The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 04, 1878, Image 3

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-ir-- T T-- "- . -. i ...... ( saw all II l-.wr-T ViPYr .,ir('-'';' T.f""!Tl ,lfTW.-.T,(7 TT-ji ,5BWr
Viii.t,ro.T'rPtt M.rrM 1ev
1 res. .ent laid tefnrr lh rvnsle CNHnrtiuM
cllon truii ihe fVcrrlarr nf War rallwr. at
Uotlon to the frxt that lb appr)K-fltll.n for
prlntlnf f r thsl d'partmrnl wuhl s.xi J
ehauU-.l, in.l akins an a-klltkvi.l iwnHfl
atlouof IAU tor printing during ibe o
malnder of Uie current fw-al yr ar lUfrrred
F.urtls Introduced a Mil In authorise the IU
ralarta .ship l ana ( v u, ccvo.tnjct km otr
' hlpcartal from V' Orleans l. ibe Gulf
of Mrik-o, through the land, and alrr u(
the United Ulr. an. In rM I a aid r.u
cany the right of t lht purj e bv
ferrrL rdd.v-k filial up tbr ymir Mil
which was .lun irtrrla, aulhoriimr:
the rWrrtary of the lrilortf to' make rrrUIn
neiMUU.m with the I l. Induna In ihe Malr
' Colr.liv The amrndmrnt .uNiilllrd bv
bdmunds yrsterdav.; that pr -eail
nc under the art shoul I rrp..ftel let thr
Senate tnily, Instead it thr two b.Hisc of lain
pes, aaarrhvlrdand the Nil then pt .-.)
The Wo.lfufl rVlrntlAr t'lprdllloti Mil ird
a ll came from the Ibmsr lllalnc lntntueed
a Mil fur the prtM-H,i of dramatic literature
Itefrrird The fVnate bill amrndaloty of the
revised sUUltc, rcUUtc to Ihe cultivation i.f
Umber on thr public d.maln, u discussed
lurlm; thr morning hour, ami thru lal.t aside
The I'arlfl llal!nad sinking fund Mil lak
en up, considered, an.l then lai.l Tbe
committee on appropriations .utxnlttcl an
amrndmrnl to vtrfkr out thr rliuv, author
lllng tlir.Vrrctsrt of the Trrutirv to ruiploi
tcmiorary rlrrks, Ihr word "ih'h net-rding
Unity," an.1al- that llmlllnc llwtr roniii
Mtlon at twoilollar (rrila rarh, au.l the ap
Koptiatlon thrrrof at 1'd.i), M a to alli
Kccrrlary of ttn-Trra.iirj to cnif.l.o trm
trary ilrrklth.Hil nn-nt(.Milni- ttir innnt--r
am! appropriating thrrrf r Jil,U) In.tra.l of
M,rr. A urolto Atiotlirr aiiirinliiirtit at
proprlatlni; J,n) f,r thr carr of thr liofx-n
and wacon for thr TrrMiiry Drpartmrnt a
aifri'nl to, Th(nMn(nlttr on ppn;irlllon
rrxrt-l tlar folloaliu; anii'lulmrnta ,lnl,
IWMnl furthrr, Thithrr xiaxl an.l illiitn-r
land III trrrllnrlr of thr I nltnl rlatr arr
not urrrjnl an.l olTrrnl for alr In pMn-r
iutllrUlim roiiTrnlrnt tif aorvn, no motirr
hrrilti appr.)prltfl hill Ik iimI to rollnt
any rharr for woo.1 or tlmU-r rut on imlillr
land In trrrltorlr of thr t'nltrl Malm Tor thr
Wrof aitual wttlrr III thr Tmltorlrn ami
k tint for rtirt.
I A t'lik.'tht illCll"lon tiiik plair on thr lat
ariiomltiif lit lVn.lliii; thr illulou thr Vlrr
I'ri'lilrnt laid Ivforc thr N-natr thr ,-t uatr
tnllitjr uradrm) aiipniprlatloti lull mHi thr
tncMutt'o from thr llour of ltrprrciitatlrr
dliai;ri'rliic to thr tarloua anirlidinriita of thr
Srnatr to that hill Mil motion of Win. loin
the S'liatr tiiKllnl iim ItK ainrii.luiriit, and
a coiinnlttt'cof rtntfiTi'iirt' hhj or.l.Tr.l Ad
Hot aK
HarriMii, rhalriiun of thr roimnlttrr on ctV'
II mttIcc ri'form, Mil'inlttol a majority rrirt
oil thr rliHrUra niralnl Ikmrkn'tirr rolV, wlilrli
ilrrlarrn that I'otk l unlit for thr rrponll.ll.
lira of thr position mid rivoiniurmU thr a. I -tion
of thr ri'oliitlini drrUrliu; the oilier pf
doorkrrprr vacant and ilolrlnc thr dutlr of
thr Mine U)ti the Krnrraut'al-aruiK until thr
appointment of a nrw doorkrrHT Thr ml
liorltr rrport, fgnn li) Cook, Cravrna, Uatth,
and flrnry, iliclnrr that, no corruption hav
lug liorn provcn,a tharo-d aalnat I'oli, It
would Im a Ktlrvou rone to adopt thr major-
Itr rraolAlon. Thr rrirta wrrr ordi rrd print
iil and rrcointulUrd, and HarrUm uavr notlrr
that hr hoiil.l not rail thr matter up heforr
Salunlay. O'Nrlll prraritt-d a rrmouatrklicf
of printer, elect roHrra, ateriNityeM lik
M'llrris rnifravera ami iKhcfa. acaliial thr fic
tion of thr wav and cofiiinllti-r, In not
ltiilliK ability on liuort-1 terrotVH- and
electrotype printing pUtrn; referred lurhain
from the coinmltler on eirndllurr In Hut dc
tiHrtmrnt of .tuailce, reixirled luck the hill tlx
Iiik thr rouirnaatliiti of Jnrora In the I'nllrd
8Ule Onirta, redilc'liK It from &l to '.' a day :
& paared. Aim), it hill t!iln the fee of clerk of
ld court. It allow the cluri;cof irn rrnl
for aearrhlnK thr omrt ri-ennl for tlie heir on
rral ette, and lo t.nivldra that thr clerk
fhall aivomit for the aaine; Imi, a hill flitui;
thr eomprnaatlon of flitted 8tate Manhala
and deputle. It limit that nf marahal to f V
U), an.l Uierhlrf deputle-to il,H). ami thr
other deputle to A x-r day, paeii, Smith
of l'ennnylvanla, from thrcommlltee on appro
priation, reported a hill for thr payment of
invalid and other penloii, appropriate f.'.i,
'!,(""; rcfcrriMl to the (ommittea of the
Thr following Mil were Introduced. By
Illackluirn, for thr hettcr protection of play,
anil dramatic literature, fly Mprtni;er, to autli
orle the C0I11111.T of mM and allrrr uin thr
ame term and to promote the drolt thert
of. Tlie llouae went Into committee of the whole
on the general dellclrncv Mil. Thr total anin In the hlll'l ,:Nl,4V Without
iinv general dcltate thr hill paamsl.
The bill ael apptlntlni;(Sen Sherman re
pent of ttmittiMinlan Institute, Adjourned.
