The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 23, 1878, Image 7

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ReWMlsf JaHH
aaa i v ' JJ V - j -f ' f '(" IfKftFmffMfSIBM
J '' saBaaaBaBaBaBaBaaaBBBal
sa?-aatBSawBsfSSt V
I A. I. h iium
ibrfuoe with feud' ay "lib trlfr
Oar hamfi hearts untnttlnc.
Let vm 1 friends aalu ThU life
It all t-io short fif bkUni;'
' N) dull the day, an ! the way,
tk riwih Uit mad we'r fHu -Far
better wtat with faithful ItUoJ.
Than ttalh ahsas uorartnf '
The barren ftf, ths withered vine,
Are type of teiftih lhln ,
Hut oU that glte, like thine aud tultir,
Renew their lit by lln,,.
While eyt ass wares o'r f arly grave.
a all Uit way we're gvlac,
Far better plant where ml U acaut.
Than tread oo fruit that' growtu;
Away with atom 1 autre, ilia we uiuit
And rest on on low pillow ,
There are no rlraU in the Jut
No foea teurath the wllUm,
AV dry the bowera, to few tlit doorr.
flaViur earthly way dlteloaei,
Kar better ttoop, where daltlrt ilroxjt,
Thau trainp ur hrt.ken n!
Of what are all the Joy we bold,
Com ami to Joyt above, ul
And what are ratik, ami rr and ipild,
4 Compared to hearts that lore ut
So fleet our year, to full of tear,
So cloudy death It waltldK
(!(! Rive ut tpace for luvlu urate
Hut Iravra uo time for hating
Such it iungtillleontly-j;r:niil old plneo
It niw Immense, gloomy, pletiiresiitie,
.tin I so strongly tlarorinj; of otil-timo
divvs when fair women worn fashion
ably tho costume of llvo hundred veivrs
'rijjo, and were com tod by lordly knights
in plume mid sword, nnd embroidered
velvet short-clothes; when love iv true
nnd ardent a lo-dav the lores of thoe
wlio cfntiirU'" ago lived, nnd died, and
ajt) forgotten.
It wits a glorious place to romance
over, to revel In, to explore, und Jeau
luitiii (5roy, when she llritttipl across
the modem little bridge so liilat und
elegant, whore bud once Imh'u a emu.
Imtmihiu Rreut dniw-liridj;o, j; '
tirettition to hor dellcht in entliuln.Mn
that umply repaid her Indulgent father
for huvlng given wht to his daughter'
U"t whim IhnptirrhtuiMtf lllue Court
Hull, wiuon tor year nun year nan
stood grim, dejierted, pietunwiu and
the traiiKforuiution of portionnof it into
an elegantly eonifortahlit gentleman'
country plaeo a trannforniallnn whleh
at a fabulous rust, hail not been per
mitted U Interfere materially with the
Holemn grandeur of the place.
Mr. Crcy looked itntUliedly at Holt
j Vernon us Jessamine etaxped her little
glocd hands in Irrepressible eoitaey;
and Holf Vernon turned his handsome,
lazy blue eyeHiidiulrlugly upon the girl's
piquant, lovely face.
Oh. tatu! oh. nana! it' perfect It's
subllnte! Only see those grat, glori
ous towers rising up beyond those sway
Imf solemn trees and the windows.
j,Hpti those darling little diamond
11 IIVi
you, Mr.
Jessamine's shining black eye were
full on Id face; her delicately flushed
cheeks, her wind-blown hair, her slen
der, willowy tigure, all appealed to Mr.
Vernon, as they had Imlh In the habit
of doing lately, and his blue cyei took
in a sparkle of something more, than ad
miration as he answered her.
"I ultu agree with yon, Miss Jeasio;
lllue Court Hall Is superb. And, be
sides all the irisible attractions, there
U doubtless IU legend, which will lie in
good keeping with Its anetcul grandeur
und hoarv beauty. Do you like tradi
tions?" Ho had a remarkably pleasant voice,
sweetly Intoned, anil a juiot, leisurely
way of speaking, that was well-bred
grace personified.
Mr. tlrey leaned over the allui Iron
Hides of the airy little bridge, looking
down Into the clear lakelet livneath
the lakelet that hail once Im-ch a moat,
but which art had transformed Into a
swift, changing current, cool and spark-
There Is a legend, of course, al
though I roust confess I have forgotten
It. I remember hearing the agent for
the Courtland family say that the Kvd
Room an apartment on the second
floor was the reputed scene of the trag
edy from which the tradition of the
usual reetleB ghost spmng.
