The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 20, 1878, Image 3

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    i 3
Wasnixnnvr, Tucwltv, Mtv 3v MerW-
win submitted resolution &larinc U unwise
tnchthi,'c lb tiresenl tir-ro Ut. laid ever.
lUralln, frotnthecsKnrnltteeon foreign (flairs,
retorted Mil fur the psvmect ( the llaltfat
tlstie ry ard plact-d on the calendar OmiVl
rmtUn srss resumed of the IIoum-Mil tnfrt4.t
tbe timber retirement of I'nttrd !utes lcrl
tender Bnr, After some dlsrusUv In com
mittee, of the Me, th Mil repivited to
M tl- House atui wil. Tin- iteoste Insisted nn
f It amendments to the House Mil pruvMin' a
t,ermnent form of xovernmeiitfortheDlstrlrt
f Columbia, tod a committee ut conference
was ordered. Adjourned
Miellev rrrted bark the Mil for k railroad
-from lllsmarck toliie Mack Hills, but withdrew
It when It appeared that It mul first le oni
Aflderrd In committee of the wble. 11m Hen
na amendment to the Mil Kivlnc free rntrr to
'articles imported for eihlbttl.m arre concur
red In, and the Mil passed. The House voted
ott the atnemlmcnU to the armr appropriation
Mil. The amendment was arrre.l to Irsnsfrr
ft mi: the Itullati Hureau fnm the Interior to
to the War itprtirnt--i:i to 115. alio the
amendment offered tiv Knott, prohlMtliu;, tin
fcsler penally of flue ami Imprisonment, the rin
flplnvmcnt of anr part of the army m a rse
' fsitiilutus-iaiio 117 The Mil then pawil.
WaiMell, chairman of the. poitiifllce commit
tee, reported sdtcrselv on tlie the Mil to facil
itate letter ivrretponJetice ami rataMUh a tine
of steam vesl tetwef!i the I'nlted State
ml l.lturU, atiit favoiahljr on the hill to estab
lish a postal saving depository, and to aid In
rvtumllni the Interest Iwarlni; IndebtcdncM of
the I'liltnl :tte. Caldwell, from the Mine
committee, reported a Mil amending the revi
A rd statute so a to prorlde that even postm
i ter, etrcpt those appointed hy the Vresldrtit,
shall make quarterly report ut the money re
ceived or rharcrd hjr hi in for postage, etc., and
every postmaster apslntcd lit the Vrraldent
aliau render a inonlhlr account of all sush
money received; passed, The ameiidmrnta to
the hill for thcrctealof the bankrupt Ww were
niicuiTvd In. and the bill n"i,ii to thel'rra
tdent for bis ilpiature. Adjourned,
v Wamiivoto, Wednesday, May2V rUrccnt
afeinrcd to take Up the lloue Mil to remoe the
Trcal lltiltlf of women, but It waa defeat
vl by a tie vote : to mi MarKent Hale.1 that
4 lie would mbmlt the motion atralo aoon, Mc
Donald liitnlure.l a bill to eMablUlia lloanl
of I'arMe lUllroad Coinmltoner referrM.
tcviral ameiidmetita were reported by the com
mittee on appropriation to the appropriation
Mil for the executive. Jndlrlal amtlccUlatlre
department, which were agreed to tv the Sen
ate without deltate. Vudiloclc uliinftted a re
port of the committee on the bill to amend the
rer(w,l atatute relatlre to the cultivation of
tMber on public ground, and the bill paed.
The army appropriation bill waa referrnj to
the committee on appropriation. The con
ference committee report on the consular Mil
waa rucreed to and the bill paed. Hpencer
reported on the river and harbor Mil. Ad
journed. nocai.
The Senate resolution for final adjournment
. waa amended to make the date June 17. Hln
' eleton mole a conference report on the conm
lar appropriation bill, which waa airjeed to.
JRktti', from the aipniprlatlona committee,
reported an appropriation bill of ajO.OOO to pay
theexpene of the Patter committee refer
red to committee of the whole. The llouae
went Into committee of tii whole. The com
mittee roe without dcfln' te action. An even
Inn eaton for drbate on wa hM, and the
Houoe adjourned.
WaantsoTOX, Frldar, Uav 31. Dlvl called
up the bill for an ad.lltlonal'clrrult In the Her
enth dlatrlcl. After aome dlcu'on It tiaaaed,
TVlrtnan, from the Juillilary committee, re
ported a vulwtltute from the Senate amend
ment to the law In relation to flllnit the Pacific
rallroail report, and make the title "A bill to
create an audltorof railroad account" placed
. on the calendar. Bayard, f n-m the committee
.on private land claim, reported adrerely the
Mil recently Introduced by Matthew, tfrantlnic
n part of tlie Fort Dcartmrn reaervatinn atCbl
caco, to Chicago, and to the heir of Jean II p
tUte Ileaulton; Indrflultelr poatponed. The
leKlltive appropriation bill wa dlcucd and
paed. Hamlin moved to take up the concur
rent resolution on the llhcry matter, which
Van airreetl U .15 to 'J). After ome dlculon
the Hvuate ndjourncd.