VVahiiinotox, WKtiNriAT, Marrh 3rt.- A.1
llaon, from thr committee on appropriation,
reported, with amendment, thr Senatn hill to
provide, for detlrteurle In the tnlacellannnu
fund In the Hnuac placed on the. Calendar
Mitchell Introduced a Mil for the protection of
homcutead pettier on public land referred.
Alliaun Introduced a hill to repeal the pre
emption law, and provide for the aaln nf Uin
Iwr on public land referred. The Senate hill
U) amend aectlon 34rU of the Revlaed Statute,
relating to the cultivation nf timber on the
public domain wm dlcuaed brlrflr and paaanl
" yeaa, 1U: nay, li Couaider (ion waa re
aumed of the Pacific Railroad sinking fund bill.
Mitchell apnke In favor nf the bill reported by
the committee on railroad. Teller took the
floor, but before comniencluK bla argument Uie
Mil waa laid over. The Senate then rntumed
ronaidrratlon nf the bill authorizing the 8ecie
Urr of the Treaaury to employ temporary
clerka and making appropriation fortheaamc;
alto making appropriation for detecting tre-
paa on public land, Ac. Pending dlculoa,
Cooover tubmttted a reolutlon reurtlngthn
l'rraidcnt to communicate to the rVnatr, If not
Incompatible with the public Inlereat, auch In
formation aa Uie government haa received re
ajiecUng the tenua and condition under which
the surrender of the Cuban Inaurgenta haalM-en
made, together with auch other Information In
hit poHwaaton rrapectlng the future policy of
Bpaln In the govurnment of the laland of Cu
ba. Tho revolution waa laid over. Adjourned.
Under call for report, the bill from the
firfntlng ommlttee. providing that In letting
haf advertlilng of mall contract, notice ah ill
be publlnhed In a brief form, In one or m;re
paper In each State lntrreted, and that all
detail ahall be fumUhvd by the rVcond A
Utaot latmter-Ocneral on application.
Hale offered an amendment forbliidlng un
letting under penalty of termination of con
tractamendment ailopted, and the bill paaa
ed. The ilouae went Into commute of the
whole on the deficiency bill. After ome dl
cutalon the committee rote and the bill paaaed.
The Piatrict of Columbia government o,ueUon
Au eooaidered without action. Kill offered
the uaual resolution on the death of Hon. J.
K. Leonard, and wlU pall them up April Oth.
Wahikotom, Tnr1iAT. March 'it. Chaf
fee called np the Senate bill to eatabliah the
Territory of Lincoln, and to provide for a tern
pirary goTemment therefor, which waa dlacua
ed for aome time and then laid aalde. Cooald
w alderation of the Parltlc railroad alnklng fund
bill waa then returned. Garland, from Uie rnin
mittee on Terrttoriea, reported favorably the
Senate Mil to disapprove and annul the act of
the Legislative Aaaembly of New Mexico, paaa
ed over the Governor'! voto, to Incorporate
the Society of the Jeault Xather of New Mex
ico; placed on the calendar. The bill to era
m ploy temporary treaurr clerka, and to bring
V Into market the public land, wu taken up.
The debate In regard to tte Umber depreda
tion conUuued, and Jone tpoke In dUapprov
a of the counw pursued by Uie Secretary of Uie
Interior. Morgan of Alabama, alto oppod
the tecosd tecUon of the bill, and aid that the
Secretary of the Interior had relied upon men
not worthy of truit, and refuted to bear men
worthy of trutt. In regard to these timber dep
redaUons Uie conduct of Uie Secretary of the
av Interior bad been evasive and not candid. He
gave notice that at Uie proper time ho would
more to strike out the second section of Uie
MB. Mtlk jvvV, drfrftdU th .Vrrvlin (
( the latrrVv f'e rof'tfrlM lh Uat, i
rlatmli that h. aa aa riMUo i4TVr -f IW
r"if ru.nti Kavl DUi-rrtk' t-ul ruuat thi
them IVtKtlnr th dla.uU. laU ri liM 1
(m4 Introlocrd a tUI ! rnutrtw tfc Ut t4 IS j
viii ui vBHafuMiaiun uikit rvirrtTM vt
Kwrtt. frn the romralltr ( nvnnx-ree,
rrt.HtrJ a ball f.w lt rMntstiUM of U
hfr ! arrvte, utdrtTil l-ttatol 4 rao-rn
tnltteil Urll, rtalnnan if the e.Tu.lltr
(i ;t-racra ll tt rtw-K rrteJ WM t
ralablUb a lwtal aaltaca itriawH.irT aa a
bratKh of the pKalorarf detrtnnt atl to
al.l in rr(aiIIB Ue Interval tMh(- lUUlltlta
i4 the I hitrd Mate ivdernt (-clnted and It
ctmuultlrO Cbalmeia ItttnMurrNt a Ull pr
vkllrc f the (f atitiallondf a Mltalp4 lit.
then ent lnU coaimltlee of tbe bole iti the
natal approprlalt-Hi U 1 The aniount app
pltated la IU.lUrtM After fcie dliat,in
and tbr tr)rl.i tif vaitoua aiitriidmrbta, thr
rvmmlttr r il frp.iftr.1 the WU tliHit
amriidiuenta, and It pawd AdJoutnM
U' 4 Ml I Mi Ton )'rlia Vmlil'l tMrawy tit
trtluirl a bill abultalilnc U.e iM.trl. I of Itt
lumbla l'lh-e (.ommlnliMiera . rrtrrrr.1 I'aton
allbmlttrd a tcooluUoii dr lHtt( that it la al
Ir-rd that Iteiijaiuln Noira, a itttira of the
l'nllr.1 Mate, and of .ni)rt llcut, unlaa
fully lnipila.mnt In W ahliirt4i Marrh llth.
aud that hla kldnapl-era t. a prr tiom bill!
aa.l rrfuard him eonaultatlon with einrl,
and dltrctlUK that the JikIkUii itxnmltlev In
iiilrr InUt the mttir 1'uithrr eotialdrtatkm
pntaniel until
line (on) called up hla resolution lualllli tlll(
the tliiaiirr ituiiiulllre tit rrrt oil tbr Hihim
bill to trwal the reaumptlou act, )m-tmrl
until 1lle.T II. Ml friMn the rtHiilultlrr hi
rlrttlolia, rrpoltnl bai k the N-nalr Iraolutlon
to pat John llj and William I, McMillan com
(eiiMtloli and llillrasr of .Heualora for the lilt
rtirnl term of U'lHUni P KellKB, In the .M
I miKrra. with the auiendiiieut to pay them
1,UI radt.lliaU-ud of roilmiatloil anil mile
ae, urtlrml priutnl and tabled The Ire
Proldciit prvwnud a riMiituuiileatlon from tbe
Sccrrtary of War, nie.lnc a letter from the
Chief of Kutftucer iro.nnmrn.llni; an pKiv
prlallon for lonllnuliigthevtaiuliiatlou In coo
tlrtlOn with the conaUiirlloii of the Jrtllra at
the fViulh p- of tbe Mlilapp titer, refer
ml A Ik 1 a coiiimiiulralloii from tbr rWrrla
ryof War, en-loalm: a Irtter from the t hlef of
Oltlltialicruf the t nltnl Matea, tatlnr that
the clerical force allowed hi office waa l.iade
filiate to keep up the work, and auctreatlKi;
that lt aildltlonal ilerk U'll.tMiit, rTletrril
The ivfial.leiatloii of the PailHc railroad luk
IllK fund bill waa rralilunl Alter I e dlaru
loll thr hill an lal.l aalde, and the Soialr re
Ulnrd i-liidrratloti of the lloiiae Mil author
Ulni; the N-etcUn nt theTrraaiiry to employ
teinHiritrt clerk, and iiiaktni; apprprltloii
for thr Mine, uNotnaklm- tipproprtatloiia for
ileleellnc trrapaw on public land. rVtctal
ainriiduicut ttre cn-et to, aud the bill wa
read a third time, and paaaed After ruruthe
M'afloli the S-uate .J.iunie..
