jBPrws.i imyammmmatrnm W V . ' ? ry r m - --' . ---- r nunvv a n- - - . A WAtMIHCTON ! C.SiTB. W(imnin Ti r.ti,. Mrrb 11 Ttiur man, fr.tn the jud ti.rr rooi.mltre. rrifin wtu itififtmrnt the fVnatr Nit itvtxh4uc emigre men frttu trromlu urrt(e on er tain I....U pt.el on IU A tn-JutJon Jtri ! iti-triMlnc the ftsiunlttrr tn lu.llrl tytolwillMMii tlir rix!ion of itVI In- that U rUlm (t'aln.l tlir I nltrd Vale., not eirrrUnr ft t1 In am unl U prrtrntnl to Ute (Vtu.t l.ntrt f.r the li.trkt in hub thr rlalm irliHixtnt Nil In .1.1 .f tbc -laripr,uit.wi deigned bj Jaior Uonloo len ST1"!?." 1?'"' '" "Itlriut tlr'taW . . I 'extent (utmiltt-d communles Urn fnwn thr JWrrUrj of the Inter!., lu tr i rsM lo tlir tltii'.rr trouble in Xl.mun ,flr i&y i1 um ,UM ,r.f. ii" n' "' ' nlwl of V tl.ltiii . Hammond, Mr .utirn.ii Oeneral. ukrn up. Plumb p,,kr in um. Mil reported lir the rommlttrr on JudlcUtT, KinUm; the .lnklnc fund, . i.krn up. .til laaawmati p..k In faor tlitrmf. IVmllne tit euaslon the Henatr btk up the V-. p.titit at. propristlim bill, twit ...n .rtit Into t teeutltr nja o and adjourned noi'tr. The llour unit Into committer of tbr whole on thr diplomatic and rimttr anon prtatlmi Nil .Sperelira tirrr tin,! bv Hale, .-...,...., -.oioiornr, nullum, m and ,r Tlir commlttc then n n. tl oue ml Jinirncil V. KNT JnMiiM,to,YMv,r..ii,,,vUnhl:l Wr rtftioti Introduced a MM to prottde lr and rt- aisle thr rotinilni; of voir for I'ri-ddent and lrt I ri-lil-nt, ami (he itfrMon of i.urftl.m. ifVJuK i!"'r,',,, Krlldcif IlilM.lnrnl a bill to twnjr Dim! hi Introiliifril a Mil l.iproinolclbo triktalM of ainr ami rrfiiiiillnc tlir national un- .jc wrirjin ami mrine lUllroa.I totn urm. aiorvan, irotn Hi.- committer on clalnw, rr,M,.r.,'A '''" Ur """ rrl,r' "' "" acrtiU of ilni M. K Uturrli Siulli appropriating !.', J) for iUmi;i' liti to tliclrj.ioiitv at Nah. nio duritiir Ihr latf war Trlh-r. liiiinlxr of Um OMBtnltlrr, niifxnlll.-,! mlnorlM rror, LpuxS ry liliturlf, .VrMllUn anl faliit-nm VtiO Wlnt fir bill Wlmloin, from tbr rommlttii' on appropriation, irtmrlail xltlioiit uiifiiilnifiit, the fortllli-atloii bill, n,l It a platiil on thr rab'tnljr MaUliiuacallril tipthr niolln In rrfrr tlir coinuiuiilCMtloiHif tin- Nfrrtarj of tlir Int. rlor, In rriranl tn tlmlhT ilrprtitlnna, to thr omitnltl.r on publlr Intnl. ami hair It printed lilUir llminl. Aflrr mioip tllwiiMlnii It u ,4M "'' "! "" Wt-nt 1'olnt appropriation . Wtl wan taki-n up AfttT a lriu;tliv illuloii T mi Tarloti. itiiirnilllirntK the b p.nl l'il dork dHeil up thr Nnati bill tipplriiirntar U thr act In rrlatlnti to thr Hot sprint: rrarr nation. .Viler Minn-auii'mliurnt thr bill wa rl. t'oukllni; eallnl up thr Home bill to uiakr jhtniiik rhtrKiil Mlili erlinm ami oflrnar romprU-nt wltm-iar In thr Tulle.! .State Ter ritorial Court, whlrh par.. Thurniau ealle.1 ap thr I'uillle rallroaiUlnkliu: fiiml bill, that It might flilnl a utilliiJ.licd biiltiei t.niuir rnrav Ai.l.uiniril. tlia'ac. AfUrlhr ItitriKlurlion ami rrfrreiirn of a frw lilll. the lloii-e rnt Into eottuiiillre ol tbf tt bole on thr illplomatle appropriation bill Hale m.ivitl to Incrraw thr aalari f MltiU teni to lreal llrlt.tln, Kramie. tirrmaut an.) KumUM 17,.'."), ItiMeiul of fl.VMI, aaron. trtnptateil by thr bill. After mine illm'tiulou, ; a Tirfj' w Uketi on llntr'a alnmiltneut, wlilrli rranlUnl NH U 110. HlnclriKib mi the part of the appropriation committee, inoveil an aineiiil inflU approprl.vtliiK a-H,!"!) for a Mlnl.ler to tbc ArKeuttiiu llepubllr, I'arairua att.l I'm JfUv aerrisl to. Concer inovetl to approprl atr 17,5i) rarh for a MlnlMrr at thr Nrther Unla anl ltelulutii, whlrh tnllon hail Nru abolUbeil by the bill - rcje tel. Hrrnltitio mot nl toliMert (ireerr In tlir lift of iiiUMou a re qalflftg a (alary of 7.NW, ami Mrikr out the mUMi.Ni to Turkey, hlch after ilrbatr waa rr Jrelrl. Halrmntnl to anirml an an to pro ri&e f.r Charge II'AITalr at Deniuark, (In-et-r and tUlttt-rbui.l, at a aalary of .(D rai'li rttoctnl. New move.1 that thr tillr of thr Chwjar H'Affalra at l'orttlKal br rhaiiKril to thatof MlnlMrr Kcalilriit-rrjrct-.!. 1 1 air move.) aa Ucrcaitr of thr (alary of thr Cotmular (icn rral at Calm, from :i,(V) to 4,i-rejected. Moanm tnovnl to Inrrraar thr aalarlra of the ' CoooakHSrncralat I)iiiloti, I'arla. Hatamtaml Rln de Janeiro from t.VaiO to KKmo, am) to trlkr. out the iirovloo rnakluj; It the duty of thr CntiMil at lllo da Janrrlo to perform thr rfuUmof aern-taryof Iciratlon without nihil tional romjienatlon. Monroti'a ainrndmrut tiatinc hern illtlilnl, that portion wbhh In crcaond thr aalary w. relccteil, aud tlir ir oo atrlkltiR out tlir provUii dm airrrcl to. ttiirlnrrr tiuived to (trlkr out th rotiMiUte to Nlnl'lo and Nln Chlane In China. Itrjert d. (Hi mutton, Diinnell'a niurmlinriit wan adojiU-il, inakini; It the duty of ronul( totuakr quarterly rrKrtMothcfiKtmt of ciHftHiii UiiunriHof thr riuntrlr to which thry arr e rrraiUil. On motion. I.athrop'a ainrmliiient waa ailopted, making It thr duty of coiiiim to makr aiiuuul ri'lort( n to the Hai;r( paid for labor In Uie countries to which thr arc acrri-d ttrd. Tln-rcmrwllloe