V I i f fi THE RED CLOUD CHIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Notice in thin Column Q Cents a Line Don't jon for pet ta Sulfcribc for thr Chikf. Prepare your fireguards, and look out for nrairic fires. For School Hooks of all kinds, go toC. H. Potter's. The proceedings of the District eourt are entirely too long for publica tion in thefe columns. This cnuntj is in debt thousands of dollars fpr biidM's, and we have vet to learn of a bridge that in considered fe. Oweing to the prcM of job work for the last lew day.1-, wo are unable to cive the usual amount of reading mat ter this week. Tbo onion that hangs in the CfllBF It weigh? '2 lbs. and TEACHEBS INSTITUTE. Notice is hereby given that there will be a Teachers Institute held in Red Cloud Neb. November 1,2, and 3d. All friends of education are respectfully iuvited to attend. A. A. Pope, Co. Supt. PROBATE NOTICE. Before l W. Tulleys County Judec within and for Webster county Neb raska. In the matter of the Probate 1 of the last will and tcstaaicnt )T of .Jennie C. xyer deceased. J To the heirs and next of kin and to whom it may concern, take notice: That William Cat her has fifed in my oflicc his petition making application to have a written ins' ruuicnt purpor ting to be the Ia-t will and testament n f Jennie C. Ayer deceased admitted to rrohate. That by order of the County Court t-aid-cause i.-set for hearing at my offi ce in Red Cloud on the -M day of Nov vcmbor 1S77 at one o'clock p. in. of sai 1 day at which lime and place, all parties interested may appear and and show caue if any they have why C-..I.1 fill ,!.... 1. 1 .... 1... :ii)(nil It'll 1(1 . .... . cvnii .1111 Olivine lllfb "v. i" " oficeis an objrrt of wonder to many . ,r,.i..,lfl 1 r4mTA ! f am Good flannels only 20 c s. per yard at L. Baum's. Ladies leather shoes only $1,00 per pair at L. Raum's. Mens hats only 75eents at L. Baum. For good bargains, go to L. Baum. L. Baum is the bo.s clothier of"the Valley. He hells good suits for $3,00. HABITED "TeN23S! ! For cheap harnc-s, go to J. L Miller's shop, south of the city drug store. Tram harness, from $2j 00 to $40 00. The best of stock used, and alf work warranted. 1'2 2t of our visitors . was grown by Mr of town. Ilolswurth, uurth Post is building an addition to his louse, and intends also to add to his barn, as he has not near enough room to accommodate the freighters who- btop with him. The Peace Commission that was sent to treat with Sitting Bull met with a cool reception, the old- red cuss .imply told the commission that they wight go to h Ih Citizens of Red Cloud, be careful about throwing out ashes if there is any fire in them, the grass is dry and there is plenty of it in town, and a fire would be unmanageable if it should get started. notice: All notes in mi' poscssion, that are due, miht be paid within ten days, or cwtsw'll bt ad Jed. A word to the w ie etc. M L. Thomas. We have waited for some one who was owing us, to bring in some wood, but nary wood have we seen. Now if you will brinjrus a little wood just a little we wili pay you the ca.sh for it (if we can borrow the money of anybody.) TYc are told that another row occur cd, lat week, d"iwn at the corner sa loon, the parties engaged in the iracas being re.-idents of Kansas. These rows are bec ituing altogether of too fro quent occurrence, and are gaining for the town an unenviable reputation. If the town was encorporated, with a view to the maintainance of order in our mid-it, and a just punishment me ted out to ail offenders, it would prob ably haTe a salutary effect on the law less characters who delight in drunken broils, and night revels, disturbing peaceably dispo.