The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 12, 1878, Image 2

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IN A imiMUrH, r1. Pr-pa. ,
(Benjamin F. Hiitlcr lin' accepted the
yooplcn' nntiilnntloii for ISnicrnor of
The Pcmnernts nf Dakota havcnnm
innted Hnrtlett Tripp, of Yankton, for
Delegate to Congress.
The Hi'pnlillcnnn of tin- Second In
itinnn district hiivonnnilniitcil Dr. It. I..
Wollinan for Congress.
TheCircenlmckcianf tin' F.liivi'ntli Il
linois district have nomimitt'il Suth 1'.
(Irons for Congress.
Tin- Democrats In I'nlon iiimI Dela-
WnriM'Olllllll'M, lllWII, IlllVe ClllllllM'll the
(iriM'lllllll'k IIOIIlllllltloll
Tim Democrats In tin Ninth Iowa ills
tilct liiivi- iioiiilniiti'il Walter II lliown,
vt Kniinett county, for Cotigtnss.
The (Itccnhnekcrs of Lee Count),
town, have uninitiated .lolm Ihnncnil
for Clerk, mill A. II. fianetson for He
cordcr F K. Hotshovei has been iioiiiiiiutcil
for Congress bj the Democrats lu (lie
Nineteenth district of IVnnsylvnnlii.
It. (iriiliiun Frost, contestant for tin'
Kent of I., F Metenlf In tlio present
Congress, has been noniliuttcil liy tlm
neinnernts of tluiTliinl ilixtiici (in St
Irfiuls) of Missouri.
Tim Democrats of tin' Ottawa. III.,
district noniiniitcil V. S. Ilrnoks fur
Congress, hut received u tclegi am from
Mm declining. They liopcil lie would
Tim (Jrccnhaek State Convention of
TonnesHen met nt Nashville, August
IMIth, anil nominated .ludgo (J. II. Knit
for (lovurnor. Only iilinitci'ii of the
ninety-six counties went lepioscntcd.
MJ W. (Smith has been nominated for
Congress In thn Klghth Alabama ills
trlct. Tim Democrats of the Flint Ala
bama district have nomliiatcil Thomas
II. llermlon for anil in the
Fourth distt let they have renonilnuteil
Him. C. M. Shilloj'
Tim Statu Temperance Convention
of Connecticut, at Hartford, Aug. 'JHth,
ntaite the following nominations' For
(inventor, .Icssii (!. Itnldwlu; for Lieu
tenant (lovcrnor, (Sou. 1. lingers. ,lr. ;
for Secretary of State, A. S. Hoardsloj ;
for State Treasurer, W. S. Williams;
for Comptroller, F.dinund Tultlo.
Thn Republican Statu Convention of
Tonncsseo mul at Nashville, Aug. 'J'Jud.
Kmerson Kthridgo, of Memphis, wan
nnminateil for (iitvornor. The platform
opposes thn repudiation of a Statu dclit
of Hiiykiml; favors tlio pa) incut of all
obligations; denounces tlio last Demo
cratic Legislature for not accepting the
favorable turniH proposed by the credit
ors of the Statu; favors .strict economy,
and local public .schools; opposes con
vict labor; demands a legislation which
will insure a frn and fair election and
fair return of votes.
The following is the full ticket nomi
nated by thn Republican Statu Conven
tion of Kansas: For (ioveruor, ,1. P.
St. .John; for Lieutenant (inroriior, L.
U. Humphrey; for Secretary of State,
Joseph Smith; for Trca.surur, .lolm
Frances; for Auditor, It. I. Hsinbroko;
for Attorney General, Wilhiril Davis;
for Chief Justice, A. II. Ilorton; for Su
perintendent of Public Instruction, Al
len It. Lemon. The platform as previ
ously reported, vv as modified so far as
relatcH to the currency question. It
denounces the issue of irredeemable
nml absolute legal tender scrip n a spe
cies of repudiation; favors the with
drawal of National Hank notes and the
substitution of greenbacks as the sole
paper currency of the country, ami fa
vors ti double coin .standard, ami the
placing of gold and silver upon an
The Republican Statu Convention of
Kansas met at Topeka, August 'JSth,
and on the second day adopted a plat
form. It declares against the doctrine
of Statu rights; in favor of the perma
nent pacification of the South on the
basis of equal protection of all citizens;
in favor of the early obtaitiment of cur
rency convertible Into coin; gradual re
sumption; that the silver dollar should
be placed on an cipial footing withgold;
that greenbacks, as the safest, cheapest
and most convenient currency, should
supplement thu National bank curren
cy, ami be Issued In suflluient volume
to accommodate and be made payable
for all debts; applauds thu recent de
cision of the Secretary of thu Interior
restoring to market the unsold lands of
certain railways, and urges that thu do
clslon Ihj confirmed, If necessary, by
legislation; declares that the railroads
should be regulated by wholesome leg
islation, to do the will of thu people.
After sixteen ballots thn convention ad
journed to the. third day without a
choice for Governor.
Apple Dumplings. Quarter and core
one apple for each dumpling; then put
the parts together, with sugar in the
middle; surround each apple with pie
crust; if you wish to bake them, put on
a pan like biscuits, and set them in thu
the oven, If boiled, tie each in a sepa
rate cloth and boil for half an hour.
Serve, both baked and boiled with 1 i i -.
uid sauce.
!r t-Malait,
The small town nf North I'lnttc lm
contributed f JMi f .r Itir Jrllnw frrr Mlf
fen r.
