The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 04, 1878, Image 5

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v,x J
I l'll)l' II
ii 1.1 .1 iir.ii
....7 matters
- .
Lester oa beml. from Kckley ne n
T. J Wright sends ihe ClIUl
! .:. . l
U. 8. Hairy coateaiplsUs build
iag a boat for bit fiL pond.
-W.N. RieL.rd.oB ,,4, ,fcf
Caiaw la California tbit week.
W. Huiilb sends the CitlaT te
New Yeri this week.
AaJ eew itr Treavurer JJberer
vbat cordially ihakte our hand.
F. B. Tiffany of Bristol Cenn.
ealled this wek. Of cuarte the Cms
lata, fiaaith. on of nur .,..
' laakers. teturwed from Beatrice lat
V -Our friend W. I). Vioceat I..,
retarned Irota Iowa and was in town
laie week.
-Woolen Poplin in all (be U,Ml
Shades for Spring wear eoly 15 a
I W01.BAGII nno'a Haailng..
) 7R- ,l- Pul'Pn h the contaact for
baiMing tho court house. We .hall
aay mora a bo at this hereafter.
Mrs. I,un hae returned from
Chicago with a new lot or Millinery
Mr. Vsn Alstyue and lady, of
Juniata were in town vi-hiog their
i xuany friend ibis week.
Ledies' rhiea all itca only $1.00
H pair at Baum'n.
ladies' turumer shaals new
styles 75 nt( each al L. Bagm'ii.
Oar "irrcprewible" is getting
7 wiplary ot late, lie attend
' "lirk" every evening rvgular now.
Miner Bron. have "arriv" and
Ihetr store building is crammed full
latest styles of good-. Call and
I- Baum our balmy merchant
v ' friend has returned from Chicago and
with hint catue loads of goods, cheap.
good, audetlib. Se loals.
Isaae Le Dioyt taken charge of
Stabler A I)iihrr' agricultural im
pleweiiU vice (rieud Heiler who re
lunw to flattings.
Mr. lime a Jeweler froa Waukon
Iowa, will 01111 ariivr v ia la a Urgf and
eotnolete stock ol jewelry, ro we are
i New Stock of Boftif X, Shoe
lower than ver at our Smro
I . HOLIIACrV Hku'h Heatings.
We i tired iu the Xtlimtkn
Kiylr. a well written article loin the
Min of Mr. Uavl a which we wovld
t ' a!1'' "(" "ad wr tbe apace.
. We are glad lu welcome Thoa.
Wright again 111 our midw lie nccut
ly returaaWlrom Iowa whtie he has
bea visiting the paa wiuter.
1. Bsuta hat j'uh returned from
Cbiaage, and h bought a large
atock of goods lor cash at bed rock
e Mr, Sberer is improving hie hhel-
tea and saya that ha will clean out his
start before long.
Mr. iobinn a school teacher
and brother uilldriver from Iowa
lLade it lively in the office the other
day. Wa hope Mr. Kobinson will
j slay with us.
Good calico 6 eentn per yard
at Baum's
While Pique 12 1-2 cents per yard
at Baum 'a
Austin Bros, from Whiteside Co.
Jib favored us with a -pltaaant call
' at taiaweek. Ooe of thesa has located
4m wa tba marabout five miles. Glad
fc-ywa hare eomt aaaonfet ua Mr. Aua-
Maaa Hata SO cants
at Woliacu Bro'b Maatings.
1000 .dens Buita at $4 00 a Suit
at WOLBAC1I Bro'h Hjatiogs.
i Aoaveoing party at Rev. Yeiiers
aV 4at (Wednesday) eveaiag. Ween-
joyed the party very tnuob, spent a
laasaut evening and partook af an
excellent supper prepared for the
gaasu by the h .spitable hoatem.
j The othereveaieg a toad (no it
was a frog ,) bus loet. Any iatsriaatiaa
ragardiag its wberaabouu will be
tkaakfully caciavad by lha owaer.
Addseas 0. aara of Chiev.
Geo. Baile, a nephew of friend
"Potter the aiilKr" haa reeeatly ooasa
-, eat fiOBJ Owego, N. Y. aad will
ataad behiad tba aoaater of tba atora
at tba ill, owned by C. R. Pottar.
Caasa up aad get aaqaaiatad Mr.
