The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 11, 1878, Image 5

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lf VA TT',
"t Yl
yjr r
jawJrJ . TaWyaelK jTMj'' ram-.1 x V 2jBiJM JMM0"MBWfcB. IV "VIfIEVB
' tsiH awxeawjej vwaaw,j m m?. asa.K:wZ"T.'iaT '.rbAkS. .l. .
-IFn"aiwam TTftf
w v r t ,,
..rfz vmmm
THE RED CLOUD CHIEF ' I w " " .;:, ' .V t Wvr.7ft (J H K O N 1 C ' w7 .
Njliw i. hervti rtri tbl k) tir ' Hww.t Uu i. S. a i i lc . . ,vi .!
LUC A I. NATThK, lucel wthm) ir u ed ly m U4 K Pr-Ht i .-. . I J.,, .t, ulr T . ILmm U
VjL UtluntJ.-m to r-r-i.Y;". ' '' I'tc'aUM V .ite af ' Hwevf Ik. . J tf - t, V,-K- P. fl"l.-...-, 4 M. ' CWw ,Ww. -H
.j-o-iiicmf.wrf.r Nflu.u iiiiiwwI P,wyJ4 A j.,, iw. . vim .rtiml liiotqrniiv l honipaon. ,2,; ... rtti.. w iw k
-AoeLganl lot of bitd oe. at ' 1 . m, .neJ a. m to e Mfc,J - l 2-. - - . - -: V l '. ' N. fr 'T" VI i.'tTi.Zi ;
tbt Citv l)KC Sruku (Count. tn.w..itd IWe. iotr Oarnl IWieaetai 5VW-- PAy CDC JliVr ih ' Vtwl iV.i H
Charley Klcj mH over MOO n'" 'u,,'f-r 0B ,hri' "' '" ' lun ' " ,N Kl l MllT, f ii ,S S
ofl.aJUiitJ.JurJr (HwiLio.iJm it imimivmim .r l"WUai 1'fW .1 S'K-niu- IU1M C1'11 (Ul , KRT0ttKH5 Wmih ltK .
H.pti.t cot.mui .rfiinc nfit m. i "- ' "l' " S'"-' J ' A- ;,.,, . U.-.U .V.. ..,. .t,. ' h.. IV V-. r
AJ fttnUOB .1 ' VI, .1 I'lOlrlMBt. l- tKi. .ImkIuMI UWlltoM ,SAJ II I , ,x I J , . 5, fu lh(t ,,. ,h, ,) ,u .H yW.r. fl. A4
vruaj urnvuB 11 . 0 clock. 1 . . , , . , ti. . . !.. v ..... 1 ' - :....' j. . u. .. vr. . -v )
'jiiot uroi. norr iooi. u nm.- 1
tbejr biti truo'l (heir kooJi
lr. Muit)ton, brother to
our j
lilirLin.illi tan.ti.n I. n,. ...
-j-Jk Millr h hi hrnri .hop '
i.vFrlly craiuuiJ tub 4 new tck
oolhr tjaitlon to hu .Irc.d, l.u i
tiotL ,
Dr. J. K. Huhh tu,!e t'Uif
ft cll tbu iek. The l)r i .Hitjn
-will Keilly, ton ol lie. Krilly,
toade a pWataot to KeJ Cloud
We met Mr Friti from I'mtujl
He will renutu itli Mr. jil
Jij lor a dun.
Iienrj McCottoal rt uiileo Kat o'
KJ Cloml owJ lSOacim of whi'at
this year.
Nnw Drui, and other new givxU
Otminr to the (Ml Drue Slnm .Uil.-
)ie Shereracall
v .... . ... .
aj n.wuu ic iioyi i up a itu.
Uencral ntuir, curirittinK of
18 line, from the ji box.
11 Saturday wan a jrc rttral day
lor diacuin the bond numiian A
oiaan uieeliof held 011 the Mrrct
II day.
Mr. and Mr. McQuilkin and
Mr. Kir. wood, all ubcribera to tho
C'liur and frif iid to the Chirp fonv,
called Wet week.
It i a p!i,ure to adtertiw) fur
lh Kinmert Prop. Co. Lhicairo
Alva) and tholr cejiy Ipjti
bit. irtt their now ad.
