m r . j e v l - wfc. . - JWgP A4Tcrfftftc Kale THE RED CLOOD CHIEF. The Red Cloud Chief. -o $ uiti. sad a b 4 I SOWS JCELISBID EVEET THURSDAY AT SID CLOUD, VZBKASEA. ? BORIN & SPRINGER, Legal adTfitU: : SaU'r rt.j V Editors avael Prwprlclwr. "Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty? amf $200 a year is the price of the Red Cloud Chief r zr I AM l at adrrnceasati aaat VOL. V. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO.. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. DEC. 20, 1S77 JQ.' j, 1 1 paid for ia adraac. i ... - t V t. f&QO ptryaax, Invariably in A&vaiee. gabxtribeu who do not reeeive their j eri regularly. Kill confer a favor by notify ing ur of the fact at onee. jCerreepondence bo) id tod .from all partiof Ahe County and Butt, .on.matteri of general intereat. n no ! nr wc responsible for the vines or opinions of our correspondent. We do hot publish anonymous letters and communications. Always gite your name. Local notices, to insure insertion, must bt handed in as early as Wed nssdmy morning. Official Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. 4.8. Paddock. Beatrice U. S. Senater. llrii Bannderi. Omaha, U. S. Senator. Frank Welch Representative EXECUTIVE. 6ILA6 0ARBKR. Governor. Lincoln. BranoTuchuek. Etc of State. J. t. TCeiton. Lineoln. Auditor. J.C. McHride. .. Treasurer. Geo. II. Roberti. Att'y Uen. B.R. Thompson. Lincoln. Sup. Pnb Initruc. JUDICiARY. dee. B. Like. Omaha. Chief Jutice. DanMGantt.NebraBkaCity.) ..;,. . tu, 8aaa'l Maxwell. Platamonth 1 A"oc-te J"' WErtSTKR COUNTY. Des Moines Register : During the last twelve years there has been no doubt that there would be peace in the South if the Republican party could only be thoroughly stamped out. Peace oow reigns throughout the South. New York Tribune: In the long run, of course, the effect of obeying the constitution and the laws must be good ; but the right thing is often done in the wrong way, aud we cannot say that the ravishing prospect which the eye of Mr. Hayes beholds in the South has as yet opened in its full brightness to other observers. We hope ; but let tu not hurrah till we arc out of the woods. ROVE FaM, j iBty, Neb., erTth. 1877 ) J. A. TuIIeye. I. H. Jonei. I. W.ToIleyi. H. C. Kill. A. A. Pope. C. C. Coon. W. E. Thorn, i. w. Kail. I. H. 1 J. H. Luce. Hobart. 1 County Clerk. Treasurer. Probate Judge. Sheriff. School Hup't. f'oroner. Coanty Surveyor County Commiieionor. rnvKcn n I RECTORY. Rev. J. T. Milkkb. will preach on the 2nd Sabbath of each month at 11 A M. Rr. flao 0- Ykthkb the first Fnbbath at 11 A. M and the 2nd Sabbath evening Rev. J. w. Tryf r. the 4th Sabbath at II A. M.. r.nd the 3rd Sabbath evening. Rev.C. Rbili.t. prcuchcis the IrtSahbnth in the month at l.i!l School b.,uc-; at 101-2 A M. and at Red Cloud at 7 I'. M. 2nd Sab katb at Hummel'? at 10 1-2 A. M. and at Pen cey Creek at 3 P. M. 3rd Sabbath at Red Cloud a: 11 A. M. and nt Cbnpin'f at 3 P. M. 4ih Sabbath at Ga de Rock, at 11 A. M. and r.t Elm 're.k nt3P. .V. Hnbbath School every Sabbath morning at 10 a. m. Clorcs nt 11. C. W. SrRixoEB. Supt. BiKn or Horn niuets every alternate Than day evening at r:30 r. u. Exchange: Congress adjourned to day to meet again Thursday, January 10th, 1878 ; this being the holiday re cess, toofct . f the members will re turn during the recess to the bosorua of their families and constituents. Senator Paddock, whose family is with him in Washington, will visit Nebraska on business, and Senator Saunders, whose family has just joined him in Washington, will make a busi ness trip to New York, and will not be able to visit his constituents. ArrlTnl ad Bepnrtare ef Mai la from (he ftod Cload P.O. Uabtivrs leaves Mondny, Wrdnwday.'