It Oar genial frieud Jaa. Dunbar
4 af Guide taak waa in to see as aad
paas aver the creao bsx. Ha brought
ra a frieo-l, Mr. John, who of course
amawatibad for' the Utnxr. Praiie
ijaai a as like Mr. D. waeayi
W$ ww 0n U4 to Eoaa to.
V l lll I I t . tM V. . . V
ij a in . ii.ii I. Aii A
i Netie is hereby given thai by vir
, me of authority mut vcuj i mi
Nebraska, flfJtril February H A '
' D , 1MW, eaittlrd ' Au jt to rutle j
f Yallatlaa1 ISlL ! e'e..iawil.. t, !.., '
lo tv uooey on their Urnde or to lnue
I it i i. .i.
iiuixii mi hi in nc cvniimcuon oi j
i c.'iuflttioo cl work of lutrrinl Un-i
J pwu-eat iu thu i?iei end m leal j
' M already Issued fr ath pur-
pOK .
We the County Comiuisucccis of '
Webster fouuty ia th Mat o( Ne
brtela, do hereby order a ptctal I
rlrcilto to U ht Id lu t.d lor Mid
County af WtUlcr ou the fourth day
ot Ma), l.'s at tlio umal places ep- ,
pointed lur holding ekctioo iu itm 1
different iicJik( iu id wuuUr, for
lli purine of voliuc mi the fullua I
lug ptopontlou to wit, Shall itw Coun
ty Ceuituwioncrs 01 ino Count) vf
WeUter in lb slate ot Nebimik for
the purpose of aidm In tbo conetruc-
liou ot the llrpubhcaii alley !Ui
road from a poiut on Kit Buihn-ton
and Mi urt Idttr Keilroal in N
braeke al or nar ILnu(t in A Jama
County, 10 a (mini In the Kepublicau
Valley in WvUtcr Jouiuy Nebraska
at or mar Bed Cloud, iuc the bnd
ol raid County to the amount of For
l)-een Thuu.itiJ Five Hundred Iul
4!aid bondv to boar date January
let, WJ, and to l.r pajable to the IU
publican Valley nailioaJ Company or
bvarer al the expiration of Fifteen j
yean from tlio date thereof, and to
lariniciel at the rate of 8 percent
per aiiuam, from and after lb dat
thereof payable annually to braicr on
interest ooupontnttacluit thereto and
piitiiipal aud mtftct of t-aid bonda
payable at tlio office of the Treasurer
of Mid county of WoUtcr.
Von Iftt, "t That the work of con
Mructiotf the aid road olmll be bejjun
hv the lot day of.Iuly 18TS.
J'nnitlrJ, '-'ml, 'I bat tb aaid bond
rball not bodolivurol until raid llaib
road 11 ball be ooiuplvud and lb car
ruuniujt from a oomt at or near Hatt
ioffrt In Adam County, Nrbrika, to
a point in iIim itoimbticuii Valle;, nt
or near lUd Cloud, A'ubroLa
J'rotx'itril. 3m, '1'lmi ibo aid road
aliatl bo completed above t.Ki'd and
tlio var runniuc thnmKh miJ
County of Webster, aiiibovr hlated,
by the Utda.v of July, eiKhloi'ii buu
dri'd audtou'iiiy nine.
1'i'iKitlul, 4tb, Tint a lAlion Miill
b atttbiittirl by tha Mid milmvl
company t kib point at or mr b
aorthern boundary ol aid cuuuty of
Webntcr, uud an alditiciul Mat n
bamrrti that print and ihe latioii nt
or near Hcd Cloud in th Koiu'ilirau
1'iotiitul, 6lb, Haid bond xb! not
be delirered to the .iid roul uii' it
is the (rt line built from tin nurtli
ern boui'dary of the county into the
Itrpublicau Valley.
Proti'Jtd further that abonld nid
road be extended up the fi'puhlit'an
Valley to the went line of uid Web
ster Connly there be a lurJivr station
Mabliahcd at or near the conicr of
ratine twelve on the line of aid road,
And nhall the County Couiiiiiioii
er of aaid Wrbiier County cti- to
b annually levied iu addition tn the
unual and other Taxe an amount of
Tax ufficient to pay the intcreit ao
crueiog annually un eaid Bonds and
after ike expiration ot wen and a
half year from 1I10 (lain thereof an
additional amount of Tax annually
thereafter eufficient to pay an eoial
portion of tlio principal rf the tame
until they are all paid and cancel
led. l'rovidtd that ucb laxee ao to bo
levied (hall aot exceed tbo amount of
Taxes authorized by law to be litvied
to aid in the eonntrnotioa of work of
internal improvement-, in this Kate.
