The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 14, 1878, Image 2

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r. -
-t A. -T1
ins.-Ii not Im In a
mi whim the weather I
climate April or even
fund e arly enough. There
Iocs with early nntvheil
least oversight tuny re
Ctler snysi "I try to
totting hen nl liand
lay, himI with Hint lot
eke for tlio year. Iinvlnt;
i lit (ilia time. Ami I llrul
doesn't Btnotint to niuc'li,
irinv for tli hen wlillit they
1 qrln mining many nficr
sen thothlrk come oft I irlve
that seem In mo will be tho
nvHhers'as nistiy.iehiek n they
i are for. All coming oft" nhotit the
time urn about tint mnn nire, u
IVstlfccord I hmotnkrep Ixof hr I "
KuMienci nnd observation will limit
NfGHhthst Intii bird after A iiioiiIIih
lleitcn welirh heavier thnu lhoo
MUed In February, which limn luul M
fcpnths' growth.
MOIIT rOll t'ATTi.K. -.MtltlHT onlllr
Jktir horses should li Installed In a dark
etnMe, as -animals require Unlit In the
Anytime. A horse kept for months In
ark stable would Ihi liable to become
,Mind. In regard to light lg pen, it
writer mvi Hint two sows hut lug litters
on tho 18th anil tiftl of .luiunry, re
eneetlvnlv.woro kont In two rather dark.
bat warm, temporary silos, nml hml to
occupy thorn till about tho inlilillti of
iae month of April, when, for each now
ib illtir, one oi tho permanent sties
5 drained l)V selllnir tho occiinnut.
At that tlmo tho pigs which luul been
kMtlnthariark, temporary stle proved
to be lew lively than anil rnucli Inferior
lft Wright arid giro to thoNuof any of tho
mters raised in thn loss wnrtu hut well
lifhted permanent sties, notwltlistnml
njf that thn dlfferenco In ago wni very
small, ami tnai tooii nml onro luul been
the tahio In ovory respect. Uuu of thn
Miters born on tho IHth of Jnnunrv,
.whloh hail accidentally tho hont lighted
my, inoiign situated in ino nnrinwost
ami consequently tho coldest corner In
.the frame hulldinir. exhibited tho moil
I rapid growth, nml tho litter horn on tho
inth of Jnnunrv, which mul tho darkest
ty, had inndo tho poorest.
Fotatok-i roil Kkkm. Whethor to
filant-wlioluoroot potatoes I a question
hat will noon ho of Interest to former.
J, R. (Jodfrey, In tho Journal of the
Koyal Agricultural Society, Now South
Wales, give tho following experiment:
"I selected two of the lltiost, which
weighed one pound two ounce, nml
tlioaoworo cut up mo at tomiiko thiiteeu
sets. In h row next to them 1 planted
a similar nuinlicr, cut from tho sumo
weight of them) potatoes hut idl small
lit Jinn, III fact, mich iw aro comiuoulv
used an need potatoes. On louuary 1,
18511, J dug up tho crop and found that
the two largo potatoes produced nluo
Sounds twelve ounces, wlillo tho pro
uce of tho smaller need wan only lx
pounds. Hut tho most roinnrkiiblo'puit
of tho experiment hum, that among tho
produce of tho largo need there win
hardly a small potato, while tho pro
Utton of tho Hinaller coiinIMciI of a great
many ninall tuber, and xcnrcoly any
large. If a calculation lie mado on thU
banu It will bo Hcen that ouo hundrod
weight of largo potatoen would produce
over aix hundred weight of a xnlonhlo
crop, whtlo tho nnmo weight of munll
evil would produce only four hundred
weight of a crop, a largo portion of
which 'would bo only of uso in plgV
Yotmu OitoitAHi9. If you havo not
a good orchard lose no tlmo In choos
ln your ground. IMougli It deeply,
Use it off for true, dig tho holes and
plant at tho Hrnt opportunity, (iet your
traea of inmo reliable nurseryman, and
give a wido berth to agents who call on
you and exhibit tho most ImposMblo
"iMcltnen" pictures of fruit. If your
young orchard In already planted do not
think that your work Is einlcd with tho
planting. It ii Important thnt trees,
tho flratyear after tramudnntlng at leant,
should bo well carcnl lot, and made to
make as vigorous growth as possible to
prevent the sun from heating tho bark
and producing what is known among
orehardists tut sun scald. If tho sap
moves the least weakly tho sun will
check that movement on tho south side
and cause that side of fio tree to die,
and then tho tree Itself might almost
as well die entirely, for sooner or later
It will havo to give way to tho wound
thus Inflicted when young. Tho soil
around newly transplanted trees should
be kept well-pulverired and clear of
weeds till the very hot weather sets in
or till the aoll becomes warm and dry,
and should then bo laid by under a good
mutch of some material that will absorb
rather than reflect tho rays of tho sun.
