-i . fW!! mmm X Jaw m '- 1 . mtm i Ala.. .. ' J. . I' ' W -nrmi)rtK t,iaa, I wM ft- iy MWr 'rtHM,, .-. ffWtK V 3i ""( f r " i',tfiiitil'rrt'.jHjtt.- fMfck. fr - , '.f 'w,. V. $ .. : StattA m MAY. T MM ?r CSSM1T. rh brighten early Mar. gram ssmvas imi rr way t i mm meet tae brecie l4miKMUf(nM! U of apring tilt all the a!r. rwa mini m aiwe piro pairs frt bare her tanOT brail lsd Hlv-beats of sowed or sight to grieve Knc morn u quel eve, i will not. for all Ma mm. the days to follow the. tnees aeu d betrayed, MM OT BiniHC MayM I to eld. by alream and boua-h. it lw M tWMfet Mt, r uane n w uuum mm uuury vale. ed M lh tka kaa ,... ... t . - - . . nu, um its; avwiii. . , i.Wor b,B' HI. l 'Mahal nooon Of the hwi coatr. A I AHMITWMilHI. bright Jane day mora than a l Team ago, raraoa Mil echamn. lit pretty daughter en a pillion be l si-rode down a pleasant Hhroo. I on their way to l'owyacourt. vr hau own somu time deenlv ed In her own thomrhu. whit.. ther ManMl gravely coirltatimr a Ided hit handsome bar horse nrrr Ihway which cerUinly owed a lit- I aottitnr urvoyor or eonimls rwJ It wiw almou overgrown with Lw-amed with deep car rut, am! kfully sprinkled with atone. It was not uio less pretty or pic- lue for that, lhe men hedin-M. ihe spreading tree growing from kem, were in mo fullness of their b ranter beauty and shaded tlio way- iron uio iuui too paie unar-rose lt delicate branches over them, p honey-suckle made the air lu- I with lU sweetness. There was a ling of birds, a bleating of laiuba, t buxzing oi Dee, now and again dees of navmakera were ki-f1 Im listance, and a whiff from the hay- ainum ovrrpowerea we scent oi DtteyaucKie. it waa a perfect June and yet Henrietta sighed father heard it, and (no n Alienee) turned to Too but In iv dear," aarn ne, "we seem Innmninr tkla mnmlinr1' VVIBII'Hts KB a" waaaa Hf m iv ci i. tauter, i km wondering ber this going as a companion to t'owiy is tor uo twat. Mother tt l ought to see a littlu tnoni life nlaco being ho miiet: but I'm II did very well at hnmu. She will mo sorely, I'm afraid enpecinlly i qhitj anu ovur uio cicar-suircli- do mut stir Deborah tin," aatri tho bn, "una tnaao your sister I'ollv .1. 1'olly'n quite old enough to Inow." lea but you know Deborah is not Mirthencd with wits, and mother at like teaching. She'd alwavs krdoa thing herself. Father, Imi afM tor me u she seems to want ck." o be sure, child: but you know sonly going for a few months." Hero's Hobby, too, l don't know he'll get on with his lessons with- w." lake your mind easy, Kttle, Bohbr t toner. Hut, child, while you been wondering how wo ever can m wjout you, I have been won m whether you will be able to take of yourself. You can't help know- i suppose, that yon have a very face of your own. You'll find of poople where you are going enough to nraise it eren more it deserves. You must take cont ents at just whatever they are worth, dear. Kemember, 'Handsome is indfome does." alker," said HenrietU with a slight , 7ou need not fear a bit about bead being turned with comuli- you know it's not my way." on t be too sure 'Forewarned is Mined.' One of these davs. how- I shall hope to sea von tho hannv of a good