ror and the bill and aineml mrnw rrHit1d totbe IIoiim, with all aiurmb 4tkiiU, wliiek were concurn-d In. ami the bill ptMfA. The bill to aid III thr I'nl tr expedition ilenicncd by .Inmea (ionlnti llrnnt'tt, wuit taken up ami jutted. Atljolinied. (ENATK. WislllMiTov, ThilPdiiy, March II. A mini bcrof bill were uikm-.1 'tlurliiu the inornlnt: hour. Atiiom; them vta one. uuuitliiK IKtydul lain a month to the widow of Hear Admiral C'harb-a Wilkra. Voorher IntnMliirttl a bill rovkline or the mtmeut of all ctiMoimi, ilu f, aikl alt oilier duliti due the United .State, lif leRal teluliT note at kir, cxrvtit In rar whrn" otlifrwl'c rxprrody Mlpulated, (.'oinlil ralioa of tint bill In rrunnl to thr l'aclflr rail ruatl (Itiklm: fund wan rei-uuu-d, aud Matthew i farornl the bill rrHirted bv thr committor on railroad, and gave notlcr that he would here after aubmlt it a a autatltuUt for that rcKrt fj by the judiciary roiumlttee. rctidlni; dl( dUtrumloii, (lordon, by rcipiett, Introdurrd a Ml ioanthorlie thr roiixt ruction of a narrow caafe rallroail to thr HI ark Hill; referred. Tfernitular and dljtlomatlc appropriation bill wm then rcc clnil from the Home ami rc frrrrd to thr committee on appropriation. Thr. Vicr-Trrddent announrr.1 lila (lunatureof tao lioUM bill for thr r-llrf of William A. Hammond, lite 8urrcon-flrtieral of thr army, and at now coca to thr I'realdent for bin dena ture, drlstlancy to.)k the rtoir to apeak on Monday on the (bikini; fund bill. Henate ad Joarnrd till Monday. IIOL'SE. llardenburch lutroducrd a bill reculatlni; 'ikrwrrefunilof National banka. The bill aathon4-( (uch banka to dbpoM of their re nanrr fund and lnvrt thsaamr in I'nlted Htatr Mnrr I ld, a. which bond) (hill conttltute a rrcerve I of ouch ataocatlom; rvfrrrrd. Durham, tlw rommlttre on rxprndlturra In thr de partment ol Juntlcc, tiiiroaurea a mil umitini; to t3,.r00 the ronipriKatlon of the Clerk of the Dtatrlct untl Circuit Court, when one prroa hoUVt both ofHrri. The morolntf hour wia oc . cnpirtl In dlK-ujidnjr thr bill rr ported from thr coaimlttet on rxpenillturra In thr department of Jaattcc, limiting the number of irieclal at liaiaatu apnnlnlril It r-'-t DUtrlrt Attorney to m, atf limiting the fee to 13,000. Tbr bill lUallr paaced, and the Houre went Into com mitter of the whole on the bill extending to three hour the time for withdrawing dUtllled liquors from bond. Speeehea were made by flajtrr, Conpcr. Butler and other. The com mMU roe and reportml the bill, which pained MltStoUd, The bill ippropriatlujc i'W.OUO fatithe rontlnent fund of the Ilouae paced. Affiiurnetl. navtt. WiaHIXOTOX, Friiut, Mirth 15. KaIjMih, 'bom the committee on way a and mean, re pdr(d a nutxtltiatc for the bill to promote the jfctmiit of nvinjr In the trrMury, ind refund aa; the naUoaal debt; referred to committee a of the whole. ' Tlw conteatetl election caae of Dean Ti. Field, ftan the Third tlUtrlct of MiMiohuaelU, waa coii(klered. Durinjf the illacuiwlon tbe8faker i said: "The chair tellerea It bli duty though It lii very pilafal one to lay a communlca Hm Uure the ilouae." He then banded to the clerk, and had read, a cotnniuulcatlou from MM IWti T " Wate, announcing the death, la lltvaua, from yellow ferer, of Hon. J. E. Lcoaard, of LooUlma. EUU made aome re- BBarka in reiauon hj ma lato cuiicatcwc, aau men I that Ue iiooie,in respeci iot ui raeaa- . fdtVJ.. .;s6i tt i Juli IMtiard, do o fcmrt Tt ntiHi.'O stIWv1, aad tM IUu .turttd HtKtl. ti ... . -. . k ... .... ... " h-tti- .TtlT Htrtltl'v ti rm I oflrrrd a rr-Jutk rruttlli.C lb All.'twi I UrlH-rklbt iLf.rfni a lluux UUir la k. 1 .'inlm tbr imml tptxlneal 4 trn t .Wt i l Uncr. luailr bt Hie tTtlit, rrllHl t" Uk Mlktan .rl,mi at. I tl- Natal r.l rntjr Utr ln v in.lr In -imi ,d l or Vt nittonii and If bj wutu, U-- l,t( It hltlaru U- (Utlvlu and II tti !. bt' kvc It h lrrii rottrunl Mrlllhta mrh .rr ! aRti4nttrtenl Ad.-ptnt W J.1.UI1 rbalrtnaaof tb tMMtHter ttl tinir and p-t t.t, frfWtrd baktbrNH protrldlnf e Ibr tUxlHeatbn of inul mtttrf ail rl o urr U.r ,inlerl rlhtt Alter thr rtp4lli: o( tlir m.nlic Imhu Mr Itriirbt lird that thr Untlnl.lie.lt-u.lllr-.. Nliiir tin- bill makinc miliar f..r tin. ii litelil of mtaluN-utbrm ante Ulluiil maileiat truu, Uirt7.ni aliradt .p-npHlrl. nd aUt itxMril that alltletutr l- IUitlr.1 In 0lnt Ule. Tltr lliutJK.u. i.j.-rlfl , the Hmlta tl. uf time atnl tbr Jra. and tt) twdrml Tbr HoUr derkln to llllill drbklr b. Itltnlli lllra. alht thru rnt Into eonimlltrr of the hole U.m Ihr bill UwUrll b.lll hM l mxMuiiilltrd and nhjortbto ol. lt.-,( lit obJrtAil to t oncer re nt UUltirnt lhat thr drmm-lat) milM bate kliou of tbr lr;Ulll.iti bt ttbleb roiitrartot wrte ld by tbr NMitb rni Itaifolrmr) Thai itiln.4 matter Klen moir.1 to itilkr out the mart lif f laue Aurrrd to, ami the tttniinlttrr nw and rvrt n actiiiri to the Hmiir Ttir prl.i iiitloti a vevoude.1 and thr main nllr.1li.tl ordrml on ciinrntlrlire U Ibe rr-.MullMti.Utl..tl of tbr r4iiiitlttre. A inoti.