Half rotted straw or stable manure
makes good nmterlul for mulching. It
should, to do tho most good, coutr n
circle round tho tree from four to sl
feat in diameter.
TSrlkctino Nuiukky Titr.K.. In se
lecting their young, nursery trees, many
Smons choose the most rank anil
rlfty ones, which in some instances
and for some purposes may bo wise,
but not the best plan generally. Wen
we about to select 'trees for ourselves,
and wished to be sure of getting tliono
that would be sure to live and thrive
Mtt become hardy, we Bhould select
t wcro small of their age, ami
ewhat sWntcil ami knuriy.
young trees aro less likely to
Ml Dae in transplanting, aro
kely to be hardy and to grow
Ion, while they will come to
tf and bear frwlt sooner.
Velio the case generally with
an. inote oovs wno seem
eaxlv are Subjected to the
a of tke world, and are ear-
froaa Ue tMMer some ana
Uftferthebaelvee la new
aotuv eaeNUiy snow eariy
--J --- -i.-i fmaltfuT.
if s P"wp r" " -
MMPBiM laeaii mora suiv
,trks kner the
sanafcere enae tmi luxu-
of eon
nde iran:
er. who early brgsn th hsvttlf on new
lipid of action.
Itnnk, thrifty. )oung trr, with -oft,
I in in st urn wood, sre not as llkelr to
live In trniixirtntlon nnd foiid plant
Ing a the more icnibby, hard) onr,
nor to rome Into bearing o mmhi, thotifh
with psrtlculnr enre nml tr-nder treat
merit the thrifty one will tnnkealsrger,
fnlrephwiklng treo In ten or a don
I'MErri. KKf'll'EN.
IStvtrly Calf, TMOcupsof flour, one
cup of ngitr, one cup of crenin, n until
piece of butter hnlf as Inrgo n nn egg,
ouo Inhh-'poouful of buttermilk, ouo
lenspoonful of oilu, nutmeg mid one
Yorkshire I'uiliUwt ' One cupful llour,
pint of milk, twoeggi, mltl a little unit,
and mix Into a Imtter; pour into a
grensed pan nml Imkn umler the beef;
when nearlv doiin ri'tuow tho meal to
brown pudding, the eggs should bo well
Hlainlut or Ihlknl .!; I'liililitHJ,
I'are, core and iiuarter applet enough
to till a deep dish; oer tliein lay u
rather thick crust made as for sliort
cake. Steam two hours or bake one
hour. Kitten with swretened cream
When cream is not to ho had, a ery
good substitute for npple, rleo or other
iiidillngs, Is to bring milk nearly to a
boll, Ktlr In a beaten egg, ugnr and
flavor. Cook a few minutes and sere.
Itnivil fsrHif. Mnki a npongo of
about a pint of milk or water, with a
small piece of least cake, or n penny's
worth of linker s ) east, at night; In fho
morning knend with a pint of milk,
wnriucd, nnd half a cupful of butter and
litrd; knead very soft; let stand until
light, then knead again; when light roll
out, cut with a r until glass, let stand for
an hour in tho puns; bake quickly.
.1 AVer Citkt'. -One pound llour. one
pound -tiitriir, tbr quarters pound of
liutlor,llve eggs, half pound citron and
tho ninn of raisins, the grated peel of
two lemons and half a nutmeg, one cup
of sourrrcrtiu, ami one tcaspoonftil oht.
Kent butter and sugar to it cream, then
add the sour ci earn, then eggs, beaieu
separately, und stir In the llour gradu
ally, adding tho fruit afterwaid, and
soda last, dissolved In a tablespoonfiil
of warm water. Tho eitiou inut be
cut lino and thin, and raisins stoned.
