ft t . 'v " stfri e c fe . t ft If !! fa Si '-.;. p; . KMSHK" THE RED CLOUD CHIEF 1 Dc) Mt fall to vol and etBdinle tot umlcr t -VP - UA railroad up (he rim' "poohd" faflfre yeett at (foncordfa NjciT veek.wa open wide our columtu lolhe dlacuaahxiof tlia tailrrad ijueitiou pro aid eon, TnfeM hur.drrd ci(ra coplee laiuad utlt week containing arxumriita fur and Ike Central Iraseh and & F. U&lu to liltt rreljhti. TfknCotnm(;tjwltt, Fiom a correspondent at Clifton wc learn that thd engineer of the Kama l'aciflo ami Central Hranoli road were on leet Friday and Saturday aurfayiiur the Ijee to cennect (he road It in wall laewn In railroad circle lint ever ince the roada met at Clitoti tlmrn hai been a, war on freight. Our correspondent learna that a cotuproinlM hat bean effect cA between tho roada, and a "pool" famed. It la,undcritood tint tho Kn at Pacific company Is In abandon their projected lino up tho Solomon, and through Ilcpubliit county. Tht Central Branch company I tint lo extend their line weit of Concordia, Train oi' flu tKania Pacific mad iro to run to Con eordia, and all freight weat of Clifton N to ha "pooled." Katea arc tn ho (.lightly advanced, and there in tn ho no more out line; tin cithi-r Him. Till Hrr-uefiiu-ni la to go Into riled ttuiiieiiietoiy Hint r (ailn in fotro tlvo years. Our correpondnt add tlmi stock and grain ihippera aru hejtinuiug to "Mpieal" aad aorue oi'lheiu declare thy will (pill huaiuaw. Timber Culture. n Senator I'addook, chairman nf die Qh-eoiuuiiltoo uti ljubliu Laud)i in (ho Senate, reported hack tho hill on timber culture' Svlth the rccommendiitlnti th.it it do paii, and had n lively light with Morrill and other old HtMintnr fiom ihn cnsUirn MuteM who oppou'il, hut to t reat credit ol'Htipator I'nddook lie con' iiutrcd tho "mighty" and camn out vio toiioua. The niuaauro ai panned pro vide'a: "Jittery poraoo who platan, protected, and kcepi in a healthy urow iog condition for ten ea,rN tru aqiui of valuable forait limber, the ticoa thereon tot being ninre tbun four 1'cqtnport oaoh ray. ob anjLquarler auction of tho pub Ho laneTi, IrwIu entitled toapatom for auck qunttej-MWtrj at tho expiration of tea year, oBljug proof of hucIi fiot by not leMpjtwo crcdibln witnentex. Provided, That any i enon who iihall have planted and cultivated trees not wore than twelve feet apnrt oach way tn tha eitent of twenty acres or more on a quarter tcotioti, and who hhnll iu al! other reapeeta comply with icqulreuionts ,of ihia act. ahull bo entitled to it, priv ileges and bonellta." Morrill tried to tack on an amendment excluding coltouwnod and willow timber from tho opcintion of tho bill.but Pnd- dook aptly anawered him ns followa: 'If my friond fm Vermont waj nj iviMi in refereneotn thocuttivHtiou of timbur iu the west, partioularly upon tho plain- weat of the Missouri, as ho in with refer- .euce to its cultivation'.in Vermont, he certainly would contider that ha had moy e,d very tbauiil