The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 22, 1877, Image 3

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ah Km of Crime.
A mere glance at the telegraphic col
umns in Monday's paper reveals a ter
rible condition of violence and crime
throughout the country. The first dis
patch describes the burning of a pris
oners barracks in this state by a refrac
tory convict, the disclosure of a plot
which had been hatched by some of the
worst among the men confined, and the
death of at least two of thern in the
flames. Then comes, one after another,
a long array of crimes. There are two
murders and one case of matricide fol
lowed by suicido, two cases of abortion,
two great burglaries, one case of exten
sive embezzlement, one of incendiar
ism, one murderous attack in a saloon,
the victim of which is not exacted to
live; in San Francisco three commun
ists are arrested for an attempt to in
cite a riot; the news from West Vir
ginia relates to a murder committed,
although the man charged with it was
acquitted; and the latest l.ittle Rock,
Ark., Gazette, contains an elaborate ac
count of the execution of Thos. Siftner
for the diabolical murder of two wo
men, and from Texas we hear of a rep
utable physician being taken out into
the woods and receiving one hundred
lashes upon the bare back, simply be
cause he entertained opinions upon re
ligion not in harmony with the viewa
of many of his neighbors.
It has almost always been observed
that after every great national convul
sion, such as foreign or civil war, crime
floods a country like an epidemic. It
was seen in England after the wars of
the Hosts; after the series of political
agitatians which terminated in the res
toration of Charles II., and after the
long war which ended in the peace af
ter the battle of Waterloo, in 1815. Ev
eryone who has studied the history of
Spain since the Jight of Isabella, in
ISiv. and of Franco since the late war,
must have been struck by the recur
rence of a similar outbreak; but fortu
nately, in these two Latin communities
it has subsided to a remarkable degree,
and social order now prevails in both
countries. In lierlin, itself, it is well
known that crime has been more wide
spread since 1871, than it ever was be
fore. In the United States, if we may
assume, as we may fairly do, that the
present era of wrong doing is the reflex
of the agitation created by the civil war
we must make the unhappy and humil
iating confession that it has lasted some
time longer here than anywhere in the
Europe of to-day. For this there must
be causes; one of them is jwssibly the
the vast extent of our country, which
seems to inspire criminals with the idea
that, with common lHck, they will al
ways be able to find some refuge from
justice in some corner or other of the
land. Another, of coupse, and perhaps
a leading cause, is the newness, and the
wild pioneer life of many regions in the
land. A very large proiKirLiou, perhaps
a majority, of misdeeds in these sec
tions, remote as many of them aro from
railroad, telegraph or newspaper office,
are never reported, often forgotlen, in
deed, almost as soon as committed; but
still it is somewhat singular that in the
long list to which we have alluded there
is only one reported from the new and
far West, that of the case of the phy
sician in Texas, which, from the singu
larity of its character, must be consid
ered rather as incidental to, than with
in the miasma of the epidemic rather
as a strange accompaniment than a type
of the disease.
A large proportion of the crimes tel
egraphed are in Ohio, an older and a
well-settled State; but in Ohio, as the
returns from the last election abund
antly proved.a very excitable element in
the population has made great progress
in numbers and weight. The theories
of Communism, which, from the r nks
of its strange allies, the Xihilists, of
Russia, has now filled the jails of .
Petersburg and Moscow with two thou
sand prisoners arrested for that cause
alone, have kindled among the masses
of many of the cities ar.d towns in
Ohio, especially wherever there is any
Bohemian population, an excitement
fully as fierce and even more danger
ous than that ever engendered by war.
It is affiliated with that perturbation of
men's minds, that rebellion against the
inevitable operation of the laws of po
litical economy, which found an expres
sion so terrible in the destruction of
property and loss of life at the railway
riots in Pittsburg. The result in society
thus shaken is a natural and direct ten
dency to inflame everywhere the pas
sions of all who, whether from want
untenable principles, recklessness, or
audacity, have been brought m any de
gree under its influence. These com
munists and untrained would-be inno
vators on all social law and order may
not be and very recently, except in San
Francisco, have not been the actual
perpetratori of the outrages; but by
their fervid denunciations of all the ex
isting principles upon which society is
conducted, and by which the frame
work of government is built up, they
have so fevered the blood of thousands
upon thousands that they are no longer
amenable to the restraints which once
controlled them far more effectually
than now. We are by no means inclin
ed to pessimism, but it is easy to see
that the country is now passing through
a crisis of moral as well as political
history. St Louis Qlobe Democrat.
A Eomantic Infatnation.
An Heir f) a Throne Following: the Trav
els of an American Songstress.
Some time in the spring of 1S7S there
appeared at the court of the Queen D im
ager Josephim, of Sweden then so
journing at the summer palace at
Rosendal four young and beautiful
girls, whose remarkable talent as musi
cians had attracted the attention of mu
sical connoisseurs of Europe, and thro
the mediumship of Ottillie Welgren,
secured them the friendship as well as
the patronage of royalty. It may be
readily understood why the advent of
these fair artists, who from childhood
Ji4 been proteges of the King, created
a great sensation among the susceptible
youth attached to the court, and passing
hours of idleness amid the beautiful
scenery and charming pleasures of this
favorite abode of the Quest Dowager.
Among those attracted by the beauty of
either the place or of its fair visitors,
was a you.ig noble who has since be
come prominent in European politic?,
and who stands next in succession to
the throne of a kingdom. He had ever
been fortunate in love ; but at last he
met his Lite and suffered a defeat
wounding to his pride, butmore wound
ing to his heart. To one of this quartet
of leauties he became deeply and devo
tedly attached; but, though it was ap
parent his affections were not engaged
elsewhere, she would give him no en
couragement, and all his advances were
met with the coldest indifference when
they could not be avoided altogether.
The talent of this quartet of beauties
caused them to be invited to visit vari
ous Eurojiean courts, and through Aus
tria, Prussia, Russia, Holland, and the
Rhineland, the devoted Prince followed
the object of his heart's affections.
Presents of immense value, and letters
borne by the hands of embassadors,were
alike quietly, but firmly refused, and
the lovely girl, to all remonstrances of
friends at the extremity of her coldness
declared herself "wedded to her art."
At length, in the. fall of 1876, she, in
company with three fellow graduates of
the Conservatory of Music, Stockholm,
left suddenly for the United States.