man." 1m sure you would bo very sorry rid of nie. father, if that time But I'm not one of those girls lareji&lious about irettinir marrifd. HTbellovo, if folks would only It. they're generally better off e. You know how I rnftiand 'Knulrn ll. To be sure. I couldn't ahld nan!" four mother and I ent on nmttv together, I think," said tho parson, ing. JTesjrir; but you are among the ex- nsW answered Henrietta, gravely. you must own, daddy, that you mother were often sorely puzzled e all ends meet But I was es ly thinking," ahe continued after :. "oi poor cousin Anne, whose a can't iiv irti' tn mwtua r.i hamed tl ro Bhn iJltU atmt. m dfcin! It wouldn't be in my na- fuv-iu wiw n." 7 dear," said her father, laugh 'jou must learn to bear and to I you marrv. Rut I'm aura ft U.1..1. 1. . "iu u persuaueyou to 1 don't ii JenrietUMillechampU ! very good i "ther, and Tve bo wish whatev o chanim U nMmimAik .. the most sensiblegirl she laww" 1 s ry glad to hear ItehUd: and ore neither yopnr moAher nor I ;' to uart with our spoiled Uttle lau; I0 rown BO aanalhla uui h'nnA. W i luh tlimo tLe" W emerged from - , anu wereiroiung awng a nd more open one. I3W heat f''r auw -ooioc waa ia Ms long the parsMLauIledHp f of trees which iudlia 1 at a mA srft.l Ji & T"-8? fovr it happened thatln the Held d 'Itni, onl V HKtimralaat fma tlut ramd ItlQUk fence. thirftfivtt cricket 'airilin.r on P.mLI, BfllUokaaiB I from Ilia hnru.-ttail atnml for ftlinuten Iiv kta ViHarktpa aliitt tbuv IratckMil tka Uimn. Rntk ' trideaTtlr - '-- ' mmd oaUtA. foaceinto the arame.TwMIe tker ? PJ ogeer: Twe'yoeag Who hail in kul tkaJtMklu 'lying oa taegraM awt;far from 'ilBdwkll tkjivtravalkr. waiekad llMch these vaVir earn watched TOO Bar ku, VW aia mMnmrewimtr 'to each other, bat araaed with evea a. jp - . r'vompiaceacy at the. fair aaaiaea Plllioa. Xtti was rW father's P ehiid-Uk. Mm ia the gtiiafal f g- with logviaar he made a tery prdty '' go and aiH-ak to then. Tom," aid the taller of the two, aid logvttw they saunlrrvd up. "You have takrn an latirr-t l4.ur game air." .aid Oliver, whl TumVl" nl to the young lady "I do. air." aald the parson. '!. t am a crleketcr, niy-lf. Hut to aav the lrH! f ' 1 M ,no hrt Bo1 xh K1 which ha cauid us to atop here for awhile." ' "Have jo ea me an vjaaviAJiam t aaHaaBBaammawammw.. tin 1. UC1TKH. ri. f ibtircr. Aaaae- "And TF;re Ui go." chlmisl In i daughter. "If the rematader ol.lhe road Is as open a this last an may get a auntroke he for we"! rowyacourt." l'owyiHxiurt!" repeated Ollw'r. "If you are going thither, you aMll take the lirat turn ti the right. Mtead of keeping the high road. Yf U1 get Into the lane, ntul save a good " Hut are you awnrv, air, thit the earl la abaiMit?" "My Imalneas," aald Se contiding iianwu, "Is with her ladyship, who haa kindly offered to take mv daughter a companion. She will furthrr trouble herself to have her ihstruetnl on the harpsichord, and to teat-h her how la dles should comport Uemaelves. ' "I am sure she cannot need laatnt tlon on tho latter paint," said Tom far vcntly. v "I have beeai waralaw her ramat flattering tongues. air.V aaM aw msK sou, with a smile and at Mm samewmo a proud look at