The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 18, 1878, Image 6

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Lit 1
eaiN At ! r., K,U. mm Vntn:
milium, kotkn.
Gon. Kits I
nry Warren, formerly
of Iturlintnii. luwit, died at Spring-
Hold, Man., J
no '2 lili. Ho Iirxd been
n feeble, henlt
for it number of years,
lind onnio to Iowa In
CJcn. Wnrrci
181ft, mill cng ;cd In mcronntllo (minI-
nesa iii Hurllii) on, Ho wii.i afterwards
distant edito
of tint Itiiwkrir, mill
became a IDMI
inr of tiiniinnkingiiouso
of (Jrecn, Tim
n & Co. I In also be
lly lilontlllcd with tint
oiuuu iromini
politics of InwL
iiml was mi elector on
Fillmore ticket, in the
tho Taylor am
lpnlgn of I
IH, mill during t tin ml-
Inlstriitlon vim Assistant Postmaster-
'Jiiernl. Hit
lll'llllcd till Republican
Icotoral tick
In IH.V'i, mid win also
thn head of
tut ticket In tlm Lincoln
nil Douglis unipalgn. Upon tlm or-
t, ((ligation of ho First loivn Cavalry
' '4cglment, In; isinncil its coiniimnil, to
which posltioi lio Iiml been unanimous
ly elected, lb was raised to the ruiik
of h llrlgud 'l-lieiiernl, mill was a
Hruvot Mujuntiitmiml. I In was niter
thn war olooti 1 to thr S'nto Semite Iroiu
lihiscounty, m I in IHiili was mi indopcu
(hint Candida i for Congress ugiiitist
Hon. Jiin, I'. Hnoii. During President
Johnson's atli InKtiiitioii huivus Minis
ter to (iuitlcm In, mid served until the
election of ( 'ii. Omul. In IM7'- ho
lieiiiled the (ii 'eley ami llrown elector
nl ticket, as jilcetnr at large. Since
tlien ho bus iVshlcd most of the limit
nt thn Hast. He Iciivch ii .son ami
daughter, Ihoyoiingoi' being 17 years
of ago. Ills wife ilieil aliout u year ago.
.'ho Republicans at .Madison, Ind.,
iiomiiiateil Hon. I.eonldn.s Sexton
ii Dcuioeratii! Statu Convention of
Ohio met nt Columbus, .luno With, and
nontlniitcil Dau'l K. Pago for Secretary
of Stkto; .Jiulgo of tho Siiproiiio Court,
A. U'AlIume, of ltutler county., Tho
platform demands n strict, eonstruclion
of home rule; supremacy of tlm civil
over tlm military power; .separation of
church nuil Statu; equality of all citi
zens before the law; liberty of all In
dividual action, unvoxcd by sumptuary
laws; absolute acipiiescnco in tho law
fully expressed will of tho majority; op
position to all subsidies; preservation of
the public lands to the use of actual
settlers, nuil the maintenance nml pro
tection of the common school system.
It also commends tho investigation of
frauds in the last Presidential election;
attributes commercial anil Industrial
.agnation to the pernicious tinancial
legislation of tho Republican party;
charges the Republican parly willi leg
islatlng In the interest of monied capi
talists, nuil congratulates the country
on the adoption ami continuance of tho
l'acillc policy of local self-government
in the South.
On the 'Jtith of June the committee
representing thu National party in New
York city waited on (!cn. Thomas
Kwlng, of Ohio, and thanked him for
his hold mid vigorous opposition to the
resumption act, and congratulated him
on the defeat of the Senate .substitute
bill in thu House of Representatives.
The General then attended a reception
nt Mr. Peter Cooper's residence.
Tho Republican State Convention of
Illinois, tit Sprlnglleld, Juno With, nom
inated (ten. J. C. Smith for St ate Trcas
urcr, nml Slmlo for Superintendent of
Public Instruction. Tho platform de
clares unfaltering faith in the republi
party; that tho success of the Demo
cratic party In Congress and in several
States only shows its partisan charac
ter, general incapacity and lack of
honor and patriotism; admiration for
the Republican tinancial system o.'eated
during thu wnr; opposition to any fur
ther contraction of greenback currency;
in favor of the permanent pacification
of tho South, and protection to all its
citizens in all their rights; favors amend
ment of tho criminal code for thu pro
tcction of depositors in savings banks,
by the punishment of dishonest bank
managers, ami declares that those who
preserved tho country should govern it,
instead of thosu who attempted to de
stroy It.
Tho Republican Judicial Convention
in tho Fourth district, helu at Sioux
City, Juno With, nominated 0. II. Lewis,
of Cherokee, for District Judge, and
S. M. Marsh, of Sioux City, for District
Belonging to tho royal family of a Pi
uto Chiuf thero is an Indian woman
known as Sarah Winnemucca, whose
intlueiico is very great in her tribe.
Shu has rundorcd hcroiu services to tho
army of General Howard ns a guide and
scout, proving faithful and true to the
whites in many undertakings to thwart
tho designs of tho hostile savages. Ver
ily, savago warfare is not without its
romantic episodes, ami another Poca
hontas may enroll her namo on tho
pages of American history.
