JfU THE RED CLODD CHIEF. Red Cloud Chief. The L&ori, A SI U .! 1ms t PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT BSD CLOUD, NEBEASEA. RORIN & SPRINGER, r.Uitors mid Iroprlilor. "Eternal Vizilnnrr is the price of Liberty'' nrf$2.00 a year is the price if the Red L'luwl Chief. Afi traa..-st nJittiKaaU re -I KEI) CLOUD, WEBSTER CO., NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. DKC. 13, 1S77 l VOL- V Cm 1 in & SubcsrihcTf who do not receive their jft pvrf mrulm-Iy. will conter a fvor by notify ing us of the fa"t kt oijco. "orr 'I'Ori'lcnco o!i iiwl froa all part. of thp County and htatc. on matter of Ktncral Jn no atrr arc ice responsible for the vines or opinions of our correspondents. We iio not publish anonymous letters and communications. Always fjivt your name. Local notices, to insure insertion, must be handed in as early as Wed nesday morning. Official Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. A. S. Paddock. Uea'rice. U. S. Senator. A Ivin SaunderF. Ouiaha, U. H. Senator. Frank Welch ReiTCPcntativu. KXECUTIVK. SILAS GAltBEH. Governor. Linroln. Bruno Tzcchuck. Sec. of State. J. 11 Weston. Lincoln. Auditor. J. C. McBridu. ,. Treui-urer. (too. II. Roberts. Att'y J:ii. S. R. Thoin;.Kjn. Lincoln. Sun. Pub.Infctruc. JUDICIARY. Ueo. IS. Liko. Omaha, Chief J lEtico. DanMGantt.NebraHka City. I Aociatc jus. Sain 1 Maxwell. I'lat-inoiith J VrniSSTHR COUNTY. J. A. Tulleyp. County Clerk. E. H. Jonos. Treasurer. I. W. Tulleys. Probate .Tuilco. H. C. Bill. Sheriff. A. A. Pope. School Sup't. C. O. Coon. I'oroncr. W. I'.. Thorn, County Surveyor O. W. Ball. ) I.. H. Luce. J. II. Hobart. i County Commisaiooors. en iiuii nuir.cTOKY. R-v. J. T. Mil.NF.it. will iirt-ach on the 2nd Eahbath of each montii at 11 A M. Rv. Gko 0 Ykiskb the firt Sabbath at II A. M and the -rid rabbath i-viiiii.s Ro-. Pairu. the 4:h Sabbath at 11 A. Al., and the :!rii Sabbath evening. Rev. C. lUn.i.y. prearhec the lftSuLb.itli in the ii.onth at PiMV Solund lxii'-r; !t 10 1-2 A. M. and at Red Cloud at 7 P. Al. 2nd Sab bntb at Huu!iii-!V :it Id 1- A. Al. and at P'-n mv ("r-elt at :t P. Al. :-! abbth at Red Cloud a 11 A. Al. and at ChmdiiV at.'! P. Al. 4th Sabbath at O'u de Rock, at 11 A. M. and at KlmWk:it:. P. .W. Sabbuth School o t Sabbath morning at 1 a. a. CIo?e? at 11. C. W. Srr.iKnr.K. Supt. liKnof llori: meet ever alternate Thura dn evenniK at ..' p. m. Arrlvnl hiiiI n-piirlnr of .aalln from t!s- IC-il 4'loflfl I. . HiST!NG leave-i Mondaj-, Wlnedyp. and Fn Jay at T a. in. 'I ucsJay-. Thursday. and a,ila at - a in. Arrives wicry day at " .!" p. ti. I1.ii.vahi leave- Mondav" and TliUT.-d.iy at 7 a. ir... arrive? Wtduedasaud r-atudays at s p. in. rinMvU.v. t'(in eiist. Monday and Thurs day at 2 p. m. tioiux wist Tuesdaj aud Fridays ai y a m. Jewki.i. K unfa, lrnve.s Tuesday?. Thursdays rlid Satnrda :it a. in.. arnc. Monuaji. Wrdiied:iMiiid Fridays atb p m. Ku-ssKU'Ivanas. 1 -iivi- Mond.i.. Wi-ilncs-dj and I'riilayc at 7 a- in. arrives lucs-da;-. Thurnayj and Sinnays at (' p. in. (Sec open front 12 in. until 1 p. m. Suii'nys. All rri.tere( matter n:u-t be in J'y 7 .'W ) in .W ney Orrcr busline cbi.es at 7 1-2 p. m. Nu onens i&ucd' on Sunay. M. B. M.Nitt. P. M. SOCIKTIES. I. O. O. F. Red Ci.rnn Lodrk. No. WIOOF meets c er aturay nicht in th .l:ii.!iic Hall. Jfrinbcrff of othur Loiresaroeinfiall initer tn atieix. A. J. .UkaNEs N. ti. J. I). LhiCH Sor'y. A. F. & A I?I. CnAKiTy Lo;gr Xo. .r llvd Clmnf. u . . i' unit;- i..'L4 iiLililiti Uliui iv- WiK f'ro full moon. ' V X 1. 