I hi lo AuiruM 'Mh the Citii'in' Com
tiiltlrc at Omalm had tVillrrlett imi fl.TUI fur
tin )eow fetrr MilTerfra
II F Chapman,
plntucf nt Omaha In
I'lurlda, t tlii agt "' '
fwho wn one of the
IH.V,, illnl mi litl), III
I jiara
The Sunnier" count) Fair will hw
III lit alWahoo. Hi J.linlmr Itltli.'Jltli. uliil -MM
It will l uniMif the .t at fair. In nil tin W'il
'Ihe Hi iuMiiti Alley lUllrimil will run 1
illMluli lflll t luw Mti. Mill rviT) il
mllim lm 1 1 n Hi ulr fur it K""t tltm-
A coirepoinlent of thu Omaha 'Her
M" fu lull.' tr.ilii lit tlr mul iitln'riimti'ilil
mi iimIiii: VVhIhio ilnlly. fur tin- Oinalin .V
Kriillillnri Vulli't 'iillnmil I'ttrimliili to lltvtil
(in diinlirr l'.tli, will rii- tin roitit nun
irtii in tin Hi'! Itiir nl llinlrr iiiiiiilT S
tlilhl! ill llliltr li Known of llir rullti rl nt
Hint lltit-
'lltree tiuiMl "soiim.
"One of Hi) liMt lesson"," "iilil Mr.
Siutgl". the I'uiiuent merchant, "was In
Ihlil, when I wiii I'li'M'ii )ciiiN old M
Uiaiulf.ither had a line thick of shiei,
which weie carefull) tcudi'd during the
war of tlme times. I svas the -.hep-herd
lm . and my business w as to w atcb
the shrep In the lields. A boy who wit
inoie fund of his book than the slurp
was sent with me. but left the wink to
me while he la) under the tiers ami
read. I did not like that, and linalh
went to in) giaiiilfather and complain
ed of it I shall never fnrgel the kind
Millie of the old gentleman ii" he
" "Ni'M'i iiilinl. .loiiatliiin, in liuv . if
son walch the sheep, )ou will linvc the
"What doc graudfnther mean h
tllllli' still I to III) -elf, I ilon.t expect tii
hae thcep Mv desires were moileriite
a line buck worth a hiiuilted dullars.
I could not oincth make out in mv
mind what it wax but I had gieat cmi
Ihli'tice In him, foi he wis a judge, and
had I u in Congiess in Washington's
time; so I concluded It was all light,
and went back couteutcdlv o the sheep
After I got into thu Held I could not
keep his winds nut of my mi ml. Then
I thought of Sunday's lesson 'Thou
hast I u faithful over a few things. I
will make thee ruler mer nmn) things.'
I began to see through it, now. Never
,miu mind who neglects hisduty. lie) on
faithful, and )"ii will have our ic
waul. "I i ecu! veil a second lesson soon af
ter I came to New York as a eleik lo
the late Lvmiiii Itccd. A merchant
from Ohio, who knew me, came to buy
goods, and said
" 'Make ourself no useful that they
cannot do without )oti.'
"I took his meaning quicker than I
did that of in) giaiiilfather.
"Well, I winked inion thesetwo Ideas
I until Mr Heed ollered me partueiship
in the business Thellrst morning af
ter the parttiersiiip was maile Known,
Mr. Jamcstieery, thuold tea merchant,
called in to congratulate me, and he
" 'You are right now. I have only
one word of advice to gho )ou. He
cr careful who wni walk tlio streets
"That was lessoti tiuuiber three. And
what aluable .essons thc me.
"Fidelity in all things; 'do mir best
to your cmplo)crs, carctulucss about
)otir associate. Let e cry bod) take
these lessons home and study them.
I hey are the foundation stone of char
acter ami honorable success."
KvtnnaKiint Language
The tendency exists of using inten
sive expressions that pi beyond all
reasonable bounds. 'I hltigs are not
paid oh no ; they are exquisite,
riilngs are not right ; they are divine.
Things are not bad ; they are horribly
bad. The whole force of adjectives is
exhausted on the ordlnan atl'airs of
life, ami nothing is left for the weighti
er matters of thought and speech.
Such extravagances hae a pleasing
ell'eet once or twice; and not oul indi
viduals, but families and circles fall
into the habit of using extravagant
words ami expressions, because, under
certain conditions, they are amusing ;
but they cease to be so" when they are
applied to the common elements of
life, and are heard o cry day. The
become altogethc rtlistaMeful ti) person's
of retineincnt, and are In everv wav
The same Is true of bluutuess. Now
mid then the coming in of a blunt ex
pression from a good, strong, honest
man is like a clap of thunder in a hot,
sultty da in summer, ami we like it;
but when a man ghes it to you all the
time, and is always blunt "and blulV,
on the plea that he' is too straightfor
ward to be speaking thu honey-lipped
languages of socicl), ami continually
treads down the courtesies and eti
quettes of life, he dilutes good taste
and true proportions of things.
Monuments to the Presidents.
Congress, at tlm hist session, appro
priated !?.ri.lK)0 fur the erection of a
monument over the grave of Thomas
letVerson, at Montiee.llo, under the di
rection of the Secretary of State, provi
ded tlio present owners of the estate
upon which the grave is situated should
first give a quit claim deed to the Uni
ted States tor two rods square of thu
land surrounding and including the
gravu, and grant to the people the tree
right of access thereto. condi
tions have been ilulv complied with,
and the work Is now In process of con
struction, in conformity with the de
signs for the original monument, of
which JelleiMin himself was the origi
nal author. The bill appropriating a
similar amount for a monument over
the neglected grave of the late Presi
dent Tujlor, us well as the bill to pav
the claim of the heirs of President Mon
roe for his undrawn salary as a Lieu
tenant Colonel in the Itovnlutiouary
A run, remained unacted upon, but will,
doubtless, be passed at the next session.