Hun. One potato boiled cryMift;
mush ami ndd water in which "it whs
boiled, ono pint; let it cool; makuabat
ler of this with wheat llour ami a table
spoonful of Indian mcal,aloatwoccut
compressed yeast cako: let It rise in a
warm plnco for two hours; then add
ono cupful light brown sugar, two eggs,
ami two tablespooufiilH butter, all beat
en together; knead very soft; form into
buns; let them rlso again, and bako
about 111 teen minutes in it moderate o en.
Ilii'hul (litu -Cut thoremalnsof ono
game Into joints; reserve tho best pieces,
and tho inferior ones and trimmings
put into a stew pan with an onion, pep
per, it strip of lemompcel, salt, and
water, or weak stock; stew them for
about an hour, and strain tho gravv;
thicken it with flour and butter, add
ono glass of port wine, ono tablespoon
fill of catsup; lay in the pieces of game,
ami let them gradually warm through
by tho side of tho tiro; do not nllow
them to boll, or tho game will Im hard;
when on the point of simmering, servo
and garnish tho dish with sippets of
t (nested bread.
IP(! Vc Pare, core and slice tho
apples thin. Lino pie pans with crust,
out layer of apples, then three or four
(tits of butter, sugar and nutmeg; then
a second layer of tho sumo way. Wet
tho edge of tho lower crust before put
ting on tho uiiper. Press nml Indent
tho edges with a four-pronged fork.
Hako slowly to prevent the juice from
stowing out.
For plo crust -To three oven cups of
Hour, add tliree-iuartors cup of lard,
onc-ipinrter cup of butter, rub together
thoroughly, and toss up with as little
waiter as possible, without kneading.
Hoi I the crust out with light quick
strokes, always in the same direction.
This quantity Is sulllcient for three pies.
For upper crust, roll out, spread with
lard or butter, roll up and out again.
All tho ingredients should bo as cold as
possible. If lard and butter are very
hard, chop into small bits before ruin
bing in the flour. A little melted butter
touched hero nml there over tho top
crust makes It delicate nnd flaky.
Ten Thousand Hollars Damages.
A very Interesting breach of promise
suit, now on trial in tho district court,
attracts much attention. Maggie. A.
Kaudallsucs Kdward Simpler for breach
of promise of marriage, the damaircs
being placed at 10,(HM). Tho plaintiff
is from l)aton O., and tho defendant
Is a resident of Denver. Tho lady
made tho acotiaintanco of Mr. Simpler
in 187'-', wlillo hero on a visit, and
claims that the defendant offered him
self in marriage nnd wits accepted in
January, 187!). Lnto in 1876 the wed
ding day was lived for tho following
May, ami arrangements were made for
tho'itpproachiug nuptials. About this
time Simpler found It necessary to pay
a visit to the lllnck Hills. Ho then fur
nished tho ladv with menus to go homo
to Dayton, and promised on their re
turn hero lie would marry her. Helv
ing on his promises, she returned to
Dcnvernit the tickle Kdwnrdxvas pay
ing hlswdd-c.sses to another female,
ami Maggio found herself left out In
tho cold. In court to-day she test! tied
to tnese tacts, making a lavornuio mi-
fircssion on the jury. In defense, Shap
er swore deliberately that ho and the
plaintiff had waived tho Jiiarrlage cere
mony, a statement surprising to every
body. Miss Randall having berne a
good character. It Is believed there la
a conspiracy to blacken her reputation,
and she has the sympathy of the eom
mwaity. Aa usual, the court-room waa
slenaely crowded. The trial Will be
concluded to-morrow. Simpler has
lived In Denver for 17 or 18 year, nnd
waa for a long time connected with the
theatrical busTneaa here nnd in Montana.
-Ziwr $ctaf, ,- 4V'V
Ben Pitman, 0t of rjfcpeet,ite Ma.dsk
aaed wlte'a kve et 'iiowera, xvitt hnry
ran 94KMjtswsvi MTswneSf nearin roow oc wereeee m lMsMkvjr mimm
BThnTEI shelved so wtJl." ' ; ' i&!f ZtZhflffctr
M( "' ffstV Jfnmmmmmmmmmmmmml '-' ' vW .v Hahmnl
A fire at Ashubuls. Ohio, Feb. Vflth,
(Ulrnjnl i'4rtj mvnb IU,UI.
