V i-- M, GARDENAND HOUSEHOLD A Great Field of Wheat f r If t "eat. pm V 6helby of lhis Citv Vice Srf c f d TreaSUrer of Grand w ? Iudiana Ililroad Company , has gone to Dakota Territory to super mtenclthe barvcatin5 of a ffcldcontain- loff 0f wheat' owned bv It self, Geon W. Css of Pittsburg, and U1 Dalrymple of Mi nnesota. The use ot 2u reai)ers for two weeks will be necessary in ozder to harvest the crop, m wmch is estimated at 100,000 bushels, and is valued atSioooo when threshed. -Lhe gram will be moved bv rail 4W miles to Duluth, then shipped by sail direct to Europe. The land used is a part of the subsidy granted bv the Gov ernment to the Northern Pacific liail- to&. Grand Rapids (Mich.) Eagle. Aiiii7.,Hn(1 ,np Wajlo Ke.-p Tin-in. Lse great care in picking Uiem irom the trees, and when transferring them -r iium me n;ifket to the barrel handle , . hke eggs. Get the best granulated su- n gar barrels to keep them in, and when the barrels are full cover them with a thick paper to keep them from the air. uen witn a barrel header nress the lea Ha ;.. .,...1 i ., , .. lw. " , auu Ktiej) mem out 01 the kfC.iTi"' fllfjr 'm ln4 : " 'aicuyou can witiioui navinc gliyreeze. Put thfin in the drvest fhtiai tf thf eeJ.'ar, and raise 'rom the cround threp 1rt nr n fids, and do not open or dis- . Vn Tfrpused to the air by opening "nls to inch tht-m over, some of ipfs will rot and others will 7ftx eeiitilcitl s .f Wheat. Mr. ; roe fN. C; Jiiujuiier s.iys: 'w PafL-. inch ester received ;i sin;ill a J)Pp Tlifcat fn.m the Agricultur- ed. -jj;.it Jast fall, which he sow- Uint tu-o' ' ?:,s "rowing he noticed k'nJ of cf.93 produced a different r"I-'e he ''from the rest, and when t!jehi-'Ui'1 eleven heads from r v tl0 rrr., i , , JT Phnij ' :U" has saved them of uie ji. ft "Wn. The six- and shape SJstft- Hip cunositv. Thov .t-.uie one ana half inches inlength , about one-foarth of an inch wide d one-third of an inch thick, the TrJa;;,s LeiS i tvo almost separate c.usters, the whole head having a cooil deal the appearance of an ear of com with about three rows shelled out on 1 Y0,01'1 osile The heads averai?- f f eiShty giains c.ch. lie wishes to und out the name of the wheat, if any one lias :iny knowledge of iL - TIKlit I.ariis for Ily. The ceuer.il m.iTii,.. .,.,.".. - . probably is that barns with air spices between tlie boarding are better adapt e to cure and preserve hav than barns with very tight boarding and a tight bottom. Hut this opinion is founded upon the supposed fact that free ac cess of air will assist in earning off fciffp.us moisture, and prevent heat and fermentation, which supposed fact is im a fact at all. when applied to a bo-lv of uncured hay. When this uncured grass is spread in thin layers on the .field and exposed to the ni'r tii.. m..;c. -- ---. .-.-t ..v "H't.l "i"'"s earned off so rapidly as not to Jmt any heating or fermentation, 1 When placed in :i iliifL- lmrltr i.. mw, the heat, with access ol air. taises rapid fermeniation. The oxygen of he air feeds the lermentation. and this becomes the active cause of its tmction. This principle is'f:imili:ir to the good hoii'-ewife who jrestrve bwfuit in an air-tight jar. We tried jprcxppriment some years ago. which applied this principle to keeping green ckspr. We look a large linseed oil-cask, unheaded one end. tilled it with ureen Clover MISt in blossom. rnnt.-iimnr .,11 its sap, rammed 111 solid, replaced Ua - I 1 1 ' t . ,iunfl V ., , 1,utu- --p-j-i.hriniig tribes desired to marrv ver.mSllmionhii-m Ier j,;irentSi hnu.vt.r, desired air-spaces with white lead and paint POn opening.ten months after, the clover blossoms were found almost as bright as when put in. We have tried various pieparations for coloring butter, including the ordi nary annatto. as kept in the drug stores. and several of the lijuids put up leady for lis. by different manufacturers. While.custimers insist on a high color, it is necessaiy for dairymen to use art iicial coloring, and the butter of some cows is so devoid of tint that it is un salable without coloring, although the lli-vofaay be faultless. Some people taste with the eye. and for them appear ance must be considered. While arti ficially colored but'er brings 0 or 10 cts. pound more in the market, than fulJe"ircm the cow, coloring mat- wiune Tised. . irrot juice is objee- Imabie; most of the preparations of hnatto are made with potash, and the mprepared paste is difficult to manage 'properly, although we have procured jie hnest tints bv its use. We have re cently tned a preparation made in oil, b Mrs. SmUh, of Arch street, Pailaile! 1 hia. an "-perienced dairy manager, w hiding. ves an unexceptionable tint, .and being free from alkali, will the bet ter lease these w ho object to the alkali rtions. It is well to avoid too tor, and in practice we have one half the qmuitity recom- P?d to be used by the makers of t h Jiarations is 11 ffc There never redJmtter, and an excess of color- Tug produces this shade. A fine lemon- tint is the proper one, and in using col- oringt is lest to err on the side of ecy.oB rather than excess. ji wit ricai Agrimrist Uou-e Plants. The time is fast approaching when amateur florists begin to think of their winter window gardens, than which not hint can afford more ple:isure to the le lolfr of flowers. Even if you i-iye not much sunshine you need not r Give up flowering plants and ite vines, depending on leaf foli- effect- There is that graceful , tAie Madeira vine. Start a plot l each corner of Ui window-sill. Lriugs meeting we frame abnvp. Ynn :u "r . , . . -vJJi- a pyramia uiat ttily. Suspend I -a hanging pot with a little of several things in iu Put in a little "money," or "Tom Thumb ivy," one of the hardier members of the Coleus family, ana then add "Dusty Miller." Hang another pot below fi led in the same way. Indeed, put in as many as you can tastily. On the window-sill below range a Qle of Flora's knights, anything pretty for its leaves. Put there a sweet-scented geranium, ijegonias are pretty for leal effect, and are reasonably sure to blos som without large doses of sunshine to stimulate them. Your fuchsia won't be likely to 11 nver, but it will run, and its drooping branches will have all the effect of vines. You may do something with the periwinkle, the varied leaves of which have a fine effect. It will be easy though to secure a busiy b;ise for our pyramid. An ivy goingabout and over the window will make a rich frame for this pretty picture, while as the side-tendrils of the Maderia vine shoot out, you can swing them in fes toons across the window. 1IIL OJtlCIN OF MAN.' uiai'Ti:i: i. 'Tw:is a lovely summer morning, in the year !L01 Ji. C. The woods of :tne gambia were clothed in their f.ir est costume, the lovely birds were chirp ing and singing their morning lay 3 ; the sky was one vast sheet of blue every thing, in short, was full of sweetness and light, except the lovely Lady Ade liza de Chimpanzee. She was In the dumps. Moodily she rubbed hershoul ders against a huge palm tree, and. while performing this act, heaved a vast sigh. Just at that moment her mamma aropped from the tree above her. "My daughter," said the Duchess de Chimpanzee, "why that sigh V" "Ah, mamma, look at me," said Lady Adeliza. "See how different I am from the rest of our tribe. See how white 1 am becoming." "My daughter," said the Duchess, lan guidly, as she seated herself on a con enient bowlder, "you should be proud of the difference. It is a distinction We are a higher race." "I don't know, mamma. Se what little caudal appendages we haw. All the other folks can hang from the trees by their tails, but we are compelled to sit on the limbs." "We are advancing, my dear. You are whiter than 1 am. You can talk in your mouth; I could not until middle ase. Your grandmother, as you know, can only grunt it. You are moving to a higher sphere." "Well, mamma, none of our folks will marry me," said Lady Adeliza, pouting. "No, my child; it has been decreed that there should be a selection of the fittest in marriage. We have offered you to the Prince d'Orang Outang, who is even whiter than you are, as his wife." "Oh, mamma." gushed the Lady Adeliza, "that's splendid! Wili become soon V" H est rain yourseif. People of hih blood and short caudal appendages never get excited. He wili be here in a short time." Lady Adeliz.i went away to look for cocoa nuts, and the Duchess sat on a rock, and reflectively scratched her head. ( uaiti:i: 11. The Duke de Cl1impan7.ee was chh'f of a very huge tribe. If he had been in the snow business he would have made an everlasting fortune, fie had but one daughter, the Lady. Adeh 1, and. as she would inherit the'liv stock over which h- ruled, ouths of the that she should be, if possible, the foun tain of a new race, to which all their traditions told them they were working up. They determined that she should wed the Prince d'Orang Outang. The Duke proposed the matter to the Prince. "Aw!" said the Prince, as he adjusted his eye glass; "it is nice?" "j?he is beautiful." replied the Duke. "Aw!" said the Prince; give it much stamps?" "I shall give her all Ethiopi." replied the Duke. "I will aw step down, and aw look at it" murmured the Prince, e:ire lessly. "By surprise, you know." This was agreed ujon and the Duke departed. The Prince knew his worth. He was quite white, and was not troubled with the slightest particle of caudal append age ; but Ethiopia was a big prize, and he resolved to win i One week after the Duke had offered his daughter, the Prince started for Senegambia with the intention of looking at the fair face of Adelizu ( HAPTEK III. The Prince was wandering through the woods of Senegambia. gayly singing, 1 would be a butterfly. Born iu a Ixjwer, when his eyes fell upon a lovely Chim panzee sitting in a shallow brook, suck ing a cocoa nut She was the loveliest creauture he had ever seen. His heart was touched at once, ne raised his eye-glass and stared at her till her eyes fell in modest confusion. "Fair Chimpanzee," said he, wilt not not aw tell me your aw name T "Adeliza," whispered she. The Duchess de Chimpanzee, who had witnessed the meeting from behind a clump of bushes, chuckled, and slid off en her left ear. "Adeliza," sighed the Prince, "thou art aw beautiful. Wilt thou aw marry ine?" The Lady Adeliza threw the remains of her cocoanut at the head a Chimp m zee who was loafing in a neighboring tree, fell into the arms of the Prince, and gently murmured, T am thine." Tbey were married in great splendor. The Kt Eev. Bishop Baboon, assisted by the Rev. Simiader Ape, performed he ceremony. The bridemaids wore their natural clothes. The choir sang the lovely anthem, "Monkey Married and her parents rubbed noses, and then the bride started on her tour on an ele phant with one trunk. niAi'Tiii: iv. The seasons changed; summer lapsed into autumn, autumn into winter, win ter into spring. Then there was a great rejoicing, for the Lady Adel 7. 