The motion of Atkln. appropriating IJD.OOO
to defray the exiK-mu-a of the Potter lnvetlira
tine committee paed. Happ, from the com
mittee on public land, reported back the Hen
.ate bill for the relief of the aettler on public
laud, under the pro-emptlon law, In reference
to perfecting title, and It paed. Tlie lioutn
went Into committee of the whole on the pri
vate calendar. Aflci noma tlmo the commit
r roe aud reorteil ome forlv-flve bill
"Wlch wrre pteil. MorrUoti Intnidured a bill
4 In relation to thetax on native wine; referred.
The Speaker atiolliUil Hprinireron the llive
tli;atlm: committee, vice Cobb, who rrdgncd
'On account of Ill-health. Adjourned.
W'AiitxoTOV,.Iniie 1. Tlie bill to provide a
bureau of cnirr.'ivliiK and printing, with a fire
proof liulldlni! to coat not over 30l),0),
paed. The nouie amendment maklni; the e of final adjoununent, June, 17th, wa con
curel In yea, !W; nay. 17. Contlderatlon
waa reaumetl of the resolution approvltiK the
-view of the committee on forelmi relation In
reganl to the rUliing award. The bill to pay.
lneexpene or inc roller coninuiiee wa re
ferred, a alo the bill by Coekrell. to lnveatl
.gate the dlcac of twine and other animal.
After a lonit dlculon on the concurrent reo
lutlon In relation to the fUhcrv awanl, and the
adoption or several amendment, the Senate
Harrl, from the committee on Judiciary,
reported a bill giving circuit court upervlary
juriMllctlon In certain criminal caae. The
Geneva award waa made the apeclal order for
tlie flnt Wednesday of the next aeraion of
Conirreai. The Itouae rrtumed contlderatlon
of the Mil amending the Internal revenue
law. CI) mcr offered an amendment provid
ing that any peraon who i purl fie, rednca or
manufacture lea than 900 barrela of tplrlta
per year, containlnK 40 rallou of proof aplriU
to the barml, thall pay a llcenae of 100 In
tead of $ J", wa adopted. After contlderlng
5 ofthe 1U tectlou, the House adjouroed.
WABiiiNOToy, Monday, May 22. The bill
authorising the Secretary of the Treasury to
constitute euprrtntendent and auay ofllewa In
the mlnta, Aitant United State Treasurer
for certain purpow; paaaed. The Iloaae Joint
reolutlon for the laaue of arm to the Ttrrl
ttorle paaael. Ooraey, front the committee on
railroad, reported with an amendment In the
nature nl a ubtltuU 1 1 the Joboatoa bill,
.aupplemcntar)' to the act to Incorporate the
Texaa Pacific Railroad Company; placed on
the calendar. The Seaato took up the bill ea
tabltahlng pott-route. Varloua amendment
'were agreed to. Ilie ameadment rettorlag the
franking prtrllcireto member of con great, the
prealdent and vlce-prealdent, waa rejected Vi
to SO. I'endlnj dlKuaalon oo the Mil the Sea
ate adjejtarned.
The following bill wen Introduced t Br
Bland, authorizing the luue or $50,000,000 Uni
ted State treasury note f it the improvement
of the MUllppl river from St. Iuii to the
Gulf of Mexico. By Culberaon, to reitraln the
SecreUrv of the Treaturr from navlng the 3-30
k bondcxrept In legal tender treasury note.
y Wflkht, of Pennylvnl, autuorUIng the
Issue of W0,(MGno0 in UnKed State notea, to
lie known aa National money. By Elll, levy
ing a tax of 15 renU per pound on tea. The
House then considered the bill amending the
internal revenue law. Vance offered an
. amendment preventing the removal from State
to Federal court of suit for the violation of
State law a agalnt any taUreal revenue law.
Adopted. The bill then went over, and the
llooae tjrik a recea on til evening.
Polk county seat eight delegate to
the penitentiary at It MadUoo, May, Md,
'twin fer froai oae te iam yaara.
llratniHIoti hj ft lad end Water la HMth.
W-leni lew ant) Xlnrl.
