The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 25, 1878, Image 3

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iitii:iui' tni; rn:m.
Tbs rJ'B tlbt f turkss-t
MiUtrs on tt mm Arki natl,
AttJ thr brlr, as It f.4 utrt
Mskrs rrl, rlpfltli,; .tutsl
the Isrs-t rwt rr hutiltt?
tKin U thr htwlvr mHt,
Whu utrklf of ibr tiXi mat M--.fsj.-r
A hut bor l!) tiu stlfl
In IV sMoimrrlag td the (sltl,cl,l
Tt 'krr trr tlnth atf,-ar.
And cjt-t the rtfl of tkr IHtMrtt't
IUi a f rurl, k kJ wt
AW )1 Ft frtu
In th itr and Mlrwn mldiitt;tiL,
Thr ll hue ! to "kiW,
Anil thr trrr sir. and M-rst. ,r,
Hrrtni; like an ansrx TutV
- .YWriiSmst flrrjkl
Hut In thr morning Jut an dai tit tit.
Tin" Kotn1 tnwtt duth trllre.
Anil the rotti falls Into a balm) mic-,
White Lit lfr It kindling the ftrr
-;ritr.' r.isv
(let up, she i), toil Ulf lout,
Ami niskr thr old il m go.
Or furthtttlh i divorce. I'll net
In Utecltjof (.hlrscn,
- ixm .Ikjk'i in,
"Imr I thr rn and iAstim of Ihrtitatl"
A lono-reach of j;ltterlnj;i:r.-.i lieaoh,
on ono aide, of which rolled tho calm,
pildonruiirnnf the sea, and on ili ntliiT
it Kni-n landscape touched hen' and
there with llnto of rosx bloom
TWO JMTMllls llltll lllet nit tin !atll!
just xshero through a luonkiu tho rooky
crags tho roil sunset light strc.tmed
down, warm nml iilctiiresquo, ncros
gnarled tir roots anil tropin timbers o(
triumphant nml ruinous storms, that
xveru polished Into a tawny and lirilllnut
lustro liy tho ceaselos (notion of tho
tireless surf.
Ono of thoo persons vti n 0111:111,
xoung ","' cninelx, although a sort of
ilrottmy despair had iiged hor fnlr nml
perfect features, uml 10I1I101I hor grace
nil liguro of lis natural olasiloltv
Tho whlto plume of her stxlUb bon
not Mti not 111010 oolorloot thiin hor
lovoly chocks, nml tho fruhlonsibloiloiul
lilaok of hor 'Ilk pirmontN not moro
;looni) than tho i(iirk-oino troiihlo of
hor Mwoot iolot I'li'i Kon tho noll
p'nt hr.tlilin of "lior thlok yollow hair
ioobu'iI lo hint of tho uttor ml o:irolo
:ili:inilon of mhiio oorfnl hut ioorot
Tim )ontIoiiiiiti who omnoto moot hor
with a curious, contriiilictory 111I011 of
loiith o;ornos win Mr li'mulsomo,
vory dtflimjuc, nml in thoiriiuo of liii
outhful m'aiihooil
llo toiiohoil hi hat oourtooiisly, ami
thon oxtoiuloil i larpMiml shapwlv liaml
I'old 11.H ieo.
Tho Hinall ilaliit) liiipr that lliittor
oil into his palm" wore ipiitc as oohl.
Tliny lay there for n momout llfoloss as
jiiooosof marlili'.aml then !i oppoil away
siowiy, Hainy, iuiormir.
"I oonirra'tulalo oii,V:ililoniar '
tin; fair woman, faioth
"Kor what, Thoo?" ho askoil p-utly.
"For what?" "ho roitoratoil in ro.
proaohful womlor, "for your fortunato
marriapi with nniu ho.mtiful woman
in America. What clc,
Hoxaiiloil, nml tho miiIIo wa.siiiitons
full of womlur as hor 0100 hail boon
"I uni not tuarrioil, my Thfo," ho
Htiiil; "although I hopu to ho soon, anil
to tho most beautiful woman In Ameri
ca, who Is ourimlf. I know jou arc
trim to inc. Thoo, but I havo boouNiulU
iicrploxoil recently by your ntraiipi !
It'tii'tt. Thoo, I ha'vo "eonio for jou. Do
vou hoc thoso brown piblos vouiler b
liiml thuMauil hills anil tall green trees?
Yen? Well, tny love, l havu lxuij;ht
that place 0I1I Surf more, for your homo
ami mine. I lioanl you won? hero, ami
followed you, niv ilarling, to bog vour
consent to our lmmoiliato niarr'ao.
Why. Thoo?"
Tho Murpriscil query hail a Martling; for the fair woman hail midden
ly ilroptH'tl nt his foot anil buried hor
Mtiow-whlte face in tho wet Hand.
Ho raised her in an agony of eus
pene. "Why, Thoo, what has happened?
Vou act strangely," ho said.
Vou are not married? Vou were not
falno to me?" ihe gasped.
