THE RED CLOUD CHIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Naticein this Column 10 Cent a Line The days of the "sear and yellow leaf are at hand. W. E. Jackpon is building a new residence otkhis farm south of town. Commissioners were in session last Mondny and Tuesday, proceedings next week. Mr. Henry Gilham. brother to James and Charley, arrived from Wis consin last Saturday. We have several communications on hand, which we cannot publish, on account of the tax list taking up bo much room. We are forced to leave out two or three colums of advertisements, while Mr. Jones' story remains in the paper. C. II. Potter has a nice eijrar case on his counter, now, filled with good cigars, we know whereof we speak, for we sampled 'em. In the report of the election of offi cers for the Agricultural Society, it should have been F. M. Snow of Pots dam instead of A. Maxwel1 Dr. F. A. Ilall the well known den tist is prepared to atttend to your teeth and fix 'em up in shape. If you have defective teeth you should call on him. We publish this week on the first page a select story written by Mr Jones the Co. Treasurer, it is not very often that Mr. Jones can be induced to get up a toiy for the paper, but we feel sure that this last effusion of his will prove ol interest to our renders, and we shall keep it standing three weeks. Owing to circumstances over which we had no control, the Chii'f failed to appear last week, the subscribers will loose nothing, however, as they get their full number of papers all the game. We are glad to state that we are again able to walk to the office, and unless w get ,on our back" again, the paper will appear promptly every Thursday, hereafter. When we are unfortunate in any re.-pect, and especialy w..en Mckness comes upon us, then we find who is real friends. Since the Chief family have been afflicted with sickness we havo found that we had many true f' tends, and to those friends we as a family extend our heartfelt thanks Tor their kindness, and hope that though wo may be unable to repay the debt of gratitude that a Higher Power will bless and reward them. . The Convention for the nomination of county officers will bo he'd next Saturday. Delegates should remem ber that they have a grave duty to perform, to them is entrusted the duty of nominating good and competent men to fill the various positions of honor and trust in the county. They connot be to careful in their selection, as none but good and competent men should be nominated. The people will look to them to carry out thtir wishes in tbe matter, and will place the seal of condemnation on any one who may be improperly influenced. We hae faith in the integrity of the men whom the people will select as dele gates, and believe that the wishes of people will not bo disregarded. The family of the Rev. James Kirk wood had a narrow escape of being killed by lightning, during the thun der storm on Tuesday forenoon, at the begining of the storm Mrs, Kirk wood was standing by the stove, and was just about to push some wood into it when the lightning came down through the stove-pipe, shattering the pine in its course, it burst out of the pipe about 16 inches from where 31 rs. Kirkwook was standing, and wheu on the stove looked like a large ball of fire. There was a pail of wa ter on the opposite bide of the stove from where Mrs. Kirkwood was stan ding, and the lightning passed from the stove towards the pail which it up set. It then went down through the fl or tearing up several feet which was scattered all over thchous. Mr?. Kirkwood and Jesio their youngest daughter who was sitting on the lounge reading, wore sunned for some tune hut otherwise providentially es jwped without injury. i Wheat and barley taken in exchange for goods at J. G. Potter's. 6 yards of Jeans for 1,00 at WOL- BACH BROS. Hastings Neb. 12yirdsof Gingham for $1,00 at WOLBAGU BROS. Hastings Neb. Patterns for ladies, gentlemen, and children, given away to ourcostomen II. F. Lutz, J Oil" Hats only 50cts, each worth $1,00 at Mrs. Lutz, lOtf Those elegant plumes and flowers look so temting at Mrs. Lutz. lOtf m WOLBACH BROS Are the only cheap store at Hastings ana defy copetition, come and see them when at Hastings and see for your self, following are a few of the cheap Goods that we offer, and at least Uo per cent cheaper than can be bought in any other store in the State of Neb raska. Coats or Clarks thread 5c a spool. 