.V THE REimOUD CHIEF. AefYfrfUi . The Red Cloud Chief. -o- PUBLUUED EVERY THURSDAY AT BED CUDTO, KEBUSXA. I Liberal. .sJ mUU J aavs a japa&ftti. t , Lrgal a4vrt;saa ai 3 'State retr. BORIN k 8PRINGER, VMUmn ! Proprietors. "Eternal Vigilance is the price mf Liberty." n4$2M year i the price of the Rett Cloud Chief. Ail traatlaat adrartUcastctt st h aid fat ia adraeev. VOL. . V. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO.. NEBRAvSK A, THURSD A Y. NOV. 29, IS77 NO-18 $2.00 per year, IaYarieslyiR Advance. 0 SubiriVei who do not receive their pa peri regularly, will confer a favor by notify Idk ui of the fact ai once. t'orrejpondence solicited from all purtsof the County and State, on matters of general interest. In no we are tne responsible jr the viric$ vr opinions of our correspondent. We do not pubixnnonymois hUert and communications. Alicayt give you i name. Fjocal notices, to insure insertion, mutt 6c handed in a early at Wed nftday morning. Official Directory. C0W1KESSI0NAL. A S. Paddock. Beatrice. II. 8. Senater. Alrin Saunders. Omaha. U. 6. .Senator. Prank W!-h Representative. EXECUTIVE. SILAS 0 A REEK. Governor. Lineola. riUKiTiifho'sk. Seo.ofHtate. J.U Weston. Linaoln, Auditor. J.O. MoHride. .. Traarornr. (ie, II. ilobarts. Att'y Oen. J. M. MoKencie. Lincoln. Sap. Pab.lastruo. JUDICIARY. Jeo B. Like. Omaha. Chief Jutice. iKnViantt.NebraskaCity.Ti ..;, T. Sain,IMaiwall.PlHMaoathJA,i0e,"U J"" WEisSTKR COUNTY. J. A. Tulleya. County Clerk. Treafurer. Probate Judge. Sheriff. School Kut.'t. Coroner. CoBBty Surveyor K. f!. .fonea. I. '.V.TulIeyi. H. Hill. A. A. Popj, C. C Coon. W.K. Thorn. . W. Ball. 1 L. II. Luco J. II. Uobart. f Coanty Commissioners. CUIRCII DIRECTORY. Rev. J. T. Milnf.k, -!nd Sabbath at 1 1 A. 51. Kev. Geo. OYeiher. In Said at h at 11 AM L'nd " evening. Rev. Phyce. 4tb Sabbath at HAM i'ld " evening, Riv.C Rmi.i.y, r.rdSabbathatll A M 1ft " evening. Sauuatii School every Sabbath moruiug at lo . m. Close? at 11. C. W. Sprinokr. Supt. RAND OF HOPE meets every two weeks on alternate Thursday von iugii at t:'0 o'clock. Arrival aud fspartare f Malta f rum (bo K'l Cloud P. O. Hastinus Leaves Monday's Wednesday's and Friday 7 a. in. Tuesday, Thursday and Satuiday, 8 a. in., Arrives eveiy day .i:3t; p. in. FIakvahd Leaves Mondays and Thur.MlaysT a. in., arrives Wednes days and Saturdays 0 p. in. Pleasant Hill leaves Thursday. 7 a. in. Arrive Wednesday's 6 p. ui. FiiAMCi.iN, going cast, Monday's and Thursday's 2 p. m. Going west Tuesday's and Friday's 9 a. in. ,1 kwiill Kanms, leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 8 a. ui., arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays d p. tu. Rrssr.L, Kansan, Leaves Monday?, Wednesdays and Fridays 7 a. in.. - rti i mt w arrives iuesuays, lnursuays and Sundays, f p. ia. Office open from 12 u until 1 p. tn. Sunday's. All registered matter must bo in by 7:o0 p. in. Aloaey Order business closed at 7:.'.0 p. in. No order issuet' on Sun day. M. B. McNn -, P. M. SOCIETIES. .a Wak.V. J Red Cloud Lodge, No. 64 I. 0. O. F. meets every Siturday nixht in the Masonic Hall. Member? ot'other Lodges arc cordial ly invited to atteud. A. J. Meanks, N. G. Jims D. Leach, Suc'y. I EDITORIAL. T. Rarnun n .4 been elected to the Connecticut Senate. comnnncATiD. Thomasville, Nkb., Nov., 23, 1877.) Eds- Chief: Since the Chief i has chanced "one for two1', I see notb toe coDoeraiiur our little ville, and I fear un'ecs eomo oo speaks up, and endeavors to gain for ua some public notice, we will cease to be thought atxmt. I Lave taken upon myself the grea responsibility of informing you that we are neithei dead, nor yet asleep. Our worthy P. M. fctill hold his commii-sion, and has brought on a large supply of Kerosene. The way be smiVi uad rub9 his hands together when be sees un empty jug coming, h enough to melt the heart of an ice berg, and would put to shame tho in nocent book agent. Dick Johnson has built a new house of "Nebraska brick" which adds both to the comibit and value of his home stead. Mr. Wed. Reacham, Sen. has moved from Nuckolls county to this vicinity. Mr. B. is one of the oldest settlers of thi country, and can tell of some pretty hard times he passed through when firt-t here, some six or teven years ago. Wm. I.ongbolham our J. P. elect has bought some hogs and ijlcndj to to try pork raising. Our Co. Supt. A. A. Pope has sold his claim, so I underhand, to ouc Wright from Illinois, who will soon be tho "Wiight man on the Wright place." A. M. Clark has sold out to Adam Perucker. Mr. Clark wad a man of much repute, and the neighborhood will undoabtediy miss him. Ed Moody has his house built, but says that no Webster Co. girls shall kick the pots around for him. He goes to Beaehamville pretty often to get his mail. Uuclo Dave Hudson is making bis mark with a three horse sulky plow. Mr. Robinson has his new house most dune; when completed it will be something new in the way of sod houses. School Dist, No. 29. will have a three months school some lime in the near future. Theodore Cole has harvested his turnip. Frank Rnrin takes an early rido to Reachamvillu every morning, Satur days and Sundays excepted. We miss Dr. Dalton now; if he were here he might start a hotel and feed stable near Elk Creek and just coin money. Our roads arc in rather bad condi tion. Did you not find them so, Mr. Editor? Can't you just run an issue of your paper off in our favor? (Yes, if ou will furnish the subscriptions and lo cals. Eds.) Call it tho "Thimas villo Record." We might be more cb!e to compete for the county seat. when the proper time arrives if you will consent to help us that ruuoh, and it would not cost you anything worth mentioning. 1 hope "Auike" will not be offend ed at my impudence in trying to take his place ; however he never did give us a fair shake. Yours in hope, Clio. Tint Settlemtfit ef Wetettr Cmtj, Webster County was settled in the spring of 1870. The stockade being buiit (6rot) an&wcred the purpose of houH;i until the people could get ma terial with which to build. The stock ade was erected oa a creek which was afterwards named Soap Creek. 0r j first anVirmt knnt me hitilf nf In ' and after two tcrma of school bad been taught in it, it was Moved to Guide Rock and is bow occupied as a hardware store. Oar preseat school house now occupies its place. When we first came out here the men had to carry firearms with then whenever they went out to work, for they were afraid of the Indians. There were large herds of buffalo roaming over the prairie?, but a boo aa the cowaty began to settle up, the people hunted and killed them, and thus drove them farther west One day, after we had lived in the .stockade about four months, some one happened to look towa'rd the Repub lican river and saw a flag. At first tho ei en did not know what to Bake of it, but some one mounted a pony and went to see who was thero and what the flag meant ; and behold they found they wcro Indians. The Indi ans said they Lad the flag to let tho people know they vrero civil and did not want to make war. I remember I had on a red dress when the Indians first came, and they told mc if I did not run and hide they would carry mc off. They said they liked red, and of course that fright ened we. I uppo-c that is the reason 1 am alraid ot them. When we first cauie out here some of the men used to tit up all night on the look out for Indians, Normal School Girl. H VS1NE8S DItgCtOT Atttmyt at Lair. J. S. Grilham. AND COUKSfcL- RW Xdvj -L ATTORNBY AWB A LOR AT LAW. ft. WHl Prmctkt a mil tUfismU iL. Vtsmt .'t- RED CLOUD, - - FLMrr $act. HftaaaW avauaWVK. x K-icy "! ef.B. W ATTORNETAT and U. 8. Coamiioaer. ar Collecttoa Praaptly AtUadedto OFFICE ONE DOOR IOUTH OF BAUM-a 6TOR-RaaClMd. A book ooatairang a fat of town ia the U. 8. aaviajt i.000 pop., a&d the aearoapen Laving Urges: circuUtioa Al tae Re!irkH. Aancaltural. Sden- fife, aad other special clam jnurnr!. Ta&ee of rates, showing cost ofadvtr tiaiaff aad vvarytatng which aa advertiser would like to know. Jfailadoa receipt at' tea aeata. Ad drives tCMC r. HevCUA GflOSaraea St N. Y. (opposite rrrfbuac" build- i DILLON & COLE. Juniata Htbratki. Are aow pre pared to bay JAS. LAIRD. ATTORNEY AND COUN8KLOR- tSatlaw. Juniata Nebraska. Will nractice in all the Coarta of the State. Proaipt attention jrivea to all bawaeng eatrusted to his caro. Office on the east side Juniata Avenue. July 1 7 ?