c4 kst IV r . .V. I VT 1 vrTW !lED CLOUD CHIEF, m arnntrnwrn, h Pnti. BKD CLOUD, NKHKAKKA . IMTOMALMTIg. At a receai meeting of the Indiana Hate Millers' Association held at In XsMporrs, a resolatloa wm adopted agate the laerifalaate pHferlag of areae, and tvewaaietrdleg legislation by Ootgnm for H4)ipretefi, Mid to armpel mtllera to brand their flour, nnd pealih aaybody who erases the manu facturer's brand. A resolution wm also adopted opposing the pending tar riff bill In Congress on account of iu Uscriadnetlon agslnst homo flour. BettorU Indicate that the lose of VTo la the tornado district of Wlsconski is far greater than at flrat reported. In mm county thirty lite wum loiaad Between fifty and one hundred Injured. A atom of Ilk Intensity passm over aearly the eaate belt of county about sweaty-fire yeara ago. Theloss of property csanot be estimated but will andoabtcdly reach hundred of thou eaads of dollars. It baa been olworvod that a similar peculiarity la relation to tornadoes haa obtained elsewhere. Old settlers in Iowa will doustless call to Mind that portion of Iowa rocontly visited by a destructive tornailo, auf fared alike yisltatloB fa the spring of 1M1. In May of that year a destruo ttre storm of wind and rain parnod over the precise belt In UiaVtolnlty of Fair feld, In JefersoaWmty, that suffered by the tornado of this spring. On both occasions forests wore prostrated, and houses carried from their foundations ad torn to pieces, Oa both occasions the hurricane was confined to a Tory arrow belt, and did 'not vary In route quarter of a mile. There Is doubtless a law governing the progress and regu lating the route of storsas thst meteor ologists night' further Investigate with interest. AGRICULTURAL ITEM! The Maryland peach crop this year will be large. Clover Inoreases In dry weight until the blossom is matured. Plants from greenhouses need to bo kept near the light and free from all In sects. Crop reports from all parts of Calit fornle, with a few exceptions, are nios favorable. A Peoria (III.) waa has a fish farm stocked with 80,000 California salmon and 90,000 brook trout Only well rotted manure should be sed in the lower garden. If the soil is bfastroag loamy aature.lt will be benefited by aa applloaUoa el sand well mixed with the soft. la growing cattle, the most popular breed: ought to be that sort ospable of producing both good beef and plenty of good, rich milk, the more of both on the least feed, the better. More Kress and less strain, more con- easing oi ioou on tae farm, snouiu do m .. - ' ... sre of our acres iato grass and or sins more live stock of a better otial- ly, will be a step la the right direction. Baaed oa the averse yield of land in the United States, it would reuulro the product of 4,000 acres In corn, or 6,00ft acres in wheat, to fully load one freight steamer of a oarrylng capacity of 8,000 tons. i A Georaia vapor savs that a bushel of cow peas sown In May on an aero and J iuiucu uuunr, iu auaety uiya vvm oe equal to twenty-two horse loads of stable manure. It is economy to feed ground grain to workhorses. A uallful of molsturcd . eat hay with three quarts of ground feed mixed with it is a good quantity of feed for one horse. Give it nearly dry. A good feed for a work horso is equal parts' of com, oats and wheat bran. Prspiials ef Marriage. la Europe, marrages are arranged to the satisfaction of the parents. The parties themselves are supposed to be pleased with what pleases their fathers aad mothers. . Onoe, a certain chevalier, a member el the Savoy nobility, was anxious that his daughter, no longer young, should be married. His sister, the wife of a Bobleman, was equally anxious that her aaly sob Henry should mury. Aa idea oocured to the chevalier, which he thus srallaatlv expressed: I "My dear sister, if you wanted my augnter uenevieve to oeyour uaugn- mi, a was just going to asc you tor jour mnenry to uoniyson," Thocousms were married, and a few exs aiier, me tiritto. la writing to her woo is anient in tae army, ad him as the "most tenderlv be- of ali husband since the time of , who, 'notwithstanding his com nee. did not deserve to beloved so lyasyou." is " urse, "xoung America" curls X evea the suggestion of parental snee. Tho European custom abused. So may the American which allows boys and girls to me oasis oi passion or fancy, a that is to be for life unless y the divorce court muy aeard of a father, himself essed Christian, who, when a man, aa avowed atheist, asked ilon to marry his daughter, aa rsyjio, sir, yoa ceaaot