I BAOiiKKU MUKU AKi. NA-M'lMiS NAB BADGER LUMBER-YARD. IlAjTINft "K1. f AaltrrfitiafflUi THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. Red Chief. The - a Lrb&il, J & b .! C4I j-rJKi'.ita, PUBLISHED EVKKY THURSDAT AT SID CLOUD, NE3RAS2A. BORIN & SPRINGER, Eatlten ntad Proprietor. lxtl dtft:!tjp i SHutt rt-M rfevl c "Eternal Vigilance is the price jf Liberty ; far is the price of ike Red Chud Chief. o -rr AW ttciat 4ttmtt N 0 2ti. t ;rkl fr is adtsrf. tt BED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO., Nftj-SK A, THURSDAY. JAN. 24. 1S7S VOL. V. GLoud n 9mnn J-i-BtB- 'J tr W if l I I 3-' i I2.C0 per year, Invariably in Ad7aee. Subnorihoxt who do notrercire thdr a rer rejrnlnrly. will center a favor by notify ing ok of the factntoncc. Corr-pondenpe r olicitd from all partfof the County ami Ht;ite, on matter? of torn: ml r Merest. ... , . Jn vn ciiyr arc v;r re.)onsijif' Jor the vi'ncx 01 rpii:iniisnf -U' n.s.i ' t'f. V,'e do not ili!ixk'i;.i!,itiri 'i "n nnd an mimical vtnx. Ahciy gitr your nittnc Istcnl noticc. to insure iiiHitinn, mvxt he hntflnl in us tatty us Wed nedny writing. OHicial Directory. CONOI'.ESFIONAI.. A. S. iRd'ick He.itriee. U.S. Senator Alrin F-iunders. Oiauhn. U. F- Senator. Fratilc Welch Hei.rcients.tivc. EMKCUTIVK. .SILAS GAHBKK. Governor. Linroln rnuiT?ichi'cW. Sec i Mute J. U Vt in. Lin ln. Audit r. J.C. McHri'ie. .. TrenurT (lro.il. !t jt.ail3. Att'y 'iett. 8. It. Iho '. son. Linc'jlu. Fay. I'ut lus'run. JUMCiAKY. tlso. 15. Like. Omaha. ChieUsetice. DanMiaiiU..Nchrka''il7. I Associate Jui. Sain liMaxtTcll. MrliRiouthi WCUSTKR. COUNTY. J. A.TnlIoys. County Clerk. K. II. .loncn. Treasurer. J. It. WiSlcox. Probate Judge. J. D. Post. Sheriff. A. A. Pope. It. It. Sln'rr. W. K. Thorn. G. W. Ball. h. H. Luce. J. II. JJob&rL School Sup't. Coioner. County Furyeyor Coucty CotnmUitonerfl. CIICKCII DIRECTOBY, Ffv. J. T. iMn.xn.will preach on the 2nd SaMiatli of ench mor.th nt '1 A M. Rev. Geo O Ykikkk th- firM ."nbbnth at H A. K mid the 2nd tsabhath r-vcniri; Rev J. m. J'ijk. the -Ith t-ubbnth at 11 A. M.. and theSni Sabbath ev nhitr. Rev. C. RriM.y. prtaebes tho lt Sabbnlh in the o.nt.th t Pill a School houf; nt 1012 A. M. and nt Red Cloud at 7 V. M. 2nd Fnb bath at Htiuinu-IV nt Id 1-2 A. M. and at Pen n-y retk at :t P. M. 3nl Sabb:th at Red Cloud n 11 A. it. an J nt Cliainn'a at 3 P. M. th Habba'h at G de Rock, at 11 A. M and at EIinCrtk utXP AI. Rabhoth "cbool o ury Sabbath inorninR at 10 a. u. Closes at 11. Mr? II. A. HnwAHD. Sunt. Band e.r Horic uicrtx every ulternatelhurB day . tnirB at C;r) r. u. Arrival nud Deparlnrc of .Valla from J lie IC.mI Cloud I. O Dastikrs leaven "ondsy. vVlnodny!.nJ Fridnyjnt 7 a.m. 'I ue.days'. Thursday noii fca'nidajs at 3 am. Arnvts every day at & 30 p ra. IIakvahu lcnej A!ondaj and Thursdays at 7 a. m.. arrives Wtduetd.iysuud Satu.dj8 ctG p. in. Fkai klin. Koins east, Mondays nnd Ihurs- dnjs at 2 p. ui. (Joing wst Tucduyg auil Fridayi a 9 a in. JbWFLi. Kant-HP. leaves Tuednj?. Thursdays and bmurdayj1 atS a m . arrie Alomiajs, S odnedaa..iri L'riday?at6p m. Rubki.. KanFa. I-i-vtn M'JDdiyt. Wednes days and Iri laj; a' 7 n m . arrives Tua day. Thurhrfayj anrf Suntavj at fi p. xn. Othce opon fnwn 12 m. until I p. :n. Suntays. All regi8tnrej in.it ter mu.-rt b in 'y7 .'!) p iu M uey iifcr l.usii.cff cloths at7l-2 p. m. &o erien issued m Sinn ay. At. U.JlcXtrT. P. M. SOCIETIKS. I. O. O. F. Ukd Clup LnpfiK. No. C4 I 00 F .mejtciery SaturtiiT nicht in 'tho Aa?unic Hall. Jffinbers of other LuiKesarceinfiaHy invitoi to atli vtt. W. O, Scoit. N. 0. J. ETtl.". Kcc'y. A. V Sc. A in. THARlTy Lopgk No. 53 Rcrf Clouif, rfteb.meetb Fiirfav eveniiiKS on or be fore full moon. Vifitinjr brothers, in 'jrood standm?. are cordially invited ! to attend. .1 A. i L liLiUli?. W. Af. J. L. Jfit.S'. in' KDIT02J1 L. Chief Justice Gantt, dcc;ded the town.ihip (Ug-iniz.ttinn act unconstitu tional and void ; based on the propo sition thit the hill contains matter not embraced under tho title. Good bye, Mr. Organization, we shall not inus 3ou. C.mmtcicaiei Maplk Gnovn Farm, Web.