.Irvcria, chairman of thr rommllte 'm colli
; rt'lHirtil a bill to aiurtid thr laon thr
ailbjrrl of colnai-r, lo (H-rfect a double mrtal
lie Ktandard, and to provide for the ImiiIiu; of
gold and lhrr bullion rertlflcatea hi uiHiif
llJ or otcr llietlrat ei Hon thai
tbr roluage of, gold aud Mlver bullion ball N
oil u eual fiHitlng and on the came term and
condition, thai I to nay, the aitual roat of
tin' coinage of each ahall I a paid bv the owner
The Mil arctloii authorltra a coiitluiuiicr of
tlm ciilnagfliif trade dollar, rirludvrh for
foreign trade, but llmlu the amount to 7MI,
(i per month, and to retire certain alltrr coin
now in ue Onlrn-d prlnte.1 aiidmiuimlltel
anl. Pa , introduced a bill iippleinenlary lo
the home. lead Uw of the I'nltcd Stalca, pro
tldlrnr that M-ron N-ru or Intending to nuke
actual entry and rlllrment under the home
trad at, ahall receive through thr rWrrtary
of the lnt,erlor free UaiiaMirtatlu for them
ultf . famlllr, farming iitrulla and iN-rMiiiul
effect a to their Hew home, and alo seeds fr
two year' cultivation.
The lloiiat! then went Into committer of the
whole on tliu pritalesaWiudar ThrifHiiiiilIlee
illaH(,of a large number of hllla, and then
roae and rerted them to the Houm- aud they
pard, principally wilou hllla t. the number
nfalNiiit forty. Among th.m are bill pea
Moiling the j.ldow of Hear Admiral Slla II
Strlngiiain, I.t. Colonel .. Totteii and (,'inn.
llcnj .1. Tolleii. nml a bill to pay thr widow of
den. dialer :i.(UI for unmet paid by her fath
er estate to the government 011 a forfeited
tMtid A hill wa ali lusMtl ix-nalonlng the
widow and minor clilldren of Cupt. (luthrln.
and the urfinrii who were drown! In render
ing aataiire to the crew of the wrecked Hu
ron. A bill granting an Increase of tMnliiti of
. lii the widow of Major Craig. The 1 hlef of
the ordinance waa amended In a committer of
the whole by filing it at :). and thU 1111. ml
llient gale rise to disc tiaslou In the House and
waa flually alopted and paed. On motion .if
C rlttiMiileii Ihe SrnaU bill to authorise the
Worthlngtoii A Sloiu Kail Hallroad Company
to extend It line Into the territory of Dakota
to the Tillage; of Sioux Kall. wa par.. Hull
ton Intrixluicil a bill to reorganise the ay. turn
of superintendence of railwat. K.ferml
Adjourned till Monday.
WaaiitMdToi, Monday, Marrh 'Jo Wlndom
fnm the committee on appropriation, relat
ed with amendment the House bill making
appropriation for the diplomatic service for
the israt tear ending June IK), t7d. Wallace
submitted an ainrtidmeiit to Uie House bill to
reiwal Uie jie reauuiptlon act. Wludom
called up the House bill to provide for the de
flrlency In the mlscellaueoua fun.W of the
House of Representatives. The amendraeuU
rK)rted by the cmnmltte appniprtaltng ),
for contingent exuenses of Uie Senate, and II,
an for folding documrnu. were agreed to, aud
thr bill paed as amended. Houth Introduced
a bill to protect Uie water of all rivers and
stream ujon public lands from Uie seine, and
dedicate tut same to Uie common use of tbe
Inhabitant. Ileferrod. Howe called up hi
resolution asking the President for Informa
tion In regard to tbe alleged location f Judge
WhlUker, of Iulslaua, and pokr thereon.
At Uie ciiarlusioa of hi pech the Senate
went Into executive seaalou and oou after
Under the call of Bute blUs were Introduc
ed Including a Joint resolutloa authorizing the
Secretary of the Treat ury to convey to the
Chamber of Commerce of New York, I'JOO.UU)
for the sal of tbe late city poatofflce: also a
Joint resolution declaring It lltjeiiiedlrat to
change or modify Uie tariff. Ooode mavetl to
suspend Uie rules and itast the bill Ui sustend
Uie operation of Uie sinking fund aat for five
y.rri. r"' ,a! nyi Hi; nottwo4hlnlln
the afflrmatiwn. A rommnolrallnn frtsm Con
sul fienertl Clarke, of Havana, detailing the
circumstantial Ulnes and death by yellow
fererof RrpretentaUvt Leonard, of Ionblana,
wa read. The Speaker appointed Kills, Mul
ler, Turner, Stewart, Calkins and Ward, a
committee to receive Uie body at New York,
and escort It to Westchester, Pa.
Hill were Introduced and referred : By Ste
phens, by reouewt, authorizing Uie twae of
postofflre bonds bearing Interest at tbe raU of
McenU for every tart calendar monUia, and
redeemable on demand at any poatoflke hav
ing fund on band. By Banning, antborlxlug
the Gtttataissloner f Internal rUvenue to fund
aud pay back the ruatom laxee to dlsUUert.
Also to reorganize the army. By Boyd, au
thorising the State of Illinois to sell certain
jK.rtlons of lake grounds In Chicago, and to
ue the proceeds on the Illinois Hirer IrnprOTe
"S. .t BcW'. o rrgulate the ralua
oftheaubafdaryallrerrnln. ft prorldea that
such coin shall be legal Under for any amount
not exceeding ten dollars, and that whenever
8 rearmed In amount of one hundred dollars
le Secretary of the Treasury shall Issue there
for legal tender money. By Bapp, for a branch
m nt at Cpundl Bluff. Butler introduced a
" ... ? ?tun .h fPproprlale Irglslatlon the
will of the people In reference to Uie disabled
soldiers of the late war. Also a bill to abthor
Ue bondholders and other creditors to elect
Receivers In sulu la eoulty pending la Uie
United States Court. Oanae Introduced a bill
for more economic and accurate sum of puis,
lie lands. Referred- Adjourned.
Henry W. Raymond, ton of Henry J.
Baymond, founder of tbe New York
Timu, hu lost 3o,000 In tbe book pub
.lining btttlmeM in Chicago.