1 cave the prince an heir. The child, however, was an anomaly in that region. It had no tail ; it had flat feet ; it had a w hite skin ; it had no hair on its body. All the wise men examined it. It was not an oraug-outanir; it was not a Chim panzee; evidently it was a new species. Then a family conclave was called, "What shall we call it V asked every body. The Duches3 de Chimpanzee, who was languidly making mudpies, said : "Lt us call if man." 'Darwin," in Harpers Monthly. Jone's Chill. Jones was dry hadn't been so dry since the strike, but there wa3 no saloon close by, and he had passed the last drug store. He knew that Mrs. J. had a little old Hennessy about the house that she put in puddings and pies, and he sat down on the door steps and wor dt red how he could save it from being wasted in such fixings, a5 economy was his motto. He looked at the dog star, the aluith and the milk-maid's path, but they were silent and 'tending strictly to busi ness. A scheme finally dawned on him, and he opened the door and felt his way back to the ice-cooler, got up in a chair and fished out a pkee of ice, buttoned up his coat and turned up the collar. Then he staggered up stairs, ice in hand, and met Mrs. .Tones. "What's the matter Jones been drill ing V" "No," taid Jones with a sigh and a shiver. "Caucus ?" "No, no cau cus" "Another strike?" "No chill," said Jones :is he sank into a chair and slipped the ice into his c iat pocket 'Feel that hand." "Oh, my ! ' and she shuddered. Theu she got a blanket and put over him and said she would make him some hot tea, As she start ed for the kitchen, Jones called her back, and, with a sigh, suggested if there was a little alchohol about the house it would be better. There was not a bit, but she had a little brandy for cooking purposes. Jones gave a shake, and said it would answer if she had a little hot water and sugar to make it palatable. They were on hand in two minutes, and while she jailled off his" boots and wrapped the blanket around his feet, Jones mixed his toddy ana shivered. He felt better afterwards, though he made up a terrible face when he emptied the bottle, and told Mrs. Jonc- she had saved his lite. He retired ten minutes afterward singing, "There's a land that is fairer than day." Sanitary Influence of Trees. The value of trees in a sanitary point of view 111 large and overcrowded cities chii scarcely be over-estimated. Apart from the sense of relief and coolness which they impart their influence as purifiers ot the atmosphere is almobt in credible. It has been calculated that a gKd-sized elm, plane or lime tree will produce 700,000 leaves, having a united erea of uuo 0J0 square feet The com petent authority above quoted proceeds to show that not only do the leaves al sorb deleterious gases, but they exhale oxygen. They must therefore, be of immense benefit in oveivrowdi d and.un healthy districts. When to this is ad ded that trees modify temperature, pro moting coolness in summer and warmth in winter; also that they purity the soil below as well as the atmosphere above, we have a very powerful sanitary ar gument in favor of tree planting. Urigliam Young Biographical Skt ten. The telegraph announces the death of Brigham young at Salt Lake City, Aug. 29 ih, 1S77. Brighiun Young was born in Ver mont, June 1, 1S01. He was the son of a farmer: received but little education, and learned the trade of a painter and glazier. He was a member of the Bap tist church, and is said to have preached occasionally. In 1S32 he jjined the Mormous at Kirtlaud, Ohio; was or dained elder; became one of tha twelve apostles, and was seivt to tne Eastern States in 1S35 to make proselytes, in which he was very successful. After the death of Joseph Smith, in 1S44, Young was one of the four aspirants for the Presidency, and was unani mously chosen to that office. His choice met general approval, and soon after his rival, Sidney Bigdon, was excom municated. After the tragedy at Xau voo, Young set out with his followers in lMt for Salt Luke, which, he per suaded them, was the promised land. He founded Salt Lake City, organized the State of Deseret, and applied for admission into the Union. This was denied by Congress, but the Territory of Utah was organized in 1S50, and Young was appointed Governor. In 1S54, on the appointment of a Governor who Jwas not a Mormon, he defied the authority of the Federal Government, and in 1S57 President Buchanan sent Alfred Cumming. whom he had a pointed Governor, to Salt Lake, backed by a force of 2.500 men. This brought matters to a crisis, and the Mormons submitted. In 1&52 Yuung procl.imed the celestial-law of marriage sanction polygamy, which he declared had been revealed to Joseph Smith in 1S43. Smith's widow and her four sons at once denounced this as a forgery and headed a schism. But the personal power of Young was such that he had little difficulty in establishing polyg amy as an institution of the church. Always to take the part of an absent person, who is censured in company, so fax as truth aul propriety will allow. Xever to think worse of another on 3W,A1"11 ftf nil nilll r with me in Gems of Thought Women never truly command till they have given their promise to obey; and they are never in more danger of being made slaves than when the men are at their feet Farquhr. Talents give a man superiority far more agreeable than that which pro ceeds from riches, birth or employment, which are all external. Talents consti tute our very essence. Bollin. Of all passions jealousy is that which exacts the hardest service, and pays the bitterest wages. It's service is to watch the success of our enemy; it's fage3,to 1 be sure of it Colton. 