The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 11, 1878, Image 3

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-r- , . , ............. j, .,.,.,, ,-.;.,,. l1fw
Wuitniiwv, TttrcUT. Murk hil.
tlaort, frwn thr r.nailtrr oe Jo.tkttrt, t
ortl U.k the Nil to frfra) UoVniM
U atthout rnitnmrtHltln. r! It t4
nl on the rtlar TJ l.wr ).4nl rrtJu
tion to pr-ni. ih time fur tkr i.ttn.rtil
the (4i im tilttlrhtl spoilt -m. it tamr
fnsn thr lloutr. Afirr Ue m.vntnc IxHir Ibr
rVrtiatr tr.untrd rt.ntlilrratk.ii of thr Pat-Mr
rallrt.t tlnklm; fm full Vtrrrtmtm thtir
tun and Matthrat in.le Hcdr. nirra
of Wim-hiiou thr jirtlUvw ( l T
t whin, rlalmlnt- rt u rVtiaU fntti r-xoh
(. arolint, and muted thai It he rrfrrrr-t t. Ihr
mmltt on rlr ll..i.. n nnUml J),,,. ,t
Wrtt Irrthla, sutimittrd .rrnil5r i. r
Iilllon. .U..lng fr m thr m rt nnlttr.1 I..
"MIJTM tit tir!SfrtM i. thr. Irrn.iirt In
I?!, lolkvcftrt'l thl UiWniUKI aa ,lur t.i
thr O.iTrrnitvml ten cfltrittw if liitrmsl
tnruilr not In ouVr ami illrrrMhC thr Niir
tar j to iri-.ft hi thr N-natr ah! auijHl i(
rtloa uf till um lia iurc tkt tlmr trn totVMmiiHrlil, tiatairUhl liu Iwvu
M'tliiil Ii.t ONiij'rtimlw, kihI .tri. hair
tirrn Ukrtl to rt.llrft thr hlme, tKtlrrr.1
tntrl and laid on thr Uhtr
Wln.lnrn thru ctllM lift thr cotmiUr tint .11
jlointlr i.roiUllm dill, an.t , bra.
rritnl t.. eoim lth It IimUi, hut at Ihr tr
iplet nl Senator iiiIii rhtlrmauiif Ihvenin
tllltlir on r..trl:ii KrUtloit. lie, listlmiulu.lrd
to let IttMnTrrntiMltoinnrnia After a timet
ctrcullTe frMltm, thr Srnatr il)niiriirl
Atktu, from thr rormntttrrlon approtrU
Hon , reported I In? lei;lUtttr appioprWtloti
Mil Wiri.l, from tin. wt. ami niraii nmt
tlilllr,., trKirtr. ir Urlll Mil It (ritt.l l.i tin
ttiinmlttrv. of thr w holt- l'.i rt t--l llii
irii4tf hill to roii.iltntr (imml....n tomu
flilrr ami rt-lio't a laii fof ifilitlliK riilrvl
aci-oiiiiiiik)aliotif for thr llhrarj of (..niKti-..
mI Tlir t.tnll hill nuilr a vil ir
thr for TtitfrxUr, Afril 4lh .i.ilni;ri t-allr.)
mi thr JKmii Klrhl Msorliu..l raf. ami
Waltli, of Mtnlmd, uvU thr mott HolaMti
jwrrh HCaliitt tlir iiiahult) IVmllni; th ilr
JmIi tlir HuU'U a lJuunirU.
U flltMiTtiN WritiimUt. Marrh 'JT Krr
inn olIrnM a h iii.loiiliie lutUn ho In
thruarof i aitiM f frmitf or fohllri
lrffrrtl 'I Im Vlcr Pir.l.lrnt LJiliollilril i:u
tl. 4iiinlrr anil ;in hit an h nmiiiililrt. on
tht Nirt of the Snulr to nit-t't Ihr mil tint of
Hon. John I: l.tsm.inl iim thrlr arrival at
r Vork, 4inl lo e.iiiHuitiv thnii to Ihr
iafr of lull rillfllt A iraolUlfiill MTllii! IUj
uml MrMDItn ltltnih for i'viifra Inroii
tttlli threat In thr ,N iiatt for thr ntit.irti
tormof Krllotri; from bnilUii.i.t'iiilliic Muuh,
l-ol, jt Krtt-. to oiiUfiu: liilr.xliic'f.1 a
hill aiirotrl illtn; liulf it million tlnlUr for Hit
Iniprot tiiitiil of the llntli'in rlM-r 1 tie N'h itn
r.'Miinr.l iiiiulilrrutlotit.f ihr 'j( 'II. ItaJroail
Klnktiii; fiiiul hill, ami llntof (i.M.riU. nimkr
, in oiN.ltlon loiinnv ftitturrof Ihr hill it
jxirtcil hr thr Jn.lhUrv loinmltl) r, htil4ll ln
ill.l not with to In' uii.trrM"-"! ,i fatotlni: tint
luaMuetif the hill ri"iil.-. i) thr I'ommlth't
on rallmtil Thuiliun thr hill l
i.irlnl In tin. JiiillciirvroMiinllli't' Aflrraonn'
fiirthiT illMU"iiin, Hilly tiik thr tlix.r tofjx'ak
on tint fltiktri; f iiml hill It h ihrn l.ilil otr
Wlinloin calh'.l up the lloiiitr hill inaKtiiK nii
Iimprliitlonf for the romoilar mul illioinatlu
wrrlrr of tint uoTrriitlifiil for thr jrar rmlllir
June :h), l!i?.), ami I'Tiilalmil It prut Hon ami
ainemUni'iiOi tfltortttl hj thr t'otnmlttii. on al
inipriutiiin, tthlt'h Hrrr attrrnl lo. Thr hill
waarrail a thlnl tlmr ami iuil. Tlmlom
Mllimlllnl nn aniriiiliiirnttolhr hill wlilcli pro
vlilot for thr orirnnlintlon of thr Ml"l"lpil
KhtT linnroviiiii'iit l'otiiinlnon ami torxtrml
the- liirlMllcllonof thr Cotnmli.on to tlir Kit II.
if t. Aiitlimij, anil Miithotltr llirin lo inakr
an riaiiilnitluii mul nunrjof thr hrailwatrra
if thr Mw..pp mHIi a vlrw to ninatnirtlni;
rrarrrolra for rrculathiir thr aupply of walrr
tliiriii); ilr wrathir.- referred Ailjournnl.
1).itI, of North Carolina. Intrintiirtil a Mil
for tlio u.euml iKTiipiitlon of rrrtitln liiilhtlin:i
liy the Unttrtl Hlatca troop -referrvtl, Krl.
ton, from fhe ciiniinlttfiinn roininrrrr, rrv)rt
l hark thr hill to prrrrnt thr Inlrmliirtlon (if
tiintuL'IniM illMaJM In Ihr L'nllnl Hlatra. Af
trr tlrh.Ui' the hill Haf ainrmhst ami pafvt.