-.tpr Co.. Neb, Jan. 16, '7S I Mr. rDiTOit, Dear Sir: Having a few leisure moments I will improve thea by dropping you a few lines. Everything glides along smoothly and pleasantly all is peace and happiness iu this neighborhood now, and has besn ever since the 1st of this mouth. VTe have been having some splen did meetlugs in the past two or three weeks, both at the Penny Creek School -louse aud also at the Hummel School House. I never enjoyed myself bet ter, and I never saw a congregation of members enjoy themselves better, and there has been a goodly number of new converts made to rejoice with us and go on their way rejoicios in the love of God. We have had javery fine weather so far in attending our meetings pleasant as summer through tho day, aud verv pleasant and moonlight nights, and we consider that we are blessed all around on ev ery tide and thank Almighty God for past blessings and for the future piospects. I have not much to write at pres ent, but would just say that I never saw such fine weather in any country but Nebraska the "Great American Desert" where we can raise good crops through the summer and gather them (as we are just in the depth of corn gathering) in the winter; while our eastern farmers are closely housed up by deep snow and cold weather, holding a chair down by a rousiDg big fire while we are enjoying the pleas ure of a beautiful dry winter, with Dot enough snow to cover the clods of a plowed field, and we can go out and huik corn in our shirt sleeves and bareheaded, and through the night the ice does not freeze to exceed on-j - inch., &e. Nothing more. I). S. H. The 2. & H. B. B. Co., Sold Cut Induce n:cnts fcr a Settlement of their Seunqacnl Taxis. Last Saturday Mr. J as. Laird, as Hfeent for the B. & M. R R. Co., sub- Negro's enfranchisement or the ss-luitu-d infcrujally to our county com-' curing of his civil rights. Mrs. Gage luiioiirrf a proportion looking to tho spoke of women's titties l we the settlement of the delinquent taxes, (ballot intelligently. Mb. Mary A. I'lom what we learn it runs some rhiii" like the inllo.viwr: Thoy pro- po.,f to pny the tax for 1877 and there - .-Iter without (mention; they Buice to a.-.-i-t four hundred families to ettle in the county during 1S73; al.eo will ;iid i!i .ome internal improyezwuta iu the county, provided the county will yed its claim to the tax'c for the f'iur vear-J previous to J 877. The c iDipany :ipear very anxiou? that tlio.cial plana nor diminished social pn- matter s'touid be nettled at once, ijoyments, the majority of ladies not Though they refuse to pay the taxes assessed jtrevious to 1877, they are willing to give something by way of improvements which shall be an ofFeet for them, and compromi-e the matter without pajirig the total amount. Our commissioners tuggested a court liou.'e and a half section of land for a poor farm. They propose going to Lincoln in a few days to settle the matter. It will bo a source of con gratulation to all in the county when this matter is amicably settled, and that it will be in the near future ieems now very probable. WASHIKGT01I LETT33. Tho Flag is TTp Again Be-Assembling cf Congress The Sistecnth Amend ment and its Advocates Wo men's Bights Social Events. From Our Regular Correspondent. Wasiiinoton, Jan. 14th, 