The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 17, 1878, Image 3

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' J-ugfcM- .. .
- :
1 am not In youth, nor In mnnliood oragr,
ltut In Infancy fvrmin ktmwn;
I'm a lrnni:r ulIk-to Hie find and tin- t;e.
.Awl though I'm illcMiiciiIfhi'i! luhlslorj'o psRC,
1 always apigroiest U-. 3f 0 J
I nin not In Jlie earth. nortlieaun. nortlii inion
Vhi umy fHriii .-ill the kj I'm not there.
In the iiHiniliiK ud oiutwt-tijouKh not lu the
V.rti may iJutitly j.-ff.-f , m: f.,r, like it lialfcon.
I hh iiitlu:ty f.iifH-i)(lfi the nlr.
I si hi nl.a- In rh-hi'c. an! yet I hiii told
Wi-hUIi nrVr i Id my j.reM lire l:elrr;
-1 1 ell with tilt; niltn-f." Inn nof with hi sold,
AihI -oniciliiM'K I Hand In hl ihlmm-y cold, J
TImmiIi I fr-:ifa part ofilfe nr.,-. " : "f
I often m nut In pollllra Iff.--
In iny hbrnrc-no kliiK'lomtiinifx-;--t -,
And they t-uy thert-ran neither l? frh-nrtthlp tior
NonecanJU'liio. no one take h lfe
llf.t...... .. M I ...
m f 2 ! JT A
My hrr-thren an irutny. and of my whole i
1 race.
Not one it iiHr- hl'-inl'-r nl tall:
Awd Uioh-Ii not th- l,.,j. I hold tlie firM jilace.
AihI eien dishonor. depalr, nJ dlfjfrace.
J boldly appear !lluiiKthrin all
TltoHicli dh n- may Mi-ceh. me, and Mclaio,..-iud
I am in i t In t-orrow or gloom ;
TIi'mikIi In wit and tn ui-lntii I i.jiin1!y retn.
l"m the heart of a' n!n and Iihvp lon Hied In aln.
And 1 ne'er ahall 1m: .Kind In the tomh
rnic rnri: iii-xl.
Tin; Subject Ilcu.-l by ll'Z Xnxv York
IHvlm-n -Tim Iloitritic Ad vtu:ed by
it .lIitliudiHt ii-nlier '-The Wlck
1 MihII Forever Perlalt' ffell a
Luke of Uiiqm-iieliHttle Fire. ,
(Sptijlul (lipntchto thir Huston Herald.)
Xkw Yoicic, Dec. :',D -Thirty-two min
isters in this city preached to-tlny on
"hell," and prcteiitud geuerully the eu
titblifihed views of their respective sects
on the subject. A startling exception
was the lU'v John K Seniles, now of the
Willett street Methodist Church, Brook
lyn, formerly of New Ilitven, nnd u
preacher far above the uvemge standing
in bin deiiomitmtion His M:riuoti will be
likely to get him isto ccclchiatitical trou
ble. He held that Hie wicked ehall for
ever peribh, after .oulleiliig for a period
after death. This theory, he said, alone
isconsistent with the character of a luerei
Jul and just (jod. The early fathers and
'the companions of the apostles believed
that the immortality of the soul was for
feited by sin, and that it was only re
stored by faith in Christ. Ecclesiastical
history atlirms it. That the wicked
shall perish forever is only common sense.
A tree that is good for nothing is hewn
down nnd cast iuto the lire. That the
soul is an eternal es.-ence is a heathen
notion. Tne soul was created, and it
can be destroyed. The word immortality
is iihcd only by St. Vaul in the Bible, and
it refers to eternal life in Christ. So, by
antithesis, they who serve not Cod perish.
The word death, so frequent in the
Scriptures, always means death, not
eternal punishment. What more forcible
than, "The wages of rin is death ?" The
notion of an eternal hell is revolting. If
the ministers of this country and Europe
would express their honest convictions,
a vast majority would dissent from the
levelling and repulsive theory of eternal
burning. Tho speaker added thut he
could not blame Mr. Beccher for pro
testing again at such a charge against the
merciful Cod. Were the notion true, all
nature would revolt and cry out." Moral
evil is not as IMato said, co-existent with
Cod. It is an intruder in God's universe,
and shall be wiped out. God will not
keep forever :i pest house where devils
yell and lost spirits howl in agony. The
true hell is to he a lake of unquenchable
fire, where all the reluse of the earth will
be burned Lost devils and men will
there perish, and the place be wrapped
in eternal silence and death.
(Atlantic Moulhly.)
The books of this sort must be satur
ated wilh the personality of the writer or
they lose their vitality altogether. Thu
111:111 who quaml- with this sort of ego
tism loses its 11-e We tnu&t move with
l'epys into hi new bouse, nnd rejoice
with him in the sight of Lady Castle
maiic's lacd petticoats hung out to dry.
Wc would see history through his eyts.
What vould our children give 5U years
hence for a I'eps who had kept a diary
through our late wat? But he should
have had tha nititdinntc self-appreciation
which makes a man believe himself
the critical eye of his times, and gives
him absolute confidence in the breathless
interest, with which the world watches
bis every action. One such man, no mat
ter how small or mean, who is abl i to
paint his surroundings and willing,
like the noble lord, to ungirt
himself for the public, will revive his
age for posterity as not even gossiping
Herodotus could do. Paul Potter's bull
makes us better acquainted with Dutch
cattle than a dozen books on their breeds
and anatomy. 1 doubt, however, if oui
literature will ever be rich in this cIhsb
9 of writings. The German is apt to look
at himself and his times speculatively,
and to write them down in a diary or
letters, because he is a searcher after
truth, and must hammer out his rela
tions with Hans and Katritm, next
door, eternal verities on which to
build a theory of the universe. The
Frenchman does the same thing,, because
life is a theatre to Lim, and he is actor
and audience in one. He makes love.
$ith his whole heart, or weeps over his
mother's grave, and he stands apart at
the same time and cries Bravo I Through
out the whole range of French memoire
or correspondence, from De Sevigne to
Victor Hugo, runs this clapping of hands,
this eager self-gratulation. "Ah, Mes
sieurs, what a lover you have here I What
a son ! Voila !" The American's life is
too hurried and dramatic to spare him
time either to work it up into a .system
of philosophy, orto stand off and point
out to the public its picturesque effects,
as a showman before a moving panorama.
He is as willing asany other man to be
observed, but he isvsddom voluble about
himself; his fear of ridicule is too keen
. for that. 1 he hard-headed fellow does
not write letters, because he knows in
this busy time the best friend would be
bored by his experiences or emotions,
.and besides, he wants them for the dinner-party
to-night, or a magazine article.
He does not keep a diary, because he
knows he should be ashamed of hlspres-
ent self in a. mouth's .time. -He does not!
write his autobiography, beojMfe much
friction with other men has taght hi
his own insignificance. But what a mis
take he makes ! Talk of the studies of
human nature manufactured by meta
physicians or fiction-mongers ! Suppose
Abraham Lincoln had kept a diary or
Jim Fisk. -- -
Startling Discovery In A'mtratmj-.
(Manufacturer and Builder.)