1 tt good Cotton Batting for 12 cts. 20yaids Prints for $1,00 12 yards of good Cotton Fannel for lK), 10 yards of Brown and Blue Den im for 1,00 5 yards of Red Flannel for 1,00 A good wool Hat for 40 cts. All wool we-tern mills kuittingyarn, 8.r cts. per pound. 12 spools Basting thread 20 cts. Calf faced wool lined mitts 95 cts. Also have a large line of Buck Gloves which we offur very cheap. We are offering boots and shoes cheaper than any other House west of Omaha. Our Stock of Clothing is very large and unserpassablc and can not be boat in price atid quality, we have good heavy suits of clothes at $4.00 also have a large line of Overcoats. Extra Heavy Horse Blankets at $3.00 a pair, Ac. &c. don't forget to call on us when at Hastings, located 1st door South of the Bauk. WOLBACH BROS. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that on Tuesday the sixth day of November A. D. 1877 an election will be held in Webster County Nebraska at the usu al voting place in 'acb precinct for the purpose of voting for the follow ing named officers : One Judge Supreme Court one County Clerk one Treasurer one Sher iff, one. County Judge, one county Superintendent one county Surveyor one Coroner, and one Commissioner for the third District. In each precinct one As-essor, two Justies of the Peace, two Constables, three Judges of election and two Corks of election and in each Road District one Road Supervisor. Also to vote on a proposition to au thorize the Board of Co. Commission ers to levy a tax at the July meeting in 187S of one per cent on the assess ed valuation of the County for the year 187S to aid in the building of a bridge across the Republican River at some point iu Guide Reck Precinct. Those in favor of the proposition will have written or printed or pa-tly writ ten or partly printed on their ballots the words ''for bridge tax" those op posed, the words "against bridge tax." Also to vote on the question of township organization. Th'sein fa vor will hare written or printed or- partly written or printed on their bal lots the words "For Township organ ization." Those opposed the words "against township organization." Which election will be opened at eight o'clock in the morning and will continue open till six o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. By ordtr of the County Commission ers, this 2d day of October A. D. 1S77. James A. Tulleys, County Clerk. OBITUARY. DiED. At his residence in Web ster Co. Neb. on the 2Gth of Sept" '77 of dropsy' Mr. Hiram Ross, aged 72 years. Died. Near Red Cloud Neb. Sept. 30th, 1877. Miss. Miry E. Moore, eldest daughter of Mr. A. J. aud Mrs. M. A. Armstroug. aged 17 years, 5 months, and 13 days. Miss. Moore was converted in the spring of 1874, and at the time of her death was an acceptable member of the M. E. Church. From the time that she gave her heart to God, she was an earnest worker in the cause of Christ. E. G. Cary. W. A. Smith of Hastings keeps a large and well selected stock of books, stationeryjewclry, musical instrumens, wall paper, picture frames, toyes and notions. He has a first cias watch maker and engraver, and will guaran tee satisfaction with work entrusted to his care. Customers can rely upon being dealt with fairly. 5-ltf DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the Co-partnersdup heretofore existing be tween Drs. Head and Sherer, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call at City Drug Store and settle, at once. Peter Head R. R. Sherer Dated this 1st day of Oct. 177. 10 4w A17iIOTJKSEaS2ITS; We are authorized to announce the name nf II C Sent t as candidate for the office of Sheriff of Webber county Nebraska, .subject 10 the action uf the county Republican Convention. We are authorized to announce the name of F. H. Brigham as candidate for the office of county surveyer of Webster county Nebraska, subject to the action of tho county Republican convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Geo O. Yei-.