1S78. After a month of quiet and rest the capital has again resumed its usual I activity, and on Thursday congress re assembled ; the senate with about fifty members present, and in the hou?e two hundred and five members responded to the calL Investigations - . r . , , ii uniuun iuiin.1 n.itu ucvii I'K'l Wbu . and committees appointed for the pur pose, but judging from the investiga tions of the fnity-fouith congress it can hardly be expected that they will be "widely begun and properly con ducted.'" That Belkuap was exposed and diiven out of "the cabinet at a cost of noarly a million dollars, was about tho only result then aecoui plished. It would puzzlo anyone to point to any other lesult mm such a large expenditure of public money, to say nothing of tho timo which could havo been better used in the public interests A novel feature of the doings at the capital during tho week ha9 been the presence of the SUVFERIXd SISTERS Miuiy Miuug ul iuu poriai.i oi me hoi5?e, keenly eyeing every man that passed, and ever ar.d anon pouncing down upon a member and busily buzz ing him on the sulject of the press ing uecesity for a i ew patch on the constitution. Just how many con verts this made I am unable to say, but, judging from the radiant smiles that illuminated the face of Dr. Mary Walker as the playfully pranced down the avenue after the adjournment, the suffragists must have received con siderable encouragement from the So lons. On the floor the presence of the female sentinels at the doors was the subject of much conversation, and the observations by dignified statesmen were not in every instance character ized by the solemn sense of tho seri ousness of the crisis that its import ance deserves. STORMING THE BASTILE. When the hour of 10 o'clock ar rived oa Friday notwithstanding the down-pouring rain, the ladie3 recep tion room in the senate was in full possession of the female suffragists ; who, in force, braved the weather rubber-shoed, umbrellaed and water proofed, with tho full intent .of hold ing the fort until the last armed foe expired. Their presence at the capi tol naturally attracted a large crowd, and befero the hour of opening ser vices, the room, back of chairs and sofas occupied by tho delegates was jammed. OPENING THE BALL. Mis Isabella Beeeher Hooker be gan the business in a brief speech, in which she asked all those interested in the work to come forward and briefly express their seutiments. A fervent prayer followed, which was delivered by Mrs. Lawrence, of Mas sachusetts, who said thatnhe mercies of God should be extended them in drawing the hearts of tho legislators towards the women's wants. Mrs. Dr. DoriBg then gave a gener al view of the subject, at the con clusion of which the crowd, led by Mrs. Herbert, sang "My Country. 'Tis of Thee ; Sweet Land of Liberty. f ' Speeches by prominent ladies then followed in rapid succession. Miss Julia Smith, of GJatonburg, Conn., spoke of her outrageous oppression and her historical cow? which arc aanu a!Iy seized for taxer. Mr. Stanton held that women'? enfranchisement is as much a political necessity a was the htewarr. of JJeteware. claimed the ballot as i rif lit and not a; a privilege, j -- - , and Mrs. Herbert, of lllinoi, anJ ffjQ CLOUD. - Mrs. Lawrence, of Massachusetts,'! closed by speaking of the great ojxl , thut would follow tho extension of t woman's influence over a wider ppherft than the home arid the social circle The unpleasant weather of the past wcew nas not essentially ueransea so- being intimidated in their perform ance of the duties which custom makes fo rigneur by annoyances, ren dered almost insignificant by the ap pliances and conveniences within