hksjawghter. "How eer, ahe is but Mtct coiiutrv lass, aad her mother thinks It an well for her to aee a little mom of the world than penitent for kfai MVawfqtilet pamonag". She ook at her. I t bo long away, and when ahe . ...... I ... I (Hltlllla limilr ali..l I. ..!. .... ll .... ...! tcaeli her little sistem." "Have you a large family, reverend air?" "FiMi duughtera and one son ipiito enough to mnke n man thoughtful," said the paraou, with n cheery laugh which belied his words. "Father often talka of the trouble w are to him," said Henrietta, "but he doesn't look an if he were much the worse for It. Does he, slrP" "In tho natural course of thing some of tho daughtcra must marrv," remark ed Tom, gravely, still stroking the horse. "That may relieve you of some of the anxiety, sir?" "I have ub wish to part with any of them, friend," said the parson, "and Honrietta hero him quite foresworn matrimony." "Do you mean that seriously, mad amf" said Tom. "Well, sir," was the answer with a smile and a blush, "I think it Is al ways better to let well alone." "It will bu a poor lookout for us young fellows If such ideas still gain ground," said Oliver. "Surely, r, you do not approve of lovely young ladies like your own daughter holding them" "I am uot sorry she holds them for the present. Many a person marries in haste to repent at leisure. But, Henri etta, my dear, we must be going. I wish you good day, gentlemen, and success to your side." "Will you not with us success, Mis tress HenrietU?" asked Tom, earnest ly, with hat ia hand. ui course I will," sbeanwered, rais- I hope (WivihW 'fVisfarrf . Orate o coaonaao add three rgga and one and one hal rtip of sugar, brat writ; add the ml of the nnt. one mp uf awrel milk, tnd a piece of butter the site vi a walaft- JM Turttf .sMi.Ott)i,tnt "lark bear aled over night In four quarts of ater, twe n&loti, oae large carrot jrrafd. hall pound frfh lef, half iHlad pork; boll all dav; when ready U dinner, strain through colander late tern, if liked, add oae wine-etaaa Jiirt wIliH. linn Iianl lailtol - iukI.u. a ridlag far. sir?" ak- fen sliced. torn, comiug nearer. - .wt tWd hnsk lYaa..lVk mm ia flakea any cold fish, boiled, brvlled or frlwl; brown butler, add to it a pinch of grated uutmeg and a few whole pp tercoro, a little minced parsley aad one onion, with a tableapooaful of salad oil: atlr the tUh In thUfan. and when dished aipieefe the Juki' uf a lemon over it. - ret,Xvif Three immiiiiI of tillet of cooked'veal chopNil line, together with smarter of a Mund of nlt Mirk, nnecup of eraeker crumb; mU together with MM mmtMvvgg. and Maon with salt, pefMar, ami wmI herba. Preas it Into a haM mmV mundlng It up In loaf shape. (Has H( eirwlth Itealen egg, and sprinkle H srler with cracker crtimba to makeaenNwP Hake three-quarters ef our, .amrttuu. answered tl ing her gray eyes rather shyly, you wllfwin all before you." The two young men watched the riders till a turn in tho road hid them from sight; and then Tom did not move until the sound of the horses hoofs dietl away. "Tom, yo'ure very thoughtful," said Oliver at Iast,shaking his friend's shoul der. What ails you?" "Of course I am," said Tom, dream