The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 02, 1878, Image 7

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    if WWfty V-
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TM K l Tf r THK MAT.
We ait wtlh folded bind., aad tblak wkat at
will do
With mrcey Idling Id otir pur.
We drras exit endless plant, aod uh n( aU but
Tbe reet keep weakllny at nure
We U altoa Ibe prtxe, employ but rtt
WWW gold and arbeiue the rlchct ruU
W Idly retrograde, ttttlte ttw barthevt
Are beaau, and flounder In th duit.
Tb "Iirr you anuUier" hkl.Ua 'nxacur
auplckjo'a dual brgrlrut the page ,
ATtter cmr up la the bualur aky 00 un tu
ThUdak, UbconaVdcntial sg.
Act we tlkr noble men, In GM'i own Image
Tbt un-mllly we naught perform I
How would It do lo turu our utnawt rinugtb
v to trade,
ur brother tniit, ounrlrr reform!
Untie the sur, lake off the fetter from the
l.t rltculate ttir thourfht an.l nnln.
Suth foul with which are headt, sttd ttiV
snd grau'rlen Html.
It need to gird the Nation lolim.
Wipe off the page ahrnini the Uw of life 1
Wwl Faith and Work. bleat alr, a'aln,
Call back thechlldren to thr aplndlr, phi,nd
Tbe lallroad, river, lake and malti.
l prtic throb, and platform pulte, with
frrtbeet thouKlit;
bet tru.t piiali off the ahlp from andt
Let gold InUi receipted hill and il be
Kiiiploj the dn-aiii unrla.p tlm bainU.
8. K. (I
A Itoaianr In INse's Life.
H'fiTrinif to tlm liojish poet-lovo of
J II) run, Wear A. Poc savs. lt was
, burn of the hour. riiiI of tint toiitliful
iieei-ssltvtolovi'," aililinj furt.nT thitt
in similar clrotiinstniH-cs f fniin'tit
mid unrestricted Intercourse, mich as
tliu children nre reprexeuleil to liaturii
jou-ii, "it wiii not tnert'Iy or
merely probable; it ttasas hint Until. as
ili'Htiny ltMi'lf." That nnv iiiniilen, not
pohltlvfly repuMxe. Mould huwuened
'Miftlciciitly will im tliu incnrmition of
tin) idenl that hntinted the fiinuy of the
poet," he nlun opinen, notuitliHtnndin
the fact that the iilVeellon limy not luite
Ja'en reciprocated, or "if Vir'felt lit nil,
it wan only while tint inanetini of hi
tictunl presenet: compelled her to feel."
Finally, with the evident remembrance
of the ideal of hit own Unliood, lie
deems that "Ho, to her, wii not tin
1 Z1 handsome, nnd mil ignoble, but h koiiiu
what H)rtionlenn, somewhat eccentric
young mnn;" while "she. to him, wtw
the F.eria of his dreams; thu Venus
Aphrodite that sprang in full and super
nal loveliness, from the bright foam up
on the atorni-torrarntod oeoau of his
Reading his own story by these words,
how suggestive, and how intensely in-
UresUng is it to bo enabled, owing to
the. cordial eo-operation ami generous
frankniwi of the still living "Kgerla" of
Kilgiir Poe's own bovlsh passion, to re
cord thu Incidents of his tlrst, aa it was
also his last, love!
Ik'twcen the years lHW-'2.', Klgar
l'oe was a scholar in a well-known Rich,
mond academy. The adopted son nail
reputed heir of a wealthy Scotchman,
thu lad during this period being be-
'V tween thirUen and sixteen yearn ofage,
and already well groiindeil in general
education from several years' tuition is
England was enabled to make no mean
figure among his fellow-students. Ills
memory is still cherished by some of
them for his classical attainment, his
athletic feats, and for a certain magnet
ic, rather than sympathetic, Influence
which he exercised ujKn them. Fore
most among those, however, who fell
-V more completely under the ieU of his
nobler qualities, was a little maiden,
but a year or two younger than himself.
Klmlra Ko) liter's pnrenU lived opposite
to thu Allans in Richmond, and in thu
usual course of events she made the ac
quaintance of their adopted son. K1
gar, she says, "was a beautiful boy; lit)
win not very talkative, and his general
manner was sad, but when ho (lid talk
his conversation was very pleasant. He
was devoted to the first Mrs. Allan, and
slio to him. Of his own parent he nev
er spoke. I have seen his brother Hen
ry, who was in the navy. Ho had very
f few associates, but ho was very Intimate
with Kbeneer Hurling, u .willow's son,
of about thu same agu as himself. Her
ling was an interesting, intelliglyt young
man, but somewhat inclined to dissipa
tion. They used to visit our house to
gether very frequently." Ucrling, It
may bu mentioned, was to have nccotr
pauied Poo when ho started for Europo
to offer his serviced to the. Orcuk Insur
gents, but died beforu the departure of
the poet, who had to journey to Kuropu
"Edgar,'' continues the lady, "was
warm and realous in any cannu ho was
4 interested in. being enthusiastic and
0t impulsive. Ho had strong prejudices,
and hated everything coarso nnd unre
fined. I can still remember him saying
to me, when an acquaintance made an
unladylike remark, 'I am surprised you
should associate with any one who could
make such ft remark!' "
"Ho was very generous. He drew
beautifully, and drew a pencil likeaeaa
of me in a few minutes. He wm pas
sionately fond of BBUsic. . : . It distres
ses me greatly when I see nn thing
scurrilous written about him. Do not
believe the tenth part of what is said.