Not even their nearest relatives knew
of their intention to leave Europe. As
for Prince Paul K , he was nigh dis
tracted. Compelled to remain in Eu
rope, and not daring to relinquish the
duties of his high station, he was forced
to abandon the pursuit of the object of
his adoration in propria personce, but
trusty messengers were sent in every
directiion to discover something of her
whereabouts, when all doubts were set
at rest by the arrival of dispatches from
Xew York. After giving concerts in
connection with theOle Bull and Thom
as Orchestra, the quartet last spring se
cured the services of John D. Mishler,
and commenced what is to be a musical
Lour of the United States, to be comple
ted at San Francisco. During their va
cation this summer they were continu
ally followed to various watering places
by a tall, dirk, foreign looking gentle
man, who seemed to be interested in
their every movement When they re
tired for a month to a quiet Berks coun
ty farm house, he took board at the vil
lage hotel, and was observed to watch
them at every opportunity. When they
started on their concert tour he was an
attendant at every concert, in every
town, and invariably stopping at the
same hotel as they did. His conduct
was at -last explained, and the whole
story came out by his action at the Tiff I
House, at Buffalo, when he seized the
opportunity to have an interview with
the lovely blonde who had rejected the
Prince. Whut pnonod at that intprviow
can only ba surmised ; but certain it is
this watchful emissary had been send
ing regular reports to Europe to his
royal master, and he had obtained an
interview under instructions. What
ever his instructions may have been,
it is certain the result of the interview
was most unsatisfactory, for he imme
diately left for New York. There can
be no doubt but he was deputed to offer
to the brilliant songstress the share of a
throne, and there can be no doubt she
refused it. It will not be so very aston
lshiug since princes are but men if
the royal lever should come to press his
suit in person. Nor will it be astonish
ingsince the cold beauty is after all a
woman if the persistence of a prince
should at last persuade her to look with
favor upon his suit. Pittsburg Leader.
Tho Women of Shakespeare.
Miss Adelaide Neilson says of the
wtmien of Shakespeare : It w6ild take
a volume to classify them. Each and
every one is a different creation, and
their characters illustrate peculiar com
parisons of mind force. In the charac
ter of Dssdemona we see a powerful
illustration of conjugal devotion, and
the strongest sympathy is excited for
her sorrowful fate. In Isabella's is dis
played a high souled principle; in Ju
liet's an enthusiastic love; in Constance
is seen the highest form of maternal
agony ; in Margaret of An jou, the stern
est energies of our sex ; in Katherine,
the completeness of resignation; in Ro
salind, wit and romance ; in Cleopatra,
the beginning and end of coquetry ; in
Imogen, an affection that is deathless ;
in Ophelia, the fate of a broken heart
and a maddened brain; in Cordelia's
chaiacter we have the beautiful lesson
of filial obedience; in Miranda's, inno
cence; sweetness in that of Anne Page,
and a playful freedom in that of Jessi
ca. In all Shakespeare shows a true
appreciation of female excellence, and
he makes them talk and act like true
Stellar Spectroscopy.
We have seen the stars divided into
orders according to their constitution.
We recognizs evidence tending to show
that these various orders depend in part
upon age not absolute, but relative age,
There are among the suns which people
space some younger by far than our sun,
others far older, and some in a late stage
of stellar decrepitude. Whither as yet
spectroscopists have perfectly succeeded
in classifying these stellar orders in
such sort that the connection between a
star's spectrum and the star's age can be
at once determined, may be doubtful.
But certainly there are reasons for hop
ing that, before long, this will be done.
Among the stars, and, strange to say,
among celestial objects which are not
stars, there are suns in every conceiv
able stage of development, from embryo
masses not, as yet, justly to ba regarded
as suns, to masses which have ceased to
fulfill the duties of suns. Among the
more pressing duties of spectroscopic
analysis at the present time, is the prop
er classification of these various orders
of stars. Whensoever that task shall
haye Dm a-wmplished, ftrong Jight, '
( I venture to predict, will be thrown on
our sun's present condition, as well as
on his put history, and on that future out. It shows a larxo increase of bui
fate upon hich depends tke future of ness. Assets f . 9.X)D CO. It is evi-
our earth. R. A. Proctor in the Contem.
porary Iitvfew.
The Coffee-Plant in California.
CapL Peter Hansen, of Ciayton. bro'i
to our t ffi :e this week a bunch of twigs
bearing berries about a quarter of an
incli in diameter, some of them red, and
some a dark purple, almost black, ach
of them inclosing twin grains, which,
though of smaller siz?, resemble the
coffee grains of commerce. The leaves
of the plant are of oblate shape, olive
green in color on the upper and a much
lighter shade of green on the under sur
face, averaging about an inch in length
by a quarter of an inch in breadth
While none of the berries upon the twigB
were mature, those of darkest color are
presumed to be the nearest ripe. Capt
Hansen informs us that the plant from
which the twigs were taken is the growth
of a coffee berry he planted on his place
some eight or ten years ago. The berry
was taken from some coffee purchased
for home use, and planted in the pod
containing both grains, just as one is
occasionally found in the coffee of com
merce. The shrub is now eight or ten
feet high and quite full of berries. Capt.
Hansen is satisfied that the foreiga cof
fee plant will do well in our climate and
soil, and to test the matter has sent to a
relative in Brazil for a quantity of the
seed berries, which he intends planting
the coming season. Contra Costa Cat.)
To Soften the Hands. Indian meal
and vinegar or lemon juice usjd on the
hands when roughened by cold or labor
will heal or soften them. Hub the hands
in this; then wash off thoroughly and
rub in glycerine. Those who suffer from
chapped hands in the winter will find
this comforting.
Hi ere In 1 ntcer Ahead
When thope usually active little organs, the
kidneys, are neglectful of their duties and
grow hluggish. Fattv degeneration, Hrlht'n
disease, diabetes-, and other dangerous mala
dies, are the result of neglect to remedy this
Inactivity by tnediciual means. When the all
important functions of the kidney are imper
fectly discharged, thote organs need cumula
ting, and the tcst possible agent for that pur
pose hlnce It performs Its olliee without ex
citing them is Hostetter's Stomach Hitter,
which, In combination with its
tonic and '
cathartic properties, possesses valuable quali
ties as a diuretic. Moth kidneys and bladder
are strengthened by it, and the vigor which It
imparts to them, and the gentle but effectual
impulse which it gives to their operations, it)
the best possible guaranty again&t their be
coming diseased. The Bitters are Invaluable
In other respects as well as the above, since
they remedy general debility, uterine troubles,
chills and fever, dysjx-psla, constipation, gout,
rheumatism and other ailments.
Reef Cattle 5 9 7 dll .v
Hugs Lire. . 40 v. h hi
niieejt Live 3 .V) tt . V!