marry my f j'daoghter with my ooaseat, I doart oar stabs " . yaw "" upJI-IVW w HIT VUMU l SmA Jl.tlTT r mV' w 'm mwm ' A' year or two after, raaotheryeang m eaerea-memaef, -was ia -saner MHewafater-saaaa. The, father. ; a thorough business maa, delayed wer aatfl he had satisfied himself I to .tae yeaag man's character, .T.. ' . Ms-sss-s-ttw-at--MMtai ."tsraeks Pent has become a cKy of the second tUm. The Ruttemer'r case cost Stanton county an,. Tim new church atOscrola Is a hand soma Kllflw. The new jfcwtofllco building and Ma sonic Ilsll st Hsrrshi, sr rifoiljr completrd. The lilon Paaflo It. K. Compnay rectallysM Into the Polk country trtarjr Tke old settlers of Otoe county nro to liswartunlon st Hsll't wove, on ThurnUy, ciilof Jimtlco Dnnlcl (Intitt, dld nt iNcbrsiks City, st U o'clock en th trcnlnfc Of Moro than 0,000 ncrcs of land per month list 1ktiioM hy lUntliiKtsKciitsslonc, since tbe nrntnK of the year; Thlrty-ono new buildings have lictn ftcti'd In lUrvard sines the Ulof Stptcmtivr, IS77. It xuUtton U4IK. It Is stilted Hint If Htnuton nnd Mill ion eountlr rxttnil alii to the Klkhurn Vallry rsllroid, Hib rol will ho cxtcndcl up the val ley this If SPOIL The Falls City council hns rcf used thu proprietor of one of the patootii a llcenai, for the roaon thai they srs charged with sellliiK liquor to minors. Tlis Tlftllanta of Ailams county, hare rar tured three hurglara with s satchel of totiU Iu their ioMeilon. Juit previous to their cn tnre tho sUtrn of H. I). CaMwrll, of FMar, Clay county, was entered In the night and a safe rohhed of IOOU. The vlgllanli think they have found the whcrralmutof Margrave, the murderer of llolhrook slid the Button brolhera. On tho afternoon of June 1st, n tor nado completely drmolUhi-d two frame houi, one school home and a harn, alxmt six inllra west of Clark's. Two rows and one hore which were phJtclcd out, wer carried a quar ter of a lullu and killed. FraKinuuta of I ho bulldlnita aru (ticking Iu the prairie In all direc tions. The families paved themielvca hy tun ning to the ojiriijiralrle. Ird John Hussrll. The cabin has Announced thu ilnnth of Lord John Hussoll. Hu was In his olglity-slxth venr, linvlug hccii born In Loudon In 170', nnd liml been twlcu ninrrlud first to the widow of Lord Hlbblesdalu In 1835; nnd, secondly, to the daughter of the Knrl of Mlnto, in 1841. I In wiui cdiicntud nt Kdluliiirgh. and Imbibed thure very pronouiiucd Liberal opinions, which hu hns slncu re tained, lie entered Pnrllnnicnl iu onu of I he members for tlio family borouuh of Tavistock, In 1811), and during the greater part of tho Mxty-llve years that have since passed, helms been In active political life. It Is, however, some two or three years since hu tins spoken in tho House of Lords. He had recently been saddened by the death of his sou, Iord Amberly, and by tho strugglu which he was compelled to make to ob tain the custody of his grandsons. l,ord llussell has sat In Parliaments convened by George HI, (Suorgo IV nod Victoria. Ho began thu strugglofor Parliamenta ry reform in 1810, when Mr. Gladstone was a boy eleven years old ho advoca ted Catholic emancipation and thu re peal of tho Test acts, and hu defended Quoen Caroline Hu had tho triumph, in 18!W. of seeing thu Catholic Relief bill becomu law and welcoming fifty Catholic gentlemen to sents In tho House of Commons. Then ho took up thu subject of electoral reform), and lu 1832 hu hnd tho delight ofl seeing tliu first Reform bill passed, lie had then becomu onu of thu most popular men in tho klngd'om.nnd was everywhere greet ed as thu embodiment of progress. Ho first took olllce in 1830, in Karl Grey's Ministry. From 183A till 1811. ho was Home Secretary, nnd thu guiding splr INof Lord Melbourne's admlulstralfou. From 1841 till 1810. hu was in Ouuosl- tlou"but lu 184U his party again came ilito power, nnd ho was mmfu Premier and held tho ollluo until lHo'i. It was during this Period that hu committed tho most foolish act of his olilclal life thu ono so wittily described in Punch as "Little Johnny Russell chalking up No Poporyj on Cardinal Wiseman's door, and then running around tho cor ner." Under tho administration of Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Russell was Secretary for Foreign Affairs, and Lord President of the Council. In this capacity he brought forward another Reform bill, but tills was subsequently withdrawn. He was Foreign Secretary under Lord Palmerston from 1869 until tho death of that nobleman in 18W. He had mean while been raised to the poersgeas