-ed citizens, and bring ing the towninto disrepute. KEBBASEA 5. S. ASSOCIATION. Statistical Secretary's Office V Fremont, Neb. Oct. 22, 1.77 J Ik Pastors and Superintend ents: At a meeting of the Executive Committee held in Omah, tho 13th inst, it was "Resolved ; that all Sun day SchooIsin thv State- be requested to take up a collection for State S. S. work on the third Sunday iu Novem-bn- (November 18, 1877,) and the Statistical Secretary requested to give notice of the resolutioais to the schools of the State." The several branaheof our State work call earnestly for help. Over thirty counties have no organization. A dozen of these could be wisely or ganized, at once, if we had the means. Wo need blanks and other material for collecting our annual. The International Convention at Atlanta, Georgia, in April next, expect a full report from each State in the Union. Help us to give Nebraska- no mean record. Send all funds to your County See rotary or tho State S. S. Treasurer, H. B. Gilbert, Kearney, Buffalo Co. Nebraska, cither of whom will givo receipts. Please uso diligence in having tBw collection generally observed, andimay the Master prosper our cause. I. P Gaco, Statistical Sec Chicago Store Weekly Price List Wo offer until fartKer notice, the following goods-at net eah prices. Calicoes best,. 20 yds, $1,00 Heavy extra grey jeans 8 " i,oo Best towling, 15 u r,00- Indian head sheeting, 9cts a yard Knit Drawers, 25 cts. Mitts with calf face, 75 cts. Indian tan buck gloves 50 cts. a pair.. Wool jackets, $1,00. Good dress-furnish 10 cts. Pearl Buttons, 5 cts. a doz. Our Goods are no shop worn goods as we do not handle anything but first quality having the best in styles, we still promise the public to furnih Hie latest and newest in the market, We sell good'eheaperand furnish bct- x qualities. V. wcinwrg, i In testimony whereof I have -t my hand and official seal at Hed Cloud Nebraska on this 15th day of October 1877. I. W. TuM.EYS, County Judge. A1TN0U1TCEHENT". Having had experiene in a County Court Clerkship, also in editing and publishing the "Federal Union," of Canada and being-the Grand Son of a Federal soldier, I bag most respectfully to ask of the citizens of Webster Co. Neb. the office of Treas urer when that qJBce becomes vacant. L. Oi.mstead J. D. Post informs u.- that ho has the largest barn west of Joe, War ner's and is prepared to accommo date the freighters, and all others who may call. Livery rigs furnished on short notice 33-tf Don't go bare-footed if you can buy boots and shoos at your own price at L. Bau m's. DO YOUR OWN GRAINING-!'! A new and simple method of grain ing. Enclose 20ctsand I will send by return mail printed directions for graining: all shades. No humbug Address. llufus Mik-ch. 4 0m Red Cloud Neb. Jeal Jsfaf( pmg . All who have Real estate tbnt thcr wish to Fell, or claims to flL-i-o.-e of. will fiml it to thoir interest to call on SI. L. Tbomsip, at thu Cim.K office, where terns will be niade known. Iicuiisnints. ami those desironsofscenr fnc homes in ijouth-weaiern Ncbr.fka, would do well to cnnsulrthu- Agency, enclos ing t-tuuip for reply. We have at present the following described tracts of land for sale : 1G0 ACRES, situated on Elm Creek, 50 acres under cultivation, plenty of timber and water Good weli, 20 feet deep; house, sta bles, etc. Land nearly all level, being mostly second" hot torn- Close to school house. Price, $1,000. 500 down, bal ance in payments to suit purchaser. Deed given. 