It is stated- that Senator Mntthows
will respond to tho subpoena to appear
before tho Potter committee, aflor ho
has rondo his statement before the Sen
ate committee.
.lnirniaiii .
They nre building a new court iionn
In llliMttnliiRtnii, VrmUIn nullity.
Wit see It stntril that there a proba
bility of lliorllriiMoiifif tlioHloilt City .V !
clflc Ititllroml tip the KIMiorti, nt no illMuut
ilntp. Ht'i are belli)? taken to xrurc- lxitii In
HUiitnn nml MikIImiii timtitlin, nt lial, lor
tint ptirHr,
Albert Johnson, mi engineer on the
I'. I Itiillnmil, nt (littnliu, mrl wild mi nrrl
ib'tit, ii fnw tin) io,m Mill w III prolmlily prow
fiit id. lie fell front n lnif, or limimiiM k, u
pi'iiilcil lictMirii two tncf, otrlkbii; iiM)ii
III lieml. Hi: uim plrkiil up In mii iiiirotiM'lotl
Hy an act of Congress, approved April
III, ISTli, (lie ;iii'rtiliii'tit ilrrlitnl to cell tlm
PftMiKT IhiiiI, hiiiI nfler rrlliititirnliiK Itrelf hi
l.'WI.tKKI, tin- eipeiiM- of CHrln fur the Paw
ner, npprnMnK tlie NYlirnrkn ri nervation, mnl
ef!r(tliiK Hie rale, to ereilll Hid rrirmlmler to
till' lliillmin on tlirlxMik of tlie I'liltiil Ktatif,
lieurlll' llilrlrat nt Hie rntu of not inorr III mi
live per tent. 'I III' Uml 1emrtfilfHt of Hie
t'lilon I'nrllli' rallronil recrlveil, liniler of
Fclirnnry h, IS7s, liiitrtlrtloim from .1 A. Will
IniiiMin, rotiimlMlfincr of II e general liiml of
llce, iiml Carl Hrliiu., neerrtniy of Hie Interior,
rriiirMlliK tlielu to nrriitiue fur the dale, on
.Miiiiilay, .Inly Ifi, nt Central ('II v, on the I'lilon
Pnellle riillroml, the roiliil) of Mrrrlik
riiiiiity, lt inlli-f Mintli of the reneiviillon nml
one liiimlrril nml thirty linn- mllen fromOiii.i
lni. 'I he limit han lieeti aiiraleil III forty arre
trurt, hill will he pill up for mile III llnetanf
one htuntrril ami rltty m ri . The vitliliitlou of
tlm hunt In', ',i.',, nml the Mililntlnn of
the luiiriiMllii'litri In t'.l.lll.'i 'I In- luttei rnn
Mt of Kihool Iioiim', nelitV liull-e, iotollli'e,
ami ntiuierotm ilrlllli(.', hnrnn, etc. The o.ile
lll lake plucii iimlet the uiinplirn of tlirrruK
Ii I ami linhiT of the t'lillnl HIiiIif luenl I. mil
olllie, nl (Irnnil Ulmnl. No Milen an' iillniteil
for lenn thiol t'J.Wliili inie The trim are one
thlnl ilimn, another t tilt it nt the mil of tin1
Unit eiir, ami the Innt Ihlnl at the c ml of Ihe
crriinil ear, lth Inlrlci'l nl t-lx per i cut. The
Pnunec Iriut cnii'l-tK of '.'Ts.Kiil ncren. On thin
Uml the P.iwneen llei until u few yearn nlnce,
when, one m'Iikmii the) follnueilii leat hetil of
lilltfiili) foiltli to the lteiiilillenii Vallel, wheie
they Mete atlaekeil hy the Hlnm, one hiimtteil
nii'l llfly men, Moineti nml children l.ilti 1,111
nl, liirhnltiti; the tnont proiiiltient chief. Im
ineillatelv follnulni; tliln llht the Pauneen ilc
rhleil In iilinnilnii n tccniilliili en near their
foruilil.ililr memles,the Slntir, nml the follim
Iiik venr they inneil rn iiiiimi to a Irni't of
liiml which the government hail ret olf fur
them lit the Imllati Territory. The renerMitleu
hnn hern nlnce prnctlenlly ilicrrtnl.
The political papers have lately hail
much to say in reference to what the
republicans call the new "gerrymand
er' of Ohio. It Is not for uh to say
whether the term Is rightly or wrongl'v
applied in this case, for that would
trench upon the Held of polities, which
wo must not cuter. Hut the term il.-clf
should be explained, for real gerry
mandering W one of the most unjust
and disgraceful of political tricks.
Under our system of allotting repre
scntalives in our Slate legislatures ami
In congress according to population, it
becomes necessary to change the lines
of districts almost as olteu as a new
census is taken. I'nder the census of
IHIU), Iowa, for example, had only sis
representatives in congress; but her
population as revealed by the census
of IH70, entitled her to nine. Of course
it was necessary to redislrict the Stale.
Th s work ('1111 be done fairly or un
faiily. (ienyinanilering, as now gen
erally understood, is doing unfairly.
11,-1. ...... II.- It... I .1... V. I !. ...'..
