The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 18, 1878, Image 7

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    "T w J
In i k w . ..l, I i I I ' i I , ii r i ' ' ff I 1
mm: ir' or w,,,:,'!3
A' i ..
,.,, , Vi, 1- t
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i . . . i t i i -ji k ti..i, ..' - , - , r" ' "
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.1 I . i ' "i ...',.' . i J I . s ' .' . ( . . . ,
, .t t, a m 1 '
'" r l- '"Vs 4 1
I 1 .to . f ilw
rf J tn 'i "r
Ik f Ul t
' t HJ
's-suly .vcl '
il.ri ! I j
a irlirr litis! IB , !
A I I iirtrf Nl? 4ht
I palli t leath. Ukw Um
f tl-r
S. t
i '
I. 'mi Mir '-v.l' ff tarst,
m bed up liar haitil tasnlrft
t.ltstr .rlulM ptar
f ptli i4 t.. ttrrail of dstatj
tidrtrr rttr tbrrt ,
iilUk llir hart, fto iJtalbl rr;-
M ..!. hit lt Ir (jtr.
.tlht IP 1U tVSVl ftttMt M
'l ertn- 4 hj Kl,
" r lr!tr litigbrd at hit HV
i 1 rrt snr died
' , ! of kit Kafiu's fjunnsl pUeV
'i ' i. l..Jnl1 Ihrrvlti'
. ' thr rel lljthtivl avtt Urns
I bar no jjratr ltB '
I f.. n
tlt,itli-Umscttbrrlng eiM
. . I I. r
t , uttnsj Hfe't m srm UtHh
'1m 1 v. .,i. tifter to1li"r nr nhirr.
K ehaitt In .ti-thl- smith '
i t, 1 I. urt tug font the world's frmntritquftr
ti p
1 1 . .- .( rlrlm tVnursl
A ro. t n. plain H'l mlfht? filters
1 ilbel UlSl Wt sbO.ll,
N In ti t-r death isnuMniflic bit "reu .ail
Flu m front their luted apart
INIxn tl.ev inlfttit work, ntii Mlti. HtitJ Ittrr
f f. r. . r
Mill hoMlng brut to brail
At i' - Mitt lived. In happiness ami plrnmtp,
lnl IfTfH In tret Blhl jitltlc,
A'i I li.ltrrrMilrnlt, ami l.ilil up 'tori's o(
tri 4-iirr,
Ami never Ml) illfd
An 1 main jrornillmiuiiaiMlMtu Uipiii trlv
With untilutpil bttMth.
Ati' otl.'tr -.its (.till mill l(t tin in
A ml trrtvo no 1iom n( iloitli.
Yrt ll-trti, linplw iul, wlmtn aiik'rl" pit',
( rntlni; n Immhi HVr UiU
MarK h"W tliiMlclli-tlii tlulHiitiilrutta ItJ,
dri'tt onr) n( tlulr 111.
ino ailil iniotlicr, wlin timl li'i ii rntKi'.ilIni:
'1 lie pain of life's loni; tlir.ill,
"urM.l their jili'iiniit pbri tinl i aine eti nl
(lutnlilo tlicell) wall.
r. liiir "lili mI1i tint lir("iki-il no iimn' tie
N luiit; liitil It lii-i'ii rnii'il,
'I lie llt ! )llilt (il ilvlnt;
'I lie tre mire tliet lwl lt
l).ilh tlie I'lirretit nf rent n i Mni; mnrtnU
.-Hi'lli'il tn ,i lirmuli r tlile.
Till li.'lii n left Mlllllll tlie llt)' pnM.ll,
ii'l .'r.ii uri'i ii ouUMe
Wuiil 1 It No nrt)i tlie li n Ini: or tlie Kllii,
'1 lie In hiii i.f eiulli"i liri.tthf
Ah, f"r the iirilieMi tlmt Cilllli f of ini;
There in i eure li'lt ile.itli ' -
Unr ui re. liiiKul, a frttu iIimTvIiiu pllj,
V i re tliil m eef ret itemeil
Ami fi . tin thtiik, woiihl i are tn Him! the
Win re never miy dlnl.
iliitrliuit: MIiciii.
An niii'llijr nt .Miiiin'nl i fitniiiT, 'ivn
the I'miK r l't , trn il tln oxperiiin lit
of l-i'.illir II llejllt ID'eflll t)f StlllW
on hi' In :it l.iml after tin- irraili uiin
.nun. tliiiikiue; th it tliti jirowinej tulk
kwiiulil remlih tim! IN w:i tliroiili. itml
tliitt iliirinj tin-l i out h of .lulv mill Au-ti-t.
whii-li :iliuo-t ahvii4 occtu, it
wnllUI Hi t !l a llllllrli iiiiif lie lieiirtii i:il
to lli i roil. In t 111- lie Wii4iiit llilot.ik
t'll, for llu itM-ia'e oh ti ii :n ii .
H fottj lui-lii'N to the tiore. while on
tin- -:inn' k unl of lam! ailjiuiiiti;,'. with
the atne ei il anil a- earelull put m,
tlioxielil Wili inilj twelils-two liiishels
lo the aere. 'I he illi'le.e wa- tlill
nearh ilotil'le. while the iraw n in
(cellellt eniiilitloll lo till II Ulnler Ihlo
fall, llllil a ilmilile lielielit eolieipientl
W liei'f Clwtr S''!! If o n.
