The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 06, 1878, Image 8

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lilac RdtUa-i
t. . wntTTii.
Out from Jrrutm
Tt King rod with kit rreat
'u chief aad Ur4 of UU,
AtJ Nwba's (jqtea wtlfc them.
Pnrod lu the Syrian sua,
In pM and purple sheen
The dutky Rthlop Queen
f mllrdon Kirn 4(n,o.
Wisest of men, he knew
The langusge of all
The creatures, great or tmall
Ttit trod the ruth or flew.
Acrt n tut hilt led
the King's jath, and h beard
Iff mall folk, and their word
He thut Interpreted
"Here comet the King men greet
A wise, aod ml, ami Jut,
To cruah ut In thf dutt,
I'mlrr lilt heedless feel."
The great King bowed hl hraJ,
Ami taw thf wide turprlte
Of the Queen of ttbeba't eyes,
X he told her what they aaM.
O, Klngl" the whltpered tweet,
"Too happy fate hare they
Who perish. In thy way,
Hrncalh thy gracloua feet I"
"Nay," Nolooion replied,
"The wise atti) strong thould seek
Tor wtlfare of the wrak,"
And turned hla hortc aside.
Ill tralo, with qolck alarm,
Cunrrd with their leader round
The ant-MII'a peopled mound,
And left It free frvm hartn.
The Jewelled head bent low j
(, KIurI" the ull, "henceforth,
The mret of thy worth
And wisdom well lknow,
"Happy mutt he the Cute
Who ruler I eedelh more
1 Ttie murmura of the poor
Tli a 11 flatte rlea of the great."
PrerrrdlMBtiorihr- t. 4'oaajreM
Wasiiivoto'v. Tuesdav, Mar 14 Dan of
Illinois, from the committee on ndlolarv, re
ported with amendment the 8enatc hill pro-
vldlng time ami place of holillng the United
Htatc Circuit Court In Iowa, and the appoint
tnentnf an additional Judge; placed on the
calendar. Consideration wa returned of the
bill to repeal tpcele rcMiinjitlnti. After some
time the fenate returned consideration of the
the MMtoltln appropriation lilll. After ixuiic
consideration allacc. from the committee, on
foreign rt latlon, reported with amenilmenla
the bill In relation to tli Japanctc Indemnity
fund; plucrd on the calendar. Mr. Plumli,
from the committee on mlllla.- affair, report-
0, ed favorahlr the Henate Mil authorising the
Secretary of War to have head ttone errcted
over the grave of soldier who served In the
regular or volunteer army of the United Htatea
d n r I nt; the war for the union, and had been
burled In prh ate cemeteries: the hill was brief
ly dlcucd and laid alilc. The limine amend
menta were concurred In tei the Senate bill
authorizing the cHlmi of Colorado, Nevada,
and the Territories to fell and remote timber
on the public domain for mliilngand dome-tic
purMro, and the bill ped. The tMMtoDlce
approprlatltiu again considered, ulncuased,
and Dually pasted. Voorhcc gave notice that
when thu hill to repeal the resumption act wan
again taken up he should Intlst on It consid
eration from Jar to day until a rote la reached.
The limine returned the contlderallon of the
retolutlont In regard to the reported fraud In
the pretldentlal election the regular onler
being on seconding the demand for the previ
ous qllcitlnti offered veterday by Totter. The
motloii wa carried "by a vote of l.'W to 104.
Before announcing the retult, the Hprakcr laid
before the House a communication Informing
1 the Iloiitc of the death of Prof. Joseph Henry,
and Inviting the member thereof to be prrs
cnt at the funeral tervlcet on Thursday, May
lt'ith. On motion of Clymtr the Senate rcti
lutlon for the adjournment of the two hntitea
on Thurtdav at 4 o'clock, for the pnrpote of
ttcndliigthc funeral of I'rof. Henry wa adopt
ed. Aillonrni'il.
Washixuton, Weilnenday, May 15. Chrlt
tlaucy, from the committee on revltlon of the
law a, reitorted back the Htltloii of Hubert In
geriwll and other, aklng a repeal or miHlltlca-
tionof leitaln provltlon of the revlted ttat
utet forbidding the triatpnrtttlon thnuighthe
mall of certain matter, picture, ,Vc., and
moved It refen nee to the committee on Judi
ciary to orilt red. Ferry, from the committee
on potUitllcet, reported a bill regulating the
compentattoii for the transportation of mall
on rallroadt, providing for the clattlfleatlon of
mall matter, and for other purpnuet. Kuttl
Introduced a bill to provide for the rttabll-h-ment
of a llratlllan tteamthlp tervlcc refer
red. Alllton presented a petition of the tteain
hoat owner and pilot of the MIMlppl river
favoring the pattage of a law for the removal
of the local board of tteamhoatlntpector from
Galena to Kubuque referred. Klrkwood tub
mltted a retolutlon to print JO,000 extra coplea
of the meatage of the Vreldent and accompa
nying paper relating to the dltcaaea of awlne
and other domestic animal referreil. Kel
logg Introduced a bill Increasing to R 00 per
month the pentlou of certain pentloned old
ler who lott tioth arm or both feet, or the
Jklght of tmth eye In Uie ervlce referred
dorgan called up hi retolutlon touching the
relation between the United State and Mexi
co, and tpoke at length In favor thereof. The
resolution wa- then referred to the committee
on foreign relations and the Senate went Into
executive teuton, after which the Senate ad
journed uouag.
