ir-wi-Ji wjmjm T T S - "r77-- J W 1 85 Trja''srj.n . ;-ji'i . xJUwJww'' T I 5fe ., ! i i i-m ') $ ) Vy "fP f I THi: . THAT Vi: IRn. We p4MMl imc iw at tn anUa cte Wkra thr drar wa W thr htathrr. Ami I pmmlwd mj to to cenie back tn her Kre the Iraanl aalumn itbrr -That twain mlfta rj W bra the Iratrt were rrJ, Aikl lite aJ lair together I tut ro a ttiu (rum hrr tiLt henna htr, I klwvl hrr li tif ehrrr. Ad.i Kar kef a tin ( the M time jt44. With a stivie tike thr HVHlnUIn )rr) Aa clear and blur As lirf etr rrr true 8rr r ir, ) tirltht an.! merry ' Thr wraith of mr lore t all I bite To ttr tim, ' lir ld, u turtiloi?. Thr Gold that wrsrs-llkr thr r4lrnt Halt In tendrr blur rault liurnluc'" " And I trsik tltr tfut A a mortal mutt Whoa mu) for bitr In teaming tat ker u apart for inaujr tram, Allil thr hlur , rtill.! tiai.Mi. it. Thoutth I kissed rarhilax thr nut-brown trr, And made fmh row to Venus Till I annxlit mv brM. v ADU raletlrnnl, That hsd fslled frimi lotr to wen u. I found mr l.uc at llir garden cxt" When tlir ilew was mi tbr braider, And wf twain wrrr wnl at tbr tittle kirk lu Ibr, plrawiit autumn wr.tbrr, And the cntil that rJM Now soothes tnr tarra, Aa r lltr and lotr liwtlin miW'M.i ri. Journalism Two Thoasand Years Ago. There auoni to have brcii a ucccsstly alnco time immemorial among at't tint Ions to tiring event of Importance to the knowledge of llu poo. plo by tho tiietlititu of writing To tlili purpose answered tho hlcrnglxphlc In horiptioim of the Egyptian, tfio toml of Itnhylon, covered with Avrin characters, the l'lneulclan t:ili!ol ami tho wcll-kitwwn Martnor lUiIlum, Thu first Hoitiati Journal, over two thousand yoaM ai;o, appo.itcil onlv onoo n ytar. TliU pattor. Ititiniliil t'ipoclally lo lw rcail hy thu pithllc. n known by tlm tlllo "A mi ft Km M:tlm." Tho tlltor of thli pupcr wi the l'ontl tnx MiixltniH. whocj duty It wai to elironlclo all thu iuijrtant events of tho yt-ar. This newt win wrltton on wnlto woodon Inbluti, ami attachoil to tho ro.shloiK'iia of thu citizen. It must havti boon a ? ury onriotn nlpht to tvn thu old Romans crowding around tho tahli'ti to not u look at the latent iidwi. Hut tho thirst afur knowltMlo and thu tiio curioiitr of tho people n;w o rapidly, and In unci n motwurc, that "tliu jjovcrnttu'tit, thu onlv It-wiT of tho journal, found itntlf ohllged to iiuc a dally. It Is very itttrotlnj; to know that nouiu of tliej jonrnTn, having rcnrhftl 11,0-11 year, uro still In otWt encu. Thu name of tin journal wan "Acta l'opull ItouiHtio Diurna," and appunriMl dailv. i-lthcr tu Album, i.e., whilu thu L-ontiMit.t hun1; out (u piililic. or thu content wimu written with red ialk on thu wuIN of thu houses. Tho contents of this journal corii priced what would be c I. -is ..) ai daily new hi our inodurn papers. From the want of tho necessarv material political article wuru not to bo hud. Nevertheless, ac oonlln to thu views of the Kotnan (iovurnment, it was a true journal, and intended ax readine- matter for the iiiiIh lio, which miulit also bo inferred from thu fact that the archives of the Statu were carved iu bronze, and Inaevvs'iblo to thu public. Perhaps it would be of interest to nomo of our reader to ierUHc a copy of a verbal translation rom tho oldest journal known, issued 168 years beforo thu birth of Christ! "Consul Slcinus was the acting judge 'to-day. There was a heavy thunder Ktorm, and thu lightning split an oak at thn foot of thu hills of Veil. Iu a hostelry at the foot of tho hills of Janu "ibe-re was a light, in which the landlord was badly injured. Titiniu punished 'omo butchers on account of their sell ing meat which had not been inspected; tku roonuy thus paid was used to orect a chapel to tho OoddeM Laverua. Tho broker Aunidius ded from town tonlay, taking money with him belonging to other people; he was caught, and had .to rcfuud thu money. The brlcand V)emiphnn, who was cantured by ofllcer Nerra, has been crucified to-dav. Thu flotilla from Astia arrived to-day," You can see from this that It wai in olden time pretty much the same a in our days. We would only wiah that our officials