11. II AMI-TON W. M. C. "VV. Kalkj- Sec'y. i:yiTOS2IAL. From Hon. .1. V. Small we loam that State Superintendent Thompson will conduct :i litv!ct. institute in this llace ?omo time next summer, during the stay of the scientific expedition. The plan seems to be for the teachers to go on with their usual work during the day. while the scientific party arc exploring thy valley and securing specimens. Tu the evening all will collect at the tent and listen to !cc turcs from the eminent educators nmomj the part. Altogether the In .stitute promises to he very entertain ing, as well as hiehly instructive. It would be well should our teachers take up a course of study and thus prepare themselves for the reception of the knowledge that will be presented for tbcii consideration. From the best of our knowledge and belief the rrand jury system is no favorite with Judge Gaslin. In his charge to that body he candidly told them they were "the relics of a dark age ; ' "I am compelled by law to organize this giand jury, other wise it would not he done. You must now go to a room, there to be locked up, and to listen to man as he swears against his fellow man, with out giving him any chanee whatever for defense. This beautiful system, how I admire it ! It suited wtll the superstitious thirteenth century, but for this enlightened nineteenth," it is a burning shame to our country, and a disgrace to al! its supporters." Juni ata Herald. The Nebraska Summer School of Science, an eminently valuable scheme for instruction, inaugurated by Profs. .Aughcy, liaiiey and others, promises to be an immense success. Already forty 3'oung men from Illinois, Indi ana. Iowa and this state, have signi fied their intention to become parties to the expedition. The object of the expedition is to explore and make geological surveys during the months of July and August, of Southwestern Nebraska, and more particularly, the source of the Republican river. These gentleman are well satisfied from previous observation, that this country is rich in mineral deposits, and we are satisfied that this enterprise will do more toward the development of that country and to the opening up of its resources than any other method that could be devised. We wish the expedition success. State Journal. CAN WE RAISE OUR OWN FISH? As Szrerisest, asd its Prefects. Letters fr:a Sesatcr Paiisci asS Can- iirn TT In the eastern fctate, although the waters of the a jield an ubundauce, of finh, yet bv a well systematized plan, new kinda of fish have beci. in- troduccd and propagated inthenu - merous lakes and rivers which seclude among the hills, or meander through the vales. Fih commissioners with the authority of legislation, and appro- priations from the government to as - si.-t them, are locking the rivers with spawn, and the various enterprises are succe-ful. Wo see no rea-on why something of the kind may not be star ted in Nebraska, with but a slight outlay of time and labor. Fish fur nish no mean portiwnof a well selected dintiCr bill of fure, and to have a , plenty would be a luxury few of us at j present can afford. ) One of our townsmen, Mr. Kaley, has taken the matter in baud and al- rcad has a pond, L shaped, aud cover ing at present about an acre, in which he intends to put fih eggs and try the experiment of raising fth, He has , alreadv been to considerable expense, : and he l.a- about 150 fish in it now. Fie intends to make further im provements in the spring. He ap-, plied too late for c ggs this fall as will be seen by the following correspond ence. He proDOses to introduce carp into bis pond. 