hamaS tw3 I aatiL J 1 Tim wmrmrr r WOTV' 'w .$ ? wz$ v . 't m r , '"tiiTw, I ws A I JKAUGKU LI'MBKRYAIU), HASTINGS NKK. THE REO CLOUD CHIEF I Take the Cwur ajr'The Winning Way" declined villi tbaake. All of John's mi ia Osceola were here ltd week. If promises were coro, our hogs would fatten, but alae Wanted, to double our lubecrip j tivta before volume VI commences, ,. Dw70U want a Ahonioger, Esty, Smith American. Needham or Miller Often, a Bradbury, Mathushek or aery piano, call at this office. I Mr V M Smith contractor and arch itect, from Iowa made us a pleasant ,,..- i .. . vs via fivuua; ma iuaiv mta vawiMHi cllififtdaainct. He talk. oHo-. ,bo of,U K.r.t Naiinual ll.nk of ceUngTme. Beatiice. Me report, it in excellent The CltlKr baa bad an influence in conJition and ono of the bet wanted tba late campaign of which it is proud, j bDka io hi di.triet. He el com and now if you with to ktep posted plimentad Mr. Graham, teller, ujwn ou tbyeiulte take tba CllUf. the co-tipletcne of the look, which Ntw Salt at Miner Broe. $2.7.'. . " utJer hi charge, par Bbl. I The above item taken from the The- contract let for the rail-' Beatrice Kxprees will be lead with mad, anil it will lUrt from Savings much satisfaction by our people here lad rhi-i about all we know iu r- frotB , fiCt hlt ie making ""' '" " 1 House of Smith Hroa. ti Tboinpion TBi, hev .uboiibeia fn.ui Iki.iu Ji, th, fp(in,.te off.prinf oftbo Mrit h.v,ia mi- worn., maMRK a uuai m 'l paper that go to that omoe now. What other office in the county will do aawell thi weak. The Siato Sabbath School aoc!a linn :uctt at Kearnfy Tilnedy and Thursday Juno 6 and Cth, The ex erciKfl." prouiiic unuual excellence A'ed (floud kIooI aaUcted delegate, lift Sabbath to attend. -The Red Cloud Chief lalwred hard to vote bond in WeUler Coun ty, and the people ithriuld grn that pafl a rich aiipport llefort the ear c!oie, the the ttain will pruba lily run into Red Cloud. 'uViV. A fir i. .Iiitthat wr ilniik Mm .Mmt'v --W,. re !iinI to i.Ucl.e Hl,li run .l'lll.l' -n iur lit id xchii- iri-a. rhe( llr is a Wiilr awk-1 nrwniapir and fiilrd with iiitj-io-iinr j in w ni'iii" in iii inni riiniK hi li i -i.inpfnii a)i ! of our ii'ti'i int.. i Of Nebraska, Mian$ 'Co . ,ln,ui -We heT r-eeived '"'i'v ul ViteWjiHV NVwapaptr lir- iny (for I.S7.H winch a a vnv Wf'l ai ranged 'iiiniiiiiiniii (' Aim noil Newupa Mr. 'I In inriraiiar excellent and iliuw .is the fauasof Mtai who hare msile ihviiiwWes diatinxuoh in Anisr icsii litt i ary work. Mr Whitson of the firm of Rea lty and VTkilMB have leaed the new buildinjt, numliaaed by iMr SicliarJ - fj 1 k:.. c:.i..i l... i... MB. and now beiojr finished by May nard, and propose to put ia a atock ef hardware. i W N licbardson ia puttint up a Iwrge aaeat aarket ia frowt of Miner's atnre, which will be eetiyied by John WilhelmaoD, and t ey prepoae to fur nish meat by the wholeaalo. Mr Sicbatdaon Itarted lat Monday wuh A'M bona, fur Chicago. Over forry teams louded with live ptrk left for Juniata oi that day. Ainons were two hogs which tegothcr wcif h d 1365 Iba. 2hoiro, lot new Tea at Miner Bros. Last Saturday in company with C. W. and Jaeoh Kalcy Mr. Iee, lumber merchant, and Mr. Smith wagon .tntaV-r finm Cherry Valley HI. we 'look a ride into the country around Charlie'e hnuiratesd. Wo had a very pleaant time, and cmne home in good spirits for work agiiiti. After a great deal of thnnght we have concluded nut to publish the article handed in, in regard to the death of Klmer K rotter. It cert- in ly xan do litllo (rood, and no doubt a edmrnversy would grow out of it, which we have uo desire to encour age. A letter from Julius Hnrne of Harmony exonerating Mr. Budlong with regard to the bond question and stating that ho apoke by invitation, is . hereby acknowledged. Many thinks 1 for me kind iuvitntion to vint you Mr II and will gladly visit yourself and neighboraevery week on "invita tisn at the low rate of two dollars a year. F M and A 8 Johnson of Omeola, Iowa has purchased lota of Mr. Itieh ardsoa ana eutered into contract to put tip two large store buihiare upon them, onu fir ijsnsral merchandise, and anohcr for clothing. Another brother was here, bvt has not yet e tMuded to invest. We wiih these tew bustnesa enterpriaea abaadant uoeesa. The Nebraska Farmer for May i a salendid muer. It contains nor trattaof the Editor and his able Mrf of aesistants, anH should be ia ta haadtof evenr Nebraska faraer: Fafaaers why don't yoa take tba beet agrtca!tur4l paper in tba west, etna that ia dvotei to your as peeW iiiteresta, and ono 'that has a corres pondent in every county io tae sute. Fare Sugar Syrap TOcts at Min r '-If os. Many notes of inquiry are beiag 4ail) recotved ralativa to the rental uf buildinfN 1" view rf this feet wenld it not he a profitable iaveetarcnt fir soaie of aur anuraruing basinet aaea to build a solid block for reaulf It wld be much cheaper tn baild ia triia iaannir and would add much to the appearanoeof "Our Towa." Ia thie connection wa weald aall the at. tmiiB ofail ao conteaialale baW ingto the artk'e entitlaa "iriakar FrsH.e-Which." foaad ia aaetbar column. "Wto ""; d " i VVIIU VI HI" line II iuitbuioe j U celebrate successfully it it tin her chimbs wcrt bestirring themselves. FOSTMASTKUS" Many of our subscribers throughout the county art not revetting their pa per regularly abi we nml find whoae fault it in. Hesse be tuaro cartful in the futurt. WOKE NEW at Mai. McBniDK.i --Judge Kelly, of Illinois, rovcrn ment Kiatuiutr of tb A'ntionsl lianki in the district rtubraciujc the State of Illinois. Iowa, llobri, i Nebraika, and Kana, was in iba Mw nra finlw ma.l niJ,a am Mtam ,st,ion, Bank of lleatriM S. KM Ilu.beU potatoci Miner Hrut. wanted at LAST WIXK'S LOCALS. IxhiL oir the npr ami m'O now "adda." Mr 7oldtada-e of Scott cha with ua lait Satutday. -Iter. J. T Milnar. of Clorcr called one day lat weak. Jaa. Iaird and Chatlra Jntica Jurlata were iu town lnt Saturr Dr. Sutton oallcil tbo other and aid bi rtpcctft to ilia ClttK It Iih laiueil at laat, and cv ihliK lu.ikk rofienhi'd and Kiow dtit-'y ? j Sm.w r. membered flic pi ,r ,,(,.. inu nf two dollsr. I'o Hl(l j iUwi, reader I) S llelvern visited our snioti 'uM Aaek Saiuidav, with whniu iprntafew minutes pleaMiitl). Mi.s Sarah Tulleys aitivnl hnme from l)h'n last week where lm hs becii spending tho wintwr. Mr. Majnsnl the eontmctnr, is pulling up a shop just miuiIi ol hi