.and Fridays nt 7 a. ui. TueiJiiy. Thursdays and t'a'urdej' at Sum. Arrives every day at " 30 j. tu. UgTi"n leaves Monday? and Thurdnyii at 7 a. ai.. irraec Wednesday? and Saturday at ' i. bi. Ftmiux. going east. Holiday and Thurs day! at 2 t. m. Cuing wut Tuefdiiy aud yridyi ui 9 a m. Jjiwki.l KntiruF. leaves Tuwdiiy. Thur.sdays and Saturdays at S a. ni., arrive Mondays. Wednefdaje and Fridaji? at 6 re. Susbxl. Kana". liave modiUjh. Wednes day and Friduys at 7 a- m.. arrives Tues day!, Thuray ana Sundays at 6.p. m. Ofice open from 12 in. until 1 i. in. Sundays. AH regixtenuf matter miMt be in -y 7 30 p m Mi nev UrJor busitieim cliuca at 7 1-2 p. m. o oruera is?uorf on Sunray. -V. U.McNitt. P. M. Chicago Com. Advertiser: Four freight trains running over the St. Joe & Denver railroad are insufficient to move the wheat crop of the Blue and Republican and Solomon valleys in Kansas and Nebraska, tributary to that road. At Edger, Neb., 85 car loadtt are awaiting shipment, and the grain houses at Fairfield, Carleton, Belvidere and Alexandria, Neb., are crowded to their utmost capacity. The "American Deaert" is rolling up big crops everywhere. Indiana Journal : When words have no effect, try something else. I navo no rclerenoe to sods or stones. Let me illustrate: A teacher who had a certain half-hour devoted to oarnest study by every pupil in the room, not wishing to disturb by speak ing to the few indolent ones, nroM) aud wrote on the board, "Somebody is not studying." Those who watched the writing took the hint. Another teacher, who was explaining to a class in the frout of a room the subject of largest yield of barley was 60 bushels p r centnee, was annoyed by seeing!,- ,i, ... i n i 4 u e four of her best pupils noisily whis- ,0 th be Iargest y,eld of oats pering, instead of uring the time for 90 busheta to the acre ; the heav iudependent stud'. She at once pro-1 icst run we made in one week or in helg, as fol- wheat, 753 bushels of barley and 1,175 bushels of oats. In 2 1-4 days actual run we CoxoBvuiefttal Maple Grovk Faem, Webster touBty ' December Me. EditoE : Dear Sir: Again I will endeavor to drop a few lines and give you a short history of how things are progressing in this vicinity. Times are a liula dull, or rather hare bees for the past few days, on account of the cold and wintry weather; but for the past day or two things are about as lively a usual . Farmers arc bisjly eogaiam m fcaakwf oorm ut gatmf wood. Corn turns out some better than we expected, and U of a good sound quality, although none ef the farmers in this vicinity are through hulking yet, aad most of them will not get through before the last of this month. Stock is looking well and do ing well. Owing to the low price of pork some of the farmers are getting hog cholera, or hog sickness, or sick of hogs, or something of that sort, but it is no use growling now we have got the bogs and the com to feed them. Pork at 2 1-2 to 3 ceuts per pound, pays 25 cents per bushel for earn aad no corn to haul to market. Farmers would be better off if they would nev er sell a bushel of corn for less than 25oents. As we are now through with thresh ing, and the machine under shelter, I will give you a slight idea of the busi ness done with my thresher this season. We commenced the 1st of Augustand made a run of 51 days; during the season the gross carniug of ibe ma chine is $664.50. I threshed 16,056 bushels of grain, as follows: 9,900 bushels of wheat, 3.482 bushels of oats, 2,612 bushels of barley, and 62 bushels of flax seed. Wheat averaged 23 1-4 bushels to the acre, oats aver aged 44 bushels to the acre, barley