Mr. Lick, of California, bequeathed a
few years ago, in his will, nearly a mil
lion dollars for a great, telescope. One
of the trustees, Mr.' A. S. Floyd, has just
returned from an extended tbur, during
which he collected all the information he
could obtain in regard to the construc
tion of great telescopes Thecoriclff
sions he has arrived at are these: Two
telescopes should be constructed one a
great refractor of the largest possible
ftjze, tht object flaw at least forty inches
in diameter; the other a reflecting tele
scope of at least four feet in diameter,
adapted to use two kinds of mirrors, one
a.fipeculum metal reflector and the other
Veil? ered glaM reflector.
As the observatory and mounting of
such inttruments cost about as much as
the instruments themselves, it id contem
plated to use half the fsnds donated for
the instruments, and the other half for
the observatory and mounting
We are confident that if this plan is re
alized, startling discoveries are in store.
California, with its monster telescopes,
aided by its clear nky and otherwise fa
vorable situation for astronomical re
search, will undoubtedly take the lead in
tllfeCOvcricB of which those of the moons
of Mars, made with what is now the larg
est refractor in the world, have given us
s foretaste.
WAS ON.7IAN a ;kkat uenebali
Gen. .TlcClelliiii Mint that He wu Not
aweMcsreeor the 111 of Plevna.
In an article on the "Capture of Kars
and Fall of Plevna," in the North Amer
ican Kcview, General George B. 3tcClel
lan says
Daman Pasha was treated by the czar
with a degree of courtesy and considera
tion justified, perhaps, by bis obstinate
courage, but certaiuly not by the inhu
man brutality which constantly charac
terized the conduct of bis troops toward
the wounded Russians who fell into their
We do not yet know with sufficient ac
curacy the means at Osman's disposal, or
all the circumptances which surrounded
him, to justify a final judgement upon
the merits of his defense from a profes
sional point of view. He certainly de
serves the credit of obstinate gallantry,
but it now appears more like the conduct
of a wild beast at bay than that of a
skilful genetal. He selected his position
well and fortified it with skill, but it does
not appear that he took advantage of his
successsks, which was due more to the
blunders of his antagonists than to bis
own merits.
This much is certain: from the moment
when Todleben took charge of the siege
operations, when Iuicretinski became
chief of the staff, when Skobeleff received
an important command, and Gourko was
place in charge of the operations on the
Sophia road from the moment, in fact,
when knowledge and skill directed the
operations of the Russians Osman be
came helpless as ' a child in
their hands, and his fate was
fealed. Plevna had no such value
in itself as to justify the loss of an
army in holding it a few weeks longer.
If Osman had been a great or even a
good general, he would have abandoned
his position the moment he found the
Sophia road serioueiy endangered, for
his army would have been of infinitely
more use elsewhere. Should eventB pro
long the war in another summer cam
paign, the Turks have not much to gain
by the delay. Thir resources are nearly
exhausted, while these of Russia are not
The Servians, the Montenegrins, and the
Greeks will occupy them so fully on the
west that the Russians and Roumanians
can devote the entire strength of the
main army to the direct operations
against Constantinople. From their vantage-ground
in Armenia, it will be per-"
fectly practicable for the Russians to
conduct a campaign in Anatolia, which,
even if it does not actually lead to Scu
tari, will at least completey paralyze the
Turks iu that quarter, and deprive them
of the large resources with which that
region has always furnished them. It
now seems probable that nothing short
of foreign interference and that in the
shape of very strong battalions nnd a
formidable navy can save them. There
is only oue power, if there be even one,
that has any disposition to interfere, and
it is doubtful whether other and stronger
powers will permit that Interference. It
would appear to be wise for the Turks to
make peace promptly, and on the best
term they can.
What la Claimed to be tbe OToNt Re
uiamuble InHtruinentyet Discovered.
(From tho Atlanta Constitution.)
But it has been reserved for an Atlanta
man to discover a possibility beyond all
these. We are not permitted at this
time to state specifically all the points
belonging to the invention in question,
but we can Bay that an examination of
the working mode leaves no room to
doubt of its successful application for
the purpose designed. The gentleman
of whom we speak has carefully watched
the progressive movements heretofore
mentioned, and from them he conceived
tbe combination (for that is what he
claims his instrument to be) whereby
tsound could be telephonically transmitted
and phonographically registered in visible
signs capable of certain and prompt
translation into written language. This
seems, at first glance, an almost incon
ceivable achievement, but a slight refer
ence to the method employed should dis
pel all doubts. "The lelephonograph" is
the name of the new combination, and
its points are as follows: . ,
Firtt Telephones, as in common use,
for the transmission of the sounds of
the speaker's voice. -
Second A telegraphic instrument of
the same nature as the printing telegraph,
whereby the sound may be registered by
phonographic signs upon slips of paper,
as in the printing telegraph.
Third A delicate and ingenious in
strument which indicates the slightest or
loudest tones, and produces currents that
open the precise key that would indicate
Fourth An alphabet of sounds ar
ranged upon phonographic principles, by
which every combination, of sounds and
inflection in language can be fully indi
cated. The entire machine is electric and
automatic and the phonographic combin
ations, made in much simpler shape than )
in tne mest primary stages ot pnoao
grapby, are easily made by electric action
and as rapidly as the sounds are, uttered.
The main value of this inatruniesU k that
it will do awaywith all necjtssily tor tele
graph operators, requiringnly oat saaa
in an office, andabolishiM.?sM umct
of intermediate Ted-tapeism in the tele
graphy. Its greatest advantage, how
ever, will "be to the newspaper prtss of
the country,-for with one of these simple'
insthmieats-. in the composing-Toom,
copy;froai tkeinstrument can be" fur-:
nisnea 10 me primers, wuose only- pre-,
vious preparation will be a day's study of
the phonographic alphabetiii order to be-t
come laminar witn uw signs: unce
familiar to the printer, he can take
a" piece of this copy and set it up ia type.
as readily as reprint. A person to whom
a message is addressed, tmderstaading
the signs, could read it as easily as though
printed in Roman type. The instrument
is being rapidly perfected and the inven
tor has no doubt of its reat'success' and
usefulness in the world's affairs.
Tfce Greatest of Crlatee-Seaaettoat X
- (FrcmthOsoeoUflentlneU'
Among meaara: and 'ammng crimes?
that depraved and wieked men commit
against women, is the one named above.
The world in general has never formed a
just estimate of the character of tbe
villisn who deliberately ruins a woman.
The finite miad never can, in this exist
ence, fully measure the enormity of the
crime. To be a deliberate seducer of an
innocent,loving, confiding, virtaous giri,a
man must be a depraved, sensual, crafty,
heartless, nofeeling, unsympalhizing
wretch a demon, llis seaae of .honor,
of manhood, of justice, of mercy, of pur
ity, of common honesty, must ail be
swallowed up by bis sensual beastly pas
sions. Young man! has a- dark thought
ever entered your mind to deceive and
ruin some girl? If so, you are
unfortunate. A dangerous eaeay
has entered your abode. If ' ym
entertain that enemy, you are ia .-great
danger. Drive it from yotiaays would
a venomous reptile, before, it takes pos
session of you and makes you as rile as
a murderer. Look at That creature bar
Ing the formof anisnbuthejs a seducer.
He has ruined a woman. ' He ' is more
vile than a thief or a robber for they
only carry away your property, and may
make restitution. Be is as guilty as a
murderer for he cannot make restitution.
