The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 09, 1878, Image 3

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rtirm.M.i .1,- . . . ... . . .... .. "' r " J9"iLf r :2.kVUVKJ&;MnuM&kiUaJLaJIU4
eft?. ?VWfiA..f ,v'
' jij'll T"" ' '''
iwnw i imiiinni mmi i".iiii .ny Mt
4 HMJl$,ffp,,
.VuAsJbS?'- ff ' 7
i A 4
winimwnfTi j?itfirewrar.snrisBgsac-. aw
.WlMnlnV" Uud It nlautr.
fNv "mnMy at
Till tb uKU .( earth JT f Ifd from the besrt
MsWiaMes alert & i m r
Ur of
hrrr ar brrM -
ia lnwiiMltkl r
iSnrtiiKV rf.
lwwvm 1111
ftj.u ipw!H tin u fwt 4 wm autumn
M&lT,jm9m,,atr .nuWiij, tk , ut
jtoAn'nyanB1t.irsJe r a 4i
. mtmM wm Mil km
. nonrW aA t ' twm
Only waiting ttH Is sh4twnlftr 1HBfaifr
Only wilejnf tmtW KltsssstrJkf bfe 4y' toft
Then from out Um gtthrred UrknH twdy,
dssttk Kin UI rW
11 nhow lij;ht my ul hll :!lly trr,l It
pathway to lh able.
svlnajibe lelMia flatter.
A Paris k'ttrr av that Dr. Hooghe
kM published the tvulu of his experi
ment on thu removal of the flower of
the, potato. - Hy jhl prooc be Iim
fotina nu Increase; In the tubercles of
twenty-live -W cent., In addition to
their quality' being Improved; ho suc
ceeded best with the blue nnd the while
varieties of tho oUto. Ono woman can
nip off mn acre y lower In a day; the
process will, of coiiiku, Ikj unuceesaary
la tbwu seanon when Uio dower fray
iuaiurolyijiuiltontimi'OiiaJxiJUi I. i.
.argeat Fair la MVemtrT. &
.NI" ftVintlw
I'axjllc coast, Messrs. MUtaesiVfrix
Ka5?0O,D0Ocre in all iTtSKSla.
an area nearly aa large Uto-State of
?&&Pmite ' , !"
400.DOO acre all hi one hotly running In
trip ten or twelve mile wlilo and
well cjulpped In all repecU. They
wa about '80.000 head fc? ciittlo, "and
last year tir hew .born "calro number
J,000 IK-ad., 'Of hwh thr haVn a
taatimiRiber, m Well a!i bf hora, and
they ih tM larfctt anare of fresh
meat fortho tfaa Fnwelseo wiarkH.
t, arAA'Urttp Mkw-Hiiai -Dig
a narrow pit from VI to 1H Inchca
dig a trench of aHfllclent length to hold
ono or twojuhrttof otoTu-pipo, at nucb
)?ia ?. WtnttJBftfilHrMi.l: fray
frofe Tho"f5thi 'aurface of thi
graund. Over JaW enal rt thin pipe not
a common'floiir barrel' or lariw cak,
MM Vtefd?ndftlwiirniov.
d both head, banlc iid around it with
draught to. Jet thanmokD w Ireuly.
nujld a raoku flre of eora fobamlaaip.
hard wodaVoaawdital,., inf tan pit, and
you will liavej a cheap, afe and officlent
lMaftitMkrR Ml laAe.
Often in n fine orchard wu llnd-oMuo
ro trw lfahlng,rtTr,o,fr aikilo-r
r Sftho-wnble orchard.!
niortf dlffibultto ctiltl-
It' I alabintlchf
Mfc'Hronnd a lewttttiff tiV,
bo found aiualUalojitfcoNido from whick
tho tree Imk) jlhfrefeff thcn root
should In? loosened "from thu cartii and
the aritwaet IwaporpeBdknjla position
autLdwrofuUyvfa'itoaed tbyatakea and
guy and the cartii. rcplaocd arouad.the
root. It would iw well .to add spine
new vomiHtst to promoto'tfictr 'growth.
If, An in very proliabWHte top of tho
orhiwjjecomo onc-a(dod, it shonld be
pruned so a to rea,tore,tho,balaBce,Tla
fhlway we hne Ughtid' up peaVrtreea
Mx 'incWthfoWh tho WinT'Tjit the
hestwayl ts lok after tHaTMag 4ret
aaiUnot jH-rmit them to dajMgt fhawlho
of J'rightf,c.1:,M lJtfcMrlA
sash. For general rtioVfcTfly or
tho iiiJaaJajaTf alHoayfajlaii khw ground
ground. Phi eight seeds in each hill;
havbup. bunwd we warm, half-rotted
inasijeaii. WtriajTan hk'h dfep
with flue soil and llshtly press the earth
over the seeds wl thu back of a hoe.