Jelwlo listened breathlessly.
"A ghost, papa! a' real lire ghost!
Oh, how splendid! Iilo hope it is a
lady, a beautiful lady, who died for
love! Papa, I am going to consult the
diagram, and seli-ct the lied Kooni for
ly neglect aim polhtrdh, and dlrtvt all
her wltrnlng w at Mr UrrLanK
Add hi the little flirtation went on
the linOtututurr days cauie and taol,
aud :vpU'lubrr. tbt rlory of the year,
btougLt It ridden hir jrfrvt'uu
et, and d vxl uljjht. until
a fortu M-t In tiirm that catue ud
deuly up oirr the ea one night, and
nurprUed tLetu all with it duu drip
tilug kl and bow liuf w ludine morn
ing when they arte atlrr a latx eru
lujt fmllc In pureat, clrant uuMullght
lliea the ordrr of riercUe m ud
denl changnl. Carpet daucr and bll
llanii, parlor rruquet aud amateur the
atricala, tablraut aud charade, took
the placvof outdoor aimiHtiueuU And
till the storm held on, day after da,
until It teemed that the tiluaklr would
never thine again, until Invention m
eihaiuted, and the party of young folk
began to wonder what iu the world thvy
would do to keep alhv
"Oh, I've Jul thought of umethiti
jH-rfectly gloriou1 We'll read the t
ry of the legend of lllue Court Hall
It's written luthcfuuulcul little cramp)
hand on old vellow parchment, and
then we'll iplortt the haunted room,
thall we1 I tbouirht that the riHim I
haw, that ued to ln Lady Sicily'. w
the liauutitl one, but It m-viii it lu't
And, ohl to-ulght t the auuheriin of
Lady Mclly's tragic death the vry
time old Magau tays we can haw our
future read for u by her plrlt If o'te
brave enough to go Into the haunted
room alone."
Jessie's delicious bit of Information
Has received with various epreiou
of satisfaction or the contrary; some
religiously belle ed the legend, some
Indignantly repudiated such a ridicu
lous tuperitltlon A few erv alarmed
aud some-Holf Verunu nnd l.auucv,
liresham were Instantly In for the
novel iport of the thing
'Of course we'll p Lady Sicily a
Ultt Is there a man xvlth gallantry
o delleleut a to refue ntidlence to
the fair mmt, who donblli s broke
hearts ruthlessly huudred of years
her lautv that m forever Lt to him
bv her treacher and Umdtinir dts-U,
took her fair voting life, and left her
trvteheJ In her own tlo.M on the floor
of her chamber
And then, with rare, he wait
nd like a madman waited until l.ofl
Darrel rimr to hi brltle, to find her
warm In her own life-trru, to le
pruug UHin by Itupert and lbrut thro'
the heart bv the Miur raoter that had
lala Lady Vlcllv And theu he turnnl
IU truty VJj fhrough hit own biet,
aud the'lhrrv, lay thenr ghattly trio
uuttl the mondtig revealed the Uor
ror of the bridal rhaml'er
Dlrwtly afterward thn rattle wm
abaudoaeM bv the family on whom the
ahadow had fallen too horribly for con-
tluuance there, and for vear and year
It tlood tllelit. crlui. and deertrtl, whll
tupertltlous villager leclr that thw
idrlta of lml Uarrel. and Kupert, and
the Uutlfkll. wicked l.-vdy huntsl the
co. lie
He that a 1 jmay, the legend goe on
to ay that on every tweutv-tlrt day of
September, the anniversary of Lady
Slcl v't lll.tarrvst weddlnc and death.
the fevUll the bridal chnmlier, aud, to
all who arv brave enough to evk her
alone, when the turrvt-Ml vhlinvt the
hour of twelve. hv vtll agonl'lnglr en
treat them to alt in he evplatlon of
livr lu bv following the advlw the of
fer, whfrh vvlll never bail them Into
trouble, that the will point out for them
llielr future career, and how to ecapv
Its ills
Then shv gve back to her rvtlv
wanderings hi the splrlt'lniiH until an
other vear gvos by.
