The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 13, 1878, Image 2

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gMXSTABT BttMMAH thinks Re will
have la Um Mil by January. 1st
tfM,000,000 of colli to meet resump
tion. He aow hM tM,000,000.
The LegUUtare of OKIo, at lie late
MMkm, passed Uw requiring a rigid
Miul eienlRatlea of the Investments
of laswraace companies.
Amono the recent applicants for ill
Toroe laRoston U Rath A. Porhoroy,
other of Jmmm Pomeroy, the bay mttr
tterer. Bhe oltimed a divorce from
ThomM J. Powetoy for drunkenness.
The court did not oonslriorthe allega
tions sustained, and dismissed the petl-
toa without prejudice.
Son two year ago the people In the
Yiclnlty of the Bale Mountain, In North
Carolina, wars thrown Into great eon
aterRatlon by rambling and Inexpllca
hle noises heard In the Interior of the
mountain. The natter attracted the
Attention of selentlsU generally. The
rumblings lasted for about.two week,
and then ceMed. Benl estate became
almost worthless In the Yiclnlty of tho
Hystericus mountain. A few nights ago
the noises commenced again. The
mountain sheek.and noises like thunder
were heard. On the morning of May
90th thoeo who ventured near found the
Mountain literally split In twain, leav
ing a chaam three hundred foot In
length and from eight to ton foot In
width. No smoke or lava was thrown
from the crater, but there la aald to
hare been a strong stench of sulphur
about the place.
John Sherman, Secretary of tho U.
8. Treasury, has wltten a letter to Rep
reeeRtstlve Clarksoa N. Potter, chair
man of the committee appointed to In
Testlgato tho alleged Presidential cloo
tloa frauds, In relation to the resolution
passed by the House, under which the
committee Is organised. He mentions
the fact that ho Is slnglod out personally
by name from among twenty or mora
who were present at the request of
President Grant and Uie Domooratlo
National Committee to witness tho ac
tion of tho Louisiana Returning Hoard,
and asks a fair and candid scrutiny of
all his acts In connection with his pros
eaoe oa that occasion. He designates
Hon. Samuel Shollabarger to cross
examine witnesses before the commit
tee la relation to charges against him.
Near Cedar Mufls, In Cedar county,
Iowa, on Scwoll (lower's farm.thoro aro
three mounds, each about 2A foot In di
ameter. They hnvu loug boon objects
of curiosity among tho people in that
vicinity. A fow days ago a trench was
opened through tho center of ono of
them, which resulted In tho discover'
of human bones, tho larger ones Wing
best preserved, nuil of such slzu as,)to
indicate that thoy wore tho remains of
a man of gigantic sizo. Dr. Simplo, of
Tipton, on comparing thorn with sim
ilar parts of a skeleton In his posses
sion, which had belonged to a man
known to havo been six feet In height,
thinks tho newly-dlsoovered remains
those of a man, nearly, If not quite eight
feet in height, Tho smallor bones In
the mound had orumbled to dust' Thoy
doubtless belonged to a representative
of the Mound Builders, who hare been
a subject of so muoh speculation among
Professors Peckham aad Peok, before
the coroner's Jury la the Minneapolis
mill disaster, summed ap their conclu
sion to the effect that a firo originating
between the atones of ono of the six
setts used for grinding middlings on
the east side of the mill smoldered for
a few minutes until fanned Into a blase
by the strong draught of air. Tho
dust la the spout was Ignited, producing
an explosion whloh blow out at tho end
of the spout near the southeast corner,
and also In tho ounoslta direction.
burst the flour dust-room, producing
at the same time a shook that iarred
) the dust into the air all over the mill,
and also a mass of flame which passed
a from story to story, until the dust
In the mill was Ignited from top to bot
tom. The finest dust burning instant
ly, ignited the less fine particles, whloh,
by their more gradual combustion,
produced an increasing expansive force,
whloh nothing could withstand. Prof.
Peck's statements consists in the main
of a report of an exhaustive series of
experiments upon different sorts of
mill dust, under various conditions, to
test Us explosive capacity, the conclu
alone agreeing with those above. He
adds a long series of recommendations
as to aaltabte precautions to prevent a
reonmnoe of such explosion.
U Mop aU your extravagant aad wrong
I doctoring yourself and families wltE
snesorsor aumiHUeure-AlU, that do
ral jraer ailments you will be wise,
and save great expense.
wn u, we
aTVsuar Wrlajt aiwal
you, Is Hop Mttan-beUeve It.
r (st another eolutan.
sttool districts in Nebraa
gratis to pupils.
