.? I V" ' w THK MIUHT MinK. Look ea tb bright !! It U the r1j!st aide, Tta mnahlrt, not timid, Ihm jltrs Ufe to the Bower, And there always U near ut aorac chant lht will cheer ua. And guide to Ihe abetter erf tome pleasant bower. Two have troubles. It nut be, and oWUcles stay thr, 8i haveulbrr, but such bestow slat w mi, jt the battle t finigbt, and don't glv a thought To the perils mrmuuJIni; till thr battle U done The night has n ending, tnj tJa llrarrn's tCndlllg, AjTbe lake has turning hroailiUy It Ifjno.l ; Jbdewdrop bright glisten, and II uu tut ILrtrn Tbc wing of the blnt Mil you neter drs-pond. A HTKASUK HTUKV. nr as kiuiush oiticku. t I wm stationed nt Airra durlnir tho Cabal disaster In 1811. onu of n inrro bnmlful of llritish troops, left lu charge, of thu wives, sisters and daughters of the actors In that most unhappy expo ilillon. Anil n weary, heart-breaking time It was. Thu Lieutenant ("orrrnor, who had praved ntu! bought the Cal cutta authorities not to risk thu ven turn, hnd tlio worst foreboding for It fate; anil although ho did all an able. kindly and well-tnnnnereil man could do to'iiialutalii the spirits of thu circle those who knuw him could read too well what his fears wero. Word could not ilcscrlbo indeed it li tlnful for mo oven now to recall the. drearv wretch edness of that fatal mouth, during which jio tiding canio of the devoted nrtnv. Evening after ccnlng saw the roads crowded by nnlous women, sitting for hours that they might hear thu llrst news of thttiu w ho were dear to them, and evening after evening saw them re turn in despair. And when at last thu uuws cmmi that the soli) survlwir had staggered, half-alic, hack to his coun trymen, with thu tidings of thu great disaster, thu wail which ascended from Utoso heart-broken creatures, I shall nuver while I liu forget. There had been a captain in one of thu ttativu regiments, an old acquaint nncu of mine, of thu name of Donnelly Jurry Donnelly, a hu was called by ovury one. Hu wius careful to explain to all bin friends that his narnu wus Jerome, and not Jeremiah, although why hu wo unduly preferred thu saint to lho prophet I nuver understood. Jurry Donnelly, however, hu was. and as strange and eccentric a creaturu as ev er breathed. Ho was n very good-looking fellow, nnd a first-rate, officer, but a careless, rollicking, half-insane, mad-cap of a man, with an amazing flow of spirits, littlo education or culture, n great, al most miraculous talent for languages, Vith a soft heart and an easy temper. It was impossible to make him angry; and in all circumstances, however un pleasant, liu maintained a placid seren ity, which seemed to imply that hu was on intimate terms with Fortune, and know thu vcrv worst sho could do. Among thu other tricks which tho llcklu goddess bad played him whs that sho had married lilm. Why hu ever married as he did no one could imag- Ino. Thu lady was nulther handsome, clover nor rich. Sho was simply pas sable as to looks, with thu liveliness of good health and youth a quality not unapt to develop itself In a vivacity of temper when those other attributes dis ntincar. Hut. on somu impulse, Jerry Donnelly had asked her thu momentous question, and had been favorably ans wered. , , A most uncomfortablo couple they wcru. Jerry, from thu very first, neg lected her not intentionally, I believe, but simplv because for tho moment ho forgot her "existence. It never scorned to him necessary to alter his former bachelor round in any respect: and as tho lady had no notion of being neg lected, she resented his Indifforencu.and chalked out a lino for herself. It