DrpUrablc lo r Life and ItaaaxT la
We eondenf frtwn sjxelal dlspslrbr t the
.Hil Kr-jitttr, and fronnther sureT, th ac
rotint of a UrrlW and destrftlve slmw
whkh visited the tool1 western rtk0iif Iowa
aod porll of MUmui1o rVturty, June 1st
It patwd aUmt a mile sottth of (.''!, Ibnai;ti
Adair cwuntj, trsrltx down evertbr(n W
fore it. The 6rt Inmse that wa drtlroyVd tn
this vicinity was that of Mr liaae Arlete. He
kwe evrrvthltignot n out butkltnr, taring
left standing Mr Arleje ami family wer all
at houir, and all rrvelre.1 mre or W injur,
but miraculously rravl death From Vr Ar
lrtr's the storm to.4, a northeast direction,
striking the house of Mr John llttfflth, whteh,
like Mr A's wa torn t piece. The family
wrre all seriously but not fatally Injured, ri
cept Mr ilritnth, who was at tMuart t the
time, and knew nothing of what had transpir
ed until he rrarhed this place on the A 3 train
The tornado took a northerli route from Mr
Orimth' (dare, following up Middle Itlvrr,
crossing the railroad and striking Mr Kltl
Chantry' house, which thatnl tae atne fate
a the other two. Mr. Chantry and wife were
not at home, but the children were all In the
house, and miraculously ec ped Injury- e
the eldrt daughter, who rrrrltrd a slight
bruise upem one arm. Nothing further of the
tnrm has ln-en beard, It Is lmwlhle to es
timate the damage, a the partlr have lost al
most everjlhtng,
A letter to the SUU AVytsfrr, dated Adair,
June flit, say The destruction of the farm
house, and gmots and chattel of our nelghttor,
Jame Duff, by a tornado, yesterday afternoon,
with It fatal result to hi gnl wile and mmi,
caused umuual commotion aud sorrow among
our people. In a few minute after the fact
were known lira. I.ulir and Johnson were
with the mangled sufferer, who had already
leen carried to Mr. Iladda'a, a few rods distant.
Mr. Duff wa almost dlsmrmbered. Dr. I
took charge of her, and with the assistance of
Mr. lUmda)l, who had ome hospital eieri
ence In the late war, and Mr. Ilrady, a lady of
great nerve, the many contusions, and bruise
of the unfortunate tufferer wrre drra
ed but with not the least hope of her recov
ery, her Intestine being torn and lacerated In
many place. The sou, Geo. Duff, waa taken
care of by Dr. Johnson. He la a young man of
Industrious habit, and barely survived Ida
many wound and broken rib, not let than
five of which were broken. Mr. Duff and hi
oldeat ton, hearing the approach of the storm
until within a few rod of the house, hastened
out to tee "what waa up," onlv to te teltedby
the fury of the cyclone, aud carried tome all
or eight rod ut the northwrat, while the tor
nado waa going toward the eaU Mr. II. and
the deceaard'a aona were In tlie bouse; two
mailer children were in a granary or out-house
aome eight rod touthweat of the residence,
where farm Implement were stored, and mi
raculously escaped aerlou Injuiy, notwlth
landing the cultivator, plow and harrowa
were carried many rod and left wnrthlea In
adjoining fields. Mr. Duff reprrtenU that the
hotiM waa lifted fully twenty feet clear of the
ground. Krerv aUck of timber and all the
tiding went broken into fragment, and the
debris, with all the household gooda.and farm
Implement and one new wagon, tcatterrdorer
many acre of ground. The two hind wheel
of the wagon had every ioke broken off the
hub. Tlie nearest neighbor saw the approach
of the destrojer and thoughtfully made the
safety of their families more secure by having
them In their cellar. Hut It serins Mr. I).
took no heed of the rumbling of distant thun
der and the moan of the mighty wind until
too late for hi unfortunate family to t safely
housed In her cellar.
The damage by wind and rain at Council
llluff and vicinity will amount to several
thousand dollara. A lUtle 8-year old on of
John Anderson, a fanner living 10 mile east
of the city, wa drowned while attempting to
cross a swollen stream. During the alonn on
Sunday morning the house of John 8ulU, in
Council Illuffs, waa ttrurk by lightning, and
Beecher Bulla, aged 9) year, waa killed. The
father waa rendered Insensible.
A terrible cyclone paased over Richmond,
Mo., on the afternoon of June 1st, leveling to
the ground over half the building In the town.
Over one hundred house were totally destroy
ed, and the los will reach over a quarter of a
million of dollar. Whole block were com
pletely wept away, and the debrla Mattered
for mil. The Shaw lloue, a large brick ho
tel, waa demolished and the Inhabitant buried
In the ruin. Kight or ten persons were killed
and twice that number wounded. Horse and
totk of all kind In the trsck of the atorra
were a wept off the face of the earth. A train
load of cltiien of Lexington arrived to render
aid. and physician from all the urroundlng
town have been tummoncd to give medical
attendance to the wounded.
Bo far a U known the following persona
were killed i Mr. Thoma Caaey, Mr. Hose,
Mr. Making, Mia Crouch, Jame Campbell,
Mr. Hamilton, Ml llolman, Mr. Atria
Vaught, Thoa. Bohanaon, Mary Joy,
The following were mortally wounded t W.