'I l.llllll(, , llll- .-V-H-M- HI Mil' Wdlll 1 IVJll
restricted to a parlicularform of unfair
ness. In 1811, the democrats were in power
in Massachusetts, As tlie legislature
had the duty that year of dividing tlie
Slate into districts', tlie idea came to
some of the representatives to arrange
the Hues so as to make as tunny demo
crat ie ami as few federalist districts as
possible. Accordingly, they formed the
districts without mi' reference to their
geographical position or tlie conven
ience of the people.
One of the districts, in particular, was
in form a long, narrow, crooked one.
starting from the const just north of
Huston, ami after passing into tlie inte
rior, came back to the coast at the
northeastern boundary of the State. A
federalist editor drew' a plan of the dis
trict. Its form was souiethinglikelhat
of a lizard, with head and tail drooping.
Tlie editor added wings and a mouth to
it, and showed it to his friends, saving
that it looked like a salamander.
"Salainander!"eclainicd another in
dignant member of the same partv, "I
should say it looked more like a (i'errv
inander." Tlie governor of Massachusetts, that
year, was Mi Klbridge (ierrv, after
wards vice-president of tlie' Cuitcd
States, ami a very distinguished man.
He probably had nothing to do with the
formation of the district, but. as he
signed the act, he was held responsible
for it.
Tlie word Gerrymander was caught
U)i, and soon became the recognized
term for a shapeless district, construct
ed for partisan purposes. It lias since,
as we "have already said, received a'
more general application. Youth's
Jenny Mud made ? 1,000,000 in Amor
lea, and Mr. Gohlschmidt invested it so
successfully that it lias doubled itself.
He is a real nice, ipiict little fellow, Mr.
llaruum says a Jew, though he be
came a Christian when ho married her
and three or four jears younger than
shu. She has a grown-up mhi ami
daughter. Sir Julius Ileuediet, the
composer, Jenny's oh! teacher, says that
tlie daughter would have been as great
a singer as her mot Iter ever was if she
hadirt been rich. As for tho son, lie
knows Jenny is rich. He likes to spend
money, and Jenny likes to have him.
One of the richest women in tlie
world is tlie Princess SouvorolV, of St.
Petersburg, Russia. Her income is
about SsMHio.lHrO. Her father. Count
llaslleoskl, died May -J. His annual in
como had been, for some time, 1? 1,000,
000. Tho Grecnlmckers in tlie Third dis
trict, at tho convention in West Union,
Juno 26th, nominated Samuel I. Span
glor, of lluchnuau county, for Congress.
Judge Shinny Hreci), died nt Pink
nrttllU, III . .Itltir '.flh, of hrnrt illf nc.
A fire ntFnlrbaiill, Minn., June Wth,
itrntriifnl property to the rnliif of IO,otl.
Thoinnt Wllklnxon, of Cnyugn coun
ty, S'rw York, killed lilt wlfr nil lilinHf Jimi
Mr Sarah Helen Whitman, poetess,
itlf! it Prinl'lenre, H. I , June 57, of henrt
Ash llrothers, clothing mnnufaetiir
cr. Nw York City, have nuiprmlMl payment.
I.lntilllllen, IIWIIM).
The I'otr.eroy Iron Company, of Pom-
rrov, Ohio, hare inndemt nlj;iiuiMit. Malill
Itlr. rMluinteit lit 7.'i,().
A fire In South Chicago. June '27th,
ilntrnirit Kent. lUMwIn (' Wool machine
uiJliufnrtory. !., f JO.ti'l.
Thomas Wiiian. the Maltlinore inil
lloiialrr nml Uiiln r.illrom! rnntraetor, ilieil
lit S'ewMirt, II I , .lime '.'Hi.
II. I,. Solomon 4 Sons, furniture deal
rrn, New York, have uimlr nil nolnmi'liU 1,1
nMlltlen ertlumleit nt I ,I"'I.IM).
John Helrlek and John Hess who
who ireie lnlirnl liT the rlplii'loli of the holl
er nt I f nrrlol'iirK, Pa , have flnee ilieil.
Peter Mueller it Son's brewery nt
Mil l.llirnlii, III, entirely 'leMrnjeil hy fire
.lime I'.lli. I.n JiVI.Il, tii-liniliie, fltl.lMI.
Four large boilers exploded in llar
rll'iirtr, Pa , .liuie 'i", line man was lliflnlitly
kllleil, ami M-vernl olhern h.nlly n.-alileil. l.on
frnin tr'. mil tn !.',, (l.
The hotel keepers of New York have
furmi i iinaoiliillon, the ohjeet of uhlrli In
pn ilcet Inn f 1 inn i-h I inlliT", ill'ln ini't lio.itilern,
ami thlevlnh iMetipaiitn.
The military departments of the south
Mini L'nlf have In 11 eoiiM'llilateil, umler the
inline nf the lleparluieiit of Hie South. Ilrlpi
tler ( ('. (' Auitur eniiiuiaiiilliii;.
Iletirlette It. Hayili'S and Cuttlille )e
larmi, priiprlitnrn of n furhlniiahle tihiiii;
hiilles' xhiuil, New York, have Ilieil n petltlnti
In 1'iuil.ruptey. l.liilillUtc.i, 1 t.'l,."iiil, of uhlih
Mr. George Nicholson, and Mrs. '..