Klour Oo(! to choice w w, fi ','
Wheat No. 'JCtilcago I :o . 1 31
Corn Western mixed. M t.'V
Oata Western new -tl.Vfc
l utter. ..... 10 (9 0
Pork New Mess &II .so
LtMTQ o r v o Jv
BeeTes hole iW8 ft oi
Mors.. ................ .. 4 70 qt 4 H3
tftrflTOncetSnow 4ri Si
flour White winter ft iO 7 'i"
HprlnR extra .?
Wheat Sprlnft No'.' 1 10 I imy
Com No .' 4 V 4-V
Ual 9 ' c O 4 9 ' 7
t v ' IB mi
i'ork Mess, new fall u
Barley No 2 BO a 7
LJkTu o w H o j
Beef Cattle Fair to choice 4 .sn aft
Uofts LlTft. 1 i5 bi ! "
Klour KallXX ft It A ft M
Wkeat No 2 Itftd 1 ."i'A 1 '.'7
VOrii-i?i o a v
Oats t 2 H
Kye No 1 tt 51
17 orKiu688 ' Iftlt -'
LarU 3 2JH
Fiour v "
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f i our
Wheat No 2 1 lfK
IsOlU 1t ?J
UR145- i'l O m Vm y
UMriOTriv lw
Hi?-Jl O 4s 4S vV
Flour wholesale 190 ft '2 2
iV llt)A Ol i& v
vOi U ' v '
uAvBittf n
i mTl o y & 4
xvyt? vv ifl j
EfKS J v 1
OUl-fW a p 'J
UU(S( " J Hv " '
ItBrnett'M Cocaine is the best and
cheapest Hair Drcssim In the world. It kills
dandruff, allays irritation, and promotes a vig
orous growth of Hair.
Dr. Marnhairn Lang Syrup.
This most valuable medicine will positively
cure consumption in its first stages, and afl
diseases that lead to it, such as severe coumi
colds settled on the breast
of blood, dry, hacking
diseases oi tue throat
covery of Dr. E. T. Marshall, while experi
menting for his own health. He has put it
to the most severe tests, and never has he
found a failure. All who have used this in
valuable medicine acknowledge that it is the
best remedy for coughs, colds and pulmonary '
complaints" they have ever tried. Physicians (
freely endorse it. Price 25 cents, 50 cents and
f 1 per bottle.
The silverware delivered by the National
Silver Plating Co., No. 704 Chestnu. street,
Philadelphia, is civin? entire satisfaction.
All orders are promptly filled, and no one
need hesitate about sending them money.
Lutheran Observer.
Buchu iu various forms has for many years
been one of the chief articles in the Materia
Medica for the treatment of certain diseases,
among which are chiefly those affecting the
urinary, digestive, and circulatory organs.
The difficulty that was long experienced in ob
taining a preparation ofthis valuable dru?
that could always be relied upon for uniform
ity in strength and absolute purity led to the
introduction of Helmbold's Extract of Buchu,
which for the last Quarter of a century has
been extensively used both by physicians and
in house and family practice, and with very
gratifying success. This medicine, like every
other Valuable thing, has been extensively im
itated, and those who have use for it will do
well to see that they obtain the genuine
"Helmbold Buchu," the only pure and reliable
W. K. Lainphear, of Baltimore, Md., whose
card appears in this paper, Is entirely reliable,
and his goods are as advertised.
WSee E. BBOWX'S Advt of Foot Lathes.
The Injurious me oi improperly prepared pills
and other loudly-blown remedies recommended
to care all Ills. Is much to be lamented bv all ex
cept the doctor into whose care you are sure to "
ceme. An honorable and trusty exception to the .
rule is KtlerTB Daylight Llrer Fills. They clear '
and purify tb yirpn rarfc-ty.
One of our most enterprising druggists in
formed u that he was eelllng more of the
Great English remedy for coughs, cold's sore
throat, asthma, etc., than all other medicines
The Celebrated Vleoua KoM.
Among the numerous articles Doolet's
Yeast Powder is used for are the celebrated
Vienna rolls, which are so delicious, palata
ble and healthy. If you have not the recipe
turn maU.
Db. Wishart's Pink Trek Tar Cordial
positively cures consumption. Taken in time
it will prevent it. All affections of the lungs
are cured by this sovereign Remedy, which al
so eradicates dvEDeoeia. and kindred diseases.
I OnlH Ha. Ainnrr: TUI Q1A tilKa a.AA
fmiil$T """" ' f '" nm"
, bronchitis, spitting ' ri..r" .:.r.: ..7. "t".i. f i.i i
roiich and all other -ou'l'"UMt " upuij, u.. .iibioiwih i"b
COU,n, ana ail Oilier srltr n !.! ri,iir.iJ' r.m..ilv whteh never
orlunirs. It lsttiedi- 7,rr'...r ' , S . J
CAnn xjont ctomn f iivat aTT" Jtr. KiF-rrTir l
- -. w a- . 3 urngigts. eDu ior circular 10 neipnensune
New York, and you will get it, together with , & nxlev Druegists, Washing D. a
many other valuable cooking recipes, by re- , sold whoWiern Rdriinnr7nrtnaf!B
. The monthly statement of the Il.iwk
eye Insurance Company for Octoler b
, i
dtly the strongest and best managed
company doing1 business in U.b Stat.
It sustains more losses, ai d adjusts and
pays them more promptly, and to the
satisfaction of its pitrona, than any
other company. This old, staunch
company seems to be the favorite of the
insuring public It has ls litigation,
less fault found with the manner of Its
doing business, than any other com
pany. It, sustains a loss on almost
every working day, 3et so well ptr- i
fected is its plan of adjustment and
payments that it has not to exceed five
unpaid looses at this date. We would
suggest to every party having property
to insure to secure a policy in this com
pany. r VOL AKK HII.IOI.
tone up joar llTer. Take Qu rk" IrU Tea
by Cr'-jcflH at IJcti. a pnVirfe.
Mr. Geo. P. Burn ham, the Veteran I5rr-der.
ami author of "How to Kalse FnU anil Kit
In quantity for market" sajB : The "IuijxTlaJ
Ejtif Footl" Is by far the bcttlinul&ulforthb
Increaeed egg-production from common hen,
mat we are acquainted with, w e have trr-
Konallv Leati-d -thU iirettamtfmi. ai.i! with
inarkMl rMTllui-In najt TeiM. H.m.lrr.K f
tlie leading poulterers of thin country bare
al?o tried it practically, and alT aprcc that thU
food properly iven to laying fowls, a the
printed dlrcctlous accompanying each jackai:e
clearly epeclfie, will greatly Improve the lay
lng qualities of hens; while there are certain
constituents in the make-up of this feed, that
wonderfully aids at the eame time in keeping
domestic poultry in Hue conidtion and good
Amerku Ileutx Ike World.