-o to rrct.in.blrr the tote oidrrliu: tin. uulu ill..tl,Mi t a. tlrfeale.1 131 to 7 lbrrr4tof the rommltter thru aitrettl to, and tbr rnaclbu; I Uiim- wat trutkout Tbr II mr rni Into nmiinittre of tbr hole on pit ate Mill and ..ii alter ad Joiltne.1 (rs.rr W"iitiiiTtiN, VIom.,1 Marth It Nna tor l.dll. III..I. Itoin the M.iniltltte.' on Jtidl rlary rrrtel adtrreh on the lloii.e Nil In rrlatlou to t itala let.l ill.aMlltlr. of women and br Hi-iTiil that It lw tit.lr r) lit t r I; .-t.ii it, It pmrldep lhat ant woman who rhall bate Uen a lunuW'r tit tlir liltflirat court ol anr tate or Trirltoit or tbr Iltilct ol I o luinbla, for thr -ril of three jrara hut be admitted to practice In the Nipo'tiir (out I l the I nllnl Matr. KdmlllMU ald that the irrotliid of the adtrrx- ir.rt of the etnuinlttir ho that lit tbr law of the land an It bad rt UteiWIliCr thr orcanlralloiiof the cotrtlllnrlit, the rbltircme Court a well a all Ibe othel I iiltetl rtale Court wt re authorlel to makr Ihrirottn rule tourhltig thr admlxloii of thr alt.irtirt., i lhat thrre no ot.lade In thr law prohibiting tbr adniltlon of women to prai Hi rlu the I ullrd Mali Court. It it. Hnd(tl tlitllelt iiih.ii tbr iIIm retlon of the court. The Commuter on Jndlclari Iboilicht thi act would make dUcrlmluatluii In fator ol wniiirii, a It coiiiprllcd the court to admll womrii to pra.tlcr when It wi not Imhiii.I to admit men. On motion of Hargrnt tbr bill waa placed on calendar with thra.)tt-reri'irt lloti i-altitl up the fortlrlcatloii appraprla Hon bill, which ttatard. It appropriate WIV, OKI. Tbr Vice rrt'ldeut anuoUiHcd hi lg nature to thr bill In aid of Ihr (Hilar ripr.il Hon delgiiel by Jame llortloti llenurtt 1 he N'liate reuiuel miiileratlon of the I'acllle railroad Mtiklng fund bill, and ChrUllaiiet Mmke In regard thereto. ChrlMlanej fatoret'l the bill rrtairlfd Ii) Judlclarv etimtultter aud opiNMotl that reorltl by tlir Committee on railroad. Hill were lutroluct-d bt lltreford. Ion-cog litre aud pay certain claim due It) the latent Weft VliKluta to i Hlirua thereof for N-rtlce rriulrnd In upprr.lng thr late telirlllon and w hlch are rliargrablr to the I'nlted Hlate, lly K.utl,toauthorlre the Mtatea tolmor a Ion aire tat, charge or duty on ccl to maintain turnout Inc. Win. I. mi from Ihe committer on approprla tlon r"iortetl with juii mtim-iit ibe lloue bill authorising thr rW-cretary of (be Trt-Mun to eintiloy trmirary clerk and making ap propriation for tbr amr. ,lo making ap propriation for drtertitig trepalug on putt llr lauda, and for brlilk'lug Into market public landaln certain rttatea, and for other pur air. 1'lace.l on Ihr calrndnr. AlllMiuralleit up the H.-nate bill authorlilBif tbeHrcretary of the Interior to makr certain negotiation with the Tie Indian In tbr htatr of Colorado for thr consolidation of all banda Into one agruey to be located on thr While Hlvcr. Kdmoiid rniiilrei wbrrrCoiurrrai re reived thr powrr to authorize any mo to Biakr treatlrarircpt the I'rraldrut of tbr Culled rotate. AIIIxiii mnviil to amend thr bill an aa to authorize thr J'realdent to makr tict'otl tlima liiatead of Uir rk-crelary of the Interior, and It waa agreed to. KdmumWalko optxiaed the rlaii.e of the bill directing a report of the mneredliig under It Ui br inadr to Congre tor coiildrratlon and appnital, aud mored to amend o a to bate the reain made to tbr rVnatn alone. I'rudlng dlculoii the in.. ru ing hour i-xplred and tin. bill wa laid a.lile. Tbr bill rrMirtrd by thr rallro.nl roiumlttee wa taken up ami iIcu(miI, after whlrh the. Senate went Into executlte e.ni and (oon aljounied. tiui'ai. Sprinter movi-d to upc lid llm rule and pa the bill authorlrliig theroinigitiif .liter on tin; Mine term a Ibe coluairr of gold, without rl eum to the bolder of the bullion, and ulo ail tliorlzltig the Imuo of coin ci-rtlllcalra on Ihr deot of (liter bullion rlinlUr to thoe now authorized on the dei.t id gold bullion, The following bill cre iitro.lucili llr ancc, lii.lntiliig M.lillui who nllted out n't prldiii, and for llm patment of certain South ern mall contractor. Tbl bill prot Idea that no claim (hall br paid which lnvr heretofore lieen paid by Ibe Confederate k'ot eminent. Jly Money, granting alternatr M-ctlou of land to thr State of MlMlutH.pl to aid in the r.iiitriic tlonof the Ship I. land, lilplry A. Kentucky railroad, lly (lli.n, for theapiilutment nf a conuuiMloii to arerUln on w bat term a treat j of commerce ran lie arranged with Mexico, lly Monroe, n-latlmc to the coiimititilratlon In: twtrii the L'nltetl Stateaatf forelgm-ouiilrle. lly Samson, proM.ng an ainniiliiient to the Lontltullon that the Prrfldrntdiallbrrlrrlrd by a direct rote of thr people. Ilv Conger, rr pealing thr law aiiproprlatlin; :r75 0i) for tbc pajment of irrtaln Soutbrrn null contractor. Hy Cox, of New York, for thr rrrrtiun of a monument over thr gnr of Thmnai Jeffrr (on. lly Mat ban, from the Dlatrlct of Colum bia committer, rrported Mil liiTetlng the Diatriet Couimlloiirr( with thrj-.wrrof tli late Hoard of Audit, for thr purH-of lnulng crrtlflcalr oo clilma p. a ed ujkmi and alio rd by aucb board, but for whlrh no rrrtlflcatra hail lieen prejarel. Tlie llouar weut Intocommlttreof the whole and cotuldertd the bill relating to thr pa)mrut or