"False to you?" ho answered; "nct'-
cr! And I am certainly not married
and never will bo unluss'you will bu my
wife. Hat nnv ono any one told vou
I differently?"
Shu shivered mid put out her hands
"Kufus Aldrlch," olio reiiliod, weakly.
"Ami vou lielieu'd him?"
"And you holiovod him? O, nivTheo,
niy poof Theo! Thank Ciod, have
omu now."
!"You havo come tMi late," she moan
ed. "How? what do you moan?"
"I am his wife," him replied simply;
and us if the words had recalled her to
hersolf and duty, she shrank away Icily
cold and frigidly reserved.
Tho sun had gone down; the ghostly
surf beat dismally on the damp samf,
vill its death-white, death-drear motion
and sobbing rising am! falling weari
ly through tho dusK of the sudden twi
light. And in tllu swiftly coming night dark
ness Waldoinar Beresford andThcodo
sla Aldrich parted, touching hands as if
the shadow of Azncl had come between
f them.
Then wont hlowly homeward. Before
hor in the clear moonlight glittered the
white marble walls and columns of the
stately house that seemed to her now
but a gilded prison.
Usually at this hour her wild and
reckless lord was away rioting with his
Ixion roysterers in haunts of splendid
infamy, but to-night he had returned
early and was waiting for her.
lie was pacing with rapid and uneven
jiteps up and down the handsome par
lor, and when she saw tho ashy palor of
his haggard visego and the strange glit
ter of his cruel dark eyes, shb shudder
I cd. expecting unkind reproof, and per
' haps curses.
Unhappy Theo! A jear of wedlock
bad ruvlf rr ttuUtr 1th sorb Ijjot
tuln Hr lrard u trd Vrf, U lcs hod
hl thin, Wenk lt) trvoiWiUjc
"Vim Utio r Klrliir ltro
furtl" bi Vrl
"W." br norrl. r-rili
"And t owir bo b lufril mu
tbst bt I till Miimntwl'" bo wt
rs.1 "And rlv ba bo 1h ie.vrt
to t'll jrt
bo wt list (lut and d.insl In
bor utHprs'til UKvtinj; with N tMrmir
Hori'sfonl tolutlx romptvbotid ttmonor
nilt) of thotrfAon ul tbu nun xhoiu
ho bid mtdo her bti'bttiil
" Wb.ttbt be tobl om" rrpilml
Unfit .ldtnh. ho bmuk Ium k liviii
lilm boneless and tromttlliig
"I banllt uitlertsud jot." 'ho n
plb"! In woak blH-r '' Btifu. ou
jinfosod to ! our ixiinimm fririid
tho ixinVlnlll of each but oil eiv
falv' to oai b of Us when toil porsiudiil
mo to tx'lloxe ttitt aldomar nm lil-o
to 1110 Oh, It was a cruel thing to do
wh did mi do It
'fbo dull agony and tho pltiini re
proach of hor tones and word n mnl
to nnne him
" H'Av. Thii" he demanded, bos,ro
1 , "d'j uu not guess wAv Bivauo I
lined oil, and Uvaiiso 1 had tnwiil
that ou should Is- m wife though I
I should statu nt mil with worse ln
than fnlshiHhs to iniko will mine
You Ih1IoisiI that Herosford wnuntnio
that ho had trilled w Ith our bno, and
o ou acceptoil mo whether III pllle,
or. In pit for m passion I do not know
I scaicel c.xro, as you orr tit wife "
"You'lmxo niliiod m life," she
moaiiod. "oU had biou kinder to )me
killed 1110
Her Intlnlte mser stirred 1111 nil tho
giHxl that tomaltied 111 tho callous na
lure of tho man In tho whole wotld
she had none but him, and bo had Used
her badlx. and ho know it llo had Ix-on
hard mid cruel to her. ho had taken
her away from a plo.tsuut life and kind
friends, 'only to neglect her True ho
had gi en her all that monos could bin,
but hr hud made his lino hoiiM' little
Ix'tter than n prison to her
In a sudden emotion of tomorso ho
would hac taken her In Ills arms mid
coiulorted hor. but lio shrank from
him as though ho bad struck hor
"Theo," ho said, more kindly than
ho had ocr spoken to hor since tho
tlrst weeks of their marriage, "lhaxo
wronged you, but I bitterly regnt it
Suppose,!' should boa bettor husband In
ou would you forgio mo mid try to
1om 1110? I will gio iii my follies 'mid
dissipations. I will donv oii nothing I
will lie kind to you muf liinko yon hap
py, If I can 1 think, Theo, 'that our
w'oililfd life might bo quite as plea-ant
as that of other mairiod people, If this
iniseiablo atlalr could bo forgotten "
."she looked at him as ho stood before
her so strangely humble, mid something
like pit for 111 lit struggled with her
pain iiuA auger. That she was Ids wife
it was impossible to forget. Perhaps. If
ho ically weto in earnest in Ills piom
ises of amendment, she might learn to
bo content, oou though happiness was
denied her.
"I will try to remember only that you
are my husband." she said gent I v.
