ulutitig nenr tlir
d'H.r illimti Put. In the mUos of (hi
( 'h u.i'cllor of the Kv('heiU-', l swak
nig with great antiiliitittoii at the etui
ol thi-Naw Wilherforre lounges tuiek
in iv chair with one leg em-eiloVer tho
oilier The ligure of lame ii very at
tractive every wlu-ie ,vi u Death it-uU
innk' - a terihc intiiisinu upon the
scene by liiirstitig out from behind the
folding doors at Hie Uise ul a well
kiinwu mniiuiiiciii, ami aiming his dart
at one of the ,-tlli ighleil llgurts al'tive
I give tin .iinple In such number
as much for their curious intctest und
vurics as for then desi-tiptivc ellcet in
silggesling the universal Uspet I of life
ill the Abbey Wlidl It i "pell it night
and pattiaHy ilbiiiiiuateil, Hut iiiicerl.ini
iniiigling of light ami .I'll kin-s, ui ikes
the ellei I almost spcrttul Al the lltlie
vv lienii was i ustoiuarv fm funerals to
take place al m ueiii miiliiighl, and tic
prncessiiiii into Ihe iiriiisolf uiii was ac-
couipmiicil bv nickeling tnrche. tin
scene lllllst Icive been liitlescribablv
strange. iiiliton' i.Lnrnnl
alcrlnn, Napiiliiui ami Snine stiauge
It is w itb aiiiuenieiil that we read
how Unbelt Had mourned lot Water
Inn as Inning -put back the clock ol
tln-vvolhl s deglecs " (ieolge Tick-
nor, who I imled at Liverpool, visiting
Kiiiopo fur the lirst time a few weeks
alter the lligb fiom Llb.i, has lelt a
record ot the impression made upon
llllti by the 1 itlgil tgc of bis w Illg frieiul.s
Tiekiior. a fctlei'ibst of Washington's
school, had never doubted thai l-'ng-land
was in the right in her hemic n
slstunee to tin- great despot. When
Napoleon" hewiotc, -'vv Us ejected from
I'rance. every man in Christendom of
honest principles and teelings felt as if
a weight of danger hud been lilted from
his prospects, as if he hail a surer hope
of going down in his grave in peace
ami leaving tin inheritance to his ehil
ilieu Hut now the complexion of the
world is changed again." Hn was
umufd to lilnl thai F.nglisliiiini weie
not as one Mr Itoscoc, mild and phi
losophical in his whole character, was
opposed to the war, and at a at
Allerton gave the usual whig argument
against it vcrv much
surprised me " On his wav to Loudon
shortly utterwnrd Tickuor visited Dr.
Parr, who said in his dogmatic way.
""sir, I should not think I had done iny
duty if I went to bed any night witli
out praying tor the success nf Napoleon
llonapurte." If the young American
had known any thing of Purr, he would
not have hecu astonished at this out
burst of unpatriotic spleen In the pre
v nuts year when Wellington was driv
ing Soult before him in the south, and
and the allies were closing around Paris
in spite of the brilliant strategy of Na
poleon, the whig divine hud written to
Mr (Nike, of llolkhmu- "My Indigna
tion a the Knglish (iovernni'ent as the
real and implacable disturbers of the
peace Km ope, increases daily and
hourly; and from that malignant spirit
which began to act in 17IKI, and is now
reinforced by the accession of such mi
auxiliary as the prince regent, I forbode
the most disastrous eoiise .piencus. Mv
fear is that the Hies will be overfulfil
by the eurneslm ss or cajoled by the
bribes of the prince regent and his min
ions." A mouth after his visit to Purr,
I'ickuor was in company with a vcrv
dillerent man, but also "a whig anil
something more." Lord Hymn was
conversing with him. when Sir .lame
Itiirgess rushed into the room, exclaim
ing: "My Lord, a great battle has
been fought in the Low Countries, and
llouaparte is entirely defeated'" After
receiving an assurance that the intelli
gence was ollieial. and that the French
army was retreating on Paris, llv run
paused anil said with hi invtistoiucd
emphasis ! am - sorrv for il"'
After another pause hit continued. "I
didn't know but I might live to sec
Lord Castlere.igh's hcadon a pole. Hut
I suppose l shan't now." The same
thoughts in almost the same words will
be found in the extracts tt Myron's
journal, printed in Moore's .il." Tin
Villi fit nth ( i iitnn.