dwellinr. Jacob Kaley, anothrr Kultj broih cr, arrived in town lam Saturday. He is looking over the country thi viuek. J. L. Miller has moved into his new quarters just north of Kaley Hm aad his new atock of goods shows oil te good advantage. John Wilhelinnn has citaMi-h-ed a butcher shop ia I'ark's huildinr, where j ou find him raiting and slic ing meat. Ha patronises the CHlKr Hampton & Halston are making weoiii uod bupgii" that compaic f vorably with es.'iern make. They have a large stewk and cairy on an immense business. Wanted a "local" in every pre. finet in the o intv in furnish short two aad ihreelinn ioosla of "airy nothinss" and other new from thuir respective sections ot the country. Mr. Malono tepreae ting the Vic lor Sewing Maohine Co., called i lie other day. He aya that no new ma chine eati be bongnt for 6ft en or seventeen dollars. C 1) Feck always know when his subscription runs nut nnd he comes promptly, and enquires about his bill. pays in advance and goea home to read Ai'a okh paper. Richard, McGill ha oned a bakery in the building lately occupied by J. L. Miller and there may the hungry find a loaf. Call on him fi-r anything in hia line. J. C. Warner has sold hia hotel to Mr. Winton of Wis., aad will soon vacate, tn move into a new house which he has-commenced just south of Cap. Liddy's, and north of town. The agricultural srociety met last iSatarday to arrange for the coming fair, they will get out a premium lut this week, and it will coon be prawn ted ia our columns. Let men who have been appointed in each precinct, tu do certain duties, perform them faithfully, and let the whole couuty take aa interest mi tba matter. Ia our remarke last week about Maintaining' order in our town we were unintentionally personal, we had no intention ofmjAing the feel laasof any of our present omaers, but we were only speaking of the aeces'iiy of efficient eerrioe iu that direction to l d-rived from a system of local aelt govern meat iw town. It the county can not, or will not pay for atrcata, it is but another argument ia favor f our saggasti n. Seven reraows, vix: Mr and Mra J (J Wolle, Hamael W Hall, Mr G U ieaer, JiyitM it xeieer, .-iua r D Yeisefana Mra Hswaah Fotur, have lately anited with the Baptist War ia this place. IU a il Vaiaer baa arfisnted a eal to Mvaak to the Church oaf foarth of iIm tiata far the present year, llm Cbtaraaxia ast ia a proartag cob ikiii ao desalt will become wops ae tawTfaaaua year. i " t ' . i " ' ami Diptberi. lUmed, is awfc.cu to, satisfy ytu of thi superior mMi of the trmedy ami one little to car the wori cold u li rotur, agent Lantlt Ftr Silt. We are now offering for mW on l I ler Iciidi an.I eher than ettr W . fore, all Urtdn Uclotiiuc to H. A M, Si. Ut A I 11 and MidUod iVifie ' ltil lload Companies In WeUter and , adMinioc cinliMs W? aU l i wiof ctiOkv cUimii fvr aale (Jite u anil Kaley Hrut, Ally's A Heal eUe ArI Itnl Cloud .Nek i'M KAA'MKIUI. UOK IIKIlll I am Koin to clo4 out my stnok of implcuieul, and wi'l wll cheaper than any other man in towu I have a few Haiti wacou Hrown's UL Corn I'lsnicm a No Psvenpoit Cul tiist(H. which will bo K)M at bottom tifuu-s, fur rash or on liinO. J. L Mil.t.kR. lnt, Mrllrltlv