,V-A new ahinple hanjH out at Will,
oni'it office. We don't know ilia initli -r,
but presume he will niaka tha aO'
iiaaititarcc of Chiet noon
t -Capl. .iddy uiado a pleaiant call
today ;will Gil in nt week with a
complete afirtifnf of urMoral nn-r'
bandie, mid of eoura will adveni
The public M'hool will open next
loiilh.v with Willi obinaoii lately
Iroui v. urinc'pnl. nd Mi-.
aura .J Ludlow an.iwani. We look
4'x a ueiful term ihU r rifif.
Hi hd the pleasure wf uirf linp
Mr. Thotnpwin, fuUierdndaw of uur
mi reliant .K (1. Potter, iin i on.- of
jh Matter ia th Toronto Htdiool
anada, and i i-iiite our town, ue
i morh 1 lead with (liu pUcc.
Unrle .lack Ileimackir hit al
ready hia It 15(i f. ot nf !ide-wilk nnd
ej Ic will in ihu near Cutun; build
a much morn, ue iiun iIhi planlnl
nni a nunirer nl trre and ix tJitkiiiir
hi hokcl quite homelike in appear
We locked through Sleeper A
Tinker' room tha other day, and
we m a fine a Mock of timber nnd
iron a we hve en for many a day.
They are buildinr aome new w(otn
fur the home trad that compare
favorably with fri(ii man ufaclure.
"Turn bent in uaV "O. & C '
Camphorated Hartihnrn Liniment, for
man or beast. It can be relied on at
all time C. H. Potter, agent.
5 1M am
What ha bceui of that om
uitloe of "nevUtrera" who were In
takAharje of the ClUKK for the next
three week? we waited long and
anxiously for them but they came oot
and it aeemi (hey knew nothing about
thair appointment. In rerioii" earnest
wa do not need a guardian jut yet and
fuld not aniwer for the coiiequenoHS
should the "flack tfoom llriiadn"
how an nuch "fiirndtbip." We have
heretofore managed 10 lire anil p!iae
thrpenp! of the county without any
cuardiartuhip and propntj to to do
from ihi- on.
I kave jt Kecaitcd a fine aort
vest of Eady Made Clothing wkicb
wiaybfaeoM ' Cheap for Ch.
I'lfa.teAllkefore ptirhai g elio-kere
and get Krioca.
J 0 Potter.
All baring aty riawe to exprtaa
either for or rmint bond muat hand
ia thfJir enoinuBteaUoMM aooo ai poa
ible, and to eecre inaertion make ar
ticle akort and pith. The eMnty p
per ehouli be derotcd to the beat in-
tereate of the county; and tbiokicg we
4, oan thai beat aerre ad promote the
feoDof tbevty, we irive our ool
B)Q forth MCt (wo weeka to the
oattferetioa of railroad bond.
If you are wasting anything io the
line of 5ooia k eboea or Gaiter of
ail iyle k ) five me a call.
" J. G. Pmrri.
1 ue latitat iriuy j i.-r rh ki r"- " i i rv im . ininiiijc rTr u - 'f i""
VNotht Count) (itinnc
Wtl.Mer Count) 10 lite .-!tf l ,
I.. ..1. .1. 1.... 1.. . .j - 1,
ltclitu to t. 1M ik .t.i tot mI .
Luni ol on Dm turth Ia,
,H"U,,J ,ur ,"" ,,M !,lu h
liUrrut priilint in ttl muud, f.i j
the puror ol rating uu ll.r t'jiU.n
1 t 'to;jiiion to wit, ba IiImCvvu
t) Coaiaii'Mit)cr ol th County ol
W'rUuriti the Uti ol ,NctnV lif
tha iutiu ot sivilUf ill the coliltui
tluu of tbc lUtnibliiun 'Muy Hail
roJ 1 10111 a puiut on tliu llutliiiijioit
ni Mi tin Ktvir lUiitvu 1 in .Ny
j lr.U t or nfr lltMin. in A Imit
County, to a iHiinl mtlio Uriml.lir.nn
Valley 111 Vblr Jouuiy ,Nrlrla
at or nnr Kri C.oilil, lur tlio Lotttl
oi Ml lil Count) lu tile aluullllt ill ln
l)-ettn 'I llvU 111 l"v ilutiilietl )ol
aid UilN K bear iht .Uiiuar)
I ll, IfeTy nud to lr ia)al Je In the ll
1 .,
pubiicati Vathy IU1I1011 1 Coiiipnir or
j U'Mrer at the eiirntion of Fifteen
)cai from the dale thereof, unl to
bear inietcit at l'iri'e ol : ;rcnt
per annam, from ami titer the date
thereof pa) able annually to btnit-r on
intertill roupon attaebni tlictitn ami
priiicil and luterct of ui I bomU
payablo at the offire of the Treauttr
ol aid coutit 'f WtliMer.