"And I shall try lodeserio such wife
ly forbearance," ho responded, with
great earnestness.
But In a month, or a little more, the
unhappy wife was assured that this was
Lilt a paroxysmal contrition. Tho old
habits won strong mid the man was
pitifully weak so weak that the famil
iar besetting sins conquered hi tit anew,
and dragged him into deeper lisipa-
'ions man oxer iieioro.
A more dreary sadness settled upon
Thoo's ialo young face, and a heavier
ami more Hopeless melancholy upon her
Finally, when she had boon loss than
two years his wife. Unfits Aldrich ills
appeared. It was known that while Intoxicated
ho had sold his tine hoiuo for half its
value, had drawn tho money and left
tho place. But those wore tho solo facts
that could lie ascertained, and for live
ears fate was shrouded in impenetra
ble mystery.
In the meantime Thoo had realized
from tho sale of hor jewelry and other
cotly articles that were neither useful
to her nor precious us souxenirs, a sum
sutllcioutly largo to purchase a small
cottage that had belonged to tho hand
some estate, and hero she lived iu peace
ful seclusion.
Since that night on tho sands she had
noxer seen Waldemar Beresford. He
had gone to Kuropc n few days after,
and since thon the beautiful house with
the brown gables looming among the
noble trees had Ix-en deserted.
But at tho end of those five years bo
came back, and though still unmarried,
proceeded to occupy the tine old place.
He pmxed to bo as incorrigible a re
cluse as oxvii the pale wdinan whom ho
did not meet until mouths after his re
turn. Thox mot in a commonplace way; they
looked upou each other with unsmiling
eyo and s'loku to each other with un
smiling lips.
"If he had never loved me I could
be no les to him." thought tho wo
man." "She cares less for mo than for a
stranger," thought the man.
And they llvrsl their separate solitary
live, meeting infrequently, and nexer
when it was possible to avoid such an
event, until several more roars had
One inclement night, when tho snow
lay in groat melting masses on tho
ground, and the thick sheets of blind
ing rain made the dark night darker
still, thfrc came an imperious rapping
at Thoo's door.
When she opened It she saw standing
on tho threshold Waldemar Beresford
supporting a limp, drenched form,
which was scantily clothed In the un
sightly habiliments of a vagalxmd
"1 lieg your pardon," ho said for
bringing this poor wretch to vour door.
He is dead or dying, and I found him
lying justs inside your gat. If you
can give him shelter for a fexv moments.
I will go for some person who will
take him to a place provided for such
as he."
Theo consented somewhat reluctant
ly, for she had a positive horror of those
wandering lazzaroui.
Do not ba alarmed," said Bores
ford, re-aisuriugly, "the poor fellow Is
u f r iftso ui brm j,hi. nod I bU
rHurn immrslisitrlx "
Urirf m bt absents, an omlmmi
xtttMwi of ill thrills-d blt (rMM li4
to (ol ai he 1M Ur4 tb tlttto
rsm-ir absHit -sbVi a ri--ssi t
H"fH MST-MrsJ to rs-sl
He lap-d at tbr ibi- tb".lss
no M-ssftd of iHix't fism -sHhln. sM
ltb a tfnre drmtd at Kk bmtt, hr m
toted Uhbsddrn
iMrr stark ivml MpttgM ltst tbr
v all ist tbo tramp JfsHf and IW
glaiisl ad starling rv xwfv Mxrs! In
iilf wtimlot U4S ltt HttOlaX
senb and silent. psHe Hpou tbo
tliHif tn'tofv blltl
" Has bebarmot bir' Mx (bt it I.
ItulH. Aldrtrb' '
I In i indrst! t'brsi'a w fetched bM
band, who, link to the loel d-ep of
degradation bnd x.indrtvd U, lo her
to die
'I bo sbisk h groat, and lfnrv bo
btd fisiiXetsnl f tsitll bor long naisill.
kind h.ilnls hid morxifilllx Mnioe the
mm fut slid pitiful thing out of hot lj;hl
II she did not mourn for the man w bo
bad hllgh!i.l the summer Jran of her
ilfo. let none blame her tost barblx
llo lirtd I)1Ihm her of the hue of
wortbx man hx a lie be bad made her
his mIi ho bid outraged her pride, bor
alhvilous and bor womanly perceptions
of wifely light by oxorx ait that coarse
Ullklnillicjs or Hide neglect ciiubl de.
xse, and then had deseitisl hor
Ami when, after a time, she Ihvmuo
the wife of the lux or of hor youth, he
Accepted the happiness that oamo to bor
as tho proiN'rdcuoiimcutot tlio romaiioe
which, like nil other tnutaticcs, bail
lii'll shadowed by elements of profound
est grief
Kill the two bad loxod eai h other
well, and as true low onlx perflated
by sorrow, thox were dearer to ea b
other tx'imiso of the trials of their long
ostrangi uienl
Iho (haloes for ('amlilrr-s ami lnii
runic Companies.