THR KUt.ttOUi 4MDt0Jt UI,
tatartceal kay tte W rattavrtl S4rfa
rral 4fa4-talay ,
lIUI-tl.K I WM
AN aCT trm.M.S trtaa-f le l4k
tlearra) .asah) aivl pf-iKla fr l fj .J. Ka)lrii-t (la
trwr aH. delef lkr1f dalle aavd Inn of
,. t I tit llfaafsl tW IW l.ea la
a.'a , ttv mi. a' Nwx, TVal ifcapuc n 4
Ibe Arlairf Ibe tMk Utttrrtd aml4i nr.fl
tr( ertt-acia I 3 aad T thereof be M Ike aM
I r-rti rjlr.l att-J Ilk Ka.ln tv
?a, 3 Tbe tl..tftof with lf -tttc awd
(unl of IKa Ktta will t i-MwcCl, shall twf.yv
tl. firal 4 of Atl aril, p4at hlr rM
prtrttt . t ife ij aa ahall tw a villi
rf(tna- wbxihaU rt-natltuU a tVJl i-l Hall
rJ l.MKUilaai.idrl'v and wih akall b.t llWIr
rf9ve fn-cn lb dt tf lhair rvpell v
I'Untaiarl for the Wlvna nf a, lo atxt Ihl
year. rrm-ttiely frtwn lb Dial dt tvf April
hell. TW tiotefno aill In like itaaAwrr t-e
fo the Drat da la AvfU of e, h jer ttirie
aflrr ps4nl a ( nmaa.Mwr, lo Ui rawttthUe
In rtl f.y Ui Irrtlt tf thlra- tear fltww aald
at a am! lit r anv vscabci orvula In tha
said lard by trltiat)iwt nr liewa, altall la
the unif manner apt4ltl a rwcaintslvas foe
thr Ir.Mua of lh terttt. and way aurh
t inmlalinr, nd ivllit vll.aia to nil Ibrlr
laxiicv at ant time, in Ihe dla. rvll.wt of Ihe
Uoten.or and P.loutlie raiBU u wta-Mt
li'bllig li ts.nds, stork, prtapacly tit MI
llriMkt rvrtisli), w who la In thr rmd.t)tnenl
f or wImi la In any way or iiisiiitar m'iinUrtly
lliUreale.1 lit ahv rllril eorralloa, ahall t-
ellaTtb'e to the olTlce of ltallltd IWrnnlaaLutai
fsld t oiitmUaliMirra shall lw quallfled eleeloi
of tbe Jttal The Coionlaaloflrra ahall, aa
neatly a pra. llfslJr. Ie aele. Int.octe frHH the
Kaalern, one front the etilral, and one If.Mii
the Western lMIna of the Male
!ri X ald ( tHttnilssloctri ahall bate the
renrral uvervlalmi of all the rttlrtwtda In the
Male owrtel lt ateant, ai.J ahtll liinullr Into
any negleelor tlilatlonnf the Itwaot thltMate
by any railroad rort. ration doing bualnrsa
the trill, or bv thr ofne. la, ariit or niiplnr
thari-of, aud )tall ala.1, frtun time lo time, tare
fully r l amine and lrtS't the condition of eah
rallrtval In the hide nd of Its equipment, and
thr manner of lit ci.mlurt and management,
wllhirferenre to the pulillr safrtv and rni
lilrnce, and for the pllf-e of keeping Ihe
seirrat railroad l.lllHililes a.ltlse.1 aa to the
asfely of their Midges, ahall mtkr a semi an
nil! elimination of Ihe sine. nd leNtrt their
iDlidltloii t.t the said ntinpanlr, And If any
bridge shall ! deeuie.1 linaafr 1. 1 thr 1 ..Intnl.
alonrr. (Let shall Itotlfi thr rallld fcnvaiiv
liuuii-illalrh, and It shall t thr dill) of al.
ullma.l imiipaiiy to rrpalr and put lit
ordc, within ten .lav aflrr rn-elttiig ld it.t
tlce, sl, bridge, and In default thrrfof aal.l
Coinuilaalonera are hrrrliy authoilie.1 and cm
luwcrrd to atop and prctrnt ld latlload flt.lii
running or leasing (is itaJna otrr I4 bil.tgr
while In Its unsafe condition, t heiirvei In the
Judgment of Urn Railroad Coutinlsalonrra II
.lull apear that any railroad corvratloii fall.
In ut rrsiHit or particular wild the
term, of a c barter, or the law a of ihe Mate,
or whenever In their Judgment anr tcpalr are
niH'casary iiimmi It road, or any addition lo It
rolling aim a, or any addlll.iu lo or chance of
It station or station or ant change In
It rslesnf fare for lraii.xirt!ng freight or paa
sengrta, or any rhangn In the in. sir of oera
ting it roa.1 and conducting Ita liualnraa, la
l.'a.n.!r and eiiedleul III onlrr lo promote
the security, ninvenlcuc and accommodation
of thr tmhllc. ald Railroad I'ommlasloiirr
ahall liilonn auch railroad roaitoratlon of the
liniinivrmeuta and change which Ihey adjudge
to he proper byaiioUte thrrrof In writing to
l- srrvrd b) (rating a ropy thereof, rertlnrd
bv Ihe Commissioner' clerk, with ny atatlnn
agent, clerk, treaaunr, or any director f ld
corporation, and a rcuxirt of the proceedings
hall be Included In the annual rrt of the
Coiniiilsaliiurra to Uio l.eglalature. Nothing u
thl section shall be construed at relieving any
rallroa.1 oomimny from their preseut rrtona
blllty or llaliilHy fordamagw lo tw-rto.i or prop
Sr.c 4. The, ald Rallroa.1 CoaimUalooer shall
on or (''ore the first Monday In Itawiulvr in
rarh year make a rrort to the (lovertiorof
their doing for the preceding tear, contalnlns,
auch fads, ataterneiita and eiplanallons aa will
disclose the working of the ayaleni of rallroa.1
ttlulK)tUtlon In atila Stain, and Ita relation to
thw general business and prosperity of the (t.
reus of thr Slate, and such U(grsUon and
recommendation In reH-cl tberrto a may In
llirni sei'iu appropriate. Said raxirt shall also
contain a lo evert railroad corHiralliu doing
limine. In thl Slate
t-'int. The amount of It capital slo. k.
.Srrusjif, Tile amount of Ita preferre.1,
If snv, and tbe rondlilnti of It preferment
Thint the amount of It funded debt and
the rat of Inlereat,
Fourth. The amount of Ita float lug debt.
h'iflh. The roat, aud actual present cash val
tlaof It road and roulputcnt, Including prima
rnanriit way building and rolling aim k, all
rralcatatn uaed exclualvelt In oteratlng Ihe
mad, and all flit urr am) ronvrnlriiir for
transacting its liualtica.
.sffA Thr ratlmatrd value of all other prop
erty owned by sue h eorjKirallofi, with a chei
Hln of the same, not Including land granted In
aid of It construction.
brvrnth. The numlwr of acre originally
granted In aid of construction of II road by Ihe
United Male or by thl Stale.
Ettjhth. Numlier of acre of auch laud re
maining unsold.
.VlnlA. A Hat of Its otflrera aud director
with their rrMS-tlve place of rraldrnce.
Trnth, Such statistics of tbe road, and of It
tranMrtaUoti bualuea for tbe year, as nay in
tbe Judgment of the rornmlatiotirrs be neces
sary and proer for the Information of the (Irn
era Aaaembly, or as may be rrulrrd by the
Governor. Such reiort shall exhibit and refer
to the condition of such rorpuraiiou on the 1st
day of July each year, and the details of IU
transportation biialue transacted during the
year ending Jund WUi.
A7einA. Tlie average amount of tonnage
that tan l carried over each road in Uie State
with an engine of given power.