amendment. Theeutton- .wood ia the pioneer tree of tho plain: ita growth ia rapid, it.yhade U delight. .fill; it,i valuable tveo for lumber and for fuel, the mort valuable treo vro can have on the plain, that we can uroduoe rai- idlyj and it w uld proo tho cevereht .hardship upon tho foreat culture (Tibet regiop if the uottouwood should ba ex cepted. I will atatu tbut I hava on my farm in Nebranka a grove if cottonwood thatl vuluo aa highly at I ahould ono of tho other nrio.lio of truea that eonld bo .placed on1 the land. .Mr. Morrill Doo the jeimtor attach the fame value to tho willow and to the Lboplar? Paddook. Willow and poplar have ro tan cultivated thcro yet at all, and I not know. It u.well enough to leave .aa it is aud let those iutcrcoted in sat culturoin iht country determine lr theuice'.vei what variolic tl.ey will ilcct. They will be Mire to select theao ineliea which will grow moat rapidly id Demon pMuuetivo and useful -o lam wbqn grown. " -i'tiOTrii Rryorttr, MIL NEWS NURSERY. and 1-2 milef wjuOj catof Clovcrton The unlcr.igned han for rale, and howo, in Ice nurnery ott C(ty varietiea .Applea, including CruiiAppp tree, ratted fruit. AUo a fair Kuntdv of rape, fuipberry, 3 vanetiea Hlackberrv looeeberry, utiawbJrry, and Pio ulaut ill of the beat kind. Tfcoae wishing to plant, will please fa f.vor va with their p-tlronago wo will try tarattaad aoootmpdalo all iu varieties 'tWNfP"- J. T. MlXrtrit 33 t(' l.T '"j csKxisaioirzRs riossiBitru. April '.M U7. A regular iou pi tho Hoard of CnrnriiWainncr via held April 2J 1878. , FrteonlJ. II. Iloharl, 0. W. IUI, I, II. Luce CoiiiinlMl'inrM.f, A. Tulle) n Clerk, J. V. PouSlmnff. Minute of lnt (wo WMtiriftM wire' rcail and approved Tim following account were allow- Pellt .Jury. Pali. Term IH7X 7I 0 .1 U l'ot fiherlfTa fen 43'J 0 l A Ttillcy. aelary tliXKXJ llorin k .Springer, printiny J4J.70 Qurati(in of sulimiliing ptopoilion' In voloon Mridgo U'tii.14 to i.iiireri , v f i y , ,, v . . i-v 0 . .... ,,, -.A..,,,..,- roui.iM.M!kivoc,,flinat,,.ii0rll.)HY GOODS AND CLOTHING future non'lderatlou. ' Ordrtnl That a new preoinrt hn ' formed fiom a part of lUtin and 8nll water to euil.raro alt tho territory id Town 3 Italic III IK, Said pie. inct to bo known i Kim Crcrk I'recinrl Orditred That that 1 union of Itnl ( loml nnd llariiiony ptcunoti wit hoi 1 the InnitH of Town 3 Itatigo 1 1 We,i j on mi nci en 10 iimin riu'inct vi timt that cniJ Katln I'reviiit. rbnll inoludu nil tho trnitoy ouibriK-ni iu mi'.I Town .1 Itango 1 1. Hrpnru if Co Cleil, Co. Judge .Sheriff and (Jo. Treaurr, nffiuaeoU lee ted for the itinrler ending Muh. 31 IH7ri priMiited nmlapproed. ()fli.iial lloi.il of it Kuhu (Jonaiable Potcdam Precinct prencnted and ap proved (JiiHolimi of otiug biind 10 uid in the eoiotruoiioii of tho lletiiibliciiu J n)'r ltiiilioxilHubiiiltittltotbevoifM nf l he ( 'aunty, eli'di junto bo held May 4 1H7K Ailj.inniiil till Aiml 3 I87S :tt JAM. f. A Ttlll.BVH ,1. H. MDIHtlT t'letk. (Jliairman. April 3d I.H78. Hoard met punuant to n'ljourii. ment. Pull Hoard ptoaent. The folloniiig neeonnta nllowetl, HillofCWaStato va I'nul Smith. Peter McNiit Work Iu appronohva oHridge , M l. H. VVitluox Attomri fern 1 'J ,10 A. A. Pupa Co SuptS 'nu 81 00 (Jeo. U'. Iljtl (Jom's iv, Wi0r, i II, Liuv " fii ()( Hill of eoti iu va St.no va Ad. man rejected. Hepuitof.l. (3. Wnrtmr Ovitrf.er ol thu Poor, Ue,l Cloud Prerinet pre (touted and uppiMVed. Conttnot for holding Court lloti.e at Hetl Cloud awarded to II. . pu. ton for tho t um of $30yo.()O Oldered that the aawor(irfJiiide A'oek, Stillwater, Hatin, Oak Cicel. filenwood, lluriunny, liiavnle und Walnut Creek, Precinct be notified by the Sheriff to appear forliwith nn.l correct and complete their tfotiuint rolk Adjourned till April 3th, 1878 at 10 A. M. J. A. Thu.icyh. J II. Hon in r -'h'rk. Chaiim-m. April nth, 1878. Met puromnl to atljournuiont. Full hoard prceent. The following nppnintmenta were made lo fill :ieaiiMiM: f. H. Ilumuiel, Judge of Kleciioo, Balin Precinct. I. Potnirkv. Judge of K'eetion, Ih tin Precinct. M. C. Williamaon, Judge of Eho tion, Kim Creek Precinct. Ai Sciibnor, Clerk oriileotion, Ha tin Precinct. T. J. Ward, Clerk of Flection. K'm l. reek 1'iccinct. Howl of K. H. Fulton approved and contract Mgned for building Court House. The following account allowed; I. T. Thomaa, AVr Foex, J. pj 34 P. h UoinbeeV. w bl), Adjourned till May Gth. 1S78 nt 0 o'clock a. iu. J.A.TUM.KTH. J. H. IIOIUKT, 'l'rk. Chairman. - - . -- ... WKATItril Obv,tvaiion fm tho month of Match 1878, at Inavale Neb Mean daily thermometer, 61; hiuli eat tomenture, 8(5 den on the 2ArJ; lowest temperature 40 deg on the 27th and 20th. Thermometer read at I J M. FroHa-l, 10, 11, 1.1, 14. 17. 3l" Thunder choMrerj, 'Si, 2(. Total rainfall .24 inohec. No now; no foj; . W. K.sianT, Obaerver. A Hindu wait who came down hero to talk again! boiula made a re mark that Hating would be beiier off without the trade from the AVpub lican valley. "Sour grape" Lmk at the mating "ad" and loola iu A'e publicnn valley paperu. Cow Tor tali S'JS.OO inqniro t thin office, Tliow who thought the earth "r "fi,tnwaril HioSouth ontccount l,i ,-vv"tt :'"1'iuave, lliiliL it i lack ajaln n.ne. MINER WILL OPEN ABUOT APRIL FIRST Olio Door Sou til Of T)i Vont Of rices RED CLOUD - ITBB. i I O AlftKBEAflB STAPLE SYSCKDf II ATM A MM: A PS Boots and Shoes, GK'OCfilMK.S, AIo 4cliok'c .hcii.ni il : I FA KM V i,()N , ta jci:ii i:o;k We call attention of tint people of Welmer and a Ijnintn cMintiet, to thufaot that we hny furuioh, and will iiiikoil to tlpir alviutJtto to ie oh their Irndu. which wo lepreilully aoIicu. H, M in 1:11. J 1, Mix v.tt. ,'. CSOUIKK FOR Til li CHIEF TIIK LARGEST PAPER IN 1JIE KJSPDBLICAxN 7AJ.LEY. flJE MILLER ORGAN -aHP9.aniR JMaaaB -.. m&HjMy?i aaaai MA.itirAeTuaaii at LBIIANOX, 1A. I'HUIVALtU W Tone, Workmanship, Durability and Finish. l-BB MlXk.T l-OK Raraw of