' '1 lie .1" In I'll) I'liriih ha- lookeil tip
the eliiM r -I'fil t.i'iiiii". of tlu-i ittut t
jilil rii tin in a- follows Clowr ei
1 e;i'nw II ill lie II h all of the Mates, hut
the laret pioiltii i'i are: Puiiiissha
nia, -1"1 "'' lnislii'N: Ohio, 1''.'. t'i'i.
New York. '".'iT hull ni'i, 1. 1 . i .-
Miehim. r.'.'M-; XI irejiui'l. .'C.opi
New .1. r-ej. -' ". lfjjlim ll..';7
lllmoi.. l'U'is; 1. iniL'u'e.v ,('l Njuth
'aro!itia. .'.Ip': M ityfi,: . . Wt
Vn iriiii-!. .' iHj i'Ooifkii, .' ";. r.iUl
the uilu i-in -till !' i3 iin ml ru The
chief I'Npntts are to Hiii;UtiiJ. d riiiinj''
illld i'U inn. irui "1 U) -lilji-fclllellts
jjoiiie; to tin foriuor It is iisOll
jihroul t"f fusing the q;r.'i3t to hu ut
sjp -a t"r fnillti to ho mil ! anil i ut
with oi'-foi fei ilin ilnift linrius' ui.'l
to he p'"Wnl mfor manure.
Tlie 'run berry iim u Houmo
'I lie i 'Uiinioij iiaiilhrry i a most tit
trietue plant when prupurh ultivt,1
iiijuits. ami fan eiulure a p(i"il tlenl nf
Iie'leel whlill WOllhl ba fatlll to oilier
plants. A t'oiiipiist of nun k anil saii'l
s tin-proper in i(en.U jfitr poltl.ig in
AHIu'ii'-b iisii'illy regiihlcd s uijuatiu
in its nature, it will notiloto have tlie
,oil situr.iteil with water. What it re-jfinre-
is that wattir he uithiaTCRcli of
it, roots, ami that the soil ln11 be mni
throii.'h which water 4caiijrn(S ruiiil.
li i unitary attriu.t,Ii.nL ' Uiu iit
sfaml in .ihtutt an iilth of.water auiji U
will tliiie Dottir tnaa'til an otnnr
ilepth Tim ctatiberrr'iroots riiulllyj
ifpnii eiittiii". or it cnti.tjc prop'ij;.itMl
li I" ntlm' ilown tint -frS'9 ami ourer
iiij them with the iniityU'vompoit,, It
is beautiful at alltiuu if the Vorff,
ami espeeialh o nfter Uo fruit jtkiH
nu'iat" to ripen Its reif berrien will
remain on mo vine lor a loiif- tlifie,
ami are lilfriuy nrnaineniai.
Ciiru lor .'roluir lilrka.
The proper way tn feed corn la to $ ve
il 't'ii,rr ' jiii '.IP
fi' " ruut i f f i
Vs. 1
I fn rt r- 'thrr t in f f- 1 j
ttlK II ill U i shkjjm ft rMtinw4 Will 1
llr tt ' .,.!', 1 I !.r.. .
inM II '. .! ! it i ti i up
mui'h in r-i' tl m ihi Htr kr
tMU. ft' t w ii i 1 ii il .1 ! or
til Hi h tt-rr r alilt mh.Ir lln p(
of diHirn.fc' jfiiii ini,til i ;
rr. ftnd tlo tiri. if in r rnuir
nnot "jfi'l't'lr tl down" tn tulk n
Ihry Im-lint tn rwh ftl ibe m rM.le eU
Hut too niiit h t'ftiv eannot t ikea !
protiile id trn nrtiflt- "il) what to eat
m up clran at rt fersfnij; a after tl
lira ttjuill the Kroilml. or ba l-rmir
wrl. il lKiMmi' unj'it!k- anduRtav
r. Uilh Vn.rv H rt,(.
'lot "siiil ir 4'ti I '
l'lf V. M. art, f line (HHiht.
N V . wrtle the tri.' Wtr I'.ri. r o(
hn erj i4i --ul i pi tninht inrrar-
tlljf nltv oil skinilllmi tnilk And lllt
t1(i Mtl Hr Ikiid Ihr d i rd ml ft
iwrfe. t suit-tituir tor llu- eronHi that hn
Ih-T'Ii tkell oil He
"A enlf thru mr lw fl nkliuliiiHl
milk w lit n our iiK ulil wub th addt
tint) id one Kill of txilled llaeel, in
ereHotng tin- rat mil jfriulualh to a pint
per (111) when four week- "Id, and then
Hililiti line tuiilttlitiK's or erii and onu
(troii inl together, or n pint lo 1 1 tie ipiart
uf oatfl utijtruwtul llavs,..-,! eml with
plent of kimmed iin'.k will prixlnoe a
er tine jfniwth. Iitini? the enlf a
mellow to tim totii'h at if nuiking the
eow I hate proilm i 1 a rron th oioter
three pound pt-r dm. uou fiihi-s two
months old, upon this ration I he ml
taken oil III the ii am ran lie repliU'l'd
(or ii. ie filth of tin-in, ie nine of the
cream. Hutter dmrMiieii iun raie
enlf, to eaeh eow , itpnii tlie kiln nnlk
and a little additional fooal Mieh rk in
ilnatril. anil ji t mie fourth loniie third
114 lllllill pp'tlt out of thi' ti fuse milk it
out of the I. utter Nihil); Imtti r rol
the latlil of nothing xnlualile only ear
boll, W hit Ii has no in nun i tl tine
'tlie hill' I'l. til Jt.iiii.