It Is an indubitable tosiilt of tho tho
ory of proleibiliiios that ox cry guuibler.
if lie continues long eiioiiL'h.'iuiist ultl
match bo mined NlppoM' bo tries iho
in.irtllignlo, wlilcb some belloxo Infalli
ble, and which is, as I am Informed,
disallow oil In tho gambling bouses Iu
tills method of plax lug, ho tlrst bets sax
1. if hi' b it bo IhIs :, f ,e loses
that he bets 1 1 if ho lose that ho n ts
i, if ho then gains he has lost I
'.' I 7, and ho has gained $ moro,
and no matter bow iiiaux bets be loses,
the tltst one ho gains will make him l
1 ichor than ho was In tho beginning
In that way, ho will probably gain at
lirl. but, at last, the time will come
when tho run of luck Is so against him
that ho will not hnxo money enough to
double, mid lllllst thoiefoio let bis
bet go This will imilxilili happen
before ho has won as much as bo
had Iu (ho tlrst place so thnt this run
against him will loaxo him poorer than
lie beg-iu, some time or other It will In
sure to happen, It s true that (hero l
always a possibility of his winning mix
sum 'the bank can pay, ami wo thus
come upon a celebrated paradot Unit,
though ho Is certain to Imi tuinoil, tho
xallieof his ox'Ht'lntloii calculated ac
cording lo tho usual rules (which omit
thiscotishlcrntlou) Is largo But, wheth
er a gambler plays In tins way or any
other, (ho same thing 1 true, 'namely,
that if lie plaxs long enough ho will ho
sure some time to hnxo siioh a run
against him as to exhaust his entire for
tune. Tho sauiit thine is true of an In
surance coinpanv. the directors
take the utmost pains to bo Independ
ent of groat conlliigrntlons and vtl
loncos, their actuaries inn tell thorn
that, according to tho doctrine of
chances, the time must come, at last,
w lion their losses will bring them to a
stop They may tide oxer aerials by o.
Inordinary moans, but then 'they
will start again iu a xxcnkoiie'l
stale, and tho same thing wilt hap
pen again all tho sooner. An not
uary might Im inclined to do
n iv this, hecatiM) bo knows
that tho expectation of his company i
largo, or perhaps (neglecting tho inter
est uoii money) Is Infinite. Iut calcu
lations of expectations loaxo out of ac
count of the circumstance now under
consideration, which roxorses tho whole
thing. Howoxor, I must not bo under
Ptood as say iug that Insuraiioo Is on this
account unsound, more than other kinds
of business. All human affairs rent up
ou probabilities, and tho same thing is
true oxorx whore. If man wont immor
tal ho could bo perfectly sum of seeing
the dav iu whiah ewrythlng in which
ho had trusted should betray bis trust,
and, In short, of coming eventually to
boneless misery. Ho would break dow n,
at last, as every great fortune, an exery
dx nasty, as every civltlatloii dors. In
place of this wo have death. I'ojiulnr
Sctrnrc Monthly.
Krlcncr I'apularlzod fur tho Prttplr.
In whaling oil is generally struck
while floating on the water. An out
ward ainilioatlon of lar nml fnailur
oxer the whole Is-xly Is cfTcc-tnal in
Keeping 011 mosquuos ituring tho win
ter, fiold coin has been beaten so thin
in the United Stati s that It has not boon
xisiblo for the last fifteen years. Homo
of thr fixed stars artt at such Immense
distance from tho enrtli !ht a .......
could not, with a two-foot rule, nioaa-
urn tlie immeasurable distance, In a
whole year. It i now discovered that
tho Peter PrusslaU' of potash, when
triturated with tho DloclcMon of the
qromidu of potassla, will nniUt and
form a symposium of pizerincjum.
The fphlmeris of tho fixe inner U-1-litoi
of Saturn has boon calculated for
the ensuing xcar. It should bo framed
and hung up in excrycoal cellar. If
tho earth should ho suddenly top-d
stopped iu its orbit a degree of boat
would l evolved which would furnish
motixn jwiwer for '.'.'i.fMX) locomotive
going at the rate of two miles a minute,
for ,iM years. The lones of ti N'as
turtlou worn rMntly found in Urgo,
France. Tho stomachic caxlty was
full of molted ice, a proof that ft lived
before tho glacial period. Professor
Squlgly announces that tho Pharoabi
built the Pyramids to make throe cor
ners In building materials. Cunpowdcr
may b kept mui-uxploslx'o. Iv keeping
it away from the fire. Professor Tyn
derail has been making some. Interest
ing oxperiments on sound. He finds
I that the phrase, "Will you tako ome
thing to drink?" uttred In a Western
birfxsvstn. n bi Knl at) ilrf tbo
WulMl.i third isrV than anx istbrf
mbtnalin nf ) nf(b "l AVw
"I'M. lall.l.ttt n IJIMU"
Ik .VmaHVlll Mbltf tlrn rbarttac
lllntxlf with HtsW,
vs.m HstfT-riH a .ItUsit: at
tbs d-sV its lb Hub Mr vol t4lso S
tlis btsttli trfot lMd)tt,v imi M.hi
da 1 a pars ,ximii Risk t-silfrsl tbr
Wbal tin ism s 4 HI " sxkssl tW t
"! baxr (SHiir ( iftl- Mix f mi '
alistnis lb iwllsjt w an In a lws
( .HIP MS gilts ysMjrself llf" abl tb
'igxtsnt. b tlf lntsiiiitgly "W r4t.
