'.. t"k Wt .. , '' . to. i. . .4 1 , V ', U.r v'i r iTiTe trrtfR 'OT STif&S St Sfoiu. J. ESTEV & COMPANY. , ao to f LUftt JtFinoli list been Iwturinj: In rA'j n' fcr. . 1 wJI l uw MlAHTlKWi, BCJC. lh:mjfa w far m .. " . .. 7 r i A.t m 'AWlS ' ..J" iK smv ra 6 Vi A &' Sf.'J-j' Stb,T IK fc- ? Vfo Sir- a-. .-v. a' te .., " . . . . v Omaha expects new (It)Uft boon Ani City Hill. .; Ttcumitli U ro!m to life it tp faotory run by steam. IiiiinlKruli'tn ino all rl of tlm State continuei lively. Omaha i ttkitiic soiinii'ly of having a nll factory, Odrsta wheal U bet Urjtfly own throughout the Blatu. t One third nf tlin people of York county wear the red ribbon. A tutephone bai been put In oi era tlon between Omiba utid North l'lattu. A'colony from Ientiylnii aro thlnkinff or anltlitijt In Franklin .County. ,' '0sn.8trlcklaiid I reported to be , .- Very ntck, end hope for hi. lecovnry C, rwll. Otoe eouity U fu;iiihttif n coiiIJvr eblo number of ImiuiKrunts for the Black Mill. Aboul WW parsons signed the filed: aud boW wosr tin red ribbon in llwlincn. The wtl-IUil-A'il.lioii mi'ii ncu endeafering to control the city cle llon In Lincoln- The rarer nilll nt West I'olut is'. - 5T7 wroirilM wjth work Hut It'll run ' Jay and nljrht. i. .' , Harallton oounty, it i ftinntcJ, will heve 12'J,000 aoros nl' bind hown tt whoat tbi Mon, Col. Climuploit H. ChD of Omilm i upokon o I an n prububle enndidnto Tor h'ovcruor next fell. About' ft.tftO n rnifttd in fifteen - minute at llmlini,', toward furni.ili ing publio rrndiiic room. A cmnpnny ba been nrcnutxed at Columbus to build n nnrron- ru(,'e :' railroad I'M in thoro up tlm Loup, V:;'TI' Ijlnco1" nod-ribbonltei will t, '; neninatoaatruiicbt tcuipuranen tiek- ,41, Ro they luTun't Rfit over the bablljet of "takluir lOMraibt." i";, A Martians u now hotel, ii to br 'V 'eitabliflied ncur tlio St. Joe depot, on f , the outb tide, to bo known as the ' Smith Home, anil kept for thoac- aceommodation of night phhmidkcm. . , Juniata in fairly nblnze with ex. ji oitruani I'auud by tho t'ropoMtlun , Made ty tho 11. k M. railroad, and ; pUdxee bond to the tua ui" -wlmt. ever utuuilfiht bo unled, DnuhtloMi in that preefnot, bondu will be iuud, A IIVNOKKt) immiftrnntfi, forming , the advance fuard of Wont Virginia oolooy, will aettlo in Pawnon county, on the Union IWiGo roud, and estab. luh n town to be called 1'nrkeriburc. in honor of tholr Icador. Homo 200 aioro will noon join them. A ipodel yoan man it wanted in Btward county aooorditiR to tho follow log: M School dintrict No. 15, wm( a flrt-clan teacher. Ouo who is a oo! fighter and willllot tho bin irl alone. Ono who has not a red baud preferred. Good wages pHid and boarding ohesp (whoro .thero in n .pretty Ktrl, but bo carcll). Cull on ,nr addrew I). pniHocy.r.," 1 . ( A Young Sued. 1' . N. llurroujjJiH, a Sarpy county farmer, living near IUIIotuo, wa.i in town yesterday, looking auor n vounj; .roan named Allan McKinnoy, whom vhe,Mut to Omaha no Tuesday with load of cftrn to sell. Ho found out that MoKinney had not only Bold the corn, but had alio disposed of ono ol the horses, Tho other horse nnd the wagon were left at the Checkered barn, where Burrowghs found them yesterday. MoKinney obtained $50 ;n cash and a duo bill far 130 for the horee that ho sold, is homo is in Petersburg, Iowa. Ho has fled thu city, for Burroughs oould not And him in town yesterday, although ho ade most diligent search, "-RtpvNican. PrOCKDINCM OP T!UOU!CU8, Ass'n, Guidk Rock. March 30. 