av eraged 25 bulicls to the acre and flax reed 12 1-2 bushels to the acre. The H bSlNESS DIRECTOR Y r Atttrnty, jit Uw J. S. GFilharn. ATTORNETAND CpUNSEL A lor AT4-AW. Cwt$ of NEB 4 B IT 77 Practice U R 1. fSitm RED CLOUD, - - 4 j. Brwiiic ATTORNEY AT LAW, and U. S. CommissioMr. m Collection Promptly Attended to OFFICE ONE DOOR SOUTH OF BAUM'3 STORK Re. Clffttd. " ADVERTISING A book containing a list of towns in the U. S. having 5.000 pop., and the newspapers haviog largest circulation AD the Uelie ious. Agricultural, Scien lif c, and other special clats josraate. Tables of rates, showing cost of adver tising and everything which an advertiser would like to know. Mailedon receipt of ten cent. Address 6EQR6E P. RtwEUA CO., 10 5sr.es St N. Y. (opposite fTribune" build-taf.) JAS. LAIRD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR- y$ at law. Juniata Nebraska. Will iractice in all the Courts of the State. 'roinpt atteution given to all basis entrusted to his care. Office oa the east side Juniata Avenue. July 1 7 Geo. W. Sheppard, GOVERNMENT $& MUnno), BLOOMINGTON, NEB. ES.I1LIY, Aft. B.f-M.R.R. Land. C. W. KALIY, Notary Public. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND SEAL SSTATSAwXITTS. Will practice in all tk Courts in this State and Northers Kansas. Collections promptly attended to and Correspondence solicited. c. Red Cloud, Nebraslca. r SOCIET1ES. Y.o76. f. pounded to her class this example: 5 1 2 days, was 2,928 bus "If 40 pupils are seated in a room, 'in-.. . i nnn ynXoU r , and 4 of the Iareeht and oldest there' ow! 1,00 husheh of are foolishly wasting their time in talking, what per cent, of all are do ing what they know to be right? ' Everybody knew that the emery was put for a double purpose. The class were amused, the teacher looked se rious, and the talking stopped. Uid Ciz-uu Lios. No. C4 I 00 P t niceU every Naturdav night in the .Vasonic Hall, ifemberi of other Lotfroe are cordially inviteif tu attend. A. J. .Wkixks N. ti. J. D. Lbacb Hoc'y. uBsRiSS' A c.w A F. Sc A HI. CnmiTy Lnnna No. .S3 Red Cloud. Heb.meeU Fricay evenings on or be fore full moon. 1. 11. HaMFTk W. M. KaLiy Sec'y- PHH0PB0321OTIVINESS. BT H. H. a EDITORIAL. Serious trouble is anticipated on ac count of the Chinese on our western coast, and the matter is receiving much attention from the President awd his Cabinet. We learn from the Guard that the postofficc at Bloomington was robbed a week ago last Saturday night, of five regibtercd letter?, the contents of which are not known. Other letters of value wero overlooked. The bur glars did their work so well that no clue is known of them or their where a bouts. Matters in the East seem more rit ical for Turkey every day. Servia has declared war against Turkey; the Russian army having Plevna, are now Advancing on Erzeroum. The British consul has left Erzeroum with all the archives of the consulate, and it is thought (another idea which we doubt) that England will declare war against Russia. When we read history we are apt to look on the men who carried our country through its trials and troubles as great political heroes. We have looked on the United States Senate especially as a body which enrolls among its members the taircat, the noblest, the wisest, and most talented of American mind.