Go where he may tha curses of a wrecked
life, of blasted hopes, of a ruined, inno
cent, bappy girl, will follow him- in this
world and the world to come. Through
the'quibbles of law, and the influence of
money and friends he may cast his
victim off; he may escape the penalty of
the civil law, but. so certain as the ever
lasting' and eternal principles of justice
and right exist, so certain must the se
ducer pay the penalty for his crime. "As
ye sow. so shall ye reap."
Stress; Feature or WasnlBgtoBi Po
litical Life.
(From a Washington letter.)
One of tbe most fearful and wonderful
sights of the the capital is tbe vast army
of young women and widows who have
found their way here for husbands. Tbe
rapacity of these sirens passeth all un
derstanding. They visit and they gush,
and their endurance in visiting aud gush
ing is their most remarkable feature.
The husband-hunter "opens her campaign
from some obscure residence, generally
a boardiog house, and commences with
the Capitol. You can pick, her out in
the thronged galleries, through her utter
lack of interest in the proceedings, and
her anxious method of regarding anything
which may be considered eligible. In
one month she is the best ported woman
in Washington. She has a congiessionul
and departmental directory, before which
Ben Poore's dies miserably, and which
would be the eternal fortune of any news
paper reporter who could secure access
to it. The ratings are: A 1, senator; A
2, member; B 1, foreign legation; B 2,
clerks. A senator or member may be as
poor as a democratic candidate for post
master, yet he is game. A member of a
legation is not so high in the market, un
less he has a title, while a clerk must
rend his title clear to at least $2,500 a
year. After ahUBbatid-hunter gets to be
pretty well known, she reduces her am
bition materially and is not above a
$1,200 clerk, and as hope takes fainter
and fninter colors, she looks favorably
upon the man whose references are
worth a month's board.
lloMtcticr'N Almanac.
The edition for 1S7S of the sterling Medical
Annual, known as Ilnctetter's Almanac, is now
ready, and may Ik obtained, free of coat, of
drtignstA and ijeneral country dealers in all
parts of the United States and British Amer
ica, and indeed In every civilized portion of
the Western Hemisphere. It combines, with
the souudcxt practical advice for the preserva
tion and restoration of health, a large amount
of interest Inland amusing light reading, and
the calender, astronomical calculations, chron
ological Items. v.c, are nrenared w ith great
care, and will be found entirely accurate. The
lepiie of Hostetter's Ahnaimc" for 1&7S, in the
EiiKlioh, Herman, French, Welsh, Norwegian,
Swedish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish lan
guages, will in all probability be the largest
edition of a medical work ever published in
auv country. The proprietors, Messrs. Hw
tctter it Smith, Pittsburgh, la., on receipt of
n two cent stamp will forward a copy by mall
to anv person who cannot procure one In his
Floor Turtle t 9 75 Rll 2X
IIor 1.Ip 5 30 (?, 3 l"i
Shit'i-I.le 4 25 t 5 12'
Flour -OikkI tn CIioIcp 325 (a 5 Of)
Wheat No. 2 Kod 1 32tf
Corn Wostrrn inlTcd 3H (4 52
Oate WeHtern 35 C4 40,
bKIt1... .. 1 .
l'uttor .......... ........... iu vC i
fork Xcw Me8 ....;... (5tl2 50
l.anl ......................... 8 05 c o iu
CHICAGO. . . ,
BecTct Choice '. ,4 9? J 5 00
llOjH. 4 KMj 4 1
Shccj Good to choice 3 35 (i 3 30
Butter Choice toyellow : 26 to SO
&S8 W J
Flour Wnlnter ; 8 00 9 8 50
Spring extnt..... ..... .... , .x .
Wheat-Spring No. 2. 1 0BMA 1 '&QL
vOrH"iiO l1? l
"Salefl " 4nW witB
Pork Mms, new..... i.s.?.zi r U 30
iaru a'v is t Jfj
Iteof Cattle Fair to choice 4 00 S 4 30
Hogs. t 3 80 9 4 15
Flour-Fall XX 4 53 ft 5 00
Wheat No. 3 Red O, l-ivj-tj
Corn No. 2 5 & 45H
JaHsl 4V.F (f9 r"mm9
isyc- o ! v Sw7
X Oisw"-fctrsW. 0 (All 3
LmUU (m 4 2v
CINCINNATI; , r- - '
Wheat Red:..'... .".fA.V.i-.'.J. 1 18 0 1 22
vUrU a oD lay V
vmsJ 53 4sv $
fmiTCj . 3sJ (ff wU
OrsS 4 (stll j
r mur
WIiWsl50 4j 9 1 U9f
VOi u ' vC 44
VJ4atAO 3 " - . 4s wS
Barley Xo. 2 - .'....,.. I...., 6 J
Rye Xo. 3..................-'.....ij.- 4 -56
Flout-Wholesale ...:.. ...'. lVt 3
Wheat New .-.v.-. ."rt.ww,j . 98
uni ss A
vtaVIaf ai " Wv bU
an C J . 19 a fjal sV -
J Cm a a bV S) W Rr
( - a 4 fsF a9
nul LCT - 11 "4 Is
llogt-. 3 25 (A .350
CfttUe .....I ,.. 3 25 mAVQ
But. whea. you are atck.takeadotevotQuirk Iriih,
Tca..lriceX.cts. at drufflHsta. ,
Carter Llttte tiver Pills wuT positively
cure' sJek aeadache awLprevent its 'return.
This ia not talk, but truth. OnepUl a dose.
tiansa CHsickly Caure.
Durang'sRheumatlc Remedy," the great
Ixteexax USakcure, vill Bfla4tlrlT cure-anv
caae"of rheumaUssarasii the face of the eartlL
Price 'fl a bottle, BirbbtUesTtS. Sold by all
druggist. Send for circular to"HelphentIne
BeaUey, Dnaktai Warfiluctoa, D. C. Sold
whol4aleiBBvatDtiaB4mlu)iSBCs. ",
-'- 4
Simmons1 Ltcbk Rboulatok. The beet aad
most PUccesOTOl saeafehM' for aB liver
pkkits ever lBtrodrK?e-lLlS)e;pabne to
donbtedly Simmons' Regulator, it Is receiv-i-from
all-parts of-tae eoBBtry the hafhert
endorsemeut. -, The mecUchw hi prepared, oa
scieatiie priadnles, by one who has a tHarodfh
knowledge of; the human system ansaejosf
.aattons of armboth in its healthy and
aveased eondiflon. Its merits are certified to
.by sach well known'perHSais asiHon.-3laxir
iephens, BUhon3eclnrtSenator'Gordon
Bishop Pierce,- Cfdef Justice 'Wamer, of Geor
giavand scores of other persons well known in
official, professional. scieoUicl cosstacceial.
and- other walka-of life. " This medicine has
now-been used for.many vears for the diseases
arising from a. disordered condition of the liv
er unpure blood, and weak (ngestioandbas
baen fonad"raTriably to effect thorough cures.
It1 perfectly; harmless in Its operation, and
nattdedpi with -any violent effects. It fat
gtven' in'eafstytandwith good results to the
most4eUcaie infant. It takes place of quin
iasVaad lissirsirf every kind. It is not un
pasaat sa taketlKas a tonic effect, helping na
taMatdaharwwk. Ahatlla3or r-v4 of
the Regulator should be ra'everv familv-j It Js
It fa
in all
roanuiactured by J. 11. leiim & Co., FhlUdel
pais, ana Macon, ueorgia, out. is ior sale
arug stores.