may 4 bo easily supposed that tho ono was not " adverse to brandy and water, or tho other to gossip and flirtation. They I never quarreled outwardly, but were hardly ever together. So stood tho domestic circle If such u ..i.i tu pk11h1. of Cantain Donnelly, when ho wm ordered on General M- Jihlnstono's expedition. His wife would aln have remained at Calcutta, but an all thok i woro going to Agra, she for voif was obliged to go there also I, " " t rumors of tho disas ters' sHr - y Indifferent said sho was V would turn tip at tho .tll jtvunlcnt time, and that If ho 1 thought the woman' head must have been affected b) her trouble, and ald nothing. "I)!)!! think roe deranged, hut I knew hr"i llrr H thf tlnn." " Whv. ht could hT 1hI you U think m" r I w hltn, Colonrl llatlnc. it wai n our old bun:low at Calcutta, about two vrr aflrr I gt back l.t In tht ertdng I heard a foottrp out ldi which utrangrly affrctl me. I w hint? half .ilmt. and. Urtlmr up lu a ilrov m ttr, I hranl a rulc at the vernnds. a'nd. a I thought, lnuuirinif of my otupid old ntl whether I IWrd there. The tepsturuil awav 1 darted to the caneinent, and although the tigur wa clad In the most etrardl nary compound of Kunqan and Alstlc garturntK, I am sur It was Jerrj. I dnrtit down tlr and rtuhVd out, but the man had dl appenred. The ervalt ald he was a bad fakir, and w Mini to get Into the bungalow, but could or would tell mr nothing of what he had ald. Hut I am quite smre it w a Jerry. So I am certain hu will come back but iu rp memlKT he tuner was punctual," sho added, with a faint Millie. I did not say to her that if .Iriry was a'lve. sho must hae heard of him In some other wav ; but I took leaui of her, and shorly aftcrwanls returned to India. In ItWl. I was appointed to an em bassy at Nepanl, a very striking coun try governed b a jowerful warlike race. Thu tlrst' minister or Uler of the country met us, as Is thu Nepaulese fashion, outside the capital, and we had a very courteous and gratifying recep tion. Hu was a tall. hitndouu man. 'with a flowing black heard, and con versed with mo lu lVrian which 1 spoko fluently. After our liilvnluw, finu nf the attendants Informed mo that tho vlIcr wished to sec mo alone, and lie accordingly conducted mo to an In ner appartment. He ordered tho at tendants to withdraw, nnd then, In tones onlv to familiar, ho eulalmed I "Weill Hastings, my bo. how go the IMungers ?" It was Jcrrv Donnelly by all that was miraculous. 'I hail observed him star ing earnestly nt inn during our Inter view, nnd .something In ids gestures seemed not unfamiliar to mo ; but his flowing beard, solemn air, and Oriental dress, so well uisgutseii mm, uiai. mu 1 w hen oice, I Identity. Hut wliat on heard could the well-remembered scarcely reallro his earth are you doing ln,i ii Jerri-?" said. I. "and why dou'l - . .. . t. ...... .Lu vug w iiiin.-nowuver. tlio tidings wero conflrmudi and It was certain that Jerry had perished with his comrades, great change camo over her Sb,hut herself up for montlw, saw no one? and Went nowhere. And when &t tho end of nearly year sbo began onco more to look at Uic world, sho was ...... tt.murlitfiil. softened woman: Slio went up to Calcutta after that, and I never saw her again until I came home on furlough in 1847. She was then Ur ine In a pretty place in SonieraeUhlre, ami was known as Mra. Courtaay, of arnley Hall. WI met her aoeldentally, but she wu Ten' glad to seo me, and explained to mo what I had not heard, that whea she had arrived at Calcutta ahe fouad that poor Jerry had, four moatha be fore ho left Agra, auooeeded to thla