would attend to the butchers as well as Titiniu did. It must be of ipjfirest to journalists to know tlirft Julius Ciesar, the greatest of all Romans, paid special attention to jour nallsm. Ho aw tho neuuslty of in structing his people in everything oe ourring in thu Statu; and we find this quotation iu Suetonius: "Julius Ciesar, as soon as hu had en tered his public, office, caused not only to bo written, but alo spread among the people, the proceedings of tho Sen- .ate. ... . iJ. This wiistlie (irst nolitlcnl mitier.unil. A it contained news about building, births, deaths, .wmitinns, and anec dotes, it can bo likened very much to our modern papers. It eems incredi ble, but it can bo proved, that already in tho olden timea there were stenogra pher who took down tho speeches made in the Senate or in public. They wcrja-alled nolarii; and wo find a place in Suetonius whero Augustus U angry because tho stenographer rcpirted the speech of Ciesar tor Metcllus iu a rery imperfect manner. There mut have been reporters, judging from a letter of Cicero to Cadius, also private report er, who gathered the new and seat thdEa by tho cursu public &n iaiti tutioa similar to our mall throughout the province. You caa see from this that Alclba' aying, "There is nothing aew under theiun," is verified once more. Tran laUdfrom Iht German. , h The Ceaalaf Maa. The "coming man" will certalnlv be a marvelous creature. Iii prnp)at are on everv baud, and ta one and all .. the omens are full of tho wonderful " '": ;taiagi be will devis) and do. He U, la be sure, long in "coming;" we evl deadly have not yet cen him but his progenitors, at lea-si, may be said to have arrived. It U amusing, indeed, to ee how tho prophesied "coming man," M he is portrayed by this or that looker iato the future, is found to be endow with the xulUr Ut and aixttnplih tent, and often with the ldlcncra ie. of the KrtrrtWr The luthVmUt. for ltttane t mrr that the coming man will ride the air and M'tid erve midway UtHt r ami lirmainctit; the Vktic doubt not that luu Mr man cotur, he will Ins wholly i-uiaucU psltsl from tradition and uertithti to the iK'iallt, the -mtng man hiII, with angt-lu cmjHurv. llll tip hi wr KHin ith hU uighlHr, the Mlthn rtn vIU hate the tuning man eetir to reeVleh over-Kipulte the globe Much might t aid, too, of hat the "coming mttuait" will do and W She ha her prophet and proph etee Iimi. She will, no doubt, atrie at the perfection of rs)lnliliiel cm in en I etice and grace In drew. crhnp he will tote and preside mer legllathe wrangles, and dine as eno at nnnl table Mr t'harle Keade, with a wit anil Imentlou that might Ik exjKH'tis! from hi performance In luiagitiative litera ture, lias discovered a new attrlbiDe which he think is cettalu the (tuning man and woman will toct. What l remarkable is, that thl attrlbtite.though suggcti-d by brain which 1 alme all fanciful, Is a seven li practical one lie aay that tlieliiMnun"'eiioiiienon nf thu future wlllltean "ambidexter," or IhiIIi haiidrd perou, llrlnging the whole force of his brilliant rhetotlc to !ear tilKin thl subject, Mr Keade arraign the distinction Ktwom the right and thu left baud a a rello of remote bar barlsm To think, he sa, that the left hand I unlucky, I to Mil-erllx to a heathen mythology It was u tradition of tho "juxViiUu w orhl," as he calls w hat wu commonly know a ancient time The according of distinction and supe rior rktll to tho right hand has no war rant, either iu the structure of the organs or eteit iu human Instinct. It is wholly a matter of custom b Inheritance. Vet, iu a long arrax of very rich historical learning, he shows ho'w universal, In time ami place, this custom has been Wit llud It In thu llible. Jacob was "the son of Kachel's right hand." Jacob blessed hphraim with thu rlirhl hand. According to Moes, it was the Lord's right h:ind that gave thr Law Solomon seated hi mother on his right hand at a mark of honor. Homer ami thu (iieek writers, Virgil and tho Latin ones, closely follow the traditional use and symbolism of thu two hands. "Dex terous" came from the Latin word meaning right