Thr Hollar rinumnl t'oiclilnratlon of Ihr Mna
aarhUKrlt t'ontmlrit rli-etlon caw of lrati
a?alnt Klrl. I, ami after itrhatr a voir an tit
Vrn iiion the iiilnorltj reolntlin ilcrlaillut
rirhl rnllthtl to a arn't rt'KillUtl, Traa, 110;
H.ITH llll. Tim iipeaker on aiiDomirliiirtlicToio
eaat lihi vote In the negative. Hum trim; thr
voto ami ilefrattm; the rrxiliillon. Vtlhoiit
eotnlnc to a ote on the inuj intr reMilutlon,
(he Hotifc ailjjuriifj.
WiaillNOTiis, ThnrRilay, Marrli ',- Terrr.
from the rommlltee on poftollleef, reiorteil
lth amemtment the Ilomte hill to niruljte
the uilviTtWnc of mall Irttlnj:- plaenl on the
ealemlar. Teller from the eommlttee on rail
roaiU, ri'xrlnl llh mni'mlinenta thr rVnate,
hill to inrororali thr National 1'arllle IUII
roail anil Telegraph Coinpany, theohjert helm:
toromttruet inn! operate a rallroml unil tele
urapli line friwi Clivrnur to Kort I.arumle,
thenee to Deaitwooil. ami from Kort l.nramlr
to Kort Ki'tterinan, from thrnrr In a northerly
or iiortliweMerlytllreetlon toYellowftone rher
near the mouth of lilt; Horn river, thence to
Helena, Montana, ami from thenee to thr l'a
rifle, ocean, l'aihlock eitlleil up thr .'(en tr hill
amrnilini; the art to pnivhlr for thr .air of the
OtiM ami MUitourl ami Stc ami Ko rerrva
tiou In KaiiHAf ami Nehraka paeil. K.aton
Intrixliireil a hill tn allow an Aini-rlian n-s'1-try
to foreign hullt veaaela rcferreil. A num.
Iwr of hllla granting jwnlon were tinfeil, fn
clinlimca peiiflnnol ' f.V)ai!ionlli to (ten. .lainik
ShleM'. Conflilrratliiti wait reiumil of tint
l'aeltle. Hailnuil aluklnt: fiiiul hill, ll.illey apokr
In favor of the hill rejiorti'il hy the romiulllee
m Jmlleliry. I.ainar mihniltteil a rcMilutlon
looklm; to the prraervatlon of Hater front at
Vlekaliurg aureeil to. Teller, from the. rail
roail eoniinlttee, rrjxirtnl auietnlinenla to the
Si'inle hill to iiuthorlr.c a narrow u'imu" mil
ro.i'l from lllfiuarck to tne Uluck Hllli placeil
' on the I'.ilt'UiUr.
fouhliltraliiin wa rcfiiniiil of the Mutwrliu
tu'tti coutenttil eleetlon rao.tlif imentlou helm;
upon the rtwiliitlun of a ninjorlty of tho com
mittee nn rleetl'in ileelarlm; Dran rntllleil to
the feat. Ilir resolution Mt uilnpleil Jeaf,
121; nay, l'i'l- Deanwaf then ouornln. The
HotiiM refutdl by a vote of lit to 107, to adopt
H.irrlon'it motion to eoiifliler the re.)rta of
the rivilnerrlreeomniltteon DiHirk'eper I'ulk.
Fn-ter reKirttI hack the appropriation hill for
lulM'elUucouf xk;iim' of tiiu lloiiie, ami the
Senate ameiiilmeiit thereto urto coneurreil
In. Illllf weR'introilileeil hv Hire to i-MahlUh
a hoanl of 1'itciUc Itallroail ComnilMiunrra.
Wlllli offerrtl irfoliltlon ilirectlnjr ilie mll
clary eommlttee to accrllii til facta relating
torontraebi male with the Union l'aeltle on
the ."-'I I and '-itl of April, 1HL and whether
thry were legal referred. The Dlftrlrt of
'Columhla bill waa illtcuMtetl, after which thr
Ilouar adjournal.
i WianmoTOX, FnmaT, March 24. Single
ton, from the committeti on appronrletlou
reported a hill appropriating t-'M,UH for dcfV
dearie In thr ml-ellaneou fund of thellouae
referred. Rden, chalnnau of the rommlttec
oo war claim, reported bark the bill appro
priating t30,000 for the p) men t of claims
and reporttvl that It wa allowe.1 hy the mm
nnllonerof rlalma pawed. Htepbeni Intro
tlueed a bill to promote the general u of the
w metric ayitem referred. The Hnue went
Into committee of the whole on the private
calendar. The flrat hill wu one approtirlatlng
1,500 to pay Bartholomew county, Indiana,
Agricultural Society for the ue and occupa
tion of the fair ground for military purptiw,
from rV'pU'ntlier, W to June. fVA. After
omc debate thu ctinimltter truck the enact
ing claufenf the bill out. The committee n
and the actlou waa ratlaed by the Hou.e. Ad
JouruetL '
WlsniNOTOX, Monday, April 1. Mitchell,
from the committee on railroad, rej.irted a
bill to extend for eight ear the time for com
pleting the Northern Pacific, rallnm): placed
on the calendar. CliriMlancy, from the com
mittee on rev Won of the law, reported a rco
lutiwn to provide for a new edition of tne Ke
k Tlaeil Statutes, and for a perfectetl Index of the
ttrt volume; agreed to. A bill to regulate the
idvertliilug of mall letting, and for other pur
poirf, u taken up and after the adoption of
itrj atartMtnwtitt, ltwl Aflf to Bint
tt h Nk t.-k lit la J-awi-i t4
tbr lu-tkUlt tMnimitUr t lrirV f)Jn-l ltrt.4
Ut M (IttttllitHf tlwipt at Wntrttt Titr
Mil at 114 v.l Jr. altd y WMtlt, tt iAt US,
unmJlnf urt.t l'l. U l-nf Ik Krt-l
.ttulr. rrl.tlt Itt Ui liu- tJ ttw I.. M
miHtU , tb i-ctrfl MU, Ukttt Uf
t oar -tt rtrmaik I'.tllnf rtwifKttf
tllxt tbr VtKlr ml Into ttrrutlle mmIi,
ikI ..-!. aftrl f.lnjftwt
NtH ta.
tlllU .rfrlntrtlo. sj titvt u trt tnl m f.Jk.l
Hi Mephrn., f.rf Ih Bii.mUI i1w tj tSr
rtHintn tfl t. ftrtliUW the irlum f tvle
tHM-ni t'tx-ul iitttVmlf kKrUt the
iitniu'i' It ttittr. .i t)i l-j-lf Hi hrititt,
to i-rrtenl the rwlut Ikw tf nathttai ruftTtto
tt Ir.mlukntlt ttltb.lratiiltcaltri.Uf
frmi ilr.uU'1. Mt UlllUmt4 Vttrtil'th,
tlflitio )HiltktI.4i to ttr ItHtit tvf llUn
ttm t IfUiif of Wttrri u.l f.4tller durtnc lh Mr U'liltr of IVnhiiliaitla, a ilut
rrxdulhtft pn(Nj r rt aiiM-iklntnit In IM
lon.tltulMii Irouttti f tin-fiitlki t4 aU
rJaln., aKfrraUr lo ll.r pX'ttl.ii t.f !