America has great reason to le (roud of her
Bchlevements In manufacturing, and in no
one department of her manufacturers has she
made greater progress than in the making of
pianos. American pianos now t;ke first rank
in the musical centers of the w orlil. Hut of no
one piano has America greater reatou to be
proud than of the Mathu-kck. This line piano
is gaining rapidly in favor with the mii-iclan
and singers bothln this country and In Kurope. i
They admire it not alone for'the purity ami
strength of Its tone, in which qualities "it ex
sels all others, but also foi its durability, In
which it will never le excelled. It ha reached
perfection. This will be plain to any one who
is familiar with the construction of the .Ma
thUnhek. The stralu of the tlf teen F string-., '
Instead of tugging at one point, as It invaria
bly does in tiie construction of all other pi
ano-. Is In theMathUihck dltributrd over the
entire hngth of thcdftoundiug board. A .Math
tishek ntano, with proper care, will List a
tbou-aiul eurs; there it. n reason why It
t-hould wear out or lose Its power an inore
than the harp, whose legitimate
It Is. And to this peculiarity of Its construc
tion it owes the t xcellence of Its tone. The
system of bridging, running the whole length
of the sounding board, gives a perfect connee-
l'on ' tHe stringing tension with the vitra-
iious oi t:ie uoani. and imtiiies tue instrument
with a tiie as res, onslve to the touch of the
practlcel performer as is the human voice to
the Varied motions of the soul. This respon
sive element in the .Mathushek Is the delight
of pi.miats and composer-, as It enables them
to give expression to their harmonies with the
most delicate exactness, and "expression is
the soul of music '
Messrs. l'elton A: Pomeroy have conferred a
, boon upon the music-loving portion of ourclt
I izens by the introduction to Chicago of these J
I superb" pianos. These gentlemen arc sole i
i agents In the Northwest fo' the sale of the
Mathn-hek. Their olliee and rooms are at 152
State Street, and they take pleasure in show-
, lug the construction of the Mathushek to any '
one who mav favor them with a call. I
An Effectivi: Wkaton i tie All Right
Fire Anns Co., of Lawrence, Mass., offer to the
public a beautiful little pistol, called the
"Little All Uight Kevolver' designed for the
j vest pocket. It is constructed on a new prin
ciple, ami Is perfectly afe In carrying, using,
I and of remarkabli '""u-er. It Ip, made of the.
finest., and is oeautiim ,W ,.r....uuriii). '
Different styles are funiishcd, ellIng at $,
?10 and $12, "and It Is being rapidly introduced
throughout the United States, besides large
orders have been received by the manufactures i
from England, France and "Germany. We re- '
cently hud the pleasure of witnessing a trial of
one of these revolvers at the manufactory in I
Lawreuce, and found It to be all that Is repre- !
iented. It Is a rapid and effective shooter,
being as powerful as the ordinary revolver of
four times its si.e. The company is reliable
in every respect, and those having business
relations with them may depend on being
, dealt w ith fairly. Dubuque Herald. "" I
! L. II. Hush, the largest wholesale druggist I
I in I)es Moines, Is the "authorized agent for the ,
. sale of the celebrated medicines of J. I. Drom-
goole A: Co., of Louisville, Ky. This house Is !
, one of the most reliable, not only in Louis-
ville, but In the Vest. Among their celebra
ted and popular medicines are Dav's Ague '
Tome, Smith' Hair Restorer, Ualley's Saline
Aperient, etc.
ami urerenis lispa,e. Every utock raUer should
liave It on luinl to lie uel as occasion may re-
inir-. ii juui uiuniniimiB i'i. uidiuhvuu'
ln nnriHm'4 ln tut l irlvi1 wltii an Infn- I
.. ... ...- .-.-... -.-- w. - ,. .-.- ,
rlor article, hut send to the Ernmert 1'roprleUry
CO., UnicagO. nfnl trt T t r vnnrsPir
It T ken I.iki AVHililre.
Tlious.inds o' voluntary compliments and
recommendations are pouring In, all declar
ing "(rtllet'p Cream Dry Hop Yeast" much t
better than Compressed "or any other yeast
How to Save Doctor Bills. Keep a
variety of Waketleld'n Family Medicines In
your house; study their direction and use
them asoou as you are attacked with disease.
You will thin save doctor's bills, loss of time
and much suffering. This is the experience of
those who have tented them for thirty years.
For sale by all drmrirlsts.
Prevention i better than cure. Check a
There is no do bt that the PaL Wood Box
Stove Polish Paste Is the quickest polish and
the cleanest to use, of any.
ReccinineudHtions of music dealers of
a particular make of piano or organ
cannot always be relied upon, because
it is for their interest to recommend and
sell that on which they can make moat
money, and makers of poorest instru
ments can always afford to make them
larger discounts and commissions than
makers of best work. It is much cheap
est in the end and safest to obtain the
very best, even if the price be a little
more. The Mason & Hamlin Organs, t
which are conceded to be best, are, at
the reduced prices at which they are
now offered, even lower than some in
ferior organs, and not much higher than
the veiy poorest.
Farmers, lirery meu. ua uruei makers who
hare csed Uncle Hani's Harness OIL will never
nse any other; it Is the bet and only reliable oil
In the market, it rece'Yivl the blsbest award at
the Centennial Exposition of IS7S. -for sale by
all flrst-cla-is hamesiPfttatillaMnpnts.
The rapidly increasintr demand for Eilerfs Ex-
tract of 1 ar and ""'lid Cherry. Is a
unerrr. is a nosi
mire Indl-
cation of Its merits; thousands of lndlrlduaU
wbo bare been cured of coazhs. colds, broncaltts
and incipieHt Consumption, where other reme
dies bsre falletL are tne best proofs possible that
this Is without donbt tne best cough remedy yet
wait tin y.ia are sick before trylnirrar
ter Llttr. Liver Piili. but get a ial at ojce. Yoa
ian't take them without b-nefit.
, .