hand, and "sinister" from that meaning thu left. Kien In modern tongue thu same "superstition" is lixed deep : the French use "droit," the Kngllsh "right," for a moral altrl quto as well as for a physical locality ; thu French "gauche," or awkward, means alo "left." The same significant peculiarity is to be found in Spanish and Italian. Always It I seen that word derived from "right" are culo glstie, thc from the "left" uncompli mentary and botuutlmcs disgraceful, Mr. Jtuudu unlocks all, this store of learning tu prove that thu distinction I traditional, and not Instinctive: and he urges tho world to hasten the coming 'of the "Both-bunded," by beginning now to teacu children to ut each icnnl with eUl hkill. There would, no doubt, be great advantage in thi ; but we fear tnnt Mr. Keadu'h own expo sition show mankind to hu too closely wedded to "right-handedness" to make the reform a rapid or easy one. .! ton'1 Journal. .Men's Tart In Home-Mnklnir. Most of the preachments we have seen from tho texts of happy home have been aimed at thu women. This Is nat ural enough, for thny are tho home makers of tho world t and in a future nnmber we shall "join In thu choru." and also say something to the young folks about their part in a work from which no responsible member of thu family can Imi excused. Hut just now wo delre to nndgo the head of the households, atid ask iheui how they are performing their rcwpoasible part in thu realm of home. -Their forto lies iu breathing and enjoying tbo atmosphere after somebody elan has made it and not a few can't get 'along and maku known their authority without "raising a breeMs" in it. Men are Urn busy, too impatient ami inouguuess, ana it must bo said of tomo of them too selfish to do their fair share of that pre-eminently millennial work, the creating of a happy home, whereiu love reigns supreme, and amiability, affection, cheerfulness, joy and teac, arc the natural conditions of family life. Now in certain thinm man has been a constitutional shirk from thu time of Adam if tuu scientluc gentlemen have left us any Adara--down to this day. Men will light for their homes, and make slaves of themselves to their bus lnes to maintain them; but like the probverblal matt who would die for a woman, but would never bring up a ocuttlu of coal, they can",t tell what their children arc- sUidvini mi school, who meir are, wnat thj are learning of good or evil, nor hardly anything else that a father otighuto know con cerning his offspring. It Is so sad a fact as to spoil the-MBtire. when It is said that many a father finds hi Suudavs and holidays too few to enable him to "become acquainted with his boys." Hut wo maintain thataman who hasn't time to be a father children, with all that includes, ha -no right to have any. Ho wrongs theia, robs himself, puts aa unjust rcsponsibtUtv upon the another, and neglect fats highest duties, human and divine. Tliere are so many ways iu which a father may contribute to happy home lifethat it asstfM atraafe the number of hottaas ahoaid so exceed the homes. It takat so little to make children hap py at borne, that It is a woadrous pity to asaay little Met are miserable, or uu easy, or disooateated. If for aa houa after the eveaiiur aaeal the father ahmilrf give himself to Tits children, would the roomer wear out so iaat er the cnli drea heaolawlees. ttxwMeeoaie. and un. comfortable? What a ministry for good to both parties Is a papa's frolic wuii me oaiiiNi, naat au, interest is added t the lOoks. the,, games, or even the ataaWif the father enters into them! " Aside from the children, and iu home where haply there are none, meu still have a more direct part than moat of them are read v to hear, iu making thn daily life pleasant. HV hardly need say that a man should set the example tor the family in patieu", cheerfulness, cnurti). for bear a tiee, and all the amL able iuikhW and gt o that arr taesoul of home happlne. The stt of tarn who dt'pUt all their uat and ) Iltelies oil the stlrrl or at thrlr lml linss )dsv, and sale thn tiMu, ahd sulk, and soutlir, and all thr ex 11 brood of dviituh ditviton