3jr J :v (MtHW1 7 .... irr v s r. VtK wl3 1 ,Y' Ks &Vr L'. THft RIB CLOUD CHIEF Na tape wm tattled fttt. tMe of teelaat weak. n Tha eewmlitee on arratWHatfttf for tl Ce. BraMralr, Ahool aeetrlatlon MtC. W. Klt, I). Fei, an Mrs. Florenea CooV. Hit association atta llit second Friday In u"e' l la propoeed U have a Christian can teatlon on Thareday prtceedlng the meeting of the srsoeiatlon. The programmt should bt ready by aoitweek. Tilt ,f uaiala Herald docs not aerm ta think the "Juaiata at Republican VaMey Railroad" will wrote to bt chaf benefit after til. Innemach at It ia to be built from Hastings, wo gtM It will not prove a vtry great Imhim to Juniata. .Tnnlatadsemd better fte.-Imtrptnitnt TUatlW OXAHMAXOr Til HAT- iokal tiro ucav ooramu. Tbt present eontrevtray going oa is Cfeagreeaover tht Potttr resolutions, and tht active part taken by Mr. Halt in leading tho Republican baa tat us.thiokinit of tht put. Tbt appointment of Mr. Halo to tht Chairmanship of the National eeeaalttse In a (rood obo. We renietu bar hR Mr. Halt waa nominated ami tttcttd County Attorney is bin adapted county, even before he waa of aft; hit partnerahip with Mr In tryj'.hU election to the Maine legti letwa, where he distinguished him mU te snob aa oitent that hi friends aid that ho must go to Ooogrese. The the deaaocrala net up the cry ol "bay" "brainless" "fool" Ao. IKe wawderprhat'taay think now when el tar four 'auoeeaaWt election, be baa arisen to tbaileailertblp of hla party, and instead ef climbing "Bridge bill" with hi little greon bag, full of old law look, to attend the Dlatrict Court, bt ia one of the prominent leaders la the highest council of the laad. Kagtie Hale la yet a youug man, and bit obleejlshed iategrity and devatioa to the couairy'a good, eoup led with a vUorone and uatiriug brain will, if bt eontinuta in tbt path bt ia aow ill make ol him an ornament in American history. lfiakeT ITaeae WWcW Aa there is to muoh aetivity manifest ed ia tha wadding lint would it not bt wall for tome of oar friends to contid tr what the rilatlva cost of lumber if ta artlfoial atona or briek? Of out thing we fire aura; olay of aa tieellent qualify la hart la abundanoo aa well aa lima and Mad. Wo have all tba in gitditntaror the manufacture of brick without tne eoat of transportation, and wood for barning ia plenty at $2 50 to $3 00 par cord. Wo speak advisedly whoa wt aay brick can bo manufact ured and aold her at 10 0(1 to $0 60 par thousaad, leaving UuCteanufkctur ar a handsome profit. At ttieso figuna it la estimated that a building of or dinary ail caa be made very nearly if notquitaaaoheaplyof briok as lum bar. besides with briok the cost of painting oan be deducted, thereby leaving a margin in favor of briok. Again, the coat of iaauraaea is an Item to be taken into consideration. Busiaess wen familiar with tba work iag ol insurance are well aware that a frame row of half-a-dotsn buildinga is praetically uaiasurable. lu tome in atasoata parly might be able to elect inaaraBoe for a small amount at a vary high rate, net less than & or o per cent aad then ouly in some company of doubtful character: whereas the best eompanies doing buslues are glad to take riske on brick buildinga with fire walla, at 1 or U per cent. Of the cost of artiQolal atone wo can not apeak advisedly and therefore make our comparison only between brick and timber. Nethins adds ao much to tho sub stantial appearance of a town as a good proportion of brick or stouo buildings Where a town is built up of framo buildinga entirely, tho first