A .sound New Hampshire farmer suvs
no acre of laud ever cheated him when
he had treated it with a liberal hand!
Cultivation and iiiatiuro will redeem a
swamp or a sand-bank.
A floO.lKjO (ire iMiiirreil at Htiflulo.
N V . AlJi'UM l"lli IoiiMIim ti"Hl
Piter nil i loth fiieton. Ill Newark,
S' J liUMli'l IIKU -"ll I". llf'MIII
I'lft) petitions in bar krupti', were
fill it Iti Ni vi Vi.rk mul llf . k.VIj n. A'H'ii.' is
William Niblo. well known in a the
ntrl l in iimp r. dint m S' York, AutMl't
KM iufi.1 !
Henr) Herlram, late Major (Jeneral
In tin I iillnl ."Ulo iinny, illl t .Imnmi,
The total los of the Put-ln-llay lire
fiKiicnii frniii tlV")ti. llM.liii Siin tiiiiM
my ! liiittii'il
Allen I! W I, age 1 1, of Cleveland,
'iinii l frmn tl liiirrli in' li k of IrminT. Ml, nml wnn lr vtnul
At Wilkesb.Ule, P.I., Aug HI, .ee
till vo re jlii'lrjli il l an I lilnluli of lilin k
liillii III tin ll' tlltilii'l nf .1 i iwl nihil- On,
ill.. I
The Waukesha House, at Waukesha.
V. , I. inn.. I Aug .ll I n... (:i,ihi Ml
ni tlie Imir lituiilrt'il u'lii'tt" 1 1 "I uli tin l r
I HI IT l! .11!
'I In' emit t art for building the Imll
illnl .llnli' llnlin tin- In en liwi.r.l. .1 In K lli.t
imiilielA III hl', nt I iilllllllill". Ohio, fur II,
.Mo-es Kramer, a well known lu.-ul
pillll. Inn nf Clin lliiiull, i iiininllli .1 n'llelile,
lll!llt -Till l.llll.'l.t. trilUlle llp.Mil tu
In Mil lll-e
The boiler of ii steam thresher explo-
it.. I ill S'i l.i vtlntnti, Minn , nil tlie I'M lilliir
nf iii1k '!"), kllllli)! tle tin Ii unit liinrtull)
iiiiii.llng .on .Hi. r
The Librai) building and ltile's gin
irr liire, ut !' ti rflmti;, i , liiinnil t- i
Ii lulu r '.M I.."- mi tlie ( nl.itnl
ItlleN's In-- f.M.KHI
Another frightful explosion of nltrn-
k'llietUlv In lllL' III'' M'C.II'I III I li:llt iil nr
i urn illri Ni Ik'miiiiii', Ml. Ii , iii!liit '.".! Ii 'lime
III. II w. re lll'tilllth lilnuii ti plei i' All Here
tniirrlnl in. ii
In Cincinnati over UK) petitions in
lilllkrtll't.'V wi'te llli'il UK lllht III ( lele
IiiihI iii iirls inn were llli il, mul In CIiIi'hkii tlTTi,
tlie I ii I ntie Im'Iiii; Unit nf V lnln'11. ilelitn
lii,(l, with miiispitr.
Forest tires ate reporied on the north
finite uf I. .ike .Siin rlnr, ettell.lltii; uitittini
mih fur lio iiiIIik 'I lie tins -tartnl n.i.r
lliilutli.ii ml Hpreml Imi k of lleitier ll.i), Oruii.l
Murli. mul llurpe Mine Hi)
An accident occurred on the (iraud
IUilil A t in) I it tut Itiillrninl, neur l..i.'k....
Mleli , Ainjunt 'istli, liy wlili Ii !Ci s rMiii" were
llijlireil, feernl MTlmi-h, mul time tntulll
Twin diirlii's iun'i'il tlie tiiiikun.l went iluvin
iii'Uil.miknii ut
Potter, the "whei Ibarrow man,' ar
rUnl ut linden, t'tuli, mi tlie eii'iihii; nl Aue
'JTlli, mul wun tin t liv .i .l.'l. Tnl Inn n( i llii n
nml iM'inteil Into the ilt) with iiri'iiinni Ih In line trim mul run I) fur furttn r t ntirip
Hugeiie II. M)crs, law book publish
er nf ( hli'inrii, linn Illnl a J.ctlt luti In i,mk
riliti ei'liri'il ilelits, ll'.'.unu, uuiiuri'il,
f:ui,(MH). lillNillKitmiiti.l, IH.(I. MiKiiiiiiii.
iliiituii I i. r, f'.'Ti.iniii, a.-, tc, (:ki,mm
Relent) I'ltltlntis In liiiiikllli'e) were tlleil In
New York, Aug '.".iili.
