" . C s-zmr - J ft THE RED CLOUD CHIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Notices in thin Column 10 Cent a Line Take the Chief. Weather is cool;nnw-adayfi. Geo. Zeis' s new building is looming up. The wheat up on Indian Creek is turning out 25 bushels (o the acre. "Uncle Sam" will return home from the Hot Springs in a couple oi weeks. Strangers are constant!' arriving in town, with a view of selecting perma nent homes. Anyone wishing to buy a first class organ, would do well to call at the Chief office. Ed. Smith returned from the Hot Springs last Friday, very much im proved in health. Mr. LeBond of the south side thros hed 247 bushels of wheat fiom 21 bushels sowing. There is a grosit deal of sicknes among the children, all over the coun try, at the present time. A little sickness, some laziness, and a general indisposition to work, is ail that ails us this week. W smnfcal a clear at Ceo. ITum- nel's expense last Saturday, cause, a bran new nine pound hoy at his house. Mr. Cowley of Catherton record that the aveiage yield of wheat up in that section, is from 20 to 25 with the best of the wheat to thresh yet. We learn of the death of one of Mr. Calvert's children, of diphtheria, Mr Scott of Indian Creek ul&o lost one of his children by the same disease. A goodly number of the farmers were in town last Saturday, with their smiling faces. They all seemed in the best of spirits, and jubulant over their bountiful crops. - We learn that John Noycs has ta ken unto himself a "better half and legal third." If such is the case we wish him an abundant success and a happy journey throngh life. - We noticed Geo. Laverty in town last week, circulating the beer and ci gars, and upon enquiring as to the causo of this liberality, learned that it was a girl, aud weighed 1 0 lb. Mr. Holsworth brought to our office last jcet aTew sample onions that werc the largest that we ever saw in any country, raised righ t here in tbi portion of the "great Ameriean Pes- en. i Our estimation of the average yield per acre, of the wheat crop in the Re publican Valley, based upon the bes information that can be gathered from the farmers and others is that it will be about 25 bushels per acre. Jno. Slusser, from across the river. raised this year, 1250 bushels of jjrain off of 65 acres. He had 050 bushels of wheat from 35 bushels sowing, 300 bushels of barley from 16 bushels sowing, and from fouracres of oats he threshed 247 bushels. - We have on exhibition at this office a sample of the Missouri Valley corn, grown by Uncle Jack Rcnnecker, on bib farm across tho river that is about as large corn as any country can pro duce. Uncle Jack has 30 acres of this corn that he says will yield 90 bushels per acre. For reasons best known to himself, Mr. Yeiser withdraws his name, am will not be a eaudidate for the office of county Judge. It will now be nec essary to find some one else who is willing to be sacrificed on tho political altar for the good ot his ceuntry! where's Willcox? Water-melons have rolled in on us thick and fast, for the last two weeks, we have been some what under the influence of water melons, they were too much for us, we have got it in fact we have got it bad. Don't bring us any more melons ; for heaven's sake don't. Mr. Sheldon of Guide Hock brought to our office, last Monday, some lu cious Concord grapes, grown by him self, in this portion of the "great American Desert." It has been dem onstrated that most all kinds of small fruits do weH here, and our farmers should give this branch of industry a share of their attention. We went up and took a look at Sleepers flock of sheep, a few