'ntni'df, lt fbit tin work of con
Mructiui: tho raid ro-nt ImII ie lnyuu
hv tlie N1d.1v 11! July l!7S
I'mci'tnl, ".'nd. 'I hat the mi,1 bnnd-
' "Uali not bo deliviT' I until .iul lUil
road n tirt.ll be compl-Mud nnd (ho r.u.
rilliniiV fin in h I'Oint at or ni-ir llti't
tnfi In Ailatti" Coui.ty, Nflin-la. to
.- poiut in the Itepuhlie in Vlle , at
or near Hid Cloud, .Vubrnka t
I'toviih'l .'Ir.i, Thut lb.' Mid r-il j
hal be diiupk'ied 1 above uod and
tho car runninc tlir iuIi xil
Cuutity ofWebt-tir, a abiito rlati-il,
by i ho lt day it July, rij-hto-n bun-Jn-d
all I MCnM i itm.
J'tn!iltil, lib. riril a Utiin rbull
he elbilhed b tl.M ml ul '
ti'itripany at win -tit at i "Iw
uuitbiTii bound u, ilil muM) .'
Welmter, and t-i 11 .J11 mml ..
In-1 . tin tbet pi int "ml tli-alumni 11
or near Hid Cbwd in tha Uij 11 diru-i
'iiiti'ifi .'lib, Sain 1miihI ba'l not
lie diiliron-d tr tho id Mud tiiiV- it
ia tlm fir.' Inn' '"i'b frMi tit north
ern btitimhvy id ihu ttiitniy into tbu
UrptiblieHii Vail y
'Mii'1ri further that rhoubl i-ail
nx-id bn 'Xtf inlt-ri up thn AVpublir.m 1
Valb-v to tin' wvt liiu" "f ai 1 Wrb- j
terCoiwty then-1 .1 lur ber Matioii '
crtnblialted at oi near tho i'riter of
rnriKCtwflvooii tic Hiicof raid road
. .,,.. I
And i-tirtll the County I oinuii-woii j
era rdamd Wibai.;r County cure to
lie annii.tll- Wifd in addi'bm tu lh
UMial and oth.-r Txc au auiuuiit of'
Tax MtfhYu'tit 10 pay ihe intiTM't u
crueina HiniuaUy on Mid lltnds and
alter the ei j irat'.on ot nnvn and a
half from tho date thereof an
additional amount of Tax aniiiialy
tlicwifit-r aiitTii'ier.l to piy an cquil
portion of tho principil f th! mine
until they arc all ptJ and lanccl
lei I'roiuitd that wtcli taxes o lo be
levied ha1l not exc-id tbu amount of
Taxm authorized by Uw to L li vied
to aid in th conatiuction of workaof
internal imtiroft-nit-nta in this Mate,
And proii'ilnl that eald Tre to
pay tho principal of raid Hon J tlull
in no one ) ear oxece I ten per cent, of
the priui'ipil of aid Hotid
Said vuiij 011 raid jropn'itiiii ih'
be taken by U1II0', and all periKin
toting in favor of aid proposition
1 ,, 1 j .. .1 .
ball have printed or written thereon
the word;
"Skall the Cuunty Honda or Web
eierConulv, Nebraaku, be imued to
thu llepubli.-an A' alley lUiboad Cum
panv io accordaaee with the propoti
tioo aubtatitcd by tho County Com
miwionerf? Y,a".
And ali pern voting against aaid
propoMlion aliall have printed or writ-
I leu thereon the word :
"Shall the I ounty Honda of Web
iter County Nebr4ka, bn ifnucd ii
the Republican Valluy llailroid Com
pany in accordance with the proposi
tion aubmitttd by tho County Com
mittionerr? No."