It is chief y produced by jealousy and
envy. I have the greatest respect for
rhis mcraorv. . . . )ur acquaintance we
kept up until he left to go to the aalTer
sity, and during the time he was at the
university ne wrote w ma irwjawwftj.
Hi- mv father intercoDtod the
because we were too young fer sx oth
er reason. I was betweea fifteen and
sixteen when we wore engaged. I was
not aware that ho had written to mo
from the university, until after I was
married, when I was seventeen, to Mr.
Shelton." ..' H1
Many years passed by; Mr, Shelton
died, and left his widow wealthy, Of
Toe she lost sight for year. At last, in
the summer of 189, ho returned to the
sctniM of hU childhood, and, apaln in
Richmond, callrd upon hi bobr
low Mr Shelton thu deM-rUw the
"1 as rrly to pvi to c hurrh, hen a
srint ratrri tnd told w that a gvm
tletnan in the parlor wUhrd to r me.
twriit down and w amatad at tt-rlng
Ini." (I e IW), "Imt knew blui la.
tnlh He came lip to ine In the moat
enthutiaAiie manner, ami abl. -Oh' A7
mini, la It jou?' 1 told him I rnu gvlng
to ehurvh, that I uerrr let anv thing In
terferv with that, and that be ruim call
again. . When he did call again he
renvwrd hi aildrrawr, I laughed, he
looked awajeerioiK, and aid he u
In earnest, and hadberit thinking lmt
It for a long time. When I louswl that
he was very aerioua, I bn'tnia wriout
alto, and told hliu that If he would not
take a MMthr denial, he mutt e.he me
time to iMnaldrr. He answered, A love
that hcaltatca Is not the lute for me'
but he stated a long time and hm in
pleasant auti cheerful, He ennie to
visit tun frequently . . , I went with
him to the Kichaiigi) Concert Itoom,
ami heard him trad. . . . When ho
m a doing awav he lHggitl me to marr)
him, and pronuseil he would ! ter
thing I could desire. He said, whon ne
left, that he was g)lng to New Yolk to
wind up otti(i l)tiKlnes matter, ntid
tha he would return to Itlchmnttd a
soon as he had accomplished It, nltho'
he aald, at the same time, that he liadn
pretentiment that he should never six
me a) more. ... I was not engaged
to him, but there was a pai1ialiiitder
standing. ... He was a pMitletuan In
curv sense of the word. He was one
of tlm most fascinating ami rellned
men I ever knew. 1 necr saw him un
der the Intluccee of wine 1 admired
him more than any mnn 1 ever knew."
Nothing can be 'added to thU hNton
of the iiet's lirst and his Inst lue,
which the lady coneernce" permits ti to
use. A week after parting from Mr.
Shelton, Edgar Poc was found uncon
scious and mlng in the streets of Haiti
more. ApiHtUin't Journnt.
Hew tu be Handsome.
Most people would like to l hand
some. Noliody denies the great power
which any peron may hate who has a
handsome, face ami attracts ion by good
looks, et en before a word has Ttecn
spoken. And we see all sorts of device
In men and women to improve their
Now, all can hate good features
they urea (iod made them- but almost
anyone can look well, especially with
good health. It Is hard to give rules
in a terv short space, but III brief these
will do:'
Keep clean wash free! v. All the skill
wants is to act freely, mid it takes care
i-f itself. Its thousands of air holes mint
not be closed.
Eat regularly, and sleep enough -not
too much. The stomach can uo more
work nil the time, night ami day, than
n horrc. It must have regular work and
(Sood tstcth are a help to good looks.
llrush them with a soft brush, especially
at Bight (to to bed with cleansed teeth
Of course, to have white teeth it is need
ful to let tobacco alone. All women know
that. Washes for the teeth should be
very simple. Acids may whiten the
teeth, but they take off the enamel and
Injure them.
Sleep in a cool room; in pure air. No
one can have a cleanly skin who
breathes bad air. Hut more than all,
in order to look well, wake up mind
and soul.
When the mind is awake, the dull
sleepy look passes away from the eyes.
I do not know that thu brain expands,
but it seems so. Think, and read, not
trashy novels, but books and patiers
that have something in them. Talk
with people who know something 5 hear
lectures and learn by them.
Men say they cannot afford books, and
sometimes do sot pay for a new snacr.
In that case It doc thent little good, they
foci so mean while readiag them. Hut
men can afford what they really choose.
If all the money speat In self-indulgence,
in hurtful indulgence, were spent in
books or papers for self-Improvement,
we should see a change. Men would
grow handsome, women too. Thu soul
would shine out through the eyes. We
were not meant to lie mem animals.
Let us have books anil read them, and
sermons and heed them. tK'n'cr
Farm Journal.
EnRlanaSTlllinand' Fall.
Nothing that is purely human can
exist forever; ever) thing mundane Is
subject to the universal law of growth,
perfection in its order, decay and death.
It Is the same with empires as with in
sects the only difference is one of time.
