ws 4 V THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. CAM. run AiHi.runi.u ah NrATt; Ml.ltliftlMl Tilt llMllillrin I'lftltirf l,f Inn Stall- of NtLraikit nf IihiIij mlli-, u ri I iIpHj fruw lli rcffl poiiiiIii i, In tn'd in Matt. (Viiirtnlluti nt I.lhlnlli, nil llir l. ,lfl) i, (ir .mp ..r tlip loixr, nit, at I'.oviurk , m , rr Hip iiimin , vf I'lnrllijr In miiiiitintion rnrxlliUlri f. follow i tii n i net ullift. t, fine .lit, Up nf llip s;iiri'ine I'mirt. DnnMvmlirr ii( Cn or m, Una Mtinlirr ill (Niiiiiff". iiiiillni'iil. Jfovertinr. Mciitnuiit. ' tut rrimr. feeri-tirr of tittle. Auditor. Treasurer. Xuirlntiti'ltnt if I'u I.I if Intlinrimii Attorney Oetierul, I. ami l.'iimiinxl.ini i AaJtti trt.ct nutli otlipr liiiiiiim nt iii'i 'f oily rnina liefnm tln Oiiitriitmn. Til eetiirtl rntitilio nre i-iilltlml In rrinit eeuttlWin In llip hlnln I'uhvxtitioii n f'.llu. litel limii tin- lilnliral tnlp li'.rhrl Mllirr lit HIU dinner (liitrtncril s7i. ..r lfnlint for llePlit III s?7 'iriil iitii., It li.llr.l 111 .ri lh viilr f "anriru , I.tkr fnt'o nf llm Hiiiriinn Court l77,J Klein i up il-liKnln in r i,., j, 0p, and mill Inr IIik rmrlioll lifT t,.i'' ill o onp ilrlpKtitp nt.liiiiio for mi li ooutiir. finiiil I'pIpm I'hIp 4uuutltn milt, t'niiiiilpi fii" AJami h l.lpitpr.nii Alltfl(i.n n Inlilioili , J!1'"". '' .Ki'iiriiP) i HurTal.i i, Kuiili "utlcr n Kni. Hun i 'I.iinriflii II ID II, III.'. .In i Jur 2 'm;iimm ( he) r imp ". UiMili'k . OIy .Ninit'liii i tli'lUt i Nin'klMlIf i CumliiK l (i..i. in 'upr l'.i iii n i, li.knii i I'liplj.. i IIWUI j I'lptH. I'uiili I I'lntln I ''lp I '..Ik ;illlui 17 .(i, Mlllnw J rl lliinrn n Klrli.iril n Irnnklln MhIih,. ;i Irontlrr I n r. I in' :i iiiiii.ii'i. 'Jut" t mrnitnl n Jlunitr I Hlirrniuii ljr'lr i uliiutiii lull n 1 1, ..r lUnilltnn .', V.,11,) '"Ihii i llllclicork I will Hi' Hnwartl .1 ui'li'tir Jlnlt 1 YuiL 7 Tlllll .IH ItU, I, I lift, (hut ti, r i x i i-i tie imIihIIIpi! to llio I'uiivi'iillnii ptn.,t m'li rclii,J dy i.ikiiih imMiiiKin llin miiiiii lea Irmil nlili'li tlm ,rnli inn kiwii tWoinl, Tint t mi iIpIpkiiIii rliiill riiri'nil unuticnt ini'inlur nfliln ilrlpnliiiii, iinlprH lip IioIjIoIIip.! IIi inith, irib Iroiu tlip ('mire ty Cnnvriitliin, nrlnlii iiuiH-frlnii nfrroxli fruin reiulnrlr rlprU'il ilrltuutp' tlii'ipnl Vy urilir uftnu Hi'inililU'iiu Ntuti-1 rnlial Ciiinmittep. .lAWr.MW. NMIlS.CIi'in, ll.M.WIiMJt. spi". Lini'iiln, .hily'.'l, i. MEETWO CO CEN COMMITTEE It whm ilccidi'il on motion to call tlio IUpublican Cimnly 'omici.tioti mi tlic Mth tliiy ol'io), ITs, nt one o'clock p. in. nt Itcil rimiil, lor the l.urpoho of plncii.1: in tiointnntio:: I faprcstinlMivc, I County l'mnitii'"'imi er lor the firfit Com. Di-t. uml 'lelc Mtttcs to Slate, Mcuiitorial uml .linli oinl OohvuntiotiM, ami