Sac. 5. To enable aald commissioner to
make ucb a reamrt, tbe prr.ldent or ruanagrr
of each railroad rortioration dotug btitlnea la
the State shall annually make to said commis
sioners, on tbe 1Mb day of the month of Sep.
leriibrr,tueb returns. In Uie form which they pre.
ac-rlba, as will afford the Infurinatlou rroulred
fvr their said offtclal report; such return ahall
be vrrlHe-1 by tbe oath of the offlcer making
them; sad any railroad corporation whose re
turn is hall not be made as herein renlfd by
the .Mil day of September, shall be liable to a
penalty of one hundred dV.llar for each and
J7f7 1 ' th leth day of BetiUnir
that such return shall be willfully debytd or
refused. ' '
Sic:, n. The aald commissioners shall hold
their ofnc In tar canltol or at some other suit
able place In the city of Data Molnea. They
shall raceltr. a salary of aaott per annum, to be
pa id a the salarlea of other MaU oBkcrs are
paid, and shaU I provided at Uie expense of
the Bute with nevrasary office furniture and
stationery, ami they shall have authority to
appoint a secretary, who thai) rucetfe a aalary
1M0 per annum. '
Sec. 7. Bald rotaUBsaaioners aad secretary
shall be sworn to Ute due and f artaf al (wrform
aaee af the 4uUea ollWr rtwaectrre oltle he
forarateriMuiajsiaMMef a ma.
aa praaeritssd la arctsfNi B7B cCU Code; ami
no person In the euUoy of any railroad carpo
raUoo, or aoldiag stock In any railroad cortio
raUon, shall be eiuplojc-d aa serrctary. Kacb
of said coama4oawr ahall enter Into aond,
with security to i approred by the Kxeeatlvs
CoaacU, la (tie aam of tea f-Mnil doHar
coodlUoaed for Use faithful pertonnaaea af hla
Stjv H. To prorlde a fund for the payment
of the salaries and current expense of the
board of roemnlatloBers, they shall certify to
the KxecuUve Couadl.oo or before the 1st day
of January In each year, Uie amount nnrsestij
to defray the aaaae, which amount shall be dCri
ded pro rata among the arveral railway corpo
rations according to the sweated valuiun of
Ji",r P.nT7?J'.ta the ,iuu- 'n"! Kecutlve
Uiuncil shall thereupou certify to to the Uaird
of supervisors of racli county the amount due
from tbe several railway corporations located
and operated la aald county. And tbe board
of supervisor shall cause the same to be ley.
led and collected as oUier taxes upon railway
eorporaUoM, and the county treasurer shall
account to the Bute for the setae, at provided
by Uw for other BUU fund. '
Sac. V. The aald coanalsaloBers thall hare
power, la the discharge of the datlet of their
teV, tJ nam! asv 4 th ht, f-r'
d,w-Mw 4 any i r.vt.tll.u, m I,, ti
swlst Hihiar ru . i-4JmW, jy -wW-r vtl
tv. ( ft s4..r f aat va isjsj
tk lh st as-wfl l. Is wlawaai
st sJnUule ctWa (a Ih aM homi sa4
wrlh lis s.r to fwi fJHt
lharl I the MVfaaiaM v4 thf asll anise
a trtw-g and ttn In eawMa v la t IMa
Mai aaiy - Wt stii IUK
allM U r.xaaatsIitt Is pf t4aae rf
Iball 4tlr. m wV swa) rrw tit 1. sl In
fwwaslhv nlthln Via iaaaan lUl asa h
rrlTxt ht MM tswasiMs atMa l (
4 lhlr datl aliall Wa dem4 JV.IIIJ uf ssl.
.tawasn,4 ssk) aVsll h ilaM, r rasnatyllna
IhrttJ t.t a a av,' flfrvtl t U tM
dlMlt.-i4 tsc caiM Ihe ela vt .aiaias
Isrosa and latUallt I.t be rl ,l rl
the Mate nn tha rtiaal.4 aaU cwsantaaae.
Us, IU l shall b IK .ltt.J antialrftssd
CtMtsHi a wMMn thrle pxns k ih V
nd Uw iTs,wth)a Is4lr l.l fniwlah awtl
sWs rsr to any ! all petsxn Ut swat sflJi
lhervf. rW IM Iracwp-tfUlkMi t an sssl an
ttt.d. nf fivlhl, awj t.t vli an.t tlan.lsol
4h trrlhl with all fr-alj dlipai,, nj
In pc.t,a sh, km .nllat.U fsclltllta t.t IV
eclaitf and bandilni the uw si am d
cw the lln vJ lh t.t. also is(e snt
rahatfi w like iwsnnaf Ih ,mli ,i htaded
ri ImwUhot bj snt (awnellmt rtd, M I
dsllircavt al ni atathiai .4 aatl,w.a eat Iks line
of llarost, I.t t,Mde t i vtlvhati-r.1, o !
t.tadr.1 at.4 tvlurtte.1 I.t the rtxd s.tcwtnerlH(
aiMl t.if cxuwittsall.Mi II ahsll m ,trtn.t i
ttwtt am (faster sum lha Is a..-.Crvt b It
trocti ant hn nn tine Mllioad f. a sls
tat srftW
ft. It Miitttrw.tiwkwals.tnat.lihrg
dreuand or Ira-ebe Irtwn ant w.m, rtt-
im l.pKall.m, f.4 Ilia. Usi..mUIs.w itf f
s.Mia or pr..)ilt, .4 t.K anv (.Ihrl settlm, a
KITler auin lhaa It shall al the saiw tttn
rhrge, damtud t fe.rltf (own ant rikf r
a-m, tiMnpany w r.( Gallon f. a Ilk srltW,
ftfctl the stm plsce, . Uwt like it tat,) It I. m
ami under similar ail all cam
imUiul late, diawback alt.) conlt. t. fr
aiHvlsl late, stiallt-e iin I.t and alhiwrd to
all prisons, ooisiilr sil r.Mtsalliui atlk,
at lb asms rate per ion p( mile In i ac !..,,
Usm like rottdlllon and tm.lri almllaf t lit tun
at slices, unless tit lesson of l., eltls n ot
trntftlloii r .si load, frmn dlflrrvnl
vlnl. Ilia asms would ! tciiles.Miat, and In and shall il,lr mi utoie for llsna
s4llng flrlcht fitMtt aitt ii i, . ns than
a fair alidjuat lts4tl,Mttf the price It chali;.-
fiH the asnte kind of fulghl lina4tr. front
anv other point
rtti I. .No Islllosd coiiit al.all ihaitr.
drliilid or letaltr fitHit lty pea.i, c.Ni.psn)
nt i-..f.x allon all iinias.tnal,l lce fur Ihr
trausstitlloti of soita or inotwily, oi f.
the handling or aliulug of frrUhl, oi l.f Ibe
ll.etif an) pclillrgr m wrtl.e
altottlr.1 In It In the transaction of Its business
as a lallrtM.I roritl.iu
Sri 1.1 Any taln.a.l cnrs, which
shall tl.iUtri any of tbr pniia.nia nf till. . I,
s loi ttorllou in iinu.l ds'rliitliislloii, shall
forfeit, for clrr) am b olTrliae, to the eiatiit,
laHiipaliy or rt.rsiiall..ii ggtee llirreb),
three lint. s the i lust datnagrs aiiatalne.1, m
otenhlt'a mI. b) the .al.l pall) aggrlrird,
together with the rot of still and a irs.onat.ic
attoiiir)'s f,-e, to be r)rl b) ,r. lotirt and If
an appeal l takeli frtwn Ihe .i.l(, or am
j.alt Oirrrof, It ahsll In the duly of Ihe appr
Ute court In Inrtude In thr ud(intil sli s.Vlt
tlolial trasouatde attotne) s ler, for seivlce In
Ihr pM-lltr rouit oi eoufts, to b twaitcird
lit a clt II a. lion thrimf And In allrae whnr
i.iiuplkliil shall be made In arcurttan.n with
thr provision of section , hrrtluaflrr put, that an tliirrasitiable ihsrge Is mde.