thoujflit which suggests itself to a stranger ou taring tha town is that it is all tempo rary, dethiag oermanont about it. A lair illustration of this point would bo to compart the town of Crete or Be atrice with Hastiags. If a fire were to break out in Hastings with a severe wind bbwing a (ew hours womM tell ' tht tale of nothing but autokiag ruins left; whereas in tba other towns men tioned, their briok and stone blocks are their protection. Then wa aay while the first east tf brick doea not eaveed the eoat of lumber, let us avoid the mistake which has been so often made in building up new towns', and while the sound of the hammer, tho saw aad aad the plane ia ao constant ly heard let us also bear tho cry of More wort." a, I'KTKMnN'a Mahaxink for June ) on nur tablo In adfance, more tba maintaining it well earned reputation or being the latt and tht ehrapt$t of tht tadin' booh. "IVUrW atil btepe up ita rtpaUtloa for giving th beat nfetoriea, all original. No faml 1 ought to be without this migaiine. It ia only two dollar a year, postage free, and ao is within the mean of every ono. To club" it is cheaper "till, with a premium to the person getting up the club. A'oto it a good time to iitltttrilx, u a new relume begins with tho July number. Specimens sent, gratis, to persons wisbiag to get up elub, or to subecril. Address, Charm J. l'rrr.Nbo, 30ft Chest nut Street, Philadelphia, .'a. Lttteri Ackiowliifil aal Papers ferwarltd. .7. Allen Coomb, Hurricano Grove Wis.; Geo. 11 Guernsey Vox AT Lyons Iowa; II W Powell, Bohuylrr Neb.; W A Booth Madison Wis ; II A Raird North Platte Neb.; Gru ael Uroe. Beatrice Neb. Last issue all gone but the sul a'ar o i of what ia most interesting will be found in this issue. ItOlh OP HONOR. Names of Scholars neither nbsent nor tardy, in the upper department, durlna tho school month, eading May 10th, 1878. Kttie Loach, Jamn Maxwell, Charles Ludlow. William Mitchell, Randolph MoNitU Aead the following from tho Ksssx (Iowa) Index. Tho next day, at Red Cloud, about '.!.' mllea farther down the river, we found the puoplo wild with excitement over the prospocts of a railroad from llastlnge. Kvcry thing waa lively, corper lota high priced, and land wil ing at advancol figures. Voting bonds for a railroad is not alwuyx a paying buninom but iho citiiens of ?od Cloud seemed bent upon having one, even at the expense of bond, Mesrs. Smith and Thompson, of tha bank, wore doing i good businosi At tho "CHlgv" office wo mot broth ren Boriu k Springor, who ware aa enthusiaatio as a newspaper man evor got over tho future prospects of a railroad town. Back to Hastings, over rough and rolling country half th. way, the other half along the beautiful table laada where tht buffa lo skulls and bones lay bleoahod upon shall we eay tho plalna? No! That ia what Grouley and Bowles and Richardson snld lass than a aooro of yeara ago but upon whoat fields, between corn rows and about tho dwelling places of thrifty farmers. oomaiuoKiBS' rsooiicmos. May 6th 1878. Bostdmet pur usnt to adjournment present J, II. Ilobart, Geo. W.Bali, L. H. Luce, Commissioners J. A Tulloys Clork, Minutes of last moot inge were read and approved. Valuation ofShrSe qr 20 2- II roduuad to $1.00 per acre. Assessment of P. D. Grawburg re duced to $100, Isaan May to $471.50, D. P. Wagoner to $228, W. W. Her. vcy to$H0, O. B. Harvuy to $158. The Treasurer presentod his semi annual report whi.h after examina tion and comparing with tho book, and vouchors waa approved. Adjourned to May 7 1878 at 'J A. M. J. A. TUM.KYH