for ihu ttan-nc-lion of such other Ihimiu'h. us may properly conic tcloro it. Ou motion tlm I.OHiitof tcpri'M'tita- tion bo on tlm '7.S, wiimis kiv'ii.h delegate to ovi'ry iwcnty-rlvu, totcis and ono for l'ih;i itmjur tuii'tioii tlutio of, anil onu at lariio. Tlio pneincts AN entitled to tlio iollowinj; number ofdclcKn'.cs. Red Cloud Uuido Hook II ti Still water ' Harmony I Inavalo A llatin '' roltodam - Oak Crock ;'. Walnut Crcok ;' Olonwood ' Vicrsont Hill " Elm Creek Total ."'I On motion it wan reoomemlcd that tlio various ureoiiiet' hold their cut cuacs on Saturday, 7th, at - o'clock, p. in., 1S7S. at tho tiMinl place ol'vot nR. KO. l'AHKKK, li. H. ITI.TON, Chin. Noeiy. Our Senatorial convention will be hold in Hnnt'ins on Tuesday Octo ber 8th. Tho KnpuLlican Judicial ennvention for this tho fifth jmlici .1 dimtict U called to moot at Kearney on T hunt day tho 10th of October. Ilpn, Wm. A. Itwyer of Omaha has announced him.self at ciimlul.ito to the forty sixth ConresN. Ho protnisc.t to aid in setting soverul iuteruil im proveuienta that will aid our .state, lie also opposes tho "civil .service loform movement and policy of conciliition. Ho will bo likely to make I'liito a run if not a certainty. Our state was a'nitled last work by tho uewa of tho sudden death of Hon. Frauk Welch, our CoiiKre.-suian. He died on Wednesday evetiiiiK, Sept. at Noligh, Antelope Co., ufupcploxy Ho was born in Aupiibta, Me., in Ks,i:. and camo to Nebraska at an en i ly date aa an engineer, but went into the titer cantilo and millitiK business Ho rcprc seated ua in Congress by laboiitij; as siduously in the interests or our .-late. Hilt frionds were amine, his claims to a reaouiinatiou, ami with u show of Hucceia. HU remains were taken to Boston, where his relatives live, for interment. I CwSTAir. - . . A... i 'P.. .,!, ....r uinif rir ,.,.. iiii'iiVa ami laMelor thru.) days '. uty 1 Inner in tlio e-wiily. or ncirly ' o.ery me. Im rwclvo'i it ir iiiitim lti ifil tlirmu'li tlio critrt piiici of limn , (, ( I i in1 ' ini.f . iii..i wn nrj fimi i i . . I ,i . i '",l rt,B,,y ""' '""ner Irmi ; (Milip(.mi'liH) luvc !' nil' I on lll.l. nti'l t iiv) fInl lo rrrorl inl, m t ilflici) luvc il''i nli I on nlti'li'J- Itii'. Iti ill nirli wr vrmilil mij, imt only utt'inl Imt in. Inn: jour Mulilinr lii rutin', mil, iilmvn nil. In in; -nvi' rill.MI In thr mir tnli inii. mi tn illrr wUt ii-tnny In' llrn.K . itn plu- ! f.inniieril hohM .Jrs'ioy "u Hum your lull linn, inn-, ttluut. Iiirl.-v. '"'"' l,",l,"" 1"IIjh hi Kiitiiibefciini tyo, uiilyt, n.iiiliii, puiiikiiiv nt '' run ol h iiiiIImhmi iiimiiJiHlti--j roll" liiiluiii, ioiatoi ii'kJ nil iiciiiirt ,,,p,: '" "M"'"" ' '"-i" "" '(' oU'iiiIiiit('ilulilMiiiil llowrm, ami ""lof "inoiiii'iiii; to (.ill M,;i2 tl il tin not wmIi to i'iiIit them , i "I' tint. JTo iJi,'"ii an-l.kiMl it,, m oniiiiriiti(it. rnoiii will lui (ivi'ti fH'i;1'"' ' ,s '''''"J. 