There n n huh of lnterolisl l
lencv on the little company a Mr tSn-y
tluthcd, some were oltly' wiping their
tears away, all were deeply lnteiYted,
in pllv of theiiiM'lvv
Jelo s voice tirokv uie ueucv ni
M'aiev I am irrlivi to Lady Sicily's
I'tir ('maw liavwawy.
H t . U . II U W
Kim Hi- l)Ur tl 1 'VTVMOtlt
" Ul ldi Vfftlf J,lttt Ulr
M4ltW J lk re tf wtJ ,., U e
4-tMl tt-d ttni aM fw If .Km
ivf It A ' ' kt-ly ll"
M 1 )uV mM m rtvwt
rrdo. HwfH twit r . t
Iht kt u-i-siUr Jd V i rxit.M t
el b di t 1x4 r. I firfw "4
rMK-)1 14 lllf4l
rtt i
Inf titM) vim
pitpii those darling little ui
panes, set so heavily in lead!
Acan vaiilly Imagine I am alniut v.
an old baronial castle! Can't yi
in v vnrv own
And as she walked on ahead of the
two gentlemen, so fair, so winsome,
full of girlish exuberancn and grace,
Holf Vernon wished that all ho had U
do was to select her for his 'very own."
Tho sumuivr day, at Blue Court Hall
aped bv as if on enchanted pinions.
" CuestH bv the dozen Idled away tho
long delicious davs, whence sultry heat
seemed to have" lied, and whero cool
breezes seemed alway softly blowing
from tho adjacent hills, or off the rip
pling lake, or aniomj tho huge spread
ing trees. . , , ,
Life was att Idyl there, that blcsicd
summcr-tlmv. Happiness, content, gay
cty, anil Innocent reyelry ruled the day,
and in her rolo of boatcss, Jeatie Grey
was tho perfectloa of glad, unfeigned
welcome. ...
And Holf Vornon was not the only
one who wa enchantesl with the fair,
weet girl whoso laugh was mirth Ideal
ized, whoso' fresh, gay voice was sweet
as tho chime of ailver bell.
Rolf Vernon wm not the oaly aspi
rant for tho heart and hand of Jessie
Grey and even the girl herself saw the
rivalry going on betweea him and
Launcc Greshani Orcsbam with his
dark Italian beauty of eboa hair and
eyes, and clear ollye akin that was such
a contrast to tho fair English beauty of
the other, with the bright blue eyes and
close-cut blonde hair and heavy goldca
Sor'could any one guess the girl
choice. Now exiiwlsltely partial to Rolf
until ho was In 'ft'aevcnth Heaven of
hopeful anticipation, she would sudden-
Mr. (Jresham laughed at Rolf's lav
ish enthusiasm.
"Agreed, Mr. Veroou, tlitt we all In
quire our fate at the lovely ghostvsa'
hand! Hut, llrst for the romance the
legend of Hlue Court Hall."
It was a curious party that gathered
rouud the roaring tire 'iu the tuimensv
hall that night for with the storm aud
damp had come chilly cold -to listen to
the tragic idory of tu'e love und hate of
centuries ago which had In-vii enact
ed within tlm same walls where thvy
' And this w as the wuy the legend went
not read from the old vellovv parch
incut, but related In Mr. Grey's inimit
able way from memory.
Nearly three centuries before a great,
rich, powerful Kuglith family had built
this gruud old pile Iu true baronial sty Iv.
and set up their hearthstone with all
the pomp aud clrcumstnuce that im
mense wealth permits, and haughty blue
lilooil demands.
For more than three generation thn
Kltiucourts, father and son. ruled the
housu; and fortune, peace, plenty, hup
pines and gavety relgued supreme
uutil, between two brothers, there arose
a fury of jealousy aud bate, caused by a
beautiful xiuug cousin who, com lug to
visit the filuncourt. had fasciuatedlho
two voting men with ber remarkable
livauty aud witchery of grace, uutil It
seemed to them a matter of life and
death who should wiu Lady Sicily Fall
fax for bis bride.
She plavvd with them both; she
tilaved fast aud lootv with them, now
matldeuiug them by her Influence, now
leading them to thv heights of hope by
her sweet graciousuess; auu men, in
verv recklessness af consequences, li
trothed herself to them both, with in-
1 unctions of strictest secrecy to each tu
,iep their secret.