Ill Chicago, on the 'J7th of August,
tlirrewere VJ iitltlmiH In luiiikrnpt.'v ,.,,
111111.11) Hiniill Die mnt untulile wi re llrtmi
V Sniltliwnrtli, real e'tnte am nt UaMIIUee,
I'J'J.'i.CIHl upritn, uelnlnal; .lolm ,1 Mentacili'
- Ilulillltles, 1s;,hk aM'h, ls.iin), I, A
(lllliett, real entiite iigelit Mi'Uleil llutillltleH,
JI'.'.'i.lHiO iniM't'tireil, f Ts,tK
The publie debt statement for Aug-
shown a iIi'iti'icm' uf fii.l'.i'iiill, mul the ful
lowing tutuiuvn in the Treaiuir)
Cnrri'iiei .',:,"!it7l
rlsfiiil fiuiil fur the ri'.t.'niptlnn of
friiftioniit furri'iifi .. 10,lXn,(iH)
Si'olnl ilfuiflt of Ifgnl tfinlim for
mil' uiitlnu i'f rtlllf nt i s of ili'mlt III, tiV),(iil
"tltl . ... 'ils.J'.M.Tll'.l
liii'luillngfolu .V hlli'ri'i'rlllK'iiti 44,(117. s"0
Outhtauitlng legal tciiitcrr. Hlil.liTl.dia
The Put-in-llay House, at the Put-in-llii)
I-huiil, tlie fmiions mi ninrr rcnort, twi'ii
t) twomiil a half uilli'K from Sinihnk, Ohio,
wiKi'iimpli'teli ilfktnwi'tl hv tlie Augnut IKIth
Tlifre were aliouttwo liuiiilieil ninlllf gmm
whiMiiojily KiiiTfiilf.l la Mivlng tin tr cUVi'to
All (nriilliire ami ether vain itili In the Imllil
Ing wftf alo si fi, except sumo trilling lumen
of Jewelri ami n u-ral Immlri'il h in
iniiiifj, whlfli ln'fii collfi'tfil for the fl
low ffiT kiuli'U'ih, .in.l whli'huiis in eh irge ul
the l.nlles whnliinl i-oll ctfil It. I'hf litiildlng
cost f7.0il yx other Imllil ngh uuc aNo ile
ntiujoil. Ail Umatilla dispatch of August '.'Mb,
rcMirti 'f ui'f I'oni'hiili'il ultlitlic In
lien. Ilowanl. Atmut 40il m ttlern .out 'M) In
illiuii were pri'MMit. Ilowanl Mutfil to tlie In
ilUn that the otijeet of the council was to tie
vle ini'iiim to jiri'ni'rvc pi-ni'i' until thfiiifftlng
of INingrffs. The dilffn ixiki'
frlfiiilxhlp ami a ililie for peiff. I low aril
thin iliiii.unliit of tin' ilitef all thiwe wholmit
lu'cn fiigiigfil In tnnnler ami ilepreilmlnns
lie mill he woulil holil tlifin, or miiiii' IiiiIUiih
as rnM-Mge!., until their flTorts were rxInuiKttM
In firii'tlnj, out the guilt), who, win a foiuiit
i re to In' turniil nfr to ihe proper imtliurl
tlf fur tilul. The riqui'M wa at em-e mi'isl
eil to h) the f hlf fi.
4 'rime.
Clint Anderson was hanged at Little
Heck, Ark , AilguM Wth, on the ih.irgc nf
Two prominent whisk) funis of Cin
cinnati arc charged with eoiuitcrffltlng trmU
marks, ami ttio mi'iiitifiUnc ri'stfil.
On the "J7th of August, in Monterey
roiuit), (.'.iliforiiln, a farnifr luiued fauniel V.
Stephfii uuirilfrfilhlKilaiiglitt'r.Hgfil'.M.ifar,
cutting her thrott. He thfli took a iIum of
vtrji'liiilni', nml uli-0 tlow out his brain-with
a mu-ki't. Chiim', ilfiipomtfiicy hIkiiu money
Charles Julian Hansen was arrested
nml loilgoil In Jill ni Yankton, D.ikotn. Aug.
IWth, I'hargfil with the iiiuriliT of his (atlur
oiiie two innuthsiigo. A hntcht't with whU'h
the ih'ul was commltteil, foiuul la the river,
was the link In the chain of extilciH-e
ngiiln-t liiui.
A few days ago Deputy SheritV Wid
ow ktk'lil,of Chcycniic, mid unottu'r mua naiiird
Vlfirrlit, Urtr.t mi lit l'lrnl to t- i
tin' trail 'if ontlM I-- ! I.l-r- l.i le it rrtlirti
Intf, ii lf f - pitt -tit In Mirtif ltd in 11. e
tlli rif WMnnM. ml liwriit -n fniiml
In n rurrn rii.ii nf Klk MminUlii where I
tin j h.l prnlmlily mil ti roMi-'f rel ue
klllnt 1 hf fnrilil t liiil two htllUt liolrn In Pir
liri k, lnl tin- Utt' r f.itir In lie- rlir.t
At Huiralo. N Y . on the night of the
J.Ui i.f ngil ( lirlr K VI, gn twrtilt,
rlalmllie U ! the Mill uf the l'relili nt nf tin
I hli k"i ll'iari! of I'. Il.e. mi.t .Um I) Sltillh,
Km lillieloti, nf ( tilrtif'i, Atti mptiil dim k ,
Hull .ill tvlu Hull. In '.lltlg llieti, uiltnl III the
iurrtl.irmlile ii'inpniiy uf t (hlourn girl '
i IhIiiu'iI hy VS .nil hi lt r mul rmi'ln !"