Prrftlaeatt B-ssusj4(a TmittWnKL
The eaaioent arti, Ole Ball, while exaash
lng the Kale of the Jaalhubek Piano, tuot
truthfully remsrVrd tnu the history of all
other Flint had bees towering hi hand at
eafhwonl, r
Until the inventkraof the Math as hek Equal
izing tsile. it had beoosue an ejtUblkhed ff t
that the Ilauo, one of tbe tsot expcnlre
mulcal Instruments, vu the Mxmet of all to
No other aaakcrs fey aa v Kale baveereT btn
able to produce a Piano that 4M not so depre
date iu a lew years war itf ionaftjoraa ana
I rwphiHr tones gradcafly gave place to a thin,
wirrtosM, readerieg the Piano atasosi imtoi
unlAe to anv amnieai ear.
moor or Vaa rxiLcun or othcb naxoa; the thcraMnds of vortakwa ialni
inents for sale at auction rooms, asd at stores
for tbefia!e of okl funilture, their fomerwra
ers harinjf sold or exchanged them oa aeeoant
of their partial or total fsJIare:ad yet, la
mwt cases, the exchangtror purchaMof asoth
er Piano has been for oac constructed on tbe
name old principle, and therefore of the aasae
inevitable reculL
The ecknottftdgtd route ot UiU dltatrous'
failure iu Pianos ariws from the concentrated
train of all the strlugs upon one comer of the
frame (the aggregate tetuion beittft from Jlf
Utn to twenty (ohi.) This causes the wrest plank
to yield, the tuning plus to become loosrned,
the plate and frame to warp, curve and spring
with each vibration of the trines, gradually
but surely hclplug to displace the lumndiwj
board, which had already a greater burden
than it could bear from
me siiokt ccKvan bridge,
Universally ued by all otlier makers with
the lmmeiitc preonure of all the 'strings clus
tered upon it. within a small space, across one
end of the board, the inevitable result of
which Is the settling of this end of the sound
ing board, which greatly l impairs it vibratory
power, while the other" eml of the board l mo
remote from the bridge that oalr a feeble vi
bratlou can be procured. The eurvimc of this
bridge brings It parallel with tbe grain of the
sounding board through all tbe upper notes,
reuderiug them light and feeble, andsosur
rOuuds the bridge for the bans notes as to se
riously conflict with its Independent vibratlou.
Another cause of failure is, that
III other Pianos go through a hole lu the irou
plate much larger than the pins, and are fast
ened in the wrest plank under tbe plate, giv
ing a leverage of half an Inch to every pin, be
tween the wood and the string, ami depend
ing entirely upon the wood for support. Thus
the great strain of the strings and the atmos
pheric action upon the wood make frequent
tuning necessary; aud frequent tuning soon
causes the pins to become loose in the wood.
Ijirger plus are then required, Which go
through the same process again, but givingout
sooner than tbe others.
Of thex-e iuperfeetions is becoming mb'rejpatent
every day, for the reason that competltkm has
induced manufacturer to increase the.tlse of
and teu6fon on the strings, In order to.obtain
more tone, without being able Jo gain any pro
portionate increase iu the strength of frame or
case; so that all modern Pianos of other scales
must of necessity depreciate more rapidly than
All of these defects have loug .been known'
to riauo mauuiaciurcrs, out BOTemeuvwas
-found until by the Invention of the Mathuahek
r.quaiiziiiu scale, witn. Linear Bridge, all or
tlicse ditlieulties were entirely overcome; and
a careful study of the scientific principles em
bodied iu this scale, must convince any candid
pcr.on of she importance of tills Invention.
Pclton and Pomcroy, sole agents, 152 State
Strewt, Chicago.
Ir. llwtt. ol'Ohio. Muya: T have
tried Dr. Carter's Compound Extract of Smart
Weed at the bedside in numerous cases of
Acute Dysentery and othor Bowel affections,
and also fn DIptfieria, nnd have found it stir
prisitlingly eeacious it seemsalmost a si'ECiK
io in these cases.
Wh'n Von Itr-aire
A worm medicine which is safe and sure in its
effects, easy to take, and that will not disaj
jxilnt you, 'use Laycock's Worm Killer. It is
altogether superior to worm candle and verm
ifuges. Sold at any drugstore. Twenty-five
cents a bottle
BitL'&nRS. We call the attention of the
trade, and printers, and brewers, to the card
of Charles Munx, manufacturer of all kinds of
brushes. Thcv will send a sample brewer's or
printer's hruoli, worth $1.00, on receipt of tiO
cents. Mr. Mimz manufactures a No. 1 arti
cle. Address Charles Munz, Dubuque, Iowa.
4ootl Alvi.
We arc always pleased to recommend a good
article, and as a relinble remedy for severe
Coughs, neglected Colds, Hoaneness,ABthraa,
Croup, Whooping Cough, or any affections of
the Chest and lungs, use Dr. Marshall's Lung
Syrup. It is acknowledged by all who have
given it a trial, as being Ihe mosl reliable and
satisfactory pretiaratSon they have ever used.
Physicians" who have liecome acquainted with
ita" operations prescribe it for their patients.
Probably no similar preparation ever before so
quickly fouud Its way iu public favor as Dr.
Marshall's Lung Syrup. It is the most pleas
ant, soothing and effective Cough remedy that
has ever been discovered, purely vegetable and
perfectly harmless to the smallest child. Price
35 cents per bottle. .
A Public Demuad
Has long been made, for an effectual and per
manent chill remedy containing no quinine,
arsenic or mercury, aud that produces no un
pleasant symptoms about the bead, one that
can be taken by the most delicate stomach.and
acts upon the secretions thoroughly without
other medicine: one that strikes and complete
ly eradicates, all miasmatic poisons lurking in
the system.. Such a remedy has. lately been
placed before the public,andfs known as Day's
Ague Tonic, which is havuga wonderful ran.
L. II. Bush, at Dea Momes,- has secured the
State Agency. .... ... "r" Zc
XetH-fctaiMir. Nackrr. V
'Tis said of the little nocturnal pest, the bed
bug, that at "nest-hldiwr" he excels Beecber;
as a sucker he is superior to the cupping pamp,
while be equals Lydia Thompson at ldraw-
ing." n is ratner strange tnat mey refuse tne
blood of a lady who has the hysterica, or who
Is prostrated with any chronic female com
plaint. Now it strikes us that all ladies, who
ara aftlicted as abore indicated, should at once
resort to the use of that wonderful female med
icine known as English Female Bitters, and be
cured of these female troubles, that they may
furnish good wholesome blood-food to the
poor starving bed-bugs. Full particulars can
be had otL.IL Bush, Des Moines.