"Ithlli U tt, pMtMitij; that hrn rrjrt tr.l
h ( laTr- t a tlrpattltwftt tttrl h. Itnt
again hr prrrtilrl Until aflrf lt rtf Mn
Irt.ia frtan Ihr f (i.ftrtftl.rtif tinmltlrr. rr
rtril Mil t.tUlliu: f r the IrA.lrnrt la the
appropriation lor ptilJlt prtmlng .l Mndlur
fi th prrwul rtval er lltiU.-) ttiti.uerl
Joint IrMhltl'li pniti.llllrf alt amrHttHirut to
the ttiintltiitiiHi tm Mil, ll-k- ihr wuiuptlon or
p.tinrnl of rlflui fur k r proving otit uf
thr ilr.ttu, tl,i n( wotx Ml itlilu the limit of
a lalr ttigi;r. In thr it-VIHun. rtrrtr.l
IMirliain rt'ptirtr.1 it-k from thr etniHlltrr t
pprtprtllitif Ihr tall prtithtlng I'f lriu.r
IV t Irrkt In thr 1 ir.iif i ilriuitiiiriil, ihI tlr
trrilng trr.pauM-r on puhllr lan.l. r.t-.H
lliriulltig that no mnift pplottnl t thr
hill fhall t-r IImiI to r. -Hit I flit rlifitr.
il or IlinUr rut tut the pnMit land of T r
rltmlc, for the uMt aniual .tllti, ami ti"t
cilMltnl friHit r trttllntlc (HHilMllig.
miiiril lo ft.M ml tlir rtllr. aiot pa thr hit I
prut Ming tliat all p. n.ltuut mi a.-rtmnl of tlrtlh
or wiHitidi leeeltrti. or ill v tiiHltactnl Ih
the M-rilcr ilurllig the lair t. tilt-t htr
hern glalitrtt, or mat lirlrfllrr r grnnti.l.
flull rouimenrr frtmi Ihr illr of thr tlrath m
ttlM'h4gi', ilrftaletl )ii I (., Ii.t Tit. not
lo tlillil In thr alHrmulltr An rielilng
rhin tta. hrld for drtMtroiih, and the HiHIm
ailhiurued '
Alnillt I'alrtlU.
A llinrt " iiitii'li fi'i'lln nmt illt'iiH.
fcioii upon tln Mltijitt nl jmlfiit light
ntiHiiig tin itsiit, wo copy tln'Inllim
in nitlilo mul mi "tiji.-n li'l'im" uritti'ii
li oiii wln lmti!i tn t'iitiinU'iit to
f:lMi rorti'tl liifiiriiuttiiiii iipiiii tlio Milt
i'ft It 1 timt' ('uiifi'. flioiilil ilii Mime
lliing to nlli'te the i'tiili)itiMMtinciiit ami
tmulilei of llio pi'tiiilo ri'lnthn to patent
liylit.. Ah ut ini'iit, llio (.'ttnitiiit.itiuer
ol'I'atunla.lliftfuPiirpriilectlliKtlu tight
itnil inteit'ft of p'lti'iitei , Hppnteutl)
ilot nil ho cilli to liijurn the lely nlriit'
whirh he irimti. I luting -ill the itiotleN
ami iH'Cillcitltnfor thu putruta g run In I,
lit! flioiilil not (runt one pnteiit niter no
other lor the .nine thing. The patent of
the government .IhhiIiI he it protection to
thu imtentei of nil III tighl, hiiiI nuy one
huiilil teel full! in pitrcliaKJii from nuy
out) liolilitif; a patent. Hut tin thucoiiliit
ry, the priictlrti I to Ifiue a patent In any
ono w ho npplie if lieliato money enough
to piy tho ciiorinotli fee.
t'.)iigrr fhouhl either limke the patent
(ranted final ami rmi'iiiv! evliliiun of
oMueiitlitp of .iuh right, or It flienM
pniti'ut the Innocent iurcher of patent
grunted hy thu iiiltliurily o the ngenl nl
tho Kiivcrtiiuent. (loverumeuta lniuM
Im for the protection of the people mul
not to lay trap ami tlitf pitfall for their
ilfftrurtmu. The holder of any patent
jjw'h nut nntiiiii the people ami trxlilhltllilf
thr hriiHil aeal of the pivcriiiucut, nttet
ill" hi rijtit to ileal in ftieli proetty,
imltire thu people to huy a tin; only tuife
party from mIiiiiii hiicIi thing cmi he oh
taineil. Follow in; cIomi nftrr coinea thn
attorney of another party who cluliu he
Iiml h prior patent on micli trup., ami 1
reiuly to i.ninmeiico unit if n fii: of tlouhln
tho i?e of thu flrf piiit'hiiKi. price i not
ptiil. To mtVi) a luiv unit tli. tnoiiey i
jmiil. Then thero 1 no accurity hut that
a third may cone iilutig who Im n atlll
prior patent, it the gnveriiinent him core
of tlerktt IfHtiln iiuu patent over another
on tho mime thin,
If the ovtrniiient cannot cciimj v In
illilig tlio people ill thi way, let C'ongrt'
iir itect tho Innocent panic in piitclnw
in),', anil let the original piteulce light it
out. Hill reipiiro the Coinmifloner when
hn ine u patent to inform the patentee
exactly how many patents havo already
hcMi gninteil on the .amu thing, hi that
no patentee can claim inii.icencc of the
nv indie. Concreti might withdraw it
attention faotn the fumU unil tight of
1'resiiluutiiil iifplrahtii, for half mi hour at
leiiat, to coufiiler the nerious wanla of the
people. Anil lit this time, theiei no one
thing no hnmeming n tho conflict in
patent', mul the cuiiM.-iiieut ntvimllinj; of
the farmer of the country,
lonaHtnlu Hrlter.