It is then possible that those, observers
nnd thinkers who are now siting that
England has reached the summit of her
growth and progress, has passed it and
entered upon her downward path, may
bo corrected. Lord Macaulay's New
Zculaudcr may already bo Inini ; but, on
the whole, we think that it is more llkclv
to be his son or his grandson who will
slttipon thu broken arch el Westminister
Hridgc, etc:? etc. However,' the Can
saadrax are not spcakbsg,' without book
as concerns England. flan is, to begin
with, growing poorer.' Within the fust
few years her people have lost the im
mense sum of 2,000,000.000 in forolgn
investments; lost as eoeapletoly as if
they had thrown it into the sea. Then,
her great iron trade U leaving her, and
will not return: ao wore American rail
ways will be laJ4 wrthKaglWi iron ;
here and in Earepe the English manu
facturer is left aha est wholly out in tbe
cold. The decays! the kt trade means
probation to .the coal trade; and tbe
owners of coal jalnos.JB' England are
not making a peaay. The manufacture
of notion goods, vital Jasduttry In Eng
land, can ao longer be tarried ;oa, with
Es); we eaa tmdersalKlfancfter In
ackester Raelf ; it reete paly wish our
selves to drive British Med oik of the
South Amerteaa.
markets. The silk loeta of SpUaMelds
are idle; France and she. United States
st pply the world with'silsl goods. Jugar
retming, paper making, vachine mak
ing, lead, aad copperlpJag, core and
cuttle raWag--all theas) ifcings Jiave
ceased to be profitable sayKagland, and
have either passed awf or'are rabidly
passing .to'oiher cMBaies. Money
Eagland stilldias bjstjpjoaey in" itself
is neither feed, nor wejpkijnor actual
wealth. "The unnatural old step-
mother," a Mr Jefferson Hrick in
klndlyUtaieat her, has a bard llittv
before W Hut jvrobaUlT h Mil Ut
" !T ft yX' 'f ?
Hard TIbm aad uMahiae ltTr.M
t'oclc Itrmut and old man llstcswho
are cacrlUnt pccliurti of the old time
d staff , al at the pseegrr iWpot and
ivtajpared hwia.
"Esse It mighty hanl time, HrerHe
luue." "Ywi'er hosptn now, Wnnetj an
dry at retUn' harvier le Mian dat
Kite aemUr dees dt.vs It gut to onlttu
bVr hhwet. Wt yv Ut'n. He's got to
git raw.' like he was at a casBp-mrrtln'
"Uai'e w'at I rail kacvkla at do front
do'," said old IWle Plato, by way of
eipreating hit hearty aaaenU
"IsaUaie done Mie, Hrer Plato,"
ixvatiaaed Dacle Renui. "w'm niggers
ain't got none d 'tantagwer p' wlte
folk. Home un urn, I notlt, kin et lu
de un an git (at, but wld me, hit' a
sciltlle and a acfamble frvBV da) 'a etnti
tcr dsv' rt-nd, an' I'm montt'ou glail
when "night sunes i;f I got er slice er
bacon line for tr gieate tuy atummlk
"Sme er dee ver nlgger. Hrer He
mil, wat stnli's loim ni? amis dejM'f
IimiV ItkwdnLdi't givt ileh kllltulka aome.
where "
"No ue (er tcr UmIiIit 'IkjuI derklu
folk, Hrer Plato Kf "twa'nt for dee
sunshine niggers de chaln-ganc would.
n't W able fer tcr dig a o' hide Hlt
'ud Ih mighty lllgli t weak i; de UhIiI)
w'at .Mar John mites for dcrb-th).
Niggers don't fatten tin 110 uinhlinv
W en ton wake 'Co' da) an' hear de
hen's ncackllii an' 11 qualllu, ton klu
de put It down dat one er dee aim.
blue ulgger I miklii his lit in, and If
11 p'leeremaii hnppiit for tor snuter up,
derc's atiuddor catid)ilit lor de chain.
"lou'er chawln (ititermeiil lerbaek
er now, Hrer Ileum, " repondetl I'ntle
Plato, approving!) - .Uuiii,(iii , i)ti.
(ieiieral Itabcock I planting In hi
orange grove at Mellonville, I'lorlila. 11
a number of Hi to seedlings sent to him
from Europe by (SeneraMSratit,
Allrrsmtrl BrinUm 4 Sts-sn-rNrat,
lit the pnilln of rlillU and fever, the
arrbhed auITi rrr for whom tiilnliie haa Utii
prerrltx-d, r)t In tain to rllrruilnatr tbe
drradllll dlM-aae with that hurtful palliative,
wlibh at t-t otilr iiilllcate the vlolrlire ol
the Dta, and rtrntuall) prove ht(lil) Itijutloua
to the trm. lu order lo r(fet a thorough
cure uf malarial fetrr, whether InlrtnilUriit or
rrtnltlent, or to render the ajatem uiprr-tia-bleto
Ita attacks. Iloatrttrr'a tiomab Hit
ter should tie iini dall) . That I til uiedh die
I a teari litiip! eradlrant of dUeaaes generated
by lulaallia, and a reliable atV(Uard Kalut
thrm, la a fset m wldrlv reeociiUe,! lu Ihl and
other rotiutrl:t that lo adduce eildeiice In
uptsirt of It I unnereMury , Imt weir It either
t'Mentlal or detlratile to do , It may well tie
auppoaed that from Hie testimony rrrobora
tire of Ha claim, which baa tn-eu Mciiruula
tltiK during Hie latt Iwriitv-OTej'rara aiidovt 1,
iiniilrtit prixif uilyht fe iralbrred to rtin
tluce Uit mot liiTetertte akenlle
"A Hejatsirr. Metal."
