71 mDER LPMBER YARD. HAHIM,., M-n. .7 1 I I- i t'fe i. (rj M X ll THE RED CLOUD CHIEF LOCAL MATTERS. 1 'jVoCfees w this ColumnlO Cents a Line Piy lie printer. Fine weather nowadays. SubscribeTor the-Cnnr. Look and see whether there is an X on yor,ppe.r.or,jpt We lesm that the threshing ia nearly all donetbrougbeut the county. TLe music in the Sunday School adds much to the ibterest and attend .ance. Mr. Monier, of Beaver Creek, raiwd 105 acres of small grain last year. When you have ten minutes to .spare go and bother some one who hasn't. ThoB. Moelle has been appointed postmaster at Beachamville, Nuckolls jcounty. We.wish to thank our friends tor their kindness to us during our late sickness. We understand that a chapter of the Eastern Star will be organized here soon. Notice the "ad" of D. D. Mearns ,on our .first page. Steajn,up and blow away. It was pleassnt to greet our friends about town after getting up from sickness. The meetings last week were at tended quite well considering the state of the weather. JVTr. Pope is behind the counter at Garber's store ready to deal out goods to customers. We learn that a teas named Lew is, living north of town, lost his house not long tince by firo. Mr. J. N. Burkhead husked, hauled two miles, and unloaded 107 bushels, of corn in 15 hours. The County Superintendent of Butler county, Mr. Henderson, is in sane. We did not learn the cause. 31. L. Thomas, ox-Chief editor, has bq-4gbtieCa?s County Chronicle of Fox and Glover, and is again an editor. J. R. Allen, of Eckley. husked 85 bushels of corn between sunrise aud sunset, taking an hour and a half for rest at uoon. Who will volunteer in this county to assist Prof. Bailey in his signal .weather service? See his letter in an other column. Mr. Pope has bought the house formerly belonging to Mr. Thomas, and rented it to Mr. Cather, who came here last fall. We arc informed that an Agricul tural Institute to continuo two weeks, .will bo held in Lincoln within the month of February. Tbo land in T. 3, R. 9 is nearly all sold to actual settlers. A. Mr. Merrill, from Illinois, lately came in .and bought a tract Over ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY DOLLARS are due to us for subscription alone, for papers sent to ,the Red Cloud postoffice. Rev. Reilly wishes us to say that he wishes a grand rally next Tuesday, of men and teams for the purpose of .hauling lumber for the new church. A little -boy tf Mr. McBride's was run over by a loaded wagon one .day last wsek, but fortunately no bones were broken. He is very lame, however. Don't you know what that red cross opposite your name means? It means that your time of subscription has run out, and yon are requested to "payuD." Mr. F. N. Winton, lately from .Ocouomowoc, Wis., is in town visit ing and looking about the country. He is much pleased with the country and will remain all winter. Rev. Guild, who has been doing such a good work at River ton, will visit Red Cloud in a few weeks at .which time, .it is hoped that a move for temperance will be made. Gov. Garber, with his wife, visit ed his home last week. We were sorry that sickness prevented us see ing him. Wo understand he proposes to build a residence in town next season. Mr. J. A. Crumpton, who has been clerking for S. Garber, after marrying one of our fair yeung ladies, took his departure for St. Joe last Thursday. He has gone into a whole aale store there. The Republican City New copies the judge's seutencefbr'selEog whisky to minora and says: 'What might have been in Harlan county any day of the week, if fathers protectjd ,their sons with the force of the law." If there is an X on your paper, plea.e know that your tine of sub Msription haa expired, and that we are ia great jted qf nyoey,und &at your .subscription will help us to get out of debt. ' .Come, now, we