Iimva I'atbntOkkick, j
Dkh Moimm, Iowa, Feb. i.'0, I87H,
Iluii.f'.F.t'i.uiKMi.t, Agricultunil Editor
of the"Iovvn rjtate HegiHter:"
Dkaii Silt ItulietitiK that your article
nro vviilely accepted a okM;l Hhjii the
Mihjcrt treutnl, iiml that your intention
Is to henellt n well a nilvire your reader,
and Hint yon will In; prompt to retract
whenever you hcover that y in have in
nilvertantly given miatitken view anil
made incorrect utiitcmcnt, or that you
will cheerfully ohii your column forlree
ilicuIon, in order Hint truth may com
but error. I respectfully aulimit the fol
lowing rvviov of your article on I'nt
enU,"a given in the Weekly Hegifter of
Feb. 'Hi, 1878. I will consider your prop
ositiou tint! aatertlona in tho order they
occur in aald article. ,
I. "It ia time Congrcai iliuuld tin witnu
thing to relieve thu cmbarraMmenti and
trouble of the tieoplc relative to patent
This proportion in lUcIf U not ohjec
tionablr. If Congrecandoanyihifig to
remove tho Ignorance ami prejudice that
the people ninnifett in reanl to patent
right; if Congress can improve our law
to mure clearly detlne the relative right
of the public and the patentee in regard
to patented invention; IfCoi.reM can
Instruct our Mate courts to lie more liar
monlou in deciding CHUtea in which pat
ent right are involved no that the deci
sion made in one state will not Iki re
versed in the next: and if Congreat can
deviw mean to check the one-man porer
now in vogue through which invalid
claim nre too frequently allowed, and
pitcnti Uued contrary to the letter and
spirit of our patent law', it undoubtedly
should Im done.
II. "The Cotmuisnioncr of Patents In
steatl of protecting the right and Inter
est of tiatentee apparently doe all ho
can to injure the very patent which he
Aptere- ar Kftrw dKrltfttl AM
who will rlfl tiTti;tr thr pjw.
nxr In tbttrai will dnUthit thr ifi-wi
chfigr ltr ( t unw tritatxl mI
tht B.i atXHimrwt K fjlrrtl ttv drfrtrd
thr (untnitfH(ter
lit "llr tltld rtr-t grant . (Htrnt
al.f an-thr fat k mr lhig
The tflfMitu,' -t ittiav thaa ttitr ptttnt
f.f Ihr timr twirwtMn iirlj etrwff ll
If Ihr ritrplton and nn the fwlr-- aw tv
Cail.twal rri-,1 thft h, .t Ih prrtratol
IV "1 hr tr(tlte 1 t Ifiwr a (titrwl
am oir wlt.i tpllt-f If hr hair Htrj
rnitugh l.i f i lh roi.riii..tif (,'
'lit iillJilal trotittlf trfutr I trt t.nUMt
In l"t7 thlltmi I(miuiiI hi hMlttllift
ami lilartrrn utralf wrtr lfturl, atnl
liralll half a Ittani p)dlethHti were Ir
jfflcl fl.f.M trjrrtrtl Ihr law ami Ihr
puttie, ctoitrmplatr gtfiitlwg pilrnt
ontj for Irnrtttloni ami tlln-ntnirt thai
air nrw ati.l w.. ful, ahd only lit tlio Mhft
original Itiirnlor llrnrr nut iiilrw of
wtlitHl awtl J.nllt 11 drt
HMi apidlcatiotit Irttl., ami tl.rli
ttjrtti.iii tn fiirh gttft iiuinln-tt h im
rn tit-lice a ol lUn, I hue griicMll)
foMHil the l.)rt(in ralvtl aHil itfnrHi t
glit'll l thr r.vamlnelf ai a litU of r
lecllxtl, nl gtrat adl alilgr In tlrtrrilllHlltg
Inirlitot't tight h tllftlHgtiUhlltg their
Inipruirmrnti (im liitrntioni In
aditltton n thr r.,(l"-t appllrtllnitt r,)i'
r In l77. It It liiidioilitr-lli a ft I thtt
halt of the in.tllH paleiit It'ttlrtl tluiln
Ihe amr year were withheld until Ihr
claim writ' ptticll dftlhiil anil letlmt
etl tn .litliigti.i litem I'rulii pilot pal
rnt It thrlelnti' ot't ailmiall) , crttiue
ttuly. ut fiautltlletitlj pelrhiltt'e, "ur
patent utrr Himttier oit Ihr fame thing
l U.uiil, I It not unjiifl to Inilulffr in
lmlr.tle Cttiidemualioli ol oil - palt'ht
j firm ami our olllclaU
I'ati'lil. for the Minn cli of ait'rltHi,
hut not for Identical Intention., ni mi
iiiermit llnlf tl lenct' wiir I a goivl -Iti.trnttou
The oiiglnal hiIhiI .hotting
the eoiiil.iiiatlnii t.f it ImiIi and n Inn e
wile. If g(Hiiti-. in tilt 11111 otlginal in
vtMittir of that t timblnall.Hi, I n pionrtii
patent, giftiilo.1 to thr plonrer id n talon
hie Ihilil.lll thai hn been applnUlr.l lit
the fuimer If the Inventor did Hi nuh
inl'tnUe in liinitverlenet' fall tti olita'li n
genetic m tiloiieer clnllll ful lit comMnn
tiou tif the Imrli mid Ihe lence lie tn hi
o'iuiual ptteiit and ha llbiii)eutly and
legally, iiml I, got hi patent
icifuit ninl tho kiMipti enlarged o a lo
uinkii all Mihfiipicnl linproveiueiit mil
iinllnatti mid trlbutar) to hi i laitu, no
peifiiii houhl com
not loreflall other from mtklng and pat
cli ting iinptnifjucut in bartunl feiier
wire. Hence the numeiou patent fur
article of the .nine clat mid the variety
of patented barbed fence wire in the mar
ket II the hrontl, generic, pioneer
claim of the original patent, teliued,
cannot Im maintained, (ninl they cannot
be If It I proven beyond doubt Hint baib
were ucd on fence wire ptlor lo llieiUle
ot the lltt liatent l.ntleil lliereloi,) why
then each Individual patent will lie Inile
Mndeiit f i f i tit the original pioneer claim,
mid the one that I for the implet and
bct barbed fence, wirn tli'Ulld bn thu
liio.t valtlabh'. If the liiveuHon of two
or morn ierous arc combined to produce
the Mrfnrtiou nought, there may lie two
or more pvteut. unil the right of each
inventor and patentee that contributed lo
the production of that perfection should
be impcc'titi. Unfortunately the individ
ual rights pointed nulinnueh patent for
Improvement lit an art nnd mauufacOo
nm ofien Ignored nnd infringed, and
hence the litigation Hint are 0 HUH h tit
cried iiml mnile the pretext for nf.aiiltltig
Hie patent law nnd ll niliulnlftralor.