that the) chatacteiuc In the otnlenlriit ruphrtu llll of 'inoo,!'' welt, we hale our opinion of them, and If thrv will csimr within range, c don't mind rxprrlug It priiateh. but erv afraid It would not lmk well in print' Tlie whole trllof home ti rants men who make the entire household ir idic around them a the center, who tongue are ehtsuilcallv "furred'' In the morning, and nerie so upset In the evening that the family must keep . lencc while thei rend and Mlioke, who "can't lHar" the noe of IiiiuhvuI and natural mlrthfulues who hare to le tondle,) and telidcl and humorxHl, the) ought all of them to lc dooiuctl to hati their da III a shabby genteel Uardlug house, without sight of wileor chlldrvu, with hash for breakfast, warmed. oxer pancakes for ltmeh, and lean maekervl ami centennial hen for supper, with the liHlger oierhead alwnis learning the tromUiue and sen nut girl that steal the hnlr-ull They don't ibrie a home, and no man doe who will do nothing to make it. For insn's rights do not Include the right to all the com fort of a home w Ithotit nnv of the w ork, or worrv, or sacrifice, or thoughtf nines and well-doing incident to lt creation and maintenance A good inaiiv men think they hale done their full dull if thev pay tlie bill, more orlctsgtuilgiiigly lint one might as well t ix to warm a room with a tire nliice ami a pair of silicr-platcd and irons, and no fuel or lire, as to make a home with money The money simply makes a place for the hoiuc,lo com plcic, It the man must put lu himself, and the lcst pari of himself at tlmt -u.r llulc. Itebln lleod'a' Miracle. Fair, fair was the forest of Sht-rwood In the days of Iloliln Hood , long were thu Miinulers that garmented the (uresis w It h green, and In lght w ere tho autumns that browned the thickets mill coverts from which thu meiri hunters, clad lu Lliicolu-green, starteii the deer. The sllier horn of Kobln IIihmI's merry men dlvl led In the morning and their note were lost In the great, deep forests, but they blended again at i cuing, echoing at Hot from afar and then drawing near. T'hei, nieirv were tho tale of the hunters, as thu red morn rose In thu dusky shadows, and poured her light oier the forest like a hilier sea. Kobln Hood performed u most won det ful mltncle lu his day. IVrhajs, though, you may not think It so wonderful after all. Wu will tell It to you, as a icrj old ballad told It to us. One dav. Kobln, Iwlng in a merry mood, took it Into his head to go Into the king's hlghwav U the disguise of a friar, lie put on liood, gown, crucifix, ami bead, and walked off slowly, look ing very demure ami woc-lrcgouo, lie had not gone far when no met two lusty priests, chid all in black, and riding gallantly along. "lltnnliet!" he said, "hnvu pity on u poor friar. who has been wnnderiiiir since morning, without meat or drink " "In tlie name of the xlrgiii," said one of the priests, "we cniiuol help thee. We've been rolilied, ami haven't a pellllV to help ourselves," Itohin laid hold of the priest's robes, and drew lilui from his horse. Kobln was so stout a man that the priest could not resist, and when be commanded thu other priest to dismount, hu dared not disobey him. "You sav vim have no money," said Kobln. "Neither have I." "You know how to prny?" said Kobln. "Yes," said the priest. "Then let us all fall on our kne,, we three together, and for money wo will pray earnestly, and vo will sen what Heaven will send." The priests knelt down. "Now, pray," said Kobln. Thev prayed, vsy dolefully. At last thoy began to wctp and wring their hands. Then Kobln Ix'gan to dance. The priest' prayer became raoni doleful than ever, lint Kobln said "Pray I Pray!" They prayed a very long time. "now put your Hands into your pockets, and see if you have received an answer to your prayer. The first priest felt In his ocknt, then rolled up his eyes very solemnly aad said Nothing." "Let me foci," Mid Kobln. The priest now looked more troubled than ever. Kobln searched the jtoc.kcts of one and drew forth a purse hanvy with gold "What an answer to prayer!" said Kobln, and he searched thu other, and fouad