.1 tiiw is the uioiith to pi tut the Miiall
white bean, w lm h n sin h a popular
arieH lt ejirnt ei,iiici as a talile
eeji table elitilli it lo the niltlon It
has lone; maiiit utieil at the head of the
beau fallill. 'I he most pp'lititlile oil
fot beans isiidn loam iiuhIi rateK rieh
On land loo troii);. the hean j;rowt too
lllllill to Nine, at the expense of the
seed, Tin' poils also malute tiueenl,
.some ripening, while the ine, at filter
ioinl.s.w ill bo in bloom, and hae voiin
jmils fotinui l plautiii); on a thin
soil tlusiiilhi ult soliiatei 'I he mih s
ei ise lowilij; and tile pods 1 1 pi- II earl
III the fall while the weather is ii ninl
w ,u ill, winch is M'i esst'iitnil, as the
pods hutst to a eotisiileiablu i'Mi lit. mid
the beaiH waste if eloud ill' Wei weuth
el premls ut the time of pitlii lin the
'1 he sinull white or na bean mil) he
planted in dulls or sown broaileast If
III ill UN, piepaie the t olllid lis fill' colli.
Iliakllie; the ill ills, iilinill the tlllii' Wliltll
aiart, so us to allow similar eiiltit atimi
The beans should staml about to In
iiiehes apart in the drills, but in platit
llie; enough .sei'il should be isi-il to make
a much eiosor stand than this If too
thick the plants rati be leaihW thllineil
out after thev ate well established If
.sown bloadcust the ground .sliuiild he
uiaile mi sinuoth ninl line Sow as in
sow me; w he, it. and about tlie -:inii' ipiati
tit of ii'l to the acre. Il.irroit .iml
roll the iriotiud smooih, after tlie seed
! sown, so that a mow me; mai'hiiie can
be llseil III hill M slin' the i Pip
The polls will Hot all ripen eelllj,
but win u the major part of tlieiu are
npe, and befoir they are dr, tlie crop
should be hiirw'steil If the iieiuis hate
been pliinted in drills, the best wa to
harvest is to pull i hem b liami. tlu'ow
in four tows top'thi r loosi'lj. foruilno
.iwinrow If tlie nop has I u m.vmi
broaib-ast, cut witli u mowing iiuicliliui
(if the field 11 of siillii lent dltliellsious
to j list if , this mode), and fork the mes
llllo loose windrows I, it the Miles lie
In thiswa till peifeith dry. turning
tlieiu if tlie stateof the niiilher reiitnres
it Win ii tliopui'lih cured, haul and
store under cover, if ou bate a proper
place for tlieiu, if not stack and ci uie
fioiu wet b loveriu with board.s or
th'lti il till (OllMllli lit to thlesh
Means waste verv iuiu'Ii in haiidline;.
I iv tliu ihms buriinr, and should he
handled with a ejrent deal of care A
wooih.u baiie-fotl, s the bust tool to
He.tlls should be threshed as soon
after Ii inestinej; as convenient, by run
nine; the vim s through a ihreshllie;.
Ill'iehilie or beating Willi 11 thill ' he
I ltd r is a priuiiiae mode for I Ins ud-
niueil ii'i'. but it Is the iiiii s wav to
pi t M in the worlr? After threshlti";,
put throiioh a f.tnnitie;-mib and hand
pi' k, if oii would "bae a tin e arUoJo
whii It wi',1 command the highest price,
I he ordinary whitt b' in of oiniuercij
,are iisiifi!l nioie oi ie.s mied 'I In:
n t in in. 'Hid tin trui w lulu iniiv, is a
sin ill I'l'inwitha ti.uisp iri nt, pciirlv
km White beans ari i!vis teaily
s tie. and command a Inch p'l-', if tlie
in i" t n iroud ami tlifj an- I. ii, d iuek-
ed and marketed in the proper manner
Kansni Farmer.
Ori'lianl iJrass,
ot lonj; ao the rncKxpioted from
a (.otcmpornr nunii'tliiiiurfKanlintlie
im rltj and the i ultureororoliardr.'LSH,
I he subject is worthy further consider
uti'.ii, aijd wi w.I. bfielly pivo what wo
ejleiiin'il'froni' of the most uxti ti.sivo
niwens of this j;r.isin thucutintry,
rotiiuired with blue i;ra.s.s, tlie most
popular grass atnoii futimrs m tb
(;rii.ii regions d tiiu west, it u tU
tiion nutritiotisof the two and hi'ep.
hone, 'indcattlu liku It ful't as well
IiVill edWjln nianr lm iMim wh-to
'" Kr''i'Ifall It w ill thnie upon
xy sajl that wi'l njic-n a eJu.ui ' rop of
'Indian com It wril tand aluio,t .,nv
amount of drouth. Once well sei-ded,
a pajiliin wi'l endurfi almo-t itch tintto-
lj'i intanct;i1i'ini; ktiow n u here a pas
ture, has remained unbroken for mora
than fifty 5 ears, and yet tiroduciu'
more feed than the best of land in clove?
and tituothi. Thisprass thrives well
in onen timber laud, or totally without
The beat time to row orchard jrAs-i !.