-. But when we think of how the great destroyer of rich and poor, the high and the lor, is culling from its ranks just such as we have described, and seethe material that is taking their place, we fail to see anything to admire, much less to honor in the character of many of our Jaw-makers. Gamblers, murderers, political shyEters, millionaires without regard for country, independents, who have not the moral courage to be upon either side in a party question, are filling the honorable seats, and per sonifying dignity and talent for an American Senate. They are a blot and a shame upon us as a nation, and fail to reflect either credit to their con stituents or honor to themselves. Let us hope that our public men will not deteriorate ia ability or dignity, but that the honor which is supposed to cluster around., men in the national poancilf, may he increseeJ. For the Red Cloud Chief. Parental love, or that of a child, Hath stronger claims on me than mate ; In that 1 am with grief most wild, Lest ill befall when out so late : Oh, may I never know the shame Proceeding from a child's disgrace ; Revealing oft, a parent's blame. Oh, such deep ill I could not face Give me, Oh God, from thy great store, Euough of wisdom's grace to keep Near to Thee, the ohild I've bore, Imbued with love for virtue deep. Turning now from love to child, I'll speak of that for pets likewise, Varyinc from the tame to the wild, Embracing birds of every sixe ; Near to the base and back of head, Embiacing social feelings strong, Secure I lie, by love ever fed ; So let me stay where I belong. The Week of Praysr. The U. S. Branch of the Evangeli cal Allianoe, have adopted the follow ing programme tor the week of pray er, January 613, 1S78. SABBATH, JANUARY 6TH. Sermons: Christian union per fected. Rev. vii, 910. MONDAT, JANCART 7TH. Prater and Praise : Remem brance of personal and relative mer cies. Prayer for Divine blessing on past privileges, and for an humble and contrite spirit. TUESDAY, JANUARY 8TH. grayer: For the Church of lnnst in all iandd ; for its dehveraioe from error, for increase of faith and holiness, and in power as a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ ; for the grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit WEDNESDAY, JANUARY IlTH. Peaykr: For Christian families for sick and afflicted members; for children at school, and for all youth in our colleges and seminaries of learn ing ; for young men entering upon the sctive business of life, and for those abroad ; for our sons and daughters openly confessing Christ THURSDAY, JANUARY lOTH. Prayer : For nations for rulers, magistrates and statesmen ; for the army and navy, for all benevolent and philanthropic institutions; for relig ious Jioerty and for the opening of aoore "wide and effectual ' for pub lishing the gospel, and for the reign of nghteousccEs and peace. FMDAY, JANUARY IlTH. Prayer: For Christian missions to the Jews and Gentiles ; for Sunday Schools, and for the Divine blessing on all Christian efforts to spread the glad tidings of the gospel of salvation. SATURDAY, JANUARY 12TH. . "f. or the cxrooiauoD of ine Diwei tor tne obsemnee of the baobath; for the removal of intem peraaee ; for the rescue of the fallen : for the safety of those who travel k4 land and by water. SABBATH, JANUARY 13TH. Sermons :r Christian lift. "Let your hght shine." Matt v. 10. threshed 1,268 bushels of grain, as follows: 715 bushels of wheat, 183 bushels of barley and 370 bushels of oats. The barley and oats were all threshed in half a day. This Ust was done at R. L. McCune's, 4 miles north of Red Cloud. Gras wheat yielded the best and is the best wboat for a farmer to sow, and there are four reasons why it is so. It takes less to sow an acre of gronnd ; it yields more to the acre ; it is easier threshed, and brings the highest price in market I have raised the grass wheat for fuur years, and have raised three other va rieties in the same Geld, namely : the Scotch fife, red chats and White Si berian, and the grass wheat has yielded more to