li- w r JL Si r ,& I - 4 &S A THE RED CLOUD CHIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Koliccs in this Column 10 Cei? a Lfne Saturday was a busy day in town. Head the Drograinmc for a S. S. Institute. What allacl.s -people to prayer meeting? Beautiful weather the firt part of the week, C. 0. Peck, of Batin, made us an aprec able call last tveek. Teachers, turn out to the associ ation at Guide Hock, and make it the best in the county. Our (hanks are due Miss Leach frr a fine lot rf pop corn received at the house this week. The Bible re;idnjj last Sabbath ' evening conducted by Itcv. Vci-T We need a humanitarian society in this town who shall go to those who are the victims of intemperance and endeavor to lead them to a differ ent life. One man in town, having sold his claim, and having obtained the money therefore, came to town, lost liis reason, and now can't account for a part of his money. Somebody ha- it, but he has no equivalent. Wc, with about fifty other?, at- Itriilii1 n .nrnris ii'irk'nn tdnnfWi.inn ! ft- rf Rev. Maxwell' forty Ofih birth day, at his houH? la-t Thursday even ing. Dignity marked itself beneath the cover of mirth, and "lithe jaycty di-pcrtcd'kself ' during the evening. .'r- frhments in abundance were 7d rtnd charades games, fee, kc, ! o:c:ried thb time and attention of the psr:y. Some couldn't learn to play rabbit, while Home found oat ho an z-rply could be taken from a young t aan's head by a pretty young lady, Mr. Richardson, a cusry cjmbby Mr. Miller, a whip from Mr. Kahy, a pocket-book from Mr. Moore, and something to put in it from Charley Kaley. The occasion w.s a pleasant one, and was enjoj-o J by all present. We called on Mr. W. K. Jackson, one day last week, anl he kindly showed us throuuh his new house. It is a story and half high, built for con venience and comfort. The carpenter work was done by .Mr. Fiskc, of Kan sas, and it reflects credit upon that gentleman. The mason work was done by Mr. Brown, a homesteader from Kansas. Mr. Jackson was one of the early pioneers, and ha lived in a log house until the preterit, but now he has a fine building in which he can spend the remainder of his stay in Red Cloud in comfort. We strolled through his young groves of which he has several acres, and found them in splendid condi ion, and will in a few years be an ornament to his already fine site for a residence. Mr. Jackson offers lo give to the school district trees enough to plant around the school house, if the district will put them out. This is a very liberal offer and we hope to see it accepted. We shall have more to say about this here after. Mrs. Jackson showed us some fine house plants, which are truly an ornamer.t at tli 1- season of the year. From the balcony in front of the hou-c, one can see five miles down the river, which is indeed a beautiful luniluinpo. Programme of a Sunday School Institute to ho Held at Bed Cloud, Frida7 Even ing and Saturday December 21st and 22nd, 1875. Fit! DAY EVENING. Devotional exercises, Welcome address, by Opeuing of question Lecture, by Rev. wnsvciy solemn and interesting. h hor hands tied. At the c!oc Mr. Pone called on the Cnivr . Kev. Maxwell made some appropriate Tiiesda He say-, he will move :i town this week or next, nothing pre venting. Last Friday wa3 a very pie.-ant day, and all enjoyed being oti, after the blu.itering cvtuther cf the w--k bcfoie. I. N. Atkis-on, Eq. of N-Json, made the Chief a call this week, lie his bought a quarter of land in :own three, range nine, in this county A itst'W jnail .t.octe lias been cd7er-ti.-cd bet worn Red Cloud and Hebron supplying offices at a distance back from the river line. Hampton & RaJtton are doing a ru.