Southern claim. Kldon oppoM-d the bill. After (oaic dlculno. tbc corniiiltter, without action, roue, and the Ilouae adjourned. The Spirit or Kdr-Kacrlflrr. Tli hplnt of mtlf-ancrilicu ia nu of the I'Tfitt beautltM of Iii)lnew. JIuh baml yielding to wife, wife to htuliiuiil; brother to lirotliur; nt,Usr to aider, un.l friend to friend; in jreat tlilnuH, but in small curMfiully. Kint anil foremoat, m.'o that tliu Hjilrit in with you at home; then cary it abroad into tho world. It U a Hpirit that will aweeten happlncN and brighten troubleH, and when the houI In ready to wing it (light to iU eternal home, it will have the titiMpeaka ble conaolation of knowing that it b.i not lived to iUelf; that it hai left the world happier and tatter In aome de gree than it found It; that it has taen faithful in itn earthly HiMon. So it will liaten with unutterable bllna to the (ten teneti: "Well done, thou good and faithful lervnnt; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Argotij. A young man named Robert LoeiN, of Uurilngton, while toing.to Unrd a moving freight train, a few daya ago, tllpped and fell under the car, had both leg! cut uff near tbe thigh, knit died next morning. It U cut i mated that the lartneri of Jackeoa county, low, loit tAOO.000 worth of hog during the pait year by hog cholera. Some farmers loct as ma ny m 200 each. Jtf J i "Heat la UrV..(VI U iWtk." "ITiefr I Mtt grrat.r fallao than thr opinkta held by tiiany, pattlciiUrlt thr ttitiX and trvn n igrt'ti. lhat winter r-wvialh a rtat ftvt one, with pientt of ixi t tltr iiiimI Ileal th m awtli ttf Ihr tear rr few cr win Mftn to tvatlir thr facl that rvbl l the ttnolllKMt ol ileatli atnl lhat, in Uith warm and o-rd cllmatr, II la Hir iiuthioit fiTort to tmhiUlit tur l l heat at teiiirrtiirt't.( ninety rigM tlegret- that wear tt out I o tbl It in H-rtiltt t:tllol HI.whI nvt, rrr cubic lti h of tttgiii that rttr to tl tnllre our bbnl limt le rtlitt t't our tttttibodlh bat, or life it. Sint-v III wld ta either thr toaltiliiilirt til a UlUclelillt elrtali-tl Utl trnit.ritltir Iwvtinie ery ttftrn too jjn'at for our ln'iith, the ailteitl it( a trfo Wittier I rt-.tilt tmre to U tltvatletl tli4ii ihr tftlntioli ol n telllrttrv The aayltij: 'Ileal 1 lllo Otild 1 iletth,' b.t a 'trltlng llltiMtrttinn and etnllr tllntloti III the IvjHirt not gulnrl llbiultliil b r I(Uelltothel,Ug' itlilinrt etiltitiillli'O, 'Ihr death rale rle and fall Mlth tlie KguU. lit of the thermometer Ni many degre, Je. In-.it. an main more tleath, .mi. I for tyr.i III our i Innate It ttoilld prxtbabh Ih illlllt'lllt to till tl it inure lreitelit cnllo of ertoil allluetlla lliau l.tklng eiiltt Vhalitr weak jtlcwit hne, whaliM er eiiililiilioti!tl illMittler tteb uhjeel to, etilil tt .iirelt dlettti-r We lake cold boviiliM' olirNlloltl) I lHt but In ttttrd oil the tl'et I of the reduced leiw lientttire nruund u A n nintler of the llrl liiipottnin-e, iben, to relt itdd nnd the Mttlotl ilerittigeilient ol the ytelii ctitieiUelil, It la lieevitry by pt'titer nutrliioii to iiinintitlii ournrtitiritl mil 111 it I li.'.tt, et'iilid, to retnltl till heal h it (tlllliieiil iUntillty of elotlillig, tlilitl, to regnlttio tlib eure the leniiH-rttturr of the nlr tte bteittbe ' tuition to Ihe opliiloti eiirretil uimuii Inter of cold weather, lire In n IteilrtMiin in llm win ter It ehenper nnd belter tb:tn a dot, tor' bill tor, ottlng to our Imvilto ciitidltlotl dlllillg leep, the eireulatloti of the ll)t)llii blood I Uitli dott nnd imperfeel, itnd heiiee the il.itip-r of tikklni; eold by breathiiig told nlr la greatly Inereiticil A odd la the beginning of everything that it bud. If any one eouefoua til liming- enuglil one, feel cold elilll ert-epiiig up the brt.-k, let hint npidy n mn-tuid jiltthter to the IhiIIiiui of the apllio and lower part of the back nt once, nnd by o doing he may atert n dangenni fllueta before It In Im late nnd uiodli'iil mh loo en n lo procured. It xhotlld never be forgotten that "Heat I" life eold l death "- ScieoffiV .linen rufi. Italnbiin larnil. Aeeiirdltig to popular belief In tier ninny, the exlremltlet of a rniiilmtv n. lly toueh (trenni, whence It drnttt water by meant of two large golden dlahet " That It why It mint for Unco day t nfler tin; apM'itrnnie of it rainbow, hoi'fttiti) the witter mud fall again upon the enrlli. Whoever enn arrive at the right liniment where the rnliihow la drinking uait take Miealoll of the gulden iliab, whlrh refleet all Ihe eol ora of Uie rainbow; but If nobody it there, tho dlahea are again drawii up luto'thv olouila. Home aav that tho rainbow alway bti a dlah fnJI, Thl iiiiih- happened nt Huutllngen, In SintbU. It broke In eeverwl tilocet, but the limb er received a hundred gulhlen for It. At Tu d Inge n, peopele ued to run to tin: end of the raiiilmw which appenred to be reatiug over thn end of llm Keek er or llm Stoiiiiieli, to Heeiirn the golden dl-li. I'ouiilly it I conttidereil wrong to Mill the dith, which ought to bo kepi it n heirloom in thr family, for It bring good luck. A thepherd in llm Niiablau Alpi once found Mtiiih n dith, and he never iifterw'Hnl lnt