.1. Iloolhroiik, (irnptletnrs of the New Hrleaim
V.iiiinr, were m.irrleil .lillie '.7. Tlie lady In
mil Kiiiimii In lilerary elrelen limlrr the timn
itt iJumr of "I'rarl Itlvern."
Tlie Vermont Novelty Co.'s works,
liiniiufni'tiireriiof rhllilrenVrarrhiueK nml tnv,
at SprliiKlleM, Vl., were hlirneil .liuie li'itli.
I.m, r.'i.HNli liiKiirance, f:Ml. Hy the lire
KCi men are thrown out of euiplojuient.
A test case has been decided in the
Fulled State Court ri'i;iirilliii; the enter of
the ('niuiiilMlmit'rof Interim! Iteveniie reiptlr
Im; elL'nr maker to separate llielr fuetnrles
nml ptnrrMiy riilmtmithil piirtltlonn. The Court
ilirlilr that the ( 'oiiinit-f Ii out coiihl not thus
onler, a the law clearly ulves tnaniifacturers
the power to pell.
A Silver City dispatch of June '2." says
the nilvanee triHip of (leli Howard nttnckei!
ho'llles on the 'i't.1, -t, mlle.H from Harney
lleiiijinl Imre the hrtint of the I'lipigrtiit'iit.
The liattli' tisik place at Curry Creek. (len.
Ilimnnl li.ii neiit all the troops ponlhle to the
flout. Colonel ItohtiliiH anil two solilterit were
killed. Tlie carriers mile '.Ml miles to ftirnl-li
llniviiril vilth the iieunof the hattlc, am! ni-k-liu;
fur relnforceuieiilH.
A llolse City dispatch says the force
umler Col. Ileiniuil, In the recent tltrlit, Inclllil
Inc M'otils, iiiimliercil 'JiK) men; tnuuhcr of
Itiill.itih iiukiionn. A Portl.iuil illipatcli of
lime '.Villi, r-n)a: The lalet iiewn ftotii Chief
Muses Is to the elfcct he tin t,,Mil
llnrs, ivell nriiiril ami denperute. A lare p.irt
of Ills liaml are eempuHeil of reiiepnles from
other lilbes. The ltiillatis on the recrvallon,
with few exceptions, syiup'itlilri' with Mikch,
iiml in cne of miottthrcak, he would lie relu
forceil hv tunior .VKm rc.-ervatlon lmllatis Tho
iiniuilt tuailc hy lleruard upon the Indians at
Curry Creek was it iiirprlse to Ihe oavau'cs,
about forty of whom were killed. Tlie soldiers
vveie very cool In Hie charm'. The Indian force
present wax edtluiated at '.'(HI, hut there were
prolmlily tint so in.iny. It Is estlninted Hint the
whole lince of na?ai;ch, In '.M.lliO, Thelmll.uiH
will he pursued, unit there Is rtery prospei't
of a protrai'ted i'iiip.ilii.
John I.ane while drunk, at llufl'alo,
N. Y., .limeys, kllleil IiIh father.
Kilviln lleyt, at New Mllfnrd, Conn., .limp
aid, fatally (.talitied his father, wlilky was the
Singer Chace, defaulting treasurer of
the K. 1 1 Hlvrr inllls, has plcml cullty, nml wns
hciitetici'il to 1'.' years in tho state prima, iiml
two days Military coiitliicinent.
Win, Root's Hour and grain store at
.laekMMivllle, Florida, was Inirned, ami inljnla
hit: property h.i'lly il.ttiiiiRiil by an Incetnlliiry,
,lillie-.'.s. boss, fl.VXii): Insurance, $,(HHl. '
Nicholas Tohin. a IV.ilcd Slates sol
dier, who murdered Peter Alheimat Vet 1'olnt
sntuc time ui:o. has been recommended hy thw
Jur.v to etccutlvc clemeiicy.
Geo. W. Stiles, in Philadelphia. June
SJtli, ihnt his wife ntid cut tlie throat of their
chllil. in. tl Ids own.
Nine illicit distilleries have recently
hern destroyed hi Putnam county, Teun., val
ued nt fl'.VVO, mid 1T person connected
with them, I'lmrped with violation of tho reve
nue law, iirnxti'd.
At HroiiMin, Mich., June 'J.5, Samuel
Whlttaker shot 111 wife ile.ul mid afterward
killed hlui'clf. Domestic troubles were tho
oainio. Yvlnttnkor eiHlcivorcd tiionnualt ml
clde by poison itthiut two year uro.
On the morning of Juno 2Sth, the
northward bound train on tho Chlcimo and
Northwestern KMIro.ul, near Applcton, VI
wn wrecked by a broken rail, nupposeit to tn
the work of tramp. The tlrcnmu ami engin
eer were severely liurt.
Annie McCool, a woman of the town,
wa murdered at Mt. Vernon, Indiana, on the
nlclit of .luno aid, by a m-crn. Tlueo iirgruoi
attempted to train admittance to her house,
mid when refused, they buttered tho door, the
woman and her companion attrmptlnj: to en
capo hy the back way when oneof tho negroes
tired, Instantly killing. Mint .McCool.