the acre than either of the three other varieties, and I sowed 11-2 bushels of seed of the other varieties and sowed one bushel to the acre of grass wheat, tc. Enough for this time. Yours truly, D. S. Helvern. P. S. I would just say to those of my patrons who have already paid their thresh bill, thanks for small fa vors, and larger ones in proportion ; and to those who have not yet paid up, to come forward and settle, aud oblige. D. S. II. W. N. RICHARDSON, J. A. TULLEYS Richardson & Tulleys. SEAL ESTATE & COXCTINS AGENTS Will buy and sell Real EUte on Commis sion, and pay taxes for non-rosidents. Special attention given to collections. Cor respondence solicited. All letters of inquiry, or on business promptly answered. AN ADDRESS TO THE SICK. Do you want to purify the sy?tenj? D yoa want to get rid of biliousness? Do you want something to strengthen iou? Do yDu want a good appetite? Do you want to get rid of nervousness? Do you want good digestion? Do you want to sleep well? Do you want to build up your consti tution? Do you want a briak and vigorous feeling? If you do, TAKEf SIMONS LIVER Regulator- J.H.Zoilin&Oo. Sole pror rietors Simons' Liver Reg ulator, Philadelphia. TmIE FAVORITE DILLON & COLE. Jimiiti Ntfcrttka. Are now prepared to bay WHEAT. and other grain, and pay the highest cash price for the same. RED CLOUD, - - NEB. J. B. SiiiTn. President, I II. W. Prkkr. S.C.Smith. Viae-ProsideLt, Cashier. l. ationnl liank, Home Remedy I warranted not to contain a ."incle particle of -Mercu ry or any injunou mineral ubtance but is PUKKLY VEGRTABLK. containing thoc Southern Root. and berb. which an all-wiie irovi- donc ha placed in :0: They aUo have a full stoek of gesjeral MEBHANDIE GrooariM, DRY GOODS, HA rs. CAPS. GLOVES. BOOTS SHOES, &C. which they are offering at prioss that are bound to suit their ewttoment. REMEMBER THE PLACE, east rade of Juniata Avenuo, JUNIATA - - - NEBRASKA 5 4tf HASTINGS NEB Came the large ae4 sat comrWt ai4 of DRY LUMHKKof a kiaJs, for Bmliiag. Rn4g. aJ ginl pmtm, now ta aav 7ari ia Nehrmta. " r oi&ra!k'f DOORS, WINDOWS. JIUNDS. RUlLDlu PA rKR At. i seaqaakd. with wiU Owsjofjrw mmUrhwda, saw e4 plalawf mile. Wcats pectai raueo sretcnt five, us a chaw tr any yatw m is me or atfcrmeaa. Gtvt aa a AttTiraMTAanrroiciL, tumstzv? ii Ismao IftDloyt Agi. tvVJBI $777k; It not easily eat Bed in tfc&e tiaa can be made in three noalka oyone of either sex. ia any part of the country who u willing to work teadily at the employment that wa furnlnh. Sfi par week in your own town. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your 'I're moments. WehaveagrnU who arema kicK over '2 per day. All who engage at trice ran make money fat. At the pretest time money cannot be made o eerily aud rap idly at any other kuinea. It eeeie But big to try the buines. Term end 16 outSt free. AddrcM at once, II. IIaLLKTT A Co.. 5-1 ly Portland. Mai Be. SBATaICE, nierasea. (Successor to SMITH BROS.) CAPITAL., sse.aee.eo. OlMCTORB- Hon. A S Pjtorncg. TJ 8 Sen.. C. O. DoistT. Jambs Eulih. New York. H. W Paikbb Elwab Fillbt. Jo.ESmitb. 4-45 Sam'l C. Smith. Omaha Republican : The Union Pacific and the Colorado Central man agements have combined their ener gies. After the present month all the bullion turned out in the northern part of the state will be sent east over the Colorado Central and the Union Pacific. Heretofore it has been sent to Denver and from there shipped east over the Kansas Paci6c The con tract of that road will expire on the st dayot December and thereafter Colorado gold and silver will be sent north over the Colorado Central and east over the Union Pacific. -"Rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains, and bruises will be relieved by Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment, sold R. R. Shertr and C. H. Potter. 