day& ago, Ira Sleeper has a very nice lot of sheep and intends to add to the flock as soon as he can make tho nec essary preparations for taking care of them. Sheep raising will undoubtedly pay a well in this country as any oth er indutry. From John Waller of Elm Creek, we learn that the grain, what Kttlc there has 'been threshed, gave a good yield. Ed. Kceney threshed out J -bushels of lurley from five Hcres. John Waller had 60busheb of oats to the acre, and about 40 bushels of barley per acre. e.i Unrd's wheat went 26 bushels to the acre 'There has been but little wheat threshed in .this secUo,Du what has been threshed is of cie u quality. Do not neglect to save something for the couiing fair. New hais, fall styles, at Mr.-. Brides. Me- The Red Cloud M:hool commenced last Monday. Numbers of teams pass through town every day, loaded with new wheat which they are drawing to the railroad. - -- Tips, Ties, and artificials at Mrs. M. R Bentley's. Every one connected with the Chief, is on the "sick list" this week and it was with difficulty that we got the paper out at all. There will be communion of the cou gragatienal church the 3d Sabbt'th of Sept. at 1 1 o'clock. A'so a pre prratory service on Saturday at 3 o'clock, all christians are cordially in vited. We call ittention to the new add, of C. R. Potter, at the Red Cloud Mills. Mr. Potter is doing a thriving trade in the dry goods and giocery buhines, and sells cheap for cash. Call and sec him. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned will please come forward aud settle, and oblige. 5 7-2w. A. M. Cook Red Cloud. Mr. Montgomery and Mark Warner have returned from Kansas, where they had recently gone in pursuit of hor.-e-thieves, having boon successful in capturing and lodging them iu jail. . 't - " Call at Mrs. M. It. Bentley's, ladies, and see the new style of Hats. 5-7tf PICTIJKES ! All who wish good pictures, will please remember that Prof. Rogers is now prepaied to do work in that line on short notice, and in the most ap proved style. Three pictures for a dollar, or 50uts each. Remember the place, Weber's old stand, , ., , a-7tf Eel Cloud, INeb. With thaukful hearts we welcome hack to our midst the well known face and form of Dr. Dal ton, and his violin, (especiaiy the violin.) It will be remembered that a lew mouths ago the Doctor closed out his busines in Red Cloud, ami betook himself to the Rural districts loi the purpose of engaging in the mercantile hurincss For a long while all went well, but alas, the business did not prove as re munerative n was expected, and ron sequcnlly the Dr. is back to Ikd Cloud, engaced at his old tricks, dis pensing meat to the hungry and sc sawing on his old fiddle. A1TK0TOC3H2S7S. Uder taia bead we will mako aunnunpc mvuwl raill wm well lo lie iMmli-iatys for rotintv oPiee. 'h:iiR will ac two dollar, and uiwunK acctml'iis to style or nonce J We arc authorized to annou-ice the name of H C Sett a4- candidate for the office of Shnrifl of Webster county Nebraska, subject to the action of the county Republican Convention. Ed Chief, p'cae withdraw my name as candidate for County Judge. 