The (Hobc Cotton Mills, at Augtwta,
(1h,kU, bumt! Krb. rtti U tvi.oro.
1 he iupenlon of John J, Adam A
Co , ;!, Jfi Orlrui, U nSLirulrfnl. IJ
Lt!ll tx)t I1,VI,('0.
The Miami Ssatlngs Society Itsnk, nt
(, hit fsllrtl. I.Ublllliro, tl'U.UD,
b..A ..i-, l,'.i,dl).
Jos t AtwellS Is the lsM denthrntised
tij IJir ilMjtir! fll In Vrrinofit, luktt.C li.
fifth fHU who li dint.
Hon. Itciijnmin F. W.tde, e. United
SUIr K-'llSlOf, (tlnl t JcrrfMin.OM.i, at f, .'10
oa tlir inomlriK of Marih 'M.
A lW,l""Mlre occurred at Pittsburg.
March lt, rr.ultliii; In ttir ilr.trucUi 11 of Hit
4-r mill of C. I' Marklr .1 folia.
John William Daniels wns hung nt
Warrriitbiirtc. Mo, Marih lt, lor ttir murdrf
of Jr 1' Mlllrr.ln Krlruarjr, 177
The burning of Pitkin llrothers' hard
watr Ptorr stiil i.tlirr ImllillUK', t Fair llsnn,
Vt., Man ti '.M, ouml a l- of 'J) ().
Four deaths have occurred from
ilrlsklmt watrr friini s silMiiirl well at lUUb
funl, Vrrtiiunt. lillirr ilratli arc ei-ctnt.
At Arlington, Ky., on tho night of
Ktli. '-tli, two afra wrrr IjIijhii o--rti ami rol
tsslonr of 110,010, ami tlir other of 'J0.
Miss Hertha Von lllllcrn completed
1(0 inllt-s walk al l'lttbnrtr, VrU. .Till, In
hour, wltli als nilnutra ami s half to rarr.
Charles Weaver and Kdward Dries
bark, at Ilctlilrhriti, 'a., Iiavr U( li atrtntiit,
an.) rotifrM lrtlrl.atl(iti In plot to mk
ratlroail trallio.
In consequence of tho low price of
ttriNnia, an r ttiiilr brtsim factory nrar 8-)n n
rdil), S'. Y , basbrru (lof-fil, tliriiwlng uulof
rtiqilu'liiciit 4UI tiumlii.
Mrs. Sitleta K mis, of K nnsvillc, Iml.,
hn jirrK-tilnl tlir til ribbon Uiiih rsnoe rlub
of that i II j a lot Mil ii i it at IIO.OoU fur tliv tree
Hon of it lull IIhti-oii.
A the at llutleistllle, lud., Feb. 'JSth,
ilr-liiitril Fell's rUrni ami nalili'tiie, a funib
lure fsvlory mul O.hl Vi llima ball. 1 10,.
The boiler of tho Miami distillery, at
New Hamilton, () , t-xplooVil Murcli till, fatnl
Ijr fcaMltiK Dittlil Morton atnlJolin Mlttf, rrn
Tho explosion of gits In Preston
mines nt IVltatllle, l's , Keb. 'JStli. kllleil Will
linn M. WlllliiitiK, limlilo Uf, ami nerlou) In
Jureil stiilncr.
Tho total internal revenue receipts
for the month of Krhrnar) aliou a uYrreare of
IhtViJ-JT hm compiireil with the i'orrr-onllni:
month of luft )iur.
Albert Young, H. Jones. Silas Wright
ami Lucius Porter, all uilnreil, were handed at
Marlon, Alubams, March lt, for Ihi'immlerof
Isitar I), Mcsirr, white, Nov. H, IsTtl.
A lire at Forsyth, (la., March 4, cans
til the lost of s hotel, bank, ami lx uteres,
amounting to :,0UO. A falling wall klllcl a
tolurvd woman ami avrlounly Injured rvernl
oth'r erons.
James Percess, formerly passenger
romluotoroiithrClili'SgoJtovk Inland IVIflc
lUllroad, wss run over and killed on Uie Mis
souri l'ailllo Railroad on the night of the 8d
of March.
