rV n 1 &' M ',;" s . l- 4 f w V II AV I I ra Et 4V, w ; K aw. VWV TNC ttt OiftD CM? JPAtfl ATO FIMBIIfllfMHP. Rati way have a tear There U b fVBJada B the patt f ft gTt atf ebrwle rtvaraUa tor aiding ffallfad.aglft bead. Tby d la Nk th mm, w km .beard jrtl xa Mrt thlr wilM-" lo give ,afry aad aa hundred dollara who yet kiNm t vet hoed. Tbr U aome thrafbUt lit M U", ,tbt MtMM,UH HWpletoM aad fer. Yt th mm gr4iga wtld aot ahaald the bewd be tod, pay om i9M Of IsMM Mb.! TftttSMMt eh iedivldual will be iiMgii to jay .aaa he prUy accurate 7 Ifwred, Mt Willi tir correct r th num the, tlit valaatlou of 1st avaaty wW be laereeeiag at area UlitrllMMit ftw year, wbieh wwl lata the UKiii each iadivtdaal Beta?- Butte Igur with abiekre eefcty wt mm tak Um present valuation of the taty, aad UHMdlbit thi ! jaatleawlll wt be laereaead. The t valuation (tin round aumbars 476,000; lew prt of thl. or lb ' eatOUBt of th boada, would U 147 MO. light per eeat el' tbi or $3W)0 aaaet be'.peld aanaelly for tho Mit ir teaa year. In the last tevea aed half jrtart, tho principal of the .bond ev$47,ajOO,ulbealdia equal is aatMaMHto, or $0333.33 13 eh year wbieh addtd.tOiHie iotata will give $10133.33 1-3, the aiuauat to ba paid each yaar after 1880 by the oounty at Java. New what will aaoh individual b v te pay 7 Tho I rut fovea years, hi will have lo pay a tax of eight aiilla w the dalar, or aightr oaau aa a kvadrtd 4llara, or eight cellar oa a ' thoMewl. The avarafe aawaianat .ofthewetMo-doihoaiaataadariB tbia oeatywlN,Mt aieaad fbwr hundred .dollara, Ihew hb ui to pay tha later eat m tbaa boada will be three dol lara aad twaaty oeato.eeeh year aaiil IMS. Iteaaaotbeaaaai aaere. Of ,eote the greek ajority of oar peo pie will ot hire that ucli to pay, while the wealthier etiiaeM will have ,utn, bat they will hate thta aaate praportioa: aauiely, ' eighty oeata oa aterjr haadred dollara eo that aaoh bmw kaowlag hie aajmaiiat, aaa ig are ewt hi tai. Kewieway tbaprieeipa) whaa it ieeaam iw if the yalahtlee) of ta Maaty.aheuUhe ae-'iaer la IBM thaa it ia aow, it weald :taha 13 1-3 alaM thf , tfetlar, er $1,34 ea a baa eWl , ar $11.90, on .a ihoaaaal Mhlegatelal tax aaa haadred dot kvaia 1IM, aadaeyeafterJaet$MI a two haadred dolkra,;H24; ea fbar Here ehea, la the very higheat, ,aHjaatthaieoaldbeeeUeotedof aay ladivldMita par the boadi, when the pyiaeia4.heeea payable. Thaiwaaiiy aotba aid'aialeed we will repeat tho reealta. AaiaaiiBg that Webater ooaaty willaot have aa ethar aaa la ita herder, or aaothee 4eHer wiihln lu llauu" thai It aow het;aTO!Bg that l will atop growing ia popalatioa aad aaalth,. the total aaoaat that each ladiTidaal aaa be eaaipalled to pay for the Irat Mrea tadloaa yaara will be eighty oeata for etary haadred deHaraofhievalaatioa aad la the laat aarea aad a-biir yearaj $2.11 ea every obi haadred dpljan of