The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 02, 1878, Image 2

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BawMft IW BrBUWatt, St . wet rrwy.
Bit? I
A cheese factory liar recently
Aerted In Fillmore coutdy, .
The winter wjieat In 'Cuming count'
h) looking remarkably well.
A louring mill with threw run of
toe lnot built In Decatur,
The peach tree In 8wnrd county
give prbnlM of an abumUnt crop.
The court hoHM qnir In Fall City,
haa been ornamented with Lomttardy poplar.
Than M been Mora tree-planting In
Xebratkathltyear than In any prevlouttetton.
The Jury at Wahoo, In tho murder
rate of Dr. St. Loult, baa found a verdict of
rder In the flirt degree.
The Meaars. Davis, of Valley county,
have act out 1U,060 tiot alder thl tprlnf , be
sJtVa fruit treet and thrabbery.
Tho rcturni of tlio assessor of 8a
Mae county, how the population to be 10,51ft,
aa laereate of t,'JlO tlnce ltt year.
Tho cherry, apple, plum and peach
tree In Holt county, are loaded wlih bloom.
The prospect for fruit U generally good
throughout the Stat.
John W. Paulson, who wan the editor
ef the Omiha Arrow 3f years ago, dint at Jnf
terton City., Mo a few day since, after a va
ried and tmiy life. He wa Nebraska's (lr
At Elkhoro, April 'JOtli, n son of Mr.
Thomaa ,Tacobion, nine year old, In attempt
lng to catrh a rldo on a train while under full
eotlon, fell under the, wheels, and itiu train
patted over him, killing him Instantly.
Tho Grand Central Hotel, at Omnhn,
waa aold andei judgment, April IMh, for IliM,
OS0. The entire cott of the property wt over
60,000. The ttle emit a long litigation. It
wa purchated by Auuuit Kotititxc, a banker
of New York.
Ferdinand Schtiltr. and Henrietta
Gthle, the Wayne county murderer hare been
allowed to plead guilty to manslaughter. The
tVetrlct attorney did this to vn expense to
the county, and from a natural fear of tender
hearted petit Jurle.
Tho skeleton of Hint mammoth ani
mal recently discovered a few mile wet of
Como Station, on the Union Pacific, I being
dag up for thipment to Tale College, at whose
eipetiM the a ork ta being done. Tim skeleton
UNO feet long. It I not a etrifctlnn, but
actual bouea. ,
51 Two unknown men arrived in Omaha.
April Mth, having charge of an Intane man
whom they reglatered at the Farmer' Hotel
aa J. C. (lunnell, and for whom they procured
a room. The two men then disappeared. From
paper found In poaamliin of the tnaane man,
It I believed that hta name wa correctly given
, and that hi wife reldea at Berk Btatlnn,
' Fairfax county, Va,
Oen. Bhormaa haa addreiicd letter
to Hon. Frank Welch, In reference to a milita
ry poat on the Niobrara, to guard agalott the
Woui Indian. He cat) uHeRtkm to the fact
that It will neceeelUte an approprtatton by
OeagrcH, and compel the withdrawal of troop
from other point mure expnted. He tey,
however, that the aahJectwUI receive ellpo
attOa attentkm, end may Anally be aubailtted
A. C. Althu. excounty trcMurur of
Douglaa county, died at Colorado Spring,
April 18. He had been In poor health for ome
time, and had gone to Colorado Spring with
the hope of dertrlag benefit from a change of
air. HewaaanaMveofOermany, butreelded
In Omaha when the war broke out He became
Flrtt Lieutenant of On. B, of tho Flrat Krbrat
ka Regiment, and aerved during tho war with
honor. In 1878 he waa elected county treasur
er on Die Republican ticket, and wa re-elected
In 1875. He waa 48 year of. age at the time of
hi death.
Tho Supreme Court haa decided to
grant an lujuuctlon upon the varioua county
oommlMloner throughout tha State, enjoining
them from eiempUng from taxation at th
rate of 1100 per acre, the property of tax pay
er, became they have planted and cultivated
one or more acre of forcit tree during tho
preceding year. Thl I a matter of great Im
portance to county commUaloner all over the
State, who mutt replace on their llU all
property o deducted ; falling to do which their
entire levy will be Illegal and void. The decis
ion la made In a caie brought by tho U. P. R.
R., agalnat the commlaaloncr of Saundvr
county, to tct the ciueition a to tho legality
of the act of exemption pawed by tho Legisla
ture Feb. 12th, 1S419, entitled "an act to en
courage the growth of Umber and fruit tree."
Secretary Thompson haa como to tho
reacuo of tho heathen Chlneo. Orders
have been Issued to our wnr ahlps In
.the South Pnoitlo to aeizo nil American
veaaela engaged In tho coolie trudo.
AH Extinct Race.
Ono of tho moat romnrkablo races that
evor inhabited the oarth ia now extinct.
