'ciy, , . i i r i lAT EiV?. VW.4. j t v ; ... .if . ' '.S ?' lp. ' A K, P?: m . aufc-:4gft & it i ,J.t m )$&""'' i, W- " emu'- ' J ! wtoiui-ivtii. . Frr went hi ad tint (Irrl Ire mmm , fftiftorUitieoti. ' ' "' . !latfiirley.Hiyjri!i(Snr'm Hie II. ' H. iv U1Ucl,y,f.l "f..r. ttrim!fti(ng wlthip!ilty. Ai'-citjlng to the Hvrr City . -frr, I'mnssitymry warrant ate. winth only 65 iit. t ,t i ! i j .1 IioyivniiM Mit'di ii rounflijrf up ill" red tilhinis in tlmlrbucoiihol V- The second ui I of Dr. Hi U! ' Pfijrnle.r ,""" "l W",,,H' Ut ''"""' Won, A. Nam's) nm! family, of IV.l county, hove gnm-ouoit weeks' imp to flio l'orillo c.. To nii-o, Mr Mon ml Mr Bnn, rrrmi low. Intii.l i lifiu 10,0(10 ulifip iino tlii") C4iinly moii. Vtillty County CuUrltr, Jltob Itifip, of IMntto iwiinly, com noil ixiwIok wlicni (in Mmcli ll'li. and in rlevon tiny put in one luiiulri'il xA fifty ncfft. Kfery vuilalilR piece of oM rultivn (aI land Iwtwpnn (!iiliiinliiH mill tin- RcMrmtion U liciiiK i iiimIt rulii- J rotioDunJ town to erofH thin vi'iir. Hut o fuw yenri louder, mid ihr M liroro valley will cotituln m tnniy ronolinn ant) uiwro caltlo (Iipii aru m w on tlm North ami Houtli Plitio Tito corn Iwlnjj hlpml from l hi tountyocj directly to New Knslaml, nviinr vtor, warvhouno an! Ino ktr'a vliarRcslii Chkno.Jlaiwtuillf Admtutr., it W l a taller man In tlir Mnin hau8horiff Jamca, we havun't liranl f hid. !! U atx fuel aix incite, ami , waijbi SCO poytidi; U trrr.H to evil- Jt-ft, A door,' and never nuftia lil.i mini. -.?. ? ' ' l" VK Toiiefr. iW An KlkrVrn valUy paper, upvnkinc of an Omaha avruliiK "Jouriml," riyn "it i one of our tuon vu1uhIi ox- - changoi to All our wanto buokot nnd other 'gener! purpit.' H'ondcrfl iiMpfovments nro umkiiiR Along iho rqad pftwetn fiuward uml ' ;t,W Vork. Ilouvj arf koIuk up, nml jLIUaaand Wiwo i'o oruwdei wnh atrabevrt. ' '" liar nrMMCt for rond uo the lie- ptUlcaii Valley in good, Wo Imvu NfHn for boliuvihfc (he day nut din- Ant ijiten the iron homij will da duly htmtBloominoton Ouartl, 8toak ranuhca have iacrencd no quickly in Ijlnooln county that about all tho wutcr ii now taken. Ju n lbiv yaara tbt oouuty will lo ono of tlm wtaltbicM id'the atate. On the 2d 1uu l'Vfinoiu idectod city olccra an follow: Mayor N. II. Boll; clerk, Frd. Do La Mutyr: tta .urtr, L. P. Irnon; martbal, 0, Oris eoll; police Jndn, the old reliable WwMurtin. Our bank prasidcut in not a fop, but tha eaabiur may coniidor it ad via. able for hi tu toipruoa up a little, no ;tla Coiincil, Bluff uico, uoacquaint d with tiito, will not feel coin ellcd to bquire at hia own bank as to hla "ranpoiwibility" to pay for n half dotea ahirti. Columhui Journal, Why, Leaser! , -8luan,4Nfmaha; count v, liaa built itht new buildings tbia prio uod inatraota are let for a dotaa more. Anaoef those in proccra of erection ia aapacioiu church. This little bum, ortacathaitone hundred inhabitant ia in the centre of tho county ami in n not lar ditaut day expect tho county ,eat. 1 The locul editor of tho -Stato Jour , ulkiuKof acertaiulady of Liu " coin, aay he. liko I'otipbur'a wife '; above enpicioi). Mm. I'otipbar, wo believe, was the lady who waa ao awect oi) Joaeph, hut Joseph wasn't that kind oi.e youn man. The Lin coln lady must feel highly eoniplimcnt .ad by tho coniparlon.i?roicnviV " dvtrtittr. In the Fillmore (Jounry Jltvitm a lew weeks ago H. W. Oblipgar wrote