The regular order on econdlng the prevlou
quettlon on the resolution offered by Potter
ou Monday, came up. After ouie further de-
tit thn Hocaker nut the ourtllon by a (land
ing vote, and announced that the aye appear
ed tqfbave lt.there being 118 vote In the aftlrm
atlvtf. Hale called for a dlvldon, and the tel-k-
ler reported aye 121, nay 1. Crlc of "no
quorum I" came from vrlou PrU of the
Iiall. liaie raoveu acauin mo n""! ""'"'
wa ordered. The call allowed that 300 mem
ten were i.retent, and further proceeding un
der the call were dltpeuaed with. Alter pro
ceeding of a nilbuttertng naiuie, a mouira was
made to adjourn, which motion prevailed.
Washington. Tburtdav, May 18. Maxay,
framthepoU)(llce coinmuue, reported wiu
o(R amendment the bill for the llraxlllan mall
tervlce; placed on the calendar. TtJUrsian wb
mltted a resolution calling upoa tne SeereUnr
of the Treatury for Inforroitlon a to what
crepaucy, If any, exltu to the prejttdlc of
Thomaa Worthlngtoti, aa claimed lu there
porta of the Third Auditor: amed tp. V
lloute Joint-resolution to print W0,WO coplea
of the Report of the CommiMlonerof Agrfcnu
bre of 18H, and ft,000 cople of Colonial char
ter and contltution; paaied, after conldT
able dlscuMlon. ' ......
Butler, of South Carolina, submitted a con
current resolution for a commlaaioa to reform
and reorganize the army, and appropriating
20.000 for expense of the comraUalon refer
red. The Senate resumed the conajoeratlou of
the specie rcttiropUon .repeal bHl. Mfthw
ituade some remarki and snbmitted a asbsUtuU
Tfor the pending bUL It provide for jhere-iMua
of Treasury note, wken redeeaned, and that
the amount of legal tender wXea tndlmj
at any time (half not exceeil J5,0ee,e80. It
further provide for a coin reaerje find of
10X000,000; that the bond of the United
State shall le sold for legal tender note, and
also that legal Under note shall be receivable
for all debu, public and priTate, except tne
principal sod laterrat vt Ue fbh debt. Pvl
1C the ducat fen of the twUUtate lt MU for
Xh rpI of the rrtaopUua act was UM aoMk.
fVttr drmai-dett U tef-atar c-rder. w t-
woadtnf uf a demand for the r-teiVHi qor
Uon. la hi rroorattva a Utdln lote retl
r-1 itA, !, -, ntt. Te wi by lt4Wr
livid je, J, tijst A call of lh Hmim
tbuw ed '247 turn Wrt4--rRl. After time
aiuithr call thowed 3 pie-at d IV aWnt
ee. PcHter aotfl to adjourn. Art-rl U-
ytaa, 141, najs.116.
Wiianimi. Frtday, May 17 Terty. frv
the pivlofSre tvaamlttre, repurted with asurod
ment the imt rttiU Mil -(Jtc-r.! mi tin ealew
dar MeMllUa, tnn the exromlll- oh rlaln
report! with amendment the HcMitUUtopav
the rlatmt allow e.1 by the hmlhtm Claltnt
(.'omaitMtoti - plrxfd w the raWodar IVavtt,
of Httm4, trmn thr Judiciary eooatlttee, tv
fted the 1411 tt irivM for the a;(4ntmeiit
of an addltlotia) rlrrult Judre la the Th )udl
ela circuit, ri-4npriln Indiana, Illlitoi aod
Wlarotatln placrd n the calendar Tk bea
ate eiwitlderrd U.e calendar prtalw btllt, and
a nurabrr pawed lUttt, of llltaolt, railed up
the nle Mil providing for time and der
fe holding the etrrult nnitt In Iowa, aad Ui
appotntraest of addlUooal )ndr. TheaaifiKl.
uieut reported by the Judiciary enwmltte wrr
acrml to, anc U.e bill paurd by 54 to 11 Ad
The Croat ameneuieDt to the Indian ap
propriation bill were noo-4-oncuned In, and
Votler' resolution came up at rtrultr ordrr
The ttaiMtng ride on teeondtng the prevent
quettlin tUl are W, nay none. The
tpeaker appotnte.) atesr. llle and IVt
tera teller. Mr Hale after the voir- re
ported the result at 11 ave. Totter reptel
Hale aa voting av and the tpeaker acrptcd
Potter' report. Hale moved to table the re
lutton. The Speaker ruled llale't motion out.