a tln-en. An un fortunate mttt to of lleubaeh, who (old tint IreuMiiro ul a high price, wat ntriiek iliimb on the tpot, Small, round gold t-oliiH, marked with t erot or alur, t r freipienlly found in Stuiblit, and the ticaxiuU deelnni lhat theao were tntitiu faetiired from rainbow dlthet by I lie Komnn when they iuvuiled Cermuiiy In the Illaek Foretl tho riilnbotv ui"d n golden goblut, vvhleh it afterward dropjied. A tihoo thrown into Ihe rain bow cornea back filled with gold. The Servlant hnvu n theory that patting Ix'lle.tth a rulubovv chuuget Ihe cex. When a double rnlnbotv i een, Sua blnn pentautt (ay llm dijvil would like to Imitate a rainbow, but hu enn not Kiii.Tcuil. The Ktthonlnim failed ihe rainbow "tho thunder of fiO'l'Kideklo." A theory exltted In llm Middle Age that ii rainbow would ee ao to appear a certain number of yearn tafont the lint judgmuut, nnd Hugo von Trlmber. In an old (reriunu poem, mention forty yearn at the preaeribed time. Crime In ('real Cities and Small Town. Some criminal atntiatlca recently pub liahed In the Timr greatly diacri.-dlt the HipuInr Idea that habitual crliulo alt are mainly the product of great cll iea. In Mancheder, nod oubt, sixteen out of every I0.000 talong u that ehvan, and in Liverpool eleven: mit in Ixmdon there are only four, and in Taunton, leeplett of little towna, they ri to auventeen. Of rottrae, the laat llguru mnv )n ac cidental, but the proportion of erime, though not, of coure, tho aggregate mtwH of crime, in Indon haa alwayi taen low, partly from tho vigilance of the police, partly from the number of careen oten to the Inhabitant, and partly from the quicker intelligence which Ii only generated in great citict. We wish one of our abler atatiiU would give the world a careful paper on the comparative morality of great capital and rural diatricU. It would, we be lieve, materially alter public opinion upon the aubjecu Crimea of maligni ty, la particular, tuch at fire railing, llourlah chiefly in rural diatricU anil petty towna, an do alao rape and all crimes of violence not dictated by a wlih to obtain property. London tijc lator, Study your own intercut clowly and do not spend your time In electing Pres idents, Governors and other small offi cers, or talk of hard times and spend your time in whittling store boxes. Nebraska raised 23,000.000 bushels of corn ana 170,600 head of hogs la 1877. wmmsr i mmisrmmmmmmmmmmmmm i i iMs-TsaWsasairi iinl I' i s is-ls-iss ill rtf i' W imt. Kitin.v J'rtMfiOj "J Itr-at thr rntr,.( thtc-r) iff) 0 .ml (r.h and tavt hi gTdnlTvJ tnttiMer l rviitant htt. ainl gift tf ).derv. ogar. TitniiHHt Iw.atlltj; tinlll wir tit till arrvr lit a idiah half tilled with ctdd milk, cttrr It ! with an tlhl h io(t(iil, Uitdlng In jjnsaW. ' -)'' ttv llVtt fotif UtX tatt apple when ilone ei-aiwtotlt the pulp a lir Inlo Ihr w hllr of ne rfj; tral ! en (lift, and jwtir In tttir tMej.mfMl l of odrrrtt atlgr ltrt In t (Itti tilth with Jrllt tut (op l.alen Mill, or mhuI MHr t.f other aalttple t Vt II I trrv iikt" de.eit w lh nl turkev or frfh MieaU o.Hf tVtr -tnci pound t tijar and th-qurtet tif a pound of Nl boiler U-ateti lit at renin , ctrn tt, U-aleli egjj jtatl ttdk and while t-j ittstelyl, t two le(VpWtuful tif vr-IH tartar with one pottmlttf ttotir, out- ! Mkttilul o .hU Hake hour atul a half In a very moderate and eteti itvell .fftimrtf (i,irrt I'laert tbn teaitirf over a kettle of (tolling tiller, and pill In the oytcit with the uiipei bell down, outer le timl etHik hattl (or half all hour or a little e erve III Ihe It tt f he on a hot dtah, Mid W it evtedlllitll at Ktile. a the) tlittuhl ta etteli vet V lml' Vlof .o;...Mr ni..n Mvll a In Metpoonlul of buiirr m plder. Into thl fill in thin b'i one Urge or to IlKtll onion noil iv large tail applet without Hellug. nddltig n pliudi o( all (iter Uiilll liectrlt done, (hen rellime Ihe lid and (rt tinlll brtitto An itcel lent illh on n etthl tt Inter' d.-t. wh iHild liltnte.l, in frtetl iiienlt A'fH.U'-lv fVrnt'.il I nke n iti(tl of i-oin meal ntnl two ttvhoUMtiiful of eoinilioli wheat llttlir (lint ptepnleil) add nll to Ule and iu IhoMilgblt with a tiitllrleut iiunlltt o bullet milk to fm m n bailer Next melt n heaping lnb)etihiti(ul of hid. lir II tth Ihe bailer well, and bake on a liol grid. lie lninor lluhlim) Half a pouudof oil gnr, ipiniliir of a pound of butter, two ornuge, l egg liiatothe rind friitii the ornuge, nnd xpieeze out Ihe Jllleo, cream the butter, nnd bt degree it. 1. 