iojueeroing the coal mine acr lieu nett: "Our bhaft tiax reached 102 i'cet, is 30 feet in rock. At drat the rock was easily dug with u pick, but now drilling and blasting is neoasisrr. It lies 2 to .'I feet f itck.witbf ut Mams, The B. . M, w,lliJbuild branch line to the ruino il'coa) van be got ont with profit." . The Falls City merchant, nn the 0obe, have nut lot grouud, uud uo city of equal nte iu tho Stato, can Imast of better stocked and patron. ed Mores, or more eutorpiisiug dea lra. There has been no muUria,t re duction in tho tradu tho pfst year, but a steady inereaco and u eonstnnt Alvance toward a Mirer footin? and i I - '-j. - .fc a. . as AVim !. tve;ic. i Agricultural fmpic- ' tTlCSIt . St tt lrf !or niwl White Jwn lr,. WMKO, .,, ,,..., i ., , . , ' , fijfj?i?tiJf'S?, t'fi'fff'j ; I" 111'' wnrll.! j ' I"-. I ! ami fixture Coin '.'i,t KNnnl Ustvpttrr ri'h MM'F M Si ' & CllirLZS? A1D 3ES7 Ilf 72IE v-.Tr" 'Hie World Hn miihI ,i I t t 'ruKMii, ni mum) ...... I, ..I... ... mi .,,..,, .iV ii ,...i K.anAT TToom. 7 " ' o-.'. ;,,.l;;:,;,; jslssssskt ' - . w cwikho&stonb. m mW WORKS COF THE 1110)111 THE GLOBE aBuuuaj..toU. .iu.iui'u. -i IUnatrata Catalocno nout free l'IUKIll Hlll'l-ll IV III nn. I ....... A- vnoAi, nta!iai:i Wcbitcr' a fit: Imi diced 3000 Eajraviaj:. 10 10 Pages Quarto. 1.000 Wittth in I Mnmhii; ',iut Jt'n F0UB PAGC8 COLC'nEl) I'LATEW WHOLE LIBRARYJUIN ITS ELF 4 IN. VALUADIE IN ANY Family, anil any School, "' yri i iittt tirttj. rl,iil.UV.H.li.yfi. V, Mkrbiam. rprinclicld, Msit. Warmly indorNctl by Hancrofl, I'roscott, ?J0"?y' Ororgo I'. Mnrli l': rco-ilUUcok, John G hitter, wi i. Vnll ,J- ,s". Klihn lliirriM, HanlorWelMtr, HuTm C'lioato,. H,C.leridBr, "rt,i H''Mcii Miiiiii, Mom tUn (Iftv CKo l'roidoiit, Ami tlio liet Aineruiaii nnd Kiuoiioan uhiiliirH. Cnnlaini oNK-rimi moro matter than any other, ihf smaller typo eiv iiik more on u pan, Conlaina ,n0W illustrations, nenrly three limos i.i, nmny MH Mty ,,Hr j)i0. lionary. i-,Ti'f00K A'' lno three picturps or a Ship, on paitc ITMiIiumi alm illustrato the meaning or mnro than 1(10 wimln uml term fur better than they eon lm doiinnd iu words. More than .10,000 c.pirs have been plnuvd in the public sobooU of tho United States. Indotsodby Sinto Ktipcriutendrnts o sohmila in 34 states, and mora than -Ml College I'rubideiits. . , Has about 10 000 words and mean ings not in other Dictionaries. hiubodick al out Km) years of itei ary labor, and ia several yai later than any other Inrjo Dictionary 'w."luf Websior'n Dictionarius is iO tiinrfl as great u the .tulo of any other Minos of Diutiiinaiios. "August , 1S77. Tho Dietionn '" i "i.1. '" U'tverifmcot IVintlng Of. iioims n ouster's I'nabridgvd." Is it uot rightly claimed that Wkh .it:u ts tbu Wntlontil NtaiK.aril. "OjH of State upt. of I'nhlic In atruetion, ,J;,NC0,'?t Nc.b !" . 1876. i .1Tm'l'thatWcl)stU's Una wtdged Diotlonary haa been added to ho State Ueoomtuended J j.st" of booka to bo unod iu thu Schools of Nebraska. f .(Signed) J. M. .MoKHNZIK. SAM'L GARBjSJi Groceries. BOOTf atiKl ailOKS Hats, Caps, A JiVfvv .llwrfr Clothing ! We have Jlie Largost Stock in the Valloy and Willi not be undersold. i OIVKU8A0AM. -0NK4 AU 8mM Carber 'Wf KKk&jMBESOw J. ESTEV & ju, iewrr vuw. BRATTLEBORO, VT. crrSSSS ' ' ' - . yV KEW DKPARTUItK ! THE ONE PRICE MAN, luirH removwl o ij. M-Tliomp-S()i tSlr. (oVvolL si.'UK.l, Ooniyr Vi 1 1 r 1 H I .. mi u I 1: 1 n w 1 i 1 1 Li's A ve 1 1 tie, m, fin you will find KVKIlV TIIIiNO pi-tibiiinK tu &rt s.':.i . CLOTrilWC DRY GOODS. CROCE.Ri.ES i BOOTS & SHOES, KATS$CAPs, TlllUllllIIRSTCAHII I'Ji'cK PAID I'OA' 'llIUPA FUA A.