Hale appealed frvm the ruling, and 1 'otter
moved to table the appeal-agreed to, liito llrt.
Call of the llout urceeded, and at one time
W aatwered. The door wa closed and Potter
ollerril a resolution dlrrctlng the Senteaiil at
Armt toarrrtt and bring to the chair of the
lloiite tuch niemter a were alwent without
leave. Sereral membettwere eicuted Pr
ccediligt under the call were Busily dltpented
with, and a voteou urdrrtng the main quettlon
resulted ra, 147; n,l The vi'teonbipt
Ing the resolution leulld jras 141, nays, 'J
A motion to reconsider aud lay on the table
was made but withdrawn, and the Houto !
WtiiixnT,Slurds,My IS. Kill, from
the committee on electlous, reported a resolu
lion declaring that no fair, free and peaces'
ble election bad leen held In the con
grrtlnnal dlttrtclot Ninth Carolina, and that
neither Italnev. the tlltlnc member, nor Itlrb-
anlson.the contestant, was entitled to the seat
liurliam, from me ctmierence on nuiiiary
acadttny appropriation bill, rrportnl that the
committee disagreed. A further confrrcnc
wa orvlered, aud Durham, Clymer, and Smith
of Penntvlvanla were appointed conferree. On
motion (if Smith of Pennsylvania the Senate
amendments to the pentlnn appropriation bill
wrte lion concurred lu, and Smith, Hewitt aud
Sparkt wire appointed conferrer. The Houtit
went Into coiumlttwof the whole on the army
appropriation bill. After some dltcuulou the
committee rose without action, and the House
Wakuikotiix, Mouday, May 30, Tliiinnii,
f mm the Judiciary cnuilttee. to which wa
referred the House bl.l for adaulMlon to Uie
bar of the Supreme Court of the United Stales
of any woman who ha leeii a inemlier of the
bar of the highest court of any State or Trrrl
torv for theerlod of three veart, reported It
bark with the amendment of Sargent that nn
tieixni ! refuted admit Inn to the bar of anv
United States court nn account of ssx ; plsccd
on Uie calender. ItllU were Introduced aad
referreil aa follow t; llv Chrlttlanev, to rror
f anlte the court of claim, llv Wlndoui, to re
iwal moktle. lly McMillan, for a bridge at Yu
Snelllng. The bill to proUblt the puulthineut
of any person or person by process of court
martial for an offense committed two yearn, or
In caseot desertion, three year before arraign
ment, passed. A bill was Introduced by Sar
gent to regulate Immigration. The House MM
for petitioning (leu. Shield wa taken up. An
amendment wat adopted Including (leu. (Irani
with full rank and pay. After a IrngMiy de
flate the Senate adjourned without further
The Speaker pro Inn,, Saylor, announced the
apimtntiucnl of the committee, under the Pot
ter resolution, to Inquire Into the alleged fraud
In Uie late Presidential election. It I com
tinted a follow: Democrats Potter, of New
York; Morrison, of Illlnolt: Hun ton, of Vir
ginia; McMahon, of Ohio; Blackburn of Ken
tucky; SUnitcr.of PeiuiMlvaolaj Cable. of Ind.
Kepubllcans llutler.of Ms.; Hlckixk. of N.
V.; Cox, of Ohio; Heed, of Maine. Tim follow.
tug bill were Introduced: lly (larllctd, for
taking the lOlti and suUequent centu. liv
Atkins, requiring all appolutmrnta In Uie rlvft
service to w uitirinuied
enutllr amuiiL' con
gretstonal districts, lly Crittenden, profiling
that the claim of nilllliamrii or non-enlltteil
persons on account of disabilities received In
battle with rebels or Indiana, shall be valid If
Bled previou to Julv, lttfJ. lly HarrU, for
taxing State Hank. lly Shelley, of Alabama,
giving the guarantee of tliegovenimrut to the
payment of 5 per cent Interest on ImjihU to be
Issued by certain corporation, lly Kills, to
protect international and domestic commerce.
The House went Into toiiiiulttcc. of the whole
on the army appropriation bill. After some
debate, the committee roe and thu llouyad
Jourued. iSJfr
The United SUfea Mint.
It wiw founded very nearly one hun
dred yenr no, and in it won coined thu
II mt money used in tho United State.