They were known an tho Guauchcs, and
woro tho aborigines of tho Canary
Islands. In tho bixtecnth century, pes
Ulenco, slavery, and tho cruelty of tho
Spaniards aucceodod in totally exter
minating them. They arc described as
having been jrlgantlo in stature, but of
lingular mild and gentlo nature Their
fooa conaiated o barley, wheat, and
goat's milk, and their agriculturo waa
of the rudest kind. Thehad a religion
which taught thorn of a future st&to of
rewards and punishment after death,
aad of good aa4 vU plriu. They ro
garded the volcano of Tenerlffe aa tho
place of punishment for the bad. The
Dodlea of the dead were carefully em
balmed aad deposited ia catacomba,
which still ooatlntM to be an object of
urioalty to thoae who visit the Islaada.
Their marriage rites were very solemn,
aad before engaging la them their brldee
were fattened aillk.
Ia a party of ladlea, oa iU being re
ported that a Captala Bilk had arrived
ia towa, thev exclaimed, with ono ex
ception, "WhataaamBfor a eoldlerr'
The fittest name (a, the world for a cap.
Ula," rejoined the witty one, "for silk
oaa aever be worateel."
The aalooa llcease at Northwood haa
' "J
"9 j. mar J
iasaaavy "
Tlie Trealdent haa nominated William
H. Heat, of LovUhuia, a Jodge of the Court
of Claim.
The Husey block, at Urban a, III., wan
entirety destroyed by firs April 10th. Im,
at t UMBO.
The handle factory of Smith ft Co.,
Vandalls, M IrJi., waa destroyed by Ore, April
IMh. Uru, .,000.
Iti'V. I', K. Lyndon, Vicar-Genernl of
Die French dloceae of Rotton, died April 1Mb,
after a brief llln
Hamilton, Howe A Co., Jeweler, Chi
rKo, have gone Into bankruptcy. Llabllltlea,
SYl.OW; atrt, 10,000.
T'te Indian attacked a mall carrier
near Fort Conch, Teiaa, April ISth, capturing
the null and killing the man.
W. K. Miller, of Canton, Ohio, hn
filed petition In bankruptcy. Llablllllm,
1492,000; Mcta unknown.
A dispatch from Greensboro, N. C,
say that Itevcnue Deputy R. H. Hprlngs, h
been killed by Illicit dlntlller.
W. V. Crow, wholesale liquor denier,
Cleveland, has Hied a petition In bankruptcy.
J.UWIItl.'., fllo,(JO; smcU small.
The Hi!)ublli:nu Htnto Convention of
Oregon, April I Mb, nominated CO. lieckman,
of .Im'kiK.ii county, for (lovernur, on the llftli
A biMtnoM Mock at Washingtoti,
(lurrmey county, Ohio, was burned April 10.
Los variously estimated at from 1111,000 to
A temporary Injunction restraining
tlie Kmlgrant Having Hank, Iloston, from dic
ing bmlnrs ha Issued, The bsnk owes de
positors I'.'.OOn.SM.
Henry M. Wattors, In New York,
April IVtb, cut hi wife' throat and then sev
ered hi own windpipe. Ilotli will die. Jrsl
ousy wa Uie cause.
Daily reports aro coining from cIMoh
In the northwest, dating that many bank are
paying out gold for their circulation, and that
got la beginning to circulate.
Col. Heed Cloemnn, engaged at Lar
amie City In opening and operating Uie Hun
rise mine, wa Instantly killed on the evening
of April 10th, by falling down Uie (haft.
J. 1). Clay, Clerk of tho County Court
of Halifax county, Va., and formerly a uieiii
ler of the legislature, has been arrested on a
charge of forging pension claims against the
Huber P. HUhop's lino residence, nt
Irvlngton, on the Hudson, burned April IMh
The building and content were valued at two
hundred thousand dollar. It It thehght to be
In a row, which originated In the Af
rican Methodist caarch of Jacksonville, III.,
on the night of April 14th, two man were shot
dead, and at.other ao badly wounded that he
died the next day.
Hester & Gaun, umbrella dealers, N.
Y., have made anaMtgnmeat LiablUUaa 1350,
000; ssaeUbalf that much. Ooull A Thorp,
provision dealers, N. Y., have alao failed.
Debts, 140,000.
II. A. Mclntlre, Presldeatof tho Lake
City Bank, of Colorado, charged with the em
beaalsment of 1100,000, wa arrested la New
York, oa a requisition from the Governor of
Colorado, April 10th.
A largo metoor, of great brilliancy,
pasted over Port Jrrvls, N. T., on the night of
April 1Mb, from south to aurtb, bunting when
near th northern horUoti, with a report re
port resembling thunder.
A few daya ago Harvey Lane, of Lex
ington, Georgia, wa murdered by Domdell
Adam, and thrown from bridge window Ik)
feet Into the ChatUhooehe river. Adama waa
arrested. Robbery waa the motive.
McDonnell, aMollie Magutro.oharged
with the murder of Geo II. Smith, In 1H03, near
Maui'h Chuuk, l'a., haa been found guilty.
Duskln and Sharp, two others charged with
participation In the same crime, await trial.