And provuM that all Taxe to
pay the principal of Ntid Donda thall
iu do one year exceej ten per cent, of
the principal of aaid Honde.
Said vote on aaid proportion aha! I
be taken by Ballot, and all pereotia
voting in favor of aaid proportion
ball have printed or written thereon
the words:
"BhtJl tie Couaty Ikmde of Web
ster Carat, Nebraska, be iataed to
tfee-BepuUwea Valley Railroad Com
paay in acewrdaaee with the propoai
tioo attbaaitted by the County Com-
And all persooe voting agaiait aaid
propositiow sball have printed or writ
Uti tbereoa the word:
"Shall the ( out Beada of Web
star County Nebraska, be iaraed to
the Hepabtieaa Valley Railroad Coat
paay is aaeardaaaa with the propoei
tloa aabwktad bjr the County Cota
aauMioBer? Ne."
Tha pkeaaj of vat'iag in the several
pretiacte ia the aaid Caaaty of Web
wratjeidatetioa iball t fa!.
law it
Keil CWuJ IVrviart it t Cttft
lluiJ llwk tti at ShW
o lit N.i I
MilUaier PiriKt cbi
llnw l.t. .Vi. tt
Osk Crrrk htl at .Va,
IVixUtu l'miarl at ?bo4 lloute '
l.t. .Viv M '
(5Un.vl reinct at ,SVhJ ll'ue
lit .V J4
--"- ,--- ,, , - . fi
tUttuon l'rivlrl al WI U V (1
UsvaW I'rumel VUol llne j
I, v .,
.lnm tri-AlWtwtl al M100I
Iliu4 I11 N 3
Balin I'ltMlKl
Dim No, i'
KI10 Ct-V I'rveinci at &btvri IIoum
Iit. No 13
lated ibu "d day of April A IV
Uy order of I be Boird ot Com aula
J. A. Tci.t.ara
Oounly Clerk
We Hunt our friend, mlth llr
A Tbouiptti will ep1pa ap)livy
for not citing tbnr rntrptBiJAaa ex
tended u.iiice r4iller The rtTiiCsao
inatiy iew and Imp irtanl ebraiM aM
daily vviiiiiij: to ll:ht in our aiidat, we
find it dilliiii't lo keep pace wiib the
rapid pmaie that 1 Unix male.
1 his institution indirairs more
plainly than any which bs preceded
it, tbo pnprrouii c-nltttoti which
we a a town and omiuty enjoy When
evtr you tind capital eekitig lt'vet.
menl iheie jou find a tn aisle or
nnYir financially. The fact thai tht
Bank i the only one iu the whole lie.
publican valley, may well be ivuMir
ed a compliment to lUd Cloud and
Webter ounly, al tbo MiRa time, it
how oagacity and foieilght on the
part of Smith Bros, k Theiupeou
which lo our mind ia very commenda
ble. Iu a recant interview with the
fcnllcuicii we g ittiered aome infor-na
tion a to the plan ihey intend to fol
low, which if carried out, will not on
l tniore tlirm nurwiM, but will add
very greatly to the development of
this portion of the alate.
They proporc to loan money at the
( Irnl rate ol intcrtat, inaklne no !U
crimination Utweta tho farmer and
the buMriene man The farmer cu
liiirow cheaply a the merciiant ,
Mini tlio eaiur in ti'iMtd In dvpon, tli'j
fanner will riK iv tlm ituie' courte
ous treatment with lit iujall'.leioit,
aa the buins uuu wlioee operatinii
urc on a lari-cr scale.
In the matter ( esthaturr, their
Lu-lncM will Ik; u vrrat help to the
lujiniiiiiiiitr, h herutoforn, pariii-a
nmliiiK tfU-itlaiiciia have bvvn oblig
ed to depend upon Pont Office order,
or ud riiiitiM-y at larfe t'Xpcne and
ri?k. No a jou can step in at the
Bank and buy your exebango in any
amount at trifling cost.