1 the tlignr, lent in the oik of the egg one by one, then Ihe rind and the Juice of the lUnligev beat (he while of the egg to n (llll fnilh ami ml ihein very gently, with a long, low bent, Into the other lligiedlelit Hake In palo-ued, Ilu lile.plnlei, '( Mill' All excellent cold alnw a mnde bv ahteddiiig a tolbl head of cab Imge with tt iblii. diurp knife, or ilnw uutter, then placing Ihe ritbbnge In vtnir illah, pour over It a dretng made by healing a pint of vinegar (cabling hot. then beating Into It ipilcklv one beaten cKK "Ith n lump of butler a Urge a a walnut, and n tnblen. infill of augur Ike eabbngtj ahould bo llilllh tptlukled with tall and pepper at It la put In Ihe dlh Vin HiKint. A ipiarl of tilted llour, n little salt, thiee lcniooiifiilt of link ing powder, a (tnall haiulfiil of liutdei'. ed tugar, mix lightly Ihrotigh tint Dour, run a large leatpiHinliilof lard through the di v mixture, mix with (went milk, the colder Ihe better, it lake nearly a pint; roll out soft, cut In any diape vmi with, and bake in a verv hot oven ' If Ihev are not while and light Ihr fault will be in your oteu, The ninn receipt may Im u.i-.l for (hurt cake baked on the griddle, llfffUni Wiifi; Tsketwopoiinda of rump atenk ntnl cut In ainall pleitta, and cut lut ahredt twoorlhiyu union; patte the pudding dlh with gnodcrutt, then put In the meat with a doen ny tern, add thiekeiilug coinpoted of lloln and water, mudiroom catiip, and mil. lard, tlmitier for an hour and a half and ervc In Ihe dih. Il limy be turn ed out If the gravy in the pudding can be tetaiued Mutton, veal and ham, fowl and game may bo ported In a rm liar mniiuer Vntl ISr l.ei your ve.-il be lule and not too fat. Take out all tho bone nnd put the fat and refue till. Mich n akin orgritlte, In it aiiuce pan, with u large leaeupfiil of cold water, to make grnvy ludeail of chopping the veal, fill Into thin, c v'en lic-. Line a pudding ilidi with good pae, ami put a In) or of vertl In llm hollom, then one hard bulled egg (Heed, each piece buttered and pep. pered before II I laid upon the vcnlj cover thew. with tlicvd ham or thin Jllccet of tml potk. .S.iUUojfii n few droji of Iriuoti June iijion the ham. Then an other layer of teal, ami o on until you are ready for the graw. Thla ihould have bveH stewing for lialf an hour or to, with the niblitlou of pepp.ir and u biinoh of aromatic herb. Strain thro' a very thin cloth and pour over the pie, trover with a crutt and then bnko two hours. CkratM Ms4e tnm rutaloti. A foreign paia-r anys cheeae N made from potatoes in Tkuringlii and Saxony In the manner described below, I'm. albly the process maybe worth trying If not profitable in this country : "After havlng'collecUtf a puintltv of KtaUM-s of giMxl quality, giving 'the preference to a large, white Mini, they are boiled In a cauldnw, nnd after be coming cool they are ptfltnl mid reduced Ui pulp, either hy means of a grater or mortar. To five pound of tbl pulp, which ought to bo as eoual as iiofble, is added one pound of sour milk uinl the necessary quantity of salt. The whole 1 kneaded together, and the. mix ture covered up allowed to lie for threo or four days, according to the smou. At the end of Ihit time II It kfiend"d anew, nnd the cheete nre plaed in lit tie banket, when the sutierfluoua mat ter escapes. They are then allowed to dry in the shade, and placed In large veaaels, where they inutt remain for fifu-en days. The older the' cheeses are the more tliHr quality Improves. Three klndn are made- the first ntid moat com mon is made as detailed above; the sec ond, with four parts of potatoes aud two of curdled milk; the third, with two parts of potatoes and four parts of cow's or ewe's milk. These cheeses have this advantage over other kinds, that- they do not engender worm, and keep fren for a number of years, provided they are placed In a dry situation and In well-closed vessels. There are few mortals so insensible that their affections cannot ta gained by mildness, their confidence by sincerity, their hatred by scorn or neglect. L-: -.ill-XM I -fcaltHr tuts .tr IWtNs-. fWW , r Ttk Kit n tt-ti H tt (tt l.4l lt(H t)Vtl IK.I Kf .l,Mla N , f,4 Mri li ,4 4it-l wt t er I frtrvtit, .rv tttfttnl . I (IWM t lh I .--t4 s II ,i,. Ho t ev Another lJ tf lrtt trrv ts.uiruon th lhrr U.flr It r elV Voulk tn ttf a rveh father. tthdvi not gltt till nti a ivtieh vkrl monrt thr latter rtoi idrrs tiubte TbU .s.tttllttilr-a llm glhrt tt Ihr latheO put. aHhotifilt It iHljfht ta t,,ttidrfn ptttloltxt.lr, e-rltif; Ihtt Ihr-vr VoUitj; lltrrt ilftnk thtltiptliii rvriv tlav, ttftt Ihr ifvwtl frttrt s,tjs witeii met tllini ami pi I lIHUrl lor i-r tlntUr a jame I tr lather lit thl fl. of lt'le fvpMMnbt HVtfl It vrebiil and hxpo mieaih ploti, In the preloirn tif IbU H" tafotir tla Ihe voting man t 'tlitvrfnl" in the 4rttt t iwitt a j, i,rlootf whencv.hr. I tvmandrtl o the Tomb He h U-rn anvtiet tor rxdUrinp a big poc man. l prrtrut hint finni overtaking a cltlthargnl wiih j. Act -picking llr litlt'tfeirti lrt'auv he judged lioui the gill a faer that hr w itHsenl, slid it I UKfjtlrtl. Iitr (vltlltv delrloplurnl III Ihe atarv, thai hr w at niliiilttg aw ay (nun Intuit, and ihlUut'iy nl uiojt llilrr' wa o gv help Ittiin ihe pori anil ttlhrr lo el, hrr lite rrx. who I Ihr (on of a nmn wttih live iuIIIImh. nnd who In ptlou under an umrd llnllir, now .'tid fot hi falher'a ebtk slid demand i',l aUltg thxl othrtwe he will it.vlitin hi irl name and i1rgrtte hi famllt HegcUthe liittliev n I be It end for rt Uutotiou I'oillba Uwyrr.lo hum he Jlt e f .Vtt Wllh (hi um hit itlrato I eatlly put cirt lie ihtii larl wih hi con. In III llilllnte the Ulli-r Into life In New oik. The) go Ion thieve' t'ollegxi wheiv Ihev i-o n y oiing fellow gra.Tu ntetl III patteoilla In taking