w list's (be lllaltol '
rs k(H. mx gtrt " txp4tH) ibr
.Xtning luxii, wb sriis 1st grwti palor
as be Hiko
' ( oiiir iiiim," said Iho set-gram, foi
lug s mile --Hits s Ibr ll of April
'Kill I kllloslbrr, pleaded Iho titling
man "I ptikrs! Iirr
r hoat II
I through (bo
window sin! rut brr lhrxxl f
linn oat to
l he s-goaii( al lltl Ibtwighl Ibsl (be
xoitug malt was diunV, ami (belt that
ho w .,s kii , aHt lilliallo llo askett
'Whcfo diH toll! gltl lie''
"Mm lit es al Sit Mli I. sit outlien(b
Iroel, and hor nxme Is .t lileatoli,"
w as (be aims or
I ho VrrealU Called NH'sl (lllloet
lllssatt and told him lo go In iho bnuso
mentioned dual as (ho ollloor flit
nwax the young man stalled for Iho
"llotd on," said Iho elgesnl slrtn
ly, "you are nptlsouor
'the Xtitiug llinll, U1 bemllug Iho
rsimmaud, couIIuiiihI luwntd Iho dimt
way, and (ho Sergonll( hurried (txuit ln.
hind (bo desk nud gmaprtl hint by Iho
"N hero am I '" on Indued ibr young
man, shuddetlug nud looking alsiut
blm In n dared w si 'I hi'to it ns no to
toply to his quesllou but he was looked
lip I'll' detmltle letllliod flolii the
rt'sldenin of the xoiiiig ladx, sating
thai she was nllxo, and that when he Iu
formed hoi of Iho ebntge the lining man
had mndo ngatlisl himself she thought
some one w as Inlng lo make hoi Iho
xlclilll of nil Aptll fool's joke e.lel
dnx looming the xollllg llisil w at taken
beioro .lllsllce I'taininc!, Ill tho r.ssex
Market Police ('our!, and was Immedl
nlely dlschntgtsl Ills (rieinls n) that
he Is a somnambulist, nud lhat ho tins
uudoiibtedlx asleep when lie euleiod
the police station He hail been tend
ing of Mine lleslell s tetrlbln death,
and, fulling asleep, ilieninml lhat he
hnd lommltted n muiiler Ills unliio
s IVier ('oh), nud he Is in Iho employ
of the father of the 011ng lady whose
linnie Imi llie.itloued In the stntiiili Hr
Austin Film, Sr , ami Di Itmmoy think
that It sn xery exirnunlluarx 'cneof
soinnainliullsiu xoio Jork Horn
lion In Art In tWnf r'lre.
Bolter than nil elalMirate and costly
appal atus for extinguishing llros nto
couslaut caie -1111I it ntchfiilnoss nud
quick and illlelligeiil on the pall
of those who llrst discover a lire in pro
gress, Tho lire which at Its beg uulug
could bo smothered with a pocket lotinC
kerchief, or dashed out with a bucket of
watrr, neglected a few moments lavs In
waste millions of dollais worth of prop
erty. If (hero is any ilmo In wlilch a
Jiersou should bo cool and calm, Iu per
cot command of himself, It Is when ho
discovers a lire that threatens iho de
struction of life ami property Thr llrst
tiling to do is to loam ptec")ey ulii'lil
II Is, (ho second, locolisfdor (bill hnlices
of extinguishing It, Of course Iu elites
an alarm should at onto bo sent out,
but at iho sbiiiii time a vigorous ofTnrl
should bo made to put out the fire with
the moans at hand; for sometime what
the lire engine Is unable lo accomplish
when il roaches the scene, cmii Ik' done
by minor two persons who act prompt
ly before tho llaines hnxo bad tliun to
gain headway.
First, thou, do not bo alaiined on ac
count of smoke. Frequently there Is a
grvnt deal of smoke before (ho lire has
made much progress lb-member that
ono can pass through smoke by keeping
his head near (Ini floor, ot by envelop
ing it In 11 wet woolen cloth. On enter
ing a room to fight down a lire single
handed, keep thii door closed helilluG if
possible. A pall of water mid a tin
dipper, In tho hands of a resolute per
son, can 1st made lo work a miracle nt
tho brgluiilng. If (ho lire has progressed
too far lo admit of this 1 ourse, and It Is
necessary to depend entirely on outside
help, then see lo It that every door nml
window Is closed. By so doing, where
there Is a llro-englno In tlm neighbor
hood, it will often bo possible to confine
Iho lire to one room.