'J his variety of fish is said to be in the fi-h family what our common fowls are in the bird family, I or almost capable of domestication. , The upcltiug of a car-load of fish! into the hllkhorn river a few vcars since, proves that fish will thrive in our river, as that river has been ' stocked with fish ever sinrc. We hope .'ij. i;iey s uuiei inisu nm ne suci; s- , ,. . . . ful, and tins h written to excite m- . , . , , . , quiry and induce others to engage in . the same enterprise. The correspond- , , . , . ' once given below shows the interest wliich our legislators in congress take in the matter of Nebraska fisheries : U. S. Senatk Cuamkei:, ! . As:iiNfiTo.v, Nov. -j;;. 177. Friend Geiie-1 inclose a li-iter from Hon. Spencer F. Baird, Com- missionerof Fishand Fisheries which ' will explain itself. It relates to a sub- j iectofthr very greatest importance o our people. The IMatte. Kepubli-, can, the Blues, the Nemahas, the E'.khorn, the Niobrara, and a hun-' dred smaller streams in our state can, ' with a proper effort on the part of our state authorities, seconded by all the rest of u each doing all he can in hi? sphere be liberally stocked, in a short time, with the mos; desirable varieties of fish, both as respects rap- iflW tV itmniifil tnn mil wilnnu nc fi food supplv. 1-ish food in abundance would be one of the mot v.Vuible ae- (juisitions our people cjuld make, is demanded by con.-ideiation lr i,nni,i, -.c , u . ..,.,,. a r,.,.;.,i fresh fish diet is absolutely essential, I everywhere, to good health. I be- j liee this is true, particularly of a , (.,inirv ui f.r mUiJ nc r,i- I r,r i Aughcy or some other of our Nebras ka scienti-ts can formulate this theory, if it is worthy of formulation or consideration, better than I can and so without further comment, I hand you Commissioner Baird's letter, U'illl tin- -i.iirniii-o tli -if- nit- cnrrii-i-c are at command to help to the full ex-. tent of uiv ability to multiply the fishes in our Nebraska rivers, creeks, lakes and pond , natural and artificial, Very truly yours, A. S. Paddock. U. S. Commission, Fish and Fisheries, V Washington, Nov. 22, '77. j Hon. A. S. Paddock, If. S. Senate: Silt: 1 have the honor to acknowl edge the receipt of your letter of the first of November, and thank you for the informatiou contained therein in reference to the interest felt in Ne braska in regard to the multiplication of food fishes within its borders. I am sorry to say that it is too late to meet Mr. Kaley's request for eggs of fish, but beg to say that some have been sent to Mr. Furguson, the fish commissioner of Maryland ; and should they arrive in good condition, and be hatched out, it will give me groat pleasure to send a number of them to any stream in Nebraska that you may be advised by your correspondents at home to be suited for ,heir reception this provided the young are success fully hatched out, and the clemency of the season permits their transmission in the course of a mouth. Should I hear from you to that effect. I will notify