Wear sure our readers will thank ua for
rallliiK Uirlr allrtitlnn to the very handsome
sdrrrtlemelit of the Kieelatoc Msnufsclurtos;
Co., of Kt Uiula, aa It wouBl lie useless for u
Ui try Ui ajr anythliiK In fsvor of their rrsod
Charter Dak Cooking atovrs. Ilw ver; word
sujnrrsU the lhoU)tht of a well cooked Bital fol
iswea ny esj aixesuou, viirorous besltli, and
a desire to have aud Ui do tientr of rtl
to aa notfaloc of Uie roiafort uf a bappr, con
vywj IWUTUOiq.
"I lllfTe It Ui ! all wronir slid rvru wick
ed for rlertrrmen or oltier puldic men U t led
Into (Wing traUraoalal to quark docUin or
vile stuff called niedkMm , but whan a really
larrltoriuua article Is msde up of common val
uatd rwuedlea known Uj all, and that all phy
sicians use snd trust In dally, we thoiild freely
rtminirnd It I therefor ibeartully ami hear
tily rominetid Hop Hitters fur the youd tltey
hare done me antl iny frlrmla, flrmly bellevlu
they hare no equal for family uae. I will uilt
lie without them." Kev. , WashlnUm,
L'ucle Ham's llarneaa Oil la tuperhir Ui any
other preparation ever male for olllnjc bathrr
and banieMi It will make Uie oldrt leather
soft snd tillable a when new ami put vu s pood
Onlah. Hold by all llarneaa Maker and deal
ers In leather.
BlelUwwy'ai alllw.-Therlliod It tbe
very raenre ol health and life. It furuUhea
thertiiiipoiicuta of fleah, bone, muarlr, nerre
and liitriruuirnt. The stomach Is the sppsra
tu-tbe artt rlet, the distributors snd the In
lestlues the channel, by wblth the watte mat
ter It carried off. Umii tbe aUimach and buw.
ela, thiae medicine art almultaneouily. '
rents icr Imi or imt. None are genuine unleta
the tlftnature of J. IlitlKx K. aa agent for the
t'nlted Htstea, aurrounda each Imjx of Pllla.and
Ointment. C.H. Wasn. ACo , wholraaledruK.
KlU, General Agents, Kaat let Molne. Iowa.
Try Uncle Ham'a Nerve and Itune Unlment
for IllicuiiiatUin, Bpralna, Urulea,itr. holil by
all DniKKlnta. '
Female that are liable Ui tipprelon by
taking cold, or Irregular or sliiftil Menttrua
Hon, shnlild alway keep Carter' Compound
Kx tract of Huartwrcl on hand, and Ita uae will
convince Until that it la Nature's Hemedy lu
tlitw coiinilalnt. Ak your druggUt for ft.
Do not m gler t s Oitigh or Cold. Ellrrt'a
Kxtrait of Tar and Wild Cherry I a Mandard
remedy, and will lure a cough In half the time
rcoulrrd bvortllnary reinedle. In asUiinitle
and bronchial affection, snd sll throat and
hresat dleaa , It Is a truly great medlliie,aud
ha cd many valuable lire. It never fall
U glie tatUfactloii. rVild by all druggUtt.
A PuImib,
Deadly In It effect, known sa sugar of lead,
enter largely Into the rotmssilllou of tl o
ralled halr-reioratlrea of the prewnt day, aril
many raeof death have retailed from their
uae. Dr. J. Newbin Heiith't Hair Itettoratlre
does not restore odor to tbe hair, but rcaUirea
hair to Uie seslp; benrs It does not on tain
nor need any poison. Note thl fart, ye who
arc using ttulum hair truck, and order from M
II. Htub, Bute Agent, at lc Molnc.
Ttiere It no earth I r boon more rirerloui than
good health, and It behooves lu poaaeaaor to
eDoesTor w retain iu 11 you srs aaaalleu with
aucli pftnroking Ilia ss tick besdsdiet. tort-Id
liver, sour ttotntcb and a general feeling
of weariness sad disgust, don't go sad rom
mlttulcld bet Uks Kllert'a Ds) light Llvrr
rimaiM vm carast.
BastmaaetiseBi (tAeliiF earsstl.
"Dursag's RteuraaUe lUssady," Ux great
IXTBSStl. M BUIOSB, wtU posttif ely eurw soy
rsae of rbrtunatista oa tats face cat lb carta.
Pries II s bntUe, all botttos, la. Bold by all
druggists. Head for circular U HlaVtMttat
a. (icuui, inutiiiu, naauniiruin, I, w. rM9
wrw4-aJe In hurllngton and Ilea Molnea.