'l tT'UHHMmti ol'eliHij;'. lot tlinr tixliiliition. Tin. t ! I,0,n '" ,l"' N"""""l l"iik, vthi ' liiliiliijiioriivi!nlock nlmulil bo nmilu ' ,,'aw' "" "t'""l 'in'iiltitioii of ck'i'ii- nlo it iiihllcnil'iiwial intorr-i. T, '"'" '"noiii.tiim' In 2f i.fHm.ttmj ml. ; pri'mnniM fur poultry. a.Jwill I..- Mvn jt"1 "' 'l'' '""'"nfUon ;i-t II.. fim. Mommiy :iml vmml, Mtl lariifiily i"":'1 ,,,,l,k """"""'""nuiu- to nl.i.ul . wm i vt uiii.,.t tlnitMMi-ii.K' Iruilnl ",.'"'."'"ol r. jtu it .1 miM-f mi) Vm.l, nml ilieioha Invn nnn'li tu tlw ( j ialft.1 in inn finiity (linyc:.r, to lnm ' '-' W" ,I,IV,S "'" """' v """8 '" . ii-iitl, iii iirt ii.' M.-itf iiml fttl,,",," l"ni'","'nl'l'" I'-uiitiv I'jW r:iiiui!,l nri.errml or Jitl'teil. Muuli ',,;c",,, ' ,M' T 1"1 '!' oti-m ?.'. I, ' Im" liui'ii xnid in tin; KjnL in ti-Katil it.. MUer' ""' ,',',i",,' "".ittnu' wiiill- it,,,, , NcliMoku ami Niuci.ily (ho c;,t'"'' '"' ''! ',,,,.,-. -w.,lt.,, 'H n fun vnlli-y not imiiiK u I'mit iiioiIikiiiik i ""' ',; "i...i.,h to i.ii.n.t 1 1, . . n ' llll lllik iiiiii i III . ... . mini i y. Il'tltu liuit wlucli u Imvo I umi in tin vfiiiaty ii i.'iiifHiit.i.l i.t our fotimy I'mrii wiIImIuicoiIiiiIiiIL uml not only tii.'.t, Imt will mil fortli m'oiiiuiiH JWiiii tin. Ki.Murn men whoj Rill Iki it,' aiiiiiiluiifu. I.U0.IH.SO ol' its iiipciim ipiality ami cirly pioiliietion 'fhe hidiut ol'tln) county we know will tiiiiko thu eomputitimi fur licit eakei. hut let, ihcoc. In rail, etc. Iiv ly ciioiikIi lo Im iiiton'siinK, and tlm pto niiiinii tm worth witling for too. Hit iduitihiM wl'UiiIi to mm every lady that eottii't to tlm fur Uf. ,iHttt cove let i. Ii.ail w,k ami funcy wmk ofevi'iv ilci'tii lion, mm tlii'in wi l. prrmiiiuis fm nil Mich ami they will beautify tho lual 1. A luij.c concoutsu will Im in iiiii'iidiiiicio ami we wi-h them to bo able to sec M.mi'tl.itie, My ... ... I llielorliliiv ol" bur .soil, uml we A-umiior inai our larmer liitinlt uilliiui cause our jiiHt ptiilo to auflcr humiliation be fore lhoM Mmiikcim by a uu;ligeiicu on theii pint which wuuld bo almost criminal. I'auvkiis of tlm county' (ho Ami cultural Sociuty in eatahliHhed for your iidvaiieemeiit, lor tho furtheiiineQ, of your ttitereptti. It.t mouihert and officers h.tvo by tbeif.piiiilent, dim-cot and oncrj-etio inaniiKetuunt retired beautiful grounds and erected a neat an-1 Mibstantial lull, yourrotiiitv, ono cl'tliti ninst fertile mil productive in tho liehett valloy, im to tulaptability to aKiicuIiurr, in our j;iiiid .voting titate, Inn lewurdcd tho diligunt tiller of ihe toil with her usunl ab.indimt lir.rving tho farmers of tho comities MirioiiuiliiiKjmt ate all at