Several bridges are being built over
Lemp rim.
The new ehurch at Osceola Is a hand-
A o.Ofltcourt house Is to be built In
FronkHa coeaty.
There are now about 4A.000 temper
sue workers In the ttats.
Harlan county claims the finest peach
orchard In tin we stem part of Uia BUU.
The new school house at Grand Is
land to be SMxM feet, and will seat 800 pupil.
The B. A- M. Railroad Company re-
really paid Into the Adsmada county treasury
Mr. Richardson, of Red Cloud, ship
pad sixteen rar loads of hog to Chicago a fw
days ago.
Within tho past three months over
ono hundred building have item erected in
John Carroll, Just released from tho
penitentiary, after having nerved a 90 month'
form, was Immediately arretted upon lila arri
val In Nttbraaka City, hla old liomr, and will
be trld on an old Indictment for araoit.
John 11. Ilustcmyor and Otto Husto
myer, wlio have bean on trial at Madlaon, have
been found gpllty of murder In the aerond de
gree, and each sentenced to ten year In the
penitentiary at bard labor.
Judgo Post has overruled thn motion
for a naw trial In the ca of Dr. fit. Lnult,
aad pasted Judgment that on the 90th day of
September, 1878, ha be hung by tha neck until
dead. Tha only chance remaining for hi Ufa
I that tha Huprema Court may teo proper to
grant him a new trial.
James Croighton, of Omaha, who has
a cattle rang on the Niobrara, estimates that
at the height of the prrtent season there will
ha In the Niobrara region 9ft,000 head of cat
tle. Mr. Crelghton haa Just returned from a
trip to that region. He describe the country
aa vary attractive, and rMly settling up.
f ho revenue collections In Nebraska
for April were over 17,000, tho Urgent of any
month In thn history of the Btale. The col
lection In eliihteen Htate and nine Territo
ries are lca annually than In Nebraska, tho
next youngest Htate In tho Union. Tho collec
tion In 1877 were o'ver 1000,000, at an expense
of let than 18,000.
Two borders named DnvU and Heed,
were employed ten mile north of Howard, and
had tome misunderstanding about their land
and atock. About B o'clock,tho evening of May
loth, they met, quarreled, and the reMilt wa
tht Reel hnt Davit, killing him lnttntlr.
Keed went directly to Reward and gave lilin
elf up, atatlug that he committed the deed In
aelf-dofcnte. There waa great eicltcment over
affair, at Seward.
A fow nights ago, at Kvanston, a
young man named Theodore taunon waa in a
houaenf proatltutlon In convention with one
of the Inmate, wncn a fellow named Henry
Cue entered the room, and drawing a revolver,
hot Lannon three timet, killing him. After
tha Drat ahot Lannon begged Cuo to pare hi
life. Ttie canto of tho (hooting waa the fact
that the woman with whom I-annon waa talk
ing waa Cue' "girl." Cun fled the town at
once. Frank I.annon, a brother of the mnr-
murdered man, arrived home the tamo even
ing, and learning of the tragedy, wat, at hi
own requet, iworn In by tho sheriff aa a dep
uty. Finding Out Cne had taken the train
for Echo, Lannon followot him on train No. a.
and arriving at Echo a search wat at once or
ganised. Although it was atnlduoutly prose
cuted, nothing could be found of Cuo until
nearly daylight, when tannon, who had got
upon hla track, accompanied by Kdensou, a
cltlion, met the murderer face to face, on the
U. r. railroad track, a mllo from Echo, and
near the Wetter river. Lannon wa armed with
a double-barreled fowling-piece, and at onco
ordered Cuo to throw up hla hand. Cue
thrust hla hand Into hi breaat, and attempted
to draw a revolver, when tanno,! discharged
both barrel at htm, striking hlra la the breast
and killing htm Instan tly. This waa on Tues
day morning. Iloth barrels were heavily load
ed with buckOioU The men at once returned
to Echo, and the body wa brought In Immcdlt
ately after. When the U. P. train east arrived,
an Inquest wss in progress at the depot. At
tha request of the passengers the train stopped
for a short time, and the verdict of the Jury
justifiable homicide waa learned. Cue also
went by the names of Reddy and Florence.
He was a desperate character, and had not
long talnce etca; ed from the Wyoming peni
tentiary, where he was confined for another
Nebraska Crepe.