-r as candidate for the office of Supt. of Public In struction of Webster county. Subject to the action of the county Reaubli can convention. Many Citizens We are authorized to announce the name of Mark H Warner as candidate for the office of Sheriff of Webster county. Subject to the action of the County Republican Convention. Having had experienc in a Countv Court Clerkship, also iu ediring and publishing the "Federal Union" of Canada and being the Grand Sou of a Federal soldier, I beg most respectfully to ask of the citizens of Webster Co. Neb. the office of Treas urer when that office becomes vacant. L Olmstead Gentlemen if you want your wife to look lovely, buy her one of these charming hats at Mr?. Lutz. Ladies don't say you can't afford a new hat when you can get one for a mere trifle at Mrs. Lutz. Good flannels only 20 c s. per yard at L. Bauni's. "I never saw hats sold before as cheap as Mrs. Lutz sells them." Ladies leather shoes only $1,00 per pair at L. Baum's. Mens hats only 75 cents at L. Baum. For good bargains, go to L. Baum. L. Baum is the boss clothier of the Valley. He sells good suits for $S,00. - - Hats, gloves, ties, &c fce, cheaper than ever at Mrs Lutz. J. D. Post inform" us that ho has the largest barn west of Joe, War ner's and is prepared to accommo date the freighters, and all others who may call. Livery rigs furnished on short notice 33- tf The largest stock of spectacle? west of Lincoln, can be found at W. A. Smiths Hastings Nebraska. He is sole agent for the Lazarus & Mortis perfected glas.-es, the finest in the market for tho money. 5-ltf A fine lot of prints, fall sfyles, at J. G. Potter's. New styles fail goods at Mrs. Lutz- staTwagon."" For salo by Mitchell & Morhart. Theso wagons are among the be.t that are made, aud are fully warrant ed. it will piy you go and look at them before purchasing cl.swliere. War! "war, waS What has the war in Europe not to do with me, if I can sell mens full stock boots for $3,00 L. Baum. Jusc received a voy torse stock of new styles of Clothing at Baum's. Don't go bare-footed if you cm buv boots and shoe at your own price ut L. Bautu's. STOVES? STOVES ! ! A carload of stoves just received at Mitchell A Morhart's, of all mzc .v.i terns and --tjlcn. Coal or wood stoves of all kinds, they will be sold at bed rock prices. Call and see. Wanted ! Everyone who reads this article to resolve that you will come to ..-ike a look at our new stock of Fall Goos the very first opnm-iiiiity, whether you want to buy or not, at L. Bauai's. FOR SALE. Our entire stock of Clothing, Diy Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, aud Groceries, will be offered to the public from the time we open doors in the morning until the close at night, at L. Baum. Removal As we propose to remove our untire stock into the keeping of our paf-on as fast as possible, at a small advance on cost, we want pecuniary assistance in order to help us. L. Baum. fr-H nntz & (5hoes. 7 hoes. (Soots & A large lot just receive at J. G. Potter's. Latest styles of ladies and Misses shoes and gaiters, and mens and boys boots and shoes. Call and examine and you will not purchase els where. 5-0tf Clothing ? 1 0 t h i n 1 o t h i n g vLM o t h i nff Z CLOTHING. At J. G. Potter's, men's and boys suits of ready made clothing (latent styles) call and examine these goods and be convinced that it will be to your interest to buy your clothing of me. J. G. Potter, Red Cloud. CHEAP CASH STORE. We are selling good gooJs cheaper than any other firm in the city. The mar ket will bo full cf shoddy goods this fail, but don't waste your money buying them, when you can buy gen-, uine goods at the same! price, of i L M.THOMPSON and Co'. Hastings, Neb J GO tothe PostoOice for your station cry, where you can get 24 shcetsjof note paper for the small sum of ten cents. The best and most complete assort ment of Dry Goods can be found at L. Baum's. m m m Owen & Chamberlain's Camphor ated Hart.