? a sure emeay ror uiarrnaea. Dysentery
uu iuiiuicus luui(iisiuw gcaermiij. ll auouiu oe
In eTe.y house wbere there are children. Mothers
Klve It a xrlai
X otliar Krnnljr KaewHls equal to CAR-
txr's Extract iF S aet YVxbd ior oreaktng up
1 a old andcirmg hoarsene, pa'u in the ureas',
side or back, soreness or tue flesh and bons. sUC
i ness otthe Jjlnts. mnrnp. sure led njek. etc.
is -
Uarang's Kheumatfc Remedy," the great
Interval MEDicnra, will positively cure any
case of rheumatism on the face of the earth.
Price f 1 a bottle, six bottles, fo. Sold by all
ine uonsnuiiionai i ;ararrii KrH-dr
" rniirh rir a filil at onna xi?rVi iiiqv Ipiin tn
strikes at the boot, bnllds np tbe consUtutloa. 1 HT A Tir'IrElBet,,e ,ea?11 Woiseatoeaa
msvi u new. ani drives aar Catanb acd all , " tm-" -aoaLr TAa,3 ior this famoas book. We
diseases or the nervous membram s, and t-eJr at
ten dant pains and aches, per ataH sr to bead, baer,
sbomcen,kidj.e78axauirost, Solabyal"arii4.
Knorii1 iKiWav.
Ye. It wu a lair n-i aquar kacack kn, -
awl tK r,.li.. tj tl. ... t. .-...I J.wlt
Ttc !i.znle nnmUMi; are tmwr ;atJi;U.-
It ItiWTVlril ar.l ther rive tscmSaUVat le pii
dcor- .if topir ;; rccw-.ti-fx
"Wtiea Jot It unia lead acr isZuezc.
then it 1 iic w k moTt hnrr.T un '
W'c alia.)? to Ur t act U.i ihr tercet female
mtdUloc .-! a K-;1t& Ytuuklc timer,
ha t-rca rrtitn-r-tl Snv J.J'iT Jr Lottie ut
three fur i J -)& litl .ll fa: two
r-k. L. If Hush at De Moiac aa .rccrrO
the a-;ctcy.
Think or It.- ! It orth whil. r iv. to
KiVr tbr ilttJ ;4-tUf r H'HiJ oilier S;
taoj. marrr fcy a unrA&t ti ik: dinger
i coach, lrn a nc!c A crat !tilir of
that Ju-lJ jojtiU.-reUM-Jv, 4 .MoJAUe lwioc'
Couch bilwita," vrii. effect acurr' It nf
ml j.Icant AH Jraint f-il tt. Kuckci
A HcaUcJ, Pruj rtrtor. Nc V. rk Clt
w" J".wr5-1
1rt U riuuit tit! v.
Mrr. TiT
f KA r "i
mw frc
KlL.T.VT;r-'N "S-icT - T.I
u J w u M J I Oil
i KaClo&lie lar4. t. r. li . 1 1 uds
" f-i pJll ro I Kiibilo intj,
X .IKOn, tifMLl. Clilij-r, s.u ;tua.
"anar iv en
livw lojtalril. .-vuturltin nr toi
lK. 1U.Nf.K4 IO..HI. Ma.
Ke-ut ful r mit- J !'i7-turt. ' pi f c
IbI'VM Kr.j.rr Ctai.a Ire. wrrat
" - - He tein uun tWrt ,r-ttarffh. i"
CKN 'n niff. mi'h in- IIlfTKTKl
HIT )K OK rii E I. UK4T i:MKK.X xAK.
fro irclu. nix rr 1) il! Ma. ii fee oJ
;ooil;eeU lloL Atti IMMr Hju- tli rj.
. .. .-!- ,..- .,
t ifcir on'h maa
ri ln br())r rofr or
. . ulfar, lop t.BCeettAlUDerT tkaK?
la.C eftn rtul' i minimi Nurattir Ni.!i..n. .. t
(ir!. !! f a tt.r rtlCKe rNoff'l't C IIB.O
V 31fTM. Af.r.M-. WAMMi.
M30 of th I.VTK.-.r OVKUTIKv -"tU
lor i a ahxar. V l.N Jt ill. C HiCAiMt
nn I.U ft ATKI UATI'IIKn. f brjj-t
lu ttje trd aic)ie utch fre Jo Cer;!.
yVAddfrf A CwiTtKi to I blrtto. 1 I.
LI'.U in T ' . r;.itr P1,C--nrt
IK1 rr , SI. I ' nrr. tlU
SV,r.u Ctjvur fit. IJU 1 nuvi 3U ft, -'!,
Soar I Tin
au4i our cat
lorfuc to all
I. S II KU ll it'mor. M l
I t a :ir:iii) arr tuuo u At
&m. H ',ltiiK our Cnrtmo. I'rart
KeartL Motto, xrrlnture Text.
Transparent flrture and Ctirotuu Oanla. low
laiu'ilri, worth tit. Rent tot;aU for ?3r. Illu
trateU caU!(KUr Uce. J. II. JJUFfOKU'S fMl.Nh.
o.TO. Kt IHtil lHu
' M -t Klli a irratlir on C.
tarrh, ami rontaluliif luiiuiurr Mr rasi or cur
-lit mtLK, 1t ail ir np the I'roprtrturs, 1.IT
TI.:KIKI.I A . M.Mi. ri.Irr .S II.
Yrit XAJIK,1?'"-.-
3 White
i!t If til
agents' circular nJ KU umMri of tji.p Iji lir
in - lairiii nr iver u. UA.xn, ll( HiU
Ititflon.s rretltot tj. s
No eri hi cu arforil U kici'fowl w Ittmut uilbg
e advertlM-meiit In next l-nue of tt M jaiier
Taliman's Musk.
Tn 1 1 in it it 'a Mt-lillll I'oMtlet-a.
Surgeons, ""i'.'r.
'riillniun'a 4!lyrrrtne
XXUF3eal?:fi ' lUml-lnUira. AS to 140
tonsil n'".-'.! i '.)---frB 4U lo .t.'.C
I iuu.j. J. 4.UOK. A. CO.. Xltr'm, ral Mrrldca. t wu
1'nnli-d Itrlrtllvm -Mm I' -ach Mr
for tne I"tctio hrlc. 1'ay illirrai. position
i erinanpnt. srnil faun lur partuulai V S secret
seivlrei o,;30 Wain t St rtt, IlirltiuaM. Uhlo
.1 a - V. .- 1.1 f&a
f D . . a A, . ..1a,aaa ..
j -w sava a "i j n " m -. ---
tr i tViir wfc J r-if ii-r'
-. m -n B-a 4.-. fJM.- II
tmm i. H-
1'ifcIIVJ' nVV LKK I i;. rii V
1 UUilU JMWdiM anil rarn from fin to ildi
I a mot th. SIlualloiiK furnlshrtl. hiuall itliri
1 while learning. Whole ex rne ear nrd back tn '
air inontlii. AiMiestt hy rxiatal can. R.