Until 1810 nil thu work waa done by
hand or home power; thu building wan
guarded by watch-doe and the artiann
were Mipplled with plentiful quantities.
of liquor n n fatigue ration, tho an
cient and simple-minded citizens look
ing upon them with ctpcclal favor. The
earliest director was appointed by Gen.
Washington. Tho original copper cenU
were made in 17(KJ, the silver dollars In
1794, and the gold eagles In 1795. Both
thu metal and machinery were import
od; but in coining, as in many other
things, the American has made such
progress within thu century, that tho
tnplements of hi own construction are
now superior to the models after which
they are patterned.
The casual visitor is welcomed from
0 A. v. until noon, and Is taken in hand
br nolito and garrulous ushers, who in
common with all tho other employes
bear themselves with the dignity tnat
befiu persons living in such closo con
tact with enormous wealth. "I've seen
f5o0,000,000 go in and out of this
place," uiid ose of the employes, m he
led us into a dimly lighted vault, where
the pale bricks of sliver were piled from
roof to ceiling "9A60,0w,0(W in twenty-eight
years," he reieted with par
ticular gusto; and t tlie sUtement oar
fancy immediately took a wild flight
among the enchanting posaibillties of
uch treasure, for when Mammon
mounts Pegasus no adolescent Muse can
career through realms ao luminous and
varicolored as this metallic deity, who
is worshiped and despised, courted add
reviled, by the best and worst of men.
The very contemplation of so immense
a sum was dazzling to the imagination.
It waa the aggregate fortune of 650 mil
lionaires, the incomes of scores of
thrones and the valuo of a Stabs! What
a Protean influence it must have exer
cised! corrupting and sustaining how
many liros; payiag the scant wages of
the ten-hour laborer, and sufficing for
the extravagance of the princely spend
thrift, carrying happiness with it now,
Ai'"" "''
and then cjrtHjiT itrstrvrlnj; tbc
boncAclan sexliremg thr lrtom and
brtxMlBC eUtlon amortic the hinetl
forwter dolnf cih1 and hartu by rkkU
tnle, forntrr lndljenW and fvvr
rver alluring.
In ine rd Kit rleier ra, Junlut
Henri Mrvwne tais, with riiervolan
cntentlounr l,Ch l the. cause and
txmojiietic of cltlUiatlon, tbo meat
uro ut lu brvdth, aad the plummet 4
It )irfutiiltv, Kery irtie Ideal inutt
rvt tin he rral. aud the tval U-dav It
the ixdnagi ixf tb mint.'
The ixmtenU ol the Utile vault hal
trxdiablv left de-eer marks upon the
world tiiaa ivll the IxxA written and
the wrtuunt jrtAried ilttrlnir lint twen
t).elj;ut jer uf Mut cHitUwllMt't avrr.
In pxatmc thnugh tbe ilHult.rxom
all thf metal U oarrfuln weljjheJ The
larfrst toale, with a HiiiileroU Ikviu
and huge trM, txv.ubllir rMrellt lell
cnoy wllh Its trfnjth, mid balam,
fnm fi.UO iHitiiYi to the nne-hutnlrwltlt
patt uf au ounce-, another clr tell
n.lXX) ounce at a tliuc. and a llilnl toll
&0 outuHit Thei n adjttitrd teveral
times a wick.irrvtcil vti vulld ruasonrj,
and rv true t a jrraltt llaMiij; oceti
wclhcil.the lh rr I i nt Ned to the melt
ItifriHiiii, "here It U mixed wllh ixiiv.
jut, In order to t;le it sullU'lent hard
ties to endure the friction id omnium
handling, and uielutl In ttnuc cruel
lile. heated to l.K'.r' by cliarwal-llrn.
Thl heat U so Intonto thnt the work
men must (irotti't their hand and arm
by clove and irnimtlctt. The stone
cruel tile aro placed wlihlu other of
liluinhai. In order to Ittiun them
naltil hrvakltiK Krdurvd to a molleii
Until, thn medal i now jmurrd Into Iron
moulds, wlicnco It iMucrjjcs lu the form
of Injjot. which nro tranfcrrrd to the
rolttti-uilll, whlcli han them, b a
rapid priH'c of ntUMitintlou, Into lone.
tiiirroit strip. - .i'pfrfori'j thnrrutl Jr
Thf HawVeye Intwranre Compati) .
Tho biitlue of the lliwkce livtur
unco CAitupntiy, nt 1 Moines, hat
crown to atich tirotiortlona a to well
entitle It to mtik tinning tho mot tub
ttjintliil nud ir4pcrou liislllulkiu o(
town. During tho monlh of April It
IdmiimI UA) hiIIoIi, U'ln 11') inorv Ihnn
thu ntimlHT for the iiirrvpondliiK mouth
lrwt jenr. Ilurinu ihnl month It rvcelv
ed In ctvli flO.KtS.Ut, u nalutt H,.