Henry A. Parr, arrived in Boston,
from 8t. Jobuu, N. 11., June 25, having becu
arrrtrs on a rhutg lit mtinW in Nan th
tramrr Chrntiki. fr.itn SV Y rk fur Port
land. Urrrinttrr .',, I"'.l I'arr r onr .,f 17
pan-tiKfr who tiik pi',1t of tin ( h'M
irnV? Ill the name .f thr ( onfrdrrarr. shiit
lli the rc oriit rlit;llierri,il Uirnlln thrUljr
The mall coach from Concha, Tetn-s,
to Fort Dl, w altai kn by Indian on tie
nllit of .liliir il, nejr IVr river, ami oti
pftMcriKf-r "a w.Hiinlril erlouT, tin- ft lire
raplnt: The womnlnl inan'd imiiic I Mat
Hrhlllt.. wa one of fir pli;eM 'Ihe
Indian flrril otfir Itflrrii hot Cetera! other
cawiof outlawry lij IihIUik In Teit.are rr
(ortril. ''lie Inillun Wnr.
A Portland, Oregon, dispatch of June
'J7th, aj It I the belief of olil rml'lrnt In
Kaitrrn Orruon. that all Indian' In Hint .
Hon nre dlMtfertrd nml that they wll be
rrudy on llt;hl prov rntlon, to take up nruti
atMliit the white. Kven the Warm Sprlmj
Imllnni, who have heretofore been th,. siruiu;
friend of the (,'iirrnineiit, iml who b.,r .n
errral iweasloii rendered rlllrleiit n-rvlre
at'alnst the lutiriler'iu tribe of their own raee
refuse to J I I j the foree nu'nlmt the Hull
nix'k, mid It I thoiittht that n Urge party 'if
them will Join the hoen. It begin to liMik
a If the Indian Intend to do their wori Hit
iltnmer. In tlm recent attack of 11,-riiard'n
roinmniid on Hie hostile Imllan. thelttrr nre
reported to have lltleen hilinlred warrior.
The llnllnn were not nwnreof the presence of
the soldier 'I heir sIikV was iiiilnjureil. tier
uard adilressed his troops, Itifnrmiiii; them
that they wererl bv the rtieliiv nml poiild
whip thein. Ilcili.iru'ed them;
If they illil they woiihl be shut, mnl they inlcht
as well be killed by shots llreil bv Hie'e
as by niir iiitn men 'Ihe si,H( rs Went silent
ly forward ami attacked the .iv.ii;e In Ihiee
time irreiiti-r foree When within live bun
dreil yard of the 1'iirmy the order w.i given
toeharge. .M' liregnr' riuupitiv un near by,
ami Ihcy charged nl-o. 'Ihe iviiL'e tlnl III
illmiy. A huge iiuuibr were ki lel. Alien
counter took phi e between llearkln, the ll.ui
liock' chief, mnl f-ergeaiit Itli Imrd, of li
llregor'n eonipallV. The sergeiilil llmilly kllleil
Ills man. Iletwieu I iml 'J ' b. I, vi of the
'J-ltll the hostile wete colli) elei to rc'
Thev were piiruei by lleruard ten mile (leu.
Howard m Ibmury Mile stibeiiieutly r
rlved on the groiiml; uNo llemler' eompatiy.
All are imxloii for n light. The body of one
iMililler kllleil by Hie Imliatis was eut up and
burned. The Indian camp wn destroyed by
the troop. Many of the ho He were
Thr lbikeof Rielimondand Lord Gor
don, President of the Council, replying to Karl
(Iranvllli' In the llotie of Lords .tune 17th,
siilil the liiemorauiliuu of tho agreement be
tween Kugl.ind ami ltula, published receutlv
wn dirrcptltlnuly pruciired through some
pernim having iicecs to the confidential pn
per. A mi explanation of tlie govertuneii't
policy he sal ' It wit Incomplete, nml therefore
Inaccurate. The government would, nt the
curliest moment, give full Information.
The Mark Lane Kxpress says standing
crop are sutTeriiig from continued wet mid
cold, both in I'uglaliil mid Scotland,
It is said that orders havoboen issued
to reduce the force mid expenditure of the
Portsmouth navy yard, nml It I understood
that other proposed measure are to be aban
doned this jear, to aid In rttreiichmcnt.
Military maga.ines are being con
structed at Agnim, lluugiry, mid provision
contractors have boon ordered todellvcr nt the
Agr.itu railway station, by the l.'ith of .liilv,
provisions for fifty thousand men nml forage
for cavalry. An event of Importance for fu
ture Austria I the Imperial sanction given to
nil law respecting the Aitstro Hungarian com
promise. The dltllcult matter which occupied
both parliaments inure than two years, may bo
regarded a settled.
The Russians have .''.', -I.'U sick in tlie
la the Il.dkmi peultisiibi; mul of tho recruits
raised In s"7 for the Armenian campaign at
per cent, are dead'
'Flic North German duetto says the
Austrian delegates to the Congress have ri1
ccItciI new of an attack inado by the Turk
on the Montenegrin, In which the Turk lost
kcvcrnl killed and wounded and (V) prisoner.
Tlm nr greater were not soldier, but It 1 u
pected that It was Instigated hy a Push.