another purse. Tho two priests were struck dumlt what could they say? If they had spoken truly at first, hero Indeed was a miracle! The old ballad says they "sighed wondrous heavy," "You have prayed well." said Kobln, encouragingly, seeing their dejected looks. "Here are live hundred ikmumIs. Now we will divide it." And divide it he did. He gave each prloit fifty pound for praying so well, and kept tho rest himself, Hm thu two priest did not seem very much pleased with Itoblii'a division and liberal pres ent, but rodo away looking more woeful than ever. "Always speak tho truth." said Kobln to the two priewU aa thev departed, and we have a sort of stiiplcJon that If thoy had spoken the truth about their money to the bold outlaw, as good priest ought, the miracle would not have been so great. . The children of ex-Governer Ifnnh. Jmck. of Louisiana, are nearly white. but Uiey have been expelled from the public schools of New Orleans. "I shall die happy," said an expiring husband to his wile, who was weeping mo-t dutifully by hi bedside, "If you will promise not to marry that object of my unceasing jealousr. your cousin John." "Make yourself quite easy, mv love," said the prospective widow, "I am tajaged to his brother Bill." t'erle Hemes aa the Miter IMtar. Wat' dl 'tHit dat sitter Miarasf" aVcl t'brle Itemut xeiterxUv 1 t hear Mis s rvadln 'bonl It," and axed hrr, but Se a dat I urn' at Ma. John, an' dm l ax Ma John, an' Mae. John i I inn' gu let dco neper men 't kirk up all de deilliuent I Urltexc dat a the laugwlde dst he uei HUi. that' all .rilled, I'nele Kemus, eierxthlng I fixed " Who hilt de blggl.t ban' In de game" ' Fbe sllier-uten llieji dlda'l cam all Ihctr points, but thn' are toleiald'v wellaaU.rtcd" "What" deupthot erdr ftaea detlf" "Whx, e ate to haie the Old lh. loursl dollar - the old iltxer dollar that uIIhI so well " I ti-tl dat I ain't got mine j It" "Oh It loi titt xet Thei will le put lu circulation put a fast a the mint can make them " "Whar Mhuu In de 'scinblji umi apevk I'm a ettU, NF Hon fur back fum demanwat ratniti out de tkadl dut JiU teckon 1 lf" "tlh, the sllirr dollars will lie clrcu lated lint like au other moitey, You get It if xou earn It " "llai" ter scramble arter It same a liefo'f Well, den, In r'gnl ter dat liver bill, I'd a Neti whar de little Uy win when he niado a mouf at de ihiw " "VVherxi was that, 1'nelr Kemualr" "t)n de top rail er de fen, lint dar's a nudder pint, l," continued the old man, teftiH'tlng a few moments "1 hear talk dat dee jure Mexican dollars ain't up ter de high. water mark ludeic wtif Hess " "Well, those who pay you a Mexican dollar will give ou a' nickel to make up the slue that Is, If uu call their atteiitiou to It " "Hen I don't git ! nickel, case a s). xer doller's gooj null fur me, wedder she's United Males, or wedder aho'a fur till. NoImkIv don't hav fer ter coax me fer ler take a sllier duller " l.'ncle Kemus sat thinking a few min ute, and prtHeded "Not much. Not dis season. Won Mar John gimme my wnge I'll take de Mexlkln doller an' lef do nlekle fer him an' hi mudder-'ludaw fer ter fight 'ImiiiI, an' I'm blest ef I don't b'leeve de ole'omati'd mount Mm an' gouge Mm fer n heap le dan dat. Alh' you gut a bucket er water dat yon want lining, I MISS" Whereat the did man toddled olT to the pump. .tfdMiii ()iulitutwnntit, lr. Ilslsae e a Her. The kindly autocrat, Dr. Oliver Wen dell Holmes, has I teen writing, say thn New York Vrtbunr, a pleasant letter to Master Holmes llunlnp, an elght-iear-old Teiiuesseeau, whose parenU an ad mired the Iroctor that Ihnv gave their sou hi name The Utile fellow wrote a pretty, childish teller to the autocrat, adding thl postscript t " P. 8. - My Ut ile sister said lo mamma A Muddv Is writing lo a poet. 1 think I shall write to hhakspemo,'" Ami thus Dr Holmes answered i "My Hear Little Namesake. have so tuacy letters that I can tint do more limn answer jour iu a xery few word. I am glad that xou go to school, ami have already learned to write, and do sums lu arlthmetloaud find place on the map. I supjxisu ion know where lloston Is, where I llie, It