place of Barnloy Hall, by the dA of m distant relation. He had prerlouahr Tmado a will, leaving her all kU worldly roods, then slender enough, so that ia the end this fine estate bad conwtaber, and a new name with It. She aake m to come down and aeo her, wbteo I did, and learned more of her hbrtorr.. armw and DKuroeritY bail craatlT . a u. tnr tha tittor. Kvp.b her cuauueu s - - looks had improved, and ahe wm a pleasant, thoughtful, agreeaWe woman. She had remained four year la Calcut ta before sho returned, but at oaoe as sumed tho namo of Courtnay, which was a condition on which tho bequest was made "You know, Colonel Hastings, I could not havo lost the estate, for what would poor Jerry havo said when ho camo back?1' you go homo to your wlfu llko a Chris tian?" . , , "My wife! well, that's the whole affair. You seo she's somebody olsu's wife, so l am better out of tho way ; It would bo a pity that poor Sophy luiiilil eoniinit bhramv." " I assure you, jou tiro entirely mis taken. Mrs. Donnelly has not married again." , . , "Hasn't sho .hough?" said ho. " Don't I know better t Didn't I go to my bunglow nnd find nut that sho bad married that starched fool Court- nay, when sho knew I never could en dure him P" , To his intenso astonishment, I told him how tho truth was, nnd in return hu related to mu his own adventures. Ho had been carried into Tartnry, and thoro detained for three years, when tin jviim allowed to accompany n caravan or body of pilgrims to Nepaul. Helng by that tlmo protlclent in tho language hu was taken notice of at court, but strictly watched. Ho effect! tils es cape, however, disguised as afaktr, nnd made his way to Calcutta ; but Uniting, as tio thought, tils wife married again to iv man in ins out rogimeni, mi m- turncd, was taken into favor, ana nan risen to his present distinction. " Well. I was always n blundering fool, but I went homo with a heart so soft to Sophy, nnd vowing that I never would vox her nny more with my vagn rli. that when I heard her called Mrs. Courtnay I was turned to stone, and did not caro a rap what becamo of mu. not even to Ikj made a vlrler, which, I assure you Charlie, is no Joko tn lu way." "Well, at nil cvcnta you must como homo now, and enjoy jour good for tune." t " I am not suro alwmt that," said he. "Kccollcct she has grown accustomed to bo mistress I havo grown accus tomed to bo vizier : sho won't llko to be contradicted, and It's a thing 1 never could bear, and what I never allowed on any account Now, If I went home sho would not be mistress, and, as sure as fate, sho would contradict me. May be it Is better as it is." Next morning ho sent for me again. "I havo been thinking," ho said, "of all that strange story you told mo. I am all changed since wo parted. I hardly know myself to lie tho same roan I used to be, and am not suro that I could treat1 Sophy well. But ask her to como out here, and then she can try. If sho likes mo in this outlandish place, I will go home with her; If wo quarrel here, no one will be a bit wiser, aad I can continue to be dead." "Hut," said I, "have yoo ao Incum branccs? Tcrliapt she salght object to tho details of yoar establishment; let her come, aad she will find nobody to disturb her." Hhfi did come. and. after llvlaa ta Nepaul for two years, brought Jerry back la triumnh to Hraalev HaQ: aad such is tho true version of a tale which made some noise In the aewsaapata a fawyein ago. Inablf. Aad frequently It U th ca that man prn who hair started out with such a grand flourish of trump et lit tu w the da) that thry mat with in lain for the amount nprndrd on their