5 "r 3? r v I v , i r J. & i m f r ;i - f h : fei OK! i isi THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. BORIN WPRINGKK. Eds. aad Fm. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA At the last. Tfie stream la calnert wben it nesrt the tide. And flowers are sweetest at the Tenttdt, Acd birds most mnslcat at cloxe of day. Acd saints dlrinest ben tbey pu awar. Morning Is IjoIt. bit a boiler cbarra Lies folded cloie In erenlng's robe of balm. And weary man must eTer love ber best. For morning calls to toll, bnt night to rest. She comes from bearen, and on ber wings dotb bear A bolr fragrance, like tbe breath of prayer; Footsteps of angels follow In her trace. To sbuttbe weary eyes of day la peace. All things are bashed berore her as shetbrowa O'er earth and sty ber mantle of repose; There Is a calmer beauty and a power That morning knows not, In tbe evening feoar. Bo wben onr snn Is setting may we glide. Like summer evening, down tbe golden tide; A dpeave behind as, ax we pate away. Sweet, starry twilight round oar nkeplng clay. MBS. CIUESTERKllJLLvir FOLLY. Poor little Mrs. Chesterfield! She had been married only six short months.and already h'jr hu3band was waning in his devotion. Twice last month he had spent his evenings at his club. To-night he was at a supper, given him by his bachelor friend?, and when she had somewhat remonstrated with him, he had said: "You know I would rather be with you, dear, but I could hardly refuse Hal when he got the thing up for me. Run over to your mother's, like a brave little woman. Oneaf the bovs will brine vou back home, fwon't stay late, I promise you." Then, with a good-by kiss he was gone. Six months ago, could Mich a plea have drawn him from her aide? Ah, how happy had she been! how proud on her bridal day of her splendid lover! how timidly she had looked into his hand some face, and for the first time called him husband, wondering if every wife was as gloriously content as she! Then followed tho3e weeks of radiant happiness when they two forgot the world and all else, save that each exist ed for the other, till the time approaced for the home coming, and she found awaiting her the prettiest house Will could find, furnished throughout in ex quisite taste by her indulgent father. When she had kissed and thanked him, did she dream beneath its roof ever to shed oneftear, think one unhappy tho't? But even now the blue eyes are wet, the lashes are heavy with moisture, and her lip trembles, when a knock at her door disturbs the unpleasant tenor of her thoughts. A servant, entering in obedience to her summons, bears a salver, and on it a card, which he presents with a respect ful bow. Upon the pasteboard is writ ten, in a bold, characteristic hand, the name 'Hale Raymond." Her first im pulse is to oe excused, on plea of illness; then a bright thought rushes into her brain. Tell the gentleman, James, I will be wi-h him presently." She has heard somewhere that hus bands are apt to grow weary of their homes, and seek elsewhere the excite ment not obtainable in that pure atmos phere, but that if the wives absent them selves and indulge in a little quiet re creation, it soon arouses their liege lords to a sense of their duty. Well she knows Will does not admire Hale Raymond in face, treats him with polite cooln s which be is too thorough a man of the world not to see, but which he chooses to ignore. However, he certainly can not object to an evening call, and, if he is not here to share his attentions, she is not responsible. So, hastily rising and standing before tLe large Psyche mirror in.her dressing room, she took from a boquet beside her a tea rose and put it in her hair. Cer tainly the glass reflected a vision which any man might be proud to call his own. Of medium height, with violet eyes, shaded by long dark lashes, hair of that rare auburn tint which turned to gold in the sun's bright light, a mouth and teth in exquisite perfection, a figure beautifully moulded, draped in black velvet, with a light tissue over dress what wonder that, as she entered the parlor, and Hale Raymond rose to greet her, the regrets with which he met her excuses for her husband's absence were mere lip service. But he notes, as she speaks, the fe verish sparkle in her eye, the quick flush upon her cheek, and resolves according ly upon the plans of the siege. "Though I an sorry not to see Mr Chesterfield, I cannot but anticipate with pleasure an hour's quiet chat alone with you. But how comes it that I am in such rare luck? What imperative business has called your husband from your side?" "I do not know if we may call a din ner imperative business, but such is the cause of Mr. Chesterfield's absence. It was given him by one of his oldest friends, and he, of course, could not de cline the invitation." "I suppose, noti as husband. As a lov er, one manages, to escape such bores; but then we are not sure of the prire, and with the race all untried before us we do not dare rest for a moment upon .our oar. I presume