Presamtmre aLe the Hair.
which Is so common nowadays, may be entire
ly prevented by tbe use of Bcrxett's Cocoa
rNE. It has been used in thousands of cases
where the hair was comimr out in handefnl.
and has never failed to arrest its decay, and to I
promote a neaiiny ana vigorous crowtn. - iris
at the same time unrivalled as-drsMfeirfor
the hair., A stack appHcatloa 'vIU ruder;it
soft and glossy for several days. '
CiiTcta Afrsiy. A saberb pair ot 6x8
Chromoe,worthy to frame and adorn any home
and a Three Months subscription to Leisure
Hours, a charming 16 page lforary paper, tall
of the Choiest Stories, Poetry, etc, Sent Free
to all sending Fifteen Cents (stamps taken) to
pav postage. The publishers. J. L. Patten A
Co., 102 William St., N. TM Guarantee eveiy
one Double Value of money sent. $1500 la
prizes, and big pay given to agents. Write at
Twix Brothers Yeast always make good
ia a Vegetable ExDectoraat. nre-
pared with great care to meet the uiauataad
growing demand for a safe' aad reliable aati
dotelor diseases of the throat and laags. Dia
orders of the plmcarr organs aresonceral-,
"ent and so fatal la our everchsiartag eosaate
that a reliable antidote hs beloaaadaatx
towly sought tor. ' t-.- w. . -.1 t
03 a IXmaVsvsrr Bfeeasi sa sMt .
That has met tried 6Bst,sGramai ttXip
Yeast," Ml that bsdy to. askalTMSTtera
frse asaaale. tTwraa Isi i w,-9jml
wt;ii i. 7 nil" i ii.j ??& nahi
lns u . " . A . .X .-
ancawe scaar -an maaaiai ,Taat n
grocer aoea aot aarv.
LKTla tXBAtTrowBSai-' f or Vesx, yon eisi send
30 ceirtsfor fsawterrS cents for half Tr
cents for one nound caxw: direct to Doolst A
Brother, NewTork, and yon wm recerrait.
ijyresajatJtaaanr Always use RlorvUeae
licions Vienna mlfati - .
licions'Vlenha roBsi
Taxkee enterprise hss at last faTaJghad'aa
article that will enable a geaUemia to black
his boots wifliont in the least sofUnr Ms hands;
Fe, by using theft t. Wood Box Bmeking.
The Great English- Remedr now stands
amoBgthetttrrtaaa takes the kd of. all med
icines for Coughs, Colds, Asthms, and Sore
Throat. 't . . , - ' .
BS1 aTfaaaaaaranai th
weaasayiafltoDriagaCo or'Coid,
ana we can recosaBaeaa ur. tarssallw Lmag
Syrup as a certain cure for all diseases of the
Lungs and Chest. Tbe price hi only S cts.
UlSBiBlta nelrlsual
Helmbold's Tri-m twdlrfoal preparatks
have for the U twenty or mrr yer occu
pied a pronilJirnt plirr no th ahelvr of errry
rrpectahie drucdt and hjklsn la the
lacd. The klll dlplsjM In tLHr K-partlon.
tbe lovarUble pronjj xd eiacirsry of
their anion, tbe at-occ of siukvu aivj'dl
guati; tate or cxlor, and tbe Attractive taxn
wcr in which they are put ap. Katc made tbra
unlrerMl farortt-iL E;rcUllr U tliU lie
cane with HrhaboM' fmoa Burhu. a mrdl
clue ahieh b bcctae iadipr&be In Uie
treatment of a Lure and troublromc rlaw of
dtxavris. partlenlirlr thoe which effect tfce
digestiTc aud Unasrj organ. As a dlureUc,
it U InvaJaablc, awl tbe great adranUr It
Ece ot er other prerUua U the mXm
te, parity of the lngmHcutA.and the unifom
Uy ot ttre&ffth. Prti'- purchaAlug hoaId b
canfal?' to kk that IteimUtld's -pruprirtarr
stamp hvaaUct to each bottle
ternstlaaar Ail l the offer or a
Genuine Jtlcrouevf tor a triSe. Srr Atlr't.
Bessirw nr Hsra XI msra.
Stop spending omiidt on tlue clothe, rich
food aad Stjle. Bav pl, healthy fiL
cheaper and better elnthfftg; get nxVe real
and substantial tldng of life even' av, and
especially stop that UtAlth habit of ruuulng af
ter expenaire and qtuck dortors or ulag so
mueh of the vile humbug mnlicioe that doca
you only harm, and make the proprietors
rich, but put your truot in tbe greatevt of all
simple, pure remedies Hop Hittens that earrs
always at a trifling rot. and tti will cr bet
ter time and good health. Try Itouce. Read
of it in another column.
a Jk. Wmr. How to make It. SosartniB
ijr bcv tur
fSIAKTPta.Cag. YOXttE .. SC
MFaahtaaaate Cartft, not wv allkr, with aat came
poal palrt. BKO.tMWMm 4k eS,N'um. N T.
CWAI WBalC PatEK. SrvrB fchot Rrvolr
Lf IrLffCH witli U.i of rartrtJr. JAMCS
BOWK moS. Di and I Wuui w rtttJurtti fa
Well Aagrr, ltvck lrIUa ami DrtllloK Ma
eblora. Jntlnut Kctnl fur Iltuuralrd Ctm-
luaae-CSMriTsroaia v. eta., su Loot, mu.
ItSJTlBia 0Mla.MaJkrdC-ar4a.Trlrka.(.aai(r
TirH I MVjUtfrre.a.f!. WMIBMM.CIilrafu
A SSOXTBE. AMto aaaita.
XAIIUS(l( tltfjjl-llr!tl. hDllrur
Calaiorur. va am CU..l-rtlrayo.lH
v 4laUkMi
aPlJAaw. . A.
llaUkaa vorU. Puru tr raaato A-a
Famm. A. COCUTtB fc CO.. Okmo. Iu-
J .aaavSKl SMaWATCHaa4CHAIlcitt20
WS1 kW aaaaaMsarWAtCH isd (HAIV flKKlo
C M. UNIKUltlX. 41 Jackson m uturaro
Patophlet of S3 narea, si vine Trrailar 00
Laiarrn. runtaiairur
rur liuiumrrablr raara
Kft. AitlnM E4tta
of curr.r-nt FKK
S)eM C.. Manr lirrtrr. X. 11.
Caatlea of our U-auIIful OU Chro-
Uioa rasa to rrtMDilMe ajrrnta. Kaetuar U eta
with application to cuter portage. SMtaf !
mV Oa.. lot Wrt Sixth fet.. narinnatl. Ohio.
tea atetoettveat Men Iu earh Mate for
tlie Ueiectlre benrlre. lay lrral. Mltlw
pennaaeat. Sewt atauip for partirulaa. U.K.
hkcwcTSaaTirK Co:. 3t Walnut St. Cincinnati
SHafCIf IMC A lSWm. Monthly fur Onr War.
UHtflllllCi One KlurChnnui.Onr ll.u of Kin
rrrncti Statlonrrr. Oaf ennlal luule.On Talrof
Sleete Buttona and Miurlr IVn. All for SSrtiU.
AuaTrrH'Wjorrai., tr.VNHI.'ve rt'M. cu.. us
WaahlBirtoa Strret. CUIraco. 111.
Ysaiism asris i.iatx tkmmmaFuV.
VVtral SaKSI anl rarn frvtn to 1U) a month.
Situation fumUhrd. Small lary while Iraralna.
Whole eTp-nra -arn-d hack Iu a f-w tnontha. Ad
tlrraa. M. TALKKTI5IE,Manai;r.Janrarlllr.Wla.