must have borne money. Gen. JohnO'Neil, the defeated he ro of Ridgeway, in the day of Feni anitni, and.Iater an organiser of color aies of his countrymen in Nebraska, died at maha last weak. Ilia fewer altook pipe .on Itiday, and the Irish pi Osuha all united in paying their respects to him. He was buried in ;hc cemetery of the Holy Sepnkhrt. If you see Kaley s dear . deer, don't shoot it. C. W. Kaley went to Lincoln yes terday morning. Homeless men and women in jnanleps hopes, should read Mrs. Clark's local. Mr. Wike, of Thomasville, made us a pleasant call, and rattled some silver in our face. Strated A pet deer. Any on returning the same will be properly rewarded H S. Kalky. Mitchell k Morhart hailed us lor some more job work. Oar patrons will pleate be patient, and we will fill their orders as fast as possible. J. M. Barton, of Oriole, Kansas, had a aiule stolen from a stable at Hast ings, last Thursday night. He passed through town on his way to Hastings, Tuesday. The mule is iron grey, with a scar on right hind foot. Mr. W. N. Richardson made us feel grateful the other day by deposit ing in our greedy fist a five-dollar bill, in payment for subscription ; and he pays for. more than one copy. Come, and do likewise. A new school house has been built in Mr. McKune'u district, of "Nebras ka brick" and "Nebraska tiling." It is neat and comfortable, and is much more satisfactory than a big house with heavy bonds upon it. Mrs. Me Ardle is teaching the school this win ter. At a recent meeting of the Liter ary Club, it waj voted that the society consider itself a committee to confer with the bondsmen of the proprietors of the Star Saloon, and state to them their own, and the sentiment of the people generally, in regard to the management of the concern. If we must have saloons, let us have decent onts. The Omaha Herald says that in recent scandal case in Smith county, Kansas, a lady witness declined to an swer a question, and the attorney de manded hit reason. "Because it is not fit to tell to decent people." "Oh, woll," said the lawyer, "just walk right up here, and whisper it to the judge." J. S. Cobeldick is experimenting with the mammoth diamond wheat having ker els three-quarters of an inch in length ; and if he succeeds in getting 75 bushels per acre, which we verily believe he can do, we want our name writ high on Granite Bluff as the original introducer of the first five thousand of the seeds. Newt, We have scvcial thousand of those seeds, which we will sell or give away to any one who wants them. From our eastern paper we learn of the deaths of Rev. O. R. Wilson and his wife, of Surry, Me., which occurred over a month since. Rev. Wilson, with his family, came to Ne braska in the spring of 1873 and set tled at Overton, in Dawion county. He with his brother, William, al so a Methodist minister, were the pi oneer preachers in Western Nebraska; both on the Platte and upper Repub ' Ilican rivers. But Rev. Otis became somewhat discouraged after having been here a year, and he returned to Maine. They have many friends In Maine and Nebraska, and after living together lor many years, in death thoy are not divided. The Red Cloud Select and Nor mal School is flourishing almost be yond what we dared to hope. Started amid obstacles, which hindered on very side, it has steadily grown into public favor and every week brings new students. Tne people of the town should feel interested in the pro gress of this school, as it has already been a benefit to them in some way ; especially those who trade' or take boarders. We are confident that the school would be larger to day than it is, if it had larger and more commo dious rooms, and there were greater opportunities for boarding. It is rather late to mention onr new officers, but it is "better late than never," they