Keep tho funuri QMnd clear of
ahyTtninoul.lcavlngfoiir thrifty plant
aa eaahfiiaV ww Imtet'Aiip la pW.
Sprinkle the IU-jj'1 plMtr, soot
or air-slacked nine to protect from In
sects. A waAatatatloril is most suit-
batata) iwr Maiaais-).
( An, exchange says Old bones, make
ftlfrsVklt fnfntit.and we will tell you
Hot fejrcdtrco Worn with but little
trowbW and no extra expense, det'all
YQUtjrdcn cutting, the waste,, odd
plecesqmWlN1kie. ased-
sMh.x' lut the
with VWrer ol w
over, r l4.5wTaMeTta.'WlBld
lall-oaiW- Jh eaHerla T,pvr
walef breK- Pr6cj4 In thU wafiitil
ihe cfcsklaftlTJtUsl-Uwn Ut' Areatain
for e''tatht:,,rTTrm''
use the compost, either i
AM n4wp-f
1 - '- W
(- mag
-a Uganda
. MMHik aO
wt. aad a breadth of 10 iachea.i a
ay's work of 10 honra. the tine lost ky
a lean U turnlag would equal 6 hoar
momaj-oo eiwin"ryniiea .wklie the
tree arc 5tigiylp81y,d1ghup
and reolnntlmr ftfem? 'fhoniota wlfi
as a wp-areaa-
JfJMpMiRpiU aVViPMw' aMMMNI 9VrMa9SYM4ksflNslT'
XI. m JtMJXI., '
."TrTT'-i'Lrai aa,' : - JJS i .tjl ut. m -. J-
f f wmyfifrra www'
mm m&my".t
AMaraw Mr-iHawiBW-asaaaHMi!
MiZZk &
hW but 4 hiur and
49 minute would bo detoleJ to U)w.
lac, with a length of furrow of 4'.fv.
f Jtonra an4 4 1 miawto wmild te kt
fA turnlng.vatid7 hoH'r ansd 16 mtnut
be deTotetl to plowing a length of fut
nw of ) fet, would net-vnltate two
hour lo of time lit tnrnlng, with
eight hour of plow lug, while, with a
length of furrow of Mi feet, only one
hour and Mjnlwilc wimUW )o la
turning, gttkMcJ hir and St tuln
out of th aVavK IM1
Tfce Haatawrr.
Ttierc I an Idea common to cu!tW.
t4aVfMiM ifnrtil ptm lathe
South, ihal the unMower I a healthy
plant to bane about the premlve. 'l"b
aeirro, about whoeealln you ee theiu.
Will tell you, "It keep lekne awav
lah., The Kuulan variety, with
wkll r light colon! ertl. I itnlder
rd th Wat, We have no doubt of the
aaaitary value of thti plant, and prefer
It to th KuealyplM for manv reaion.
Tka Itaatjkima4 in potaah. the leave
ar rafrwrty tea by hore ami the
ed by pouHiy, ad'lt U aertet that
a mall ftvaatttf of amflower eHt mU
el with the foe) f a haw will Impart
a fine gtoiw to Ma k4r, WkMe It U a wr
tain euro for fouaWr at Mau liumedi
ateltr after the aJlRMil.ja:wCAivercd.
In the latter caae about a pTta of eel
aaould tm mingled w4i 44 oat or
chopped feed, whe ia MM will be. ef
fected. Aa a aHay 4al Vw reult
of sMHaiM m to iMWMBttlon
ably that by aaJivaUoaef Jkn ituutlower
wiaay aeoOaayi aiHatt d Svlth fever and
kladre! aatalalnU aillug from nila.
malHMwkaen relicvinl. It U thought
! Adfatefcciniii. alxorblug ipiautU
IttWOf.MBjtt aud iioxlou cm-ihihI ex
haling an organised oxygen.
" 'Jmpmmri M rtlfwIlMrr.
Thu Jauanee eulllvnte eberrv. ntuni
and peach tree, chiefly for their blu
oiu, aim ioixh) mem to wane inem
double. Tlie flower of the plum are
often a large and double a a cabbage
roac. Thev alo have cherry tree dwarf
ed and twlted, and the flower a double
I dak. -There I aa avenue out of To
do lined with thee. blowomlug cherry
Wit and in tho aeaaon of blootu every
jf64 our there to re tkom and take
refraakwauU la tke toa-hou; and It
I a curiouft and faaolaatinr tight, a
Japs and fortlgneriare therein crowd.
