The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 06, 1878, Image 3

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MU , Ma. Pra-M.
TBI Mppoaed Fenian, who were en
wpM wenrthe village of North Troy,
Tit departed.
Rcmun agent hare purchased, at
Philadelphia, the new steamer, SUto of
California. Th price paid la aald to be
00,000. '
Tin personal eatate ef the late Wm.
OrtM, President of the Western Union
Telegraph Company, doe not exceed
Srcrxtart Smrnman thlnka he will
have In the raHlm by January lt
9105,000,000 of coin to meet rtsump-
He now haa 996,000,000.
The Legislature of Ohio, at It late
aeaalon, passed a law requiring a rigid
annual examination of the Investments
of Insurance companies.
Tme Senate committee on pension
have agreed to the Houae bill to Increase
pensions to aoldlera who haro lost both
ami, both lea or both eyea In the nor
Ice, from 960 to 972 per month. There
are only lxty-flv of thla data on the
The follower of Gen. Maooo, accord
Ing to a Havana dispatch, have signified
their intention to surrender, and some
of tbem have already given themselves
up. Gen. Maceo haa sent to advise Vi
cente Garcia, hla principal chief, to sur
render, Garcia having remained neu
tral. Mr. Lydia Sherman died recently
la tha Connecticut State prison. She
waa, on her own confession, the poison
r of two husbands and six children.
She was convicted of poisoning her
third husband, in 1872, and sentenced for
life. She escaped In ,1877, but was re
captured. At the time of her dunth
ho was 4 years old.
A committkk of tho I'rosby torlnn Gen
eral Assembly, In session In Pittsburg,
Pa., reported resolutions denouncing ns
a sin the handling of liquor In any
shape, and Including as participant nil
who sell grain or hops to brewers or dis
tillers, those who make or sell machin
ery, or lease property to be used lu the
manufacture of aalu of liquor. The reso
lutions wore referred, and will come up
for action before tho Assembly.
BtMtlfwl Thing In Lends.
But attend a Queen's drawing-room
once; there you'll see dress, and, abovo
above all, diamond that will astonish
you. Porhap It Is not generally known
that the wonderful necklace of Marie
Atolnette, that unsurpassed historic
ass of glittering splendor, which was
so costly that It brought about tho over
throw of a dynasty, sent Marie An
toinette and tho King, aa well as count
less others, to the scaffold, and let loose
a revelation, with all its horrors, is now
In tho possession of two or threo great
English families, thojroms unset and
remounted into nocklam and bracelets
and tiaras which llgurHuvat tho gen
erality of tho Queon'aYHig rooms.
j. no duik oi inotuprciwpjKni's gor
geous jewels wore Louijflrby English
womon; so will bo thoH of the Queen
Dowager of Spain, when tho sale of her
gems takes ulaco In Paris next month.
Tho other night Lady Cork gave a fan
cy drts oall a calico ball, as they call
this kind now, and Miss Steven, of
Now York, appeared aa an Indian
squaw, her dress, though composed of
oallco, being doooratcd with hundreds
of feathers of tho costliest kind procu
mole. Lady Mandeville, formerly of
Fifth avenue, wmt as an Italian girl,
anything but a simple costume, and
wore her fine longhair hauging straight
down her back. Tho Princess of Wales
was a Pompadour In calico, but wa re
splendent with thousands and thousands
of pound worth of diamonds and
tearls. The town la full Just now of
ovely things which will be on exhibi
tion hero till Easter Monday, when
they must bo sent to Pari for the open
ing day. Among others Is a completo
set of. china dinner, dessert, tea and
breakfast tho tlnest ever made in Ens
land. Tho best Judges declare tho coloring
to be indistinguishable from Serves
bluo, while tho landscape on tho dess
ert plates are perfection. Let the cost
of the wholo toll the rest Thesorvico
is worth 936,000 more than that real
ly: the figure is 7,000 guineas.
If is for an Australian millionaire,
who wa left 7,000,000 by bis father.
The tea service so charmed tho Queen
that ho ordered It duplicated.
Littlo Johnny haa peculiar views as
to original sin. Ono day ho was to bo
Eunlshcd for some misdemeanor, when
e pleaded: "It wasn't mo, mama,
dear ; it waa tho bad man." "Well,
Johnny, lam going to whip tho bad
man out of you?' "Ah, yes, but that
will hurt mo a precious lot more than
the badman."