Time loan upon real estate is an
other branch to wbicb they givcejec
ial attention. There ate tuaay fitrav
u in this county who came here, you
wight aay, without any weans, but
who have by patient work auocceded
in making au houeat living, bave
proved up 00 their hoasiateadi and
uow with a few hundred dollars In
hand to iuvest judiciously ia yuuag
stock, can place themselves in a few
years beyond the reach of want. Ev
ery man who owns a farm and has it
psid for, if he laoka the accessary
caoh to commence with bis little s'ouk
of cattle, hogs or sheep, ean obtain it
at the bank on five years tiiae at a
low rate of interest.
When we look about ua and make
comparisons with ether towns and
couaties near by, we can understand
how fortunate Mobster county U ia ae
caring this institution. Take Haul
lugs lor instance, if you obtain a short
lime loan at tbo Banks there they
charge 24 percent, and this is true
of Dearly all the banks iu our small
western towns.
In viewoflheaafacu we bope and
trust that all our business men and
formers will appreciate tbeae privilege
cj by affording such encouragement
as ibis enterprise deserve. We take
great pleasure in placing before our
readers from tisae to tiaso these un
Bciaukable evidence ef progeas. It
ia hardly aeeMesry to aay that with
our Kail Road coasletad all tba diff
reat iodustriea will be greatly ami
tiplied . Ia eeaaeettoa with this tub
Ject we are glad te aotiea that the
prapoeitioa b iaaraaaat ia favor la
the differeat parte af tba aoaaty.
Oar boast has always beea that Web
sur Co. eoauiae ae iatalligeat a
class of peopa aaaay ether aosaty
ia tho etate, aad wa are oooviaead
tbatwhea tbeyfaUy uaderetaad the
aitaaUon, their deeieioa will be aa ia
Ulligtnt aaa; for is reality the beei
Its to be derived frosn tha Rail RmJ
are a.ueh greater to tha people at
ibw inaa 10 am v,ioas or aay par.
tita.'ar locality.
J k," . it e.ii im...
Tl V'tl ,f, Pt 1 )
'" ti:., i..,v
M I 1 fHl I .' aMIaIi. ....... ..L .
'.it- 5 a'e. 1UU cAttt u tr.
Mineai HottM. ,.. ,. n.n,, m,
I fl IU( .txl f.lbi llr.-w...l..u..... U.L '
)ttx '" ;4' tlnn--.VIae imhw as1
lime skJ tt.r.,M a fcrmel
lbklo UUe..
itr.... .i...-.v is.... I
. . " ".. -..- .- ,"--,, "-v .
..f A Padrfi-et, I rrsl.K Pwt
ai i-,a(jvi nouM.Nat lUftV, Nik V.ik iVmbml. at
, K 0l. M.hl, (arutnijft,
's tai. bk a - . 1 .... -
This Vtitltan t Aveyrat uM, ami Is
halfbki..! Norman. ijaHr, CeaaJiaa
Lien, and ijasttot, Knilh (clt.
will atsivl fr the u of mares at
the Brewery tU. lUd (ul until Ja
ly. Iwataalag ApiUin, lT.
TahMa -.SinxUMarrs 0i0 flub
Kirdlu, ti iaidiwd, AVavon, Itv. .Viu
glr Uap L
53 110 f P. M'tU
Save your money by huting your Iroa
Slaai, Nails and lielf hardwire o
'MQWKtirt rAHHKi.1.
Tbey seH aheaper ihau an) other
011S4 iu the stave.
1st Street, fret i age Neb.
hmlti r ( iittwiwa Hckl
Notion is heiebylgiveii, that nnThurt
Uy th '.'.. Hi day ofApIrl IS78. all the
wlmol snd Ciiivrikity land iu Wbtrr
xiunty rriiiaiuthg tiuo., (eirept that
which ha beeu IfSaoil.) will U ntleresl al
public eht to tha hlghetl bidder, at the
oflioo iiCtlie county Treaiurnr, of Mid
eiiuuiy, said sste commeiMiut: at 10
a'rl ok A. M , ntid cniilinuluc until all of
Mid land haa U'u olTcfd Pull i(rp
tintiatid apifiwd value of said Uud will
U' found al tint county Treaniroi olTire
Haled nt Lincoln, Nehrasla. till. 'J1I1
da) of .March A I), ITS
By order nl" tho Board f IMuctlonl
liaiids and funds.