Mr. J. T. Allan, who lias boon for
years statistician for tho turrioultural
department at Washington, says his
correspondence from nil parts of Ne
braska Is most encouraging. Tho cool
wot spring has mado wheat ami outs
"stool out'' to an astonishing extent.
Tho fall wheat, rye and barley In tho
southern counties are hoadiug out, and
wiu spring wuoni covers mo ground nmi
is waving in tho wind.
Alio tmriv fitrn tuiiiiitnir will inumi u
crop which will thoroughly rlpon, and
will not havo tho soft corn of last year.
All tho present prospects will cnoour-
nu mu iiiuusiuuis u new nuuiera woo
come hero this spring. From tho Nio
brara to tho Kansas lino crop reports
are excellent, while In the irroat nasto-
ral region grass never was so far ad
vanced, or tho great honls of cattlo In
such fine condition. We would ask our
eastern markets to test tho Juicy, rich
ueei ui mo piains, iauenou on mo natu
ral grasses; food which nature has pre
arpetl In its purity without tho need of
phosphates or guano. Is not this meat
for the emwiiuit rltln nl that nut f
greater value in a hvgionio view than
still aad slop f od. The groat west rises
up vo-uav aim says wo wtu gtvo you
good healthy meat and broad, the great
staples of existence. Wo will laud our
beef and mutton in your cities from re
frigerator curs with pure butter, and
tons of tho groat staple of living for tho
English workingman, cheese, Ameri
cana aro a little slow to lonrn how much
"broad and cheese" at Uie noon time
puts power in tho work at tho forgo,
and the factory. American cheoso Is
finding a groat market in Kuropo and
tho increased demand is stimulating
chooso factories which aro starting up
in our State. And as wo said the out
look for Nebraska in tho spring time of
1878 is glorious.
Cardinal MtCkMSeykas arrived Id New
Tork from Europe.
The Pennsylvania legislature adjourn
ed May Hth..
A fire in Pittsburg, Pa., May 20tb, de
stroyed prarrty valued at 40,tm.
Daniel Wilcox, editor and proprietor
of the Qulncy WMg, diet la that city on May
Homo nineteen business house in
Clspksvllle, Teiaa, were burned May!d. Ixxu,
A flro at Corning, N. Y., May 20th,
caused a lot af S.K),000 by the burning of rail
road car-thop.
Denver, Deadwood, and other places
In Colorado and the lllack Hills, have lately
suffered by freshets.
Two men were killed and three badly
Injured by Uie fall of a third floor, In New
York, May 3Mh.
Watson's stvam forgo and axlo facto
ry, at Locust Point, near lUltlinore, Mil., burn
ed May 90th. Lots, 930,000.
Henry Roberts (colored) was hanged
at (Shelby, N. C, May 2Mb, for a murder last
fall. He affirmed his Innocence.
General Thomas H. Dakln, Captain
of the American Itlfln Team, New Tork, died
suddenly In that city, May lJUh.
Tho largo tobacco factory of Buchan
an A Lyall, llrooklyn, N. Y., haa been seised
on a charge of defrauding tha revenue.
By tho falling of an upper floor of a
building In New York, May !Mth, two men were
killed, and three others badly Injured.
Lnwrcnco Ilroi., ropo makers, Now
York, have failed. Liabilities, 1182,000; noin
trial assets, fZKi.OOO; real assets, VOO.OOO.
Bashaw Chief, tho trotting stallion,
died at Cleveland, Ol.lo, May 'JMh. aged twen
ty .lire years. He waa valued at S'iVKX).
Tho Legislature of Ohio adjourned
May 1Mb, until next January. tine
day the legislature of New York adjourned
slno die.
At Bollford, Pa., May 24th, two men
drank, by mistake, from bottle of carttollc
acid. One died toon after, and Uie other was
not exacted to recover.
Gov. Colquit, of Georgia, has com
muted the denth sentence of Mrs. Kate South
ern, of 1'lckvus county, to Imprisonment In tho
penitentiary for ten year.
The Minneapolis Globo planing mills
burned May itd, taking lire, It I supposed,
from sparks from a locomotive. I-o on mill
and lumber, fao.OOO Insurance, 15,000.
(lov. Smith, of Wisconsin, hss called an
extra session of tho legislature of that Htate,
to covene Juno 4th, to act on tho rcjiort of the
Commission to Itovlso the Btatutea.
A building known ns "John's Block,"
In Hartford, Conn., burned May 34th. An ex
plosion Uiruw down a portion of the wall, kill
ing three llremen and wounding atx other.