7 .. ? A.. -i . 1 II ncn, 11 is easy euouyu 10 onceai our wealth ; but if poor, it is not quite so easy to conceal our poverty. We shall find that it is less difficult to hide 1,000 guineas than one hole in our coat. Colton. We live in deeds, not years; in tl oughts, not breaths ; in feelings, not in figures on a dial. We shoald count time by heart-throb3. He most lives who thinks most feels the noblest, acts the best B uley. Misfortune sprinkles ashes on the head of the man, but falls like dew on the head of thewoman.and brings forth germs of strength of which she herself h;id no conscious possession. Anna Cora Mowatt To revenge a wrong is easy, usual and natural, and, as the world thinks.savois of nobleness of the mind : but religion teaches the contrary, and tells us it is better to neglect than to requite it J. Beaumont It is very singular how the fact of a man's death often seems to give people a truer idea of his character, whether for good or evil, than they have ever possessed while he was living and act ing among them. Hawthorne, There is no funeral so sad to fo'low as the funeral oi our own youth, which we have been pampering with fond de sires, ambitious hopes, and all the bright berries that hang in poisonous clusters over the path of life. Landor. Love may exist without jealosy, al though this is rare: but jealousy may exist without love, and this is common ; for jealousy can feed on what is bit er, no less than that which is sweet and is sustained by pride as often as by affec -fion. Colton. Hope is the last thing that dies in man, and though it be exceedingly de ceitful, yet it is of this good use to us that, while we are traveling through life, i' conducts us in an easierand more pleasant way to our journey's end. Ilouchefoucauld. If a fool knows a secret, he tells it because he is a fool. If a knave knows one, he tells it wherever it is his inter est to tell it But women and young men and young men are very apt to tell whatever secrets they know, from the vanity of having been trusted. Chesterfield. "When clergymen assemble to oppose the introduction of feminine preachers, why do not women :ilso assemble and determine whether in future they will give thir sanction to masculine preach Ver s Tliftt InolclioiiH Fot, to Health, An atmosphere impregnated with the seeds of malaria, is rendered "harmless by the timely use of Hostetter's Stomach Bitter?: and if a re.-ort to this benign projective acent has un wisely been deferred unH the fever tits have developed, it will have the effect of checking them and preventine their return. This tate ment i corrolwated by thousands who have tr ed this medicine for fever and airue und bilious remitent fever, besides affections of the stomach, liver and bowels peculiarlv rift in malarious localities. Throughout the U'est, indeed in every part of the American conti nent where malaria prevails, it is the accepted specific. Nor is the area of its usefulness cir cumscribed by the limits of the United States, since it is widely used In South Amenci, Mexico, Australia! and elsewhere. THE MARKETS. HEW VOBK. Heer Cattle I i" ll 'S tiofes Lire -' sa Sheer Lire. 4 '.ft fl 5 75 Flour Oood to choice t i" 6 6 .l Wneat No: Red 1 17 t i l"i Corn Western mixed 0 a .'6 Oats Western 4 a Eff((9 i fi ' Butter i St 2i' Port New Mess 13 oj a Lard .......... ........... 5 .S S l OHIOAH. BeeT Choice f 3 ) Sheep Oood to choice H" e 3 to Butter Choice to yellow.- l tt Krrs 11 e UK Flour White winter 8 wi t S ! Snrlnjreitra Wheat Spring No 5 1 01 ft 1 03 Corn No 2. 41 a 4." Oat No 2 : 2.'K Porr Mees. new VI IS 12 2S Barley No 2 it uiru b iv - "i T. LOC18. Beer Cattle Fair to cboiee fi vi 6 7 Flour Kail XX 7 01 ,7 rthea--No 3 Bed 1 14 a 1 HJ, r j tT' u !, . v 19 rUlfcillCoB V fB OntClHWATl. Flonr... ..$ 5 i s to Wbeat Red 1 vv a U vi 4j v4l3 '(a v) f Ji D4 1IT J a f0 BkjV a m JH " XILWACKBX. riUUl ititat.t.i,(a,(l "B Wheat No 2 c I '2V Corn... ft 4l Barley No2 -- DBA XOISBfl. Flonr Wholesale 9 2 w ft 4 Wheat new 73 ?0 WV U . a s (S.I (0 i "LfiJ 1(5 40 1" -riCj P 3 "J t j QB Ef J3 ,,. J Tl ritt4C4 li 4bV 1 OK5i v b 4 Zj 0ttle 2 SO 4 50 Soar Slomnch nmd IIertbMra are tgns of a bllloas attack; Quirk's IrUh Tea will remedy all these. Price, 25 cents. Wkli A Eluott. Agents. X. T. SATCRfS TRIUMPH. -Nature, in her luxuriance, has clothed the hills and the dales with herb and shrub, whose occult natures merely require the earnest ap plication of the sxuentific and inquirini: mind to reveal their curative properties, for" in the vegetable world a kindly nrovidence has placed healing for all nations." The only specific for any disease yet discovered are" vegetable in their nature, and whQe quinine has been ac cepted as the only remedv for one clas&. the extract of the Buchn plant is rapidlv taking its place as a sovereign remedy for "other of those ills which afflict humaaitv. The trpe of disease to which it is remedial "is a broad one, and its manifestations are lecion. but it mav be stated in general terms that all disease o'f the urinary organs, whether caused bT climate, irrecularity, or self-cenerated, snbrnft at once to the operation ol it power. Helmbold's Buchu for all such complaints, is the result of long research, and is actnowledced superior to all other preparations. Sold ""bv all drug gists. Price, tl per bottle, or 6 for'ta. None cenuine unless in Steel Engraved White Wrappers, and rnv Prophetarv'Stamn affixed. " .. - , otherwUe ta efiecu of cold. Ji jua auaer rroin rrose.. .crt. m-xvn cr lm.V-l -- r .laiarat. 