For a while her dvaiurv sweetness
succeeded iu completely preventing the
slightest suspicion of treachery to either
br.dher, lioth of whom knew himself
the favored one; aud so perfectly did
Lady Slcllv play iher part that Inith
Loril Uarrel, the elder brother, aud Ru
pert, the younger, began to repent of
their hot-hvaded, Jealous auger, and ac
tually began to plan how to conciliate
the other when the inevitable new of
the betrothal must lie announced.
Of the two brothers Kupert was tlin
handsomer; be was tall, wvll-bulll.wltb
the true Knglisb blonde curling balr
that matched bis fair face; while Lord
Darral was darker, graver, oud not so
given to the admiration of women aud
tho love of their society.
Of the two, Rupert was the one more
likely to win a woman's heart, white
I Airtf Uarrel was heir to the great wealth
of tho Klfincourts; of the two Rupert
was tho more open, a sunnier disposi
tion, frank and noble, less given to de
ceipt and suspicion and It was this
fair-haired lover, who, with Lady .Sic
ily's passionate kisses on his lips, never
doubting her truth, never dreaming of
her depfavlty and treachery, voluntari
ly offered tu leave his love with his
brother while he traveled across tho
ocean to bring for his bride elect treas
ures sho told him she must have.
And while ho was gone Lady Sicily
was married to Lord Darrel her hus
band uuconsclous of the treachery to
which be was a party.
There was revelry, mirth, undmusle,
and Ladv Sicily rejoiced in her heart
that sho bad played her cards so well
that she was to be the mistress of all the
grandeur and splendor, of the trusty
servants aad retainers of the aristocrat
ic old family.
Guests thronged the magnificent halls
guests who bad traveled far ana
would sUv loBff. Flairs were living,
uleasure-boaU were floatingou the lake,
Mowers were blooming everything was
fair as youth aad health, happiness aad
sunshine could nake Lady Sicily's wed-dlBg-day.
Aad thin, whea the evening's gay en
tertainment was over, and laughing
bridesmaids had escorted the fair bride
to her chamber aad left her aloae tbea
the curse of Blfincourt fell; for, hav
ing secretly aad unexpectedly arrived
in a swift sailing vessel, Rupert, the de
ceived, tho betrayed, had hidden him-,
self in tbo bridal chamber to meet face
to face tbo terrified girl. The interview
was short; passionate worm, oilier re
crimlaatlons, Invectives of despairing
lovo and racing fury postea between
ik vveio lliilied, her evvs
s ' qiiaiter to twelve now
am gulii)'
Her cliee
"Oh, Jeslv, dear,
"Je!v, you mutt
"Oh, lust supiMfv
Mr. (irvy laupsl.
"Of cou'rsv, go, child, If you want to.
I don't forouv moment IhIIoc In sujier
ualural violations. I imagine you will
tind the Red Room as vvef til at twelve
o'clock as at other time.
Aud Jvssle went, to wall III thv Urge,
dutky room until the turret clock struck
nildnlirht -to wait, brave, half-alarmed,
for the rutlltig of a drv ovr the floor,
of thv sight of a. cloudy form appearing
before her. Waited - Until lust a thv
bell began to chime loud and clear, un
til hur nerves began to get a little un
strung as It neared the Iat strokv, un
til, Just a sho felt like set valuing, she
heard a footttep behind the curtain that
draped oft thv rear end of the room a
fooutcp that iimdo her blood curdle a
It came nearer and nearer.
Shu dared not lilt her vvvs. Hvr
,.tet !, V "4
nww-ll 14 Mll!l4U t
Oi,tltL, ht rvtilt lltt Ml
Uu m1 rsil, lrtt tl ia ) w in
kvdotlt h1 JtVVrt tKl Ut IxlltMllfcM I
rdi to t tf)te 4 lite Ntf tl U tt
UUUid ! IK Uis vt In ed M'V
iwiknee iu lrvtttiUHatRkrlr4 tttiitstlt
(w(Wtt vt 4 JUvtkd (litlkU Ul(kt
rallve a Ut lttL If Ik K U) !
rlt Uut dtIVf rwttlie fvl
Mas.SMtaT ,Jaa hi.iii.iiia
aunajWaM svaTiUt Pita 4 "iWmT!