'Your handwriting is tery bad In
deed," said a gentleman to a friend
more addicted to boating than to study;
"you really ought to learn to writo bet-
wr." "Ajr, ay," replied tlio young
man, "It's all very well for you to tell
me that, but If I were to writo better,
people would find out how I aiK.ll.' '
Spent lybTfrom soap manufactories,
is valuable for mingling with muck to
xnako a jjood compost for application to
laud. It uoutraluea tho acid of thu
muck, render it more soluble, nnd adds
valuable tittrnawnnu iiiluatn. n u
W$: . fcFI amount of thU spent lyo is
LWWMMd about the aoan mamifiwrnrli.
'm. W4a ought to be saved and used for
Two herder named Davis and Reed,
war employed ten rams aorta of Nwerd, and
ImAkmm mtsaaasTttsaats! abent their lnd
and stock. Abrat 5 o' evening of Msy
lata, ttsy mot, quarreled, sa4 th rwuli wm
that ft4 shot Devi, allHaf him Ib.UiuIt.
R4 wmt directly to sward and gave him.
at If up, stating that h committed lbs deed In
self-ttefeM. Ther wst great excitement over
affair, at toward.
A few nlghta ago, at Kvanston, a
foanf ma named Theedors Lanaon ws la a
turns of prnatiutloa U eoaversatlon with one
ef tha Inmates, when a fellow earned Henry
One entered the roess, sn4 drawing a revolver,
shot Latino three Maiee, killing him. After
ths flrst shot Unnon begged Coe to spare his
life, Tha eue of the shootlaff was the feet
that th woaun with whom l.aanon was talk
ing wss Cue's "glrl. Cue ".ed the town at
once. Frank Leaaoa, a brother of the mur
murdered man, arrived home the um even
ing, and Irsrntag of the tragedy, wm, st tils
owa rro,nct, sworn In by the sheriff as s dep
uty. Finding that Cne had taken the trsln
for Kcbo, Laaaon follow I him on trsln No. 8.
snd arriving at Kcbo a search ws st once or
gsnlsed. Although It wss assiduously prose
cuted, nothing could be found ef Cue until
nearly dsyllglit, when Lennon, who had got
upon hit track, accompanied by Kdensoo, a
cltlsen, met the murderer fsce to face, on the
U. V, railroad trsck, a mile from Kcbo, and
near th Weber river. Lannon waasrmed with
a double-barreled fowllng-plece, and st once
ordered Cue to throw up his hands, Cue
thrust hi hand Into his breast, and attempted
to draw a revolver, when Lannoa discharged
both barrels st him, striking Mm U the breast
snd killing htm Instantly. Thla wss on Tues
dsy morning. Both barrels were hesvlly load
ed with buckshot. The man at ones returned
to Echo, and the body wss brought In Immcdl
stely after. When the U, P. train east arrived,
an Inquest was In progress attlie depot. At
the request of thepaaeciigcrsthe train stopped
for a short time, and the verdict of the Jury
Justifiable homicide wm learned. Cue alto
went by th names of Reddy snd Florence.
lis wsi a desperate character, and hail not
long lnce escaped from the Wyoming peni
tentiary, where he wm confined for another
It has frequently happened that stu
dious men have done really hard men
tal work while asleep. A stanza of ex
cellent verse Is In print, which Sir John
Herschel Is said to havo composed
while asleep, and to have romomliorod
when h awoke. Gtcthu often set down
on paper, during thu day, thoughts anil
Ideas which had presented thumselves
to him during thu preceding night. A
gentleman ouo nlgnt dreamed that he
was playing an entirely new gume of
funis with three friends; when ho
awoke, the structure and rules of tho
new game, as created in tho dream,
came one by ono Into memory, and he
found them so ingenious that lie after
wards frequently played tho game. A
caso is cited where a gentleman in his
sleep composed nit ode In six stanzas,
and set it to music. Turtlul, thu cele
brated Italian vocalist, composed thu
"Devil's Sonata" In a dream. Lord
Thurlow, when a youth at college found
himself ouo evening unable to finish it
piece of Latin composition which ho
had undertaken. Ho went to bed full
of tho subject, fell asleep, finished his
composition In a dream, remembered it
next morning, nnd was complimented
on tho felicitous form which It pre
sented. Heavy Forfeits.
Intemncrauco in drinking involves
fearful losses every way. Hero is a
form of them not always thought of.