A. Douaidaon, Mr. Paul Went, Fred Lehr-
Seriously wounded: John Anderaoa. Mar
Tin Ball, J. B. Hinea, J. B. Aahbnry, Florence
Ford, Bob Af nit, Kill Marina, Jame Duncan,
Mr. Thoma McOlnnl,George Sawyer, Squire
Dodd, laabel Warner, Mr. Jaraea Smith, Fred
Joy and wife, Charlea J. Hughe, Jr., Mr.
Colgar, Clay Burge, Thoma Burgess, John
Ballard and wife, Mr. Perry Jamba and two
children, Geo. Warren, Riley llolman, Mr.
Otbom, Sam Powell, Mr. Hughe, and a num
ber of other.
At least forty person are aerlously or mor
tally wounded. Adnlrea from the country on
the track of the atom northward are that
growing crop are badly Injured, tree proa
traled, stock killed, Widgea blown down, but
no boaaee reported destroyed or lives lost.
A. E, Tonzalin Land Commissioner
of the B. A M. railroad, visited Sherman Co.,
a few days ago and told the dtlten that a
Polish colony would no doubt settle la that
county before long.
The Missouri river at BrownTille, U
doing much damage by encroaching upon the
city. Iloaae are beteg torn down to escape
destruction by alJdlng Into the river. The rail
road caapaay are makiag aa effort to save
by riprayatag. Where th rlrsr aev few
tar Inn ef (Vnrt.
In hi rwetit a.lvlre" lefort theSlalo
liar AsvltUn t IV Moltios, Judgr
lllllon jhWp fivllowt In trgarvl i tw
rlnclish lnn ol('uirt.
'llie- Old WorM nd h New im In
striking iintrt with each other at al
most e en iHilnU'f rottiparisori or view
Thrff all l etieratitei with ge, s-nnr-times
Infirm with leorvillulr- Hern
all I nw, with the) atHiuriilltig vitality
of youth, arvompAhlrHl, linlrr-,1, 1ml lv
often with theenwricnrv which tdui.g
Ultimate whetv life Is In the IuhI or
bhwsom, hut civlnc glorious pnmil. o( '
the fnilt that I tocomo In duo time and
at the atiHiliittls,Mn. I
Th inno(turt ami WVatinlnttir ;
Hall am tlio well spring ami fountains ,
of Kngllth, ami, ilcih athrh, of Amerl
can JurWpnirtViio
TherK are now ami for crtiturle hae
iNH-iifourcrval Inns of t'ourt l.lnitiln
Inn, (Sra Inn, the Inner Tvittplo and
the Mlililto Tftuplo. With thrse nn-1
wintn'ctetl aUttit ton smaller Innskiumn
a tho lnn of Chaiuvry, siilHinlliiatn
to nmt utulrr thogoveriiiueotof the par
ticular Inn of Court to which I liny o
vrrnllv Im'Ioiic Tho Inn of Court In-.
I'linlinr ttmler tin etirral name the
dependent lint of Chamvry, nn ntmuij;
tlin most rvliiarlnhltt nntlitiltlrif Iaui
don, They nro lnti'titlng to all, hut
profoundly to Iho KiikIisIi ami Amer
loan lwjir
Tho li'nl nutluiry cannot llv the
cxitct tlmo of the origin nml fouml.itlon
of those lun, Hut tin potlotl of Ihtlr
orlglual I'stalillshmcul cn lm marly
aiipnixltnnti'it Thcv carry Iho tnlnll
(mck to iho depth o( the tulilillo ngc.
They touch iihiii the iMiriler of Mnjju.i
ChaVta nml Iho Crusades, In the grand
and curious nilltiUvnoftlio Inn of Court
the litwjer nml judge of KngUml have
lweti Irnlueil nml ihIiicaIoiT (nr ecu
turUs. Chiiugc.s, ntplnct'itieut ami ail
ilitlona Imv? Ih'cii inmle In the building
from time to time, nml the present
structure as n whole, notwithstanding
the niltntrntinu with which they itro n
giinled liy their tnemlHra, offer ti the
cut no lmpolng pnemv, nml no Mrlk
Ing nrc)iltH'titrnl iK'aiityj itlt the n
vene. Tim Interest la historical ami
Mom than nix centuries have elapsed
since the I una of Court were founded
ami Westminster llnll was at that time
more than a century old.
Tim Inn of Court went originally
provided for tlits use ami accommoda
tion of lawyers nml atmlenta of law.
They have maintained that character to
the present time. Kncli of the Inn ha
numerous liulhllngsof its own, consist
ing of chandlers or room to let for hlrn
to the barristers and students, ami Im
longing to each Inn i a large library
hall ami spacious kitchen, ami alo a
commodious and beautiful hall used for
readings, dining, etc.. and a chapel for
religious service, the Inner temple
owning and using for this purpose the
exiiulslte temple church lititlt by thn
Knights Templar In Imitation of a' tem
pi o near the holy sepulchre at Jerusa
lem, and which waa dedicated as far
back as A. I). 11 HA.