the command of wealth. The reception of the wives of the cabinet officers and of the judges of the supreme court were well patron ized. The moft interesting on die is con cern:ng the projected fete which is in preparation by the Spanish legation in honor of the marriage of theyoung King of Spain, for the 21th of this month. The member's of tho diplo matic corps, cabinet officers, ip., are to be invited to participate in the fes tivities, to lake place at Wormiey's, and upon a scale worthy of the patri otism, generosity and good tijste of the Spani-h minister; and his beautiful and brilliant wife, Madam Maniilla, has imp utd fur this occasion a gor geous Cnsf.lian dres pecu'hrly na tional and remarkable for its rich com bination:). The legislatures of Ncv Voik, Vir- jrinia, i f;iu- ivatu i, .Maine, .iarv IS""' J' ' . " S " , , "!,lor,,,.a' I -1 i it .: at l j i f m iii'iii.ist;,j, ivvinucNV ;mu M I'UIKiMIl ;irc in se-sion. iIicaow lork ii'iri-j- lature has a republican majority of 10 on joint ballot. The Virginia Iegi-la-tuic has a demociatii nnjority o! 95 on joint ballot. Tho Pennsylvania legislature has a republican maj irity of 49 on joint bjllot. Tho M-sinc leg islature has a republican maj irity of GO on joint ballot. The Ohio ltws'a ture lias n democratic nnjority of 37 on joint ballot Tho Maryland legis lature has a dumocr.tt.c majority of 51 on joint ballot. Tho Massachusetts legislature has a republican majority o! 132 on joint ballot. The California legislature has a democratic majority of 44 on joint Irtllot. The New Jer sey legi:-taturo has a democratic ma jority of 9 on joint ballot. The IVen tucky legislature has a democratic ma jority of 104 on joint baMot. The Wisconsin legislature has u republican majority of 7 on joint ballot. The Iowa icgi.olature has a republican ma jority of 72 on joint ballot ; and will probably elect Senator Allison as his own successor. Republican. PATENTS obtained for inventors, iu the Uuited States, Canada and Europe, at ie duced rates. With our principal of fice located in Washington, directly opposite the United States Patent Office, we are able to attend to all patent business with greater prompt ness and despatch and less cost, than other patent attorneys, who arc at a distance from Washington and who have, therefore, to employ "associate attorneys." We make preliminary examinations aud furnish opinions as to patentability, free of charge, and all who are interested jn new inven tions and patents are invited to se nd for a copy of our "Guide for Obtain ing Pateuts," which ia sent free to any address and contains complete instructions hew to obtain patents, aud other valuable matter. We refer to the German-American National Bank, Washington, D..C, the Royal Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish .Le gations, at Washington ; Hon. Joseph Casey, late Chief Justice IT. S. Court of Claims ; to tho officials of the U. S. Patent Office, and to senators and members of congress from every state. Address .- Louis Bagger & Cor, Solicitor of Patents and Attorneys at Law. Le Droit Building, Washington, A'. J. HARNESS SHOP S. V.Ludow fs now prepared to do all kYadi of wor 'f IN-THE Harness tine. -t The best of materials rise'df 'andal j fork WARRANTED; REPAIRING Done on short notice and at reasonable T rices. , : xr-vr . w-.uA.AWA.iAi-b-oiore. Red Cloud. WeIaijiiii.tVaUey House Rel Cloud. 