say. J. A.Talleys succeeds himself at the clerk's' desk. and E. H. Jones stands beside kito at his old place ready to take in the county money. J. R. Willcox suc ceeds Judge Tulleysin the adminis tration of justice. J. D. Post, who has made his mark as precinct con stable, now is promoted to the sheriff alty, in place of H. C. Bill. 4 A." A. Pope still watches over the education al interests of the county. Dr. Sher er succeeds 3. C. Coon as coroner. W. E. Thorn, our popular surveyor,' has succeeded himself several times, and still he surveys. L. H. Luee is his own successor in the commission er's chair, J. H. Hobart is chair man, and G. W. Ball makes up the complement A temperance flood swept over our sister town, Riverton, which we Tan XsstaakA Valutaer Wittier - Service. " The accurate and foil knowledge of the distribution of ain over onr state m of great importance to the agricul tural interest of the people and to J rAyricel-science. No general system of observation ia in operation where by .the people, especially the farmers, can learn how much rain haa fallen during the season, or bow thit fall compares with that of past seasons. This knowledge is,not only of scientific importance,. bnt of high practical val ue, since the amount" ot rainfall, and its distribution, .each season neces sarily influences the condition of the crops. A full system .of reports will soon enable the people to decide n number of practical questions which depends on this knowledge r of our climate. In order to supply this de ficiency it is proposed .to establish a system of weather stations siuular to those proposed by the "International Meteorological Congress," and now in successful operation in .Iowa and a number of other etatee; to be known as "The Nebraska Volunteer Weather Service." It is not intended to invade the field already occupied by the signal service, the aim being to study ae carefully as possible the climate' of the state. The only instruments absolutely neces sary are a rain-guagc and scale, which will be famished at oot Any other instruments desired will be furnished at cost. The cost of rsin-guage and scale will not exceed $1 with gradua ted glass cylioder (the most accurate tneaaure) the cost will not exceed $3. All blanks for records will be faraiah- ed in duplicate, one set to be retained and the other to be forwarded at the end of the month to Lincoln. Full instructions for recording all phenom ena that can be observed without in strumental aid will be furnished vol unteers. Rr porta will be furnished to press of the utate monthly. Volunteers are requested from every county in Nebraska. Please forward your names at once. If sufficient en couragement is received work will commence with February 1st, 1878 It is proper to Ptate that thii work is undertaken under the auspices of the Agricultural uoilege of the state uni- -W advise all onr readers owaieg harness, to nse Uncle Sam's Harness Oil, as we think it is the very heat ar ticle to be had. 5-18-3m Motwmj will fad Dr. Wiaeh- eD's Teething Syrup just the Median to have in the boat for the children; it will cure colds, coughs, sore throat and regulate the bowels ; try it. Sold by R. R. Sherer and C. H. Potter. 5-18-3ai DiSTBMPma, coughs, colds, fe vers and nwat of the diseases whisk horses, cattle, sheep, bags and peal ' try are sabjeet to era readily evert come and eared by using Unele Seat's Conditio Powder according to the plain directions. Sold by R. R. Shar er and C. H. Potter. 5 18 -3m 0QYSTOL7TX9X CTOX&. Diskaji and Death, whan they reach oar own ho stes tends, are toe se rioas for jesting, we nee ear beat en deavors to drive off the dread snesssa gers, and are only happy when we feel that they are at a distance. At the first approach of that fell destroyer, Consnmptioa, ia the shape of a cough or slight cold as well as mote severe Bronchial or Catarrhal Complaints, we should at once use Eilert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry. It has ao superior ia such cases. Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction. Bold by R. R. Shcrer aad C. H. Fetter. 5-18-3m An aid phyrieiaa retired from ac tive practice, had placed ia hi hands by an East Iodian suiMtoaary the for mula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy aad pcrssaacat care of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat sad Lang affections. aU a posi tive aad radical cure for Gen eral Debility aad all nervous eoav plaints, after having thoroughly tested its wosMterfal curative powers in thou sands of eases, feels it his dutv to sake it knowa to ha safaris fellows. The recipe will be seat free of charge, to aQ who desire k. with fuH direc tions for preparing and saccesafaUy nsisg. Address, with atassp. nassiag this paper, Dr. J. C. Stoni, 44 N. fiiatb street, Philadelphia, Pa. It is worth more thaa its owa weight ia pare gold, vis : O. 4C.'i Golden Cerate. It cares sore eyes, bams, eataacous eruptions and old ahroaie sores. Sold by C. H. Potter. 5-18-2ai REPUBLICAN VALLEY HERD OF HASTINGS MARKETS. WtPOETXD BT50BTONC 00., PSB8 OF GBAIH AMD UTS STOCg- Hastings, Neb., Jan. 14, '77.. No. 1 Springwhaat V bash..-.80 1.9 V. Jt ......JO Jcisr Corn new ...... ....... ...... 15 Shelled oorn .......17 Uats.. . . ... lo rye. md to ii Barley 15 to 38 Broom Corn $ too $60. to$75 Potatoes... .. bush.. ..35 Beans- - "(white) 1.00 to 1 50 Castor Beans "...............70 to 75 is anCaT W tl tant j mmimmmmnmi uU Live Hogs 9 100 lbs. -42.50 to $2.75 Dressed "....M" -.$3 25 to $3.60 Farmers, Lock Esrs. I will set hedge for all those wish ing work of that kind done, and in sure n stsndof live plants. 5-24 3m Wm. W. Bun If ILL. Geo. H. Roiikxs, - - Pnor's. Mesas, Barton Caaary, JVeo. P o0 P for sale, from Sambo II, Champy, Bismarck, Dnks of Ahwood, and IT Lraell strains. Any one you prefer ; no catalogue. Write for particulars. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. 5201y Hotels- Thompson House C. Jsf. THOMPSON, Fhp. Cor. 1st St and Barliagtoa Ave., HASTINGS - NEBRASKA. vemty, Linoolo being the central sta- L. .. . Y . Jr T ... tion; and that for my services as di- Notion is herby g iven, That I will receive no pecuniary rector 1 shall consideration. Papers throughout the state are re quested to copy. Resp'y yours, Gilukt E. Bailxy, Director. E. B. Fairtikld, President. University of Nebraska. CONTINUITY. BT H. H. C. "For the Red Cloud Chief. Continuous labor, with hands or in thought; On one thing alone, until it is wrought; Narrowly watchiug each part of the schemer 'Till the end is attained, is my joy am? my theme. I am terribly vexed if children or wife Needlets infringe on this joy of my life: Unless I'm diverted by friend or by I'm npt io such cases, all sense to t, j forego. To findwhere I'm situate, with smile or with frown, You must look on the back, nearly up to the crown. Programme of Teachers' Inrtiute to be - ieUat'Inavilt, Jna, X, 1176. 9-10. Circaktioa of the blood, by JauiesPryse. - 1011. Common fractions, by Mrs. Howard. 1112. .Physical geography, by C. A tieresv 12. U. S. history, by A. L. Burton. . 23. Select reading, by Miss Laura Dixon and Gurtie Sherer ; es says, by A. a. Pierce 'and O. tt. Downs. 3 5. The improvement of our schools; discussed by Mr. J. Bailey, O. B, Downs, Miss Ladtow, C. W. Sprrnger, Daniel Wegener, -and Miss 4jk:; .'. Lecture in the evening, by Bt. J. 34. Pryse. i. Persons of either sex who mav be interested in helpngte start a Wo men's Industrial Home, please ad-. dress Mrs H. H. Clark; Red Cloud; Webster. county, Neb., Inclosing nine cents in aostags stamps, to insure a return answer to questions proposed, and to give particulars as to plan of working, ate. Mrs. Clark has opened a Laundry, aad is ready to do'wasung and iron ing, by ths piece or doxea. 