Kvery pet son who stops at a bote
should take special pains lH-foro retir
lug to not! the location of thnatalrwaxa)
so that iu case of an alarm ho can ifnd
bis way out, oven though tho halls are
lllh-d with smoke. Not or loaxo a room,
where there is an alarm of lire without
first securing a wot towel, or. If poss)
bio, a wet spongo or piece of woolen
cloth through wlilch to breathe, If os
enpo by tho stairs is cut off, sork an
outside window and stay thorn till help
comes. Above all thing bo tynil and
keep x our wits alxiut you. When a la
dy's dress takes flrr, lot bor fall on'i o
Moor at once, arid call for help, In the
meantime reaching for some rug or
woolen cloth with which to smother the
flames. There is nothing now In this
advice. It has boon repented In one
form or another hundreds of times, but
it will bear reixiatlng a thousand times.
Amtrirjin tluildrr.
Haw Hurtn Victoria Makm Hoarr.
The Queen of Hngland Is al this mo
ment tho richest woman In the world,
totally apart from the sum which she
annually receives from the country.
When the Prince Consort choso South
Kensington as the alto for the Croat Kx
hihitlon he divested a large amount of
money in lauds thereabouts, arid that
money has by this time increased forty
or fifty fold, and brings Iu a re von no
adequate In Itself U cover the expense
of a kingdom. Tho Queen
she lgun life with a capitafof jkVO she
iierncii is an nxccnerii manager, ami
wouiu iiy mis jinio navu maiiu It lA),t),
for she has a turn for money making.
. ...., (i.. m,, ,ii iti, rill! f llflll,
and never lows a chance for increasing
b-r Aintnj; titttis II mm bs tljwbtssl
blKf h sxrttls ruu-cb If atlf rants'
Iban ikn xf. tc sb rtj( rr
fsHtM sniU, in l tintr, ! al
tbmta Ka Kst tt Vrvt Up lff" tQ
e.( is-t tl, fVslnit xt a vn V
r-n Vs"ts lit dftty allosMMsof lbl
I tMonlUsnnl ikll tO III lit l'JXll I k
rihtf dl l a ftlottl of Hi li
llMint a TI ils mots' alowit lb
( tHtrt (ban I tb and bi Uilfiwd l II
s l"M alwttitllt bi(b llisXfr that
hi s, e I ( it fxs,.Js-s tXi a
xssr (txuit (bo ivsii.tit aNmi tlixist
ntiv Irwltt Ibr Morbt ttf lart et n.
mi iss iban cjxi,iixi ftxuxi b-r tnl
nssMtls tit tVtKXixs a irar ibr
Ptltirst tif altss tfsi's'lX'rs lilnxv ftxtin
lb ttstloiv. altwil tl.xl ftxmi lbi
llHtbl ttf t i'Ut all. and bis Mfr t'llV
tfttni Ibr itallun altOM-rlbrr 1 1 III
! anil Hvx lbl bo b In krs-p a
Isrgts 1 timli and In txHim nd rnlrr
lain iiMUtrtvtis ttli ant gliosis (lie
gsnlriv pattlos, balls, dinitrt. and linur
xl rxH'ittM gtrtrralll which imgbl
plnprMv In fall n Ibr mouart b ' 1
wtiinlrt bo ts toUllictt a psHir in a 11
lb ptxisjHvl xfntit hint ! not xrix
bilgbl fur the IJurs-n ttM' irlrfa o(
twotilv loats lit iximr xrl ,tbr Ts iMilx
HflV olgbl, and as alsiii a ,tU. Ill
Ntfes I brallb .V U,tiJ
Vlrblnf a Hrsxr.
t"ft l.l MrriMt tillt b ' tlun
nliig" lesr smry aUmi a Vrtinoi.lir,
lisllltsl Jack I'lt.lrl, a lush of giral
phx steal sttxuglb
Jack was lit tho wo. It, on b Mat
biinte trxim sap ltrss, tshrre ht bad I
Ullllllg lliaplo sllgat II was a mild
itxy III Mat vh tin' iiom nasslt f rs I
desqi, and Iho wallll spring all bail ssifl
curd Iho stltlaiti ao thai no into otitlbl
walk on II without snow htM, a pair
of which Jn k bad oil Ids feel
llo was unarmed As be Malkitl on
ho t amo lo a fallen ttw dliot III In bis
wsv llo stopiMtl iiHitl II, bill at (in
did o, a largo lHt n.. up ldilnd II,
and rushed at him with open paws
'I ho it arm air bnd mused (he ctostiito
(mm her wlnlei sleop, and she was In
lions w lib hunger
taken wholly i) siillillso .talk ?axn
a lieuiomllliills leap w lilrh osl t led illlll
a dlslnnce of ton feel frxilii the trunk of
Iho iroo But bo sank deeply Into tho
now , mid Iho Itoar w as upon him Mm
ho could exllb nlo himself
'I hen Iho bailie iH'gau, man nml bxi
lolling otu nld oxer each other In n
despeintiisliugglo Asolleh nslbo beat
lllisl lo seife him with her teeth, o oter
Miner him with (bo Inlnl hug, ,lai k
would save himself by kicking hot on
(ho nose with his snow. shot's
Filially, wlh olio flereo plntign of
elaws ami teeth, Iho brulo fattened Up
on .tack, ami falling to buhl him, tore
oir almost all his clothing al a single
FoitUIIMlotv lust at that liniment lm
hit Iho lop of her nine w lib a most pow .