work, sy.s. rmatically, to exhibit to I lie hen of ndvautUKC their wonderful prndiiciivo resources with a view to inducing set tlotuent, ntul Franklin comity, on tho weH is especially working to uvure wlut for the last three years it has been her prido to receive, the chatnpi on medul at our Mate, fair; and it is her houhi that this year alio will carry otf, both al tho dtstiict fair at Hutt ings and thrctate fair at ltticoln, the "bleo libboti." Would you aliow your antuccia. lion of what your society has done , for you? would you advance your own intiiresta as is tin, object of that oci cly? would j ou take tho pride in your county that every tine man has in tho county he honors with his choice, and soeond tho lupoiior indiweincnts which rlie in her vast productive re eiiotl iiiill.ortty witaro intni iiumI thai "oiny u num-, iimpn phuuu'i .ti.u many from the Knit will attend lor the nndmihteil, would luke rtw.ty the fcar mrpOMi of m ..inK tho piotiuctiveuen ' " ' "' jl"-,"s "'' feople. of the eoutily, ami wv want it proiluc I y''"' '"on - In other word:., you limit well repri' 1'ioud do wo ,n',ll; w" raI"", eoiue to and main leiifoiir..iniiK county and pimid nil ,!l1" M'ecio pa yimnts without the pow rourcos holds out to settlement by I ifine; tiny noil grci'tilack man to call allowing the development of to- meeting for tho same purposn. eources? would you diMaiico every A motion was made and carried other competitive county, Franklin that mass meeting of all the green and all, in the raco for tho "nbbon" back men in Webster county beheld and aeeuro the prizes of our disttict ' Hod Cloud on Sept. 'Jl, al li o'clock ami etuto fair? We will tell von n j l- . for tho purposo of nominating an eajy way to do it Ut every farm- ' county ticket for the coming election. cr in (he county liniii mmplf of , it was moved and rained that the Am pioituctiims to ttirVoititty fair next proceedings of this inejtin be pub Ttitsiitiy, Wednesday awl Thursday. ! linhotl in the Hcd Cloud ClllKK. They will bo takeiifiotn here direct to j 0" motion, udjotirned to moot at Huitiuga and from there to Lincoln the call of the prcideut. and your cotiitntsioners will return, J. M. I'liYtK, Sec. boariiig to you tho palm w.ich you! will have so justly earned. ' Notice is hereby given that a ma'? ' 'convention of all giu.'tiback men in THE DISTRICT 7AI3, Webster Coumy will be held at lied at Hastings commences on Wednesday ' Cloud at tho Court hou-enn ihe 21st, tho ImIi and contiuues four d.iys. ut - o,clnek, p. in to nominite tit oun 1 ho products ol every county in tho diitrict, Webster couhty included, will oo on exhibition and whoever attends will meet with tisux'ossful exhibit. W. I N. Itiehnrdson who is vice president' from Wobster county is alo Supcrin-1 Hon. I. K Smith is Supctintendent of 11,1 tU'ftci ijw ty ii' ar'tn'ii' No rain or ripen n',1 I.. .,vlti MiaKf tills fair a i.'1-cc nil. I wj a Iviv , " th' "vUs ol lh,i Chi-d wl o can do N lu ",!,lkP ,l """1 '" """ atfv; rA:.s rtflrr lltteuiiu tn tin ryniH.ut i't I tlio rri'otili.tclk iiioi'iiri; Im iSa'qrdnr, wn have Imii li lm' nvtr th suhjtd it llltli', :ilnl hem at" I'liim nt our find ing. I A lati)lliriit writ, Intnl. 