Nl ' & AfrmiH. . -' " -- V i -MdNwW fcw "arr I 8 Mi a - -w THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT . bsd clous, :?zs3ass.4, ML. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. $2.C0 per year, Invariably In Adfance SubFCribciE who do not receive their ia jien rcpnlsirly. will conter a favor b notify ing ue of the iact at once. 'orrcsponilcnee solicited from all part? of the County and tatvM on matters of general interest. In no case arc xcc responsible for the virir.e. nrojdiiionsofour correspondents. he do not publish anonymous f 'Iters and amivuutications. Always give your name. Local nolics. to insure insertion, must be handtd in as early as Wed nesday morning. f Official Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. A. S. Paddock. Beatrice.,, -U. S. Senator: Alvin Saunders. Omaha, " UfS.-Senator. Lorenw) Orounse. Representative. EXECUTIVE. KILASG VRI5ER. Governor. Lincoln. Bruno Tz-chock. Se. of State. . H Weton. Lincoln, Audit-"?. f.- ii: i T .. - 7. II. Huberts. Att'y lien, i. M. McKenzic. Lincoln. Sun. Pub Instruc. JUDICIARY. o. It. L-kc.Oiuaha. Chiof-Ta.tice. Dan'l G intt. Nebraska HtT. A..t 8amI Maxwell. PlntMuouthi Ass0ciale Jus- WEHSTEII COUNTY. J A.TuIleys County Hcrfe. Treasurer. Prbite Judfce. School sut't. '"oruner. County Surveyor County Coinaiissiouer5. I'm. It. .tone. I. W.Tullcys. It. ( Rill. ... npe. C. C. Coon. TV U. Thorn. G. W. Rail. I J- II Lupo. v J. 11. Hobart- 1 CIIURfir aiKKCTOKV. CONG REG ATI ON AL C II UP. CU Services every first and third Sab baths of each month at Red Cloud aW Inavalc. 7i o'clock p M. at Jed Cloud. '2 o'clock p. M at In nvalc. Every sorond snrl fourth Sahbaths at Ratin and Harmony Prceinet.s. Rkv. A. 31 ax well, Pastor. baptist nintni. Rev. J. T. Mil nek, Servifp-. second Sabbath in eai-h month at 1 1 a m. ?Ultfjodist (Munim rfp (I fI I. S( s vi'-t- ti alternate Sab bath at J A. M.coiuV M:.y l, Mtd tb '-tlt'rtiate evening? eoiii'ir ?-Ia L'T, at 7 I I'P M. EaT Gt mm: Roi-ic. Altennte Sab - :th-M 11 A. M. and at West G iik Hock at -2 -2 P. M. com'ir May i'7. Pr:x.KV ,r.i:i:iv. Ahor nafe Sabbali- at 2 1-2 1'. M and t nuifiiii'l Scho'tbhiui.-e at 7 12 y. M. eom'ir l'iv 2'. i: L Oi.MsriP-', Pator. Xkv Gv.o. () YrtsKu, Rijjrii, Si-r- vici at Ri-d fjimd .-chiMiI-lmupe. I t and lrt S.bbath of each :i)Oiith at 11 A. M. Wtu.YTH SruftOI. every Sabbath umniin at I M Clu-p-at If. C. W. .ruiM.Hi. Up! .ND OF HOPE meet- ev-ry two werk-on altiii:atf 'Jhui.-day even im:- at fi..",t o cluck. Arrlvnl 11ml llcpiirUirc ,! .liuiv frun I li- :t-i loiui 1. tr Hatixi:s Leaves Monday'. - Wodneday'N and Friday 7 a. in. Tuesday, Tinir.-day mi atmday. S a m.. rrives every day ."y'U1 p. m. ! iX Attn Lcavo Mundays and Phiir-day. 7 a in., arrive- Wednes- ! " I j day- and Saturdav- T p m . J'lkasaNT Illl.l. leave- Thurj.dav- 7 I a in. Arrive.- Weiin"-day - 6 p. in. FltANKl.IN, gnimr eat, Mundav'.s and Thui-daj"- 2 p. m. (ioii.wet , 1 ii--cav - ami rnda - i a 111 Jl'WKi.r. lvan-a-. hav-p 'i'ne-days, i'nur-.dav-and Saturday- .