The places nfvolinir in the eeveral
preciDct in thn aid County of Web
Iter at aid clccf jin (hall U na ful-Inwr
ll.n, l'r.Wt t WVA, )' 0
l-4 'rit i SvW' llut
W.ImI iVu.I tanatiM l BkAt
1I l.M J
itci i rn iiwh
Itami l"teaH at Sm4
3 0"Ti
'nut. . I J
OlMrtl Htl
Ptle.1 tk.2nl1y m! ArrU A
l7 .
Ity i.nlr.of ibf l!vnl t Camuuu
iou i
J. A Tu.n
Ouut) Cferl
U bor by :ten that oj
Count Ciiimiii,io'ir l Vibter
t rb , on .Mumhy Apnl
1'iih T- ml remain In .iun tl'tw
i) fir ih purpo wf litu.laibi: the
! tiit nt fr l.iTS
All wi mi iliten mod ,l tulrtlliC
tiotiiv unit omth tbeniMihi aetotd.
Hv order of lb- llianl
Apr. Snd s;s J A Tt'i.l.ii.,
ItloiniiiiiKioii. Nib
April 0, Ih7i
Coiiiplamt hatiiiK lorn orilHod at
ibin Ulbio bv A'irrfliaiii lle-ne nraiiMt
lltjtiry I'lidlitt fur nbAiidouiii' bin
lloiwi'.trid I'uttj, No IIJJ, .l,!,,!
Junn'M. IsT.'J, upon ihu South ll.t )
Section lh. Tomifbip l .S lUne W
W., in WrbMei Cuunt), Nebrka,
Willi a timr to the cnct'lliion ol aid
cutrt the and pirtir n licnti) mm
moiuil 10 pent at iLii Olhoe oil tlir
Tl day of .Mrt), ls7S, at y o oli-ck n
t.-i , tu tespond an I fnriiili tKiiiiiiiny
coiu'eriiinr id nlb-epd uluiuloi.uirnl,
n11ij.11 Katd.n, llu-Mter
(iKi) U I)oiiki:v, truiver
Ihtpij'ition in the above rau will
U.ikn bMore th luiiuty Cltrk ol
Webatertiuuiitj, Neb uk tj aoij,
dy it 1i. ISTS. ut V o'clock n in.
V rKT it Ka-hin. Kej.iaci
'Jl. '. W DOKril.V, Itroiitrr
' P.tplin 1,1 uiifii l.iifi
..1. , . '
mil) lhct a 1
on an-- i,r . 'mix wear
L. L
-i WOI.UAIH ) nrm ll4aimK.
"'. Miotn., nemt f,u thut old Nnu
iui In firm, the Pike Co. Nur.yrii-.
I'ik.i 11 , Mo,, e.tubli.b.d lh3'i. He
liaauii liund oiid of thu fin.-att Infant
tri, itieAr! ewr br uht to H,-d
Climil. Only pirt of lit Mock ha ur.
rhrd.nwiric to railroad irrei!ulauii.4.
but he ia informed that the balancu of
In sUxV wi'l bo on Iimi I in a dj) or
two. Ot!! and eo blui at tho Valley
' Uttr Stuck baa rom
I,!!.,-' s . r r, -.
'-J''"' iei.e tj3i Ur for 7A ct at
' """ "l
H!VK JIhoh.
L,,'u"' """"" hawla uuw
,lk' 7i r-"u c!' '' Hal-m'h.
JGvxi .Ji-nr Suit t tl 00 a Suit
nl WOMIACM Dko'm llnonra.
.Mcn'aSuila 4.W, at Minkk Uroh
Hlevbed Munlinr, 7 to 10 centa ai
Miron Huoi.
New Stock of Hoots .t .Sliofj
louer ihon i-r at our Storo
W0LHAC7 ISuo'm H.,i;nK
fjood calico .' cunt jir jard
at HaUM'h
White I'ique 12 '.' i.-nte per )ard
at Haum'h
Men llntt .'0 tent
at Woi.iiACII Hito'rt Hastinga
New fiooda oouiinx dti'y at
Ml.ltX IlKOn.