8i:l.0i Iiiit yenr. The loe worn M,
a'i7.I I. while the loe In April, 1807.
were 6:l,.'r.l..17. Tlieo Ilj;iire, togeth
er with the ftict tlmt on the lit of .Inn
tt.iry, lH7rt, the nel of thu coinpniiy
nmoitnted to .V'.G:IU)I, show tlmt tlie
Huwkexo ia n lotttid nud rellnhlo lntl
union. Thl la the Important matter
with every limurer. lly direful mini
nemunt, nud prompt niljustincnt of It
Iomo., the llrtiikeyo lift nttnltied U en
viable reputnllun, nud present protpur
on cotiilltlon. Tim people tuny safely
trust It.
Tint dog thfl will follow anybody Isn't
worth a i'iij
(From tht Htrnld of (!o)rl l.iltrty.)
It I seldom thst we have been wilting to say
anything lu favur of patent medli lues, but Dr
Crook' Winn of Tar, iiiaiiiifsrtured by S. N.
Smith .t Co , of Daytor, olilo, differs to wide
ly f rom mrdlrlnoof this cla.t. that we would
do an Injaatliw to our own fremiti did we fall
to slate the fact that whllo Utlng It In (mil
family we have teamed It merits, mid fecog.
him It a superior to anything of It rtatt; In
deed It It not a patent medicine. tUli tly tak
lug. for It wat a prescription of one of Day
ton s rt and most honored pliysliian; and
one who had, while III ng, one of the largest
practlre of any man In the Stale, there I no
medicine that we could tiamn for tne disease
It 1 recomlui mini for that I It equal. .V
iliivrfforirirtif (n .iriufArr dJimiM.
ttft.OOtt IMI.I.AMM Worth of Hard,
ware to etiliange for Ileal KtUtc, Stxk and
Cah. For (Mirth tllart, addrc
Dr Moines, Iowa.
Kllert's Daylight l.lver I'lIU ate reliable, s.fe
and ((llclrnt. They purify the blood, rtgillste
the liter and digestive organs, and nlleve
hrafkche caused by IndlgeMion.
Females that are liable to suppression by
taking (old. or Irregular or painful Menstrua
tion, should always keep Carter's Couiutliid
Kxtract of rinartwcolonhand, and lit use will
convince them that It la Nature'a Kemedy lu
thao compUlnl. Ak your druggist for it.
For Rummer Complaint or Clioleradnfan
turn there I nothing aafn and reliable s Dr.
WlncheU's Teething Syrup, It never fall to
give Immediate relief, and It harmless. Sold
ly all llruggltta at S3 rent tier bottle.
fU A Ssr Hiw in ntbi.U' sWmrtJiisaiiswlvf
tflV Afeat (XK. V0SjSAW .Ml. Aral. Mo.
,- X. -
B.K4Arr CABsM,
ine. ruatMlJ. OKO. I. ftKKt(VI.,Kaaii.K T.
CfiTHIIBwf f"t all en4'te. We will tlsrt ruq
rPrllllltl l;s'l()V MTII, CO . rinresee. l J
.llkMtir esMt in Csm llei lnlol4-i S)ftio
MTir4 rsrdt In OsMllei In (Jul
svretra li. imuii wa. ei Trar, nnsivl, CI,
.l Mlirdesnjt, wllh tint, puM4. '" Ag'St t
irvfuaiDi, urn. .,
mt. toe. n. LircMritLu. I.tirbtsia. ill.
PIB Wtr fa ihtEsst tmt 0nrs of It a at, s44ret
Ucxnlspeed llwik, IllWf a rbrutno lluute Cblrsu.
stmpie or (.rune nernt rue se ttitnp H.
setrsi'LAsraiaanco , nuaslu, X. T.
, 4 far y, Speeltl tubj
rwm i v i HViTvsasjfi rr r. citiu ,t
I'hoiut l.ks terrtaa Tol; H Stsl.M.,CbTcfu.
KM Wsll -ftTe. lluek Orttlt tnd Urtllls Ms.
CWchlset JntifMit fi4 fur Illuslrtle4 Cslf
CVm. iTsjrats At t-m .at. Un, Mn.
I MS I bTTTbTM- W'flelt naucd furl lent
CMOS I'UllCnufl S CO , Sswatlt. X J
rSKE. SfrB.IIiMJlrMlL'
ilbUiureannia, J AM KM
,IMsn4 li Wowiarr'IIUbsrfb.l'
lTalMIUI ajlvrii foreTrtular oTl)aMiP"n
w wwtsss stHtti nutiart ixNisg uerur suinariw
Te trrixsi iratnrrsiame u a. em
Aadres. li. It LlinorMa.