As legal colleges or universities. It
would itppear that the Inn of Court
worn chiefly (lollelnnt In the want of a
funeral comprehension and systematic
course of Instruction. The course was
essentially practical exclusively and
distinctively KnglUh. The main pur
poso was instruction In the common law
nml Its statute tallies, inodlllcatloiiHnml
nildltlons, It must have been contem
plated thnt niui'h the grater part of the
legnl cdticntlon should bo acquired In
other modes than from thn brief read
ings and occasional meetings.
Iho I mm of Court mniutnlned their
primary nml lending character as innlii
iv Intended for legnl Instruction until
thn 10th century. When thuy became
places of gaiety ami revelry their
efficiency as Kemiimrles of Instruction
declined, and from the middle of the
17th century the Instruction In them
was nominal, thn real Instruction being
chiefly conducted In prlvitto unices. It
is only in our own time, since IRVi.tht.t
the original functions of thn Inns a a
pi nee of legal Instruction has been re
stored. Front this brief sketch It will bo per
ceived thnt thn Inns of Court are tu(
gcnr.rii In their character. Within them
are collected the great body of tho pro
fession in KngUnd. The present mem
bcrahlp of the four Inn la about 8,000,
of whom 15,000 are barristers, and the
rest students., This loyal community,
In all its professional relation, is gov
erned by its own officers, law, and
usage. The chamber are let to stu
dents and barristers. The latter have
their ofilces in them. Unmarried mem
bers, attended by servants, frequently
live in them, anil at their option, take
their meals in the dlnlng-hall of the
Each Inn has not only Its kitchen,
but is chapel ; not onlv a complete
library, but an ample dlnlng-hall and
elegant drawing-room, adorned with
the busta and portraits of its eminent
member. Kach member is thus within
the eyes, and in a degree under thn fra
ternal guardlanthlp of all the other.
" Ye-'ll Pertirt Me, JehaT'
"Ifanouse talking," remarked an
Erie brakuman the other day to a
Gatttte reporter, they were the most
loving couple I ever saw on a passenger
train, and I've seen a lot of them in my
nine years on the hind brake. Hhe had
half a dozen stick of peppermint can
dy wrapped up In a paper, and about
every ten minutes she would take him
around the neck and pull hi head down,
and, putting a stick between hi lip,
insist on hi 'takin1 chaw,' when he
would reply, ' Marier, I bought them
air candy for your benefit and 'taint
right that your hubby should eat it all
up." and then a struggle would begin,
ending in hi biting ofa small piece and
kissing her until they were both in a
state of penperation and peptiermlnt.
"He had one coalall pocket filled
with peanuts, and a satchel between
them on the seat contained doughnut
and apple, from which store both eat
continually until it began to be a won
der where It atl went. The difference)
in their sire waa considerable, ho befng
s small man, while the wa a great,
strapping girl, a good head taller than
he, aad at least forty pounds heavier.
Every time the train stopped be would
exclaim, 'Now, John, w'at'a going to
happM Ttwi'll pertlet e, sToha.
weaH jm r Mi Ua reply, 'Marier, III
prtict er . I hain't brvV ra top for .
rr fur htdHtti'. d.m't.w ! svrt.
duel.,' whieh tvmxrks'attravtr-l the
nolle of all the passenger and kept
them In a ivntiauesl titter
" Wr, wrr flvfgwl down Rear lUmps
ln. ther Mr.g a. bltvk y( freight train
from Kims can, and when wrstopnrJ
lut wt otlltmpton high bttdgr-. a
freight trslu was standing on the- we-tls
ward track, and the female's head was
out of thn window In an Instant with
the uncarting rematk, Mou II pitlct
me, Johh f' A muid of VtaVemen slt
Unc on a Ui oar dis-tvetwl her fright,
and thought to add t.i It. Said one
"Wat jr. hearln', llanixj. fat the
host na aatln', that If Iser'lwo train
got on Hampton btidg at onew It
would go down '
'Vis, .Mike, I was hearln' that sstnis,
and her5 II lm No, S and our train on
the bridge at ont. Uh! help the pa
'I hi mm rnouj;h Wllh a prtdnnged
hrlek Marier thiew herself ujkmi John
wllh the cry, You'll twrllel me, John'
llolng o much heavier than he, and
coming mi suddenly. John wa tumbled
oil" the seat, ami they Utlh landiMIn the
aisle, he on lop and shrieking a If
killed, The passenger were lilght.
ritesl, not knowing the cause of all the
fuss, 4tid she continued to cry 'John
the bridge l goln' down,' a uiiiuImt of
passenger thought aomethlug wa the
matter, ami for some lime a scene of
iMtifusloii ensuiHl
" 'We had slarleil on by thl time,
and when I went In the car the train
was piiug twenty tulle an hour, nod
then thej lay In the aisle. he cram
lug and he halliHilug, 'All tight, Ma
rier, I'll perllct uup Tor some lime
I iHiuldn't make out what wa thn mat
ter I ilidn't Interfere In what seemed
to It a free light, but one of the pas
seuger explaining the matter, I dually
went up to them and taking her by the
nrm quietly lifted her up, at the same
time telling her we were oer the htlgdo
safely, when she looked Up ami e.