-hing bu-inces every day in their shop. They know what and how to do ; hence (heir success. We trust that our Indian Creek -correspondent has not told all he .knows, but wc fear that is the case if -we are to judge from his introduction. We have received a communica tion from a lady which is worthy of print, but its length forbids us to publish it in our columns. For 3. thorough-going, orthodox, gospel sermon, wc have heard nothing better for a long time, than the ser zuon preached by Rev. Milucr at this .place lat Sabbath. W. II. V. Raymond of Kansas -City, 31 o., agent for Harper Bro's, made us a pleasant call while in town on Tue.-day. Mr. Raymond is intro ducing some good school books into the couutry. Thcte will be a Christmas Tree f'li-isittu:! p?''. at the school houfe. The committee to make an arrange ments have been appointed and we ex pect a pleasant time around the old Xmas "yule log." Carion nildreth Esq., of Nap onee, made us a pleasant visit last Thursday. He was in town looking for board for himself and others in Frauk iiu Co., who expect to attend the se lect school this winter. IMattMuouth Herald: James II. Winter-teen, of Wahoo, once a typo in this ofSee, is married. So saystho lmL-Y.fsi1chi. A Miss Hart caught Ja:i.ej, as MacDonagh says, "most 'h(e):.r:fe!red'y." We learn from the Herald that it i expected that thirty new homes vi'l be built in Nel6n next spring. BtiMnes i-, increasing and the prospect.- of trad? were never better than . :t prent. Juni:ia Herald : Mr. C. Borin, senior of the Red Cloud Chirp, stepped our sanctum this morn ing, and shook our royal fist. Messrs. Roiin A. Springer arc making consid (vnble itijp'.ovement in the Chief, and ar- "lad of it Not:ce Gen. Roberts "ad"' in an other cciuuin. He has been in the vsllfn- all through the grasshopper in-"a-:cn, and ho then hauled corn from Kearney to feed his stock. Now he b:i .-uet ceded in his enterpiise and ca.s on valley men to patronize va'.Vv products." Mr. Turner, from the south side .tf tl.e river, showed us some fossil which he took out of the rock on Iixs place : aho some minetal paint, wJ ich contained a large quantify of'ts, or something like them. Speci- ;-.4s have been ent to Prof. Bailey to be analyzed. C. Roberts, of Eltn Creek Mills c;.'3ed in, and chatted a few moments. He reports that business was a little dull during the cold snap, but as soon a he weather let up, teams began to pour in from every direction with the products of the farm to be converted into the wherewith, from which to make the staff of life. On Friday evening last we re ceived over the autograph of Gen. G. T. Beauregard, of La., and Jubal A. ftarly, of Va., both of military tame, .un invitation to ourselves, and ladies, to attend the distribution of immense sums of money under the auspices of the Louisiana State Lottery Co., at New Orleans on Tuesday, December 1 1th. It seems evident that they did not pat much, confidence in -our being there, or they would haw incited us before. However, we few thatbasi ness matters of our own would have prevented us taking a trip into the "Sunny South" .for the purpose of .seeing somebody else ggt $100,000, which, notwithstanding the hard times might be an -eye salve., evpn if we got nothing ourselves. Well, that $jt3j& isonc just ouj luck. remask0, after wl ich presents were oiTrrcd by several pernor.-. Amor.g them wc noticed a blanket by j the short cut tf) Mr 1lcQuikiD'5j bc Frcri Isiiaa Creei. Indian Creek, Neb.. December 5, 1S7T. j Eds. Chief: I think the interest of a county paper is greatly ineieascd by having communications -etu in from different onrta of the county; so I ca't in my few mites that I have gleaned fiom time to time, tru.-ting that I may have mot: in the future. We should ever hold in mind that it is not the one that casts in the greater t number, but he that easts in according to his ability, even all that he has. The water in Indian Creek nma as it did six year ago so a'so does Thomas Wright's miud ; for he has not ceased these long years to take a trip back cast on business, he claims ; but look out. True, he has no sod house, but he can easily build one af ter he returns, if neeoFsary. He took hi.