Mr. Ferguson about their transmission. The best method for the successful introduction of useful food-fishes into Nebra-ka, will be to have a state commission appointed, such now exists in nearly all the spates in the Union to whom shall be en trusted the initiation and prosecution of the necessary steps, a sufficiently large appropriation should be placed at their command to erect a hatching house on some suitable situation into which could be received a supply of California salmon eggs from the United States fish commission, which could be hatched at little cost, and at little loss of time, and introduced into the rivers of the state. One thousand egss. can be treated with less risk and expense than ten 3'oung fish. The shad is another of the fish suit able ribr introduction into Nebraska rivers. These T will undertake, to supply in the event of congressional appropriations being continued.". In conclusion, I "brg to fcay'Hliat it will give inc much pleasure to co op erate to the best of my ability with the ffibrts that the inhabitants of Ne braska may make toward-, the increas ing of the .-upply of useful food-fishes w:thin its border?. Iicspectfullr vours, Hi'KNCKtt F. iJ.ur.n, Com'r. SIirate3 cf tie Tecr.er C:sr:r Teacier:' Azrcrlaticr, Esii at the Ciic Zzzi School H:zse, 2T:t. 2iz, I2"7. i ( mef.ug was canej t0 0,der by iA L IJurton, temporary preaiJeut. , J, , g - . apoitJted K-cre- tajy pjo tem in lhe aUseoce 0f Mrs. IIowani Association adjournetfuntil V j o-ci0ci- K M j afternoon SESsIos I Tb(j COUJCJ;ltee awoiuted to draft a J conatitutivn reported. J ne report, was read by article and adopted. A j motion prevailed to have the contitu-. v rfi . i. tioii. nrorramme for the next meeting and the secretary'T report priuted in j rx TTOKNKV AM) COUNSKLOU the Red Cloud Chief. Dean T.latlaw. .Juniata Nebraska. Will S-ilh was appointed tr.aror pro ! v; M tto Cr . f, .ta m. tern. During a rccos of five minutes the constitution was subscribed toby 'the following individuals: A. A. Pope, W. C. (Jilham. A. Arnsburger, C. Craw, J. JJailey, E. M. Tearson, A. L. Burton, C. M. Barrett, II. A. Bailey. D. T. Smith, T. Bcauchamp, I MissF. C. Crubb, Miss M. K Smith, Miss L. B. Wells, Mi.-s I F. Garber, Mi-s M. Sabin aud A. M. Talbot. ( After which the Association proceeded 1 to the election of permanent officers, which resulted in the choice of A. L. Burton, president; Miss F. C. Urubb, vice-president ; Mi-s Myra K. .Smith, ! secretary; II. Bailiy, treasurer; Mr. Craw, Mr. Tope and Miss Grubb were appointed committee of progtatume. On motion it was decided to hold the next rguiar meeting of the Asso ciation on the last Saturday of Decem ber, during the day and evening. It wus. al'O decided that a meeting .. , . - - hall be held at ,. t n t i' i i r Guide Hock on I'nday evening before , , , r. i i i the said lat Saturday m December, TIIII CONSTITUTION'. , .' ,,,.". " . , Article 1. J ins organization shall i,e called the Webster' Couuty Teach- crs." A.vr.ciation. Art. 'i'he officers of this Associ- :itinn -haI1 be a I-reidenu vice-presi- dem, secretary and treasurer; and t'r ternn. office shall be six months. A.KT- !- It .hall be the duty of the president to preserve order during tue. " ; occupied by the Assoc.ation, and to appoint at each meeting a commit- tce li ll,ree ou Pgrammc for next u"umj- AuT. 4- It shal be the duty of said committee to draft a programme for the next succeeding meeting and to ikiiii nu: luauuuis ui iiieir icspeuiiv u duties at 'eit two weeks previous to the time of the next meeting. 