5 25t2 ex amine nil persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for tea chers of the primari or common schools of Webster county, at Red Cloud on the first Saturday io the months of Feb. ruary, May, August, and November. A. A. Pope, Co. Sup't. Rkliablk 0. & C.'s Cough and Diphtheria remedy. C. H. Potter, agent. 5 18-2m One dose of O. k C.'s Cough and Diptheria Remedy is sufficient to datUiy you of the superior merits of the remedy and one bottle to cure the worst cold. C. H. Potter, agent. LEGAL NOTICE. WUIiaa H. PatUraoa. Plaiatif. veraua Blixa E. Patterson. Defendant. To Elica B. Patterson, Bon-rerident, de fendant : Yon are hereby no tiled taat William H. Patterson commenced an action agai ft you in the L'istrict Court in and for Webster Connty and fi'ed his petition therein : the object aad prayer of said petition is a decree of dirorce from the bonds of matrimony now existing betwten yon and said plaintiff. Toa are repaired to aeswer said petition on or before the 4th day of FebrSkry, A. D, 1871. WILLIAM H. PATTERSON. Kaley Bros., att'ys. 52215 free Backs to tad from Beptts. aw Fine Sample Room in connection with the House, for the accommoda tion of Commercial Men. J26 Valley House. J. C. Warnsr Prop. REDCIOUD - NEBRASKA. Stages leave this House for the north, south, east and west. Leaves for R. R. on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. The best sta bling in the Republican Valley. Liv ery rigs furnished for conveying pass engers to any point at reasonable rates. 5-15-tf.j smaaaaaaM9PallaaBaanamBnnm Lands For Safe. Wc are now offering for ! on bet ter terms aad cheaper than ever be fore, all lands beloegici to K. A M. St. Joe & D. C. and Midland Pcic Rail Road Companies in Webster aad adjoiaisg count if. W- aJo have some choice claims for sale. Givs as acalL Kaley Broc Atty's A Real estae Agt's Red Cloud Neb. 2if SAM'L GARBER DXlLIE in Dry Good mn4 CtrmcerieM- BOOTS aaad SHOE HatSi Caps. & Ready Made Clothing .' Wo have the Largott Stick in tko Valloy an will not bo undersoil GIVI US A CALL. ONI A ALL Sam'l Garber 47 Re Cloned, afofe. ta. f.1, Ink. tSTIMQb, AOaMSCOUMlT, ma. i BOOf AND SHOE SHOP! PARKS BROS.. Propriters. This trm i at asade of the beat seal footed. pre to famish lit b&IKa fik SMMVra aad at ageres ss lew thai a Md a Wr. All Ki of ifopaJriM Oono Wit Hoataooo a DitpatcJi. U $' - "r' All aadeeeeav -tf eraE U A TBIAL M is le year isiervtt le satrvetse aa PAitKSBA'OTHKRS. Red Oloud, Ifebraek' A NEW DEPARTURE ! f, man. MAN, A General Banking Businsss TRANSACTED. MADE A SPECIALTY. Drafts on Europe bought aad sold. Agents for several steamship lines. aasTBusiness entrusted to us will have prompt and careful atteation. Books! Books!! Go to ths Postoffice for your School Books. 5-19tf Save your money by subscribing for any paper you want, at the Postoffice. SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES of all sixes, for all kinds- of Sewing ) Machines at ths P. O. (17tf.) Cash paid for con Red Cloud Mills. nquireat the Utf, "Twbest in us?." uO. k C's Camphorated Hartshorn Liniment, for man or beast. It can be relied oa at all times. C. H. Potter, egeet. 