- a. tt:., arrives, WediiChdays and ri lay- p m. Rt".sKl., K.m-as, Leaves Monda.v.-, Wedtic.-daya aud Friday.- 7 a. in.. arrives Tuesdays, Thur.-days and- Sunday-, o p. m. Olfuv open from 12 m until I p. m. Sundays. All rcci.-tered matter iiiu.-t be in Iy 7 'M p. ui. i.iuey Order busiue.s closed at i .") p. 111. iNo order.- issued on fcun M. II. McNitt, P. M. SO Mixed Ci.rd-. with name, 10 et.-. Sample- for o-ct. -tamp. J. MlXICKIt A Co Na-.-au, N Y. fiO Fancy Card.-, ten stylhs, with your name in qiU, la-"1 Trv us. Sen ELL Bnoa.Maldeu, xN, Y. -,,- Red Cloud & Jew ell City Stage Line- Connecting at Red Cloud with the Republican Valley hue, running htratght to Hastings. each week, leaving Red Cloud the J " - 'u," iHLtriiutimiijc Fame time the stage from Hastings does. GOCSBISSAXS G03D TISS YASS 01 THS SOAD. ii?; i.A'.4 S OX A Ii LE fo-lv I). H. GODFREY. HARNESS SHOP a ,S. V. Ludow Is now prepared to do all kinds of wor IX THE " Harness line. The best of materials ucd, and al ITork WARRANTED. REPAIRING f)one on short notice aud at reasonable Prices. Shop in McNitt's Store. I&ed Cloud ftebras&a. The VOL. V. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys at Law- J". S. Gilliam. A 1 1 y at Law, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. fisg" Collections promptly attended to. na:-ft ;-n t t vjr - 2i Clc-i ITca. F. It. Willeox " ATTORNEY AT LAW, and U. 3. Commissioner. S&- Cal!cc'!on Promptly Attended to OFFICE ONK DOOR i -SOUTH OF BALM a alOKL D,,ri rinnrf . Neb. ! m.u uiuuu JAS- LAIRD, TTOKNEY AND COrNSELOB j, at law. Juniata Nebraska. Will practice in all the Court of the State. Prompt attention civen to all bu-ine-s entrusted to his caie. Office on the east hide Juniata Avenue. July 1 7 Geo,W. Sheppard, GOVERNMENT RLOOMINGTON, NER. C. W. EA1S7, Notary Public. Act. J..fM. R.R. Land. ATfORNEYS AT LAW, ill J lk..-lLi iS i A- AU-ii i i. Will prac ice in all the (.'oarts in tlii- State and Nm them kain-a. Collection? oromntlv attended to and Correspondence .-oliched. Red Cloud, Xebraika. . T. Tliomas, W.H -ell K-l liutc and I'erFonal property on,..r.. r-w-i'IRii-P nt Cinr.-r' ofnco."TiSl urn im iii'D t.'ftp 3K REDlLOLD M'.IUi.A5;lv.. W. N. ItlCIIAffDSON, J. A. TrLLKYS Bichardson & Tui!ys, u 111 tuy ana sell ii-:.l :.t tc on ommi- ., 1 m. sinl tiu t.iw.t for iion-rwli'n's. I M.cruil attention civi-:Hc-ol!oci. 11..-. Ci.r- ro-i'iiii.loiK-fioliircil. A'l i'-Mt-r-ofinijuiry, ,.r ..11 hu-,i,,prnilltij 8lswerod. REDCLOIH"), .... NEB. J-K ith II vr. VAftvrK. S. -.riTH. Vii-c-Pri-i-lent, Cashier. 1're.M.Iont. Jirfif :afional i:in!i (Sncccorto SMITH UUo-..) CAI'ITAI., 950.0 00. on. omPCTncc . I. W. TULLEYS 1 in m nmfsn iif o riivroim.. numuturMiniurnioiuiMii , F. S P..nnn S.irnn ' , , , ' Office two doors south of the Court SZD CLOuD --- S'SSSASSAr 1 r? C! -fl ? W ? "K ' DI, . p 7 - --ww-w-.- -... M,fw 1 i.jraiLiau ami our ytiUH. i,.,,,,,,, ,,. rv,nv ,,... - - .... .1 ...... ..... ui -. to disease.- l'EctLlAlt To Femalhs. 