- all Conniry I'rnducu, liUMYM'A . ia place wkvu in HA.STINlJS. nnri ba tvrr aH Mkl JUHOH .Ur, St tin) HICftlCSTMOl iu tn tieii-T I Ai.'iii' ! r i THECREATSMITH AillERICAN RCAN ' -AM) - BKADBUKY PIANG). ;- Tho Ol&suai; THE BEST OR.CAM.'' m , i . Nearly 8,00 Or am Now in uae, Kitdomtxi hv kenii!TiniisiicaAik. - - Htn Du Mile and buy a SMITH AMERSOAWORCANifany , . (.n SIItlCqKIt. Aertit Pir Webber Co.. Nob. :r k m it: at J3 :rc .r ffc THE! IflEB When you wish to'Jsnlsetlbo fer n iiewppcr, TUB CUIKP.Vith iu ei.mmunieatmns f,o, .11 ,, ,' ,,,P '., fj, JUM lho ir Mild io your Iriend in the RVt, ,hw, ,i,,.y lllBV ww (l , rln,. Vri,h,CiIIVM ,.lcm,,'IM v '. 'I'HB CIlIKb'. with I:g lull columns of loeals, is jiui iho vVi.t y WBnt lor y..iirM.Ue that v.m mt Know what is h.i,,,,e.iin- t y.mr H-uhbor. tlK CII1KV. ivU in mIi tmiM note., is ii..i the paper .hat .v,n neul iu oiir ih.i w iy tnovr what ol geueial uiteutt i, oonirinn ut lu.it.o and ubioad. Is just th Ollicd nhoro 'P-niilo 1D-.,.-. v; knvkloikh, oi(.i;la s and JOBWORK. O NLY S0.OO A YBAK COMPANY, Wo. 10.-RmVWw. for RunUar B,,00, (ompany JuOUD VHXXSFi yo,t wim to get your Y ..J.j... T"r " ' blank noiks ,.v wje, a GO TO V"'" : V A 8 L K 5 $)V j $8 iva. ! . r k u.st a iv i; :sro v.rc h: u tltitw ' -- w.it . i' ,, ,, ,,lM. i....ir,l,.riujU'ir . ...vtU- ' ' P. i 4i I r:f(!f!) ifti .i) V' PMKHrt ( HKRM-:iM ,, P -i lliV.5 Vt.nt'llllYAhonSW. vnnm UUVLV V ICi M. 1TMI ( mivaiom. IiUCK U K ''iLlli l CMIItSiiKV I'lOWH, WKIU l i ur J'i.ir, KowKl.t. SP.Kn. ''It I X I, Ik,i. ,. MO.S'I Ti (Vhs I'lAMMl?. KMriar C-.rV Mor. MAlt-ll A KsTKH liAHVMr. .,. ih p1 biiiitMf, li A l Mowi-'it, llANI'OI.ril lllt .ijliiHnii-'lr!..f lli.hr, Mimiii.ii.i fii-C Thrlir IKhUmHh WAWO.US , ESujfKlc lV,D-.TJ.n, ritMM. i T ?L!,,fM' 1", ' ""' ,iD9 rrr" I l WMlrll W will tl 'i. 1 . n I .... II tl 111 M ,JI olli i ' "" Give iin a era J 7. STABLER &DKTSHER Wliolc-nlc mid Refnll Ilralrrw In Farmnmchlarr Hjittiiirt nutl KKD t'ToUD Nrfc. STEA ENGINES. w Cane SsUst ;t:il Ilvaporators TIuvsIkusi Morso l-'overs, Kl'iur and urn .Mill,. (,)rn and Colt (YihIicm, Uhurvh, Sehoul, ami Kiru Alarm l!ell PitrSnlohy l. 1. .MKAIIN.S, K'xi.i;r, olmir eeuaiy XoW. .1 (. itlt-r hi hint n'rciic I tli- iiiit ;i-.rtiiiiu ol Bm rCSun&s :(&tM retries, y m- In out lit I" t!" Valley. . tlivo Slid j-HJ. -T. O. H A R D . "K m'SflMSiL aft JltfiiillllT, ProfM. W'okei'pon haal'at nil fiuiKta Ur.-M eowpUte oel ofStiVra, lilt and it iniwiwe. '' w i : a i. s " Keep a "Supply ."of Varmiuff IuilsKMait . pe0ivii in i imII. ,i we .il -nro wt en, uit ya, aaU at fgar .1, lor ii any oilier In in in the vest.-ma I-eiiicmber the plueo, 1 door north of the I'rinliog office. Red C loud. Nmh I KaLjHaM SS M aB Q bbH B9 P ii ri li "''"-" "Lh -... . I . " c" ernn at oa MUht lis hiai a (kII and examine goofa Potter, hec CIouq, Nebraska. W A RE - f JT Heil illooWNeh ... ..'M $4 E ' 4": Mfl ri' Kft.;.. tf.'l j'ifl"4. U , . B:'- jitran t '-.,', oii. t?j 4 - limMaULt!tiS2ZMWlMll',''i'm'''' iiiiiinwMniiiii ' ii.iM'..,.y -t . '"' j ' i-?. j ill' -1' '!' t'ft '"'' rV "- ""J aiaa.'BSaLavg j'-r-- u i-yy"' ,.-3ffiE421?.,r.'i-t,c ...., ,3i J3a?V - - - - - -ri