I . il , ' s
' ,i.
. ( i
. -st 1
- ' ' "
I I,. pltl
' v 1
1 clllltra " I
- ,f Sl. . -
i f -f ai i
, r I
' hin1 '
llf ll.
" i i (4T
i ' I . .--1 I
I' t t Pit
' t
i i '
- h ! .
t ' .. F
l 1 )'K i
i in ! '?
i ii ii I
pi. tares!
. m'f rtli ale.1 ill
! Ut
p lrftl.l
1 t, ;,jU ,p hp tfTftM IHtrv(sjml
mi.. K lui I.H MKMvtllMt hail rSMltaff
ar 11 iids MiTSffl lb mirmi.m .d
our ttr.l. ( fftTMMar ' mi ffrrl s
lent unlit S'MkUt th tmm trs
hui not Mil!.'iHlTW mtm for n
to hate i.Pfti-Hir ;v tntta vatun Omt
ptliM-ipa) nl.jnt in rftl!tr attrnii-.n !
the SjI'-vI at Ihit Um I to lidm-
farmrni.i tsoniparr it ( tvftilij'
Hith ihr tcieaiiow (fra fr bat, I'
He M pKMK- HiallV hfslHB f.lf this
purp .r t i ilaiinul lm -r. t,r.l jjraai
Hi At. tloV.'.l with viiter, w lu. h Mpsi n -I
Ihe illl. Iillli- it IHaki It I. 1 I lltltll
lion ami 111 run urn i.pinr tiai
('lit it When 1.1 I -"Ii the s,itii- a lliu
otl.t r 'iriwcr' .n i.w
I'lttl III r nl linos.' IMoiils.
A rffii s i.iiii n. i in isintRin
ed an Stiti lp iH tV. mlttim of hta)
I ' a it I . wlurh Vs i pUm that
He an uie.'ur lad n-adi r will thank
ue for rt.prwilm'iiig i'rtlons nf it
SM"SkMlt) d etiltiliir. the Hitter a
Itiitai.' iiniiiinu i-rpir i i. eluxwr
nlit WimhI, where lite 11l1ntf (flisll
branches arr the Im It Tbe hotlld U'
pUllted .i-i-ph . and the milfaev of the
olllitll lie kept hiMt' In wateriiijf.
el llui will ill the Hei;htNirltiHHt of but
not eh ' to, the cutluii; Carnation
and pi 11 a arr twit obtained bv laser
rnjt, that t. Uw hta ars iWt titf r
tbreepirtrtoi Itironnh. and Itent
that tlie Jnrt cut mis lie cotrrrd about
a half tneh III the soil Iu aUmt three
wiN'k the part cut will hat e throw 11 out
rieiU, H hen the i utlitij; nis Im reunit
ed from the pan-nt plant and potted hi
itself ( malum klip an. tet obtain
ed bt i-tittlti); artu o oun;wiMil ihrer
ipiiirter ff the wn tiiioux'h at a dm
tance of nlNitit two ini he front the elid
oflhenhoot. Ritd then allow inj; the
parth -M'tcred plip to otniid ubont a
wiiek or eijjht das son the parent plant
In fore ii.tirel) etcnni; it Itiiiiiiiii)
plntit are bent propitiated bt Jiililimr
the arms down to the surfni'e of the
soil, tln will cause them to take loot a
thn Kpn-ad I'n cause plants to eptw
blp'llt, pun h tlieeti- out of the ends
of the u st brain lies, w Iin h w ill then
throw out side shoots, and III thl.s Wilt
11 plant mat hccausid to row to al
most it ti s. reiplired hhapo.
If plants are Infested w ilh Insects thiN
Hint 1 Ifi'i Hlulh Iteed tm follotm
I'hii e them upon a table or plntform,
on which there are two or three 111. lies
of sand, and cuter theni with 11 ecl
of any kind. 01 place otet them a 1 loth
so iirrniijjeil ai to cuter without dam
f'kM,lC them lletieath the Vessel or
com r insert some toiriuii; toban o, and
lei it ri'iuain im fifteen minutes Thin
is - miieli better lau than usliijr to
bacco water, liecnilse Ihe smoke will
pet liieate between the leaves, where II
would be dilllcllll to yet the tobacco
W titer, but if tobacco water is used. It
should be s rilljji'd bilieiith the leiives
in all dire, lions If the soil Is impn-
Ullleil w ith insects, as is terv often III'
ease, frotll Ihe Ipe of fel llllers, the
Terj best rcllicih is to Jet I lie Mill eji.l
ilrt, and llu ti corer it with chimuet
"not to a depth of aboiil mie ipiarter of
an inch, then applt water hhciallv
I hi will kill the tiisi'i ts wilhotil Injur
Hie; the plants. Insects in the fertilizer
arc vers common and desiructite for
pI'ilitM, mid can oiilv be euatib l ne;aillt
W t t'l'ltmliti bt p'Mlllll' lioiliue; w ater
on the soil ifo r wi II mi vine; tne b rid
lel III it lopp tint the ilestrili tioli
of seeds b llise. l it licit be mixed, lie
fore sow mj;. w nil 1 itln i pow di red sul
phur or soot, the hitler lii-llie; prefer
able I . . !