The hydrangea grow wild in the moun
tain of Japan, and the oomaioneat va
riety la a beautiful blue. They have In
June .a, large jrllow lower called
''evening glorlc,M t)iat literally burst
into bloom, a flower after flower aprlng
suddenly open, till the whole bush I a
ma of yellow, and tho air perfumed
with them. Tho variegated maple
come out in I ho ipring almost a gor
geous a our In October,
Tae Hay Whe Advised.
Thu architect who plan hlirh front
aUpatoji.hou ia iu leaguw with tr-
lata uoya who aavo a iarj aaw'aaaorteii
took of mfanne liorn In' their na
ture. 'nytfb.!MolMt'.lMtaWav day
mim tMiktet
.kM aff&wisiaJaWnWugh even to
the driver of a streetcar, that tho young
man naa mranection for some ono In
kwWMthaNlwaaiaM.ut to
meet his charmer, nut It wax n't so
nlain to n IMt-IMed bov who won
i4WnK 'N p'utumof .an IndJn-iwar-
iimigu. no HKjgf u up, quit ins work,
and loafinir alonir to the cato ho call-
ont tooth-paste, to-day.
TM'rfolfer'rtng' mVaffa audden
lleTtMVatta As bfnhgulfMpliTatlng
Hanapl tkiileswtawyMd kwd not
, & ieiday. suad HSUyjraM. to4iear
I Urn VauMtff-4lBWl
t litAlii,
ibi;cm aataey
iiMZhsMasaWia M
"M fJaArA"
Vfckep aH
tyan- waavi
MBjai(4aatl )tm aat ssaaewaw
IWrTtoaJlhJ. Do
tm HmmtovM rnhMmfA
MfiLMmmmmmmm toiho dear tka yea ag
man palled the 1MMatoWa. ' '
M,Usmi;YtaJk'sjaiMaH Daa
(ofifMrrxifklf 'raho)sar aBf.
I fererr shouted the boy. "If yov'wawt
opposite aide of the atreet, aad the yowng
Mis lonfcad ilowhow.thaboy.aad softly
"Boy, can you catch ten ceaUf
i for
ai Bf i i in I. rHaal
-ai-----B ir-B--BT--a-iA(Hi--n
lnfWt1le1ildfef i6Ctratepai kad
haen dWfor aWf.ykar.but'UM door
aa. ofaaOaad the
ycag man hurried down the lj4 and
wan hbw fiapviwaw ! am
i bok- ii wa av Mu M,wmien ,raiKa
mAtommmTmMlM 'miMAtmiiamJt Ui.M mrm
www mmTW mamv muvm mwwn wnv
eually nlxad. and then frosted wkh n
Begardns kicker.
"Oh! je kin wiak at ne and try to
r IXBifdjitSiti
cati iueai ncrar vo '
ua tMaiwa- him ! gU gKkm K
ft IM.isX'MMrJ''
-m i .1 j r" .i.i 1--mj n-s . u.a
buy me off" gro-W th huit "but
thee priaipleof hnetv were vlnll j
all ovrr iu whr I m ababt', and Ihvv
can't le ruMxl out hor bought wp fir
wealth '
Juit then a young lady thrww opea
the door and ml)M and Uwrl. and rot
a far a "Why, Kwelf' when he dU
ciiwretl h wau't then. The footman
out. and she had walled to tH us"
aad "Kwr4M kad fone.
hwrhed ha aid hut the door, and
IsWaaawaV kT gA down to tlnlih hU In
dlan. mutt4itig
'It he iMuliin'l ralM fifty rent U r
want me, how'd he ever manage to git
that gal one o them coraete wlih a hun
drrl aud ninety bone In Itf" - Vtrwl
rv lYtit.
TMer Ksaaaael.
The army ldolUe.1 him, and not op
ik-iowih on hint the pronl, ultn
.111- .. .. .I..... l.- ll-L C.
unlrrally known, but the eholiverps
elected him a their coqHrl, a thl
InNlr had tradltlonallv done for jrsr
thebraveat man In all the armv and
the proudot present that Victor Kman
ne ever reH-lvel wa a full uniform f
hi eorporaWhlp, In which he llkl to
aptcar at lime In social circle of
friends. Hut for the eriU, which Just
then nerded a tatcman a well a a
soldier, he seemed less titled until cir
cumstance proved that by dlidomacy
he wa able to make acceptable term's
with Austria, so! hat he could at lcat
Ircgin his carver a king, III strong
point In this position were hi honettv
and patriotism, sustained by a gtol
fund of rough common scute. Having
choicti tho right mru to ho at liU side,
he did not meddle with nor hamp
er them. Mot king would hate
crushed a, favour, but Victor saw that
he was to l the brain of the great
movement for a reunited Italy, and
therefurt) encouraged him In a poltiou
for which Providence had tilted htm.