J. II. HoilAUT Clerk. Chaiiman May. 7 1878. Mot pursuant to adjornment. Pull Board present. Petition of Geo. Ze'na for liquor license granted on payment of $100 Petition of D. Lute and others for vacating all that part of the Red Cloud and Adams centre road lying within To wn 4 , Range 1 1 . G ranted . Report of H. Connelly overseer of Poor fur Guide Rock Precinct disap proved and bill rejectod. The following aco'ta. allowed; E. II. Jones p o on collection $120.80 Clcrka ofKlcotion May 4 1878 54.00 Judges or Election " " 90.30 Borin it Springer Printing $;I2.30 Jno. R. Willeox rent of office $25.00 J. C. Ilolcomb Assessors (ces $54.43 W. 0. Laird " ' $66.50 N. Click ' " $ffi 50 I). Itiitina MH ! M. C. Williamson " " $36 46 M. Alexander " " a)45.04 J. D. :ot Sheriff foos $12.10 J. II Ilobart Commixaienera $71.50 Liquor liocnae raisod to $300 The bonds in aid of tho Republican valhy Railroad having carried it is or dered that notice of the adoption of tho proposition be published for two auoceaitive weeks in the Red Cloud Chief. Adjourned to July 1 1878 at V A. M. J. A. Tulleya J. II. Hobart Clerk. Chairman. HUUONIIBTIIKKT lA3TtU03 .... :JZLRA3EA. FMaiesitle SrN:&aker. Ha hi.l miieb tnrlrn In dff,mktof , hlb( lliofnuililrlrnl lit trrJt In t'u toft, A lltfl (.itruoiff tolleltxl. Mrs I LeDioyt pftMhiouniiift Dress maker and Milliner. LtUit itylM of IUt, TflrnmltJii, 7itf nl KmifT lloii.lt iii,lntljr hi Ii.uJ. IAITIK03 UZ3 EK Wemple Dealer in Grooor- Will mII all klaili ef sroetrlt nJ eonf;- llonsrr ekipr tlin llmr ou bt kought slitwhtr In ilia lty oi,ll itlsn aa.llintnUr tha tlM-8ulb tlJ (be Kll (oJ HaitiHf Mebr. NOTICK. Tho partnership heretofore existing between John Borenxen and Martin Pupka is this day dissolved by mutu al consent. John Bcrunsen. Martin I'upka. Red Cloud, Neb., May I, 1878. NOTICK. U. 8. IiAM)OPPiUK Bloomingtiin, Null., April 21, 1878. Complaint having bun niiit'rod at this Oflioo by Js'un Ilasxulbscher against James II. IVeeman fur aban doning hiiTimbor Culturu Kntry No. 1324, dated Keby. 12, 1877, upon tho West I 2 South Ksst 1 4 Soctiou 22, Township 1 North, Bsngo 10 West, in Webster County, Nebraska, with a viow to thi cancellation of said entry: tbo parties aro horcby summoned to appear at this Office ou tho Nth day of June, 1878, at 10 o'clock a. in., to rexpond uod furnish tc-tiimony concern ing said al'ofted abandonment. Wciihtrr Kaio.n, Bkoihteh. Gko. W. Bousky, A'kukivkb. Depositions to hn taken before the County Clerk of Webster Co. Nob. on the 10th day of June, 1878, at 10 A. M. Wriihtbr Kaion, Rog. U. ALAND OFFICB Blooiuington, Neb April 6, 1878. i Complaint having Icon entered at this Office by Abraham ltcovo agaiuit Henry Pridley for abundoninu his Homestead Entry, No. 1125, dated Jane 3d. 1S73, unnn tho South Ent 4 flection 18, Township 2 N Rango 0 W., in Webxtcr t'ountv, Nebraska. with a viow to the cancellation of said entry: the aalu parties aro hereby sum monid to appear at this Office nn the 22 day of Mny, 1878, at 'J o'clock a. ui., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said nlleeed abandonment. Wkuhtxr Eaton, Resistor Gxo. W. Doftair, Receiver Deposition in tho above raw will bo taken before the County Clerk of Webster Oountv, Ncl. on tho 20th day or May, 1878, at 9 o'clock a. m. lFicn8TKii Eaton. us.iMur Gko. W.Dousiv, Recsiver NOTICE. II. S. LAND OFFICE.) Bloomington. Neb., .iay 18, 1878 ) Complaint having boon entered at this office by Willitm II. Bennett a gainst Samuel Kliche for abandonitiK bis HomoMead Entry, Nc. 2 C34, dat ed 8opt. 