1 find that it is an office that I cannot attend to and my other duties Very resp'ly Geo. O. Yciser. An exclusion from Marines to St. Joseph Mo. will take place Sept. 11th. Tr.iiti leaving Hastings at 4 :00 a m. Fare, round trip, 5,00 Leaving Glennvllle at 4 : 25 a. m. Fare, round trip$4,75 Leaving FairfWd at 4:50, a. m. Fare, round trip. 4,50. La. ing Edgar at 5: 10 a. m. Fate, rouud trip, $4.25. Tiekets for sale by all station agents. Tickets eood to return on any train during the week. Opportunity to at tend the Greatest Fair and Frcposiiion ever held in the west. At St. Joe, September 11th to lfiih: Proceeds to erect a house of worship at He bron. F. J. Hendkilsiit, Manager. STOVES ! STOVES ! ! A carload of stove just received at Mitchell & Morharr's, of all sizes pat terns and styles. Coal or wood stoves of all kinds, they will be sold at bed rock prices. Call and see. C lothinc f 1 o t h i n c I o t h i n e Hs? 1 o t h i n CLOTHING. At J. G. Potter sr men's and boys suits of ready made chthing (latent styles) call and examine thce goods and be convinced t h st it will be to your interest to buy your clothing of me. J. G. Potter, Red Cloud. HASKS5SXA2S2T5. courected wlekly ky i. n. Norton, dealer in grain and STOCK. Wheat lower fair to good, 00 to Co Barlrv 25 to 45 as to qualities. Rye 25. Flax set d S5 to 00 Hogs iu good shipping condition 3.50. Fall wheat St. Louis no 2, 70 cts. Free of charge sample bottle. One dose of O. C.'s Colic, Cholera at.d Diarrea Remedy. A sure and effectu al remedy for the cure of Dycntary, diarrea Cholera morbus, Summer complaint, pain in the stomach and bowels. Chronic diarrea, blood flux fcc &c Aio colic in horses. One dose isiii cure pain in the stomach in 3 minuets, cholera morbus in 5 to 30 minuets, according to sevetcne-s of attack, one dose will cure au otdiuar attack of Dysentery or diarrea. It is never failing in its results, and .so pleasant when reduced with 20 parts of water that children will cry for it. SoM and guaranteed, by P. R. Potter, Red CI- ud Neb. 5 1 uui Cut this Ad. out when u uo to WOLBACHS EOR FiFi'iIKlN Indian flrml Mnlin. Lrtr.rrce L L Mushn One spool Cork's or Coat's Thread Good Cotton Flannel, Food Grey Wool FIuh lie, Gov lii'jicn Denim, -. Good IP. a vv Duel:, IT Yard. Good Cu'iiO Good Ginghams, Two Filters hair Fins, 12 doz. Bvfons, 1 doz. L'nen shoe L'-ca, 4 Bd!s Knitting Cotton, 12 Spools IJusti.ig Thread, Ladies' Good Linen Collars, American l'A'' Giaia Bays sold at $2."i0 per dozen. In fact we have reduced pi ice- on most all our stock. This is no hum bug,but a fact. The ooils above offered arc at least 20 per cent cheaper than was evei brought to IIu-jti.ii:-. We always try and sell goods for less money than they can be bought cl-ewbcre. C'a'i and tee Us when in Hast ings. We are located fust door south of the Hank. WQL3ACH BROS.. HASTINGS. NEB. Wheat and bailey taken In exchange for goods at J. (t. Pnttei'-. Dress-making & Stamping. Mrs. Bauer wishes to inform the public that she is prepared to make dresses on the shortest notice, and do all kinds of stamping. Please give me a call at Carl Weber's, Red Cloud. 43-3m Mrs. Bauer. DO YOUR OWN GRAINING ! ! A new and simple method of giain mg. Enclose 20ctsand I will send ",y return mail punted directions for giaming: ali shades. No humbug Addiess. Rufus Miksch. 54-Oui Red Cloud Neb. New styles fall goods at Mrs. Lutz Cr-T'Oots hoes. 1 hoes. P I'J'nnt.: A large lot just receive at J. G. Potter's. Latest styles of ladies and Misses shoes and gaiters, and mens and boys boots and shoe. Call and examine and vou will not purchase els- where. 