Koysor's dlstllllery, at Cincinnati,
running W0 bushel of grain per day, and the
wholesale liquor house of John I. Hcdalnsvllle,
of tho same city, havo been seized by the rev
enue officers.
Tho .Senate lias continued tho nomi
nation of Htephcn II. Packard, of Louisiana, as
United Btatc Consul at Liverpool, and Lucius
Falrchlld, of Wisconsin, aa United Staler Con
sul General at Paris.
Tho General Conference of tho M. E.
Church Houth, In session at Atlanta, (is., May
SIM, unanimously adopted resolutions pledg
ing the church to do alt In their (tower to cdu
ucate tho colored teoplo In tho South.
Tho Republican Stnto Convention of
Vermont, at Hurllngton, May 1XM, nominated
Col. Hcdflcld Proctor for Oocrnor; K. P. Col
ton for Lieutenant-Governor, and John Apgee,
present Incumbent, for Htate Treasurer.
A tcrrillu atorm of wind and rain
passed over Vlcksburg, Mis., May 18th. The
velocity of Uie wind reached flfty-flvo mllea an
hour, and lasted seven minute. Many store
and other building were unroofed.
Josso Walker (colored) was hanged
at Farmersvllle, La., May 94th, for the murder
of Violet Hlmmons on Uie 19th of February
last. He declared hi innocence, and Intimat
ed that John Hlmmona wa tho guilty party.
A lire at Suncook, N. II., May 24th,
destroyed nine buildings. Ixtsa 900,000, On
Uie same morning a fire, at Petersburg, West
Vs., destroyed Ave dwelling and ten business
houses, involving a lota of not If ss than 960,
000. There Is soon to bo n wedding at tho
White House Uen. Russell Hastings, of Rock
ford, III., and Miss Piatt, nteco of President
Hayes. Uen. Hsstlng wa formerly Marshal
In Ohio, and during tho war waa Lieutenant
Colonel of Hayes regiment.
Tho Democratic Stnto Convention of
Pennsylvania, at Pittsburg, May SM, nominat
ed 1)111 tor Oovcrnor, and Boss for Juilio of the
Supreme Court. The resolutiousdcclareagalntt
further contraction of legal tender notes as
unwise and unnecessary.
Early on tho morning of May 23d, L.
It. Andrew, a fanner near Detroit, heard a
noiso la Uie lower part of htt bouse, and going
below lie saw a man whom he shot and Instant
ly killed. Tho coroner's Jury rendered a ver
dict of Justifiable homicide.
It now transmju that tho man shot
by Lyman B. Andrews, Jfear Detroit, a few
nights ago, under thetoprMttgn that ha wa a
burglar, was an Insane 'bjS named John
O'Donnell, seventy years of age, and who had
wandered away from hlaiome.
P. W. Gates, a Chicago contractor,
has filed a peUUoa lu bankruptcy. Preferred
debt, 1170,000; secured debts, 1404,000; un
aetured, 940,000; aaaets In lands valued at 9300,
000, but mortgaged for 93S&.000; alto Interest
in several patents of uncertain sad unknown
On tho 20th of May a small band of
Indian raided two ranchea la the Smith River
Valley, Montana, driving off tome horse.
Soldier from Camp Baker pursued aud had a
fight with the Indiana, two of whom are re
ported killed, and tho other were driven Into
Uie mountains.
Tho Republican Stnto Convention of
PcuusylranU met at Harritburg, May 15th.
The platform adopted opposes free trade and
the pending tariff bill; favors tho protection
of labor, Uie fottrrlag of America ensaeaerre,
reserving Uie public land for aetaal ertUtra,
oppoetUoa to payment of Confederate rlslms;
opposes discrimination In freight and trans
portation, favors eqaal right la the Southern
States, aad eulogises Gov. Hartrsoft. Oen.
Harry M. Hoyt was nominated for governor on
the am ballot; CbarUs W. tttone, for lluUn-sot-governor,
sod James P, Rterrrtt for Judge
of the Supreme court.
On tho evening of May 23d a terrible
tornado psssed over a portion of Wisconsin
causing great damage and Iom of life. In the
vicinity of Primrose, twenty-Are miles south
of Madison, frni twenty-fire to thirty bams
and bouse were blown down, some of the tim
bers were carried twelve or fifteen mile away.
From twelre to eighteen persons are known to
have bren killed. Near Oregon many hou
were blown down, and three or four ioiis
killed. At Mineral Point, Immense damage
was done and sme ten or more persons killed.