In tho policies of life insurance compa
nies there is usually a clauso freeing
tho company from any obligation to
pay tho policy in caso the insured dies
in anyway in consequence of the use of
strong drink. Not long since as Is Ma
ted In n New York poper, n retired mer
chant, who had been a president of n
life insurance company nnd had paid
from llrst to last over $20,000 In premi
ums, at length becoming addicted to
drunkenness, and dying In that state,
had tho 100,0000 of Insurance on his
life forfeited. His wife nnd children
thus lost both thu money ho had paid in
premiums and all tho money that would
havo been duo for his Insurance, lu
another Instance a man who had been
nn ildermau in Hrooklvn became In
temperate, and thus forfeited tho W0,
000 of insurance that had been secured
on his life.
Truly Intemperance Is an expensive
luxury. It curses In tho beginning and
the end, In temporal and In spiritual
things, in body nnd soul, for time and
eternity! "No drunkard shall inherit
tho kingdom of God."
Hew Bar Room Liquor are Made.
lhoro may bo scon daily on Chestnut
street n man dressed in faultless appa
rel, with n great diamond on his breast,
vainly endeavoring to outglltter tho
magultlceut solitaire on his linger. Ills
occupation Is tho mixing and adultera
tion of liquors. Glvo him a dozen casks
of deodorized alcohol, and thu noxtilny
each of them will represent tho name of
genuine wine or popular spirit. Ho
outers a wholesale drug store bearing a
largo basket upon his arm. Flvo pounds
of Iceland moss are weighed out to
him. To raw liquors this Imparts tho
smoothness and oleaglnousncas which
gives to imitation brandy tho glibness
of that which is most matured. An as
trlngcnt, called catechu, that would al
most close the mouth of a class Ink
stand, Is next In order. A couple of
ounces or strychnine, next called for,
are quickly transferred to his vest pock
et, and a pound of white vltrlol is si
lently placed In tho bottonfof tho bas
ket. Tho oil of cognac, tho sulphuric
acid, and other articles that glvo tire
and body to liquid poisons, ore always
kept In thu store. Tho mixer buys theso
from various quarters. Thoy are sta
ples of tho acUPMUuMiMi XuUctin
There are in thoUnlted States 2t8
distilleries In operation. They uso fi7,
7C3 bushels of grain daily, making 223,
W5 gallons of high wines therefrom.
rem this it Is ascertained that ubout
20,000,000 bushels of corn, ryo and
wheat are used for distilling, which
makes about 80.000.000 gallons of 11
quor per year. Beside this in tho New
England State thoy mako about 2,000,
0,07600 galloas of rum out of molasses
Three young men were drowned at
New Haven, Conn., May Mth.
A fire In Pittsburg, Pa., May 20th, de
strayed property valm-d st 140,000.
A Mre at Lcctoala, Ohio, May 7th,
destroyed .T0,000 worth of property,
John Drown & Sons' Woolen Mills, in
Philadelphia, burned on the 17th of May, Loaa,
Daniel Wilcox, editor and proprietor
of tha Qulacy Whig, died In that tlly on May
A fire at Paris, III., May 16th, burned
several buddings, causing a Iom amounting to
The Pierce mine near Deadwood, was
sold May Vth.t.y H. K. Ulvln to California par
ties for W,0W).
A fire at Corning, N. Y., May 20th,
eauaed a Iom of ,000 by the burning of rail
reed car-shops.
The most successful musical festival
that bm ever been held In America, cloaed Msy
17tb, st Cincinnati.
Ira II. Wright, for ten years treasur
er of Bouth lladley, Mm,, hM appropriated
I, 000 of the town fund.
Watson's steam forgo and axln facto
ry, at Loeust Point, near llaltlmore, Md., burn,
ed May 90th. Iju 135,000.
General Thomas II. Dakln, Captain
of the American Itlfle Team, New York, died
suddenly In that cltr, May 13th.
A fire at Massilon, Ohio, May 18th,
destroyed a part of Kuiaell A Co.'a agricultu
ral worka. Lom, 175,000 to 1100,100.
Lawrence llros., ropo makers, New
York, hare failed. Uabllltlea, 1 1 W, 000; oom
luil aueta, 1.3(1,000; real aaneU, OV,0u0.
Tho legislature of Ohio adjourned
May lftth, until next January. On the Mine
day the leglalature of New York adjourned
sine die.
At Pittsfleld, Mnss,, Punoyeck has
been found guilty of the murder of Mr. and
Mrs. Btllnum, and sentenced to be hanged on
Auguat Kith.
Tho Providence (It. I.) Tool Compa
ny hat started up to comploto the original
Ttirklnh contract, of which about 100,000 rifles
are (till to Iks made.