5. In case of the absence of the pri-si lent or his inability to perform the dutie of his office, the vice-presi- dent -""f1", 0CT"!-V ,h!; "a,r an,d I)cr loru al1 "e iuiier ol tlie prfSKlent. ART. 0. It shall be the dutv of the secn.;nry to keep a correct ace Hint of i tue j roceeumts ot eacii uieeiiim, anu t0 rc:lfi th? sat,1Jr a,r lht-' nPi'J of the uc" mecung o uie A-soeyitiou. " ' " o treasurer to keepan Kill be the dutv of the account of all moneys belonging to the Association, and to pay out no money without an order from the secretary, sigued by the president. AitT. S. The meetings of thi- As sociaiion shall be held the last Satur day in each month at such place as lua-v be decided upon by a majority of lhc. Jcinbera prescut. Art. y. Any teacher or friend of education can become a member of this organization by signing the constitu tion and by-laws and paying a fee of twenty-five cents., provided there be no objection by any member present, in which case the will of the majority shall be carried out. Art. 10. Any teacher who shall absent himself from the Association for a period of three meetings in reg ular succession, uuless detained by sickness, shall no longer be considered a member, nor shall he be admitted gain without a vote of a majority of the members present Art. 11. This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a vote of a majority of the members notice having been given at a previ ous regular meeting. Art. 12. All officers of the Associ ation shall be elected by ballot. On motion the Association ad journed. A. L. Burton, Pres't. MyraE. SitrrH, Sec'y. HARNESS SHOP S. V ItudoTO Is now prepared to do all kinds of wor IS THE Harness Mine. The best of materials uted, and al irork warranted. REPAIRING Done on short notice and at reasonable Prices. Shop in McNitt's Store. Red Ctond. xVebrasKa. 11 VS1SESS DIRECTORY Attorneys at Law- J. S- G-ilham. A TTORNEY AND COUSSKL I LOK AT LAW. I VQ- Will Practice in all the Ccvts of the State. RED CLOUD, - - NEB. JT. R. Willcox and U. S. Commissioner. C Collection Promptly Attended to OFFICE ONF. DOOR . - . - k . ttr? crr AU t? sou Li I or A" a Red Cloud. Neb. J JtX Si MM XX s. Am -r? I lUUIfl Uliviini'ii (.. .. - .... entrusted to his care. OfEce on the cast aide Juniata Avenue. July I 7 Geo. W. Sheppard, GOVERNMENT BLOOM INC.TON, NEB. E.S.2AL27, Apt. B.J-M.K.R. Land. NoUiry Pablic. Safe nm, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ASD S2AL ESTATE ASSUTS. Will practice iu all the Courts in this State and Northern Kana-. Collections promptly attended to and Correspondence solicited. Red Cloud, Xebrasha. W N. IUCIIAUDSON", J. TULLEYS Richardson &. TuIIeys, ESAL ESTATE & COL'CTIXCr ASS1TT3 Will buy and Fell Real Estate on Commis sion, and pay taxen for non-reidents. Siieeial attention piven to collections. Cor rc'iiondenco ?olicited. AH letterF of inquiry, or on liusinc.-'s promptly answered. RED CLOUD, NEB. J.E. Simth. H. W. Taekkr. S. (-'. Smith. President. Vice-1'residot.t, Cashier. Jirst Rational ankf (Successor to SMITH BUOS.i CAPITAL, 850.O0O.OO. DIRECTORS nos. AS PAorocK, I S sen. CO. Dorset. H.W I'Ar.KKR Jso. ESmitii. -James Ei.lh. New York 'YAV I',LLKY Sam'i. C. Smitu. PHYSICIANS. I. W. TUMiEYS, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAn' i U. S. Pension Surgeon. Office two doors south of tho Court House. SSD CLOUD - - - 1TS3SASEA. ? pi rt' z&wmi 9) 'jNlyig 3; Physician and Surgeon. C Particular attention given TO DISEASES PECULIAR TO FEMALES. 