A .'Cttatlr Karrtiflus
To Uie rule that a medicine baa no honor In lu
own country, It that of Lsyeork's Wora Kill
er, Teat vaJuabla prepaallon for worms la
held In blgh esteem wherever l la kitown, snd
st borne It U revs' ded ta the be.t worm dl
lne that the eefanceof inedl Ine baa erer con
tributed, tvild tiy all drugglu. Tweuty-firs
ntiU s boUltt.
a bale aad Kur. Kemedy for Dlanli-a, Dyaeu
teryand Cbildretva' Complaints reuerally: It
atMrukl le lu every bouse where there are. cl.IV
dren. Mother give It a trial; It bu been a
bleatlsg Ui thousand. IwJd I7 sll drugglrU
st '-Si etnU per bottle.
aaaawfMtarikg miim ta tW tvmlrt
gfciiiM la ll vnttri 1
lb elHte4 cltaT a
4 It I.
U ks v4 lb elHte4 retftaaj ar4 ewty
frul .NfcMa, Sifd A V BlbtM
s wtaetitBt aa alttJaxxt a svf U
aUt t ivlo tf tw n !nttr SeVt tW
tM klit tmlVa aprvti ivklse at fail p
!( lnie4itKiUf.t tk.s lll.e irperMOU
tlie ut lit p-it av tt rile tu ItMrw fe aa
Mutilated rataV,gve vt flee '
Da U'utiaat Visa"?as F.s (.VsKUk
ixsvIUitIi tt at nMiuwMka Takew Is ll
(l wtU pnrft tU All aRn llostt W U. tM
ars rvifrd by U.U aoterrbrii UtMe4y, wVVA
an arofteatta dvwtta, amt k!Jtnr! d ).
lHtea', Ulbs UiM, t evtrt arJ wt.t
M ! nn in wawa llw, lall N-r
Hii ai-d INxtltfj ar ..KMI u ii rrwtlli
tak II
uitrrvm awd tweed I.) vlef I sU I ,a
eitloa r.u arMtngtnUti1alsdlrtrKw.a.
fl by all SMMCytil.
tea .: wm TNsiii; tw .t
U beat wrekh papet tw low Uf rtrtula
lKw r-sUUheJ U a Iowa r4 MAW iabtUiaxlt,
katcxHiati llstnf axdU tytv( wall. Mill
tithing ftf ttnpulrd land or chKi pJ real
UI. kd-tr "W
tAlSevaht at , W Mi-lma, l.iaa
alsrsi vasty. A ut-l. pair 4 ts
CVrvMB.-. vMli) to Iram ad .Ki htwno,
ul aTbiee M.wlKi' tulis-flptkw lo ,tca
lliiim, a rliA'mlng IfV lltrtar) (stprr, full
ol tb IboUot Ntsk! ISl) eie n.t.1 Ytt
lo all n-ti.tlMj rthfstn t tiU UUitii Ut. lo
lUr- Tbe pulJIihn. J 1, I'tlUu A
tt, tru Militant Il , N , oji
atilee evrr)
ime ivuNe t altir riM4ir)
pttlra, lr.t Uf pal STtSTti ItV asrnt
TtMr) vol. fl.WIn
Witt at
tu .r.T? aVc airfs. vs?vsz J?
eafflf; aBiHeiW I b.4e asMiMtv ,!
.. suihol e,- HK, s V
LtVE, LITTI sf-.r,'"-' f- '
t"i l-l HLIltlKlttl ,Viek, H J
itcisi VS
II . tl.-k In wj ptitu M
lttw riils. J, wi
a Ms
M luvtni4
l tin.
wvwa) h's ftssssti a tawaai wsee
atAai l.SuSaj , Ptaaaa I a 4
rV less ws4 l-eW tsj
eawtMj B s
a a aw .. . a & & Z V
w- s s ' s- f srst vsph v wr
fiATAIIM ' Aaitt'a
vtsiianiin Hti.l stilit rr m..i
' b kllt4l Ifl.lUM
fiUIBCIKK .".,l ii taStiti ftfiisttt
HMHimKVv livVl ttMi4si H
tfiHAAl .is.tii HM.itit
ItWWt. IH rlr, l'rr
W!l)i MiiMkiHtaM S Y
wniatl intvltk'i ! r4Hllitr t.J 4 it.ti,
l.ll.kT I III Inau II M I'll
I U I'll II. I
t I.liw, las
1bt Ii.Iit k V,t i.t.l lme1tt
root tii t mrHii r I AihiMr. ti.rlt
. ... xiit.l, 1t. tU.lli la
1 Aarkit a.l-l titti.Mrf t.i lottet-
nKI. HI I ! I MO flwl fl I IMUl.l la
lloliT Vt r I Ijm, t Viert i , N , ,. ! o bvi t
km ri I inai.i la
ttt l , N ,,. " O Uv St
WtmleSI A S, mi lm
I-1lMHttt l,l, luttlu .
.tfwj mtkluvrtvtt OiitM
la w,ti,t t.t,t toviel
lu lfhl
ll.lil .rul IIWl.l .... II.I..II . la
Itlib. AJ4f.. llh tUMK UMVA
U Juti SI , Srt tvtk.
ll not; tliltttM.Mi, kfltd In lb twM lu
rH.uirttit. iliti rtttt iii ..till titr
i .i
ltd IMI
VI. J L. hAlil U.I..&
Whl'ti'N-rt;MIM II.-(.(.vet.
Vvinu.titi-v) it . lui.ult
f arwirr' r Itawahltr
SI isnsl llultrllll VlllHtj. lll, ll Id
OIIMl lu lli l-,utt,l trttllt 111 US a niMkltli
flat y .Stilt. liV tu.t I'.t.tjl I iMiirii.1, p., d..ii
.n t.air tiir, f.i iii tenn n.