A grandson of Commodore Vander
bill l authority for saying Uist Win. II. Van
derbllt will settle the suit between himself ami
brother Cornelius by pa) Ing Uie latter oue mil
lion dollar.
A fatal shooting affray occurred in
ItonctulHlo, Andre county, Mo., on the night
of February SMth. O. V. Etlwsrds, aged nine-
teen, abut and Instantly killed Dennis Ogle,
aged twenty-two.
lty an explosion of sulphur In the low
er lUnehe, Creek mine, near Tremont, l'a.,
March IM, Frank AUpach, Albert Snyder, Hen
ry Ksust and Thomas Tegby wero eercly
burntsl, Uie Ust najmnl fatally.
Larz Anderson, a prominent capital
lit of Cincinnati, and brother of Major Ander
on of Kort Sumter fame, died Feb. V7th. la
lbtVt ha married Catharine Ixiiigworth, daugh
ter of the laU Nicholas Longwurth.
lty the collision of tho freight trains
on the New York Ceulrsl railroad, March M,
Uio rabixxe was wrevkrtl, two cars pitched Into
tho river, and Curtis A. Kellogg, of the nrm of
Kellogg, Clark A Co., produce dcnlcr,of Pitts
ford, was killed.
Commodore D. Curtis, a farmer '0
years old, was shot through Uie heart and
killed near Mt Vernon, Iml., Feb. 'Jotti, b hl
atep-wn, aged ta. CurUs was trying to mur
der his wife In a drunken spree, and the boy
got a gun and abut him.
Michael McAndrews was hung nt
liadersburg, Montana, March 1st, (or muder
tng a man named Manes last fall, with whom
he had traveled from the Klack Hllla. The
evidence waa circutiKUutlal. He made no
On the morning of March 1st, at Fish
Landing, 111., Uie neighbors dlscotered Uie
house of Merits KaUer ou tire. The rtructure
was a1mot eoiuumetl liefore Uie flame were
discovered. The charred body of Kaiser, his
w Ife and six children were taken from the ru
in. Jay L. Adams & Co., wholesale gro
cers, Walker street, N. Y., have been compel
led to suspeud, because i( the lallur of J, J.
Adam A Co., of New Orleans. The two
houses had formed a (central partnership'. The
tuipriuion Involve a UrsV amount, and U In
soJrent, 1
0 the night of Feb XtHh, a Are broke
out la Caawroa-fe Ab rg's nrlatkf, book-
MBdlncaadsUtiosMryse hMkiist,CAtfto,
Umte4aaw,N. The
IoUm amteat ef
yrsssittyae and ether
hoi and faMywensslsd!
msM maweet jsxtMi
te nstak
' ffB"J5lj'
Ma he
t, ' 1st. The Isttm
mlrlBfa 1st
.'.w-. 1 . --
The banging of IUchard (irrvn, at
Xuuu Oty, for the monlff of Dr;uty Mar
fcal HuifU., near lnJ-l'nc, Mn., Uk
plarr Msxrh 1st The tnuri-r ci-mttte-l
rbrry Uih, 1-77 0-ff li m a young man,
mn tUt frnty wren, od m aUe r-f
lrtn IlrUr wiunty, V. He rslstd In
nrrrr. county, O , but ha tltnl for s-nnr time
lu Frrrsxet unly, Iowa, acd LI l the flrt
Judk lal batfilL-; In Jrks.i county, Mo , since
The S-eretary of the Traury ha.s
alrrady prr'arrd Uir fcrre-ary arrangement
foe tb- lmtndlite eteeutlisn of Uio l pro
yyWht. tot the otne of sllter dollars, so that
there will N- no delay wbatrw lu It opera
tion. Tl.e ffrrlry has ftparrd form of
Ue .llrrr trrUHcie, ami apprutcda detlce for
the re tlffflar "hltb lUbuUttnl to
him b) the IMrertor The Mint Ilrjrtinrnt
I therefore reparrsl to begin without delay
U.t admlnUlrstlon of the U ,
Jaiob H Frcese, for emberllng funds
of the debitors. In Uie Slatr Nouigs Bank,
Tfiliton. N J , lias lieeti tt;msl to three
years In the Male prison and twojer for run
stlrary to defraud, making Are Jtars al
tugeihrr Iul Fretse and Henry Kr e, for
the Mine oflriiw, were glln li months rh
In the rimuiy Jill Walter J lirtlett,ade
f4Ultlng tst rc elver of Trrntmi sent.tictd
to two jear In Uie M-tr prison
The public debt statement for Febru
ary ho a decrease In the debt for the month
of J,'i'.l,'il7, and Uie following baUnte In the
Ctirrtner ...