Itniuc ami .Maiiia.
The l'rencheiitep d Home (iaribal
dl tnari lied out with a handful of l.rnte
men, lliiitnilie; to llllil his wat to Vet).
ice, w In. Ii was still in arms .M11I111
1 -1 1 1 1 i 1 1 I tn Home to watih for nut
1 liaiu ii of tciiuw mj,' the MriiKKln, but
he knew in his heart that 110 such
1 Inline would eoiue It is hanl to lose
Mie dp am of life, and vt hen that dream
has drawn all its lustre from s irtue.
. hen jo J hiw been loliceiteil unit III
the lot I riff serin e of the noblest lie 1 11',
the Inchest idi at we know, then if a
inun set Ills ideal crushed hebrrc lu
etes, and feels thnt honor itnelf has
turned against him. and that bei ause
he hits disdained base things henil'it
all then it shall be known whether hi
vnltie is a ib ritatite ami coriiiu'Table
ihini;. or ha in it an inbpd etmr)fj
th tt is in. npable of despair If he eaii
rnie his head to lij'ht anew, he w ill Imd
all li'litini; eiusi now. 'Ihe worst lias
gome to tlie worst, licit' cforth 1 111 no
Iliali trouble hill! he In nr in hi spirit
the tide mark of its llichet Woe
'Ihroiiyh such an hour Mu.ini parsed,
tMini; aini'iic the rums of Ins Koine
If' waitiil for fin uds to ralli round
him. but none dared to rails for foes
to slat him. but no man dand to alas
At last he passed through the midst i.f
tin in and went ht wat, and as for the
lllst time he saw the un net on Home,
lit micht lurch hate said ith more
truth thin any rato nf tragedt.
' "oil Kulll.1 IIMlllll. I, IloIM hill In "
And In re. if it were cast in a drama,
the tale of .Mami's life would loe.
for there are areers which culminate
in ib f. .it, as otliers in strtory, and tin
labors of anot In r n ore of tears gate no
rie' ond lianee to face utisbaken -ueh a
cfeli ninl ruin i( 11 world. The jnar
IU , in pitc of its crushing defeats,
was m fact a turning point in Italian
fortunes. Men had measured them
icltcs with the eneiilj . thus had learn
ed to dare, and the movement through
out Italy was never whobj checked
again. In each onward step Masiru
fudid. His words, his writings, gain
ing freh authority, a adtam mg ears
continued their wUdom in the past,
were the fountain-head of that clear
and continuous manifestation of the
muiouui win wutuu itnjMillei anil ena
bled the rifduionti.'iij (luvernuieut Ut
1..' lo bat's. '
I ' f.!ci .. I )-, 1 .' tl
I twl. 4 ttl p.,,, that it ol.t ! '
W'ttyM 111 m i s' "' I ' ' A-l ',
Vl II tis.ft ffft.lrs ilhwt itftpSrt j
not tt, t l . .ti t . t. tn' 1 1 '. I n
1 arstt -r rnri. st. ih .,. .!,. .
I ut sod Pan I. it. I ,a ilo 1
i.'wSi S. s fr iftT .tsit "
ItoMtxl asri f,.H ae u Han.t I
' A rrt 4 last shnft w . s. ' 1 '
Ut t. tiw Ian,tn4 pj.t-1 4 0Hh a-l ,
,tt (W NS,sr4 Yt!laTc tt rl '
il KM Ihfl .- I.. . r,iu, Ihr IH1I
Stair e4 t vftli si llait s isihi tarin j
Mails sa. ttn His Br nstn Il '
wasnv ajfatn. trao erfpap.l an-l ,!
is.l l.diiKl.ti to tandiftaar. iH i ... .
tn n '.i i't an I Nap), pr'iiiti
thai if h (Mi-ssmled It lliHibli'laiMi
thitve d hr gtors Mid If tl taiil ti
Soil Id ti ssstmtat :S ' Miomith
In-ftMi " .VtlsT tfttiiabli" Wt.-l
M.-ci-.. m Kaplrts in tavi Miftini
etrst Mrrs ImiovsI Ut em.-. m H0H0'
l'br ; of Win. mat rs
h the lttr inter teniiob nhii h rad
fUftrtsnl the IttHtrslltstt d limbld
Th .lellsyraa.v of Rotn saalinttf.ftiid
M Mm, nl ltioithl. nivslitissls deiatwt.
and w tin it iiuii- 111 t7n il 1 aim "U
tn -l.ow htm thai th It. uu- .d apl
ration llu- n .i'iimi tpuili an H-utt
nlioh was a tlmd lime ! to l Ihe
ml. I was not I. t built in a lt
,"IS(,itl. W tih t
t liiiiiiiikitble TitiT VImuiI tlir ( ?lllrll.t
tb'Hi.f the Uiottt Hrssr,
In the ..iiti Ililioit ,, ib, l.p at l ai
! "Ihe 1'ippii, itni.,ii'. of wim
lrt;ht tai tts. id win. hate 1 alb-il the
pointer for Ihe rraiKMi thai ft lntr
drawn thrtifb llntti st.nibl alwat in
trratH't the Hilar itut whih I ' Ji
north id the upjxr iar (of thi its..