Maa and Krw-ral Information raaa hjr
ihf Tra Laad and ImmlKratlon Co.
of St.IuI. Mo. 1 lie itxi.r Land Co. In
donwd br thr Ntal aa Teaaa. Ail
M. WUOBWOITH. Pre. Ht Loula.Mo.
"-" " -a VS I A! E TEBPaUSKI
r" zv 1 'sasa'aasji as-iskera, aa
I Uri IIlwtml4 CMalon fa SVir-Jakrea. C t aaaa
inumt.J.CKA CSX, ainXWa lUrMra.Cai
A areata ran urcrPd vlth the lllaatrmMal Hlal
ryertfc Onat Kaatera War. PruaiM-ctua
now ready. Million III Iwaold. totnran"
tVKr avi Rtnt.r. Hort. Clilcatco.
CO Morr VaunarMra tolrarn and
rniraKe In T-Iirraphv. It it biidnraa.
l'avlnir hItiiatloriwlit nnmllnr.l Addrraa
fTKaTEKy TKltlXWTIT tTR Hrdalla. Mo.
Tbe Compoiinu Oxygen Treatment.
Nntarr'a Mcd of curing thr Mck. hy nTltAllzlnt the
iMrtly Orr.Kf,prtnijit,af rwnnnvni.T. S. Artliur,
ua,v rv rutmi i as in.n nut 1 wi ara'ii. an mmw awa
STAKKKY A PAI.K..lli;Olrar.lbt. 1'hlla.Pa.
HiVKCS' siBAani BlTlkiSf ,f-
Tl. 4 will do It tt Miw
M. t&.a rauin.Minv tMMf t am
Mitmi , kulif -ml turn I kf
ibis nrTtico.. j.iiiin. n.
1 , k. o
WATCHES and JEWELRY Rstaiss at
Mamifactwrsrs' Priest, tm saa
savs 60 par cent by eresrinf sf as.
Our tins IUuatrav.1 Pries List
ttnt on sosHcattM. ROtRS
Kntami.imiii vnx
Au. and I2thhtn..SI. Illla.
Mo., Manufacturer of all kind
of lllTClIEatM' MA
ALowAnnH VAKxaa
HTH HO at Rata.
WOOLKKtl A t.-Q. Oa Ewery laaal .
tbe Kidneys. Liver. Luntrs'lfn
Btearalar ttraMlaata
of Hrlttih and Amertran
Institute. S3 rrars In
racuee.Trrata diseases of
.Kn'IIrart. Throat, xrrrous Hts-
tem.Errora of Vonth.AliUPfs of Manhood-surceaafallT
tiratfd.aflcr others have failed. AA Forfeit for
any case Of Srmtnat WcakneM or IUU Private Dis
ease he undcrtakrs and fall to cure. Female dlaraaea
scientifically treated. Conaultstloa Faaa.Send for rlr
cnlar. Loek IVixafiO. Offlc-,317 Perry St. tlaytrnport. la.
Illustrated Marriage Guide, MS paces, cloth
and, gilt binding, 5 cents; sasse la paper
cbyers,' cts.w Manhood, 10 easts; Wostaa
hood, 10 cents ; Famphlet, S cents secmrah
sealed; 'by mail.! Send money or postage
stamafl. Da. WHrmKR, the great speeialist,
17 Ft. Chnrloa nf rrU ft. Ionl. Mo.
r: .-ai rat 1 1 sssn.r
aaachlae Aad areolar Brasses. Brasses for Brew
SB ers. and Frlatera- A Samnle Hrewer or Printer
Bruah sent fpr cents, poatace paid.
ZIS2 Cfww Iv.., - NfcMsyii, fnra.
Eatabllsneit tn t-flas stood the test of tlsae. aad Is
to-day the Best Tausria the Biarkrt.
DaTenpor -la. ,
osjee ana Hesi
deaceSSl Brady St
Krery One aSUct
ed wftk these sare
death aad loath
aowe dlicni
tasvld send to her at once for book of teftlaooalala of
ner unparalleled and woadenai earrs for the lasts
yrara. Iastractlou for cure Faaa." Caa be cored at
none; no detention froa baslneaa.
USWII rfllLIals tnterestlar as a
fltwsaa. aad aaayheleaiaea hy aay Box oa Uuu.
Uz. 1 U last ractlTe la the phtloaoywy aad earraeS
SSsaaSaasaiasaaasawy.i. It pt.pansyoaagaea far
SBBCaaaa la sbt of the pesShssSsas. 5. It eaahlea
ra aM'Snaag wesaea to ootata M-wSMaaia
aarsareaaTtei,ataaa coat or tlav aad
sar sdier woffsrlon. s. The TBLaV
, tawrarw awthud erf -' ' br the
Iff saajasw aaaajr ShsaiaaSsafFhas
aaSwaaMBe sa aatralasa Is order tnt
raVTswcTvs fea ta art.
to aa addirasjoa ryJa
1 OfSl.00.
Onto.. .
v J
AR Part ererr soldi?
a uaa i aatr. ar scck
tkerwue. A wVBofssr
rw.mrpTijmK.if 1
aught, dtseaac of saSIBlsxs ar
Tswardhss VaSBBB give a aaa
sioa. Uar new law taaoaaads
areiataili dsoantaTeaacafaaa
sion. awSXiJITI. Dncharg
for wwuad, iBJariea or mat arc,
girea fuH bocnty. Sead 9 atiaf
Acts. Address
aa. WerrfertoW.H.Jiornaoa,
Pres't Indiana Baakmg Co.,
R. F. Kenaeoy, Prea't Ceatnl
iifiinn 1
ailTBV aaTAaVaW k
m s .sW Jr
Taw rt U t
rMlOsI iaaalalaSr'"l""M
A BOBti mnedirtar A ratMjr aad sUi diasaaw
law aUasrs.lslawaHs ITsfiy
aaaa..aiaava eaaadyiaaawamMi
tmaand aansasay aasw daaaaastv M 1
oaradthoaMaada. Kiwrr stde wanali I Saadaa
v4 WttzmmX
r Ymf
-t saa jSa
'I aBr 1 ' Bf
aSial K
Bck. both ladiseapolis.
-r AUMT Fit MHIM !
c t
Z Ctmulnv Useful,
'Mttey VsUaaihla tm Kr ralt
J'ar Srr a CJraTffy f Ztvt? !. V
jia, Taeas Flak l.saara. tit'.f '
MfaniaMad.lKHirmrm.C xarr 4t.
Jsartaaa. rtt V iiUtrl i
ye arcr ter Uirr orrtJ tut SS.A til r
ih, c taTrtOo&afcy Biaaafatarta Htt
Oarattery. t a hdrrd fM?i!f j
Jitlkaa rr Wfvrr mXXrmftrd. ife- r It
OtM-rrCkenl. l&at. kf --rt4 prt .f I I
'roar.tlrt-rUtacratrfth Abssh ,t
"sftfriya iitoii(iiui) tw i
II Oilf 41 Ceils,
th4ra1i rtetly TSOKTH . -r't J
Onr FaittIj.!Usr'-tlairsratikr.lfcUi iV
?!!. A3JaraeaUf,Ol-t a4 Ot J '
tB, -A t t o:cet. trJ r a t,j
Jn'creaa to t li.Wlara..j rt Cr!. UIl I -l
oSj arre a eU &rtttUxx l the Mwrwvl- J "
One &d ita iiki tva.