Is a pretty large city, but what do )ou suppose l saw this forenoon out of the window of mv library? It was a Mock of wild ducks In the Charles rlier, swimming about Just a much at home as If they were tame ducks In a pond. We Inn e had a xery great snowstorm, Yeterday I saw a loy, not much bigger, I suppose, limit von are, stand on the top of a snow-drift, ami hi head was a high as h street lantern on the top of a trill post where It was placed. I am sorry that I cannot do everything that every good llltlu boy wants me to, I am sorrv thai 1 cniiiiot write von speech, but jou are I have written you n imier. imi giHiti ami luuusirious ana okedlent, and then )0U will do oredlt to the name vour rather has irlvi.n you. Kiss your little sister and tell her inure are no jmhuiiiiccs wnere nitak spearo Is now. Your friend, OLIVKK Wr.MlrKIX IIolmm." The Phjslral KaVtl ef Tks.ckt. An Interesting psper was read at a recent meeting of the Itoyal KiN'ietr on "Kxoerimeiital Kesearehes on the Tern. iMirature of thn Head." In wlilcli tlm writer, Dr. Lombard, showed that men tal activity will at once raise the tem perature of the head, and that merely to excite the attention has the suinn ef fect In a less degree. This Is a curious result, as apjMjariug to show that any thing of the nature of Volition Involves a waste of nerve tlstuu whlob Is not in volved In Involuntary perception and observation. There Is no difference, we Wellein, Ix'twccn lite temperature of the sleeping body and that of the waking boflj and of the head, so long as 110 act of effort is 1 11 vol vol. II tit If even tint least Intellectual effort raises thu tem perature of the head alsivu that which it reaches In a in used and Idle ohxurva tion, It would seem to show that there Is a waste involved In volition which belongs to no so-called "automatic" ac tion of the mind. And that I Itself n fact of no slight significance. Lowton Nfifctitor. Jteme. a It has often been remarked that the French language contains no word ana- lofona to nor urnril llntnii . lnttmt la (terhaps the nearest approach to it, but iubi worn con revs u ine minu noinuig morn than the f-lnvtlsb wrnnl 'lli.iia.i.'' This peculiarity of the French language social characteristics tt the French peo ple. They live mal.ily la cities and vil lages, and nowhere ma! a tain that full SVStein of household Mnnrnnr etimtnon to the Kngllsh speaking race. The nouse 01 a rrencn family is tmt little maretbaaalosVxing. They eat at caiffea and rrt nil rants, and rM-mallnti la airHit wholly found at the theaters, pnbtlc halls, parks or other public re sort. The "home circle" a a place 01 mutual ana exclusive family amuse roent, instruction or entertainment Is almost unknown in France. Friendship la the mcdlclao for all misfortuaea; bat Ingratitude dries up the fouatala of all goodaesi. rrsrV, ttorart cattnel talk h Kajlkh Ur gxiagr, but when thev tell a picnic par ty to le. It l a clear It understosM a If uttered by the mot"grmmllcJ -srsR. The diflrrrolwiwrenrMlaa! a horse and s hohh' l ald to consist In thl, that one can prt e(f a hiH al any time, but onc on a hobby a lean can er get off An Irishman, on ,ng a xcaael irjr heai lit latlrtt, and 'arcly sImixm the Waters cdjre, exclalltletl, "I'ln MX i 1, 11 ine nxer w in a nine fiign r lle ship wxwxld m to the ltUJni,M 1 1 ankle (agesl iwt) "Mamma, a las i4 kles me t,-lv " Mam dx at s'hi4 kles me to-dr " MH tu "lHl tlie, tlearf I hop ou klssest her hack " Frank (verv InifWtxaHlly)! " her bask No. I didn't, I hiaWt her check " Title) of rank r not rsnferrvl hy Ihe laws of the Tnlled Htalc. though lid I onlv one ef ike reasons why we Meier ee Uiardlng hmiM btitur alluded to In Ihe Constitution, An rattern per ha for It muHo -"The pen I mightier than the sword, but the scissor are easier to handle," S"Kmou didn't get away with all the wisdom "Does jour ller Annie exrr say any thing about mef" ake ait anxious ox er of a little gdl "Ys," was the tx pit , "She said that If had n'ker on jour shoes they'd make a nice ciadU fur my doll." "lloya," said a rural schootdeacher, "knowlwlge never Hme without