ily, "for there goes my wife." "Where there is a will there is a way," says the proverb, aad Tom certainly found the way. In spite of her sound sense, in spite of her assurance to her father, and her gradmotber's high opinion in two months' time Henriet ta Millcchamp was "woo'daad married aud a'." Improvement Oar Wateawerd. It has gotten to be quite a chrooc disease with many manufacturers of harvesting machines to parade to the the public every season in their adver tising sheets, a long list of changes or so-called improvements made on their articles since the last harvest, aad the reader la so fairly startled with the wonderful transformation that has ta ken place that he is led to consider strongly whether these machines ever did possess any intrinsic value, or have merely consisted from their first start, of a batch of nick-nacks. Ono great argument in tho KIward's favor is that no change haa ever occurred la Its vital parts. The same predominant qualities which recommended themselves to the grain-growers, and fully sustained their expectations, are still found embraced in It To be sure, improvements have been substantial aad reliable, and no Imply a catch-all to attract the farm er'a eye, or for the mer rpeee of loud and braggan advertising. We claim for the Elward that it ia superior la more of the essential point of a good Harvester than any other ever invented. It may not have aa many levers, ratch ets, belt, bolts, piaioas, pulliee, chalas. cranks, aad bearings, as some others; it sickle may not be able to choke, or tu elevator clog p with the alacrity of some other Harveajtors, or to do ether fanciful and unimportant tricks, bat for good square, practical, uniform harveatiag parpoam, better work, day la aad day out. year la aad year ont. the Elward stands narivalled, aad a gl- .t of tiimriu strength above all iu competitors. Ia this age of prop" .. kav ma old fosrv aotioM. aad ways eadeavoriag to keep up with the times are ready to try any thing that U MW which recommends itself to oar common sense as Improvement, bat we 'ever offer anytbiag to our customers bundait dr7 klrajiTaVrav evee aless we have tried It anu are iniiy Wtee.dTtoyJyrti SS-tad It will work and meet require- Haa muailajl nkaaVa wMra aliiah-' meats. k asmeaamre. tnmrter and core MMHtgh atprTW till a three or four smart MasjT- Main a batter a little tMekcr'than for pancake; put a layer of apple on the bottom of the crock, men Miur over aoiue of the batter; then another layer of apple, then hatler.and ao on, until all la used; then put a thick soda crust ou the top, and bat: for three hour. To be eaten with aweet sauce. Very nice- liiet Uhtcu (ii7, Take half a mund of tlnely alfted ground rlie, a quarter of n ihiuiiu oi ireu niiuer oeaten to a cruaiu. and three eec; the egga and sugar must be well lMalen together; mix all together aud Ihvor with a small blade of mace, linely pounded, and the peel of two lemoiiA rubU'd on sugar. The ouluker this Is made, the lighter It will Imi; the batter should Imi poured Into little tartlet tins, uot quite full, and bake In a brisk oven. Serve then! hot. Wafer: -A quarter of a pound of butter, one pound of