S.t sli
rw - ' -"'..w iiiww ... v.l.t.( Altll Nil
Hvtla. Nrllit C.l 1lJ ..ll, irL Vl,4...
fri.iu all stttl r.u l tMt. tiMtrdlnmrlilMli wr
urn ir 1 .irit r, 'HI'
!, Iulla. ..J J1...U... t..
rvtiuitiMin.niriii.j t.Mlt. li.f evHIi1 Hbskda
.H.,..l.rl y. 1
A J Kkl.t.l a I'll , l-ittttari
tltt. ur Itltb I'.Milililtlt 1 1
1 M iiirnin o.
latitraTti I
11 WtMU .
. I i.wsvr at,, M. V ,
aa ia at., tai.
H". ! ...
r rut rarta, Mtia Mtta
li-f aat Shu
Trbs. talifwVat;i.i.rtw.
BMiot rttaWf it arawt a avlt i
wttthttiia., SttVf btttw ttiiuM SratUW.!
umsriwiaia, h . rw iiiMintM H.IM
lit tlfyl sain aat. a. aa wul rW a tw rw
SaW. paVaaa. Inwa
Mrtlts Hit wSrw .ml alrrtMi fainiHi, l)ii
rmuli Lt JUBlaistatM aajai aaa m mi..j..
ftiM Irrui. rlr .
AMKIMOA V VVUimttHU ( O., CMr-.rt l
Vibrator Tlirealinra,
Am4 Mutual Thrwahar i:tarlnt,
Mad only tjr
41111 pUltMtwatlll Naiwai, u ,,,
taaatMaat wtala. W Oft. lu laam, Zm?it a-tata tat. tu ... iw aiaat
laa.w,. tlMM lau alaiaalltaiu
Ik Satt tna savse tf tat. ItMrt.r at
laKtt4 ajatalt-t.
Vffig2&gu&. tax.
TT..saS tir- ataw !. m4 tnimitumt taaaW
'"ig'.'S"1 M an BtaataM Vm
IT. ,PMk" . r. sunt, esttw, m
att SasMa.M-MiaaaakfatM trVaM.IM
at ttat lm urtia M Ina,
FCKMtMetSsi4r) MsaV, rw
2f?i, ' SWt taM,taa t ..,-"
SUktatal SWt. rvtwt. at am at.
rUUV tlreek, stkk, U e-aa tf lk ' Jll
ArUttaftiS iiJj5j( (jlvilltl. Irt ft WrM
rm Mrn. Ijtr.t nytwuilae..i, cittD. h. ttn artil
WstMlra Ita rvirt tufn utiditiv li,(I .. ritrJi..
v atavBatakB. S
THJelfctja) ralawla), Tlras.
attttsr. Baaa. ,., Ikaaas.a Mill, a.l
Amnmtksnmm,linUl1Mtm., .aVaaatlllf M tatttt .a-.
taatMla avlttt..V a piia ovti tt.k
.' ." ..RS.i.nif.r'
I riifTt fra-ttss-avlt -atii W l1s v t hi
.lutt utia
Mava Ut 1iwlalr ta Wt. I e
a-.lajll t-j ktttt It tvat .at tikav. Ufa' tw
fwH ati. a.. Ua-4 vtttati a it ki
I III., I .-! kf kt JltttOaaM ll M I1
m4 1I4 ttttxttt tit liasMtSw r V
etaltstll ktJIAta. ksvlk a-aAf alt rf stltjts) fet-t.
I .It faU. t t avMialJaa M aat
Ikjattav. aukaial tuVwakv ft latt It ft- tt
(klkta4 tkMtrtl tj Wkt ktrttt.iasl taat t4l
mi i t-t V. imi lata trsaf
IttMlMl taal rna.t k Will, al M rfs-t. ff-kf
l(.i t t-rt )! t'lt II t Ut IrttJ, kJ la ktU
t. M.vt Ittl ttOaa4 IIS lit rtanll tka.ik.J
Atl-1 .'
t Ik. at a a.aattt tlain
)l.4 .J Ik. !.).
iaM ! Ika ah la
kltka It
srtt t.atktai
isifti .Ilk la Walk
it. ait
.takktka tUall tWka
aatt aMktl It (.Ut,
OflH.nsil and Cstnultr.
am a?
j, n, aan.iw ,
a. r
aeri' l iti 4 Vj a ' l-s,.taa
Unriv&lled In ArcMrinet.
Unpar-lleled In filrnpllcity.
Uiu-rptUsftd in Centn.ct!:rM
Unprtcedtstei In Zhir.UUtr.
Untzcelltd In Zcesor.7 ef rail
uuitritrt it in IROAO CLAIM tf kint
vni but ornATJiro,
iitiiojasT ajto
l;r wSrvrtMl t lb Baktl.
m. j, c:i ,iii k 111 , Mau it,,
HT. I.OL'let, MO.
Tfc aal It a lls m fital aa Ik Mltafaar
Hktr larg. Utrtluaaii
Mlt.ll. arbwal bf tlat I kfltt Stall
w;itibaaav.ajaaa,.Mvat bars S aatal Is tk
it-rumaitk 1.1
HtUa.'kl. f
Kliuull .a
aUlibatX, ii
Tke relleniaB are aiaeeg tke resuaea4at
tieas recehH blare ller 1st, IH7?.
eatUtrr b'M alaM.iii,. tkllf irvaat la Mlaaei
WW tut -. ll flvlL titoU iM, MlWIait.