P M liAVla
ComnilMlonee of I'uMU n. l.utl.tlra
Coualr Tif.-mr Attmt
iW A. riwilhpfllaalines, lie a few
ivorttnriit of Bonks, Sialionery, Wall
I'rtpeir. .IrWidiJ'. Uatflira, Clnrk. ,Mu
iinl Itiatruuivnte, Toys and Notions,
whb''i n f-ells al Ixiilom prices, He is
one of 1 he pioneer bunlniM men of that
pliieti and bus Ublilid a reputation
lur dueling fairly, .1.1 4l
Ifycu want a good job or Watch re
pairing done, go to W, A, Smith's Hail
ing. He lu a Pirst Class Watchmaker
and warrants hi work. .1.1 4l
mii-iii Jioo'f
The Olobtated Bain wkeoti fur sate
lyJ. I. MllUr. also Bruwn'a III. Com
Planters, Daveninui Plows, Ju! icclevcd
oheap for cash or on time.
Choice Bin Coffee ! I be for II 00 al
W A. Camp's farmer store.
Jiloominglon Ntbruka
March 2eh 1878, )
Complaiai having been entered at thle
Office by Zscbanah Roeacranee agaiaat
Archibald McArtbnr for abeaionlag
bis Homestead Entry No. 1826, dated
January 24 1874, upon the H J N W 1 4
wA'JS If 1-4 Section !, Towashlp 1
A', taage 12 W, ia Webster County
iVebreeka, with a view to iho cancells-
tion of said entry the said parlise are
hereby aummooed to appoar at this Of
fice 00 the IS day of May, 1878, at 'J
o'elock A M., to reepood and furubh u
(itsoay eoBceraiag aaid alleged aban
donment WxaeTift Katon, Regiiter.
Gav. W, UoMKr, Receiver,
Drive tba beat Stage line ia tha west.
If yen waat to go from
Or aay pelat ob tha JTcpublkaa or
Solonoa rivers lake Ihu Hae aad yea
will fad lively drivers aad low rates.
Htagea leave, f laatiag aad LoweU at eight
ValaakA.M.oa TaeasJaya, Thursdays
aad Saturdays; aad ratura atlvao'elaak
P. M..M Moadays, Wadnaadaye aad
Nee Ml aaeike-i t V,I pW
eHitaKuk" 'Pata
est) Xil CM . -
ie. lwtvats Vj lu K
II Pinita, N V Vfwlnww'
II iy'.M. f e- At wm
Mtaar Hutl(V, IWkWi tMh
Si N V
l V li'WWTOItl.R rwtlwf !
I 1 ljt,,,..),, 1 KeH r
duev4 tv t iNieaUre Ot Ad
drew lUs N VtMl
-Tmaa i e.. aatlhtr Pa ire
h(fKV4i thtu hUh, and il w
Lws It ! ip rlesvtr in re
lain It h lt satVl wS svir h
rrnuAlng We as Kk bB.I(h. ftf;
pMttsl.e.vit iiir-eiseK ! '
fHg cl westiM. sol die"'i. d t
an and Me.mll wlrM t-ut lke
Kilt it s parllebi s Ur lM!a-d be
etire.1 Hold by K. B SbW il V.
II potiei
-O-vt doe- t.f 0 A 0 Oa
ami iiirtheite Rwe,l Is aalsl l
aelUfy )ow of lb iiW ! '
lb inte4) aiwl ee Utile lewt
wor.l cvld. V H Poller, agtai.
leski aVeeiill
(la 10 lb PoatoaVe for your Hrhvl
Books f
I'ate vtt iBrtney by suWtWm f
any psptl you want, at Ike PvibV
of all .iiss, fur all kinds of Sewing
MsehlnrsallheP, 0, (ITtfl
ja--w-r w a
.in Mti'd Csrda, with aaes. 10 ela
Sam pies frr t el. sisssp. M IHKua
4 (Nt N...4H, N V
(Jo and tea that wall pier at the
Poeioflce befoie you buy eUeahere,
Lan.t Ftr lilt.
We ar now nfftilng for sale en bel
ter urms and ehesperlhen ever be
fore, all lands belonging In II h M.