Many other places suffered, and the loes of
life and damage to property seem to have leen
On tho night of tho 17th of May a
fire occurred at Msulllon, Ohio, which de
stroyed the Iron-working, belting, and wagon
making department of HumjII ,t Co' exten
sive machine works, Involving a loss to them
ol 9100,009. The next dsy that energetic buil
nesa firm announced to their friends that they
had already arranged to replace themarhlnery
destroyed by the fire, and would resume work
with undiminished xeal, and with a delay of
only one day caused by the terrible fire. This
Is certainly one of the most remarkable In
stance of buslnesa energy and recuperation
on record.
Thn Indiana Nationals met In State
Convention at Indlanapolu, May 23d. The fol
lowing nominations were msdei Herrrtary of
Htate, Henry Jones; Auditor, Jacob J. Bird;
Treasurer, It. P. Msln; Attorney (leneral, D.
Mosa; Bucrlntemlent of Public Instruction,
J. Young. The resolution favor the Untie by
the government of legal tender paper and the
abolition of all bank Issues; oppose resump
tion; oppose the perjtetuatlon of government
bonded Institutions; favor legislation to Insure
rewaril to labor; denounce the communists;
favor reduitlon of Interest, economy and the
abolition of uselcssttiffices. They also favor an
amendment of the bankrnpt law to present
frauds, a direct vote for president mid senators,
and oppose Increasing the arm
Cnthurino E. Bcccher, sister of Honry
Ward Bcccher, died at Klmlra, N. V., at the
residence of Thomas K. Bcccher, May liJlh.
She was the oldest ot thirteen children, being
78 yeara of age. Bile devoted her life to the
good of others, and eseclally her own sex.
Among her first works was the cstablUhtnent
ot a school at Hartford, Conn , In which she
was verv sticcesaful. Many of her writings
were published, numt of them being lutended
for the benefit of her stholars. In 18.TJ she es
tablished a seminary for )oung ladles In Cin
cinnati, Mrs. Btowe, her sister, being one of
her teachers. She wrote some fifteen books,
all educational or domestic works,
of Dewltt. Tho coroner's Jury recommended
that both lie held without ball.
In tho House of Commons, Sir John
Halker, discussing the purchase of shlds by
Kussla In America, said there Is no reason to
suppose that the ships will tie employed, In tho
event of war, aa privateers, In coiitraveutlon
of tho Paris declaration. There la no reason
to believe that the United States will depart
from the observance of the rules of tho Wash
ington treaty. There Is no necessity for dis
cussing Uie responsibility resting on the gov
ernments of Kussla and the United States, since
there Is no reason to suppose they would vio
late their respective agreements. The London
Btandard announce that it le now more than
probable that the Congress will meet during
the first tlortnlght la June. Also that owing to
tho unsettled condition of affairs In Constan
tinople tho Kngllsh fleet will probably return
to Princess Island.
Tho Duko of Atholo, May 21st, had
two Interviews with the Queen at Balmoral
Castle, and afterwards addressed a public meet
ing declaring that Uie prospects for peace were
very favorable.
Tho London Times, ot May 23, says:
It becomes every day more and more an Im
perative necessity for Russia to obtain recognl
Uon by the other powers of tome modified ar
rangement under which the will be relieved of
what Is practically a ttate ot war. Thl can
only be done fully by a discussion of the San
Stefano treaty In a European Congress. Rut
la already knows the simple condition on
which alone England will enter tuch a Con
greas. It' may be modified, possibly in form
but in tubttance It must bo conceded.
A Constantinople dispatch of May
2Ist aays: An official dispatch to the Turkish
representaUvo abroad In relation to the trouble
which took place In that city Is, that about 30
refugee entered the Oardcn of Isalace, Inhab
ited by the ex-Sultan Murda, and raided shouts
ot ''Loug live the Sultan." The sentinels of
tho palace opposed tho entry of these men and
tired upon them, one being killed. Tho troops
arriving, tho assailants wore beaten. Some
were killed and wounded on both side. All
Buvta, who appears to have acted a the leader
and organizer of tho attack, was killed. Tho
aQalr had no other consequences, anh the pub
lic tranquility wa undisturbed. A Pcrmtpeclal
say twenty-one were klllek and seventeen
wounded tu Uio affair.