Tho Loker Company's tobneco facto
ry, Ht. Loiiln, was almnalrntlrcly destroyed by
Mm, May 14th. l.oa on etm-k and building es
timated at from f 15,000 to f'JO.COO.
Thu picker building of tho Portsmouth
Manufacturing Company's cotton mtlla at
youth llcrwl:k, Maine, waa dcntroyed by Are
May lftth, caunlng a Iom of f.V),000.
Thu receipts of the Cincinnati musi
cal fratlval so far foot up f 70,500. lUllroad
otllcca to hear from will Incrcaio tho amount.
The total expenaes are aomethlng over 40,000.
Ill tho hurdle race at tho opening of
the new Hunting Park at Philadelphia, May
0th, the horse ridden by Peter Morris, fell and
bad bla neck broken, and falling on Morris,
fatally Injured him.
Tho Dlmo Savings Hank, at Sacra
mento, Cal., hM auapended. It provea to have
been a sham affair. Dcpotlte about 4.000j
Macta of itock to tho nominal value of about
110,000, but worth much Icm.
A terrlllo storm of wind nnd rain
panned over Vlcksburg, Miss., May 18th. The
velocity of tho wind reached fifty-Are miles an
hour, and lasted acven minutes. Many atorea
and other buildings were unroofed.
Dispatches from 76 points in Ohio
and ludlsua Indicate that thu Ice nnd frost
have materially Injured the vegetables and
early fruits. Peachea teem to have buffered
moat, especially In tho north. Tho wheat crop
ik also somewhat damaged, hut not very mate
rially. Wm. M. Ftshor, of tho llrm of Fisher
t Co., Jewelers, Provldenre, It. I., waa robbed
at tho Planter's Hotel, St. l.ouls, of from f 5,
(XX) to 110,000 worth of gold watch chains,
necklaces, locket, etc., a few evenings ago.
Ill room wa entered during his abscuce and
the goods taken.
At Cincinnati, a few days ago, a ver
dict of 1(1,000 damage wa given Alfred Wal
truth against the Cleveland, Cincinnati it In
dianapolis ltallroad Company In tho Superior
Court, for Injuries received by falling from an
upper both upon the plaintiff ' head w Idle rid
ing In a Woodruff sleeping car.
Tho fraternal delegates from tho Gen
eral Conference of iho Methodist Episcopal
Church were received by tho Conference of the
Southern Church, at Atlanta, May 10th, and
hearty congratulation and good wishes Inter
changed, snd the hope expressed of tho final
and complete anion of the two great branches
of Methodism.
JotT Davids, tho negro murderer, who
waa to have been hanged at Abbeyvllle, 8. C,
wa respited at the last moment, by Governor
Hampton, until June 14th. Tho respite wm
read to the condemned man upou the scaffold,
after the knot had tcen adjusted, the prayer
finished and the farewell said. Davids pro
tested hi Innocence to tho lat. The respite
waa unexpected.
A dispatch from North Troy, Vt,, of
May Wt h, say a: A body of strangers are en
camped in the woods, near this place. They
are all Irishmen, well dressed and Intelligent.
Accessions are being nude to the camp almost
hourly. The Canadian mlllUa havo been call
ed out, and a feeling seem to exist along the
border tnat the Immediate Invasion of Canada
by a large army of Fenians Is more than prob
able. iTho Indianapolis Journal publishes a
confession by ex-Prosecutor 1). Walls, of Boone
county, Ind., who states that In 1874 he received
from Nancy Clem, oa trial for murder, and de
livered to Judge Palmer 11,000 m a considera
tion for which to nolle pro the case. Ho gtrea
the names and place. The News publishes an
Interview with the Interested parties, denjlng
tho whole atory. Walls wm recently debbar
rcd for unprofessional canduct.
On tho morning of May 16th, tho St.
Agnes Academy, In Memphis, Tenn., was de
stroyed by tire, together with oil Invaluable li
brary, all the clothing of tho pupil, and a
large portion of the furniture. The building,
library and furniture were Insured In the
Planters', of Memphis, for rAOOO, and all ex
cept 15,000 was reinsured ta other companies,
which will folly cover the Iom. There were 4ft
boarder In tits school, and all It their -raring
The Republican State Convention of
Pennsylvania met st Harristmrg, Msy 15th.
The platform adopted oppnaea free trade and
the pending tariff bill; favor the protection
of labor, the foatering of American commerce,
reserving the public land for actual settler,
opposition to payment of Confederate claims;
oppose dlaerimlnstlon In frrlgbt and traaa
prartatlon, favor eusl rights In the vraihera
Btatea, snd eulogise Gov. HartranfU Oen.