JheUukei.r Wellington.
He understood very little, if auv thing,
of the tpiestituis of stale policy 'icyond
the immediate field of his own personal
responsibilities and duties, of politi
eal economy he was supremely ignorant,
vet his strung common sense enabled
liint at hist to recognie some of its
fundamental truths. His speeches nu
economical subjects teem with puerili
ties and absurdities, without ingenuity
in conception or expression. Of the
ends and objects of government he had
formed no philosophical estimate, nor
dreamed that authority had any other
duty of function than' to cause itself to
be respected and obeyed. The people
were altogether a cypher in his eyes,
except as grouped "round the sover
eignty. Alibis sympathies were with
rulers, whatever was the character of
their rule, and he eared nothing for
subjects, whatever might be the nature
of the subjection. Hut when dangers
menaced the ruling few "from the
action of the .serving many," he had
the sagacity to discern that those dan
gers jiistilied and deinnndeil conces
sions. StrJolm Ifowrtwi.
I'uteli Marmnlttilc. -Take ripe free
stone peaches, Pare, stone and quar
ter them : to a pound of fruit allow
three-quarters of loaf sugar and half
an ounce of almonds. Blanch the
almonds in .scalding water and pound
them until smooth. Scald the peaches
lua very little warm water ; luasiithum;
mlv them with the sugar and almonds
and put the whole into a preserving
kettle. Poll it to a thick, smooth paste.
Skim and stir it well, and keep the
kettle covered as much as possible.
Fifteen minutes will be stitlloieut to boil
them. When cold put up In glass jars.
she I. ell Her I Hitler'- l,rolr
It. I' l.tue ol mi lllllllia.
I It. I -I.. fc . ' I h t f ..f the
I'cm i . . -t'tv T U- lit the house of
' ' of He pt'pi, whir, he hid In II
mv I', tl to dint I w if!n ft Itlto the
llnirijr r -ii by l p-vipoM-, who i.n.k
It UIKIH hr('lt tJl lit:ld IMC to tin gov-
Tivr without 8il ni'tnuuitg his p,-r-iiiissioti.
mnl I e uiic 'iMin th dinner
purtv tititiH are
I ran not s.-iv but what tbe governor
wus jim little chagrined at my in
trusion, but h ha-tllv Hrsc from the
cat lie UHvutnt'd on lli fluor. and gave
ine a i urdiftl vveli-.iHie J'bc . Uth wa
laid upon tin tloor. though n table
ill the pMilll. tilld s'X ot HleJe lukV
people were silting around, enjiying
tin ir repast.
(tovernor soloiunii 1 rain is is now the
chief of 111- inli''. He is eighty one
years oi age. and hi pusitioii entitles
bun to a fun lei annuity of tiftv dot- ,
lars, which he considers a vry' mall
sum, inasmuch as hi father iii.iiiv years
ago .'t veil on.- hiitidrcd and fifty dol
lars for iHiiipying Hie same position,
lie is chosen iiv his people with a life
term of olbce, and his duties are uitre
Iv in settle dip ite- and maintain order
mnl 'piietutle among the Indians under
bis jurisdiction.