Si Joe A D C and Midland Paoite
Ball Itoad Companies In Webtr aad
ad iolnlng counties. We alsi bava
somn choice claims for ssle, Give as
a e.ll
Kaley Broa. Ally's A lUal eslae
Am's llrd Cloud Neb. i.'lf
aaBBaaBBBjawapbuklnsis yxiu can
tpti I " lo. Ilia
t'.M pr day tusiU by any worker of
illhei aei, tUbllullielrownloralitUs.
Parileiilare and samples worth t't five,
Improve your lime el ibUlusl
ti.. Addn-ia Hi IK son Co,.
Portland, Maine.
I vin oiler Inr for sale on perls I
In in Und bvhmting mil AM and
St. Joe and Denver City Itailrnad
Companies in Wabeter ml Nuckolls
Counties 1 have some partially Im
pmvod, choice claims for aala,
Dealer in Agricultural Implesaents,
and Ileal Kaiaie Agent.
G W, Pbamcis.
Silllwater, Nebraska. 3lat3
"wmn, bIALK
One Smith American Orgaa, eight
siop, Ins combination, of agreeable
qoalitles iu toae, iower, parity, aad
will U said at a bargsia. Call aad
swa it.
Dr. uttoo's Diphtheria Trestaseal
osn be had at P. A. WilhW al Klv
erlon Praukliu Co., Hcatt Pa. la Web
ster Co. Neb., and at Kldar Graver
of .Smith Centre Kausea. 3ft t
Tho wishing lo purehaea Appla
Trees will do well lo call at aiy nurse
ry, aear Clovetton Webster Co., we
will try lo euil, aad aeeoavdale all
who will favor ua with their patronage
Tinea will be raised after the IWth
last., wsather favorable,
For Mitchell A Morbert bare re
ceived those IsipleiNcale, aad bow
they will sell you a plow or aey other
farm machinery right dowa to Ia4
rock pricec. Give than aeall before
purchasing elsewhere.
.120 acres of lead on which (hart ia
about AO atres improved, aear M aeree
.f limber, a geood well aad riaaiag
wsUr and plenty of stowe for bulldiag
purpose. Deeds will be give.
Vot artielara oaO aa
J. II. A J. L Hull
5aa 3.1, Tewn I, Kaage 10,
Or addreae Bad CWad N.brsaka.
Tba faeei aad Uat'etylee af
dreae ajaeda, at law prieae, eaa be
feuad at L. ttaaas'a.
L. Uauxa will aot be uadereeld
by aay oaa, but will aeli a cheap aa
tba cheapest.
Just Kaeeivtd a large list af
Spriag Dreae Goode at asloalahlag
Law Prieea CeaMaadaaaaaiaafaada
aad prieaa,
WOLaUGH BROS. Taatiaf.
-Meca Kip Boots 12,00 a pair at
at Wei B4CM Ugrg Haitiags.
1 LwtTTff??f,gBWSwgffaw?
Tha tleae lseewee KM ffa y
ksme tba f g4 vtslwa rataasj
rW ava?y aleaW imm b iavtaaa,
Qwavaaaiwi bwaaVefe aft f"T
Uu4 aad ae aoaspelwd ia til Me
aet, w U evwebe4 f tba wM .
ffrgns. An aetteee a, awtawea j..
teaiwteiu -saaatM waat hm rapew
4tJMr, (if. Kke vleeataaht awaa
ai tvUy. k WW nxpw witbee Mai
die la ihe rdlaM if ih hviMaal clef
4vrle 4 wHwter aeUaeex, Ot e,
C 'slViwgh aM Wpbiliefsa Um4f
ran alwajs U iwHed . ItaAaeaia
UlitalWn r WhHC f law tatsajli
rvitoVfeeiierairew eaevajsl aaaaa
thcreM U guartaaaaad M
d aH thai it la edevlU4 fa af tba
wnwMiy iv(4Ud t Mm parrhaawf. t
M iViler, agews, I lA-Nft
MafX ir
It MavrOi aaevathaa kt
OoMea (wewle. Il aaeaa aaea aawsa.
aruMlaaa aa4 aaa
md b . M. Msaaae.