11 n prompt all laca dneaa. Onit nm7l H.k - akrr't - - antr. t.T;'ai eTlBg Convulsion- in CiPtlrrn. Accomjianird ty wan: of zii.rtl;- miow com plex 011 and beadae!!-. p inl lpII'e ibe ur cesaltv or ui;c; Lvr, it- Worm Ki ; A a irtllcice fr cni(lrn :a-r t ut:h'' ? iVeit. It r guutet the tniwels. .u-ir.n ti.e il wi nl tfior.Mijrnt - ciea ) tbv n.ov j. em. ;atlf and in! U it 1 th? moit or -isa ra 'wtljck o ktiou to drucls:. It cib Ue lJ-tit at any Clriu store. T!i IVaot of it HouhnM Is often depemiftjl n ih- culinarj am! dV tne?tic r-Jvlil ol the hnti-.uff Ltli- know thie, aud bv utni: Doolet'- Vea-t Piwiek. injure thetn'-e vt the int jHTlect bread am! paptry pos.Il e. It- u?e U etvmoniy alti. r.r every" can is ab.-Iulel full weight, and ii i- mi stroiiir and pure a- u demand the ti.-e ol a much smaller 'tantit than u?ua1. Perry Davi.-' ciretable Pain Killer po-e-?es virtue which m: aloue remove;. a!H in stant . but reirul.it e the -toinarh, fives streuirh, lne and vtjr to the sy-tem. Tl is one of tho-e medicine- which is worth more than riId. We advi-e the irnod people not to try experiment b u:n:r the many new iJe-lief- ami I'anirea-IbuT -.t!i f-rthe ld reliable Davis Pain Ktl.er. S'd ' v all drusi-t. IW'top That runiitHL2 1 K Kverj cas or cousumpttoii cotnuicnce .u: c--uti. occa iloued by harins taken coiU. h ir sli.ifl to run lth course ulil soon ork ttt nay "if their ps!ia?es, and Itien l the luiio. 31"- !' not cheeked, by Home such raiuabie coush remely is KSlert'i. Kxtrart or Tar and V. lid Cherry, whir!) Is unrUai'ed tor all dliiies of the tnroat itid funk's. A serious hpel ot sictness may te thr result of 4ich larelebsuess aud -u rZpenslTe Doctor's bill to pay. PF Hoicks H utSE Would you have yout anrses tn priute ronuitlon for your .sjirlns diid uiuiiier work" If so. several thli.ffs -jhould rr strictly observed, coot! care, regular fue! and l!eral currj iHi are auimii; the e.Hielitlal. tiut do not fall to K'lve then) I'NiLK Ma s loNWTlt Powiiei: acrurdiriK to dlrertiutiS. aud ou will hr well rewarded Tor our espouse .ud trouuie xo' tale by an Uru?t'lst. n"To preserve atuuiai matter of any Und jfter death, artificla, means must (c employed. inus, to heep arm uni.zr inr seins or cafe, ttiej ire tautied and curried, various me.tn', (eins -tr. ployed IU Ite process, until "Irather" In the re sult. To further prc-Tve ttua proluct. It u necessary to tualce occaslotiai applications of preparatious similar to ltioe usrxl t curriers. Die best known cuinju.tiinl f this sort Is Tune main's Harness Oli. Iuch render-- leather toft a:d plta:tle. and ettecluall) rlo-t- 'ne pores against the entrance of lUnijine-s. dm; and the nuuicr ou othet drleterlou.i lntluence-s which teinl to "IHIHH tlio (li-rxr nf .'!.. Tun LouiMiri: H.t -r. Tin- tint- htel i eliiril'ly IiK-atl in thecitv 'f DubiHtiie. and l-furui-fied uith ail the modern uppiiitmi-nt-of a first -ola-- hntise. It is cimuiiliiu ard well fur:n-!ied tlirouirhtnit. Harnard l'mtlier are model lamllonl-. and have made the Lri rnier one of tin- hum popular hotels in tin West, and the let in Dubuque. HIIKr.M.llM oi ICKI.V cntKi. "Duraiur's Rheumatic Remedi." the irreat Internal Meiiu-ink. will itively cure an case of rheumatism on the face of the earth I'rice $1 a hottle, six Ixittle-, ." sold all druL'lli-ts. Semi fur circular to Hcipheiistiue iV Beiitley, l)ruirjri-ts, Washimrtun, I) '. bold wholesale i'1 lliir'1' g'"'i in 1 les Moll.es. Dr. Wi-iiart's. Tine Tree Tar Cmrimw. positielj rni cnii-umptioti. Taken iu time it will prevent it. In cmitrhs- and cohl- it 1 never I.tilmi:. All atlectiin.-of the luiiir-are cured by thi- sovereign Remedy, which also eradicates dj-pt-p-i.i, liver complaint and Km dred di-eae". NtM bv dniin-L-. Principal depot WIG Filbert street". 1'hil.idelplua. Somettiiii; niiiiiii4. I'nder this caption the eiii'or wi-he to a a few words tn ins many readers on the sub ject of a medicine for rheumatism, called Durantr's Rheumatic Remedy." aiherti-edin this paper. It has been bi fore a tnti-t.iii: iublie for five ycur-, duriiu; wheh periiMl thousand upon thousand- have ued it witl. unprecedented suice .. While e:it a few months airo, we called at the establishment in Washington City where it is manufactured, and convinced ourselves that this Retncd more than anv other, deserves to be patron ized, as it is, by hundreds of the leadim: ph sicians in the" land. Many of the umiinit doctors in Washinirton City prescribe it reiru larly and iret such results as come from no other medicine. The proprietors of this great Remedv, llelphenstine tV Beiitley, are'edu -ated cliemists x well as eb-irant gentlemen, and any business jot: may have with tliem wili meet with promptness In conclusion, we would advise all who are sutiermir with rheu matism toirive this medicine a trial and a cure is almost certain to follow. It i- taken inter-nallj- and lies its work iiicklv and ttnrom;h lj, leavinj; the sv-tem stroiiL' an 1 health v. i:iu:at ion: i.iu (athin; VNItnlion Armlemy. - Ottumua, Iiva. lhl-wellfcli n In tltll'IMi. tlltili