Harry M. Hoyt wm nominated for governor on
th flrst ballot; Charles W. fltone, for lieutenant-governor,
and James P, Bterrett for Judge
of the flnpreme court
Catherine K. Ifcechir, sister of Henry
Wsrd Beecher, died st Elmlrs, N. T., at the
residence of Thorn m IC. Ueccher, May 13th.
Wie wm the oldest of thirteen children, being
79 year of age. Phe devoted her life to the
good of others, and espnclally her own set.
Among her flrst work wss the establishment
of a school st llsrtford, Conn., In which she
wm very ancresaful. Many of her writing
were published, most of them bring latendrd
for the benefit of her scholars. In KU she es
tablished a seminary for young ladle In Cin
cinnati, Mr. Btowe, hr sister, being one of
her teachers, fine wrote some fifteen book,
all educational or domestic work.
On tho night of May loth Mlchncl Dr
wltt, tnilsh laborer, In Chicago, aged 37, was
shot Ave times, one shot penetrating the heart,
by Joseph Pparka, a young llohemlan laborer.
Sparks wm arrested and confessed that be did
the shooting, and expressed satisfaction when
ha beard that he had killed Dewltt. Dewltt
bad been living In Sparks' house, and the lat
ter claims that Dewltt had mode himself odi
ous, and refused to psy rent. A countryman
of Sparks' named Joseph Weinberger was ar
rested while hurling stones on tho dead body
of Dewltt. The coroner's Jury recommended
Uiat both be held without ball.
A rather exciting possngo took place
In the United States House of ItepreaenUtlve
on Uie 17th of Msy, between (loode and Con
ger. When the doors of the House were cloa
ed after the roll-call, and excuses were being
mails for absentees, an exciting scene took
place between Conger and (loode. Conger
made allusion to (loode' voting, saying that
he wm paired with taring, (loode said that he
regarded this aa a reflection on his honor, nnd
stated that If Conger Intended any Insult to
him he would hold him personalty responsible.
Hale Insisted on thn words being taken down,
and amidst the greatest confnslon and excite
ment, mingled with applause and hlfscs on the
floor and In the galleries, the speaker ruled
that the remark of both Conger aud Qoode
were unparliamentary.
A Loudon special of May .0th, says
there I a rumor In diplomatic clrelea that the
British Government hM sent Instructions to
Lord Loftua, ambassador at St. Petersburg,
to request a categorical explanation from Rus
sian foreign officers concerning the armament
and concerning private Kusslan olllcera In tho
United State. It I understood that Lofttis
wilt make Inquiries about thn mission of the
fimbria. Another dispatch from London says
that war between England and Hnssl Is In
evitable. A London dispatch of May ICth says:
The Ruaslan preparations to attack Ilrltlah
commerce attracts great attention. The Times
Mye the United States may be depended upon
to do all In Its power to observe tho Treaty of
Washington, but even tf tho Russians succeed
in equipping their fleet It will hardly do mush
mischief, and I more likely to fall victim to
our cruiser than to Inflict damage on our mer
chantmen. We might havo some troublo at
flrst, but a short tlmo will sufllca to clear the
seas and mako tho psssago of our vessels from
one port to another safo m now. Thu Queen
will shortly Inspect tho troops atWoolwIch.tho
first tlmo lu 23 years. A Manchester corres
pondent of tho Times snya that a strong Im
pression prevails (hut the recent outrages at
tributed to the striking cotton operatives wcru
not perpetrated by them, but by tho lower pop
ulace of lllackburu and that neighborhood, ho
are notorious for rudlnulsm and havo taken ad
vantage of tho present ferment for their own
purposes. At Preston, Accrinton and other
towua a strict watch la kept against an Influx
of this clsss from lllackburn.
London dispatches of May 17th, say:
The excitement lu East Lancashire, arising
from differences between the cotton masters
and operatives Is still Intense. The presence
of the military and a large body of police alone
holds the populace In check In several large
towns, and should present efforts for a settle
ment fall, It I feared these may not prove ad
equate. At a meeting of tho opersU ves It a m
resolved to strike against the proposed 5 per
cent reduction In their wage. At Manchester
there I little hope that the masters will accept
anything except an unconditional reduction.
One thouMnd cotton operatives at Greenhead,
near Glasgow, hare struck against a reduction
of ten per cent In wagea. Stock Exchange
opened in linden on the morning of May 17th,
with a strong feeling, and with considerable
rise tn Hurslsns and other stocks, directly of
focted by the Eastern question.