5151 v. B h SI NESS DIRECTOR Attorney at Law J. S. Gdlhaixt J ATTORNEY AND COUSSI A LOR AT LAW. IS- Will Practice in all t A- Cants of t the State. J r - NEB: f . U. Willcox A-TT0RNE;iLTi3(B and U.S. Coronmwuior. - nrtiiPf..:ftn Promptly Attended to' ,.r-,r t.' -nrort SOUTH OF BAUM'5 STORK t Red Cloud. - - e; JAS. LAIRD, ATTORNEY ANDCOUSSELOR; 5J at law. Juniata .Nebraska. Will practice ia all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. Office on the east side Juniata Avenue. July 1 7 Geo.W. Sheppard, " GOVERNMENT BLOOM INGTON, NEB. H. S. KALSY, Aijt.R..lM. R.R.Land. C. W. KALSY, Notary Pablic. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ASTD KEAL SSTATS AGENTS. Will practice in all the Courts in this Ftatc and Northern Kansas. Collections promptly attended to and Correspondence solicited. Red Cloud, Nebraska. w. n. richuujson, J. TULLE VS Richardson & Tullcys, HEAL ESTATE U COL'CTIrlO AG2KTS Will buy and soli Real Est-to on Cdinmis- f Iok. and pny taxes for non-ridfrnts.- Special attention given to collections. Cor respondence solicited. AH letters of inquiry, m on business promptly answered. RED CLOUD, NEB. J.E. Sjhth. II. W, Parkkh. P. C. Smith. President. Vico-1'reiidti.t, Cashier. Jinit Rational Jjanh, " BEATRICE, UEBBASSA. (Successor to SMITH BROS.) CAPITAL, 50,090.00. DIRECTORS- Hos. AS PAnrocK.Ua Sea., C.G.Dobsky. James Eu.13. New York. H. W Pabkbk Emjih Fillet. J ho. k Smith. 4-45 Sam'lC. Smith. PHYSICIANS. I. W. TUM.EYS, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAn Ui S. Pension Surgeon. Office two doors south of the Court House. o BED CLOUD . - - X2B3ASSA. 9 VSS9M:'3i Physician and Surgeon. 93F Particular attention given TO DISEASES PECULIAR TO FEMALES. Offiea and Essidencs five miles tast of BadCloni. Hear Sim Creek Kills. WEBSTER Co. l NEB. RED CLOUD FURNITURE -STORE,- JAS. CALVERT, Proprietor. Deals extensively in all kinds of fur niture, such as Bureaus, Bead steads, tables, Chairs, Mirrois, and in face everything to be found in a first-class furniture store. GIVE HIM A CALL. Red Cloud, ,- - Neb. 37-lyr Rufus WFikschy dimunfo lb loitwr it ' - - tJ1: Particular atteatwagif ea. to s4t work; and cofiMiBMC to order; s. ;r BEDCLOTO', '- - - HIS. REPUBLICAN VALLEY STAGE LINE R. C. JONES PROPRIETORS :i Stare leaves Hastinrs ior JtmA CIoudr Smith Center, Burr .Oak and points south, on Monday. Wednesday and" Friday, at S o'clock A 'Mtc t urnin on alterna Je days. Pasengor? camea at reasonable rates. Office. 5raith5 Book S.on. Hasting nA ij-fc I 1 '4LJ jc KTBr-" L-Vk .ffS3W xr NEWSPAPER ADVERTISIN A book containing a list of uwks ia the U. S. hariug 5,000 pop,, and the newspapers having largest ciiculsiion Ail the KehsMous, Agricultural, ciea lific, and other special class journals. Tables of ralej showing cost of adver tising and everything which sn ad?ertiser w"uld like to know. Matlcdon receipt of ten cents. Address' UfiHCc P. R8WELL t CO., 10 Sprace tK. Y. (oppo.-ite "Tribune" build- . ir v & s---- -----"$lfeN- In; CHICAGO d ' ' -AND Worth - Western RAILWAY. The Great Trunk Lineram the Wat to Chicago and the East. It is the oldest, shortest, most di rect, convenient, comfortable and in every respect the best line you can take. It is the greatest and grandest Railway organization in the United States. It owns or controls 2100 MILES OF RAILWAY! PULLHAU HOTZL CASS are ma alcae bj it through between COUNCIL BLUFFS & CHICAGO! No other road runs Pullman Hotel Cars, or any other form of Hotel Cars, throueh, between the Missouri Ilivcr and Chb'-ign. Its line is laid with heavy steel rails upon a deep bed of broken ballaht, and its bridges are of iron or stonw. Its passencer trains arc equipped with , every known impiovemen tor comfort and safety, and are run at faster speed for greater (iMtancej than the trains of any line on the continent. 