Tho session of the Congress, June 17,
lasted nearly three hour. Tho question of ad
mission of (ireeco was detlultily brought for
ward, but no decision wu reached. Thoipies
tiou has assumed more Importance than was
exported. Conlldriioo In thu peaceful result
which will a-uro legitimate Intlueiico In the
Fast of the Powers principally Interested I in
creasing. An understanding between Kiissla
and Austria i considered ccrtslu.
Ailvi cs'froui Cuba are to the effect
that ticu. (Simzalc ha been re-elected Presi
dent. SI'VIS.
A telegram from Madrid, of June 21,
says: The (Jiicen of Spain I dying. Shu re
ceived the lat sacrament of the Church that
morning, In tho presence of the King, mem
ber of the royal Montpenslor family, mid the
Party riots occurred at Belfast, on the
night of .luno aid, during which several per
sons were killed mid many wounded.
It is stated in Russian diplomatic cir
rle that the discussion of the Hulgarian ques
tion I taking a favorable turn, but dllllcultles
an apprehended In reference to the evacuation
of Shuinlit and Varna by the Turk. The Lon
don J'ot say Kul I now authoritatively
told tliut he I now a far from Coiiatantlno
pic, If not, Indeed, further, that) she was when
the war begun. The Czar I expected In Her
lln shortly, on his way to Kin. The new Otto
man province south of tho Halknti I to lie
called KasternKonuiella. AH the Herlln cor
rciHinilcnt agree la declaring the ncttleinent
of Hulgarla entirely duo to the limine of the
Hrltlnh representative In Congro. Well In
formed persons state that the Kuslan plenlpo
tentlarle only agreed to the point as to Tur
key' right of fortify the lUlkan and Cadfre
dum, but It it It coufldcutly thought that their
1 Mtla-.aMon, a "I th' mdttlnr In'itfnrr i,f
j (isrnni.j, will stiirrsd In nbiAlnlr.s Hi' illr
I nt rtifVattr fr-m St Prt'nburg Trie j n
' lsit'nlUre hare iln agred U th' stl!r-
in'nlof tbr .-ulli'm limit nf 11 urn'Ila, In a
en" fat- rat'Ie t.. th' Turk Hi' n'tgh'.or
h"t of th' ardan lall'j and Ihe War k rra
enat tx-irig I'fl iltider the direct u(rtiin
of thr Purtr It I, belief nt that llir 1irk
i will supp..rt Itisfad of thwart Knglirnkfind
Austria. Thr MulUa ha thankist Knland
and Austria.
A Vienna dispatch says that ni n ro-
lilt of the pnirpirrr btwreit th' p!entp
t'titlirt' rrgirdlng (Irr'rr, It l prop.s th'
Il'll'llle qurtlnfi lc srttle dlrertly Lrtwrn
(if"" ami th' Port', within the lltnlts d'lg
nat'd liy the Congr's Austria will also ts
rtriMiwiri'd by th' Congrr to treat with the
Porte respiting the future of ll'"nla and Iter
f'giiTllila At the lltlng of Hi' Culigri-" .lull'
ailli, Prlnre Dnrtsrhakorr wi pr's'nt It Is
beli'ipd the Congress dl'eiissril the tsnindary
if K'.iimelu, and Hi' npiiiiiui'nt of a (lor
'rnor for that prorlnce wki ( to tie a ( hrt
tlnn and pliit'd by the Port', with th'
approval of the Power K.ngUtid, Austria ami
Ktls.i being generally agreed rori'sniltig th'
rpi'tloni of llesar.ibln, !rrTla, Montrnegrn
Kplru, uml TienW, no illlllcultr l n ertrd
on thoe point Th' Vienna Political Corrr
poudenre say that notwlthf landing the grnt'
Jrprrseiitntluli, esjieel ill of Prince lllmarrk,
th' Turkish delegate In'the Cmgres roiitliiur
atuhlsirn, and their otistln.iry I ealrulated to
lessen the probability of pence Another cor
respondent snv the Turks refuse to surrender
Shtimla uiile-x IhcKtisslntis wltlidriiw to Adrl
liiipli', and threaten to Io.itp the Congress, If
the cession of territory to (irreie l even dl
eilssed. It Is tliotiglit the labors of the prlnel
pd plelilMitetitbirlea can be roiielmlcil by the
lllthof July It Is ild thcllreek li.iv rur
nl the supjmrt of Fr lire for the frontier line
from Olympus to Avllona A the Turk will
not cede Ilitiiiun, Ihcy are still unwilling to
make siii-h concession. The Turklh delegate
consented to Ihe valuation of Varna Alter
llii rorresMindetit report that Krince, Itnly
and normally warmly siipinirt the (irocK'
ci dm for an extetisloii of territory. KnI.i
gave her cotisetit that the bnimil.irles of 1 -null.
i shall be the .Kgeau Sea, or the approaeh
to Snliiiilc.l. dependent oil tho eesoiiJiif Mar
tin, mid Hie rent of the iiuilr;il.iler;il, to llnl
garla. The Kiiiimantaii goveruuieiit Is mlvlsed
from many side, particularly from Italy mid
I'r.iti''e, to come to an understanding with
Itllssla at any price
Reports are current in diplomatic cir
cle which ciiiillrin report that the Austrian
occupation of lliiinl i Is Imminent A few day
ago the pro"ial for the occupation of Hosnta
ntid lleregovlulii hy the Ail-trlali troop wh
entirely disapproved by the Congre, It I
understood thnt ltusln elnlm no Intluetiee,
even on the llanubo. KiisI.i only rlitliu lor
tltory n funis Kiln, nt the mouth of the Dan
tllio It I expected that there will be n reas
sembling of the Congress In autumn, n It Is
Intetideil to settle every thing definitely now
mid leave th' detail to special commission
Cirecco will decline to participate In the emi
gre In men n consultative capacity,
omul up (jri'ics itr.iirr.UK.