Karl Russell. On tho death of Palmortton ho became Premier for tho aeooad time, and with Mr. Gladstone as his Cluneal lor of the Exchequer, and a majority of eighty la tho Commons, ho brought In tho Reform bill. The measure was de feated in 18G6; the Ministry resigned; nnd after that timo Earl Russell con tented himself with an IndcpeuMuut po litical careor. In person, Karl Russell was not at nil imposing. Ho was short, rather badly shaped, and dressed lu a stylo which exaggerated his physical hn perfections. As ail orator ho was never attractive, nnd of Into years it was painful to hoar him speak nt any lougth. ills titles and estates descended to his grandson, the son of tho lato Lord Amberloy, who is at present a boy of tender years. An enthusiast Is nn individual who believes about four times ns much as ho enn prove, about four times us much as anybody bolloves. UK YK 1 JKK FSJoLlHsl. "For ten jears my wits was confined to her bsd with such a complication of ailment that no doctor could tell what was the matter or cure her, and I used up a ssaall fertUMta kasa bug stuB. mx mouths ago 1 saw a U. 8, lag with Hop Bitters on It, and I thought I would he a fool dace mors. I tried H, but my lolly proved to be wisdom. Two bottles cared her, aad she la now aa well sad strong m any saau'a wife, aad tt only cot ma two dollars. a ye like fooUh."-lL W Detroit, Mich. Hens like a variety of food, besides all kinds of grain, raw or boiled, and mashed boiled potatoes. 'They are fond of chopped cabbage aad oalent eace or twice a week, and when .they.jOan not Kt grass they will eat finely cut huv. iw bones chopped tnto fine pieces they will eat greedily. JWV-i ' ."J. , .JT. : ' -JWs?. JMrV'ttULasii.te ..i...x.Jsa;. .. .a-V . f latf rettftf Wswfry. The existence of a vn.it, Ineahaiistlre gas reservoir benrnth this city appears to have been settled beyond all question. Three separate and distinct wells sunk In this city, onu in Wyandotte nnd one In Wcstport, have struck this natural gas rescrroir, and notwithstanding tho fact that gas has been escaping from onu of these wr-IU for nenrly tivu ji'ars, the pressure and volume of gas la larger now than when the reservoir was first pnnottired by the drill. The first discovery of naturnl gas In this region of country dates hack ten or twelve years, Hut ft I only now that this vnluabln discovery Is being turned Into practical usu nnd benellt for tho rlty. Tho famous burning well at Fort Kcott was considered a natural curios ity for years, nnd tliousniids of curious s'ght-xeers went to look nt what Is now a matter of no curiosity whntnver. Tim first discovery of gas was madti on Main street, in the southern portion of tho city, upon the premises of Peter Mud bach. This was several j ear ago. Tho workmen hnd dug down n diMnucu of three hundred nnd fifteen feel when salt water was struck, and this was so agitated by gas that tho well wns aban doned as a failure and no more atten tion paid to it. The next discovery was made near Wyandotte, about two miles from this city. There, while borings were being made for coal, salt water was struck, nnd shortly afterwords a vein of natural gas, wlilcb has flowed constantly for llvo eurs without iiny diminution. The dally waste of gas Is estimated by scientists to be about two hundred nnd fifty thousnd cubic feet every twenty-four hours. It was con templated at thu titno to save this gas Htid conduct It by pipes to Kansas City. It comes to tho surface with such forcu that a wooden plug driven Into thu top of the tube will, after remaining tliero sotnu time be forced out by the prexsuru of the gas, and thrown out of sight in thu air. The next discovery was made at thu coal shaft sunk bv thu city In West Kan sas City, where the same indications of gas, and thu samu How of salt water, near Wcstport, to a depth of two hun dred and fourteen feet, was rendered useless and thu enterprise abondoned occoiint of striking salt water ami what has slncu been discovered to bu gas. It remained for the Water Works Company to solve this mysterious prob lem regarding thu sinking of deep wells. In sinking or boring un artesian well In thu Kaw oottoms near the water works a til water was struck, and below this tho gas rcHorvolr. The gas vein was so strong thai It threw the watet up lu a four-Inch Jet about ten feci above thu earth. Thu gas vein was struck !147 feet from the surfnre of thu earth. An iron tube Is being sunk down to the reser voir, where It Is expected thatsiifllcient ns will bo obtained to supply fuel nnd