wedding, How laatli thiar ho chanced inv th dajs id their CTandprentl Tor a Iohj time after the t!rt aettlemeut of thl ixuntr), the Inhabitant tu general martini )cmg There was no distinction of rank, and i cry little of fortune On tbrw acwunU tho'rirtt Imptvsilotts f resulted la marriage, and a famtlj wtahlWhuirnt cost a little labor frvm tn memu oi the uning couple, and nothing roort". At an earl) period tho practice id cele brating th uarrlag at th house of the brldo liegan. She alw had the chiooe, of the ttilnlMrr to perform the generally terj Iminirtant ceremony A wiMitlng engigrsl the attention of a whole iietghborhiMHl. and the frolic. wa aiitlclpatrd bj the old and umng with eager expectation Tli f not to lw womlereU at, lor a weumug wa aiwiui the only gathering hlch was nut av ctmipanietl with lalKr On the motif Ing of the wedding day tho groom and tils attendants assembled at the house of his father for tho purpose ' reaching tlio luaiislon of his bride li) ihhuii which was tlio usual time of ivlebrattug the nuptial, which must take place before dinner. Imaglr-s; an asieiublage of people without a stoisi, taller or dresa maker within a hundred miles tho giif llemen dressvd In moccasins, leather breeches, lrgglns, and lltiiey hunting shirts, all of home manufacturo the ladles dressed in lllfey pettloat and llnsev or linen gowns, coarse lnes, atock'lnirs. handkerchiefs and buckskin gloie. if any If titer weie any buck les, rings, buttons or nillles. they were relics or fnmlly pieces from parents or LTnudimrents. Tho ceremony of the marriage proceeded tlio dinner, which was a solid backwoods feast of wild gaitio and egetubles. During dinner tliu greatest liilnrit) ircvilled, although thu table might bo a slab of timber liowed out with abroad n nndsiipMirt ed bv four sticks fet III nuger-ltoles, nnd thu illshes probably consisted of some old powter plates anil woouen ireneiies, wlib sDixins made of horn, while many of tho guests would bo compelled to use their scalplng-knhes to e.U with. After dinner, dancing was lu onUr. nnd gen erally lasted until next morning. Tho worthy pioneers did not. It Is tiue, un derstand thu Mazurka, l.nuccr. Her man or Quadrille, but their llgtin-s wero three and four haiu'ed reels, aqunru set, and jigs. The feasting and dancing trcquutill) lasicu lor seierni unjs, a tho mid of which lime the whole compa ny wero so exhausted with loss of sleep that several dais rest was reiiulslto to tit tliniti to return to their ordinary la Imra. If ono of tho old pioneer couples could only return to this wicked world for the nonce and seo tho array of satin, lacij. and diamonds that bedeck their posterity on the occasion of marriage, they would think thnt the country was in a highly prosperous condition, and Uttln dream of thu actual statu of thu many thousand families who are on tho verge of starvation. tVrirnit" llrtnk I? Tabic. A MsmbIsV! Ar4fy. U aaaalttMt; abvarJ Wi ) fi r Uasalaal. Wl as-J llfill f.1'w ' ' M i wast t Jalii . Vt M e4 KHJ krl WllSa, tvi4 ! tM V atlrt ts aJ fS4Hl4a lvsl, rsit U aVsJkUM ksW 4 Vki H 4 t xl fciiM Jvtlraits. la paM(t Wfers 4 ltlUl .ttittvsr Hlltafs. tM )Jla alUtaS4 Wle 4tl flJ sul. a a Miters) aat wt lW eMMmi4i cvl viiata Jl(t , to alleil tt eistttfell l t Ula sla toist tr4tH, Vsl lll ts)t ls w )ret wereft esi a Isrf , 4 ktf krs thilir4 ta intUaer osixiiMlt "raw i llt,' Ufsil Uln atimNuhtt I tki Ua Tv cunts HlMw fcaatv tJet, a f4ilim o ttla, t-nt hf ut aMphslloiat aep. rtw Hues IWfll tvsHWU(teit ar Ul It tfli'MkHH t oitrrsw.l4f aa.) rsMln ttkllla wt f. it)-v-, ttsr (sq4ail, eoastlsalKtc, a4 