VALENTINE. ManaKer JanrTl le. WIb-oii tn.
prlrvfl. Sentl f
u n u liua-u 111
" .1. hah. uy stati: THKEr.
Importer of noma i llalr r.o.xln.
rreuetiCn lien and wavmof ever) I
flerriifon. Cnnnlte utoc. '
wlKileiale a"d retail. Lowest I
price. Semi rer plce II t (iuo'ls sent C. O 1.
anj where, llalr lire tv l In every My. p.
iij niicic 1111
Our ! etit -SANS I'AKIEL"
mil OI'EKA" ishlrtg are the
in FtelijMiit Dreia Shirt madn
and he only Irt you III wear
afiT trial. Sen I lor felf-ini-i-
urrineiit hUnlr. si K (ONE l'ostti-gtnrt
ouaiLriiAiufti ui abiiT, - - iiutjuijuh, lUr A
No MnMral Acade-ny out o- intoii, offer jrreat
eradvantKes to the . t ol-iit In Music. Ihanthir
Insttluilon. Tea lieri of miil and ort an nti ran
liecome arqualnted w-t h the tf it metliodj of teach.
liiK.theame . areuhed In thertiil-elaaicouserv.
atorlft In Europe Terms retaonable. Send foi
circular with t articular-
T?i Hook or
fit. jvoret oi a
Llfetlnie.te U ou ail uiulI t oiirtlcK; how to grt
Married; how tn live happy and ohui i fie iiure.
Health, Wealth, how l rondui t yoorrlf in the
Hociely of the opposite m-x, ai.d iIirIIih tloiiiv.
..lrea.l hold.Malleil Tor 10- In pmaie 'tamp or
curieuc)-. Aildirn.H I'tili n I'lih. t o , walk. .
Ho! FariiMTs and KenterM.
SKNIi A l'OSTiL f'AIMi 'r denrrlptlon and 111 B pi
of l,:yo.mj actci oi K. It. Lainb nl'e ml die re -i
lou of nesli-rii loa. 'or lale at to is per rcte
on termt a d In I um 1 its to null ah darken CI -mate
an I Mill ulai-ted tj all kl-l-jf inoflublr
faruilliR Afdre.-.l It. CALIIOCN. I.aud yiin. i
riilislci er hiti It. 1U Mml lu , CnUr Kapliiv
luv a. or iC' Kin olpii Mieet. Ctil aito.
Vtalj trtry pc
tltr U tttrM
i:mr:i::T3 trxzzri te ill TUi. 2rtrti fcrl
, ....4 a.-Jl. Jl.. T!- ?. V.
C-t M -l.!S. AJIS 1! 2,-S L1VI. J.S
Fm c!e
- a . ... ,. v m m a a
izx.zzizi &z2:zz jj;-j ro;; ti. ,
nnaPAij. u. o
Entatiilslird In J5 Ms Horn tfp tent of time
nrt a to Dai t e pi-f-i Vk'T In the narket.
tfii: lld:l
INSTITUTE-oncp.Na.-iwe W. lib u.
ClnrtanatL " ror u. eurr c'Caarrr.
Tuanora. L'lrcra. arrvfula. abi M.t -!"'.
f ttcrt catri m tittvul lit s-iC iul'rria.!J.
Kurii:f'rn.a a rx.Wtaft;aict' arto lvt;ikio
ini tbpor; r, t.tiraot,ta!i fr.c ;ati'Sti
earr-i, a&4 Zrti-clx. eltj rt'ii, rt .4 tr-a
I- If. Urmtlcay, 31. D Baxi?.Cltw:lasU a
i Smallest ami most frfect Ite
iTOTt n the world, dual for i
jOts o lcori"andlp'lpeiplnh
a prip-i "ii'iriuru Kiiau ac
cident. Complete onfl fir :eut , cons.-i'lri-o
aaoiines. cse and inno-isr n at er. e z f-rJ'.
Semi forcircular. All KlRh: Klre ArtnaCo.. Law-
(.rlst Ml lb
Complete Flnnrlntt
and Corn Mill ror IL
(ai) Portable M llsror
F.-rmen. (Saw XIII
owner, etc Price
f om ud Corrpltte
Mill and Mie!lp-'A. A
ioy can grind and
keep In order. Ada't
el to anyk ind oft.nIt-
able tower. NOKnYKF- MARMO4 CO.. In
dini''l. Ind. Ktariahel 1-tM
A poaitmc mntUT lor Uraaajr axxl all ti
Itlneya. ItUm-ler aod fjr1aau-r Or
prrparrJ cxprCMlj f jT - ain il;
es J 11 porr.T arfcta&a sod I
Irurrdthouaaaiit. L
It aaa
aTant-d. SpjmJ to W
.Clarke Proridroct. B.l fur iucatrai! raim!it-
11 yoor crn-ut cent nTf it. tip vol t
.. ....' . ...
iil pant;
U for too.
VrJr hy ila-ik'rmaiiB 4 Hsm,H hsie-
ai Atfaia, uasaqsp. asrsrsu
ORurxittTHS secrit Seevice. a Select ow
a -r aaa.iH.-n'Haai'aia ija a a a. 11 n. 1 am
FRjar-. g-kkaet. Italt.sfaiw. kctsi. Fo- f
LA5D. EtYPT ad AMEiiica.. A Bevelatlon of
ttie Most Kenow-ed DtevtlTts of tbe ioe lot
the pat 25 ears. lttracra out tbe rcost noted
Kank Robbtrs. Scientific TbleTe. Lotterr Men,
Counterfeit Money Dealers. rlcJt-poceta. Sharks
and swindlers of all kinus upon th- li bile, in Is
bockdlcio(5 omertteaoit aarkrd tssticces
of deet laid plans of mlsenlef and ovtr ige ever re-
. corded oy pen or pencil. Tr.e book 1 . ro asly
! Illustrated wit Full rge Eorralnrs. 8 0 pages.
' Af-enta. are ineetlns; wltb Aawl.h.og a ccesa-
Tbls book will sell when all otber books .all to
r u
wil.. W m
I TI.m
sH "! H aH aWaf x.
offer Extra Inducements, and pay Freight ibara-es
on Books. Fur terms address t&e
tf, , Mmm rm,, C., M-M-tfifTat, C-nau
-ti, n.
t " l
TflYxri r
a,5 Ik
r .
ar r
-r-- ,
r t 1
r- i, ,!