1878. Association called to order by A, L Barton, President. Exercis) in Grammar conducted by A. Amsburger. CoMtitution amended so that the AasooiatioH meets the last Saturday before fUU moon in oaoh month in wadofthelsst Saturday in eaoh sionth u heretofore. All members present expressed themselves in fator of an Instituto to be hea at Red Cloud the last weak is Jon a .mentioned at a previous Ufeting by the County Supt. On account of funeral services to be held at the flohool houo in tho after aoosj th.e Association adjourned. Aoxt eetiog to bo held at Red Cloud. jPattrday November .th 1878., J, Bailey. Se. Pro Tern. gricMiiurui .mpio"1 ir ments. X i;HtMHuiiiB 3BBbV lliBiBS-BBB M.ieev-rravicw .W.1M-Bkttow, BRAHLEBORO, VT. stiiilcVfukt! nml U'lillc wittri' niicnn-f VJi ilm(' ii II l0ol Mtll.y ;totv t(fiilesr draft In the worll! Tho Kctiiiina ), , l' i rick IJrkin I'lnwn, IJttlon and K(tin,' Cow iNahi vt. HUnrd HatVOiterx- witli fiMffLISTAlD BEST III TS M.27. 'I he Win Id Itcijiiwiied .1 l.t.'AMK TIIUBISIM,' ,11 AC IIIiVKH ' n.-nr nJrtw, prialy tUalrmxl for Ru4y fSchocU,- " mvctt irovinsj n wouMkoii Fprcuiiy ol mid kee(i n lull linn of i (pan. 4 und you will tt Kicsl iltnl of niinuyance by ordenu wly dlri-ct from uh, rSHKUI)&STONK. tuao i , r i ; , 1,1 . u-vtgAUua t.agpgrca -A - A'raoML m ArviMitD Vtxzeot urt atmo 4 rrtt' .la 37? BSJbuHbL lie smro to aend for full tleacriuUra CaUloanio before) parrlinalng- amy other. the urgest works (of the kind) on the globe IUaatratcd Catalogue sent free. A NEW DEPARTURE ! um 3000 Enjravlngj. 1810 Tajoj Quarto. 1 .000 Wpfth nnd MinlH;i 'nof , ii ,v(hrr Jiitwniiriit, """'' FOUR PACES COLORED PLATES. A WHOLE LIDRAny.; IN ITSELr J IN. .rj;iVALUADIE IN ANY Family, nml any School. Published ,y (J. ,t IX Mi'liltiAM. MpriiiKlluld, .Ma.si. Wnrmljr liittnrMCtl hy Hhtieroft, Pri-wott. ,M,,,,;y. torft. i. MiMh, l.l,',,."W.,,.,,"l,eck' ',,l", (! Winner, N. IV JVilli,. .lolsts (.. Snxi-, l-.hhu lliirritt, I),ii.. Wolter, lluruj. Cliimto, ILCnlriidue, 'J'n"i , Homoo iMmdm. 'lore limn fifiv (Villm... I. -:,!... A I II ' ' .;i.'w . ...-.I'll;),,.., Ami tlin Iium Anicricuii and Kiitopian cholurn. Cnntnlfid onk l'lfrti moto matter than nny other, tlin suiullur typo ylv ing lunrc. on n 'rh, Contains 3000 ilhutiution. nearly tlireo tuitUM ns ninny lis any ntlmr Die Unitary. HSP-LOOIC AT tho thrco pintures nruhlup, on pugu 1751 thcuo alone illii8lrnto tlm nioaniiiK or tnoro than 100 woid- and lorm far belter than they can bo defined in words. More than ItO.OOO o.-pio huvo bocii jilnceil t tlie publiu schools of the United atate. Indorsed by Statu Htipoiintendentu of hcIiooIn in 34 stntrn, nnd inoro than COCollogo Presidents. , Has about 10 000 wonN and mcan iiiks not in otbor Dietionnrirs. , Kuibodios nl out 100 yeara of iterary labor, and is nitreral yvars later than env other laro Dieiionary. t Thocalo of Welmttir's Dictinnarics ih 20 tiuifs us great ai the salo of. auy OtlllT 101'ioN nt' Dietinnnvin "August , 1877. Tho Dictionary used in tho (lovcriiiuent Printing Of flen is WolmterV Unabridged." la it not rightly ohuoiod that Wr.n STKll thu STatloiinl Ntaiulard. "Offieo of Hloto Supt. of Publio In (miction, Lincoln, Neb,, Doc. 20, 1870. "riiiscertillcH that Websior's Una bridged Dietionary lias liuen added to (ho ' Stale Recommended List" ol books to bo used in tho School ot Nebraska. (Signed) J. M. MoKKNZIK. Stat Vit)(, ',.,i. Int." SAM'L 6ARBBK "T" . DULIRIN pry ' Good ' and Groceries. UOOTNant K1KODES Hats. Caps. & Ready Made Clothing ! We have thi Largest e Stick in tht Valky and will nit fai URrftrsold. OIVI UH A CALL, ONE k ALL Sam'l Garbeis iT le Iiitl, Nel. HIE m has son H ONE PRICE MAN. romoveel (o L. M- Thorap- '1 it IK I,, j n 'if I H.