The title lo a good ipialler nertlon of
land may be divided, niihtllvlilcil, nnd
fractional parts owned by indlvidiinl., ami
part by joint owner. The title lo a val
iiiililc paleiited product or machine ma)
Ih veted in illllcrcllt inventor, patentre,
mid nH.ignet'K. If tint Urn! owner are
lighting about their mete and bound
and titluf, and the patent owner about
their clninif. the afet w iy In both in
ataucen will bo to stand olf ninl let them
tight it out. There 1 no need ol entering
Mich lights, and when a insii voluntarily
take part hn should not complain when
he gets hurl. Therefore tin not purrhaic
or UMj patented property, of which the
title I in dispute, mile you rnu cheer
fuUy nbidu the result of the contrt to
tpiired U) gain m good title.
V. "CongreHS ihoiild either nmkv the
patent granted final mid conclnilni evl
deuce of ownership of nuch ri.hts, or it
slionhl protect the Innocent purchufc r,'
Authority to iuu puieut lor Invim
lion it vested solely in the Comml.flniirr
of Patent. And the law- direct him how,
for what, nnd to whom he shall iun pat
ents. And fvery pnteut ltied n direct
ed by our statute will dell tic the rights
of the holder thereof n clearly u a patent
or died for a piece of laud will deflno the
boundaries of the pleco of Innd thctebv
conveyed. Thu mete nnd bounds In n
laud title nic ajtionyinoila with theclnlm
in n patent for an invention, nnd rnu h di
ll lie llm scope of the proitrity held ther.
by. Unfortunately thu jwople do not o
umlerstnml the matter, and hiiiru the
fraud practiced upon the "innocent tiur
chaser." When a tanner purchase land
hedocs nut usually rely upon what the
seller says In regard to the boundaries or
the title. A n prudi nt man, If ho I not
a practical surveyor and conveyancer, hi
employs extierts in whom ho lis ronfl
dence to show tho boundaries and an itb
atract of title. Hut In purr haf rig a pat
nt right or patented machinery. hc"go.
it blind," and hence the loud cries of ilia
te from "innocrnt purchaser."
If a farmer irra the office of the
Statk attAXoK to purchtte patented
liarlMsd fence wire and find the rpjnllfy
and thu price satisfactory, Im should be
fore purchasing see that the arller can
Kive a fMd title. And If the seller It not
an Infringer, anil viriUtlntr the law by
dealing in pirated Inventiou, he will or
should unhesitatloKly alve a warrantee
title for thu good he sell.. If he ha a
license to .ell the patented fence wire he
can show it. If he has not he should pro
cure It. If, however, for lip ke of un
demdlinj; legitimate tl-nlrr ho will en
courage pliacy, and obtain his wares from
manufacturer who are infringers ml
then sell such contraband omI to his
"innocent patrons," it I easy to see how
litigation about pitentw Ikj contlniu-tl
ad the prejudice ngalnit patents nug
enteI. If a farmer buy a horse from a thief
and tho owner come along and claim
hi property, the "innocent purchaser"
rwsT he-wl, but h twwt ttstfriwlff (r
Uw j Im him fjraia f i.t Wwi,
a pf t4itifl plurt wn htrh III iit
It' Ml fill hat e-nl t p. hi w4 the
.ltrr .iw- aWf n m(IvI hi. jwit
dn tpmwil run t IliV "f U- m-b
1I. A VtT.. l w .Mtvfr4 n
t..ll.t Ih l'rnl t t4 pwwtttt ,
llttritl. tt (tmltMifXtp,; Im iwt.Mttin Ml
I trwir-fwllt tuWoill hl Ihr ($,.
Ihtr .-l n KilrtH H.- ml tSttl
rini t'tftlnni hrartral .srl (.. Irwlli
l ,Iih .. nuh Im (rMwrKt laii-n
twi ami Ihr (aitr f . ami l
in tw laittl, h..ult raftrfu'l U-i lt
tfib)rM t Ihwt lrrtl lntHatrl b
ntilrr t.f, lM-f,wr ).((. in tK
rl.m.. tltst h IrwtlrtMTi . Mfxlr ttttiM
Ihr 11 1'flrr.l t)ttm 1iik Ih Ihr tit
lMrl t.Hld. hr hullt .if which hf
aildrtl . inch l.ittwr iialt l imvmwii
and fame Tilitwttu iV----
Mmtt llalr uhtr llailrt f Mairri.
Hr thu H It la). Inxtr ttr. tin" w hie
Iv pfivaletit iiuUt'iii ul UViH Ihr hall
uf llm .lain. Hlhei w nh t( w Hbtnit it
pat! uf the slln. ha nrrlv evtiv hi r
lellltrt ii lhittH'tatkic. (vlitwii tlttttt
hair and tinier) Hil. ...vUtt.i rv
ft.l aliitiMg U.lh ttltvV. mill Itctiualit
Ilir. nio had Ihelt halt tut thoit ai ' Wrtlnd It Ihilt
llittinchi.lll Ainrrtta .wnitv Ihr
alltti' l tletpitiMl, Mi hnlr I tut thill I."
tns nt the N.wtlvtt "110.
privilege nl ttonlug long hall w a tljj tlftilitt" to ( ivith .l.tto nmt
t-rtptlVKt, ,iv i:.tvartl I ho. Inter)
that puiiitlietl i-riiulnnlllv m tlmlUrlv
lllrl.eil III .Nl.nfitgtit n ihlnf bull
III hair nit till. nHtl I twine n Uvn In
Ihe po atiii th it hnd v h.Mwnl till he
vvn ittttUo.'l" And Ihh b.vl;,. f 1a
vim i via ulherwl.. tit tilt tot) n. n ,UH
IthiiH'iit Hv the ( Htral AmrHonii.
iuprt'lt't itdilllnitir "tirti rlpptM nmt
hi bnlrwiit nil ( tvni ibfr.tcel "
tint' M.vl.nli (wiiivllv "m t..
Iirvve thr liittrrul nl mhiii. pukl'ie iihtiv "
And diiitiig mitltrt-vnl HintM in Kiii,.h.
iMitting uf Din hrtlr vvn r-unotiM n n
puiiithnii'iit. Uf cut... Hitix n
nitttUilM. iKvilii. tltoi had H
eiilllf hiiniiiiilib. If itliiniiK thi. t hin
elm the gii.itle.l nlli.tnt iIihI tinihl Im
put oiniii rv man or n tviininii vtit to
have Ihelr hair oroppotl;" thu n.inu.
ntlmi In slave III nppfntnui'o iv n Ihe
obvliui li'it.oii, Ihe hnnnrnhleliK of
long hrtlr being mi liiiiilienllon Ihe
llni'x Imlliiii." .ui) J nut'tiuil, "ttoio
their hair n lnit; n It wtnihl glow.