S-pi'lal fund for the reilempUori of
frtloiul currency . ..
tyx-clal di'pislt of legal ti oilers for
the redt isptlon of ccrUfUates of
deposit.. .. . . .
Coin. .
Including rotu rertltlratrs.
OutsUinlltig legal tenders...
There were sixty.secn failures in N.
Y City during February. The aggregate II
bllltlis were(J,tViS,.Ms, and assets areplaetilat
A terrible tornado swept oter t'aey
county Kr , March VS1, doing frightful damage
In the iielEhNirhtssI of Hub Hill and Mouut
tlllte. The whole family of Vincent Wetrj,
near Itlrh Hill, rnnslstlug of hlmstlf, wife, twu
grown lUughti rw and llsrnard Sloan, a nephew,
ami William Taylor, a nelghlsir, wire killed
outright. Mrs. Weftn's U!) was blown 4(
yards, nml her clothing entirely strlpix-.l ntf.
The twn daughti rs wire tarried tlftj jurds,
suit were found lis ked lu caih other's urtus.
1 he father and nephew were fearfully mangled
and all must have been killed outright h) the
violence of the tempest. 'I he dwelling, stslile
and oiithmi-i-. wire blown entirely uwuy, the
logs blng seatti red for many yards ulong the
sweep of the turiisdy even the hearth mul the
foumlntlou stones w i re blown from their places.
In the Molly of Mount 01Ie, Mr. Morgan,
wife of .lohu W Morgan, killed, and the
ilwtlllng ami outhous of Mr. Kloyd were en
tirely swept away and the timber scattered In
cu-r direction, In the Ullage of Mount Olltc
several house were swept away, ami the re
mainder Injurid.
The navy estimates for 178 show an
imresseof tX0Ul, half of whlih Is for the
transportation of troops. The estimates show
Its Intention to commciice with four tlrst class
Iron dads and complete live iron dads, to
g ther with '."rt corvettes and ! torpclo lsat.
The atse Increase I exclusive of that portion
of the ote of 10,000,000 whlth b It en dco
ted to the navy.
Lord Napier, of Magdala, Governor
of Ulbralter, has arrived In Loudon and had a
long confurence wlUi the Duke of Cambridge,
Commaudcr-ln Chief of the llritlsh fortes. It
Is announced that It has tn-in dtxidid to em
ploy Lord Napier as Command-. r-ln-Chtcf of
any expeditionary force that rtiaj be sent out
In case of war, with Major (tellers. Walesley
as Chief of Staff
In the House of Ixirds, March 4th, Derby
said the Government has received the terms
of peace, but in an Imperfect state. He could
only say the term do not Include the celon
of the Turkish fleet. The Indemnity It reduced
to iTJ OVO.OOO, and the Egyptian tribute I not
affected. In the House of Common, Hardy,
Secretary of State for War, In answer to'a
question, said that the matter of the defense
of the commercial port of England wa being
carefully considered at Uie present moment.
Lieut. (Jen. McDougall, Chief of the
Intelligence Departmeutof th War Otllce.will,
In May, take command of the forces in Canada'
It Is understood Uiat, In Uie cent of a war.
(leu. McDougall will hare authority to raise
10,000 Canadians for service in Europe. Vice
Admiral Itglefleld will, In May, assume com
mand of the fleet en Uie North American and
West Indian stations. All officer on teste re
cthetl onhrs March 1st to hold themselves In
readlnes to rejoin tluir regiments and de
partment immediately on receipt of telegraph
ic nut lie.
In replying to a recent article in
the London Stundard, which declared that the
word would yet hate to decide the question,
units Russia made some concisions, the
AgcnceKusscsau: The Hritlsh gowrnnicnt
lis declared that It would only make war In
behalf of Hrltlsh Interest. Kussla ha respect
ed and satisfied those Interests. Therefore,
either the Standard i raishiformid or England
will act InopposlUontoher formal declarations.