All Athens dispatch says: Tho Turks
havo attacked the Christian ncarCavca; the
fighting Is continuous. A Vienna dispatch
says: According to tho Wiener Tagblatt, the
passes reported taken by the Insurgents are
Dcrbend, Balkan aud Trojan's Gate. All at
tempts to dislodge them have been unsuccess
ful. The Turkish Commissioners have thus
far failed to accomplish their mission. A Bel
grade dispatch says: Further mlsuntcrstand
ing hM arisen between Princo Milan and the
Ministry, respecting the Tapola revolt. The
Prince will not admit the competency of a mil
itary tribunal to pas sentence on such civil
ians as ex-Minister Schumttch, but the Cabinet
Intends to resign If Prince Milan persist.
There are 30,000 Thessallan refugees
In Urecee. They refuso to return to their
home. Many of them are Joining the Greek
army. The Albanian revolt in Old Servla has
been suppressed. A Loudon dispatch says
great alarm and excitement prevail ta Con
stantinople, but tho Idea of an attack on the
city or the forcible occupation of the shore of
tho Boephorua I discredited by the fact that
Princo Labanoff, the Russian Ambusador, will
have an Interview with the SulUn to present
his credential. Other rumors, such u that
the Russians have demanded tho Porte to en
force the withdrawal of the British fleet and
permit the Russians to occupy both sides of the
Bosphorus, are clesrly the result of panic.
A Constantinople dispatch of May 14
My i Thirty-two battalion of Ralsn rein
forcements hers arrive.) st San The
arTangtmenl concerning thv fore's has failed
In ciiosequenee of the tit. Petersburg govern
ment disapproving (lea. ToJIehm'a projected
retreat to Adrionapbi. The pndtloa of adyk
Pashs, President of the Turkish Cabinet Conn
rll, Is therefore etahllbed. News frtxn the
Mussulman Insurrection state that the disturb
ances are spreading. A large number of Alba
nians are partldpsUng. The Greek In Balgo
ria, who are also greatly dissatisfied, have Just
received a new occasion for alarm tn an attempt
of the Russian authorities to annul tbrm un
der the general conscription now being enfore
ed throughout Bulgaria.
At a reception given by the Russian
AmbasMdor in Constantinople, to resident
Russians, May 19, be tnsde a speech snd ex
pressed strong hopes of peace. He recom
mended them, however, not to be too sanguine,
ss the situation wm still one of great tension.
The Russian Insist that the movements of
their troop are not Intended m hostile, but
the Turka are, notwithstanding, bard st work,
trengthenlng their line and bringing up guaa.
This It nol ftasy, m th Turkish line of defenso'
from the Sea of Marmora to the IlUck Sea la
so long, and while the Turkish force about th
capital Is superior to the Russian, It I hardly
sufficient to man such a length of lint. The
Turk will be soon reinforced however, by the
forty battalions released In Theuly and 'JO
battalions from Verna. A correspondent at
Prra say there ore no approhenalonaof a Rus
sian coup de main.
In tho Kusslnn journals, generally,
hope of peace are expressed ; even those hith
erto warlike have adopted a temperate toue. It
Is believed that Count Schouvaloff has succeed
ed In convincing the Emperor that It is to Rus
sia's Interest to concede to Enrojie most of the
demands formulated by England. The aswrm
bllng of the European Congrrs appears conse
quently assured, despite the difficulties which
have arisen at Constantinople concerning the
surrender of the fortresses.
A St. Petersburg dispatch of May 20,
says: While thero Is reason to believe thu
foundation of arrangement have U-en laid te
tween the cabinets of Iindon and St. Peters
burg, a small group of personage who know
what haa occurred maintain extreme reserve
and It I extremely difficult to say how ttr, if
various rumor are to be relied on. Russian
official pers rel Urate the statement that the
movements of tho army before Constantinople
are not hostile and menacing.
A St. Petersburg dispatnh says; The
Russian paper are full of nw about the vol
unteer fleet. Subscription for fitting It out
are romlng lu from all parts of RtitsU. It Is
trim tho sums raised seem very small for the
purpose, but they arc double the amount con
tributed from the same sources to the 0'z.trl
an' committee for the relief of the sick and
wounded during the war. A Berlin dispatch
says: Disquieting accounts have been received
here from 8t. Petersburg. The prospect le
again threatening. It seems that the Pansla
vlst party are once more In the ascendency.