valaat)ea. ' ' " . , ImyUullifeatBMawiM at eaee aae that while theaa Utu repreeeat ' the kwgaat aaioaat Mat oaa be oolleot ad bc theaa head, thy do aet Marly repraaeat the tratb, (or who aaa eap poea that the popeJajkloa aad valaatioa of the eewety wlHraanln the aaaae tor the MBtlfteoa year. Ia the year part the pepaktlea hai iaateaaed S470 ia 1877, to 4341 ia 1878, aa iaareaa of aearly oaa third aad the iaetaaaa ef pepalatioa hu iaetea ed the valaatioa by about aae third. Neat year whaa the bead are to be ieKvered aad tha tax la? led, we oaa aaaat oa there heiag over Ire thoa eaad people to pay the iateraat, we aaa oeaat ea oae third More property to pay Ue Jetarett, that ieateed or'aa night arili tax the Irat year it will oa ly raqeiqea eixaailltax. la 1879 therefore jha tax will aot be aaore thaa, fifty eeata aa every haa4nal aMara. Ia IW with the aaeae rata ef iaereeae aoaatiag ia the reed bed ef the eoaipeiy whMi will beMniidat3,0g0 pey atile, he vaJaatiaa af the ooaaty will be aear ly doable what it aew ia akiag the tax far that ealy 4 aiilla ea the dollar ,or 40 eeata aa every haa dred dollar, aad thip aanaat wlU deeraaa every veer while tha ooaaty aaatiaaea grow . Ia a very few yean tha valaa aWa of the tawa af lied Olaad will be paara thaa the valaatioa af tha ooaaty hiatpreaeat. Look at aay Iowa or fiehraaka ooaaty through wblot a 'OrfreM P M orca tt papal- OeaaedvaaHttaawitheawew. Take AdaaM.ooaaty, avHled abwpt tha pane tiaie with tkl aoaaty. ly aaeaea of it railwaya iu pepaletlea I over ait thoaaaad aad It velaatba aearly if ae two ailllioaa. with a uUread bow loag would It tab Wabtter to be eqaal with Adaai eoaaty, Wba it tbeuUbe ial with what Adam eoaaty ia today, the tax woaM ealy to boat 2 JIIU oa the dollar or twenty atoo every bandred dllire. when the principal beooaM payable it ia aot read le aay that webeUr oouoty ia aaaiberanil wealth will be double what Adaai county aew.ia, and in atead ef a 13 aiill tax to pay the irat laatellaaat of principal, it will only take aboat a two mill tai, or tweaty eaata for ovary haadrad dollar, two .dollara on a tbouiead, A. We beliava tba,t tba.a are few ataj ia the eoaaty bat will adaiit that Web etev eoaaty ia I M0 will have a popa latioa of tea thoutaad people and a valaatioa of foar Killioa Thla ia not a wild gvoej. It aaight have been wild vea yaare ago when aot aaore than forty people with not wore than a thoaeatid dollar betwaaa them Mt tied ia thUoQunty with aa railroad aaarer than Lincoln; it night bavo been wild for the in thoa to lay that in tha year 1H78 Wabetar oounty weald have 4 000 people and 400 OO0 valuation. Hat a railroal iomle within twenty aille of tho county bat mad tbla vaet ehaage, and a railroad al ,t,liin tuna traveling; tha county north and wutb will develop tbia ennnty to rajiidly 400 000 will bo no harder burden