A regards concession, Euiopeau Cabinet
know Kussla I resolved to maintain the essen
Ual result of the war. She will always show
herself disposed to accept every mean of rec
onciling ttc Inviolability of Uils result with the
lntereU of third paiUe s, but threat of mill
ltary preparation are a bad way of attaining a
peaceful understanding.
A St. Petersburg dlipau-h of March 4th tays:
Grand. Duke Nicholas Mot Uie following dis
patch toths Emperor: ''San BUfauo, March
8. I do mjatU the honor of cocgTatalaUn;
jour aajaMy upon ts conclusion of paaet.
wsj ms mtaiMu njfjM
"" r".'" " "wawj at me ennsm
ehlixjsseat T m sss. ym Msjsw- am -
' The -Vm Hume aaya th mdMene
ef fttm BsiWsha m Uasioa aw amccntatf.
atasatehmssme ,mssilii the unskton of
, the Maaiennaa iahaattum U Nsnuta; ahe
us omlj amsas ia wsktl el tntmlsh -
eMsantltreeasw .Unisla lets mot a 4 over a
perUoaet BosaHleBnsa. The qvwsMksi of
the fcHrsMa Is tiaen s lor the ewislaVrsHon of
Bnfotsi. The yew.! vmloa eenuhw otaor
antaA.- ' ' .
w3Swy4ttiifa -" . Vur 2l1 ,,5,e
The Ruian have made sub-taatial
eotf-loc rrgardlc: the KMirwlarie of Bo
gri. Tki point I oow etUed- To facill
Ute Its payreeot KussJ ba ahahdcOMl her
elalm to ae Turkish eet. The lj-riug of the
peace BegoUUoos U oesring an en 1
A l'r corwipondent wrtt-s By givtn: up
tb hisitlle Europran province, and at the aaine
time receiving a tribute from Uiera or saddllnj:
thara with a portion of the ntlonl debt and
concentrating the Mussulman on the territory
tontlguous to Constantinople ud making the
rom-tnlratlon requlrtsl by the territorial cou
ctmIou In Asia Minor, the Turks will create s
new Ottoman jsiwer ten Umes stronger than
when It J read over the vat, ba.lly orgau
el and hostile territory.
A dispatch from Constantinople, Feb
ruary '.Tth.Mis that:s-ccflrgotltlou will oc
cupy another week, unless HuU Insists Usm
their Is Ing brought to a clow. A Menru dls
patch from Constantinople nialiiUln that the
pause In negwtlatloii Is owing to Russia's In
sisting on U.e ctsslonof Turklli Iron elads,
and also the crtupatlon of ( oiiMantlnopleL
According tot onstatitlnople advl-es, EnglarOj
Is j reparrd to respond to such meaurs tiy en
tering the black S,
The typhus is increasing tapidly
among the lltissUu tr( In lloumaiila. All of
lUiumanla' railway carriages are Infettetl. It
Is absolutely necessary for Uie army In Turkt J
to return by s. a and not through IhiomanU.
tntelllgrme from Constantinople v Uiat the
IIiimIoji plenltsitenUariis manifest IrritaUonat
Uie slow regress of Uie negotiations. If the
negotiation are not completed In a few days,
It I expected, Uie plenlsitentlaries will- pre
sent an ultimatum, riling Uie date when thn
treaty must be signed.
A Constantinoplu dispatch of March
Cl says: Great mistrust and uneasiness Is felt
rtspecting Kusshui d( signs on the Ho-phorus.
They ran (scup) the Chanak forts st a mo
ment's notice Movt menu, the object of which
are not sppartnt. are still progrtvsslng. Ttir
posltliui of the llritlsh ships at Tuzl Is con-
sldtrtd critical, owing to the short run for tor
pedo isiats from TeU k, MeJI or u Steptsnd.
It Is strongly susp-eted st Tliovne that a craft
of torpedo tsists and the Whitehead torpedo)
are being dlspntt bed to the rVa of Marmora lu
seitlons. The Kusulans occupy Chsrkol, Ho
dolte, Ergll, Mlitrl, and Tehekmi.ljo, all of
which are admirably suited as a bislof tor
js'ilo operations, should It be ilecl led to men
sic our fleet. Precautions are taken nightly
to guard vessels agslut surprt
iomutios or Ttir i'i:t -.