I iiliiga fnitti Ihe ptickit o n hanging llgtllti, to Ibe garment of whleh bell meal Inched, wllh. ml tnlig the UdU til llttK' OMhl a full page lllu.ll alloii I gltell The two voting lltell Ibcilipllip the llutxery li n Leer tnliHiu when' llm hcn iitnlh Ida I'hivnxi ef bv lit Vlll gar fnllillUlll) wlh Ihe gill waller Next, Ihe) hear n tow in n able alitcl Thev Hud h citiwd collet led w niching a woman who hung fnnu a tlilidtory window, while hrr ilrilllkeu hllbaiiil iM'nU nod i'HU her hand to make her fall The hero te thl tltiialluu by draw lug his revolver ami hooilng llm man A h and hit companion with draw tiuobterved, the former ward off the coiiiplliiiitui of the latter by (tying liiiHteatlv thnt he could tint hear to lniii there nnd ee iich a crowd looking on, and not knowing what lo do, an he Just did ll proper tiling Next day Ihe he. ro, meeting ihe Ihlete' college gail. ales In the corridor of llm llflh Avuue llolel, agreea to retHtlve mid hold fur him nti) booty he may ele In the bar loom, which he doe At tilsrlit lie and h friend go to n dlrepulalue maaked btll.tt bin tt tho hero r't'ogilie hi f allier In tl(gtil(o nmoiigal the dancer He curing a place In thn aine et, during n piio In the lUme he aiiatchet the mak from hi own face and lilt fnlhei's tit the same moment Thl edifying In. eldent It enforced by a full-pago (ilu. tiatl-'iu A friend sugtfeata theipiralloni What demon of Irtillifulnesa uinke the nrtlat put such bnital and vulgar face on thn nii'iir" In this Im of torle falhrrs and soiis ate teorrented a lint. tiral elitoulea. all. I tho true poaltlou for .i... i .1.... . . I....... ... , . too con it tiini oi iipi'ion nun nriueii peace i.im.r imivh. My grave, earnest Imi) stood bedde my chair, his large ilnmtuf ill e)a fid lowing llm coutao of my rnjiblly mov ing pencil, nud artld mltly, "Mama have y'ou wrlllen Ihe letter for lillln tays yet?" ' Not yet. my sou," I auhlj I will toon, though " !, In n day or two," The blue eye tilled wllh a vague, wlMful light, and a sigh llutlitred up ftum his little heart .peihsiit nt thn memory of bin ufttrivd patience hi Hw u Utile dltnpjioiulmeiils, and lie aid, low and sofily, "Mamma, I'm nfmld llm little boys w III get tired of waiting " Tliu ii piiKil wa so gently given, thn reproach so uuln'eniloual. nnd yet ao elllrieiit, that I ilnltv the fair fnce Ui lo mine, nnd kUlug blm, t.ild, "I will write It lo-nlghl,,( itnd Ihe Utile dill, lied heart hnil no thought lhat 'be moth er ttoild not keep her word I wi. rider if the llllb' boys ever real le what a bletalng they'are lo their mothers In the hoiue, at well lo tlielr lathers out of it, 1 know mothers oft en fret tacatiaij of their Irrepresxlhlit aplrlts mid iiiftny wild prank; but I know equally welt Hint no mother among Ihtim all. would willingly inl the sound of their happy voieiis, Ihe Npurkbi of their bright cyrt, the clslier of their little muddy boots, or Ihe litter of their busy hand, In one corner of my sitting room -.tliu colet in the whole hoiiti) ttitiidt n little squrtni box) covered wllh chalk iiiarkt Hinlacrubjliea and soars', tint fastening long ago gone, uinl one hinge broken, mid In that box I could never tell you what II con l.ilbt I rjiic.h a treittiiry it I. though, lo tho lltlb- black heiiib-d boy with blue gray eyes, whoo quaint, odokiug Htthi fiu-i) tamU over It so lovingly, whon little brown hand add dully to Its store, nnd Who often empties it on tho carpet, spreading carefully about, covering m very largo space with such cndles numbers of empty spool, nulls, screws, mattes of tmigieo string, mar bles, tops, leiler blocks, Ml of bright paper, pbte of rutty Iron, bits of shejl nnd broken crockery toys which seem to haye taen through tin! wars, mid O, moat pn'rlonv of all I an asth matic mouth organ, which long since lost the powl-r of uttering any sound save tho ni'ast spasmodic K"l"' n'"' phthlaley wail. There ure wonderful things among; its contents, after the lit tle busy brown head U safely laid away upoil ft pllljrw, and I leather up the scaUred ganaefits, the little wrinkled loots, tho muaj-italned punts with ple thoric pocket; the torn and butlonless jacket, the glily stripped stockings, still roundeil ut with the Impress of tho tireless llttje limb, I glnuc tender ly at the little (llsabled tax nnd bruised and battered i ocklng chair, which all day long has i vmcu poitetsed with u desire Ui trlii, and wonder how I could lind so much fjttilt with our little noisy boy. And ml in my heart there is a warm spot a! 4 ays for the bright little fellows whom nobody appreciates right ly, except thtr mothers. What house- h-vt.t tfl an tk mm h tl afttaV t PVt lass .! IOKB1I aSOVIMrr Mj Vmt wkH to tin ltl tx.Mhl they tVs wtlfmitt l A el !, wyi.f. turn In tawrwt Tk hut ry "Uh IhetfSsa, I ! lt wlH rlvtlrf .rtd rw slier taw east k wsW will ake tks rwbjt,kK(rrOt m aaMlnat anl inert euto (a of letl bv the llllle rar Ihst Sfw I ttrrtplr vf Mi(xtHt motion, I fviw hr intttl bimlt, Kt m ul hH altoil hr mltl ta a Irty Alwl why pratr w roi t thai iaisi a n. i w-iiiintf lo run erraiou, brlaf wtxtt. iren vite pigs ao.i miesem, um