Tho Husso-Turklsh commission which
It waa reported hail failed to agree upon a line
ot demarkatlon between Uie Turkish and Rut
dan force, consisted ot Russian and Turkish
corps commanders appointed at Oen. Todle
ben's suggestion, to fix a new line of demark
aUon and make uew reguIaUona tor Uie better
praaervaUou of the peace in the present dan
gerous proximity ot the two armies. The Rus
sian and Turkish soldiers, where toe line are
In coutact, fraternise cordially, and no trouble
It apprehended, despite the failure ot the com
mission to agree. But It waa thought advisa
ble to have Uie Bne further apart and store
precise regulaUon.
Constantinople dispatches of May 22,
give tome further parUculars ot the affair be
fore Tcheragan Palace, May 90th. Aa far aa
can bo gathered there waa an organised con
spiracy to restore Murad, who was tn the Tch
eragan Palate at Uie time, Murad denies any
knowledge of the conspiracy reported, but hat
since been removed to Topkafon. The num
ber of revolutionists it variously esUmated at
front 100 to 500, though the government In a
circular to the Turkish, representative abroad
says Uie number was SO. Correspondents agree
that Uie attempt, a a political demonstration,
was s complete failure. All Siert, Uie leader
and organiser of the osovetaeat, was a hM
beaded ad rente ret who bad Wen several time
exiled. He lived toss yesrs la London and
Parts and engaged la Journalism: wss recalled
to Constantinople after the aeress'tm to Uie
throne of Abdnl Hamld. appointed director of
titt Lyceum, and waa dlimiased for misman
agement, ne became popular among the ref
ugees; pretending to orgaolte an expedition
Ui aid the Rbodopbe Insurgents, he secured s
sufficient number of adherents to nuke the
attempt- The pet sons arretted are said to be
cimromfed by papers found In All Suart's
bouie after his death. The affair crested utter
rotiatcrnatlon lu commercial and flnsnclsl cir
cles In Constantinople. Theoutbreak wacrc
fully timet! for a day when the Oeneraliand
prominent offlrlslsof the Bensklerate were ab
sent at Buyukdere.
At a reception given by tho Russian
Amtaadnr In Constantinople, tn resident
Hu'Klans, May 19, he made a speech and ex
preed strong hopes of peace. He recom
mended them, however, not to I too sanguine,
a the situation was still oue of grest tension
The KuMiant Insist thst the movements of
their troop are not Intended as hostile, hut
the Turks are, notwithstanding, hard at work,
strengthening their lines and bringing up gust
This Is ii ot easy, as the Turkish line of defense
from the Bra of Marmora to the Black Sea Is
so long, and while the Turkish force about the
capital Is superior to the Russian, It Is hardly
tifllclent to man such a length of line. The
Turks will he mon reinforced however, by the
forty battalions released In Thessly and 20
battalions from Versa. A correspondent at
Pera rays there are no apprehensions of a Rus
sian coup de main.
A St. Petersburg dispatch of May 20,
says: While there Is reason to believe Uie
foundation of arrangement have brrn laid be
tween the cabinet of London and St. Peters
burg, a small group of parsonages who know
whst ha occurred maintain extreme reerve
and It Is extremely difficult to sy how fsr, It
various rumors are to lie relied on. Hm.lan
official psjwrs relterste the statement that the
moemcnU of the army before Constantinople
are not hostile and menacing.
Reports nro current at Vienna of
fresh complications In ttoumanla. It l stated the Russlsn Kleventb Army Corps lias du
ring the past week lcen pressed forwsrd so as
to entirely btolate Burhsrrst from Little A'al
lachla, where the Itotimsnlon army Is concen
trated. The Rnsslai' diplomatic representative
used every effort to prewnt Prince Charles
from going tn the army, but the tatter's posi
tion will he made Intolerable by the military
and political control aisurnrd by the Rtinstans
ill the capital and the country. It Is uurrtcd
that tho Russians are mylng the Roumanians
to refuse to pay taxes and to dethrone Prince
Charles, whom they denounce ns a Herman and
a Catholic; but popular feeling Is entirely In
sympathy with the Prince. Roumstila Is look
ing anxiously tn Austria, which does not seem
disposed, for the present, at least, to go beyond
the concentration of troops and strengthening
the Transylvaulan frontier.
A 8t. Petersburg dispatch of May 22,
says: The Agence Russeand Journal de St.
Pctcrthurg warn the public against pessimist
'news from Constantinople, where endeavors are
being made to prevent an understanding tie
tween England and Russia. The Cxunnwltch,
In a telegram, thanks the Moscow Association
of Merchants for a coutrlbutlou of 400,0)10 rouj
blea toward Uio formation of a volunteer fleet.