Hour, four eggs, a salt-sMou of salt, one tcaspoonful of grated uutuieg or cinnamon. Make these Ingredients into a thin batter, with sweet milk. Heat your wafer iron and grease them well with butter. Hake tho wafers a light brown, aud roll them ao soon ui they are taken out of the iron. Sift powdered sugar over them. WIshI at I'atlrrlVaT ratkrli Is a "jut nil ilrpltiM of vitality and InrguUr In Its function. It u only judicious aud ln.uiii inriiicaiion wnieii ran mtf It rroni a sprrd and Uital co1Uimm. Ttia tiHile and irr ulaUna; properties of lliatrltfr's Hlomach Mi ters ttartlcularljr ailapt that liriitjpi Medlrlae mi r,iT" )n;iirai Tiipir anu rrrortn utoae mat lly IrrrirulaHtlM whlih r- a liarricr to IU iH-rBianent rMlnrallon. Blllouauraa andean- atlpaUon are toUlljr ortrromn by It, aud the lUsJeaUTe activity and tbiwoueli atsiaallatlea which It pruinotM have the effect of tofreaa- laa Ux "Ifimiigj sen nirarfabtiia; quaxtwa of n iMooa. i na nnier are aiao an airell'at dsUrfant of the vital current, alaec the rota uiuolcata ahealtliy stimulus to the Haddtr anu aidDeya, wbick ar the most Important channels for the rarapa of IU Imtiuritlaa, Pure, arreeahl", and of botanic origin, thor oujch and prompt, but never violent In lU ac tion, the rraaoiia for the, trauacaadeiit popu lariir of this inedJclaa ar both cofrnt and appreciable. Catarrh, consumption and Bronchial roni- plalnU,lf nrjrlivtixl, iecdUyrnd in (icrmauent sufferlna;. Th lnat known remedy, after lone practical use, Is Kllert'a Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry: compounded bjrt killed chemlrt, uiHa aome ui me octi Known vi?rttiii e i.iiia. tile. It lanot only valuable In pulmotiarydla- i u i i"uuc Biui niu)(ii reniiMiiea which are extremely drlIIIUUur) an rurllcut toolc If Uken as directed. (iraefeeben; Vecetable Pill bavo tweii ac knowledged for over Thirty Year to be a cer tain cure for Headache, Liter Cotm.lalnU, Dis eases of IHfMUoa, Hllllousnesa, and Kevrr of all Mad. These pllit act with treat mildness, aacVwIII reatore health to those suffering from Ueneral Debility and Nervotuncs. & 'J9c. par bos. Bead for AHnaaac. Uaiaraxuao Co., M Read HU N. Y. Ellert's aad eBlclent, uie liver ana aureative onrans, neaoaciie caused by Indbreatlon. Dsyllchl Liver Pill are rellableiafe lit. They purify the blood, regulate and relieve Tf attention of 0Hrfrmurritnd4idlrrU4 to the adverUementof Nkbok, hbepard 4 Co., Battle Creek, Mich., which will be round In an other column. They claim their Vibrator as not only vastly superior la grain, bat the only machine which Is a successful lax and seed thresher. This has bans fully proved for sev eral years past, and in th fax region no other aaacwoe uaa time. any repuUUoe at the present Faansas I FaKMBM 1 1 Would you have your horses In prime condition for your spring and summer work I If ao, several lb lags boukl be strictly observed, good care, regular feed aad liberal carry leg are aasoaf the essential, hwt no not ran 10 gire u.ca uncta naaa uoaej tloe Powder, accoitUng tocMrrrUoas; and yon will be well rewarded for year expense aad troefelc. For ssle by all Druggists. H)llewa'a Pllle ausel lsitaaeai. Scurvy and dbveaar of tlte akia fever, rest less sleep, foul stomach, talated breath, lan guor, dapreasioa of spirits, always attendant on the worst caaea of coUaeous eruptions, are spVsdtly aad radically removed by these di-cfoea-tha otatment cleaae,-.hlo, and the eUla earifv the M-a, uatalt th liver, and KiIV JigStlon. SB cenU per box or pot. Mae are -geauln unlea th stgastare uf J, Haydock-, aa agent for the United mate, nr reaad each box of pill aad etaunent. 