when the goal is reached the reaction sets in; but, unfor tunately, I cannot speak- from experi ence." "I imagine you are entirely to blame for so lamentable a condition of af fairs." "Not perhaps so entirely as you believe me to be. When one watches in the midst of a garden of exotics one Queen Rose, fairer, more beautiful than any of its sisters sees it ripen day by day, into rnnre perfect sweetness, such loveliness that one's own unworthiness teaches him hesitation in approaching it, until he wakens from his dream of hope to and he has waited too long other fin gers, rasher, bolder, have plucked the flower from the stemthen is there left only a faint fragrance perfuming the air, filling Mm with the tortpre of the 'might have been.' Bat it is growlm fw? TMbs of my.tory,3,C&ntri field. Perhaps you can give its sequel. Good-uignt." Bowing low be left her, wondering at his meaning. Could he have been so bold as to have her understand literally his words? How charming he was! Not to be compared to Will, however. The little wife's heart beat high with pride and love for her gallant husband, even though he had that one evening neglected her. "What, little wife, all alone ? Not sit ting up for me, 1 hope? Did I not keep my promise to come home early? The fellows thought me wof ully shabby, but I know in their hearts they all envied ma" "I did not know it was late. I have had a very pleasant evening. Mr. Ray mond called." -What, Hale Raymond? I am sor ry I was not at home; not that I missed anything, but because he is not the sort of a man I care particularly to have my wife receive alone." "Indeed! I thought him charming!" throwing an unusual emphasis into the words, as she noted the Hush she sup posed jealousy originated by Will Ches terfield's face. An answer was upon his lip3, but he checked it, as unworthy of him ; and re counting the evening's sayings and do ings to the little wife he so fondly loved and of whose displeasure he little deem ed himself the subject, he soon forgot the irritation of the moment Two months glided by, and scarcely was Mrs. Chestei field alone ere she was joined by Hale Raymond. Did she walk, he seemed to spring from the ground; did she drive, his horse would come ca reering beside hercarriage.and he would find time and opportunity to have with her a few moments' quiet converse. Ey er approaching forbidden themes, he never transgressed openly, but slowly, surely fought his way, as he hoped, into tbe heart of the citadel. Will," says Mrs.Chestsrfleld, one dayt to her husband, "there is to be a masked ball at the Academy next week. Will you take me?" "I am sorry, my darling, but I will be out of town on that night; and, even were I here, it is not the place where I would care to see you." With a pout the young wife turned away, and the subject dropped. "It is nothing to him now to refuse my wishes," she thought. "Once he would have postponed any engagement to grat ify me." The day of the ball came. With a lov ing kiss in the early morning.Will Ches terfield bade his wife good by. Scarcely had the door closed upon him than Mr. Raymond was announced. "I have come to ask you and Mr. Ches terfield to join our party for the mas querade to night Of course he will con sent if wou will but ask him." "Mr. Chesteifi-sld is unfortunately ab sent so that 1 must decline." "Indeed!" feigning the utmost sur prise. "But surely you will not spend the evening alone ? Mrs. Irving is going to cfiaperone the party. We shall have a box, and be perfectly to ourselves. No one will recognize you. Do say you will come." And so he pleaded, until, remember ing her husband had not absolutely for bidden her going, and knowing she could readily assuage his displeasure, she gave a somewhat reluctant consent, and with his heart teating high with hopes of what she never dreamed, Hale Raymond left her. But all that evening, surrounded by mirth and fun, music and lights, uproar and dancing, she wished herself a thou sand times back to her own quiet home. Between her and the revellers came the vision of her husband's handsome face. What would he say? Yet could he blame her ? Had he not left .her alone ? At last she could bear it no longer, and whispering a few words to her es cort, he arose, assisted her in her hasty adieu, and went with her forth from the din and glare into the calm, peaceful moonlight night. 