upoa.u than 40 000 now i. When tha valaatioa of thl eeuaty reaehe 4,000,000, whiob it will do in three or four ye i rt, what will 3 600 be, what will 10 133.33 amount to? The burdeaweil be aa light m the dog tax to the asaa that hept two or three our. It will bo eo light a o aroaly to bejel!. A0s4TUa7ertMll. tltl,HO!nftmTMn. If we vote the boada called for Ig urea will how that tha B. k M. will realiie at leait $191 300 by the time the boada beeoaia da and all thla at the expeneeof the tax payer of Webitor ooaaty. Wo will have If teea payment to Make of $3800 eich for intereet upon boada, 3800 x 1 6 vquala $57000. The company will Inveet each pay sent of $3800oon a reeeived aud will raaUao at Jeaat JO par cent oa t'ba laata eaah year aatil the bwada are paid. Tha Intereet on theae different iavMtaiaatf at 10 per oent until bond ar paid aaiount to $41,760. Wa alro hav to pay the boada amounting to 47,600. Add to the different MM $46,000 th aaioant of Uxe thtJJ)an4Jf. will aot pay and wbieh weaaupaiftr'teMBi aad we have aoaie idea of what the company will realiie la I ft ten yearn. $41,760 inUreat oa bond. $67,000 en different payment side by county. $47,500 amount of bond. $45,000 iaxa the company will not pay. $191,900 Total J. Guide Rook, Apr. 1878. ' A944Tklx Fer Webrter Oeutj. $IN$0$lanAMTari. If we vou the boada oalled for, Ig area will thow that Webeter oonnty will realiie at lean $586 000 by tha time the bond .become due, and all tbia at the expesa or the B. M. oapaay. ' They will have loat Ifteaa paymanu of $15 000 each, latereat on road bed. $15 000 X 16 equal $325 000 Tha iatereet on the investment of .$15 000 each year a ten per oent. aatil tho bond ar paid amouata in all to $105 000 Thay alao have to pay the con of tha r .ad bed, amounting te $150 000 Taxee ef the company oa road bed 13 yean at 'JO mill $45000 Total $585 000 CoMMKgroBth above two liaea efreaaoaing i naeaary. We belteye it ia tha earnatt deaire of every oitiata of Webater county to .do all la hia power to promote the beat iataraata of the eoaaty. Our alma are eat. Tha diloalty it w view thiag ia a dikevaat litht. Th anaatmoaa wiah and hop ia to build up th eeuaty iaaeubttaatlal laanaer. To our mid th oaly way to Moure th r't ipeedily ia to vot "y" op tbp Bend proportion pa th 4th .of If ay. LetaiaUad by our actioM, that Webster aaaaty ia Bet laokiag ia eauyprl. Th (art aad flgare roaad la another eolumn eaaaotall'to ooayiao every eaadid mind that' th iavattauBt ia made upon true buiiaeaa priaeiple. Let every man examtee oarefully the figures ' what the expen ta A titm iMilIalJuall tliaa Ja with prajudiooi aad vote Ijoaeatly. I Mr. ToaaaKa ia toeking over tie aaMaeataf the B. it M. eempativ' laad for 1678. eaptvewi bilf a perfeetly aetieled with ft. There ha been iae th fnt of April, t the ilifforent hotel in towu on