His sou. an intelligent youth of abuiil
twenlv years, was given me as a guide,
with instruct mii to conduct me to those
families where a coircel idea ol the
t li'ir.ii'teristu-s 'iml in ini.ers u his jit-o-
ple might be oh-. 'IV ed
He led IIIC til Hie Vi I V cleuillv -looking
dwelling of Lewis l'rancis, who was
then oil a polpoise i xpediliuli, but his
s.piiw, ,i white vvoiuaiitif vcrv respect
able fatuilv cnutifctiun. was luisily en
gaged in prepaiing diuiier
l'lic woman is pos-i s-ctl of more than
otdlllUiy lUlclligchce. with llashingeye
atnl a proud bearing. Her tweiity-thr" -e
ycuis of married lilt- ami association
With Ihe tube seem hot to llllVti lilt il the
elicit ol destroying the icliiiciueiit and
cachings of her early youth, she
speaks Hn- Indian tongue llueiitly ami
is mi adept in thu finest brainMi of hus
baski t-iti iking
She appear- to be happy and satisfied,
mid when 1 asked her if she hail ever
bad c.iiisii to icgiei her man iage, Iter
quivering lip ami subdued manner be
tokened her answer, and, in the words
of Hn- fair Desdemnua, she could have
''I'lle Itc.l Wus fi.rhlil
Hut tint our lovis mnl cmifnris Minulil In
Kvt'ii us niir il.ijs itn t;rim
She is the mother of eight children,
all girls but one, and line-looking, the
Indian blood being scarcely perceptible
I'he wife as.ured me thither atleetion
for her husband ami children vas -ncli
that she would willingly risk her life to
save tlieiu from daugur. She experi
enced very little tlitl'erciice iii her mode
of living from that to which she had
been accustomed in her earlier life
It is true, she had married without
the conent of her parents, but this of
fense had long since been condoned
ami family visits exchanged, and her
father, dying recently, bequeathed to"
her lifty acres of laud immediately ad
joining their village. -Itnllimnrc .liner
irnn. Titus and the .lews.
Between the era of Autiochus I'piph
lines ami the Kmperor Nero, it appears
certain that the .lews made a very ben
elicial impression on the mind of West
ern Asia and tin Unman world, pre
paring it (it may seem) for Chtistinnity. r
I'he equitable character of their do
mestic institutions was iu harmony with
their nobler religion. The historian
.loscphiis many times on the ex
cellence of their social practices and
sentiment. What lie says of their sim
plicity of life and the absence of luxury
may have been colored by the contras't
rellected from Human extravagances,
but what he says in detail .if the honor
paid to Industry, the .eal of all to be"
self-supporting the approval of person
al wot k. ami their freedom iu impart
ing goods to one another, which hecalls
kolniHti'i, (community , fellowship,) and
(iin(s, (yielding up, or distribution,)
lllllst be accepted literally. We have
full reason to believe that mechanical
art and rustic labor were -is honorable
then iu .ludeu as now Iu the Ami;ric.ii
t liiou or at Sail Lake, ami that many .
doctors nt the law maintained them
selves with their hands. The case of
St. Paul is an obvious illustration.
Moreover, the iuw.sof .1 mica were equit
able ami the punishment mild. Tacitus
himself declares that among them
selves Hie fidelity of the .lews was rigid.
(nlitiiiiitn) and their tender nfcrcy
prompt." Such a people, it migli't
seem, h..d dei'served to live, even iu the
Human Kmpirc Not so thought HoJ
man wisdom. That model Kmperor
Ti'.iis, "thu delight of mankind," took
counsel with his high ollicers whether
to save the Temple of Jerusalem, a
building esteemed magnificent. Hut
they argued that out of Jerusalem had
conic two detestable religions, the Jew
ish and the Christian, which would best
be destroyed by uprooting their origi
nal home; therefore the Toniplnnd
the citv were to be utterly demolished
After 'ionian cruelty had done ita worst
upon the oppressed and ruined nation,
Christian animosity succeeded, to plav
a like part. Jewesh proselytisin ceased,
indeed, became impossible, after the
violent and deadly war; yet the Jews
and their religion have long sturvircd
the domineering, oppressive, and self
tlest oying rule of Home; it has under
gone no deterioration by the lapse of
centuries; yet they -till have to plead
for toleration and justice from Sclavon
ic Kuropc. Fritter's M-iyminc.
Tat, with a little lino salt sprinkled
over it, is good for the general health
of sheep.
Iii Pennsylvania the crop of apples
exceeds anything before known. In
Washington county an entire orchard
was sold at two cents per bush4. hand
picked and delivered.
Don't tell a man you sweat. It'sl
gar. Inform him that you are beinc
deprived of the saline and oleaginous
Hinds of your material substance thro'
the medium of tho exeretories of your
pellucid cuticle, with a sensible c,
densation of moisture upon life sutr
ticial exterior.
' !
i2fc" 'I