recoires new gooda every wtek. Hats ltei stlei. Hibboos, How cm and TruumlnK, Ur Wsrrau'a Cor ts, Cotton and Silk I'sntsols, 1'sns, Iadles' ( ! loves and llotc and many other No)ins. Rikr.MfT.a:i;jru:r, scnmrAS? sVOitCK. Ji-lnjivlix Kiti that l ibo sjx-oial Section held la Ith A. I. I8TS, the jplopo-lluiu M iun hotids to aid in i)i miustnirtnui of tho llcp'iUHrtn Vall 'Hailiwud lo (ho utuoiiut f ( 17 .Vt ui to li'vy a tax t liiy thr uit'nl i"i ilir amr ws aduptr-d In a V(li of 'if- -'-'. Ihmhu tunn' thin tho two third" nvjiiuixl l mw Hy order ol the Hiuid of Coiinni uucr3. Mn) 7th l7 .1, A Ti 1 1 r -, (Vik. .eteiiiy uo ioi . .-...-.. Ml Mllh .Mciilllllr. 4 c3iiuwT:"IiD. 1 Cl.OVHITON, Neb,) May H, IhTK. Una Ciltii' I s-inl you for pub. Ilcalioii, tin following; riip for Iliph ihetia. arum inn by Di Kurgeii of lows, wl.in prseticc ss' mi rniire llii- l llli. Illll.l lr-Mllll ill'INK lit i i- tu;,-, loMrund intlsiuumtion, lnifil', red. I'.t' limn iiiirh 'Jil griiui, t'hlora'e 1'oIm-m. I'll gr. (iiim Arabic. Second stage, false membrane, add' to tl.e above: Homed Alum, SO grs, If the above doss tint remove the membrane, ai'd tn sll of the abort, Creuo(e, 10 dropa. The abotv to In pat in & nune of water, and in each addition, fill up with w.iterto tho .'ioiiikv-i, For ex ternal application, use Volil l.ini n ent which i msdo of Hartshorn, Cwivt ml ami ml ot Oriiratium. In eery esse tin- yett'iu hnuld be tnsifd by an expcrl-nred ibsicisn J T. MlLNRIt. Ncl'oii. Nuhnska, I May i:j, i;s J Kditor ol tba I'll I IT, Dl'AllSltlK Aa NeN n i. u very lovrl little plscu and is striving lo bauome one of the fir-t clas towas in southern Ne brusxa, a few locals from here would perhaps be of luterest tu the readers I ot the ClilKy. The board of county commissioners has been incsiun the psst week. It appear that huiuc i very flush with Cfunty officers at prcent. The gentlema-i who is iioing tn oc cupy one of the room iu Mr. Fick as' buildina- for a drug store is lure with bisiamily and will soon com. mence busioesa in the drug line. I'u wirknuiMiaiii begun work on the building of the lWsoll county jail, which will aoon make a show on the court houso mjuare. The Sunday school cancert on last Suuday uight wa well attended by a large concourse of people. 'i he society known aa the Urand Army of the Itepubliu was orgauixed hero IsatSaturdsy night It a U. 6. Officer. Many soldiers joined, The farmers around NeUon are nine of them .through planting corn and breaking will be next iu order. The largct herd of sheep tn south ern Nebraska is being herded in Nuck oil county this .ipring. There are eight ibousand head iu the hurd and we undersund that they are being fat tened for trie uisikei. 1 hey went itu Mrted from Kana. The literary society an J 'mute court' have avjjourned oi aupended and we uo nut auow winch, but probably both. S.HAK i MITlfeLLaVHtHAKlT desire to close out their entire atock of implements, and llwy are now sel ling at bottom prices for cash or oa time. Call and see them. i. i m - K. V. Hartoa is meeting with much aaoeeas in his sale of the little washer which he ia atllieg at the low price of 3 60. Tba washer sboald na ta every Iiobm ae it eaves a great eleal