Most soldler-Vlng would have been
tenlous of such a subject a 2arlbaldl(
mt Victor Kmanuel honored him a the
sword of Italy, and only Interfered
when that sword seemed guided by mis.
placed eulhuslam. Thus the king was
gallant and honest, and in thorough
smpatay with his people because he
wa one of them rather than ono plaoed
over then. It was no pleasure to Vic
tor Kmauuel that petty sovereigns all
over Italy must fall that ho might rise;
but he simply accepted the onlr condi
tions by which Italy could rise 'from It
disintegration and ruins, and Ixtcomo
one great united country . And it was
only with such a broad-hearted monarch
that men like favour andflaribaldl
could 'do their peculiar work of raising
up Italy from Jt deep degradation.
.Wi'itnu lirHilor; Jvr .Viijy.
How Far Us We Trust Our Mease I
About two year ago 1 chanced to
call on nn cdncalcd profcsidoual man,
who waaiuuch Interested in the subject
of delusions, He said, "I have been
long wishing to sec you, in order to get
an explanation of some strange things
that have hapcncd under my observa
tion." I Inquired what throe strange
thing were. He replied, a usual In
licit uaatM, by giving a detailed aocouat
of certain performance of a well-known
trickster, to which I Untuned a politely
a I could, and he concluded with this
conundrum: "Now, how doyoti explain
that?" I replied: "I ilo not know what
happened, for there wa noexert there
to reiHirt. If I knew what happened, 1
could very likely explain it, for. a
knowledge of what happened would It
self bo the explanation." "Hut. I hare
Just told you what happened," ho In
terposed, somewhat excitedly. "My
wife antl I lxth were there, and wh saw
It all, with our own eyes. Can't wa
trust our senses? ' "Trust oufscuscsf"
1 replied; "not at all. In science we
never trust our senses," My friend
wa a much astonished and Indignant
a though be had been personally lv
suited, and I felt it to be prudent to
withdraw from the house.
Quite recently, while conversing with
a scholar and logician of far more than
usual powers, we chanced to talk of tke
alleged feaU of luvtuUon.and be asked
me nowlthe j wan llo be (explained. I
told hint that there was no evidence
that they had ever occurred; and that
it wa known deductively, by tke estab
lished lawa of Physiology, that they had
got asm oxu not; ffcur.i ji-iurtner-
Avf.r' alatad tkat lilAai fr'lbl. mmt
could be and. akonld be only studied by
expert ; innaxpennienia wun itrtng
human bMnjta dtmld only bo condnetei
by ex
by expetM in.asayabro-pkyaiolocy, and
ev. n ' is - ." ' a
;aaare ware not nan a
iMMMiartlwwfcrld eanable of
BMajMafhWtklad. Mv
tojpM IhninstaeM of this
hswMntf uaablot
Bnjg4Bpaajanjaajjhattnn AwfekCAnaknaanV an asai
IMantsnpsfVK iJnBfw Pssw kjPHsiPVRnV a
Use iHWiiirn bod hi a fwora o
n natter aa.
could hot
Mid ho.
U m doaan Oeoww Waahlnrtaas skould
Psn BnF tJannyy awwPa nsnh asansVi kw alnMpaW
n"V Hav sww apntsf 4V anBFfnlnassW VVnnslrfSJiaptta
bf.JjM rnlea of evUanee, to. believe
. WJMaw.W HMs? BIN VaVi-ftH 9STX
hi 'a .Mawtor f atnjde ayealght and
eonwon hwnawty f " 'Ptfulmr Hetenee
v , e'tka) fMn KMnaj
, itone nraetieeJ tohaa net an the Joker
Hke n maty gwn. One night n smart
yonng nan, who Uvea fa eertota city,
found a' toad hopping around la the
f tardea; and tkeg4t tc wonld be a cap
tal joke to put it in a table drawer aad
let it hop out jguddenly and frijrkten bU
wife. Before; he elosed the drawer he
rai called, Into nn. adjoining room aad
fonrot all about the toad, which duriaa
tke algkt, bopped but on the loor, and,
craWlGsg lata VVhennt Voe. wed a
pTiHtawnt n4gkt of it; The next nsemlag
the boneeliold Wan horrified by shrieks
of Hutaetdlne oreasahAnn o)d wsv
nan on the ptiMr.slde.Ml the street, go
ing homo; from, market. waa. kaocked
early aensehsM by m iyimr boot that
came eraaklnc; throng h the front win
aow, i ue isunnMNM ins enatont
of practical Joke on people Was aa
daagerona a It ..wis tooUti, aad if he
ever eangkt anyky toolings roa4
n;- -
The aalaan Munii fa Morthwood ha
Ixedatf 10,000.