- leave over two weeks ago. If you wb,h any guides for a dark night, a-J: Charley ivaley where he got hi u Mr. James Pryce is in need of a guide ; for when he was about to take 7:00 v. m. led by .1. 0. Potter. 7:."0 p. m. Rev. Yeii-er. 7:13 p. m. drawer. S:00 r. m. Pryce. SATURDAY MORNING. 9:00 a. 31. Devotional exercises. U::iO a. 31. Opening of question drawer. 10:00 A. 31. Topic of discussion, "By what means can the heart and conscience be reached," opened by I, Frisbie. HWO A. 31. Select reading, by Miss Laura Dixon. INTERMISSION. 10:50 A 31. Practice lesson for next Sabbath, by Uev. Piyce. J 1: 10 A. 31. Map exercise by C. W. Springer. lhoO A. 31. Essay, by C. Borin, Discussion. AFTERNOON. 1:.0 p. 31 Devotional exercises, led by the Moderator. 2:00 p. 31. Questions answered by Rev. Reilly. 2:30 1. 31. INTERMISSION. 2.40 r. 31. Experience meeting. A lecture may be expected in the evening. Sunday school workers throughout the county arc invited to attend and participate. Com. instead took the labored process and arrived at Indian Creek. Here he in quired his way and started out again and arrived at the Red Cloud grave yard, thence on to Mr. McQuilkin's, arrhing about 1am. His younger brother accompanied him. Harry . Programme fcr Teachers' As:o:iat:ca to bc Held : t Guide Sock, Pec. 29, 2877. 9:00 A. 31. Opening of session. 910 " Grammar, and com position, conducted t.y A. Bailey. 1011 A. jr. Physiology, by Dr. J E. Smith or A. A. Pope. U !.' A. M. Decimal fractions, by Cbas. Gilham. INTERMISSION. 12 P. M. Map drawing, by Chas. W. Springer. 23 P. 31. Orthography, by C. Craw. 34 P. M. Essays by E. M. Pear son and A. L. Burton ; select reading, by Mioses Gurlie Shereraud Mary C. Beal. 4 ." p. 31. Miscellaneous business EVENING. Lecture by H. S. Kaley. On Friday evening there will be a lecture on educational subjects by Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser. By oider of CoM3IlTTEE. lL E. H award grinds scissors. Christmas is coming so are McNitt's holiday goods. 5-20tf If you want to make your sweet heart a present, go to the Post Office and get something that will bc worth tho iiwmoy .i"tnr ti.ft holidays are pat. u-ilOtt' ' All sewing machines repai ed. New machines for sale at new prices. Old machines bought or exchanged. Needles and attachments furnished, by R. E. H award, lied Cloud. 5 20tf R. E. Haward repairs clocks. - Chr:":tma- i- Co-rlu?. and C. Potter knows it. He has or dered a large assortment of the best hoi'iday goodi, among which are toilet sets, lov tea sets and toys of cvety dc-eripiinn. He has the genuine and oiiguial lepubl can rooster done in candy, aud roasting eais, apples peaus, peaches and all other kinds ol fruit in same And, oh ! my, the most beautiful dolls. If you don't believe it jut go into his drug stoic and see for yourself. C. n. Potter. From Imvale. Ixavale, Dec. 10th, '77. Mk. Editor: I can give you a few news items, but interesting events are like angels' visits at Inavale, that is interesting to people outride, of course every-day occurrences interest us who are immediately concerned. Thanksgiving day, although the coldest day of the season, was well celebrated here, especiallv by us New England people, it is our favorite holi day, but we gcuerally do justice to all the holidays. The farmers have nearly all got their torn t usked, and it turns out splendidly, ranging from CO to 73 bushels to the acre. One man got S00 bushels from 12 acres: and we raise good corn in this part of the county, too, for I see by the premium list of the State Fair that one of our neighbors took the first premium on one variety of