A dispatch from Madrid, announces
the death of the yoiihg Queen of Spain, on the
'Ji'itll of tltltio. She passed tho later hour of
her Illness In a state of utliotiseloiisness. Deep
commiseration I expressed hv all dao On
the ..'III d.iv of January Inst the Princes Mcr
cede. third d iiighler of tho Duke de Mont
petiser, wa united In marriage to King Al
fonso of Spain. The cereinonle w ere miignltl
cetit, lasting nearly two hours, and were at
tended by l)ucen Christiana nml King Fran
cisco, the King's grandmother and father;
pedal amba.upir from Kranee, Austria,
Kiissla, mid Fnglsml; an apostolic delegate,
Count mid Countess of Part; Senator mid
Deputies, mid other dignitaries. The Pope,
j tho King' goilfatliar "cut hy apostolic delegate
a w, ildliig-ring blessed by hi Holiness, mid a
rose of diamond for the IJiiccii. The Duke
do Montpetilcr gave tils daughter 'i'.bi IMIKI
francs In addition to the great quantity of dia
monds Hilda most extraordinary rlchtroue.iii
Alfonso gave his IJiieen several suite of Jew
el uml his portrait set In brilllHtit. Tho
(Jiicen also received from her sister, the Count
es of Pari, n magnificent set of Jewel. The
fcs'lvltle lusted live days, and wire followed
by a six week' season of Italian opera. The
bereaved husband I not vet 'ii years of age.
The Congress unanimously adopted
the proposal of the French plculsitentlarlc
that Kurope should refuse f recognize the In
dependence of Serrla, unless the Servian Jew
were relieved from their present dl-abUIHe.
Tho general Impression In high KiiI.iii circle
I that the Congress will result in trniirnry
relief, but not In real settlement. A Herlln
dispatch, In direct conflict with another dis
patch, acrt that the Turkish protest against
the occupation of HiMiila and Ilorrrgnvinla I
o forcible that the Congress hn left Ihe ques
tion In abevnuce.
A Heir's Snlciilp.
One of tlie most remarkn'.ilo incidents
going to .show the uftectiou of dtim ani
mals for those who care for them, oc
curred in this city a few days .since.
( )ur readers will remember the drown
ing last Sunday of tlie little si . ear
old bov. Duny." The child had a "little
dog wliich was his constant companion
and plav mate. When the accident oc
curred which resulted in the drowning
of the boy. the dog was with him, and
and bv his strauire conduct and uncasi
ni'ss, he attracted the attention of those
present. While the boy was lying in
the bottom of tlie stream the dog would
run to the child's mother, and then to
ward the place where the boy was sup.
posed to be, and finally plunged in and
wain around over the spot where his
itlle master lay. After the body had
been placed in the collin tlie dog 'mani
fested a strong desire to see the child,
and when the lid of the collin was rais
ed lie licked the dead face, and seemed
to feel intense griff. In a short time
the dog went out to the railroad track
and laid down upon tlie road, as It had
done many times before; but upon the
approach "of the train he laid himself
on the rail, and deliberately allowed tho
train to pass over his body being kill
ed. The whole actions of' tlie dog were
such as to convince one that it was gov
emed bv reasoning powers, and is an-
other illustration of the remarkabh
lllle ,'
love or attachment that some animals!
have for their masters. 1 lie mother, ai
the time of tlie drowning, supposed tin
child was at home, and therefore nog
lected to obey the hint given by tin
dog that might navo savcu mo uoy
1110. i.wuur (.iw. iuornui,
Tin IMtUnl llrmof mry.
lc'IVnifJratlc papcra tiro dmatt-
1th iincrl HnlW Uiiintigcmr'iit
tFoltrr irivts'it'stion. vcl Uey
n ine iJi'tiiix rntu meriitnt thar
tin too rn n h ll'iiii r an I n i n.'jgli
r In he bllilit. Flo v ibtiiu
bluir o.d Hetijnuiiti i a nivterv.
jKM's not consult with the I ii mo
cratl member, and tho !-' t know
wh.ttt.iii driving nt. lie i constant
y trinHing urpne on tin in. and pa-H-fs
like the ( Incinnnti f'noutrrr e-
jiresi the fear that lltitler will drag the
lhinocnitlc p.trty into nil nrt. of
Itiitlcr wn. put on the committee by
thr Democrat. Mr 1'otterw.n voke'l
to the gentleman from M:itiehucttsv
n n matter of choice. He via keen to
try the experiment, mid, trnvv thnt he U
being d'.igired along ns i.urlv Hen
wills, he (Inil it of little avail t.. ratf i
hilt. The situation recnll a litt'tM
ry related by the Itoek Island l'r,
When the town was rt small vl.tge.
ntid its people had Int. of fun ail to
themselves, one of the verv sober, dig
nified citi.on put Ills own head under
ot ml of a yoke ami a little bull's uxv
tier the other", to teach the aiiimil hk
to be useful and work. When he f-uitol
the bull was running away down a dirt,
mail toward a crowd around the coun
try tore on Illinois street, he no aureil
sixteen feet at a jump, kept up vv itli tho
bull, and Veiled at the top of Im. voi.-e.