On the Crt iajo over a col
umn of niatli.T for tho tnot part per
KOtial abt'ie and wilful pcrveriion of
c. ,.:-2. 1. is 1 ... 1,
1 tu irE.i'i tu an vunonai on tall
. . , . , " ."
..... ..-,...c.. .. m.vwiv uv witter
that we had no idea of hitting him
perrniiallv in making the statement
that "fool nreuot all dead yet," and
rn do not know that ha proved thai
they are in hit miaoellaneoua I'indver
Itnce to ihe ubject. And a for im-pudeiice-ohl
n god! where through
out (be whale rantt of intelligence or
idiocy conld be fotnd more elf aur
itir, eir complacent, Mlf-arwrting,
aelf-impuiinjr, lold bray, barefaced,
iiiiriio-, to f-ratiaticd, impudence
than (hat exprra.rd by the letter and
articlo a tu (heir roferecce Vi ua.
A to the tirirument prenented, it ia
vrry food only all I he data are not
taken into confederation. We will
adscu lo it ut length next week.
Cheap Clothinj: at
J, O. Polter't ttnr.
I '"l ' ! llVl .fliM MV 1
)'! i ' " A muirm ut
iw ,..i .ti iui.rt (ftM
Hi m . v).a Niunl tUfiV 1
A. lU ,S iiHiiiw Hw
.Nat UtaV, New i AntlitU !
k ,.! IUnV, ( i'..iti4i, 1
Tbi Vilii ! fiie . e4l hI m'
ball IiUhuI ,Siit 1 tor. l'n'li.H '
I.), ami .par. ir.i.iii-rn
lh will ! f r ibe Ue f WT at
1 11 . 1 1 11 1 1 ..1
. the Hitw.r b l!d ' VhiJ until Ju
1 ly, UcIhiuk x itt It Is:1
I Tiitue NiiuW Ut i 10 ml ".it.
Itiewiiiiit l niml A"eu. ,S u
jle lep f I
33tlU J'. I' III
ve )eur moii.y ly Im-law r lrw
Stel. .Na.l and Shelf Urlwirw u
I,,.,,,,,,,. , immi t
MU !..). I- 1. 1. h A...
They dl rhepr lb ii) uthei
ou4 i'l the ttate,
lt .Stir-!, .rinn- Nab
Milt of ' oitiiitoii .School
Nolle ia beieb) Rivrn, thai onlbtir
l) the l'.'illl day uf Aplll 7n. ail III
1 bool and I'tiiwiMty lain! lu Web't r
oiiiiiy rrmainliiK inioll (rierpl lluil
which haa been ioaard.) "ill bn tiOtlt at
public ! to lbs lilKheal bidder, at tha
Office of llif oounly Treasurer, nf ahl
countv, aald fn'n coiiiitnini'itii; at HI
u'cl ik A M and couiiuum until all ot
al I laud lua bll olbred Pull Oi'Krp
lion and ap mltcd aliin nl' anid tali I mil
be toillld al tin' count) Tltmiret' olbee
Hatrd at Lincoln, NeSlanla. till 'Jib
da) of March A I IS7
Hy oidrr of the Hoatd of IMucaliontl
Lallda and O111U.
V M I)a M nf I'aMlr l.n la an I lult ,llo
K Jll.M"
W. A. r-iiilth d" llttvtluta, b a fine
tiui!tnrii of lb'l. lutiwier). itl
I'npur, JeWeb). IV th, Clock, Mil
, , , . I .. ,1
rai liiatiuuieiita, linn mul Nolii
, , ' , ' , ..
Wllic'l be mIU at laltlllllj pltOK, lit
plloe, lie I
one of hf 1 loneer buaini men of that
I plico nud hia c.tabllahid a reputation
Iji dealing liutly, 3-1 -It
If yen want a c'ltut job of Watch rr
pairing limn., po lu W. A. Snilih' IIjiI
Itiga He bia a Firat CU' Watrlllliakrr
and warrarun hit work .'W It
jniaii ioo'i
The Celebrate I Ham wacon f.r rale
by J. W Miller. al Hrown' III. Com
Planter, Dafenporl Plow, Ju.l lecleved
etna i lor cb or on liuie.
Choice lib Coff.c.'. lb. for fllMlaf
W A C-imp'a Farmer atoro.