'Will you walk or drive?" "Oh, let us walk," she answered; and gathering up her rich ball dress, and slipping off her mask, she drank in, with a sense of inexpressible relief, heaven's pure air. At last her home was reached. Turn ing, as the servant opened the door, to say good by to her companion, she was startled by the request "It is early yet May I not come in ? I have something 1 want particularly to say to you." She could scarcely refuse so trifling a request, so preceded him into the draw ing room. The room was in a shadow, but as she turned to ask his meaning, she started at the unusual pallor of his handsome face. "Are you ill?" she questioned. "111? Would to God I were! Would that torture of tbe body might teach forgetf ulness of the mina's anguish! Have yon not seen, all these weeks, how I have loved you how I would dare all things for some response? Ton must havj known it all why, then, do you give me that white face of untold hor ror?" "Hush no more ! Yet I deserve it all. You came to me with your flattery at a time when I thought my husband wa vering in hi devotion when I felt foolishly grieved and injured, and meant thus to show him an indifference equal to his own, though never for a moment did I feel it The glittering colors of the snake fascinated me, and I was all ignorant of the deadly sting they concealed.- Leave me sir, and our paths henceforth diverge." A glance at the cold, proud face warn ed him of her meaning, and, with a bitter smile of irony, he bowed himself out of her presence and her life. "Will! Will!" she sobbed when alone. Then, as in answer to her cry, out from the shadow came he whom she had called, and taking her close into his strong arms, ajfl, as he held har, tan derly, "It has all be$$ a. mistake darling, a ift& lad trror for. W both, I did not iBkitbttOilryptiAo, J had forgotten my little wife was but a child, and she has forgotten that some times a husband must leave his home, but that he leayes as its guard its most priceless possession, a jewel which the longer he wears grows more priceless in his sight From to night he will start afresh. The serpent has gone from our Eden. My poor child! how you must have suffered." But in all her husband's tenderness, Mrs. Chesterfield only feels the deeper her remorse for her folly; i.nd when, her head buried on his breast, she sob3 out her plea for forgiveness, she knows already it is hers; but never, while she lives, will she be tempted to indulge in another flirtation. A Characteristic of Foe. If I were suddenly asked to name Poe's dominant intellectual character istic, I should unhesitatingly answer a passion for perfection ; and if I were then asked to name the merely literary qualities by which this is indicated, 1 should say his accuracy and his thor oughness. I knowhowstrangeandeven absurd this must sound to those who think of Poe as a specimen of the moat impulsive and irregular tyfte of genius but I cannot help its strangeness, and hope to prove its truth and to show the special kind of perfection which it was his constant endeavor to attain. Per haps to those wnose acquaintance with his work3 is not limited to "The Raven" and half a dozen of his short tales, it may hardly seem so very stiange after all. It may, indeed, be said that when this quality of Poe's intellectual tem perament has once been seized hy the critical perception, it seems so obvious that the wonder is hew it could ever have been missed. It is like some new truth, which the moment after its discovery appears so familiar that we feel as if we had known it all our life which harmonizes so en tirely with our other mental acquisitions that it is difficult to belie e it had not some obscure place among our original mental furniture. Poe's passion for per fection manifests itself more or less visibly in everything which he wrote; its workings we clearly enough to be seen in the compositions just mentioned, and its existence might be inferred if not proved from them alone. Most of his short tales belong to the class of ar tistic productions which painteiscall by the name of "i:ct boilers," that i3, they were produced to oupply immediate pe cuniary necessity p, which were too pressing to wait for the completion of more elaborate work. And yet they have about them nothing of the hasty, careless, slapdash, pot boiler character. They are planned as carefully and fin ished as minutely as if their author had been a rich literary amateur, with no thing to do but to take care of his repu tation. In the merest externals the same spirit was manifested. He did not. like Buffon, array himself in full dress when he sat down to write, but the out side garments of his thoughts, the char acters in whicli they were traced upon the paper, vere distinguished by such singular beauty that a manuscript of Poe is a veritable artistic treat His handwriting is indeed so characteristic that it is a real help to us in forming an opinion of the man. The compliment paid to its mere legibility in one of Gris world's fictitious anecdotes, is a tine specimen ot the art of damning with faint praiae. Every letter is perfectly formed, every word reveals its signifi cance at a glance, every point is placed as carefully as if Poe had been a He brew scribe coppying the sacred law; everywhere there is an exquisite sym metry, and yet no handwriting was ever less mechanical and formal, or more full of individuality and significance. Thack eray's caligraphy somewhat resembles it, but in the manuscript of the English novelist the mere prettiness of the pen manship is in excess of the expressive ness, while in that of Poe we seem to get a glimpse of the real