Lift MTOl--MPkN4J7t
Ktllxumoitiiiti fKs v
mfflraMWflt raiKK wiMtnij(
!V i . i .--i rto.i. i
wrrstsiaMriiviMttM HKTitt
r U m4 tut o I VtVT ivliv -
N.1.,11 fklw,IKllMl. ti vUo illVViU
OUuASlO llu... , V 'rf .
rVatsVal A aA.1 V ' T
WRVlt. i . ! irr,trr!jM'e
VVI)l MlminiuM S V
iawtiTat uyvcTirniu'nu. . f.u.
lttk I ll .-"'' !" " . .
B tir,'.'" .
rw ,ii.iw
MOclr H'
kV Hl4l f
tlwt, I'
IVfltaMI ll WHKf
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M4 f O"'' I
tnxe Vrri '
kA.K ... 1 aula lllk. teJ
lion 1 1 1 L. u 4 Ki' u JMl'S
h i
r. i.aaK'ahkUahv -....iuii.
rituitioi w mu.1
vAIKimil w.iM--.itifs'V
i,r llii l4l TlUIl I
MuacaraKK or -mi r-i .
Vlllt ril,")"' VK-: rvritw.
rilUIHllk W l lll,jM,.-l
CAM Mill
17 Day!
t'IH III TlttlM
Wmi U..HIHH aim
ll a niiuuat
) r
lua. Idiwrr aud I
T talwr I all .. Ir Uvna.
Ilk VH f
ltd lwl. til
lUakl ll.4l TN f l-n' wiwrt-r '
to. la
Ml 4. ttSasa, SMkltx
riarai rirw ias.
IVII-JI" ltl.M . X
IS WmI, ai M. V.
a ., wi , ai .
limbs seemed turned to marble, so imiw
vrlvss she felt to mow She could not
break the awful thru!! that held her,
And then
"Jessie, my daillug, my darling! I
could not let'y on come here nlonv. I
followed you to ask you tti let mo tell
your fortune that vou will bu my love,
my wife!"
And with a gush of blessed tvais, a
feeling of eiiuiite i dense from horrid
fear, a laugh of perfect happiness on
hur quivering lips, Jessie nestled III
Holf Vernon's arms.
"Oh. Rolfl Then my fortune! told,
vou are mv own!" she cried.
"My fortune Is told. You are mine."
And as he kisted her with all a lover's
eagerness, neither of them saw a pale,
distorted face that was peering between
tho curtalus -Lawrence Gresham's au
ger-pale, Jealoiis-ialo countenance,
"Confound him! Thvro shall Im
other tragedv. or "
And he pointed a revolver straight at
the happy lover's head; and the report
suiiuded hissing through the ronm, and
a shriek of alarm came from Jessie's
Rut fate had directed the ball.'nnd It
did not strike its prey; nnd not until it
was discovered that l.awrciifodrcsuam
had left Rluo Court Hall, leaving not a
trace behind, was it suiected a ho II red
tlie shot.
Rut Rolf aud Jessie were satisfied.
And wasn't that enough t
The Easiest War U Drawa.
If death by drowning bo Inevitable, as
Iu a shipwreck, the easiest way would
bo to suck water Into the lungs by a
powerful Inspiration, as soon as one
wont beneath tho surface. A ivron
who bad tbo courage to do this would
probably becomo almost Immediately
unconscious, aud never rise to the sur
face. As soon as tho fluid tiled his lungs,
all feelings of chllllnes and pain would
cease, the indescribable seini-dellrium
that accompanies aniesthcsla would
come on, with ringing in thv ears and
delightful visions of color and tight,
while he would seem to himself to lie.
gently linking to rest on the softest
of Immis ami with tno tnon ueiigiiiiui oi
dreams. Popular Hcitnce Monthly far
Dr. Terry, of Exeter, N. II., now over
ninety, Is one of those who rode down
the Hudson with Robert Fulton on his
first steamer.
Whv did Josetih'a brethren cast him
into the pit? Ik-cause they didn't want
him in the family circle.