JIlouiuliiKton Nebratka
March 2tb 1878
Complaint having bern ciitirnl at (hi
Odico by Xvchariali HmamiiH1 aaintt
Archibald MoArtbur for abindonirig
hi llmnettead Kntry, No, IS20, dated
Jatnifiry 1.M IH74, upon the Hi A' II' I I
.f A' 8 It'l I Section 'Jo, Town. hip I
N, lUnce 12 H', in Wcb'Hr County
Acbraaka, with it view to tbu OMid'Ha-
lion of raid entry the raid parti are
hereby aiimiuoueJ to appar at tfiia Of
fico on the Ki day of Miy, H7H, at i
o'clock A M , to retpohil an I furniih lea.
Irrnony coiiccrtiing ail alleged aban
donment. Whutku Katcim, Hcti'lff.
(iro. W, IJniir.v, Heciirer,
Drive tlm litntHtafie line in he mil,
If you want to go from
Or any point ou the fc publican or
Solomon river lake ibi Hue and jou
will find lively driver and low rate.
Stage leave, Haaiincand Jewell at eiiht
''clock A. M. on Tm-adey, ThurMUyn
anrl .ValuriUr. a ml return at fivn iVIru-t J
P.M. on Monday., Wrlrif-ada'ya and
,. . ,
. ik, 4, f o ,v C OtifH
vl IhfrtUH tUMNlr t rtftKawm
ib i(i 4 WmiW i 0
Mtri M C II l'tt. it'
Lntiris For S.iln,
, t t an nfli4tn I" " Wt
I tef I MUM ikxl Kt-r kh ri l
Ur. alt tunli IxvwriM H A M.
Si Jet .k l C hI Medi.nd I'.nftf
j ,, lg4lli, (1 Web.t.r !
.... .... i- i . t ....
' iiiiihinr snu " r.') vi
"" "
' iHie ebiH- rl(wi fif ! line -
Uy III. AIM A Heal .(
it, 1 im 1 .i. aur
. Hr,l ( I . .Neb f
8ai i.ii w...uiy r "iker f
I riet 1 (lii m il rw val-a")tlr
I'-MwUr. .1 .....;e M !
' iuipie pn liawe al Ihiebwal
. ,. ,J'lr-. .Inoh Jb Cto ,
Pnitland. .Matf
I viii etleiu.r I' t ! "it M'wl.l
iniii. I.Hdi lf'"Htiii mil AM tl
St Jo ml IW-mii City Hil'tead
Count. ulet tu Wfb.trr ti ,SnVill.
Couiillt 1 haw iui piiii.H) Im tbmce Walm ti'l l
llealarin Apiieulluial linpl.iiieiit.
Mill Itml L.iuio A i.- 11 1
1) W Fn.tM'1.
Silllwatir. Nrbra.i -liol
loic ,i.i:
One Smith Sivrilian Oi;ii, ilfbl
iop, fine Ciiiibtiiation, id aeintabie
una tlio pi tour, Ari, 1 vril), aid
will be told at a lutjilti Call and
ue It
Ur Sutlnu'r lpbtb(ti4 Ttriltntnt
can I lid at P A. Ullliaint' at Itiv
1 Hon I'rniikliu Co , He ml I'u, In ib
lei Cu Neb , and at F.Met 'luivrr
ol iVmllh Centre Karim, Jaine. Mob
rr, nd I r Kenton, Cr. Kan , H'ni
Paniiiintirf, A'lponee, .Snblr.
Hock 1'irok FiaiiVilu Cu Nub C H
IMI, Aim. lltrlaiiC.) A'-b , V A
ariiain Hlouii iiiiilou, I'laiAllii Co
Neb , I. M Lur-i, ndpul'llran City,
Il.rtai f.W Neb All nrilet bould
bo arlit til J1C0II PO III lll'ir prompt
attention lift I. ht'tnid,
Do nut nrleii Cn'igh 01 CM.