5-1 8-3m HARNESS SHOP S. V. Iiudow Is now prepared to do all kinds ofwor IN THJE Harness line. The best of materials unid, and al Work WARRANTED. RBPAIRINCr Done on short notice and at reasonable Prices. Shop is MeNirr's Store. Ret Cloasj, Nefcrtfk'a. PHYSICIANS. JL W. TUM.EYS, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAn U. S. Pension Surgeon. Office two doors south of the Court House. EEDCLOTO - yEBSASXA. Physician and Surgeon. 19" Particular attention given TO DISEASES PECULIAR TO Fe MALES. Office and Btdaenee five miles east of fttdClcai Hear Elm Creek Iffllx. WEBSTER Co. NEB. 36-m RED CLOUD FURNITURE -STOEEr JAS. CALVERT, Proprietor. Deals extensively in all kinds of fur niture, such as Bureaus, Beadsteads, tables, Chairs, Mirrors, and in face everything to be found in a first-class furniture store. GIVE HIM A CALL. Red Cloud, - - - Neb. 37-lyr Rufus lYFikscb, iujKnii lb Soitut Particular attention given to shop work, and coffins made to order. sPainting a Specialty." Shop west of Richardson's building. ESSGLOTO, - KE3. REPUBLICAN VALLEY STA6E LINE. B.C. JONES PROPRIETOR. Stage leaves Hastings for Red Clwad, Smith Center. Barr Oak and points south, oa Moodav. Wednesday and Friday, at 8 o'clock A M re turning on alternate days. Passengers carried at reasonable rates. Offices Smith's Book Store, Uaetings and Valley House Red Cloud. 5-15 ly. cui.ntriM where Liver rife.o.c mi.t prevail. IT WtLM CL'BR Al. P1SKA8KS CAUSED T.T UCK ANQCMBfTT OF THR LIVER AMI RoWELS. RUO ULATBTUBLITEEAKO rBXVBKT CHILLS A ND FEVER. SIMONS Liver Refalafr Is emiueutiy a Family Medicine : and by being kept ready for immedi ate resort will save many an hour of suffering add many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After ovor Forty Years' trial it still receiving the most unqualified tes timonials to its. virtues from persons of the highest character and responsi bility. Eminent physicians commend it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC For constipation, headache, pain in the shoulders, diziness, sour stomach, Bad taste in the mouth, Bilious at tacks Palpitation of the heart, Pain in the region of the kidneys, Desponden cy, Gloom aud foreboding of evil atl which are the ofisping of a diseased Liver COLIC IN CHILDREN For children complaining of colic, headache, or sick stomach, a teaspoon ful or moro will give relief. Children- as will as adults eat sometimes too much supper or eat something which does not digest well producing nmr stomach, heartburn, or restlessness: a good dose of Liver Regulator will give relief. This applies to persons of all ages. It is the cheapest purest aad best FaaiU Medicine in the world! IT BAS NO EqUAL Thousands lead miserable lives, suffering fromdyspepsia a disordered stomach and liver, producing bilious ness, heartburn, costive oes. weakness r regular appetite, low spirits, raising ood after eating, and often ending in atal attacks of fever. They know hey are sick yet get little sympathy, the unfailing remedy to prevent these tafflictions and restore health is Simons XLiver Regulator. MaNUFaCTURZD ONLY BT J. H. ZELLIN & CO.. PUILaDELPHia. Price, $1,00. Sold by all druggists. 