Tom Sterling (colored), was hanged
at Fonda, N. Y., April 10th, for tho murder of
Varker la November last. On the same day,
Robert McKncry wa hanged at Alkun, 8. C,
for tho murder of J. J. Uregg, ou April 90th,
Hlaslus I'lstorlus, who was u Catho
lic priest In Germany, and under sentence of
death In Philadelphia, for killing Jacquctte,
haa written President Hayes ami Judge Mitch;
ell demanding that hla execution be notde
Tho directors of tho Chicago, Bur
lington tjulm-y railroad elect ed-Ireldenl,
Robert Harris; Vice-President and General
Manager, C.F.. Perkins; Treasure, Amo T.
Hall; AMtMant Treasurer, J. N. Donnlson;
Auditor, Geo. Tj son.
A St. Paul dispatch jiy.s that tm Indi
an lately at Sitting Hull's camp, report that
thochW It dlssatUtled, because, lie think tho
Canadian government treat him shabbily, and
) ho w 111 return to his own country and die
rather than submit to It.
John S. Cain, clerk of tlui circuit and
common pleat tourt, Louisville, Kv., It short
lu hi account rM.OUtt. It It lio alleged that
another deficit of 00,000 has been discovered
lu his account whllo cashier of the gat com
pany, some year go.
A few days ago, Leonard Stroud,
farmer tged W, residing In Troy, Gettiga Co.,
Ohio, fatally Ubbcdhlwlfe, and then cut hi
own throat, dying In a few monism. Mr.
Stroud died next day. The trouble was caused
by a dispute about property,
Effle Do Castra, aged twenty-one, was
so terribly burned, In Philadelphia, April ItHh,
by treading ojt a match, that she died the tame
evening. Hattle (ireen, aged twentytlx, llv
ing In the tatao house, attempted to rescue
Mlt De Castra, and waa alto bunted ta
On the 19th of April 600 miners and
laborer met near Pottsvttle, Pa., for the pur
pose of consulting aad propotmg a plan to ask
the authorltle of the Bute to legislate In their
behalf for Immediate aid, to enable them to
provide for themselves and their tufferlov
Charles Sharp, charged with compll
city In the murder of George K. Smith, Nov.
15, 1863, near Mauch Chunk, Pa., haa been
found guilty. Thl I the same murder for
-i 4wV,i
avj:,.ii. Haiiiiisaitii'' jtiaa"Bi-'11" 'r "',
HfiawwawwwwMaakll&. jjkliT .vjXataViSv'. ' -Lwi.V
pWW.. mefJIRhf II wa convicted on the IMh of
April. ThotnM Dakla I bow to be tried for
participation In the tame murder.
A destructive Urn occurred In (.'lark
vllle, Trnn., on the night of April IMh. Fifty
seven bouar were burned, with a Iom estimat
ed at I.VU.O0O. Insurance, estimated at IIM,
080. The Are I regarded a the work of an In
cendiary, and I the supposed result of the re
cent lynching of a negro for the attempted
rape of a white girt.
News nt Sheridan's headquarter, In
Chlrago, from Trias, say that a party of In
dians are reported to hve croud Into Teiaa
sltty mile Ix-low Duncan, and that a party of
Upan and two Mexican were srrn going Into
Trias from I'etojaa, Mexico. Dejrdw
have marJered a brother of tbe Marshal of
Iodero. Scout are looking for tlie marauder
who had turn sU'ng ttortr and rattle. I.lcut.
Rlgrtow ha a detachment pursuing tbern, and
llvrly time re eipccted.
A correspondent at Itorlln lennu on
laiMt trustworthy authority that Prime Ills,
tnarck has offered bis good ofllces, with a view
of bringing about an understanding lietwcrti
Kngland, Austria and Russia. It Is untrue
that he suggested a preliminary conference at
llerlln. It la hoped that the result of bis rf
fort for tniillatlon will tie known soon, If
they arc successful he will probably suggest
the holding of a Congress tbare shortly.
London dispntcliei of April Itlth any:
In the House of Lord, Hsllsbury disclaimed
responsibility for tbe remarks of Lord Derby,
which had pained the Austrian authorities.
Ttirr was nothing apparent In forrlgn affairs
warranting them. In the House of Commons,
Sir Stafford Nortlicote, Chancellor of the Kx
chequer, replying to an Inquiry of Mr. Foster,
said liie situation waa an anxious one, but that
nothing luil occurred to aggravate It or dimin
ish the Ikihi of a satlaftctory arrangement.
Nothing justifies tint assertion thai F.ngland
will lie Isolated. A circular Is rxtM-etcd from
Turkey to the Powers.
Parliament Meliorate for the Kuilcr
recess, under the conviction that the rim ru'en
cy la not greater than II wa weeks ago. A
Hcrvlsn oltlclsl dispatch from Calcutta iu lie
Indian government has rrcched orders to rend
troois to Malta, and stveral regiments are tic
signaled. Tho dispatch of troops from the inte
rior to Malta Is leading to a piece of poltlcal
discussion. The supportcrsof the government
regard It aa only a nation tl accompaniment of
other precautionary measures, and no Indica
tive of any belligerent Indications The oppo
nent of the government regard It as another
step In the development of a warlike policy.