of labor aad dote away with many pa'tae aad aches for the washerwomen. Buy ue aad make your family happy. Jtei jtf JX V&fiT .k. rWrntaNaV, iiaeltaW. BANKERS. W I ntaVr "r.vK In ny tt f the rr.lWiut' sell eirtianee urn tit pr1tdptl Ktrmettie lun tuneyup '" !' Hrceir dpoll uh Jrt to ih dH Allow lnteirt uptn lime deitt stM irn4cl a irnatal lUnaina lutneMk, IUrxai(CK.. - Orxsha NslVowat lUnk on A S, laildisv I S Senator HM Nat IlanV, New VmV. (miUidje Val Iry .Not IUiAi CaiMLndire ,N Y. BONAPARTE! llii Staltion is five jests old, end is halt h)(xvl Norman, ) ipiarter, Catistllsu Ijon, and nusruir, lrijfHli Cch, II will stand for the uw of matea at the Hrewrry srbl Hrd rtnid until Jw I), wr.innlm; April 10, !. Thimh -AlucWMatf ItaUO (.lab Hrerdlng, c4 tnmiod, StA-tn, f iV Ain, cle lp. 14. 3JII0 K. I. Alt. tTANUiRat Save out money by burin- your Iron, Steel, NaiU and Shelf hardware ol MOWKItr rAKHKU.. Tiny sell rbtsprr than any other sj iu the stale. 1st Sltret, asliiigs Neb, novum: II 8 I.ANDOFFICK, HIiKitiilniMnn Nebraska April 'Jlth H7j nplaint bavins Uen unisred at this iNi bv David l,uueslnl Abrsiu J tn for abandoning hu llomeataad Kn No. lUTd.ilali'd Msirh M. Ih74. in the Ul I '.' S. K I 4 and )l I 'i : !) SciionlU, TownbipaN, II W. tn Webitcr County, Awlok, ha vietollio r-Jtiirellatlou of ssid ry the Mid parties ar hendiy siiiii nod Inappcnr st thlsOtfie,! on the Mb yf Juin'. IST.H. at 9 oVIooa A. M. respoml and fnmlh toiloiony con t'tiiuig siil alli'Ki'd absndonmeiil Ws.iiNTi:n F.A-ni!!, Kegi-ler iJr. W. DimiRV, Hcrelver, lk'p(iillntii to bn taken before the County Cicrk of H'eliMer Co. A'eb. on the Itltli day ol .lunu IS7S at 9 A M li'niHTKii Katun. N, BIJTMiVk&JCO Dmo tliu bet Singe line in lie ait, Ifynu want lo go from l,UVKU, JUNIATA TO IIAMTIAle 1X rVCD UIAIUI) tttVKKTOJV HLOOVIIA'OTOA' SMITH CKA'TKB KlItWIA' Or snr oint on tho Rpu bbean or Solomon river taka ibis line and jou will find lively drivers and low rate. Stages leave. Hatting and 1-owell at eitht 'clock A. M. on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturlsis, sn return at five o dock I'. M. on Miinda)s, Vidli(:Hds)s and Fridajs. .- !,, Jqa't lrmn Wrm CtkM r fl in tl.ttil worm, i4 aspall hsm Ifnas Itr iia I Want, lo tssa sa4 fiarfaellr Ufa. 3"IJ II, K. Hhmi-r k C II. Putlsr. Livir m King. The Liver is the imperial organ nf the whole bumsn sylro, as it controls tho life, heslth and hsppines of man. Whvitit is disturbed in its propur so tion, all kinds of allirenta are the natural icsult. The digestion of food, the movctnoulasf the heart and bloed, the action of (he brain and nervous sjstem, are alt immediately connected with tho workings, of the Liver, I', has been surcffily proved that (ireen's Auiru-t Flower is unequalled in curing all person afflieied with Dvstiepsia or Liver Complaint, and all the numerous symptom that reiult from an unhealthy condition nf tba Liver and Stomach. Sample bottles to try, 10 centa. Foiitively sold in all towns on the Western tJonlin'Ot. Three dnies will prove th t it ia jast what you waut. 6 A'2y The Seed Breaking Flow, the best III uevi iil rK i Bed Cloud Neb. in ue, lor Mie ny ntabirr x i;einer. r.htr t'nela 8s'i Ham tM Oil ftU aad cImm tlia xr V lrtbr ff4tallr rtratlna tba aoinare ot dsnpuasa. 