kunitrni ttml eei(i fine pranni looking for land and niHtn arekiiig a loeatioa (or buaine. They will be hare, if the railroad comr. P.McOuIr, from Vfaukon, Iowa drove late the city lat Friday with foar horeea for Mlaer Broa. He help ihew a year. GRAND OPENING :0:- BIIIIIaierYrfiiial4)reM lainklliar;( :0. On April 30th Mr. M. Tt. Bentley willppen the fined arock f Millinery and fancy aMortweoM. euoh aa flATS. IMIIraBTal Alwaw TRI"JHIt3l, Kmbroiderie, Iao. Zephyr, Fancy Ooode, DrMGoele, Dree Trim ming, leaiery, Necktie aad Patteraa; all in LaUrt Style and at Loweet Prlofa. Daxita and Cloak Makikb Done ToObdbb. Xn.l(.l.lMtlr MCktl NOTICB. U. 8. LAND OFFICK ) BlooBiington. Nab April 6, 1878. J Complaint having len entered at thia OBoe by Abraham Heeve againet Henry Kridlny for abandoning bin llotueitead Entry, No. iter,, dated Jane 3d. 1873, upon the South Eaet t Seotiea 18, Towatbip 2 N., Range 9 W., in Webater County, Nbraka, with a view to the eaaoellation of mid entry: thaaaid purtieeare hereby eum- mond lo appear at.tliU OEce on the 92 day of Mat, 1878, at D o'clock a tu,, to rpond an 4 furnWi teiiuiiniy couoarning eiJ alleged aliandonuinit. U'kbmicr Katon. Ititg later (Jxo. Doaaxr, Rtmmr Pepoitioa la the above cae ill be taken tKfere the County Clerk ut Webeter Oea'nty, Ne'i. on the 20th day of May, 1878, at 9 o'clock a. in.' Wkmtkr Eato.i. Rv,ieier Qxo. W.Dobakv, Rcotiver To Consumptives The advertiser, havinc been oeruia- oently cured of thatdrea4di(eaM,oonJ auBupuun, ny a emipiu remcar, ia anx ioue to make known to hi fallow uf ferer the mean' of core. To all who deaire it, he will aend a cony of the oraaeriDtinn uaed. (free el ehare.) with the direction for preparinc and aainx the eame. which they will And ri euro cure for Couaumplioa, Atbma umnvnuiK, eio. Partic wLbing th nreciintiim will i.Im.c aJdri., K A. WllON 194 W. a St., Williaauburgh, N. V Vawlra. The time he come whan a roan way know that he will got value received for evr:y dollar that ha ihveate. Qaaoka and hunibiig an "on venti lated andaro compelled to take a back oat, or be cruahed by the wheel of progrca. Ati article muat poaM real merit muat da what it ia rcpre eeutrd to le. Or. liko the uiuahiooru at noon dy. it will mti wither aad die in the radinnre of the brilliant di covcriex of modern science. 0. k C. 'a Cough and Diphtheria Houiedy can alwayn be relied ou. It alley ihc irritation or tickling of the throat, ' reuder expecloiation eay and otteiu the Moretion. It i guarranteeq. to do all that it ia advertiaed to or the money refunded to tho purchanr. C. H. Potter, agent. 6189bi It t worth more thaa ita owe we ght in pure gold, via : O. A C.'a Golden Cerate. It cure euro eye. burn, eutaneoua eruption and old chronio aorea. Sold by C. H. Potter. 