0. II. Ward A Co., Agents, wholesale dntggUU, Dee afotees, lowa Uackt gam's Harnea OU ail and close the pore of leather, effectually Mvreetteg the trance of dampness, dust, Ac, and reader lac the ha rare soft aad pHshle, while at the aaaaa the wereaatog Ita oerabUHy. Hold by J) llama Makers and dealer In leather. Dr. Jeone'a German Worm Cafcea aevt fast te estrer worms and expel them from the system. TUaaaai to take aad perfectly safe. For fa Complslst er Caalra lafa tern there UaotaJag asset mi reatabk as Dr. Wlecheir Trethlaa; By rep, at n-rr fall to eve ImaaedUle rehef, aatf I barmlea. Hc44 iallDrnaaclsUBtemUper aottle. t myaaVmea rtMi CI JHaMi tHU. I ksMiTi It to be aH wrong aad even wick 4 fur eJargyaMa or other puUwi men to be led law giving lawimom wom w pai lan m wvmmw al- vtMitegscaued saeawls, r; aaarHorioe arttel Is mas ep of iimwn nakM i Manors known to ait, asm that all ph Ualaaa Baa aad IrHat U WMr. W SkOWld fr rirmsji U. I Iheraf ore eaeerf eHy and bear- Mr kM -" " " a M M a-' they have no eoai ser laawy K alikjl ffaaaa rmar M Hop Miter for th good Uy tame mm aad my frteeda, irmly UbVrteg have mo equal for faaatly ear. 1 UI not he wHhoet tkesa. D.C kW. -, Washlcfrton, rmll- ul aatceftea, bit Ur tHTv r-swr- Um wiwh family to h . t i AaerCleMlmr.e4 ivr. A wcd ttly r4re U )m at-pV d rcM la Hilars et Otm." Wkra the Kty:,v-, .Hranl IS nuad M tketafry twrre tat rMrd. N attooal war. Male iKwhI,!, aHfc. Uka) tMtt aed family dlrf,w, a WMa (rewaatly tfcaa isWrsW the rewH - duaard aad dtaaretred m-mIHHm, Wk U taidy Is sffrt, the sated, sxttag la ) palhy, WW Sirasa Irritated and )T)4 WV-n Um payalr-4 iMrah m swahk, the wood pareef, tatiw tt) their trw Hbl, at! ty dmpasKkm aaM a Very laVet pka. MMt mer dtrenty teaxH lo detlroy th k l'j, rhaertttl dtHki r4 a wvun, at nasir ker pseitah, immvimm a.t fretrut, (ka a rowstaal xUre il alettae MWtT. The Hm peewHar id wsmtaa take away IWa IsalkHv and t-uoM-y 4 kaltk ao,l rtdue Wet Usdy aa.1 ahni l.i a oi- wreck. l l"Wr rea's FavwrH IVMritptttm b a rl pwaretas lelsi family. N wtpa effn Ing tts tttettaa dmnnlrta can v-d lit - ttkt.Ht IhU rrmtdy Tk Fbviwh fivairlikm irwiT, ieiTni4mwTr,wato rk t-uiiyaai, Imvni reel- iwnaa to keaHh, aM ker u sold by all diurxWt, "- wkmvmB-ammMwmammamMmi-Maa The Mawkr)e. Ifie rvmarkable sucx-r of the Hawk, eye Inanranee Company, of Ihra hlolnea, Is well attested by an ethlhH of It tu lne for tho month of March. IN7N, During the month VKI pollole were Is sued; amount of property Insnred, W,tW aHouHt(dpreoihim received, U.IWUo; fb recelvetl, tl,?6l.