thai nro called ihn jmli.teis) A hiiii
Iht-rv I olltethiin: 11 Itiaiaalilr In On
fact thai a lai)f f",,,l' "' '" "1 Ihr
Itoithrrn beaten. Ih-HI( Ito p- ill
I'Ulice is hales er to ft In ar, should sel
! Mn'nlbd, ami what i still mme !
maikable, Is thai lid (freat r'(ft"ii of
star "lion 'I alwata hate tu-en known
bt thai name bt all the nations id Ihe
northern In tnisiihcrr of the earth, hots
eter miliotels sittiatrd from ea. h nihil.
or to wlmtetrr remote ikiih Hejf.
tet k bin k lllllll We tHHMIlie but! III.
out ns'ord or tradition, and still ti..n
dellnj; that Ihe name and plaif of Ihe
colistolUliolt hotlld Sri lie nil 8?lo" III
that fur. far. tiitsts past
(in at pht steal 1 hanucs on the earth'
surface undoubtedl) hate im-i nrrrd III
the itlfes that bate gone, therein sepa
1 ntliig ninl IsHolutniK nutlons thai oiee
knew curb other Kueli imtloii after Ihe
calachsiu tMvurretl, ppilmhh kepi It
traditions, though it becalm lott to It
unci' lielghlMU nig people, and lint we
hat en ppihalilc reason whs the Astatic,
the lft plliiti and the American linll
an, ttie all. at the aalue lime familial
witu thl northern isnti lluilon ami it
'I In-(ilea! Ileal Is pb lured "Il the old
I'.gt pilau heinispheri'S. as safelt match
mg wnstward atollltd the nie of tim
heati'iis, and I pbn ed In a til) high
latitude, mid, In (act, dlrcitl) over the
home of the polar bear of ihe earth
Wits It Intended to tlpift the region'
If so, then the l.gtpllau was familiar
w ilh the liiuiie of the Hlilmal Or tt a
it some mirage, projecting a tail Mustfe
( the nnlniul ili. Hi thoie misit pol tr
skies, that gate Use to tlie thought of
so lihichig it
Ihis constellation can bo semi on ant
lear night throughout the tear In tin.
latitude, except the stars hurtled In the
bear's paws I housamUof people hsti
wab hid that pari of It called the Ibp
pei. and noticed its handle hlh alwne
the pole star, and then again sweeping
MPilind to the westward, then seen lots
on the northern hmlou. swinging
aiouml to ihe east, and again alHite the
pole and on to the west all accounted
for In, ihe ci Mb datls motion on it
axis causing an apparent tnotetnent of
Ihe const llatmn westward aroiind Ihe
pole of the heat ens
'Ihe Indian Pip'lun.
Vear and liars ago a w ell-bom
soiing I p in hiuuu left his own is.unirt
and lited in pioneer favhlon on the
wentern (piiiln r of the I'liited Hlales,
iu a small eltleminl eitlbd ll Hear
born lletrit'bd with the llidntlis, htnl
iiianlallt with a sipiaw, and aw ipiuig
up atxnit tiim a fainilt of sellot tom-
Iilectei) 1 fill Iritl I he eldest, a bright,
inndsotiic bos. separated from hi
usage inoiher In liiaiu s. and sent to
I rain e, where he was reeeiteil In he
father's fatnlls and educaled to all tin
manners and was nf wealth) I'mn
rill He lis ed abroml till In grew to
manhood, and was as highlt edui at.l,
nnd tvotititl 10 a dainty refinmnt of
life an had lm been n pruno of lb"
p iguing lioumi.
Al tn'Ut)-ont he returned to Fori
IharlM.rn, then he longer liiumn In it
original na'iie, where hi Ihiiiiii" the
Ii ad 1 fig lion, and the iuki M-rfei t gen
tleman of the rapidl) increasing oin
mutiitt Hi clothe were nlwnt or
dered in I'uris, his horei and .nrruges
were the most f-irstl) and elegant the
State bad eter seen his innunets ami
Ins dark beaoM were the adoration of
Ihe belle ami lln- envy of Mie beaut
through all the wide country for wlm h
ihe former had just become the me
trojMilis lie was courted by all who
wished to draw alxnt them the ni)tic
circle called societi, for the Indian trad
ing father had gained a vast fortune,
and the satigc mother djing bad m n
forgot ten l her people
I'uiallt, this d irk toung I'.enu llrinn
triel married one of tlie belle of the
soungtit), and though siill
I'.irisian clothes, arid still driting hirh
stepping sti-eiU and drinking r.tru bir
I'ign wines as oilier piojde drsnl water
Seemed to settle into ipilt" h (Jomeitu
and proper oung hii'band. A daugh
ter wa born to htm. upon whom lu
lus ished unlimited love, and for whom
he dreamed the most ambitious
Vet it was noticed tJiat wltJi everv re
turning spring-time the joung husband
and fattier became strangely reckless
and abstracted. He took for weeVs no
interest iu hi usual purf ilt.aud absenl-
, . 4i
1 a '
I ..-
it n -t,B
I 1 . ti IMs ttS
p rw.t ftint II
.-onlvst f. IS l ft-
.1 .