1) otktr tUswtat, Sivi The NatiM ! rns ( ! tfcpMMS t ax aesjj BWlk ts frt f mttf Hmmbstf U s a4 a ! twn ia ai.ii f K li i, " a MHti a 4 4, wii'l4 V4 iM..Wlti .i iH(,i, f, HtntUws. ,liuHkV ltr-4 hM iM I J ajrsmlam 1VW. imUi, Niniit IHlcn, M im MtMiM rra IMtrtiim w ty in TlHillawartlaswraelay. The buslaeas of the Hawkeje Insur ance Company, at IV Melaea, ha grown to such projmrtlon as lu well entitle U to rank ansoag the most utr at ant 11 and prwnu luslltuttons of Iowa. During the month of Apt II It taautsl lW tMilhSe. being 1 16 tnire than tho MtuiWr fur Ihe rs.rreKndlng month last jear. During lhat month It revel v ml lit cash tO.fUM.I. a agaln . t.10if lasl )car, 11m loaae went W, tliT.U, while thu liae In April, 1N17, wer" H.M1 37. TheiKt tlgun. tegetlf er with tlm (act that on the 1st of Jan uary, IH7H, the asset of the oompali) amounted to .A2.C1 Ol, show thai the Hawkeje la a aoiiud and reliable lustl inllun. This Is the Important matter with eirry Insurer. Iy careful man agomeut, and prompt adjustment of It losses, the Hawkeie has attained It en stable reputation, and present ptuspi ous condition, The people may sfcly trust lU utuavM'ai IMIta lt SIlMlSMestt. JCHril ami itt.rw tit lb iWttl trier, test !-.. .tr.ti. fmil tliHnarli Ullilisl tiiralb. I)i ifiir, tleineatlmi of llt, alwsjs sltrtilsnt , oil the worst raw ii lUlsiinms riuiuiiwa, srr lTeitll) an.t la.llrallj imnTnl br tli" !"' rltie ttin itntmriil rloirs Ihr skin, and lbs IIU pilllf) the lil.si.1, stliiilltale Ibe lint, amt iimiiMilc UltrslliHi "J! ertiU r Isii or uil Nun are Snlillir Ulllrss tbe sliieatlire u( J llsjibst., asaiti'iil fur lb I'nIUM HUtra. slip rounds rarli bot nt illls and eliilnu nl. I' II W'sid .V 'o , ArU, silhilrsAle ilriiKSUts, lie Mullirs, lima. KiumikiIKaiivisiisM N.Mil.ly'l bate lour liorsra In irlme isiiullltiin fm jofir sprtns and iimmrr work I tl ss wreral fl mt sbmild Isj trletlr ntertei. Bist ere, t?ular leel ami llbrralrurrittiK ie aiiwiiirlUe rssentlsU, liul itu iinl fall to Ktie Ibrm Ijurle nam's ivmll. il,... P...lrr. Brnifdlllir til Witt tlltlS i Slid Villi ,,....."-....,-- -- r - , - . , trwanlnl inf )uur eine aim im. onooTCfi WINE of TAR sH es ha h 4 W.CHa'lWkaafTaf a tftf r ft CMft, CMt, AiaM;Kn)tHi nuMaieeirtt. ! aaysso, Is 4 O..J r t 4 mttn k sit VUhui f, It M.M4 tttJ Ml II S SfrMSIIlJ ,HS nisiM iwsiai is !'' 4 W if ....1 M& k L..l Mai, i. wiKifvib K'am miihiiIi. ratrraBaVaf rAkt c Dcmocr'tfiltliiliUlltcilue, (Vsiisl flsll fra r,ll l s V M,UI, SinWl f I4 l M ItoM ltuitl tll I4 l i trtlu it .',, 1im ,yt4 iii W, ki 4 t aa 'f-t Tl V I 1 NMI ! - (NCY aast "lh.,l III M ,t M hllM.ilMMMl-ill nllsl f . W , tvs Is V'1 "? fsa ! ' s hlt H n ' a 'V (, m A U hI a "sli ti rr is mimiIi4 ti H ( . ( Wiiiitu jt 'l iA ti1t?)..LN.K!.-NI COVtltS SIN l asUCu.Gl. rtsasi tsisuMitk, r it s ! kW IKSSS.4IIS A. W, Coatcs SpriD Scat Day eraaralo trtaa t ! ' tlv as4 StSHls S, ia d t I tsM ti 4 UIIS s HSSISttSMilltsk A tnal M I owl ( lU ChmVi S : T SI ,H4I s aH ! ajasv S M it, BMMsHMsl M ajatfji ffcV w tWt aaiTPR.aMM. l SB . JW.. tli4 !.(. Il V lf ttairis ih ifl'sit lw4rllisssiH lT -s" asrapMjssl attataVaaBaBaVe 'sVHHasaW ATalTaaeiMrT Iwitft sjflii M k TmImi. si iii'srt kt. stM W, i asa will l trouble till For ssln tif all llniinttst Dr, Jsoue'a tlt-rinan Wtiftii Cs.r lieier fall to ilrslnir wiiiiiis ami rijiel llifln from lb sjslem Vleasaiit to tsae and -ifcctly sf. (VintiUL a. WisiUHT'a I'mi 'lass Taa Takrii In time KM..JI. .US fWSrl k,i, j,,njW "" -"" ' y rt Vuf S l O J Mhaaeaj, OJ,s For a week or so past the msm of the cotintry hat lvea wide pabJWty to the aotable nuptials