Bipraaaton, liqulalt VcXelns, ewiel Imptlolty of Construction. Pnntalnla njl Viamnat t aluabloliupmrrtuf nU awloMt it rixxl organ riamitacliire. llutlt, wtlh Uia liol arrupn'.out fair, vui.lcrcHir Imuie. dlato and cnuatant r.inl aiuriiilnilriio-, by flratclaaa workmen, -who ar all ul. llU'rallj by tho day, iiW( iiuu 3 t.tit atrlrllr flnl rUaa DialvrUI. It followa that tho loatnor ' w pmluen Miinot Im artbtnif U tmt ., (lira ua una trial and Ihi our lurv.1. AlloartrcanaarotiilUwarra.utiM il yison. eand ear lUuttratod Vrlcv-l Uta, oriua, He., u Tbe V1XLKB OROAK 00., ltwou, Je BROS iiti;i:Na affLfjuia rr- t frjiii.i ., vn:i tciii:h.:i V vllu ttio Kim)ii ..rl.l. nt)!ii UK y, 'rfita CM.-iu. ItElHW.OUI'.V SMITH CIJ.NTKHj Stage Line. ' Conneoting hi Kcil Clo-id with iho Hepnblicjii Kui-r Stage l.iuc. , Thrco regular (tip-1 weeL, ariiving and ili.pjrtinu train Itud (Jlotid nt (bo Mine time the Ntigc Irmu ihu imlioadl doe.. 1 y.iuh' very low, all. BU.ISOW, Tre;. $2609 A Ti;H. A(cnUntnl. Unit, ni'ul.llliuutn. rnrtlrHltfr.f A4l,.J .OI(tMf( M I-..M lln CVCRV Bit KEEPM tNOULO REAO THE SRIOAN al,mrw. HmnDloruDT !. I"b Bot unwMtnl ixl uivrltixwd Kh-Xniwi M IU mnilur rirriKjndnu. It u the alMt, tavaiir,jj.ia,iu5iiirru,M? t Wwl MadlaoolM, CUmk, ' I HIGHEST HONORS UtU j Centennial World's Fair, 78761 SHONINGER ORGANS nwmiDNCKD uaiiuuc(LT tbb BEST INSTRUMENTS. ThatreouparallTDrtrtlloncett rH-n(tolid b lb Ju'la In Ibrlr llcpart. Item wbleli Um tollowlBK U an txirigl; "Th; B. NIH.tURU OltOAjr CO.' ihlblt lit bed Inalramsnta it a fcric rrodrtlng Um patHtil loalarn rliaa vl purcbaMti. ha Id, oomblnaUoa ol Rda and Ulla. proJurlnj notel and pleating effar n, canulBli), nanjr dtalrabla IroproTemaBK, IU Und lourir ta dry or damp climate, lata liable to t onlorcrdr,aU tba boarda bcln, mad thrM-plr, put U, Mbr ao It la ImpoMlbla for Inrra to vllbcr mirlok. avail nr anin - TU OXLV. OHUAKS AWAHOkl) TC1 to VII IIA.IK. Tbla Hrdal and Award waa rantd after the bmI aavara cmplilioii nf lb bel makari, 1 boforo onaot tho uto.t oumuaUat Jurlaa I rar aatimblad. I Haw Strlr and prlrwi Jmt lain), which ara ! la arcnrJanca with cur rula, tba BEitT OR- , OAK for tba laaat luuu j. , W are prtparad to appulnt a raw aaw Aganki. Uluilrlnt CaUlogUM aiailrd, poaUpald. oa ppUvaUon to I B. SHONINGER ORGAN CO., ! 07 to Its rtlKSTXCT 8TREKT, Nw IUvif, Com. C?7kf! TANMHI THE BEST ARE -THE CHEAPEST MSftFE&SCALECai 265 BROADWAY A. Y. 627 CHESTNUT ST. Philadelphia, Pa. 145 SUPERIOR ST. Cleveland, 0. DJitdOURKAL MARVIMQ j- h J G. O. MAYNARD ! Architect A Build er Wt htrr Ml Itl.lMI IU - NIB u ran nuip in' ney I itrrai work Mr li. than at nuylhing riki n,,iul not rvuMtrd, ) 4d tarl oti ?I'I (M't iiy at hoiiin made by ili indiKirhija Men, winnn, Uiya mihI yul atantril rvcryhi.re tba oik fir ti Ni.r u betiuir t.Vtlv nutht kikI ioiiii ir.