05:3 and Sesiierce five siiles east cf Red Circa. Near Elm Creei: Hills. WEBSTER Co. NEB. 36-m RED CLOUD FURNITURE -STORE,-- J AS. CALVERT, Proprietor. Deals extensively in all kinds of fur niture, such as Bureaus, Beadstead?, tables, Chairs, Mirrors, and in face everything to be found in a first-class : furniture store. GIVE HIM A CALL. Red Cloud, ... See. 37-lyr Rufus Itf iksch, lartittfrr . oittr ; W 1 n ; 1 Particular attention givgn to shop '. work, and coffins made to order. Co?Paintine a Specialty. i3a Shop west of Kichardson's building 2SDCL0TO, - - - :TZS. REPUBLICAN VALLEY STAGE LINE. R. C. JONES PROPRIETOR. Stage leaves Hastings for Red Cloud, Smith Center, Burr Oak and rr5iJN-f !ilI- 5ir BVniTTD points south, on Mondav. Wednesdav, pt"Hf:l CO 5iU 1 SHtliU and Friday, at S o'clock A M rcM HHB JiziHtUz 8-5 , s Sssi SaligiMs asi Sesde Txs&y turning on alternate davs. Passengers, f--lH ?l5'rlt"?!?l fs lesraper. $3.15 7er.sptit carried at reasonable rates. Offices,1 Al'K HUViHrKz r"S. j ZraMaisd 1823. Smith's Book Store, Hastings and! Silrf ElHt?--!-"??? -s fS 37 Park row, new AORK-i Valley Hnnfe Rerl Cloud. G-lf ly. I llHfl Sf??l 111115 -?! SAMPLE COPIES FREE. A bck containing a list t f trrnw in the L S. having 5,U jjp . a:.d the newspaper. Laving largi-i ct-cuhtion AH the Ucurious, Agricultural, Scien tific and other special class journals". Tables of rates, showiug cost of adver tising and everything which an advertiser w uld JiL to know. Maiiedon receipt of ten cent-. Address GEQRGE P. RowELL L CO., 10 Sprjce S N. Y. (opposite "Tribune" build ing.) ADDRESS TOTUE-SIGK. - Do you want to purify the .-ystem? Dj you want to get nJ of bifiouMnvs-? Do you want s-omethiag to strengthen ou? Do you want a good appetite? Do you want to get rid of nervoune-? Do you want good djgcs'iou Do yuu wan: to sleep well" Do you waut to build up your consti tution? Io you want a brisk and vigorous feeling? If you do, TAKE SIMONS LIVER Regulator- J.H.SisilinLCo., Sole prorriotcr': Simons' Liver Reg ulator, Philadelphia. THE FAVOICITE J273. Home Remedy i I. vra minted nut HISZ&I, UX. ij f (finlfitn n einrr1. particle of Mcreu r any injurious nfral ulit."inre 'OC hut N I'lIKFLY iR VEGBTAKIJ:. coi ntrics wh-jre Liver Pisieasc rnit prevail. It wii.iiccrk al nis:SKsrfKP ryuek A.VGi:UETO( TIIX LITER AND UoWKLS. KtG ULATE THELlVEr. AND 1-Er.VK.VT CU ILLS A XI) FEVER. SMOftS Liver Regulal r Is eminently a Family Medicine: and by being kept ready for immedi ate resort will save many an hour of suffering add many a dollar in lime and doctors' bills. After over Forty Years' trial it is Ktill receiving the uios.t unqualified tes timonials to its virtues from persons of the highest character and responsi bility. Eminent physician- commend it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECI FIC 'or constipation, headache, twin in the shoulders, dizincss, sour stomach, had taste in the month, Bilious at tacks Palpitation of the heart, Pain in the region of the kidneys, Desponden cv, Gloom and foreboding of evil all ! which are the offsping of a diseased Liver COLIC JX