P.lltrt' Ihtract of Tar add Wi,J
Cliitty I Maiidatiliri'iiily, nl will
cure aOouch lu blf the llmo ip.pilr
rd by irdiiury reindir In .i,
inalla and bmnrlii.l alb-tilon, and all
llil'Ut and brea.t illt'.'o., It U a
truly Kral mediouu nd ba. rcd
many t.luabl live It nnvor fl.
to fc J 1 iiialn,'tIon .Sold by
It. . hherer ,V C II. Potter
Ladic' lioi all le only tl (HO
per pair al IImim'h
comi: ow i
For Mitchell A Mnrhart have ri
relvrd tho. Implement, and now
titty will rt-ll jou a plow or any other
farm tiiaeliinety rlRlit down lo bed
rock prlret, Give ibcin a call btluro
purchating aUowbcre,
Thn flnl and beat t)t. of
dre Rood, at low pricet, ran be
found al I, Hautu'.
L. Hauui will not In? tinde(iold
by any one, but will mil a. abt-ap a.
the cbeaprrt.
Juat Hnhed a latyw line of
Sptlnr Irra- Onod at atfonUbiug
Low J'ricM Come atid vxandno i'ooJ
add pric.
W OL1L1CH HHOH. tinc
Mn Kip HooU.2,J pair at
at Womia.i'11 Hiio'h llatiinr.
State iifNrbranka
William II Jamea, Dwiyht J MiCtno
A Ntb'atka C'uy National Htnk
Uy virtue of an exreation ituinl nut
fifths tlitifict court nf the atcond Ju
dicial diairift of tlio Htale tr Nebraska
aiding in and fjr Incter County In
the ab ite entitled cun-, ami lo mi
directed, I will ou Tuejay the U(b
day of April. A I) IH7H. at 10 i-VIm
A. M nf raid day offer for o! at f'ub
lieauelion at (Im front ixtr of the
huitdina- known a the court haute
luti'i in ibe town of Ked CluuJ in
I the County of Web.ter Hl of Neb
ratkt, 1 tie allowing iieKilU'l Irai ( of
land Irinjr and lxInr in (he Mid tmri
ty of Wb'ter 111 wit the nurh wnt
quarter of rcctlon (n, lOTnhlp two,
rang elaven. WrUier County Neb
ranka, and the north weit quarrer of
cllnn tenHlnwruhip two, nmte elv
Utl. Wobtttr CountV Ntbtark
iMcU'IJcd Cloud Ibi 2(Jli day
' ol ?Iarrli IS.
.'imm IK Vim Sheriff.
y.w irk.
Tl iire kmwwt Kn rr
ta.wlfcat K U rril
r r y lKUr (fet b iv..
Ik e-il litmibwi are 'hwi elj
UuA ! .w.fM k M Nvx
11 M U eeuhfl If lk w. nf
4t' Am MttJk
if.l hv-i- mIh hl III r,
e.Hr.l ik l Ur. Ii l iivhuwt
I mu lit 11 pHI a wihi e4
dt Ik Ibe taditf.- tt lr NtHUfcl lTl
ttMeftet l MJ'tJ eCK () k
V iCwu.b ivl ipbbt HM4
n.n ii I r!K.l II aUatfilVe)
. Ktit,iUi itie vf , IhiiMM
I tttttf etp-M uailtvi i.y ! pwh
I llx n-tt t I iMft In
, ,i H iWtt it irtil lu or !
t t4r tliw- ! Ih puivbr Lt
i II )tir. ! AM'iwr
-r i wiiih raf lbh ha nwrv
"e lii . 1 tirnp (siV. n U A (Va
j IlikW.ii Cfl rtr Hi i-ytt
bMrt. eie Mptio tr i.
- hwi rv StvWbjrO II Poltel,
I wUl iPf (Utflpe Cira
tipple etW HtliM ital w! .
iwie1i, rr.-.Uf.hd ltlib,!av
tn lh rVintt-h. ili ami Uaui Iwli
I ""Iturt. U i-i-kIoH-.. aUn
M'.UM f";1, "f ti " UM !
, , ,iMM,( Uf A(,Uw Mtfg
1 10 Consumntlvoat.
I 1k.J,MWf brnii , ,ia.
J i.entir !"! . f lb. I ,,.J di..M4..rn
j .HiupiiiMt, hi timpl intiadr, I. aht
Ih. loo.U known K hit Mbiw .f.
1 lrif lb mean, of imi Tm all who
u-iie ,1 1,. i M-r,,! , j,. r !!
pivwiputti nw.l nt rbtrte.)
wMh b ilinvii.,1,. f(lf nrepatln and
u.m th .ii,e. w.Hlt ,ey t,1 (!,!
uu- ruie fat tViituu-Uf), Alka.