5-l 2s THEY ARE NO T HERE YET. Pest has the next thing to them in Flutist Livkry and best Fko Stadli in Red Cloud. In connection with the FtED Stab lk is a Freight- Ooti Uousb J. D. POST, SID CLOUD. Red Cloud fc Jew ell City Stage Line. Connecting at Red Cloud with the Republican Valley line, running straight to Hastings. BJThree regular trips will be made each week, leaving Red Cloud the same time the stage from Hastings does. 000D 1105 AMD QOOD TDOI fcUDl OX THXBOAD. FARE REASONABLE. D. H. GODFREY. JO-lv - Wnttee. $.000 beef hides, far whisk the highest price will ha paid. 5-31tf J.G.Porm. good, not such a flood as destroys all iu its way, but like inundations of the Nile, bringing comfort to all within' its influeqqe. Rev. H. A. Guild, of Jo. niata, organised a lodge of Good Templars there, numbering5 over 70." He aUo obtained 250 signers to the Red Ribbon. Among -the ,Good Templars are such men as McDoaald, O'Sullivau, Shepardson, Weston aad the "L O. G: T. editor. Itiniade a pretty clean sweep, aad the towa is now pledged to temperance, vt This is a grand step in (the right direction, and wa hope that the men of river ton who have thus fakenT ibis bold step for truth nnd temperance will xtand ty tne pieaga, yiauga;iae, aea?ens fiaD " ' -; -.. , ' tsoaxkabli The success of the leading literary paper of the West, the Chicago Ledger, is truly remarkable. Since its introduction, to the readiag public, ix years ago, the L$dgmr haa steadily advanced in atvor,.and is 'now ac knowledged seeoad ta no paper of the kind in the eoantry. Iu circalatioa is national, and has been obtained through the dfarts-af its. wabaaher to produce a paper of hh snoral' character, and at the' seme time atH it at a price consistent with the present Hstelftrfale. The Guide Rock House nnd prop erty connected therewith, is for sale on reasonable teraas. For further pertic aters inquire of the proprietor or at this office. 5-23t4 Wax. Sslllf, GaideRoak. Nebraska. HARNE88 SHOP i -Br- Van Dyke eV me!?er Plastsrers 4 Stonemassns. We are prepared to take contracts and do all kinds of work in our line at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guar anteed, and all kind of stoek aad grain taken ia exchange for work, tan Cistern work a specialty. BamanKA. 4 43-ly jiflUt THE ONE PRICE has removed to L. AI- Thorn v ndbt. arid Has;Uiic:s Avenufl wUn you .ill iJ UVKBYTHISO p,n.i, to . 1ni4u,, T CLOTHING DRY GOODS. bam. . - CROGSRIISJ. BOOT8 & 8HOES. MA,TS; OAPa Till HIOUSST CASH PCI PAID roIIIDB8. tUtt, ! Daurun... . " -'"' l'roduc. KMEMBIB Ik, pl. .h i. AHTISU8. ,ni Un ,.i Aaioh Mat, u tk, BIOOKST aiot i. i. B CLC NEW STORE. (At the Red Cloud Mills) Is where you can get all kinda ef MorohmndisE, sack as DRY GOODS GaOCERIIS HATS k CAPS BOOTS k 8HOFS Ac. Ac. Ac. Ac. Ae. AU of which wiUbe sold ehcepfsreesh. RED CLOUD SEL'T & NORMAL SCHOOL? The Winter Tarsi of this Iastitatiea wiU eeaiaieaes en Tuesday. Dec. 11, 1877, And will ooatiaee twelvs weeks, nadarlhe iaatmetios ef a eomMtent corps cftsaehers. w L'llr,i."Ci,u' ' 'renU " opportanitv for rpil to arquir a Iril !aas hngJirh ducaiion at cheaper tales thsuaaf other aahosl of its fJasa le newest. It is divided into two d0fatiuer.U; on for advaeced sis 2?!H!i V01!! !?!f ' lB bpifw kM. w thsae was caa read f acntry in the Feertb Rsadsr. TriTiour i!''""'!!. the remsieear at tha rumim f aaw J.L. M ILLERi A Card. Intending to get ap a ekas in instra meoul nimo ia Red CtoadIehoald be pleased to hear front aay desiring instruction in tha art. Recess sssfds dons, if required. Terns: Ten dol lars per twenty-four lessons; part peysseat in advance. 5-23tf Jawrje Pbtu. hope will leave lasting efeces for Laard-tisoes. That they have succeed ed; aad well, too, the thousands of readers of the Ledger scattered frost Maianto Texas aad from Oregon to Florida wDl bear teetisaoay. The Chicago Ledger is a large forty-eight e rami weekly neper, which eeataine stories both eensplete and eoatiaaed, wtteach,nabetgwnttea by the best -authors of the day, and n great variety of iaforssatioa intereatiag ta every one. The. snhaeriptioa price ot the Ledger U ealy $1 60 pet year, postage aid, and k ia equal ia every particu- kr ta other papers of tha same char acterwaion seH tor $3 a year. Three copies f this valsable paper will he sent' to aay one- wha aeads 10 cests Jind taeiFaddraes to the Ledger, Ckh W. Uew Ira, The tisse has cosse when a man may know that ha will get value received for every dollar that ha iaveats. Qaacks aad hanthngs are aaaa veati lated aad are eossneTled ta take a back scat, or he crashed by the wheel of progress. An arbefte mast pajsaes real merit mast be what it is repre- seated to he.