1 1 Si the -""""" """'" ' '''i"1'- ' 'Hw l.mnlinri. mliri-c am pii.1 '" K0,', ,''"'1 lirl- "All iuifrmt nn $-M Ii2."tii. tuitutt.l .riiinpul or ,,,u : l,,,r ''''' - I'Ttvi.l. I l"'r l'Ml1 ,'","l,,1 :""" aropii.I in coin cliiTkii. -iiilullitii, I ret I. Wo nif to li ivt' tiotliiin: Imt KoM fiinl rilvcr. I'iu'I luiir'l. Nut only I tin auii.iio i.titi') ol' iri'imnl Imu'.s will I ft in ciii'iiliiiiiiii. Imt it in tlio tntontioii ol tlio ''i.tfi'iimi'iit to COIltit.llO (0 1-tllP Ull'i llllMl'ks limn tttiio to iiiiii- iim tln'y iiro tint'ili'.l, ,f. it ilioun lv tluH'villnwinn i:ulli)iiiy Sen Keriiuii. -And ymii' o,iiiit.u m that autlii.rity to ivisiih) t he leal tm. iler tiuti's nhmitd ho expressly civcn by law.' Sec. Hherinan I think that nu- .1 :... ... .. i I tnrcfMii ,s"i'C. Kliormau. I do mt think we can. Hiader, ba CHrel'ul and stuilv this in alter, bcloro you iluiuil' the land minks. THE oaZSlIBACEEBS. The National (iieenb.tck Club o f the Stale of Nebtaska, No. SI, met at Hod Cloud, Sept. 7, l7s for thu piirposti of complotinK tho oiK.iiitzt (ion. Tho house was called to order by Dr. I Head ,1. M. I'tyo nK called on to addrcs-nln) meeting, itiadu it very livuly -puvch on tho subjuct of Finance, and was followed !v lr. Head, .lohn Stevens whogivi a vtirv cleiir aud'.etrpcttfe aivount ol the pub liu tiuauct's of the count rv pemliiiK and miico the Into civil war. Mr. l S. Ilelvern followed by a number of very pertinent ipiotutioiis on tho same Mibjeel. On motion, prevfednd to tho iIpc tion of periiiauent othceisiif the t lul. Tho following poisons wein clecitd: I). S. Ilelvern, president, John Slo vens, vicc-prch.; Ilcv. .1. .M. I'ryae, nv rotary. Tho following gentlemen were, on motion, appointed to call public muet- lus of all the (itoenbackeis in their )ir n- ' re-pivtivo ptrcincis I'm- tho purpo of scndiiiK dolee,ales to a county con volition Cloud. to bo held this fall at lied Mr. Hut ton in the Pleasant ill precinct, nod Mr. ,1. W. Kin-h in Hut tunny. Another motion was passed author y ticket. Hy order of tho Hod Cloud linen- h'f k Club. H, il. Nelvcrn .1 M. Prj'e. Vra. oec The Yellow Feyir Mill iMitinur.s in tho tomh. flMlKMM3'3?i i MINER f'or All M !: 1M.1 I 1 v: (' iin.iii i' (,'u i: ff Tl A ;I3Y yuofls, CLCTHIWG a sv vwy iiootm, (J l;i.-ri;i r CJi ici'iiswiur WTE BUY 'in i-ooih Tor CASH nod ilely rr.Mi'KTmoN. When in town j-ive tin u i mil line il.ior Si'tith ot the 1'ittt Olfn-ii. I .... 