r tlif rtiHlge of the Stters of the Virltatloj. hat. receivwl the liberal patronage of Hie pii'.Ii'- forthe past twelve e.irn. Kveij advantage Ik here riv-h f,r ar iilrmg a tliixoiiKh hclentitlcaiid r as'.lral eiluca tloti s-peelal a lentlon Kivt.11 t the m-rl- and uiauners as u.11 s to the u in s nf th-pupils The M-teib of the V.pltHtlon altlioiuh profesln the Catholic tanh l I at all timet respect I tit reliiMoui belief "f tt.elr pupils. IhTt are two early se-slous of five mouths each. ntnenMuk on he FIRsjT JKIS KAY In sj,trinn,.r and Fe -ruary Pupils are received at at. time. . eon datliiK Irom (lav of e trance tie:il .simplicity lu die.ss reijulred The academy win re-open on Moinlav. Septe 11 ber 3d. For terras, etc.. address. nitTIIKK l I'KlllOlt UWV 1'-I A TAltllH ' -If So. Write or TO ami see old Dr rider, of the iitttimwa In firman lie i.- a renular irraduate of the American I imersiU of I'l.iladelphi.i. Pa., and lias had more experience in the treatment of Catarrh and t hrouic diseases than any man in the I'nited States All tho-e iiilTeriiiK from rrors of yonth shoulil coti-uit him at once. Female complaints and Lim? diseases a specialtj LoKr.TTo i "Ni:r. Ni v..i: Fsi L' This Institute x-cupies a position at once the most attractive and itnposuur that can be irnutriiied. Situated on an eminence in full view of the far-famed Cataract of Niagara, it i- surround ed on all side- bv eeiipry, w lioe irrandeur and sulilimity bailie all description and amid which the eye unccasinirly discover- new beauties. The pure, braciuir air from the rap ids contributes greatly to the health and well belnc of the pupils. "This Institution is con ducted by the ladies of Lor'tto. whose stand ard excellence a an educational order ha lonir been acknowledged loth here and throughout almost the entire continent of Europe. The moral training and re lined cul ture of mind aud manner of the pupil en trusted to their care may be said to be the dis tinctive aim of the Iadie of Loretto, and in this particular their efforts have certainly l...n irn lied with silcces-. ns is entire,! bt the graceful ease and elegance for which their pupil are remarkable. 4k r Kt.M. h -s"IS JTu ua in fc.i.-'d-' any i.itnr it V cepta J K. HAKUhrt. .Slatdrn P.fltlge. .Y. "r"AItl. Kiesrai.t. Cnlijue, noialUf. w.tti mm yi.AUTntmr tivkpif.ck. w-iii 'n isiirki. m uu erraae. sain pie rt .iru ucr iu nn'ereae. sample Wafrh free to A. ( OCLTKR . O b'taji. I I t t Rents, a. 1 out-ricK t. t u n1 tiOC tr mlnm Wairli and I'&alu a -trm- UtrTFlT .' wlintr. K rrr wltn iTirr nrtlrr. DPTPIT FREE. .1 K. A YLOKH A Co.. Cb'cas . Illln ds. Laflies' Friend LOMTLETE" IVVALrABLE j Kscnl wanted. scndstatap for It V s " . CO . Cal ago trny'm t:iattc Koofllnc 7lMtrl. maces ' tne most duraMe ard c?.fapes: noJ In Uie wor'd. send Camp for clrco!ar and prirr list to WOH T. KAV. P. O. Ioxi Plfuban, Vx. Triolk'oiirol Adrlrr ami I'rlvatr Medical llCCLlClr.al'f Soffrrrs frtim mvisica! deJ)illtj.lndlicre'ior. idrxcesr srnlicto Dr. ! Jonn roor-r. v O. Hoi i.U pniu. It tell yon la plain language wnat yun oagf.it to lcnow. V VTFD i!en lo 'f'e' ''"'I Il good rm" - " :o rarrcnanu. ji a rnontn and trareling expenses raid Addreis. QfrKJi CiTTGfcA ps ap La m r wc UK'. Clnctm an.ttio. 1 A- ?. irnarr i.-.ic jJ ac-u c-?"t'i- "?l'ii; oar cnrpmo. Crayons, and Transparent Picture and Ctiroino fcard. 1 00 mples. wortii . sent poKrald for T5-. Ilin trated catalogue free. J. U. UVFFOH.WS SONs, Boptqsi. Ktaniuaed l3P. Rv. T rr- ltv4 na T- if 12.' '- AND NOT fi Wear Ont. Sold by Watcarcaters. By icah. 30-. Clrr-lira t"r js .si.in.ti g sKt, j uey Mrw. ew yrt Tailman's Musk. lauoiDi wiauu Pirn drrt. fiiirrranne TaHmanoixHne VII VrI l3 .HticH Ivc plaster. S100.00 TtSiSSSSi". a.na S.- tiuib'liui KLalMi I UMK. .-tslr.rT nrw' try- ,jn. l1-witul la "lr 1 racixf 2 r-t:-. I ;-ti. k, jo j-aa. a. I .-ws a rH i-.cv . j, aj-, i Lir lr r -, tb. a .- fs. s.-- .ri BOOK. O'F "K."fTOWrXJ EDGE or xrcr ti o: a I Ifetlrae. 1 t sare towtogrt iuarrlei. Iitc happy and obtain r-a:ij. weaLn andldonu Mailed fori emu la arcp or car rency.by Tne Talon Pa :iatng Co y-wxtt, " J. W.N. F. BURSHAM'S - 1874 '"T . a. .atJER-wheeL la rclitrrs kr sl AJOtAUb UtUllXK. by oer tiaai wto or iu Price redaeor w parapdet tree. JI. r.BrRXIIAX.Tortra TWDi" BKOTHEKS YEAST nanir pictS .Na".AI'iai:Ii O.. Nassau i r.t l,.,,.-r rt ;-....iJ.. .,..,. r .'... ..' . in llir.surrrrll ! wo Ktmnl. -na - ur .uA.N.NTs HOr- PIlIv, tor fevei auu Ague a Kforuary. I'apll, arr. i..,wr,fr. rrV.T at j J.'.1,! ' "rVi -"". J ,"ii . ! 15 Tney cure i I once an are a prerentu-;. a-.y nmr dnr.r thr jrar. :t-lr e.lvn dating '"??il??2l ??,. ir -ir ftX tH. " : frnm thr ti rr.fn.tr-.rr.- I stttiurrl efp rj.. r ' in 1 TfM im rt-itfri ti; n Ulty t- Asnils ntfU Ire srnd tamp. ,"tji at,d .nir'.m rrr sr.'sinn 0 M, n,u. 'iftlcrB A .-I-r, It. T. Illlil(l. .1r itrW 5.N,TI..V,L MO THI.T. x.hlnstOD. I, C. TmlMKYVrr V.VSfrl??- ' lHlZ-r ' ' ' " "- tjaattAT How toMatrlt. Xjmtthlt.Knewfor j lars a.-'dross MslER sli-j-L OK ln.ttat-B.atti . r- -x r k r g''JAgent COK. YO.VGE.V t)...st, Iiclt;. Io I t nrrptlon Academy liar. - ,irt I in JLvJti i ) J 17 IF yon Srel daU. trnwr. !',;-i:rl. -.iTf rp. (jurlit bratUrtie. mouth tait- bad t po rszze ttte. nl tobruf coatrl. yvu tf -i"rr j- s :irlil Itvtrr. or "Mllour-." aiitl ufl r,g w care yo -o spcrslily al pttmLti.;; a to ui rSmtafss' Ur Kjtm a or. A-K '! revr-d dytef:'r. ll'.i .u u-"r-rs. victim. 