man. The New Quarterly Magazine. The Texas Prairies. At the moment that you start west ward on the Sunset route, the landscape salutes you in all the loveliness of a blossoming prairie in its first luxuriance of green under the tender early sun. The flowers are numberless. When you have counted a couple of dczen varie ties, you find you have only begun. Here the painted-cup makes the great reaches gay; here yellow indigo Btars them, and presently lends them its col or, leading away into the boundless ho rizon a Field of the Cloth of Gold ; and here it is scarlet with the scarlet phlox, here blue with verbena; here the lilies, with their long snowy filaments won drously alive, whiten all tne windings of an unseen brook; here, clothed in the priceless small clover, and greener than D rate's freshly broken emeralds, beneath vast and hollow heavens, and "molded in colossal calm," the naked prairie rolls away, league after league, unbroken to the gulf. Oh, the glory of a Texas prairie under a vertical sun! the light, the color, the distance, the vast solitude and silence, the limitless level, the everlasting rest! A flock of white cranes rise flashing in the light and soar away; a mirage lifts the lofty timber that outlines a distant river, and shows you the stream shin ing beneath, shaking silver vapor on its feet; in the creek beside you, fearless blue ducks dip and dive and skim away, scattering the water-drop3 ; a drove of horses, rising from beds of sunflowers, with flying manes and tails, go bound ing into space; vast herds of cattle crop the clover without lifting their heads as you sweep by; riders are rounding up their droves, hawks are hovering, birds are singing, winds are blowing, and what seemed only solitude and silence is full of life and action and music Now the forests of the Brazos begin to rustle; cypress and magnolia, linden and locust, ash and beech ard elm, hick ory and hlack-ack, dense to darkness, yet trembling with, dew and sun, Iaoed with gay YlQ98. P. trumpet an.4 pataion flowirfi and with hugs ropes q bio m&4 WW W FB P (g tjtf, thick with an undergrowth of dogwood and redbud, wild peach and can?, and their great dark live-oaks wrapped in the fantastic shadows of a thousand gray swaying cobwebs, and standing weird, awful in their Drtiidical beard. At The Baby-Show. There were two fathers in the baby show yesterday. No doubt there were many fathers there, but there were only two who had the hardihood to sit on the platform and nurse babies. They were both the unhappy parents of triplets. 1 One was a foreigner, coming from be- j yond the Hudson, and the other was a resident of the east side. Both seemed fully resigned. "What are their names?" a vistor ask ed of the father from New Jersey. His wife sat on the next chair with a cherub on her knee. "What are their names?" said the father. "This one is named Arabella Clemen tina Joanna no, hold on. Thai's wrong. This one is well, by George! 1 getthem mixed up. Wife, just see if that baby has a mole behind her ear. Yes ? Well, then, this is Anna Maria Elizabeth. That one she has is Sarah Clara Fanny. That is little Arabella, in the cradle. You can't think," apologetically, "how hard it was to get names for them all at once." "They're very nica triplets," said a bystander, "and you ought to be very proud of them. Are they all the same age?" Mrs. Triplet looked up in astonish ment, but deigaed no reply. Tbe other set of triplets are very small so small that all three of them might take a nap on a nillow, and leave plenty of room besides for three little bottles and a supply of tin rati lea. They are orphans-in-law, their mother having died when they wen? born. A beautiful little baby with golden hair lay in its mother's lap half asleep An admiring crowd sLood before it. "If I had such a bright little fellow as that," said a young bachelor, "I should call him George Wasnington. Look at those eyes. There's high physical cour age, if ever a pair of eye3 told of such a thing. And look at that forehead. There's true manliness, even in boyhood." "No," said his companion, "there's where you're wrong; there's where your gigantic intellect dont come to your res cue ;that boy is no more like George Washington than you are: he's a young Bonaparte ; he will be a short, stout de termined man ; he will hive plenty of courage, no doubt; but it will be the quick dash to victory of Napoleon rather than the tenacious push of Washington, and you should call him Napoleon Bo naparte." 