5-18-2m THK OMAHA REPUBLICAN DAILY $10.00 WKRKLY $1.50 rXR TXAB roaTAdR PXKPA1D. The Daily i the bet edited New, paper in Nebraska,- aed coutaiaa tha lateit tolegraphio, local, atate, and commercial aew. The WxKKI.r eoaUine the eon deaaed aad eomplete new of the week and ia tha cheapest pep" of ita aiie i n Nabruka. tlpecial Kate T lfca. Remit to C. K. YOST, Naaagwr JlgruaucAN, Qmaha, Neb' RAiiRaas AT MINER Omc Dr lh Of The PwU OlTlee, RED OI.OUD - o Men'aHalt, frt.m M $4 2 to $90. Boy'a " $3..'.0to$. Mra's nU " COc. U $S IfOy a) itiiMtiMi eeeeeeae eee 4)0 10 91 WflBJln M tHtfgt OnOfP eeeee eee tuC (O faf MUM'Cair " $1.25 to $1.75. UsMosckvii Shtetinff fiuuj . .... ...... 6c to I Of. if lOMljOl eaeeeeeeeee(M &C (0 12 I S gftStgl eeeeee ). eeM 10 l(Ma Chofo4 TcllowT Butir 11 lbt. for eeMee9l.OO V,Uu99 9 ILS. 10 f eee eeeeteeaa aJglpftD A$)e m I9 eiee0eee)e eeeeeeeaa8 91 And all other Good ia proporti on. Came aad aae, aad be eoaviaaad. FARM PRODUCE af all hind, takea in exchange fer Good. II, MlNRH. 8LBSCRIBK FOR Til R CHIEF 'MB LARGEST IN 1 UK :.. . . REPUBLICAN VALLEY. fijE KILLER ORGAN tUXWACTVRM AT LHOANON, SA. i-aarvALBii m Tofrt, vVorkmutthip, Durability and Fitirth. na.aatiMT ma Ia aBBBkaBBBW aaagamA tgtaaAaaaw. ef all th. BMt valu.aU ImarDTeniMU Aaralufv la ralraa luaaatartar. Riillt, with Um BMat atraauSaaa err, uaiar oar Inn. dial aa Maaaaai aaraoaal aprrlBtrmka,'.'. hjr BnVcUm vorkBMu, wbo r alt palit tllirrallr th tUj-, aalac aono h .trlrttjr flrt r!i aiatarUI, It fullnv. that th. Imtruia fradac.eaaaotiMarjUilBaaU.lMitaMn '! a .a. trial aa4 ba eoavlnd. AU oar argaaa ar. f ully rurraulr4 flra r", wIUaatMla Ittaa-LUta, taiau,aR,M OBjOigaT 00 i aMtfB'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBmWaBW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHai ' maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH ' ' PRICE BROS. - J. L Mtifxn. 34 . BK.ATBa WATCI uatu RKD CLOUD k SMITH CINTEB 8tage Lino. Connectinir at Hd Cloud with the Republican River Stajcu Line. Three regular tripN a week, arriving and depart inn I'rom lte Cloud at the e.niiu lime the Mage Irnut the railroad do. FAliK VKKVAOV. nil. J. . BU120W, Pre?. S2B00 AVKAM. A$UmtnH.VM. tor Irt Itlmatr. Irtlmlirrr tut:.i rnniico,MlMk.a, IVIRV MIKItegt aajBkU Mat TM WAN Highest honors aera - Ctntmial World's Ftir, 18761 SHONmSXR ORGANS BEST INSTRUMENTS. Tarfe iaiw.MTnwnaMUrinf liiaty the Mm Ui Ui BUfwta, tnm wktok eke etUawutW m ectrwti im m. laoenaea aata.v m m eeMBM m aha Bee latatraaaaaU at a ef fNaMBaTlag a mm lawwaianai Mel a aae BaBa, araaatatf ! aa seawlaf aCaata. oatalalAf maay BaaliiMe haeraraaMaia, ui sMiaaajaiiBayeaiMUaMi. laaa Uaata to gal ealaraedtr.au Ua kaaraa aataa aaata Mr.. .It aa. aaaalka Kill. r-T- Ulata.aHM.ro auTo"5a tara ia aiinar annaa. awau ae ai OMLV UHCJAHa AWaJUH BANK. Tfcta Kaaal tM Avert vea mwatalaRarWM aaal M Avar aa Metal bm iiiillttoa af Mia haat i.a aha aaaat