1 IVvrr an i t: thr mete -r-i tll..arU jti-n'. b" tti- rrrT-J r.- r eiiMrfn spirit-and rl ) :.-. wi,, tr . ou l.y :aiiuK' ,3ui':i L rrr Kr la. r BAD I3HEATII ! Noth're l t ut raar.T. RftM- g . .mittitiM rut trra:." t, rar! ti t -- . 'r.m. tli .t 'H.a'-r' a .l'ai. ,-" .t" rr rtr.l i; , ,u "lli "akr -tii". . I 'rrr ItJ'c .'i'ii fv. .. rs. Kt n r- a T". -Ji f.'- f - try i tr .:. i-r Itwll !-.. inir? our apprtltr ri-u.;.ci.o:i. auU -Qtrai ai:x PILES! Mow tBMiT nr tnrturr ' xf er .lav n.aK : life a bur.ieti an 1 n-M.,r.): -Ti'r-tr of a ! 4 .. . ate. nwrnc o tUr stM-r t -uHri ,1: (f...u ju; r re lef 1 tr-.ul. t. (lir rat .' ..f alii -tl t. .nri .. wlis ur) t-n.atiri tlirrrme.lt that hu j--r-tH.:irn:ii cur.-.! ;liu-a... ,, .tr' tic tl .rit puree, but Trii'ir asiitiit ' i.a:ure COXST1PATIOX! Mi'ifL not te rrard i i tr r.i'i? a m- f -: 1 .rr den a:. s i:.r u'u. ! -r.- 1 r- . r the b r s i 11 aii lr-Tl t .' 1 from ih it .it-tii- .1 par n,r w j tt'ten .t-r 1 .. dii )rrr I. i' n .itea nrrrM'T t- r m-ve !n -l .1 e ar :.iu sar u: fr m le I- - e a it is .it nt r Hi.; ..! li' lira !fjri 'r r n .! I . rr a fost;c habl: of ttod p:; s SIC K II E AD ACI I E ! This dt!rrm!np all! '"I'tii urcijrs n i !n,"r t IV The dl 'm' tibe t.f 'be i'ii.li li ar-it :. 'r u. :lie I tl. ; erlnl j ijir -trtl t n!,:.i t - i:.-sas r t at tl III th r ra . j r-iinp j :i nl wit'. 1.1, k-r.rt- r T.au-ra. an. I I-is i-oii.titutes w bal is j ... u.arl) knowu as s-)c Hea.la. i,e J. H. ZEILIN & CO.. Sole proTr r'.r Miuaious' Liver l'r.'lad.-i..riia Rc:i at KIHT Tlo I. llftl'MJ nV I.K"f fr.. .n..; . rt I "-" -' rt.-m ard ram rrom S nt jut I a lli'j' Xr s.51a;i..t, fun. lied naii saiar 1 whlieirarri j; u: ft-iui rra'nil ita-kln a Trw n-i'ls A 1 rs- t jt-lal rjrd. K VALEN .lh. Mat.aK"' hnitit wimi! I .nn-s Jacksonville Female Mm. I Wil iKAIl.'prn srpt ;. ti lTitrii"ti.k it. I 1 "' all tt , ..r 111 t.ts .. ut asrd hoy ait.ftie- a.i-ir.s t r. ItlLUi..). It.ik i,.ai. .Iarks..t VI Ir. II it o.s LA S E L L S E ML A I i V Tor Voiinc Wi nit' 1. A iiliiiriiillt-, tnrar ISo ton.. Mn--m-lm-.lt-.. n atrractur I... ue. .-t il lM.r.l t la -.' f health m-tiiiiers i.d Ui .rals ..f ijruw.:. .I.i-. Niiin'ter llu. Itttl Full ia-t eir f l". llt.Al.ItN. I'rlr.rij.ai ;(! 'r a Kull I'oursr tf I'l.nl.lr 1 iitry Ro. k v " kee Imr and ('.mimrrrt ,1 i 1 r-p'T.I -Tu-r K'-r clreulart.. adtlre JnllNsiiw 11MMH! via i. i'o-i.rui:. N. .ii i.ii :i.' n i.istrr.t i,- !,i:!s Kirs- Itmil.ie s-i. r Kr - l.iitittl'n; t.nT uf thr I'lisTnrti'-e In 'epeTnlrtit I.-inr 11 -t - f .1 the KiiKllsii lsrar rt.rs. 1 c'ifr MTh. m c. ai ' iieriitui. I'lit'iu Krapl tkiiktlit . 'i-..i.i..i ,.r tt mail c t rr ope-. ii.- ami tittrhi vi thr irr ZZisliland "IHEcvll! 11 tciti.ii.ii I'riiu. iiiiik. i. Tl.ls r'e.-at.t li'u". it f..r tt 1 .!- 1. . X U U ', It s W ' . ..rti l.r . r 1 r . s sft.tem rr .1 h ful' r.j np'.r f.-r f r k 1 H'.(.'.t!i!..i w. rk Mj I. an I pai t .... UIi -p t ml a Vji'i r rt r m -. u. ! t.t KlVRH p UhT . l'rr.i.l ! ale s I ' I CA RLKTOX COL L VM i: I Nitrllilltlil. Minn. la"T.n 1 e .i iv .11 I Ha . s, .. 1. i- . . a- in ft ,... 1 il ii ttl rlliirtrl I .r r. rnv s 1 rii;! .i. .rwntiitj . . r I A.t.) 1 I Ltsl .1 rst", i . t.i 1; tr... att ' I it. t l rt'I It.l H ft a c .r.,1 ,r ; SI ii J 'r .- ( n-'.rf I-. r 1 a ok ad lrcs.l . t . - HUM;. l'r,i, , 1 LORETTO ABBEY elliiiglon riuee, Ti rmlo, ( au.idn. Hoard ani Ti. 'I r .-. - Ji 1 n Uf fefllJ I Cir 11 ar ti ' a rrss 1. u "i entioit. "LORZTTO COVENANT, Niaysira I-'all. Ontario, ( .uiiul.i TWO JIMMI.S, t r tfe . ra jr.f t l ,tl I II the iir'fM'M f or r .l p r KirritiK) I,tri 1 1.1'. ri . ( r IS tard and 'il ti u ! at ;' I 1 of t a la fr r .1 fo. iiia:iiti ai.j pngt a . .rr" 1., 11 i is:iciu. St. Louis UnlYBrsity, ST. LOUIS. (L"nler tho I)irMlion o JeMiit Fathers.) f the THE FURTV- NINTH r.,()n of the st l,ms rnliTlt wtiit.prij or, SIiinIiaY. Sr.l'TKSlKK'i 3'L 1-77 Firs .i.s'lf 'jtuii, atf .rtls firn faihitt lioth fur ciassi. a audi ommrrnat ttlinatlJii h"ur particulars, address .Ut K KFI.I.FR S ,t . iTMlilrti' Academy of the Visitation. Third St., DubuqtK, Iowa. t Ki hoarders and Day -,,. tiar- ru .!i,tr,.,l tl r XI'.N'.n OK THE VISITATION. Th" Srho astir inr rt.t,sit.m of tr . ,s lir'lli: m; ot, t fir 1 IRiT MoMlAV t'P surrcMPfc-! and the Fil:-T ttK Kr i.itl yt nv l'npil ar ( .. rer. atimii.rtl at ai.) time ilnrui tl.r srs-n.-i and char"tl nlj fur trie emaiiilng p.-r 1..-. I fe-enrrot rr limiK ItrPrf i m, t t.irt. .r -i, al niu.iiin. Tfir ri'i.r.t. of in trtirtioii err.ra'r errv sjIld. I ru a' I Ornaim r.r.v t r.ir ri 1. , , sltr fur MiiK tai. 1 .r tii,'lir.u 1. i.iarn. apply 10 tl r lurrf-trrss r tl - .a . t . :. ent " ll"r Mtree . liu!.'j''j , I wa ST. JOSEPHS -A.o.domy, Cor. Main ami Ktih M , Datimjue. I own. Th'tnsitutl n farf iHt.es fa. ltiff.fi i,i r!uci TIIOKOlViH FDITATKAV, IM LrtitNO ANIl I.A JlKs- 0AMfra VOhK Tli st..itf.n r .m .i ... r.. W....ln. .&.... Kt.r Inforfa'Tn a drrrir,ia t t inprK"' -r v e lT(r. tirshTf li l Pht I if. . r- ni rri THE JMM ( rh'I E'ruNCMTioT ACADEMY! ; DA h i'(H P. IOWA rtter tne Vlfc" n r tt'e Ml.trr. nf ("liMrils .T llir It. yt.. Offers to YOt'Nf, LIIr s rviTT fa' "T ' tr xr jl'ilrl'ip a tljurcn ra-i . a-.d rr"'a" e'lti'i'.-.t' fivr tr ontf,s ears, 'irplr nlr.ir l" f t'Trij- on trr St.ClaraAcademy, cHAKTZEiDispfi ccyziVTTuzixrrnz Sisters of Hip Order of St. D'unlnlr, SiyptXAWA M'tsp OecstCo. 