seek, lug Stick a plu thetet" And then, a he shot up from his seat like a jack lu the box, ho offered a tcward of tlie dollar for the oy who had stuck the pin there. A black cied man Is alwa) Ihe mmt jealous of his wife, a grav ed one the most true and faithful, 'the brown eied thn lel ptovlders, and Ihe blue eieil alwas henHvked. Take jour cliolce, girl, Nothing destroys Ihe apHllte quite so quickly as the announcement that Jones, of whom jou have Jut agreed lo accept ten cents on the dollar. Is going to P.uropc with his family lo spend a 1 ear. In the bright lexicon of check thrrxt is no such word as fall Menerln llUewa lseil. nays (Win In kit recruit lweir. ( lllsler;n( ,NVw Ttxk nislr. ''Tbeest ka r4 wtirn the (enrr'arlors f hiunsalif er tied (lk, lli NS4S- 1 mm l. lewnl tu II r la liiiMiUlaja latisif Itvrlf tsntflcca, tlirir Islsir UHrrcMlent. TnstsT Ike lienetarliies el Ik eiW. .(he liiro etni trvulD Ihilr lire ami mrralrs ( las Interests of IiiiinsnltT-ll.rsr are tks mm ekiae Ike mM (riljtkts Id IhNkit, SS.I eliiNB II rrastiU llb I'ttlirrlr fortunes. A a earnest wtwker Ihe vrlfare i.f Ms rallue-mrn, l. R. V, rirrre lias wihi llirlr eslnirst ; in pal lit srni rstrrin, XVtille rrklti to be Uo(r srrxsnl onljr, lie hsa lHssiir a Mhue aiassi; Uiras. Trt llir tininrii.e fnttiinr fstalie uis.a him til s jrrurroat to.e tie korOs nut, t.ul hilrti la llir itvrlliin sb4 rUUlliairii i.f nstli. Hon .tin II r riMilrthMllte to thr iiut.Hr mssl, the sx,ita (da irslltliif i tWIr Hlwrslieu l.iinflr , a lira larsnttif of Uial iwaull'al Ihl ratal eiistiitn of ra.tli. iarl vetas Us eslrr. Niilnl In Uilk xilMo ami erltslr life fur hi iiiiwcrxln latrerlljr smt all Ihuse sirrNef Xtr tnr Hut enii'Nilr inaiilus.1, lr I'lrrre ranks htgti siiKmx IImmmi ' mm. wbaae aseir Hie KisHlr le UJurtlr m. lo liist'lor MIMi hrr roll Ii)imk Artilstkm. nl atiwMhisM aiiiMUousUktlralneiitble lo tliriiMldlrilH lnallnattiwrl.UIanr, )u,Ktnri,ila futets i-aiirr nimUr lo leMiriir uniarsllrlrt ae tllllx ami liM-fiUnrs, aliljr siliiiUmrnlilir lbs wink he ha slfr.dr are.nn.lliril, tf a life at eiiiemdilr lorf.irl. rnrlalie In Its grand fe nils. " XV hlls lr hrrte't (ruin anil rnrnff hair wnn fur I1I111 aoriiflslilra sMltlen on Iks rxcnnli of s nation, Urlng- Urn rrrl4 Hens lr li an iiTrrwirlmlh; iisl ultj, U lusllr f. Itt.rsUsI Hnuarliotil Uriiintlrs lir (altira fur hlin arl rr ilrslrsMs pUwe la llir Iwarts of s s-rstrftil r,.,U. in, (l.,i4ro Mftiral INi sivrnr ami raxotiu Prrsrrtptioa lists Wtmsht hrsllfi Slid liairinr lo trn laoesatiil Imwss holils. llrsrfmtK-rjt Vrftiahle pills hass lawn ae koowlwixM frs nrrr Thlrt Tears to iw a rer tsln ixire for Jls4seke, UrrCMiss, Ilia ?.f ! "f ,'C,,",' llltWn. 4 rrs of stlkleyU. TIaars-ia1wtlkaTratwtltae, sin! will reti krsllb u teas sMe fMs UenrrsJ DrMlltf sea Jfrff nusaeas. p.fce !C. per box Sfa fur Alruarise Uassrasasa o.., m kVM sH. . y. CeBwaaxJeai c.'axresfl. , An old tersMsa rrtlr4 from ararttee hatlAf ha4 ttarssl la bU Ueds Irr aa Km! ladle MkaaVan7 U furmal iJ a lm4s vrgsUM remad;, fer Ism Staawr and prratsaent cars of rsiet4iMbU, lirts. rtiltl, eaUrrb, aMhaxa, and alt Ureat'aaVl lung sffrdlens, also a tIUra aed radlralears for MrviMdMllly,nj sll itsrruiisrrjMitilaiaU, after lurliif u-ated H eooilarful rurslixstne era In UHiusand of rsjusi, ha frit II Ms duty to tnska II booen li hi seffrHNg felines, Arluatn ljr this riMitlfe, aad adsalra tor Here human tuftVrttijf, will m,k1 f rrs of rharss, tt all wIhi ileslre It, thu rerlM wtth full tfr tlpii fur (rrpsr1iig and aslna: la Urn, h rtrk m4 KtUth, Mcnl lr null I srfdrcss Ing wltli ttarap, uamlrtj UiUpsprr 13 I'lerr's Block, WKlirster'. tiiw Tork. i'rr ataiisai Or lbs niMlmd of btinilaK our lxlls afur ilratli, trralrd aula llttls iltr In Oil roMnXrt, but mrl with rrry llttlr farts-, T (4aae our rlilM, our rnotuer or flljcr Into a otsn, sfirr il-tli, six to tlarwl auil Ku at II rapid r-rli'hir, barnlng scd cyinirrsl'wi Into a fr.w ouncr of aslirt, t, tn our r-tlmstlmi, cruet sel sinful- Now ladlts, you who are uffrlfHf fosn sime fi'tntlr) roiilalat, wl bars twrqois lrrrnlsr, it hats ili.s