30 Mixed Cards, with name, 10 ets Samples for 3-ct. stamp. J. Minker a Co. Nassau, N. Y. GOLD. Great chaneeto make money ii you can.tKetgomyoa pcrton in every town to take fubecrinlioaa get greenback!. We nee4 a for the larseat. oheapent and bet UatrtmA laruily publication m the world. Any oae can becom a tnccessful agent. The noit ele gant work of art given free to subscriber. The price ie to low that almot everybody ubcribe. One aent report making over tltt in a week. A lady agent reooru tak ing ovar 400 rubtcriben in ten dayi. All who engage aiakevB)ooey faj'. Yoa eaa de vote all your tin. e to the baaiaeej. or only your epare time. Yoa seed not be away from borne overnight. Yoa eftn de It a others. Full pariealrn diree ioaand terse free. Elegant aad exaeative Oatttfree. If you want profiUrble work eead yoaraddreee at onee. It eoeu aothia to try the basiaees. No one who engage failt to stake great aay. Addreee "The l'eople'i Journa! Portland. Maine. 4.4,1 BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP. HAMPTON & RALSTON. Props. now all hot en the work in their lis Tfce aadcraicaed havinr mnre.J tn Kir side of Webster Street, are now prepared to do oi shaft notice aad rood at via. AH Wtrk Warrtntei.tt 6ivt?Sitiafactrt. etror . tUp4Jm for ptet patresMM aad rewpwotfally soliat a eontiauaace of the same -" Be. CleuH. """"I ?0' .? J. Q. PotUr has just received the caest aatortmenl o! Wm xnnh M mmit$f GRACE'S SALVE. A VEOETABLE PRPARATION, iaV vented in the 17th century by Dr. William Grace, Surgeon in King James' army. Through its ageacv he cured thoTisands of the most serums sores and woaadr, aad was regarded by ail who kaew him a pwblie ewaefao tor. 25c. a box' by mail 30c. For sale by druggiets generally. AGENTS WANTED. Address Seth Fowle & Sons, Bokm Mass. PLAYS! PLAYS? For reading elaba, for Amateir theatricals, temperaace plays, drawisx room pkys, feiry plays, Ethioasaa plays, raids hooks, speakers paata. mines, Tableaux lights, magwesiam lights, colored fire, burnt cork, Theat rical face preparations, Jarly's wax works, wigs, beards, and moustache at reduce prices. Coatomers, fceaery charades. New catalouge seat free contaiainr full deecriptioB and prisma SAM'L FRENCH & SON, 122 Nas sau St, New York. 25 gilt-edged cards, no two alike, with name 10 eta. post paid. Fel lows a Co.. North Chatham, N. Y. PULMONA u ocyosd comparisoa the best remedy for the cure of consumption evea ia its most advanced (stages) Asthma, bfoachit. Catarrh, and all eVraare ments of the Nervows system. A eir calarcowcaisiag oartiewlars of maay cases soccessfally treatad. fall advice for the treatment of the diseases above mentioned and certificates of actual cures, will be seat tree by mail ta afl applicants. Address OSCAR a MO SES, Stole Proprctor, 18 Cortksd Street, New York. 50 Fancy cards, ten styins, with your name in gilt, 15a. Try us. Schell Bro., Maiden, N, Y. &lvnSmKl 111 TmT!!W "?? C1? iWW&SifSa 55? wfaptr. 3 SuSiSw ei;sfirif Pa" ADVERTISING ! $1,000 WORTH FOR $87-50. The cheapest aad heat wav ia l . readers outside of the large cities is br using coc or more of our &is ILu of over iuw newspapers, divided ia cov er different sections of the coaatrv Advertisements received for oae or more Usta, For catafegues ooctainja- names of papers, and other xaforma- 1823. SEND FOR 1878. 7HS OB 05aTaar.jaftpaii 37 PaK row, jrrw SAMPLE COPIES AO wx& iroftfeloiiss. Ivor Wwswkt to the Valler. aaa pi Give him a sail aad rxamma T. O. Potf r, ft" CIm. Ntkntki CHEAP CASH STORE Wholesale aad Retail Dealers ia DRY GOODS. HATS, CAPS AND NOTIONS Ctraeerlcm, Fltur A ProrliltM-, WOOD, WILLOW, GLASS AND QUEENgWARF- WB MILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. CALL AND SEE UM North of Bank, flAsmot, Nebraska. HARDWARE STORE We keep on haad at all ti Tin, aad liardware. a large and eoi Prmi plete stock effftcvea, WE ALSO Ktep i Supply tWmxmmm ImvUmemi. Mu!SLr-TLli?Sar -j.tfa tka pease, 1 daor aertfc ssTthe Priaoa ok. Reel Cloud. Neb. f Wi3giB!tIHtfg.r?r. .urmntrvi'm 'S