-horn Linament, is uot a Pattent, but the old Volatile linament made of the b-. st material and by an improved method. It needs no rec-' omend, but is acknowledged by Phy sicians to be old and reliable, and Horsemen fall back on it when all else fail, and regard it as their .st?nd by. Sold and guaranteed by C. H. Pot ter, Red Uloud. L gal 1'otice. Notice of Administrators Sale. Notice is hereby given that I will ; by virtue of a license granted to me by Hon Win. Gaslin Junior, Judge of the 5th judicial Di-trict of the State of Nebraska, within and for Webster Co. Nebraska, offer for sale .on the 24th day of August, 1S77 at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, At the front door of the court houe in Red Cloud Web ster county Neb. to the highest and best bidder, for cash, the interest of t he heirs of Robert Morrow deceased, the following de-eribed real estate sit uated in Webster county Nebraska ; owit the west A of S. E. qr section 20 Township 4 Range 12 west. Also E of N. E. qr sec. 14 Township 4 Range 12 west ; except four acres off of said se -lion, also 4 acres in a regular form along the east side of west A of u. e qr of same sec 14. Notice is hereby given that the above sale is adjourned to the 13th day of Oct. 1877 at 1 o'clock p. m. of raid day. II. S. Kaley, Administrator of the estate of Rob ert Norrow deceased. -LEGAL NOTICE. Dis'rict Court in and for Webster County, Nberaska. Cat? arine Dcl-ancy! Plaintiff, versus J- NOTICE William Henry De- Lancy, defendant, J The defendant, William Henry De Lancy, will take notice that the plain tiff has filed her petition in the Dis trict Cnurt of Webster Co. Nebraska, praying that the marriage between the plaintiff" and defendant may be de dared a nullity, and that he is requir ed to answer said petition on or bs-fbro the 8th day of October A. D. 1S77. Catharine DeLancy J. S. Gilham att'y for plaintiff". SHSIilFF SALE. By virfuc of an order orsilc i-sucd by tiie District Court of Webster Co Nebraska aud directed to 1110 as sher iff of said Webster County. I will offer for sale at public auction at the door of the Court House, iu Red Cloud in said county, on the 21th of Septem ber IS77 at ten o'clock A. tn. of said day the following real estate, to wit. Th inv of the se of sec. 14 town I range 12. The s w qr of the s e qr of s"c I I town 1 range 12. The a e qr of the swqr of sec 1 4 town 1 ranee 12. The s 0 qr of the h w qr of tecll town I -anc 12 AH in Webster county Nebraska So'd on an nnlt'r of sale in favor of Dud'eyI Sioele, A Samuel Johnson, aou a&aiust George W. Beman. Henry G. Bill, .sheriff, bv Mark II. Warner deputy. Jno. R. Wi.Ieox Pl'tfl-. atty. Free of charge sample bottle. One dose of O. C.'s Colic, Cholera and Diarrea Remedy. A sure and effectu al remedy for the cure of Dysentary, diarea Cholera morbus, Summer complaint, pain in the stomach and bowels. Chronic diarrea, bloody flux ivc Ac. Also colic in horses. One dose will cure pain in the stomach in : minuets, cholera morbus in 5 to 30 minuets, according to severeness of attack, one dose will cure an ordinary attack of Dysenfeiy or diarrea. It is never failing in its results, and so pleasant when reduced with 20 parts of water that children will cry for it. Sold and guaranteed, by C. II. Potter, Red Cloud Neb. 5 l-6m Notice to Teacaers. Notice is hcrby given, That I will ex amine all persons who may desire to offet themselves as candidates for tea chers of the primary or common ?chools f Webster counts', at Red Cloud on th first Saturday in the months of Feb. ruary, May, August, and November. A. A. Pope, Co. Sup't. NegundaJan. 5 th 1877. DILLON & COLE, Juniata Nebraska. Are now prepared to buy WHEAT, and other grain, and pay the highest cah price for the same. :0: They also have a full stock of general ?IBHAXDIS such aa DRY GOODS, HA rs. CAPS, GLOVES. BOOTS SHOES, &C.J which they are offering at prices that are bound to soit their customers. REMEMBER THE PLACE, eai side of Juniata Avenue, JUNIATA - - -. NEBRASKA. 5 4tf Thompson Spouse C. M. THOMPSON, Prop. Hot. 1st St. and Burlington Ave., HASTINGS - NEBRASKA. Free Hacks to ari frcn Depcts. 9&T Fine Sample Room in connection with the House, for the accommoda tion of Commercial Men. jv2 Commercial Hotel. Riverton, Nebraska. W. W. Robinson, - - - Prop. Good beds, good fare and charges reasonable. UfirMeals at all hurs.-l The Farmers Restaurant, J. A. WILLIAMS, PitopuiETOK. Freighters and others will find it to their interest to patronise this house. lif.Warm meals at all hours! Hastinos Avenuk, HASTINGS - - . - NKltUASUA. Rufus lVFilxsch, Particular attention given to shop work, and coffins made to order. JBtgrl'aiutiii!.' a Spieialty."l'na Shop we-t of Richardson's building. BED CLOUD, - - NE3. Van Dvfcc & Sinclscr. Plasterers & Stonemasons. We are prepared to take contracts and do all kind of work in our line at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guar anteed, and all kinds of stork and grain taken in exchange for work. SST Cistern work a specialty. iu:i !. ui M'.HRASKA. 