05c M2 pTnwirn t-c :P'; eicr. f Sod Clasi Near 2!n reV vVv. , WEBSTER Co. -t- - - NEB. oS-m4 RED CLOUD FURNITURE - m v -1 i -r . , A- UI .tlj, j JAS. CALVERT. Pronator, i Deals extensively in all kinds of i'ur- ! niture, such a- Bureau-, Bead-tc.ld, ! tables. Chairs. Mirrot-. and in fact! everything to be found in a first-clsas i lurnuure store. GIVE HIM A CALL. i tvED LLOUD, - - - sEB. arpttf rr if niter ' 0- p-r.;....inr -, ;.. -.-..- ... ,i. woik. and eoffin- nn.ii- m ,,r- "" ' . fcPaintim:ajicc5itty.-cQa fchon uo;t of Ricbanisou's buiidiug. j --y .-ww-!, - - :si.i. i V Hiiv. ASl'At.nocK rs?cn fil)w--. to introduce cursclves to our patrons. Diploma. iu;tHEr"?.e"'York: " "Z. nd to tall thom that our acts hereaf- Ground cherry pre-erve, Mrs Pe m.i .VlC. Smith. , ter shall be the mea-ure dv which we ' ter MeNitt 1st jirem. Mrs. McQuil- , wi-h to be paused. The interests of kin 2nd prem. PHYSICIANS. the county will be our interests, and ; Gra)c maruialadef Mrs McQnilkin ni leamimj what theo interests are we Diploma toll ,... .i, 1 .: . -Jyr j wheat. It has been successfully on the following named article- made sxtursfch an lirer. produiaris bilious- ILln.-,anl.J2Le?''i':' addre.- Ui Hfk'sT -. i Ermvu in l'ra-ka for the past five or and exhibited by .Mrs D J. Judson. ' ni:-' heartburn, cvstiveness. weakness tjT,t-v'':i''-' "' 5: mU.S ITlHSCjQ. six veais. ntifl i ctM.i;i ,-; : . n t, .,!.' .,,. ,: ,a j ' irrecular api'ite, io -id-its. raisinr " t Zztir: I Red "Eternal Vigilance is EED CLOUD, REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Fur Chief Jnstioe, GEORGE B. LAKE, of Omaha. tfi.v Pnnmifz nftl.r Mftio TTnifrArinf t.. t . v. 4..(-tUL ui uiu tmu w ma w btSJl j , C. A. HOLMES, of Nemaha county. N. It. PEKSINGEIl, of Central City. KEPUBLICAN COUNTY . 'JICK.ET. J. A. TULLEYS, For County Treasurer, E. II. JONES, For Sheriff, .J. L. 10 ST, Fur County Judj:e, J. B. P01TER, P'or Couitv Supt. A. A. POPE- For C. ffituiroiier 3d district, L. H. LUCE, For Cotuty Survevor, W. K. THOH.NE, For Coroner, R R. SHERER. valid::toey. With this i.-,-ue of the i iper clo.-s mv connection with the lied Clot.d Cmrv tlio nnitii.j nf n.r k.,..L rJ will be f ind in the article below and as uiev are wt u Kin-wn mini- com- a. . K.. v.u iiiMH. 1 1 in . ii . -,. i m unn, ikl'U no ptcai iniiouuctiou. j To mv frienl-anl patrons, I 'in return thanks for the r nt'cisiuntv and courteon.-tnainer which ou have always :n sited me, aotl fbr the Hbereia' patrona-c iven to the piper, and! hope you will extend to tno new luanaccmeni, even more enc ur - aement and .-uppcrt than you have to me. A.- my apj-ftcia'ion with the people j of Red Cloud lm over been of the j niu.-t plea.-aut nature, I car.' truly say t,:it J 1,,(1 .Vl, a IV-retftll adieu, and I shall cvr b-ar in kind tn-e w,,n "-iV0 -"own shem-.-lvt.s ;o be fiieri''s in dtd. Y"i;h thc.-e few ,,,.,., , . , , remark- I will cio-.-. I apaln thauk ! you -br past favors and bid you an re- voir. M. L. Thomas. SALETATOSY. ' To our friends and the friends of i. l'in 'inrn Piiivi.' lI,t llly viaii) Liiihi-. ... . . e come teloro VOlla.S cdlt( r-. ( 1; , ,n nni: , ,1., mc f,at we rcaIlLe repon-l- jury wnicn we as-utne iu con- , ,. , ,, .., , , ,. trol of the Chiff- We jo-i that tl.i - nut m bo,,,,, ntl,,,. ,i;fim,ifV luui tt.n liiu , wive u:i mncrs, is I - - - ..