av Horn tanAMK
"lke the Why out umter tk maple
Ute, sUler Katerperhap tke ioor dais
ling will tall mWiO'
Si Kate to.A Utile MoUtt UatUleV
out In the shsrtle, and walled about with
him In the shade until kl little head
drwiwd and he wa )eeptng nuWtli
Habjs mamma gt up onc r twlc to
loon out anshHisly at him.
"The doctor said that It he Wpt It
would do htm so muck good," she aay
to herself,
Then Aunt Kate brought the bahy in
and laid him down In hi crb, 'HU
ter," she aald. a she turnett awav, "I
with your heart was hot so set on Httle
Ibdkje'a revoverr. Vwn know tka if
he die now, k 1 fe, but If ke l,
what fear there is that k nav Inherit a
lova r liquor,"
Ilia p,Mr mother fac ItHtKnt sworn
anxlou than Wfore
"I knuw, Kaie but I will pray for
my bov, and 1 keep hoping that per
haps he will lo the mroi of turning
his father from the itath of intmr
sitce, t would rather be would die now
than live to drink strong drlnkt but he
I all I have left,"
Tho baby grew tetter from that after
noon, Dar after day his mother or
auntie would take him out to rock him
to sleep under the shade of the great
maple; and a he grew older and larger
and strong, he span his afternoon
playing there, till they called the grand
old tree Hobble's maple. The little hoy
seemist to know from the llrst that he
was to lm his mother' comfort! and
when she waa feeling lonely and unhap.
py, Vinwlng that Hobble'a father wa
drinking at the vlllagn hotel, the little
fellow would leaie hi toys to alt on her
lap and quietly Mroko her cheek until
she gave hint a Mm and n smlks Hut a
very sad day came for Hobble and his
poor mother. Mi Mndslcy drank o
much that he could no longer keep hla
Ntllon In the bank, and so they had to
sell their pmliy home aud tnovn to a
very small houe with no such beautiful
trvc a Hobble's maple. Tho little fel
low was nearly seven years old when
this haitened, and It was wonderful
how well he understood tho trouble hla
mother was in, Thev had to send tke
servant away, and Mr. I.lndaley had
all the work to do; but Hobble got up
every day and III the flru for hvr, and
though he could bring but half n pall
of water at a time, yet he took car kl
mother never had to bring any t then he
peeled the potatoes and set the Inkle,
and cleared awav the dishes, beelde)
helping to make ihe teds. Alt the time
hla mother never knew whether Hobble
suspected that hi father was drunk,
She taught her boy to lc afraid to toueh
n drop of lliiuor, ami explained to him
that if he never put tobacco near his
mouth, he would never feel the need
of it.
One day Hobble cniuo homo from an
errand he had gone on, aud Instead of
chatting with hla mother, he hurried to
set the labia ami then went ol abuie.
Dinner time efttne, mid Mr. I.ladsley
came home, but where was KoUblnr
Mrs. Mndsloy called, but Iherti was no
answer: she felt sorry he should not he
at ilium, for hie (atW.ww-sjWfttt ht
her, and they wight have enjoyed one.
pleasant inealbut sine he wa not to
be fotiud. Iliev sat down without him.
Tho dinivs? wa a very nice ono, but the
motlwr could not' eat. Where waa tum
ble' Mr. I.linMoy, who wa a very kind
man when sober, noticed how worried
she looked, and said he would find the
boy for her.
He went all throiiith the hotie, nnd
then to a little barn, which waa not
used, except that Hobble sometimes
whittled there, -die opened the door of
the barn aad nailed Hobble.
"What is U. father"
Mr. Mndsiey knew the voice, waa hla
son's; but something wa wrong, ka
waa crying. The talker opened tka door
ana went in.
MWkv. Roldilel Your motker cannot
eat her dinner Without you, What la
the matter I
Oh. father, father!" and feskwie'e
roloe sl;X)k with nob. ?