120 ACRES of deeded land, situated on Elm Creek, lMcnty of timber, partly under cultiva tion. Convenient to schools and churches. Term, $500 cash. 1 00 ACRES, of deeded laud, li miles from Red Cloud, 45 acres under cultivation, cor rals, etc. Good well 20- feet deep. Terms, $1,000, $500 cash db'wn, bal ance iu a year. A bargain. wv ACRES of hind on Elm Creek on tin Hastings .!n,f ri.i-i-JvMtl :i vnrv avjv siock ofl and lied loud freight roa.l, 2.) acres 1 . i .. ,i .i " ? '. i iindei cultivation. und frame house nun M iua ui v mi Mini; n imuiu c m m STOVES ! STOVES f ! A carload of stoves just received at Mitehell A Morhart's, of ail .-izes pat terns and styles. Con! or wood stoves of all kinds" they wiil be sold at bed rock prices. Call and see. m mm - - Wanted ! Everyone who reads this article to resolve that you will come to take a look at onr new stock of Fall Goods the very first opuortuuity, whether you want to buy or not, at L. Baum's. m . W.A.Smith of Hastings keeps a large and well selected stock of books, stationoryjewolry, musical instrumons, wall paper, picture frames, toyes and notions. He has a Grst cia.-s watch aaker and engraver, and will guaran tec satisfaction wit li work entrusted to his care. Customers can rely upon being dealt with fairly. 5-1 tf STAR WAGON. For sale by Mitchell & Morhart. These wagons are among the bet that arc made, and are fully warrant ed. it will pay you go and look at them before purchnnng elswht-re, Wheat and barley taken in exchange for good.1? at J. G. Potter's. War! war, war! What has the ivy: in Kurope got to do with ni if 1 can s"ll mens full stock boots lr $.;.) L Baum. Hotels- Lands For Sale. W e are how offering for sale on bet ter terms and chcaner than ever be- i fore, all lands- belonging to B & M. i St. .If e A: I). C. am! Midland Pacific Thompson House G. M. Til OM PS OX. Prop. Cor. 1st St and Bur'imiton Ave.. adidinin? counties. We alo have HASTINGS - NEBRASKA. Rail Road Companies in Webster and district Conrt is now in Mission. I am at last compelled to call on my friends-to whom I have extended fa vors; and patience, to call and settle their accounts, as I am necessarily in need of having my accounts settled. Friends, accommodate mc in my hour of need, as I did you. I3tf S. Garber. The largest stock ot sppfltpc'es west of Lincoln, can be found at W. A. Smiths lias-tings Nebraska. He is sole agent for the Ijazirus& Morris perfected glas.-cs. the finest iu the market for the money. 5-ltf Sinan B. Anthony will lecture at Hastings on the 2Uth of this mouth. They have a. oew Bank in Hastings. liotice to Teacnors. Notice is herby given, That T will ex amine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for tea chers of the primary or common schools f Webster county, at Red Cloud on tin first Saturday hi the months of Feb. ruary, May, August, and November. A. A. Pope, Co. Sup't. Negunda Jan; 5 th 1877. JUST RECEIVED; At Mrs. McBride's, f&ts of the atest styles, also ribbons, flowers, tips, jroaments, silks, velvets, veils, ties, collars and cuffs. I am prepared to sell cheaper than cer before. Give me a call. Residence in south part of town. 5 13tf Mrs. S. R. McBride. A Gne lot of prints, fall styles, at J. G. Potter's. DISSOLUTION 170TIG3.. Notice is hereby given, that the Co-partnership heretofore existing be tween Drs. Head and Sherev, is "tiiis day dio!vedby mutual consent. , All. persons knowing "t!fem7Slve inilebleU to said firm are- requested to eall at City Drug Jkore jmd-settle; at once. Peter He..d Pt. R. Sheter Dated this 1st day of Get. 1S77. 10 4 i Dress-making & Stampin Mrs. Bauer wis-hes to inform the public that the is prepared to make dresses on the shortest notice, and do ail kinds of stamping-. Please give me a call at Carl Weber's. Red Cloud. 