Staralluaal ttallMtat af MlaattaHa a aall tot Wtb
ttr lini4 .Sun, ss'isn ami, cw-iMiaaita
was "iraJT &w:rti!:v.zMr
Iffu tftlt. SiWil If Ilk ruNillkll' ir m4
taikiblua. flu K.V,lhmClUt,lH,WH IVt.
BS ttrt w.j auflkf Ik tjite. II bkt a iaiiallr a.
" taln.4 , , ft 1 !iir, U. , lit , Vaf
Ktri.njajtrMit II In Ml f fcakllt a Tsa If iin
JWI llvVt AU,i.l.i ,IH 7wmI (ml,,ll,,
Tb vrtMi imi,iir In Ik. aat af r mfrlktr Idka a ,
7t. 71 J .l.anl.ftfil'kr,
Hlshtat aqlkoflir Ii, aatMiilir a4 Muimiwli'
(la ih.n W r II 11 f Ii, f.L It, -H M !!
lirr It) rtieitifttllvn iJl Utt.
iMUSrr, ll, ll , tar r 0tf tlr.
aat uf IHallMkMl' WaUlar! tkU j.Ul i -a.
J, I. a-VaWif, .. , l.ll.
Kn Ilk iptaklaslaiilll turns ffoM ta U ttt
until, hiflJ, M fiftlti-fljlfl.ill CtriVav,
esttr)l)r siti )! tairtltta) tT lftill frill
Tit uttlf IMrlluaarf a raa akfrb
atarir aa rluaw allli atllafawll&ai
b will, ruali
i Will, rut
-At. Jv
iKStr, A M , iVurvk-t mm. ft r
tiwr aal ri bat' I'aabetSawS lav a
ilr Saeiaa lb lata eatb bata )
larwr tbata la lb aaaaa aaaatb af ISa ar
tew law, aatttlik.'aaa'ltfj lb ttoareattaa af
taala. JTuir , im. tU. Br 7'. MtHStflAai.
atkrtJMSt tiVVtkli iat a.kNaINt A
II tar lu ft,, tut trtir I.ATKST l!aflll !
tlaotLtat wltti irtirttii, aiti vueaiia aal)
,,,H,HiviDia r,n aiRifiia. at rtn. m m ,, AMI.I
OIIOAI l.l , ttnVMjJtw lk vt l.hicf.
SfS -SBS. aa tMSa-WATtM aat r)AlkU fJi"
" k. m. Mnisiiios, 17 jarawa ac 1.1
I L kataataa
Hlaaa a4 Sfataa
Oalr IKM Htag '
latiatt. Tbawalitl
ill tl will tftViaallrki
lliMitfrvti, lifrtles
iliiaviauln l
Bkam. kBBmvBWK m .Jais k '
Am. Tat .. ."w m A.
. atwav ,-. a, BF
ff-t-t Shkwrarlaaai Ills rii Ska..i.
t ltlt Bt
it mta awtiiiaat rttiatai
Itjg titrt tlut.M uf)kt kkatltb
4 U MkkHlStt, SMtattal. kf
lb siarfc!
ur It it ib
arw rtvl ! aaavaU sssww rettM h, Is.rwttalse ta wMbssH l4MakaatSe w4 kg aatAe
Tht Dnn Rotary Drop Gom-Planttr.
ST libaas
Meti MB, !
Isaar IS Bkataai Itaawlaiar
- t: w ---
It r svettsl fr tfrerrf
ai:KIIK a Mt.Hli;s
lt'at.rUI. Asaat, . Mta--M4la
at. M.
IIt. OltOOK.a
Tetslt fteit f HHesekt ,M,,
a NbbsTw' ttaa
fat ClifM, Coldi,
tstatawa aae Sfaartoa ,,J
ttasas last . ,.
1 H.tat we It) Has
( 1'et.a
e its, w.
t Va. Valr ttVaatwtJ tHa-taiM IStlll
, -, ry JI W IHlItt Vlal
. lin,ilrn t Waatft !, k
IXt al .a J aa uJai I L.KU. I. I
. 1---itl, tail Itllkltat t1
r.aMta.Mkaratttk t'
t va4.. ll kft v. k.larl-.a "'
Ik' ittla a-l Ilk tiaal ktwllk. I aJ. a VI.
ttal Iwlfc. Vt titiatrt a
. i-iatrs tki i,akiptta kt4
t twikntUiltiirtttUtt last ttsntta
l tt-tt iVtaaatatwtlt-ktaatl I V tJAlt
taslll aakS. l atUt I llki latt Ita it.
itttt tWt at ,.!.. kaaM,U ,., wl V Si I1
tar 1 I
tt aatl.a J aV,t aJTlW, ta at
Ia4 h.a. I ul aa.A A...
al J,t ttlJt
i i'Ntt itaafit4lt'. rta a4
Ofrwct NliiMli.itl Ittmh
St h
Itotr i
1 aatt,.