-..-- - LCXJ.1. .r tlltill ace at time-j; but, with die assistance of our f.iend- and patrons, -uch times, with the CllIEF, will be lew and far between. We do not propose, in tin-- address, to speak about how wo will work "'Pro bono publico'" privjte'y calling our.-elves the 'publico,'' but merely -..-..-,..... r r u-uupcrauuu of every one who is interested in its tin-nontv. In all imfwnri.oo fnr- ,1m r. : : . """ - .. l": goou 01 tne comnmnity, we shall lend our aid and influence. In oolitic-, we V'a" oe Republican in principle, but in al loca, afFairs sha geefc tlie eatesi 'pood of the greatest number while in national matter our labor mil no doubt . be like the effort of Mr. Partineton t0 Mveep up thc Atlantic Ocean with her broom. The moral, educational and religious phages of our eommuni nnu rtiiiTiniis rinncpc nr ntT i-nmnuini. tv wiH r,,, thioY.Wn Pnrtn;nn . - - ...w.. -..-.. v. u..w.. ..vii, mj in . and we shall strive at all times to in establishing such principles and in- pies and m- . fttheseends. icesser, Mr.! ?ns as shall promot e wi-h our nredeces.- Thomas, the be-t of succass in what-; ever occupation he may choose, and T1).lv jjj ruture jaoor5 be :U! cor.renial t0 hhlu a we exPe our-; t( i to us 0 s. ntire old Nest wenk we shall assume entire eontrol and be ready to meet ou fr5e' - m acquainnce with "CW DeS The Nebraska Want to sav a native of Russia, and is very bar-? ay, docs not freeze out like winter .1.. j n ... , u,uucsnot ireeze out Jifce winter it . . . WI,eai ami cd or er winter or , wheat, ana can u-cd for eitLer winter or SJ,rin- oig. It yields rather bet- ror fiaklIe comiuon eradrt of sprinci whejil. and commands a etter price j iu ine market . 3 UiWBR. Jwu worsted and cotton tiiy3 sis. , relief. This applied to percr,- of all "T. "" BK,r" ol V-17-?1, lf oF W - rfTi , jr . r . C. U . .Springer A. Maxwell Diploma 2 Ii i- cht Par: nnd JJ l-r. drndd toror- XTCirEff. & manner nys e .-. . Tl.oai,3 1-ad rinlV Kw caue- uio, HnHrxe et nn- f--ulI On i . .- .r Wd'.st;. , iut-.-i - icxnvini rjr B tr ... good worn Ijr rra.-s i -t :nu. roMraeaden tr committee. ..P' ; -... ,i.-,... : .... j name- of ri r. ari ochr irrrrt..... " .'Or With nur C..r,r.i T :.- cnrMIJ . . -.......,.... uuu MUi c iu SV V. U V I 1 5- I ' tst:j I """"-' -11 a u.-r.i.-ua. Mal ntTaL- ..f f..,-- 'n, !-... 4-. U11' 1 Wll JO. jfe the price of Liberty ' anfi$&QQ "a year U the price of the WEBSTER CO., NFKASKA, THURSDAY.! NOV KHHMKaMHMMHMMBamw" PREMIUMS Awarded jfe Agricultural Society at rxsHUb AN.MUAL FAIR SEPT liHh.j I'Jtn aiJitr. Continual from lost irccT:, arlsworth early " J. W. Burtls, -..J " " ' " Harrison J. W. BnrtH 1st .special Iiremmm. vmfamSSSSxiKS Best bu onion, Win Oolsworth no competition I ut I.t prm recomeuded bv uwa:ding commiitee. Bi-itbu turnips Peter McNitt 1st prm, C C. Couii 2nd prm.: Rutabagas, J. C. Ho'.comb 