1 Have a lot of .No rutu m.m.iin Al- .'U-rli's I. I the V II MlMlt EKW ESV3PLE Dealer in Grocer ics. ill ell nil Km, I nf urud-rip. aii, I amlic- Iihihtv rlnH.ii tliiii, 1 1. cm In) l.uuuht 1 1 cwtii ru in tni' Pity nt lluMltik'K ttn.UiitiPitilx'r Hi" tilti'i'-hmitli tnli' tin ll.ul K .i,l llaMtinM Nii'lir Mrs. I- LeDioyt PUNllEllialll7 DreSS miiker and Millimi, l,tit niyi r llu". T'liiini.iiii" Mill I'llHoy ' I i'"llltllltl) nn llNlnl. EASTINGS S3 SKCONKSTUr.fT IIASTXQS - KB 3B ASK A. FasWoaaMo Dro5:r.a'icr. l,t tmioli csiirrii'iiei' in ilri-HiimklnK lri iim iliurinu.lily li'.iriifl tlm In Ku rni'C A rutrimiitfi' pnlicili',1. New Era. The tiiue has come when u man may know thu be will p't value received tor i'Ve:y dollar iluil ho (tiiack.-. iiml humbugs are -.eon eiitt laleil ami are eouipeiieu to ihko u nac laleu amian c H, .. .t .- . . . mi, or be ii .she t wl tl . I pi.eiess. An "" ,f l,u;;"s . ,cal incut-must Ik .what it is sfi.ted to be. Or, like tlio tnu.-liiooin l '""T."'1 .FT. ."!! tl T till' III till! lil'llillll-U "I III' iMliii",,'.,,-' coveries of modern .science. O. A C.'.s Cough and Diphtheria Remedy can always be tolled on. It allays the irritation or tickling of tho thioat, lenders expeotoiation ea- and open tho .eeretioir It is guaranteed to do all that ills advritised to or the uionev refunded to (he purchaser. C. 11. l'ottor, agent. .' lS-'Jtn It is worth more than its ovt: weight in puto gold, vu . 0. A C.'.s Cioldeii Ceiate. It cure pore eyes, nn, hucutaiiuous eruptions and old chronic muc.s. Sola by C. II. rotter. r.-Ks-'Jui To Consumptives. The advertiser havinc been pt'tina ticntly fiiii'd of that dread diseaso.cwj. sumption, by a Mtuple teuicdv, is anx ious to uiiiko known to his teow-uf-ieiers the means of cure. To all who desite it, he will send a copy of the prescription Used, (free ol charm, ) Willi the diuvtiotis lor preparing and using the same, which they will find a niro cure for Consumption, Asthma, Hronchitis, etc. I'artie wishing Hi' prescription will add lets, K. A. WILSON r.M i'eiin St., Williamshurgh, N. Y I S3! OMI PI. Ti:i U ATrilKN.ehMt. I tlu the k-m,a .urM. ."..nij'.v U'mcA rata BROS W'tul Of A N DI'S K K222TP in ul.ii h we arc dvi'nu4 of e'oMIIC, OU' j III I K WISH M M IIIM.. .1 I.. .Ml.NI.ll. EVERT BEE-KEEPER SHOULO READ THE JRICAN a.IOtrr. HtlulilM mu. IM riM llip mint iirpifnl tndirtncl ll-Kpprn tin ll ri'tfultr siitpibUiiU. ll la tb nt4r.l, loraril pint brtt Wrr pnbllnttlnn In tin-WurM! THOI. W. NKWMAk A . I ana wctua4iaon!H.Ca)lM i Oil' A SMI I'll CKN TKII Stage Line. Couiicctine ai Hed Uoud with tho Hopublicatt Ktver Siajre Line. Three regular trip- a week, arriving and departiiiK from lied Cloud at the ssiiio time the