aaaayaiaa apwaaaa Jvrlee u-rxr4c q A W M Mia la aiaair . Waamiiaaiiteeilaanajaai ntaatrmteA Oatataraas I aaavTawaattUflaTi taf I. SHOrflRGER OMAN COm 7 te 1M CaMTXVT I Kaw B.va 00 U ITER, PUTfOfVwiTRACK TaiaT RFSTaDaT s L (aTTME CHEAPaTaTa fWlWlKWEStlliaii T'. -aawi 2S5 BROADWAY N.Y. 127 CHESTNUT ST. PbiledilaSk, Pa. WSUrMORST.CttvalaHO. wnaif.f.wtTiin i i V AMEBIC AX Y mMmL IWaw ia.iiiearerMeierteaie apFKeafew .'7 awwamairtAmmjaiaT C.O MAYNMO Arhltot4SaU1 BPCnLOIJat 111 Uiaa make meaey faetavat' work n (ot ua thaa at anything !, CapHAl aet reeked; w vWjtiMt' yn. $U aer day a hem maeYay Um aaaaitrioaa Mea, weeaea, Bwye .ad titU waatael everywhara th week for ua. New ia ihe twaa. OeetJe eattt -aad term tree. Addreaa Tvi e Cu.. . AacuaU. NM. -" NEW 8TORE, (At the Bed Oead Ma) la whr yew eea g4 aM kiad af DRY UOODB QaOCHUM HATS k CAPS BOOTS 4 SffOFS Aa. Ae, A. eV. Aw. AJJ ef whica wiH ha aaM eheaf ferae.. Ale A eaapry af LUMIIR, lath. SUIMULB8, 4a,alwafaa'Baa). . O- R. POTTSM, WBBWtBar. aBBMIAWalA 6-7tr Taa awwlce laer. Pltsttrtrt 4 StwMWiinn. We are prepared le take ontvaa and do all kiad ef work ia our Ita aa reasonable prieee. etielaetiea far aatead, and all kind ef steal a grain takea in exahaag fer work. gy Cistern work a aaeeiahy. BBB:Lva . . MBaaaaaA. 4 illy Red Cloud Mill's! Wt art prtptrtfJ t It ct$ tta wtfk. Flour Fee. attl. Corn Ml for Hale. 0aT afif'aution guaraateed ir insliiy ot tinur wLt, and rt'riTOM KCiUU. k'ariuerK -liould m particalag Potter & Frisftie. &' iM!r-1 M-k iii-.vi'LT imiiv.:i. h OintM Iikvj ,.Ni,r'hk. ! . tc r- it "ii wum m liitie. .(I ihie'n .' ' 1-f te " I'l't'dhenaix can inaki fgrei : ' pay all ih 'iu.i tlty wnrbi;wrM-rfc tyi, iiariiculara to H. tiAUnr .Cti .; Porylam), Maine. , -. ' We will arnd our paper (priaa$S0OV vltri ruli-r of ihe pabhloat'aaia ,-l-v!W hi the friec enafXr. v '' ' llricr's Mafaiine, (t 00) .'.:..$4 9 ' Weekly, ....!., 4 'fly Tlarar, ". , ..'.... 4,W.(. Lilpiiicoir. Magmirve "' .... 4 flaV . -i Aiilton' Jnnrnal, ($3 00)..'.... 4 00 Pe irwn'Mgttine,($2.ta)) 3 S6 Toledo IiUde. " 3,26 Satunisy Exraieg Poet, '' . .M S(X) Prairie Farmer, " 3 U , .Wetrrn Bnrnl, ' g is Xobraik Paosr, "u ti;iwrKiitk aodt Anyawnax ...'. WKLLBbRING BY i . . t ww &OaBvHrvy Are prepared at all fiaMe t bat at . drill w.lk ' - 4 ' ' H te ReafenaUe. r t inavalk--:'nbra8Ka. - ,UxMrtBt.r-' k C-.Chiaw vl'ithUif jitiy. (J. U. Potter ai.'tii tltfA, . J 1' ' t A PHYIlbLAOIRAl ' W rjr BiWe?tJ aTiEiS: i , SSSSSL aaa .; ln.Vka v . . iiT.TrrjTa k.Lt..ti " - aT .ll"! -V., .,.. . 1. m, iVaaTalaaZ. a :lr Uf.rfcU tLKa, l.U tTraSaIi. ,.'! - H imm K. -aL a. aaaf.aai I LT" t-T S rtt '-"- - ilan'TT- ' a'alaiH.a.a. ' MaBaae,BBi ' aaw i . ..ia-- . '. "lanjiala a. waMt af BaMa? Baia. ,j , i BasaaaM, iaaiif f . ,! t k f W - i 'f , " J qjLX aH,AUWl, .W Aaa --. A "I. W, t -ta, tfittty, w !' ,') . I a ).