Indeed, ll I n mn.t dilllnill llilu.. tn
Inlng tho Indian tn em ihelt hair"
l.img hair I n nmt k of ilUlinctiun ntunti
tho rniignn, nnd tiouo rent pet milled in
wear ll but tint principal people. Still
llnrly with the New Cnlcitoiilnn nnd
v.tilou oiher of the uiieUlllretl, nnd
slnillitil) with eiui-i-iv Hired Oriental,
"llm Ottoman prince have their heard
shaved oft", to hov Hint they run de
pendent no tint fnvorof the relnlllg
Kuipernr" Hy the Creek , "In man.
hood, thtt bait una worn lunger,"
nnd "neerlnlli pnlltlrtnl algnlflcnliev wrw
llUaehed to the hall " In Nnitheril
Kutnpo, Inn, "ainonj; thu Frank,
the serf worn tho hrtlr i lonu nnd
le I'nri'fully ilrem than freemen,"
and llm Iteemeii le Ung than the no.
blen. "Tin. loiiij hnlrof the Frank Mugi
I sacred hi for them a mark nnd
horiornliloprrrugatlviiofthntoyalrni'ii "
t'lnthnlr ninl tTilldebert, whlng lo ill
vliln their bmther'a kingdom,
re.peclliij; Ihelr nephew, "whether In
flit nlf their hair so a tn tedileo them
tn the rank of subject, or In kill them "
I limy mtd Ihn evtreliiH I'tun of thu dap
iineso iiilkndo "Neither hi Imlr, heard,
nor null urn ever iiinurdlj cut, that
hi sacred person limy tint bo tiiiltll
nti'il," aitidi rutting a iweurs being ilonn
w hlle ho I slippoaml In nlet-p 'ujiulur
Snnio Monthly.
Thai .Hew Milter Ib.llnr.
Tho new silver dollar limke our In
wind yearn lint innnt for llm dollar of
llm Kninilfathers, This dollar niiutnli
nil outrrigo on the Alnerli'iiu enojn that
I eliimgh to tiinkn the bones of lint
fathei rnlilo In their nnrruw fell, Tho
statement Im eii puhhid that mi
nrtlt from Eultiml wan Imported in
etigravf thi coin, Thu nn i-neiiiy hath
roiiv i-rteil our national bird into a pio..,
Thi will faplalu the biitu ili'.lgn which
I patent mi tho fni'ii of llm coin,
Thi I not ineiely a mnttiir of tao,
hut of physleiil iiohiHe, No wight
could Hv vvilh his wliis In Hint potiirn.
No iigle could plncf his wing in that
Miinr. If niiglit htfiilliig. mul nailed
by the tip of thu wing to u burn door,
he might I'i'lhtinviiliitii.oiiiittlilnj; M,r
l hi wfiitiM. Thu lull In still moro it si Im
po.flblllty. It hang down fur below,
na tint lonu train of n wonnm's dro
might, If slm vvnro suspended by thu
neck. It curves in liku n ilog's mil
when cowed, only, ItiMciuI ot inirvlrig
betweiMi hi leg, it curvrs nroiunl un
der hi feel, niaklnjj it platform or fo.
rum for him to stand on.
No i'fiu. or other uri'Atunt likn thi.
did ever ntlt The nntun of thu deed
mid thu fact that it vvtia donit by a Ilrlt
Jher, n minion from tho country of uold
bug, jfives us n riht lo m.jiect tho
motive of tho designer lo m bast). We
stiwct that he Is one of thosti who cull
this a fale dollar, nnd therefore Hint hn
him designedly put on falsn eagle.
At great nn outrage him mcm perpe
trated on the head on the other side of
the cIn. Here I n majwlte fime, .
ecllly heavy in thin and neck, ton
without any back part to the head. He
move the imtoihle posterior cap, and
the form of the head above a base llm,
drawn across the neek from the chin
would Im pyramidal. The liea! box no
character, no force, no humanity, no
fidelity. Away with it. ami give us back
the dollar of our grandfathers. - t'lVirfn
tutti (luttltf.
Throw hack your shoulder was what
Aaron Jlurr wrote to his daughter The
odo.ia, "Your habit of stooping, and
ririfijrinjr your shoulders forwanlnptin
your breast not only disllgure you, but
Is alarming on wcount of your health.
Tho continuance of thi vilo habit will
certainly produce u wiiisumptloni then
farewell papa, farewell pleasure, fnn).
well life! This Is no exagerallon, no
fiction lo excite your apprehension.
I ut, setting aside this distressing on
ideralion, I urn astonished that you
have no more pride in your apiearanc.
Toil will certainly Hint your growth
ami dUflgure your person."
ikitti-k WHaaiitivia ar.
I M -tf M.
. .f ! . vw
St . tY WH t-tif Snfwt A!
t kt Ht II I tl V.. -
It , , ,M .(
SI .. r f-NiVt tm S,
I J lr J hit .!.
t.fW 94 It -t l
t iw tvtj t-. m
St ..! ftf Vw tM-te tt. m.
Wtt fWM tA W.Wlf ... at.
tv tt tvwt. - m i
t fitiStt m r.ffHr a
Itaa ! .m. tt
WtSSv - .4 -f4 It
putt;! i-iiiMi:.
I'lutitiv. hiw . tttvt r btittflna; thai tbtif
r'M ,ln JeHlv) , I tt.vjtr In iwhI
tsrt vfW rhlVillVU w.wtjtj ttilltl h ia
IrettiH. cmi iif a taint '
Mi Hrver iMll..iMt. '" I alt ptnl
ll(. wflit Sj r In Ht ' Hi' hiHlMt
trl -) irt bad won. (or ami
I Im wrlti )lt lwhift
Srvrt itiliitl linltHwl'" eilrt JiJl,t,
Htl th.'it.'. Vtoil ftittt ctiiltln tlowti lit
lv titiiii litttidon I wtfitder tthtl ihr
it ill t) nhrli tho its)ttt rati It c tll
Htr lnr..t HVt-i to iitm t,,V vm.
htt vnnr aunt nil brnwii ami feialehctl,
alitl Hit' hmtkt nil )MUf itrt'ti I net el
re Mich t'lill.lloit, never "
' HhI )ihi like ut. .'aIIv." I 11.1. g
tIKtf htihl id her l4irlt. (nl, tw at in,
and Uvll mt vhetnV atfalntt tl
"I diifl'l, I teinli I tlmi'l," hef1rl
ltliHii.iiI) . ami lo hnw her iHiltle
hw thu'tt her nntit nmiiit ine, and
,iMriN mi hiwe ttrilh lilt Mkflluil III
plerft n( htrti vitwwl tltr Uhni l.i w..