2nd prm no comieutton Maug5l wontzel.s Peter McNitt lit prm M. B. McNitt 2nd prm. French st'ear beeta Peter McNitt 1st prm 31. B McNitt 2nd prm. blood turnip beets C. 0. Coon 1st prm Peer McYitt 2nd prm lorn: blood beet II. Palmer 1st prm A. Maxwell 2-id prm. P:irnip-, M B. McNitt 1-t prm St N. Y. (oppm- -J libi.'ne"" build John Dunbar 2-id. cabbage, Peter i"ir ) McNitt 2-.d no competition. t Carrot- Peter McNitt 1 it prm John , Dunbar 2nd. ANT ADDRESS TO TM K SI CM. Sqnahe.- It L McCune 1st prur. Do you want to purify the -y-tea:? Peer McNitt 2id dnu. ,,. . ,. ,, r. . ' " af,"r "f ",n" '- u- oon lat I)rtu' - er .uc.Mtt au prm. iusK aithms. u. u L.0011 nu prm r,n cotne-iiion. T 11 M V:.. , . ...1 i juuian." . i tit-i .'iu.iiu j si, ana '. '"i"ii - i i-m. Pea.-. Ed KcIIopg 2 id prm no com- no'itinn. ' Pum'a?:-:. J Y . lt rrem 'f,i Fez. i 2nd i.reni J Castor beans Win. Turner 2ud. i pun. no emij.e mon. 1 Wiiiie 1 e.m-. Peter prm. no competition, i For the .-"I'-'iil invin' McNitt 2nd I offered bv I ' E. H. Junes fir :!.' brt u 1 lar-e-t i - ' di.-plaj id' firm and panlcn pnjdn-j's, there w iv three competition, Geo. Hunane' takm- Kt pr.'n:i'itu. E. T ' Fearn 2-id and J W. Burti- 3d. Burn:it, ciikksK, kc T, , , , , , I B..,t butter not les; than 10 lbs. ' I Ro-ell-i Pahnsr 1-t prem. Mr-: C. F. j Munell 2-id pr-m. Best loaf wheat hreid, Mrs. J C. arti' r N tre:n renmonued. Ljafitraham bn a 1, Mis. Fribbie 2nd p;cm. no ciiiipetituui. Douiihuut-, Mr?. L. F. Munsell 1-t, m i .. 1 i prem. ?dr- rrwve 2nd premium '-- n-un nu. Snnn.-o mh. Mi..'V!lm 11 ,.n 1 ' ' 0,j ,sf m rL.nrnt.n(l,.(L ,. , , AT , n .. , Com starch c ike, Mro. L.I', Muu- ' ,, n- . ... 1L't f-'!,L ifr'Smni, in. Maxwell & Co. 1st prem. prem. Stephen Bayles 2nd! I lon.ato pros-rves, Mrs. Peter Mc- I Nitt 1-t prem. 31 rs. Jas. Kirkwood ' -,:' ' ru:- fl-irv. uAv Tt- r..m Tv:i 1 . u.ape leiH, Irs. 1 eter .uciNltt 1st , and 2nd prem J Apple, Mrs. Peter AlcNitt Lemon pie, Mr,. MeQaiikia, DI ploma. , Tomato marmalade, m.. iviri-a,! ... ' "" ' DlI)loma- Tkxtile fancies fcc. n, . m , s ti Bet rnc eirnet. Mr- J. O Potter , l P"iuiiUux , - " P10"1- M . . ... r- F.hv-irl k-..llnW,r.. ,'C,'',. character and le - jKiii - x - ra. Edward keHo-rg . bi:,:y hrnnnt phy-:c:au end , u as the most Pillow MiMms Mrs. II. A. Howard 1st prem, Mrs Ed a:d K prem. ellogg 2ud 1 V." 1"; rIcUt lst ; ti n i r . iir.1,,1 1 r: J 1 ru-n ...! .... prem. Airs. A. Maxwell 2nd prem. Chair tidy Mr-, J. C. Warner, 1st ,.r.... At: . T :.. r . 1 j,rCui Miss Magjrie Marrow nd prm Emtroidflrcd'iDittoas Mil J. OJ l 0,ter Diploma, ' 1 -oc ClD:n quilt, Mrs. F. .Iarrow, 'p'0UJ:i Ix)rds Praver worked on canPhomT Mn A "Wn-ru-,.11 ir f,- T w ?r; ;axwe Mr- I- - Tulley- 2nd premium. 1 Wor-ted tidv Mi- P T) Ypispr ' i - J, , M a" m 11 i J 1 J-t nremiuiu. .lri A. M.nrwp.ll ni ' . " I rr .!. .., . "' -"- .-.J f- i.iv lira nt.l,- I ,...!.., i.... .-. . ,1. ,,.u 4.,. IllUU. .urs. - , w. . tf., .,"-' ,"v:r -'-r. U !. k,fcJ ., . Be-t s Ik quilt, Mrs. Geo. Yekcr! th. an.