JllX Ut llttepptxl. !.
riTai lAr. t IIAI1M now lo rsvlaile
liter tell euKillluTe lvt mAmimloti
llr Ditll ."C It. M. flKllCK.
i mtmimifif !.
WA I HHPHI , W cutraates a (HMtilrt rare, so mat
Iter of b(WsJlti.
TMt InH.
aa " " r sufferer f ut tbsrt
rKKOKHlCK VV.HAl.K. 1 llWiu,. Vew ToTk.
Hwtntiwwi eirsbtrir.
ffllSt. Sj
Wleriif Murse,
Wagw sad HeribsMtlM Cover, ft. w V
dB.. Ntriei M.eef. Litis st
oar i
rvwo lniDuntlj. Ait
rrun rsilllllrbBel4.Ui44ii,i:ii'
Aw lM'4srter fur lv nil
nt. UymH'tHmm. tut (rarral llastuf fnrtl0 V-t:
Head rue Jvarmil nmlAlalng lllaslralluas lUAvfttn.
A.O. rtiio llf)..l. K-V4b tt.,ClilcVu.lll.
bm w s niiwima. r itflinu a mm ariuir
.ihshi iiaisnai sstuaasjsw
Be sure lo s4 fir cur LATCEiT i4
CiaT.a wiib sswtTTLts. stnrraii raicss and
aaoeb infuroisitro, Sarrrst. MAMI). SilUMLUf
OHO AS Ut.. UoMoa. Krw York or Cklesau.
TfflC Tb rbuteesf Id lbs
a lbs world latoeter
ombj la ABMrie-Ma&
Trad cosilaaallr la
stpnee- uut vorn,
snius Meases evfrrvxir
cresM&a Acesu wsnU4 rr
wuers oeat tadaca
ifri'teealar to
seats-deal wsU llme-sesd f'r lrelr to
fcOlIT WIXIS, si Vtsey at, . V.. V. O. 4X
csry at., x. r., r. o- & vm.
' lj i. Ja63r'iii,.Ji. . ' . 2, V- -" " -
aw. piVmi(
fM !(
i tw vt .
tw Mii s4st r
t ftsllal Sit
( ,
't n isani I
I . Slat wV.4
i art r4ial Sv4 e ts e
a4 MstxuJs
ti was tat v4 asw '
sw UBtw
Svttrjr Dul
tVe. lbs TttTtw
Ws tkWikSI M
tt-tt M ItSlLOksbfti
Mia r ik tt til .. b Mw riti
ul twisno. t r1 ivml kwt Ma
i-ej tr w. U
WsjTK.TO Slk
AMims, UhjM
.ta lNsf
rr ry i.iiri
leS l tK-f se
I Hrl wapeetar ta I'sm
ll ' rae letsiar
Pslrtl l
lW 1)l
.i rrs
C,rte. is4l
wMIe 1
MHIe r.
sirff bf e
rt l '
I rim...!,
k.41. til.
m Writwi luitTiiu mm.
A1 ttolOaVrelllais
Ta best latsltt Sad rMf
tbtlrt I lb euaslrf, fM.a
m4 ri-unj rrri.sie;i.M,
Rallaaal wir aaat-
irvas, ihs im atiiifa
llirnitltsv, hihuk
, ill
Something New
ii i nil vim i
lli 1U HliriiM
Adaatakla ta Rf.ri Kiad af ttrwla aad
twmrn), Maaa hf tb. aid ..lablUtirlt
eat "
AT J.atjll.l.Ni UNIN,
Sri4 fur Ctreulart sad sddif Miif bssrrH StJ'ttj.
Save The Nation !
riirll Ittxllr l.m live I.BlilvMhlsif 4 blldeea
irturtr la Healb ml J'sl I.J llnn.f v
Insurarlrnt lal.
Is ll and l'l il'sl MiKir lhB r !.
ltlt It l a Hlebls alrilUasdrsllr
ststuiltalM rsMref, rrstiful lo lbs ! drlll ;d
Inllshlr oitnsrli, ant esrrUlli tdsltd fvr lb la
raat o. 14 raw In KIM.
iDTallds, Nnrsins Motbers,
snt 1hv suflttln fom Indlrrsltuti ttl Sad tit
'Mtwiiis-ai numw II
Issllll.ei . atsire II it ctrrlalir pi aaiartHir
llrs. CifBsltBI asrrs will USA usi K slfrlalwS
Ibr Biil rroSbmlral sllr In nj) turn wurb UH'f
tUaiMrtnrni.lbusmslrrltljr I. mis ihetiftM.
wool UK i A (i mryrrurwl
If j( are tiffrrlae
In io a bed bf slra
Krbraiiii, orisriBitn, ff
H Nlflrr)
WllK'tar yat.
tf too sre slmplf slllsfn
f toa frr I wrak
oilirnrg, woimui risri
H Mlllrr)
If fwi r mlaltter, (an
wild jirir BMtrtl datlrt
wiib ctrt tad work,
Mass Mltteni
nntl( abf,
will Melv
uirrlatrd taarMtf
a PHniirr, wura
will reilar
If rexj sre s rasa oflntl
arskrsrd t' Jti
toot rvrri'ltrflwllrti if a aa
a u iri
irr. toin; oser rovrluM Bnll
Hats MHtrsAi fiCiS
rovririwiBhiam wwi,
lBITrr!i'(Tomi ladl.
lrr,MltofleBtli rsa.