"wnai naa nappeneu, cmiur
"Ob, fatherl the boys say I'm nolMng
ut-Oh, fatherr'
Did the father gueaa what the hwya
had aald. tkat he tient hla head and
asked no duestlon? He drew tke little
feHow eioee to kin. kul-what nowM h
earf f
Koklde waa very tired nnd nestled n
cloae to kl father aide,
"Oh. fatherr kow aU and klad yon
are. I tore yawi father, and I don't
earn about the hoys. Oh, father I wUh
you'll bad n notnerliM ny noiMri
You aee, abe makee me promise that t
won't even touch Muor and tokaooo; I
wish your ntother had itone that."
tM lauser neaa nann lewnr; nan
not hi mother prayed with kin and
lap mm rron an inietnpec
ancaf At
feast, his boy should not;
Mane her.
My mother waa a cood a woman a
ever lived," aald Mr. l.ludlrV( "but.
Robbie, I wasn't a good aoa. I thought
It wa manly to smoke, and chew, and
drink with grown men wkea I wa but
a mere boy, and, although I hated tko
taste of liquor at first, I grew to like it.
Bat Hobble, by flod'i help, I dont mean
my bor to cry nay morn for hi father
sins, I will never touch a drop, and al
though It kilts me, I will give up amok
Just then the barn door opened and
Kohbin'a nsothertoekad In
"fih. coma in. 'mama oeme In.
Papa had enek a good moti.rJut like
you aad he'ajroTag to mind her now,
and not toueh liquor agala."
Mr. Undeley Ineked at her hue
band. "tea, It' so, wife: and it'll be n hard
ght, and nayhe 1 win aw n Wtereee
over w, ht yow nnd JtokWe. ,nat help
ne. uiiUMswr tnat turn V to,
Mr. Undeter rewtontsstwd 'UtodaV
Umr aUtar kmA mmlmXM. Mould' m)mmiimwW
nwn nrnwvayv .nsaajnaj aianan nyp mm tavaaninji j nwv aapaayn; fm
the baby died. , "God heard ny piay.
era." she tkoogU. " 'r '
Yon ntoat not thfak that waa Us end
of all the trouble f Ms LladfM,
never erm agnvn, nncw vr esrsen m tnj
snyone wnnaMNaV
totoMna kntlsawM al
iened to meet hi kwf nUar
a.innwnsi ha wowtd he
m nruy far n kn nr n aVtok khnthn
weuld Wtly get lfk v4 It. Thn Hot
bie wethld ttng fw Mm. and brfnMrn
the cm awe tl.V Mr. Unpsley bvk eart
to prypnr fr him, and by and by Ike
dreadful chain of lnbHupymnc wa
brvken, nnd Mr Mndty wa rvsv
Vr4 aa a gentlmta atwoeg tke vllbv
gvr, Andneieragnto dbf MoMd. g
on n cry nvuw me ny ii be wa
iae aon o a , irrnsi
4nnrr, mmmtmmmmmnmummum
fo l H, gwtlnen, wtk many vwtsd
ipMiHhvaai KiUll Uk Ike uueation of
wyw aspeWf $ , There are threo jw4
ble lUwe wHfc rwgMrd b Ike origin of
sprta, Their! nwvtotHvtnngeney
ny isreeess etsat44t, ami tnivswew
dbM any proc! the snoutd aeerta
evolution'priHV, hut denle Dlvlae
agencyt the third aaeetw Dtvtn agenry
by evolution yrewa. ftn, alstt, there
are three wwtsepoadtnn views In ?gard
to the origin .id the. Imflrtdnal-of yon,
of me, of each id n. The tr l that
id the little iRwocent. who thinks that
tlwi made kin n ke (the little Innocent)
makee iHrt-ptosi tlie seeond Is thai of
Ik little hoodlum who says "I wasn't
made al ell. I ftomU" the tktrd U Ike
usual adult benef-lhat we am wade
by a proeea nf evduMoa, Do jou not
olwerve. then, that In Ike matter of tke
origin of speck many gvl theoUrtsn
and pietist are In the position id the
Utile Innoeentr They think that specie
were made without natural proe.
On the other hand, mot evolutionist
are In tke uosMlon of the little hoodlumi
for they think that snete. Invnuse
kJf "growed." wem'l ma.1 at all.