( Umaea, 4176,W. The lacmaae id pre mium over the mrreapondlng month of last year waa f.,lH7AV Three uguro tntly show that amidst general financial difficulties which have leaded to paralyse business throughout the country, the old reliable llawkeye has maintained the con tinned omit dence of the people. (Iu the llrst of January It asset amounted lo .Vi., n.14,01, Indng larg'ly lw excesa of the assets of any other Joint slock Insurance company of the State. Capital, goinl management, and fidelity In the dis charge of all Ita obligation hate made the iiM'lrye what It Is. It tlesen e and hold the confidence of Insurer wher ever It is known. lMrsiitaii "MKuli" CtVHoiiott, n InUtlltile remixU for all female romiltnl, iric ft. W per bottl. 11iexrleme of rusnv years among Hie iihmI eultltatet and teflnrd lis reulle.rin slstntilug ltiUmiiiaMrr aratlnii aa llio oulv rrtlililr rrinoH' for Ibeillt lrrlng dlteases of wnuieii r3d by drug- glsU. tlraetennerg l nn Heart ni., .-m. T. A tloH. Deadly In Its effect, known a sugar of lead, enter largely Intu the rinlttlm of the so called lilrrciirtlr of tint lirvwnl day. and niauy rasesot dralli have rraultrd from Ibrlr nc. r. J Newton Kmltli's llslr hVdorallv dM not rr ton- eoliir to the hair, but restores halrtothescalnt lirnre It dors nut contain nir nenl any Putaon. Note this fact, t wbu are ulng potion hair truck, and orttrr man I, II. Iluh, HUUj Agent, at Ik- Wiilnr. Twin ItaornBas KbTst always mats good oieau. WhllsJeylMslral Tills Sjirtug lit beru tlioroiialily and el Iv teated for twentv one iimmiIIis. and hi forth triumphant from th severest trials. It ImparU far greater ease and steadier of mo tion wan can naotaaineo ny any otaev mewstm. This U acknowledged bv Dracllcsl driver ev erywhere, la-adlng merkanlc la all aerlkm a. MMaMinuMia la IU praise, tltatlvraen who rritlrally xamln all mattera perUlulag lo a rompleU vahlel lor rowe tmiiwm. ,!. lastlc over IU Intrinsic merits. ItUunuea tkmably th HghUat, atnmgret, Ust, and steadiest sorlaa la tb market. It never break. weigh lM than any other, ami will aland a heavier strata. It ran be attached to any aide bar wagon hi usa. Mend for circulars, Illustra tion, aad price llsta. Address Meaara. W. F, Whitney Co., patentees and manufacturer, s aai arau rougBBaeiaHe, n, I. tY.:JchxLrk MWS.HmaVBTX' C'SaIS,Bnu ll.WU . tec. MatMiCokoTl. Hkkiiaro ,HmW7i, f wHI Wtluwioli u-ru. c'o , rirae, it. J ana Will aarsr, wVk TnliMWhrTlilMBiT InffrtliM JuIihI Ba4 fur lllvMralrST'ata- yOB.yFrSS umMm, MwlrUaiulf rurlUeat Jwark.t. BlaaiBL bv lli KHINIICU write. MS ml auaSJaaa. TbM. issssssasiisssm ravrwami. aawmraa. mumS iwsx ai7,nt. TOaamsMaVi. 72WMLi urRont. I3ZVBSS Ml Th Imlalssilsn tfamciaai arotM-aaman evsvyiaMrTr-aa eoaitaaaUr la-ereaalaa-aMU wsatraf rrrtrkrkr laa- WWiKfcrim.,Jn,. UmnmU'mXTmi K m t mmt fe oar I.ATKST Cavstoera aad 00 AJ CO.. avcaa, H,i Ywr ut cattago. IViftYJOLPin. &WMZzMM TWIN BROTHKRr VKAtT. 