ght for the water works. The ga is found below n layer of rock about ten feet In thickness, nnd wherever this atrntn of rock lias been pierced tho gas has been found. A company his been formed within tho past few ays, for the purposo of sinking a well on thu corner of Eighth and Wiilnut streets. Thu necessary cap ital has been subscribed, anil thu work will bu commenced without delay. It Is expected that gas will bu obtained nt a depth of Ji.'W feet, and in suiltcicntquan titles to snvu thu company sinking thu well nt leait 910,000 per year in fuel and light. Those engaged In the enter prise have no doubts of success. Another gas well will bo sunk near tho nauklng-house, by Slavcns, Mansur A Co. Tho gas company will sink a well near tho gas works as an experi ment. Several other wells aro in con templation, ami should tho first wells provo to bo ucccsful, it will not bo lonir before Kansas City will not only bo lighted by naturnl gas, but Its fuel will be drawn from thu samu Inexhaust ible source, Tho discovery of this immeusu gas reservoir beneath this city cannot bu overestimated in Importance or value. A letter from Spaug, Chalfant & Co,, Alleghany county, Pa., proprietors of tho JKtna Iron orks, suys: "Thu en tire product of this establishment is vyorked and heated in all departments with natural gas brought to tho works through pipes from thu wells, which are nearly l,o00 feet deep mid nineteen miles from tho mills. Iron with this fuel pure hydrogen and carbon compounds becomes homogeneous, and has a uni! form strength and finish not to be found in the ordinary grades of Iron. Tho su periority of natural g.is Iron is at trip led to tho amazing heating power of tho new agent, as well as to au entire ab sence of sulphur nnd other impurities met with in all coals, and absorbed read ily by, iron when in a highly heated stated A letter received from Pittsburg from parties using natural gas as a fuul. says: "Tho gas has n great caloric value and is n pure and most satisfactory fuel to handle. I should think tho full would bo particularly well suited to tho smelt ing of your precious metals." It U In its melting power that Its prin cipal, value lies. Should the expecta tions of those who aru sinking wells be half realized, Kansas City will become tho best lighted nnd the largest ore and smelting city In tho United Status. Thu development of these gas wells will bu watched with anxious Interest Kansas City Times A writer wants to know why pork shrinks In cooking. It has been said by men of experience that it Is owing to tho hogs being in a shrinking condition at tho timo they wero killed. Bad weather and want of attention have caused them to lose flesh. .- PJant caila lilies in tho gaveiwk'in ummcr, and in the autumn pYvilera aa follows : One-third sand ana M re mainder good garden soil; water with hot water, and iu the pot sauceir keep a spongo saturated with ammonia. "I was not aware that you knew him,1' said Tom, Smith to aa Irish friend, the other day. "Know him 1" said he, in a tone whjch comprehended the know ledge of more than one life "I knew him whea his father was a boy." i ' In tho way of mourning jewelry noth ing handsomer than onyx, bogwood or Whitby jot is approprite. ,7.ta ,- jU , j . l . Ia, . ' j f jgH"sr' ' 'ri'"''w.w,ffliirvatrji j ''"J"f""-jrr-w-iMJ "P,wi'"B"lttt' ""Jj' 'sjw'nu'iiMr,,.. .i.iiii..i..ltT NEWS OPTNJr WEEK. Unmrrml. The First National Dank, of Dallas, Trxa, bss putpendrd payment Tho Second National Hank, at Scran Urn, l'a., clotd lu doom May .1UU Joseph M. Koehlcr, a bunker on Chat ham ttnrel, N, T , ha t-n adjudged an Invol untary bankrupt. I,UMIIM, SatO.OnO of which eSOOVmo are secured. At tho session of the Right Worthy (Jrand IIk of !o.l Templar at Mlnncaio- i lit. May VAh, Dttrolt WMtcltrtrd it the place for the neit mertlii(t. On the night of Juno .'Id, Rev. C. S. Rurlrlgh, famnot yearn ico a an anti lamy leader, wa run over hy the ear, and will il from Injurle recalled. Report from tho principal mining rxilnta In the eoal rrirloni of I'ennaylranU, In dicate a irenrral rrumpllon of mining opera tion with full forrrn of men. James G. Hlalno has been elected chairman of the KcpuMlraii 8laU Central Com mittee of Maine. The Htale Convention I to be held at Cortland, Auuil lt. Supervisor Engan, of Troy, N. Y., who confrPM-d, ujion trial, to auditing fraudu lent Mil, ha hern penteneedtothe State pris on for ten year, and to pay a line. During May there wero !tt business failure In New York City, the toUl llahllltle being more than Nve and