claimed, 'Mister, me nml John was mar
ried thl montld', and If wo go to
heaven we want to go together,' I as
sured her there was no danger of
either going to hoatcn )et awhile, and
John by thl time having found hi feet,
assisted hi wife lo arise, and nlu
helpeil to adjust her Umnol and other
things that had lccomn disarranged In
the struggle. Some of the passengers
laughed, some made remark and
thought they had received the value of
the money paid for the ride in eujujliig
the clrcu. Mirf Jrrvi (iiittttt,
Hrelher flardaf r rMIepMtr,
Walkln' nittn' do back alnet thl
mawnln' to commune wld natur' an'
hunt for catnip," began llrother (Sard
tier, of thn Mine Kiln Club, a he look
ed down upon the assembled multitude
nicely balanced on alool and benches
"walkln1 roun' in dat manner, 1 war
suddenly struck wld de rcfleauii, Am
ill wicked woruld growln' gmxler or
badderF' I turned my eye lo de ,iorf,
an' (lev lit down on de cabin of the oln
man Wallace. I knode dat ole chap
way back hefo' de war, I knode him
when he'd divide hi las' cracker wld a
stranger, an' when he' eauamon' break
hi neck to do a freii' a favor. Whar
am his character tied toP ion knows
an' I know dat If dar'c a chicken lifted
auywhiir' on de hull llritsh farm every-1
ImmIv am ready to cry out dat ole man '
Wnllnce done de llfllii'. If he walks
inter a grocery, nn' iuqunrs de llgger
on c(mII1Ii, de grocer docu' rush for
him nu' hole up de btggest fish In de
box, ns In de long ago. On de con
trary, de grocer mutters sutliln' 'bout
cash on de nail, an' no trust, and keep
right on knockln' down do price of can
ned tomntoc for white folk, De ole
niiiu nm gone to de Imd, nn' am still on
de trot. I turned my eye to de East,
nn' i ley sot dclrselves on do shanty of
ole Aiiuldnue, who wa mire ex gentle
n ile snowdlake, but who now keep
half of Kenluvk on dolr lighlln' heel
nil tie time. OImt lode soiif wnrdnt
young Thoma, skulkln' 'King dn fence
wld t bnr'l dat he'd got de bugle on.
nn' I doaii' doubt dnt 11 wa hi second
or third trip. I kin remember when
slut boy wa so good dat he'd hev bin
pltited to blow de Im'IIows to de organ
In our church if dnr lied bin anv to
blow. .Forty rod to de west de lioll
family war enjoyln' one of dolr aeml
weekly fight, lm strlklti at de ole mnti
wld an ax, an' he pultlti' in hi Ixitt
licks wld a clothesdlue prop. All dl I
scnI ex I sucked In de lurid mawnln'
air and reached nut for the axure sun,
an1 it made me sick. When It am so
easy to ho good, why will so many folk
be bailP What are de matter with thn
human race.cnnyhnw?
He seemed to look mostly at Nlr Isaac
WalHle, ami that good old black skel
eton rose up and answered! When
dl ole man look back olier de weary
.y'er o' life an' reniemlier de day
when he could sot a plate wb fried ova
ters on de gate po' at sundown an' mid
de whole collcxlun ilar at daylight safe
an' fresh, It kinder make de heart go
down. De woruld km wicked from heel
to shin, an' I Is prepared to believe dat
de climax hexn't bin shot off y It. Htill
dat's nuflln to me. Ise got my bee
line marked out. One end ob dat line
l in dl town an' de udder, I hope,
come so near Hubbln'a gate dat I (hall
at least h'ar de tones ob de harp a
dey strike in on dechoru ob 'De hwcet
Hy an' Hy.' Dat' all Mr. President
"An' you rounded dat speech up like
the keerful farmer round up a hill ob
corn," replied the President. "It am
sunshine to
ecboln' on
but I'seirv
fk' old man's feet
; lit de better Ian',
'gy ill matter oner
Its mv ..w.lirCi
an sc wnai mean
what am de nitdl
pashenU" Ihtroit
thl wickednY
cine to better
Fru Prtti.
Oa the 20th of May, the body of a
German named Wilhelm Ley, waa found In the
woods near Omaha, with a revolrer (rtially
Imlstslded In Uie irroand under the right lea;
T)i verdict of the coroner Jury was tlut he
came to LI death by suicide white laboring
under an stuck of temporary I nianlty, caused
by domestic trouble. A letter found on hU
person, written In German, revealed the fact
of eulei4nd the cause.