Tho UiiKCti haa Issued a proclamation to
strictly prohibit the export or carrying
coastwise of apparatus for torpedoes and all
apparatus for projecting Inflammable matorial
for tiring torpedoes. An order was received at
Sunderland, April IMh, for 100,000 tons of coal
for the RuMlan government, ta be shipped Im
mediately In fait steamers, for the Baltic port.
A London dispatch of April 19th says
the tenor of the new from the various capitals
I peaceful. The Ixxidon Dally News ha a St.
Petersburg peclal aaylng that the unofficial
pre talcs sanguine than the official, because
think Kngland' preparation are Inconsistent
wlthpeaacful Inclination. Auother London
dispatch ay there I reason to believe that If
the present activity la commissioning ship
continue, a royal proclamation may be Issued
calling out the flrtt-claa naval reserve.
A London dispatch of April 20th, says:
The Indian government ha chartered Ave
steamer for the conveyance of troop from
India. Three are taken for three month
ami their primary destination Is this port; It
I said tlie other two are engaged for two
month. These are the Staaopb celebrated
Australian steamers of 8,500 tons burden, ca
pable of transporting R000 men, and the Nan
kin, or 8,(100 tons, capable of carrying a full
regiment of the United Service. The Gacette
says It hs good reason for stating that there
will be a strong combined channel and battle
fleet formed within the next two month.
Tho Houmnnian press renews the ac
cusation against the government of secretly
abetting Russia. The opinion I shared by many
of the people that unless the country receive
a powerful extraneous support, Russia will tuc
cced In her designs In consequence of Internal
dissension. The Russian officer In Bucharest
havo been leased for another six month In
Servls, and the anti-Russian feeling Is said to
be developing great strength In the cabinet,
and with Uie army, and cople, and though
Prince Milan Is unconditionally Russian, the
war preparation continue. The Russian ad
vice fiom Constantinople state that the strug
gle lu the cabinet for the ascendency contin
ue. The Uiltlsh party I still In power. The
Insurrection In Thessaly Is almost overwhelmed
by large forces of Turks sent from llulgarla.
The projected visit of the Khedive to the Sul
tan has been Kstponed.
A Constantinople dispatch of April
UUh says; In the event of war, should Austria
be. neutral, the Russians will seize the Rospho
rus. If hosUle, Russia will not attempt to
hold the Hoaphorut, or anything south of Adrl
anople, and may abandon Turkey, except the
fortresses, and attach Austria from Golacla,
Roiimanla and Bosnia. The Turks ha e 70,000
men at Constantinople, and 17,000 at Galllpoll,
and would doubtless resist any attempt ta en
ter the capital, but their attitude Is now nei
Tho contest In tliu Turkish Cabinet
continues. Tho Turk will occupy Ratoum.
It I untrue that the Russians again asked per
mission to occupy Huyukdtre, a they are mov
ing nearer Constantinople. Both from Vienna
and 8t Petersburg come report of uneasiness
and dissatisfaction In the latter city about
Russia's position. The Roumanian, alarmed
about the occupation of their oeuntry and the
potalbtUty of aa attempt to disarm them, have
withdrawn their army nto Little WaHachla,
where they will make another Plevna, U nec
eetary. Intelligence haa been received at Vi
eara that an affray between the Turk and the
Montenegrin ha taken place near Podgvrolt
aa. The Turk violated tbe line of demarca
tion, and the Montenegrin atUcked some
Turkish village. Losses trill lug. A new
Turkish Cabinet ha been formed. It polltl
cal character I uncertain The, Turktth news
papers again assert that the government will
reatot the occupation of Conttantlnople by
any foreign power.
Both Russians and Roumanians con
tinue to concentrate at strategic poluts. A Bel
ai Baf '
grade dUpetehasy! It It stated that the Rit
tiaa have agrerd ta the annexation by tVrvia
of the district of Wrangt. An English sur
geon who ha Just returned ta Constantinople
from K.rienmm, sayt l3,or tick and wound!
Turkish soldier ' ave dM tlnre the eraeua
lion of that city, and the Ruaalant have hist
31,000 mea by tieknr since the entered the
Plain of Krseroum.
A Merlin dispatch of April 17th, nays:
Ths Provloclsl corrrtpoadenre say there I ao
eaaeatial change In the situation, hut the sharp
tension of diplomatic relation appear to be
yielding somewhat ta mnre pacific view. A
report from Berlin I to the effect that Russia
may agree to Koglaod't demand ta submit the
entire treaty ta the Congresa. If this course U
adopted, It would show that Rutala had agrewd
with other continental power, and that Kng
land will b Isolated In her objection to the
A llerlln special states that Uismarek
at the requrst of Count Andraaay, haa consent
ed ta resume negotiations f(r Congress, on
tlie conditions that be be simultaneously se
lected to do m by Austria, Kngland and flus
sla. The good will of Russia I Indubitable,
but It I feared that Kngland may prolong the
present state of uncertainty by abstaining from
asking Germany's mediation, or by formula
ting the reservation.