- s -1 I . 1 . .1 . it'M II
t is 1 ' i ' K" " I rt
. , i.,t , ,.,. . . 1 f4-tmm
,.,!.. ik I, ko . t tl- Kt
r. ..! .me H it. (!-, nsl ISISS ,
' ins tot omul aifv an I M ISMMif LfUMiM th la StftsifSMtsKH
4 to taatftf lt trtaiasl as s
1 It.-., hr ..! ,. ttS ftskMM
t . 1 1.. 1 fan, 1 val, If
. h,l r. t tt Ik. . l . Us
ti -.) h. rt.t . t, aaslfif ft
-iki im usi.i aaytSN, 1 fsf tftr lin.
oitnl .'! i. I rH..ti). a Uf
ut . jr ll nslk-l ia ik i l.S
nb ti, apnnf lint rjai its muw
liapwrait tsilh rvi.irss isrilst
',' Ibt Unix he rrtssalmstl ssllt hll
fHo! ,-i, Ii It tanfV ft4 m
lrai rvMUbMMMs m .-t ! lSt
Mi hTtst stttii ho Aftr hw
hrSI .1i.rftlSli, h.- nrirr ttSHSVMt,
and n.Hhiif sift hratl ,. s m f.vt tm
thru, after mans s ,1.1.1114
hi ih had id4iu. I .t.i,.p And
uisrrtt s pronKftni ,,,.,.iri tut f
the 1 til kr hM Iw.l.l I1....1 l
t.-nd trtr siaahnrsi mm ui. m ,i, l.p
rrt'ilhii lite, a ti.Mt.t. III
and lit Naak.-I fit n t tr I
t'sinl .lis, tail UK I.iivm f bat) . tt.sit J
nr had rsrs Iw a in ' 1 an '' I. 1 -il, 1
ndn.iis nl Hie ttt .ii i..ii.iin I
iljhtr lixvk lie I Hi 1 l.llr. ,1.
ait). roiti lo Woo. i K.l i I
aud then ilit.iiil a , t 1
stanto ia m i ..ihhit. a 11, '.,
.111 lhl ll ntigl.i i 1.. h, n 1
..rttp.,,ih..i,trt. . .t. . .
ate lit. !...
in the Ira!
fs,.rw srs a,,-" ...In
tetrrn Indian n - dci
Uige Ihrll HpHtjf op lb. I. . 1
rr ai WablBrli.n Their b I
K'kenian m hnwot I'.-, s
tiwit. an.l istiinnaitditiij o.i,
and le.jiu of hi lH.lfm'1 .,
Ihe Utigsiafrv In which Ihr ' s
ri 1 lollies bl l.leitl I his In I
rr. h ho hast tissyii edu. all d .0 I
, s?si iqir npt fttwfi "im 1 1 1 im 1
paiMsl lhrou(h Ihe wesleiu 1 , . .
gpiwn In Ih (atiinsi an I i-pi '
cut ami during hi tav h...i , ,
mil hi daii(iilr Khe rsfi. I n. .
hint, and 11 la aatd for t 11. 1 p 1.
than aiiget for hl derllc it f
mother. wh.Hli, b Ihe wat l. lot 1 0
with all his 1 1 ir tune I nf 1 in i . 1
when the warm nrth Is jn 11 ,1 11.1 1
and through with sharp t.uui( n.n
of fleahesl g'a. and llu (fold... 1, '
wep Ion l(V drtam uMin 11.. '
pialrle. she tun. In jKi- I . I 11
irangii iiniest. a s earning nn I 1 .
Hi it she would r rt I tl, I ilu llisn nf is
I hru shi lltifglc W it ti tin nitnkiu I
linltire w ithiuhej, ami witiil.t lbs l.t
father as she would 11ih it p.ipl.u 1
i it ln lotion in
S.S liei , In Mii'liil Hi,' sniiiinr i',
list rnsli w lib a fsitnlt builig in 1
I.e. II into oiiii um,l i
paib.r' In 1 ti -tl of nil 1 m w ii
pbli.'S Siiatogi ot Ills Im. ii ,lilo,
liallt i tin I Nlid elUiweil In td. Mill.,
p.'lltrtll thtollg thai loll. ll'l. 1 1. ill 1 1 ill
dust ami surf at llram li tl. tt
has towed nesel sgsin ! i. piir i"
llllllliei lesnrls! Ami lei Mllhimli
ri turning easoii ishiin ib. .pun
Iii re shall we gof rSlii Ut ft -n
a Hew, ihiiiiIIIimIIoip, all I elegint II ti
ha Ih'I'ii coinpli'tiMl and uiiol., I
I tr It V I'lerce. Ill Hull il . i nl
a 1 ost ot ueitlls bnlf a million dn ai
No place on this eonlln. nt p .