A Sttnfl Jftrhlnt It alwsys followed by
a crowd of Imitator. urh hat been the cats "Original and only genuine" "Vlbra
Ux' Manufactured solely br Nleholt. ftbrf
ard A Co., at Battle Creek, Mleh. Purchaser
lit Sm aid ftlffttdt fmN ltt
l( 0. Wwll llBilU-l IIUIIIMOtl "I II
. Wralnu lluu. U.lllltl 111. Ilill U-II Iu Wr-l
rin Mrn l.(il tuwmlttlui. glira, k4 lO'kl
Ulr.l l ,tll luk M..II Mk4 I' llrrlr
4 Ititni. lr , Iu
I W1 -M-a
Irlavtvri r-l
ut -kak kt I
llwh ft Wm I
14 tkSM w I
Ttr tl MH fftttkA vfc B
jL Cr.Cmlt'tWltiffTM jh
,Ba tcr Ck)fht, Co . JRfiflaVffl 1
-9ftMi alCkVlirTH AkftFVHaaUaP '' flSf
TsjVsaV Mrtaauriaioa u.r w f VSiDP 1;
aTsamLmsaf atrsto. - ""JaaF ' 1 'lamu
sspaajaa tt-wvaik4 avVaam at ! SUtU-
jaajpjawTja va to IvBsaaBaV M iKaaT,'
BTmK) , ia H4 v .tftasBwaBBaaasBBBV 8 y rrK
saTsaC ti ( sff't aaaBaBaBaaaaaaaaaaT V ' 'wal
.k;tSjasBBaaa ' ! wV,!HVsBaaaaT Ii Jdl
sBt" ti i t. wBaaaaamamMiiv V tW
MBBtTMir iiawmii aaTa Tv i-taam
tu, t i- jt p,, : Jl 'JaTB
1 t'-wv ii(i in. JswJbbbI
hMii l wW4 tl "iTrtBaal
. wi , TaaaaaT
VaaaBaaaaBBW a- , e. ,wi om n UW h tt) J "VejItM VaaamT
Saw The Nition ! fit m W
rw a i i vo iviv-ff LT4t,,t4 rV- Vw ,MrtMJaa Ji
mt4 U aWklk f f lrfS ,m 4m - Ait lWtt.fOAll,wT-J. 4iati
BaaaBaBaBaaVssBBaBaBaaaMMasBBaVi na--tsk.v4i lviliLal!
rraBBBaBBBBBaBfaBBmaBBara ,s., v,.,4 u v m&am!M.)
lljaBaBaBaBVaBaBaTlsaBaBaBW7saBiUj t. i-l a wpmxttBB'tF'
saaRnsaaaaalaaaaMaimamV )M&&AlX' AVtXT iWX
BamaaaaaaassmajassaBBBaaaaaaaaj .., u u v' WmESfrt'
m i u Twr'i "it aweiw j ii ,,, vSmwSffik
'v -.t4 rt .,otviU iji jbHroHlliEf
li1llUH-ul.. -.i.-Mlll tiuMMIH A.I.I..I anJ AaHlillia W?SSaY
rwk4air-alaIM. wriBjilftu . wwn hiiiv !fi' ""Ej)
Iifalld, Kinlii iQtkn. .,..,. .t-cv., ' :'wi 4 m
ii4 ik-,-.s,iik4 ! Im- mttAwM j, at, kmi.IM ra, fBU
i. .'in.. r.. 4. ,1k Iim(h.m niiniMi mL mm BkWjssBaTsaVBm V ?Mi
ot. iUm.mmi,IiiHmih ,,im.).i. V aeV VM v-aV aaTatT -Jmi
lO kMl n.k.l HI. i. .M ., . tlll MaW o,.k.itiU'ji k.kii.ti. ,u It t aaBVr'i
msaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaarxwiic w 'aMIjli' mAZG 'aaaaaaaii
Kgta JF'SfF" sKsamaasaBaaali
-TIIIIATO "I'M 'damn
UrTaU41flAwivTU4m H
UnycvnUiMlaaUifHiitj. CHf
UlvnifMlUOlaaMtiM. .Bl
TacaittiwUl U DlTAmlttT. .tjB
mm u tit MM! IU li tf mmm
aaav - vtiT MrV rrlr4BAVrlfB. 'Baaaaaf
MADE mmmmw, wmaug. mm
'AjTllTaaflamlaaaaaaaaaaB( WLsslaaTl tmtm v ;
MBBHBBBlmaamBLmLmLmHBHr Mm mm - mm iftm Mmteallla
I.LFV.H ' '
371 i
. i
sakAaasasBBaaVaBI BtlMaaVaTtrV V mrral mWW
'VllimUir" TttwMtHara,
Aw4 Mlwa TStsar I'.waltvt,
M4 il, itj
nATTI.H rMKKH. Mirst,
"'" '1.71 aei
Ht trf -"l-
lufMl-bf 1i;)M.tlaMANM.V MA.ta.
tJ At-! IIm, I..V
faOkl Mitl
Jilllil FTJWH
I l- lll
nl lirlMH
ti,4rfi.i ,n
Im, vlill IN
IflulWk. If
lr liiill
Tf alirlr,
" "" " l"ll
fim; P0Bf
a all MM
a i -at isMtn
rr ff r.H". Illill
lf 4 u..p , .
tevwllr attse IV
na; aimip
awaJ rwllKsUr.
sa vattstai, an,
riauMnM i a
X w HikMai, w m tut f hm.