tae,o fnun the milium! doc FUtE YUliY LOW. all. J. B. BUBBOW. Prop. A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriaco ! EZmJEEj itrHiuntu srrnjG 3PJ MbHtati.r ftl Ir... en th Fiirf iii mir'tn im li. HM'Hilti1 UhDt tit It Oir . trr!st HrpioJufttru p.4 ike DiarAt of Wemn. A t In I'' tttU " tlrri-iltij ;uf,. t.fc tVnau amiiriaMi itTrirat hifur trwwflalf i eintj i 1 ll Ul,lr,,.,l , b. ai.ninii Antf iarai ALl.p, Htpfrt, o'hrprrt Ol.Paitt, IU IIm , .-., .in..r ., iii,.r m ff I. . aCUMCU. LKCTUHViih Hi alvv-rl:. M ' (nn.titt th T tirctn-1 1 hiirw.Catt-'ThtUupwrt.f On nm lUl-it . V r iv I i.ritrl--.k. .tni I" lrf. C''i1 Pif '"l"-V ' ' lu iiMrairU t 'I 4 iit r-ff f 0'p'fs n AUUIUlilU,(.VTl-U, iii .MIS. ftt i-o-, !. Or.A.G.OLIN'SsS iattt xf I'rll ait 1 . reulUi thu aMwljr bNM ( ' lnfrftliu ' rth hi NtMfMt)! M raLntftts)sltiM i KniltMluMft. L.rMvaitr;, lapatJi4 Mali I, LtW (MuiHl i ImfHttraim, Npioh aVhlllty tw iliTfuetJil, lr-(.f he Mla4J?r KUlir), I.ltVTa I.nnSAt Aitbmv Utt- tr .lrftU rvsfes ni JA KANt lr I t.MM.aVX )U U Ua treatM.l. Ik, ml, j 'it h !' Utv Mrrla.t, tl ran titMre lVef fall lie HMjuiliur ire frfsl re luwo, M ae ittm-urt ley ke iViMitit.i. U.4 U t tfADIFtfMiiTli tru-st H prlf ntO bnen 4 ranvJ, re.ll e mrt ettmt. fm Alien U Wt flrtr ritU fr trpt nf ltbtr lto4 f tf fW vt lrUiil 1ejf.afTMI.tM. kf iimi OIL VUlfl rial. till.. t-- K.t ... tUM. fr. MARRIAGE GUIDE VSJTZK ),in ft. BtMl. gl ml Ul. s.,, . . .IU-m. .1 t f ... n,lti'. V1.,S1. llt w Hi. mv.l 1.4 lhp .!.,. f.ll-1 ll.wnv. II ' I ' S- kmttliy U.4 URlr Baft .. tt tt,trM. r.1. iu. r,,..ij,ituMUii wk. nvM ctk khiii ln,MlM, Calrersitr of Nebruka. Tt.xttuetion uiven in all lb.' htanrhr of a liberal educntimt Open M both adies ami i;enlb'Uii'U. CiindiiUio.s for admission to the 1'trpnritlnr; Pititilmdit inilpt pnpi a rilir - vXamini,in in Ortlmmphy. ,..5 Aril,lieliL. GeoSrphy, Kug ,.,, ( and tho llistor.- of the .. . , s I.,.,.,.,.,:-- i P;v.. i United States. Instruction is given in higher Arithmetic, AnalyMs, and Physical (Jeography, each for a single term. TtMTION KKKK 10 AM. Fai.i. Tkkm begin Tt'EniiAY. Sep tember 1(1 1S7S, and ends Fllll.AY, December -0 WiNxni Tr.iiii begins Tiiiii.sii.Y, January -', I.s7!' mid i nds Man h V!l. S'l'lllMI TKKM beirilM A pill I. ami chisi's on I he MTu Nil Ykii.niiai of dune, tlm day ut the mi.uujIciiui tuotieiimenl. Catalogue conta i. ing full informa tion, can le had upon npp ieitiioti in K. H. F.iirtieltl. Ciatncilor. Lincoln. July 0. .s7.s, TIIK OMAHA RKPU11LICAN DAILY $IO.iV.WF.r.KLY $1 M I'KU YEAK 1'O.srAtSK VHtTAlU DliLJOURKAL The Daily is the l-o-t edited Ntw piper in Nebraska, am! contains the latest telegraphic, local, inte, and commercial uem, The Weekly contains tlm con densed and complete news of thr. week and is tho cheapest