5-0tf Lands For Sale. We are now offering forale on bet ter terms and cheaper than ever be fore, all lands behmirirg to B. & .M. St. Joe & 1. O and Midland Pacific Rail Road Companies in Webster and adiriniu? counties. We also have some choice claims for sale. Give us a call. Kaley Bros. Atty's & Real e-tao Agt'b Red Cloud Mib. 52i, GO to the Postoffice for yonr station cry, where you can get 2! shects'of note paper for the small sum of ten cents. CHEAP CASH STOKE. We are selling good gcois cheaper than any other firm in the city. The mar ket will be full of shoddy goods this fall, but don't waste your money buying them, when you can buy gen uine goods at the same price, of L. M. THOMPSON and Co' Hastings, Neb. J. D. Po-t infoniH u that he has the largest barn west of Jo ar ner's and i- prepared to accommo date tho freighters, and all other who may call. Livery rigs furnished on short notice i-'-li The largest stock of speetae'e-. west of Lincoln, can be found at W. A. Smiths Hastings Nebraska. He is sole agent for the Laz'irus & Mortis perfected glasses, the finest in the market for the money. 5- h f A Qnc lot of prints, fall styles, at J. G. Potter's. Wanted 40 head of calves for which the highest cash price will be paid. Geo M. Taylor, Red Clmd Neb. 5-.2m STAR WAGON. For sale by Mitchell & Morhart. These wagons are amone; the best that arc made, and are fully warrant ed. It will pay you go and look at them before purchnsing clswhere, - m LEGAL XOTICE. Dis'rict J urt in and for Webster County, Nbera-ka. Cat. arine DeLancy) Piaxntitf. ' ver-us- j- .notice William Henry Do J Lai.-cy, defendant, I The defendant, William Henry De Laney, will ta'e notice that the plain til? ha filed her petition in the Dis trict Court of Webster Co. Nebraska, prayine that th marriage between the plain ti if and dfcrdant mar be de clared a nullity, and that he is requir ed to arwer said ptitjcn on or bf lre .the feth day of October A. D 1,77. Catharine DeLanv J S. Gilbam attv for piaintttT. W. A. Sm tb of Hastings keeps a large and wtli selected stock of books stationeryjewclry, musical iustrutueus, wall paper, picture frames, to;es and notions. He has a firt cJais watch maker and engraver, and will guaran. tec satisfaction with work entrusted to his care. Customers can rely upon b inp dea'' x iUirlv. I In Hastiv;. it will no you uood. Price Iist- DAYS ONLY jut yard, 9c 1c S 1-3 20c 10c 12 1-2 1,00 10c ;: ,)C 5c 25c 20 10c iiral Iwm All who have Ileal c.tatc tli.it they wih to soli, or cl:iims to li-'po-ts of. will timl it to tlioir intcriMt to call on M. L. Tliouiic. at the Ciiikk olliou. whtre terms will be male kno n. Iiii'sicnmts. and thoc ilr.-irous ofeenr inp homes in South-western Ncbr.isk.i, would do well to couMilt this Agenej, enclop ingstui'i for reply. We have at present the following described tracts of land for sale : 100 ACRES, situated on Elm Creek. 50 acres under cultivation, plenty of timber and water Good well, 20 feet deep ; house, sta bles, etc. Land nearly all level, being mostly second bottom. Close to school house. Price, $1,000. $500 down, bal ance in payments to suit purchaser. Deed given. 120 ACRES of deeded land, situated on Elm Creek, Plenty of timber, partly under cultiva tion. Convenient to schools and churches. Term", $500 cash. ICO ACRES, of deeded land, 1 miles from Tied Cloud, 45 acres under cultivation, cor lals, etc. Good well 20 feet deep. Terms, $1,000, $500 cash dowo: bal ance q a year. A bargain. SO ACRES of land on Elm Creek on the Hastings and Rod Cloud freight road, 25 acies under cultivation, good frame house 10x20 with basement 14x35, good well, stable room for 70 teams ; building 1 4 n2s" for the accommodation of freight ers. Corn cribs aud corrals. This pioperty ha- long been known as Hummel's ranche. There is some tim ber on the p'ac 'Till relinipii-hTor 3700. or will ghc deed for $S00. !Iah' down, balance in one year, or will trade for team and stock. 100 ACRES Timber claim, being the so'ith-cast , Sec. 1-1, T. Ii, R. 9, Webster county Neb. , Stillwater precinct. Mostly good fam land. 45 acres under cultivation. Will relinquish for $100, half cash, balance in oue and two years. 