, 4 ! W M Ma lr 4
kWrwl M l LT1I. WW II
lHH.k4Mi 4 Mtktt
I i MI .. 11 4 '
i MSI IM. kMkg KM nif H
' kvi4 l ttmm !
lit, a-cvxir t'l W (
kL.tOtk-MMkM.flM IMV Mf
FMt TM IM M A fckftM IMf M
. it.!! f ! m 4 bi kMlM.
iwmm. cttMwiii tstuw.
Somithinc New
TI1R Malthrtwa IHala-la, tlaaa,
kilH.MlMlkiui mmh1Uiim4
MM..W Brii a. m ,, rr
Mrt Ammm, t ai mo
MAIN Malaet will sat tfrnmU M Ik
,!.. kkk... l Kt t t,k . I,
IM kUllln, W -, MM4 M) .V..1
TMK BNT1HI Trtlat sMttats
..lMn,ll.nH ll KuliM 4m,m
IM tlr llflttVIMM Mne B4lmm
n Halla Jassa) ! fa
-. t.iM, h twm a.. in, rv tw
,.4 ll M.k INM MI4 l l i.i ,
ii t9t tr-t i 'l Bk4 riw.w
Ull, WilHlKI, lt t. I, ) I M SWiMa
mt ran.
I ,
U a, Ifm U.,l kt
" Ma. tsatsrlsatMl m anmtmf,
Ftm MiAM4(fNMnlMMti4Vt m
it, a tvm ! mm sjaiw. sjtasi ),
M.la4 mWi U aa4W
a aaarai laawataf mmt f Ha isti t
Oust VswtvaltWl fam nftsWIt.
. f VfriMU llpl.lllMt ft.,
lltM, tM M4 Mf MtW kM M tM
u , - T m," Iknatat ttatsa r aMaK
AfXrtvtafB Js JaaVmjMTrwtfllil JM PMsMlasslj
Kr mmn4 aa4M.
ASa Oaf fcY BV
IfM. tit, tt( tit V.
, ), i.ii i i j - - T -
aursraona. I H'JtSVC
(Mlf llvM HI
lr T
(! Ill ..
Him. rrvtM
R tfat'V M'
HSS f?"BaV 2k
Itosla Mil
Ike klrl ratakfrt
thKiatkets. V
AtlatHafcle M) Bifrw la1 riirwla 4
as. a m
irta r
at aaaii.uta, aaitav.
aai for Cllrtltr ai4 44rrM of ftrt -l.
rill fwoiult UHr Inlrrett by buylB only the
original mariilne, ana uiut, am only -rl tue
bet Uirether, tat alto avoid any possible rom-
If iwi tr raffrrlM f'uttJ
lb( wa a l-4 uf tlrkarti
Hap INllrra
it rim r tlmidr alllaa
dlKnS- lllwi clrarTrltaualaf
UMt krtllli, if luf kltb
UkirUtr, fur
MlllCairw jraaj
If ffl wrtS taS
Mam alllltra
If km trr a tnlll'trr.
fill jur kMuil 411' a
i!lcaUim which roigui ana iroru leinacmxiiu.
Heed to then for an llluttrated pam'ihkt which
fully describe the dlfferruce bstwecn the eu
ulat and the couoterfrlls.
Ilnraisifcra) aMtsaT.
How many children and women are tljwly
or drunken stuff called ineoifij
aixl turely drlnir. or rather beinK kllleil, brer
UK in tuenn unu
Ilhcarru4 wwtt.
Ma Uittrrm
lftw are a Mta oftwrl
tfrtla nl l rr4
ir. lulMiurufrr timriai
Iwlll tcvlvc yaa.
t e orrrtir4 rurir
a UuAUtt, rwfl rl
will retHart
wtktwit lr la
ili ut a tna A ll
aiiji ww.
them, and then Kupert, maddeacl by lace other column.
cetaire dnetariAir. or the dall
-' . - . ... ji . ...
or drunken ttuS called uieakrllie. Iliai no otm
knows what It la Bade of, who can eatlly b
cured asd aaved by Hod Bitters, aasde of Hoot.