piper of i' pile in Nebraska. Sixrinl Rates ToCliibw. Heuiii to 0. K. VOST, Mnnagcr IlKi'nu.tcAN.Oma'ia NM. Ucati.J ake n.oiifj faster at otk fjr u than at auythiag '.h I jjital not rtUifed, we will atari ou. I'J txr day at home tuadaly tl.e induiriiu. Men, wutiirti, bo anl jttrN antel everywhere the work Iiir u. Now it the lime. LVtly outt ami term tree. Addreai TBUe ft Cj . Au'urta, Maine. NEW STORK. I At the Hod t'loud MilUi I where ).ju can Ret all kind of MorchandisISa Mich a hhy ooons CiiOCKItlKS j 1IAT.S k CAPS UOOT.S k S'lOFf ty Xc. Ac. At. Ac. Ac. All of which v ill he old cheap for cash. AUo A Mippl.t of l.I'MHKH. i.atii, SMINtil.KS, Ac, always on knnd. C R. POTTER, wi.iihii.m iu. aiKnaMK4 .V7tf CrJE MILLER ORGAN , A TeyTaMJ?Tafc3?a JR37jHjBfataar4L aHdaWaaDPaaBal " SKHaHaBll !nMBABJpajB4glBJjBrBJBBJBaBJBrBB ntsrvrteuan t blCIIANON, VJk.. I suivti.xn ut Tone, Workmanship, " Durability and Finish. vt:e. axisuvi isi Hunmm Ol Bipreeeiim, laqtilen VeltMrvs, nd Mtplialty of OoiteirtieWit. rnutitlalni.-til inn i.MMt vtlii.itlplaipnTvtuPtiU ilt'lH-.l In rtl.,ri-4it iiimisrarliir. Itttfll, wltti tin, uit MTupiilixw rarp, nipUrtmrlmtB. tl N ,in,l i Mi.tnt'wtfciBnl raprrilitiM!eiHr.1' llrl i If. untkiiiPtt. wtio am ll rU IttM-ntOy Uf Hi, .1 it nln tiniii, iHit Ptflrttf ftftl tlM l,nl, rlil It r.tllnw that tint IraNnM .nMli-rsiiiinl ) nt )llilni:fl"lnr. tlt nt "ii" liltl na, I eunt Inw.l All, mr. urn lull) wrriitt vp ). HtvuJ tar Illaatratnd ITUt-Uta, ws-n,tt ,w " The attUCJO. OBAat OO., HIGHEST HONORS r m aa Centennial World's ftir, 1ST9) SHONINGER ORGANS eaoxouaoiD vamorai.i aa Tia BEST INSTRUMENTS. TbtlreoaparallT ttrtlltoot la ttssagalaisl kf lb JttdgM in tlitlr Haparl, troaa wkkfe Mte fdllowlDg la an aiiract: "Thf B. aitUSIXGKR OIIOAII co.'a ihlklt m Ut bat laialraiucau al e price rtnd.rtng tbeia poaalbl to a Um claw of pantuMra. batloc oaabUaUo of Mttsaa and Bflla, protlacliiii notsu eteeataff tf acta. MDUioiac aaaay ttaalraM laatrot-aaaaaia. will au&4 lenmt la dry or daasp eUotata, I tm lltbla lo et ! order, all Ua aoarda Mi taad Uirtsvply.pnl lofttbar to II la laaeeMlMa rai them to allbar abrlak. awU or aallu" TBtU a BAntKe Thla HttUI and Award waa imaMetVrlto aaoat atrera oompttltlon or Ilia boat maker. brfutt on ol to uhi eoeaiMUat Jmtfta arer aaMmblad. New Htjk-a and prictw Jatl Itaaad. vkloh art) ' la accordance wlh our rut, IM BBtT OB OA for Iba luat laont. Wt art) prepared to appotat a tew i iiiutiraiM cauiofnta atatM, ; B. SHONINGER ORGAN CO., I to lit CJOTNCT HTBEXT, Naw Uaviit, Cnn. GK2 STANlftBI .COUNTER.PIATF0RM WAGON flLTRACI; THE BESTARE-; -rTHE CHEAPEST MARVHK S.FE &SGRLt?00J 265 BROADWAY At. K 1 1 627 CHtSTNUT ST. Phaade.'pVs. . ' 145 SUPERIOR ST. Clsvelwt, 0. & lA. c u. AiiuiiM, A..evLTi!.A.-.ct.,.nicaro ft uld sauce.