The Emperor, on Uie 'i'H. received the Sliah ot
A St. Petersburg dlspnth of May 23d
says: A St. Petersburg correspondent writes :
We are stilt far from a certainty of peace,
though the general conviction and sentiment
are In favor thereof. There are powerful mili
tary preparations ttelng pushed forward ener
getically, and the Ruslans continue to exhibit
a tendency to gradually creep up towanls Uie
capital, keeping tho Turks constantly on Uie
alert. Fresh reinforcements aro constantly
going to Bulgaria and Roumella. Odessa Is
swarming with soldiers and shipping troops,
guns and stores, which are going thence to ljur
gas,on the Black Sea, or by the Central railway
to Roumanla and Bulgaria. The Turks ore not
Idle. They have brought troop across tho
Bosphorusfrom Scutari, until one hundred and
thirty battalion now mar northern lines.
Semi-official Provincial Correspon
dence tnUclpatea favorable results from Coun
8chouva!off's efforts. It says the latest deelm
rations of Uie British Ministers, aa well as
views manifested at St. Petersburg, are full of
wishes and hopea for renewed consolidation
ot European peace. Count Schouvaloff, in con
versation with other diplomatists, described the
proposal he was carrying to England a pacif
ic He teemed confident that they would not
be rejected. Baden Baden la again proposed
as the place for the Congress to meet. It Is
thought the proposal will be generally ac
cepted. ax:.
The relations between Austria and
Roumanla have become closer, and, Smperor
Wtlhelm advised Prince Charles to yield Bessa
rabia and abdicate If the Roumanians raised
any difficulties, but the Prince refused. Gen.
Mantufel has arrived In Vienna, aud It is re
ported that he ta the bearer of an autograph
letter from Emperor William to Emperor Fran
el Joseph. It scemt'certala tho feellug la
Austrian ministerial circles Is becoming dis
trustful of a peaceful lsue,and more and more
A dispatch from Berlin of May 23,
say a: Count Andrassy and hit colleagues have
gradually come around to England's view
about Uie terms on which the Congress should
meet, aa well aa on many other points. Ger
many la distrusted. Prince Bismarck, whoa
Influence was once a potent one, now frequent
ly tenders unheeded advice,
The Shah of Persia is expected at
Paris about the 10th ot June, and will restate
one month Incognltlo. He will then visit Lon
don, Madrid and Lisbon. Hit European Jowr-
ney will last six months,
cut an a.
A dispatch from Montreal says Earl
Duffertn, ta aa address to Uie soldiers, charac
terise Uie Fenian rumors and demonstration
as mere CelUc effervescence. He did not think
the Fenian movement would amount to say
thing, but If It did It mutt be repressed.
Chris. Reese, a farmer four miles
south of Buillngton, committed suicide a few
day ago by hanging himself to a tree. It 1
supposed he wot deranged.
In tho year 1828 there were but thrco
miles of railroad in the whole United
Chtaa aad Taht Uaea.
As for china, there are to be seen egg
shell cups of the wster green of Cela
doa: pieces of Chelsea with a golden
glint in lu rosy transparency the in
tense blue and violet of some costly bit
ofl'alisiy'sware; plates decorateil with
Persian designs and traceries; tea sets
of the Cashmere pattern In the scarlet,
gold and green of India shawls; tho
white enamel on a ground,
and hand painted fruits and flowers.
There are some charming specimens of
Lambeth faience msde simply for orna
mental purposes t asea of quaint shaito
flat bottles tankards, platters, two
lipped Jug, ami Jan which arc intend
d fortne fashionable hanging cabi
nets. Tile painting and encaustic tiles for
mural decoration are not so dear as
they were, owing to tho taste for this
stjfo of ornamentation being on tho
wane. The handsomest fruit services
are of raru old Dresden china; thu
plates show thn finest decoration of
flowers, carelesly arranged, a graceful
passion-flower drifting across tho sur
face, the honeysuckle and convolvulus
with Interlaced chains and nil manner
of line and curve", leafago and birds.
The (ireek border has become very
hacknejed, especially since Indian,
Japanese, and Egyptian decoration
presents so wido a field for unique de
sign. Fashion orders tho purest white
table linen, lit order that thrso beauti
ful objects may Iks seen to better ad
vantage arranged In picturesque relief.