A (orrispomlent at San Stefan I able to-n
state that neither tke surrender of a Hirtlouof
the Turkish fleet nor the llmou Kg.vpt for
tribute Is Iniluded In the conditions of pence
and there is no Interference with th it portion
of the Turkish revenue which l hypothecated
to foreign en dltors. Nothing l dttlnllch set
tled relative to the Imh innlty, liu', It will be
principally lu the form of territory In Asia, In
cluding K.irs and llitouni not Erzenmin. S--lonlc
and Adrianople are not hicludtd In llul
garla. A l'trrtorrepomlent prof eses to give
the conditions of pc.iic. He make the Indem
nity fully as heavy as was reiorted Keb. 'JfUi,
vlr: tliirteei hundred million roubles with
40 million sttrllr.g lu bouds adiled
A Herlin DNp.itoh of February 27th
says: The .Vn'.unuf '.tiiumj eordially welcomes
llajard Taylor's appilntnient as United States
Minister to (brm&uy, a one coufeering honor
on Germany and America alike, and calculated
to strengUien Uie already strong ties betwetu
the two countries. "President Hayes," mijs
that piper, "discrvi Germany's uiiw-t slmrie
The North (Sermnn Uaxcttc attacks the
territorial waters JurislicUon bill now beforothv
llritlsh Parliament, and chafes the English gov,
ernmrut with seeking to claim jurlidllctlonorer
foreign inerchanUmn passing the Straits of
Dover, whlih the Gazette claims to he an inttr
national water-way for the trade of the whole
A Vienna correspondent referring to
Uie persistent rumors of Austrian preparations
for mobilization cays: There I very little prep
aratlon to be mode. For the lost several year
the preparations have been goin on, and 4
ince last year, when Uie possibility of such a
measure arot1, plans have been worked out to
the very smallest detail.
A Vienna correspondent, who is prob
ably In sympathy with Count Andnuwy, says
that the piace-at-any-prlcc agitators cannot
prevent Uie government from carrying Uie
credit through Uie Delegates and Uie Itelrh
stailt; but If they should succeed In balking g
tiie government' policy tho government will
resign. Another corTeponecnt says there is
not much probability that Austria will do more
than protest against the terms of peace, what
ever their character may be.
Special dispntrbes from various points In the
Greek provinces of Turkey Indicate that th
Iniurrictlon Is spreading. These say 2,000 in-
surgent are encamped within ight of Valo,
In Thessaly, ami are entrenching the district
between Mount Olympus ami the I'indus
range. The Epirm, Insurgent defeated the
Turks at Gheasta. after a foir hour
fight, killing H and wounding ISO, Another
tight tojk place at Carolimpel, with a similar
result, the Turk leaving TO dead on the Held.
A protlsionsl government has been formed nt
Lycurcls, ami a union with Greece protlaltrfcd.
italt. x
The Italian Government categorically
denies that the reason why the Vatican couri
.ermanueci uie puwic coronation or the Tope
wa the government' inability to prevent dis
respectful and hostile manifestations.
Tho Insurgent forces at Remedies,
under Cartllo, will surrender their arms. Ta4
inurgeut chief JUnenes and Ranches, wMts"
i3S men, 71 women and 80 children, havs sr-
reBdered near Trocua. The aaatber xf I
geautaat have sasreadercd fas Fnarto rrax-,
"r WSJ1 ' T T.
On Um sJimoon el Feb. m
ssussaahs ta ska CasafMl llxsatafenMat
--w- .. .-.
Mat caavaeaa aa.
ftetrassas. TW
tas-ttMlwsrkMdef Ttockn aja
isnisrs mefar anas a tke semajkser. i H
" x. - ' -rnaitcnv . . A-i
The Dnke D'Anxttlrei lquer.
Wmt of tat Saesisj, and a haK doaee,
ttaaton have wMhaVasm tross Um
I ahtr asfim law tasasaaTSi ST ,
Mfes am Ms. awssasf 'M stelsi ef eltsjsv V
v j kunf? . t u
ft, vity fr .
1 .. ', ' ... ,
,4, I