&.- . o 7 An AUVK1USS IVTIlrJ SiCK. Do you want to purify tl ; -ysteia? Do you want to get rid or biliousness? Do you want something to streogthen iou? Do you want a good annrtite? Do ya want to get rid of nervouoevs9 Do yoa want good digestion? Do yea want to Jeep weir.-' Do you waat ta buUd up yonr coaiti- ttttioa? Do you want a brisk and vigorous faeliaf? If you do, WHEAT. '? Geo. W. Shtppard, GOVERNMENT RLOOMINGTON, NEB. H.S.KALET, 1st. B.f M. R. R. Laad. C.W.IALI7, Notary Pablir. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TAKE SIMONS aad other rata, aad pay the hujae cah price for tbe same. They also have a full stock of general MCKClTAXBIgi: HA8TINC8 NEB, Carrira tWr fautal aad aoM cuaipWi. -oet rtty UJMRKRof aU kicd., hr RutlJiaf. Bridge. aJ t,ttrl prrv.. aow ia aj yrl ta ebrvka. Pwra"te0f WLXDOWd. BUSV& IUJ!LIING PA- Owniaicoar own Uaa'uer hnda. saw aad rUilaf i!at. togihcr "" ' iw(Di, Eiea aa a aaaaaa tv aaaaayj OtMftal. aayyardaiK rkh A3E.73 KI "JBMlZJdL-TVR'XBL, 7H HIT a 711. The Hastings Journal is now in new tiuartcrs, having an offico of its own. The Keneaw Times blows a loud trumpet in favor of tho township or ganization act The Sterling Nesoi says that a young lady near that place raised eleven pigs with the bottle. John Williams was sentenced at Kearney, by Judge Gaslm, to ten years in the penitentiary. His crime tf& manslaughter. Senator Plumb, of Kansas, has in troduced a bill iato the Senate repeal ing the timber act and reoomaiends nothing in its place. -r Mo.-cs Ii. Sydenham, of Ccntoria, has received an appointment of mail agent on the Laramie & Green River divisioa of the U. P. Road. A terrific storm raged on the At lantic coast daring the aight of the ::3d intt. The U. S. fteamer Huron was wrecked and oaa haodrei of the crew lost. We learn from the Journal thai Profs. Aughey, Wilber and Bailey have been engaged by the state officers in organizing a scientific ex pedition to the Republican A alley. More anon. "4,We all knows," said the .school committeeman to theccw teacher he was examining for her position, "that A B an' C is wowohi, but wot we wants to know is wy they. is so." Se tested. Tha Red Cloud Chief !:as passed iaio the hands of two gontlemau Mc&srfa. Springer & Borin who have no more knewledgo of printing than has an Egyptian mummy. But suc cess to you gentlemen. Gazette. Why, Bro. Babcock, where did your egotistical brain barn so much about Igyptian mummies. Perhaps your olassical instruction has taught you a little about hieroglyphics, and you waat people to know it. Pitch in. Thanks for your good wishes. What do these rumors of a large expedition to the Republican Valley next summer, mean ? Slate Journal. We expect it means that what little is known of the Republican Valley warrants a mora extended surrey ; and if we mistake not developments will show that this valley has treasures hitherto unknown, which, when fully brought to light, will place it before the world, as a land of bright pros pects for the capitalist to inspect. Should tbe good people of Red Cloud desire to be incorporated, the legislature says : Be it enacted by the LeaiJature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. "That whenever a majority of the inhabitants of any lowu or village within this state .shall present a pe tition to the board of county commis sioners of the couu'y in which said town or village is situated, setting forth the metes and