lnl w en. iIIiii)ii a In) thutl-nll'l itnlUr- .e
tiirnlril tlfit. n mnne) Vil mul
Mllllh wen srnlei. in know le.lgeil the i rime
iii'l wi re ii.muilti'il fur i tmnitmtli'ii
On the aftertiiion of Aug '.".tth, three
riu ii i nli imI tlie .".ulng llmik nt Cutiinrutn. '
Mn llnenf llu'lli -kii the i alier, h wa i
nlutie, In i hmige .1 (ID dill While he wnk
i h ingtiik' the Mil, am 'Hi. r man )tim; eilmrr the
. nllliti r, i "Nf lit the i.i-hlir Ii) the nr 111. ami
ll '.! ntil Illllil'.N.r llf Il nth 'lliel then
tiiuk iw i w lint uiuiii'l tin n win In ,k',i ami
I'tiUliiC .i plinl iii tin i nlili r lifitil Inl't him
tu opi ti the life Id ilnl mi uinti r fi ar it III
Uf. , Kli'l the r.'l'l er ti"k all the put r innnev
In tlie ,ife, lilw-in .((! mi' I l,lo, n fu
ItIK In take I he -I M whli II there s.f itill
'.' (Mlur (.tun llni then tiimniti'il llielr
liurM' ami i'iiliup,i nit lu .i " 'iithi rl) illrei ,
Hull The whole rul.lii n iiietlpleil iiIkiIII till
A Constantinople dispatch "iij" !'.-
(1 0 l.nlk are iipproi'i II I li LT IlitulUII, to nk ller
llh I'.i-h.. what . nlir.e he I'll. Mil- to uilnpt
'Ihe lulirgent .iNilit Iliilml ire l.irvell relti
fur ni. tin hale lguruii-l) .ittiuke.l llutii tlm. . i mli.iinrliig to turn upiulV
uiIIiiii, mul ili-tr.n his jkiiiI.m,ii. n ru-n to
Itn-nln mi in- tn reiint relufun i metit' frmn
The ill popul.itiou of Kol-
ui hln ri lei the fiirtitl iitlmik .ifti r H iiiullli't
with two t'.illiilluli" uf the I'lirkl-h
It Is repurteil that III Klitllltlnun hull' III I'll III
f i r I'll iietiMi'ii the ICiimI.iii .iiilm-u nr mul
the (irmiil VlIer In regard to the w ir Inileui
nil) ami the etpi iim.' of Mlppurllng the 'lurk
lull prl'utier
(ll.UM NV.
The aiiiiieisiir of the battle of Si -ilmiw.ik
uIi-itmiI us a hulita with teleliia
ttnii- .nut llliiinluiilliiiis
The bill against Socialism, adopted
I.) the Villi nu I mini II, tlllpowers the piillif
til pr lllllllt MK 1 11 "I ll-MK'l.lllnll-. Ill ll pllllll -
for uppi .ilk tu the itiuunlttie of the Keilirtl
mum i:
Hepoitsof the Flench hardest show
It tu lie er l.'.'.m1 Iii twu ih p.trttui'lit-, gisnl
Iii twi Ise, l.ilr lutwintl three, p or In (nit
l, ami In.l In ki'len
The lnlernatinnil Motietan Confer
i me, ill I'.trlk, has ailjotirneil -Ine die. The
Vmerltail ilelegati ureil Mime pu-ltlle ut'
lion, hut null oht.ilmil the ill t of the
fiiruiillilleil reph of the I'lirupem tleli gnteii
the ilai I'l'fnre iiilnuriiliit lit torreKpuml
int. sumiinirlrlug the rer-utt uf this
tiiufereme, mh tlie exl'tlng cniuplli iitluus
prtt lililetheniguil itlonof a mniietiin uuloi,
l'ugllh negothites prnmillliee thf l't)liaeiUfllf
e uf tlie (ierin in ileiniiiietliitliiii ill-.i-trnus.
Miiiuinelallin Ismlvis itetl liy onl time ery
Mil ill Male.. The m utlmi'Ut iii; illlt tlie fur
tlier ileiiioiietl7.itliiu of illver I-oM rwhflmlng.
Thf Ititlllf life of the fonfen life I- ileellii'il Itll or the future uf iller.
The Colonial loan of ,J.'i.tHH),tHM) is
askliri'il, ami will lie Imuii'iI h) the sipanh
Hank of ll.unny.
I'uiich's Pmhahllltlcs for SeptemlN'r.
The weather for September, 1878,
will be phetiomlmil. Much of il will be
Italian weather, warm during the day,
and cool at night. There will be a
storm week, 'Jlst to 'J7th. conimcneini:
with heat, hlf;h wind, tierce lightning,
ami some rain. The second sinrtn in
severity will be from the 1 1 tit to lltth,
accompanied with tornado, and proba
bly earthquake actnit). The third
storm in seerit will be from the ISth
to 'JiUh. There will be n storm with
high wind from the Ith to 7th; and a
sionn near the l.Mh to ltlth. The wann
er das will be near the !!, 11, I.'i, 17, iM,
and itll; cooler, I. 7. II. It!. 11'. '-'D.
Periods for auroras will be near the .'),
8. I -J. v!l). .'.'. F. .1. Cm i ii.
(irand Jiinetion. la.. Aug. '-M, Ifn.
The Scotch People.
No armed legions are icqtitred to
keep them lovil. There are probabl)
not two thous'and soldiers this day in
all Scotland, and they are there mere
ly for recruiting and keening a few
o'f the fortresses In order. The popu
lation to-day is haic I) up to t mr mil
lions, and will probably never be great
er, for the young men and women in
the lower walks of life emigrate to the
colonies, where many rise to distinction
and accumulate fortunes. Bengal is
said to belong to the Scotch, on account
of the many otllces occupied by them.
They tire a hard working people, re
markable for their skill in farming and
gardening; but they have a mortal
aversion to .sweeping streets or digging
mil'; and jet thc will work eighteen
hours out of twen't) -four on their own
farms In the long dajs of summer and
autumn. Theru is p'robably not a sin
gle Scotch mail this dav emplojed as a
street sweeper in anj ot our large cit
ies. Those who are too proud to work
enlist as Miiiiiers ratiier tnati nig or
beg. The relation between the nobles
and the Highlands, where the poorest,
who bear the name of their landlords,
claim kinship with them and have the
claim allowed. Not a landlord has been
shot or murdered in all Scotland dur
ing the last two hundred years bj his
SuMin li, Anthony's Tiipiocn Pttni.i.'Uj.