- Adiln I m. . k (' 1 , AufiMlii, Mallir NHW .STORK. (At the Hcl Cloud Milte) N where )ou enn set alt Lindi or merchandise, audi aa imv ;oiiis CuOCFIUFS HATri.V CAPS HOOT-" .k SHOPH Ae. Ac Ac. in. Ac All of which will be vild chiapfurcKh. AU) A Mippl of Ml Mill: A. 1.AT11, Si;iN(iI,i:S, e wa,, nn hand C. R. POTTER, nr.r.Hi 1. 11 , xi:rkamha 3 7iC Van nvlc He MiuelNrr. Plaiferers &. Stonemasons. We aro 1 ii'pnred in !; rontracta nnil lo all Limit of worl. in our line at irnsonahle ptii,". ntUrai'tion guir ntittol, tod .ill litnl- ol' 'icL ami griin inkmi in t-xfli'inre lor woik. ittjT Ciieni woik a specialty. itr.iK.i.01 n . . Mr.iiiitnUAi 4.1 ly Red Cloud Mills! VYs are prepared to do cus tom vvorlt. F!::r poc:3 und C3 IWorA lor Knits ZJJ aM'.fai-tmn U Nrnniecd Tiinltty oMI'Mir -oi 11 ami rt-.rnt H'OBK Kiiiiiu'i- -lioold ! (iHtiieulji to t orn iho ia- ot eetlwheat. Potter & Frisbie! (( bilhr.a NMt-k 111 ovr own totan. "'ffi (titfii Ireo Non-k Keml im. il'yiu w.mi n l'i. nf s nt wli'iLh pi'ra M iit'i'l'lli'l' -x imii tinkn f!l nt 1 n nil tint miii.. tl v.v 'ft., writ" I'O r irucnli.' i II II a 1 1 irn 1' (' , I OUTl.AMi, Maink. 1 0U5 CL'JU lie:. We will Mind iitirpipur(pii(V$2 0) wiili riihrr of tliu n'-Iiu.it mil named bcloir at tlio price aunt .veil. Ilnrper'H Ma.iiinc, (4 Wf $t 'J3 Wickly, ; 0.1 I a7ar. " 4 t)3 1 liippu.coitV Ma. line. " 173 Appletoii'.i .tcuinil. ($.';))) I 00 Pe i-rson I.j;jzine.J2l.)) It 23 Toledo Hlidu, " 3 2 Siiurl.iv Evening Pot-t, " . ... :t Ou Puiiiio Fiirmer, " 3 23 Wcli rn llural, " 3 15 Nobr.tla Parmer, " hi'iiticuuii: and AnvruTirtK A S 'r.KiiiMt viTrrt Axnnittv- IQ M.l'1''1"'.!'!''!'.''" '"I r rrv O' fc.v On Wk 'U'Dlirro. J.ll.U)lrdA(.c,ciUa.u,li V- IU I WK.Ua BORING BY ww- kOn B.Harvey Are 1 spared it all nnei to bote or drill welN. H ten K-jvonah'n INAVAl.t: NK'IPiASKA. H CM mi 1. r- ,v lllllMi- 4I 1 On I A" C.' (Vtitfl, nnd h 0 II P.nr I Is an A IMYSIO'ORICAL X?k w d' Mr-Fiasco I Tru fee a?lW.Alf54JarlaaJ -. y j at. "I ' "v"1 V r V PfcU f r a V'fA i ? to . r a.t.7)rk .i - a... o ! innierai I f A.P X M r ifnl XJ. a-fai, ?u i., i4rt IM tha ft wirat (1laua axa.1 ''"a Ou-ih,lupiuv,i. r 4 r . l. . -v. . ' v. : : v ,T. - rw'i tak l a J i I -at at M a aaa a- . ,u , Uu " i. r-j-' l , imtnv v i Ufa. Br.A.G.BLINra3 , 'K-,a f , 1 t,- . . . hrIU.v f. ta tvt khum, l ' . ' . huulrat WLki,i,,i Will l( llta'i lur.ilruJ tl t, l.jj WI O I.UJ4..KF,. S"TUIl iKdnlll, ffl. !..! ,-4 -t i, lllr,'.!, Kid,., (rr . nOwklm, . 1k I Wori' i.h .luj k. IV imivni U u-u. u "... a.Mtt.kjfv.li Iji i. t A..M..'l ! , vj hiuw. a ami If u -.- i- ia " " I.lnU MiwV. b... .,,.,, pI raea !. ' vkr.1 ut.l I.,-, r.,, ,( ,.... r-'J it 'jr.Mhtal ili i4 .m . r r-'(in re llf t l tParxa,Va 1irV ' f M t-wV iTViwO -u 1e?J avlVJT 1 tmiaatari. .' TIIK SaTIRDAtE Kc1I POST. Til :id. Literary Pajar '.a akI. indel 1111. rrt neamctl-Hi In Prior. Xak) 2ta AUractire j latraiMtac TIIK Which for n ore than ht yeara kaa ln the beat atorv, aketchea ao4 f.njfljr iiaper in the UniM Htatea. It ia put IkIioI weekly, containa eight Uit pae, clearly tinted on goal