Bucho, Mandrake, iMndtlton, ke., which U to
pure, staple aad hsnnlet thtt the tnott frail
wnsnan. wcakett InrsUd or tmallrwt child can
I trust In tliem. Will you b tared by thrtaf
iitf .imi, H.ikiTji mm
lfap Mllsira wHsMialieav
if Ium m tin.. ntliSi iliit fnun ar
trrttla. r tr ynTkS i.-aTkH.M Mfta Ik cm.
Hta awisrra wiismariirTr ia
iErtKriov.Mi , lira.
tl tir rwin .
a aalilsira w
If.fw) .
'ttoa, tr r rnTa
If fan) r la Ih
tnburakrr, and f
ri !. VwalatT ut nim
StawWllrra la
If turn rl4V lua
arftaU'4r. u4 tMiwaraliMt vtamt
Map mtUt-rm ss-llmalvn ttss avaw
tiati tatstwntajFi-i
what! rs airtnl.
.! I iriir, jvir
rflM WBklNf,
Tr Haa Couch C
if tat tr U ffW
Ml A KfU.
. feat.
bm taaBaaaaaww
H taaaaaBaaaaaaaaBsaaBV
I aaaaaaaaaaaV 'aarBaBaBTBTBaBaam
aawT-'BtaBV '
mmM--kwm m
lsna. w, a. upiip,niiiii. ."-IZZBC SiSamv 1AJS9 .
Iaai si aaamfc ' -fWrn ,'m
aal am MIMPal ntjiiaJr i ?
Qfy Vllaa -ttyCswCttviw t
mt awaw . twia ktw'--'twt,.,t ei r r If I C
fMaaBBBaBaVaMal Mtttmtaaaaaas Jtaamaaaal- taaati fctaaaa, mtMh
1 aMaaj flH MaaaavBwTafi aW af-mraalj Mbwbt M PwaJMeV
I tmrs,aafjai Maaatsl, Wtwajsst WasaaU' x I i
1 swavVaik) fV aWVM aaVatMarla) 9 awwWaV"aPaBrssy 9
I staataa. UaVMmwaaaasaassiaj ?j$ j
I "' "'WaaaTaTtTaTaj aaVsawpsrtj PtaaMfB ! lmmmr JM it?
IT 4BV BBMBssJAMaaaasaiM-.
t 0 M IX Aaf jsiais bB-
far 9mm mt wmm i " jJBBBBBV;., I
.r .
aaajayaytjlj. mi'$m -
w4WVnaVaVawBi fmmmmmww4 fW Tf tf-W-W-WK Af
- ai.tMafia-P-M 3
-" IW '
. tUMITMl ;f i
i write ron PArTTfcuLAmi i mm
m la. mL mm
mmmfmmwWmmmmm9mmm9m mr gfai
1 4ACa HAlSMgffry. f t J . ,. M
. ....JMMMMMMawBtjjatamamaaatmBBBBBBB BBaBaal
frJffpppBiB-.1lm--l-f- rWl m
hrflat bbbbbI
39a, aaaan
mk Mm
1wti mlm
BaVaf Hi Mm
nau aavaaa
m "KB
-t'w aarJaTl
w flfl
Wi mm
S4fc H
BHr S Fm W
.traiitaa'MS'vr raaK MMiBlX BMaVBaBraap
Tin Dht RotaryDrop Cwir-Ptertir!
awiauii aaaja
at. af.
raaaalata It ! mjtmm. . Aak jr
H, mr asrsul fw taeassianiif crrirw mm
MKKMK mx M.txnim CH. MaaavsJmMNn,
SHHI.H, Aaala)Ma4S)-aftMM AtyHaaMawtvl BwrnmU
. - . i i
aMaasaa aaa
fMlftl) pyp ajaay
I T aaV
-- HSffH
jjCrvsj Ij
Mayjrkwkwfi.iM..!!;!. p j. J 'I! ajff WW
afaaaali 1 BBBBBBaalBa aaaaf 1 1" Ml n i Ml iiaflairiilMiiliMB-M'siri"-n'ir IT ' r , I . a. .&lUk, . . i a w, .1
MaaaaBaaaBaaaaaamal.a -'M