CHILD REX For children complaining of colic, headache, or sick stomach, a teapoon ful or more wiM give relief. Children as will a? adult eat sometimes too much supper or cat something which aoes not uigest well producing sour stomach, heartburn, or re-itlessncs?: a ( good dose of Liver Regulator will rive I relief. This applies to persons of all! ages. It is the cheapest purest and best Famil-v Me Heine in the world! IT HAS XO 5 QIAL Thousands lead miserable lives, suffering from d3spepsia a disordered stomach and liver, producing bihou ness, heartburn, costtvenes weakness 5&Z i -C-5-'Vtx:'?, XZ-k containing thne &&2d.SlQ. feouthern Hoof XlaAlAlSgllKSxf.V nn all-wiM- prnvi- V- 1 . - i - -. uenc cas placet: m r regular appetite, low spirits, raising ' it-; most advanced (stages) Asthma, ood after eating, and offten ending in j brotichite. Catarrh, and all derange atal attacks of fever. They know j ments of theNirrvous .vytem. A cir hev are sick vet get little svmpat h v. jcular containing particulars of manv the unfailing remedy to prevent these tafflictions and restore health is Simccs ; iLiver Regulator. MANUFACTURED ONLY CT J. II. ZEILIN & CO.. Philadelphia. r ice, $1.00. Sold by all druggists. ! 30 Mixed Cards, with name. JO cts Samples for 3-ct. stamp. J. M INKER Co. Nassau, N. Y. . -, ou f an ncy caro&ten s;ylns, with your UMng one or of onr hiz lisU Q-f in i c:It, I;A. Iry Us. SCIIELL over j.XX) ne-spapers, divided tocov , Jjclaen, i, 1. er different sections of the countrv name Bros 1 I J . " rjr !'"- j :.s i .tap I m - 1 3 i -- - - 1 SitllSssfiZ i r r- ti. - t -- s- 1 - m . m i m -- DILLON & COL li j S Juniata Nebraska Art uw prepared to buy WHEAT, and othyr gnwo. aud pay tho highest cash price for the same. .0. They alo have a full stock of gencrml HJEItClIAXmSE DRY GOODS, HATS. CAPS, G1.0VR-. BOOTS SI 10 liS, &C- which they are ofiVringat prices that are bound to suit their cuitomcrs. REMEMBEB THE l'LACE. east side of Juniata Avenue, -JUNIATA - - - NEBRASKA 5 ftf 4 " ." i nt rai-ily cArn-xl jn tker timr TL lltlt It Cll Itffi tflHilH in t K vm .w.r,t U. 'Ill I by hoyon ot ithrrex, in any I part ..f the r.iun'ry who i willing to work! ?!cn.lily t tho rmployuient that rlurnt-h. ;' pr week in jurnwii Mwti, You can fit I your h!-time to the wjrk. or only )uur i "pMre momeniF. havi-ucnt Hhoarrma- ' kiln: j cr S- ' pf dy. All who cnirnc- i once an :nuke Ujjiit-y ft. At th irsriit time cioncy cannot be mi.de vueanly am! rap- ! 1'iiy hi nny oilier du.mii-s. it c(m tioinmr to try the liujmris. Term ami Si outfit free. Address at once. II, HaLLKtt A' Co.. -I ly Portland. Maine. ft rfatchanc 111 I I I) ,fiou cari A J U J f Fct creenba ncotomaVn tr.or.rj ti.t ret cold yuu ran ret greenbacks. Wo m.fl u. Iion in evi-rj town to tk MilxTiptmrji for fie Urjri-t. cheapest and bc-t Uluitratril (uiuuy publication in the world Any one fan hi"- un a upec.ful agrnU The mnt ele Kant works of art Riven free to uhcrtier. The price is so low that hltu t prrrylnidy txbcnle. OntRtrot report? making jTfr SI-'-O in a wrek. A lady agrt retoru tak ing ovt -tOO mbir.bcr in ten dj-. All who cntrase oiuku xnoiiey fas . You run de vote all jour ti . p to the busineK. or only yotir piire time. You need not he wr from home overnight. You cfin do it tit otht-ra. Full panculrr? lirrc iomand trm freo. Elegant and eiponi- Outfit free. If you wr.nl i-rofil:ibI; work