a half million dollar, sad the ael lea than olio million. George R. Waterman, former pay matter In the I'aclllc Mill, Lawrence, Mm , lui hem convicted of trallnir 1111,000, and arntenceil to I'Jyear In the penitentiary. At a session of thu Right Worthy (iraud l-li; of (oxl Templar of the World at IloDton, il resolution wit adopted favoring the dltcoiitlniunce of wine at the pacrainent. The IVnnlvania Statu Convention of 1'rohlMilniiiiitP, hive nominated a Bute ticket, with F. II. f.ane for Governor, and John Hhatlcroft', t-r Lieutenant (lovtruor. The Hank of Fremont, Ohio, closed May Ulut w fur lit linking department I concerned. It pay all llahllltle on demand, and ha done a ucieaful butlncpa for nearly twenty-five year. An Incendiary firo at Senatobln, Ml., on the night of May MM, destroyed pev en small ttore and thu poPtofllcc. Lom I'JO, 000. A rain ttorm probably saved the whole village from dcttructlon. A San Francisco dNpatoh of May 29, ay th it In the northern portion of California there will nut te more than an average crop, while In the toiitheru xrtloii the yield gener ally will he unprecedented. Tho Right Worthy Grand Lodgu of Good Templar held It VMtli elon In Ilottou the latl wook In May. Delegate were In at tendance from all parts of .the United Slates, Kugland, Ireland, Scotland and Canada. On thu night of May '."Jth, somo ono placed a tic on the Propped l'ark, Brooklyn A Coney Iland It. H. track, and the reiult wa a gravel train thrown from the rail and five laborers killed and several erlouly wounded. Commissioners in Illinois appointed for the purpote, have condemned four acre of land in addition to that donated by the cltl sen at Springfield for State Houpe purpoaea, awarding thu owners of the land (34,100 aa damage. A savings bank has been obliged to foreclose a mortgage on St Ann' Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. The debt of the church I IKi.OOO, nearly four-fifth of the amount be ing duo tie bank. St. Ann' I the oldest Prot ettant Episcopal corporation In Brooklyn. A widow named Thompson, A0 years of age, at Sprlngtleld, Mo., a few night ago killed her daughter Nettle, about sixteen year old, with a razor, while ho wa tleeplng, and then cut her own throat Tcmiorary Insanity caused hy slcknos, Is assigned a the reason. Harry Anderson, an employe in tho (juartermastcr'a Department at Fort McKln ney, Wyomlug, who waa sitting by a tree and watching a herd of mules, May 34th, waa shot from behind and Instantly killed. Suspicion rest on a soldier of the post, and an Investi gation haa been ordered. Tho annual convention of the Indiana Millers' Association was held at Iuduvnopolls, May 28th. Atmut 900 delegate were present. Addresses were nude by Gov. Williams and cs-Qoveruor Hendricks. The committee oa grain recommended farmers to change seed often In order to secure desirable qaaUUea fa wheat William Cullen Bryant mot with a so rlous accident by falling and striking hi head On a stone, upon the occasion of the unveiling of the bust of Manilla In Central Park, New York, May 59th. He had grown dtuyfrom the heat He was uot fatally, but quite seri ously hurt snd Is suffering from a concussion of the bralu. Tho machine shops of tho Indianapo lis, Peru t Chicago railroad, at Peru, Ind., was struck by lightning on thu night of May SJOth, and with their, contents, wero entirely consumed by fire. There were three, locomo tives and three stock cars In the thop. Loss estimated at t 00,000; Insurance heavy. A heavy rain saved the round house and other buildings and car. On tho morning of May 31st, at Cleve land, Ohio, a mob of 3,000 people overpowered ho guards and broke tnto the Jail, InUnt on seeing the execution of the colored murderer, Webb. The sheriff telegraphed to Gov. Bish op thai the eiecutlon must be public or the mob would tear down tho Jail. Tbe governor responded that the execution must proceed, and at 13:90 the drop fell In the presence of tbe whole crowd assembled. At a meeting in Boston, May 30th, of the American Board of Commerce for Foreign Missions the report of the Secretary was read, showing 18 missions, 83 stations, 534 out sta tions among nations speaking 96 different lan guages, with a population of 100,000,080 total working force from America, 3M; total nativa laborers, 1,100, two churches, MB; church members, 14,500; total number under Instruc tion, 35,010, Large contributions are needed to meet the urgent calls from all parts of the eM. A dispatch from Salt Lake says a party of men from Rollins, Wyomlsg, captur