4att. , as., an I raadtrlua tka lisrmM soft aal ill(bl, wliWa at lb isiua tian lsrastn Iu urs blllir. tot It sll llsraesa Mrksn ! daaltn la tastbsr. TllK"bTs7lTns." "0. A C's CamphorsUxl Hartshorn IJniuisnt.for man or beast. Itesn le relied ou at all times. C. il. Fotter. agent. NOTICK. U. S. LAND OFFICK. Bloominvton Ntb Anril 29. I87H- Comipliint havinir been entered at this Ome bv Darius Nelson ageiot Uiarle L Wecrasire lor abandoning bis Homestead Kntry, No. 4044, dat ed July 5th., J877. upon the rfoulh West nuarrsr of Section .10, Township 1 N. Bange II W in Webster Coun ty, Nebrsuka, with a view to the eaa ceilatiou of said entry: the said art ies are hereby summoned to appear at this OB.w on the ISnd dsy of June, I&78, at 9 o'cbick a. ru.,to lespoad and fatuiih testimoay euaoerniaf saw alleged abaadonmeat Wkrvtzb Katox, iWtt Opi, W. DoKSCY, lUcciver lUVim i.tiMltKIt i aa w i Ti r i T NEW STORE!! NEW GOOD!! i0." He ta p)xr In annaawlac to the silUsaa f WaSatsr a1 adJAUUf nuntVts that we have apeatd with a larga ttlj DRY GOODS GROCKRIKS, af Boots wind ShoMa MATH A,l1a. wblrb we ate dslsrmtusd to sail at eseleee ptlns a ths can be baht lis any town on isiltd. Fsvor us wtih a call and find wa will make It an objeet to yoa tn trawa with us N. C. LIDDY. iti:i iOiiD ivtit. an m I ATTENTIO O. L. Battles SKLIS TIIK- IDAlflNAKI) ritKNCJH UAHVFJITJRB with self blndsr, binds with slag la wlra. Thvae herveettra weie sold In tba county the past ymr and gave god sallsfsctlon. Also a full line of agricultural tmplemeale kepi ennMantly nn hand fr aale. O L HATTLRM tiViBK MOCK NUB mmTiiRiiiA Dr. Sutton's Dfpblhttis Tieatment can be bad at F. A. Williams' at Mlv crtnn Franklin Co,, Sroit Fo. In Web. stvr Co. Neb., and at F.I ler Urovvr id A'mtth Centre Kansa, James Mib lev, and Dr. Bsaton, Cora, Kaa., fat Fennliuore, A'apoaea, M. Noble, nock itrrek Fiatikliti rv. Neb, C R Dodd. Alma HarlanCi) A'stt , K A. llatmnn Hlootriugtnu, Franklin Co Nb L M Luce, Hepubllcan City, Harlan C. Nob All orders should be sent to Scott FO to Insure prompt attention. Da K Strrtuiv. 1'llart't IflUht J.lr fill; are itllsMs. asl aal aUul. 1 Ua furlff lbs vlmxl, r,ulatk lhllr sb4 alerjtlia sjSSSS.aM rtllrs hst4titeuir-l ls ts4iMtWu. Hwle il. l. bbfr 0 Mr Pallar, PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Vegetable Balm that will re move Tan. Freckles and Blolchs,leav. ing lbs skin soft, clear and beaulllul J aUo liisttuctlmis for producing a lux uriarit growth of hair oa a bald bead' ed or smooth face, Addresa, laelosinff 3 cent stamp. Vaadelf f Co., V.H) Ann St , N V. land" imflkmknt aoknov. I am orTeiing for sale on lj terma Isnds belonelng to B, H. and Hi, Joe and Denver City Kailroad Compsnles in Webber nd Nuckolls Counties I have some partially im proved choice claims r aele. Dealer iu Agricultural Implcmeats, and Heal Kat ale Agent. ( W. FaAHria Htillwater, Nebraaka. 