--ick'yet set rule to.pitiir Diploma. jTl c unfriiing remedy to prevun? il'eU . liiploma. Worsted nnih vn Ro-. Vr n;. r i . - - -..... . f.-m. w v - - V.-W. Al ploma. Pair pillow slips, Mrs. Geo. Yeiser Di'iloma. Beat sue. peduien of baud sewing. 3irs. Cloud H. A. Howatd fpeoial prem. rtcotu - en3ed also for euibroidtrcl ?tool cover and worsted rag. Patcla work, quilt, Mrs A. II. How ard 1st prem. 3irs. C. Scbeuk 2nd prem. La:e maf s, Mrs. Jas Kirkwood Di ploma. Tied mate, Mrs. Ja. Kirkwood Di ploma. For ih? special prem offi-ml bv n ur rr-i.. r..i. ...... j-. ....... pictures, H . 3. Ka'ey 2ad Vicl5"S6ral pTCQiium'waH awarded n".i;.r5.,.l, r' T..".... .-.!....,. cxhlli.;0I1 ofeul fii(Wtr ' - ... . i . M. i i -- LLAl JCi W 2MfIkir3& ADVJ2R1IIi! O- i A book containing a li-.' of town- in the TJ. S. liuvins 5 OoO pop., ard the' newhpuperc having lar:e-t. ciieulation All the Reii.iou- Acricultunil. Seien ' tiSc, and other .-pectil cla-s joun.als. lables oi rate-. .hDumi; eo.-t of a hir - tisitif: and everthiii'' which an adveitt-er w uld like to know. j Mai'ednn receij't of tt-n ec-it- A d e . RFflRRF P. RnwFLl K r.( :n nnrro i)yt 3',u XVa"7t ,0 r,': n i ,,' bili'm-n s-? Do 0U X"ailt Sjliii'llii'i!? tn tr. nf tiMJi Xou? ' Hi you vrant a kooi! appMitf? i o ou w ant tt net r a ! iiorvoune rJ , wo you want ko.i aies'i-Mi: Do you ku'i! to .-li'tip -c!i? " " --"-' I n. . i -i i , Do you want to build up your ouns:i : tuti n: f Do yon want a aud v?oroua j feeling? If y u do. I TAKE livj:r I-leo'iilalor- v rrsr rr "t" c nt UI r ii, LseillSl CC LpOB, , Sole j ro: ri ',' Liver Rec- Ui.iior, I niiailt'lpliiu. 'FUR St VOH2 5TIP ,.):,,:KV: ggyf-.-y 1? uarr:i!itri! not 1 MXsUxi2ljtl'' ,0,',,n,,,1 s"'f r r-j? NryyvSS rt i..M.i. -i-ii ..iun-11- d y&l& Xm-:X.? l.i V iT- .o' .. i.r.i ..!.. 111 iiiiiri'i.. th- !.. "MMMs: ;!ir lu.";- t - -57 dcuc ha, placwJ in f. . 1 t- -t.- I Cn ntrics where Liver Iir tn it prevail.' Jt-.vii.u en:,-ai. mscASKsr tsKnnviKc j I J?rt.nt 1 lit in IIW.K AMI 1IW EU. 1VI.I.- ikiheuvfba rKK.sT CDTL LS A ND FE YER. M3fliS I ivrr Re"iilj' T- ...: .1.. .. t.,..:i -vt ir - . , . r ',. ,.- u.. . -- i iii, iv.ii ii-.i.ijk ii iiuiiie :i i'v i j7i iiu -ave many an nour 01 MifTeri:.C add many a Jullur m time :... i.i ..:", , uhu numu.a kh.s. j Af-cr over F-ny Af-tr over fc-ny 1' trial it 1 - !I" te.-i vine the mns' tmjua'iiK-d re-- 1 nmonwji.- to its virtm !.. t.-? .' .t . its virtues ir-iii per -ins ; ui -oe int-i-'si ennrac; d EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC . , Fo? constipation, headarhe. nain in r p coninni:iui. iirnfi.ifiif t the Moulders, dizin-s. eur s; otuacn, j Bad Iwe in Uie nmnth, IWinii at- ( titcks Halj itation ufflie heart. Pain in 1 tbp rpr-Inr irtlii Lirlti.iv.. T l..)rn : T , . - . . ..... lereirIon of ths kidiun--, D-ponden- .SjSMij"11 of ?:' 3',' prmclrare the offcping of a dt-easetl Liver - nrr in rv i-Ttn nnvr . ' l uy. Jror chi dren complaining of colic, Jadaehf, nr Mck stomach, a-t-a-poon- I 'ui or more wiU civereli-f Children- as will as adults' cat sometimes too! mh ,npp, r or Mt .om.rt,inc whfch I "' not ciiet wen pnxiuemc -our stomach, heartburn, or rot.e.