2i&?ri&tt'4,, Save The Nation! rarh tamfr mini thai il f Ckiaslems jerekem vrr Vlm-rBr er KmSSliiiaaakTaSraaaciau a'rTs C sum aw s wsai iwaae Wit, Intif Mm, lese saewrlaa emm ta4lUsa wM S4 in VAl.t'A ir.irausa wwP vaWWw,T' at fHvf4. nW &$ XA mm tmssm yem. t rtt wM iwwef- fmlHelevlvoyeNi Mess alMleT-i It I t(.,aj , ,aa4 wmiM "? r, MMM a a m. aWw l MoMlHHeew wlllmsMNrym I fy . Ml VM 4.M M4l.4 IS "" l " '1;V l, a a Ma f' tor. Mmat vvaiUJ mii. Hop Merw wiHl rtwMttseei If law Mtf w. aSiHitNiMibM New rnVHIere mill mte sow. It fra h. XV afv-a mafaiw, tilt , Kalu mim laiaaalnmliiMi naav aal Mom mH4terw la II fM , J laa,!. aVs,ll', lrK"lO waa), mfi niirr V sve staj Trv He Cemrh n I M Sy ll JiaaMtM W &!. tv tUia,. w ksl w laeeel. Wrw mj rrvaerv 1R1- mew BMMO J nuer. Tin 1, SORMllMJC NW mmm mamm TIii Niw MatiMon at w aHt.MM. nie. , 4ratCtfrli44rTat aare afrai. TRK AIJIv'sjH4rrrtH TlMia)): Jtt .b... , .aaivr, i amaa, ea mraaiii ar anil i "!f J,.",f"IM M.r wna Mii im r-x a yv Ufu I.. tv r.rf.rlll W il Miivra, rwaas 1aial4 MTEe alia Mr a. It ui It (vn ike 7lft - Hl I aa uT, aaaaa H( rairaw, ' .T iwra ,m wm sat'fiitiktaflii.ltM .yrWriiSiairam. i 4l.i a, la, ia a, l raw 'MAkltal. 11 I. .fc ... .! .i.ri i.i. Itl&S ".'ilTiraMs a4iijMae '"- - '-Tr ' iair.1 .".! laf rf ia .. I'll, CireaUr, a , I rtrlii I U .- I ilaulaa llufe. wefOle iHiHiwral M lLMfaaa.aSlga k,Ml" S0 'TJlr,T'Tj JjIM " T t .J . ai r. ,! ! '- Aal a-i, AI' KKIll. . wnrajof Teaete yean f MU ea l k JK f-rOi PrVBh Mil aMBkfaVsV tiaietv saammmmml ! aaammT1' " smmmmmmaK H 1 mkm THUt R-Tsrtea rrWIIW. ,, j.. Jaatm,rt "TCwWIlnwHleTOmJ, JT-aT!. SetmSXL.1 l. SVl Maaaraaiairra Cra THENIIINeUaMLYIIeMNil Vllrter- Twramtiartia wrra nwwuiae MOUNTI0 MOM! Asm! aiaam Jaraair MaiUimtoBV nouns, t mm 4 ., BATTI.M rataUset, MICm. al mwammmS tTaatsaa mwBBWaHaBw', laSSe4SB! rariMW aaaaM i 'MatWrr, la )la,Waa aBmftXSitX H.BJaaaMatKaaa!'1 'lgrSgSVJ!ra ee amamsjal fmw BamamBlmmBBl mJ mauapaaSaBm. W.aa)alBtairvawWlHiair BaVat Trsteae la MM MO rAIM M aotii ar am. Mwel mmtam. wot aD sJaV lislUfiuiawei ammV BiwaaV mjnsait 'awa-a avBXmBK SaTaaaaamaaayB' BBfajH HT iJm w'wmmd '1 mmmmm Swwvi etaW. Pajsj J mmmmmRFM.u Ti'TrriTnilMmwHaml mm taaa, na ., mm, mtmmm m maSaaO, i rahaw,mWf-4rHiaaMmS4a, 1 Psjf .ysdjew wtttfSwtOOwSlwBtJS "Jmrnm. WmmWm AmnmnttUtmmiMnmlmMm. ! mtMJmBuaXmlSmtQSS 9 'ami.'.'. 1 -1 MM .i ", it Hjjimawel """""""" smmmwWafrWmw-W,eBWPwl "armmxa smm wTfaTswemBPaaB PV WJmHs9p sealed, hy asL Bead ammsy.ay smanyev sM.WiswlWamamvmt-1 f fM. Caames jhsaZamV kMWAWmU nBUtm ff.ffiSfty Bstmrn asri gasfram rartiae. WKSSMrf mm mmuumt "SWllfmmsfsslfcW asaeaLmBmBTal samttamwrnan a?mawVHBg SsmTf isjiaj, wth'; . 1320 Tmmr W. r. WsstfTAKV . ., rUelee LACE ORGANS a THE mRTIM THE 1 t jjmrfl.re j-jUrl aww aMaalsrs "'wwcoa'A.'.var c NMiiasmssllastrs nm.j m am. m ajm BaamBm(mw.BBmiB mm mmmmmmmmi a-T mMBam I mrSSSSmWmZom' Bmmml f1sm smmmml mmmwamw4ffaf BwWNM-rl IMbV emmaBBBBBB. aMsftf mmmr HjH AfkjaatLaMfa T 1 Jf .. , A WB rnn iMfwini m-aii mm m Im y& '."- sm'Atae. aBaaaJW akasjakea ai flBa4m SBammaiBmBm fae-amaamBamV earn SBBBBamtl 1 i. maf mVawW OTBM ssmfsUW. el I PI smTliawwsj mrmMfmW mw smkkaba) mat aaAaaalikfasaI fmmat Tammak AmtJI tsrmfam mmfl bbbbbbTi fam aMaafaajmm y mWmS ammTmmmBmwaai l W " eW mmmemnw "TL.TWW'" imaajiai . aaSa, uA AjaS-B- atmBBBBBBBBm aVBSaHim jAYl BaSmBmBBBBmaBml maBBBalmBBmBmBmmBtf BmBBBB1 1 imi BSaaJtataa akaaaamaaaaammaMBaal smmmt BmaBaal IV wtaf mwerwemssw a' e-" VM8SJ laOtlMrOAalLAKIOII Emml af -J WfM k Mi a wmm, Ham, . . " ' ifv uJlEi, rt ' r , .KK. iffT!9 I . , w.v 1 X lffT