ed the train sobbers on tho night of May 1st, 45 miles north of St. Mary's Station. They offered little resistance aa Uslr arm were only revolvers, while their porssers were srmed with long range rifles. Only three slwU were red. Tbey de old the crime St flrrt, but by threat and the application of a rope, one con fessed and plVXrd the party to where the watches and money were concealed. TM one has since turned State's evidence, and says he and one other were from Cheyenne, and thai iherither two were from Kantss, hre they lately committed a bank robbery. On the night of May V9th, 40 masked men hoarded the wrt bound pawenger train Jut after It left Percy Utatlou, Utah. They rnterid the mid lie tleeplng car and proceeJed to rob the penger. They twk a watch an 1 I in; from otic pnger, f.V)and a ticket from another, and a gold watch and l.ft fnxn the the sleeping car conductor. At that time some one pulled the bell cord, and the robbers, be coming frightened, Jtltnj-d off. Tbey tired three shots la the sleeper without Injury to the passengers. They struck one passenger with a pdtol, cutting hi scalp some. It was all done In three minute, and tbe robber wrre out of sight In the darkness before the train stopped. The ground being wet their trail wa discovered, and at daylight next morning a large party of armed men started In pursuit Tne Union Pacific It K. Co. offered a reward of ll,(M) each for the arrrtt of tin robber. Under date of April 13th, Major G til do llgrs, commanding the Seventh Infantry at Fort Benton, Informs the military headquar ters at Chliago, that the hostile Sioux, Arapa hoe, Cheyrune, and other Imllaasam assem bled at the eastern corner of F.tpresa Moun tain, known a sitting Bull' camp, and con templated an early lu ration south of ihe boun dary. Msjor Ilges consider the situation se rious. Two thousand warriors, trusted by no Inxly In tlut region, fully armed and equipped, defiant and ready for a tight, have caused hlra ti move his fort to a place belter fitted for de fense. Silting Bull recently made a rancorous harangue and promised to return to the Uni ted States when the grass grew, and make the soldier weep A grand war dance and mus tering of the various tribes followed this lcrcli. A telegram received the 18th at the military headquarters, from tho Department of the Pacific, state that Ihe Bannock Indian of the Big Coino Pacific arc out upon the war path with .100 well armed warriors. Twos-t-tier have been wounded. Atxtut sixty lodges bare been Joined to them and all have gone Into camp. United States troops have been sent from Ft. Boise hi protect the settlers, Tho public dubt statement for May shows a decrease In the, debt for the month of 3,070, 1W. Postmaster General Key has written, under date of May 'JN, an open letter to the people of the South In regard to the Potter resolution to Investigate the alleged frauds In the Presidential election. He takes the grnnnd that the 44th Congress by creating the Electo ral Commission haa fettled the title of Presi dent Hayes Irrevocably, and that no subse quent Congress ha the right to question his title. He thinks the leaders attempt in this to Mexlcanlse our institutions, relying upon a "Solid South" to furnish to tho 4flth Congress the necessary strength to oust President Hayca anil limugnrate Mr, Tlldcn. Ho expressed tho opinion that representative from the South will not Join in the movement to subvert the result of their former patriotic action, and thus remand the country to that condition of anarchy from which they Joined In aavlng It lesa than two yeara ago. He think It the duty of tho Southern people to send only such rep resentative to the 40th Congress aa shall be pledged to resist at all hatxards snch a revolu tionary scheme. He sdvlse them to organize and suppoit no person for Congress who has given aid or sympathy to the movement, or who will not pledge himself to sustain tho title of President Hayes, for only In this way can a gravo danger to the Republic be averted. Deeming it hi duty In warn the people of the South of the danger which threaten tte coun try, he write thus, having no reason to apolo gise for, or disown hi own political opinions, and relying upon the patriotism and honor of the people. Fn-elarm. axeuND. A London dispatch of May 29th says: The Peace feeling la less bnoyant on account of 'Austria' attitude against Kucla. Another dispatch says that Count Sehouvaloff had a long Intervew with Lord Salisbury on the 3SU, at which he (ubmlttcd Russia' answer to the points raised