the ( otuuitssloiiers shall injulir a inistlrlni
rhaigr for the seniles rendered, sin li aa Ihey
aliall deem to be inasoiiahlr, and all rase of a
failure to comply wild the Ircoiniiieudatlou of
tlm ('imtuilaslonel (ball lie emlMallnl In Ihe re.
ort of the Ctmuutsslonrr lo Ihe Irglslslure,
and Ihe same shall apply to any iiiilual dlsrrllil
lliallou, eltotllou oi overcharge hy said itiin
patty, or other Violation of Uw
Sill 14, I'poii Ihe orrurrrnrr of any aeil
oils accident upon a tailnud, whhb shall re
suit In iMfson! Inlurr or loss of llfn. n. ....
Nirallou oMistlug tlie r.. Uni whlih ike
an Idrnt iHvurte.1 shall gtte lru,iir.lalit notice
thereof to the Coinmlaalouer, whose duty II
hall be, If Ihty drein It hn rry, lo luveatl-
gaie uie iur, au.l prorupiiy tesirl In the lint
rrnor the eitrnt of thr lersoul Inlurr has
of life, and whether the same was (he result of
llilatnauagrmrtll or tirglei of h eorH.lal.iu
on whosa-lliir the Injury or loof lltri. einrcl
I'n-i.lnl, 1ht such rcnitt shall notl-et.
drlicr, liof refeneil lo In all) caae In all)
St:.'. ir ll ahall Im the duly of aal.l Com
liil.sluuer. Hmiii Ihr complaint and applha
lion of the riiaror and aldrrinrn of any rlly, or
thr inatnr and coiiuill of any liuorp irate.)
town, or thr trustee of any township, to nuke
an riauilliatloii of Ihe rate of passenger fare,
or freight lartlT i barged bv any railroad mm
pany, and of thr condition or oN-ralloi of art)
railroad, any part of whose location lira with
III Ihr limits of audi illy, town or lownahlpi
and If twrnly five or morn ligal voter in any
city or lowuahlp ahall, bv prlilloii, In writing
rcpic'l the mayor and aldermen of audi rlly,
or the truater of urb townablp, tooiaav the
said cotuplaliil and appllcslloti, and the maior
and alderman, or thr trusters, refuse or decline
to comply with the prater of thewtitim.
aliall state the reason for surh noil compllaiM e
in writing Upon the ietltlon. and rrturn thr
sain to the etltloiier, ami the itill.Hiria
may thereupon, wllbln ten da) from the date
of surh refusal end return, prrseul such re
turn to said CommUaloner, and said Ccmnl
loner ahall, If upon dun Inquiry and hearing of
tietltlotier they think the publlr gil demand
the eisiiilustloti. procee.) to make ll In the
aaror manner a If railed upon by the mayor
and aldarmeti of any city, or tlm lrutr of
any lowuahlp. Before proccWIog to make
urh eiamlliatlon In accordance with such ap
plication or jteUU'Xi, ssld LVirmnlaalotirr aliall
give to the petitioner aud Ihe corsfatloci rea
sonable iMiUe la wrltlht of the time and place
of entering Upon tlie aame. If uu sorb an
examination it snail si-rar to aal.l Uocnrula-
slouers that tbe complaint alleged by the six
bllraaUor tietlUonrrt la well foiinde.1 ihsr
shall so adjudge, and ahall Inform the corpora
tion opereUng such railroad of Uielr adjudica
tion wlthla ten day, and aliall also report
their doing to Uie (loveroor, a provided lu
the fourth snrtlon of this art.
Sac. 16. In Ihe construction of this set the
phraae "rallniad" shall he construed to Im lud
all railroad and railways operaled by steam,
and wbeUirr operated by the corporation own.
lug thrwi, or by other rorunraltcMt, or oilier
wise. The phraae "railroad corpuratlon" shall
be rooilrued to mean the roriratlon
which ronatrurta, inalutain or oprraln a rail
road otrereled by steasn power.
Hie. 17. Nothing In this art ahsll I ccmi
strue.1 tost-p or bladVrperaoat or rortiorsllons
frnsa bringing suit against any railroad compa
ny for any violation of any of the laws cf Uit
State for the cor erament of railroad.
Sac; IK. All acta or part of act luconUt
nt with thl art are berths repealed.
Bao. IV. Tills act Mag deemed of liuurd'
ate Importance ahall take effect and be In forve
from ami after Ita pub leatlon In the m fiinit
ItfjMtr and waw Afi er, neapster
pubUhed at le Molur Iowa.
Approved, Marrh 5JH, ITW.
rtydaauriaaj Ll?lag.
Tblrtv-four doctor having Invltrd
ffertha Von Hillern to walk twnntv-alx
kcrura without sleep, to give an "ill lus
tration of feruinlna endurance," in or
ler U derooruitraba what freci physical
development, good habile, correct dint,
UjHiperaBcxi, and yst:Biatlfj exc-rclae
will give ber the capacity to do, we aug.
gent that they now lnvlt a man to give
a similar Illustration of maaculinri rn
dnrancn, In order to demonstrate what
regular habit, correct diet, thu avoid
anci of extra auperri, teniMtraaoe In
all thing-, frou jibyslcal devi)lipraent,
and svatornatlc cxerclae will do for mas
culinity. Thia illustration, it aoems U
us, I ijultc aa much Beodecl for man a
woman. I'hyalological living would
make the average man mticli more
wholeome. Cincinnati OuutU.
George Kliot write three page of
manuscript a day, and tblak she U is.
-, ' . . . . . ff-"",iiwie"
arrtlr Kta4ratl.
IV'.twaMj m4 la tban Hill ltl
etvir(,tg eeOon .,lla.lheal
tit the ArrtU timing le pivvl
rar .,iis f teiwIM, v-awiaU) trVw
lie signal (.if tV r.rtbefl aNofM i( ,a(a,
in a I hat c.imtttVtttlrrvivt chief.