Nf kliAt tlaaoayta jt,ttai 1
AtrtlV itttt
AaaJ MWi J t-a il,A.h It ratstat kftt-t
Ik lata! at Iwtatil - if ta rtatlVt
aia t4 tlka.lMfkal ta ta ai.ia.ata'
! Waa'att, . Kai Mtnaikiv tatttta
aII lalamaii Ihl..... .-ta.. u
-- fka.itaatia - - a. a-.-.
! fl aaaaa, paiiatHIII 1
'a S -. .-. a. a . ' ti
tBt rttJBf BJftVaa fWjf-tH,
M.rcirAt. ctri
1 rTf v; run rj ram'
Hast Mitt a tatb lwi
artxl aad BSaaS Bate,
IttMf a t.i2aik.t4 frvsw Mew.
Waw-wbtaaaStMaa, Ika.Cotl
ItvaaM itlt.Mt kt.4l.rtt I. latatattj. a
all lit la Ski
snilff. IW aital
I t.itili t trtkti'
r Sliaie. ..4
' atwl
Irti liiaatir
taOk, Snail
a mi aaa I
lit- Ml
ii.aiu.avm, s4it-t Wla-aiilira
V Ut,V1 wbr kt Sulfa, sr. , '
iti latt wiittia
a I tit I Walt kktialkaaa.
'si ta. fFii
Tkrraltttxw lilt a
14 r til tvwaail
it ilfv la lb. a4
pJtllkiait Utta,
Ilk kwwtl kltktl . Wtaat
tstlllit, Itait 4 mM yiatalasi, Ik.
I l.t.lltU. Ulta ktaU. -aaaalit
laaitaattiika. wiiwawiiaiata.
. !:." ... - ' w. i '.r - -ira
e stri
III Waait rats
list Sat aaStt inaaktlt Ul aaat talaaJa
fa . aat art Iktat I at Hat) Baitt
a aaao.aa. tSal
kaat.lka a
I Tswai. "li'yi
Trt Hee Caaatta Caw as. PSria abjatssl $i
jtll la
Ka 1
lkllv, raaali
e St list
"li'i a
aai. a nans Miiaia ttmti t1. a
uratsfont. isCrvta:
---a tt. . aa. j - a - -a . .fc.
wawi svtwVVSBw ffvjies, BSf fSafltt), staSB
s4 gill Uasttaf, ss MMti aasas la seaer
tTr,Blcit, MtsasM.WtaatttoiWtsaaat
aStSSSw, by BaStL aVttat aawrarf HtSSgB
atsskt. DtLWMrntSLtavastaaJjAkti.
JMICkartmtlJLimJU. -M-
t ktiiaaaataata,
iiiknia atataiitaii it
.aatu atatattttia ii awtv
"itH at Ik aHtttattaa
S aallla aVawi lata,
Ittt. tatkkat. Btaa
'walfIS Sill. aMtWV
aatvaat b.t. Saaai,M s. aattaV St. i
a.a aaia Iba vHet
it sjfcfi at
lttlBl flaw tt
. Dm
ataaia aral la I.
Fii, m
lrtritut "'V.ifWt,.Jw "?. a,' r
i "XrU-'Zir M 'aCi.
iMtsMltTbt WtikisM
aaakiart ralaa a tat
s re mi f W krBtat '',. ' "Sa
I nit'wi i'llasBsBB 3
1 sbsbKbsbsIIbbsVI m 1 sbsb!Bsbsb.bsbsbsbW ' asBsBsBsf; .?'
tDfalirai'-ia" kiitn uw, tail . . Hi s
rS !aiyw si hi,
MkTtlafVaaa waftaaljCk -it i -",,
k.nsvw.wa '
mA .jt. aa. .ii im aaai , Tifl . ..
' n aai''fii -
. a Hatartak tat ItlU laaar. rmal tll IT
it . Jffmm m t
BaYara Ii
BVteFBBBBBaBsvsvaeBJ m I frl
- , w a atJaaast a batata I" i
. m
Am li!-- 'iTi
ats 'a ejawaaw. jt ;
maumutrn ,
V-a. AV
m letttawsarter f --,
Tls ll'sl astaf eT aBBal
awwa wan aarBtSaaB. awaaa
asstr aaStsarr,
Amtt yaw elessler Wr4",
: , -,. .
-w - a -
Mirt eusisare its
, sBaiaatftst-Seiresa.
aawtariatrl .
Cs j
;V r 1
. . . j& .?
A ' ??.- - T3
' 1 ! 1 T j .
i1 yxfl
ii nm
.!. or-;
a :' f
: a
era -
IfTT K.' , . S
B"V- A ' A
B.i'. -r JJ
L-a-V V'-i
A'Aa. "B
& r
- ''IBWbbbbI
I "AesBsBsal 1H
K. " .''JbbbbB' ll
' M' JtflTY '".T-'l at
BBli!kf "a a.
mi ' ' I jf i
rifjf -uf if- i
u. $ - :tfH
BSBSBsV i:" ' ,'toK
sHai 'f $m
mm ;m Mm
PHBBBBBBBai"7' kffl
if ki "1
f i,V. 4fl"
saTBLi f ,M ''Sf -
""lt stf J
JX J i -JW
J) - T
A SJabw-. .aAABTaBaaaaw.
f f.'Mlf
. 1 tar." .-!
wi' '
taj.rM' i
f a f jr
l !,
, " y-.