The Purls papers publish a tolfgrniu
from Berlin stating that Kngland and Russia
have agreed to the principle of the simultane
ous withdrawal of the British Meet and Russian
tro from the neighborhood of Constantino
ple, hut the polnta ta which thry will withdraw
are not decided upon,
A dlspntch from Stockholm of April
17th says the truth of the rumor that negotia
tions hava been commenced by Kokand with
Sweden for the possession of Parte Island, In
the Baltic, Is positively denied.
There have been serious riots nt Mos
cow, St. Petersburg nd Kleff, growing out of
the exile of flftreti student from the Univer
sity if Kleff, Private Information, howeter,
attributes the disturbance ta the excitement
growing nut of tbe trial of the woman Vera
rWulltch, for her uttrmpted assassination of
Tupoff, Chief of Poll, e at St. Petersburg. Tlie
Journal De St. Petersburg saya Get many con
tinues her mediatory effort with discretion,
seal and disinterestedness, encouraging tbe
strongest liotw.
A special from llerlln says Himslu is
willing to discus all the clauses of the treaty
of San Stefauo, but dot not conceal her de
termination to defend all Its principal stipula
tions, word In hand If necessary. Advices
from Moscow state that 3,000 students and
workmen were involved In the disturbances
of the 1Mb. Telyc were killed and twenty
five wounded. A Berlin correspondent says
Russia docs not hesitate ta Intimate privately
that she will not object ta a congress discus
sion of all the more Important Jauca of the
treaty, but decline to make Its validity de
pendent upon tlie consent of the Power. A
Bucharest dispatch ay It I reported In gov
ernment circle that a Rutslan ultimatum I
A 8t. Petersburg dispatch of April
90th say: An order I officially published
that the necessary number of men have been
called out from tbe naval reeerve to form three
corp of sailor for ervtce In the field, two of
which are to be tatlonedatCrontadt, and the
third at Nlcalalff. Several paper state that
a preliminary conference should be accepted
aa a means of aacertalalng tbe real Intention of
England. The Agence Russe aaytt If the
news that the withdrawal of the Russtaaa aad
British from the vldalty of CoattaaUnople ia
authentic, It thowt an Important phase of the
regulation reached under Germany 'a power
and Influence.
All report about Russia having sent
a reply to Austria's objection are contradict
ed from the same source. In other circle In
Vienna, It 1 stated that the Rmperor and mili
tary party are stronger than Count Andraasy
and will not support hi anti-Russian policy
Among the larger claatea of Austrian the be
lief U ald to prevail that Austria ha nothing
ubttautlal to lose by either peace or war, be
cause Hungary would reltt the annexation o
tho Sclav countries.
A telegram from Vienna announces
thst the Austrian government ha concluded a
loan In 1'arlaof M,000,000 florin In gold.
What to Teach the Boya.
Alfred L. Sewell, in his new monthly
for boys, "Homo Arta," published in
Chicago, writes oa follows :
A philosopher has said that true edu
cation for boys is to "teach them what
they ought to know when they become
What is it they ought to know, then?
1st. To bo true ; to bo genuine. No
education is worth nnythingtliAtdoosnot
Include this. A man had better not know
how to read, tie had better never learn
a letter in tho alphabet, and bo true and
genuine in intention and in action,
rather than, being learned in nil scien
ces and in nil languages, to bo nt tho
same time f also in heart and counterfeit
in life. , Above all things teach tho
boys that truth is more than riches,
moro than culture, more than earthly
power or position.
-d. To bo pure in thought, language
and Hfo ; pure in mind and body. An
Impure man, young or old, poisoning
tho society whore ho moves, with smut
ty stories and impure examples, is a
moral ulcer, a plague spot, a leper who
ought to bo treated as woro tho lepers
of old, who were banished from society
and compelled to cry unclean, as a
warning to save others from tho pestll
3d. To bo unselfish. To care for the
feelings and comfort of others. To be
polite. To be Just in all dealings with
others. To bo generous, noble aad
manly. This will Include a genuine
reverence for the aged aad things
4th. To be aelf-rellant, and self -helpful,
even from early childhood. To be
Industrious always, ami self-supporting
at tho earliest proper age. Teach, them '
that all houest work is honorable, and
that. an idle, useless life of dependence
on others is disgraceful.
When a boy has learned these four
things; when he has made these ideas a
part of his being, however young ho
may be, however poor or however rich,
ho haa learned some of tho moat import
ant things he ought to know when he
becomes a man. with these four prop
erly mastered, it will bo easy to find all
tho rest.