erfill kick. A blow 011 the end of Iho
Uoso onuses pntn so acute as lo disable
n benr for a llmo, and It had tho olfect
In this case
The brute gno back n little, and,
while she was wincing under (bo pain,
.lack regained his feel and go( etersl
steps away
His assailant slatted after hllll again,
bill (ho snow- was o soft she almost bur
tied herself al oxory srp, while .lack
w nlked on Iho surface and csenpod. So
Ills snow -shoe which tendered hllll a
clumsy lighter, filially saved his life,
Htanlrj'a Ctmirri.
When Mr Stsnloy x lilted King Mb'sa,
one of the most ioworful mouarnhs of
Central Africa, on iho noithetu shote
of Lake Victoria Nyaura, bo found (hat
lm bad boon conxcrted from heathen
Ism to Mohaitituedatilaiu llo advaiicod
hlta in his religious progiess by learh
lug him same of the truths of Christi
anity, ami leaving with him Darling
Ion, a colored boy who hsd been edll
caled at an Kugllsh mission aebisil, a
a kind of spiritual guide, and as an In
terpreter to miy missionaries who might
acecpl (bo King's earnest Imitation.
it lieu iiin.ii iai;i ieeamo MIOWII III
I'liglarul, a philaiilliropist made n largo
donation for tho purpose, and Lieuten
ant (I, S Smith, Mr. O'Neil, ami some
assistants, wore sent lo Mtcsa, who no
celved (bom xorry cordially, Their
work appeared (o bo going on very fa
vorably when a telegram ordor.basodou
letters lhat bad nrrlxeil at 'atilbnr,
was received In limloti, announcing
tho murdorof Messrs Stiiitb amlO'Solll
The particulars are not given, but from
what Is know) from ihelr previous
moxoments, they were probably killed
by some unfriendly natives, while v.
Itltig remote parts of Iho lake. It I be
lieved that their relation lo Mtcsa hail
continued to ho froludly, M011 to fill
their places will Imi soul out immedl
atidy, am! thorn are faint hopes that
their murder my yit Imi contradicted, -CtnclntHiM
'MM MAI..K IW IHaHli-Oi. f
ths Ut wrckJr isixrs In Joa- lsri( ilrrula-lloa-
,jl,IUh-l In bnn of n.uii lalsMtanu.
h rititj prlnUng and Is (silivir ll. Will
ti lianas Uit bnrTri laiel or wr irsi real
s.Uls, A'blrrsa "W,,"
SJtlHt,d HL, l-s M.Hnr.. Urw.
Is AarTiraa ( oi.cms mil tm fmind Ibr ail.
isrlWnirut of Nh bU, nUt,nl O) , wnlrh
III j prrusal. Tbrr sr ta onlf tnuulw
tursm.f Ids "Orljdnsl aa onlf t'ltnUtm VI
httVtt," Ttisac asat hlitra ar t;ulltsittrrlr of
air iamJ Irrnhrr. Tkr iaaiiufa turrrs ham
Off r ill lullll'Hisof f Mil of Ida Itf-sl fUsJltjr of
hard sl Jurnhrr romlsntlt im baiei, sinl
lli'T nrvtr uw an lh of kiln drls.1 luwlxr,
Writr to larui for an lllstik-l rlrcalar aid
Jirlrs list (win! frra )
IIsait An Conroar. Wha rrtnrm.
hr lint sps-od sUut mis tlilrd of our 11th
Iu Is-si, m ran apprrrlals iuiw lm(iortsril It U
that should arsll urttrr of th most lm
roTrl am) roinfotlahl bml that ths rnrclianl
ral skill of man bas 1rTl-.I Thai Isrd Is
rrcrlrdtib(b Wotn tt'lr Jfltrrss,iuiiiu.
fai-turnl by ths lit. Iiiils Woreu H'lrs MaU
Irrss Oiijisnr, and M li all tho trading
furnllurrdrslrrs. Korroriifort,balli, brauty
ami ilnralIIH; It Is urifiuslUd ij an; iprliiK
ir inidr. It It 1 brap, nbarily, ntAmltt siit)
Iniurlout, Io)rs, It It one of tb utrtl lm
proTruimU of (hit prrreutre Kr. lit um
orxluirt Ui health as irrll as totafort. ft Is
made it Itwi brst material and will tail for a
llfs tliur. Kiainlnr thU Worm Wire MaKrrts
with Iu Imjirored (Joy Wlrr inaklii do-ible
ailjuilmetit, lforr vu buy snr othrr
I'Mn let C'rtttm. -Take tiny quantity
of crcarn lhat you may desire, nnke
sweot, flavor to taste, trwM,
(hf Ot;. Ti Mpfu! nt nsv
tatwis, osHsvitpful nt Urtl. on UWt
iHmnfnl (nj(sft on xsrrts(-iNinfMt ot
,.! dttd. trv -ry Uttr Vs -rabsr.
and rjvmifb rtotif In mak a smmvlb
dotigb rxill lhw
t s ,4-. . f Sin,ii 1 9 . sm -s an srs MtwS S
. fl -... ., sat . I fM taVM SMS
,. fc r.S is. .1. tt , tm t..s, a,)!1 '
..fS . e, s- tMss t IX (
a. t . tk awi. iVaiaaaaJayfc
.( - H . f4sxU fttxssst ' IftMatJI
t ,.. SVwS. S ISS ts I Sjlli ?