of aasUaanUlied per sons present and the asaoaat of value vested In the dress aast Jstwsls of the brides eventa that for the prodigality of expenditure and grandeur, of execu tion have never been excelled In this coaatrv. and orobablv oalv equalled bv the noted Ovejdo-Bartlett wadiling, that took place la tho metropolis some years since. The Americans are certainly making rapid strides along the path way of foolish expenditure indulged by the nobility of Europe on like occasions. Tho largo amount of money foolishly squandered in making a lavish show it in our country, whoso fortunes are not entailed and seldom remain In & family re ore than one generation, seemingly a species of the greatest stupidity imag- OrlirlB or the Cardiff Ulant Krand. Thnt groat hoax, tho (.'nrdln (Slant, was conceived by ono (teorge Hull, a tobacconist of llliighnmton, N. Y. It was thu outgrowth of a controversy be tween Hull and a Hoc Mr. Turk, of Aeklov. Iowa, ono uvenlmr In 18(5(1, re- gardlng tho existence of giants In tho earth, In which thu latter pro ted victo rious, his ready tongue and loud voice easily bearing down and overwhelming his opponent. Hull retired nt n late hour, and, being chagrined with his do font, lay awako tho greater part of tho night, thinking of tho extreme gulli bility of tho world In matters where tho lllblu could bo cited as evidence, and In planning how to turn this peculiarity to Ins advantage. Tho result was that ho decided upon producing an Imago w hlch should, alter being uurieti ami oxuiimcii, pass muster as a fossil man of unusual size, being assured thatsuch men a his lata opponent In argument would aid not a littlo in contributing to tho final success of tho undertaking. In 18G8, having studied tho subject carefully and completed his arrange ments, Hull associated himself with ono Martin, and proceeded, to Ft. Dodge, Iowa, to procure a suitable block from which to carve his Imago. An acre of quarry land was purchased, and work commenced, but onlv to he soon aband oned, owing to thu extreme friability of tho stone, and the persistent annoyance of the curious and inquisitive Inhabit ants of the neighborhood. Martin, now thoroughly disgusted, withdrew from tho project; but Hull, hearing of anoth er gypsum-bed In a moro retired locali ty, on tho lino of the Dubuque A Hloux City railroad, then In process of con struction, went thither, and tho follow ing Sunday engaged tho foreman of tho railroad-gang to employ his men In quarrying out as largo a slab as tho na ture of the ground would permit, pay ing for the IalMir with a barrel of beer. The result was a slab weighing 7,000 pouads.measuring twelve feet in length, four la breadth, and twenty-two inches In thlekuess. With almost incredible dlflculty and labor the block was trans ported over forty miles of terrible road to Montana, thu nearest railroad sta tion, where it was shipped to K. Hurg- bardt, Unlcago, wno nau been engaged to grave the image. On Its arrival at that-city It was moved to Burgbardt's barn, which had been prepared for Its reception, aad two men at once set to work upon it one, Edward Balle. a Oswaiaa; the other an American named Marirham It was Hull's desire to rep reseat a "man who had laid down and dUd:" bat as be entertained doubts as to the aaiversal acceptation of tha "fossil-man" theory. It wrs decided to pro due, aa imago that might also pass for aa aaclent statue. This conblaatioa of desigas was the cause of that carious feature which attracted notice aad pro voked discussion when the giant cane to he exhibited, viz., the lack of hair. rofular Bciatce