'JZSLj. . '-
' ,,,BrvwwakhaajajfBa
in-n fl
- rr At aara rihr XI.W (
Ws.iti.ioTOi.Tue.dav, April M Davit of
llllwHs presented a petition for a bramh mint
at Chicago; referred. Morrill, lsnrent. Darts,
(.ainaxon. Matthews, Keman ami Morgan were
app4Btrd a apet-lal committee to consider and
fwtr ptan for tabtag the next census. !.
vlaof West Ylrirlnle submitted a suUtltlte
for the reaolBtion of Hove, that was submit
ted he him OB the 3a of Mtrrh. calling tipoa
the Secretary of the Tresnrv for lnformtlon
relative the alaacradue from collector of
Intern! revenue not In office, which amount
has been settled by -onoromlse. etc After
tome dtscuslm the resolution of Howe waa
adopted. The resolution of Davit was also
adopted at a separate proposition. Orover.
from the committee on pnblle lands, retorted
back the Mil extenrllor the time for the com
pletion of the Northern raclfle. railroad, and
moved It reference ta the committee on rail
n.JuAb b'" WM referred. Spencer, from
the mtrrtarr commtttee, reported favorably the
bill pnivldlng for a mlllUry pott ta protect the
Hlark Hill settler. On tnotlo.i of Mllchsll
tbe Sente bill for the completion of the Nor
thern 1'aclflc railroad, and bv readjustment of
Mam-, -iuMm increasing- me appropriation,
L".?V".rr lhe coBttroctloB of the Pertiand,
Salt Lake and Sooth Paaa railroad, was recom
mitted ta the railroad comm ttee. lllllt wtre
Introduced bv McDonald, to allow the State
of Indiana, Illinois and Ohio to prosecute suit
(gainst the United State ta recover money
due on account of sale of public lands. Sar
gent callnl up the bill rrirulatlng cadet, mid
shlpmsn and enclnrer appointments at the An
napolis Naal Aradeinv pstcd. I'lumb call
ed up the Senate bill fur tbr relief of certain
settlers on public Units, pn-.ei) Tlie Senate
resumed conslderstioti of tl bill llieorporat
Inn the National 1'aclflc Railroad ,V Teleicrapb
Company. Conkllng's amendment, providing
that the road shall not have rlgbt-of-av thro'
any Indian land, was airrred to, and the bill
pissed-lfi ta l. Tlie bill extending the time
for the completion of the Northern 1'aclflc
railroad. retirte, from the railroad committee,
was placed on the calender. Adjourned.
The Senate bill atilhoriilng the Issuing of
passjorts free to colored cltUent going to Bra
ill, ms ped. Kelfar Introduced a Joint res
olution proinj an amendment to the con
stitution prolilblilig Congress from appropria
ting money for the patment of any claim
airalnst the Tolled Slate not created or an
thnrircd by Ihw or International treaty award
referred. Itobcrtson, from the committee
on Mississippi levees, reported a Mil providing
for an orgtnlMtlon of a MlslMlpp itlvcr lm-
PMriiinit miiiiniMunii orurreu pnnieil anl
recommitted. Tbe bill to establUh a perma
nent government for the District of Columbia
was ilefeated-yeas, W; nay. IJ4. A motion
prevailed ta reconsider, and the bill was rec.
ommrnded to the District CommlMlonrr. The
defeat of the bill waa caused bv tbe property
qualification clause for member of the coun
cil. The House went Into committee of the
whole on the postaftlce appropriation bill. Af
ter some debate the committee rose. Harrison
Introduced a bill for a canal from Lake Michi
gan to the MtsslMlppI river, and Banning a bill
authorising the President to appoint a com
mittee to arrange a treaty with the King of
Corca. A night session waa held for the con
slderatlon of the pension bills. A numlier of
bills were reported, Including one for the re
lief of the heirs of Jamet Monroe, lute Presi
dent, and general In the army of the llevolu
tlon. After thepastagoof titty bills, tlie llou'-c
Wasiiimitok, Wednesday, April 7. Kerry,
from the committee on finance, retorted with
amendment the House bill ta repeal all that
part of tbe act of January 14, 1K75, known aa
the special resumption act, which authorixca
the Secretary of the Treasury ta dispose of
United States bond, and redeem and cancel
greenback currency ordered printed and
placed on the calendar. A concurrent resolu
tion was agreed to fee adjournment without
dav. June 10th. After a brief discussion, Bum
side's bill lo remove all restriction In regard
to the enlistment of colored cltixen In aay
Strt of tbe army, wa Indefinitely poetponed
4 to 17. l'lumtwfrom tlie enmaaltteeon mill.
tan affair, reported favorably on the Senate
bill to make an additional article prohibiting
gambling In the army placed en the calendar.
Bruce prevented a patltloB from the clUtetnof
Mississippi, praying for the refunding of the
cotton Ui to the State In which It wa collect
ed, If not claimed within three years. Voor
bees reported unfavorably from the finance
cOBHBlttee, authorltlng the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue to allow certain special case
of rectlfvtna to be dene In gnvernmentlbultd.
Inga. The resolution of Beck was adopted. re-
Huiriim uir eeerciary 01 me i reasury to rur
nlth figures aa to the total consumption of all
tariff article. Sargent spoke on hla resolu
tion for a treaty with the King of Corca. The
resolution of oorfaee regarding tbe govern
ment keeping Its contract with Its own citizens
waa considered. The resolution was adopted.
After executive teealon the Senate adjourned.