"Lookout! Here we enme, dnu our
fool soul. Head lis, miIUi-ImhIv " 'Will.
when halted and the joke vva- In m
lifted frmn his neck," he i IN d l'u
yoke tlie bull; never mind tie, I'll
SowithMr. Potter at this jun, "ire.
He was going to -how Mr. II it.- i how
to conduct the investigation, I mnv
that ltutler is rtiniiitig aw.iv vM'h bun
lllnl hl.s euiiimittee, he is r- i! to
shout: "Slop Hutler. Never lltiild Hie
I'll stand." luti r-tiritin.
loita Kcpuhllcaiis.
Speaking of the platform ad ipted l
the llepubliean Convention of Iowa. thu
Ind r (hntti s;ivs:
It v a iiuanimotis vote of one of t hi'
largest conventions over uimlileil in
the State, they gave this siirriiiu' ad
dress to the "public. I'liited, eahtsV.
alive, they will carry Iowa with that
old-time enthiisliustii which marked po
litical contests when loyal men wero
vet grappling willi traitor ami falling
in defense of liberty and national integ
rity. And not only is the platform out
spoken nml manly, tint it is eminently
judicious. It is not a trembling vvbis"
per, but a hinrlc-hlast: not an apology
but a charge; not it vainglorious con
glomeration of windy minors, but a
positive declaration of truths, to which
lionest men can g've their hearty ami
enthusiastic support.
Iowa to-day .stands forth the molder
of Republican sentiment, tlie lender
among States, the incarnation of that
principle "dare to do right" -which
juit.s cowardly policy to the blush at
lends a new and richer meaning to po
litical honest v.
.leaks .law.
It is very interesting to observe with
wliat consternation tlie democrats re
gard the presence of .Jenks, of l,oiiis.
ana, upon tlie witness stand before the
Potter committee. Tilden's friends in
the committee tried hard to keep .Iouks
from being sworn, and they did their 4
best to hurry him while ho wu testify
ing. The democratic papers tlii morn
ing attack him sivagely and the Turns,
vv liicli ought to known liar when it en
counters one. actually declares that
.looks, in that respect. "is more dexter
ous than Anderson. The cplnuutioii
of all this terror is easy, .links not
only declared his linn belief that tho
alleged Sherman letter, upon which tin
democrats counted so Mirelv, neverev
isted; he showed that Amleron is n
perjured rascal, although thfit is no
news, and lie demonstrated that tho
negroes in the Feliciana parishes did
not vote because they were afraid of
being murdered by the democrats. If
the story of denks about these parishes
is true, "the act of the returning board
in throwing them out was justifiable; .
and if it was legal and justifiable, why
all tliis hullabalioo about Tildeu having
carried the state has no foundation in
fact, ll is no wonder they decided not
to call Jenks, and were furious when
the republicans called him. I'hilmlcl
phia Itulletm.
A Few of the Pelnls Scored.
Among the point scored by the Dem
ocratic House are the following:
I. It began by electing a Confederate
over n I'nion soldier for Doorkeeper.
'J. It attempted, through its Commit
tee on Ways and Means, to destroy tho
protectivc'tarill' system and inaugurate
a free trade tarltl'.for the benefit of thu
II. It sought to. degrade and demoral
ize the army, ns u'lud for the Comlutl
nist vote, and a op for the ovConfeil- ,
4. It tried to embarrass and defeat
the resumption of specie payment by
repealing the resumption law. mil
throwing every obstacle in tlie wav of
the financial policy marked out and ad
hered to by the administration.
.'). It plunged into a wanton and
causeless investigation of tho elector:.?
count, the effect of which has been to
keep the country irritated and appre
hensive, to the prejudice of business
interests. To balance this record, what
good has Mr. Randall's Congress done?
What proof of patriotism and capacity
in the management of public affairs has w
the Democratic partv given in Congress
to justify its demand to betiirain placed
in control of the House? The records
of Congress and tho O'Connor Legisla
ture offer valuable suggestions to voters
in Ohio this fall. Din hnitl l.cukr.
(Thai If cverynne xroujd life Hop Hitter freely,
yther! would lie much Ie ickm- and misery
in ii".- ""tin, mm i'ss)ur nre insi mining mis
eui, wnuu lainiue Keeping well at a tr It htir
cosr by It uc We ndvlr-e all to trv It I '. ,fc
A., Ilochuttr, .V. F.
Captain Daml Hell, son of tho Hon,
John Hell, who ran for President in
ioou, is a cauiiiuaie tor Congress In Alabama.
Lgg J. .... . IS.. JrV .....Jn-u , ) , ... 4 . i ,Jl
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"Wstjl. w-
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