If farmer or business man wiahe
to know how great a peadthrift be U
lei Mm keep a exact MJaora4uBB of
l'hotiTrprtr ar ttirvvwhtt Inc leel
... jwsiple who
lr.Vt s' .ittiM
tlrtlli 1r mU,i. I
to J- l iHt tho fl
never can l ultes, and InW en sitting
five or U time tor a plrlu y ffovitst
through alt the motions wtlVnit any
pal in the enmer. aud shewKx K
x if tint on of the tlt pndAhleh
xrx eften wvilt ,tltfetrlly el'
known phoi.yti'hr of N'w.u j,(t
trlesl It one dat with no ery jrtr .
v I think that U one of t brA
pietiir." ssid M rieine4."(
,rM.-' HW lMl'ltllS- uisn, --1 S-VHI ni'i' I
I) have lultplatvd them " "lh, hut I
know It It," rvplted the positive orljf
Inal, " I've rhntl mt necktie slm-
that one mm laVrn." l"he artist sub
sided, . eswes-id fr .t Wd A hot lent,
onaite It on nf thetet ttee for a
void It art promptly ami edtflently,
and 'ha mv unpleasant after eiTWl
One lemon should le orvpetlt )ned,
cut In llc. pit wllh ti(ar, and sir
rred with half a pint os Utility water
Drink Just Iwfoi rolng to I.! and do
not epo.,i yotitself tho following lj
l(g neel clean, vlrv pen, and up-
breesllng ow wtl eut straw, ehaff
or sawdust for tlttor
CM a ri ' sssvis n
111 ,., tsta. vftSaissl
aiu rsl Ws.
fti4SlbS S IfcJ
ti.Ktiav Vlis -t.,(vtls,i.x.-
, mhh nun oi c.vy
iWIisJ s.J, U (Mii, lsll-Mv ,(.,
"ill t'Jlti4hksi fMiMii, wv. ,1 ,..'
iMUUuv if li Im eSislsTll.tCs.4Vl
rH W.r I. jVs .m 4-l , f Msst. st-.
tf,t kH.tua,riMM,wM
SI ll.SSol ONI I n m
ssxs j m Mt'af KtT.
SV ,
LNIOTOt af Aarrassa. ' h t- r t K
-tntnm etss llil.lsli,li ( M-s,
IWW.II lU flHUs seniolliM MT
LtVE, imint rf.V;r; nr '"T
i Tv rTniisniviUii .V.. i j
Hot a ao ,li4'w'yV'VM.v,,(
ffiMftftl Aas,l Mst isms want sit si
looui "wv.str.?Jia
path w T.n!ir ttnsivC.
..i.voil't. M, JttsIaTsj"
4firsi.ais fui tit, stMtiLi f, O
ni ,
mf ji lar-44sllM. le
f ltlf UasM. l,w.l.w.k.
Ms. V.Oy rVlis, ft,
tram I
-I. isSMw 4 r-S"sMls. M "
asMr- ' ltUls UUstlsllw
All r.l.san tllsr4rkSi
w " ja'tA.
Yffit) Ts ttuOrwM U Ik
awiM I . -.(. j
Is AsssO sisrls
wsrn ,., vssesr s ss-sf. sisrls
tnirls sJ-s.-s miisii T4 e.Okji ,
r1 l.nt.s iVss
r,..nv r, w fftpfft S;SM. 9VI IftSSf
a Aa.sls ssl-4 itsoati.n
sx.ais i1 atsis lims siUl,lli
'...... ...
UOII'T wfll.. t Vsssi i V I1
rm ' T ' V
ii ruiiBM,
TCIITO liWMl. Jftafe.1
strtaiat'viMtNi ffTlatW
PS is ft ss4 t eat I.ATMT Csvsloses a4
OIlOAJs 111 , mk J!
rirtkn rwl totis. nr",iii
Daloiin Steal Btlleni. Iroif arkiC
iitikril a ro ( UsawfwiHms, yi,
a.b... .M. AAM.M
fix, l Vl'l
nra, mmi, iiiui sun, i
lnyi'- (.!. Ilni.H,, Ms
M(fsi.l Mm seo
TssMIOsxn TImi
In hs, A MM silrl wlllsil
-4HU rilKMllML
sf rnf, aM sill shS
m si us ii Mir sum "
S.I l, III M M-Mlf
fataak Impravar.
.,. Mil IN TM iraato.
fsrlll lik.1
lii msii mi lnfial.,,1 mis Mi,
lf In Wh UllliHIs, li
r.j ' '" ''
rlUllMMbMfi MwiiUll
rr u tf .1 VRMMMMAa sj MA AW, W..l
11 SsU. OsHMnl
ji m.r'rrptumu
TM bra IsvalU sa4 fswf
LIrJ IU msatrr. A)
. jallaiail Wir -U
lfM, IM hs aorsw
l.-fir Malls .
s Tisn.
.. ..--! Is. 44 ,.
IM a.-4 ll'1fsr,.
wnA m , ji, t twtn ibis
M.-OWm- m SwiM hf fo.
slsswbsre. siCu.
Down with High Frlcl
I trUtlr rtrUile. fiwtr aei Trm U Om.
i TMat CMTKf. (eeieafveic !