bounds of their town or village, and the commons be longing thereto, and praying that they may be incorporated and police established for their local goverment, and for the preservation and regula tion of any commons appertaining to such lowu or village, and the couuty commissioners shall be satisfied that a majority of the taxable male inhabi tnnts of such town or village have signed such petition, and that the prayer of the petirioners, is reasona able, ihe board of county commis sioners may declare such town or vil lage incorporated, designating, in such order, the metes aud bounds thereof; and '.henceforth the inhabitants with iu such bounds shall bo a body politic and incorporate, by the name and style of. "The inhabitants of the town of " (naming it) and by that name thev and their successors shall be known in law, have perpetual suc cession (unlets uch incorporation shall be dissolved), sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, in all courts of law and equity, and in all actions, pleas itnd matters whatsoever ; may grant, pur chase, hold, and receive property, real and personal, and may lease, sell, aad dispose of the same for the benefit of the town, and may have a common seal, and break and alter the same at pleasure." AND BIAL ESTATE AOIKTS. Will practice in all the Courts in this State and Northern Kansas. Collections promptly attended to and Correspondence solicited. Red Cloud, Nebraska. W. N. RICHARDSON, J. A. TULLE YH Richardson & Tulleys, 1ZALESTAT2 COL'CTXKG AOXITTS Will bar aad Mil Real EeUta oa Cemtnia- ioa. and pay tazet (or uou-reeldenU. Special attention given to eotleetinna. Cor respondence solicited. AU letters of inquiry. or on bniinei promptly umwered. - - - - NEB. RED CLOUD, AaVH &M v'WJvi n aW9Ka J. E. Smith. H. W. Pa&kkr. 8. ('. Smith. President. Viee-Preeldett. Cashier. first Rational jjanft, BXA?aiC2, KXSXASSA. (Successor to SMITH BROS.) CAPITAL. tsa.aaa.aa. OmBCTORB- HoK.ASpAonoca.US Sen.. C.O.DoasaT. Jamks Ellis. New York. H. W Paiaaa e.LUAH FlLLtV. J MO. E SMITH. 4-iTi Sam'l 0. 8MITH. PHYSICIANS. Mr. Wm. Wamos. of Sterling, Neb., was arrested last Saturday at Lincoln, charged with having ob taincd goods under false pretence to the amount of $15,000. I. W. TUMJElfa, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAn U. S. Pension Surgeoa. Office two doors south of the Court House. 1XB ClOTO - miASIA. , SS33ift).i Physician and Surgeoa. Jaw Particular attention given TO DIriEASLK PECULIAR TO Ff.MALKS Office aad SatlaaRM Its nilai aatt of JMOaid. tfttt Cm Creak Mills. Peering in people's windows is not only very indeceat, but a couple of fellows found it dangerous at Grand Island a few evenings aince. Finding two hdies at hone alone, in the even ing they remained about the house uatil one of the ladies mustered cour age to fire a revolver at them through the door, wheu they betook them selves to flight Tbe poatoffioe at Grand Island was robbed last week of about thirty dol lars worth of stamped envelopes and forty dollars in currency. The thief broke into Morgan's store, also L. Engel'8, but obtained nothing of ac count He was traced to Fremont, where ho was captured ; a portion of the stolen goods being found upon his person. j Red Cloud & Jew ell City Stage Line. connecting at Red Cloud with the Republican Valley line, running straight to Hastings. -Three regular trip will be wade each week, leaving Red Cloud the same ume tho stags from Hastings does. GOODSIGSAHD 0003 TOQ MAS2 OV TEESOAD. FARE REASONABLE. 30-ly D. H. GODFREi'. HARNESS SHOP Sa V. Ifludow Is aow prepared to do all kinds ofwor IN THE ness line. The best of materials osjca aad al WOrk WARRANTED. REPAIRING Done on short notice and atreasoaable Prices. Shop in McNitt's Store. Re1 Cln4 Nemratltft. WEBSTER Co. NBB. 36-m RED CLOUD FURNITURE -STOEE,- JAS. CALVERT, Proprietor. Deals extensively in all kinds of fu niture, rach as Bureaus, Beadstead table?. Chain, Mirrors, aad in fae everything to be faaad ia a first-dsa furniture store. GIVE HIM A CALL. f Red Cloud, - - - Nia 37-lyr Rufus lWUsscli, Particular atientioa givea toshap work, and coftae made to order. aay-PaiatiagaSpemhy.