- Or, Hke tae aaahiaani at noaaday, it will aooa wkhar aad ana ia tha rndianea ef the hriMtaet aW eavariai of modern inisnes. O. 4 CaCeach aad DiatAsm aUsaedv eaa alwarn ae retoea eav- u irriutioa or tieaJaaraf tha Keeps constantly on hand n full line of Harases, Collars, Saddles, Whips, Horse Blankets, Combs, Brashes, Harases Oil and everything usually kept ia a first-class shop. The ILrheit Cask MocraUftr final and Tan. Rsl Cltiii Dmi Sttrt.! C.B. POTTER, Prop. Keeps the largest aad best stock of drags, nsedkiaee, paints, aad oils, ta be foand ia the RepabKeaa valley. af Ptetcriptien carefwMg ewasawaa dedt sky or night Also A supply of LUMBEV, lath, SHINGLES, Ac, alwajs an hand. C R. POTTER, wiMiim cm. aBSsiasKA o-7tf --ww. .w. w Mi ri ruvaii MUaiKi. SB pssnta a sris n... v -. "" -'" 'waiiWbo -Jrr:.":JV,l?rrr.",..t -5L--- Mmenh. i y r , , rnwm m tne ssieaa ef the ciple af train aad racka4. Far rartaar paruealars, Ac, address Sad CWad, Webster Co., Nebr. N v. Cnas. W. Srsisasa, er C. Bonis, PriaeitaU. 1177. $45 At vary J.ltMsinniwCaw UD CLOUD, wwjJAIXA. Red Cloud Miirs! WsarsprepArs4tSaW RID CLOUD A SMITH CINTBB Stage Line Connecting at Bed Goad with the Repablieaa River Stage lies. Three regular trips a week, arrivinf aad departing fross Bed Goad at the sasae tisse the stage from the raikeed FARE VERY LOW. BiL J. x. iniow, ?wf EvCST KE-aZEFO HPfj- . tha Msratiaaa. It ia aaanaaaseal ta do all thai it is advertised as ar tha se releeded te the smrceaaef . C H. PoUer, ageat 5-18-2ai r-THsaxia ao aarthrv hoes pvacioas thaa good health, aad k he aaevee ftspesaasaar ta eaneaTsr ta re uia k. If yoa are aesailfd with each DravokinsT Oh as sack hendsehee, tor pid fiver, sour nossaeh aad a genera) feeling af weariness aad difcaet, dew't go 'aad cosaairt saicida nat take Jt-i FlanF pt3wl fni Ml iF Hmle. Eilert's Davnght'a Liver PSaanad ha R.8hereraad C. 5 18-3S1 laPottar. aaaSatislaetion gaaraatssd or saalky af Soar sold, aad ctstom woan. Farssers rheald he particalar ta eeaara tha hast af seedwfacat. l Potter 4 Frisbie! aasau ncae twc WAHPtIOAJf y aavw aaav inaaBBieBT aaBaTTBWBnaaaaaaaa aa sni waaai VnaaaaaB m sBa ft el tvz a v ki av a. arsnnaa fi Wull I? fiv 5 W xil t - i C&sJ fltf as s C s SHaEtwaaeaT. 5"4 l s s T REMEMBER Red Cloud C ! Whsa yon wish U rsabseribe for n newspaper, TBI CHIKf. . ta cumniBsicatioos ftotu all parts ef the county, is just tks pep. iad to tost frv-eds is the Eat, that thea? ssay kaow sore of tks fer tile aad prsdaetivc Republican) Vulley. THK CHI ait, w.tk i:a faH columos of locals, ia just the neper yoa want far yosrwlvea iLat y may know west in happenisg to your neighbor. THK CHiE', with .U editorial notes, ujast the psper that yea need is crdar that joo star 25fJLh,t of f"1 inteieat ia oceamag at hoaae aoi abroad. Till CHIEF, with Ks large and npiilj inerearinf aixeaJatioa, ujit tha pa par that will sacst the wan fa of advsrtit ers, ta bringing befera its iad ;2H,rnUw,u THI CHIEF, with iU aseiHiice fcr JOB PMfM IG, hsvtac secared Z k f if Ia das Ztinht. Z Is jest the Oaass where yew waat U get year Cards, Posters, Letter-Pleads, Bill-Heads, Q ote Heads, INVELOFES. CIBCULA4? aad BLAJfX NOTES ar any spesaae esV JOB WORK. ' FABMEC. MEJeCHANTS, TEiCUERS. PBACHEffS. MECHANIC. LABOBEiTS, BHOP-EEEPEiW. AKD COMNEJtCIAL MEN. Vifl f od it ta their intent ta r-' "arutam praseat thaa THE CHIEF. THE CHIEF. What Wtnsr ONLY 2.00 A. YILA.IT ! JL "" " ' '"r7r iJJJ"LJF'fc"fc" Mini Wj !- ,itJ. -n.j jU-T......t..wn r x WW"" . J- J-?-.