S It f 01 Pay.
or mt
nr SSXtt WiatK (SpfU- ih yr JJi--. inm.
J?? 111 brtaa a tjwduirott t Aaat l'ff
Oa, AwaicvuTranrdewtllt 1-U ivtthruM jljj
On drcrlpC ut the M tr rx-OH-. il ii-j Imw
uftHheraloale ra4tBa.oriJimn tlos )JJJ
Bc dime. Srt4 jour aJdrrw iml). r e llm ,,, r
pj with tl,Bl.otlri for lte Aai. n A. J'b
O atrcLTtBUT. all of lO. tnclu4U.- t Wt JH,
"oe cruCvpe. U Coj.le mJ 5 Mlrrepr Wr t: e
Jl'st Wiaeh.thrf.rsl tifh forf,st j'
Oo, each.) U rrntaeitra for caeh Mlerxrj iae
J.alll peepay Its deo aahrtetR the JJo
Oait'atted Mate ir Canada 'n r
teaWrstaniUlsrsiBMr! lntl.eVrld
FurClljr, l'lllasair. an.l'HSSIr: 1 r
every .Usss., tlslld: 1 Hi
American AgricnlH,
ocallrd because startvdSdl yrara at a
Jouiaal hcnce lh va- but rrtl tuUrej
In site and ut. without eh !. of fa:.;e. il.
now a Tfv nJenillJ. Illaatratrd raaall
iaaraal. adapted to the Mania. lt.ure j
lin.roTemrat of Ktibt Mbsbkb or Kui lu
la City. Ylataaw aud aar fu I of PL I No
A II L and HUilll.V l.ShTltl TI F IM'ullMV
;THN-wlth Pepartmentmil tlutUr toMoiiM-
., to Yaaia. aad (o Cwlsdrra.
Ktery Vulamr toalalna && to dtl4 OrlalnMl
'laslaaa. finely rieculeO. well printed on nne
paper. They arr n.EASlNU snd l.NHTItt CI 1 K
jtaeKoorBCA adtiu JoiaAt-itii'i i n
.ti .t'aaaot mint that will rn n v
jTtaat tub ost.
TCBMS, for the EaiiUhnrOrraaa FdCiixi
l.a a Ybab (sent p.t falil. il'i.ur oleaX3
1..1)rafh ) Ten fopleaSli ! Jlearh
I (Kitra for Mlrroroe, aa ate ) puMWied hf
, UKA.ur tll'lsli .
I ... 34S Ilroadaay, NewolV
Tie Jolusiob
USBFUL SewtarhlB
chlaa attachment
taraaUd. Noaevla
aaacaloa a aorniilau
hi warranted Sampl
dollar stasa aaa
eh ttaamwa law
Madioai -rreattati. "Tn a rct
."a Booh for areryt.tOy. I'rlcr
r irry orialnal t.r
I II I tlLLI worth ten Biuss tha price of the
on or woicb i
hook. Hold modal awarded U
aadsor. ThaBoaSon Herald says: TheSclenoaol
Ufa is. heyoad all eoasparlaon. tha
oat anraordlaary work oa rbysl
otogr wear rabUaawd." A a 111 astra-
tadj raaaaalat aoat rmss. AddrwasYlltinr'l W
DB.W. fiTPAKKBB.No.1 BttJSneh I U t f
hit n&Mt TonaA aai alsst Dorasls Kaisl
WaiB&XTKtiFtTB Yaaaa. ftanrot Tax.
f imiY ft I0LH3 M8AJ CMPMY. 00 MCY. ILL.
IKBJBIAX KICK. Ars.. Ilea Motnea. la.
B irctn:u Mrk Head
FCaVlCr arlir. IMlilne...
H Nauea.trowlDeM. fm'.a
Alln the "Id, etr . miaran
teed to th.xw Utnr kTE'
Tent and rure in.ilnill'ti
and Plle.renioTe lnipurtil'
and aallowneM from the
rompleitun. I nllke other
1111. o punnnff ot pain.
Vrry small and ray to take
Forty pill In a rial One a
kloae. Turrly regelaMe
Prlre T crnt. P'dd l.y all
tt Htk latlisg fitra.
X Far tbr Smallest and M'i IV r
eel Poeket Arm In the world. Se
urrd by l". S. and Foreign Letter
Pateat. Hy far the mi rapid f
peatlna arm eter manufaeturrd I
a poaitlre aafrgaard acalnat accident, so frequent
with other Fire Arms. Adapted to the ul lre ear
tr)da. and can be carried In the Teat poeket with r-r
feet eoarraleaee. Sold by the trade arnerally Vn
csaal tnducemrata to rrsaonsthle agent in all
tlons. Send fur Circular.. A I.I. BIUHT FIKR
ABtBia 0.. Lawrraer. Maaa
St Ymt Swi Mitlif; !
aais BSllta, 1'rofllable aud Faa
clnatlna. Few dollar luy pre
and type for p rin Una card, rtr
cnlara. de Hurfneaa men rr
naoaey aad lacreaae bualneM by
adTenUtna". Moya enjoy prlntlni
aad Bake aaoney at iu lree
from SS.IU to hU.a. Complete njt
sta ror printing. Any p
madeauld. nmiliri Free; 111
Sta for prtatlna. M.HL Any pre
made sold. Clreular Yrm fllaa-
trated Calalorue rr two irmt tarnp. 'atl
WELL, W AXXKBt dt C. Type Foundry. 17
172 A
lTICUrk HC. Chlraru. 111. Alaf. a f nil line of Card
fur Christmas and Sew Year trade.
NBTW t Jast pMlahed.aM a. j IUatratkna. The
Brat Baataeas Work ever pnbllahed. Mtrooirtr en
dorsed by Hankers aad Accountant. Over 1
copies sold In tvbbb aoxTiia. rnt by mall Price
Oar Dollar. Aobwts Waxran Pruspeeto 34 j-
with Table of content S) Illastratlon ent fi
W. M. SAtaiiFaf , PuaUahrr. Hut. tand a North
Charlra Street. Baltimore. Mi.
A Farm I Home
OF Vol;! OW5I.
In is tie Tirlo Secure it.
Of the brae laad la Asserlea. ,. Acre
ox Tva uxa or m
! rearf CVrafif Weeat. JntnoJf Prrrna.
Tbeaa are the oaly laada FORSALK on the line of
lalsGaaaT Kau.aoat. the Woat.D'Ui(uwaT.
.Bead for Taa Krw ,rPioaaa." tbr beat paprr for
those serktaa- aew honea erer published. Fait In
Ageat U. P. K. K-. Omaha, 5eb.
. "" - . m. avjav v aa.
lf row are aaSerfaa? t ram awiMith euinirf.
lag oa a heal of atckaeas. take cheer, for
WUI Cnnre VsrBS.
IfnaawlauIlltB.fai4MiaiMV .m.i.
fted. wtthociawrtykaow1agwhy.
litass wUl BarrlTe !-
If TOO are aaminiatr. andarrerrrerfare mmt
L.r .. - - - j-zr.-zi Liz"- : '-?,
aw aaa vwai awaBBBsaaBiBBBi amBmaaia-. aaar m tmsttt titt afora ran4
WiAaS -; asaaja STBTBa
-- "" - - --W-.
If to are a aaaa at haasaaram. MknM trr theS
ruswioiroinMT anuea: oriaia of letter.