The bill repealing the act authorltlng the
coinage of the twenty cent sliver piece wa
passed. The bill providing for deposit of sav
Ings In the popular loan and for funding the
national debt In home bond wa referred to
the committee of the whole. The committee
on banking reported back the bill authorltlng
the deposit of tilrer bullion and the Issuance
of certificates therefor referred to the com
mittee of the wbide and made a pec!! order
for May tfth. Rice, from the committee on Pa
cific railroads reported a bill for extending tho
time for the completion of the Northern Pa
cific railroad referred to the committee of the
whole. Howe, from the name commtttee, re
ported a bill amending the varioua Texas Fa
cile acta referred to, the tame committee.
Several other bill were reported and referred
to the coBUnltte of the whole, Tlie Senate
resolution to adjourn June 10th, was consider
ed, but went over. Adjourned.
WasHiNOTorr, Thursday, April H Davis,
from the committee on Judiciary, rrtiortcd the
Senate bill for the distribution of .Mexican
awards Dlaced on the calendar. Garland
called up the Senate bill supplemental to the
act of March lid, lt77, In relation to the Hot
npmig reservation, Ark. passed. A numtier
of bill on the calendar were passed. The
House bill to prevent the Introduction of con
tagious or Infectious diseases In tbe United
States agreed to and the bill patted. The
Senate resumed the consideration of the Mils
on the calendar. The Senate bill authorizing
the citizens of Colorado, Nevada, and the ter
ritories, to fell and remove timber on tho pub
lic uoiimiii, rur mining arm uomciuc puripows,
passed. The Senate resolution Introduced bv
Saunders, for the appointment of eighteen ad-
uiiiouai commissioner u ina rant industrial
Kxhtbltlon, was Indefinitely postponed. After
executive session the Senate adjourned.
The conference committee on appropriations
for temporary treasurv clevkt reported a dlti-
greement on the Senate amendment! appropri-
iuik vwyaw cor saianca tor collectors, ami
30,000 for tbe railway postal clerks. Oliver
moved to concur in the appropriation of tJ0,
OCX) for the railway postal clerks lott; VJrt to
lltf. A new conference waa asked. Ellis
called up the retolutiou In regard to tbe death
of Representative Leonard, of Louisiana. Ku
logte on the deceased were delivered by Kill,
Ward, Calkins, Kenna, Covert, Rainey, White
of Pa., and DunaeU, after which tha House
Wasbixotok, Friday, April 19. A bill ap
proprtaUng aaw,00O for deaeWnciee to the
public prtnttng oalce waa peased. Alto a bill
forth entry if article taported for exhibi
tion by eocleUe artabllahatl W the eoctwrace
ment of th art aad aeleacie. The morion to
recontlderUe vote by whlea tie Heme refused
to refer tbe adjournment resolution to the
committee of way and meant wt agreed to
lUAta.40. Wood tiieii Itbdrew hit motion
to refer, aad moved to postpone the consider
ation of the resolution until Mav l.Vh. Motion
carried-yeae, 1285 nty,U3. Burehard. from
the committee oil way and meant rriorted a
bill amending the Internal revenue Itwt, which
did not affect the rate of taxation, and It was
made the special order for May 1st. The bill
patted Increasing tbe pension of Gen. Jamet
Shields, from WU per month toBlOO per month.
The House went lata committee of the who!
on the private calendar, aad the debate on the
pending bill for tbe claim of William and Marr
College, continued. Atter contumlng two
hour ou dilatory motions, the Home took a
' ," v
rtrese. The evening seealoe wa the iKJstrkl
of UJttinLla btulnm. Adjotuwed.
VtsittM(iToi.Sattirday,Apriia The House
went Into committee of the whole on tbe post
office appropriation bill. The approprtaflno
fur post route map wa Increased Irttn aJVUt)
ta $40,i. An JeTueB waa agreed to giv
ing to fourth class pottasatler all the box
rret, comMsloa cut unpaid pustac collated,
on receipt for wa.te paper, pottage ttacap
and rani, and cancelled ntMter actually mail
ed at tbetr e-tllces provided (Bey do not ret el re
over I'JU) for any one quarter cxlntive of the
moary order cosamlMiiie. The pruvUkm for
tpecltl mall aacntt waa ttricken out, and tbe
committee ne. Tucker, from the wy and
mean committee, reported a bill taxing to
bacco. Income, etc., which wa referred to
committee of the whole. Adjourned.
rfttUtttf UftiNlMMgtft
Pwfiy M BMflMfMfwfsf MfaTaV
Hall Stones of Great tlie.
Thr'tlart:itrtjttBfwaB) Mlalr,
!., le Hiatraai l.abr. Its.
Keport reach ut from various tuilnt In
Northwestern Iowa, of a frarful tornado which
visitert tbe region between Blair, Nebraska,
and Storm Lake, Iowa, on Sunday evening,
April 'Jlst. That, at least, serins to have tcn
the region of Its greatest force, although It
extent was far greater, but not so violent else
where. We give rrports from various points:
At Wall Lake, Iowa, It struck the town de
stroying a t-ortlon cf It. Three perwuat were
Injured. Scrlout damage was done at Storm
Lake. The loss It ettimated lu Bucna Vista
county at rit.oou A man named Brutb, Mrs.