Among draperies and upholstery fab
rics there nro some magnificent speci
mens of cloth of gold. The designs are
figured circles, medallion and ara
besques, in Intense Vandyck red on a
golii ground, and circular florintlon of
rich crim-on, interwoven with shiuing
gold threads, forming thu background
Superb rnw silk tapestries, snowing
figure of olive and citron tints, nro
brightened byxmall medallions embroi
dered in scarlet, blue, and mustard
color. In floss silk. Other raw silk fab
rics have the pcculinr color of a Cash
mere shawl. Soft, silkv tnpettrie aro
shown lu Persian and Egyptian sale
of quiet color. A less costly window
drapery Is called Tollo Imprint!; llii
Is painted on canvas iullowcr. foliage,
and uraloqueof gny colors, with fringu
and baud to match, and only costs t'-'O
a window. Jutu Is greatly" Improved
sine j its first introduction n an upliol
stroy faliric.aud in it glossy checks ami
plaiils tdronglyrocmhics satin damask.
Tho color arc mostly nil shade of
drab, light brown, and olive tint. For
strong aud liamKonio furniture cover
ing it I uuequnllcd, considering Its
price, 51 a yard, and width, fifty inches.
It is proof against moth, dampncis,
and sunshine. While thero arc fairy
like point lace, thread laces as line a
cobweb, wlthjprlcc to correspond, ono
is glad to welcome other curtain a
low ns 58 a window, and dclicnto
enough to adorn tho most tasteful homo.
Thu matctial, lenn, is as fine a gau.o
or tnllo, and oter it stray, in thick
work, ferns, lilies, drooping lilies of tho
valley, roses, or graceful garland.
Leno belong to tho Nottingham luce
family, but is verv much finer, and less
stiff in design. .V. 1. Tribune.
Physical Education among tho (I reeks.
Thu nature of ancient weapon and
tho use of heavy defensive armor madu
tho development of physical torcuntiiib
jeet of national importance, but m'li
tary efficiency wa by no mean tho ex
clusive object of gymnastic exercise.
Tho law of Lycurgus provides freo training-school
for tho thorough phy!cal
education of botli sexes, and cautions
ttnrents ngainst giving their daughters
in iiitirriugu before thoy had nttaincd
tho prescribed degree of protfciuncy
In certain exorcises, which were less
ornamental and probably lcs popular
than what wo call callisthenics. Greek
physicians, too, prescribed a course, of
athletic sports against various com
plaints, and had invented n special cur
riculum of gymnastics, whloh, ns JEWan
Inform us, never failed to euro obesity.
When tho increase of wealth and cul
ture threatened to affect tho manly spirit
of tho Hellenic race, physical education
was taken in hand by tho public author
ities In almost every Grecian city; and
the ablest statesmen at Athens, Thebes,
and Corinth, emulated tho Spartan leg
islator In founding paltestrse, gymnasia
and International race-courses, and de
vising measures for popularizing these
institutions. Four different localities
Olympla, Corinth, Nomea, and tbo
Dionysian race-course near Athens
wore consecrated to tho "Panhellonio
games," at which the athletes of all tho
Grecian tribes of Europe and Asia met
for a trial of strength at intervals vary
ing from six months to four years, tho
latter being tho period of tho great
Olympic games which formed tholtasls
of ancient chronology. Tho honor of
being crowned in the presonce of an
assembled nation would alone havo suf
ficed to enlist the competition of all
able-bodied men of a glory-loving rocs,
but many additional Inducement matlr
tho Olympic championship tho day
dream of youth and manhood, and serv
ed to increase tho ardor of gvrnnnstla
emulation. The victors of the Isthmian
and Xrmenn games wens exempt from
taxation, became tho idols of their no
tivo towns, were secured against tho
vicissitudes of fortune and the wants of
old age, by a liberally-endowed annuity
fund, and enjoyed all tho advantage4
and Immunities of the privileged class
es. Popular Science Monthly.
Tke Late Mr. A. T. Stewart.
The millionaire once came to the
conclusion that, although advertising
waa a good thing as a ladder, it was o7t
no great benefit to him, as his name
old the goods. As a test, ono depart
ment only of his establishment was ad
vertised. Its business overtopped that
of the others so immediately and so
lanrely that Mr. Stewart concluded that
to get the full power of his name It
must appear in printer's ink. Ills ad
vertising managers say, "from that
time he advertised more largely than
ever in the papers."
The dog that will follow anybody Isn't
worth a cuss.
"Thero is no truth lu men," said a
lady In company; "thoy nro liko musical -
instruments which sound a variety of
tones." "In other words, madarae,"
said a wit who chanced to bo present,
t'you bellovo that all men are lyres."
' I