21, 1874, upon tbo South West qr. Section 10, Township 3 N., Range II W., in Webster County, Nebraska, with a view to the cancella tion of said entry: the said parties are hereby, summoned to appear at this Oleo on the 5th day of July, 1878, at 9 o.olock a. ru., to respond and fur nish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. Depositions in this case will be tak en before J. A. Tulleyx, County Clerk of Webster County, Nebraska, at his ofRoa in fed Cloud, Neb., June 26, 1879, at 10 a. m. Wkbstb Katon, Register Gko. W. Dor sky, A'eecirer. ftASiftift AT MINER line Door Mouth Of - o Men's .Suits, rrm $4.24 to $20. I0V omimouiis a sss ssissstet tfjuHi 10 99 s'ln IJS'S sea teeeeeaeseeeesttetieteee f)()C 10 V Boy's ' " - 45c to $1. Women's Serijo Shoo 75c. to $3, Mlsiea' Calf " - ILM to $1.75. Ilnbleaehi-A Shroting from '. 6c to lOe. BlcicheJ " 5a to 12 J.2e. I lflt1 MMMIMMMIMMMlIMMIMrfMMIMllHtttNIMttM iC. tO IVQ Choice Yellow Sujuf II lbs h.r $1.00 " CoiW 5 ll-. Tor $1. " Japan Ta 2 lbs s - $1. And all other Goods in proportion. Cotuo and ate, and be convinced. FARM PRODUCE of all kinds, taken in exchange fer Goods. II, MlNKIl. LBCIUISti rou Tin: CHIEF TIIK LARGEST PAPER IN THE REPUBLICAN VALLEY- KVIRY agg-KltUg twBWJ MAD tHf ATBAW. Ag.uUwBtK).Uft ana IrrMlmate. ranlraUra ttw l4nM I VOSTM a CO , SI Ull. M. 145 pncaiiiw v itch ako rmt5- twin oliiJr r.Frr lihoi nrortl.r.Uji 01 lia J. . O loril . ta, CUIvi,u, 11 RrLiABLK (). A- C.'a (Vugh ii PlphthHrift uaicdy. t!. H. IVter agent . 18-2m THE OMAHA REPUBLICAN DAILY $10.00 WEEKLY $1.50 VER YKAIl. POSTAI1K VHalAIU. The Daily is tbo bo-i edited News paper in Nebraska, and mii?Nins tlu latest telegraphic, local, tut, ai,a commercial news. The WKRici.r contains tho en donsed and complete news of tho k and ia the cheapest jwiver of ' sito i n Nebraska. Npeclal atnlcai To CIbiIm. Remit to C. E. YOST, Manager Rkpubuoan, Omaha, Neb SayJIftffBWVT Wm WeSI SsSJHB) B WSSS (f36gS BROS. The PtMit OfTtoe, - J. L. 'Mink. U S3 iMI.B r LATBCU ft TIH BUS. Chp. .( 1 n t h S no" n or M. fiaimpl Walt trt M jwn. ivir fcwm.iuwm RED CLOUD A SMITH CKNTEB Stage Line. Conncctiiiff at Red Cloud with the Ropublicun Biver Stage Line. Thrco regular tripe a wn-k, arriving and duimrtina from Red Cloud at the aame titnu the stage from thu railroad does. FARE VKltY LOW. nil. J. B. BUBBOW. Prop. HIGHEST HONORS axraa Centennial World's Fair, 18761 m SHONIWOER ORGANS sassiseseaai vtunmoetu as tra BEST INSTRUMENTS, Ska JaM U ihtir HaaMrt, mm wktak iS feUowlog U sat ttUMtt "Tha B. IHORMOB tJKtlABI OO.'I mkikU m site awaa IsrtruMn at a VtM SMasdsf IfcM yoMUtoloaUft cUsa I nNhsarSkarls a Mssaioi ol mt asii Sails. stNMlu aoral sat pkastaf m, sBkUaiac asaaj Asrtnata tasarortsiMto. wlli stsaaiMMUaryaraMipallmkMi, Isss Usbh So ajst Mle(att(aU las aoAHa batmg sua StrS-l4r.MltMMhr WNll loataU fi r tarn to ithar sartak. avail or apm." TUB ONLV (MISJAM AWAAOfcO WM BXANK. ThU MsM aad Avar vMnaaitaa alter tk saoat sarara aompaUtloa t tha bsat aaakara, balbra aaaol tba aaaat aaaagataiS Jawsea Maw Itlas m priaas Jaat tataatv vatah an ta smtsaneawlta oar rale,wM ibuMT tMa OA w aw tta losat awaay. TTi sn )iisri in iir lal sria saw lasts Ulnstrataa Ostslagaas sasHst. asl sls. aw arrUoaWoa as " B. SHOMNGER ORGAN CO., ai te ita cmsthtjt aranr, Mow Uys, Ooff. frjE MILLER ORGAN (UKvrArrvssn at LKHANON, BJa.. IXIUYAIJIU ta Tone, Workmanship, Durability and Finish. rasBMixarr rt tMnm wanraealari, KsaiiilaWaVeisinat, mrt hataslwNf of Oamsanseaiswi. natolalnaallthiialTaliisblltnrinrMiMU limt tu rt-rB