lllorK ndsinlagea for the Lot r i pi. in
ure iM'kcr. or t li In wap b . i .i
reliiiHllon frolll the 1 ale of Ihiiiiimi
than this 1st. u a '11..I111 .1
lu ei ml, l.nn lug ami aluOi ""i
lite iheiiiiotunler ranging In num.. 1
frolll do to ;.'i ib'gP'.'S 1 I
I III attim tions uf the boti I nnd Its in
tirons All these coinliiin to under it
the most denrable resort for thorn In
eaii'h of relaialioii and re a I." .tti d
on a blull oterlisiklug thc'.'t of llif
falo. Lake I'.rie. Itulbilo Hit. sn I 'mi
fara Hiter aa It rapidl wind its wm
H-tweeit island ami Milan, ib, gnat
calaraet jusi bet ond tl nlb-rd om f
the fine! of Ameruan ein A I ln
all biter of liejulrt to ManngM d
hit sll'is' and Tourists' lloiil, Huifmo
N V '
.iu:t r inn:.
.Man, Ibtruiiiul llme. Iliirul.
e see bt the SwaPO-irn Itet lew Ihllt
A sioti (iUUsii of I'oHi heik 1 on 11 1 1 , tt In
.it In barn. hore. gi tin and bat l
lire wiinc three or four w eks t'o, tt a
lnurd in llif Slate Inuiain ( unpnnv
of l)iMolne ll I mppo.i .1 il.. l.itrn
caught fire frolll the pipe of a traiii)
liM-pmg iu Hid hat , as thn Ih.i.h of a
man were afterward found In tin- aln
A KM M the eotiipunt wire fipptu
mI of the loan, tin' wilt their vljusting
agi lit who settled the alm to the 1 li
tire allf action of Air (ause, ami tin
iNiiupans prompt!) paid the same.
hiHountlng toncari) nine bumlrnd dol
lar Hi that within t hut 1 dats after
tlx- fire Mr f.ausc had hi mount
J t took Mr. Iiiiiw' many tears hard
work to make himself m. comfortable
Mad he not hat h been Insured tl.n re
n.sinder of hi life tnn won'd si ar eij
have nude his loss good Now he has
Ihe mount, and It is unit tlni loss of a
fii weeks time to rebuild his bam
The hiate Insurant e (oiiipunj of lies
Moines wa 111 hiii l thirtneu tears
ago, and h t gradual!) im reused in
strength, ami is "inlinuallv winiungiu
Arts (ii the hearts nf the pi oplu
Although mans cm, pi m, (,f hard
times, we under .'and 1 businemi for
the month of M tt i d nibni that of the
same month last w ir
I fie jusi and prompt dealings of the
1 ofnpant, figetin r -Hi the gi mi, man
ly bearing, hint horn st deilmgof tjuir
agent with their pttrons, have done
much ami HeersHis so. to moke the
Compmij thus popular with the people
Farmers will ilu well to look to their
interest In ihe Any of insurance, as it
pnys U insure In a reliable, prompt
7lntf, homu Company, liku the KtaUi
4 I
-- s fa ..
W j 1 Tuits( it Ss ,
, T -. .. M.a rsi - m. St
M ' . M..fcM fSklSI I-f ,
,.- -,- t ,a st i twt
nsilM " s , t ii Ss
bMn4 'iM -I" Sii i '1 im,
t 4 tt Mffvll a SlilSf si ( tftj. ..kitvwta
SWl V . " s. S I tlk
ag kft s, k.1 t ) iki, wlt '.
Iwl -. N-.s, hUh I,
aa a 4wMk -.
B,aaifeMk UkJ iim "'-
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YOUR NAME i nt ",.
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GunuioMf. UL'nri-.v::.:::
paaBBSBaaBn.--v ln s im Iris -r t Z,.!,
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ouYtns.l.'.v.'; ,;:.. Mr.,,",:;-ir,r
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.s 1. . . 1 rm 1 u r.
It I I ills M St I ' .
llu 1 Is"! I I I..-, ,.)
I , - , S I lll.ll'IH Hot.- I ts,,,
lis sal
Ih-sMoincsSlcara Holler and InDWirk
i .., ii .. 1 ... 1
ti,ii ii 1 - ,4
t ' M 1 mi" 1 ,i ,
ir.,i . 0. . 1 ... ,
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a a im ol a 1 V utiaiia
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Mm Pi 4 U. xW-.
I,, V.i, .HI lll, ImI
W Mf MHI 1 --.
mt U -, -Mil fll 11
U 4sUI fcM If 4ll lf -f--
Ut M 4tftt I ia f- m 7"
"- tuglfilon Trun Co., Chli;o, III,
riara - 11. 1 o siiiiiihiimi.iiiu It,
Alk - s-H MHI1 tlllllHI1! Mil
r I IIM1. I'M IlllltlllllllNI'lll .
la M, t I,, at uii.ii.
Evurr Duyt
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4lt.i,l.i,-4;i; sin, 1 (!..
HmOiiIm K,.n. IU
ftirxili mmlrit t'.r iM.,..l-r,l I rrlirr
A. W. Coatcs 8pnc Sai Ha) i"4 Grain
r ,
I'.'CI . -
a, no i '"i
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itall.T. lf.ri"ilM I -'
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"lijffiI!,!Sn IIHbs.-j.ifa.A.iU toS' ' " A . J ' rj&u-M....A ,
BaaaaWa .TTTfli
1I1LU. A i.i