by England touching tbe congress, and a final understanding was reached. In tho district of Lancashire masters and operatives oontlnue obstinate andthtrol no prospect of the Immediate accommodation of their dlflerenoe. The .London Time has begun to urge the establishment of a British protectorate over the affair of Turkey In ..sis. Earl Russell died Msy S9tb. Tho London Timet, on the subject of a protectorate over Turkey, urge the neces sity of tome more central force which, It is to bo hojd, tbe Porto will consent to accept at our hand, and thu Introduce the only prin ciple oi stability Into the government of which it Is yet capable. England and Russia have arlved at au understanding, subject to the de cisions of the' 'congress upon the following points: Bulgatfato be'dlvlJed Into two prov inces, onu north ofitsjs Balkaqs.Cuausr,, a prince, the other" south of the Balkans but not touching the .'gean tea, with aCferlillau gov ernor and a goveronu-attumiarloUat ot-an English Colony ; the Turkish trooxj to perma nently quit Bulgaria; England deplores, but will not opiHwe tlio retrocession of 9ciarjbla or the aanoxatlou of jhUouai; aad reservaalhe right to' dlscusem congress all International arrangements relative lothe,Uauube; Russia promisee not to further advance her Attaa frontier, or take Indemnity In laud, or Inter fere with the claim of English creditor; tho qucttloa of payment la to be discussed by tbe congress, which will also reorganise Thessaly, Esplru and tbe Greek provinces; Bayaxld I to be ceded to Turkey, Turkey ceding the province of Ketoun to Persia; Russia agrees that the passage of the Dardanelles and Bos pboras shall remain in statu quo. EaghudetU suggest at the congfets thst Europe orgaatte' Bulgaria, sad will discus the questlotfot the Russian occupation and the' passage Of "troops Uureugh Rouraaala. Dispatches from Loadoa of May 31st, report a terrible disaster In the English chan nel near Dover, hy the linking of the German roa-clad Groaaar-Kurferst in a coUlsion with another Iron-clad. It I reported that over 400 Uvea were lost The Tessel sank almost Imme diately and her boiler exploded, as she went down. Only eighteen persons were aavad. Another report says tho Grosser Kurfent car ried a crew of six hundred men, of which be- tween 300 atd 4O0 are supposed to lie drowned. Tbe correctf cm of the report that only H acre, saved Is doubted. The captain of a fishing. boat make tbe foirowfog statement My boat, with other flthlng vessels, was returning to Ftlkeptone, when we noticed three lrod-cla.U coming down. A bark waa catching off thu shore, and the Grosser Kaffurst ported her helm to clear the bark, and the Koenlg Wll helst, pulling bard a port, struck tbe Grosser Kurfurtt foiward of her tnluen-maM, knock ing her over on her broadside. She ank In fire minutes. She waat down lu fifteen fath. ddi. All hand Jumped overhoanl Our boats reached the spat directly afterwards, and res cued 'it men, Including three nfllcer. Other latt rescued a number of the crew, all of whom were tranifcrrcd to the KoeulgWIlhelm. W Cspt Hatocb, of the Grosser Kurfursl, nenl down with his ship. Tbe boilers did not ex plode, but the escaping steam mut have scald ed many persons In the water. Tbe Koenlg Wllhrlm had been stove, but the Irak was stop ped with hammocks, The collision was un doubtedly caused by tbe Koenlg Wllheim port- t Ing her helm too suddenly. f Count Schouvaloff, In au Interview, has lu tlitcd that the probabilities of war have most ly vanished, and that Russia preferred peace to an armed conflict, and the conference was mostly arranged. Gladstone, in an article In the Century, of Ihe HHh, opposes any protecto rate In Turkey, and say that such a protecto rate could hardly cud otherwise than In the de struction of Turkish power aud Its disappear ance from the fare of the earth. TUB OMBKT. Affairs at Constantinople begin to look less dangerous. The Russian have with drawn from PlrlnJI. This, and the news from European capitals, have a-i relieved the previ ous tension that little fear I now entertained of accidental collision. Both the Russian ami Turkish officers are Indulging In pleasure ex cursions. The conllict between the Turks anil Insurgents In Crete Is Imminent. A special' from Scutari Albania via Hsgusa, states that through the medlaUon of tho Brttloh consul, tbe conflict which Impended at Podgorltta be tween the Turks and Montenegrins ha bcea averted. But for the consul's efforts a collis ion would have taken place lu a few hours. The Prince of