Peel and core eight apples, tilling the
cavities with sugar, into which a little
nutmeg has been grated. Take ti cup
fill ot tapioca which has soaked all
night in water, add a little milk (or
water), and pour It round the apple
in ii buttered dish. Hake slowly one
hour, ami serve with cream and pow
dered sugar. (iooiI cold or hot
lteK.rt from thr Infeitnl IH-trlitk.
ItMltf fur thr SuffiriTk.
Id m Hfli-atl' iJ lie ilk- f lei,. fe ,
er iti'l ',7 tleathn rrr rt-irtet ..Ii the Jtli of I
tik'Ut Mietliath llt in. lule W rhiLltt-n
uriiti r i tear, ami 7 l--t r.'ii aii.l u I p tu f
ma ill sll tie fan, trtr ri' teit III il,;.lil ,
with an Irn ri-iH' in the ilrath rat III that
timrriliig the tu grii'. te, a e iliinnriMi fur ra ,
tlntia Alkilll one thutla ' llirll, oullieli ami
i till In n .iirruumlisl the roinmlMar ileput,
an.) it a I. mini ritii'kfary t tatlmi a guard
from a ruliiri d IllllltalT rotnpalil tn keep l-i k
the rrnd MatiV well ieitie are till lealtng
the rlt) .SLleli hlimlred I an hale I urns) J
at Ii k.till'g S.iiiuaiif nll.iw frer hale
aiiirnsl tM'tweeri ('anion and New (Irlralia a i
dl'tameuf over two hlllidred iiillr Id irl I
from the loo! town, along the .Molille rintd '
how no ft er Nt an) itit I etwreti .Sew Or
Ii all. and Mnlille At I'urt (ill'-on the felerl
nil ami there I. no alMtinuut theie
wi re xvt i mi and :i'i ileuilik up tu August
At ( Hiitim tint a Ingle lil.ii' Iiii'im- mm
npi'ti i r pi twoilrilg itore 1 he .!m had a
MipulHll'ill nf ,l,Vil, hut Ii iw utill 7"' while per
uli ale III the ItJ I here were auiue l'i nr
ID t i i, liiali) In ifloek liuitUk: died within the
l.i-l li n i. l Mi'liiphl. ll'.' ilintli. imtir
rid (nil li'Hir-. 'mn it tin Imui M How tr
mt ...I urriil nt I tin inn id, Aiu'int (li, tioth
ofwhlihwire 1 1 roiik who i .uiu fr. m Mem
phl to fkfiipi1 the phigiie K' nr t-. i(ili-pn
luiil t.iki n In the h'xpltal . re n uttering
sit di nth niiiirreil at I in mli. on the .'7th
'the mirk of unking mllt-i tluiik I- tlll going
on A meeting III l.leraki, Knglmid, ptel
lied omt Ii) I tn Maior, apKilnted a rottimlttee
to mike tiillei t'.iii (hliagu I nllis tlun to .siiiij 'Ihe lVorla llo.ird nf
Trude fiititrlhuti'd ('Jii The t ol mini.,! hlo.
I'uti'rlliiitlniia mrirregite fls,(M In llm.ilia,
Netir, uer l) w,ti fnlln till The Ma
aolikof nil. i ling r.iiitrlliilti il IIMI ' he lile
Mrlptlutik In M .oiilk am uiiled to f.. 1 l,
making a tu tint till to .1 iU of ulkiiit
II." (.o The Mertlmut" I'm Image mi the
Mllir d.l) lilted to iliilitte li'i.lnl from the
rilMilar reli lllle uf the Kiehalige Hull three
Vuti k ngillirt the in--! 1 1. ill Wt re pulli'.l A
freight ttalll lo.iiled with -llppllek Ii t Little
IttK'k, Ark
Itepmts of August '.'7th, show an in
i reiiM- In the yellow feu rurmuge In the .s.iiilli
In New (Irleaiik ',i new him are rert . i).
mid I'.lileiithii. In .Mem hl, up to noon, there
were fi7 new i ,i e- ami vtilui'li- Port 1' uln
rciort It new e ikes and one death At n k
burg, there ill re Its urn i ao- utid .'Idealh
In twetili four hours Aid fur the -utli ri r- l
r-t 111 going foi ward 'I hi Sew Voik ( h iiulier
uf loiutiurte ml ii, is Tlie ti n li.mli
Km hllige, of tt. I.UIIIk, relief teil ll fluid ex
fiedlng fl!,Ul Ihe tolli'itloiik In Itiilliimip
nlWiiinuiliil tutltim. The I'riMliu-e Kxi'lmlige
of New Vork, lollefteil t,:V Kiir'ln r tnl
lettliiti- weie made III I'hluigo, aggri'g Itlng
J.-r In addition tu thl- the Viihlngtnu
Ii e Vin an uf 'lilt agu. M'lit a t ar In.l I of Ii i
'o Meuiphlk, ami mall! pillule Imliildii il-.rul
llloile. Snret.irv Mll'tilll ntileled r.lllntlk
at. il llli dlt itl ktun- fur twn thoii-aml people
fur tweiiti diya A gl:ut Him, nf Whet ling,
nit f.'aal. 'Ihe eiiipIoMr of the of
tire, llnrlliigtoii, ielit (.VI. A luile of rotten
from 'I t iiiii'ee, at Mt l.uul, Mild fur ?s7oaml
the pruffi iU were fnrwiirdi'd tn .Mi'liiphl-anil
Vltkklnirg Another lnle of eottiin, at New
Vurk,nld for f.MJ, and the prot'eed were for
nardi'd The Knights Templnr, at Me.nlillle,
I'a.. M'lit (.'Oil Ami mi the uiutrlliutious are
going on all oM r the foliutri
At Memphis, August .'Kith, the death
rate In rciul t'p to nuoa there were Ut In
ttrtui'tits. At tin Hoard uf Health otllte mil)
71.' new I'lei'i were reportetl fur vt litmrf, tint
tills dui'it not i ihllilt the true state of the fpl
tlemlf for the ill), as owing to the rain, ecr
ul phiKlt'lmis had falletl to report V'or the
kiunc time the undertake ra reported fi7 yellow
ffifr Interments. At New Orleans therewerc
IiV.i new fBif, Hud Ml death. Weather t-loud)
mid ahuwery. Ct'lteiia uf Omaha contributed
another f 1,000, unit the I iiloii I'ai lllc iiper.i
turi ralaetl f.'iOil for the henellt of Hotitlit' rn
tflegraphi'rit. The following additional oil
trlliutious have ts't'ii made l.lttle Koek, ovir
1,'JOO; thri'ei'oiiuimiiilarlesKnlghtsTemplar
of l'lttktiurg, eiifh f UK), thn (ifneral Uellef
'oiiimltti'cof I'lttslmrg, 7U0, IU He f Klrel'o ,
fouiii'll lllulTs, riVl; Coluiiilm. Ohio, ti,:7.