'i. .St. Clara Academy 1 Ita:d In thr loath westr pa ; .f tLr Sratr o; Mr.BiB. iaH- from dalrnx. lltinl. i rid - mlint :r Iiuhuar loisa. ItrH-e p-r. ear . tbr nirrtt tiratttlfai aM picturesque s ;r in thr -tarr TSr iTtimaf xrr- eXtensiTe. Itraat.fBll ademrd. and tar rttrr snrronndings srrm t'trrahr tta; lrrp-arr-ful rc usiou "h-cii rtrrflnl' .rlj a po-nrrrai lnSotrr Trthr mrral. j hj)'aiaria latr irctnn life. Tbe be lading in seated ty lm. imi farslslied vita a.i raodrra iajiriiTrrn . W Tb trro srl I cotmaeor-e thr Flrl Jluiidr In Hrtilrnlirr. Mir ;rttrr pirtlrolri viitJbt, MOTIIKK irer.K UkF-n PL Clara Acnieay. tia.liaa l-ad. Oratt roar. vr. lyrsi QU? AQadcmTt Are notb wH rtaWIhfl. ifcor&Bgaly oralz-. 5 and in ecarg o: a corp of cTpirteacr.i a9l inc. cesro! U-acbcr aatng tta3 aie to nrter i'niaec- For Clrcc.ar atyl j,;clj2i of Pea- n. HfCIAIX.loTiatf Isi. M"CLAXN?S BdsIdbss College and Acafieniy 1 1 Cc-iht Lri sii Hslu scssa, Iz lens, Istl j Ha a Commercial, as Aca.dea.lc. at.d a Tele- , trapni:cuaor inttrartiis Krr Cl:calar aud apeclsBciJ Of Pezsxa&sia. d- Arcti, i WJI. SM'L.I.. I Ma!c, lew. kl-UUt. 1 &. (Sua, 3 a tii. acaeoi ar tLo H tbe L-:io tre world. If joa camct tay it In joar etty. e ior tt ty rcall. ft wlil b I 5 n jTcU'cifffl - s 1 C A6777L (sufy?? v .r- F S. - rX , y "J ' -" ' , LOeiMIER HOUSE! OTTUMWA IRONWORKS! - r m f i r- I' A. i - a r- ;i I I I" I . T l V M WHITICEY i: HOLMES O B G A N S ! i , , iu t' i &J .".. ft ... . - ,. , ,., ifi'M" i : .1:. .: j X ii'. ::n ;ji "-r1!l-- X ti ' V ...r tr Mo'in. BiTLET I GREEKSIADE. Dilei ArxSileclBral Ircn Worts, N " : . ,aull i'lwirs, U.m-K IrH I!ui!fit?cf ..ir.Iri strt. tf suit r I'lilHrrvAo. ' Ja,J aiuI " x - -pwiaHy. Ml iuks NOT 1'AIlt t - f r vuf , ir It row- ' Attahtr.at t- a, . i f rt-y j.n-.tu rotitref ,- t r-" liit it mi . . i:)ll.O'lli: '. K! A !.. 11 1 .. ill. TiliU' ( 0. I Ui-.niM' .--tRA3r. CHE'W s. , rf 21 A. J J x Ls i-. J L I'lM.sr ri.niTOH.xreii it Mir X .KI l. AK for t tiki: no orii Hi: & :.. MY" W8AX0 CO.. stlmii .mil C'.itarrli IJfintMly. . ril Iwrn'r J." 1 1,1. alhmih SrllMA Pf M t 1 "lil -It I ft.r iiuiar' itr- 11 ' w.tn.lrful "lHlj MMt t v i.. '! it kit ard 4tt- ri-. t 10 r,lV(t lkeM- ' 'i 1 . sat liutu'.il. "M tb a 1 ir rwn to rel an4 r ' tror. iMumi tJ fi-r i'' 1 n Ktl'iiN ttrM H f 1 , .Ir- . K I..M1KLL, I" -fr't AGcHTv--Mica Lamp Reflector VSII I .TTii. If M Irtltlis the llslil. if 4.'k'V fH '" ,,r,,,'r sH,r.( . . . SR H T jS iwltl. .' r sri.il -Iiiniji fflB y S an Mr- lor tlrrlll r. as 1 ..t- , it-rtittx n t-isit K ' T"" It 'r -! - .1 M.-Jtl-t i H ' 1 r Miirp'nr Tenter r- iv ' . - I'. tltfr. I nil r.i mr, JsV 't'lf i . !'t 1 .imiH.Vif ('4Mif Uf l 1 1 .! I -.ftlf. WVrir. r t-ir'. t Irttltl" It. ai -wr't stir.- . I'lU ,it f ' .'-r- .1.1- N Vr. k M , :t ';. f :: ': !: irai aid gas. MORRISON BROS-; Hiita, Steel & das Fitters, ft ..'!. a r ati'l t'al iln.rM Ir -twain Pump Imp Art Ir.v. Hri n. I ltr. I'lttutMl Ir.m. I.-!.! Jlnl )r I'lt.r. ItTASS l...... fur I, , Uutim an. H I'rr H. a ll Klli l'fU"ln l"p3W M I rrs lrr t i r'. Ku -lirr If.r. Hyt rat it r rv yrit) t.r liniu wn MstrlM. fttt- Ini Rf r. ii 1 lit I1.1t !! rttl.l 4ittt,Ml lit-..'. t il Li li (ft nr it.tr ( rt .tin .irtiu', SW hjll '.r i9jm t fur ..t.ii f 1 ru if if .f m r nr trt- ti in '. iaT l.r: . - r . sr ir. 4aiu a'.4i I 'C - llll. t,j, . I rt 1 II I. I 1 IIK.1 .'Kl STUTJIDiiiisT 13 n sTJSP am m " Sf I ", JRi-X: c m t jija S "T-fc& ?Mft&M J K 't&V -L Gr O IST, in nniMirn pt u'lrrs rsVI llrltVKUH l"a'f -'.. a-f' Sf.rmc Wasrti ITI III It 1 KU I A R Si.K- . 't.n a 'Tf'P'ru. V f sjrturtMlby th hll II I. II V U I. It I til OH. Mil. I'll . v . ' 1 Ht. iHtt. Ul Iowa Stale Fair SBpteinriT l?tii ti 22fl, 1877. Over 1-1. 000 in Premium u'a- Rai'ar sfa..' rfi'Hii -iii to Irtitrht ai ! if. r ra' -. Pur l'.firnitl -t. a' prnii .m :', I'MriM J r 1 1 N K SH FKKiI. -tTtarj. BAIUJITT'S TOILF.T .SOAP. " j ' A "- a Ii 'tJ w i tt ' bf3- teA. I C- PSk lS Ui niTTa:t fr r tlit b4 r'tath Villi Ki-: ato d ;'.i4'it! ,,. nmtvm red ' itt. - . f-r ffiri -'r tlfte r i . ar ir ,rf.fitie.t I 'i. a i 'j , ir'-rt. r" . . k i n rjn T fLrr-itl' .NTift K' U i' ) th jraixtc i T'"""''. rf dr- r a A-Jfa f.irlttitt GOING TO BUILD? LA lilt, A I ) I lj CClAJ., a . -1 . Wfrmm' a a, -r IHW'JIT. - - - TlVa. S:is.li. I)iir, I'lliniN, Moliiiri', Urai-ki't-, Door and Witnlow J'ninifH, tair Work, Clmrrfi S;il-. IJiiildin Iaprr, JCotifinrx -Int'rial-s, VimIuv anil Door J$rrin. Sn: trrti! ft T ' -fit at U,- Vr, jgl :n j7iT)Tnn7n?U-pnrnmnlfmtr 1 janni liiAiifiifo luiuAni. Creat Redsct'on in t,e Price cf : :L j Rj Anrirai" SsmMffisHaeL y5 f C. -H rCOU i'x tfce IJIk NEV AMERICAN i VS. 1 a H o. 'i. fei m Bv 11 T &ar tj-fc-tt torwrli V --rj ax J ci-. mn r- l. Ticnr 1 nr ri: :ri!. 'rjztl?.. t-i .-- -w s.-kvs -;, --'-' --" " "a.L a 1 zts. J. S. McKENMEY. Manas;'. Otllcs. it4-t N"tu-fcU. Av.. ClaioMgo VIMMMWx tr.rr-s; .. J .ts t th. fajr GkA - -- A D ? - if H'-Jvatrt Iji as . AitnMr m a '-. lA Ia3 .- XL - Z. C -. MARRIAGE I A . a, vt vsrtr : r. y..i . wrrr J r- -i .- an. arsr -. a r- '. J, -tititri V 'IflsP I ?&: fiK A?m&.wJ. mm -?&&&: Mtf i lrMtlHC Cs.. arsi 3itnAA. y KITING TO JLUVUZaUMKSVS. ja variety jjot tna Haboon's Sister. Li ?o"esotB Lbread, 1 .. l-.l. ...... 1-- " w. r " " 3t; nil li u dir Th nr Tr.. i r.-.-Z-J -Z I .ZZZ a rZT JZ oZZZLZ ;?-.,, .,a- isiiaiiaat-u in ismi n srwl tnr tr-tl-i 'tr,. I nr son mil mtrr. r. e,.,,.n . w Plna j on $mw th dMMt 1 . . m.a. M to Inni A 7. I B AJbSIW . SS. WV -"'. ITIJ. JS - R tli I' IJT-