Hi-itifliHM, ia
I'.tlle. wlnbltitf 1)11 ii.,t..iL.
j w, .dr., ad.ll.. K A WIlJtON
llMKir, Si , WllUmburgh, V, V?
"imUi-ii and Amuwiiittit CMiuHoed.
Iiitpiitaiit to rarvM id tcbera, M
iiffiinil attMto ilrtUna, The are
p'k et) fun fr 2Arrit r-iirentfy or
unit ia )f A IV ) Aw Nk
v --a,- --Minavaja.
P0 .If UAUF.NTH preflt. pr
v.-ek. Will prove it or f SOD,
New atllclra, hui patenletl, HttupU
if nt Irrn to all Addrtt
,..., Wu M t'lllLDKSTKIl,
21 0 Futioh Hi , ,Nw York.
Crrors off Youtli
A IIRiNTLKMAN whti .Itff.r.d fur
jratifhiiu NeiKtu Dablllty, renia
lui Ilrcay.ainl all lb affetanf yoalk
I'll ludmretiofi, wll fin ike take of
utrrlng t.uiiiai.iir, atnd fte hi all
who iieailft, lh-teetjm and ilrtUet
bir inaklru I ha ritflhU rintjy kf
which Im wriired, Hulfetrra wk.
in to Prodi by I b ad.ertU'r' eipef.
leiif-i ran do to by addteaaing n aatf.
ftl cotifidtnce.
4 J Cedar fit,. New Vork.
rncleHam'a barnrat Oil It eM
rtfrfrmany rep. ration eeef made
lor oiliiiK Imihur and barneta, will
make (he uldnal lealhtr aoft ami pile
bin a when new and put on a good
liiil.i; od by ell Harnett Maker
an I deaUrt In leather.
rmtri, Lack It e.
I will ret he fur all tbo with
in r- work of (bat kind done, and la
aura a eland of live plant.
a-2 .Im WM. W. IIUHttBI.1,
to taV
Tut Caeln Sam a Nerva and Hon
IInlmini for ahumatl., Hprala.
Hiui.ea c. Sold by R. .. Sharer A
0 II I'dller,
ftUce U Taaaart.
Notion I. herby givta, That 1 will at.
amine all partem who may Jelr la
iifTrr iham.elre aa eaudidatee for laa
chrr of (ho prlnur) oreuiMMioa) aekotib)
of WeUter coumy, ai Ked Cload on tha
flrtt Saturday In the month of Feb.
ruary, May, AuH. and Noretuber.
A A. I'npa, Co. Sun't.
Ibitemperr, Cough, (Aildi Facer
and mott of (be diai-aec which llr
f , Cattle, Hheei', Hug; and Poultry
are euljort tmi are ctited by (Jr-vf
'atri'i Condition Puwdt-r aiwrdlngto
Ilia plain direction; Moll by
it. it, Soe"' k '. l Potter.
Kcrtit te Teuefctt i
I Nufioo it hemby given, that I will ex
1 amine all stwnx, wko may offer tkeaa
, celreia randidalta for teacher of lht
ooruri'ori wihoIt of thli county at fUti
Cloud co Haltirdty AqrlU IH7M.
A. A.IVifK
Co. Hujit.
It a Hafo and Hura JUmedy far
IHarrbiea, I)yentery and Cbildrea'a
C'ut'lntt gentrally, It akould be )
every bom where (here are Chlldrta.
Mnlbrr. t Ivn it a Trial, il li ken a
ble-Mog fi ihourand. , Hold by
K. Stirrer 4 C. II Poller, at 25
Cf . per bo(fle,
F.ileri I)u light Liter Pill are re
liable, f and efficient, Tby pur
if tbf blood, regulate the liver and
dilutive orgon. and rvliata bredacko
caurtd by jndleettiofi. Sold by
It. Jt. Shew k U. II J'olUr.
H'kH and thci are toff ckeaawr
at oar More than any other houaa in
(own. Wamiach Hiu-a. Ifaitiajr.
Ur lum''-reSS7
. "
Mr1 k d
.e -ajj
. . - . 'i
jfwal r