IHiltle her tltiMi.
.tall ivrunm iKiltirmnld.lMlhil.lliald
and imi.e nul.l nil lit one, nml ll uei
lii rei III llio that thu tpetil nil her
)elMl.i time Ih ipintltdltm Ihr eiHtk
nnd .iinldHtig (it. but (ttr all thai, one
n( lev pltlielpitl itwlltM.ii tlHHUjlhti
lever I hnd Ml lunar Wit ttnklHtf nl all
uniiM in Ntv tw (,t.'t ttftliliiug
hi III) lwttt!t, nhd I kHi'tt the did all
tHHik' w oik (or sit Wiwka a Widi nt hue
iiwh, when iMMtr iimiV had siit-h it ul
ttii ttleiii ninl i ui her liitn. I
Wot hi no 1,11, Cl..t Mild I hnd a
lung tlteutiiii nltoul ('niitln K-altt mid
lu-r vlll, nnd vi tt ll vvlml dimvillnl
lltllo rngtiiiulllii vvt should enin In
her, (ur I iu nfinltl tie hml been nin
iilng wild, though papa mil) iiml In
laugh at it mid vioiild i-nuie Into Ihe
school tiNiiii w bun iiiniiiina w n bu) w tt It
ii over our li'ftiim, vthenever II vvn a
line uniiiiliig, ninl it) "Now ihen,
girl, the sllil ahllie saint llio bildt fvln
enlllug Out with you' Umiiii i.'oit
when It ralut,"
I knew afterward why till was
I'ftiia lina n httrill.l.i n.irt.oi. .I.maiI ..f
our growing im weak, and lekl, for
hi hi a dellcnto fniully, nnd I hail
uearu Hint our enlltiu weto nlleii very
111 '
"I can guess wh) (.'nn. In Kale's com.
tug lo slay with u," ni ,,
"I know whv she's iiiinlntf," I said.
"If because she's III," ahoiitiil l.ll.
for fear I should show my knowleilKii
"Sally will lake her new, Warm lilllk
with an egg In It before alio get inn of
bed In the morning," said '!) , o.
einnlvi "that will soon luake her well,"
"Win shall have all the eggs Npenkln
lays," anltl 1,11, "and Jenny w take
her every morning in the old gaidcn
seat under Ihe tieos She's ante to get
well there."
And so we did, for i'oillii Kate came
that afternoon -a tall, pain girl, with
a sad, weary took lu iier face, as she
gsri'd wistfully from nun to the other.
We tlnei! girt stood hack oiilto In
awe of the we.tlri'aed, faliioiiahtw
looking hotly, who wn different
from what we had etpi-ctiil, while
mnmiiia went up in wideoiue her, and
iiMik her lu her arms In n lender, nITii'
tlonate way, saylngi "Mv ilear child,
we nie so triad to sen Voll '
Cousin Kate threw her arms round
mniiiiun's nnok and hurl Into a lit of
sobldiitf, hiding her fnee f inrii our sights
Wit lllll Hot utiv iimm .f I'.mi.Ii.
Half that day, hut our young Interest
was deeply excited, ami somehow, per
hap fostered by dark hint dropped by
niniy, won was a llllgUMMI uowcr, liav
Inir been eroml In lot.. niTnlr wltl.
tho horse-keeper of a nlghlorlngfarniI
"" K"is koi to iiiuikiug ni our coiifiu'i
lllneas as n kind of iuytery cnniietiiei
lu some way, how we did not know
Willi lint liiutrl.
Ollr HMO llf till. aWiml fxmtlii j....l.i
fell oll'ihe very not t day, when we took
poeslou of her, ami led her round our
tienr oin eoutilry home, with Its wilder
lies of an orehiird, great garden shrub
boric mul nlensaiil meadow.
Her coining seeiueil tn lunrknuepoeh
lu OUr toillllf Uvea. fur. i-.ilin.
weak and ilelienle she was, we used to
vie one with llm other In being ipilet
nnd gentle, waiting upon her in the
must lllinofivtanrv unv llti. .....I
always ready to rush ofl iim-t willing
m.'i-iigers io i ore in 1 1 any utile want
1 1... ... .... i
in. i t-i rt-i
This came natural to u; but on my
pari ii was increased by a few word
which I heard pas between nana and
mamma, mamma saying Hint she did
not think thai poor Kato would ever
,!" minnj; again, llll siowiy wither
awav. 1 iravn a irn.itf miln l l....r.l
these wonl, and then burst out sobbing
..I. .!.....!.. "
I I'flVIIti J .
"Vou here, Jennv!" said mamma.
Well, my sJear, as you have heard
what w aald, it must be your secret,
tOO. Never let vonr lumr L..t.,
what we think, and never behave to her
as ii jou iMOUtflit she could not reeov.
"I proinIeI readily, and at fourle
the possession of that aecmt iwemeil I
make mw more womanly than my l
1 '" a- s reootiriietj my u.-nilcriast
mw KiinrrillK xl ri.
The in vail 1 wa nlueti-en a reat
tnln my estimation and I uod to
ook up to her with veneration, valug:
in ii.ji non, awiei iac unil wistful ryi
wouoiTing wnyMie was so III, and wl
wa Ihe great sorrow thai had come
upon her like a blight upon one of the
rosea round our porch.
Con tin Kale came tons In the spring,
nnd the mouth (lew hy till It wa the
height of summer; and many and many
a night hail I turned my face to Hie
wall, m that Ml should not know, and
cried silently till my pillow was wet.