-i Shop west of Richardaoa's bwldiog. sipCLoro, - . . m. REPUBLICAN VALLEY STA6ELINE. R. C JONES PROPRIETOR. State leaves Hastings for Red Cload, Smith Center, Birr Oak aad poiata soath, oa Mondar. Wedaeaday aad Friday, at Sa'doek A M re turaiag aa altaraate days. Pasdaagers earned at rcaaansbla rate. Oficei, smith's Book Store. Hattns aad Valley Horn Red Cload. 5-15 ly. LIVER Regulator J.H.Zeilin&Co., Sole proirietors Simons' Liver Reg ulator, Philadelphia. THE FAVORITE I l0M. KrVKDV Is warranted not I.. c.ntR ry or any iniunou inlaeral Kuuttaac bat is PUKELY VEQETABLK. contaiainc lhoe Southern Root1 and herb, which an RlLwi.sc prori dsno ha placed is cot-ntries where Liver Piicui mot prerail. It hii.mcl'rk ai. DisajtKMCirnKD nruxu- AMQKMKKT OV TMS LJVK AND RoWlt.S. Rr CLATBTHBLIVKRAXD !RK BKT CHILLS AND FEVER. SliHONS Liver Re alat r Is eminently a Family Medicine and by being kept ready for immedi ate resort will save many an hour of suffering ndd many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After over Forty Years' trial it is still receiving the most unqualified tes- i iiujudisis io us viriuejt iroin perons I of the highest character and reinonsi- oility. Eminent physicians commend it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC For constipation, headache, pain in the shoulder, dixincss, sour stomach, Bad taste iu the mouth. Bilious at tacks Palpitation of the heart, Pain in the region of he kidneys. Desponden cy. (Room aad foreboding of evil all which are the oifsping of a diseased Liver COLIC IN CHILDREN For children complaining of colic, headache, or rick stomach, a tcasnoon ful or more will give relief. Children as will as adults eat sometimes too much supper or eat something which does aot digest well producing tour stomach, heartbura, or restlessness: a good dose of Lirar Regulator will give reuer. inis applies to persons ot all age. It is the cheapest purest and best Famitf Medicine in the world! IT RAS ftO IfVAL Thoaaaads lead miserable live, suffering from dyspepsia a di -ordered stomach aad liver, producing bilious aecH, hearthurn, costiveaesp. weakness r regular appetite, low spirits raising oad after eatier, and offtea eading ia atal attacks of fever. They know hey are sick yet get little sympathy, the unfailing ressedy to prevent tbec tafflietiotM aad restare health is Simons jlLtt er Regulator. MANUFACTURED ONLT CV J. H. Z EI LIN & CO.. Philadelphia. rice, $1.00. Sold by alldragguts. 30 Mixed Cards with Bane, 10 ets Samples for Set. stamp. J. M inker a Ce. Nassaa, N. Y. 50 laacy carfe, ten xtylhs, with your vama ia ailt 15a. Try as. 8c hell Bros., Maiden, N, T. Groceries, DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, GLOVK3. JiOOTS SIIOKS, &C- which they are offcriagat prices that arc bound to fuit their customer. REMEMBER THE PLACE. caM ide of Juniata Avenue, JUNIATA - - - NEBRASKA S 4tf '! Titn IaO laODiota A(t y: miB It not eiu-i! inoil in thee times hilt it Call boniaJt.' in !hrr nw.ntVi. V I I f bfaoynna of either ss. in any part of tha country who is willing to work steadily at tbe imployueat that we tarolab. fi perweek in yourowo town. Vou can sir 7"ur wholn time to the work, or aly your spare Moments. We hare agents bo arena kiaa orer t2U per day. All who esanae at nl" -nn Tlri to. nry ff. At the rcrit l-.c .j ili. C.t.". I Im' U. i.lo rOxlidl't) UUI TAp- idly at any other basinci;. It corn uoihiag to try the baiew. Terras and $" outfit free. Addr'satonce. H, IUllktt Jk Co.. -1 ly Portland. Maine. BLACKSMITH AND WAGON ' SHOP. HAMPTON A R ALSTON. Props. i TJ "'Kfc" ijtnx d to tbeir urw boi. on il.r r..t '"Pwdiado l work,., tbe.rhn, on ihort notice aal good srvh. All Work Warranted ta 6lvt"Satiifaetion. ataTJ c tender our