M I V - -
L; i, fe- -i
t r" , -. ia.
1KJ lH.Stp-tU, t . t IWr jjTV-k
HIV. l I'ARVri.V L-
MTrt. U"Mtt V&m
oxxj oion
We lrpt'-t rut! u4tij Mliaiitrlli)
xi fc aw 6i:cr -- ll Uh'LKilhijt
The Fttutt 7 titii if- If .f thtrahlr JaJ
WarracteC Kl Um. .--S for rtl UU.
t siTHY i e:lies aiMii cci?ht. sc.jct. il
Who e ate l itrlmuttan KtJ.
C55TK n iwrl hrn a prrlalt.
-,v Marie! Jrr! i ar Xai:t e fhte
IUOI.RU II 4 ( ( oarirr; label
I . .J " rl " Turtft
MrtUl'lli. I'liarjil '41
lrH!.All MiiW.N. t-r.; M.
More than ora e ' Jinrn x B&' n-i
II itritnlabil lal UK rpi flrl.f l-v
).nrij .nir'i a d r ( . iiiiiiU.i. t -ii i ,
PI t IIlp Ir n t.a V tl UO, r torr.S
S-1 - for fir.- t r re LU; ai ir c Xu , Jga
IUX.llA.Mll. N ,
Farm & Eevator.
I I 1 III lull I.
rxpi'p Urd In lii
ai.d rhraaia. aid ilmji
klp .Tlfctloti. tfiij foi
cliruUr to
Hkliiurr Jl find,
Krla. .
5fT fII.
tt itt t r t.- Nr
I 4t.l vip It " '
U.nxXi. abir . .
r ..ti- n for f ri
Irron i . t
t iJ - s V a I r
i" ik-i f a'jr ar? r
f r ir-r rl.fiii.. j
orarlrt Ititrnl ic, I'rrr to imj -.jr..
3l.Ti.TIfJtV tltl A '..
Ort naUiranpnsur pi) Hip.
Zr .( V"J 1:' I - IIIK - '
PJ ItrlNlMratr, Srn lurk fit :
til. CAOU. iLU. NEW fUI E L,.
The Ileal an 9ol Poiitlnr (im Jfada.
nrsxntiSTAMi- rort i;ikcii.k' jti
.. -j - ! in lire ol ly uy
accident w ct'riiif A
WOl.VH .far.y Vi I. 0 e
k;t cfa I'liiKrr cr Toe. r
the I tt of an V.jr, a KL'I'
I'l'ltF, if l.ut lifc'it. rifa
jrnKn. Dncjr ol l,un(i
cr nr!eof rln civca
pension. II O V T . 1 f
dtut.arcedfor wound, in, jrte
orrjpiure, y -J K'.l toun
l'. KO-Spnd a ttampi for
ropy of I'mncn ami Itounty
Act. Addr- all leflert tn
U.S. Claim Asnt, Indlanap.
Oils, Ind. CiTOp ail I'tteit
ark r. o. ijok a .
Freeport, m
Manafartnreri or the m
bratM Htorrr Automatic
.Holld Wrjpaj Winrt Mill, tha
rarrlel off the honor at
theirreat "atloaal Lpntaa
nial K.Z(oltlon at fhlla
dptphla, I!, btcauio ol
runnlriat In llxnt vinrt.
Tlie fMnvar Iwaaty 4l
tmr lax-lllatltafx reaa
i luif ap. oppratp-l U) tan
ami twe're fret Wind lll.
ir'nli aatM in on
aa-ilftneil tarrltory.
1 I ""I
I "w
yUW ll
I'll ' 3-
Elegant Table Silverware
Ca baaa-xr-1 V7 ! - ram-Jta aU taaf-JWaltr a4. Ta Jla-Jatal "t
r.atiac CJEaa TM Cbxui: 1U n . at. '.-.fut' T a(c
taa!ri . r !a4 Vti. ai,; -ut i aa; a aba rr- f "
tli .iv r..X tr n;aa and pncrT on ra i-iwa aay daalrad
Initial. Ta ar rrta.aj 1 calaat IA if c im . - as j U
tt aVaa "fpaCT a a jsr sax aa! aKmi aa4 a.r i a -i "3 73 faa'a
U(.a; a akarcra. larlvil.( aaat af a!a-la lartla-a r-aa: w-i t a "-aaa
char(. It ?oti .1, ! i W n;ri ar aa. ,f " r a nr4 .
aa4 -;.t.f 1 1 r ti&4i atiaaat titta'r 1. 7 af. t- -4wH
af it fat (aafrUv ai aaal la tia Va U...r Ita'al aa -aai aa ii .l4.t
ir,irt fiaaa U Cw;n; L. t'at'Jr
Omri m XarmiL Mtit fdma Ca ! CVtl at T U!t Ta.
To whoa it may Coceers. I a a. ai aa a a
a caratu araaf &- tut lil'i MaM ana yr fa a aPt
at l B-a. mat , a&4 a latla-ta lat af Tt f 4a -laaa. . i-t
tpaf um a et , taaa r-tarlax taaa ta ry pt fi rvi r.r '
tt ' .hK.wa-' Mini aa u.a ?-a, aa
wU. aet aaaar taa Castas, afur atair taa a3a - af ' s
i.-ipi, jr atiosa. stLvra plat:o co,
tr Chrataat n, ITU Ja-ia.jSl.
Ox rrript tt Un Taaaa tar 2a "S rta v -f aft ilhrf -p
( aif-aaap BailU( nrri.iit4 taiii' . Wfll im U aat u m; t
rtaa a rtf -r ftn 0 Uv1rl li--.t r vri
ud n rwi Fa nmi. u; filial sa. a ciifft if. ! t-, a
tt 73 ert acct . ait lia pavsa uti laaiaraS al iaauaai. r- af aa
WtIr ciaatr 4t lirra 4ai l at-a aft . C..f, ia a.
aLt.a. JSiw-. jATioAf.j:i.vr2r--ATir-oco,
704 Cbeatsat tit. rblla4-.i.ti a.
.lakt H trrtri. J a-aa af Ua WU.In a--v a a w nl C
sa; ta -vo. ao f arrival af tia Sallll ta-ra ."ti a."M v-l
kai-aa. Ui aat iael anii4 jHaf.lni 4aaW ai- aai atTr
tlawnj SI Hi !li. 4w iKIfl i4 I."T UM IT.ta. ir a. tat
mtmtM ara drir .'"a LLa tla: ctal...
t5 to- ktlaaa tat , tla. tar Ja a lata
wtat fmil a-l y taa-i ft is a
eh arttelp. except arpa. will t
desired wiiioat extra coat.
ill 'Iff
1 1 I 'ij I
Taia ah-! rfr SaHa ral Jar ay slaptr ayt in tw-aa
it la -a :k Istartat af aa wa uaamrtlu WsaSsata t H JXal la-.
hm tm I m im r t 4ttw-
tT riaaa. af t aiglrajiaa
Ura orlanaf SUapraara aaaaVt ta aAiraaaa
310.704 CSiewtaat Strpt.
MtomK. I.?ffssaBaEBawV id
i ki:i.)