llr erfit), itlek iiiv ehlivs. ete i Wk II that always ktwtws sverj thin, and whrfrlt I to ta found when, waatust. ami bow ofim lbot asHes Itrnvy HH Huts at our mm. ptjtrry trs fn" a wnUIng tut alormtUi? Ak, hi. In drnl, btii the brsvx tvnly llllU fallow, wh't hat to tair all the bttftlro, aasl f'el little Ihstiks, lexUMt he It 'Stilly at MV." Win! W It Its bt 'leett In the haA allle, mi the broken tadtlesd, sats kbi hilt) little far and rvittt Utile hat In sctvtokeil bsln, rttnib M rvitly oka with kroVeit eomb tafur a vthsW l.tokltitf gU, and look on bare walk nud rtiftltvlr4 wlndoi, jntt l-awsti lie- Is unit '"'y. ""'I I t'H'ft'tetl lo ta netl and onlerlyi nd tjtilrt Ihitnijih Ik alir Why, he ha nolhlng toinsknhlrs) to He tint wild i ta In the kite hew, ii disorderly for the dining ttxmt, tie rude (or tin! psttnr, nnd ti he I srni otil Into the tn'fl, attd, I lml help Mmt he leartv ll all then. Ami mother ami aiders wtMuler why "rom" w tahavw ti badly, aud "where, he picked uf iirh Ungvisge' ami "how he evrr learned In aittukn and ehe .near ' 'I hey "arw n he never leain ol tl al home," and i blind motrvera and ltlets, am 1 stun of that. Thers) are iilaev-a I), filgtilful pla.v' wherv all that, slid lliortS I isnghl, whervt Iho Imy, who It out of pUi1 In Um sneliisrv of hmniS Htnla itiuiianUs). hip nml teachers, where the la you ahilnk from ttm eagerly euaivetl. and llm llltle wondering, rsgereyasl Ihiv, who might have Iteen yottr prf4 and tuur protection, If I bled nrer iMsm perilous years by the hind of love, come what turn from In 4ls-r ....I I....I...I.M il. I.l.t .A.tlt IMUL' " ' Z.T " ilat 7 ' i m k.. BV. . tf- .t'HJ .a aawF . , '"- w v-'.l WIS k atX ImV IV I i M sv ? ft u moi iivhi i.'...' inn I-...., aiM-ei. ti tite-aWi erlme, the apt a'hoar of proflkfissiy. W aud a talug In ta shuiiiietl, plUe4M ' fesretl. j t), mot hers, gusrd lenderly ynttr NW llat sail! rillij Mfr-ri (llir taWHa. 'aTaWmMal v '""' "" V"' ... ".t:..l,.m iiih-o your prayer, your waieniwi mrrwq , Make tbelr homes hstinv, Mlva pretiy, tssleful neiiu hung wllh lure and adorned wllh hum tm ofvoiirlove. Irfit the chaHCtx night octuipv the baek attic rather voiirUiy, lft him feel IhatyrHt him. Ilavit him at th talile tsllk tflieds, brlllK hilt) lllttf Voilf and (real htm as you whiiM nf gtleiti. lie SOIIOIIIIHS IOf NM and let him sea that ha ta wf npirnie to yitw, ftft4 hs) wilt lo love Mm rellBsment ttfr home paallmes, sVMtJ the halls of ribald cllemsnt of tho Ihe fast Inalloas a tier, l'l the din of Ihe future word, you will h taken to thtow sH a cordon of lore which he will never nrcn though he U-floif ".inly Isiy,' --"-' " Hard limes alwilts hT a MiHrt4kl them. The fool of King (JharlM when hn went dotVn hill, hut latt when he Went tip. Ilelng askstl wk hu said "If I am rotaif tin hill hW shall bo able to afo (town next, hut II I I "TOE?, Mm am golnu down now, 1 shall soon kvm ' , toclliub.'' ( inn oouniry mm wnhi tilings wfgtmmm r overt Irafllit Is Ihorougbly at a loat famj? y1 llaclictiUtloiij tnsniifs'irrs ara lMlt ., nipt, nud yet we roiVef had a mwm ' tauntlful harvest thiM In l77. TW ' laud teemed with stvirry variety of sr ; duct 'I here was sHiaJivh ami to VMM for usuty cltleii of ihe Union, TIm dlfllciilty evidently hail arisen front Mmt fact that too small a pnHirtloM of mur population has taen IqUw dinrctlliMSjf jiroiluctlour Thn pllilful or aipaft btiiulnnt (inlvlilon of nature fell Uyssli ly Into the hand of a smaller tiMfskwr Iliad it was wtended for, J That we have land enough Ui MatJato comfort and rometee for r(rtMaf who will work is solf-NvhienU 'lwli y will Imi hwlly iHTiliaiWr all drmttaw stances, and neither nalure nor nlgh bor can make them permanently mm ii'iited or hsnirv. This Ihe pressure of tta llwos la last driving the people lo rncogn Men can live, ami live wen, oh I mi If thev are wllllnsr to' work aaxJ economy, The demand forfaras, trior to buy or to rent,, l vastly on lavirenae Tf aiss rnaw itrop lusss In the cities, and t'lwn lots are km hie ui any price, farms do not any w Ix'g for occupants aud workers, ' Is not notably true In U Kast, wl t lie lenuenuy fias imwii lor years vi tiwnrd thn cities, Yojmr men rwi ambllloiis of rapid WMlth, Implj can e they navn Iwcom MllifMHl the avenue nrit closed. The learn to ta patient, laborious a4 Ing, It costs less not only cat but demands loss eihaustlon m VI force to live In the country, That blmr of- human tide rarrlas b farm. lift. Inftlllirenceand k of the world acciimiilaU'4 hitkit of trade and tlioiiifht.rVf, li Jtcimmrut. Oi, A CONVStMimlcHt oi tkt Cll . tiwlmin suggests that that Unit! Kltrnal Henrico arraumi wUk sWrt ccmjianles Ut attai.h staral afgkjaVil mmiHIres.wkrtt Icaritt'tfttaMJtal to show the farmer who RVi pwiUMf line, what are tho; nsilattaW ag day, The plan ! aud something of th kMl Icm lmatteHit,a yi Ntonn signals nt iifM station at m r of, ance to cotnmrce. m '; ntrletiltiiru ileBiaiul tlMiii txMslblfl shall be uu4iw Higaa! tervice umImI kW,IM Jm it SSW-",.', -'J s- f H v . 1 rO "gt&Ti . wi t. i m lrk-1 .-1 t fr? ii ..& V , Tfl It - r t , t i r a l i '; fiVit 'm A' .l'''