Montenegro finally pledged his word thst In cac the hostilities were renewed he would give the Turkish commander of Pod gorltxa ample notice. Tills pacific (urn In af fair I believed to be attributed maluly to pri vate Intimation received by Prlncu Uiklta from St. Petersburg. - Tho report of tho removal of Funilas, Osman and Mubktar Pashas from tho com mand licfore Constantinople are not confirm ed, hut Ills said the Sultan Is suspicious of this, and apHilnted Mahmoud Dauiad Pudia Minis ter of War, partly for tho purpose of neutral ising their Influence although the net Is likely U have a contrary effect, aa Mahmoud Is In tensely unpopular with the troop. The Sultan . nominated him without consulting Sa J) k Pa sha, hence tho withdrawal of the latter from the ministry. Mehmct Rushde, Padis Ssdyk's uccessor, Is represented to ho honest and patriotic, but too old to have much Influence. He Is known to be In favor of an alliance with Great Britain. A Constantinople dlspatcli say: It I reported that tho Mohomedan In. urgent, to the number of 30,(a), are well armed and Imprcgnably located. They refuse M to disarm. The Russians aro powerless to re press tho exceasea of tho Bulgarians. RUSSIA. Petersburg warn the public against pessimist . new from Constantinople, where endeavor aro being made to prevent an understanding be tween England and Russia. The Cxarowltch, In a telegram, thanks the Moscow Association of Merchant for a contribution of 400,000 rouj ble toward the formation of a volunteer fleet The Emperor, on the 33d, received the Shah of Persia. A St. Petersburg dispath of May 23tl says: A 8t Petersburg correspondent writes t ' We sre still far from a certainty of peace, though tho general conviction anil sentiment arc In favor thereof. There are powerful mili tary preparations being pushed forward ener getically, and the Russians continue to exhibit a tendency to gradually creep np towards the capital, keeping tho Turks constantly on tho alert Fresh reinforcement are constantly going to Bulgaria and Ronmella. Odessa l swsrmlng with soldiers and shipping troops, gun and stores, which are going thence to Bur ' ga,c.n the Black Sea, or by tho Central railway to Roumanla and Bulgaria. The Turks are not' Idle. They have brought troops across tho Bosphorusfrom Scutari, until one hundred and thirty battalion now mar northern lines. A St. Petersburg dispatch of May 27th say: It U rumored that the Russian Imperial Bank is so heavily Indebted to tbe government that It does not continue the publication of weekly return. The bank's affairs are in an almost hopeless confatioo, and a continued Is sue of paper money to coyer deficits will bo necessary If the bank Is to go on. A London ,? dUpatch of May 27th, nays: An American re- turning from au extensive Russian tour says: Two hundred IhousamiJiuaalau. are moving- toward the Gallician frontier of Austria. Gar ,..... wniugiioui roiana are moving south- ward. v........ u, inxjps ami recruits were no- uvea ai many point along the nUlwaj. Mos cow and St. Petersburg aro full of troorwi ami JT ..T"" "" "wanuy coming torwanl. The tiaaS lt4M a . . . . niimmsaary department Is picking all kinds of supplies. There Is a great bitterness amokig tho people against England. Business it act ive but foreign trade is unsettled by the de cline In exchange. Prluco GortschnkolT'rinji'so far rscov ered from hit Illness at to be able to leave his & DXL Tho health of Prince Gortschakoff is Improving so at to give much hope of bis at-' leinnng ,,,e ngres. St Petersburg dlspatcJi says tho people 'are greatly dtsssvtslkd at tfc- rcrei negouaiion now In progress. They fear the re.ult.'of (thewar'irlll P.)atlstod. "tun U Au.trtan occnWlonoHdaSiSeSSilhS " in weir suspicion. The prospect of the con gress, therefore, docs not give unmixed satis faetlon. The Agenco Ruaae publishes an sni de which seem to demaafce) how greatly' J JheedthMdrrttJiftTpt W0UJ fi 1 UcreaWtIjE.SSsamT W ACSTHI4. Count Andrasay has informed the Hungarian delegation that JsS thoeght Batata . " and England Woald etnWteto&o agreement ,. J anglng Aarie orBuaaarla, so tsMc4pa3 report of Russia that applied to the. Austria objaettons to the treaty of San 8tefaaoha4 succeeded In reconciling the divergence of the two empires. A dispatch from Vienna reports tht the charter of the ClmbrU, has not been ' renewed, and the steamer will return to Ham " burg before long. This. It regarded as a peace ful sign. 51 aaLHa JaVsflaWX' v -, aasTaamW I V f f i V if WKtJW iisvKi!' WiEZS&tH: - V MaWT'MlTaTaMlsMnl