3 Wl , S r at, .S ftsSSK VM "
uM Is mil ts44S P4 Sr s.tss
"" X?)! "jl Xl S ItMI-M rsx , , tjwl.t.
11 CMn
It Iki U Mfet, st
t !, IM) 'sStL
tastss t Mfti Yw
miiwi sabattSKl staai
st U lts lfSS
, Msts'tss4
ItlsxiSMt tt tt MU MMU
mssm X 11 m
S .!! W.I M ia
i4 r--s 1 1 as mm a
s r"s, m t awt
at MU t aana astta
as 4t nsm
vsvps M Mis., tstAl
ookwaltvr Infllto
IV,..t SaXsttSlisl. lm .lt
SlfU tll --, tM
lt I ! s4 ts fl
s-tvts iXsIa ss Iss stst Wn
ill.fa), ( - S ' lSfr
rMK . li kstUo, Mlks
t' r-'-'srs
I t imw rxs
..14.U. IMtl
s.4 f lisHnm n,skt
(filt.l Hot, kMi ,, ,tl-al m4 siMs
Slst 11m mIi, i,tl Iimhw Irt im aalWas.
MsitsifSMU, ,if W4S aa
.,i..sis isoxr t.,t ;ityf ij, '
..rmiii n h li Usui's WV. nismais .
Sola Vta(.laf,, nt fH ll,.-stt
wtisM ss 1 rs(iiisi. iJiswis t-i m
.., .s-l lists- Cfl u,(ImifLmI IstltS
l-sol ' I smlstiH Isii.Ii ill, Iskw.i htnsU.
sV J Sr- Uh.i.imI.iH IS. IW,M tMbsits,
f.mUaU,, .11 k. m S.I(IM ...,. a IMVti
lHitsMI.Os0sr allV, S.W.S ttlasM u.trmls
K-sf rms4 Is l,rt ). ln , A"l.l xlts
'i.''! '. I"!!"" S-s, llissi. M ) 1 Hrsask
"'J.'r-'J H ', ? 'il t'al'M-Oll.l
S1l.tlkal , , jal, ft.,, ni,,,,jM,i;
lltlllSKW., U, , , 1
Dm.icr'i f rittu Iikift iarilife.
I snnlrtl flj4 li frsslf sM Is IS ara
btllltssl IUIs M I us CaasMaM wtUtf
M rrfls Ink slasft aliss a lss sS Sl.
llsiti.r lll ft-S ifSm aflxl aSra aar4
if ll'tll IrSssMnf rSk' llslsr MSt
(Is. Is St,f tOM (tlialll (ti.fimn (aafU
li I ai ! s " rapila.f. VMs tsiMjUa)
lwaa IF If p7 will ill, a fiaar NH wna
lasliasswuf U.UnV4, s sttll., (Lmj vis
IH)SSffU OMMlklaJar. , N
IH (afmiss. t,i Irt (III tail aim all ktasi a
WLI)tr falls la HI, . r tsl lf l ,a 4at.
m.i ..Is,.! "Mi'&AfiWZim..
Alfi aitsst.Oiff ut a. L4ks. ttf s. sallsltir4ift4tisl sstxsUlllf
Itf'tinditr lrit.
HHI.I.KP awthlaf 1,1 411 sf rtt Iks ksltm,
Mm asr liMigtr UIUsjWrlrrlrHISs
Any Otter Citterji tie Market
tmrm akallsr. HmUi Masala. Wtm asssl
llatrPnwN, f rsMfesarntara
CooTim Presses a Specialty.
iraeJsr tt
r trm NiissiXultni
, tuuMtmUti tmtmimrmm
rrt ttmM
mk mi
MjJV, nn'pin.
OleirolJumcA. O.
. I II HI Ms
nnww a a a a a a
affalaTftTftTaiaftaaW a
1 K-llllllllllllllH
Barbed Fenea Win
i'r fana Vrmt-mm,
Allssl srrrfntilth4 Ow 4ft"t t1. iMsi sow
uiutht uni lurtl VXlis viib aa
Which xtCufnt-f WJI Stand E.aotura t
tb waathar for Yaart,
Auk Vr llarilwa-r Ikalrrfer
alTcEM' KOK ClMCl'kAnjp
t T.
9 xl
' V"
d ij5i. y-