If sou r louaff.
rrrlluo, nt are ruwle' l
Has at Mills rJ tll
rllrvei yum.
Mp,o Ibe fsTBi. st In
i list tar trttem Brrdt
If fu are la Ibe. work
drtk.arBra. sad frr
drawl, Wnli. or ttlui
'tlsiUs. wjltaaat lataa
Mttat Mlltrr la
WTalMl ) r4lr
II fin iiffuiii, q jvmi
rrrs BBSlrBdr, tod ftm
Wfeta yon wsnl a
r. Ilolliiblo
Mar aad Urala Blaba
TaadTli (. El.iaI.a" TAT
IMU I4U, aa4 tha ttarth m
yaas1 aaoasy. If aa afaas la M"
sseaHtr, ara tha aala
atas-laa, Aala
laTTHscrirnltt ctrralsrs irU.
IftjtX sm ajty ft'.. It I
IE5rSSrn:tViwl5 I
-- ,i-i i i ii i it u ii aar --.- " b.
IKlNNtll '
figL PonaiEnigs
a !
1SMISHI aea rur
AjrJV, m t ai
(.tilr tu.Cblet-
raawise IS ireiHe,
Mttat aailirrw miibbti? ssw
lltet picrr
tsle Asealr, iMt Motitra, Iowa.
. i.i.JeR I ....! Jeka.t.J,'ii V .'. . I ... WtoflraftrVfilkictlW RH
lilt, citooic.-.
f fMU la at4
a rMitija nai
Ftr Cirlt., CWi,
Hwtaauraaioa tonic,
) istwtwi dttfti4
) lssV. aid slssa
A Istsi al a U 4
, At snwaasH '
IH Cr4WVM4 rrj..t
ta toast WH aa M le
Daaj we a tariarfae.
aWaawa bwmb (aaa
illl'r f.
UnHrrUled b Actar-iic.
UnTnttU led In tlrapllcltjr,
Unturpuied in Ccratncllor-UnprKit4-4
in Ihr.Mlltr.
Uneell4 In Xccnemj of roiL
run m ii in MOAO CLAIM H ; w
vest iixst oraiTiKa,
MADit only nr
VIIratorH TkrxrtiTa,
wrra iwraotaa
Aa4 SHsaa TlHaaMr Katttss,
Malta mtlf (r
ilaa. Tfata.
i.ta .. aSitM .. afcA
MMk, a.fadtl tVsa a aait wM,rr.
tset ft is. In, sal tt tarMf arats Vsssst.
RAIN Ratsara will aad IsalHati la lb
a) ayMtoi Mfl A 141 lafw a)t-f ilanssj
ha SlwM,k4 tUti MulKlrNM)
THR RNTIHR Twrasfclas Kaaaaaaa
a4 ! ItS-M ( P 1 f
thti !' atfld. f MU a.l,t.i.Mtlk4
tttdB rlr wH- ft'l KlfttH 4 (VHadl4
. WH f V Ff IdM-l M-a Ne4 r Prra.
N.rT Mir Vflailr nvpwtimr tor H'bfl.i,
,-. atlf(llv(4 hf lJfa, -e Ito -a.
tea. I t ra, TNBmftJiiH4 ( f , m4
-. lM-4ldl,Mla-kMti-' HJtoanVl
U aM ' UrftU ,
rmrmtjorm rp mmpUwUt mt ran.
$ l-rr IMS a.fcrlf ivr ..l Im m4
ta Mim t.tirt.
FOUR WUaaaf Waaaratara Wa4, aa
l. I,.. r rv.t.r HrT sr, s4 flr.,l.rM
M.srtrS S. w r.rS t tsslsw)
STKAM fatvar Tkraafeara a, aaelalr.
4 t4rl sirs .!. srss. 4.s4f Srf sun. r..
OUR. Vatdaajadi Mdaaaa Taraaher Ra.