BMnan; overyear BaBUaAK wort.
raWtHtlir aialse-Bl -dead
L lf yoaareyowBg. aad RtrtaaT trwaa any tad!cre
boa, ersragre-rtactaDfaac. aalaarara ihe eaae.
will lelleye 1 .
If yeaareta the workshop, oa the fan, af
eafc. aaj . ml that year ayates
toahag or arraisTattag.
Is wlasu ?'?
If yoa are old. sad year yaiar is reeMe. yov
aarlPSS VbSbHbHbsTw SbbwE
I Jim tsegUs wsBaaBv
BwBBBTaaBF aaaaaaaaa
vtShoat aaa. Brary Matiar
saaa ay bbssi apaaj faaaaa at aaa
"BLaBafaZXLJiaaai BJr
"SSI rSr- bw
taurs wUlslYe y
alHl aBfal wSrsr.
Htl Cmi Gut ai PtiiEeMI
wu.-w. re, " "
V e
B ea.
w t.
Sla Tv
' tfwai., wtA- ?.
Wt Aat & .BW. t Baa Bak aaadLaJ dBt - - -
ii,'"S " d atav fet
Tfll? " -gw. sav , ..r- v, -
K aM altrtt tfce rfmtrmv
' ' t J' r l.n ..
.. . . r k. .. twf tBf
.. tyy VeAe
-'' t i 4
A t . - -- -aa K
e aa . Va w.
i t(tXi,
V4. f .
Oriiiml nnd. Only Ccnulne.
. II att ts.l.X A
i Ht., r
Gracfcnbcrg Vegetable
Hare heea ackawUiga4 far arrar
Thirty Ycara to ho a certals ear
oestio:;. DiuonsiaBss. amo
rsTEns or ah. kinds. t
PILLS act with grwM Bntlwaaaaa. as4
Will raatars heAlth ta tfcaa asVrtsf
WEBVODSNESS- Prlca 35c ar
sWa. Scsi far Altaaaac
Corn Shelters
- IW:t f I- r
I r ert l.r t"- '
t t U iwci In
c rkrl llrS,
Mlll.aiU t it r? firmer
h i !: noe a at for
- . tr ular.
f e4
l.l IMlS'ltlHAtS.
I . jj nt I
Use Luytics1 llciodiopatJiic Connh Syiipj
I i t .' '.mi II tw , AIUm.
Ilnnclilt'a. m. ' ! Mil I,I(.iku( Ihf rrrflt
! r "rft i A I j x -i4. i ( irt, r
rul'i i) ' r '' li rf frr famtlf
h''.l V , I"- , rt a! I mi'ri' r.f
mar) . I r a i ur truaat
(ill1 l"r ' . f - hll ft t-mle Wet.
Tnule jpj t ) . l. (K Hrurr A Mattk.
lr l t r'f W K ln-jor
ti imiois. mi.
Or t ililplele Mnnf
trr Mtlu. Mill
't t, ..roM.l.le Mills
filnr (.nrlii.
Iu t-j. tr,
6i:.iS.taAS. wit
I irnibr A Ileal
ti'rn l p.J of Vlil
tct 'i err ( i r
hhellef, Ar,
$r.U tut r. li
lt t arl rte
1 t.
A' '
CHr Mill Wart,
U ' monj. In4
Kill SttM and Mill FurniihMgFatrtfy
ur rri it
.;nni ! rUmrinm' m
M it SISMBS an
l-i.rtAUe Mill fue far ta
i in' tivnera,
e fmui SMinn Cr-
:Y Nj eaarln4 aiwl
T. vej3f4.i-trr Adapted
r a-T k nt nt ull
-r - MAaaax s s..
lD'!!aHA Ic I
Unrlle for
Ise Toilet ant
!fiA iiatb. Svmt
icetaj nrt de-
lotitr tit
jer enrmri
atil f)eetrrk
Inrfeleni Af
nf rr of ei
efl'n" e f jif .
i;it.? tbe It acq -
fef::rerejf It T Un rrIUTN r. ha rfe
nni.'c j 'h rtyrMTTtitt.KT
MAI I Till". IC1.I tMt hejMretra:
i-tlir.ei .; H.e 1 . - -t;fArftee r,r ft la that
Knrwri hM nm K-imaI. W jrlJ ten ttm It
r r 'j f.rri V er a- t rrn"r In lirtejenilnm
SairtpJe !" 1 a"iUt; ' e re. ft el;Bt ")W
earii. e I tire ' -v a4-reA. w trrr. of TB etS.
aiIiiumh r ititiiirr s rti tity
S"l t a H-f r c j .k
riw b Ar-" e' rrll' f T lie ije net to u
i:(..b.ii- e . ir '.!; "aln's2
p,t - tn . sti. I U,"oU
-OK SAI.K HT A I.I. Watt-AadiarTS.--
ITdfJatSiSi IWaaaSlSas sgT TW sBSBBaBSa
tl - - Vf hd aw-awsy f wSa
Lmpi it Aaj lajirwattawTwa aaiaaSas aaaaht
i sad a a S Sada la aasaapaaaad aada
4UlrftaV UaUSSaaaSBa4
pmif av,sas a Mt-f wd BM
)tawf taw aavf aa4aa a aaa w
s-l ha TdW SaaaaSaaasa I i
fsM ' " " w&a Ma 4f. M ay
aaaaf a mmf mm? tat SSsaaasal
! aaaw. TW tVasf
av4 TrvadM Sa t waV
The Parker Gun.
-rxrrAi'ro Ciarn.-.!f
Xert4ea. Ct
fa raw W .. Aata Ssr
BBav 14 Waaww SC. . TTt
ACVi ZZ IjaAva- SC.Caea.aa.
tntaC A atarrua 2-BAda
m.MAUtklA'f Caiai
Uirai. KeviioeT'a aad
- .r t aad Prtratav
Metfii ArlT oa fa
- eo'' sad aaaaea t t
Ctnl e
-. -a. e . .fc fL ll a
fiMrr -4 it TS eta. w
aaa. aa aamBBma SI SaSBl refi
fB lB."aAUMfA c&rr. !. -
51 aBl SB SB I arfl Ba.w,e'Ji wnae
i aaailBBBBaaiBi " m!tm! .m?J
bCVMBBS I O' ?;. ara)y
aaaW4 fe-jaraayettarca.t.
isTwATr alyft'3fai caa.. aSTaT
wranr-lBTHIri!iaa IS
STIrataa aaag Saaar la A
VSe a. f rt,, J m
""- -l.fn
e . . .... m
dBdaV - BBBBBBaBTea 4
SBBbBj ' dBBBBLBT a fc 4
BBB7 ST SwaaJ aaa awi r 1
Mj-'-mWmm SSBBafamr
i'AL !9f- I MVklal
IbbbbOBbY I iVti'iT I VKlSl'
T " ,aWAa-4 , !;;
z7r,imm mkm
eaIP'AiMc?TtA Z-MWf
ValHaavaHaBfaiMve"aaB"a iaBaaB.BBaBBBw.r-w-
V BBBBB!w,aitir"
rr' W '- f
WbbbbbbbbbbBSbbbbbbbbbkI" X. i bbISw'bbSBbbBbbX-
Tat SaVat aad M rwwlar Saa Bfadw
bVa m m a ar k S