-snes,: a , , .. ;. ... .coot fl.-eot Jjver I'.ecuia'or w:. i pr.-a :,, --.-----"- v"r'"-' ! J ' e untruing remedy to prevtfn? ihe-e annn aid nature health is Sinon? f i juer HEiiu . fl 1 LATOR. 3IANrjKACTrRCD O.VLV CY J. II. ZELLIN&CO., 1'iirLAnr.t.PFTtA . Price, $1j00. Seld by aH dragdsts. H . X K . V '. P- . ' - T- Jl . ma a.xa. . , a. ... 1T'lk.'KB1 B.A 1 A m. . a a Red Chivl Chief 1. LS77 ' tttt ? pvV J & COLE,; j Junfata Nebraska Are now prepartd to buy WHEAT, and other rmin. and pay tho UicHist ... I. :.. r.. .l. .,.. , . . i ' r ' ' Thev also have a full stouk of general -ueh a- I 1 ! Groceries, . n , u ww i .-. 1 1 A i . V. A 1 o; oviv - BOOTS SIIOI-X &C ' which tbc are ofPrinir at inc"-that ire hound to suit their cu-tomer-. REMEMBER THE PLACE, -i t - . - . eau hide of Juniata Avenue, , JUNIATA NEBRASKA j n 4:i r " "y n : ai'' piV no,, '" t,e xihii ' u? lten '-i8 ,e " hrrem'Uihn ' N. f ,J ?" "t either . in y j 1'iirt f be I'ouiitry rh tf nU'nif t w-k 'feiii:- . hi ;h -n.j.; y iHf i.t thaf wt ict,ii . i SpT wrt-k hi 5 "r w Iiwm. Ya -aw kivc j' ur -b,iiv 1 1 in to tbf M'rk r ji-ur l-..rf in !: 11 -. ' U .v rt" wli iir- ni- I::nr nvr iJ if r U All who ewe nt : -c Mi mnkf m-m j f.Kt. At th 1 r.n: fiiftttfini-y i-m.j.! b in iJoi.y .tu.l - 1 ltily at mi other tiiiuf. 1: ts i:. trv to try the bii.-inai. Jerma! ft utn: lrtte. .'Vtbtrw: at h:iou, II, IIai.lhtt .t Uw . .r)-l ly I'urtial. !wia. . 1 M I L'f,iti,'hari.:otnilip mmtcy " " ' C"S I J J 1 f J If,H -.t e.-tsoid Mtcn Ifron i" t.r. r t .wii to tiki- nubor'tftttoDtf ' ir i-m lu'iri-u !! mi ;i.-i o 1 e-t U1ikimI 1 lmiii.j iiiiIi-Nf ion in tiie .vi.r.d Any i.e 1 wn bik-.m ii u-c-fftil nt. The nt sl p!- puit .rk t ur; srivun frw t ubwrik-r. rii" iri--i. i (ittv tbc 'mp. .at f-mbftrty "Hb-cr.iHj'. 'i.fM.ent rei wu ::.iliini: rT imr - ?ub--ribti j , tm ilayn, aii "5'r-wukr im.n.-rf .. Yn.. " ' -,1 ;"Jr u e tib is'..irf. r only j..i,r i,iri. nine. 1 u m".-i n: nc avav in -ii tn,r ovorMirbt. iowrfia d it JT,. luli 1 ull :ri -utrm tu. i,n-nn 1 tnti "XI -. llHltkt lTt . tf .n unt j.n tii-.Mc vr,,-W -! onr 11 Mrcw , .it oiii-c. It rt!. nuthin to :r th bn-in . Ni (ui- vht fiKi f i'is to nt ifco i-rat !. l-lrf""'ilvl,oi.leVJturi. ." Pir I. G It ACH-S SALVE. - r...r i :n.r. i H", ill vented in tin 17th cntury by Dr til- ,,., Hr.., ;ur'f'u i Km-: .luine- :irmv Tbp ueh i's acnev be euttl thm-and- of tt.e n.o-t .' "' U,"J "uiiuii-. aim wa irunnst'u . I'V nil wlin kni'ir tiim ? mi'ilii- ?i .nfrin. 1 ,t,,r , 2. a l x' ,v,,a,i 3K ,,,or i "' ''H't'd-t pf n"r j y t Ai JEM'S ANTED. 1 -i'ire- retn rowle iV Sons, notion r j .-- PLAVS! I'LAS. ' PLAY-! PLA YS! V r r, :. II i n; -,. for Ama ur ! theatr.eit!-. tcmti nui'-e p!-. dnwb.g rno::1 f,5lV" f-' v J,!"-v- L.biopwn ' uiiiif,, iatiaux itrn.-. u.a?nsjnm ' 1 lijfh:- colonel fiiv, Iwirnt cork. Tnu- rival fare pie:uiiiiM)-. Jm-iv s wan .. Wur..-. wic-. iK'jfrJ nnu imMvaH.vs .. - z .: ivi. C'Vomei?, M'Bry w ewtsbtnee sni fr e i.r...l... .