10x20 with hus-ement 1-1x35, good well, stable r.-om for iO teams; builutog I 4 x23 for the accommodation of freight ers. Corn cribs and corrals. This property ha long been known :ia Hummers ranche. There is some tim ber on the place. Will relinquish for $700. or will give deed for $800. Half down, balance in one jear, or wrll trade for team and stock. ICO ACRES Timber claim, being the south-east i, Sec. 14, T J, R. y, Webster county Neb., Stillwater precinct. Mostly good farm land, 45 acres under cultivation. Will reliuqui&h for $400, half cash, balance in one and two years. ICO acres of nice laying laud on Elm Creek, no druwes running through it, partly under cultivation, less than a mile from syhool and church, creek runs through the nlace, plenty of tim ber, a very desirable location, terms of sals mude known on application. 160 ACRES, of land on State Creek, Webster Co., 40 acit'3 under cultivation, timber and runmrur water, house, staoles, etc. One 80 of this land is deed :d, the other i a jre emption. Will relin ouish tho SO that is not deeded and Free Hacks is asi from Sep:::. "Ffnc Sample Room in connection with the House, for the :iccommndu tion of Commercial Men. Red Cloud Select and Nor mal School. The winter term will commence Tuesday, Dec. 11 tli "1877, and continue twelve wook, under the insti'it-ion of a eompttcut corps of t'ea'jlu?r. Trm()N$4iMiATKR.M. Board, from $2 50 to $;) Ot) per week. SlcxT iNsjrilUCTION GIVEN IN VOCAL MU&IC. For further particulars address, Chas. W, Springer or C. Borin, Principr.Is. Red Cloud Webster Co., Neb. 12 Sw Van Dirke Jfc Smeller i I ouie choice claims for sale. Give u ' a c.ill. K d.-y P,ro. Atty's A Real e.-fe Agt's Hod Cloud .eb. -W.l Plabterers & Stonemasons. We arc prepared to take contracts and do all kinds of work in our line at reasonable price Satisfaction guar antee d, and all kind of strck and grain taken in exchange lor work. S? Cistern work a specialty. i;i)C'I.Ol'l - - XKHIMSKA. 4 t.My L'ive a deed for the other cash or trade. or both for proofs Ipoots $ (Jhnps. ir Klines. The best and most complete assort ment of Dry Goods can be found at L. Baum's. - BEST AND CHEAPEST. Place to buy ladies and Mks'sand children's hats at Mrs. McBride's. Goods all now and first class, and are being sold at tho very lowest cash prices. 14 rf Mrs. S. R. McBride. . TAKE NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to mc will please call and settle-the stwne immediately, as I can wait no longer. 24- w J. G. Potter. - LADIES FURS. Cleaned; repaired and altered to la test styles. Emma. P. Greuter Inquire at E. KelloggV 14-tf A large lot just receive at J . G. Potter's. Latest style-? ladies and Mioses shoes and gaiters, and mens and boys boots and shoes. Call and examine and you will not purchase cls-where- 5 otf m m Clothing fflothi n lothiug QIothi um CLOTHING. A At J. G. Potter's, men's and boys suits of ready made clothing (latest styles) call and examine these goods and be convinced that it will be to your iuterest to buy your clothing of me. J. G. Potter, Red Cloud. FOR SALE. Our entire stock of Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Hats, Cap., and Groceries, will be offered to the public from the time we open doors in the morning uutil the close at night, at L. Baum. U. S. Land Office, Bloomington, Neb V r, , . 4ept. Jt, IS" ) on?p!aintJftvu been entered at this officefcing Walker, reams' lonTfttnin Shmrnnn iNi. ol.,n dotnng his homestead entn-, No. 2112, dated Apr. 2, 1S74, upo'u the south west J, Sec 30. Town. 3 north, range. 