Hsr. SO M Mutt lrr. ! wtilllO fsvsifa
-ii Ik Mum DntttM. lb Nii4isiiS srvrklu. Ib
M la 4raa(kl. IMIIftrfsil 1st vrljftl.
livsvut UV II
Tas tVissis ar astir s
Mia. aXJlAKFLt
ins awswtvtl, Tk
la W Sal fr U rsfsiKsl In
ijust eausra wt Kaxir
r Mfraais a mU
aWTBL. r4w aa ataaafs
stasaaw. aa. , r
wssuf.i.t.. f irM Mini, Ima Jslt. aJ
ihs. ! f fr4 M. aMO'Mii Arf, ju ls.sMast,
as)s aT'Oelsstt Msl u rsUrseit erimMt M"
I.M.4I... MsllNKI.I.JftJlTanr4.
----. Irsisw4tww,
T,Ms el Is lsil,llMuuesTlHsl
SlMlslUII.4'4IM4 islsti Sl-s
ttrttflslMI 1 .JMIJ.J4lslllsl, tl IS.
,U (Isisnf Hsla.tL lVnU fresll-4.
s.4 im rslaJMKS th eol Os4s
,l.pl4 Mh Muss, t'fM l Ixv.s'
h4-ls Mlsss ismHssfathf msll
asESaWal V ff"ss -m M I I.
PJMP j'likfo a ro , UsaufwiHms, ?...i,
I., n.M
rsinriTrriiiiiiiMiis. Aim.
! sh ( DthiMl
with ! rs,,. asil lui ukis
-'AliViAJ" ;." '" ist-f.
'U&r i!wtto&n' t
I ti" ssMSsf fSratswraMiitIrt!-iZ 71
fHs. , ' Maf)r ri rMys4
Ulntm) tprssrr S IM lt.i'1 VsW. Tlsasl
hiHi. .f ym ssrM Mst
k."4'ti. rmSstM, A I, sillUsinSs . I
1 Hrw4ia'Ssi-lK iu Mwy.l
W.ror Tmp mm thf
rli-i Is U MiI. a4
i Sv. mm 9mM tINV, mm tttl-S)
'ssi -' swvJT" " Lsj
-&"'sjrnk xs T1
ll.A A.di.J. UTZ1.T.J:
I'riow x,oi.o
ssrws . Imissiv, sNSV 4 ,
. Ihwaisr-SKftaif, sss
lSS KlSSMfS. riVMS.I Sl4sS.
wssftssat s
Ml Tsss.ii iiVel I r" itiWia4fsss4
tsW M
T M ll H se lss I
ltf Rf SS
I 4Hai Mil
ess4 s-w ib !
Iiralitt Kinm btlm
t IIvas Htills rn IMrsmsM mm 14 WH
0 alt tat
Mf l
1 1 saa sm. M M tasvtsu v
l4sl MM SfH tafsHlf WV tt I
W S4MWll MM U katl fW a
lIlSKHMl S4MWUl MM S IsStt fW (, IfUkS QtWtltUr sswl1
ww.- R."3t -3y '
Wssa ! a
. T.mlAmm
Maw svM I
Tsasl'THI Us) MLlAtwaVvV
alAtl, ) aw Mm vaMs 7
rr,aifi tf awa tafiaa
MMII Mr f sVJflfJrtpvflft t-naf tllJav
Ltfiif oi MiOfinCi,
Of Wawsx-, Mji,jBi JTMatU, O,
HU mi I ( taasV s iiw Mi I ,
Vfialsillsf.aa4iMstwt1 Vlw.
StmA iwslf tossawtal asa n.'tw
ri-if .
o.i, nana waa
li ti iim sa lata
trniMMiSMsi. .
Sv s4W M ) 4S
mmmtmj rs ssww wmmm
fwp Wi
pass, sa, iwaiiaa. aaaaasa,
Lmyrimf t Mmk Orgmn Cbaj
i7sTMivALa roranutWYVs"
sHHfV Plwi MsrV I vvBxl
EellpfM Mtf Ami
Taflvakyt Milar aBatakafMJatatayafal "
bStt3SZlK ,
IMfM'ftWvWwV Jrf,'..
aalaa MfU JJt',J
Stsms. -aM -n ,'
BVaVaVavMavMaVaVaTjaaava liTft. t'
W ar , 7"1
ttsiCjHvL wm&t'M
nnrmaaAa -Avn: i
aaaVaaaaaaaaaHsaUlvaaaaBI1" '
1 ivti
iMblMt. , ' Im
"""" m , w r..
m . --T. . 4.-., .JUWV:
. "". aawsa, .-. -. ?
. Siaafa laaffiMH ,,",i '-' ".;
i (
9yMStrt , -p&
aaata' -Ew Mi
1 'S-iV'if
tr aJ 'vt V
i w
L I4 V tj
'? Vfvgai