- ..i....n , rT fa- 1 eontninimr fu'! Me erMj'bin and ririees! , SAM L FRENCH ,V SON, 122 Nsu-. .-.n St., New York. 1 j 2: ciVediri-d card-, nu tw., able, ;rith nvi.e 1- .-is r.s p,il Fu ' j LOW A r, Nr, h -bam. N. Y. I PULMONA ;i oeyond ,inpari-'a tin? U-t rrn 1; for the nirp of 1'Ti,,v r. r. 'n it-ino-ii nuvanced stare- -f hr- broncbir-. Catnrrb, and all ment-of th Nervotp -y-u-n. A cir- .:.-.,..",;..i,. ... .. ;..!.., ,.r ..... cuiaroi:a:tinjr iri."ul:ir-.f ?yM:ytMedm M!v,ee fr the tr'atu-ir f'bdisesalTe . ti.' utkne 1 3rd cer:;5cftfc of artuil cr-. wi ; ie eni irec ay iit 19 an 4 :. . 1 1 -t . ,-wJirBm. Addre-.-OStMRC MO i SES. ob 'rfretor, lb Cartktwl 2rwt, New Wk "' ' ' " " D" K R F II VG ! -J i1, Vt-V,. ' T., , :: . T, c"'ei': afIKi. . l 1 nanr rint.i 1 ,.t tiu i?m ..t,,. v l , " - "' " f" " "3 1 w-art-- TT,lF- s -Jcl jiOZljfe O VTIV Vjkfrr -Jtvw Jl ?L-i. Kjks Ki:RVF.iI . - yy VJle - 3 !". i- w J--' ?:: Sest Sslirlris iri &:z!ir TizzTij 83 &w a aBi" other fir is tb -flTs-xsrapsr. 5315 a Tezr. r:n zziL s. j. -3k. t-,w;.,; 13-7 tS 37 Park row, veu- aork -ea SAilPLE COi'iHS FREK. t Chief NO- i i .f.liriltiamsltCn. tflJ'IZIZTQ.Y. Tarries the 1arcet -took in PRl'GS. CHOICE F.lM II.Y VF.! ICINI. PAINTS, OILS. GLS. 1TITY, S(MR)OL BOOK1? STATIONARY, and in fact fVfrnlMng to inr fmml in a 6r: cla-" Drus: lloui. W. d-al lan-rlvtu DRY .'OOI155, ?H 'I, til -.VES. NO TIONS. Lad' Pt.ler uin IIOOTi. SHOES, and HARDWARE II I HI3 and Fl'RS a -jvoialry -Quick Sales & Small Profits P 1S.0CK MOTTO &a?We will '.fH m eoK pbapT than ary tfn.- in tho U Call and examine oar jtuude kim! jhkc.-, and bu ovinvrtwed of 1 t t .-ay. nlStl j ci L A q R g m T j j . ; - p . J Hi O fr - HAfifiPTOM& RALSTON Props. Th mt, i--r-ii."ed ba:r ir -cl ido ui W l r -frt t ir n ir 0n -!urt r- r.i; -im 1 -.!,. Afl Work Warranted is Give Satisfaction. Jfcv-Wt. t . ' r our tS .ink- t. tb pubiir for pat patronap tid rc- -lK"lt a v -n: :'.nr:r.' HAMPTON St Red IMosuS, 1 ' 1 j I ( J. G. Potior has just received ' - C. "i ti j? 3 fi" IS O- 4- c I 1 SZ &m 1 . 1 ler brought to tber VnHey. and pnooi'g. , . -T. G, CHEAP CASH STORB Wholfale and R-?a.'. Dli-rs in DRY GOODS. HATS, CAPS ASD HQT20ES. Srocerie.s, Flour V Protlxioiisv, WOOD, WILLOW. i,l. AND QFEENSWARF. WE W IL L XO T IS n L'XIJ ER bOL I). CA L L A XI) SEE C'S ' Nwtb of Uf A r EJL titans a Tj w - m 121 Ssl 7? nii -4 K AW Keep a Supply of Iarmiiij; Iniiiieiurntu CaTGive - a nuL a- ! 1 we-1. 1 I-Kemember the pbee, 1 door nonb Af!vrriiiii Kiitra - il liberal, ami wiH bo nad lnvn (irr ;pbea:i:i. I-?5q atiytrtiettH; at Statute rate. AH :rsa-in: advcrit-enwats wu-t paid for in advance. m .YJEIS F AX D w A Q 0N t th ir ntw b Ap on the t : t .i.m-.i to .! all vri.rL m ln. tl c aui RALSTON, aVU the Saost aHrtiiiunt of li ?nrfw-sf Irofusious. Give him a carl and oinniib vood Potter, Red Clcud. Nebraska. Bank. flAfiTLN'OS, i flNtAflJCA. ARE MV ?t OKH A RT Iropv larg and cmp!ste nock of 2l.vcz, - w csa nit yon, and at Scare? "bat of tW Pnutinr ofBc. Red Cloud- Nsb. , Li- oil' t ? , ue5ira LtM- - , - ji