100 acres of nice laying land on Elm Creek, no drawes running through it, partly under cultivatiou, less than a mile from school and church, creek runs through the nlace, plenty of tim ber, a very desirable location, terms of sale made known on application. 100 ACRES, of hud on State Creek Webster Co., 40 acres under cultivation, timber and running water, bouse, stables, etc. One SO of this land is deeded, the other is a pre-emption. Will relin quish the J0 that is not deeded and give a deed for the other or both for cash or trade. The above descibed lands are of feird for aio at reasonable figures, ir.d are dc-irablft locations. All let ters of enquiry promptly answered. M. L. Thomas, Agent. Owon & Chamberlain's Camphor ated Hartshorn Linament, is not a Patient, but the old Volatile Hnonent made of the best material a J'.an improved method. It 000 .c- omend, but is acknowlcdi tn; tiy- lcraros to oe 01a an'e- soie, auu Horsemen fall back Jft it when all else fail, and regard it as their stand by. Sold and guaranteed by C. II. Pot ter, Red t'loud. U. S. Land Office, Bloomington, Neb. Sept. 1st, 177 j Goirp'aint having been entered a' this office by Irving Walker, agains Benjamin Shipman for sban dooiik: his ho:napad er.tn', No. 2 J 12, dated Apr. 21 1874, upon the south west K Sec .'JO. Torn. o north, range 11 west, in Wcb-ter county, NeDraska. with a iew to the cancellation of said entry: the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the J." b day of Oct.. 1S77, at 9 o'clock a. m . to respond and furnish testi motiy concerning said alleged abandon ment. Webster Eatwi, Register, scpu Geo. W. Dorset, Receiver. Deposition will be take in the above entitled ca-e before J. A. Tul lev. Co.. Gerk of Webster Co. Neb. at his office in Red Cloud Seb. on the ltfcb day of Oct. 1"77. Webster Eaton. Register. Geo W Dcrscy, Receiver. Kc:e tc Teasaers. VT Tc T.Vv mlnn Tlit T w,ll Y. amine -1! peri ns who may desirr to offei tl.;m h-t , as candidates tr sa- chcrs of the pnmai v or common schools f Webster county, ar Red Cloud nn tl c first Saturday in the moaths of Feb. ruaxy. May. August, and November. A. A Pne Co. bup't.J NiUuda Jan. lib ii-77. Isfcilij ! Hotels- Thompson House a m. Tiio.vr.sox, r,op. Cor. St. and Burlington Ave., HASTINGS - NEBRASKA. Free Hacks ;o and irorn Depots. 9Qf Fine Sample Room in connection with the House, fur the aecommoda tin of Commercial Men. JV2G Commercial Hotel. Riverton, Nebraska. W. W. Roi;insu., - - - Prop. Good beds, good fare and charges reasonable.. SrMeals at all hrurs.! The Farmers Restaurant, J. A. WILLIAMS, PiiontiFroK. Freighters and others will find it to their interest to patronise this house. tZtf Warm meals at all hours! Hastinos Avkxi'b, II..STIKJK - - - - WRBBANWA. Rufus Wiksch Particular attention given to shop work, and coffin made to order. esajrPaiuting a .Specialty.'tSa. Shop west of Richardson's building. BSD CLOUD, - NE3. Van Dyke & Sieler. Plasterers & Stonemasons. We are prepared to take contracts and do all kinds of work in our line at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guar anteed, and all kind of stock aud grain taken in exchange tor work. S3T Cistern work a specialty. KED CLOUD - SEHRAMKA. 4 4.My HftRMESS S J. L MIIiLEK.ProD. Ke.-v constantly on hand a fiill lino of'-f.c': auch a- Harnc-. Collars, Wiihw. Saddle, and all other goods usually kept in a lir-trclasshfp. ALL V703K W.3r.Al?TS0. 43.tj- Red Cloud, Neb. J. J. MILLER CARPENTER aud BUILDER. Eel Cloud, Neb. Ts prepared to make estimates and take contract for all kinds of building. 