For I knew to well that Kate waa
wAr ikjtn "Ken. a aa
avfiwa lN a mil lit iKtvobl f rtn wv4
tn (M htt trng m wtwh now v
wmM lr
"iVviitln Kai," I UI ntiU wIhhi
wtt tf. altint. l.ll arnl tTt Mvtaaj
(Vltht tiff In (l tl ffnWf, ''(rltl
MV lltH'tOf IM, JVtt W)Hf
ft)twknl i mow UK a tttl.Wijr
tf wlh Iuhm turtle) m IwfWis
tVn ivpt.. Ami Ihrw In war Mrs
itiatlt my hralt t. ? irti OHll
1I eivi only tttver'aad Ihvn Ma
Uv rtr.df In a liiw wMwr, saw tvMawl,
"and t-fott ht vail itwtti I shall Is)
tlrav.l tlr,!-'
,Sht. nut kiwtw t hUi liff lasvi
wort If, and I il oh!ltl wt (rlnhlmswl,
gating at her Hit my aUtorv ram hawk,
whs. w (v-.vlrHlty did, Wlilnwl
aUml Itrf ,U pit ttprnt Ihe seat, CUr
itl Upon IsSa ! wlllt r hr-td 4l4
iter v( Kaitt ImihI whh'h hiitr; 114
rtlv frttiii Ihr riruf ishnrv ! Isjh
nl, and I ihrvw murl mt thi Rr al
hrr f.oi, tti at hi itt. up lit hrr urnlw
(asv whb'lt had miit IwvitHttv ratni wlllt
lis old. ttin l.wtk
"tNwitlit Kato ,' t J, "istJI tt
ttlhef tlttft "
"NimhO1 I stl.l. islott'i a.k. she Uh'
ti wvl intU) "
"IM." sh aI.I. iiuUlh raltlita? hf
Itend aint bklii at live. "I am jxtllir
I.mU) "
I el ut imii Ihen. erleil 1 1tt. navvr
Ij. nii)i)u"ve ttrvef (old tl lwiot,"
Thuifwat ltiii-,t Iheo ort ifflW tillM
tilr.1 ami cet tut In Kali' fc
l taw uri iMrieiitie ami ittotlt'l
iwiwiiiicr up i inn ini nett nt
tin was mute e-tlm. ami Hint, with lh
let.tM wli(iMntlng ttiiind Ut ami ln
Iwiitertng n( blnlt inmltv imw ami
stfiiu Irtmi Hit) illtlitititi, hw ld III
low m',., luittlral tnliv
(hew niHio n time In Hot data of
long nsit. whrit )HH)pe wrr tfry, very
nspi'j e nn rnnn. inem uvivi a priueo
it hn lint imiiig, ami haiidmnie, ami
Irtte Netil) nvery onn Intrtl Mill, Im
Wit ti maul) and to grulte "
And he tin ml a Ire-vMlftil prlmvas,"
pill III ('itt
I the tpatiu himi (iiitln Kale'a
(aeo ntfalu, but H vtn ealiit again ill
rti'il) (ier, ninl iho wmt on
Nil. tlritr." she ,t,, n did ,i
hue a benutKnl pilnctt.. but a jmwh,
simple giil. who lotrtl him, Iimi, wltH
all liei liiNiltt ami Ihe) were n ht.
p) W hen Ilie itottui hl.ii'nmi'tl tney
i'Mint In hliMMtiit only (or ihm, ami
Ihe blitl snug Ihelr shi-dImI song for
them In the tutithlnr."
"ie. nlld Ihe) were martini, Mi
llted hnppv eter after,' rfled I'UsV,
''Ilium'1 '
Thee was nueit morn thai pit it ill
look iihiii Coiiiln Ktn' l.e, u.i only
hy mw, but 11 pAMisI lift, and she nv
"No, Cissy, lhy wttm not, for Ms
poor, haiiiUoiueyiiiiiig prince had ens.
lilies erurl, bitter enemies who aaV
drred him ami said that hn had maaia
fatait keys, ami openetl he irfsMiirti
chest n( a gtr man, ami tnlen away
ins gnin arm precious siniie, '
"Oh," whltmrett ns), lum
isv tl
"And," c.inllaue.1 Kale, "the?
me iMior primii, ami ttwra aa arr
sal ImS tvavs lis.
niM'enl.Hin wlckr
hltil and burn fate
ess against him
retailed) ami the
IHilgnii thai
ie was to I mi ea.t
lon, and wear
hraty chain, ami tvfj
pi there for 'it
MriiM rtil i
"Olil" erletl l.ll,
tt V... II .-I. I '!....
"I know, anil ll
wa then thai the brave yoiinif irlrl who
I .', ..HI . 11 .
invMi ii i is, went and unliMikcil Ihe prl
on Kates, struck off hi chalin, ami he
was dee,"
"No not" erletl eon. In Kale, ami
her tolce terribly, so that I wvt
alarmetl, though I rotihldo nnlhlug hut
gam up u the whl face Mote me, for
now a change cumn oter ll. "No," thu
cried, "Ilie poor girl could do liolhlnj(
hut all and weep, nnd feel her broken
heart beat beat Imal, u a own lirla
otiwhlh) wenrlrig llef out tilt till lisut
lied, and (Hi, Frank! Frank I what
have we ever done (hat we ahould suf
fer IhlsP"
I leaped up to throw my arm around
tier, while my sister shrank away In
alarm; for Cousin Kale turned from u
with a hitler wall, burled her face In her
hands, ami throw herself half over th
arm of the old garden seat, sobhlntf In a
wild, hystcrlenl way, such as 1 had lie v
vrseen. " Kate, dear Cousin Kate," I soblswlj
hul even as I spoke there Was a hasty
stup on Ihe gravel, Ihe bushes trern UttH
aside, and the shallow ol a (all man waa
cast over us.
"Kale darling! he urleil, catching;
her in Ms arms, a I was thrust rudely
aside, "I nm Innocent and free,"
rilie did not hear him, for she gave a
fnlul gasp and sank Iraek Insensible,
v three girls were almost tuunel
hul we saw Ilie Inll, thin, mb-ooklj .
sirauger iiusiiiy nil poor Kate from U
seal, and literally run with Iter to tl
uouse, wniie wn lonowen more !
As we reached the porch we met
running out, and lu a terv short
he returned wild a doctor. Ilut thi i
tor was the wrong oue the right j
nail come in us at tne garden seal, i
ii was ins worn thai hroiight our
i.oiisiii Hale hack to life, and Ii
course of a few month to health.
For Frank Hubert wa reinstall
the government ofllco from whlek
feln a higher Pot. one which
htm the conlidrnes) of the higher
ciais; winie me man tiirough
treaehery poor Frank had u(!
year and a naif Ix-fore, died confe
mat ne haul iM-en ihe K""' V
Oh! thfse hanpy day when the i
taVatsa Stlffll liajflr jff a k' lahf tlwlf
nii ifK ! mJ J y I
Cousin Kate cheek, and when rra
who wa down at tho old ptaca 01
naiuruay v si ay tin Monday,
Ih) sent to tilay and roino with 1
I can hardly believe that thirty yj
have glldeif by since then, but o II
ami even to this day we call dear 1
L'niy-whlskcrcd t rank, "KaU Trine
A Callfornlan waa once taking a Iff 1
teen cent dinner at thu Miner' Keti
rant lu Han Francisco, when ho call
loudly to ihe waller. "Do you conaltl
thin good beef P" "Certainly; thecatt
came all thu way from Tela. If Um
liadn't been kmm beni, they eoaJtUi'l
uavestoou me trip."
V i'l