It in vtnwr but tahalxver the twain ""
Jest, thv all Jtrt'iMl aa tei.i v4
as'irltrtt t"ert h la lit ? MtttaS
,..a ats.1 kta.tnw I thu HI fn I.liwt
atlalltes) tt the tvn ccitlenta o tKat
stcllh of tho huuwmeitt of lev and thw
halter ftt oj-eit vrtanaet a 4 thnittil of land and rh itf Ita tintt"
ra l.-l Its allon n ).. that I hat1
tlallk till licit III a las of i)r rtrgiatrit,
and tl Upttlr- t( ,shI and fuel that
tn stipa,Ht ku iii ait (s im what arts al
nrvs.Mil tr-eiiii litlnvapltaMc aluiff,
l-lrft llvtah intltittlt HI Ut'il ktlOWleaVgvt
gallte.t a belli to JnMltrr ltf. In
that asrtie illftat,ii It a iv,st gvnetally
a.lltlltlrat that sticlt pt-grv niliat l
tttat ) itftlittit 1111 ItttU-l, fttr th
In air, and iinltnimt for i'haiiw Htaj
jttriMlT. thrt taav ll w dltra't tisvgv It)
Whet latitude than hate yrl twit al
taiiirtl Iho IVtlarla mlvd orh an
ii).tittittUt, ll it tiw-.t, lij (Mtly a
ft In. tit. Hhen far Up HolHwsort
t liantirl Vi'l ll I a,.(t. If tSv. had galne.1 that ailtwntarr aittl
.'iictratr. ihittiigli an HMiilttg In lit
I.t-tit Ihr unVnown teglona nt lacitl or
taaler Iwyciiul, whether thn iblp itr vivw
vtttttltl over hattt ftitin.l Ibrli way ttarV
I'hn llowgalo iitltittr plan it-nivn.
trnloa Ibn adt anai;ta tar ttattt vlititniT
altnt, along a lllgln llttv of ma-arvli It
vtlll Itul, I tantagn gtttn.lil Hieti
galncal, a tlie. anils lug hiiiI fur a ne
vi'lilillv) It litelhixl latittr Ittrig ttttig
lilac.l Invtaifaitt In kifit omih itutt.
inuiiltMllons in tin. ivar NVho.t sin.
tlm. nt lloHr ate oalAtillntcl far
up Smith' Sound, lit.. ii)agtt to ibo
ton ill n( tlioiu ttlll I mi rnliUxl nt half ll
tenor Tllltn Hl Ian glii-n tlm fn
ei iiiHittiiiliy If mm titttuiertl.Mv
not tiller an upon paagi( nuolher iua
I'lir. Nut tli I'lilit mni not tlm I hi itmolt
ct III limit yniti, or In ltv, in Hlhnp
lit It'll, lull tlm clirtiii'o n( tcaclilnif It
nml (Ti'tlliig Imck ngalli In safely will at
lt'ltt Ih1 tnay llll'lvna.'.l
I or niaii) ji'nrw tlm loatllng aiilhtitl
lie oil AivHc iiapliirnllott liavt' Iwvii
m.igttl In hiMtllct cniu ho ill.iii.
altlll It III i In. at ttlllloa, Ulltl In'gall
nt tliu tlmo nf t It Kapoitltlnii .nl lo
onii'li fi.t Sit .lolin riniikllii'stt'innlli.
I'll) linn iniiurroii limit tlm napinr.
or, nml iiiimt lilll.T IIiaii the Intin
thnj cni'.ninli'rf.l 'I InMMiiilnitrnttiitit
llii "cipcii I'cilar Sea" lagetl viltfi furv
it (over yt'(ttacn, nlliltnin now I scaltn
lv ipiltdnd I hit llottgnio iaMHim
li'LMilitrly fnittinntn litgaliilng apprnv
at fioiti neatly all IlMoipiittdiiiima
gei on thl point they at lat agtee If
IU vtntk a fairly begitii thl year, It
will gain wlmtetrr adiautnge tuny at
erne ftiiiti aiiiiiiiitinllvoNii winter mnl
early prlli:i hut to iln thl ll appro
prinlloii niut not lie delated a luonlli
or lllnle III Ciligreaa f ao ii.a)pt, It
Itiny hate lo Hall nnnlher i'itr, and
thu hei dUtaiti'ed ill the raco li) the et,.
tedltlnii wlilcli other linllnn will aetnl
thl aiiinmer. I'npnUr failing uiidoiiviU
etlly frit nr n HUiral uppnrl of llil tin
dertnkliig, and lie iujioiimi will I mi at
inosi n mere fractliin of Ihe coal of the
Kuglltheipedltloii under Cnplaln Nare
vthlle theie I no risk of ll bringing
Intek rrewri lekeiitd vt, it ll aetirty, lo rtf
Hirl Ihe "I'nlo Iniprm'lli'itliln."
Thniik to lint liberal inlirprlse nf
Mr. fntiie (intilnn Iti'n.iill, tliero I to
he mure Ihnii olut I'nliir etpctlltldii thl
ear under the Alltel lean Hag, Until
lloiiao have acted h lib loliliiiinitlaliln
prouiilue In palnjr the bill that fa
dilute that eapcilltloti bygliliiglhii
I'mnlnra an Anierli'nii regNter. A like
promptness abnuld be shown in aiding
the liowgatn etednn, wlili'b .
aenllntty ualloiiul In Ita nlinrniler. ,V,
)'. Tnliunr,
k Hraalor's vTireT
Mi.t of the hlographhml skulehiHi of
the late Mr. YVadu iiientlnn Hint bo
married MIm ItcMvencranK, and that be
waa forty -one jeara old, almost an old
bachelor, and she thlriy-actreii, almost
an old maid, when the nuptial knot waa
tied. Sbci lived with him for thirty
even years that fact too, la stated In
tbe "skctchee;" but how useful a help
meet and help-mate she wm is not morn
than very generally narrated. It la
rather an Important fact that Mrs,
Wabi was her husband' secretary, av
Istant, reader, and It may alnmat be
aald, right hand. Senator Wade had
an alaioat Invlnrlble antlnatbr to nut
ting tien to paiter. lie hal an almost
Is drudgery Mrs, Wade cheerfully
aaaiimiwi. vv urn ner nuaiiann nan a
great speech In hand, It waa hla wife
who furnished him with the materials,
which be afterward arranged, alml
laled and avstematirl, (Treat things
are told of her skill In this rvjwlof
her tact, industry, patience.
There is nothing discreditable to the
late BonaUir in the statement, for bis
share of the work waa undoubtedly the
grealaut, and his mind it waa which
utilized Mrs. Wade's industry. Hut it
must have h-mi everything lo him (hat
she felt such a lively Interest in matter
which were the hulniaof bis life, that
she could bo Intelligently consulted up
on point about which not many women
know anything, ami that, while the waa
proud of hi uv. she knew just
haw he bad suiyeaMled, and why be wa
deservedly famous. There are other
distinguished Senators whoa1 wive are
uf of
proud of their distinction, but who iki
not know exactly how It wm attained.
They are not without valuable Influence
on their husband, and do much by so
cial talent) to promot their auccew;
but it is not always that tbeae estimable
ladle read their husband's je:hes,
or would comprehend them if they
did. The tiolltlc of these wive are, of
course, the politic of their husbands;
but they aru entertained lit the female
bosom in rather an Indefinite way, and
are taken pretty much upon trust Mr.
Wade wm fortunate in a wife who sym
nathlMid with him entirely in the opin
Ion which, all hi life bo ao stoutly en
tertained. We havo aald that wive who have
been the valuable nasi slants of public
men In thu discharge of public duties
havo not been many, but perhaps they
have been mora numerou that Is gen
erally auspected. At any rale, It la a
natter worth looking Into by tho care-
fnl stsHvowt of tXT at'tXTt
TV lav
gaib. wtattld ptKala); distibtswt mtmf
aaartnatr ItHUn Ita IM WRlfl. w
havw fnntbtn4 of fwaa rata ally 4
ltwi and of Ml rVtmstlntaM H U Mm
,f who devotwa hatf tiaae avisrvsgta.
ta thl way, a,instlraw ll U Ilea claaaga.
ler la lk caatsv t Mrvrad, UM
lrtaMtnr, ll wsv a slslar. MtW tkaM
e gfvai man aa ironrty aiwitwa
iaai n wtniitt aavw iwsn atttrtsMiy
for the hsltt and mtraatwmenl wl
H f.mrtd at kotvawV AWT lwaw.