3(J ly Red Cloud Drug Store. C. II. POTTER, Prop. Keeps the largest and best stock of drugs, medicines, paints, and oils, to be found in the Republican valley. &- Prescriptions carefully compoun ded, day or night. 3ZD CLOUD, KEBEA5ZA. 1 2jj tm Red Cloud Mill's! -ba- We are prepared to do cus tome work Flour Feetl and Cpn Me1 foP Sale tr Satisfaction guaranteed io nuality of flour sold, and ct'aTOM work. Farmers .-hould be particular to secure the best of seed wheat. Potter & Frisbie! GEORGE ZEISS, -DrALXRrx- Wines & Liquors CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco CAUNOD FRUITS I OF ALL KINDS, ASD pf) V ? JQ TJO Kill bf -' d & a,f i1 K Fresh LafiCF Bee fa GEORGE ZEISS, HED CLOUD. NEB. 1 3 Q 5- CO CD 00 IMS. S3 i-j s en CO to CD S CD CO r cc -I CO 0 0 H s o X m 0) 02 CO Si in X CD O 5b cn CD H a rn S3 O o m TV CD in 0 SAM'L GARBEfi DEALER IN my Goods anl Groceries. KOOTSaml SIIOi:S Hats? Caps. Sl Rtatlij Jltutt: Clothing ! We have- the Largest Stock in the Valley and will not be undersold. GIVE ITS A CALL, 0: K - ALL Sam'l Carber 4W Kcd Cloud , "Neb. Mims ffounfe fiiinli, epy j " r) IIASTIMfb, AD !H COUM V, NEIJ. A General Banking Business THANSAUrKD. mmmmm MADE A SPECIALTY. Drafts on Europe bough: aud soki Agents for several ftcam.-hip line?. 36y-Busine3S entrusted to as wiii have prompt and eareful attention. STAR Billiard Saloon ! W. C. BKNSON. I'ropri:or, Keep? constantly on hand a fine tock of WINES. LIQUORS. KDM.MEL. lil'J- TEIIS.& FRESH B E E 11. I have aK- a rood supply of the best CIGAKS in the marker. In tbf Mine biildins, nn-Mair.) ! the larpst and root coiffl'Hnou hall in the village, which will be rented on rea-inable tcrtn, to the public, for concert.6, sociable, LP.-. or traTcIia? troui.3. OT. C. Benson RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. B BOOT AND SHOE SHOP ! r PARKS BROS.. Propritvrs. Tln irtn i-. n- w pn-pari'd to fnrnili the public with BOOTS made of the in t material and at figure so low that none occd so bare footinl. Ail Kinds cf Repairing Done With Neatness and Dispatch. INH-A hnre of tht public patronace respectfully MKcUod. work lully warranted. (ivi: i: a Tin a 1, aud be convinced that it i. to jour intercut to patronize u. 1'AKKS HltOTHKRS, Ju-tf Red Cloud, OO Ol S mm g w p 1 CLOTHING, BOOTS and SMOKK, t M y&MW : HATS CAPS & CHEAPER THl CHEAPEST ! I Call and See Us Before You Biy Z2a' j. (Jio NEW BUILDING, On riRST STREET, opposite Commercial HtUl, V Nov 2itf THE PIONEER BLACKSiVHTH & lv:i SUvinr A K. gt"";! ip-sr?j We '.rni;!(l rrtpi-et fully inform the pnLlie that wc ar nrrprtd ht do all kind of'uort- in our l?n promptly and in . workmatilikp inrmr J!' I lH rMntritiif .-1 Mitfi'lultv 1 19 . ' ai'nn- and Imvi'i', ! nit to . r lor. i'lUjJ-.5 KhA.U.NAULK, and SATIS KACI ION (IliAKV.N we :ai: be fouitd at IRA fel.KKI'KR, 3G HKl) CLOm. mmm immm um HASTINGS NEB, Carrie th Wt and tnot cunplctc U:lc tfDV.Y LCMRfjl ki-.d., for Buil.lins. iSridse, and K'-'ral puri, aow in ny Vj ,:bri-lc.i. I'KK kc, i- unflffualwl. Owninr our oi tiuiVr hi'i, nvr and phtnin? mTf, f -!M'f.il iaun freight, jrire- in 2. chan: ij nncawtfdj any yard in Kinaa or Nebraska. (.Jive u a call. a3i:jt r:2 "z:z tail' TOD - Isaac &-1 Out FARMERS W. A.CAiIP, Prop V. nOLESALK AND VII WOODS, BOOTS, and SHOES, HB C.li'Sand GROCJERIJ5i CI-DiYPKST STOlfi ll'L Justin;? Al V- IVcbrask TO it S!l Y our DRY COODS Furnishing Coods. i HASTINGS, NKKAKA. WAGON SHOP. . 1. Tinker, Irpa. t Jir;,ir U .il'iiiii. I.iilii S r--i cpriu nml wanantrtl a tt thKit. .NTUK1 slsspzs's old stand. It. J,. Til NKMKASKA. idL, tjs ssst or m. LicOir ar - STORE, s 9 HKTAILDKALKB IS CLOTH I.Y i noXi lOT&Z IPtfcerl ?-. fc"5Jt'" fr't v. - 'S-r.