and arors, tmtartrs, Htwmtnr snl crtirsl in-Uslloa, es sdttM jirtj to use KngMJi reiosfs Hitlers at one, aad rlsliu s w Iras mixmi jnurllTM, It It a Won-ili-rful friuxln frfulauir, snl also a quick and rrful iwilc, rurli.K ehronfc rsri In an lu crtsllul slrirt (Una, MM, Kikm rairwni-l write uhUj to let ro know wlial I tilk of tour mnlU in I Unifhl fwrnl wfi the lia l,ren tixluhilif lor Uis list jtu and a half, liars alwsr l,vl a plir. IrUu for hrr, tail l liaa ToU-hI no sHef ffOHi Ibrlr trrstmriil. Tlie let lie I gut fromi toe a pvw irl;oM p, sod It tk iritihfluu has dorm hr -or.ued, aad raMevrd thr r.Hi)tiliig to tttmi eiunt. )Ur larcsxtls Io trrr r, aad nn to frrl that H Is aJwsjiflllrd up. Ilrr rmth maka br vary Irk sih) wrak. I Will now srixl roy H tot alt liIrs, lo b seat Ui H'stmrt, frr, a roe sd vsrtlxi, fVn1 InuurdUulr. ' HtapsrUullr, H ICffiUAJI JKPflf.M , Htjim,rt,A'tm4 fOly, Amm. rJry rXA, 1H7S. l'rlreBetMtU,l4a. Ms hottlaa tor U ao, Ksprsas caargsa fU. lUsasaxbsf, start beuls xearrsaUid. deaxsjaxeax lsl. Etsry tm Is tnta Urallr faulluxr ellb roramoa colds. Ttts still Uotws aad atilrerliig, li daUaees aed Uefuor, tae sorckM of tea tbrost, pel a Is Um1s1, aad stuffed tioatrU. Ws would rscossssred s Haul; aa of Madssa Portrr's Custlr Coucb '-- 1 ul, kUiI.1. iiul iJumiI u-X rullUacti(ia(iceli botlis. Bsssil totUss IBcsets. Twta Saoraeaa riatr aiearsauks eexsl toes- FARM FORCE8 tt$m.3a&. Htf sav lar Ctxait JtjrHv-Tf A saawaMt VafSMr. at ay, al tarlaeaMef a atSSJMf kHlls) tef M tjavaM W WPlssW,sfw74es". " "4"w- ..kwiaiMesiM. I" a4 rWna it ast , twtttfsif-Wlwk 1 Ik Tarn 1 ImWT VT T 1 sfl SoMHNItf NfW mxm nmm ThiNtw x AT M pfWw j 11X1, scrtJ caetsaaux Awssa saeuasMastscti. swvaa a; .! Y I V JlsWwVtVrTai IswarVrvw tfesMd se-r I asssxstfi v, i7t0awa -"-. A. . IIMIVi , Wlav WM), OMsaXIIATanit. r tVrrU4a Is-. r, !. i, 1 t oVl4 It, its (MM' f rTeXVvtnJ 27Tm .Rsbai." n,f,"'' aai MtiliimmimM On, arrsiasaiJ le wsj t U Hi im.s.W4rU. Tfc kMM tr f'tnl Idf AN.rt., H-HIMM, UtaeMSS SWlrsMr frslarr ' srfifc ihmi tUM Istj atstkar Im ss At lwiairs4rfrsr. k '(Mr f., IM ksw rila,V4f ,.fkr St!' Vii i "; . l!iUS'sW, I m. No. 1 41 orrwisa sxtm. WHO WAim HfCHDiBBT? W bsts fat sal vr IS a s4 o4 aaed ssaslil Far stlow TrWlr Tru Valu Kl.rlSU. Am. adaUr SrrilU4 aa4 wlik wl. aaS (S r IM )".. If. wkltk w will Mall rf t sat a4r asus r h ur m. HM siMMr ) srkst SMMklsrf ri arr Is waal nf. u4 1W1 until mmt Sarf fluff lit rt-t tmr lit! s lis rreil mmsw nf ftii4 In Ikt if ir an fi4ttrtfm4hainftitiimfif Im rll rrrlSMas wsl4ftiSgnlmatllSBf tUswoirt, A4rr, t. C. rOHtAITH ft CO., ftculilstj aii Oeieral Nacliie Dealen, aarrRsj, m, at. TarwaVrrt tnr ll'irw ss4 Meat iuajsat A In US Hi. am TSuwJ f i4 M'tm Vuntt Uyr Baraa fwrr v war mr aw- a rwn m w- m w -r --- rMS)itlM.trBMwrltra JMlrISla4rMM44fer rrr-1 IHMHiar rafai iuuiif 'mm r.AXTKM Tfc aalt U.le riaatrr wliawklr IXraraKT is bU rars ly rw pnitit fck war. WW t l. bm. tanla mm huHlkrtl WlUlB' rss (lalva. Il will IM lo tae flrl a. TWS riaairr. al ffitMt, usta K rarraw. assssis 4rM, rafrr iMareSa aa raNlai Sewa. Alaa . BMSMrr M mut a Ilia SMaac rr Ifcr Maasrr iars urn ia aiataac wr 1 rsluiRVuat4l I U kasawakl tp urSrtllOX. Maatas, II Mf La a SWtfl S ia Iwa aklaali it awatt iwKu larsiral ) 4 laaas. flr fal HvWN U'wrayi.w.t.;vli,lv., saw mu m m nmL J riaifawMHwiaHfS 4fS . sramak ' , sass afammTM. wi mim misiisi wW a mmmfi a,. . ms mmammmjmma )! nimmi tsa mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw . fci.i awhawHwi shksmb aaawwai art awaBwa mmmmmmmmmm ssawsw stwwwaat ewvwawjj awawpwj wpvpvnw wj waweaj mmTSBBwfa tki mi I, u m ms aaa mmmammawM mtm m s wsiii ,, maaaaaaaaaaaV g w"f y 'S-. Hs- pawsjj ee faas) easamaaasjaj eeaj amswmi masmmai mmmapnMMMMisiMi(iM iwn mmmmmta,, iims s4tasB mmawxaasasewsM mm mommm g W mtKa!it aAsaHLCraaaaaam JJxsTTtt1 'ksassawsawsBwaw- ff1 " ae AVI YOtM HOFITt mw MAlfta rli.att t-d fti.A. MMSartllr xa(i Stl rMBSwiawao sfiass m r a, eMsiasas e .ws. n 1 S" ana Stea., , Mrs "WSfsl tfiVVUIr i;KVKAL WO'lh WOHIfj sMIW3 mmmmm JsEBsz wm rww "r?wT SSWiT? awaasf. w. I & 'M r'4' 5 i ri u'3 n J : .eteV ,.&; sh