31 w 3 FOB TII0LD AllO WW W1IT, KOWN'l LIVER FILLt are a lesre eutf for htadaehe.biliousnssa aad lis er complsinu '1 her are prepared es iiecislly for th" dieesaea nf the Wast, CUIUA Mlit riLU never fail to euro when taken scolding lo rilreo tions. Ask for this great AgM Ham- "lROWK'StSLACMItlWyswl weirifR gerr diarrhoea, dynlry ami bowel eomplsinls. Ask for It. Friee, fifty cents per bottle. SNSWN't ARNICA UNHrlNT aaa ARNICA SALVt have no equal for the cure l 'rsins, rbeumatisut, aaelbuga cuts and bruis MOTIS'I C099I1AUAM aal TAB TtOCHES eura e.ugbs, er.lds, sara throat, hoarseneaaand lung afTectl'iex. Ask frrr a prerairstioii of S A KM A FAKILLA. DANDKLION and 10 DIDKi'f FOTAhSHJM, for the blood and liver. The gnat remedy for ehronwrheiimstiaiM. For sale by C. II. Fotter, lUd . loud; J, L. Vaa. Guide lUck Ksaaaaal Ksaaaastl A yary rejUVIeaavt amlaairaasa4rkr asoH te jsVaaases te kUk k..rsasa4 aalassisaee aWeat to is lt.,l.Lu. iVI,iLa 9mAm. JteU 1 r" "- :'y.,."-j " ' m. . aaaraf a v. h. r L'VP KE8TOKKRB UtUc (Jm & X Spactaelaa. Tka aaat re dueai toil!. CiiouUrs fraa, Ad draw hot 788, Htw Verk. V Alt!) HAS TINOS, NKH i ama aa Mja; iftg NEW PRICKS f s s M afMtNUTl Nolle Is hetbv aiven. That t wilt aa. amine all pr sitae who may deaiiitw ofet tberweUes aa eaaeXdataa rVrwaV shers of the pflmarf ar eemma aahoaef afWr hater rentnty, at Had Chswal aa aW Itret HahiHay In the moatha aCIWV raary, May, Aagaet, a4 Navemway, A, A. fwfsi, Oi, akfi'i, mLr ii ClaP staaaa ) Mm DEbO I " u- M per day meile b aay warlff either aex, right (a their aw leBattaa. Fartieulars and earn idea waftll M aa. Improve your spare Irwta at ibWawaV .. Addrsia Mnxiia C Foitlaed. Maine, - i.jKtc I-, ,i ti-a r irni.u Effion off Toutlw A OKNTLKMAN who aafaeew W yearafrnta Nerioua DeUHly, Fraaaav late Ihmey.aad alltha effeaataf yawtw. ful I Imllscratlae), will ht the eekeaf uffsrinf hasai.liy, aeaaj fraa (ay tV ho need it, lb reaipa m4 diraatkew for maklag ihe sieaada raatieV tw whleh ha Waeeurad, Haferers wiaV. itia, lo preft by the advertiatr'a -lance rea do so by addreeawf la mar. wv twtiiawaacw. 4 JOHN H. 001)1 IRN, n uthiar nt., new York. TumfAMintuamtutM. u- araeiloM ami AmaaemeM iVInl Iniiiortaat to parawte aa4 loaawam M iiinairnt artietie deaigas, Th awakw pae him free ftr 'JAaaala ewmaef aw stamp. VM.Warf4Ca,MSi: N, I. S7,SOA0k:MTll t-raite a waak. Wiliawovaltor fcrrUl lMt. New aniatra, iuat pateateej. tlaaagaw vat fraa all Addresa, . , VV. H.CHI LDKSTEB, 'U Fwkoa l Nawyarti, Caurrfc, (wMBi.nlaa m IfeaaaMei eomaein(s, if aeglaeiad, aisaadly ami n paraunant saffsriug, Tae aaat knawH ramedff, afier Sitat jttmmi WMAkn Kir,c Tar aaal Wild Cbary; caMpoamle4 aw akiS chemist, Irowaowaaftaa UatkawtM lrlfhkrasadlt. It U a-H awk veltiabb ia p almasMry diaeaaaa. wM ItU (aahka wool maagh rewaalea, which aa extreme dsbilitatleg) a egeelleM tonia if lakea aa lreill HoldbyK. U.herer.L!. iTKt tr. a KaeHaaHaarCWslaiats.avi. VH i-fir tpssadlaae rasterV ea4ie UUir, ImmtMimm Iiiiii U Bvl m , K, UtMV. U. raatar. CHRONIC tbl Net mths marie) awt Y Hwiav est afaM boofc"l'Mia Home laaj aad MIMCmmW8a,,'-l,0eBj page, 'JUti illoairaiiaaa. ley Dr. Jt II. VoirlU, N. Y. ayMrawwiM ft M.Uoateat fie. AgtaU Mumiv Hia FnnCo., li feet Hfc 'faMaWaaVRNI liai mar alalia M "5 . Su I X iaV jurt $? 5 n - Jst Ml t Mm.? . . itt '1 - 4 i? c u 1 i , i,iri M V3.1 f?H r ht l :7 t$ , .& - .WKM V 1 t " :m.. KVt t i.' S ;'jw!lV, 1 ar" M it Vv .MK- i-. ft. m kW r.tr & ,nf -t wr .i21