'Hie company has lareely increased its equipment for travel, and build in its own shops locomotives and pascn gor cirs at short notico sufficient to fully accommodate any extra demand. The unequalcd resources at tho com mand of tho company guarantee the most perfect accommodations for all its patrons. Tho MAG N1FICENT SCENERY for which the road h so jutly cele brated presents to the traveller over Its perfect roadway an ever changing panoramic of river, mountain aud landscape views unequalled in Amer ica. THE EATING STATIONS on this line are unsurpassed. Meals aro furnished at suitable hour, and ample time allowed for enjoying them. Passengers Going East should bear in mind that this is the BEST ROUTE to CHICAGO and all Points East. Passengers by this route have choice of Five Different Routes and the ad vantago of c .; Dailv Lines Palace Sleeping Cars from CHICAGO to PHILADELPHIA & NEW YORK, and other Eastern Points. Insi-t that the ticket agent sells you tickets by the North-Western Road. Examine your tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not road over this road. All agents sell them and check uual baggage free by this line. Through Tickets via thu route to all Eastern Points c-in be procured at the Central Pacific Railroad ticket of fice, toot of Market street; and at 2 New Montgomery street. San Francis co, and at all coupon ticket offices of the Central Pacific, Union Pacifio and all western railnnds. New York .Office, No. 415 Broad way. Boston Office, No. 5 State street. Omaha Office, 246 Famhaai street. San Fraocitco Office, 2 New Montgomery street Chicaio Ticket Offices : 62 Clark atreet, under Soar man House ; 75 Canal, corner Madi son street; Kinzic atreet depot, cor ner West Kinxic and Canal atreeta : Wells street depot, corner Wells and and Kinzio streets. For rates or information not attain able from your home ticket agents, apply to W- II. Stennftt. Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago, IU. Maeyin Huohitt, Gen. Man'r, Chicago, III 30 Mixed Cards, with name, 10 eta Samples for 3-ct. stamp. - MtHSKS JkCo. Nassau, N.-Y. 4 50 Fancy cards, tea atylfes, with -your naaie in ailr, 15. Try s. ScHELL 15B0S.T Wdderf, Xt X. ' 2J t' i '1 4 mnatsiunsips S !iiii!iMS! mm'mmga f-3- Pi iff II mm WW -n 'Sup tliHMJlFR ifM mhmmm Iff Sm DILLON & COLE. Juniata Nebraska. Are now prepared to buy WHEAT, aod'other'fTain, and pr thehtgHet cash price for tho same. :0: They also have a full stock of general JlEKCIfAXDlftft: 'Groceries, DRY GOODS, HATS CAPS. GLOVKS BOOTS SHOES &C- which they are offering at price that are bound to suit their customers. REMEMBER THE PLACE. cast side of Juniata Avenue, JUNIATA - - - NEBRASKA 5 4f $777i -s.inot aily ear nnd in there timi but itcjn ticmailein thr ha month. by noon of either cx, in any lurt of the "'niiitry who li willinir to work ytOHdily at thn rtuplojinnril that we turnmh. iVi ji-riTt-ek in jourown ton, Tou can gio your whole tune to the w.jrk. or only jour spare inotiioatf. Wehaeait irho arc u kitiK orer ?J0 tr day. All who encj:e t en-o an uidko motley ffiL At th" iircfent tune money ennnf t - inndc roenljr u.l rnp idly nt nny other l)a.ins. It coi nothinc to try the buijne Terms and IS outfit freo. Addr:M at cnoe. Jl. UALi.rtr A Co. o-l ly I'ortlanJ. Xftine. f( T firentehanci . V J 17 tfet KrreiiliiK ncototnako moan l cclitold you can nck.l. W'r ned a. person H erery town totultn subjcnptioa lor me i-iotcm. ciifapect an 1 liet Illuitrited faintly jmblicu'ton in the world Any one can lieconi .iMf'-esslul ?ent. 