Reports nro current at Vienna of
fresh complication in Roumanla. It Is stated
tLst the Russian Eleventh Army Corps has du
ring the past week been pressed forward so as
to entirely Isolate Bucharest from Little tVol
lachla, where the Ronmanlon army Is concen
trated. The Rnsslar diplomatic representative
used every effort to prevent Prluce Charles
from going to the army, but the latter' posi
tion will be made Intolerable by the military
and political control assumed by the Russians
In the capital aud the country. It I acrtcd
that the Russian are urging tho Roumanians
to refuse to pay taxea and to dethrone Prince
Charles, whom they denounce as a German and
a Catholic; but popular feeling Is entirely In
sympathy with tho Prince. Roumnnla Is look
ing anxiously to Austria, which does not seem
disposed, for thn iiretont, at least, to go lieyond
the concentration of troops and strengthening
the Trausylvanlan frontier,
A Berlin dispatch of May 14th says:
The Indignation ami excitement over the at
tack on tho Emperor Iim lueicnscd rather than
subsided, but, except the North German Ga
zette, nil tho newspapers counsel calnme-s and
tho avoidance of any rash measures of action
upon tho social democrats In the Rclctutiig.
On Monday two socialist openly Invited re
buke by refusing to Join In giving the loynl
cheers which tho President of the Chamber
proposed, but no attention wm paid to them,
and all attempt to establish Hoedlc's Insanity,
m well m hla Independence of social democrat
have failed. Hla crime la proved by numerous
eye-witnesses, and hla trial will be a mere for
mality. The effortaof the police were directed
to finding tho threads of a general conspiracy,
If such exist. Ono accomplice I suspected,
and a dctecttvo la In Lelpstg looking hltu up.
Important dispatches are said to havo
been received by tho Canadian government
frym their agents along the frontier, with re
spect to Fenian movements, and some excite
ment Is manifested In Ottawa In consequence.
From orders Issued by the mllltla department,
preparation are making for a coast and fron
tier defense. It is the Intention of the govern
ment to be fully prepared for all emergencies.
Four gunboats, armed with !$-pound gun,
manned by twenty-four gunners, have been or
dered to tho St. Clair river, and to lakes Erie
and Ontario. All tho militia on the frontier
are being supplied with arms and ball cartridg
es, and the interior militia arc ordered to hold
themselves tn readiness to leave at a moment's
notice for the front. Tho battalion of Infantry
st Kingston la to be converted into the artil
lery guard front Kingston battery, and to bo
sent to Torouto to protect the military stores.
Four "-pounder were ordered to the Prescott
battery, the artillery being formed at that
point New rifle corps wilt be organized at Ot
tawa. The Barrack and Redhead batteries at
St. John, New Brunswick, have bceu supplied
with 42-pounder. Partridge Island battery la
repaired and heavily armed, and Fort Dufferin,
Now Brunswick Is supplied with 04-pound rifle
gun and 33-pounder. In Nova Scotia new
batteries of artillery have been raised at Yar
mouth snd New Llverjool, au 1 the batteries
at these points, as well as at Dtgby, Sydney
and Cape Picton, are equipped with impound
ers. The battery at Picton is also placed In a
condition of defense. A battery of heavy gunt
is ordered at Victoria, Vancouver's Island, to
conunaud tho Victoria harbor and Esautmaulu
Advices from Japan say that Minister
Okubo wm murdered In the street by five as
sasslDsuhlle on hi way to the cabinet coun
cil. AU the assasslas were arrested.
PJaBfs)sjin Elesjweaiee
A doctor named IlovsUm had sued
Peter Beanett for his bill, long overdue,
for attending the wife of the latter, Al
axander II. Stephens was on the Ben
nett side and Robert Toorabo. then Sen
ator to the United State, was for Dr.
The doctor proved the number of his
Tislts, according to local cutom, and
his own authority to do medical prac
tice. Mr. Stephens told his client that
the physician had made his case, and as
there was nothing whatever to rebut or
offset the claim, the only thing left to
do was to pav it.
"N'o," saltl Peter, "I hired you to
speak In mv case; and now, speak."
Mr. Stephens told him there was not
anything to say; he had looked on to
see that it was matte out, and It was.
Peter was obdurate, and nt lat Mr.
Stephens told him to mako a stwech
himself, If he thought one could be
"I will," said Peter Dennett, "if
Dabby Toombs will not bo too hard on
Senator Toombs promised, and Peter
Gentleman of the Jury, you and I Is
plain farmers, and If we don't stick to
gether these 'ere lawyers and doctors
will git the advantage of us. I ain't no
objection to them In their proper place;
but they aln!t farmers, gentlemen of
the jury. Now, this man, Hovston, waa
a new doctor, and I went for him to
come an' to doctor my wife's sore leg.