Monthly. i.iitlrlr I'l'iiaiMtusunitilloli. Tad It will nretrnl It. All ar?rclmi of the lWK re cured bjr tbla sotrrrlun Hrinrdr, wlilrli al so rraillratea ilitpriHila, and kindred illtesis, fc.l.l bj dnunrtsla. Isfpot, l nitwit trrt, rblladellitila. For Summer CinilalnU or ( Imlrra Infan tum tbrre Is nolhliiiC aa sf slid trllalile J)f Ulnrlirll'a Trrllilit jrui. II lifirr falls In irtir linmnllalo relit ', ami Is barmlrs. Hold Fi) all Druitttlsts at Itt ciit ier t)til. Twik KauTnaa isaar slsrajra mill r'' r.mili., I list arn lUlilit til sll!'t'lrl(HI br takliiif cold. r Irrrittilar nr jialiifiil Menstrua Huns, should alwafs kurp Caltir's 1miiiimiiiiI Kxtract til Maiartwrtsl on bsml, ami Us use will convince Ihnn that It Is ."saiurri llinr.ir in these fimililatiita. Ask QUr .Irutlat fur It. Catarib, ronsumitlnil and llnmrblst emit tilalnta, If nrKlreletl, spdll) rml In rmsiiriil suffrrllik'. The Ik'1 kimanrrinrd), after I'Hiif prattlral nan, Is Kllert'a KMfarl nt Tar and VII ICtieirrt miiitwmiidetl li) milrl cliewWa, from aon.e of the best lnuiwii vmrUtiln lernsv. .11.. It U mil nnlr ealllilile III I'lllllldiurt ills- rases, but II l (unlike must eoliull irmrdlrs whkb are rltrrmrlr ilrtHltlallnx) all eicrllmt Ionic If taken aa dire, led F.llcrt's Dajllttbt Urrr I'llls are reliable, sale nd rltlclcnt. Thejr jmrtfr the lili-.l. tiRiilate the llur ami iPitesllve oiKans, and rtllcte hra-lach tfjjj L,""j?r?l'l"i OHisrsxasau MamiuuV CUvnoutsm, an Infallllile reiunlr tor all frmals rrtnilaliit, tirlrelLftOtier UiUle. Tlierijierleiieeof inanr rears amonic the most cuttltated ami rerliifsJ (... r....nr in tiini.lntf ihlsrpinarkatile ffrl- ration aa lb nnlr rrllabl reineilr for the dls IrrailDlf illaeaae of wimirn. Molil lit all iirog tlrserenuerx li , wi iwaur n., ft. risaElCiTV BsBrPT9HBlHMIHBBBteam.SkBW. II VAI.DAMIIinirTNM, . u r si lsU i U4 4 slA). Nstf) fMllera urtUsV wiiWtl ihmT Mafa IMiirrw It ws at mlthlit, tA wltk tmtt MSHSM sll tiKsai4 w. kwntk-atlV t ?, r miars yw i rni ta frs rt III ! tm , Vf,,VvfS,laJtMstso H II..I Thtrsbsis fwt L".lTl.'".."H.T.I..Vr:J7J. it.Y..,m.A, f..fBlsn,'s stwstitaris fit l itlsls. SMrsM o. Wtsilsinlliit K lu Wfis.. PALACE ORGANS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. vrsctrain av Tiia LoriU ari Blake Orpi fo, Of Wesesr, Mas., and ToUdo. O, TSaaiOtaa ! Is jHiws1 , S,Hk.sslUls,f.sv4sriHMWl-lk KZX ssialsuslr Wlifl sU sSstts tf - MaaBMrtj If raw a as Mtsia if itMis ,..& !iu.J tetf kwil L Mslllllal If iMt at twia. v trstlia, hf at ttwaasl I Nasi. Uliiera i If fuaafs I IM swSJ " is : saaJtw w r-.,r.,m - - , wlllr)rif -sasa4 M ta si s aa V si trmm SsrSMTV M .MiaMisarsM .H ! . swsfc, I rlsMsta, Imsu M Miss r: glsU. Orsefentssrf VefeuMe till hats been se knowleihred fTif er? r Ttitrtr Vwrs in b a rr tain rure fur lls1sehe. Liver ComHaitits, IHa ease nf iHireaUon, Itllliouane aa, and Feter of all kind. The puis art wiin arra iii'N and will reaUjre health to Ummw surTtrliiK from General UeMllty m Nf mnifnesa. rrtr c Mr box. Send fur Alnianar. Oaisrswasan Co., M Head at- N. T. KfSgliaBs. srraauaist aias-a-a,( Only un dollar. V the cure of chronic fe male corotilalnU ami IrrrKuUrttles, lourllnK IrenifUi. liuotancr ami feapilarltr to (lie. ; tern, It cannot be eirelled. Idlea hn Ut tiewmte le, feeble, emaclalot afwl aJauM llfrleea, wtio cannot sleep apuDiU. aiMi f tteevlsh, fretful, nemru and hTUrtcl, with Noel bretliln. liluUorn, mIiis In isW and l-k, can I cure.1 J ustltttf KnglUh rfnl llltteri. it tsdtle mr dollsr. Iwixl Ut L. II. Kuh, HU& aent. Pea Mutric. I. Ml Ik If, ISM fSM iLiaailaaias HaTlMIa N ktllM fm MsMsfl It Vs at e4, a4 rsVass uW f Mf rarsSlfB. IBWUBWsai l7llUvKkStB. K. Tptssrr as iai4 t i . S A !, tftaiiiils urn IIIIIBia. aajri Bjaasai1taawMaasaaBfBBSasss lsJiiMAlaaj swaaaasw aawjaYsffWByfr BBffsjpffWB; stTftasSStsM. PS& .J l.s!Vra4 m?M varf SMlsxtSi arsMaa-sle, Ki & m't J " k1s turn i sm Vyf sJ sja 4T t ,. Umi't S4.