thanks to the public tor paat patronage aad respectfully solicit a continuance of the aau.c " "a B..d,IIAM.4 J. it. Potter has ju?t received the Wit saaortmcot of GOLD. flrrat cb.ncc to innke money Kim ?n5isr G3 SBW 'iHl&a&l rr32ai-E. r-I C33 c s ?ta V2jS I H2 Kut Krecnbac.ki'. Wenetl& person in every town to take subscription for the largest. chuapejt ;iad ItMt Illustratod lamily publication in the world. Any occ can houom u uceesful airont. The most ole gant works of art Civen free to .ulrribT The price is so low that almost everbody subscriber. One ni rnt report luakins: over 8150 in a week. A lady acmt reports tak ing over 100 tabrcriLers iu ten days. All who engage make monoy fas. Yo ran de vote all your ti i c to the basiaeas. or only yonr p:iru ti:ne. mi oe4i nut be away Imra home over night You ctiu do it as others. Fall pancalrrs diroo ions ami term free. Elegant and expensite Outfit free. If you want profitable work send your Address at oaae. It costs nolhin to try the bu.iues. No one who cnpagM fnil to make grt pay. Address "The People Journal." Portland. saaiat. :,-.,,! "acesalveT A VKOETABLE PKPARATIO.N, iu- veBted in the 17th century by Dr. William Grace, Surgeon in" Kinr Jamea army, llirough its agency he cured thousands of the most jerioun sores and wounds, and was regarded litr all orVirt Irniav k!m m .il.K I...nnr. ' tor. 2.c. a box' by mail 0c. For sale by druggist generally. AGENTS WANTED. Address Seth Fowle & Sons, Boston Mass. PJLLAYS! PJLAM. PLAYS! PLAYS? For reading club.-, for Amateur theatrical temperance plnya. drawiag room pbyr, fairy play.s," Ethiopiaa plays, gui'ie bookfc. speakers panto, mines, Tabhaux lighis, magae.siam light.-, colored fire, burnt cork, Theat rical face preparations, Jarly's wax works, wigs, beards, and moustaches at reducee prices. Gxtomcr, fceaery charades. New catalouge sent free containing full description and prices SAML FRENCH & SON. V" Naa fau St., New York. Hi?i 00b Mwmh s, ann te h$. Ever brought to thn 'mUv aad prieees. Give him a call and eiamtae gtsrls -T. O. Pottair, Red Claual, Nabratka f IO silt-edged card. no two alike. with name 10 cL- po-t paid. Kki lows a co.. North Chatham, N. Y. PTJLMONA u oeyond compari.oa the best remely for the cure of co.vguwpTioK even in its tnot advanced (stages) Atliraa, bronchit", CaUrrb, and all derange ments of the Nervou ytcm. A cir cular containing mrticulan cf many cases successfully treated, full advice for the treatment of the diseases above mentioned and certifcates of actual cures, will be sent tree by mail t all applicants Address OSCAR C. MO SES, Sole Propretor, IS Cartbad Street, New York. CHEAP CASH STORE Wholesale ami Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS. HATS, CAPS AND NOTIONS. Creeerieft, Flovir 4l jtvrovIslamii, WOOD, WILLOW, GLASS AND QUKKNSWARK. irA' WILL NOT HE UNDERSOLD. CALL AND SEE US! North of Bank. HA.-mwox, Nlnba-ika. rriivi-i?L.BsBBBaaa ate M rmMni Mtgs stfi9fim?sf ;? . 1 ADVERTISING ! $1,000 WORTH for RS7-50. The cheapest aad bet wav to reach readers oatrde of the large cities is by umg one or more of our mx lists of oveT 1000 aewaaaMra, diridaj U sav er difTereat sections of the coaatrr mefct IressteU. a,, aasiK Aivertuemenrs received for one er morelisu. For catalogues coalaiai aaoses of papers, and other infunaa- InJUiif . ITsw- Tark. JI823. SKND FOR 1878. THE SEW YORK OB SEBYEB ? Sett SeHgims aai Sriae raail7 jTswiaaaer. 3.25 a Year, sort jaii, 2staalishsd2S33. Jsv 37 Park row, new aop. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. HARDWARE MORE. miTCKXXiI A XOKHABT lre, We keep oa head at all times a large and complete tek of 8t.v Tia, aad Hardware. WE ALSiJ Kttp a SMpply 9tWmrmlmm Mmplemfmtmm assTfttve u a call, as we feel tare we eaa jeit yea, ami at fewiaa as bw as aay other Irta ia the weK.-Sj iReeacmber the pbee, 1 deor aorth ef the Priariaa; asaer. Red Clonal, Nob. k r r i Hf p'1r - "sy7SF'T TrasprasF-ir r-verxsttvrz?!; '