-'KliiKr Avi-'iuiM. vrlino you Mill Hud ICVKUY THING puttaiiung to Cr.t iaM Moc. CLOTHING DRY GOODS. CROGE.Ri.ES BOOTS & SHOES, HATS S CAPs, THK HIOIIKST CASH l'A'IUK l'AD FOA-'lIIDPA FU, Ah ' all Country I'roduco. A'UMKMHKU the place when in HASTINGS, and b Mir 4 uJI Aahon Mav. mi tie lllGGKKTiitnr in tn-rn. BWT.ii i j.mr. jifjA&kUJaBBHBMMMK VU. XZ. PRJGJ'SSCGTTj Gjuernl Au'iui for THEGREAT SMITH . American Organ -AND- BRADBUEY PIANO. Tho Oldest Company a THEBESTORCAN Nrarljr 80 OOO Orcmt IVow In Tie, Endorteal hy tbeBE9T.1li;illClANal. He suie and bay a SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN if any 0. VT. 8PRINQKR, Aent for Webiter CoNe EEMEMBEE the; Red Ciaono Chie'j When yon wish to'fsubieribo for a newspaper, THE CHIUK. i:h its communications from all parts of tho couutr, is just the pp4r i send lo your friends in the Kast, that they mav know moru of tho fr tlin and productive Itopublican Valley. THK GHIEk. with lis In I columns of locals, Is just the paper you want lor viiurolve tht yn may know what i happening to your neighbor. tllK CI1IKF, wii'n itseditoual noteK, is jiim the paper that you need in order that you may know what of gcucral iuteiest is occurring at hoaue and abtoavl. la just the Offieo where yoo wait te (at your OArds, Posters, Letter-Plead, Pill-I-Ieads, NoteHeads, ENVELOPES, CIBOULAS and BLANK NOTKS at aay Mei ef J O B W O R K. Will find it to taeir insersst to palreniae THI CHIir. What butter ChristBias present than THK OHlKe. ONI.Y SQ.OO A YEAR FA. HM RISTAKlfi TOTTCJK 'n e tH.iv'iHt i b Htr 'f.f vim .'tU' .t'uV f Firm IniL-i.'enti rl '" N'b . e rn Ji i-sa' y 'tr fn. tnr t-wli.fmjcblniry ' or !- R"t v 'i..i . rr.t. iVAr. CHICAGO a K 'v.ih.ii h.; .' ' ( "'tr.riwf5 K. wot l!niiVOI.IM' ''invtT'iit HLCK HA ' K r.tit i..i4 ! iii . vi.ai 1'iawt, ; KK. I I. Im, tM. Tt;lt ('... PlJkM'KJi. Kmpibi lUsper A Morrr, MAK-H A. BASTKR Utftar .M. with Mif hiHd.'i., GAD il.ki. ItANLOLt'H j Hrsdfu Aaltintii T.yV Ih.o-h r., Miiummiu (.fcwif TtiMther. Kansiii WAIJOXjItuic" UI.VJKTlll.l,, PiiMei, Com Midler m J a ',, tt,. l fit ii I ! -i H , ' i , n ' l"f oi iNexl.i r'. . ful'v warrant i tvi m mi i4Ufkt ia fmir.eis a r;3S. STAOIJ!!? tS: OFTSHER Whole-alt- unci Kclnl!l)r:lr rain Tai mninrhiatrj STEAH ENGINES, i''Jt' I?3.il Jm and C:va;oralor, T li res 1 i c i s. I-T.o 1 -so Powers, flour nnd Cm ,lill, ('.r a-id Cob t'rusbtr, Uhuroh, School, and Fire ALrin l!il! For Sale by D D. MIJAUN.S. Kccu:v, obiter eonnty Xob. .. 1). Totter bt jut teeeived the fine! :tnrtti en of $m &in?i !(ii!ottirins, iilt-Si ftfitfiisiottS. I'.vr brought to te Vni.ny. 'iinJ piiwj. tiitc hint a etl nnd rxsmiiie Rondi C3-4 Fa-J.?rcr, Uct: Ckau, Nebraska. iiroxruBwrareifni,maa3Srrai mj"-i caverns HARDWARE I 0 Jtijst J . lilLl II. eft JlWJssJUAK'E, Frpn. We keep on hand" at all times a larfiP and oonipMe stock of 8ti Te, fin and Hurdwute. r . WS ALSO Keep a Supply of Fni'miitg Impleuout: . HirGive us n call, ai we Icel furc we ran uit y, aval at lgur ii low as any other titm in tho west. "Oil injembor the placo, 1 door northtof the Pri a tin g office. Red C loud. Nb i b: - SWjCW V -i . K,T. Vi " At h Iwrton. President. W.MU ' -' ji )s i,'v,t. TjK . . : .M aJ5.. y:i iw"A'i!.'ft . !.. WMWI nnt LJi'.i SJhJBWHY in-:4w-i piii&gJL V EL RISU U.. .( j ,.-' ' &&M f-S-. k ., TIL ". r IflMrarX Vii ;v: er bbbrb '.7. iirr -j cfTWA-.-rf v ' . ' x. 't -v. :aaat