paper, filled with tho choieeat aloriea add keteliea by the beat writer; not tiMtional lrn!i. but auch a a mother i willing 10 have her children read. The w hot' tone of the paper ia pure and elevating, It No eontaina Hiatorical and Hie graphical Articles : .Scientitif, Afrri rtiltural and llouachold DcpartiDtnta, Fashion Anicl.' weekly, fieah unea relied , Huinniou Nnt(4 , Jitcrary Heriewa, Newa Notea ; Hoy' ami liirla'L'olumna , and itroog and Hpark ling KdiioiiaU. eto , cte Iajuat aaeia a p'iprr aa cverylxaiy I ore a to read. TZ&XS. Poitaxe free to any part ef ( l!nii.).l State and Catiadaa. The J'ott will be mailed 10 any aJ-tlri-i for one ear $2tx). For lis month', 11.00 :L?3 3A726. - ropita $8 (O " 0 Ort 8 "and 1 ingetitr upofclub.12 W I- ' IA Oe) 20 ; 20 0f Artditinna to Clubncan bo made at any limu atirl at ra:no rati a The Stiuuli.y evening lnt i aow 1 lie lei and eiieapct lamily paaarr pubhalietl. Send for a ample cepj and l.e convinced. Addie-a all orilet and make all draft payable to Saturday Keninjr Poi 720SanaomSt.. Philadelphia, Pa. TIIK OMAHA REPUBLICAN DAILY I10 0()WKI:K!,Y1.V( I'M'. 1 1AU. POATAIIR rRKfAID. The D.ut.Y it tho bt edited New, lmin'i in N.'lnaka and ceutaina tkw late.t tel'tiraphic, local, atata, and ciimtacrriil pewa. Tlio WkKKI.V conlaira tha m. dei.s'd and completi nnw of the week, an.t ii the cheapi-at paper nf it aiie im N'd rtka. P'Tial Rnfm To Clnbav Il'-ui.t to C. K. YOST, Mamcer Hirrtn.iOAN, Omaha, Neb" "Combinen more attraction that) any olur." Better Pa jTimea. aarKIIKAPKST ANH HKST-ai ctrraoai t.lWli:ailBe ruiL-;:ni PA?ia rATtniri i ?, A aupplrmrnt will be cirea ia. (very numher for 1878. coiiiaikiajt a full-nte i aper pattern for a lady'e ar child s dieM. Kery aaberibr wilt reivnrt, durinir the year, twelta af iliefu patteniNhn that theae aloae will bewoithmore than the aubKtiptien, price -4-5 "Petcnon'a Madeline" (aiaiaat every yar, lOtlOpayea, 14ate platee. ll'eolotid Itcrlm patierna, V utaai moth colored fashion plain, 24 paeea of iDii-ic, and 'J 00 wod euta. It (ire more for tho money than any ia tbe world. Iu iHBILUUO TALIS AKSKCTXUTTIft Are (he brt publUhed anywhere. AH the mom popular writer are en ployed lo write originally fir "P.eer on.' .Tlmtitnoth f'olorreJ Fash Ion riatra. A 'end nr otbera Thee platee are enxraxed on atrel.twice the uaual eite, and aru.uiiiivialhd for beaoty. SISXS (Alyi !n Adntee) $3.CE a Tear. Two et'jdea ft. 3 f.0 with a corf pt; miui;. I icmre (a4S.) "Tin A, V'Noi Cimimaa,"a Ova dollar ee eravu'. lothe pron Ketiinc op tha Uu'i. Three enpiea fpr $4,ft Feci .chief .for it bo, with an ciua r-'iyoi ill.. M,2,x,,IB fur 187R. Ma piiuilum to the .rron ittinK up ike IHe copies for S Oil. Mx ooiiio. Inr $o 0. with hth an MMoip nt'tli.1 .Maiiswria fof 1H7S Kinl tin retniuui i.iciKre. a five dollar Fliilit copies for $12. F.nirti cophy. for lft. dilrt. I'rt.piiJ, CHAHLKSJ PrHKRBON. .Wti Lheeinui m., Philadelpdia. Pa f t t V A. ti. h) ." : - ' 1,