I'lilfago, a total through tegular nurct's of
I'.M.'.nW; exhlli tluu of IlimeV I.iindi'li I'lrcu
at Milwaukee, fur the bviivtlt of the sulTerers
ne rllo.niH); Meri'tiints' Kxchmigf fever fund
of 8t l.nul', (ll.UiV), un I'litertalutneut given
In Krle. ri,iW, IVorli, III, fv'K): l.litr
pool, Kuglmitl, fl,(). The new ta-i' at
Viek-tmrg, for "J-l hours were li'id, and thlrttcu
At it at In Mfinphlh this uioining ouli
M'M'II ptl)rll'lltlft Ollt of IlllOllt tllfllt! ll III III lllf
their report of new piiea, the ntunlier aggre
gitlng fort)-two, hut not mure than half the
cases could h lie been reported At the conn
t) Jill tliere wi'ie twenty rme nf )tllow feifr
Oiif lnmatf umler n'titeuci' of dentil for imir
tlfr ttlttl, and alo another mule r o nteiice to
the penitentiary. I ntlertakerr. rejsjrt M In
teruii'titK up to noon. Atttu'rlixkln t he e fil
ing the olllelal rcconls extilMtetl 145 new t Bi'a
and 77 do rutin for iM houra. Thu fever contin
ue to a read among the colored people In
mime can- the "Irk ami dying have been aban
doned, and the anltrr police have tsven In
htriK'tfd to break Into houe when- they hae
reaaon tu believe there are unattended nick or
dead person. At New Orleans, to-day, the
death ltit Include twenty children under "ev
en years. Ft em noon to tt o'clock '27 deaths
were reporteJ. Henry Hahne, who shot ami
killed Henry Miirphi a few da) ago, wa
among the victims. This Is the rtrt case In
the prison. There hae tven IVVt cases and 4S
deaths at Port (iIIimiii. ' here wan onu death
at Mobile from yellow fe r to-tl.i) At lik
tmrg '.'ot new i'iim'd ami 10 death ar i rejiorteil
f' r VM hour Yellow fever ha apjieared at
lirccavlllf, Miss., and two death are resirt
ed. At it ack -on one death U re srted. The
collectloiiii at Chicago today were S-Ui'is,
making a total to noon of '.M,4'iJ. In New
York the ful'M-riptlon were t,X. The De
troit subkcrlptioiis tivilaj fisit up ?.',.kM The
.Mfii'hint'k thchmigo (mul at St l.oul- now
exeecil i 14,iXl. The relief fund In I tu mna
ti excot'ils f VJ.UX) AlHiut 'J.U1 w ere collect
ed In Mn Fran 'kco and In MtH-kton.
I'.il , to-d.i) The coiitrlbutloli- to kiuTereni
In Cleveland have reached f IkeVVi Unit ?!)
mre collfctfd la Cairo to-da).
Skit. I. At Memphis the undei ta
kers are pri'MU'd to bur) the ilea I, It being dlf
limit to procure even colored gnoe-dlgger.
Dozeiik of cotllns are h lug on the ground wilt
Iwg fur Interim tit It It lui(kUie U. irf'taJr
a refirt "f the . ! I nderuarr rr
j.rt t lell.. feier Inter rnt u 'u tn. ,
thr drath ltt will t- t Uir at )rtrr
dtj Segris-.. mitnr of thfui drunk km
tilnl beforr the cs mi ml rjr ttu inufn
Ing, ami lassitnllig rlutiKl, made a ruJi for
the ill. ir Thej rf e kept bark tn thr . ,...
r llillltar) guard I'Ut the . lid attempt !