And he come and put some salve truck
onto It, and some rags, but never done
it one bit of good, gentlemen of tho ju
ry. I don't oelieve he is no doctor, no
way. Now, there is doctors that
Is doctors, sure enough; but this man
don't earn his money; and if you send
for him, as Mrs. Suan Atkinson did,
for a nigger as was worth $1,000. ho
JiMt kills him nnd wants pay for it."
"I don't!" thnndered the doctor.
"Did you cure him?" asked Peter,
with the 'slow accent of a judge with
the black cap on.
The doctor was silent, nnd Peter pro
cccde: "As I was a savin', gentlemen of tho
jury, wo farmcrs,when wc sell our cot
ton", has got to give vallevfor tho money
we ask. and a doctor alnH none to vood
to bu put to thu same rule. And I don't
believe this Sam Royston is no doctor,
no how."
The physiciau again put in his oar,
with, "look nt my diploma, if you
think I am no physlcinn."
"IBs diploma', exclaimed the new
Hedged orator, with great contempt.
"His diploma, gentleman of thu jury,
this U a new word for printed sheop
kiu; and it didn't mnku no doctor of
the sheep ns llrst wore it, nor docs it of
the man who now carries it, and I pint
out to you that he ain't no doctor at
all." "
The man of medicine was now In a
fury, and screamed out: "Ask my pa
tient If I am no doctor!"
"I nked my wife," retorted Peter,
"and she ta!il as how she thought you
"Ask my other pntlento," said Dr.
This seemed to be tho straw that
broko the camel' back, for Peter replied
with a look and tono of unutterable
"This is a hard saying, gentlemen of
tho jury, and one that requires mo to
dio or to have powers as I've heard tell
ceased to be exercised since the apos
tles. Does ho expect mo to bring the
nngel Gabriel down to toot his horn be
fore tho tlmo, and crv aloud, 'Awake,
ye dead, and tell thfs court and jury
your opinion of Royton'.s practice!'
Am I to go down to the tomb nnd say
to him as is at last at rest from physio
and doctor's bills, 'Git up here, you, nnd
state if you died a natural death, or was
you hurried up some by doctors?' IIu
says ask his patients, and, c-entlemcn of
tho jury, they are nil dead! Where Is
Mrs.'s man, Situ? (Jo ask tho
worms in the graveyard where ho lies.
Mrs. Peak's woman, Sarah, was attend
ed by him, and her funeral was appoint
ed and ho Ind the corpse ready. Where
is that likely Bill, as belonged to Mr.
Mitchell? Now In glory, a1 expressln'
his opinion on Royston'sdocterin'. And
where is tho baby gal of Harry Steph
ens? She are wliere tho doctor's cease
from troublin', aud tho infants are at
rest. Gentlemen of the jury, ho has cat
chickens enough at my house to pay
for tho salvo, and I furnished Iho rags,
and I don't suppose he charges for mak
ln' of her worse, and oven ho don't pre
tend to charge forcurin' her, and I am
humbly thankful that he never gavo her
anything for her inwards, as lid did his
other patients, for somethin' made 'em
all dio mighty sudden."
- Here the applause mado tho speaker
sit down in great confusion, and, in
spite of tho logical restatement of the
caso by Senator Toombs, tho doctor lost
and Peter Bennett won. Rochester Express.
Why the Hungarian Hate Russia.
Tho Magyars are a vigorous, proud
and aggressive nationality, and mako
good their claim to more than tho
amount of home rule demanded by our
Irish members. 1 hey have a hatred ol
Russia founded on her Intervention at
tho moment when their rebellion prom
ised to bo successful; and their admi
ration springs, not only from her resis
tance to their own foe. but from her
refusal to give up tho Hungarians who
took refuge in her territory. They have -not
forgotten that tho Sultan delicd tho
Czar. It is perfectly natural that they
should dislike Russia and admire Tur
key. But they have a more practical
reason for hostility to any toleration of
Russian objects. They know that if tbo
treaty of San Stcfano were to bo en
forced, Austria would be obliged to pro
tect her own interests by extending her
sovereignty over some of tho Slav prov
ince of Turkey, and that she would
thus become more of a Slav Empire.
It is not surprising that they should bo
hostile to any chango which would tend
to lessen the political importance of
Pesth. -London Telegraph.
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plaints, If neglected, speedily end In permanent
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ttftfiS? uw U E,,m' Extract of Tar and
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