X k xt rrini,
Htt. f W f - v
aA. ir
.Ayal t4 tii
'Hikn w iMf-rft". noMKtrm'i.
i -
r r "til 4l a. T
l.t !f , m
Tl. !!)
mi nfii4 v
I I !
r "- - 4 f"
k4 t4l J
as (
F itrt f a ! rrn Uo,
i ! v m
r rn U t aaat La
' ha j . s- Itf ? Ill
j mi l j nUSi ava nf
kk " a 4
T"TtMiM fr IMK llirr J iTH'r Or
.1 i.. h.i . ont nim. Li ta
i r ' i ( (.) ' ki W,i a4 rtt
u rt'i a- a a' ' w ' ' a t t
' f t f IMIl ! W1
r . .c.'r' ., i-a "- 4 WJll. I
1 C 1 i 4 m4 rtaa - t a M aa I
" ' - a t . , . a fcv - fS'.
riin a t. a- a' M It fc.x rAaV
t a avtt
t'rlsinal nndOnlv (Irnulnr,
not r.-ri ! .tr r
nut U'tinu . r.
Tr'ra ll K..M I,, all lrt,sc -
ra l -a t la J t
l - t. .ll
'b mr fr if t ff 'lit.
I $ ft a IKrM a
i f (?
tr R- ad llifia
' llikr a Ift'lr; . i n It (:tu
f'ttfa a
llu 1
HIM af
'! .! ii tftntiffr-ni
ttl i a I it a H Tot Ur '"
;- l f I' f b ' t 'r li l la(ft
'. i ' 'I r : t 'u. ' l
r ! mr!r.i .' iifnti.1 uiiMihM
at An cuii'' I in mr..i r- a t Taaaa
uri-mii prrvlia j t -4a-tl u tn mallt!
rlif r. 1 Ua.UI) of rt r t tor ab w
ir t 'ir V ui iIhI ijIi'I' M'j ll'i
ir.l I At grt ml hailH4 lila JU iNturw
ri l h fira
Y t0 A II Y. OIC4-' .
iTun j.,"i H Ti . tn.--i Hi1iii,
Z& ! tr I alt t,ll
t n Ivaiait fur
i lotlaf 4
p'ath. ,'ioir.
B 'lal aivt da
aptivaintiirata tr Mnmaii
ti I Ualatarlout
vttr raart o4
iantlfle t-
.rlweiil tk
.a- ufariuia f It I I a " " t tiaat Kof. Mf
rarfai tr.1 :s.Ji o i"pri iCrt4McU fltltUn
row ri Mir in Tiir ilti 1 only thapara
iii'!n." u' I I' ii auufartnra. fur I'M
lu flip ui arrj Ii ! ii o rnal. Worth mm
'linn It pil I, mil) HiLi'.t ai am! fatally la
fir! flarvr'a fmi oi.talnlbt IratMi!
ouriras pac
h, aar.t frr tn at, Mini on rapt
f-i-pnn A
rnir.i ii. t. tiaitHlii, a Varh
i. t
.1- pplafa
Graefenberg Vegetable
Have been known for over Thirty Tears.
....j , iij ....
usod tbcui to bo a certain euro fer
These TILLS act with great utildnoa,
and will rcitorc health to those Barter
ing from GENE AL DEBILITY aa4
NERVOUSNESS. Trier, 25c. er .
.i(,:n:i:!:ii,. (.:,; Kr;uir m,..t.
n yc:?. H';!E wih fVHLr: :mt mm
r Plmtiers, Steam & Gas Fitters,
W. , !! anil ratall ilpalrri Hi Maatn rump
lirri. rtfl lirla Hrllaiil I ltT). runip Iroo.
!il anil Ilia 11 pa. 'ra fllxxU for liii,Hl
an 1 W ipr, Hi-lia ir tn , Iron fliil t Plar
ltjlra. v'tar fi-p Itu tpr lima llyiirauta
anil parx Tarlat; of I'l nn'm Matariaia l)a
llna lit 1 uy altll lil aii'l r I it H4IC , aril
fiaalail ti'fi or l .fpiurp Hnir, Wm trialt
ip piraup 1 furn'ili pttlm t fir wir or priaa
' on inttP'lat r"iftn utrrpt. Ifalwaao Main and
, I,ikiI. Itutiaija-. I v.
iii.i:n. iii..:. ih.:m.
K- - WOBIMl. f " I'lfta alipat
t !.' l' pirtlllT'ly Piira 11 a wl'liuilt llfa
j(' il'ln'l I'rl'tllC Ii attatxl ! aIOta.
N i f tnra tiu ''1 rnrrd. tar ait rx panipa If tlir
r I nuarac'pp I5a ja,r ltafar t tir J II Me
t I pan iti'ian l him tt.p t ti tl nut Ku
ril" li VirKPlfr atua Nl (ton. laavl
tirdT.'.'! il "I lula. If m HNap aih Nulf
l mn'Hit' MliMt Jnnn fptftl) III. C
It. a a t I it. I ou, la!u frtrj f-o., I apt
J rr) W ! ! 'imrr Mlntiaap il a anfl uttia'a.
ltl trrr f vnilial
1 r y Wa4 f. Jf i. w.
.1 A Marriaa flu Ida
w ' .i af ! aiai
la -!. it- rrw4p.i4
-1 7 ainl a Prlrala
Maximal Alvaar aa la
rtl fa4 af faa
I R- p -itj. trr.
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r'wtt mMr. k.
OtunE I orr-MymrjaZ
fnxfK- ;"- 1 t " a ! ' ..'. A4. -a
la t A IVJ Ji. C. V ytbatrt. a Irmrn, M'a
lt fflatirac ".. - Nolan,
i -iaa )y you a iw tlin Ail art laaluali t In
tlila patar
a ac vll ViJW
ll-!M - la aaa R:
ar 9,t R'-jsaratP tHat
eagratl wlti asy la'tla!
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