4No doubt you would, young man, the child's mother broke in. "That's about all you young fellows know about babies. This little girl's name is Mary." New York Times. The Land of Midian. Alex andkj A.Oct. 29. Headers of the Times will remember that last spring C.ipt. Bui ton. the well known Eastern traveler, made an expedition into the Land of Midian, which lies to the south east of the Gulf of Akaba, in the Ked Sea. He was accompanied by a mining engineer, M. Marie, and the two explor ers came upon tracer, of extensive min ing operations, the ruins of ancient towns, and many other traces of a flour ishing mining district. They brought back specimens containing gold, silver, copper, and other metals, and were mo3t sanguine as to their discovery. Analy sis of the rock tlmy brought back ha3 justified their expectation. It seems really "a great find." Gastinel Bey, a well known French chemist, has re ported most favorably, and Capt. Burton is now again in Egypt, preparing an other expedition to Midian. He is now determined to investigate thoroughly that Biblical country, of which he only got a superficial idea m his twenty-day visit last spring. Concerning the copper he has no doubt whatever, and reports that tbe hills which contain it are only ten miles from tbe coast. Silver he also found in the sane Tange. But the gold he brought back was taken from the beds of torrents that came down from mountains away in tbe interior. It was in sufficient abundance to make him eager to follew up the torrents to their source, but time did not allow of fur ther travel. His intention now is to penetrate to these "golden hills," and thoroughly satisfy himself as to their nature and capabilities. He estimates the distance under twenty days' march. However this search for gold may turn out, the existence of copper in abun dance seems beyond doubt. The hills are barely ten- miles from the sea, and there is good anchorage and a tolerable port within easy access. The "Viceroy has already had offers of a royalty from persons anxious to lorm companies for the working of this mineral wealth. The fact that the mines were worked in times long gono by does not deter people. Mechanical contrivances are so perfect nowadays, that tbe working of a mine to-day compares with the working in old times much as the operation of a steam plow compares with the scratch ingot an Egyptian fellah's forked stick The mines of Laurium are a signal in stance, and the mines of Midian are likely to be a fresh example of the su perior mechanical power of the present day. It is a curious fact that these mines were known to the ancients so leng ago as the time of Ramses J.IL, whose car touche is inscribed on the Xeedle which is on its way to England. In the Harris Papyrus in the British Museum, the fol lowing passage occurs (I give the trans lation from the hyreoglyphics) !, Ramses, have sent my Commis sioners to the land of Akaba, to the great mines of copper which are in place there, and their ships were loaded with coppers and others (the men) marching on then; asses, jNobody had heard aince the olden Eiugi that one had found thtatminei Tba cargQfi wer coDDtr, ?a cargo wen by ayrlwi for thair ships which went from there to Erypt ! There were a down boy andralf m parens from :h t of war. another arrived happily. DicsharRe was made m:iny men. and among the latter ww a r.Uns editorial purasmrA n th ten according to order under the pavilion of . philanthropist He said it was i burn- ;ortat teHrrapnlr nw3 which caci brick of the King at ThetM of the ing sham- to torture a poor rat la that n. ar.-rr wai damrrg a nrr pUy copper, numerous as frogs in the marsh, way. and he offered the boy with the m vin..rr.t jkwp, jwhr w revising in quality equal to gold of the third de- , trap ten cents to let his prisoner go. j a thr ltns; arc mat .f arder. another gree. admired by m. admired by all the world as a mar- velous thing." London Timts. Kd neat ion. We read an article a feu days ago in relation to defects in our present system of education, one of which was, that we need more, of uractical tramin? in our schools than now exist. This is a truth creatures tortured to death T Indignant that experience, is proving more and remarked the philanthropist as he start more every day. Our schools turn out j cd cff. young men and women bv the hundred. quired a thorough knowledge different branches taught, he begins to otMi- Ma rnaa i.n or.,11 nnf ,, r. -.... ...w ..VV. ..,. ,.U.. v.. .. ....V ...W ne-whether law -when in fac' he PhnriJthprnn fession he will pursue medicine or divinity 13 not fit for either. That is the reason whw ihnmimir i- mimI irirh mi i.. countnr is tilled with quacks In e professions Thev mistook e proiessions. ine mistooK ling, and went so far astray n rf?ti ,.i.u nMriH.f all of the their call in their choice that, unable to nrovide for thaniaalri thuir :t lauf l.