4 l:My HftRHESS SHP J. L. MILLER, Prop. Keeps con'tantlv on hand a full line of stock, such as Harness. Collars, Whips. Saddles, and all other goods uual!v kept m a fir-t-ehw shop. ALL 7702H WAEHAKTSD. Red Cloud, Neb. J, J. MILLER CARPENTER and BUILDER. Eel Cloud, Neb. Is prepared to make estimates and take contracts for all kinds of building. 39-ly Red Cioud Drug Store. C. II. POTTER, Pmp. Keeps the largest and best stock of drugs, medicines, paints and oils, to be found in the Republican valley. $$F Prescriptions carefully compoun ded, day or night. S3D CLOUD, 2JS33ASSA. 12jyCm Red Cloud Mill's! We are prepared to do cus tome work flour peed and Corn Mel foP Sale. - Satisfaction gu aranteed iu quality of fiour sold, and ci'stom work. Farmers :hould be particular to secure the'best of seedwheat. Potter & Frisbie! GEORGE ZEISS, -DXALZRiy- Wines & Liquors CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking. Tobacco CANNOD FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, CONFECTION EJUS, And Especially Fresh Lager Beer. GEORGE ZEISS, 11KD CLOUD, NEB. Lands For Sale. We are now offering for sale on hot ter terms and cheaper than ever be fore, all I:md belonging to B V M. St. Joe & D. C. and Midland Pacific Kail Koad Companies in Webster and adiidiiiug count ic.-. Wo also have some fhoiee ciaiiii for .jale. (.live u a call. Kaley Hro?. Atty's & Kexl e.-tae Agfa Ked Cloud Neb. i-U y y H i fl c H - W EL M . O CO Si CD H 3 CD zr. r t w 5 2 GO CO CD O 13 o i $ 3 r j o U CD CO - CD CD m o o 7s z. w 2 P r-' CD n ." 0 2 SAM'L GARBER PEAI.r.ll IN Dry Goods aufi Groceries- BOOTS and WitOJKK Hats, Caps. & Ready Made Clothing ! Ve have the Largest Stock in the Valley and vill not be undersold. GIVE US A CALL. ONE ALL Sam'l Carber 7d lied Cloud, "Xeb. im& $ounlj) Janh, HASTINGS, Ain.MSCOr.VIV, NEH. A General Banking Business TRANSACTKI). MADE A SPECIALTY. Drafts on Europe bought aud sold. Agents for several steamship lines, fiarliusiness entrusted to u will have prompt and careful attention. NEW STORE. ! (At the Red Cloud Mil'.-) Ii where you can get all kind- of !-sch as DRY UOODS -frr,, HAT; &c. Ac. CcC rt.C vc All of which will be sold cbeapforca;h. Alo A supply of LUMBER, lath, SHINGLKi, Ac , always aa Lz&l. C R. POTTER. Hinr.ER Co. s mSm BOOT AND SHOE SHOP I PARKS BROS.. Prcpritors. Thi firm N n nr n-rrm-d m fuTxMi the puMic wih QOTS made of thf bct material and at figure . o low that now n- bare footed. All Kinds of Repairing Done With Ncalnesvnd Dispatch. tW. A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. A I work fullv warranted. " OIY TH A TlirAL. 7m aud be convinced that it is to your I'akks r.RoniKus, J'.' tf Red Cloud. (JO - w CLOTH INC7' cSSK .BOOTS mil. I SHOKS, mm mim, HATS. CAPS & Furnishing Cdbds. CHEAPER TV,1.2 CHEAPEST ! I Call and See Us Before You Buy. B'Ai t lit NEW BUILDING. On FIRST STREET, opposite Commercial JtotSl, Nov. -J.-J-tf THE P BLACKSIVirrH & Ira S!M4r afc DS -U Tifi!ur, fiari. Uo vvonli res;.'ffuily inform the puMii thut wo ar propur tv do all kinds of work in our hin-, pruinpti au-i in u worn.i..ii.P u.a r n-IMnw repniririK a pfrialty. Lumhcr U'nn. Lijfht 't' u Wagons and iJuiu.-, built to nrJer, ami wuii.niU-d aK"l' t'r - P1UCKS KKASONAHI.K. and SATISKA(TION Cl'AKA.vrUKI'. IltA .Sl.KKfE'jt. .'JO 11 K I) C I . ) . I . N mmm mmm mm. HASTirSCS NEB, J'sw the lurreitarwl iamt cflrnpktc tefc or DHY LPMUKf: Kiid, for iiutiling, lirklKe and f;ttnuml itctitm, uw in as? ,. 1 u Nebra-fca. Our stock or DOORS, WINDOWS. ULINDS. lii;iU)f.N V 1'KK Ac., ia uticpjaicd. Owninirnur own t'uiA r bwd sw nod plaimnp wilt, irgrtthfr "h IK-ciril rato on fr.iht. vv.:t u3 u chioce ty mrQ(h(ily otlU v M any yard in Kanca or Nebraska. Ijve un a ciM. i J - - mm mmmmm -"'l., mmimmZ.m .2 J U , Isaac :-1 iim FARMERS WHOl.ESA.LK AXDRKTAII.DEAI KK IS BHV fmnns; BOOTS, ami SSt - CECEA.PJEST STOJRE -Axlams Coantv ! ! - jl ir:oret to p.ttrooiza u.- RTebrafirltJ TO 9 11 0 UASTlNiJS, NKHKA.-KA WAGON SHOP, ' K. 1. 'hKklt I'AIK AS fv A. A LicDioyt Agt. STORE m - i'srrsi i.. OKS. HATS. Efc? TJ nv t? En Kn SC 5-Ttf Mll.HtlllM, f Xuhrmk