corn. Diphtheria has bejn through oue family here and two of the children died with it ; tut w.e all took such precautions that there was hut one person out of that family who took it, and that was a woman who went there to take care of them. All have recovered cow and we nope this scourge will visit us no more. After many difficulties in obtaining a teacher to suit us, our school has commence! to day. Some new frame houses are being built on Farmers" Creek, and all are making improvements and prospering. Bjbtsey. Books! Book!! Go to the Postofficc for your School Books. o-l 9tf Save your money by subscribing for any paper you want, at the Postollioe. Cash paid for corn enquire at the Red Cloud Mills. 17tf, SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES of all sizes, for all kinds of Sewing Machines at the P. O. ( 1 7tf. ) ,-5,000 Bushels of Corn Wanted ; for which I will pay the highest market price at L. Baum's store. 5-lS-3t We advie all our readers owning harness, to ue I'ncie Sam's Harne.- Oil, as we think it is the very be-t ar ticle to be had. .j-1S 3m I v: -Mothers will find Dr. ell's Teething ?rup jut the medicine to have in th; houe for the children; it wnl cure colds onghs, sore throat and regnla'e the bowela ; trv it. Sold by It. K. Sheror and C. II. Potter. - - - - Di.STKMI'EKS, COUgh-:. Cold?, fe- ver and most of the di?eacs which An n 1 phyican rtirwl from ae- ' ttve practice, had p'.veJ in In hand ! b;- aa Kat Indiaiui lonarv the for- Winch- i inula of a riuiple vciJable remedy for the sj eedy aud permanent cure of J ConMimprion," Bronchitis Catarrh. Asthma, and all 'Ihroat and , Lung affection-, al-o a poi tive and radical cr'' for Gen eral Debility anl all tjfrrou- coin plaiuts, after having thoroughly tol-d its wonderful -ura'ive powt-r in thou- ' sands of cases, feels it his duiv to , make it known to his sutTerm? fellow.. Lands For Sale. We ar row ofTcring fur j!c ou Ixt ter terms and cheipcr than ever fore, all bud belonging to I. Sc M SL .Jo Jfc I. l and Midland Pacific , Mail Rind Cumpame in Wcbtcr and adtoiniftg count-. W- alo have sonn ciiomv claim for ale. Give u a mil. Kaicv Bro. A:tri X' Real e.ta Act'- Ke.1 Cloud Neb. .VJif ! ftMctJ BOOT AiM) SHOE SHOP ! PARKS BROS.. Propritors. Thi rm i nr r.'tkt3ici to rW9h the twtjrfk th BOOT5? mails of tb )mt &)Atrl) ml u Iwnxr, m lar tkvt umom m-1 - i... - - . . - -. .... hnr-es. catth shenn. boir-i and noul try are subject to are readi y over- The rccine will he .nt fri. nf rhar,.i. . Si A ' li A W U IV ) All It inrfc r.f RcnalrJrn flnnn k",U Mnrt.. -rAi s ' to all v, ho ilo.irp t .run t--H ii!t.vr. a'i- .-j v -a x ' ... I l - "- -- ------ . .... ..-.. , come and cured by uW'j I "nt-Ie Sam Condition Powder eccordinc to the ! plain directions. Sold by B. B. Sher er and C. II. Potter. 3 IS-3m Thkiik is no earthly boon more precious than good health, and it be hooves its po-sessor to endeavor to re tain it. If you are assailed with such provoking il's as sick headaches, tor pid liversour stomach and a general feeling of weariness and di.pujt, don't ?o and commit suicide but take Kilert's Davlight's Liver Pills and be cured. Sold by R. R. Sherer and C. II. Potter. 5-13 3m Disease and Death, when they reach our own homesteads, arc loo se rious for jesting, we use our best en deavors to drive off the dread messen gers, and are only happy when we feel that they are at a distance. At the first npproach of that fell destroyer. Consumption, in the shape of a cough or slight cold as well as moic severe Bronchial or Catarrhal Cmnlaints, we should at once use Kilert's Kxtract of Tar and Wild Cherry. It has no superior in such cases. Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction. Sold by B. B. Sherer and C. II. Potter. 5-IS 3m HASTINGS MARKETS. REPOHTED BV NORTON & CO., SHIP PERS OF GRAIN AND LIVE STQCIC. Hastings, Neb., Dec. 10, '77. No. 1 Spring wheat z bush 8U it y ................ t o . " ! Vn Ear Corn new Oats 3tiriCj io to t' Broom Corn fl ton $G0. to$7o Potatoes bush ...30 to 3." Beans " (white)... .1.00 Ca.stor Beans " 70 to 75 vUCK W IlCula 01 hive Hogs p 100 lbs....$3,00 to $3 50 Dressed " " $4 00 1 Notice. Orleans, Harlan Co.. Neb. November 21st, 1S77. j Scaled proposals will be received for the next thirty days, by the under signed, for the delivery of one thou sand bushels of good merchantable corn at Orleans, Harlan Countj Neb. The corn to be delivered within the nest ninety days. The corn to be paid for upon the delivery of each one hundred bushels. The right i re served to reject any and all bids. 5 lS-4w Geo. H. Boiikuts. '&vr Era. The time has come when a man may know that he will get value received for evc:y dollar that he invests. Quacks and humbugs are soon venti lated and are compelled to take a back seat, or be crushed by the wheel of progress An article must pofhc-s real merit must be what it is reprc sented to be. Or, like the mushtoom at noon-day, it will soon wither and die in the radiance of the brilliant di coveries of modern science. O. & C. s Cough and Diphtheria Ilemedv can always be relied on. Ii a'l ' s -be irritation or tickling of the ilircat. renders expectoration ca y and ojn n the secretion. It is guaranteed to do all that it is advertised to or the money refunded to the purchaser. C. II . Potter, agent. 5 l.S-2in District Court is now in session. I am at last compelled to call on my friends to whom I have extended fa vors, and patience, to call and settle their accounts, as I am necessarily in need of having my accounts settled. Friends, accommodate me in my hour fo need, as I did you. I3tf S. Garbcr. "The best in us V "O. & C. 's Camphorated Hartshorn Liniment, for man or beast, it can be relied on at all times. C. H. Potter, agent. 5 IS lm Rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains, rnd bruises will be relieved by Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment, sold R. R. Shertr and C. H. Potter. 5-lS-3m . - Universal Esposition at Paris, 1878--Notice to Exhibitors. For a fixed and moderate commis sion to ba agreed upon, the under signed, through their connection at Paris and elsewhere, beg to inform you that they are now receiving appli cation for space required by exhibitors. As the time is short, immediate atten tion should be given to this. The services rendered by u are as follows: First The reception of goods for the exhibition, and attending to all matters relating thereto. Second The sale of the- exhibited article. . Third Ihe representation tor the sale in Paris, and other parts of Eu- innp. Fourth The taking out and sale of patents. . Fifth The purchase of all kinds of French products for our customers. No payments, required until goods are at the exhibition grounds. Respectfully. Augustus Hartmann, No. 12 Rue Monsigny. Paris. Address, for information, Mathias & DeJong, house, real estate and gen eral collecting agents, wd agents for the Paris Exhibition tor the States of taissonri. Iowa. Minnesota. Nebraska. Kansas, Colorado, Arkansas, and that .-! Tit: r. c..ti. .e AltAn XTn I narc mi Allium, ouuiu ui .. 07 iocast street, St Louis, Mo. Notice to Teaeners. Notice is herby given, That I will ex amine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for tea chers of the primary or common schools of Webster county, at Red Cloud on tbi first Saturday in the months of Feb. ruary, May, August, and Noreaber. A. A. Pope, Co. Sup't. Negunda Jan. 5 th 1877. Reliable O. & C.'s Consh and Diphtheria remedy. C. H: Potter, agent. 5-lS-2m . Tt is worth more than its own we;pht in pure gold, viz : O. & C. 's Golden Cerate. It cures sore eyes, burns, cutaneous eruptions and old chronic sores. Sold by C. H. Potter. 