A. O. Booth, and a lady W yeart of age were
killed outright. Thlrtv persons were woeaded,
some fatally. Many houses were completely
destroyed. Tlie tornado ttruck tlie northern
part of Craw ford county about 5 o'clock. Ten
boues were demolished, and Ave persons are
reported killed outright, and eight other se
ver, ly ounded. Wherever It struck, the house
and barns were carried hundreds of feet and
utterly dcttroted. At Dcnlsoii. urrml t.r.
sons arc reported killed, and also several at
Pomeroy and Komla, on the Illinois Central
Specials to the Afare fttylstrr give some Incl
dentsand partkulart of thettorro, a follows:
The track of the cyclone wst from amllo to a
mile and a half In width. There waa some very
heavy hall. In one Instance a numlwr of ttonea
fastened together measured fourteen Inches la
circumference. NearOnawaaman was driving
a double team of hones. Tlie wagon, harness
and driver were taken up bodily and carried
several yards and set down on the Illinois Cen
tral railroad. At other points the damage was
more serlour, accompanied by lost of life. A
whirlwind or tornado passed over Storm Lake
from the southwest. Three-quarters of a mile
east of town the residence of Alfred King wan
struck and lifted frcm tbe foundatioe and
dashed Into a thousand piece'. Mr. King's
mother, who was Instantly killed, waa found at
tome dlstauce from where the house stood. The
other members of the family escaped unhurt
The lighter timbers of the house were pounded
Into kindling-wood, and Uie treet In the orch
ard were torn off and carried away. The house
of Mr. Degraff, half a mile from King' waa un
roofed. Some hogs and cattle were killed, !)
hi farm wagon and buggy broken up. His
Ioa I about 1,000. The buggy wat carried a
quarter of a mile through the air. The water
In the lake ro,e to the hslghth of many feet.
One witness says millions of barrels were lifted
up. The stable of Mr. Wataon waa destroyed.
After the storm the town of Storm I.akr waa
crowded with men after turgcons ta attend tho
ufferer. It It believed that the damage south
of Storm Uke Is very great. Report sav that
four men were killed and forty wounded. In '
the Griffith neighborhood, north of Pomeroy,
an unknown man had the top of hi held cnt off
by a tbarp board driven Into It. An elderly la
dr wat badly hurt by falling timber, at Fonda.
Tbe towntof Newell and Sulphur Spring es
caped injury. At Pomeroy, the house erf O. C.
Lowry wat blow n dow a, killing Charles Pearce,
an estimable young man. Mrs. Wallace and
the family Injured are not expected ta live. A.
O. Hayes' house wat blown down, Injuring tev-
eralof the lnmatet teverely. All Uie houses,
were very strong and substantial. It It contlder
eiflhe most severe storm ever known In that lo
cality. Uen. Shields.
General Junes Shields, who has beort
the subject of so much turmoil in Con
gress, was born in Tyrone, Ireland, in
1810; came to this country in 1826: set-
tied in Illinois; studied law; was a leg
islator and judge: was made by Polk
Commissioner of tho General Land Of
fice; was ruude Itrigadier General for
the Mexican war; was shot through
tho lungs, but recovered; fought ut
Chepultcpoo bareheaded and An Ids
shirt sleeve, without a horse; wilfc
again wounded; rescued from outrnim
a lady nnd her daughter in the night
timu by n secret nnel disobedient sallv
became Senator from 111. ; was afterward
beaten by Lyman Trumbull; went to
Minnesota; was, as a farmer, elected
therefrom to tho Senate of tho United
States as a democrat; became a Itriga
dier General in tho Union armv; suc
ceeded Lander; drove out" Stonewall
Jacksou whllo Fremont was punkiing
Jackson through tho ShennndoahboUi -federal
Generals being victims of a war
department; was nominated for Major
General, but was not conlinned, and
removed to a farm in Missouri, whert
he has since lived on a pension raised
from $31 to tWO a month. Ue ia fivo ,
feet eight inches tall; has a swarthv
face and dark hair; speaks fneBtly, anil
Is a little visionary, enthusiastic tatd
Jamea Parton is living quietly at
Newburvport, Mass., in hla fifty seventh
year. He labors' In the morning and
in the afternoon strolls among hi
tovnumeBwith whom he is popalar.
He sava that h ! tnt ..... i wt
.Uonfc because he is a free thinker, r
ru.y jeiirs ne uii been eBgngetl ob
his "Life of Voltaire," which The la try-
iffithe..,M wel1 written b"0
of his life labor."
r . TV !I?'UJ'1,J tor many year with Kldni
lulu, I wat dull and Inactive; could hardlr
crawl about, and wat an old worn out BiaTatk
i Jot iiIbS1 nothing to help me, unUi
LVillSP Bl,i7? 'nd now l ,m a bovagalu.
Mybood and kidnejt are all right, aid" arc
aactlve at a man ol aft. althougtTl a7 rieick