W, - IWatiat ImmftmrmmMttm ! tatlaasit
plaarVJaWf avar vRysjaR Ravf RHRsf aVVW fJv RtVaaB
I niT" w sfTsrw, iriiisiis'se Emw7
MldIM Rst RMRatf - M)f
Fat Mtf WRtJ 4a-f !- f a
la aad Mtbwf. f. Zm,
ibat atll d?MtBsinr kt BKaV .
ba aiu.
Mraaaiasaaiaaar, tf
tt.a tas aiwaa d dtWlb
tA. saaasa - sd t
x .yw i .. f r
T YtliU ATOst ' J
Bmt Mats. r
VMS! Msi.bls liraUwU'
I Mtr a. SmiB
Bumon: iti-lKiES"
, iitbaiisf is
H'ltfrwm roMiss'. .. PiaJR'r la stated., fseaifr
Mo tbsrs svlklt Ha la J astHbtaa Israt, D
Tba asstv
a.nrratnd tryava.
Taa alarfM .
RtM M rMiilai tr Httl
MwmwM tmwMmm rWisf as
. '.'ir-.. ,
J: u.:
. ' ffaavMa
STlbtataavarttM Hat l aa
a asfr k takv -..-.Ja a f t
JM T-t pa" "d ""I pa "i mwmmnww waap f-a-paj a-w y
ti wsi at srr eV tsakl
as a tawMtta nt bt kerb.
BaTswa rr. s-aanri esraes. ra
MiiiwailHtrnUk a leMl sfw-rif i
saav UNe etaatatas at
'' t I" i aat
I aVs Vm HH4 m (rt tifVs -?(
rM We bM risd twH !
H rtr. t.i.U'sw s ta ..s- Hat
rar i snww attaa W'
! . , salataa M .
rses a-eartw) hhum O I
prir aa4 satrairt tad sas trr,"d.
! H
lsaHs a
. Wtllt St MM
f,S' .
fit n aewserssN
ai. iasai
Airrnp- t
At Mm
4t M S SataWi
JNr4 t'
tabes 4(kai
'",i a
a sot'iva is risni r
'fl'! . ""a t Vms
A bMk
Wk lb- Vlb
rSAr4 (( l
ras b it a)-
OrHllfUil mhI Cem,
tsrenat at
4. H, SKILlw an,
,'4lr. f,
lirjraeea aw -, ,y H . .M,.
RI VAaJRW rsr;aVtt ,
at lava stir
aMtMMW WR) RRl TfRaa WWfHrWMw$ t Vp
Bellpte aad Apt HMktelt. i
t tii
fiMl f r4MMM'a nLf i
wWWMJRj WaTPataJ tVVWWI ' "tt, M
J MVrA-aVa.MtA Mkd iMH nH lppllaWlW j jR
aaaaswel faTV aVdV-' Wf V Jal VrWwVrWPfti"- Bf ffJaWrV
MMW . . .' V,
f Wrmrmrmrmm-TT
JdHfcMJ If A
pKflMSSlSBp M rt
t-srja)li).tCrarllrr. JtWIbtibdra iiar7- ,V,
aRatvwrtaVaPaMal aHflafTawMM w4frl BBal taiBaHw VMMl 57
-- r" " -r -- - t'lftlK m
Mm,M(i. aaa4, td) si, WtaMRrMj
tPaWHVlt mjf Raawi aPaVdBw; WwMWw Ww P"aWl j9H Wrii
Saaaaaa. AvWiritTIwttf-iii TM
aaTat.CatwaaatUsv 4 . W
mm -5R - ..;"ft ,1
r jwmm kvvmjnm clfM Ml
KVl(Hr sbmsW Maa ata rmtMm
SBVU Vastmea n rAataa baAZsaa asa r.SiaWeT
wa - iTj, rraam; ,.aai
3&3m&mi m
aTaatada - I .U iaSBsl
WLWXik, u.'i swsmm
atawaf aWUbfMkf aal!?lJ? tots! I ,
tVytfi, bitiUMCf, M4irmrmkM Mtemf. ,
nm asoa nuimHtlr UtuiM mXt atr
sdm aiilfta I
r tatMtaw
RMtl aaa at in
aaiaM And atisl aMWsf.
swat-raw wr r; pr
W CsfMaPdWI' aAaR V RRtJfJ Vf
. -, sg
t ,KJ
' wi
wl 1
. VJ
i -jiTtL.'
r wy
r. ,
..' I'll r ) ( fffc ttJ;i w " " '
r. -viriiMtei
...I" ii in i i 1 1 1 i i a i ii i ii i iisai ..- . t r . - -"-. i- ..i. - .---.'i..w ..l......j,mm.. ., . .-... .. tu ,riwwiMi'rw.itpf4lM-irv.wr- t--1-.
g&waffltife.A .mtnrarl.,,; !,(,,. atfAV..tfei,..i,v . , l':,Wr
.A .r-. jT' . .1 1 i. . 'hi.i