-l, t f ,r parents tit for nothing at all. Had such voumr men been oroiwrlv taught in school, and shown how to applv their education, they would have been useful memtars of the community, if not in the several professions, in some mechanical pursuit. It is a crying shame that so many of our young men are indisposed to learn a trade. A false education has taught them to believe that it is dishonorable to be a mechanic, or at least, that it is not high-toned. What consummate folly I A thorough mechanic is as far auove a Luncnng lawyer, a quacK uoc- i -,i-. . x .I-. toror illiterate preacher, as theemiuent statesman is above the brawling pot - house politician. There is many a young man who, had he applied his education to the development of mechanical geni- it?, instead of to the mastery of legal ..... ... ,. . . . subtleties, would have attained an emi , . , ,, , . nence among his fellow-men far above tlia frinliati uriilo tlifit . gpnrmul liiu rtnr. ..; -rh. 1.,k f o S. QHll. J.UO JUlllll Ui II1U LtMillUT llC J J been put upon the wrong track. They have been taught to lova too much that ) bastard aristocracy which invites pov- J erty and disgrace, and the sooner rur schools of learning take in hand to in- " struct pupils how to apply the education ' they are acquiring and disabuse the i mind as to the character of mechanical pursuits, the sooner will the evil be cor rected. We know of a gentleman who long served in Congress and is eminent as a lawyer; when his son, having li ished j his collegiate education, asked him what i he should do, he replied, i "My son, now go into a machine shop and learn to be a machinist, and then you will be fitted for the duties of life." ( The advice was followed, and that oung man is next to a railroad presi dent, and his mechanical genius, fully developed as it was during the time he served his apprenticeship, now is the strong power that makes him "master of the situation." That is what we call 1 applying education to a practical pur pose. Education assisted in developing a mechanical genius that, had the advice not been followed, would have been giv en to him by his Creator in vain. There are thousands of others who should go and do likewise. No Fnn In Him. One of the members of the Methodist conference, recently held in Detroit, allot whom have what is called a good man v dogs, and boys, ami club., ami . pus m.u.,. - "i" education-tilted, as some sav, for tie yells permitted the rat to escape. He , by one. .ml lent pr,..' heoU cam duties ot life, but the trouble is they do dodged this way and that till clear of I down from the rmttm; room. Tn not know how to applv it. As soon as the crowd, and then he overtook the , the -cuiUns.Umn !. amUome of a young man leaves soh-n and has ac- philantrupist, climbed his lep. and came the wntois saw artier whlrh uui curt Mich., was out for a walk at an early fifteen feet high and have larger bones I peaehes like an old top"r." Thure was a hour one morning, and while on How- with one or two exception, than any j look atttrangt; mingling of disguat,s.ul ard street he encountered a strapping livinganimal. Altogether the tmilding f ness and dismay cuim over Mr. Gree big fellow who was drawing a wagon ' an(1 It3 contents are worthy the honor j ley's face, and mournfully nay I rig. -What to the blacksmith's shop, "Catch hold here and help me down to the shap with this wagon, and I'll buy the whisky," called the fellow. "I : ever drink," solemnly replied the good man. "Well you can take a c;g ir." "I never smoke." The man dropped the wsg3n-tongue, looked hard at the member, and ask gd 'Don't you chew?" "No, sir," was the decided reply. You must get mighty lonesome," mused the teamster. "I guess I'm all right; I feel firstrate." I'll bet you even that I can lay you on your bsck," remarked the teamster. "Come now. let's warm up a little." ul never bet" "Well, let's take each other down for fun, then. You are as big as I am, and ' ... .. ...... t Til give you the under hold.' -I never have any fun,' solemnly answered the member. Well. I am going to tackle you any- wav. Here we g)." The teamster slid up and endeavored get a neck-hold, but he had only just I immpnRM) tn fnoi ahont when h wa to commenced to fool about when he was lifted clear off the grass and slammed against a tree-box with such force that he grasped half a dczen times before he could get his breath. "Now you keep away from me! ' ex claimed the minister, picking up his cane. "Bust me if I don't," replied the team ster, as he edged off. "Wat's the use in lying, and saying you didn't have any fun in you, when you'er chuck ful of it! Blame it! you wanted to break my neck, didn't you? You just hang n round here about five minutes, yeu old Texan, and I'll bring on a feller who'll cave in your head." -I never hang," said the minister, as he sauntered off; and the teamster lean ed upon his waon and mused. Why Do We Laoga? When a boy appears on the street with a rat in a trap, with four or Eve terrier dogs aching to get hold of the sinful rodent, even a man in a hurry to call the doctor would halt fur just a minute. Festerdiy morning just meb a picture wa prai! oa Majorat? atagti "Ten cents Pconlemptu mlyexclaiin- ' ed the hid. "d'ye spM I'd !? worth of fun for ten eents " "Hut it's wr.iinsi the cries of mercy to kill that rat," protested the citizen. "Git the docs around here," command ed the toy. "I won't stand here and see oneofGod3 Too many cooks spoil in oroiu. i eo I coat and vest. Six dogs tried to follow I him. and ten bovs were waving their I clubs around and screaming like Pawn- ' es. When the philanthropist realized - the situation he made