ciiii your addrfii at once. It curt nothin to try the bunuwu. No one who cng.izt'S fml to make great pay. Addn-M "The l'e,ple' Journal," 1'crtland. Maine. .',-jyl GK ACE'S SALVE. A VEGETABLE PRIM RATION, vented in tho 17th centurv bv I)r. William Grace, Surgeon in King .IarnV army Through its agenev he cured thousands of the most Hcriou sores and wounds, and wa regarded by all who knew him a public benefac tor. 2fc. a box by mail 20c. For sale by druggist" ircnerallv. agents Wanted. Address Seth Kovric & Sons, Boston Maa. PLAYS! PLAYS? For reading clubs, for Amateur theatricals, temperance plays, drawinc room plays, feiry plays, Ethiopian plays, guide books, speakers panto, mines, Tableaux lights, magnesium lights, colored Gre, burnt cork, Theat rical face preparations, Jarly's wax work--, wigs, beardd, and mou-taches at rtducce prices. Costomcrs, scenery charade. New catalouge Rent free containing full description and prices SAM L FRENCH & SON. 122 Nau sau St., New York. 25 gilt-edged card?, no two alike, with name 10 cts post paid. Fel lows a Co.. North Chatham, N. Y. PTJLMON i oeyond comparison the best reraedv , for the cure of consumption even in i caes successfully treated, full ad ice for the treatment of the diseases above mentioued and certificates of actual cures, will be 5ent free bv mail to all applicants. Addrc OSCAR C MO SES, ie Propretor, s Cortland Street, New York. ADVERTISING ! $.0tKJ WORTH FOR SS7-50. Tne cheapest and liest wav to reach ' reader outside of the large cities is bv - ij- t ircnlntlon ever C00)QO- .imci-;ujrii's rcceiveti ijr one or more lists, lor catalogues containing names of papers, and other informa tion and f.r estimates. addreii-t 32ALS&70STE2, il?ari2rr Msb I 1823. SEND FOR 1878- THE W iiwr irr . w m . -. 1 :- mm ww w aHKB . HASTINGS NEB Carrv- tlic kremt xl xaa tvtb - s'el)raki. Our-kof DOOK.-, W1M0W5. HUN OS. BUILIIM. hh A:c 13 U8iBilrl. V Owning cr own timU-r U .!. ia r?cial rate.ttn fr-i?Lt, j.-t m 5 any yard to Kama or NLriU, Isaac 5 1 ta vi: BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP. HAMPTON & RALSTON. The unJ-Txcned ' . . ide of Web-rer Mr vt -- . ou thort notiiv and g.i p . re, All Work Warranteti;to kj, - vn in uui iiiiui lit (in- ...,..,.. f..U '... - . .- . . .. .. .... i.. .... ,i t . ., it.-l'ttitun suiivii. a l'miijuusm-i ill 11AM1TON A Bteil Cloud, I. (t. Potter hjmt received Evfr broutht to tho Vllry. and priccet. -T. O, CHEAP CASH STORE Wbele5ale and Retail I)alcr iu DRY GOODS. HATS, CAPS AND NOTIONS CJroeerle. Flour A IroviIon, WOOD, WILLOW, GLAS3 AND QUEENSWARK. WE WILL XOT BR CXDER SOLD. CALL AXD SEE US I North of HARDWARE STORE. Wc keep on hand at all tisres a Tin, anu llartlwarc. WE ALSO Ketp a Supply cf Farming Implement; QrGive ns a call, as we isel aurc as low as any otner uro m tea wesWwm Reacmber the place, 1 ioor orth of the Priitis cce. Red Cloud. Neb. VAR i -el f LRY I.I'M HKK-f J TA am! p)alun itt. trfUr tj ekrf tj KwtttAiky MwpcU ilU C,lV9 a cai. it LicDioyt, Agf. !! Prop. j t t r M vr ' I i ii lit- caat ii ! io dj all rit su the r Iitio Giv3"S2tisfaction. i A .i;ij or pat patronage and .U natnn KAIION. BIT the &avt usvoxiutttl of Giic him a call and xatttnt Poitcp, Red Cloud. Htbntka. Bank. Hastings, NrBjuXA. L A. nORILt BT. pryi lirgn and complete itcck of StCTi we raa juU you, and at fi "W fi .U4l Mi '. - t-sssrsrsr Su W!XftWiSS9?)IM