I ! "Mil Ofiaa) iha m,N ,
Is-pU Vsi.jsU Hales iaat will ra-
1 7w ' kl r,,' WUwaa.keafi HaW":$i
kg Iks al ia wfA, clear aad baaaiirwl t 'ItLM' M
.reiftJae(M ahsai
urlaal grviwih of Lais
an r saspeth face, Addcaea. ' -jtM
" " "' ri s.
To Oonumptlvt,
The adverileer, has m beea aerie
nenilv rvrad ef last dread dUaaaMUw
surspilon, br t m rfsedf. ia aai
os to wiake kaw. 1, hie feriiwW.
fmie ihe saeaae nf cara. Tn aM wla
desire II, be will aead a aear f sA
" .;"?'' irraa 01
ion useii, irree W ekaata,)
llradkiaa far ffttwrraw aa4
same whWb Ihey wlHladw
wiin ine 1!
--" .". V. ,
Parilee wishlag the pfeee tia lla
ruvwamriActortcAiM. i.
slicilon and Aaiueesaewl aaaiUaed
lajmitaai ia parente asxl taeeherc, M
dllTerenlajlisiladeelgwe, ThaaJfT
psek sent fra rV Meanle wrrtaat
atatwi Vaa,l)aIrACa.jWi:
1 ' Awwrwaa.
UT II eiuieesasksaaasa
BrMi of Toutk,
A (IB NTLMMAN who e.tetad IW
yeare Ncrvnae Debiliie, Praaja.
M I ladlaerallwa, wiH t be selTeV
aferlag haaaai.etr, eaad rVaa M aw
bo m m, tba rvaW aM dlreaeU
aa lo aredk by ike admileet'a eaaar
fLTatTlrW h "" '
. w" ?jl w raaaVra awatit
baraaee, la ua. , IJrfe tSa'a llaraaaa
(,h ' ' " i"1?1 U U lU vet baat ar
tick w be had. ii.iej
!. .11...
0 have is) Ifie beajM ftr tba ehirdra.;
It will curs cetUe eoegHs, mt9 tbraai
"DisTgMrwta, aoufha. eeddt, fk
ra aad saoat t tbTdleeWwhWw
boraee, eat He, aheap, hags aM awed'
iff are aubjeat to are readily etef.
Coadiiioa fawdar aatard lag C Ua
r tad 0. M. fesee. I II a
-DiagAii aad Death, wha abwf
reaeb sw owaj Inajiniili, are saaaa
rioasrVjeeaiaff, wa aaa ear bwat go
daavarg te aVIre 4f the dread anaasa
gere, aad ara aaly happy whe a wa feel
be tby areas adUtaaae. Al tba
rat appraaar, af that M daetrcyer,
fVoaatial ar Calarrbal (aipkasata,
wa sbawM alaaaa aea taWt'e ISSm
f Tar aad WW VkHfj. UkSTi
awpafiwlu awabaaaaa. Krerybatala
warraaud la g4v e eaileANStiaa. HaM
WA "" CL H. Patter.
rarwaart, leal law
I wiH act hedge far aj taaaa wkeb
lag work af that klM 4aM, aad b
aara ataad af Ufa pleat.
I-H-Sai Wat W. Bwailltt.
awteawxawal taw f awxwxawxafsaM
Noli fafcerby gives, Thai I will as
mIn si serirM wke smt dasirati
ofet Iheaieelrea aa eaadidalaa tVetaa
aheraaf tba pritwafy ar eeiaiea aabceal
afWehsteraagwiy.y M(deal4a
f rat slatsjisjay ta tba aaaatbe affak
raary, May, Augwat, aad Nsveaibar:
A. A. Faasy, O. Swf 'I.
f. 1.
M7.S0AGKrm ufwlat m
week. Will pmea il ae (Mbtt M,
Now artklee, jaat Meaad. aVeipas
Mat free as all. Aidre-i
Natiaa blMraby glvea, that 1 wwl at
aailaa aN pafaaa. wk auay afar tkaaj.
aelveea aaadidalee tor leasbaw af tba
ooajwaaiafcooborieSleaWwistyal lag
Claud on Saturday Arjrii 6 1171.
A Asnpf
Baata aad shoes art aaid ewaapar
at t atara lhaa aay other kowea h
tawa. WALatAca 1?M. Baatiflf,
r r
IK '
'mm. '
t vl
4j v."
" . ,ia
1 i'i
i -?