1 1 west, in. Webster eountw-Neb-Tiska. with a view to the cancellation of. said entrj-: the said parties are hereby siumuf.ncd to appear at this office on the loih day of Oct., 177, at 3 p'olock :u m , to respond", and tlirnish testi mony con-tcrniug said alleged-abaudou uisnt. Weijktkk Eaton, Register, opG Gkoi W. Douse v. Receiver. Deposition will be taken iu the above entitled'' case-before J. A. Tul leys. Co.. Clerk of Webster Co. Neb. at his office in Bed Cloud Neb. on the 10th day of Oct. 1877. 1 Webster Eaton, Rccister. Removal A3 we propose to remove our entire stock into the keeping of out patrons as-fast as possible, at a small advance on cost, we want pecuniary assistance in order, to help us L. Baum. mm m Owen & Chamberlain's Camphor atcdi Hartshorn Linament, is not a Pattcnt, but the old Volatile linament made of the best material and, by an improved method.. It needs no ree oniend, but is acknowledged by Phy sicians to be old and reliable, and Horsemen fall back on it when all slsa fail, and regard it as thi'ir stand' by. Sold and guaranteed by C. H. Pot ter, Red L'loud. mm' Free of charge sample bottle One dose of O. C.'s Colic, Cholera ai d Diarrea Remedy. A sure and effectu al remedy for the cure of Dyscr.tary, diarrea Cholera morbus. Summer complaint, pain in the stomach and bowels. Chronic- diarrea, bloody flux &c &e. Als colic in horses. One dose will eure pain iu the stomach iu 3 minuets, cholera morbus in o to 30 minuets, accordinp to severenes-i of attack, one dose will cure an ordinary attack of Dyscnciy or diarrea. It is never tailing fn its results,- and pleasant when reduced with 20 parts of water that children w:ll cry for it. Sold and guaranteed, by C. H. Potter, Red Cloud Neb. 5 l-6m irl aeros of land on Elm Creek, beSnc the south east quarter of section 17 town 3 range 10 Webster county Neb. (i" acre under cultivation, house, stables. s. Good weil and hog yard-. Will he sold at a barguiu. JJoed given if de sired. Th -rtt5v'et!esCTjt7nu- Ininls -arc of fered for sale at reasonable figures, and are desirable locations. All let ters of enquiry promptly answered. M. L. Thomas, Agent. RED CLOUD & SMITH CENTER Stage Lane. Connecting ai Red Cloud with the Republican River Stage Linj. Three regular trips a week, arriving and departing from Red Cloud at the same time the stage from the railroad does. FARE VEItYLOW. nil. J. 3. EU3R077, Prop. STAR BiSSiard Saloon"! W. C. BENSON, Proprietor, Keeps constantly on hand a fine stock of WINES. LIQUORS. KJJMAIKL, BIT- - "I'EIiS, & FRESH BEER- I have also a good supply of the best CIGARS in the market. In the same building, (un-stairs,) is the largest and most commodious hall in the village, which will be rented on reasonable term--, to the public, for concerts, sociables, balls, or traveling troupes. W. C Benson, REG CLOUD, NEBRASKA. M?IESB SHS3? J. L. MILLER, Prop. Keeps constantly on hand a full line of Mock, ul'il as Harne-s, Collars, Whij s. Saddles, and ail other goods usually kept in a l:rt cla-s -hp. ALL lQKJ7AS3AHrr.D. 45-tf Hed Clou'd, Neb. J. J. FILLER CARPENTER and BUILDER. I.ei Cloud, ITcb. Is prepared to make estimates and take contracts for all kinds of building. 39 ly Red Cloud Drug Store. C. II. POTTER, Prop. Keeps the largest and best stock of drugs, medicines, paints, and oils, to be found in the Republican valley. 