-Sls St.! U twiM I U4 tSM fc4 W Sli Vi"rtVVss?"a,4. Hfc MltsitiWItlH rfts U.t iIimiihUi lima sa-i wu lU i- w"r lrlllMsi4Miis4. , . . JTsXsKTr'- " ssaltoJ, -aW M4, m aatslnsWM. tss, Irin sf JKsV Off 0 Wssaa Bass Tsisss, ir.'M sttasaaaaMasai aataaasavhs-Bam saaaVaaa Mai susjaMk. fllaTalh MVwaTVvaset"! BaWTaavaf' "savaaaaawf aaat aaaasfwawaj aaaari M4 afltV MssWaWf Bf afarwMl PMsfaf IH BJaaW mw,MrU. Maaai4, MssmsmI Wssbsm- aMsfMf MNHM4 nWrawVf V WPWwaWsBjay BvN9VJif paaawaaw rarBXsaa, wawsajy "faff " Mtsasi, pe.viirmaaaJttarsaMift Hi M CaMaWl 9fQ6f W yywi J liWajsjl When Mrs. Grlmmins askod her hus band for twenty dollars to replenish her wardrobe, ho said he was in a tight place, and couldn't spare it. Then she glanced at his highly colored nose, and sarcastically observed that if ho didn't go into so many "tight" places, ho wouldn't bo In a tight place. CATIT WUV.AAM U4MI So rnsn can do a vutxl Job of wot k, preach a good sermon, try alaarsuU well, docttir a pa tient, or writ a gissJ arllcU hn b fU ratmsble and dull, tth alnggtsh brslo and . a- .A. K.t h.i aIhiu make ilia attempt in uch a condition when It can Ise ao easilr and cheaply reinofeil bjr a little Hop Bltlm. ate Truiha'' sad "I'roTerU," other column. . Uncle flam's Harness Oil fill and cioa ths pore of btier, etectually preventing IM entrance of daaipne, dust, tut., snd render Ing the harness soft snd '&, TbUV.H!! aatlaMtaerelog ItsduraJallty. oM bj all Harness Maker and delr In leather. Fisa BTATOAar-wnti tuu uvt beard of th; Rogers Statuary! few proa who TU4U4 Ui Ontcaalai in ivm nsv lotgrnwu wwn did datpUy which attracted lb adioUaUoo of vUKors froaa all parts (if th crmulry, as well as from abroad. TWa sutaary hss la lotro doeed lato allparte of th UnJUd fttetM, and U Europe, lis detgn la Uea adsatrvd try everybody who havs seen Hsa. i 7 " - rs'sutaarrhasaow fssea ls Ua saaryt loai eaoagb to thoroaghlr te Ite itersbOUy. Ad drsWJoaa aVr. IV Kroadway, !iew Trrk. R MWUft Mioiili'Mi tvatnssc . m w: Dnsw .IMIIIHSI kfttiwisl ris MMsHl tTwMsh aaWVlaV fclaleW , zm&jgszmz. t Saildi Kaiiftctirtif OMfiT, Ve Psa as Baf Pfaw srWsavVl AUJMUYftTY, - H. rstMNas4 aatseststrisi J, 9, ataaIM fATaft 0 HsPJsPsrW MeaV bMTt1Js IJMt Chopptfttj mMUM, . Ml.ItWW.Bldsll, e irrtSxnM!t puilU.HU.l.HKK II fit ears la Case lci w W awaaipwi mAi , 49 TMmt ttTii KM. oolSl VtK. Ura. Tarasr, anstWLia. Ttxwm 9 1 t4i Vm. 4M VTVUI.'.'J rUmLmtlL . SuMIMtli. IMI DUtMSlSI. tUs.U. M. LlTf-nrOM-O, tlbkSaJ -tw1' tAt res Ad ail nrkft MuMim if Cr&t f Ua ni IM IM IT MTW vMUlM4as4uaSTMflrmaal4i auwe ta ra a IIS rn II MiSSIssrr, a..ae. AIIsmfyasasyryaUsdlst. , , Morrison Flows! Thm aasMi WlmUkU Q4m m SULKY PLOWS, L 11VKIO Sf riMSIMW'syajava wm, Kit rkfliTTi I.., at. It "- " " ' . ' ' T I imMM W.. 1. .km W AM4 uui (' Bt KlIIL I T.TL,7rV: UZZtu.n.ko U,i..itru. ruwM Hu$tc.riunnT4w stai.t..w?? uilT4tTraatT!!i 11 KUMoVVTKiHI Colrxrwarlf, . J. ItMaftelM. AaalaTsMsy ' 1 aaaTaaW .1 rksalalalalaaaBalataaF 1 dsaaasaaasaaHaV ,' a LaaaaaaalassBajPaaajasy' v VMsl-w1 ''irflliCaTam. M WtM ' idsTrTrJaHrf I aaaaatlsaMsalaasala.a ' '' ' PLOWS, -a- mmmrmtut i r:,,i y BcoxurUDBoar mrnjcyrmcmmm, Wmf MmUMtmimw . yh'V it ' v 'A it. .y n vb ft fp !.' U m VJ i V tU Wl hi y .4 , ' 1 - 1 1 4 J ' ' fl . & 1 V M "M f A' !!:, 'jjtrL billi L fVJ M5 5 MyJte,