5-lS-2m One dose of O. & C.'s Cough and Dimheria Remedy is sufficient to satisfy you of the superior merits of the remedy and one bottle to cure the worst cold. C. H. Potter, agent. ,. ' ' Chicago Store Weekly Price List. Wc offer until further notice, the following goods at net cah prices. Calicoes best, 20 yds, $1,00 Heavy extra grey jeans S ' ' 1 ,00 Best towling, 13 " 1,00 Indian head sheeting, Dcts a yard Knit Drawers, 25 cts. Mitts with calf face, 75 cts. Indian tan buck gloves 50 cts. a pair. Wool jackets, $1,00. Good dres3 furnish 10 cts. Pearl Buttons, 5 cts. a doz. Our Goods are no shop worn goods as we do not handle anything but first quality having the best io styles, we still promise the public to furnish the latest and newest io the market, We sell good cheaperand furnish bet ter qualities. D. Weinberg, Hastings. tiona for j remrinc and uve -fully u.-ing. .-idlres-, with tump, naming tbi paper, Dr .1 C Stu.m:, JJ N. Nmth stiee:, Phi'a itlphia. Pu. lauik:Tfi:r; Cleaned, repaired and altered to li test styles. AUo, laJii and cenrle uien's fur made to order. Machine cwinjr done. Mrs (Jreuter, rividenre scuthwett of Mr K KtiUogt.. M-if REPUBLICAN VALLKV HERD o y BERfiHIRE. Geo. II. Roherts, - - Pitot-'it. Orleans, Harlan County, Xcb. Fifty choice pigs for sile, from Sambo II, Champy, Bimarck, Duke of Ahwood, and D'l raelt strains. Any one you prefer; no catalogue. Write for particulars. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. 5 L'Uly Dispatch. DEALER IN Thompson House C. M. Til 0 MPS OX, Prop. Cor. 1st St. and Burlington Ave., HASTINGS - NEBRASKA. Free Hacis to and frca Beret:. KaFFine Sample Boom in connection with the House, for the accommoda tion of Commercial Men. iv26 Valley House. J. C. Warner Prop. RED CLOUD - NEBRASKA. Stages leave this House for the north, south, east and west. Leave. for R. R. on Tuesday, Thurday and Saturday of each week. The best sta bling in the Republican Valley. Liv ery rigs furnished for conveying pass engers to any point at reasonable rates. (f,-I:,-tf.J Dry Hoods and Groceries. BOOTH ii n a Hats, Caps. & Rendu Mudc. Clothing ! We have the Largest Stock in the Valley and will not be undersold. GIVE US A CALL. ONE A- ALL Sam'l Carber Red eiouil. 1-A ?har- of the public patrtMUfc mprdfalh? toleiul. work fully warranted. cavr. vH a and bc co evinced that it to )or tnicrc,: to patraoite . P.;KS BKOTIIKH?, A 29-tf Red Cloud Nebraska. 47 d- A NEW DEPARTURE ! ' vat-nil iJlnn. . r THE ONE PRICF MAN ( ....,.., I has rmovcl ioL. M- "Tliomp Xeb. vKlSi. aiul T: I as I inir- A v-miu, I where ou will find KVKHTHlXt! pcttaiting to a firt "b n re jdams jounig jhanh . UAbTINi;, ADVMSCOtNIV, .NKn. A General Banking Business TffANSACTKl). they ari: io r HERE YET. Po?t has the next thing to them in Fleetbst Livf.kv and best Fked Staiile in lied Cloud. In connection with the Feed Stable is a Fkeicsiit- s Cnoic House. j. d ros:, ESD CLOUD. lied Cioud & Jew ell City Stage Line. Connecting at Ilcd Cloud with the Republican Valley line, running straight to Hastings. 6&Thrce recular trips will be made each week, leaving Red Cloud the same time the stage from Hastings docs. GOOD BIOS AND GOOD TIUZ KADS 027 THE 20AD. FARE REASONABLE. 30-ly D. H. GODFrtKV. HARNESS SHOP MADE A SPECIALTY. Drafts on Europe bought and sold. Agents for several steamship lines. CSy-Rusincss entrusted to us will have prompt and careful attention. CLOTHING DRY GOODS. GROCERIES BOOTS & SHOES. HATSSCAPs, hiik n it. If-. Ac. A TIIK IIKJIILSTCASII PRICK I'AID FOR all Country i'roiuc RIMKMRKR the place wh.'n in HASTINCS, and h- r a.i c! A.vnoN Mav, atthcfUCiKSTjitrein town A Ai BV J.L. NEW STORM. (At the Rel Cloud .MilNj Is where you can get all kinds of Merchandise, such a DRY (JOODS GROCKKIKS HATS Sc CAl'S ROOTS & SHOFS fee. A'c. Ac. Sic. Arc. All of which will be sold cheap forcash. A lo A supply of LU.MRKJ, lath, SHINGLES, fcc, always on hand. C R. POTTER. RED CLOUD SEL'T & NORMAL tiCIIOOl. The Winter Term of tbi Institution will cmmcncj n rruc.S(l;iv. Dc:. 