Hut tker is a higher and more rational
philosophy than cither, which hold that
the idea id making and growing are
not Inconsistent with each other- that
evolution doe not and cannot destroy
the conception of, or the belief In, nn
Intelligent frr-ator and Author id the
coemoo. Thl Is also more. cotuprhn
elve, more rational and more true. Hut
let wa not fall to iht Justice lei M not
overlook the fact lhat the moat Impor
tant and noblest truths are overlooked
only by the hoodlum and material!!.
fVpnfwe tfctVuw AfenMy jfar Afey,
Khw fm i"tt rne today t t
witoflrW wIN ) fsrefW VW Jfl"w tiTysw'weMPt I I
fmtmy ww i ebe.ha bee wsaaklag
Wl ton
i wasaMae tat Tka
i rear aad a half.
r aad a UH. Hv stoaja ken a yt.
i fnrksvtoUto has fwasafnejwHsf rroas
wiwWssnsnlWa Tsw VWeffisW 1 'Jfi WWatn) TtH ft
nearly nsad muIK list la
riu has ks eseoi. aJ rvMrrnl
lnV WnllpWfl VM MMstett WM)Mt Ifww wfeflktll s
also verysHf. and saw te t4 that HI
always nnd up. Her eougk Makes tor wy
ssrfc aad weah. I wM aaeaa! ton tohrlt
usvisMMito wMuaire,rre,Byitu-t-
Htovr. Xtm44 fafWI. AllltM't
uik .4 '
" awe p p ever f !,
riiMlmkilllt.ilUl Ml UAlmmhmAam-
Ktws raarjrss nM. Kmembf, ervry UHlW
t nmsnanai w4N. Rvery one ts peer-
im-jmij iwniiiar una remiaow fine.
Mae d sKir ring, the tnH ami
lb HkMetf ib lheai. Ml) la II
iM MHHr. nnstrils. n wouH twmmfM a
ihetly us nf M4m piutst t'eratlse tttura
Kslsam. A ff,rUW',s plea tit rrwdy,
ruMllioimrMi tortO., a butUe
Tkit too 4 leu maa fino do tk UftvM
nil waaimnsw tnw.e a gufcr.,
iter that nrseersHos Mm safsM, Mast rsnalile
aud fneftual mmilria ll
I.if MtmWtM
H U snM tttti bes si
iweaif-nte ,
ibuutd try if,
esals a Mile.
V nmt thst ar iTsbl to suMMainn by
Isklag ioM. or Irrsgulsf of Mlefui Measim
Itous, shouM sts)s sp Carter's OmwmuihI
Kttrsrt of Mswrteseil iiu katM, M II use will
iveilare IbMn Mt II NatUfV Hermdy In
these ,-...- !"" "ICnf"1
Baieainnnitoeni ensaleiiljr CWant,
"lurng H ewetai Wssasly," tke great
Invaan;, ManHiHa, rtM iMMwrly rur any
esM of Hieuraatlss on Us mm ef tto earth,
rnc f i a tto,. em
oyanxwis, na4i
aespiannnxf nay
the toat kiyTper mlnvaHarn rlrenia
ii, ,ay,aaa m iwm t nana iJLijia,
wiw-wmmmwKm w mm p. w immtciwi
Vieaaag fiwlMrtosnnd7er gued rwu
eebite7: 4gi u""il.
Da. Wmunv nna Taw n. (JtsMU
eaelilsety ernes nan p. Taaea w Hbm
st wm atnsent ta, r Anannamavatlnnji
ar fe4by M awve4gn MssnssW , whwhaP
u jkfAUUjLe-ai ammmmmmmmm nnl nmnawann AmntoanaanaV,
wr asawerwpnanajj wwneajnmaj nwawej nrnnnanvaxn) anajaxaanaKana
r Omi f4 iMrniag tm tntf ifiw
4knik taaaJ1 Mjnan tir inln nmanaaiirfJ
nnjaxaj ajweaaajamaj aManwff fTsifV atT 99 W1a VVvWrF9
bat axet wtth very Mlbt favor. To Man ear
rbskt, ear snettor er fatksr leto a ant .
i ! aaan.'WfleiaaeiB
WtrewUa4toatM4 gn4lrd
WfJnvWnay nW Manly fn nj anmar anaBBjnn;nj aFJnwl
m4MmL Hmw Ummi 7" ,W trt m tHag
WfWfPmWmWi w nWTnr IbMM Sw4 wfHMa NHfWsVf
KlMaLt B jBBnaiaI ueskAiis axas ainne.M
WVTnannajBnnnj njanj Jfnaaaaaayfjf jnrvaaaHanxanjBU WW aawTinW
elaiei a aeTl npasi yirlfves. JtsiTwen
eVrful (essele rarafil n ni also a eefaw a4
ansrsrr as iwe enrtng swriina eees n aa sa.