) .. ftawl eW6laTft
llltt are Mtftialltw" SMlvWottlskal wa
tit Mill. Irvatiss however pUawMHl H
might i- lo them, it might brvaa tlaa
haarta of lb with show ikwy UlrV
Nnntens We have heartl of ficllaaa
nf MlghlNi arTwllon, but nsttar Jr
vartie a'M otv. limn, in Ihl aatft
titatur, wtoris tstn.ter, Wa ibttw4
whether any man r dleal with a rm
ken (teait. Mn ar mora taj
than wonteM, Irterw arts airvaMtlrtglj
few ivf them whi ar no! rlailan Irjr
the ttlea ivf sstitia woman falling la htm
wlllt litem I be latlji fof Ilia tHomawl
afford them Ihl gratification of awlf.
lote. She Htakra brfwwlf as 4ttai4w
a sha can If Ihe vanltpVf Tha mall
leads htm lo India that sh ha fatraw
a victim lo Ms fhartna, this I hU fautt,
not lietw, 'Ilia Htio hM ralsstl hla
lo the sovvmlh heaven for a bf ief tr4.
In o.te of k lUniartl'a novel ha ta
.Mle an old I'aplatn who Hvw
prvmrly happy tN-ana he fanclr that,
vearw ago, oilri girl dleal of a brokcMI
heart lrveiisa ho ha tleelltieal to mar
ry her lie carrie almiil her pofUaH,
ami oit all iwvaoiis ltke It out ami
weep otur It. Oiin day, hewevfr. wa
Itto'ts the gilt, who had not dleal, hot
had mauled a ttftwvr, and forgot all
about Uie. t'aplaln tie I In tlrtpatr.
lie can no lunger Indnlgu In that limiry
of gtleilug oter Ihe tad (ale of the. nU
)cvt of hi yotilltfiil affealbin, r'llrl oa
'toung ladle, and do not Imagimt that
Ibe aiiiiiseinenl will bleak Ihn heart of
anv one, It may wound his vanity,
piltn likely, and where Ihl I Ihe imljf
iptallty the man has, the blow may slag
gut hint Mul will do him gterdW
sImih him hi real t(lhiiM, S-i flirt
on, young ladle, bill al Ihn same tlma
leinjirr the blow lo Die Uitlerite of the)
yotilh who I In ttfelve ll. - .tie lull.
Amralri a? Ik IV,
Ihe earliest mode of writing WM Uw
brick, tile, oyster shells, stones, Ivory,
batk and leave of irve, and from Im
latter the term "leatraof a Uwk" l
ilrrUiil. l'opier anil bra plate war
very early In use, and a Mil of ftafiMfHsit
on nipper wm Mimayrar slnoj dlsawjaat.
erect III
it India, Isvaring dala PW aft v
Christ, leather WM atactwaswa, 4
II m wimhImm tablatta. Tkstai akwi "f,
napyrus came lulo voarwa. Mil alMIn &,)&
the eighth rentiiry ike paiyriM wm aaya; u?
itieii ny parciimeni. rawer, mwwmtLVM ,'
ia of great aftll.pilty, epclally Mmmtfffij
Ihe (hlnea but the flr-t wawar twMIl' ' kA
l-;ntfaml wm bulll In 1114 by 'WtMrJa,
at Darlfotd, In Kent. Meter! hdraah kV :i:
wast liHartt' a ixiilur aiaasl st sahfsswssm. V
. . "- - --V -"" -TT"',
ly, in 171.1 iwforvt TtotmM Wi
stationer, brought pi
tiling llae perfec
Tlie llrst snort
"M Mtw
stylus, a klnil of
Itomans forbrole
Its freiiiieut and e
I vrws sw
aiocouat af
uaa In itwv
rels, and then It
Stibeiuenilv rtswif'A
or mm
antl tsHt.
like pens of I he pretwnl day. want
I'riuUrt L'irfHhr,
He who master hla palon sultdwaa)
a fearful enemy.
Suaau "I sai'rMr McCartney, tklw
'ere' a bad cabbage." Mr, M. hwfi
now, and It I, honey f Then ulek aa
other. Illea ye, young rabbaira U MtM
weetbifarti you must thry half m
en 'fore yn gel a good waul
Two sable phlloaopher tinik ahriaff
under Ibe same tree during a haavrjr
shower. After some lima one t tkwT
complained that be felt the rtln. Nala.
Imr mind," replied the rrtheri '4rw'
plenty of irwsj. whn ifl un
through we'll go to cie od4er."
f'omlng track from it Irfp to
Parisian liewailed hi mlafnrtw
llarrw. a
ort una 1 Isl
railway companion! "flna Ihlna? u
certain, you won't catch ma lag rut
more of Ibeasi eicursloM. I loat agf
wife and my cane," Ami lhaa ka mi
ileal, between aoba, a new case, tawP
"A amtwr allracta a ttraw, ao 4am
Iwauty attract admiration." UaltatraMt
but Ihe stralus of a brae m) wIIImII
a sick woman mil of bed, ! ukaj tmt
crnsus of all Ihe children on Ike attrasH
Isrfora the baaa drummer aVikaa bai
nrat real.
A sii.year old, who wm foum!
ling himself ouuida of VavriotM
thing at a rapid rate, u raflar
plaining of Inward grtfrlKf.
to hi wondering pareaU tkat ka faj
mean u leavi) any room far Ikat i
acn acjie,"
Apfih Ttiplto lii6Uf.Hk I
tcMitp of tauloo over Right la
pint of water. Neat monAng
and core all aour applea, mM lay
taploo ami water, ami hm mil
brown sugar, and Irak Ull tfca
are well ilone. 8a)4MWatBw aHtgaW I
cream. ,
Alabama i makli
klsMT pTIjarratM la (
development, Ja
1W4 tho 4ttMi4l
coal on tha Houth and Msytth Al
Kallrntw! wm iM.llwl teM, while i 11
it had mil MB to ISf.lMJ tofaa.
Montgomery Advertiser aay llm I
cation ara for aa iaefeaaa af A1
cent in 1H68. aad that Alabama hawl
coal capacity to supply any JMwl;
an mat i wanted u a market.
A young and pretty girl at ifjajui iaiw
a store where a spruce young wm,wIm
hail long been enamored but itarasl i.
j vn
siKiak, uoct iieblml the eounter arHliag
ilrygoorU. In order to remain m lostaj
m isoaslble, ahe cheapened verythlaf
ami at last she lil; ''1 believa yon
think I am cheating you." "Ok, ao."
aid the youngster, "to me you ara al
ways fair." "Wall, whispered tha lv
fly, blushing, m alwi laid aa emahaaia
oa the wordV "I would Not etay a Ismg
bargaining If yoa ware aH to daw,'' ,
asJsvsTsT7sfs1S '
h :
t J
4 ,''i
.A ?,
it J.
Pi A )RJ
--l-, . a
m Mi
Hi srJ j fPCT1
.-."i ..'
.s.' ... miu.
rv ' wi ASBsr-. :
., :" W"t rv r.,
at J A & 5
M . iitMmuaS
K&. , -JHJ fe.WJmitiA'r a