11, 1877, ' iMrti!' i i WCBN1KR . M ILLER Keeps constantly on hand a full line of Harness. Collars, Saddles, Whips, Horse Blankets, Combs, Brushes, Harness Oil and everything usually kept in a first-class shop. The Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Furs. Red Cloud Drug Store C. II. POTTER, Prop. Keeps the largest and best stock of drugs, medicines, paints, and oils, to be found in the Republican valley. Xf-.RRAMKA 5 7 tf Prescriptions carefully compoun ded, day or niyht. Van Dvke Sc 8mtlcr Plasterers & Stonemasons. We arc prepared to tale contracts and do all kind of work in our line at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guar anteed, and all kind- of stock and grain taken in exchange for work. 19" Cistern work a specialty. BEDCLOUD HT.RH.AHK A. 4 -13-ly $45 S3 And will continue twelve week under I he instruction of corps rftrnchcre. fbi school pr'vnt nn opportunity for pupiN t as-ulr i r.' -E"fclih im1uc.i1 inn :t v apir mtc than any thr hol of it-. . ' iliiMrct. It i divided into two il.'pa'ttij.-nt., oti: Ut ! i di-nts arid young teacher", the other for youw cho,ar. f tltv no rwad Jlmntly in the Korrth Reader. TIJITIOUT i?t.f0.i term, or.o half on cntcrinR tho.Mrhool, the xamnimW at middle ofthe term. itOAitn furni.shcd at from 12 .r0 to ?..) prr wt-ck: farm piolucc tien f -payment. It i desirable that pupih bnn uch btti a lilej . r and bc prcreut the Gr.t day. INSTc LXTION d I VKN I .V VOCA L J! i:.SU The teacher. will .-paro no piii. to make thin Mjhcol hman af"-f and plcaunt. and will tnv to intil in tha mindi of the pupili . , ciplc of truth and rec'itudc. For further particular. Ac, addrcM. ClIAH. W Sr'RI.l-il.R x or (J. Rtitj.N, I'rwcij a i Red Cloud, Webster Co., ebr. Nov. 1377. T REM 1Z 2Sr J3 K E HE fED VLOUD ! When you wih to jnbcribe for a ntwupaprr, THK CHfKK, ' iLi communication from all parts of the county. ;m the pr- f send to your fnrnds in the Lat, that they mar kno mr : th TIIK t'HIKr- w.tJi '- tile nd productive Retubhcan Vallcv ' columns of local", is iuBt the paper vou want for vourW thj t psnini watch junriAi?-, t .u.. .. iM; , , fu:,i,u, tnf- pffltK. rf.m.w1r F.KLUlr.fYnFH.IR: 1 IUU mWJ. Um ' . Lf.J...& " ".. w..j...w' . .... --r . . tttrte. j.B."oijloft:cociiico.W j it editorial notes, i jut the paper that you need in order ?hat y, i -a know what of central interest j occurring at home arvJ atfva-j i nr CHIEF, with it large and rapidly increasing eircutation, i jit the r COLD PUTfD IT ATCMKS. eat In t h knenrn otJ&. SamvU Walck 'Agtmu. AddrtaB.A.CocLTZxCa.CUaai. SSD CLOUD, 2o33ASZA. lijyCni Red Cloud Mills! We are prepared to do cus- tome work plonr Feed and Corn Mal for Sale. 19" Satisfaction guaranteed ar quality of floor sold, and custom work. Fanners should be particular to secure the best of seedwheat. Potter & Frisbie! RED CLOUD k SMITH CENTER Stage Line. Connecting a Red Cloud with the Republican River Stage Line. Three repular trips a week, arriving and departing from Red Cloud at the same time the stage from the railroad does. FARE VERY LOW. nil. J. 3. 3T722077. ?r S?i per that will meet the wants of adv?rticr?. in bringing -',t y tr wSTrMheir notice. THE CHIEF, with it facim, for JOR i'KIM IXG, havine secured A e 5 - -. I mrk fml ta$$ jfoli $rinUt. Is juit the Office where yoo want to et yoar Cards, Posters, Le r ter-PIeads, Bill-Heads, 2S ote-Head4, ENVELOPES. CIRCULARS and BLANK NOTES or any -rw -f JOB WORK. FARMERS. MERCHANT3, TEACHERS. PREACHERS. MECHANICS. LABORERS. SHOP-KEEPERS. AND COMMERCIAL M,. Will find it to their interest to patronize THE CHIEF. Christmas present than THE CHIEF. What tetter OISTLY 2.00 J- YEAK!