'Ihem atule eHiit work" of nrt siv-n fro to ubcriber. lhopri'O' is o lo thnt alnust eruobddy mhtcrilict. neaent reporti making over Srl in a week. A lidy ns nt renor.a tak iii?onr4'H) ub.crlbrs in ten day. All xho entr.ik'c uinko money fan . You can da rote nil jour ti e to the Luiir.eu. or nly your iare time. You need not b" away from hntnc oter night. You cSn do itaa others. Full p.inculrra direc ion? and term Iroo Elegant nnd expensive Outfit free. If you want irtltHlI work n.I jonr nddrtr utor.ee. It coU notliin to try the buiuei. No one irho orzmtt f.jl to make great pay. Address 'The People's Jourca'," iVrtland. llaine. 6-6yl Git A 015' SALVE. A VEGETABLE l'RPABAl ION, ii- ventod in the ITth century by Dr. William Grace, Surgeon in King James' army. Through its agency he cured thousands of the most serious sores and wounds, and wai regarded by all who knew hira a public benefac tor. 25c. a bos' by mail 30c. For sale by druggists generally. AGENTS WANTED. Address Seth Fowle & Son, Boston Mas. PLAYS! PLAYS! For reading clubs, for Amateur theatricals, temperance plays, drawina room plays, fairy plays, Ethiopian playa, guide books, speaker. panto, mines, Tableaux lights, magnesium light a. colored fire, burnt cork, Theat rical face preparations, Jarly'a wax works, wigs, beards, and soouataobes at reducce prices. Costonara, scenery charades. New catalougi sent free containing full description and prists SAM'L FRENCH k SON, 122 Naa san St., New York. 25 gilt-edged cards, no two alike, with name 10 eta. post paid. Fel lows a co.. North Chatham, N. Y. PULMON J i beyond comparison the best remedy for the cure of coNsujirnox even in its most advanced (stages) Asthma, bronchit, Catarrh, and all derange ments of the Nervous system. A cir cular containing oartic-ulars of many eases successfully treated, full advice for the treatment of the diseases above ateatioaed and certificates of actual ears, will be sent free br mail ts all applicants. Addrcw OSCAR C. MO 8E3. Sole Pronrctor. 18 ConnA Street, New York. ADVERTISING J $1,000 WORTH FOR $87 50. The cheapest and best war to reach reader outside of the large cities h by u-ing one or more of onr six lists of over 1 COO newspapers, divided tocoT er different sections of the conctrv -kl-r Cfrclatlai rer coW- Advertiseaent3 received for one or morelisU. For catalogues containia names of papers, acd other iuforma tioa and fr estimates. addre gratnSTZB, il?ar.2cw liaS 1823. END FOR 1878. TUE STEW YORK OB ERTR TaalactZaajuvaai Sacalar JmOr swspaptr. 305aTaa7.saftpsil IsUbliiiil823. aar 37 PaXK Row, sxw jio HASTINGS NEB, C.rri ' i.IbI toapieic l .rllKV I.tr l UK Kef .3 liod., for UoiUmj. ItrvJic. 1 ,! ,,arj., w. , ,, ,H I. euraaca. Oarrtockor IHnniS. WIVHOW. BUNDS. UCILDINti PA KK tvr , u unwiuolrJ P Owning oar own tiiaUr Ua.I,. !T' rAle frt,i. five, ui a njjMxdm KiftMtor Ntraika.- akxts r:s -ios taz - too - 5-1 6m STEAM ENGINES, Cane 11 1 Ja and Kvaporatars, Threshers, Hoiso Powers, Flour and Corn Mill., Coin and Cub Cnuhrra. thurch. School, aad Kiro Alarm Helix For Sale by I). P. MEAUNS, KeKLfcr Wcb.ter county. J. G. Potter haa juat received atti v$nmm. Ever brought to the Valley, and prieeei. orfi&of & lr;aif, CHEAP CASH STORE Wholeaals and Retail Dealer, ia DRY GOODS. HATS CAPS AND NOTIONS Groecrien, Flour A Provlnlouii, WOOD. WILLOW. GLASS AND QUEBN8WARB. WE WILL SOT BR UNDER SOLD. CALL AND SEE US North HARD WAR STORE. MITCHELL A KORHiBT Praj We keep on baoai at ail tisaes a Tin, and Hardware. WI ALSO Kiep t Supply of Far aVOiva is a aail, as are fI awe wa aas jit . aaW j ilosjaaaaatkerfraiwtWvcat.-asi r Resaeaiaar tk-a rant, X iaar aartk af bt PriaiMc aim Rati CltMW. w tm piiRM,s nj.JI.. tecthr mtK ohaae ty .e.oly eo-rU wtk ltre"aT call. ilu i-rnr.suT x 7jr IoBioyt. At. the 6nftaore8jent of nirrtu$f Giro hiai a eall and rara-u T. O. Potter, Red Cloud. Nebraska. Baak. flAjnaoa, Nriasra. larcaafid ccsspltt atcek tf mk.ll aria ImpUmemii SAMPLSCOPRS F1EK. - ! 1 1. -.