5? Presa'iptions carefully compoun ded, day or niyht. BED CLOUD, SJEB2ASSA. 12jGm Red Cloud Mill's! We are prepared to do cus- S3 GOLD PLATED WATCHES. CIimiv ect lu 1 ha fcnown world. Sample Watch Fret ta Aoaits. AUdrc, A.CCd.TXK&Ca,Clilcaga- $45 PBEIUUS WATCH JlIII.US- tem-mDder.Fren'wIthevervoTrier.Chit fit tree. J. B.OjlortC Chicago, IU 2-eKi!Iifllfiffi1 m "" mar Ji 8 J"i S?' c.' -Si o & se taMi-s...i-5ji MMBnai fome work Flour peed ami Corn Meal for Sale. 2f Satisfaction guaranteed fa quality of flour solm. and ct svto.m WORK. Farmer- -honld be particular to secare the best ofscedwl.eat. Potter & Frisbie! BOOT AND SHOE SHOP f PARKS BROS., Propritors. ' pnl r that none need so bare Thi- firm is nnr prepared to maue of the tet material atui at nxures so .ov footetl. furnMi the pnb'te with BOOTS t- 03 to 8 c t2 CO CO m a m 33 O CD 7s CD w h K i 1 O r. 0- All Kinds of Repairing Dene With Neatness and DiSDafch. tfh. A share of the publi. work fullv warranted. patrotnye rffspectftdly solicited: AIT IYE IS A THiili and be convinced that it is to our interest to patronize us. us 2 3 I CD o P5 CD cn 3 tf PARK? KKOTIIKKS, Red Cloud TZchTasl'M. 3 CO rl'0 - CD T -J ", CO f - r 'SI! or 1 u l rr. 5) o d, a r- DRY GOODS n 1. 1' r. r O O ' CLOTHING, BOOTS ;md StIOEH, IMC MIM$, HATS- CAPS & Furnishing Coo (ft. CHEAPER Tri2 CHEAPEST ! f SAM'L GARBEfi DKAI.KR IN Dry Goods mul Groceries. JESOOTSaxsd MIXCZ2 Call and See Us Etfore You Buy. ;vi mc scj SUIL.LIWC opposite Ccinmercial Hotel'. lIATINiltf, .NMCMKASKA On FIRST STREET Nov. 'S. tf ; v Hats? Caps. & Rradtj Made Clothing ! We have the Largest Stock in the Valley and will not be undersold. GIVE US A CALL, ONE & ALL Sam'i Garber, ,7d Red Ciosid, Veh. jylams tfounij lianlt, IIAi?TINJ5s, AI). MS COUNTY, NEB. BLACKSESiTH & WA&O2L5H0P, Ir Seoper a!fc 2i 2. Tinker, Irop. We would resprotfuHy inform thu puhhSi tha t u arr prcirvd to o :iil kind', of work to cur hue, puuipU, .u.u in )v Murftmaulikii mau ucr P.Plow rernirinp a .pcchity. Lumber W'aon. Lihl Sri Wagons and lut;i;ies, built u order, juh! w;irm:i'.-d hsro-I, the Ut,. PltlCKS KKA?OXAl E, nd FATlSFAtTfON (IWAHANTHKl? V E CA; 2E 70uS? AT ZLZZZZZ'S ZZVZZA'Jd. IlUV SlKKI-EK. Jt. h. Tl.VKlll, ?X, . KKDCI.OP. iVKlSKAfiKA. "9? iQ- ut Tl mmm mm A General Banking Business TRANSACTED. GEORGE ZEISS, -DEALZEI.V- lTVines & Lilquors CICARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco CAKNOD FRUITS OF ALLKFXDS, ANI CONFROriOXERIS And .Especially Fresh Lager Beer. GEORGE ZEISS, HED CLOfD. NEC. f miimitmw MADE A SPECIALTY. Draft.- on Europe bought aud soid. Apcnts for several tcain?hip lines. 2?Business entrusted to us will hare prompt and careful attention. NEW STORE. (At the Red Cloud .Mill- la where you can got all kind- of I?TcrcIiandisJ, ?uch as DRV GOODS GROCERIES HATS CAPS BOOTS & SHOPS Ac. kc Ac c tc. t All of which -illhe oW cheap forea.-b. HASTINGS NEB, Csrrifc the largest nd moM rtunplctc Ntorl pr DRV I.n.MMKKmrl jjfd, fur 1'uiIJiug, Hride. and Kunml purj-j., now in any yarf ic chnmka. Onr ctock of DOORS, WINDOWS. BLINDS. RGILDING F'A VEll A'c, ib uncualcd. Owning our own timber hthl, srw aad pfctiniBZ nilN. tothrr wih pucial rate-on frviht. uivtt um s. chftMt ty wc ifuly couiite v"iTh aayyanJ in Kansas or Nelrakn. t5ri u a enll. &M.;a :; i.'j : 1 am Isaac LcDioyt Agt. FARMERS STORE Also "w. a.ca : r Pi-op. Y.'IIOI.EriALE AND RKTAlLDEAl KR IN Oil ! G OODS, M.OTUM.Yy, HOOTS, ana SteOiiS. H.iT V.li'S and GIlOl lJItl.&. CBDEA.PJvST STOB1S V - 111 A' fapirfr of LtTSIUER. unnM"' SHINGLES, itc, always an hawl. C. R. POTTER; A-daras' County ! ! Ha&uus. Geo. W. Dorsey, Receiver. TTr.IWiT EK Co. JfERRAiKl I --. -'f " - t.-. s-J "f !IKT VI ackJ XT ebrMhk' - .. j... a Var 3$Z$& XUJ .jtM.' n, t. ,,Miiin i i n ..hi imrtfr -grtXA " J&iSZm i-Vr-- 1bbbT1MCMW mTK '-! i.l . . - b tmimt3,--" ' " nmi i f -JStmMmmmmm.- H-5V 31' r ' I I III I 11 II'IW H i Wnl--'"-"--"- --T,yA SySHHyil. ". - " mi.i mm I, r a-"i"LiM -nmiiiiiiM