iwniwe. at
f" ajfrularle
CHntWfswtB TQmtkQCO !P'iy ' itmiA. xM
Hi! Hbci 1
InaT nuaT anT aaaUnnT in anaanV nf annni JaJnal lanini'fin aVraLnnnnbrrl I f lisYlKanr fmmT'jPm. A"-rm
T W aweew e pwvwe sxei waa' "r i wwnsns' nsawaar nsnxw www AmX 'nmnannnnnnaV aai in 11 11 rnn iJmW m JAm n
nXt IkaH Mai' tTninfaa-r rutlfrn ansaf llrnsdsii Kmmim 'jVVJnVVVTnnVVAnilll II 1 f. I BLW AmmWmL.
3n tnjwrl mwmW IdnFYnvp. TmrwwTW TvJnVt1! Adfll LW anTjanr,TaVlll II If f f f JnT Aanl m Ail
UlMmSmmmWXmWimmm wl f antnai fTewuanr.lanannal M anVCVJnnVi4bAVlt I If I It I IE MmmWLm. J-l
Ptrns ptwjyn nnjaj yfjnn njjnf dswanwit 'iTnrwPnsetweaj AT lannnn1innnVVL niaUl 1 1 1 f i ImmJL WwftQmmWxwW M ""iJ
WPtmm bmm lnmsH naafi lW nTnt4 nieSkn aanat anlasn any nTannnnnTanwWVnil IIuajL9 jannni nVm '"9n
lJ fnnej nnpwjl Wfnefc nrnarneTn tann svaaninw jr nTnnTBnnLrVTAllil lfnTfr3LannnVannB '"fl
Mln1 tl it nfftonaVeatnl Fffkannnl In annnn Msnaani nwana-nnt X.,.tfAl.llnMk m it aim tgMmmmmmWr7mmmWm , i ufl
"sj T, " ???rp'iM""-' ywnnnn. aViHaBBnBHDannBnnMBn tm
MmmmmmmmmmjmjmmjmmmmmmmmmmmMmM wOLWLfW "r)SrR
wUflnSnE " At , IMty, AM&WAlVllAinMV J
tttnVtwnsB, nMWMgm UllftgW - M
nnni yia1M,lswW-eiw ' T t T UaliP' M
knnnn in I llannT m BnPJ.nTv fai lw.lusMk ant mni
nnnBnnkSLiBEnVBniUKPVip elM nauw wasai asaMaaanannn wal
mKwmwXSQ m-turn jjJT m
VaVaWM ("MtSJfUSSbaal ' nanBasnVnBaaffnsnBnVlK Inl
nwP wejSSX&: WkwMSmmWsSSmm MM
nWfww taJata?anSa "anlSnntWnnPB"1 ffni
i asare . i,..
. ? U Mf mtonmm
tessoui fvv awti
. 11- --. "v I
p ,w
. Vvi
vn, s( HniMiT
i - - - aw .. ii : a. .:- . .i: z "
t m wise;
AU ifrMnf.aJ uA Srt W
nff iJTwStara ssi r.U.,f,
mmmWm,mmiTl Wwwi,SL. BB)a. SHUal W WSSwOWt " -i
ws asi Nt st nw ' v wH
Wttt aWftrW Trttrtf Tftftf VaUMi
iM M m eHM4 ia
I tirwMiM, twMkteor
I rtt"1 M !' ttf l
lettaaaii'' m s'
mm mr mmm mm r
; O. rOMAfTH it 0'
XfcMnwfc ni Omni mikt
" ;JMnnfnnjrgai, w, aj
iWuiKfirn Ott
rsrtef nsarnh hi.
mm -
.t .. ,.-a i
C.l.mimj-jrmiMi j
w s"1 wnip p.p
"wmwr.rnwxx.1 i1
r .. a ,'
hnnnnnn) hAT nY
u hatais enH
WijeaitSy ny-MM4jtMBirNi (Uinl.aul
IS'.ft'nrV' MfifirrHfdL'l iKiTii
jajfanji leaiieTS wwei i Imwmom ho.l,
kf sw . aVr4 ,isAoa ,,
fSitjStl Ifii haft fimtm hr. nflS
Ss& nfflll HarTsf !
.W . tm9tt IMS tVfmtU T-t, itLmm
BwlwaMMMMnwifs. Wa?Vis i 'i'P
ttzrix?zrzTLzxzzz f ,uw
nnnnai snMraisaoiicHiftr, nx rrMtit
. mttnZS.U :m
Jbf ' A
r h
' fw t1nl
' mm