Ing mule, the guard, rtrrd Vlllliig imi negro
The ti mmlttee It doing all In It power to u
pll 'he people with fia.l, but mill" uf the In
grot are diatl'.1rd with tin manner In with h
the ratHili are, lulled In the Trtitng a
rrjairt uf tin It rtl nf Health allowed new
uiu slid '-I death- III twttiti fnur hour
A later ri'.irt the l.y the
guard o a. not ktlltd. but tkidli w..tir.deil In
New Orlean 'J'l ti 'w rek ami etgtitr eight ,'
tleith are rrj- rti.l At l'ort liiteuli li iMrfi )
ire ri'i-irti'd, ami lift) rile de.ithn, nil', of .Tn
p. rkotik rt iimlnlng In town t.uit ' 'Jin hue
ti d The total .eatli- In New Orleans to dati ,
are l.icil. Im ludlng .lit) t hlldn n uiuttr eli i
i ii )ear of age In Vh k.t urg tin re were wi
Hit) eight new cim' and twetitir-tlie lute- ,
lilt lltk At Itituli lloilge there IllM t t li t lei f
en deaths from yilluw frier At lima .
tliere mf tight l.i ea-e. .tint .It tlen'h to
ill) 'lhl t) lie niM'kare retorted at (,ritn
ille, Ml. . t.nlai. Hid tile death t ontr!
biitlui k are going forward frmn town. ,im
title, thn iiighmit thetuuiitri Sew Vrk uti
i rl toii tu d.l e Ul.ialf, and Houtier . tartv,
the -I'to .1 Initidriil thuinmid with a In t k f r 1
Mini I hurt lieolle, Hun. mid Mii.itrl'nl N'li '
i 111. are tit'ghiiilng All the utlier i It es .argt
mul .in ill in loutrliiiithig libt-rilli
Old l.likshlugle.
"This is er pleasant ueather." -aid
(ir.'iiulfather I.ii'k-liiugle jestenlav
eieniiig "I am goin' on two hunilnl
)i"iisi)il, an' 1 don't leiiiember of cr
seem' nuthlti like it."
"It's uuliil," giowleil a memliei of
the fatnih "If it don't soon getiooler
I do think Me shall die.''
"fooler? Die?" exclaimed grand
father. " h lib what tl'je mean
eliiliP I wasn't complainin' about tin
heat." he went on, buttoning; up his
gown. "I was about to remark tht I
never seen IK'h COIlfoundi'illj cool
weather at this time of the vear Whj.
onl think, here it's the miiltlleot Julj. -ami
the tlieriiiometer to lid- in the
shade," and heshiugged his shoulders
as if a lump of ice bad slid ilmvn his
"I wouldn't be surprised," he ''iui-jj
tinned, "if the blamed mcicim wouhl
gel down to Kill- alole it stops, hiu
frece half of lis to death, same 'is it ilnl
mn ! out West."
"Out West?"
"Yes: iii m. Louis."
"You must be mistaken, grandfather;
St. Louis is the hottest plnce in the
wot Id People are thing theie from the
heat b the ilooiis.'
"U, I ktow tlu'i aieii'iw.aud I't
wontli'l' at It people have become so
eU'llustiu'h delicate these tlas"that
the) can't stiiuil nuiliin' Now," when
I Iii oil in St. Loin-, it wa- inhabited li)
a ditlereut bleed of eats. In them dnj"
the teg'ler temper'tiire wa from Ms) "in
lilM) in the shade "
Heie the member got out of the room
unpeiceiied bj giatulfather, who t on-
"That made it kind of pleu.snt .tint
healthy. litit one summer, right in the
middle of harii'st, the thermometer
fell down to a hundred ami tne, and I
never see uch distress in all mv life.
People just literally froze to death, if
) our grandfather hadn't been tougher
than a pine knothole I'm sure he
wouldn't bo here now to tell it, Hull
had lot.sof heaiy elothin' and managed
toworrj tlnoiigh. There's somethin
in the air now that re.iiinils me of that
desp'rit tune, an' I'm afraid history is
to be repeated:" mid he began blowing
on his linger-ends, at the same time
turning around to see what effect was
being produced hv the recital.
Finding himself alone he naid -"All
right. I can stand it if you can
I was only telling the story that they
might know a little of thu hbdory iif
their own country; but if they don't
want to hear it thej needn't. It- thev
prefer to remain as ignorant n.s kw
beasts of the lields, it ain't mv loss.
For my part I'll go down to tlie ice
house. It can't be much cooler tliere
than it is here." And picking up bis
cane and fan he went. -(of (Jitj tyr
Vh) t.'nhl CliatirTcs Color.
It is well known that the human body
contains humors and acids, similar
in action to, and having a like tenden
cy towards, baser metals, as nitric and
sulphuric acids have, namely, to tarn
ish or dissolve them, arjiug in ipian
titj to ilill'cicnt persons; of this theory
we have abundant proof tn the effects
which the wearing of juisi liy produces
n different persons. Tkiuusauda weir
continually, without any ill idTuot, the
cheaper class of juwelrjwith brass ear
wires, while If others wore the same ar
ticle for a few days they would be
troubled with Mire "ears, or, in other
words, the acids contained in the sj.s
tem would ho act on the brass a.s to pro
duce ill results. Instances have occur
red in which articles of jewelry of any
grade l;elovv eighteen cafJVt hive been
tarnished in a few days, merely from
the above named caue. True, these
instances are not very frequent, never
theless it is as well known to them, and
every ease the fault of the goods not
wearing well as it is generally colled
but the result of the particular con
stitution by which they are worn
ti wt Irr.
A warm climate i not o favorable
to the cultivation of the turnip as thu'
of cold moist region', and in ('res'
Hritain no crop succeeds so 4vell on hKii
hillv grounds, in a moist climate . he
:.i.T :.... .. i......r , tu in the north
tut tup moons ii i r-S" . i jal -. .. A
of Knglmid and iu Scotland,! n in 1
the couth ot Kngianu. " ""' n ...,
in the humid western pM"- uI "
than in the east.
"Oh, how I MUh im -Mn was aj clear xn
Mift as vourk." Ml.l u fa.l.v to tier Mm I fou
can eiiMlv inske It mi," Jw1,'r,,,, lS !,..-"Huwf-liiqulre.1
the tlr.t latly 1 J vml
Hop Hitter-, that tu.ike- puw. nch Ioe4 Jid
Wiwniluc hc-il'h. It done It for me. M.ou
K-erve." t