maiiulacliira. Hallt. wttli ltio"tmpiiW,u . Haikrourlmaw. illaw simI cmataal fTnot niwrlnton.litu-'.lnr arllaM wotkmm. wlio an alt II llhri jllf k lti ilir, -mlag ik no Imt trlclf AnUUM MUrUl. rt follow that tho ttKtraiw am rodiion cannot to ar;ttilngaUalnitr- ttr a trial a ha canrlnci-O. AqmraraaaaarataUr warrauu.1 aro jaara. ntaa.uoia, rmaa, okm laifcuaeawVw HEiBiiBsXwl 4iBB.ilmmassmM bwWWBBWBk e IwraBaBBBW PPpWBVWvSWBBBBBBjBBBBBBJBBBBB U can Baakomoawy fatter at week for ct than at anything elaa Capital not required; we will start yoa. 112 per day ai ketat aViby the isduitrious. Mea, woasta, boya and aifU wanted everywhere tbt work for us. Now is ibttiaae. Cottly oatll and tarns Int. Addrtta Ttl'B Co., AugWata, Main. NEW STORE. (At the led Cloud MiMe) la where yoa eta gat all kiada af MwirohmndlsS. saeh aa DRY GOODS GaOCRRIRS HATS k CAFS BOOTS k SHOW Ac. Ac. Ac. Ac. Ac All of which will bo sold cheap far oat. Also A supply of LUMBER, lath, SHINGLES, Ac, always on band. O. R. POTTER, wervbte r. NrnttaRKA &-7tf Tun Dyke it Nmelaet'. Pliwttrtrt & StinemiSMt. We are prepared to take eontraete and do all kiada of work in nor line at reasonable prices. Hatisfsction guar anteed, and all kinds of stock and grain taken in sxchanxu lor work. kf Cistern work a specially. Btr.SS'I.O)t'S - - WRnBANStA. t 43-ly Red ciouT Mi ill's! We are prepared to do cus tom work. plour Ftl Mllai Corn Meal for Male. Mr atiofaction gu arnntred it quality of flour noi.D, and ct'itTnM WOHK. Farmers -houhl be partiaulai to secure the bast of seed wheat. Potter A Frisbiel aQs'idllars a week in yovr own town. lJ5 0ulfit jreo. No rlNK R,i er, if you want a busine-s at whieta persons of cither sjc can make great pay all the tiuii they wi.rk, wrjtt fur Particulars t II IIai.I.CTT k Co., 'oHrt.Aftn, Maink. OTJS CLUB UK. We will M'td our pnp-r ( prico $2 00) with either of the uMieatiou name.i below at the price annwd. Harper'a Msaiine, (t4 00) 14 9a Weekly. " 4 95 " Bazar, " 4 9& Lippineott's.Magasine " 4 74 Appletnn's Jonrnal. ($JO0) 4 00 l' i-rsiin aMiigaiiiie.(.IXI) 3 2S Tularin Bl a, " 3 25 Raturdar EvnningJ'oat, ' .... 3 00 Prairie Fa rwr, " 3 55- WateriU'ia., ' a 15- Neors.ka Farmer, '' SPB8CM1RR and AwVRWTIBR A PHYSIGLOGICAL View of Marriage I BJSfSmMaBSSSJSSBJBBBM 1 Odd. la T.lStk 4 .VWajW . P.W a uMmal 1 i'ium v to MM M aiirrlin 14 lh lcti- f unlW IvhilHtl tri, r Btpr4ae4a tA itk. Simui, af TScaM. r .If wnimM. aft mha. atu - .,. riVAtjirtrlCSX ADVISERt In ..I owiitrnni tTHTlT, riut ir.i Iimr Bdf PHMrf rm. ON .tr iwf . a-HH t,. A OLI MIO AL LSTJTtrill nn ih tiwt SlMwa t Sm m Thraai Mna. Cawrrb.aiiylMra, u QpaiRab,i.r.nrria.'. K!lr mu PMnWua mwat a -4i at "" 'Vna. aaiaimilr'l.2&'.au,0l"."",'.''4. Dr.A.G.OLIN'SHM .ltSaM4, Pril.htnHil Mfir akaaaa ' UtflmJ'M-. BMBlaal WtmkmtmyntiSS KjalMlia.i Lm at Mttaan. liaBatfyi.wGrat. tVaal .u;mm4i iImJ ni MaZsV. StlKarai tRaa. Lari 'yy S ni, 'l cWwOa iai .tJisaT mm m pwiv mi. urn. 4rakiiiliilll. II I w IS VrwU rilliS far Sm C-1I.IU. . MARRIAGE GUIDE PaS&JWtt "" 4 mttttt f ti V-U .. tl Wia ( ij ' in mtmv !- u Km.ii, 4 pl; Imrr, b, ( m-rJ H'm an. .rr'-;UMU kwi. hiata awh. k-Mfa TANDiffii 0OUftTPWTf0RWA&BAa THE BESTARE- s L -THE CHEAPEST pYlNSJUTESCJllItMJ 265BMWmV N,Y. Kt CMCSmUT ST. ntfaaUphla. Pa, 145 SOfCTWw ST. CIyWW, 0. : IvrMlrwU.viatWU.'.. USI(lllNIA,nHM.lMl IrtllMlMiMkainllanlii, tMinMu,tl UMH mt hf l mimpf til SMw OaO. 4 . .Ur mt tnMWUat ! ill hvtiM 11L AUma wmsm jg V -4- wt a. IWA' 4L V :.t ,is N? Vifl u. 'St' i HC. !. j !fh& u m A 'tfW'-f . J $?M. 's-rVj JJs. . I. V .... ( m