for a Ire-box. rubbed his back once are twice against wl " " "" "lc '" - ' . sorted to climb over the fence, fell . -wUmi back on e walk, an l lie was eMm. ' to citch a street-G.ir when some one call- 1 tO llilll tO t:lk Off lib CtUtS. He re- movw! thein' Htul lha Usrrifwl nit "1 . i,ll tlie J-w of ,leath- As lhe ""- l,,roPist was getting it W Kf ments he wanted to know what the. crowd wits laughing at, and one of the boys replied . "I though it was fun to see a school teacher lick thirteen boys at once, but this leats it clear into Canada ! Cracky ! Uul didn't your eyes hang out when you galloped across the bows of that 8and wagou! New York's NfwMuwum. The American Museum of Natural History, on the corner of Seventy-sev- . j." " - j mill otroait inwl Kfnliln !ivmt N.U 1 , ... . . i .. ' '" uc l ..... .. .. lie Dec. 10, at which time President l Haves and his cabinet will bo urgent to inaugerato it. It was intended to . ,.,..,,, open it at an earlier date, but the rre.s- ,. . t ... .. , , , .. ' ident was unable to attend lefore the date now set, and it was postjoned ac- cordingly. The building is a mag ,,, I tiiliiutit r nilicent one, live stories high, and cost ing $750,000, and has accommodations for the exhibition of specimens illtts- nf ti.m to a iieau sion Liween me ihm man . -- - .- W V. I trating all branches of natural history, j of anv kind, neither malt, wine, or nplr On the. upper floor aro rooms open for ita. He did not kiiow the taste of plr the public, with microscopes and other J it's and would not nae them, even m instruments necessary for study and a J iiiidicines. In thMunu? of forty yearn choice library of standard authorities i that we knew him lnlimalel, we never ! for consultation, while a number of j o her rooms on the same li or are fur- nished with geological surveys of the various States of the Un.on. A large number of valuable collections have already been secured at very low coat, including the Hall collection of fossils, woith SlfiO.OOO. and for which tG." ooo were paid, which includes a p t feet fossil head of the ichlhjosatirus, which is so well preserved ttiat the eye ball, five inches in diameter, is plainly seen ; the I)e Morgan collection of an tiquities from the glacial drift of France; the Maj. Join's collection of Indian antiquities, from Georgia, in cluding all the articles, weapons, etc , ot the Mound-builders, the Porto Itico collection of antiquities, tnd many others of equal rarity and value. There is also a Mammoth, purchased from I him with the question. -Printer (all his Prof. Ward, of Rochester, which stands old associates called him Printer), what twenty-five feet high and has tusks . are you eating?" "Something g-o-o-d curving to the right and left that are ! answered Mr. Greeley, with that icu fifteen in length, one of which would liar drawling out of the last word, that be a heavy load for a horse, and several i was a habit when hu was particularly specimens of gigantic and now extinct sati-fled. "Well," continued f'leve, "you I Australian birds, the Moa, which stonus which President Hayes has consented to bestow ujon it. In a Newspaper Office. A little tin box shot up and down a wooden shaft in the middle of the room into which rolls of manuscript wre put ' by an office boy, who ruslud from desk to desk and gathered the sheets as they came from the writers' hands. From time to time a very nervous, sharp voiced, imperative gentleman, in a very much soiled linen duster, c died to one or the other of the workers, and gave orders which would have been quite unintelligible to a layman, who might have mistaken the establishment for a slaughter house when he heard a pale faced little gentleman requested to ' "make a paragraph of the Pore," "cut down Anna Dickinson." -double lea1 General Grant," "put a minion cap head nn Potor f1ru-irwr " ntu "rw.il itm-n tl. on Teter Cooper, and "boil down the Evangelical Alliance," But making a paragraph of the PopesimnlvaDDlied to tne corop1331011 of some new3 concern- 1U UID1 Outo tu,lt space; uie minion MP neau 1Dlenaeu ror tne venerable Philanthropist meant the kind of type to be used in the title af a 3peech or lee 3peech tureof his; and boiling down and cat-; a quarter of a mthj from where we ting down were two technicalities ex-1 campwl at Yem Saghrx Desolation and pressing condensation. The gentleman rum appeared along the whole way. in tbe linen duster was the night editor The remains of formerly prosperous ril in charge, the despot of the hour, and eat which it war. impossible to pitch the intermediary between the writers k even near, rippling mountain, and printers, the lat'er being on Uie . breams iu whieb opt horses refused to floor above, and the little tin box In the drink, the howling of wolves around us shaft communicating with them. By 3 o'clock the last line of copy must be in the printers' bands, and from mid night until that time a newspaper office in the editorial department is In a state ' of nervous intensity and activity for which I can imagine no paralkL j The smoke from the cigars and pipes rolled up to the ceiling, and then pens sped over the pages of manuscript pa per. The writers bent to their work with tremendous earnestness and con centration; there was not one of them who had written less than a column of matter that night, and some were clos ing two and three column artic!es,which contained nex rly as many words as rive pages of Marptft Magatiw. Ihvj were pale and cx worn. Oaf of tfctoi wu baling ao4 9HfdiMf Wa d m tnuncrMw: hi tJuwjraptiic noun f a sjc-xrh on ti iniUtwn f th" c:- reu.) . another w iut:iti the Onfealn; tocv5 upn n ! k jutavtl arttoin Tttteiuu-.; a )et in U Fnwh A.- semMjr and anothrr mm KvtaKt-il In thn dcrtjtiow of ivvjtchl rer. Tr sa!1 Un Ixtx in Uw hnft tojunred up and iovn tnoce frequnttlijr. And the alscbl editor 1 cftimi' wore ncrvxt and imper ative than ertw. m irw.1firttra of the Ws clo k oo tlv wall went tvyotnl i. Th the .stroke of a r. or reduce! from columns to paragraphsin on account , of unimportance, but .imply l-cus there I-, niwiivn n -u.perrtmtr of rnnUrr. j contrary to the uuo..ru notion tWAl the editors grmt d.in:i'ly is to flU his , , rn , ,., ' . t l"ce-ai.d u . mtUincw . paragraph wen. n mlly mittl i s i room for itr.r.vl,.et.l nu that .u.d in tiue mtlawtn oven thn to make arrived later. Teh grams were ull coming In at "J.., but snm after that hour one j dispatch brought the wonls "giwl night," j and that mear.t the rlitn. The ulghl editor and li sasttai.l now disappeared into the rmpOln rooms, where they temulu-sl to iiM-rinteiMl the making up of the form, and the men at the dfnks prejutre.l to leave, or throw Itieiuselvrn hack in their chairs for a that and some more smoke -1'. . HUUinj, in JItr wt'a Mtujnziw: Truth Ah.itit Hornre. Greeley. The philosopher ot the Tribune was a Hre.it Kurm.tml. not an epicure, and woit'd eat m seaou and out of iteasou. lt vet p. -ned his paUte. Am1 this I although he w-.u a profowAed (Iruliumlte, or a lel.ever In a vejtetablo and cereal diet. We have liiowu htm to walk ae-. ' etal blocks fur a loaf of Craimm bread. u l.lcl) he uottld ci.sume wtth an ac , comptuimetit of two d 7"tt large frirl oysters, am! to eat a midmht meal of heafsteak and hot buttervd biscuit. Ui.it the Kentucky giant or a hulf-civtU7M ostrich would have .iluuuk Irom. Hut Mr. Greeley never drunk lltutr but once knew of his tasting anything i that contained liquor.-, and then he did ; it unwittingly. For years tt hiul U-eti his custom to eat his Thanksgiving din- ( ner at the house of a lady friend who hail brought with her from her native Yeimoiit the tia lltional New ICiiKland eiiitoin of celebra'ing Thanksgiving j The late Henry .1. Hvjmond and .lohn ; F. Cleveland (Mr. GreleVit brother in law), also now de eusxl, were generally among ttie giteits. On one of thuse oc j ciLsiolii plate.i of brandy peat-he were j placed for earh gueit. Greeley. itnndttiE nil III) ceremoii), lat d of the Jarhes, ' and finding them p.dataMe'iuirkly h.n M)sed of the allotted p rttfc, and was , handing up his plalo for nuothor sup ! ply. when Cleveland, who was on the opposite aide ot the table. Interrupted have jmt been gobbling down brandy , im you fJl that lor.' he tiualieu aside the rqhsuiMhed plate, ;ud the , grxtifiel palate wan hastily ch-arisM j with a iKitinteous draught of Croton Vi e are confident that never before thaW had Mr. Greeley known the taite of In- toxciting liquor, and we are equally ( confident tha.n;ver after either know ingly or inad verier tly did he use it In any shape whatever. We know that 1 ever after, when at his usual visit, he. was particular to ask: "Mother S have you been poisoning these peach with that infernal brandy? i The Vale of ll(t&. War has m idelheonc beautiful Vale, of Itnes, and neighboring valleys south " l,,e S-hipka Pass, a deert filled with horror-. A correspondent of the Ion lun Timtx writes: "All the way from l-'chipka to Venl S-ighra. at which piac we took the mil. the air ia pointed H the remains of the killed. The bodies of men, women.and children are to be met wit ln all stages of decomposition at wc iuao.3iue?, m 'necornueias ana zar- u. e oamts or streams, and in lh hedn of rivul-ti. Some hundred were choking Uie shallow river within at night, brought down from the moun tains earlier than usual by thr horrid feasts prepared for them (the largest I lr ve ever sen lay dead, evidently re cently shot, by the side of the road) no ldT from Yeni Sagbra, and. worse, the occasional shrieks or human bins. fol- lowed by solitary ride reports, which made one shudder more than the damp night air all these sights and sounds went to form one great terrible phan tasmagoria, which none of us are likely to live long enough to remember withV out pain." Mrs. Charlotte Simth is President of the Island Club, of Chicago, a society composed cf women J Minwiists, for Uw purpoje of eacouragias aad promoting the profeajlori of. JQuriuUsai .ftmotuf WQajaa 1 ... - .. - .. ..... m .. -. - ft. W.. i f f '